#esther miklaelson
Jeremy Mikaelson What? Part II
Hello, my lovely readers. It has been a very, very long time since I have been able to give this fic an update and I really hope you enjoy it. On with the show...
Tick. Tick. Tick. The round, black clock that was mounted on the wall kept time with Jeremy Gilbert's racing heart. Three days. It had been three whole days since Matt Donovan had disappeared, without a trace, from the Mystic Grill. Now, in time past, Vicki Donovan might have taken off. Or their absentee mother. Or even Matt's dad, who took off for parts unknown, years ago. But that wasn't Matt. Matt would have left a note; if he were going somewhere, or called, or, or, or something. Damn it...
Jeremy felt drained. As much as he wanted to concentrate on whatever historical tidbits Alaric Salatzman had to offer up this morning; Jeremy just couldn't concentrate. His heavy lids kept moving back to the door of the classroom.
At any moment, Tyler Lockwood would barge through the door with his usual swagger and he would announce that he needed Matt's homework. He'd shoot Jeremy a quick grin that would tell the story of how they had found Matt, safe and sound. Any minute now. Yup. Come on, Ty.
Then... Nothing. Just the sound of the clock tick, tick, ticking away on the wall. Blowing out a breath, Jeremy fell back in his chair and his eyes moved to the front of the classroom. Alaric was staring at Jeremy with a "pay attention" look. Forcing himself to sit up straight, Jeremy began to tap his pencil against his notebook to the rhythm of the clock's tick.
Cassandra White raised her hand and asked a question. She could be asking in English or French or Klingon. Jeremy did not understand her. He tried to decipher what she was saying, but it just came into his mind as an intelligible blur of words.
Choosing to give up on the task of listening to his classmate; Jeremy's gaze slid back to the door. No Tyler. Not yet. Shouldn't the Salvatore brothers have made one of their awe-inspiring rescues, by now? Didn't matter if Katherine Pierce, or Jabba the Hut, took Matt, the Salvatore brothers were on the case! Jeremy reminded himself to doodle them in spandex. Damon might break his neck, again, but it would be worth it.
Jeremy stiffled a laugh. To hell with Damon. That thought disappeared along with Jeremy's sense of humor when the door flew open. Tyler came in. His clothes looked wrinkled, like he'd slept in them, or had not slept at all, had, in fact, been out all night. His eyes held a wild look that Jeremy did not like and he got to his feet.
"Tyler?" Alaric looked at Tyler, who ran his hand through his hair.
After a long second of silence, Tyler seemed to become of aware of the students from the lower classes staring at him. He offered them a quick smile. Some of the girls smiled back, but they were too late because Tyler had returned his focus to Alaric. "Yeah. Hey, Ri-Dr. Saltzman. Matt's still out sick. He asked if I would pick up his homework."
This felt like a punch to the gut. All hope dissapated from Jeremy. To make matters worse, his classmates had seemed to lose interest in Tyler and were looking at him. Now that Jeremy realized he was standing up, he said, "Dr. Saltzman, I need to use the restroom."
Ric glanced at Jeremy. "Yeah. Sure. Don't be too long."
Jeremy nodded and walked past his classmates. He could feel some of them still looking at him. Some were still watching Tyler. The sound of Alaric opening his desk drawer and flipping through files as Jeremy passed Tyler, to get out the door, followed Jeremy.
Outside the hallway seemed so quiet. Compared to the sound of the clock ticking and the blood pounding in Jeremy's ears; this was library quiet. The door opened and Tyler exited the room. They walked down the hall together and around the corner.
"Nothing?" Jeremy said. His hand went out and found Tyler's hand.
Shaking his head, Tyler's eyes pooled with tears. "What if--"
"No!" Jeremy interrupted. He grabbed Tyler with his free hand, jerking the shorter man to him and wrapping his arm around Tyler. His hand slid onto the back of Tyler's head, into his hair. He pressed his mouth to Tyler's ear. "We'll find him. That's what we do."
Tyler pulled back. His eyes were glistening with unshed tears. "You're sure?"
"Yes, babe. I'm sure." Jeremy kissed Tyler on the lips. It was a quick peck. Didn't want to blow Ty's cover today. Not with all the stress they were already under. But Tyler didn't seem to care because he grabbed Jeremy by the back of the neck and pressed a kiss to Jer's lips that made it hard to stop.
After several minutes, Jeremy gently pushed Tyler away. "We'll find him. Okay?"
Regaining his composure, Tyler took a step back and ran his hands through his hair. "Yeah. We will. We'll kick the asses of whoever took him. Then we'll party." He clapped his hands together. A genuine smile appeared on his lips.
"Looking forward to it. I've got to get back to class." Jeremy hesitated. "Meeting at the Salvatores,' after school?"
Nodding, Tyler said, "Yeah. If Stefan doesn't call one: I will. We need Matt back." The silent: "I need Matt" was in there.
"See you after school." Jeremy forced himself to head back to the classroom. Once inside its confines, he could barely hear the clock counting down the hours, because all he could think about was finding their new enemy, and making them pay for taking their friend.
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queenofthedramedies · 4 years
Mother Approved: Ch. 8
Hello, my lovely readers. I hope you enjoy this chap which is pretty Caroline and Kol-centric. On with the show…
Chapter 8: Give Me Something to Sing About
Unfortunately for Team Mystic Falls, Caroline Forbes' reconnaissance mission into the Mikaelson home had yielded a whole lot of nothing. However, this did not stop Stefan Salvatore from becoming, well, paranoid may not be a strong enough word for what Stefan had become. And as hard as Caroline was trying to be a good friend-and watch Stefan pace back and forth, ranting for hours about Klaus Mikaelson and his reign of World Tour of Terror, all of Stefan's pacing about and wild arm swinging did was make Caroline think of her team. Caroline felt like they really had what it would take to get to Nationals, this year and...and...and... If only Stefan would take a break from his Klaus-obsession so she could finish a thought...
"Caroline!" Blinking, Caroline looked up to find her best friend staring at her, his arms folded over his chest.
"Yes?" Caroline tried to say. Her voice went all croaky and she coughed before folding her hands in her lap. "Sorry."
"Did you hear a word I just said?" Stefan's green eyes burned into Caroline's with a fanatical intensity.
Caroline narrowed her own eyes. "Look, Stefan, I am trying, like, really trying to be your friend, even though you are still bordering on Ripper-y douch-ness, but I have a life, too!"
Inhaling slowly, Stefan moved to kneel in front of Caroline. "I am trying to keep Elena safe. And I can't do that if Klaus is up to something. So far, Klaus' only weaknesses seem to be his family, and you..."
Caroline rolled her eyes. "Well, duh! Who wouldn't want me?" She let that sink in for a second before she shot to her feet, and collected her purse, moving to leave.
"Where are you going?" Stefan followed Caroline to the front door. "We haven't formulated a plan!"
Shaking her head, Caroline paused, her hand resting on the doorknob. "I have cheer practice. That is where I am going. Right now!" She opened the door and stepped outside. Turning to Stefan, she added, "Text me, if you come up with something."
Caroline did not give Stefan another opportunity to waylay her as she sped over to the safety and quietness of her car. Now, she could concentrate on her own problems that had nothing to do with anyone named Mikaelson.
"Good job, darlings!" Someone called as Caroline approached the Mystic Falls football field. "Kiki, you were slightly off, in the beginning, dear. Remember, the sequence goes: Kick. Kick. Side-step. Hip-thrust. Backflip. Not: Kick, side-step, entire body thrust, backflip. Right, darling? Shall I demonstrate?"
"Yes!" Caroline's team cheered.
Rounding the bleachers, Caroline's jaw dropped when she found Kol Mikaelson demonstrating a proper hip-thrust that made her flashback to her one time at a male strip club (which ended in her being grounded for a month.)
Caroline's girls were practically salivating over Kol's antics and Caroline saw red as he announced, "I am available for private lessons and makeup tutorials. We want to put our best faces forward, on the field, don't we?" The girls began to giggle. Oh, yes, this was about to end. NOW!
Stomping across the lawn, Caroline folded her arms over her chest and glared at the scene. "Does anyone want to tell me what the hell is going on here?" She turned her glare on her team who looked guilty.
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queenofthedramedies · 4 years
Mother Approved Ch. 11
Hello, my lovely readers. Esther is about to cast her spell, being with Klaus��� On with the show…
Chapter 11: Something Wicked This Way Comes
Klaus Mikaelson suspected his mother was practicing magic. She was a witch, and most witches tended to do that sort of thing, from time-to-time. However, he suspected that she was intending on using her gift against him... And that was an entirely different matter. So, he felt the best thing to do was to have a family meeting, and include everyone: but Mother, and Finn, of course. He did not have to plan for their absences, because Finn tended to run off with Sage...to the electronics store-much to Sage's dismay. As for Mother; she would have plans with her little group of friends.
"Thank you all for putting aside your plans," Klaus began.
Kol's brows rose. "Who said anything about that. You happened to catch me at snack time. Say 'Hello!' to Brittany. She's on the squad, and enjoys it went I bite her thigh. Like this."
The rest of the Original siblings watched as Kol bit into Brittany's thigh, who giggled. Rebekah rolled her eyes and turned to purse her lips at Klaus. "Get on with it, will you, Nik. I, too, have plans for the evening."
"Shagging a commoner," Kol added before returning to his "snack."
Elijah also seemed in a hurry to do something else. Klaus stared at his older brother with crossed arms. "I do apologize, but Maria needs for me to-"
"No one cares!" Rebekah cried, throwing her hands in the air. "Do all of you have to be insufferable?"
"I like them!" Brittany said, brightly.
Rebekah smirked at her fellow blonde. "That's because you've been compelled, darling."
"Ahem!" Klaus watched his siblings turn to him. "It seems that our mother is...doing magic..." He waited for the inevitable suspicion, and anxiety, to take hold.
At first, they said, and did, nothing. Kol was the first to break the silence. Sitting up, he began to laugh, until his grip on Brittany loosened, and she toppled to the floor, staining it red. "Oh, sorry, love." Pulling Brittany back up, and onto his lap. Kol opened his mouth and sank his fangs back into the girl. Seconds later, he pulled back, and shoved his wrist in the cheerleader's mouth. "Nik, you should become a comedian. Truly."
"It was not meant as a joke! How is what I just said funny?" Klaus demanded.
"Shall I?" Elijah looked to Rebekah, who nodded, waving for him to go ahead. "Well, our mother is a witch... It would seem reasonable for her to conduct magic. And Samhain is upon us. Perhaps she means to..." His brows knit together and he looked thoughtful.
"Mother wants to make me pay for what I did to her precious school!" Klaus snapped, scowling.
Huffing, Rebekah folded her arms over her chest. "You did that to more than just Mother! I was making friends, for once in my bloody life!"
Scoffing, Klaus rolled his eyes, and gripped the back of a chair. "You do not need little, human friends. You have us. Your family!"
"Mother is family!" Rebekah got to her feet. "And if you intend on plotting against her, again, you can count me out." She strode to the doorway and paused. "Be a dear, and don't blow the house up while I'm gone."
Klaus growled, and tightened his grip on the chair. "Am I to believe that thoughts of Mother plotting against us do not bother any of you?"
Elijah still looked thoughtful, or he fell asleep with his eyes open.
Kol stared at Klaus. "If Mother is plotting against any of us: it would be you. And, on this account, I will forgo a fight with Mother. You two can battle each other, while I enjoy my time in this town. Speaking of which, I have to go. Bye." Brittany got up and Kol followed her out.
Finally, Elijah seemed to come to. Klaus waited for Elijah's verdict. He could always count on Elijah to stand beside him. "Niklaus, perhaps Mother is not plotting against you. Perhaps she is working towards a different outcome. Let me know what you find out. Maria!"
Eyes widening, Klaus found himself alone in his kitchen. All of his siblings had abandoned him for their own lives. How dare they! Mood darkening, Klaus moved to fall into the chair and stare at the table top. They would all come to regret not helping him uncover Mother's plot which he knew had little to do with Samhain. It had to do with Klaus!
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queenofthedramedies · 4 years
Mystic Falls Humanity: Part I Ch. 18
Hello, my lovely readers. Someone else finds out about Jake and Klaus has a conversation with his mother. On with the show…
Chapter 18: That Could Solve All My Problems
Another day at Mystic Falls High. Fred Lockwood counted each day down. He was a senior. And, in spite of tracking Hope Mikaelson TO Another freakin' country, and declaring the importance of this milestone; Fred wanted to see the end. Maybe it was because this last year-before "adulthood" set in-had become tainted by the asshats who were going around grabbing their friends off the streets. Personally, Fred was ready to set off on new adventures. He wanted to go back to Europe, and climb a mountain, visit the Pyramids in Cairo. Swim in the oceans. Fight a shark. He wanted to live. And he also knew exactly who should be at his side: Hope. He could wait. One of these days, she would stop grieving Jacob freakin' Salvatore. With luck, she would remember who had been there for her, so many times. Then it would be their time.
Just the thought of being with Hope-not becoming a one-stand she would think of from time-to-time over her vast lifetime-but being her love; left Fred in a good mood. He walked down the hall with a spring in his step. Shooting a smile to his fellow students, Fred did not mind getting through today. To make things even better, he caught sight of Hope. She stood at the end of the hallway. He could not see anyone else with her. Good. Maybe he could talk her into having lunch with him.
Fred made his way through the milling student body, almost within reach of Hope when she turned a corner and disappeared. He started to follow her but someone caught hold of his sleeve. "Freddy!" Whoever it was did not sound happy.
Turning, Fred relaxed. It was just Sam. "Sammy! What's u-"
The last word never made it out of Fred's mouth. Instead, Sam's left hand, in the form of a balled fist, connected with Fred's mouth, preventing the last word from being spoken. "Shit!" Fred cried, hand going to his mouth. "What the hell was that for?" He demanded, brown eyes wide as he stared at the smaller boy.
Sam had his fists raised and the look of rage of his face told Fred something was under the boy's skin. "You know what you did, Freddy!" Sam punched Fred in the nose this time and Fred rocked backwards. The kid was barely pulling his punches. Although Fred would heal, he did not enjoy the metallic taste of blood on his lips and the feeling of broken cartilage in his nose.
"Sam." Fred held up his hands. "I do not want to hurt you-"
A bitter laugh exploded from Sam. "You don't want to hurt me? Is that a joke?" He shook his head. "You could have so many girls, but you had to pick on her! I love her!" He moved to slug Fred, again.
This time Fred pivoted, raising his fists to block his face. His mother taught how to fight. And if he Had to fight back; this would not end well for Sam. "Look, Sammy, I don't know what you heard-"
"You slept with a Mikaelson!" Sam cried. He let out a roar, and dove at Fred. Unfortunately, for them both, a bunch of kids had decided to cluster round. Someone shoved Fred forward, and Sam collided with him. They fell to the floor, rolling around while Fred tried to piece together what Sam just said. Was Sam still in love with Hope?
"I thought you were over her, man." Fred shoved Sam off of him.
Sam glared back. "I will love her for-ever!" He lunged at Fred, knocking them into a locker bay. The metal bent with their combined weight slamming into it.
"Sam!" Fred yelled as Sam punched him in the gut.
Finally, Fred jammed his foot between them, and sent Sam flying into the opposite wall. The boy slid down it, puffing out air before his eyes rose, and Fred saw the vampire underneath the visage of teen boy. "Sam, don't-" Fred warned his friend.
Rising to his feet, Sam's mouth opened, and he would have shown the entire hallway his fangs; if someone did not distract them. "What in the bloody hell is going on here?"
A teen girl came through the throng. Her expression was like a thunder cloud. Her blue eyes flicked from Fred to Sam. "One of you tell best yell me what is the meaning of this?" She waved a hand in the direction of where the fight had taken place.
"You slept with him!" Sam cried, glaring at Fred. Sam's fangs had disappeared, but his desire to rip Fred's head off had not. "He's my friend, Temis! Why? Isn't it enough you broke my heart?"
Fred's eyed went from Sam to Artemis Gerard. Temis looked as confused as Fred felt. "No! NO!" Holding up his hands, Fred shook them. "I did NOT sleep with Temis!" He glanced at her. "Not that you aren't hot. Just, like Sam said: I wouldn't do that..."
Temis rolled her eyes and brushed her mass of blonde curls being her back. "You believe I would do that?" Her eyes bore into Sam whose eyes dropped to the floor and he slowly shook his head. She turned to the other students. "The show is over. Be good children, and go away! Shoo!" She waved her hands, pursing her lips, and waited.
When the hall was clear, Temis followed her arms and looked to Fred. "Do you know why someone would start such a vulgar rumor about us?" Her dark eyes burned into Fred.
Shaking his head, Fred ran a hand through his dark hair. "I..."
"You..." Temis rolled her eyes. "We do not have all day, love. Spit it out."
"I might have slept with..."
"Hope?" Eyes rounding, Sam looked horrified. "You had sex with Hope Mikaelson."
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queenofthedramedies · 4 years
Mother Approved: Ch. 9
Hello, my lovely readers. Kol teaches some of the high schoolers a lesson in tolerance and Klaus plans an explosive decade dance. On with the show…
Chapter 9: School's Out For-Ever
Klaus Mikaelson was in one of his rare good moods. It had begun after the chaos of the Mystic Falls' attempt at a football game which ended with Caroline Forbes being civil to him. This pleased Klaus, immensely, to the point that he did not complain when his mother handed him a bagged lunch and sent him off to the infernal high school for lower learning. Working through a plan involving lunch with Caroline, where he would offer her half his home-baked brownies-which contained more than his mother's love-Klaus baled mid-step. The sight of jagged red paint dripping down a familiar locker made his brows rise. His eyes slid down the silver metal to find the letters Q-U-E and he stopped himself from continuing. Turning to stare at the children in the hallway, he found them staring at the locker, laughing and taking pictures with their phones.
Klaus' hands balled into fists at his side. Ordinarily, he this scene would end in Klaus being splattered in a red substance and returning home to go through a number of bottles of bourbon. But he found himself settling on a different approach.
Reaching out, Klaus caught a freshman who had been trying to slink past him with his head down. Jerking the boy closer, Klaus hissed into the boy's ear, "Would you mind, terribly, pointing me in the direction of the author of this masterpiece?" Klaus ' eyes ticked over to the locker.
"Um," the boy's eyes flicked further down the hallway to a group of upper classman in their letterman jackets. They were high-flying each other and seemed to take no notice of Klaus.
"Thank you, my friend. You may go now." Klaus released the child and watched him scurry away. Setting his sights on bigger game, a small smirk played at the corners of his mouth. Oh, this would be fun.
However, Klaus did not get the opportunity to join the celebrations just yet. Kol had just appeared with a smile. "Good morning, Nik!" He cried to stand before his brother. "Look what came in the mail," he said, beginning to open his bag, edging closer to his locker.
"Kol." Klaus moved to wrap an arm around Kol's shoulders, to direct him elsewhere when one of the foolish children let out a laugh. Turning in their direction, Kol offered them a smile. "What's so funny, darling? I love a good joke."
The teen pointed at Kol's locker before bursting into laughter until they caught the sight of Klaus' glare. Their laughter became a choked cough and they hurried away. Klaus placed s hand on Kol's shoulder. "These children have no idea what a joke is, brother. Let us show them. Later. I believe Bonnie Bennett mentioned being in the library. Why don't you show her Monica's new dress. Hmm?"
Kol had not said a word. He continued to stare at the locker as the children seemed to comprehend that there was nothing funny to be seen here. "Nik, what do they mean by this?" Kol turned to stare at Klaus.
Klaus shook his head. "They're fools. And we will discuss it later..."
"Hey, Mikaelson, find your dress for Homecoming yet? My sister can help you the perfect shoes to match? But they probably don't carry your size!" The fool grinned at his friends who patted him on the back.
Kol looked down the hall and then made his way toward his heckler. Klaus followed and watched Kol take the boy by the shirt collar with one hand. The other boys moved to interfere. Smirking, Klaus moved in between them. "Now. Now, boys. It's fair to wait your turn." He waged a finger at them.
Cocking his head to the side, Kol stared at the boy who meant to torment him. "Did you write that word on my locker?"
"Yes! Ya big sissy! Back in my dad's day, they would have -" The boy's next words stopped as Kol turned him and slammed against the wall. Allowing the boy to slide down, Kol waited until they were eyes to eye.
Kol grinned in a manner that usually meant bloody, painful death. "Your father was a small-minded fool. Just like you. You will apologize to every single person you ever made to feel scared, and small because they do not appear as you wish them to. Do you understand me?" Kol hissed out.
"Yes..." The boy whimpered.
Kol turned to the others. "Don't make me hunt you down; after you're tucked in your beds."
The other boys could not get away fast enough. Kol turned to those who had stayed around to watch. "All of you, this sort of thing will no longer be tolerated in this school, or this entire town, or you will answer to me!" He shouted at them. "Now, if you'll excuse me. I have a witch to seduce." He marched off and Klaus felt pleased.
"Did he say witch?" One of the kids said to another.
"He said bitch." Another kid replied, "I think..."
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queenofthedramedies · 5 years
Something to Rely On: Ch. 6
Hello, my lovely readers. Welcome to Past I of my little ode to Valentine's with romance, friend-mance and a lot of mishaps in between. On with the show…
Chapter 6: Ten Ways to Say I Love You: Part I
"Would you move your blasted feet off my bed?" Blue eyes flashing fire, the blonde in the hospital bed glowered at her older brother and Hayley found herself smiling. This was the family she would be a part of. Soon. Soon-ish. She and Elijah hadn't really discussed when they would be getting married. There were so many things to take care of before the wedding.
"Hey!" Caroline chirped, entering the room. "How is my favorite patient?" she cooed at Rebekah who glared back.
"I demand that you release me!" Rebekah snarled.
"Not until we're sure you're alright," Klaus replied as he flipped his feet off the bed. Getting up, he pressed a kiss to Bekah's forehead. "Keep me posted on this one's condition." He pointed at Rebekah before moving to kiss his wife on the lips and then left them alone.
"Okay. He's gone," Caroline said. "Hayley, you can continue." She tugged a machine across the room and picked up a bottle of jelly, giving it a good shake before turning to Rebekah. "Lift your shirt."
"No!" Rebekah folded her arms over her chest.
Hayley sat down on the bed beside Rebekah. "Let's see. I was thinking something small. Just family –"
"It can't just be family!" Caroline cried, her eyes widening. "What about Josh!"
"Josh can have his own engagement party however he likes," Rebekah retorted with a snort. She glared at Caroline when Caroline tried to push Rebekah's hands out of the way.
"Do they have cake at these things?" Hayley mused. "I do like cake…"
"You should have a cake," Caroline replied while she and Rebekah batted at each other, each trying to win control of Rebekah's apparel.
"Oh, hi, Marcel!" Hayley called, glancing over her shoulder.
"What?" Rebekah cried out. Caroline grinned and jerked Rebekah's shirt up, pouring jelly on Rebekah's bare stomach. "Traitor!" Rebekah snarled at Hayley. Her eyes burned into Hayley's.
"Look, Bekah, if you have an ulcer from all of the stress, it's better to know now, rather than puking up blood all over the place in an OR months from now," Hayley advised. "Here. Take my hand. And tell me what kind of cake you like the best."
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queenofthedramedies · 5 years
Something to Rely On Ch. 4:
Hello, my lovely readers. Romance develops and friendship endures. On with the show…
Chapter 4: The Waiting Game
Textbook open across his knees, Vincent Griffith tried to maintain his focus. While most of his fellow interns had forgotten that they were to study for their residency exams, Vincent felt it necessary to double down on his good study habits. No one else would carry him through this program. He knew he had to look out for his interests—in that aspect. However, his fellow interns seemed to be more interested in the hospital gossip surrounding the case of Dr. Kol Mikaelson. If they failed their exams, Vincent would not be shocked.
"A nurse said he's been flipping her the bird when her back was turned," Lucien Castle said. He leaned against the wall in the basement hallway where they liked to take breaks or study.
"Nah. He's grabbing her butt," Oliver Kenner replied with a light laugh. "Man. Everyone knows that Kol has a way with the ladies."
"A way that will get him sued," Vincent put in. He flipped a page in his textbook and continued to read up on contagious diseases. "Lucien, what are five symptoms that a patient has when he has the malaria virus?"
Lucien's head whirled and he smirked at Vincent. "Oh, Vince? Do you want me to play with you?" He chuckled, glancing at Oliver. "We all miss Davina. Perhaps she'll drop by and you can quiz her instead." Turning back to Oliver, Lucien took a tennis ball and flung it at Oliver's head.
"Hey, man! Not cool." Oliver tossed the ball back. "So, you think Kol's going to make it. I mean… If he doesn't that means we'll get a new attendee and they could be a real hard-ass."
The tennis ball went back and forth and Vincent continued trying to ignore his fellow interns in the same manner they were ignoring their careers. "I don't think it is the right time to be discussing that subject," he found himself saying, unable to prevent himself from answering.
Scoffing, Lucien began to bounce the tennis ball off the wall a foot from Vincent's head. "When would you like to discuss it?" he inquired. "After Mikaelson stops breathing or when the new attendee comes in and decides we're not making the grade. The next thing we all know we're working on trying to get into a new program."
Pausing, Lucien chuckled. "At least I had the best night of my young life not so long ago."
"With who?" Oliver inquired.
"A gentleman doesn't kiss and tell," Lucien retorted with a gleam in his eye. "Let's just say that a certain general surgeon knows her way around a human body."
"Freya Mikaelson?" Oliver hooted, bending over with laughter as Lucien sent the tennis ball flying toward the brick wall.
Hand snapping outward, Vincent took the piece of green felt and launched it at Lucien's head. The other intern let out a cry when the ball slammed into his nose. "Bloody hell, Vincent!" he cried out.
Oliver had choked on his laughter. He looked from Vincent to Lucien. "Man, you're bleeding."
"Am I?" Lucien placed his hand to his nose. "Bloody hell." He raised his blue eyes to glower at Vincent. "Looks as if someone is jealous." He sneered before shaking his head. "Too bad you're the type who girls don't fancy. Nose in your book all day and night long. Can't even dance with a girl. Why do you suppose she went with me that night?"
"Enough!" Lucien's cheeks flushed and his head spun to take in a very unhappy-looking Freya Mikaelson.
"Lucien. You should go upstairs and allow someone to look at your nose." Freya glowered at Lucien until he moved past her. He stopped for a moment but said nothing when she stared him into silence.
"Oliver?" Freya turned to Oliver. "I believe Josh has something for you to do."
"He's not my resident," Oliver said. When Freya simply stared back at him, his shoulders fell. "Yes, ma'am." He hurried away.
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