#established tkkg
kingstrawberry · 1 year
married tkkg where both of them have sensory issues so they both use those ring holder necklaces at All Times.
they don’t keep their marriage a secret but it isn’t public cuz they don’t talk abt it and they don’t like pda, and obvs no one sees the rings (outside of the locker room).
anyways kageyama idiotically announcing their marriage to the world when an interviewer asks him about his dating life.
kags: oh i don’t date
interviewer, nodding understandingly: ur focus on your career is admirable
kags: oh no i dated a while ago. i’m married now, not dating.
interviewer: :0 married?? you don’t wear a ring
k: yes i do *pulls thin chain from under shirt to reveal a silver wedding band*
interviewer, flabbergasted: how long have you been-?
k: three-
the rest of his answer gets cut off when tsuki, who was on the sidelines, finally reaches the stage and pulls kageyama away.
tsuki smiles at the camera, says “this interview is over” and leaves with kags.
kags, who had been wanting to go public: whyd you do that?? :(
tsuki, who knew that and was trying to coordinate with their PR teams to do a joint interview to talk abt it: my personal life isn’t the worlds business
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hazyletter · 4 months
established 2nd year tsukikage that is sudden; that no one expected. one day, in the middle of a match timeout, off to the side, people just suddenly see kei twirling tobio's hair with his fingers, subtly smirking as he mutters shameless flirtations to a frowning but reddening tobio
they're watched with gobsmacked faces and gushy whispers of their teammates and people at the bleachers. and they all just watch tobio turn away, blushing, while a chuckling kei just puts an arm around his shoulder before smoothly ruffling his hair with small pats
JUST. tkkg at the comfortable phase of their relationship where when they're teased by ennoshita to tone down the flirting when the match resumes, kei fakes a cough while tobio looks away, but they don't deny anything, clapping each other's hand in a quiet movement before the whistle
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Hints For An Energizing Criminologist Party
1. Arranging and association
Similarly as with a case, the great, old W-questions are toward the start of the arranging. Join where, what, how, when should happen and right now it can go to the readiness.
The most significant inquiries to be chosen initially are:
·         Where does the investigator party happen? Inside or outside?
·         When does it occur? Early afternoon/evening/night?
·         What ought to occur? A few little analyst amusements or a major case?
·         What sort of frill/indications/criminologist material do I need?
·         What amount of time do I have for diversions?
·         What is there to eat and drink?
·         What sort of endowments ought to there be?
2. A Few Criminologist Diversions Versus A Major Case
An energizing criminologist party flourishes with age-proper unique diversions, fervor and experience. The youngsters ought to fathom astounds, find mysteries and edify cases - and you need to get ready first. In this way, it is fitting to think ahead of time precisely what amusements and activities the criminologists expect and everything in the store or online eg amazon * to arrange what you need it.
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For little criminologists as long as 7 years there are delightful engaging, fluctuated analyst amusements - 5 explicit diversion thoughts pursue beneath in the content.
For a criminologist party for kids from 7 years, we suggest an incredible case with Story as a program. Behind each case is an account of game changing occasions. The all the more energizing and baffling, the more they enchant nearly nothing and enormous criminologists and let us cheer, squirm and strain our dim cells. In this manner, it is prudent to think about a larger story for the analyst party for youngsters from 7 years of age, which is the fundamental program of the criminologist party.
As with TKKG, the Knickerbockerbande or the three ??? A genuine case happens at the youngsters' birthday party and the children go looking for hints to understand a major case together - as a fortune chase of an extraordinary kind. Solid thoughts for usage can be found under point 8.
3. Welcome To The Investigator Party
Your tyke is as yet your assistant and you should make the welcome with him. It ought to be quickly certain that it is an analyst party and if the children should bring criminologist closet or eg amplifying glass and compass, you should take note of this.
For more established youngsters it is advantageous not to give any clues on the particular case in the welcome - the birthday kid himself ought to be as astounded by the case as his visitors! 
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4. Deco And Air
At an investigator party for more youthful youngsters, which happens inside, it is worth to get appropriate adornment. This is especially appropriate for camouflage adornments, for example, false facial hair, eyewear, caps, FBI things and things that youngsters can use to play with.
5. Investigator Outfit And Hardware
So as to slip into the job of extraordinary ace analyst, it needs the correct outfit and the fundamental hardware. Put frill for sprucing up - you can utilize it for more established kids by disguising themselves for an errand and wearing a specific mustache, glasses, cap and channel coat to get it together from a neighbor. Furthermore, some gear needs the investigators to understand the case.
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isalabells · 6 years
Quick rant now that I’ve finished reading Toteninsel:
never before have I realized the irony (bordering on cynicism?) of #100 being published not even a month after 9/11 happened. Terrorists are actually called out quite a few times in part 3, along with the whole ‘going to war’ discourse, and while I believe Marx is deliberately exaggerating when he says he doesn’t care much for day-to-day politics, I do believe him when he says that he tries to not even hint at any contemporary political shenanigans in DDF (which, ofc, further establishes DDF as the anti-thesis to TKKG, seeing how TKKG is highly political with almost every single story, while DDF is as apolitical as it gets). So this wasn’t done on purpose or written as a meta-take, foreshadowing the years to come, but it can very well be read as such, and it’s quite eerie, looking at it now, bc it catapulted the series out of the 90s innocence into the age of terrorism, if just briefly and mainly for this episode. But wow, that kinda struck me.
The whole story is like the biggest Bob/Jelena fanfiction Marx has ever written, hands down. There are countless, unashamedly mushy, heartwarming scenes, and there’s a lot of heavy flirting going on, and I am lovin’ it.
It comes as a surprise to no one that I am still madly in love with Dr. Maria Svenson (or rather: the idea and concept of her, bc while the novel thankfully fleshes her character out a bit more, there’s still so much wasted potential), and I am still mad we never got a Sphinx reunion.
Hot Take: The Hadden Siblings are really great and entertaining, highkey dramatic and unhinged villains and they deserved to be main focus in an episode dedicated to them. Or even better, a trilogy. Like I still don‘t get why Kari felt the need to create a new Gary Stu with Mr. Grey when we’d literally JUST gotten rid of the old one (yes, I am talking about Hugenay, I do like him and esp Marx’ iteration of him, but he is a Gary Stu and there’s a good reason he closed the door on him for good), when like the Hadden siblings were RIGHT FUCKIN’ THERE. You could’ve gone in the craziest directions with them, just whyyyy waste them
What really got to me tho: the amount of issues both Peter and Bob got when it comes to the everlasting question of ‘how loyal do I have to be to our lil’ detective team/how much sense of self-preservation am I allowed to display/how much of these dangerous things do I keep doing to not disappoint or anger Justus’. It’s amazing, when they first send Peter to snoop around on board of the Explorer, he approaches this task with Just’s imaginary voice in his head. Lateron, when he’s stuck on that ship and has to try not to blow his cover, he spends the majority of the time figuring out how to keep their mission going (!!!) and BERATING himself for not being as clever as Justus, for not being as good as he when it comes to improvising and talking to people in a way to get more info out of them, and on top of that all, his main recurring thought is ‘I’m aware that I am not clever enough to pull any of this off long enough.’ It is HEARTBREAKING and frustrating, even more so bc a) Justus is the very reason that Peter wound up in this dangerous situation, and b) even for all his flaws, this is NOT what he’d want. At all. It’s a pity Peter will never know bc Justus sucks at communicating this. Bob isn’t off any better tho, when he gets knocked down by Hadden’s private hypnotist, and he presents him with the options of ‘either you’ll let me put you in a trance, or you can go home’, Bob admits he is super-afraid of being hypnotized yet again (yep, still traumatized from Stimmen aus dem Nichts, which Marx even acknowledges, Hi, Dr. Franklin), but he doesn’t allow himself to stew on that for long, bc his main thoughts are dedicated to ‘how do I keep this mission going, which option would Just prefer me to choose, what would Justus do’ like wow WOW.
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hazyletter · 1 year
established tkkg is so so special to me because writing about them fully being in love without no doubts in their mind that yes, they want to stay here, hand in hand, eternally, is all i need in this life. and i think they'll agree as well
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