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liskantope · 5 months ago
Roughly the following joke occurred to me while half awake in bed early this morning (like most early-morning half-awake ideas, it doesn't quite pay off or hold together):
"Hey, I figured out the Latin names of all the Animorphs and their declensions! Iācōbus, Iācōbī, Iācōbō, Iācōbum, Iācōbō, Iācōbe. Rāchēl, Rāchēlis, Rāchēlī, Rāchēlem, Rāchēle, Rāchēl. Tobīās, Tobīæ, Tobīae, Tobīān, Tobīā, Tobīā. Cassandra, Cassandre, Cassandre, Cassandram, Cassandra, Cassandra. Marcus, Marcī, Marcō, Marcum, Marcō, Marce."
"What about Ax? Whatever the blurbs on the backs of the books say, he's just as much an Animorph too."
"Oh come on, that would be Ax-essive!"
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mehilaiselokuva · 1 month ago
Finnish names for the declensions
If you have ever taken a Finnish class, you might be used to the anglicism-type names, but I advocate for the native Finnish versions! Here are the declensions that exist in Finnish today:
Nominative - nominatiivi - nimentö Accusative - akkusatiivi - kohdanto Genitive - genetiivi - omanto Partitive - partitiivi - osanto Inessive - inessiivi - sisäolento Elative - elatiivi - sisäeronto Illative - illatiivi - sisätulento Adessive - adessiivi - ulko-olento Ablative - ablatiivi - ulkoeronto Allative - allatiivi - ulkotulento Essive - essiivi - olento Translative - translatiivi - tulento Abessive - abessiivi - vajanto Instructive - instruktiivi - keinonto Komitatiivi - komitatiivi - seuranto
The following cases have no native Finnish names, but still exist in Finnish as a means to derive words:
Prolative - prolatiivi (ohitse) Superessive - superessiivi (tuolla) Delatiivi - delatiivi (kaikkialta) Sublative - sublatiivi (sinne) Lative - latiivi (alas) Temporal - temporaali (tuolloin) Causative - kausatiivi (eniten) Multiplicative - multiplikatiivi (viidesti) Distributive - distributiivi (englantilaisittain) Temporal distributive - temporaalinen distributiivi (sekaisin) Situative - situatiivi (lähekkäin) Oppositive - oppositiivi (vieretysten)
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dedalvs · 5 months ago
About your five Finnish mice: I'm finnish and I feel like numbers are treated almost like adjectives in Finnish. For example "into five small mice" and "as five small mice" are "viiteen pieneen hiireen" (the illative case) and "viitenä pienenä hiirenä" (the essive case). All words are singular here lol. But if the noun is a plural noun, both the number and the adjective(s) become plural too: viidet pienet housut = 'fives smalls trousers', viisiin pieniin housuihin ('into fives smalls trousers')
Okay, so you're saying if it's "five mice" it's viisi hiirtä, but if it's "five small mice" it's viidet pienet hiiret? Because that's not what I've learned thus far.
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dramatic-dolphin · 4 months ago
heyyo, sorry if it's a bother but I remember you mentioning somewhere (in the tags of something?) that hungarian might even have more than 18 cases if we count it a different way and I lost that post but I'm still very curious, could you tell me more about this or point me to a source? I love terrorising international friends with the hungarian case system
It's NEVER a bother to talk about linguistics :DD This is gonna be a bit long tho.
The reason for this is that Hungarian has like a million suffixes and not all of them are created equal. So there is a bit of debate over what, exactly, constitues as a "case" here.
The currently accepted safe list of the 18 Hungarian suffixes that are definitely totally cases looks like this:
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This is already hilarious, because you, as a native speaker, have no idea what these terms mean, and also because there is nothing at essive-modal in this example. Because we just do not decline the word jég in that case.
(Essive-modal is the -ul in "jutalmul" and "[beszélek] magyarul" btw. Is 'jegekül' a word that exists and makes sense? Discuss.)
These are the "bare minimum" of cases that fit both of the two (currently accepted) rules that 1) a case can be a compulsory argument of a verb (aka you can have a verb that you have to use a specific case with, like "beléptem a házba") and 2) only cases can follow other suffixes (I actually can't think of an example for this rn lol).
Thinking about it, you might even get by with saying we have 17 cases in a pinch, since essive-modal is such a weirdo and useless for like most nouns. Don't quote me on this one though.
Anyways, if you're a bit more daring, you can look at all the other suffixes and say "well, why can't these be cases too?" Like come on, this is missing genitive. Why is it missing genitive? So you put in genitive (embernek). And if that's in, then why can't the others be there too? Which is how you end up with off-the-wall cases like temporal (ötkor), sociative (kutyástul), locative (Győrött), distributive-temporal (hetente), and so on until you reach like 34, or however many suffixes there are. Every suffix can be given a fancy overly specific case name to horrify poor non-Hungarian speakers.
Wait, did I say the bare minimum was 18(-17) cases? Actually no, the bare minimum is ZERO cases. Because you can take the enlightened opinion that "case" as a concept should not be applied to agglutinative languages like Hungarian, and Hungarian cases are actually better understood as postpositions affixed to a noun. (Funnily, this is actually how some of those suffixes became suffixes. Ex: hodu utu rea -> hadi útra.)
So, there you have it. The number of cases in Hungarian is a number between 0 and 35. But probably 18. Unless it's not.
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dregdael · 2 years ago
Depr(ul)essive tendencies
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mewling-central · 3 months ago
Lexember Day 10
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Yunmir (n)
(accusative yunmiron, genitive yunmirmi, dative yunmirfu, inessive yunmirer, elative yunmirne, illative yunmirol, adessive yunmirotso, ablative yunmirla, allative yunmirova, essive yunmirte, translative yunmirwa, instrumental yunmirko, abessive yunmirwego, comitative yunmirsu, vocative yunmira, benefactive yunmiran)
medicine, medication, remedy, drug
Compound of yun "to heal, to fix, to cure" + mir "fruit, berry".
Yunmiran yofu su aven mopislan.
"I traded him two fish for some medicine."
It's been a hot minute since I've done anything with Mewling. In earliest mew society the discovery of medicine was vital to maintaining their small population. The first medicinal cures were fruits, but others like leaves, fungi, roots, etc came into use for a whole variety of ailments and such. They were all referred to with the same term, though. Didn't seem necessary to make a whole bunch of words when yunmir works fine enough.
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stevethehairington · 1 month ago
also lord hurons new song is giving eddie leaving el paso once and for all (or so he thinks). just. eddie (and chris) in his car, driving towards la, el paso and everything oppressive and suppressive and repressive (and all the essives) about it growing smaller and smaller in the rear view mirror, and he's a little manic with the relief of the decision, with how it felt to make a choice for himself for once that went against what his parents wanted and its scary and big bit it's also exhilarating and freeing and and and
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35letters · 1 day ago
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essive East side, Chet
(via Chet Architecture | Third Space)
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to-yngewai · 2 years ago
Learning Finnish 2
Thank you for all the well wishers and the resources people gave me! This is sorta my own hole of the internet that I don’t expect people to look at and seeing people react to me tagging it actually surprised me.
Anyway, I’m going to force myself to understand all the different finnish noun cases because I need to be able to recognize them just by name rather than stop what I’m doing and try to long-hand them.
There are...
1. Nominative: Has no additional ending or change to the base noun. The plural is a “t” at the end. “Talo” house. “Talot” houses. “Kissa” cat. “Kissat” cats. Adjectives agree with the casing. So ‘iso talo’ becomes ‘isot talot.’
The total predicate noun/adjective encompasses the entire aspect of the concept. The whole of the person, place, or thing. That is the nominative noun case.
Using the nominative to say something like “slices of bread” is wrong.
2. Accusative
3. Genitive
4. Essive
5. Partitive
6. Translative
7. Inessive
8. Elative
9. Illative
10. Adessive
11. Ablative
12. Allative
13. Abessive
14. Comitative
15. Instructive
The cases are formed by adding case endings to the stem.
The comma must be used between different clauses.
I am going to slowly add definitions to all of these once a day until the entire list is full. Soon the entire list will be done. I will also add other rules to the additions as I need to remember them.
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scholarlycait · 2 years ago
✦ Letters from a Cait Scholar: Days 341-344 ✦
Day 341
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 341, you haven't faltered even once!
It's been more than 100 days since I started my musical per-fur-mances with my cait fur-ends. As their conductor, it fills me with purr-ide to see them getting better and better. Just like me, I'm sure you'll lead [BAND NAME] to become the most im-purr-essive band of travelers around! Let's both be the best leaders we can be!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 342
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 342, my energy is renewed!
Money can often lead people astray, but I know you'd stick the course no matter how much coin was weighing you down! I'm trying my best to resist temptation whenever I can. Why, just the other day, I bought just 5 fish instead of the usual 10! I deserve a good cat scratch fur that!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 343
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 343, it's a nice day to fur-olic in the sea!
Bargello, Pierro, and Fra have been close as siblings since childhood. The bond that they share can withstand even the most fur-ocious blow! I hope you and I can stay fur-ends fur-ever and ever!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 344
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 344, there's still so much of the world to explore!
What will you find at the end of your journey? You'll never know unless you keep moving fur-ward. It might be fur-ightening sometimes, but remember that I'm always there fur you!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
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paradoxcase · 2 years ago
QuCheanya post 5:
Some changes to syntax. I've more precisely defined what order everything goes in in noun and verb phrases:
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I am waffling a bit on whether to allow multiple -fye modifiers. This language is pretty weak in terms of noun compounding, so it might be a good idea, but I want to try sticking to genitive phrases and postpositional phrases and see if that can pull enough weight to not need a lot of noun modifiers. We'll see how it works out. I've been officially challenged by a coworker to describe the plot of Primer in this language, I am already thinking up how I will translate "stock market".
Here are the specifics of the order of components of the verb phrase:
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The noun complements of copulas are in the nominative case in this language:
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At one point in the past, I had an Essive case, which was specifically for noun complements of copulas, and then I decided I had too many cases and threw it out. I think it's ok to have two nominatives and let word order decide which is the subject and which is the complement.
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Topic-reflexive pronoun is now required in most cases, which is why it showed up in those early tense examples. This allows us to topicalize the noun complement of a copula and still indicate that it is the complement and not the subject, as you will see below:
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Sentence-final particles are the same as before, but with this addition:
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And here are examples of the three uses of tyua:
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And here are examples of complement clauses:
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So you can see that the topic-reflexive pronoun is useful for being able to topicalize any noun in the sentence without ever having it be ambiguous what role the topic plays in the sentence. It is also another strategy to help solve the gay fanfiction problem - if there are two third-person nouns in the sentence, and one of them is the topic, that one will always be referred to using the topic-reflexive pronoun, rather than the regular third-person pronoun.
Note that in the original example 3, there are actually two ri pronouns that are elided - one that is the subject of fyoanyo and one that is the subject of ceyai. In this version of the sentence, the subjects of those two verbs are no longer the same and can't be elided.
Some examples of relative clauses using qqhoafye:
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There are cases where pronouns other than ri can wound up being repeated, because of the way this language nests clauses. For example, if you wanted to say "I was talking to the boy I gave the flowers to" and topicalize the flowers, that would wind up as:
Pfecyuaqeya noi [[noi risua tse pfaire cä] qqhoafye] yelire quyu
that is:
flower-PST-TOP.PL 1S.NOM [[1S.NOM RFL.ACC.PL REL.DAT give PRF] CMP-ADJ] boy-DAT talk
but I think since the two nois are in different clauses, there would be an audible change in intonation between them, and not eliding them is the right answer. I guess it's sort of what happens when you have two thats in a row in English, it feels a bit weird to elide one of them, even though it's technically possible. Of course, if you topicalized "I", you could elide both pronouns because they would become ri. Possibly I may make it a rule that you can only elide one ri, or maybe that you can only elide a ri that is the nominative subject of the outer clause. Interested if anyone has any opinions on this.
Anyway, that's all for updates to syntax.
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mehilaiselokuva · 1 month ago
Here come the answers to
Will it Partitive?
They are under the cut here, so if you haven't seen the original post go and see it before looking at the answers!
Nukahdin sohvalle. - I fell asleep on the couch. In Finnish, when you fall asleep on something unexpectedly, allative is used. (Your body is left on the couch, consciousness goes elsewhere) Nostimme sohvaa vähäsen, koska sen alla oli jotain - We lifted the couch up a bit because something was under it. PARTITIVE! The couch was not lifted up much, therefore the action was not complete. Kukaan ei osta punaista sohvaa - Nobody will buy a red couch. PARTITIVE! An object in a negative sentence. Sohvana tuo satutti tunteitani. - As a couch, that hurt my feelings. "As..." sentences use the essive declension. Haen ne sohvat pois tänään. - I will come and take those couches out today. The couches are definite (NE sohvat) therefore partitive cannot be attached here. Nuo isot sohvat eivät mahdu huoneeseen. - Those big couches won't fit in the room. The couches are definite (NUO...sohvat) here as well. Olen halunnut näitä isoja sohvia jo jonkin aikaa. - I've been wanting these big couches for a while now. PARTITIVE! You could spot this from the "näitä isoja". Sohvaa vastapäätä on peili. - There is a mirror opposite the couch. PARTITIVE! Comes before a postposition. Makasin sohvalla - I laid on the couch. With similar logic as "nukahdin sohvalle", adessive is used here Hän katseli noita sohvia - She /he... was looking at those couches. PARTITIVE! The action does not lead to anything; therefore partitive comes in. Also spot "noita" ...ja sanoi noiden sohvien olevan täydellisiä - And said that those couches were perfect. Genitive is used instead. You could figure this out because a conclusion is reached and something is said. Alternative, the word "noiden" could also be spotted. Huoneen keskellä on sohva - There is a couch in the middle of the room. A definite couch. Sohva on pieni. - The couch is small. A definite couch. En itse ostaisi noin outoa sohvaa - I personally wouldn't buy a couch that weird. PARTITIVE! Negative sentence. You could also spot "outoa" Sohvaa kantaa Jussi. - Jussi is carrying the couch. PARTITIVE! The result is not yet reached; "kantaa" shows that the action is ongoing.
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harley-joy · 2 months ago
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Book Two of the Darkest Desires duet
Come to Head by @sagerelleanne
Releases Jan 11th
A dark why choose romance
🪻Curvy FMC
💥Ob$essive men
🪻Short and 🥵
💥Marriage Pact
🪻Friends to lovers
🪻Dormaphilia!l!a & Somn0philia!l!a
All Izzy wanted to do was escape her forays with vanilla men and delve into her darkest desires. Instead, she is thrown back into a life she was supposed to have no part in. Confronted with her past, she’s forced to remember.
A promise is a promise. A pact is a pact.
And ten years later? He’s here to collect.
Except… Oliver and Maddox won’t let her go without a fight.
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babyawacs · 11 months ago
#independent #on #china  @wef @imf @wto @profklausschwab @world @bbc_whys @beckyquick .@ potus .@vp .@10downingstreet .@emmanuelmacron .@cctv .@cgtnofficial .@xhnews .@nhkworld c hina fears decoupling  #keypoint as its growth became #critical part of its changemanage ment to retain control while most handle it over its impressive scale and theproblem is its ruthless dominance often on the brink of local legality or worse causing regularly proble ms the scaling procedures were often government control programs and employment programs w hich do not have intrinsic market mechanism scrutiny which means the dependency on subsidie s is enforced in  #keypoint diverse market control market shaping mechanisms including the critical necessity for drop channels and customers it is abs olutely awesome whenyouthink about it but itis aswell incredibly f ragile but at a collossalscale #keypoint c aution on pressured to instability china itis allnot what it seems even ifits v e r y impr essive in scale and effect the internal driving forces are intrinsic flaw based which lead s to procurement of technologies for this as well itis hard to tell how this declinates tothe taiwan situation basically the only valueof taiwan is that itis the  l a s t trusted western spot b e f o re allthe china chances while ominuous timeless nationalism intact t erritory paradigms can be pegged as donkeytail blindly on a n y place onthis economical map
#independent #on #china @wef @imf @wto @profklausschwab @world @bbc_whys @beckyquick .@potus .@vp .@10downingstreet .@emmanuelmacron .@cctv .@cgtnofficial .@xhnews .@nhkworld china fears decoupling #keypoint as its growth became #critical part of its changemanagement to retain control while most handle it over its impressive scale and theproblem is its ruthless dominance often on the brink of…
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felix-conlangs · 1 year ago
case endings
(singular, plural)-
nominative-n/a, ni-normal noun
accusative-na, nani-object (whole)
genitive-no, noni-possession
partitive-ta, tani-object (part, incomplete)
adessive-ra, rani-at, on, on top of, in close proximity of
ablative-te, teni-from
allative-nu, nuni-to (outside), onto
inessive-za, zani-inside, in
elative-to, toni-(coming out) from inside, out of
illative-ne, neni-into
essive-ma, mani-as
translative-ki, kini-into (transformation)
abessive-tu, tuni-without
instructive-mo, moni-with, using
comitative-me, meni-together (with)
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scottiestoybox · 1 year ago
PROPUBLICA: Inside Illinois’ Youth Lockups, Children Go Without Basic Services and Face “Exc essive” Punishments
Inside Illinois’ Youth Lockups, Children Go Without Basic Services and Face “Excessive” Punishments State audits point to troubling conditions in juvenile detention centers, but no agency has strong enough oversight to bring about change. Read in ProPublica: https://apple.news/Aw6rJpi34TS-4uVz3NBnbLg Shared from Apple News Best Wishes and Hugs,Scottie
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