#essentially the overall plot is supposed to lead to Neyteri becoming like...the most important character
socksonat3am · 2 years
In the days after
I dunno what i wanna do with this. I’ve had it for a while but it needs...more.
Anyways, enjoy this little blerby thing i made but haven’t touched for a while. I technically have more but idk what i wanna do with it.
“<They are not warriors. They are children. Your children.>”
“<Oh yeah? Why don’t you tell that to the sky people who won’t think twice when they’re shooting at them!>”
It was another one of those nights. Neteyam’s death had only brought more of them. The mourning was long and hard. It weighed heavily in Neytiri’s heart. The mere thought of him made her hand raise up to the necklace she had taken from his lifeless body. His spirit was with Eywa and his body placed with the ancestors of the Metkayina, his song cord finished, but this little piece of him she couldn’t let go. Under her fingertips the cold beads only reminded her of the hurt she suffered that day.
“<Then what was the point in running away?! If they are just going to follow us and our children still aren’t safe? I trusted you. I put my trust in you Jake, and nothing you promised has come true! I do not know if my clan is safe. Our family is not safe. Our first-born son should be proof enough of that!>”
“<I did everything I could to protect this family! I gave up everything! You aren’t the only one hurting Neytiri. I lost a son too!>”
“<You gave up everything? I lost my father to the sky people. I lost my sister. I lost Seze. I lost my home, twice. Jake. I have been made to flee from my home when I wanted to fight. You gave up everything? I have lost so much and yet I continue to lose. You have given me much Jake Sully, but you have also taken much more than you can imagine.>”
“<What do you want from me Neytiri?!>”
“<I want my family to be safe and protected! Which you cannot seem to do!>”
Jake didn’t seem to react to the venom in Neytiri’s words. He froze for a moment before the eyes that bore down into her own faltered for a moment while hers remained steadfast in their gaze. She felt scorned. And she did not regret her statements. Not yet at least. The realization and pain would only hit after she had enough time to think about it and reflect. He was the father of her children after all. She loved Jake. But she was so angry with him. How could you forgive someone who has done such horrible things to you? How could you not forgive someone who has blessed you with so much? Stones would be laid in her heart tonight when he didn’t return to their shared space.
He’d be back eventually, just like usual. Some nights it was Neytiri that left, others it was Jake. But they always came back to each other. She would apologize later but for now she sat down on the woven flooring and began tracing the patterns in it as an attempt to calm her mind. Her people were known for their weaving of textiles and fabrics but those were for an entirely different purpose than these suspended floorings and walkways. It reminded her of home. A home she may never be able to see again. The thought caused her eyes to drift towards the opening of the Mauri pod she and her family had been gifted to stay in.
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