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hybridraita · 10 months ago
[Vayne in Atelier Resleriana's 3D Model Character Showcase Review Part 3] 25 February - 13 March 2024
This is first time Vayne going Synthesis to making Tranquil Salve or Thunder Armor
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I can explain why he's looks like Sora from Kingdom Heart during Synthesis.
His Al-Revis collar uniform still error!
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He's so cool~
but it still problemly his front hair, Haaaa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha…! I'am notice, i tried my best to caught screenshots so bad...
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A Lights became bright white than previous bright yellow that's mean it's much more highest traits. every i get SSR V/VI well. It's because wanna on Event Mission: Synthesize! Synthe-prize! Campaign i don't have time to make lot battle-items before event over, i will but the next event be appear next day. However i'am still didn't get SSR V/V while SR V/V had only got 2 for Lightning Equipments: Thunder Armor and King of Thunder Ring.
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Why he's looks like Riku from Kingdom Heart again?! during Synthesis was finish.
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I don't know when Vayne and Meruru seen pot inside, that's mean it got highest traits lucky. No maaan…
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Vayne's poses had similar Logy's poses during Synthesis Also Raze and other male characters has too in menu character & party but not all.
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Oh yes i have something important about... Vayne can use alchemy- wait what???
It's only know found posted from twitter by kuuki099: [Part 1] and [Part 2]
"For now, since Vayne is one of the items in Chapter 4, it doesn't seem like alchemy is impossible to use."
"I've been thinking about the difference between the "mana" in the Mana Khemia world, but Vayne said, "It's different from the mana in my world"... It is unclear whether this is saying that "mana as energy" is different, or whether they are "comparing mana as a spirit with materialized mana."
I did use to translated if important post has gone forever on next year. I feel confused about Vayne can use alchemy…?
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kallulily · 9 months ago
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Come get some Kirby stickers available on my Esty store! we got super tiny kirby and waddle dee deco stickers as well as some cute themed stickers. My favorite kirby painters and the main 4 who are just a liiiitle sleepy <3
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spitfiremai · 2 years ago
Mai's list of books.
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Gadis Kretek (Ratih Kumala)
Rumah Lebah (Ruwi Meita)
Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk (Ahmad Tohari)
Seperti Dendam, Rindu Harus Dibayar Tuntas (Eka Kurniawan)
The Tokyo Zodiac Murders (Soji Shimada)
This Is Me Letting You Go (Heidi Priebe)
Resign (Almira Bastari)
Melbourne Wedding Marathon (Almira Bastari)
Dear Evan Hansen (Val Emmich)
Norwegian Wood (Haruki Murakami)
After Dark (Haruki Murakami)
Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage (Haruki Murakami)
Once Upon A Broken Heart (Stephanie Garber)
Women Don't Owe You Pretty (Florence Given)
Asmaraloka (Arata Kim)
Game Over (Valerie Patkar)
Seaside (Ziggy Zezsyazeoviennazabrizkie)
The Poppy War (R.F. Kuang)
Aroma Karsa (Dee Lestari)
On reading.
The Midnight Library (Matt Haig)
The Little Book of Sloth Philosophy (Jennifer McCartney)
Men Without Women (Haruki Murakami)
Catatan Harian Menantu Sinting (Rosi L. Simamora)
Jakarta Sebelum Pagi (Ziggy Zezsyazeoviennazabrizkie)
A Lady in Disguise (Georgette Heyer)
That Camden Summer (Lavyrle Spencer)
The Secret Garden (Frances Hodgson Burnett)
Mrs. Dalloway (Virginia Woolf)
The Rules of Magic (Alice Hoffman)
Practical Magic (Alice Hoffman)
The Stars We Steal (Alexa Donne)
Di Kaki Bukit Cibalak (Ahmad Tohari)
Perempuan yang Menangis Kepada Bulan Hitam (Dian Purnomo)
A Love Like This (Ayu Riana)
Love Me, Leave Me (Ida Ernawati)
Progressnya Berapa Persen? (Soraya Nasution)
Harga Teman (Debora Danisa)
The Name of The Game (Adelina Ayu)
Penaka (Altami N.D.)
Laut Bercerita (Leila S. Chudori)
Alamanda dan Sihir yang Berujung Salah (Nellaneva)
Nonversation (Valerie Patkar)
The Arson Project (Akaigita)
Ephemera (Akaigita)
The Infinite Quest (Fino Y.K.)
Cantik Itu Luka (Eka Kurniawan)
Di Tanah Lada (Ziggy Zezsyazeoviennazabrizkie)
Ganjil Genap (Almira Bastari)
Omen (Lexie Xu)
Dia, Tanpa Aku (Esti Kinasih)
Circe (Madeline Miller)
Cat Stories (James Herriot)
A Tale of Two Cities (Charles Dickens)
Cannery Row (John Steinbeck)
The Grapes of Wrath (John Steinbeck)
If You Could See The Sun (Ann Liang)
Persuasion (Jane Austen)
Pierre and Luce (Romain Rolland)
Serpent and Dove (Shelby Mahurin)
The Devotion of Suspect X (Keigo Higashino)
The Sisters of Winter Wood (Rena Rossner)
To Kill A Mockingbird (Harper Lee)
Funny Feelings (Tarah Dewitt)
Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents (Lindsay C. Gibson)
Getting Past Your Breakup (Susan J. Eliott)
The list will be updated every week.
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4-ffliction · 4 days ago
Forgotten Girl Names 🌷
(with nicknames)
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Eulalia / Eula
Harriet / Hattie
Darlene / Darla
Agnes / Nettie
Minerva / Minnie
Lorraine / Lora
Charlene / Lena
Simone / Mona
Judith / Judy
Norma / Nori
Phyllis / Phil
Marjorie / Marge
Ernestine / Tina
Sybil / Sib
Imogen / Genie
Sylvia / Vivi
Thelma / Thea
Marguerite / Rita
Marlene / Marly
Eudora / Dora
Esther / Esti
Helena / Helen
Matilda / Mattie
Florence / Flo
Lucinda / Lucy
Delores / Dee
Jemima / Jemma
Fiona / Fifi
Maureen / Moe
Winifred / Winnie
Dorothy / Dottie
Mabel / Mae
Georgia / Gigi
Agatha / Aggie
Cordelia / Cora
Tabitha / Tabby
Wilhelmina / Mina
Gretchen / Greta
Rosamund / Rose
Alma / Ally
Tallulah / Lulu
Pauline / Polly
Cosima / Coi
Ingrid / Ida
Gertrude / Trudy
Constance / Connie
Edith / Eda
Maxine / Max
Gladys / Gladdy
Edwina / Wina
Myrtle / Myrtie
Joyce / Joy
Frieda / Effie
Gwendolyn / Gwen
Barbara / Barb
Mildred / Millie
Laverne / Vern
Nancy / Nan
Phoebe / Phoebs
Eustacia / Stacie
Philomena / Phila
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suntaici · 4 years ago
Ma urăsc, poate acesta e și motivul pentru care nu cred ca cineva vreodată m-ar putea iubi..
E un drum extraordinar de lung pana la self-love, insa nu e o calatorie imposibila. Trebuie doar sa ai rabdare si sa vrei cu adevarat sa-ti schimbi perceptia despre propria ta persoana si realitatea construita in jurul ei.  Usually, in copilarie ne formam cele mai multe idei si conceptii, ce ne vor ghida mai departe in viata. Atunci incepem sa punem bazele si la stima de sine. Daca ai crescut intr-un mediu cu parinti stricti ce nu acceptau sa gresesti, cel mai probabil acum esti perfectionist/a, reactionezi prost la greseli, sau, din contra, traiesti cu impresia ca nu poti face absolut nimic bine si esti un esec, din cauza c-a fost pusa o presiune enorma pe tine, sa faci totul "perfect" de fiecare data. Poate ai avut parinti abuzivi verbal, emotional sau chiar fizic, ce ti-au format realitatea in jurul ideii de "not good enough". Cat suntem mici, invatam de la parintii nostri si ne formam realitatea in jurul lucrurilor spuse si aratate de ei. Inclusiv propria imagine de sine ne-o conturam dupa ce ne spun/arata ei. Crescand si lovindu-ne de alte medii (scoala/liceu, cercurile de prieteni, societate, relatii, etc.) se pot repeta niste situatii/abuzuri din copilarie, ce ne pot intari self-hate-ul; "daca parintii, iubitul si colegii imi spun ca sunt o proasta, poate chiar asa si e". Rar vine self-hate-ul din noi, dinauntrul nostru, pe cat vine din exterior, de la cei din jur care incearca sa ne construiasca realitatea si perceptia dupa cum vor ei. Cand iti mai vine vreun gand negativ, intreaba-te daca chiar vine din tine, sau daca nu cumva e alta chestie indusa de cineva din jurul tau. Realizeaza ca esti propriul/propria creator/e a lumii tale si nu trebuie sa te supui standardelor altora. Cele mai multe lucruri sunt subiective, precum frumusetea, spre exemplu. Am mai dat pe aici un exemplu practic, si-l mai dau inca odata: esti prieten/a cu X si Y. X iti complimenteaza noua frizura, spune ca arati foarte bine cu ea, mai bine decat inainte. Y, insa, e de parere ca e groaznica si nu te avantajeaza. Cine are dreptate aici? Dupa cine te iei si de ce? Nu e mai degraba ceva subiectiv, si ar trebui sa faci strict ce ti se pare TIE ca arata bine? Sa faci ce rezoneaza cu tine si nu cu altii? Vezi ce valoare de adevar au cele spuse de cei din jurul tau, daca poti invata ceva, totusi, din ce spun ei (daca e ceva constructiv in ce-ti spun cei din jur), insa tu fi creator/ea lumii tale.
In final, mai toate lucrurile/problemele pleaca de la stima de sine. Asta afecteaza extraordinar de mult si viata amoroasa, si, exact cum ai zis si tu, poti sa simti ca nu meriti iubire, ca nu esti suficient de bun/a pentru cineva, etc. But it all comes down to self love si de acolo trebuie sa-ti incepi calatoria de vindecare.
Sunt multe lucruri de spus referitor la subiectul acesta, insa un bun inceput ar fi, cum am mentionat mai sus, identificarea gandurilor negative si a radacinii lor. La inceput e mai greut, dar cu timpul vei stapani mai bine mecanismul asta, si te va mai ajuta si-n alte aspecte ale muncii cu propria persoana, pe multe alte domenii :) Daca mai ai nevoie de ajutor, nu ezita sa dai un mesaj pentru a mai dezvolta putin subiectul acesta!
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flaresanimedump · 5 years ago
Esty/Sterk is the real otp of Atelier Meruru.
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rubywithin · 2 years ago
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Esty Dee-Atelier Rorona
I messed up the party drawing order by going past her o-o, this bugs me because she is probably my favourite character in Rorona. I like how she switches outfits for battles and its interesting how she joins at a higher level than Sterk makes you wonder if she was originally stronger.
Empel-Atelier Ryza
Empel is the first male alchemist I have met in a game and he instantly became my fave mentor (second fave alchemist overall). I just love his interactions with Ryza as he gives her advice without always telling her what exactly to do which helps her grow as an alchemist. One of the main menu shots has them sitting up top a cliff next to each other and seeing it just makes me happy.
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saltfishcake · 6 years ago
Rules: Answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people you want to get to know better
tagged by @okag4 <3
Name: diamonda
Nickname: dee
Gender: female
Zodiac: leo
Height: 5'0"
Time: 10:25 pm 
Favorite Musicians: shinee, nct, loona, mitski, nao, syd, majid jordan, phony ppl, daye jack
Song stuck in my head: dat one tik tok song where its like hit or miss i guess they never miss huh .__.
Last movie I saw: halloween
Last thing I googled: deltarune IONO WHAT IT WAS but i just now found out its some undertale game n eyem.
Other blogs: @uchidee and uhhh a sim blog but i dont get on them anymore n theyre pretty old anyways
Do I get asks: no...but HELLO :D please...
Why I chose this url: my gma makes it all the time n dat stuff YUMMY 
Following: 3,050. i know...
Amount of sleep I get: 4-5 hours
Lucky number: 25
What I’m wearing: sweatpants socks n pj top
Dream job: choreographer
Dream trip: anywhere nice
Favorite foods: curry pizza and fruity pebbles
Instruments: no toco instrumentos ;-; i wish
Favorite songs rn:
hi-d - girlfriends feat. ZEEBRA  (they b sangin)
esty - i do
nao - orbit
izone - la vien rose
mnek - crazy world
Tagging: no one im super tired rn but anyone can tag me n say i tagged u 
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517goldknight · 3 years ago
Neobiontomania: Vespasius
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Wespazjusz - Iskropancerz należący do prof. Grenneda.
Prof. Grenned zna go już od dziecka. Szybko się zaprzyjaźnili, a gdy młody Scott otrzymał już pracę w Rezerwacie, Wespazjusza zatrudnił jako swojego głównego pomocnika. Iskropancerz niejednokrotnie dowodzi swej niewątpliwej użyteczności, niemniej jednak ta współpraca czasami jest dosyć trudna.
Wespazjusz, jako istota rozumna, posiada nazwisko, ale jeszcze mu go nie wymyśliłem.
Nie wyróżnia się jakoś specjalnie na tle innych Iskropancerzy. Nosi zazwyczaj białe spodnie, granatową koszulę i czarne buty.
Jest niewątpliwi inteligentny i pomysłowy, ma umysł analityczny, ale niekiedy trudno się z nim dogadać, bowiem nierzadko wpada na jakieś dziwaczne, trudne do zrozumienia idee.
Oprócz wysokiego IQ może się też poszczycić zdolnościami elektrokinetycznymi i telekinetycznymi. Może regenerować utracone kończyny, a także przekształcać je w prostą broń, np. miecze, tarcze czy topory. W walce posługuje się też drobnymi, naelektryzowanymi pociskami podobnymi do igieł.
Jest dosyć wrażliwy na plazmę i raczej nie powinien używać mocy w wodzie, gdyż istnieje wtedy ryzyko porażenia samego siebie.
Głos polski: Jarosław Boberek
Głos angielski: Dee Bradley Baker
Tłumaczenie na inne języki:
Angielski: Vespasius
Esperanto: Vespazio
Polski: Wespazjusz
Vespasius - a Sparkarmor belonging to prof. Grenned.
Prof. Grenned has known him since he was a child. They quickly became friends, and after young Scott had found a job at the Reserve, he hired Vespasius as his chief assistant. The spark armor often proves its undoubted usefulness, nevertheless, this cooperation is sometimes quite difficult.
Vespasius, being a sapient being, has a surname, but I haven't made it up for him yet.
It does not differ much from the other Sparkarmors. He usually wears white pants, a navy blue shirt, and black shoes.
He is undoubtedly intelligent and inventive, has an analytical mind, but sometimes it is difficult to get along with him, because he often comes up with some bizarre, difficult to understand ideas.
Apart from a high IQ, it can also be proud of electrokinetic and telekinetic abilities. It can regenerate lost limbs and transform them into simple weapons, such as swords, shields and axes. In combat, he also uses small, electrified needle-like projectiles.
He is quite sensitive to plasma and should not use power in water as there is a risk of self-shock.
Polish voice: Jarosław Boberek
English voice: Dee Bradley Baker
Translation into other languages:
English: Vespasius
Esperanto: Vespazio
Polish: Wespazjusz
Vespazio - fajrelo apartenanta al prof. Grenita.
Prof. Grenned konas lin ekde li estis infano. Ili rapide iĝis amikoj, kaj kiam juna Scott ricevis taskon ĉe la Rezervo, li dungis Vespasius kiel sia ĉefa asistanto. La fajrera kiraso ofte pruvas sian senduban utilecon, tamen ĉi tiu kunlaboro foje estas sufiĉe malfacila. Vespazio, estante racia estanto, havas familian nomon, sed mi ankoraŭ ne kompensis por li.
Ĝi ne multe diferencas de la aliaj Iskropores. Li kutime portas blankan pantalonon, marbluan ĉemizon, kaj nigrajn ŝuojn.
Li estas sendube inteligenta kaj inventema, havas analizan menson, sed foje estas malfacile interkonsenti kun li, ĉar li ofte elpensas kelkajn bizarajn, malfacile kompreneblajn ideojn.
Krom alta IQ, ĝi ankaŭ povas fieri pri elektrokinetikaj kaj telekinetikaj kapabloj. Ĝi povas regeneri perditajn membrojn kaj transformi ilin en simplajn armilojn, kiel glavoj, ŝildoj aŭ hakiloj. En batalo, li ankaŭ uzas malgrandajn, elektrigitajn pinglo-similajn kuglojn.
Li estas sufiĉe sentema al plasmo kaj ne devus uzi potencon en akvo ĉar ekzistas risko de memŝoko.
Pola voĉo: Jarosław Boberek
Angla voĉo: Dee Bradley Baker
Traduko al aliaj lingvoj:
Angla: Vespasius
Esperanto: Vespazio
Pola: Vespasius
0 notes
tellusepisode · 4 years ago
72nd Primetime Emmy Awards announced…
The 72nd Primetime Emmy Awards announced the best in U.S. prime time television programming between June 1, 2019 – May 31, 2020, as chosen by the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences.
The show was originally to be held at Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles, but the COVID-19 pandemic reasons, it was instead held at the Staples Center, while winners gave speeches by webcam from their homes.
The ceremony was held on September 20, 2020, and broadcast in the U.S. by ABC. It was preceded by the 72nd Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards on September 14, 15, 16, 17, and 19. The ceremony was hosted by Jimmy Kimmel.
The nominations were announced on July 28, 2020, by Leslie Jones, Laverne Cox, Josh Gad, and Tatiana Maslany. Watchmen led the nominations with eleven, followed by Succession with ten and Ozark with nine.
_ Here is the nominees and awards; _
Outstanding Comedy Series
Schitt’s Creek (Pop TV) – winner
Curb Your Enthusiasm (HBO)
Dead to Me (Netflix)
The Good Place (NBC)
Insecure (HBO)
The Kominsky Method (Netflix)
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (Prime Video)
What We Do in the Shadows (FX)
Outstanding Drama Series
Succession (HBO) – winner
Better Call Saul (AMC)
The Crown (Netflix)
The Handmaid’s Tale (Hulu)
Killing Eve (BBC America)
The Mandalorian (Disney+)
Ozark (Netflix)
Stranger Things (Netflix)
Outstanding Limited Series
Watchmen (HBO) – winner
Little Fires Everywhere (Hulu)
Mrs. America (FX)
Unbelievable (Netflix)
Unorthodox (Netflix)
Outstanding Variety Talk Series
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) – winner
The Daily Show with Trevor Noah (Comedy Central)
Full Frontal with Samantha Bee (TBS)
Jimmy Kimmel Live! (ABC)
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert (CBS)
Outstanding Competition Program
RuPaul’s Drag Race (VH1) – winner
The Masked Singer (Fox)
Nailed It! (Netflix)
Top Chef (Bravo)
The Voice (NBC)
Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series
Eugene Levy as Johnny Rose on Schitt’s Creek (Episode: “The Pitch”) (Pop TV) – winner
Anthony Anderson as Andre “Dre” Johnson, Sr. on Black-ish (Episode: “Love, Boat”) (ABC)
Don Cheadle as Maurice “Mo” Monroe on Black Monday (Episode: “Who Are You Supposed to Be?”) (Showtime)
Ted Danson as Michael on The Good Place (Episode: “Whenever You’re Ready”) (NBC)
Michael Douglas as Sandy Kominsky on The Kominsky Method (Episode: “Chapter 12: A Libido Sits in the Fridge”) (Netflix)
Ramy Youssef as Ramy Hassan on Ramy (Episode: “You Are Naked in Front of Your Sheikh”) (Hulu)
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series
Catherine O’Hara as Moira Rose on Schitt’s Creek (Episode: “The Incident”) (Pop TV) – winner
Christina Applegate as Jen Harding on Dead to Me (Episode: “It’s Not You, It’s Me”) (Netflix)
Rachel Brosnahan as Miriam “Midge” Maisel on The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (Episode: “A Jewish Girl Walks Into the Apollo…”) (Prime Video)
Linda Cardellini as Judy Hale on Dead to Me (Episode: “If Only You Knew”) (Netflix)
Issa Rae as Issa Dee on Insecure (Episode: “Lowkey Happy”) (HBO)
Tracee Ellis Ross as Dr. Rainbow “Bow” Johnson on Black-ish (Episode: “Kid Life Crisis”) (ABC)
Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series
Jeremy Strong as Kendall Roy on Succession (Episode: “This Is Not for Tears”) (HBO) – winner
Jason Bateman as Martin “Marty” Byrde on Ozark (Episode: “Su Casa Es Mi Casa”) (Netflix)
Sterling K. Brown as Randall Pearson on This Is Us (Episode: “After the Fire”) (NBC)
Steve Carell as Mitch Kessler on The Morning Show (Episode: “Lonely at the Top”) (Apple TV+)
Brian Cox as Logan Roy on Succession (Episode: “Hunting”) (HBO)
Billy Porter as Pray Tell on Pose (Episode: “Love’s in Need of Love Today”) (FX)
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series
Zendaya as Rue Bennett on Euphoria (Episode: “Made You Look”) (HBO) – winner
Jennifer Aniston as Alex Levy on The Morning Show (Episode: “In the Dark Night of the Soul It’s Always 3:30 in the Morning”) (Apple TV+)
Olivia Colman as Queen Elizabeth II on The Crown (Episode: “Cri de Coeur”) (Netflix)
Jodie Comer as Oksana Astankova / Villanelle on Killing Eve (Episode: “Are You From Pinner?”) (BBC America)
Laura Linney as Wendy Byrde on Ozark (Episode: “Fire Pink”) (Netflix)
Sandra Oh as Eve Polastri on Killing Eve (Episode: “Are You Leading or Am I?”) (BBC America)
Outstanding Lead Actor in a Limited Series or Movie
Mark Ruffalo as Dominick and Thomas Birdsey on I Know This Much Is True (HBO) – winner
Jeremy Irons as Adrian Veidt on Watchmen (HBO)
Hugh Jackman as Dr. Frank Tassone on Bad Education (HBO)
Paul Mescal as Connell Waldron on Normal People (Hulu)
Jeremy Pope as Archie Coleman on Hollywood (Netflix)
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Limited Series or Movie
Regina King as Angela Abar / Sister Night on Watchmen (HBO) – winner
Cate Blanchett as Phyllis Schlafly on Mrs. America (FX)
Shira Haas as Esther “Esty” Shapiro on Unorthodox (Netflix)
Octavia Spencer as Madam C. J. Walker on Self Made (Netflix)
Kerry Washington as Mia Warren on Little Fires Everywhere (Hulu)
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series
Dan Levy as David Rose on Schitt’s Creek (Episode: “Happy Ending”) (Pop TV) – winner
Mahershala Ali as Sheikh Ali Malik on Ramy (Episode: “Little Omar”) (Hulu)
Alan Arkin as Norman Newlander on The Kominsky Method (Episode: “Chapter 14: A Secret Leaks, a Teacher Speaks”) (Netflix)
Andre Braugher as Captain Ray Holt on Brooklyn Nine-Nine (Episode: “Ransom”) (NBC)
Sterling K. Brown as Reggie on The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (Episode: “Panty Pose”) (Prime Video)
William Jackson Harper as Chidi Anagonye on The Good Place (Episode: “Whenever You’re Ready”) (NBC)
Tony Shalhoub as Abe Weissman on The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (Episode: “Marvelous Radio”) (Prime Video)
Kenan Thompson as Various Characters on Saturday Night Live (Episode: “At Home #2”) (NBC)
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series
Annie Murphy as Alexis Rose on Schitt’s Creek (Episode: “The Presidential Suite”) (Pop TV) – winner
Alex Borstein as Susie Myerson on The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (Episode: “Marvelous Radio”) (Prime Video)
D’Arcy Carden as Janet on The Good Place (Episode: “You’ve Changed, Man”) (NBC)
Betty Gilpin as Debbie “Liberty Bell” Eagan on GLOW (Episode: “A Very GLOW Christmas”) (Netflix)
Marin Hinkle as Rose Weissman on The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (Episode: “A Jewish Girl Walks Into the Apollo…”) (Prime Video)
Kate McKinnon as Various Characters on Saturday Night Live (Episode: “Host: Daniel Craig”) (NBC)
Yvonne Orji as Molly Carter on Insecure (Episode: “Lowkey Lost”) (HBO)
Cecily Strong as Various Characters on Saturday Night Live (Episode: “Host: Eddie Murphy”) (NBC)
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series
Billy Crudup as Cory Ellison on The Morning Show (Episode: “Chaos Is the New Cocaine”) (Apple TV+) – winner
Nicholas Braun as Greg Hirsch on Succession (Episode: “This Is Not for Tears”) (HBO)
Kieran Culkin as Roman Roy on Succession (Episode: “Tern Haven”) (HBO)
Mark Duplass as Charlie “Chip” Black on The Morning Show (Episode: “The Interview”) (Apple TV+)
Giancarlo Esposito as Gus Fring on Better Call Saul (Episode: “JMM”) (AMC)
Matthew Macfadyen as Tom Wambsgans on Succession (Episode: “This Is Not for Tears”) (HBO)
Bradley Whitford as Commander Joseph Lawrence on The Handmaid’s Tale (Episode: “Sacrifice”) (Hulu)
Jeffrey Wright as Bernard Lowe on Westworld (Episode: “Crisis Theory”) (HBO)
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series
Julia Garner as Ruth Langmore on Ozark (Episode: “In Case of Emergency”) (Netflix) – winner
Helena Bonham Carter as Princess Margaret on The Crown (Episode: “Cri de Coeur”) (Netflix)
Laura Dern as Renata Klein on Big Little Lies (Episode: “Tell-Tale Hearts”) (HBO)
Thandie Newton as Maeve Millay on Westworld (Episode: “The Winter Line”) (HBO)
Fiona Shaw as Carolyn Martens on Killing Eve (Episode: “Management Sucks”) (BBC America)
Sarah Snook as Siobhan “Shiv” Roy on Succession (Episode: “The Summer Palace”) (HBO)
Meryl Streep as Mary Louise Wright on Big Little Lies (Episode: “I Want to Know”) (HBO)
Samira Wiley as Moira Strand on The Handmaid’s Tale (Episode: “Sacrifice”) (Hulu)
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Limited Series or Movie
Yahya Abdul-Mateen II as Calvin “Cal” Abar on Watchmen (Episode: “A God Walks into Abar”) (HBO) – winner
Jovan Adepo as Young Will Reeves on Watchmen (Episode: “This Extraordinary Being”) (HBO)
Tituss Burgess as Titus Andromedon on Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Kimmy vs. The Reverend (Netflix)
Louis Gossett Jr. as Will Reeves on Watchmen (Episode: “See How They Fly”) (HBO)
Dylan McDermott as Ernest “Ernie” West on Hollywood (Episode: “Meg”) (Netflix)
Jim Parsons as Henry Willson on Hollywood (Episode: “Outlaws”) (Netflix)
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Limited Series or Movie
Uzo Aduba as Shirley Chisholm on Mrs. America (Episode: “Shirley”) (FX) – winner
Toni Collette as Det. Grace Rasmussen on Unbelievable (Episode: “Episode 6”) (Netflix)
Margo Martindale as Bella Abzug on Mrs. America (Episode: “Bella”) (FX)
Jean Smart as Laurie Blake on Watchmen (Episode: “She Was Killed by Space Junk”) (HBO)
Holland Taylor as Ellen Kincaid on Hollywood (Episode: “Jump”) (Netflix)
Tracey Ullman as Betty Friedan on Mrs. America (Episode: “Betty”) (FX)
Outstanding Directing for a Comedy Series
Schitt’s Creek (Episode: “Happy Ending”), Directed by Andrew Cividino and Dan Levy (CBC / Pop TV) – winner
The Great (Episode: “The Great”), Directed by Matt Shakman (Hulu)
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (Episode: “It’s Comedy or Cabbage”), Directed by Amy Sherman-Palladino (Prime Video)
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (Episode: “Marvelous Radio”), Directed by Daniel Palladino (Prime Video)
Modern Family (Episode: “Finale, Part 2”), Directed by Gail Mancuso (ABC)
Ramy (Episode: “Miakhalifa.mov”), Directed by Ramy Youssef (Hulu)
Will & Grace (Episode: “We Love Lucy”), Directed by James Burrows (NBC)
Outstanding Directing for a Drama Series
Succession (Episode: “Hunting”), Directed by Andrij Parekh (HBO) – winner
The Crown (Episode: “Aberfan”), Directed by Benjamin Caron (Netflix)
The Crown (Episode: “Cri de Coeur”), Directed by Jessica Hobbs (Netflix)
Homeland (Episode: “Prisoners of War”), Directed by Lesli Linka Glatter (Showtime)
The Morning Show (Episode: “The Interview”), Directed by Mimi Leder (Apple TV+)
Ozark (Episode: “Fire Pink”), Directed by Alik Sakharov (Netflix)
Ozark (Episode: “Su Casa Es Mi Casa”), Directed by Ben Semanoff (Netflix)
Succession (Episode: “This Is Not for Tears”), Directed by Mark Mylod (HBO)
Outstanding Directing for a Limited Series, Movie, or Dramatic Special
Unorthodox, Directed by Maria Schrader (Netflix) – winner
Little Fires Everywhere (Episode: “Find a Way”), Directed by Lynn Shelton (Hulu)
Normal People (Episode: “Episode 5”), Directed by Lenny Abrahamson (Hulu)
Watchmen (Episode: “It’s Summer and We’re Running Out of Ice”), Directed by Nicole Kassell (HBO)
Watchmen (Episode: “Little Fear of Lightning”), Directed by Steph Green (HBO)
Watchmen (Episode: “This Extraordinary Being”), Directed by Stephen Williams (HBO)
Outstanding Writing for a Comedy Series
Schitt’s Creek (Episode: “Happy Ending”), Written by Dan Levy (CBC / Pop TV) – winner
The Good Place (Episode: “Whenever You’re Ready”), Written by Michael Schur (NBC)
The Great (Episode: “The Great”), Written by Tony McNamara (Hulu)
Schitt’s Creek (Episode: “The Presidential Suite”), Written by David West Read (CBC / Pop TV)
What We Do in the Shadows (Episode: “Collaboration”), Written by Sam Johnson and Chris Marcil (FX)
What We Do in the Shadows (Episode: “Ghosts”), Written by Paul Simms (FX)
What We Do in the Shadows (Episode: “On the Run”), Written by Stefani Robinson (FX)
Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series
Succession (Episode: “This Is Not for Tears”), Written by Jesse Armstrong (HBO) – winner
Better Call Saul (Episode: “Bad Choice Road”), Written by Thomas Schnauz (AMC)
Better Call Saul (Episode: “Bagman”), Written by Gordon Smith (AMC)
The Crown (Episode: “Aberfan”), Written by Peter Morgan (Netflix)
Ozark (Episode: “All In”), Written by Chris Mundy (Netflix)
Ozark (Episode: “Boss Fight”), Written by John Shiban (Netflix)
Ozark (Episode: “Fire Pink”), Written by Miki Johnson (Netflix)
Outstanding Writing for a Limited Series, Movie, or Dramatic Special
Watchmen (Episode: “This Extraordinary Being”), Written by Damon Lindelof and Cord Jefferson (HBO) – winner
Mrs. America (Episode: “Shirley”), Written by Tanya Barfield (FX)
Normal People (Episode: “Episode 3”), Written by Sally Rooney and Alice Birch (Hulu)
Unbelievable (Episode: “Episode 1”), Written by Susannah Grant, Michael Chabon, and Ayelet Waldman (Netflix)
Unorthodox (Episode: “Part 1”), Written by Anna Winger (Netflix)
The post 72nd Primetime Emmy Awards announced... first appeared on TellUsEpisode.net.
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hybridraita · 10 months ago
[Vayne in Atelier Resleriana's 3D Model Character Showcase Review Part 2] 25 February - 13 March 2024
~Welcome to the Atelier Resleriana~
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There's where random people as appeared in atelier, as beginning first play, it's easy finding Vayne in Atelier Finally, Vayne is here then i caught words when Vayne says
Let's see-let's see~
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^ Add one lastest screenshot at 24 March 2024 ^
After Learned on main chapters and character's title name:
Alchemy can grant Wish Saskia says who repair Resna's ribbon
Synthesise using Mana
Vayne's Title name: The Power to Grant Wishes
It's sounds like had big spoiler alert ever seen, Oh no ヤバイ! How long taken to new chapter for him! I wonder if Vayne as appeared in main story or… a event story okay. I only found at chapter 3 due Valeria on harbor once. where's Vayne chat with Firis.
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And i was already seen about Event happy new year 2024 in Japan version.
Wow, look at that!
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It this first time i did caught screenshot during Esty and Vayne going Synthesis so rare had pink petal aura that's mean, we got highest traits.
let's showcase about vayne in atelier his Al-Revis male uniform it something found error? Yeah that's it, well i don't know much about learn what's type clothes?
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My friend from twitter says: Just realized that his collar looks kinda weird in this part… A bit of chaotic clipping happening here
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Collar? I only know it's Necklace for animal pets.
I see-i see i do not know, haaaa-hhahahaa… it should be needs learn about type clothes someday, because there are still many who don't know. I need his character reference…
I have to something about screenshot quality, forgive me there's screenshots had somewhat low, mid and high quality
At first play this game I did setting had no anti aliasing or FXAA at beginning after tested MSAAx2 at next day, it's getting better than no anti aliasing or FXAA however MSAAx8 is more better well, i just needs learn what is anti aliasing?
It's be useful to caught screenshot with highest quality but it be become lagged and lame speed animation if setting:
[ Highest x Ultimate x MSAAx8 ]
It did caught screenshots after previous first part in Menu Character and Party.
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I have do question about his front hair looks so weird detail?
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やべー and his Al-Revis male collar uniform got error again.
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kisskissrommie · 7 years ago
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Iris set the blue parchment down in her office. She frowned at it, as if she could by will make the words on the page change, to make them something other than what was. Other than the choices that had been made. “Didn’t even print that piece about the consulate...” she humphed.
She took up her cup of tea and casually remarked to the young Hyuran woman who had come at her request. “Miss Dee, please take a message will you? Advise his Lordship the Speaker that I shall be venturing to home snows this Windsday, and please arrange for me an audience with the Syndicate thereupon?” she shook her head. Gods, she hated to travel, but until she had a decent staff out here, it was her weekly chore. 
“And please, Esty, do see to it that when the cannons testfire we inform the neighbors? Last time was, to be charitable, an international incident.” 
Goddess forefend she had a staff who had ever, you know, done a thing before. 
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doar0fata · 7 years ago
Imdiferenta asta a ta
Cum sa incep si ce sa spun...pai hai sa spunem asa: imi este tare greu fara tine,nu stiu ce simti,cum simti dar inima mea simt ca o pierd bucatica cu bucatica,nu m-ai invatat la timp sa nu pot trai fara tine,gandul imi este numai acolo..ma respingi,simt asta sunt femei si stiu,dar spune'mi ce alegii...ce greseala urmeaza sa fac. Astept mesaj dee la tine,dar jur ca azi a fost ultimul pe care eu ti l'am dat...nu pot trai asa,tu poti,ma vrei si nu ma vrei in aceeasi zi. Eu nu as putea fi fericita daca traiesc cu mai multi,dar vad ca tu esti,si poti face asta. Te iubesccc maaa,si astept sa o faci si tu!!
Te'am asteptat atat si nu stiu daca mai amm putere sa o fac,pe bune,cum sa doara atat de tare,cum sa nu imi pese daca tu esti totul pentru mine...este imposibila asteptarea asta a mea,nu ma invat minte ce inseamna sa pici de fiecare data!
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suntaici · 4 years ago
Nu imi doresc copii si am argumente foarte solide pt asta, insa toti imi spun, daca se iveste ocazia sa vorbim despre asta "esti prea tanara (22 de ani) mai tarziu o sa iti doresti, O SA VEZI" sau "e pacat sa spui asta, sunt altii care isi doresc si nu pot avea". Si ma termina psihic parerile astea si faptul ca ei sunt atat de convinsi ca au dreptate. De multe ori nici nu le mai spun de ce nu vreau copii, doar aprob ce zic ei ca sa scap, dar tot obositor si enervant este. how to deal with them?
Din proprie experienta: las-o asa. Efectiv pune capat discutiei cand vezi ca incepi sa primesti contraargumente de-astea de 2 lei kilu'. Nu are relevanta ce au ceilalti de zis, drumul tau e drumul tau, tu trebuie sa te multumesti cu alegerile tale, pe tine trebuie sa te faca fericita, ca nu altii au dupa de suferit daca ajungi sa regreti ca ai facut copiii si nu te-ai ascultat. Lasa-i sa aiba ce impresii preistorice vor, sa faca ei cati copii vor. E super obositor de multe ori si enervant, eu una evit pe cat se poate subiectul asta si adancirea lui in el, sau dau replici super vagi, de tipul „las c-o sa vad eu, mai e timp pana atunci”, and that's it.
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ilvolomiami · 6 years ago
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A special shout out to my dear friends Lazaro & Damaris Rodríguez & their amazing kids for all the work they do by hand, in bringing faith into many homes, businesses, any place where the Love of God is shared. Please visit their page & they also have an esty shop @stjosephworkshop Thanks Laz & Dee & Crew for all that you do! Love, Diana 💗🙏🏼 — PLACE ORDERS EARLY! LIMITED Quantities! Blessings & thanks for supporting small businesses of the 🇺🇸 USA. 😀 Repost from @stjosephworkshop on Instagram: “We have been busy with orders for early Christmas gifts... what a blessing it is to work with our…” using @RepostRegramApp - We have been busy with orders for early Christmas gifts... what a blessing it is to work with our hands, mind, & soul on these beautiful religious home decor items. #stjosephworkshop #religiousgifts #religioushomedecor #homedecor #saintquotes #bibleverses #scripturelife #holylife #saintsinthemaking #hailmary #prayers #wood #woodpieces #woodartwork #religiousart #workinghard #christmasdecor #christmasgifts #christmasgiftsideas https://www.instagram.com/p/BqNAM64hCGs/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1kco7wxiz1x28
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ellybabastreasures-blog · 7 years ago
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Thank you for dropping by what you are looking at is my paint pouring abstract art with embellished with sea shells. I call it "Under The Sea" abstract. SIZE: 60 cm x 50 cm MEDIUM: Acrylic on stretched canvas COLORS: White, Gold, Pale Blue, Grey and Black. All my paintings are absolutely unique, and one of the kind. I love working with my mind it comes up with some fascinating shapes, shadows and blurs. The colors bring me a lot of happiness, seeing it come to life and know when to stop and I feel its just right. . My paintings are 100% handmade, original artwork. I work only with high quality acrylic paints for long lasting and never fading colours. This painting is on white stretched wood surrounded canvas. Canvas arrives READY TO HANG. . Sides are painted too, you don´t need to frame the painting, unless you want too. Paintings is protected from UV rays and dust with coats of gloss varnish. This painting is signed by me in the corner and when you shine a light on this art you can see the gold and shimmering colours come out. The splash of sea shells was and added extraordinary extra that just stands it out from the rest. All items are shipped as soon as possible- I ship out your paintings within 1-2 business days after I receive your payment. Estimated delivery between 4-14 business days. #artwork #art #wallart #canvasart #originalart #madebyme @esty.gift.guide @lets_shop_etsy_ @e_s_t_y @esty @manlyartisanmarkets @handmade.curator @handmade__ideas @handmadecurator @creativesnest @craftsposure @craft (at Dee Why, New South Wales, Australia)
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