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* Adhesiones sinceras y sentidas,
otras, interesadas, oportunistas;
y otras más, obligadas y preventivas.
(Ignoro autor)
* Decía Goethe que da más fuerza saberse amado que saberse fuerte. Es decir, si tú te sientes fuerte, pero estás acosado y no tienes a nadie que te defienda, en el fondo estás más débil que alguien que no es fuerte, pero es amado.
(Fernando Savater)
"Miran tu vida e inmediatamente piensan en la suya. Las personas a las que realmente les importas son aquellas a las que no tienes que demostrar nada. A los desconocidos no les importas, y esa es una verdad fundamental que las redes sociales se empeñan en que olvidemos.”
(Freya India)
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Jo no puc creure en Déu, si no crec en mi i en el món; no puc esperar en Ell, si no espero en mi i els altres; no puc estimar-lo si no estimo el proïsme.
– Raimon Panikkar, La nova innocència (1998), p. 228
#català#quote#raimon panikkar#panikkar#la nova innocència#nova innocència#teologia#amor de Déu#estimar#creure#creure en Déu
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Com estimar - Mariona Escoda
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tour is donee
#we r at the kibrary for indeterminate amt of time m and then wait for uber#im overheating a bit and also i need to take this binder off or im going to kill someone#but it was rly fascinating stuff apparently the woman who was with us the last 2 cemeteries we went to is part of the (my county) county#african american historical society and shes actually been working to get aforementioned cemetery a plaque#and so she found out its actually a pioneer cemetery (around before ky was a state and before (town) was a town)#so ya. apparently theres drama with the mayor abt where the plaque will be placed.#plaques actually. 2 of em#but its awful like she said the survey team said that in the cemetery thats still marked off there r an estimared 2400 like. cavities#so potentially 2400 ppl buried there. and rhere r less than 50 headstones left#and apparently the cemetery used to he even bigger and its pretty likely that the houses/roads around r built on top of some graves#awful stuff . at the very least theres a bit right next door rhaf we know for a fact was psrt of rhe femetery#bc the cemetery used to go to the railroad. and rhe railroad was over across that lot
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#ok last song i post today#this one is a love song but for some reason it speaks so deeply to me#just. the lyrics#no em faltes tu. no et falte jo. que no som taronges som espremedors#(im not missing you. youre not missing me. we are not oranges were juicers (? thats what translate says but it sounds weird lol))#and the estimar no es esperança es revolucio line omg (loving is not hope its revolution)#just everything about this song resonates with me for some reason even tho im aro lol#la fumiga#musica en catala#catalan music#music#mine#SoundCloud
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Quiero estar más presente en la vida d. Escribir y radiografiarme. Podría borrarlo y cambiarlo por "quiero compartir más la vida con", pero ese no ha sido el primer pensamiento. Mírame con mis miedos también. Aquí yace una frase borrada. Sensación de deja vu (por fin me he tumbado después de los créditos). Hoy he vuelto a casa tarde, me he sentado a cenar y justo empezaba Antes del anochecer. ah. No quiero explayarme*, todo este tiempo es tiempo que no estoy donde debo (que es y no es durmiendo). *Es otra batalla perdida.
Sencillamente (jaja) quiero ser partícipe de tu vida. Añado Quiero ser partícipe de tu vida sencillamente.
quiero aparecer y permanecer; que lo emergente no me aleje; ser tú yo las demás quienes emergemos en nuestras vidas. Aparecer, permanecer lo justo y perecer con la frente alta el pecho caliente y el cuerpo cansado.
aunque haya silencio no hay olvido (ap), pueblas mi memoria y mi imaginación. Que eso fuera mutuo.
Me abruma el cariño que te tengo. Que todo fuera eso.
#2.45 me he quedado sobada en el sofá con esto a abierto#mañana leeré esto así 😑🫥😪😶🌫️🤨? puedeser#na yo he venido a este mundo a estimar#qué sueño adiós
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Il·lustracions de Pedro / ads.
Marca sí al valencià!
Entre el 25 de febrer i el 3 de març, les famílies de les escoles valencianes hauran de votar per triar en quina llengua s'escolaritzarà a la seua escola. Pel futur dels nostres infants, marquem sí al valencià!
Perquè és la llengua que ens permet entendre el nostre entorn, el lloc on ens hem criat, la nostra cultura, la nostra història, perquè és la llengua pròpia del País Valencià, perquè sigui d'on sigui que vens i sigui quina sigui la llengua que parleu a casa puguem formar part d'una comunitat i tenir les mateixes oportunitats, perquè els infants de famílies nouvingudes tinguin l'oportunitat de no quedar-se per sempre com a "estrangers" exclosos de la cultura local, perquè el castellà s'aprèn igualment però el valencià no, perquè ens dona oportunitats laborals, perquè és la llengua del teixit associatiu valencià, perquè ens permet accedir a la riquíssima literatura i música valencianes, perquè créixer com a bilingüe actiu ens dona avantatges cognitius i millor salut cerebral, perquè fa que el nostre cervell tingui més fàcil aprendre noves llengües al futur, perquè ens permet entendre molt més les altres llengües romàniques, perquè és una llengua que ha estat reprimida amb la força per dictadures i altres règims però resisteix gràcies als seus parlants, per no acabar-li nosaltres la feina a Franco, perquè és una consulta que no havien demanat ni les escoles ni les famílies sinó que el govern PP+Vox se l'ha tret de la màniga únicament per afeblir el valencià, perquè és just que els infants valencians puguin estudiar en la llengua pròpia del lloc on viuen, perquè és un dret reconegut per la ONU, perquè el valencià en totes les seves variants dialectals forma part de la riquesa lingüística i cultural de la Humanitat, perquè no ens podem permetre perdre una generació de parlants, perquè estimar la llengua és estimar la terra.
Tens infants que van a escola o coneixes algú que en tingui? Ara és el moment de parlar-ne i assegurar el futur del valencià a l'escola i, en conseqüència, en les generacions futures.
Sí al valencià.
#actualitat#país valencià#valencià#coses de la terra#educació#llengua valenciana#llengua catalana#comunitat valenciana#sí al valencià
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Un racó sense amagatall, una casa sense ànima
Un núvol de paraules
un mar de miralls
Una espurna que no calfa
un dibuix sense significat
Un sol sense llum
la vida requereix preguntes
Una cançó sense lletra
unes lletres sense paraules
Què s’ha fet d’aquelles flors?
Unes preguntes sense resposta
Un estimar sense passió
Poesia i lleis, la llei del vianant, la llei del mínim esforç , la llei de l’atracció
Una vida sense sentit, encara que semble impossible
Tot té un sentit, encara que no el trobem en aquest precís instant…
Agg 21/12/2021
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Nível Adulto / Seijukuki / Champion Atributo Dados Tipo Homem Fera Campo Desconhecido (UK) Significado do Nome Laborat de Labotarório, OU, Laboratory Rat, inglês para Rato de Laboratório.
Doutor em Química e Biologia e membro do corpo docente da Universidade do Mundo Digital, Laboratmon é a grande referência nessas áreas, pois seu conhecimento é tamanho que alquimistas e boticários de todas as regiões do Mundo Digital: Rebuilt se matriculam em seu curso na Universidade visando melhorar suas capacidades.
A saúde de Doutor Laborat, como gosta de ser chamado, infelizmente não é das melhores em decorrência de seu arriscado método de testes, afinal alguns deles são realizados com aplicações em si próprio, algo que pode levar a consequências das mais diversas, com muitas delas fazendo-o parar na enfermaria da Universidade. Apesar de perigoso, ele não se permite realizar esses testes em outros Digimons por temer que algo de mal aconteça, reflexo sua idoneidade moral e personalidade gentil e amável.
Mesmo sendo responsável por formar vários Digimons, assim como Doutor Gabowomon, e estimar demais o valor de seus ensinamentos, seu grande objetivo na realidade é conseguir, de alguma forma, descobrir o segredo por trás do processo de evolução e se é possível induzi-la através de suas fórmulas, fator que explica os vários testes que faz. Inclusive, as últimas pesquisas do Doutor levaram à descoberta de uma nova substância promissora, batizada por ele como Elemento X (Cheese) por seu característico cheiro de queijo, mas seria realmente essa a solução para suas questões? Só o tempo dirá se tal substância é uma dádiva ou uma maldição.
Béquerato (Bequerat) Quando um combate é inevitável, Laboratmon faz uso das substâncias que já determinou serem prejudiciais ou explosivas e joga seus béqueres e ampolas na ameaça.
Analgésico (Painkiller) Usa uma substância desenvolvida por ele que cura feridas aos poucos e remove qualquer sinal de dor.
Linha Evolutiva
Pré-Evoluções UtaChuumon
Artista Jonas Carlota Digidex Empírea
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Under the cut to read on tumblr, here to read on Ao3
chapter 1 ; chapter 2
Les fleurs du mal rosquez, 2.1k words
Next race is two weeks later, championship finale, and Marc has been feeling increasingly worse for these past days.
The coughing had gone on almost non-stop, sometimes accompanied by petals, sometimes just a bothersome feeling of suffocation.
He doesn’t precisely know when, but some of the petals have started coming out colored a deep blue now, the yellow still there, perfectly matching Vale’s color scheme.
He had a half thought of reaching out to Vale, telling him about his situation, and telling him how truly hurt he was.
But he ultimately didn’t, he couldn’t - after last time, when he tested on his skin what hate meant he couldn’t bear the thought of being close to Vale without breaking down.
It had only gone worse, from his visit to Vale’s motorhome, he could feel his lungs crush under the pressure of the roots around them.
His brother knew something was wrong but couldn’t say what, Marc hadn’t spoken to him about his problem at all, and much less to his father.
His mother, well she didn’t need any kind of words to know what was happening to him, not after he had yelled at her when he came back and found his room stripped of any kind of reference to Vale, the room who was supposed to be his sanctuary, the room he wanted to photograph and send to Vale to remind him.
Remind him he had been there, had seen it all, reminding him how they had shared his room for more than a night.
And it was all gone, as if it was never there, just a ghost in Marc’s heart.
Marc had yelled so much to her his throat closed, he had begun coughing and gasping for air, until a bunch of petals had come out his mouth, falling to the ground, next to the cardboard boxes where his mother had carefully put away all the collection bikes and the poster.
The cap and the framed picture on top of them, the helmet stored in another box, wrapped so as not to ruin it.
He had cried then, cried so much he barely could breathe, and his mother had just held him, trying to calm him down as more petals made their way out of his lungs.
“per què fa tant mal mare? Vull que s'aturi, si us plau, necessito que s'aturi” (Why does it hurt so much mom? I want it to stop, please, I need it to stop)
“perquè estimes amb tot el cor, i la gent no és tan amorosa com tu, Marc” (Because you love with all your heart, and people are not as loving as you, Marc)
“Em fa tant mal que no puc respirar, per què m'odia? Em va dir que m'estimava. Per què m'odia? L'estimo mare, l'estimo” (It hurts so much I can’t breathe, why does he hate me? He told me he loved me. Why does he hate me? I love him mom, I love him)
“Ho sé, ho sé, l'estimes tant que estàs disposat a no sotmetre's a l'operació perquè tens por d'oblidar-lo” (I know, I know, you love him so much you’re willing not to undergo the operation because you’re scared you’ll forget him)
“Només vull que em torni a estimar” (I just want him to love me back)
“Ho sé Marc, ho sé” (I know Marc I know)
He had passed out in his mother’s arms, tears all over his face and lungs burning.
He didn’t understand how Vale could hate him so much after all the promises he made, all the murmured “I love you”s between the sheets, all the sweet glances when he stayed over at Vale’s.
He's preparing for the press con now, quali gone, he had crashed a few minutes to the end, he had trouble getting up, but he had managed to get a few good laps in.
The crash had made him lose breath, the little one he still has.
For a game of sorts, he’s sat next to Vale at the press con, and he hates it.
He’ll see how pathetic he looks like this, how lonely and miserable he is without Vale in his life.
They don’t speak, Vale ignores him completely if not to bad mouth him to the press, who like flies on honey is eager to get the micro expressions on Marc’s unreadable face.
When the journalists turn to Lorenzo for some questions Vale strikes.
It’s calculated, cruel, made to hurt.
“You like helping him uh? You sucked his dick too? Did you go to him and let him fuck you as a thank you for letting him win? Did he fuck you well Marc? I bet you enjoyed his dick so much given how you ran to me immediately after to suck me off”
“Stop it Vale please”
“Ah stop what? I’m having fun here aren’t you? Does he know how you like to be treated like the whore you are?”
Marc can’t hold it anymore, not with the amount of cruelty Vale is throwing his way.
He starts to cough, turning towards Vale, and the petals fall from his lips, they’re of a dark deep blue.
He can’t stay here, he just can't, he has to get out this damn press con now.
Vale is staring at the petals, one of them has landed on his lap. The room has gone silent, one can only hear Marc‘s all-but- hidden coughs as he runs out the room.
The journalists are frozen, Vale rushes out the room.
He doesn’t make it too far before noticing Marc leaning over a bin coughing and puking those fucking yellow and blue petals.
Some of the people standing out of the press con room start to take out phones and cameras to record Marc.
Vale tries to get close to Marc, somehow shield him from the flashing of the phones and the fuckers taking pictures of him, but Marc just pushes him away.
Yells at him to go away.
And Vale is shocked because he never heard Marc yell, much less would he have expected Marc to yell at him.
He tries to get close again, understand if what’s happening is truly what he thinks is happening.
And Marc now just looks like a wounded animal, and he hates it; he hates it even more than being insulted by Vale. He's weak in front of who knows how many people, he’s weak in front of Vale.
He feels one of Vale’s hands on his arms and jerks away with force.
“Don’t touch me!”
He’s crying, face red and his whole body is shivering.
Vale doesn’t really make out what is going on, it’s all too confusing right now.
He only sees a flash of blue, speeding right next to him, and closing the distance to Marc as he’s frozen there.
“Marc let's go away I’m taking you to the medical center come on, let’s go”
As he focuses back on reality he only understands Lorenzo has come to Marc’s rescue, somehow, and managed to drag him away.
He’s standing there, the flashing of phones disturbing, press con canceled, his mind racing.
He walks back to his motorhome, everyone saw the press con, he avoids talking to people.
Meanwhile Marc has been taken to the med center, he didn’t want to go, he tried to free himself from Jorge’s hold, but the older man just didn’t let go, he was stronger than him in this situation, Marc too debilitated by the illness.
When he arrives at the center he’s shivering, his body is burning, he’s coughed so many times he feels his whole throat scratch and tear at every breath he takes, his lungs feel caged in an intricate maze of roots.
He’s crying and sweating and shivering, he looks like he’s on the verge of a collapse from how much his body is out of his control.
“Marc you have to focus back on where you are I need you to focus on where you are”
The voice of the doctor seems far, as if he’s talking through a glass door.
He somehow manages to get back, resurface to reality.
The coughing stops, for now at least, but the fever is really high, and the tremors are only slightly better.
“Marc, were you aware you were suffering from Hanahaki?”
Marc’s voice sounds so feeble and thin he doesn’t think it’s him doing the talking.
“I need your consent and signature here to have you transported to the hospital for the surgery, we caught it in time luckily, you just need to sign here and I’ll-“ “No” “Marc don’t be stupid sign the damn form” “No” “Marc, you understand the risk you’re putting yourself through?”
“Yes. I can’t - I just can’t forget him, you get it? I know he’ll - with a bit more time he’ll love me back. He’ll love me again. I can’t have the surgery. I have to race tomorrow I have no time”
Jorge is just staring into the void, he can’t believe this kid is wiling to fucking risk his life for what? Valentino Rossi?
Because no matter the fact Marc has not said his name, he’s got heart eyes for him since they met, and the two of them were all but subtle.
He is willing to sacrifice his health for a man so egotistical he dares to blame this same kid for ruining his chance at a tenth title?
A kid who for fuck’s sake is willing to endure this inferno just because he can’t think of living without the knowledge of who Vale is?
The same Vale who’s now sitting in his motorhome, on his couch, silent, trying to elaborate what he just saw.
A feeling of guilt is gnawing at his guts, twisting them in a way he doesn’t like in the slightest.
He had been pushed away by Marc. First time in history he was the one who was pushed away, yelled at, distanced.
And it feels fucking horrible.
The door opens slightly, Uccio sneaks in, an ugly looking grin on his face.
“What the fuck did I do Uccio”
There’s silence, the man doesn’t answer, he waits for Vale to finish.
“I - that’s a kid I - he was puking petals fucking God, they were all blue and and yellow I - oh God”
“I don’t think those petals were for you Vale”
At this Vale gets up, he’s angry, and something else Uccio can’t quite figure out.
“Not for me? The fuck do you mean not for me? Yellow and blue remind you of something Uccio? Huh? Maybe I don’t know, MY fucking colours? The ones I’ve been wearing all the time? Why the fuck are you saying shit like this? Why - why did you come to me saying he - he would ruin my championship”
Uccio takes a step back, Vale is too close to him and a bit too angry for his liking.
Every word he speaks is like poison to Vale’s mind and heart, it takes over everything else, over every rational thought.
“There weren’t any yellow petals Vale. Just blue. Blue petals each time he coughed. And look, look how he pushes and yells you away and look how when Lorenzo comes close he melts in his arms. What does blue make you think of?”
“Me, Yamaha for fucks sake”
“Yamaha. But whose one? Look how the coughing stops here, when Lorenzo goes to drag him away”
The sequences playing on the ipad screen are undeniably those Uccio spoke about.
He was sure he had seen yellow petals, he was sure.
Like he was sure Marc wasn’t responsible for the losing of the tenth, until Uccio had shown him proof.
every cough two or three blue petals coming out his mouth, Marc pushing him away, Lorenzo being accepted as a savior.
“The petals are not for you Vale. They’re for Lorenzo. Why else would he have helped him win? Why else would the petals be blue? Why else would he trust only Lorenzo to be close?”
And the little poison Uccio is spreading with his words gets to Vale, it digs its way to his brain, to his heart.
Marc truly helped Lorenzo win because of a more intricate and complicated relationship between the two.
Marc. Marc wasn’t suffering because of him. He didn’t play a part in it.
He knows because he was shown evidence.
Like the telemetry. Yes. The telemetry it - it was clear from there.
Marc is not his. Marc can suffer on his own.
Because it’s not his fault after all, if Lorenzo doesn’t love him back.
#alice writes#my fic <3#rosquez#angst no comfort#tw throwing up#motogp rpf#motogp fic#so basically Uccio has been decided as a villain#but Vale is not to be stripped from responsibilities#Marc is a kid#and stupid#Roser is a mother after all#she can't force her baby to do something he doesn't have the heart to do.#I hoope you have fun with this (you won't)#(it's a “turning point” part so it's not the best one)
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HAY UNA MUJER: "Que tiene algo de Dios por la inmensidad de su amor, y mucho de ángel por la incansable solicitud de sus cuidados. Una mujer que, siendo joven, tiene la reflexión de una anciana y en la vejez trabaja con el vigor de la juventud. Una mujer, que, si es ignorante, descubre con más acierto los secretos de la vida que un sabio, y si es instruida se acomoda a la simplicidad de los niños. Una mujer, que siendo pobre se satisface con los que ama, y siendo rica, daría con gusto sus tesoros por no sufrir en su corazón la herida de la ingratitud. Una mujer que, siendo vigorosa, se estremece con el llanto de un niño, y siendo débil se reviste a veces con la bravura de un león. Una mujer que mientras vive no la sabemos estimar, porque a su lado todos los dolores se olvidan, pero después de muerta daríamos todo lo que poseemos por mirarla de nuevo un solo instante, por recibir de ella un solo abrazo, por escuchar un solo acento de sus labios. De esa mujer no averigües por su nombre, porque ella puede ser tu hermana, tu esposa o tu querida madre."
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El Doctor Strangelove, interpretat per Peter Sellers, a Dr. Strangelove o: Com vaig aprendre a deixar d'amoïnar-me'n i estimar la bomba (1964).
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Bryce X Athalar is better than any ACoTaR couple
After finishing HOFAS, I couldn't help but think about the discrepancy between the dynamics of Bryce X Hunt, Rhysand X Feyre, and Cassian X Nesta. Bryce and Hunt are indeed ahead of the latter two – they are not a perfect couple, far from it actually, but their inconsistencies make them more real because real people make mistakes, real people have fears and desires, and sometimes, some of them are selfish. Bryce and Hunt, despite reflecting reality, are still fictional characters in a fictional plot – nothing less than the heroes of it, and therefore, if the author intends to keep them together, she must make them an example of a good relationship in the eyes of the readers, which indeed SJM did with them, making them support and protect each other, esteem and respect each other despite their difficulties.
However, the same did not happen with Feysand or Nessian. Truth be told, it seems like the author made an effort to hide the many imperfections that both ACoTaR couples possess. So far, since I had read this saga first, I thought Sarah J. was incapable of understanding what a healthy relationship was. After all, Feyre was not only sexually abused by Rhysand but also physically and psychologically tortured by him in the first book, besides having her choice regarding their baby stolen from her, and Cassian, who judged Tamlin so much, never volunteered to support Nesta if it meant going against the Inner Circle, besides, obviously, judging Nesta at every turn and serving as her jailer for much of ACoSF, almost never saying or doing anything to defend her from Rhysand's fury – things that, under no circumstances, should be an example for any reader, especially considering that most are young and may not have the necessary insight to understand that it is not good and should not be romanticized.
That is, reading CC3 was quite surprising. I expected that, given the subplot between Bryce and Hunt, and also given SJM's pattern and history, Hunt would end up taking some improper action towards Bryce. However, that was not what happened. If this means any turning point in the events of the next ACoTaR book, it's a very, very welcome development.
Bryce X Athalar é melhor que qualquer casal de ACoTaR
Após terminar HOFAS, fiquei pensando na discrepância existente entre a dinâmica Bryce X Hunt, Rhysand X Feyre e Cassian X Nestha. Bryce e Hunt de fato estão a frente dos últimos dois – eles não são um casal perfeito, longe disso aliás, mas esta ou aquela incongruência que possuem os torna mais reais, porque pessoas reais cometem erros, pessoas reais têm medos e desejos e, às vezes, alguns deles são egoístas. Bryce e Hunt, apesar de refletirem a realidade, ainda são personagens fictícios em uma trama fictícia – nada menos do que os heróis dela, e, portanto, se a autora pretende mantê-los juntos, deve fazê-los como um exemplo de bom relacionamento ante os olhos dos leitores, o que, de fato, SJM fez com eles, fazendo-os apoiar e proteger um ao outro, estimar e respeitar um ao outro apesar de suas dificuldades.
Todavia, o mesmo não aconteceu com Feysand ou Nessian. A bem da verdade, parece que a autora se esforçou para esconder as muitas e muitas imperfeições que ambos ambos os casais de ACoTaR possuem. Até o momento, como eu tinha lido esta saga primeiro, achei que Sarah J. fosse incapaz de entender o que era um relacionamento saudável. Afinal de contas, Feyre não apenas foi sexualmente abusada por Rhysand, como também foi física e psicologicamente torturada por ele no primeiro, fora ter roubado sua escolha em relação ao bebê deles, e Cassian, que tanto julgou Tamlin, nunca se prontificou a apoiar Nestha se isso significasse se colocar contra o Círculo Íntimo, além, obviamente, de julgar Nestha a todo e qualquer momento e servir como carcereiro para ela em boa parte de ACoSF, quase nunca dizendo ou fazendo algo para defendê-la da fúria de Rhysand – coisas que, sob hipótese alguma, deviam ser exemplo para algum leitor, ainda mais se levarmos em conta que a maioria são jovens que não têm a perspicácia necessária para entender que aquilo não é bom e tampouco deve ser romantizado.
Isto é, ler CC3 foi bastante surpreendentemente. Eu esperava que, dada a subtrama entre Bryce e Hunt, e também dado ao padrão e ao histórico de SJM, Hunt acabasse tomando alguma medida indevida em relação à Bryce. Porém, não foi o que aconteceu. Se isso significa alguma guinada nos eventos do próximo livro de ACoTaR, é muito, muito lucro
#hofas spoilers#cc hofas#hofas#anti sjm#or not yet#anti feysand#anti rhysand#anti feyre#feysand#feysand ins't cool#nessian#nestha archeron#cassian#rhysand#feyre archeron#bryce quinlan#hunt athalar#bryce x hunt#acotar#acosf#a court of thorns and roses
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Can I really manifest an unreal physical beauty that has not been seen in the last 1000 years? Is it possible without surgery? And how soon would I see it besides the standard. Oh I forgot how do I manifest my whole university in love with me and 10000 people see me on the street, if I don't reach that exact figure? Success, I love you thank you

Sim, você pode. Na lei da suposição, você não precisa agir/fazer algo no 3d para alcançar sua manifestação porque você já possui o seu desejo!
"And how soon would I see it besides the standard"
Eu não compreendi muito bem, então vou responder como interpretei 💔
O tempo não existe, é só uma percepção dos fatos no 3d, então não há como estimar quando seu desejo vai acontecer porque ele já é seu. Por exemplo, qual a diferença entre o passado, o futuro e o presente? Só o presente é "palpável"/perceptível, o futuro e o passado são memórias e projeções, imaginação. Quando o futuro/passado ocorre, ele se torna o presente.
Para manifestar todos os seus colegas da universidade apaixonados por você e ser visto por 1000 pessoas, existem algumas formas como subliminals, afirmações, Script... Escolha o método mais confortável para você ou, se preferir, não use métodos.
Vou tentar ensinar como fazer um script, subliminals e liberar afirmações.
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Beijinhos e obrigada pela confiança 🥹 S2
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O Mar Londrino Acenou Com Mais um Alívio
Você vela a imagem no espelho Eu mesmo um sonho que se auto devora Regenerando o petróleo das gerações mais jovens A personificação que preserva a tutela
Nós tornamos um entre o torso Praticando borboletas sintéticas Você foge da minha cabeça Para morrer no céu cinza
Incendiei carrosséis entre línguas O sarcasmo é um culto a quem sobra E meus pés que adoravam esconder resíduo Pisava forte em tais escombros
A ânsia por estimar Bacantes Já não me é conveniente O sulco faz movimentos contrariados Atraído por um imã nesses olhos
Todo esse dilema ocasionado Entre ir ou cultivar coroas de espinhos Gestam uma fuga dissociativa Que creio como elemento indefinível
A boca é um revólver e um inseticida Os dedos são Hidras que escavam O ranço das mortes insucedidas E trocam peles por escamas
Eis um boto que renasce Até certo ponto, sensacionalista Apenas um sonho molhado para noivas Dentro de um aquário de cicuta
Minha própria saliva a torrente e o crime Cuspindo lodo, iscas e crustáceos A rede que faz tato áspero E comove os ombros a hipérbole
#inutilidadeaflorada#poema#poesia#pierrot ruivo#carteldapoesia#projetoflorejo#mentesexpostas#lardepoetas#espalhepoesias#projetovelhopoema#pequenosautores#pequenosescritores#autoral#liberdadeliteraria#arquivopoetico#projetosonhantes#poetaslivres#semeadoresdealmas#projetoartelivre#projetonaflordapele#projetoalmaflorida#projetoversografando#compartilharemos
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