#especially with the rest of the chaos
alligator-dreaming · 3 months
06-15-2023: Where Do I Begin
Had a very surreal dream. A redux I had of one from long ago
I was in a museum with two other people, an Angry Woman and Another Man. We were here for an exhibition. I wandered off to look at one section with the Angry Woman. The halls were so big and full of art. Everywhere you turned there was another section of the museum, enormous halls hidden in impossible places
I looked at a painting and was overcome with embarrassment, remembering that the last time I had come to this place with these people I had made moves on the Angry Woman, who hadn’t taken kindly to it. We moved on to a giant art piece that covered an entire wing. On the walls were factoids about the Cold War. Fifties-style mannequins slid across the floor in constant motion, but despite being on rails they always homed in on us
The Angry Woman was aloof and moving quickly. It was obvious she wanted to ditch me, but I was freaked out by this place and didn’t want to go alone. Nonetheless, we were separated. I wandered, and the museum shifted to a hotel, tall ceilings, chandeliers and soft lighting.
I was looking for more art and spotted something at the top of a spiral staircase on a small balcony section. It was a decorative coffee table, and as soon as I saw it I heard a sing-song voice from afar. I climbed the stairs to the balcony and inspected the table. The voice got closer, and soon I could see that it was the voice of the hotel’s owner. There was something weird about his head, like it was low-poly or something.
With his sing-song voice, he told me that the balcony section was strictly off-limits because his wife (the coffee table) lived up there. He talked in a very old-timey 1800s kind of way. He pulled out a shotgun and shot me through the hand, still talking in that old-timey musical voice. I finally was able to get back down without being shot again by smashing a chair from upstairs over his head.
I continued on through the hotel searching for more art. I found it. The next “exhibit” was through a set of doors not far from the balcony. It was two old men sitting across from each other and arguing. When I came in, they looked up and began talking over each other to me. One of the men’s names was Hieronymous. The Angry Woman and the Another Man rejoined me, but they started talking over each other too. The Angry Woman said she ordered a shirt in the mail, but what she got was a footrest. Nobody was coherent. It was a flood of sound and it was too much and I had a panic attack
The Angry Woman saw that I was freaking out and was ticked off. She said if it was too hard to understand, then say so. I told Hieronymous that I would listen to him after listening to the other old man first, and he was disappointed but quieted down. While listening to the other Old Man’s story, a hooded figure ran at me and attacked me with a sickle. I blocked their attack with a copy of the footrest the Angry Woman got in the mail and drove them away, having disarmed them.
As the conversation rattled on, the Angry Woman walked away. As she continued down the passage away from us, she ended up on a beach at dusk. It was quiet. Soft music played from somewhere. The Angry Woman turned around and saw another woman sitting between the sand and the sea. She was The Ocean. They began to talk about why the Angry Woman was angry in a place like this. The Angry Woman said it was smelly on the beach, and the Ocean said something about the multitudes hidden out of sight under the sand, that the ocean, with millions of years, revealed to the world
At this point I woke up, but I was so tired that I drifted off again and the dream didn’t end. Now it was from the Angry Woman’s past, when she visited the mall with her mother.
They parked on the green section. The Angry Woman (the Angry Girl, I guess) wandered away from her mother to have fun at the mall, but when she was done her mom didn’t come to pick her up. She waited for an hour and her mother didn’t come
She heard a call on the mall PA system that there had been an accident in the green section of the parking lot. She ran past a Chinese food truck and saw an ambulance. Her mother had been hit by a car and declared dead on site. She ran up to the paramedics zipping her mom in a body bag. The ambulance driver turned to her and said, with the weariest voice I ever heard, “What’re you doing here, kid?”
She watched as they took her dead mother away. The food truck began dumping duck sauce into the street in that Wes Anderson way where the world will continue to be strange even in times of personal tragedy
Then I woke up with El Sonidito stuck in my head
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duckapus · 28 days
Idea: one of those "Ash somehow ends up in a group chat (usually with the Champions or Legendaries, sometimes with other characters) the first day of his journey and it messes with the series" AUs that've been popping up on AO3 lately, but instead it's a group chat made up of alternate versions of himself. One of them's the canon version (or at least close to it), the rest are AU versions, at least one of them is Ashley (not sure if trans or just genderbent. leaning towards trans), and all of them are from post-series and trying not to give too many spoilers because they don't want to overwhelm their "mini-me" or make things too easy for him 'cause if they do he won't grow as a trainer and person like they did (not that he'd want them to coddle him like that anyway. He's always wanted to get through on his own merits not have victories just handed to him). Also Arceus told them not to (who else do you think would've set this up?).
Granted, sometimes even when they do give spoilers it doesn't help much between them not having perfect memories, being from alternate timelines so a lot of the details are different between them, and forgetting just how stubborn and bull-headed their Kanto Era self could be.
I call it the "Self-Help Hotline" AU
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myreputatioooon · 3 months
POV Your'e Foreign Diplomat
What's that bro? You've become king now? Awsomesauce!1 How did you do it?
You . ? ? What? Did I hear that right? You killed your whole family while giving out and taking bribes and assassination orders and the likes?
Great, you became king by destabalizing the castle's staff and high society, and the whole kingdom, but how are you gonna restabilize it unless you want to keep working with an unstable system?
You're gonna try and fix this and your reputation so nobody thinks you aren't an incomptent, lucky and power hungry fool, right? You've a game plan for after becoming king?
You ready to keep giving and taking bribes and be the most giving and wellpaying of the corrupt? You know they'll turn on you once you dissapoint them right?
You set things up so you could fix them as easily as you ruined them right? You've prepared the chessboard this far into the game? right??
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brothersgrim · 1 year
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Send me 💬 and my muse will describe yours in three words. || ACCEPTING
@psychoscials​ asked:
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“Stubborn, misguided… Potential.” 
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“Cosplaying my brother.”
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godzexperiment · 1 year
*posts that brain rot only to post more xD* -nix encountering gabriel is quite literally an inner dialogue like "ah yes I can work with fellow victim of Cosmic Horrors, if I am tolerated and just maybe ignore my own issues." (could be bloody, having just done some fatal stabbings *highly moody* and nix is just like unphased by it) -ironically, in contrast encountering michael for nix would be far more terrifying for nix (his internal everything would be like 'neat- this is cool and he seems pretty adjusted... so how about you feel like you're in extreme danger despite that' and nix is just forced to be cagey as shit more than normal by forces out of his control)
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paradife-loft · 1 year
lmao I keep getting into the Usagi/Seiya plotline since it... genuinely actually works and also manages to highlight Usagi/Mamoru well (in a way they... aren't great at doing when they're actually both in the same room, oops)
and then someone always barges in BUT USAGIIII DON'T YOU ALREADY HAVE A SPECIAL SOMEONE??????!!!!!! like the world's most unnecessary Sailor Kool-Aid Man
Usagi's got two hands and genuine feelings for both of them, y'all, leave her alone
#in other news this season feels like it has too many characters and not enough good direction on what to do with them#the outer senshi despite going on about WE GOTTA DEFEND YOU FROM EXTERNAL THREATS are...... fighting with the starlights#instead of the Literal Definite Threats From Outside the Solar System?#like yes I get that the starlights are kind of sketchy and/or assholes but. Mouse/Siren/Crow/Nyanko are Right There. priorities guys#Saturn just kind of wandered off and disappeared after the Nehelenia business...?#Chibichibi was structurally set up to mirror Chibiusa's position in the family but so far has just been a walking plot device#and not well integrated into the rest of the cast or show#partially I suspect they spent too long on the ''nobody knows who the others are!!!!'' dramatic irony and it's thrown the pacing off#and also. unfortunately. galaxia is boring#(this makes me feel broadly vindicated in my preference for the villains' anime backstories that are more personalized)#(compared to the manga's ''they're all incarnations of chaos'' thing or w/e it is? bc chaos....... is just kind of dull)#.......anyway contemplating how I'd patch stuff up#I think I'd shift it around so HaruMichi&tc are the ones primarily fighting the animamates w/ Usagi#& the inner senshi are trying to figure out what the deal is w the starlights (who they don't especially love)#something something disillusionment as they see how the 3 lights' personas are not especially nice people AND then also connect them#to these three fairly ruthless sailor senshi?#mixing around the social groupings also reinforces Usagi's loneliness after Mamoru gets put on a bus#and doing a little more with ChibiChibi as a parallel to Chibiusa - like there's a thing with the photo changing to leave out Chibiusa yes?#so bringing in more of that comparison (and having some unnerving creepy stuff of other people starting to not remember Chibiusa?) -#emphasizes the idea of ''fuck something's up something's happened to Mamoru that's affecting the future'' as a call-back#to earlier in the season when Nehelenia almost trapped him and made Chibiusa fade#(.....and if you REALLY must then Usagi can have Conflict Feelings about her little love triangle via attributing#Chibiusa's disappearance to the wrong cause)#..........this is way too long of a tag rant what am I doing with my life#James liveblogs television
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gild-ui · 22 days
Simon Riley discovers his partner up late one night.
The room is dark yet next to him, in the corner of his eye, your face is lit by a tiny screen and the sounds of crashing waves fill the bedroom. You had obtained your child’s switch, it seems. Blasphemy if the kid found out.
“It’s called Animal Crossing.”
“Why d’they sound like that?”
“Because they’re villagers!”
He grunts at your response. Finds the garbled chatter of the “villagers” annoying as you play beside him in bed most nights.
Then, finds himself falling asleep to the soothing music and repetitive sounds erupting from the little console in your hands. The rapid tactile clicks as you try to hurry along the diagloue options. Your “methodical chaos” and your mini-you running through an island filled with trash, mismatched furniture, and way too many flowers, growing more and more by the day (much to your displeasure).
Then, he starts playing with you. Curiousity piqued as you two discover that splitting the red and blue controllers means you can both manage the chaos. Flowers trampled. Villagers whacked with nets until they stomp by you, furious due to some newcomer — Ghost, the resident imbecile with the skull face paint and a royal crown atop his head.
When he discovers that he can hit you with the net. It’s game over. You want to fish? Whack. Whack. Whack. Whack. You see a bug you haven’t donated yet? Whack. Whack. Whack. Whack. Oops. He caught it by mistake. Whack. Whack.
You’re whining for him to stop and he simply levels you a deadpan as his massive fingers engulf the tiny controller, his thumb resting on the input key-
He’s trampling flowers. Shaking the money from your precious trees. Enraging villagers. Placing random objects down on the ground in a manner that’s worse than you somehow. (“we need a workout set” “next to the bakery?!” “especially there”)
Yet, somehow, Simon Riley manages to attain five stars on your little island first.
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too-deviant · 4 months
The three weeks it took for Luke Castellan’s wounds to heal.
Pairing: Luke Castellan x Apollo!Reader
Summary: Luke comes back from his quest defeated and angry, and refuses to let anyone see him. But he still needs tending to. You are the lucky sucker who gets to do so.
Content: post-quest angsty luke, reader is awkward, i use the word under’t at one point because i think im shakespeare or some shit
Word Count: 7.6k
Notes: Pushing the agenda that lukes scar is gnarrly like it’s nasty !! not just some faint lil line. the boy was attacked by an actual dragon, like pls. also this hasn’t been proofread so sorry if it doesn’t make sense
part two
The spring that Luke Castellan spent on his quest was a strange one for the residents of Camp Half-Blood.
For years, campers knew who to go to whenever they needed advice. When they needed help. They knew who to direct the new campers to when they stumbled over the boundary line — and knew they were in good hands. Luke’s hands. He was the big brother the whole camp needed, and not just because he was older than most of them. He just had that aura — and he was undoubtedly kind to everyone he came across. Not to mention the guy was insane with a sword, and had this boyish charm that anyone would fall for. Most campers, if not all of them, looked up to Luke Castellan.
So when he left, nobody knew what to do.
It was pretty tame at first, mostly just awkward. Especially in the Hermes cabin, with Chris Rodriguez in charge in his brother's absence. A Hephaestus kid had taken over the sword fighting classes Luke usually ran, which proved to do more harm than good because he wasn’t all that great at using a sword than he was at forging them, and most of Luke’s students were already better than him.
But nothing went wrong — at least for the first week.
But after the initial awkwardness wore off, chaos ensued.
Chris couldn’t keep the Hermes kids in check — once they realised he wasn’t as authoritative as Luke, they began to use it to their advantage. Everyone got pranked, the camp store was raided three times before Chiron decided to close it down for the meantime and dishwashing duty every night was not slowing them down.
You hadn’t realised just how much the camp relied on Luke until he wasn’t there to keep things under control. Fights broke out with nobody to step in between them, and more and more kids were showing up to the infirmary with injuries that they could take care of themselves — something Luke would’ve told them to do instead of bothering you and your siblings. It was actually unbelievable how much a group of about a hundred half-gods relied on the steady hand of one seventeen year old boy.
You couldn’t wait until he got back so you could finally get some peace and quiet.
Luke didn’t return to camp for two and a half weeks, and as the days went by, campers began to get uneasy. Nobody knew what his quest had entailed, or where he had to go, so the longer they went without news the more antsy people got. You didn’t speak to Luke much — maybe a few shared sentences to be polite — but you knew what he was capable of. You tried your best to reassure the campers, as did your brother Lee and the rest of the Cabin Counsellors.
You knew Luke would come back. You knew he would stumble down that hill with his head held high and meet the group of campers waiting for him at the bottom. You knew there would be a celebration, a party, and a lot of kids out past curfew. But you knew Chiron would let it off, because Luke Castellan was back.
Except that’s not what happened. At all.
It was a warm day, and you were helping some of your younger siblings make friendship bracelets by the lake. Your camp shirt clung to the sweat on your back and you peeled it off with a grimace whenever you stood, straightening out your shorts and checking on the next kid. They seemed happy enough to be in the sun — really, you should’ve been too. Child of Apollo and all. But apparently your father wasn’t feeling the love for you today, because while the rest of your siblings were thriving, you were seconds away from jumping into the lake just to cool down — even if it pissed off the Naiads.
Thankfully, when you stood up once more and looked over the horizon, you saw your brother Aden jogging towards you. You took the opportunity to hide under the shade of the trees by meeting him halfway, and greeted him with a breathless, “Hey.”
He spoke your name with a nod and a smile, throwing a thumb over his shoulder, “Chiron needs you in the Big House. Looked serious. I’ll take over here.”
“Oh, Okay.” You nodded, turning to the kids and telling them you’d be back as soon as you could, before marching your worn converse through the grass and up to where the house sat on the edge of the hill.
Chiron was in the doorway when you reached the porch, sat in wheelchair form and wearing a grim look. You paused, worried. He nodded at you, “Thank you for coming on such short notice. Usually I wouldn’t do this, but…desperate times. Follow me.”
You followed as he led you down the hall, brows furrowing, “What's going on? Is everything okay?”
He looked at you with a serious expression, saying your name lowly, “I need you to ensure that what I am about to tell you will never leave the walls of this house. Nobody needs to know about this until we have deemed it appropriate.”
“Of course.” You said immediately, folding your arms. You weren’t so warm anymore. “What happened?”
He straightened up, and stared, “Luke Castellan is back from his quest.”
That was not what you expected him to say. Dropping your arms to your side and stepping forward slightly, “What? Since when?”
“Ten minutes ago, give or take.” He replied, brows in a concerned furrow, “Mr D has taken him upstairs. He is injured.”
“Right.” You nodded, “I’ll go and—“
“Wait, child.” You stopped, one foot on the bottom step of the stairs, looking back at him, “You must know something.”
Chiron took in a deep breath, eyes glossed over like whatever he was about to say weighed heavily on him, “He is…not in good condition. On top of his injuries, Luke is unfortunately…not in a good state of mind. His quest has affected him, and he requested quite adamantly that nobody should see him until he is ready to see them. I will respect his wishes, of course, but he will still need someone to tend to his wounds. That will be you.”
“Me?” You’d never shared a full conversation with the guy. Maybe some small talk, a polite smile here and there, but you were hardly acquainted, let alone friendly. You told him this.
“Exactly my point.” Was his reply, head held high, “Luke does not want to talk to anyone at the moment, and I’m sure if any of his friends were to be up there, they would simply coddle him. You, on the other hand…”
“I’m a stranger.” You nodded, “Of course. Right. I get that. So, you just want me to patch him up, act like it never happened? I can do that.”
“Not exactly, my child.”
You raised a brow.
“Luke’s injuries are quite extensive. He will need around the clock care until he is healed enough. He will also need someone to bring him food, clean clothes.”
“Oh, so you want me to nanny him.”
He chuckled, but it faded just as quickly as it came, “Unfortunately, he needs it.”
You pursed your lips. It didn’t seem all that hard — it was just like having any other camper in the infirmary. Only this one, everyone was on the edge of their seats waiting for, and you weren’t allowed to tell anyone he was a mere fifty feet away from them, curled up in a bed in the Big House.
No biggie.
Chiron had ushered you up the steps as soon as your conversation was over, and given you directions to the room Luke was in. Your steps were slow and unsure — you’d never been this far into the Big House before, but Mr D stood idly outside one of the doors lining the second floor hallway, arms crossed and face taut. The floorboards creaked under the weight of your foot when you reached the landing, and he looked up at you.
“He’s in there.” He pointed to the door in front of him, “Careful, he’s a short fuse right now. All the medical thingamabobs you need are in there already. Keep your mouth shut about this.”
Then he slid past you and down the stairs without another word, and you were left alone in the empty hall. Blinking hard to clear your head, you stood a few measly steps toward the door, stopping just outside of it and leaning your ear against the wood.
Nothing tangible. Mostly just the scraping of wood against the skin of your ear, and once you had stopped moving, there was nothing. No mutters, no bed creaks, not even a sniffle. It unnerves you, but you wrapped a hand around the cold metal of the handle and turned it anyway.
Maybe it was because he had been gone for a while, or maybe it was because you never saw him that much when he was around, but you had to blink away the shock at Luke’s appearance. Minus the obvious injuries, he just looked different. His skin was tanned and rough, his jaw taut and his hair hanging messily over his forehead, longer bits curling around his ears after going uncut for so long.
He was sitting on the edge of a bed that had been tucked into the corner of the room. There was a window just above it, but a thin curtain had been pulled over it and blocked out the sunlight that was begging to shine on you. The room was dark, but light enough that you could see what you were doing when you walked over to the desk in the other corner and started shuffling through the medical supplies Chiron had left there for you. Not much, but enough for now. You could always get more later.
Turning, you finally made your way over to where Luke was hunched over, staring at nothing. When you entered his line of vision, his dark eyes slid up to yours, and he blinked. Then he sighed, straightened his back and gave you a look that said do what you have to do and then get out.
But you didn’t move, not for at least ten seconds. Because while Chiron had told you he was injured extensively, he didn’t mention the five inch long scar that ran down the side of his face, cutting through his eye. It was jagged and gnarly, sharp edges carving a path through his skin. It was red all around, and just from looking at it you could tell it needed work. It was fairly new, but he had left it long enough for it to heal over — a thin layer of skin stopping it from bleeding.
He raised his eyebrows at you impatiently, and you nodded, scooting back to the desk and grabbing what you needed before going back to where he sat.
“I, uh…I need to get closer.” You were afraid to speak, to break the silence of the room, but you did need to get closer to his face. You waited for him to turn slightly to his left, hitch a leg up on the mattress and face his scar in your direction. Instead, he just slid his legs apart, inviting you to step between them.
And so you did, albeit a little shakily. You didn’t know Luke well enough to consider him a friend, but you’d seen enough of him to know that he never acted like this. He was never this quiet — all eyes, slow movements. He was charming, always grinning, always offering a hand. His battle instincts and ADHD made him fidgety like the rest of them, but from where you stood between his thighs, he was as still as a picture. It unnerved you more than the scar on his face did. You’d seen nasty injuries before, you’d never seen this.
You picked up a gauze, doused it in rubbing alcohol, and started wiping the area. You started on the outskirts, but when you pressed over the edge of the injury, his brows twitched and you let out a weak apology before lessening the grip. You kept your breaths thin and your eyes on your hand, but he wasn’t looking at you anyway. He had drifted off again, staring at nothing, and you were scared to break him out of his stupor again.
“He’s a short fuse.” Mr D had said. But he didn’t seem that way right now, sitting back silently and letting you do your work on his face. He wasn’t much of anything, if you had to make an assessment. You really wanted to know what happened on his quest, and why he was gone for so long, but you also didn’t want to test Mr D’s words by asking.
“What happened?” He didn’t say anything, again. You pressed on, “I sort of need to know before I reopen it…just in case something—“
“A dragon.” He murmured at once. His voice was rough, like he’d just been screaming. Maybe he had been, and that’s why Mr D had warned you. But it seemed all his anger had dissipated in the time it took for Chiron to get you and explain the situation. Maybe. “Ladon. Poisonous bites.”
So he had been to the Garden of the Hesperides. Presumably to collect some Golden Apples. What for, you didn’t know. You weren’t going to ask. You just grabbed a scalpel, muttered a quiet, “This is going to hurt.”, and started cutting down the scar, following its path across his cheek.
Luke hissed hard, not expecting you to dive in so suddenly, and his hand reached out for something to grab. That ended up being your camp shirt, bunching at your waist from where he gripped it between his knuckles. You didn’t mind it, but when you put the scalpel down and started to clean the inside of his wound, he adjusted his hand so he was holding the side of your waist instead, eyes clamped shut and feet tapping the wooden floor. You paused momentarily, but you couldn’t let him breathe or else it would just hurt more when you went back to work, so you brushed it off and continued your rampage down his face until the whole wound was free of the dirt and grime he had let accumulate inside it while he travelled back to Long Island.
“Sorry.” You finally built up the courage to say.
“S’Okay.” He breathed, “My fault.”
You wiped it over one last time before taping a bandage over the top. You cut it into two bits so he could still see out of his left eye, before stepping back from between his legs and assessing your work. Once you had deemed it good enough, you picked up your supplies and headed back to the desk, feeling Luke’s hand fall from your side.
“Uh—“ You really wanted to leave the room now, “I know you probably don’t want to talk about it, but how long did you leave—“
“Three days.” He answered quickly. Chiron had probably already asked him that, and you felt stupid for making him repeat it.
You turned to leave, but then remembered what Chiron had said to you before sending you up to Luke’s room. You looked at him.
“Do you need anything from your cabin?” You asked, “It’s, uh, kind of my job to get that, if you do.” You turned to face him fully, “Oh, and are you hungry? Because I have to—“
“Just some clean clothes, thanks.” He quipped. It wasn’t looking like he wanted you around for much longer.
You were quick to leave.
It was hard coming up with an excuse as to why you were stealing clothes from Luke Castellan’s bunk, but you just told them there was a new camper in the Big House and Chiron had run out of spares that morning. They brushed it off, and you ran back up to Luke with the clothes bunched in your arms, and were breathless by the time you dropped them on the bed beside him.
“Did anyone see you?” He asked just as you were about to give him the privacy he needed to change.
You were facing the door when he asked, and turned to answer, but he was already pulling off the marred camp shirt he’d arrived in, revealing his very toned torso. You paused, eyes drifting, but quickly snapped them back up to his awaiting gaze. He didn’t seem to care that he was shirtless in front of you, but neither did most boys.
“No.” You weren’t sure how he would react if you’d told him the truth, even though it was harmless. He nodded and started to unbutton his cargos, and you were quick to turn back to the door and yank it open, “Okay, I’ll…uh, probably be back at…later. Bye.”
The rest of your week was rough to say the least. You had a lot on your plate, and it didn’t help when your siblings kept wondering why you were at the Big House three times a day and why you always made a second plate of food at mealtimes. Eventually, it got around that a new camper had arrived, and you were taking care of them. That's when the rumour mill started running.
“I heard they were older, like twenty or something. Apparently they’re super embarrassed.”
“Well, I heard they were injured super badly on their way into camp, and that’s why nobody’s seen them yet.”
“I heard they got violent when Chiron explained the demigod thing and now they have him locked away in the basement!”
So yeah, lots on your plate. You did little to dispel the rumours, not wanting to allude to the truth accidentally, but when you were the only one who knew the truth, it was difficult to hide from those who wanted it too.
But after a few days, you had developed a routine. Wake up, get breakfast, take food to Luke. Check his dressings while he ate and restock your med supplies if needed. Go to whatever task you were running that day, ignore anyone who asked about the new camper, go for lunch. Take lunch to Luke. Check his dressings. Dismiss curious campers. Go to dinner. Take dinner to Luke. Check his dressings. Dismiss curious campers. Lead the campfire sing-along. Check on Luke one more time. Go to bed.
It was a lot, to say the least. But you didn’t complain — if you did this top secret doctor work right, Chiron might make you cabin counsellor when your older sister Alina leaves after this summer.
And just as you had, Luke eased into the routine too. Every time you entered his room, with a polite knock, he would be perched on the side of his bed, legs open and inviting.
You wondered if he actually did this for you, or if he just never moved from that position.
Sunday morning was slightly different — as camp activities were more relaxed and you had more time on your hands. You strolled slowly to the Big House after breakfast — rather than your usual sprint so you weren’t late to Archery — and knocked politely on the door before cracking it open and heading for the desk. With a plate of food in one hand and a fresh bandage in the other, you made your way over to where Luke sat, readying yourself for another quiet twenty minutes of work. It was quite peaceful, now that you’d gotten used to it. More comfortable, less awkward.
You blinked, almost dropping what you held, but Luke was there to grab the bandage from your hand as your grip loosened in your shock. He attempted a smile, but winced when it pulled at his scar, and chose to nod at you instead.
“Uh…” You put the plate down into the bedside table, straightening your shirt, “Hi.”
He’d never said hi before.
He didn’t say anything else after that, just let you do what you did, but your mind remained a whirlwind. He said hi. That’s a completely normal thing for him to do, and yet you were reeling from it.
Once you had changed his dressings, you headed for the door and allowed him to eat his breakfast. Your hand wrapped around the metal of the handle and turned it, pulling open the wooden door and stepping one foot into the hall before the voice sounded again.
You chuckled this time, not looking back, “Bye.”
It was an average morning, the blistering sun from last week finally fading and allowing you to walk comfortably outside. You never knew what your dad’s problem with you was last week, but you suspected that it had something to do with the cabin counsellor who slept on the second floor of the Big House with a bandage across his eye.
Like usual, you were heading up the stairs, breakfast plate in hand, ready to give your first checkup of the day. If Luke was healing like he should’ve been, you wouldn’t have to change his dressing at lunch, and you were crossing your fingers that he was.
Pushing the door open with your back, you walked in slowly and headed towards the desk like usual. You grabbed the bandage, made your way over to Luke and put the plate down next to his small lamp. Then you straightened up and put the new bandage under your arm, holding it in place while you moved to unwrap his eye.
Before you could, however, Luke was pulling the bandage from where it was trapped against your ribcage and held it in his own hands. You looked at him, and he gave you a weak smile, “Thought it’d be easier if I held it for you.”
You murmured out a thanks and smiled at him, keeping it there even as you peeled back the old dressings and revealed his still healing scar. Usually, it wouldn’t take this long for a demigod wound to heal itself, but because Luke had gone so long without nectar or ambrosia — or any form of medical help, that is — it was in worse condition. You had to scrape out the infected skin from it a few days back, and it left Luke blinking hard to try and hide the tears.
Nowadays he seemed to be better — not as broody as he seemed last week. But you always caught him drifting off, staring at nothing. You wondered if he was reliving it, asking himself what would’ve changed had he done it differently. Your guess? Not much — you’d read up on Ladon the dragon after finding out it was he who caused Luke’s pain, just in case there was something you needed to know before starting the healing process. He was vicious, not even Hercules could get past him. And while Luke was the best swordsman camp had seen in three centuries, even he would struggle going at Ladon alone.
Once you had redressed his face, you stepped back like you always did, your footfalls sounding out the same metronome as they did three times a day. You wondered if you would wear a mark into the floor from your constant repeating path — door to the desk, desk to the bed, bed to the door. You briefly thought that wouldn’t be possible, something like that would take years to indent, but then you looked back at Luke — his forlorn expression, the bandage across his eye and the bags under’t — and wondered how long it would be before he could build the courage to stand up from the bed, return to a camp that relied so heavily on his skill set, and take the weight of his failure with him.
He pulled the plate onto his lap and you don’t think you’ve ever seen someone look so sad while stuffing their face with bacon.
“Hey, uh —“ You started, hand on the doorframe in an attempt to look casual. You couldn’t just leave him like that, right? “Do you…know — uh, know where the spare practising swords are kept?” A measly excuse, but it had him looking at you again.
He swallowed his food before speaking, “The wooden ones are in these old boxes in the back of weapon storage, but I think the celestial bronze ones are kept in the Hephaestus cabin now.”
You nodded, tapping your hand against the wood. That didn’t work in the way you wanted it to, but you weren’t going to force it. So you turned, went to open the door and leave —
You whirled around — not too eagerly! You didn’t want to scare him off, now — “Oh! Uh, some Ares kid snapped one in half the other day, we needed a replacement.”
Luke nodded. Shit, say something else. Get him talking!
“Odd weather we’ve been having.”
His lips parted, and he had the gall to look amused, “Really? I hadn’t noticed.”
“Oh, yeah.” You breathed, humiliated. You pressed your lips together, ready to give up, until a thought came to you, “Hey, you haven’t been outside in, like, a week.”
Luke nodded, shadows falling across his face like the mere mention of the fact that he hadn’t been outside was a painful reminder of his circumstances, “Yeah, I, uh, don’t think I want anyone to know that I’m back yet. Not until I’m healed, y’know?”
You knew. You also knew that probably wasn’t the only reason he refused to let anyone know he was safe in the Big House, but you didn’t say that.
“Right, but —“ A breathy chuckle, “You need, like, sunlight. Fresh air.”
“I don’t wanna risk it.”
“Ok.” And that was that. You said goodbye, left him to his own devices, and didn’t mention the sun thing again for two days.
It was on Wednesday that you finally gave in. Now that you’d put the thought in your own head, you kept noticing the effects that being cooped indoors was having on Luke. His skin, once tanned and glistening under the sun, was paling by the hour. He winced whenever he had to straighten his back, and even though his scar was healing nicely, he seemed to be more sensitive to the pain of it than he was a week earlier.
So on Tuesday night you formed a plan, and on Wednesday morning at breakfast you put it into action. It started with asking Lee — ever so casually, of course — what the activities schedule was looking like. He started yapping about their cabin, and you waited patiently for him to bring up the Amphitheatre. Then, when he said the Apollo kids were training at two, you said —
“I thought we trained at twelve on Wednesdays?”
“No, that’s Ares and Hephaestus.”
“Oh, but don’t they train at four?”
“No, Hermes and Athena train at four.”
“Then who trains at ten?”
Luke was halfway through pulling on a pair of shorts when you burst into the room. He jumped, yanking them up the rest of the way before turning to look at you — his face was a mix of shock and unbridled anger until he realised it was you, then it softened into something calmer. But you saw him, even for just a split second, and the animosity in his gaze made you take a quiet step back. It was fearful almost — you’d seen him annoyed, irritated. You’d even bore witness to the Carden Cross Hot Cross Bun Incident of 2002,
(Carden Cross was this fifteen year old Ares kid. He threw one too many hot cross buns at the Aphrodite table and a then-sixteen-year-old Luke had wrung him out in front of everyone.
Nobody had ever heard Luke raise his voice like that, and Carden avoided everyone for a week straight).
but you had never seen such indignation in his gaze. It was gone in a flash, and you could’ve told yourself it was never there, but it was. You were hit with the humbling realisation that whatever Luke had gone through on his quest was more damaging than you could ever imagine, and no amount of fresh air would change him back to who he was before.
That saddened you, but then you realised he was shirtless again and all morbid thoughts went straight out the window. You grinned at him, “Sorry. But we don’t have a lot of time.”
He stared at you, then at your hands that were empty of breakfast food or bandages, and asked, “Time for what?”
“For some fresh air!” You sang, throwing in some jazz hands as if they would wipe the hesitant frown that had graced his features, “Put some shoes on, let’s go!”
He said your name softly, “I can’t go outside.”
You straightened up from where you had leaned dramatically into the room and sent him a blank look, eyes still sparkling, “You can. I checked the schedule, the Amphitheatre is free from ten till twelve and it is currently…nine forty-five. If we hurry, we’ll miss the post-breakfast rush.”
Luke looked a little more at ease now, but he made no move to put his shoes on. His body twitched like he was thinking about it, but when he couldn’t come up with a valid excuse to get out of it, he sighed and nodded, “Alright. Doctors orders, I guess.”
“Awesome.” You smiled, “I’ll let you get ready.”
It took some convincing, even after you’d gotten him to follow you down the stairs, to get him out the door. But a few firm words (and a couple of threats) and he was basking in the morning sunlight just as you’d planned.
Well — more like squinting painfully. Turns out, after a week and a half in a dark room, it takes a minute to get used to the sunlight again. You ensured nobody was around and took the long way to the Ampitheatre, letting out a content sigh when you knew you were away from prying eyes. Luke seemed more relaxed already, and you could practically see his muscles getting looser.
“Damn.” He muttered, hand over his eyes, “I needed this.”
“Yeah.” You spoke over an unattractive snort, “I’m an Apollo kid, I know a Vitamin D deficiency when I’m looking at one.”
“Alright.” He rolled his eyes at you, amused, and moved towards the steps. He climbed up two before turning and sitting, leaning back on his elbows and blinking at the sky, “Think your dad made it extra sunny just for me?”
“Probably.” You smiled, standing in front of him — but still making sure you weren’t blocking the sun from his face. “After some convincing from your dad.”
Luke’s smile faded. His eyes remained closed but his hands tightened into loose fists, “I don’t think so.”
Now you were desperate to change the subject. Your eyes darted to the wall, and the rack of swords sitting in its usual spot, “Hey, wanna swing some bronze?”
“Gods.” He let out a rough laugh, and you grinned in satisfaction, “Swinging Bronze. Haven’t heard that in a while.”
You nodded, glad he was back to being somewhat happy, “We thought we were so cool.”
“We thought it’d catch on.”
You shared a laugh, and Luke peeked an eye open, looking at you, “How come we were never friends back then?”
A meek shrug, “We weren’t really friends until a couple of days ago. That's if you even count us as that now.”
He just kept looking at you, and his gaze burned into your skin. You stepped back, closer to the middle of the arena space, “We never really spoke.”
He looked at you as if he was thinking hard about what you said, and what he was gonna say next. Apparently he came up short, because seconds later he was clicking his tongue and pushing himself up, joining you in the middle of the arena, “Alright. Let’s swing some bronze.”
You let out a shaky breath, nodding. This was going well. He was outside, he was laughing, he was about to pick up a sword for the first time since he’d angrily thrown his own at the porch of the Big House when he got back a week and a half ago.
He handed you a wooden practice sword, and you raised a brow. Usually the wooden ones were for first-timers, or younger kids. He shrugged, you let it go.
Despite the fact that you and Luke had been at camp together for five years, you’d never actually gone one-on-one in a sword fight with him. It was rare that Apollo and Hermes were paired together for activities, since they were the two highest populated cabins, but even when Luke was running the practice he always picked the people he knew the best for demonstrations. You lingered at the back, watching.
So you were slightly nervous, but you also didn’t want to show it. Sure, on any normal day Luke would reassure you with kind eyes and that Luke Castellan Smile, but he wasn’t exactly himself right now. You swallowed down your nerves, matched his stance, and swung.
Best Sword Fighter in Three Hundred Years — not an exaggeration. His moves were swift, calculated, and he stayed calm the entire time. It was as if he knew everything you were going to do before you did it, and had three counterattacks on the back burner for when you would strike. Your swords clashed every time you made a move and suddenly you realised why he wanted you to use wooden swords — the clang of wood was a lot quieter than the clang of bronze, it was less likely anyone would hear you fighting. It made sense, but you couldn’t focus on that when he was practically parrying your thoughts with sweat dripping down his temple.
You held your own, though. You were quite impressed with yourself when you blocked his swipes and sidestepped his jabs. It was making him groan in frustration, and the edges of your mouth perked up. You didn’t realise how good you were at this.
Then Luke stumbled. He grunted, righted himself, and swung again. You blocked it, and he steadied his shoulders. You slowed, focusing on the way he heaved for breath, taking in gulps of air, while you were hardly breaking a sweat. The way he kept readjusting his grip on the hilt of his sword, and how his fingers shook on his free hand. He went for you again and you sidestepped him, making him trip up. He didn’t fall, but he did let out a long angry groan at his mistake, throwing the sword to the ground in frustration.
You flinched, “Luke.”
“This was a bad idea.” He snapped. He wasn’t looking at you, pacing up and down with his hands in his hair. “What the fuck is wrong with me?”
“You’re still recovering —“ You tried to reason, but he wasn’t listening to you.
“I’m the best damn swordsman this camp has ever seen. What the fuck is wrong with me? Why can’t I do this? Why —“
“Luke.” You stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. He looked at you, “It’s okay.”
“No it’s not.” He gritted through his teeth, “I fail one quest and suddenly I can’t do anything anymore? Yeah, that’s typical.”
You shook your head, “You just need time to get better.”
“I was better! Better than everyone else here, I —“ He paused, a faraway look in his eyes that unnerved you for a second before he was looking at you again, “I can hear people.”
You perked your ears up. He was right, you could hear the chatter of camp if you listened carefully enough — but it wasn’t anything to worry about. They were all doing their own tasks, far away from where they were. If someone was coming, it would be more clear. You told him that, but he shook his head.
“I need to go back. This was a bad idea.”
“Hey, it’s okay, we can go —“
“No, not we. Me.” He said firmly, a hard look in his gaze that he didn’t have before, “I’m going back. You’re staying here. And I’m never going anywhere with you again.”
You hadn’t seen him in five days.
Chiron had pulled you out of Archery to ask about Luke — and why he had seen him storm angrily back into his room and lock the door. You just told him you thought it was best for him to find someone else to take care of him for the time being. You didn’t think Luke would want to see you again, ever.
All you wanted was for him to be his old self again. The guy you always saw helping out someone else with a smile on his face, the one who made others laugh and laughed with them. The one who waved at anyone who waved at him. The one who was completely oblivious to the flirting and just thought they were being friendly. The Luke Castellan who everyone gushed about, who everyone loved.
That man up there, with the scar on his face and the look in his eye, wasn't Luke Castellan. And maybe he never would be again, not completely. But he could come close — he could still smile, he could still laugh.
But you’d fucked all that up just by bringing him outside.
You didn’t know who Chiron had asked to replace you, because you never saw anyone else get up after breakfast with an extra plate. You didn’t see anyone sneaking out of the Hermes cabin with a pile of clothes. You stood in the fields for hours a day, watching those thin curtains stand stiff at the window, never to open. You thought you’d seen a shadow, but maybe it was your mind playing tricks on you.
The weekend came and went, and you spent the whole time worrying about Luke. Did this new person know that he preferred fatty bacon? Did they know that he liked keeping the curtains closed? Or would they just bring him a plate of pancakes? Ask him too many questions about his quest? Your mind whirred — would they make him worse?
No. That’s not what you were scared of.
Would they make him better?
Would they understand him more than you did? Would they coerce more words out of him? Would they even need to coerce him, or would he be comfortable holding a conversation with them no problem? What if he was better now than he ever had been with you?
You flinched when your name was called. Looking up from the bracelet you were crafting with some younger kids and meeting the eyes of Dionysus, “Sir.”
“Our, uh, special guest is requesting your presence.” He said with a stupid look on his face, “So get off your ass and get up there, I can’t stand his whining any longer.”
You did as asked with a slight roll of your eyes that made the six year old who was next to you giggle into their hands. It brought a grin to your otherwise down expression, unsure of what Luke wanted to say to you.
The room was dark when you cracked the door open — there was no response after you knocked, but you could hear him shuffling inside, so you went ahead and opened it an inch. It was a lot darker than it used to be — or maybe you too had gotten used to the shade after spending so much time there.
You pushed it open more, and there he was, in his usual spot on the edge of the bed. Head down, hands fiddling with something by his eye. He was muttering in frustration, and you stepped into the room in concern. The floor creaked, he looked up, and you gasped.
The side of his face where his scar sat was red with blood — you almost missed the bandage he was attempting to tie around it because it had been stained pink. His fingers were shaking and he pursed his trembling lips at you, “I can’t do it.”
You surged forward, immediately taking the fabric from his hands. He let them drop into his lap as you peeled it back and looked at the damage. You winced — not as bad as the blood had made it seem, but bad enough. The wound had reopened at the top, and the blood was dripping into his eye and along the curve of his jaw.
It took a few panicky minutes, but eventually the bleeding had stopped, Luke’s face was clean of blood, and you were staring at him in shock, your own fingers still red from the damage. He was avoiding your eyes, the only other thing he’d said to you being a strained thank you when you had stepped back.
“What —“ You were at a loss.
“I tried to change them myself.” He shrugged, picking at his fingernails, still not looking at you. “I’d watched you do it so many times, I figured I had it handled. Apparently I didn’t, because I woke up and it was freakin’ bleeding everywhere.”
“Oh, Luke.” You breathed, “Why didn’t you wait for someone to help you?”
“You never came back.” He said like it was obvious.
“What — so you’ve been doing this yourself for five days?” You asked, a shocked exclamation, “Chiron never sent someone else to help you?”
“He asked me who I wanted,” He shrugged, “I said you. You weren’t an option, so I did it myself.”
“You said —“
“I know what I said, alright?” He stressed, head in his hands now, “It was stupid. I was angry, hurt, whatever. It was at myself, but I took it out on you. I’m sorry. I don’t — “ His voice cracked, “I don’t know what’s happening to me.”
“Luke.” You murmured. You took a step closer, kneeled before him, and gently pried his hands away from his eyes so he would look at you. His expression was so…sad. So distraught. “What happened on your quest?”
And he told you everything.
Luke was ashamed to admit it — but he had no idea what your name was when you started looking after him.
Sure, he’d seen you around. You were one of the Apollo kids who spent more time in the infirmary than on the archery fields, but he was too good at his job to get injured. Hence why he didn’t know your name. He knew your face, he smiled at you and you would smile back. He was friendly with your brother, Lee. But that was about it.
That’s what made it so perfect.
You wouldn’t ask him about his quest. You wouldn’t try your hardest to get him to open up. You would do your job, and leave him to mope. That was all he wanted.
Until he learned your name.
And just from glancing at your smile — all awkward and nervous as you introduced yourself — he knew he wanted to be near you. He knew you were the type of person he could sit in silence with and walk away from it with a happy memory.
He thought he knew enough about you to determine who you were to him (a stranger). But he didn’t know your name, your voice, he didn’t know your touch or your smile — the real one you give when someone truly makes you laugh. Not the one he thought he knew.
He stood stiffly on the porch of the Big House — three weeks was all it took before Mr D was kicking him out, telling him to get a grip and face the music. Luke was ready; physically. His scar was nothing but that — a memory, faded into his skin forever. There was no other reason for him to keep himself hidden other than the fact that he wanted to. If it was up to him, nobody would ever bear the burden of seeing him ever again.
For weeks he told himself that his quest was pointless. He screamed it at the gods, at Chiron, at you. He cursed his dad every night for sending him on a path to failure and not even acknowledging it. He cursed himself for ruining the first chance he had at gaining his fathers pride in seventeen years — he sat in the dark, fists clenched, and asked himself what it was all for.
The five years on the run, the endless monster attacks, the relentless training, the offerings, the prayers. Would his life be any better had he just let that first monster kill him?
No. Because he wouldn’t have met Thalia, or Annabeth. He wouldn’t have seen the brighter side of being a halfblood — he wouldn’t have met his siblings, he wouldn’t have found his calling. He wouldn’t have experienced the joy of helping a new camper, of being the guiding hand he never got to hold.
But what of his quest? His mission for his father brought nothing but pain — a pointless trip, a humiliating failure, a deep jagged scar. For weeks he asked himself why he was given the quest in the first place, and for years to come he will question himself each and every day.
But each and every day he asks himself what the gods had ever given him, he would be reminded of the day he learnt your name. And he would tell himself had he not taken that trip, had he not fallen to Ladon, he never would have felt the searing touch of your fingertips on his skin.
So maybe it was worth it after all.
He stepped off the porch.
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ithebookhoarder · 8 months
Truth or Dare (Anthony Bridgerton x Wife!Reader)
Summary: Married only a few months, you are very much one of the Bridgerton brood - something that often drives your poor husband mad, especially when you happen to be every bit as chaotic and unruly as his siblings... Also known as, you, Benedict and Eloise take a game of ‘truth or dare’ a bit too far. 
A/N: What can I say? It’s well and truly fluff-tober over here on my blog 😅
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Warnings: Alcohol, mild smut, swearing, Anthony losing his mind, typical Bridgerton sibling shenanigans 
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There weren’t many nights Anthony spent away from your side.
They were few and far between, but that didn’t lessen how irksome you found them when the odd occasion called for him to leave you over night. You didn’t know what it was exactly, but you never truly slept well without your husband there to hold you.
Of course, it had to be one of those nights that you truly found yourself in a spot of mischief. Though, in fairness, it had all started rather innocently.
Un-beknowst to you at the time, it was Benedict that had been first outside on the garden swing, sipping from a stolen bottle of whiskey he’d pilfered from the kitchens. He’d been sat there perhaps ten minutes by himself, staring at the stars and lamenting about some problem or other.
Then Eloise had come along.
As was her habit - you later discovered - she had been swift to follow her brother’s example, sneaking out of the house in her nightgown for a reprieve in the night air… and a cigarette or two. Apparently her second-eldest brother was something of a soft touch when it came to her, not that you could blame him for it. You doted on Eloise too.
Then, finally, completing the eclectic cast of characters, there had been you.
Now, in your defence, you hadn’t intended on going out into the garden that night, but had found no other alternative suitable given the blasted summer heat. It was worse tonight that it had been all week, and without Anthony in bed beside you, you saw little point in enduring with the effort of trying to get any rest.
So, you’d decided to make your way quietly through the house and sit outside a while, and pray for a breeze. You hadn’t, however, expected to find both Bridgerton siblings already sat there, having had a similar idea.
“My, what do we have here? Another night owl?”
It was Benedict who spoke first, smiling warmly at the sight of you appearing out of the darkness. He was quick to rise, offering you his swing as a perch to rest upon, beside Eloise.
You were about to protest that it wasn’t necessary and that you could find somewhere else to sit, but a warning glare from Eloise was enough to silence you.
She was all too eager to pat the seat next to her in invitation, looking remarkably pleased to have another addition to their little party.
“Come. Sit,” she ordered. “We were simply discussing how tedious Lady Tremaine’s luncheon will be tomorrow and how we could possibly avoid the whole thing. Now that you’re here, you can help us plot our escape. Benedict’s only suggestion thus far has been some kind of contagious summer cold.”
“I think I actually said that I would use such an excuse, sister,” Benedict corrected with a teasing grin. “Not that we would share it.”
“Hardly. It is every man - or woman - for themselves. Right, Y/N?”
“Alas, I think your mother would be rather suspicious at all three of us suddenly being absent,” you sighed by way of explanation as both their eyes turned to you. “Besides, I only came outside because of this heat, not to join some conspiracy.”
“Hardly,” Eloise chuckled. “We simply had the same idea, but I am rather glad you came to join us. Perhaps we should form some secret kind of club - Bridgertons against boredom?”
“And do what? Constantly find excuses not to attend social events we deem too tedious or odious to be dragged along to?”
“Sounds like a marvellous idea to me.”
“It would, sister dear,” Benedict teased. “You always have a talent for causing chaos and anarchy. You’d suit the cause perfectly, even if we both know our mother would never stand for it. She somehow sees through even our best efforts.”
“In which case, it’s time I take a leaf out of your book, Benedict. After all, you always say social events become far more bearable after a good drink or two,” Eloise smirked, gesturing towards the bottle of whiskey Benedict had been steadily nursing. “Perhaps I should follow my brothers  example and learn to hold a drink, maybe then things will be more fun.”
“Oh no.” Benedict was quick to shut down that idea, holding the bottle possessively to his chest and shaking his head. “No. I am not allowing you to start drinking. Mother would have my head if she caught you, not to mention Anthony would have all ours heads on a platter in no time.”
The thought of it made you laugh. Your husband was hardly a tyrant, even if he’d been known to have a temper but he was easy enough to handle. A few soft words in his ear or a kiss on the cheek and he was putty in your hands, helplessly and completely in love with you. Just as you were in love with him.
“Don’t tell me you’re scared of Anthony, Benedict?” you giggled, causing Eloise to join you. “I assure you, he’s more a kitten than a lion and he’d probably prefer you to allow Eloise to sample alcohol here, under your supervision, than when she inevitably decides to rebel and has her first drink later on, in the middle of some public ball…”
The warning was clear and you all knew very likely true. Still, Eloise was beaming in victory as Benedict cursed to himself, muttering about Bridgerton women and the likely death he’d receive should Anthony ever find out he had allowed Eloise to sample whiskey. “Just a few sips, El. I mean it.”
“Oh hush,” she snorted, taking the bottle before he could change his mind. She was quick to throw back her head and down a rather brave mouthful, causing you to laugh even harder as she scrunched her face up in disgust. “Oh! That is revolting.”
“I told you.”
“Now you, Y/N,” Eloise grinned, turning and offering the offending item towards you. “Go on. Join us trouble makers - I won’t say a word about it if you don’t.”
“Oh, for goodness sake… Give me that then,” you sighed, earning a cheer from them both, knowing it was better to simply surrender rather than try and fight their mischievous whims. It only increased as you took an ambitious swig from the bottle, wincing at the acrid burning sensation it left in your throat.
If only Anthony could have seen you. He’d have probably had some kind of seizure - especially as you took another quick swig before handing the bottle back.
“There. Your turn again, brother dearest.”
“My my. You really are quite surprising,” Benedict sniggered, before winking up at you in admiration. “Who knew it? You can hold your drink better than Colin. He seems cursed to choke any time he drinks anything stronger than a brandy.”
“Well, it is your sex that falsely deemed us the weaker,” Eloise quipped. “It’s not our fault you were ignorant.”
“I’d like to remind you I wasn’t part of that decision and you also looked ready to choke a moment ago, El.”
“Doesn’t matter, you’re still one of the enemy,” she giggled, earning another raucous laugh from you. Oh, you loved her. If you’d ever been so blessed to have had a sister, you hoped she’d have been just like her. “Now, it is your turn again, brother.”
“Oh … joy.”
“Else we shall have to have some kind of forfeit.”
“A forfeit?” you scoffed, finding the idea absurd. “Like what?”
“How about… truth or dare?”
Benedict froze. “Oh no. Not again. Pall Mall is one thing but we swore we would never play that game in this family again-“
“But Benedict-“
“What’s truth or dare?”
Your innocent question ceased their bickering instantly. Their eyes widened as they turned to you, a knowing and nervous look passing between them. Somehow, you knew this evening was about to get wildly out of hand.
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Sometime later, you’d been fully apprised of the rules of ‘truth or dare’. In fact, you’d been something of a natural at it, even if you knew the copious amounts of whiskey you’d all consumed was more than likely the responsible culprit. Else, you’d probably have known better and snuck back off inside before you could make a fool of yourself.
By the end of the night, Benedict had climbed a tree, confessed to being oddly scared of spiders, and been forced to sing the national anthem in French.
Eloise had also made an admirable effort, despite her obviously lower tolerance for drink. She still permitted Benedict to try and arrange her hair, before daring to steal a sock from Colin’s room whilst he’d slept. Then she’d loosened a leg on a dining chair. (Alas, none of you could remember which one but that somehow made it even funnier - even if it would not be come morning when you were forced to sit at the table for breakfast in some kind of roulette.)
You could only pray you didn’t choose said seat.
You could also only pray neither of your conspirators shared your contributions with your husband. You weren’t exactly sure how Anthony would feel at the fact you gone for a midnight paddle in the pond, nor that you’d mixed up the papers on his desk, all before finishing the night with a final dare that involved stealing several cakes from the kitchens… you still swore Mrs Reynolds would notice, come morning, that there were no longer twelve perfect cakes.
That, and Benedict had somehow knocked flour all over the counter, causing you all to erupt in drunken laughter as you’d bolted back outside.  
Needless to say, you all looked a sorry sight as you lay in the grass together, staring at the approaching dawn. Had you not been so tired, or drunk, you may have suggested retiring back to your rooms before the house awoke shortly.
“Now that… was fun.”
“Fun? That was more than fun. I haven’t laughed like that in ages.”
“Told you it was a good idea.”
You hummed in agreement with your sister in law.
“I can see why you all favoured this game so much,” you sniggered, winking at Eloise as she sat in the grass beside you. “I can also see why you all agreed to stop playing it… I don’t know what Anthony would say if he saw what we’d been up to.”
“Something sensible and disapproving most likely,” Benedict sniggered. “Our brother, and your husband, can be a right prig, no offence.”
“Oh hush. At least I didn’t let my sister dress me up in her petticoat when she was five.”
Benedict’s jaw dropped.
“Who told you about that?” he demanded indignantly.
“I have my sources.”
Benedict’s eyes narrowed as he turned his head to glare at his younger sister. “Well, you can tell your source that she’s going to have to find someone else to fetch her lemonade at the Cowper’s ball tomorrow night unless she apologises. You can also tell her that I’ll accept either a verbal or a written apology as long as it’s suitably abject. And that means very, very abject,” he added darkly.
“Tell me, Benedict, was it a lacy petticoat?”
With a wordless grunt of annoyance, Benedict groaned, but it was hard to hear over the laughter echoing from you and Eloise. You resembled more a pack of hyenas than two noble ladies - you probably looked just as feral after your night of mischief.
And of course, as was always your luck, that was exactly how your husband found you mere seconds later.
How Anthony had arrived without any of you hearing a carriage pulling up to the house at this time of the night - morning? You couldn’t be sure - was a mystery. Yet, there he was, hands on hips and looking thunderous as he stormed towards the three of you with all the fury of an exasperated headmaster.  
“What in God’s name are you all playing at?”
You all froze.
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It was as if someone had poured a bucket of ice water over you as your eyes widened, and you all turned to stare sheepishly at him.
“Oh, darling. You’re home?”
“Don’t ‘oh darling’ me,” Anthony sighed, attempting to scold you but without much success. His attempt at seriousness was somewhat undermined by his brother’s heckling, singing ‘here comes mother’ and that ‘someone’s in trouble’. That, and with the way you were lying, he was upside down. “What are you doing up at this god forsaken hour? And why are you … is that flour? And why are you soaking wet?”
“I went for a swim.”
“A - you went for a -“
“And Benedict did my hair,” Eloise interjected suddenly, waving her arms about as she gestured to the tangle of hair upon her head. “Isn’t it marvellous?”
Anthony’s expression very much said that he did not think it was marvellous. Nor did he find any of this vaguely amusing.
In fact, by the way he took a long deep breath, you knew he was doing his best not to lose his temper and wake the entirety of the household. His brow always creased like that when he was faced with dealing with his family, but the expression only made him seem more adorable and handsome to you, rather than authoritative. However, you’d never told him so, knowing it would hardly be deemed a compliment in his eyes.
You also doubted he’d appreciate your usual response right now, which was normally to kiss said brow until it eased back into its relaxed form.
“We were just playing a game to escape the heat, darling,” you soothed. “We couldn’t sleep and all had the same idea to seek refuge outdoors… we simply got carried away passing the time.”
“What game?”
“I said, what was the game you were all playing?” Anthony suddenly quipped, the warning clear in his tone. That, and his eyes landed squarely on his two siblings, who at least had the decency to look sheepish… and afraid. “Because there is but one game I can think of that would result in a mess like this one, and I’m confused, because I know for a fact that we banned that game under this roof, and any other roof that houses the Bridgertons.”
No one moved.
No one even breathed.
It was as if you were all too scared to risk answering Anthony, even if the empty bottle of whiskey did most of the talking by itself.
“I don’t recall the name,” you blinked. “Right, Benedict?”
“Oh, uh… we… we were just- Eloise?”
Eloise froze, the guilt written all too clearly on her face for her to even try and salvage the situation - though that could also be down to the whisky she had consumed… it was honestly hard to be sure at this point.
“Well, dear brother,” she began, only to trail off as Anthony lifted his hand.
The silence was instantaneous. 
No one dared to say another word, let alone move. 
You’d never seen Eloise or Benedict so still in your entire life. Hell, you weren’t even sure they were breathing - probably out of fear Anthony would decide to inform their mother about their mischievous exploits. 
If Anthony Bridgerton was scary when vexed, then Violet Bridgerton was a nightmare brought to life in human form. After all, as the matriarch of a family of eight children, she had learned a long time ago how to keep her unruly children in line - a harrowing experience you had only had occasion to witness once or twice since your marriage into the Bridgerton family. Once had been when Colin and Gregory had broken a priceless vase when racing around the house, despite being explicitly banned from doing so. The other had been when she had caught Eloise and Benedict smoking outside on the terrace one night. 
It was easy to say where your husband had inherited it from. 
“Not. Another. Word,” your husband growled, bending down and sweeping you up into his arms in a move that made you squeal in surprise. “Right now, I am taking my wife to bed and I suggest you two do the same - after you clean up your mess. I’ll deal with the lot of you in the morning.” 
A laugh escaped you as you tried not to look like you were enjoying the sudden turn of events too much. After all, you doubted he’d be too happy once you were more sober and he discovered the true extent of your nightly activities. 
It was why you were only too happy to let him put you to bed, grumbling all the while about letting his siblings run wild. He really was most handsome when he was flushed - a fact you were reminded of as he hastily changed for bed, flashing you a tempting glimpse of his bare torso in the process. 
You could tell without asking he was tired from his journey home, as well as fighting the urge to rip his hair out over the chaos he had found upon his return. 
Thankfully, his need to be in your arms outweighed the need to scold you over letting yourself be drawn into his siblings’ schemes. All it took was you pulling him down onto the mattress, and climbing into his lap to turn him into a needy, lovestruck puddle. 
You’d equally missed having him in your arms, but you’d be lying if you said that your sudden forwardness wasn't also due to a mixture of the whiskey you’d drunk, and the residual giddiness from a night of mischief. A confidence radiated from you as you began to run your hands over his bare chest, taking care to graze the areas you knew made him groan. 
“You’re lucky I love you so much,” he teased breathlessly, visibly unable to refuse your advances. 
“Is that so?”
Anthony chuckled, nodding as he surged his lips towards yours. “Yes, so come here, my delinquent drunken wife, and let me kiss you before you and those doe-eyes of yours drive me insane. Now.”
Your laughter and surrender was immediate. “As you wish.” 
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Alas, for poor Anthony, that was not the end of the ordeal. 
In fact, it was the next morning as you made your way into breakfast that you faced the final consequences of your delinquency. 
Despite wishing to remain abed for the entire day, you’d been granted no such reprieve as your maid had entered your room at the usual appointed time and proceeded to open the curtains with no regard for the fact that you had slept a mere handful of hours. Whereas you would normally greet the day with a reluctant smile, you were in no state to manage much more than a groan as you were harshly ripped from your slumber.
If you had somehow not yet come to the conclusion that last night had been a bad idea, then the sudden flare of pain in your head at the bright intrusion was all the proof you needed. That, and the sudden churning in your stomach. 
You would never let Benedict or Eloise coax you into drinking with them again. 
You had not realised, despite how the idiom went, that what went up was sure to come down again - and you had come crashing down. 
“If you’re ready to dress, my lady, then breakfast will be served shortly,” your maid chirped, a dress already picked out for you to wear. She either couldn't detect your fragile state, or didn't seem to care as she continued speaking at a painfully loud volume. “My Lord sent me to wake you as he is finishing business in the study. He was up frightfully early, I could scarce believe it went the housemaids told me they’d already found him awake when they went to start the fires this morning. Gave young Samantha a right fright he did, scribbling away at his desk.” 
“Oh?” you croaked. 
You hadn’t even noticed the empty space in the bed bedside you until then. 
Clearly Anthony had risen early, if he’d even gone to sleep at all. Why were you not surprised? Your husband was perpetually in motion, always claiming there was something or someone that needed his urgent attention as the head of the Bridgerton clan. It was just one of the things that made you love him so much.
“Is he still there?”
“Yes, Ma’am,” the young girl continued, breezing about your room. “And that’s not the only strange incident this morning. It will tickle you rotten when I tell you the latest drama, but you see, Mrs Reynolds was ranting and raving about how she swore she had made three trays of fruit tarts last night, yet this morning, there were only two. The youngest kitchen maid, Betsy, is convinced it must be a ghost but my money is on Carter - the groom’s boy - he’s always snooping about the kitchen...” 
You winced. Ah. Maybe you hadn't been as stealthy last night as you’d hoped after all...
With as much enthusiasm as you could muster, you began to peel yourself from the mattress, trying to appear as if you were listening to your maid’s theories as she dressed you for the day. It then took all your resolve to make it downstairs and to the breakfast table without tripping over your own feet, or emptying the non-existent contents of your stomach. 
To your relief, only Eloise and Benedict had so far taken a seat at the breakfast table - and both looked about as miserable as you felt.  
“Good morning,” you mumbled, taking your usual chair next to the head of the table. You were quick to accept the steaming cup of coffee Benedict handed you, shooting him a thankful look. “Dare I ask how we feel?” 
“I think better than you and my dear sister here,” Benedict chirped, gesturing at a miserable looking Eloise. She had her head in her hands and was desperately trying to look at the plate of food in front of her with something other than repulsion. “Then again, I must admit I am somewhat more experienced in the art of late-night mischief than you both. I also did not have to deal with my brother before going to bed - thank you, again, for that noble sacrifice.”
“Your welcome,” you chuckled, a faint heat rising in your cheeks as you remembered the exact events after you and Anthony had gone to bed. “I just feel bad that you both got left to clean up the mess.” 
“Don’t be. I think we got it all.”
“You say that but I can’t remember anything after you started singing in French,” Eloise groaned, massaging her forehead once more. “I have the oddest feeling we may have forgotten something.”
You paused. You could only hope for your sake she was wrong. 
However, you were saved from such discussion by the arrival of the rest of the Bridgerton bunch. All conversation about your night-time escapades were quickly forgotten as Colin, Hyacinth and Gregory entered the room, bickering about something you couldn’t quite make out. They were swiftly followed by Violet and Francesca, who both looked unfairly cheerful for so early in the morning. 
You could only wish to look so fresh and composed before your first cup of whatever caffeinated beverage you could get your hands on. 
Then, finally, came your husband. Entering the room last, he turned and shot you a warm smile. Clearly, your shenanigans had been forgotten - for now - replaced instead by the memory of your other activities, much to the relief of you and your co-conspirators. 
In fact, you swore you saw Eloise exhale a breath of relief when Anthony didn't immediately launch into one of his lectures. Instead, he chose to join the rest of his family in helping himself to the awaiting breakfast spread, laid out on the sideboard for them, listening to some ongoing debate between his mother and youngest brother. 
“-but you said we could visit the park this afternoon.”
“I know, sweetheart, but I have to take Francesca and Eloise for their final fittings at the modiste. We shouldn’t be too long, and we can go after? Unless, perhaps your brothers will take you. Colin? Benedict? Anthony?”
Benedict looked physically pained at the idea of an afternoon at the park, what with his current delicate constitution and all. You honestly couldn't blame him. “Well, I uh - have a drawing class, this afternoon. Very last minute. Sorry.” 
“And I... um, have a meeting at the club?” Colin stammered hastily. “Anthony?” 
“Please, Anthony?” Gregory begged, all but pouting at his older brother as the pair made their way to the table. “I promise I’ll do all my lessons this week without complaining if you say yes. I’ll even let you have my pudding tonight.”
“As you asked so nicely, brother, I don’t see how an hour or so at the park could do any harm -” Anthony began, pulling out the chair next to you and lowering himself onto the seat in a moment that felt like it lasted forever as a horrifying sensation swept over you. 
You remembered what you’d forgotten. 
The chair.
“Anthony, wait-!”
The sudden crash was startling, as was the sight of your husband being sent flying backwards as the chair collapsed beneath him. 
No one moved. 
No one said a word. 
Benedict looked across at you and Eloise, the horror clear in his eyes as he choked the word you felt on the tip of your tongue: “Run!”
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smileysuh · 9 months
twisted fate
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🌙 staring. Wonwoo x afab!Reader
🔮 preview. “He deserved it,” Wonwoo assures you, reaching out to grab you by the back of the neck, pulling you closer. He’s covered in blood, and he looks like a sexy, wild monster. But he’s your monster, and you can’t help but react, leaning in- “Jesus Christ,” you hear Jeonghan breathe, turning to give you and Wonwoo privacy while he presses his lips against yours hungrily. At first, you can try to ignore the wet liquid on your fingertips as you grab at his strong shoulders, but you can’t ignore the taste on his tongue. Your body goes rigid and Wonwoo pulls back with a sigh, resting his forehead against yours. It’s an oddly peaceful moment amongst the chaos.
tw/cw. murder/blood, dickhead vampire wonwoo, yandere subthemes, kidnapping?, biting, blood play, throat grabbing, manhandling, begging, controlling!wonwoo, praise, dirty talk, fingering, mean dom Wonwoo, multiple reader orgasms, finger-licking, choking, unprotected sex, big dick Wonwoo, size kink, slight dacryphilia, gentle spanking, dumbification, begging, hair pulling, etc… I pet names: (hers) darling, brat, pet, etc.
👹 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 14.3k
🍭 aus. vampire/vampire hunter au, soulmate au, enemies to lovers, etc…
☀️ mlist + an. I guess for October I just put out bangers, this one has a lot of blood play cuz it's vampire wonwoo, so be warned
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There’s something different about you, and Wonwoo notices the moment you step into the bar. He has his fair share of experience with places that cater to vampires, and after over a hundred years, he knows how to spot humans with an interest in his kind. Many of the women swarming around him have a certain look in their eye, their pulses racing with excitement, but you… well, there’s something off about the way you hold yourself.
You certainly look the part of a fang bunny, your attire all black, but you’re dressed much more conservatively than the lingerie clad girls that normally frequent this place. Still, even with your form half hidden under a leather jacket, Wonwoo can tell he likes what he sees of you. 
Some of his friends like the hunt. They have big egos and take pleasure in chasing their food down, but Wonwoo doesn’t share in this thirst for a conquest. He won’t approach you, he’ll simply watch. It will be amusing to see what you end up doing tonight if nothing else.
His eyes follow you as you head to the bar, leaning over the counter to talk with one of the human workers. From a distance, and with the bar practically full of noise, Wonwoo can’t make out your words, but that doesn’t really matter to him. You’re interesting enough to watch, but Wonwoo’s not sure he’d actually care for anything you have to say, especially not when he can stare at your ass instead.
The discussion is a short one, and Wonwoo catches the bartender nodding in his direction. This is new behaviour, but the vampire supposes he shouldn’t be shocked at the loose lipped humans who work here. No one keeps a secret like a vampire, and as Wonwoo watches you slip a bill over the counter, he’s filled with annoyance at the money hunger of mere mortals.
You slip into the crowd again, and it’s clear you’re making your way over toward the elevated section of the club, where Wonwoo sits at a table drinking what appears to be red wine with two of his broodmates. 
“Who are you watching?” Mingyu asks, leaning forward to get a better look. 
“No one important,” Wonwoo responds smoothly, swirling the blood in his wine glass before downing it. He’s curious as to what will happen next, and if you are coming over in the hopes of being bitten, he wants to be satiated enough to not give into the temptation of draining you. 
Vampire bars generally have a strict no killing policy. The underworld has few sanctuaries like this one, and they can’t have human law enforcement going through their ‘wine barrels’ if a murder takes place in or around the property. 
Wonwoo’s eyes find you again. You’re much closer now, and your gaze is fixed on him. You’re like a cute little butterfly heading straight for the spider’s web, and it makes Wonwoo grin to himself. 
He stands up from the booth when you’re a few feet away, and Wonwoo notes your pulse quicken, your steps faltering. To your credit, Wonwoo is much larger now than when he was sitting, and he has to lower his gaze to meet your own. “Are you lost?” he asks, taking in your outfit at a leisurely pace now that you’re right in front of him.
“No, I-” You take a breath. “Are you Wonwoo?”
“Depends who’s asking,” he muses.
“I’ve been looking for you,” you try to explain, raising your voice over the noise of the bar. 
Wonwoo can hear you perfectly fine, but he knows the noise must be difficult on your weak human ears. He leans forward. “Sounds interesting. Let’s step outside to talk, it’s too loud in here.”
He watches the way you pause, considering the proposition.
You’re definitely not a fang bunny. Any vampire lover would jump at the chance to get alone with him. You’re much too guarded, and it intrigues him even more.
“Okay,” you nod. 
Wonwoo steps closer, hand finding the small of your back as he begins to guide you through the club toward the back exit. You stiffen under his touch, and Wonwoo’s fingers skim over the hilt of what he presumes to be a blade under your leather jacket.
He wonders how you got in with a badly concealed weapon, but he supposes the human bouncers can be just as susceptible to bribery as bartenders can. He’ll have to talk with the club owner about hiring vampire security, even if such jobs are ‘below’ his kind. 
Your heart rate is increasing with each step, but you’re doing your best to breathe evenly, and Wonwoo is amused by it. Either you know he’s a vampire, in which case, you should know you can’t fool him, or, maybe you’re just stupid, he can’t quite tell.
Wonwoo’s heart doesn’t beat. It hasn’t in too many years to count, but he gets that familiar tingle of excitement running along his skin as he gets closer to the door that will lead you behind the bar. You’re not a sure catch, not what Mingyu would fondly call a ‘cute juicebox.’ Wonwoo’s always been curious, and his interest is peaked by the unknown outcome of this interaction.
As you make it to the exit, Wonwoo holds the door open for you. With one last pause, you walk through. 
The vampire grins to himself, following you into the night.
The alleyway is deserted, the perfect spot for Wonwoo to figure you out. 
His eyes follow you as you put a few feet of distance between him and yourself, running an anxious hand through your hair. 
“You were just about to tell me why you’re looking for me,” Wonwoo says, pretending to be helpful, when in reality, he only wants to satiate his own curiosity.   
“I heard you might know someone I’ve been trying to find, a Mister Sung.”
Wonwoo’s throat tightens. He hasn’t heard his maker’s name in many years. It frustrates him that it still has an effect on him, and Wonwoo’s fist clenches at his side. “I don’t know anyone by that name,” he lies. 
“I’ve been told you do,” you insist.
He’s tired of you now, anger growing by the second inside of him.
“I don’t know anyone by that name,” Wonwoo repeats, unable to say the name in question. He refuses to taste it on his lips again, and he can feel his fangs beginning to throb, his need to taste something sweeter growing as he stares you down. 
You begin to reach for your jacket, but you’re much too slow for the older vampire, who immediately catches your wrist in a vice grip. 
“Don’t grab your weapon,” he warns. “It will only make me harder on you.”
Your pulse is racing now. Wonwoo can see your carotid artery leaping against your skin. He holds back a groan, stepping closer. 
You move away, back hitting the brick wall behind you.
“Nowhere to run,” Wonwoo muses. “You’re a vampire hunter, aren’t you, darling? Shame. I’ve never seen a hunter move as slow as you do. But I guess these days there aren’t many people who could teach you the craft, I’ve killed my share of them.”
Your pupils dilate with fear, and it makes Wonwoo’s head spin. He’s going to enjoy this. 
The club might have a no killing humans policy, but vampire hunters are free game. He’ll be doing everyone a favour, and get his fill while doing it. 
“Stop-” You gasp, struggling against his grip, but Wonwoo’s hands might as well be metal, as there’s no way you’re breaking free of him.
He’s grown tired of this. As a curious human who may have walked into the wrong bar, you’d been interesting, but as a vampire hunter with no skill, you mean nothing to him. 
He’s amused when you try to punch at him with your free hand, but that only leads to him grabbing it and pinning it with your other wrist, squeezing you tight enough to have you gasping again. 
With both your wrists captured in one hand, he’s free to bring the other to your face, pinching your jaw. “Don’t scream,” he warns you, “and don’t struggle, you’ll only make things worse.”
Wonwoo’s gotten accustomed to staring into a person’s eyes as they realize they’ve just met death himself, and he’ll never get tired of it. He licks his lips, able to taste your fear in the cold night air. His self control has worn thin, but Wonwoo’s never been the type to hold himself back from an easy kill. 
With one sharp motion, he pushes your head to the side, giving him full access to your neck. Your artery leaps, pressing against your skin, and Wonwoo lets out a groan of relief as he dives in, sharp fangs piercing you.
You release a muffled gasp, clawing at his forearm while you struggle against the wall. The taste that erupts across his tongue is unlike anything he’s ever had before. It’s rich like fine red wine, but there’s something else too, dark notes of cherry and pomegranate- 
Suddenly, it feels like Wonwoo’s been roughly punched in the chest. It’s so startling that he pulls away from you, staggering back in confusion and releasing your wrists. Clearly you didn’t punch him, so what was that-
You take the moment of confusion to whip your blade out of your jacket, holding one hand to your bleeding neck while you defend yourself with the other. “Stay back!” 
But Wonwoo can’t stay back, not now that you’re more intriguing than ever.
He stands, licking his lips. He can still taste you on his tongue, and it’s practically intoxicating. 
Wonwoo’s eyes shift to the weapon you’re holding. It’s a black, triple bladed knife, used by vampire hunters and meant to emulate a stake. One good stab from that and there’s no stitching it up, he’d be scarred forever, even with vampiric healing abilities. And if you actually hit his heart? He’d simply be gone.
Maybe you have more bite than he’d given you credit for, but Wonwoo knows he can still best you in a fight, he’ll just have to be a little more careful.
“I swear to God-” you warn him, waving the blade.
“Darling, there’s no God here,” Wonwoo tells you simply, eyes assessing your every motion. It’s clear which side of your body you favour, and with one hand still pressed to your bleeding neck, he has an easy opening.
When Wonwoo moves to the left, you turn your body to follow, and that’s all he needs to abuse your weak point. With lightning fast speed, Wonwoo gives your abdomen a rough push, sending you careening back to the wall. There’s a harsh crack as your head hits brick, and you crumple to the ground, blade falling from your hand.
Maybe he’d pushed you too hard- he hadn’t been trying to- but he can still hear your faint breaths. You’re alive, and you might not be that way for long.
Wonwoo has never, in all his years of living, given another being his blood. He’s never wished to. But staring down at you now, that all changes. He can hear your pulse getting weaker-
The vampire falls to his knees next to you, grabbing you by the back of your neck and pulling you closer. He brings his other wrist to his mouth, biting deep before holding it over your parted lips. 
 Wonwoo watches the dark red substance speckle your tongue and he presses two fingers under your jaw, closing your mouth in the hopes it will help you swallow. His wrist wound is already healing, and soon, you’ll heal as well.
There’s no medicine in the world quite like vampire blood, especially the blood of one as old as he. Wonwoo knows this. However, there’s still something inside of him that begins to worry about you. It’s a foreign emotion, worry, one he’s not had to deal with in a while, especially not in regard to a human.
Wonwoo grabs your blade off the ground, tucking it into his belt, then he adjusts you in his arms. It’s easier to simply throw you over his shoulder, so that’s what he does, standing up and looking toward the mouth of the alleyway. He can’t risk any humans seeing this, so he pulls out his phone, calling Mingyu.
“Bring the car to the back of the club,” Wonwoo instructs, leaving no room for argument as he hangs up. 
Less than two minutes later, Mingyu’s familiar black jeep is rolling down the alleyway. The car comes to a stop and Mingyu exits it, staring at Wonwoo in shock. “What happened?”
“Vampire hunter,” Wonwoo says simply, opening the door to the back of the jeep to set you inside. 
“What are you going to do with her?” Mingyu asks, watching through the rearview mirror as Wonwoo gets in beside you.
The elder vampire is quiet for a long while. “I’m not sure.”
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Wonwoo is sitting in a chair near the bed, playing with your knife and watching over you diligently. It takes hours before you finally begin to stir. When you wake, you bolt upright, gasping. Your hand flies to your neck, but the wounds are already closed, your skin washed away of blood.
Your eyes find him next, and Wonwoo can’t help but be amused by the way you react, cowering away from him.
“So sleeping beauty finally wakes up,” Wonwoo muses, tossing the blade in his hand and catching it by the hilt.
You don’t say anything, but Wonwoo can see the cogs turning in your mind. “Why… why am I alive?”
“That’s a good question,” one he doesn’t know the answer to yet. 
“Am I a vampire?” 
Now Wonwoo is laughing. “No. Can you feel your heart racing? It’s a sign that you’re still human.”
You shift in his sheets. “What are you going to do to me?”
“I’m not sure yet,” he confesses. “First, I’d like some answers.”
“I’m not telling you anything.”
“Then I’ll tell you what I know,” he suggests. “This symbol on your blade, it’s a family crest. You belong to a line of vampire hunters.” You stay quiet, but to be fair, it hadn’t been a question, not really. “I recougnize this particular crest. It’s odd to see it again after so many years. I thought your line had been wiped out, but you’re still here, so I guess not.”
“Just kill me,” you state.
Your words cause an interesting feeling to bloom through Wonwoo’s chest again, and he cocks his head. “Is that really what you want?”
You bite your lip, then let out a heavy sigh. “No.”
The vampire stands from his chair. “At least I know why you were looking for Mister Sung now,” he says. “He killed your family, didn’t he?”
You stay quiet, but Wonwoo notes the small tremble that erupts through your form and it’s confirmation enough. 
“If it’s any consolation,” Wonwoo continues, “the vampire you’re looking for is dead. I killed him. Ten years ago.”
“He’s dead?” you ask, clearly shocked.
“It seems you’ve been running a fool's errand, darling,” Wonwoo clicks his tongue. “And you nearly died for it. I don’t think your parents would be too happy with you.”
It’s a low blow, and it causes a reaction. Your fists bunch in the sheets and your eyes narrow. “What do you know about my parents?” you spit. 
“I know they never got a chance to train you properly. I bet you’ve never even killed a vampire.”
Your shoulders slump ever so slightly and Wonwoo knows he’s hit the nail on the head.
“A vampire hunter with no kills under her belt,” Wonwoo laughs, “it’s cute you thought you could actually get me to be your first.”
“If you have everything figured out, what do you still need me for?”
“There’s still one thing I’m stuck on,” Wonwoo admits. “You did something to me, when I bit you. There was this… feeling, in my chest.”
“I didn’t do anything to you.”
He studies you for a moment. It’s true he hadn’t found any vampire repellents on you when he’d brought you back to his home. He’d kind of been hoping you’d tell him you’re a witch, and in a last ditch effort to get him away from you in the alley you’d used a spell of some sort. 
Wonwoo doesn’t want to consider the other possibility, he’s been refusing to even think about it, but now that the witch angle is off the table, the worst case scenario is at the forefront of his thoughts.
“I’ve got business to attend to,” he tells you simply, heading to the door. “You’ll be locked in this room until I figure out what I’m going to do with you.”
“And when will that be?!”
Wonwoo can hear the panic in your voice, and in some form he can sympathize with it. He’d been kept in a room for many years, under the command of a vampire sire he’d since revenged upon. “Not long,” Wonwoo promises, and it’s the most he can give you as reprieve before he shuts you into your fate.
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“What’s so important we couldn’t do this over the phone or at the club?” Jeonghan asks as Wonwoo pushes into his home. 
“Give me a minute,” Wonwoo says, double-checking his friend's apartment for any fang bunnies or other vampires who could take what he’s about to say and use it against him.
“You’re so paranoid,” Jeonghan rolls his eyes. “You wanted us to be alone, so we’re alone.”
Wonwoo turns to face the vampire in front of him. “Tell me about Luna.” 
“You-” Jeonghan falters. “You never want to hear about Luna.”
“But I do now,” Wonwoo insists. “Tell me.”
Jeonghan moves to sit on his couch, and Wonwoo can tell that the mere name of Jeonghan’s lost love is nearly too much for him to handle, even after so many years.
“What do you want to know?” Jeonghan asks finally.
“You said she was your soulmate.”
“And you called me crazy for it, everyone did.” Perhaps this is another reason it’s such a sore subject. 
“Not everyone,” Wonwoo points out. “Sung didn’t like it.” 
Jeonghan visibly flinches at the name of their old master, and it’s no wonder why. Sung had gone after anything his fledglings found beautiful, and much more. It’s one of the many reasons Wonwoo had found a way to kill him, ending their eternal torment… but he’d been too late to save Luna, and it’s something he’s always regretted. Jeonghan is a shell of who he was before, and deep in Wonwoo’s black twisted soul, he knows that the man he used to call one of his closest friends will never truly be whole again. 
“She was my soulmate,” Jeonghan says, but at this point, it almost sounds like he’s trying to convince himself of that fact.
“How did you know?” Wonwoo presses.
“It was a feeling, I can’t really explain it.”
Jeonghan lets out a deep sigh. “There was something about Luna, I knew it the moment I first saw her. I couldn’t describe it, especially not to any other vampires. She wasn’t just prey, she was more than that.”
She was enough for Jeonghan to turn her into a vampire, intent on spending the rest of eternity with her, an eternity that never came, for one of them at least.
“The first time I tasted her,” Jeonghan runs a hand through his hair. “She was like citrus and sunshine, I’d never experienced anything like her.” This is far off from the red wine and pomegranates Wonwoo had tasted when he’d had you. “It was the oddest thing- there was this feeling, in my chest-”
“Like a punch,” Wonwoo suggests.
Jeonghan’s eyes shift to him, and then he nods. “Yeah, like a punch.”
Wonwoo almost feels sick. “I still don’t understand how this made you realize she was your soulmate.”
“I couldn’t hurt her,” Jeonghan explains, “even if I’d wanted to. And when I tasted her again, when she let me drink from her, I realized what the feeling in my chest was.”
“What was it?” 
Jeonghan studies Wonwoo. “It was my heart.”
“Your heart?” 
The long haired vampire nods. “An echo. A memory of the life I once had. Luna made my heart beat again, if only when I was with her. She made me soft, like I’d been when I was human, before Sung and the eternal night.”
Wonwoo sits on the couch across from Jeonghan, looking down at his hands.
This can’t be true. Wonwoo had never believed it before- but now, well, now he’s experienced it for himself. 
How can a vampire’s whole long life change in one chance meeting?
Except, it hadn’t been chance, not really. Sung had ruined your life as he’d ruined Wonwoo’s, and fate had inexplicably tied you together. 
He truly can’t believe it.
“Why do you want to know all of this?” Jeonghan asks.
Wonwoo almost doesn’t want to admit it, for Jeonghan’s sake as much as his own. So he lies. “No reason.”
Jeonghan leans back, crossing his arms over his chest. “Don’t tell me you’ve found your own soulmate.” When Wonwoo remains silent, Jeonghan lets out a small laugh. “I feel sorry for any human unlucky enough to be tied to you.”
“I do too,” Wonwoo sighs. His indifference - and sometimes hatred - towards humans is well known in the vampire circles Wonwoo is a part of. He’s generally cold, unfeeling, a true vampire, the way his master made him. In fact, out of all twelve of Wonwoo’s broodmates, he’s likely the most successful by Sung’s measurements. He’d surely been the most strategically blood thirsty, and it had cost their former master his life. 
“You won’t be able to kill her,” Jeonghan warns. “Won’t be able to run away. If you’ve tasted her blood, if you’ve felt your heart, it’s only a matter of time until you give in again.”
Wonwoo hates that this is true. You’ve been on his mind the entire time he’s been away from you, and it’s already driving him insane. He’s not used to thinking about another being for long periods of time, least of all a filthy little human who fancies herself a vampire hunter.
“You’ll end up turning her,” Jeonghan concludes. “It’s the only way. Humans are fragile, and I know how much you hate to see weakness.”
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You’ve been trying to find a way out of the bedroom for ages. There are no clocks, nothing to tell you what time it is, but you know dawn is coming, you can see it through the large windows that make up an entire wall of the room.
There’s safety in sunshine, and you’re extremely hopeful that it comes before Wonwoo does.
But your luck is not your own today, as you hear something outside the door just as the morning rays begin to creep through the glass. 
You make your way to the windows, pressing your body against them and waiting for the vampire to return. He takes his sweet time, and for that, you’re grateful. The room is half illuminated by the time Wonwoo opens the door, and he peers inside at you.
“What are you doing?” he asks, studying your seated form, back to the glass and morning sun.
“Protecting myself,” you fire back.
Wonwoo lets out a laugh, looking down where the sun reaches on the floor. Then, he steps into it. “Do you really think I’d have a room without tinted glass? The sunlight can’t touch me here. This is my safe haven, not yours.” 
“Have you decided what you’re going to do with me?” you ask, feeling defeated.
“I’ll let you know when I do,” Wonwoo responds smoothly, walking over to the closet. 
He’s left the door wide open, and you eye it, wondering if you can make your escape.
“Don’t even think about it,” the vampire warns. “You won’t get far. I’ve installed an extra lock on my front door too, so even if you make it there, you have no way out.”
“How many people have you killed here?”
“None.” Wonwoo is looking through his clothing casually, back to you. You’re not sure if you can believe him. “Go on, check the doors.”
You dart from the room, quickly getting your bearings in the small but luxurious apartment. When you make it to the front door, you find he’s not lying. There’s an extra deadbolt on it, and try as you might, you can’t get it open.
You move to the kitchen next, looking for knives of any kind- but there’s literally nothing to be found in any of the cabinets. You suppose a vampire has no use for utensils or food- 
Instead, you unplug a lamp, picking it up to use as a bludgeoning weapon if the need arises. You stare toward Wonwoo’s bedroom, and he crosses your line of sight. He’s shirtless now, a pair of sweatpants low on his hips.
The sight is gone far too soon, and you wait, frozen with your lamp. 
Wonwoo doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t come out of his room.
After a few minutes, you go to peek inside. The vampire is laying in his bed.
“What are you doing?”
“Trying to sleep,” he muses almost lazily. “It’s been a long night.”
You’d heard rumours about vampires needing sleep, but you hadn’t actually believed the tales. 
“What am I supposed to do now?” you ask.
“Get comfortable,” Wonwoo sighs. “You’re not going anywhere.” He opens his eyes when you stay standing in his doorway. “Put the lamp down.”
The vampire lets out a laugh. “Suit yourself.”
“I’ll kill you in your sleep,” you warn him.
“No you won’t.” Wonwoo rolls onto his side, facing away from you. The covers are around his hips, and you get a good view of his excessively broad shoulders. His skin is perfect, not a blemish in sight, only muscles for days.
You lower the lamp a little. 
This man is crazy. Absolutely batshit insane. 
You watch the vampire as he drifts to sleep, and as soon as you feel you’ve waited a substantial amount of time, you begin to tiptoe to his closet. Your blade has to be somewhere.
You’re hyper aware of the fact that at any moment, Wonwoo could wake up. You keep your noise level to a minimum, rifling through his things. Finally, after what feels like forever, you feel the tip of your blade under your fingers as you look through a folded pile of hoodies. 
The twisted knife pulls out from the fabric and you have to fight the urge to cry out in happiness. When you look over your shoulder, you find the vampire still asleep. He’s on his back now, and it would be the perfect opportunity to stake him.
You’re aware that if you kill him, it will be much harder to leave the apartment, but you’re confident that if you bang on the front door long and loudly enough, someone will come save you. 
You begin to tiptoe toward the bed, adjusting your grip on the knife. 
If there’s one thing you can say about vampires in general, it’s that they’re beautiful. Wonwoo looks absolutely angelic, even while asleep. You falter at the edge of the mattress, simply watching him. If he hadn’t nearly killed you last night, you might hesitate longer, but the memory brings your drive back, and you hold the blade over his chest.
But your hands can’t bring it down. You can’t pierce his skin the way he’d pierced your neck just hours ago.
Come on, you think to yourself. Just stake him. 
Wonwoo’s eyes open, and he simply stares at you for a moment. Then he grabs your hand, disarming the blade and tugging you roughly, sending you toppling onto the mattress next to him. 
“Fuck!” you scream, kicking and trashing against the vice grip he has on your wrist.
Wonwoo lets you go. “I would have been disappointed if you didn’t try.”
“I hate you!” you yell, sitting up only to be tugged back down again.
“No, you don’t.” Wonwoo straddles you this time, grabbing both your wrists and pinning them above your head with one hand while the other continues to hold your family blade. 
“I do!”
“I killed the vampire you were hunting, something you would have never been able to do. Some part of you must be grateful for that at least,” Wonwoo points out. “I’ve saved you from becoming a killer. Trust me, it’s not a weight you’d be able to hold easily.”
His words make your skin cold, and you stop wiggling beneath him, staring up at the beautiful vampire.
“There we go,” Wonwoo says, tone almost soothing. “If you’re good and calm, I’ll give you some information. Although, you won’t like what you’re about to hear.”
“Have you decided to kill me yet?” 
Wonwoo quickly shakes his head, releasing your wrists so he can sit straighter, staring down at your form. “I’m not really sure how to tell you this.”
“Just spit it out!”
“Impatient little thing, aren’t you?” Wonwoo grins, tracing the tip of the blade across your collar bone and making you freeze. You’re breathing heavily, fighting every urge to try to push him off of you. “Fine, maybe I won’t tell you.”
He gets off of you, rolling onto his back again. He begins to play with the knife, gently tracing one of its edges.
“Tell me,” you press. “I’m being good.” 
Wonwoo laughs, and you hate how attracted you are to him when he smiles, his fangs all pointy and sharp. 
“Fate is like this blade,” he says finally.
“A killer?” you suggest after a moment of deliberation.
“Twisted,” Wonwoo corrects you. 
“Twisted how?”
“Sung. He ruined my life. Ruined yours. I killed him, thinking I knew everything there was to know, but there was still information he could have given me. Information that died with him, like the vampire hunter legacy that died with your parents. Now here we are, two remnants of the same past, our souls scarred, but entwined, twisted by fate.”
You’d definitely not pegged this vampire as a poet, but there’s something very genuine about the words leaving his pretty lips.
“What do you know of souls?” you ask, words dripping with vitriol. “You don’t have one.”
“It would appear I do,” Wonwoo muses. 
“Then what do you know about mine?” 
He’s told you something without telling you anything, and it’s infuriating.
“When I bit you, I felt something,” Wonwoo says quietly.
“Besides hunger?”
He grins at your sarcasm. “Yes, besides hunger.”
Wonwoo drags his finger across the blade again, but this time, it cuts him. You watch dark red blood bloom, and after a moment he brings it to his lips, licking it clean. By the time he pulls his hand away, you see the small cut has healed.
“When I bit you, my chest hurt.”
“What does that mean?” 
“I wasn’t sure at the time,” he admits. “But I know someone who’d felt something similar, so I went to talk to him. Do you want to know what he said?”
The anticipation is nearly killing you. “Yes.” 
“He revealed to me that amidst a world of vampires, witches and werewolves, there’s also such a thing as soulmates. And so, like this blade, fate is twisted.” 
You stare at the vampire, trying to process what he’s just said. 
But it doesn’t make sense to you.
“You can’t be saying that we’re soulmates-”
“That’s exactly what I’m saying.” Wonwoo shifts, holding the blade out to you. “Here, try to stake me again.”
After a moment of deliberation, you take the knife, lining it up with his throat. But try as you might, you can’t bring yourself to kill him, can’t even cut a tiny scratch against his perfect skin.
“This doesn’t prove anything,” you say finally, feeling completely defeated.
“Sure it doesn’t,” Wonwoo grins, but his smile tells you another story. “Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to go back to sleep. You’re free to join me if you want.”
You take the knife away from his neck, releasing a loud sigh. “Just don’t bite me.”
“No promises.” Wonwoo rolls on his side again, back to you. 
You hate how calm he’s being about all of this, but you suppose that’s what happens when you’re the one holding all the cards. 
You can’t hurt him, but you’re pretty sure he can still hurt you, if that bite from last night is anything to go on. 
It takes an hour of letting him rest before you finally place the knife on the floor, settling into the bed with a huff. Your mind is completely full, but you’re exhausted too. Sleep finds you soon thereafter. 
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You wake up cold, and it only takes a moment for you to realize why. There’s a vampire attached to your back, his chest pressed tightly to your form, skin like ice. 
You want to pull away, but you can’t. You’re stuck, trapped in his tight embrace. 
There has to be a way out of this, not only his arms but his apartment too. You’ll find a way, there has to be a way- 
With a few deep breaths, you’re finally able to get control of yourself, and you begin to shift away from Wonwoo- only for his grip to tighten on your body. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” he asks, voice groggy as if he’s just woken up.
“I have to get out of here,” you insist.
Wonwoo releases his hold on you, and you dart out of bed, looking around at the dark of the room. It’s evening already? How long did you sleep? When you look outside, you see the sun has set, the sky a hazy purple. 
“People will look for me,” you say, trying to reassure yourself.
“What people? Your family is dead.” 
He’s such an asshole. He can’t possibly be your soulmate, he can’t be-
You turn to look at Wonwoo, only to find him standing right in front of you. He’s so large, his chest perfectly muscled- and he’s staring at your neck.
“Don’t even think about it,” you warn, clapping both hands over your throat.
He laughs. “But I’m thirsty.”
“How very enticing,” you say sarcastically. 
“I’ve been thinking.”
“You have?” you act shocked, picking up your blade.
“Put that down,” he tells you. “I’ve been thinking about something my friend told me. He said I’d have to turn you eventually.”
“Now I’m definitely not putting this down!” You brandish the knife at him and it only makes his grin wider. 
“You’re cute,” the vampire muses. “I can’t let you leave here while you’re human. It’s a dangerous world out there. Turning you would give me… security.”
“I’d still run,” you insist.
“You wouldn’t be able to. Not if I told you that you can’t.”
“I’d still try-”
Wonwoo bats the blade out of your hand, grabbing your wrists to pin them to your front while he steps closer. “You’re not listening,” he tuts. “Fledgelings can’t disobey their masters, and if I turned you-”
“You’ll never be my master,” you spit. 
“You might not like me now, but you’ll get over it,” Wonwoo assures you. “I can’t say I’m particularly fond of the fragility of your human body. I can turn you and you’ll be much more powerful. You’ll stay beautiful and young, forever.”
Blood is thrumming through your body, and so is fear. Your pulse is practically racing as you stare up at the vampire who thinks you’re his soulmate. 
How can he be so sure of this?
In the dark recesses of your mind, there’s some pleasure in being wanted, maybe even needed- but you push the thought away, struggling in his grasp. “Don’t do this.”
Wonwoo doesn’t respond, he simply steps closer, causing you to move back until you’re pressed between him and the wall. He stares down at you, an intensity in his eyes. 
“I’m going to ask you something, and I’ll be able to tell if you’re lying, so be a good girl and try to be honest, okay?” 
“Screw you!”
He places both your wrists in one hand, bringing the other up to cup your cheek. “Would you hate me if I kissed you?”
“Lie,” he grins, leaning even closer. “Tell me you don’t want me to kiss you.”
“I don’t want you to kiss me.”
“Another lie. Your heart jumped just now. Whether you want to admit it to yourself or not, your body always tells the truth.” 
You’re speechless, staring up at him with wide eyes.
“I’m going to kiss you now,” the vampire warns you. “It will be better if you try to enjoy yourself.” 
He gives you a moment to respond, but you can’t. There’s nothing you can say as Wonwoo closes the distance between your lips. It’s a soft kiss, much softer than you’d ever expected from him. Your body reacts, eyes closing, and you find yourself kissing him back.
Wonwoo grins, releasing your wrists in favour of grabbing your hip, pressing you harder against the wall. His tongue glides against your bottom lip and you can’t help but open your mouth for him, fighting the moan that bubbles in your chest. 
There’s something about this that feels electric, and after a mini battle with yourself, you give into the experience. Your hands grab at his strong shoulders, nails digging into his flesh as you kiss him back with more vigour, opening your mouth for him.
Wonwoo lets out a growl, deep in his chest, and the sound turns you on more than you’ll ever admit. His hand is bruising on your hip now, groping at your skin and slipping under your shirt. You shift in his embrace, pulling him closer when you wrap your arms around the back of his neck.
His hand on your cheek moves down, gently latching around your throat. The motion makes you gasp, and Wonwoo pulls away from your lips, staring down at you. “Thirsty.”
“You fucker-”
“Thirsty,” he repeats, pressing you against the wall and tightening his grip on your neck. You watch him drag his tongue across his sharp fangs. “Just say yes,” the vampire whispers. It almost sounds like he’s begging. 
You’re at war with yourself. Your body is clearly reacting to Wonwoo, but your mind still isn’t there yet. It’s almost torture, pressed to the wall by a man with a perfect body and power that practically thrums off of him.
You find yourself giving a small nod. “Don’t hurt me,” you plead.
“Never,” he promises, kissing you softly one last time before he arches your jaw to the side. You grab at his shoulders, ready to dig your nails in when you feel his fangs- 
His lips press to your throat and a shiver runs through your body. His tongue tastes your skin, drawing a circle that has you nearly dying with anticipation. When the bite finally comes, it’s not painful or sharp, it feels something like a hickey, and then it begins to throb.
A gasp tumbles out of you, and you cling to Wonwoo’s broad shoulders, closing your eyes. The vampire releases a groan, reaching for your hand so he can intertwine your fingers, squeezing gently. 
You’ve never felt close to someone like this, and the realization has your head spinning… or maybe that’s the blood loss. 
“Wonwoo-” you whimper, starting to worry at how long he’s been sucking on your throat.
The throbbing stops, and you feel his tongue gliding over the bite mark, an attempt to soothe your skin. Then he’s pulling away, looking down at you as he licks his lips clean of your blood.
“Good girl,” he praises you, letting go of your hand. “Your turn.” You watch as he brings his thumb to his mouth, biting the tip before grabbing your jaw, pressing the digit into your mouth. “This will heal the mark,” Wonwoo explains, watching as you begin to suck on his thumb.
He doesn’t taste like blood. Instead, you’re reminded of strawberries and stone fruits. You swirl your tongue around his digit, sucking him deeper into your mouth-
“That’s it,” the vampire groans, slowly pulling his thumb from you. He drags it across your lip. “All better.”
When you touch your throat, you find only perfect skin. There’s nothing to suggest you’ve just been bitten by a vampire. 
“If it’s any consolation,” Wonwoo leans down, his lips ghosting over your own, “you taste delicious.”
“You-” you swallow thickly, “you do too.”
“Yeah?” He grins. 
You can only nod, leaning forward eagerly to capture him in a kiss again. 
You’re hungry for him, hungry in a way you’ve never been before, hungry for more.
Wonwoo gives into your needs, working his lips against yours harder while his hands find your hips again. Your own fingers trace his broad shoulders, dipping down to tease over his chest before finding his abs-
“That’s enough for tonight,” Wonwoo says suddenly, pulling away.
You realize you’d been about to grab his sweat pants, and you feel slightly embarrassed. You’re not sure what’s come over you-
“As much as I’d love to give you everything you want, as a human, I’d break you much too easily, darling.” 
Is he… is he going to withhold sex unless you become a vampire?
Jesus, are you actually considering this now?
What has this man done to you?
“I’m going out,” Wonwoo announces.
“The club. You were a tasty treat, but I’ll need more soon.”
For some reason, the thought of him biting anyone else makes you almost jealous. “Take me with you.”
“To the vampire club?” Wonwoo laughs as he heads to his closet. “No.”
“Why not?” you ask.
“It’s too dangerous.”
“What if I stick to your side all night?” 
He turns to look at you, cocking a brow. “Not thinking of running anymore?”
You shake your head quickly.
“Shame, a lie,” Wonwoo sighs. “But I guess… anywhere you go, I’ll find you.” He reaches out, wrapping his hands around your throat and pulling you closer. “You’re mine. If you run, the consequence will be a turning, does that sound fair?”
You feel like you’re gambling with fate, but you nod all the same.
“Say it,” the vampire tells you. 
“If… If I run, you can turn me.”
Wonwoo studies you for a moment, then he releases your throat. “Fine. You can come to the club. We’ll get you food along the way if you promise to be good.”
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Entering the club with Wonwoo is extremely different from entering alone. The bouncers seem to know the vampire with his hand firmly wrapped around your own, and although they give you odd looks, no one says anything.
The crowd parts for Wonwoo, and you feel eyes drilling into your form. 
It had taken months to track down this specific club, there are few vampire safe havens like this one, and people tend to keep their mouth shut about this sort of thing. Yet, within the location itself, everyone seems to know who’s vampire and who’s human. It’s an unspoken hierarchy, one you’re disturbing by being so close to Wonwoo while still owning a pulse.
Wonwoo leads you to the booth section you’d found him in last night. There are three vampires already sitting there, and they all stare as you approach. “Shouldn’t have brought you here,” Wonwoo sighs.
“Why not?”
“They’re never going to let me live this down,” he explains. “I’ve got a reputation to uphold.”
It’s an interesting notion, the idea that you’re bringing down this asshole vampire’s street cred. But at the same time, you didn’t force him to bring you here. You’ll never be able to force Wonwoo to do anything.
The vampire with the longest hair stands up from the booth as you approach, and you’re shocked when he smiles at you. “This must be her,” he says, holding out a hand. When you take it, instead of shaking, the beautiful man leans down to kiss your knuckles. 
“This is Jeonghan,” Wonwoo tells you.
You give the vampire your own name, and when you hear Wonwoo whispering it behind you, you realize he’s yet to learn it. Had you really gone this long without introducing yourself to him properly? Had you let him bite you, and kiss you, and call you good girl, all without knowing your name?
“You’re the vampire hunter,” comes the next voice, and the tallest vampire you’ve ever seen stands to tower over you. “I thought you’d be dead by now.”
“Mingyu,” Wonwoo warns, his hand moving to the small of your back in an almost protective gesture.
“Vampire hunter?” The third man cocks his head. “I see you’ve brought us a pretty little juice box.”
“Joshua,” now it’s Jeonghan’s turn to scold someone, and you realize through the long haired vampire’s behaviour that he must be the friend Wonwoo went to see about soulmates. There’s definitely a softness to him that the others don’t have, an understanding.
“Is she not dinner?” Joshua simply blinks in confusion, unable to see what he’s done wrong.
“A fang bunny then, not dinner,” the final vampire suggests.
“Excuse Soonyoung and Joshua,” Jeonghan sighs, addressing you again, “looks don’t account for manners. How about I take you down to the bar for a drink and Wonwoo can explain to our friends what’s going on,” he leans closer, lowering his voice, “Wonwoo’s never brought a girl home, I’m sure you can understand the surprise.”
You’d promised Wonwoo you’d stay by his side all night, and you can’t help but look at him for permission to leave with Jeonghan. Your vampire mate meets your gaze with a steady look, and he gives you a quick nod before turning to his friends again.
Jeonghan takes your hand, pulling you away from the table and back toward the bar. “You two look good together,” he muses. “Fragility looks nice next to Wonwoo’s controlled chaos, it’s a good balance.”
“What’s with you vampires and hating human fragility?” you ask.
“I can’t speak for all vampires, but I can tell you it’s a trait of our fledgling group. Our old master was… brutal, to say the least. It left its scars.” Jeonghan looks down, and you can see an unreadable emotion cross his face. But he’s forcing a smile a moment later. “It doesn’t matter, Sung is gone, we’re free now.”
So Wonwoo hadn’t only freed himself and you when he’d killed his maker. How many people had he saved? You’d seen the act as something of a bloodthirsty move of defiance, but you  hadn’t been aware of the domino effect of it all, hadn’t been aware that Sung had been cruel to humans and vampires alike, even his own spawn. 
The bartender comes over with two glasses of red wine, and you reach for yours, only to have Jeonghan’s cold fingers latch around your wrist. “Don’t drink that,” he warns you, eyes shifting to the human bartender. “She’s not a red wine lover.”
“I can drink this-”
Jeonghan leans closer, voice lowering. “It’s blood, darling.”
Your eyes dip to the glass of red liquid and you pull your hand away, swallowing thickly. Something tells you this blood wouldn’t taste like Wonwoo’s had, there’d be no strawberries and stone fruit, only harsh metalics. 
“What would you like to drink?” Jeonghan asks.
You give your order and the bartender scurries away. Jeonghan moves both glasses of blood in front of himself, lifting one to his lips. 
“Stupid humans,” he mutters, only realizing his mistake a moment later. “Not you of course, as Wonwoo’s soulmate, you’re an extension of us.”
It’s very odd to be accepted like this. You’ve never met any vampires like these ones, and they’re reshaping your view of things that go bump in the night.
Your gaze moves back to the table of vampires, and you’re shocked to find Wonwoo standing with a new person you’ve not yet met. They’re comparable in size, and from your distance, it almost looks like they’re arguing. Then you see Wonwoo motion, pointing toward the hallway that leads to the alley he’d taken you last night.
“Jeonghan?” You tap on the man’s arm. “Who’s that with Wonwoo?”
“Shit,” Jeonghan cusses. “He’s bad news.”
And here you’d thought Wonwoo was bad news, can this new man be even worse?
You watch the two heated vampires begin to head through the crowd, clearly intent on taking this outside. Mingyu, Joshua and Soonyoung watch from the booth, but they don’t make a move to follow. 
“Does- does Wonwoo need backup?” you ask.
Jeonghan considers it for a moment. “Doubtful. He’d probably be mad if we went out after him.”
As you watch Wonwoo disappear, your heart clenches in your chest. “I think we should follow.”
“He’s fine,” Jeonghan assures you.
“I don’t care.”
“Wonwoo wouldn’t want you there,” the vampire tries to convince you. “You’re fragile, human, it would only make things worse.”
“Screw that.”
“Your drink isn’t even here yet-”
But you’re already moving away from the bar, and Jeonghan scrambles to follow you, grabbing both glasses of wine. “This is a bad idea,” he insists, but you’re done listening to him. “Wonwoo can take care of himself.”
To be fair, that might be true. However, there’s a pull, deep in your chest. Something tells you Wonwoo will need you soon, although you’re not quite sure in what capacity. 
Your pace quickens as you head down the dark hallway, and you push open the exit door, quickly looking around. 
Wonwoo has the other vampire pressed to the brick wall behind the bar, and they’re grappling at each other, practically snarling. You have no clue who’s the aggressor, but you know who the winner will be, and you reach into your jacket for your blade.
“Wonwoo!” you scream, catching his attention for a moment, but it’s all you need to toss the weapon toward him. He catches it easily, driving the stake into the other man without a second thought.
A choked sound leaves you, and a hand covers your eyes. Jeonghan presses against your back, cradling you while you hear the sounds of your vampire mate eviscerating his opponent. 
Jeonghan turns you in his arms. “Don’t look,” he urges, removing his palm from your view. He’s still holding a wine glass, and you see the other sitting on the garbage can a few feet away. The sight of the blood makes your stomach churn. You try to take deep breaths to calm yourself, but it’s difficult in a situation like this.
Something moves in the periphery of your vision and you turn your head to see Wonwoo standing there, reaching for the wine glass. His skin is marred with red, his hair a tangle of curls. Your mate’s eyes are dark, and he closes them as he downs the red liquid, tossing the glass to the side when he’s through with it. The cup shatters across the alleyway. 
“Wonwoo-” you breathe, reaching for him, needing to check if he’s hurt.
“Why did you two come out here?” he asks, staring at Jeonghan.
“She insisted.”
Oh, to be thrown under the bus by a vampire.
Wonwoo cracks a grin, gaze shifting to you. “Brat.” 
“Killer,” you retort.
“He deserved it,” Wonwoo assures you, reaching out to grab you by the back of the neck, pulling you closer. 
He’s covered in blood and he looks like a sexy, wild monster. But he’s your monster, and you can’t help but react, leaning in-
“Jesus Christ,” you hear Jeonghan breathe, turning to give you and Wonwoo privacy while he presses his lips against yours hungrily.
At first, you can try to ignore the wet liquid on your fingertips as you grab at his strong shoulders, but you can’t ignore the taste on his tongue. Your body goes rigid and Wonwoo pulls back with a sigh, resting his forehead against yours. 
It’s an oddly peaceful moment amongst the chaos.
Wonwoo lets you go, turning to his friend. “Help me with the body,” he instructs.
“The club owner isn’t going to like this,” Jeonghan groans, although he does as he’s told, following Wonwoo toward the body crumpled by the wall.
The vampire has been practically torn to pieces- you shift your gaze again, wiping at your mouth just in case there’s any blood on your skin.
“I’ll explain what happened,” Wonwoo says. 
“Explain it to me then.”
You focus on the ground, not wanting to look as you hear the two vampires open a large dumpster. 
Wonwoo has lowered his voice to respond to his friend, but you hear the words soulmate and threatened. 
Had this killing been over you? The thought makes your stomach tie into knots again.
“You can’t bring her here again, not while she’s still human,” Jeonghan muses.
“You think I don’t know that?” Wonwoo snaps. “I didn’t even want to bring her today!”
“Then why did you?”
“It’s hard to say no to her, something you should understand. Can’t believe you let her come out here-”
“I didn’t let her do anything,” Jeonghan insists. “That soulmate of yours has a mind of her own. Besides, my hands were full.”
Your eyes shift to the glass of wine still sitting on a small trash can, and you move to retrieve it. 
“You’ll get this properly cleaned up, won’t you?” Wonwoo asks.
“Yeah, I got you,” Jeonghan sighs. “But you owe me one.”
“I’d expect nothing less.” 
You hear them walking over again, and you turn to face the approaching vampires, holding out the ‘wine’ for Jeonghan.
“Thank you, darling,” he offers you a smile, taking the glass. 
You can only nod, gaze shifting to Wonwoo, who still looks gorgeous even while covered in blood. 
He takes your hand gently. “Come on, brat, let’s get out of here.”
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Mingyu had come around with his car to take you home, helping avoid any uber drivers who would take one look at Wonwoo’s blood-speckled face and driven the other way. It had been a tense ten minutes, with hardly a word spoken.
Now, you’re in Wonwoo’s bathroom, helping him take off his shirt so you can wash him clean.
He watches as you ring out a warm soapy cloth, bunching it up and bringing it toward his shoulders first. It’s hard to focus with his intense gaze fixed on you, but you do your best, wiping away the blood from his throat.
“I have to turn you,” he says.
You sigh. “I know.”
“Are you upset with me?”
You shake your head, daring a look into his dark eyes. 
The vampire cocks his head, hands finding your hips while he leans back against the sink. “I’ll be gentle,” he promises. “One bite, I’ll nearly drain you, and on the cusp between life or death, I’ll give you my own blood. You’ll probably pass out, for a little while, and when you wake up, you’ll be like me.”
“Except you’ll be my master,” you point out, drawing the cloth across his bloody cheekbone. 
“I won’t abuse that power.”
For some reason, you believe him.
Silence fills the bathroom while you continue to clean him, but your mind is very much active. 
You’ve spent over ten years with one goal and one goal only, to avenge your parents. You’d been told it was a fool's errand, so you’d never quite planned for what came next. Part of you had always expected to die young- and if you’d been at the house instead of with a friend the day Sung had come for your family, you would have. 
The idea of living forever is a lot to grapple with, but Wonwoo’s the one that makes it possible.
He’d completed your life task, and now, he’s offering you a new path, one that’s rich with shadows, but also love. In a way, maybe you can’t ask for anything more than that.
“Do you think it will satisfy you?” you question. “Having me when you know I can’t refuse you?”
Wonwoo considers you for a moment, and his silence makes you anxious.
“I just mean…” you bite at your lip, cleaning the last speckle of blood from his skin before tossing the cloth down. “Wouldn’t it be better to have me for the first time while I’m still human? When you know I’m saying yes out of my own free will?”
“Darling,” his fingers dig into your hips, “are you asking me to fuck you?”
“I’m just- I know I want you, I think that much is obvious. I just think that if I wait to have you until after I’m a vampire, maybe there will always be a part of me that questions it. I want to experience you now, as I am, as a human.”
“It’s an interesting proposition,” Wonwoo admits.
“Just interesting?” you tease, wrapping your arms around his strong shoulders.
Wonwoo straightens. No longer leaning against the sink, he towers over you again, and it takes your anxieties away. 
“Is this really what you want?” he asks.
You take a deep breath and nod. 
“I’ll be as gentle as I know how,” he reaches out, brushing his fingers along your arm, “but I can’t make any promises.”
“It’s okay,” you assure him, tongue darting out to wet your lips. “I like rough.”
“Are you sure about that, pretty girl?” Wonwoo grins, grabbing your hips and tugging you closer. 
It feels amazing to be pressed against him now, your palms coming to rest on his broad chest. He’s so beautiful, you can hardly control yourself around him anymore. 
“I want you to ravage me,” you tell him. “And when we both finish, you can turn me. I think… I think I’m ready for my life with you. There’s nothing for me with the old one anyways, not anymore.” 
The vampire studies you, and you avert your gaze, only for his fingers to find the bottom of your chin. He tilts your head up so you’re forced to meet his eyes. “I’m going to take care of you,” Wonwoo whispers, and then he leans in to press his lips against yours.
You melt against his chest, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck. Your mouth parts much too easily for Wonwoo, and he drags his tongue along yours, earning a sigh of relief from deep within you. Your brain has been so full since seeing Wonwoo eviscerate that rival vampire, it’s good to be in your body now, mind going numb from your soulmate’s touch.
In one easy motion, Wonwoo turns you so you’re the one with your back to the sink. He bends down, tearing your pants off before grabbing your thighs and lifting you onto the counter, slotting between your legs while he kisses you harder. 
His hands find your shirt, and you break the kiss to tear it off, leaving you in your underwear. Wonwoo’s lips find your neck, and you tangle your fingers in his hair, groaning. You throw your head back, wrapping your legs tighter around his hips. “Bite me,” you urge him, missing the sensation.
The vampire grins against your throat, and you feel his fangs a moment later. He doesn’t tease you with kisses or licking this time, he simply sinks his teeth into you. The throbbing feeling courses through you and you gasp, digging your nails into his shoulders while Wonwoo drinks from you. 
You’ve never felt close to someone like this before. Wonwoo is grabbing your hips hard, leaning closer while he uses you for his own strength. He presses forward, allowing you to feel his cock growing in his jeans, denim catching against your panties. Then his hands slip behind you, and he undoes your bra, tearing it off. 
Your nipples pebble in the cool of the bathroom, and Wonwoo’s cold hands don’t help any as they move up to cup your breasts. Your soulmate pulls away from your throat, releasing a groan.
Warm blood begins to drip down your skin, he’d bitten you harder than last time. As the track of red makes it to your nipple, Wonwoo bends down, capturing the sensitive bud in his mouth and licking roughly. 
You whimper at the sensation, tangling your fingers in his hair as he drags his tongue up, collecting all the blood that’s just spilt from your neck. The vampire groans when he makes it to your bite mark, and he adjusts slightly, biting his thumb before pressing it into your mouth. “Need you healed or I might lose control,” he says, voice husky.
You can only suck in his digit, closing your eyes and enjoying the tingly feeling of your wound disappearing. 
Your soulmate pulls his hand from your mouth, bringing his newly spit-covered fingers to your panty-clad core. He applies a good amount of pressure to your clit and you cry out, grabbing at his jaw to bring his lips back to yours.
The vampire rubs you teasingly, working you up until you’re practically rutting against his hand. “Please,” you moan, feeling absolutely desperate now.
Wonwoo rewards you by pushing your panties to the side, sinking two fingers into your hot core while you groan into each other’s mouths. 
“Already so wet for me,” Wonwoo muses. “Is this how you always react to vampires, darling?”
You shake your head, whimpering as he strokes your inner walls expertly. “Just you,” you tell him.
Wonwoo lets out a growl. With his free hand he grabs your wrist, bringing your palm to his chest. “Can you feel what you’re doing to me?”
At first, you’re confused, but then you feel something, a rough thumping, as if his heart is clawing to get out of his ribcage. “I’m doing this to you?” you ask in wonder.
“And this,” he guides your hand down further, so you can feel how hard he is in his jeans now. 
“Fuck, you’re big-”
Wonwoo laughs, working his fingers into you even harder. “Think you’ll be able to make it fit?”
“Uh huh,” you nod eagerly. “We’ll make it fit.” 
His digits crook up, stroking a spot that has your thighs quivering around his hips. You squeeze his cock through his jeans, hoping to drive Wonwoo even a fraction as wild as he’s driving you.
Your soulmate lets out a satisfied groan, and the sound goes straight to your core, which squelches around his fingers. “I’m close,” you warn him, nearly panting now as the orgasm builds in the pit of your stomach.
“Yeah?” Wonwoo grinds his palm against your clit and you’re nearly seeing stars. 
You let go of his cock, needing to anchor yourself on his strong shoulders as he leans in to kiss your throat. He focuses on the spot he’d bitten, and even though it’s healed, you’re still sensitive there, sending throbbing tingles through your form.
“Fuck, Wonwoo-” You clench your eyes shut as you reach your high, your entire being now consumed with pleasure. You’ve never felt anything like this. It’s almost an out of body experience, your cries leaving your lips as you dig your nails into his shoulders, throbbing ceaselessly with ecstasy. 
“That’s it, pet,” Wonwoo coos, fingers continuing to abuse your hole even as your walls contract around him. “Who’s my good little human?”
“Me,” you whimper, threading your hand through his hair so you can keep him to your throat. You almost want to ask him to bite you again, but you hold yourself back, enjoying the last moments of your orgasm.
You finish with a gasp, breathing hard. 
Wonwoo takes his hand from your core, pulling away from your neck. He watches you with dark eyes as he brings his fingers to his lips, licking them clean. The vampire lets out a groan. “Everything about you tastes so fucking sweet, darling.”
God. You need him like you’ve never needed anyone in your whole life.
“Please,” you moan.
“Please, what?” he teases.
“Take me,” you whisper. “Make me yours.”
“Darling,” Wonwoo leans closer, his lips ghosting over your own, “I thought you’d never ask.”
He pulls you off the sink, tucking you close to his chest and carrying you back to the bedroom. The lights are off, and when he gently places you on the bed, his beautiful frame is illuminated from the glow of the bathroom. 
You can’t see his face, but you can see he’s smiling, and his fangs flash. His hands move to his belt and he undoes it. You bite at your lip, sitting up onto your elbows while you watch him. 
He pushes his pants down, and you can just make out the impressive size of his cock. “Wish I could see you,” you muse.
“I can see you,” he retorts. “When I turn you, you’ll be able to see in the dark too.”
“Are you really going to make me wait?”
“You won’t have to wait long,” Wonwoo reminds you. “You can be patient for this first time, can’t you, human? After tonight, we’ll have forever.”
You can’t even imagine what forever entails, and you distract yourself from it by pulling your panties down, tossing them to the floor. You spread your legs for the vampire at the foot of the bed and he releases a groan.
“You are beautiful,” he admits.
“Even for a human?”
“Even for a vampire hunter,” Wonwoo presses a knee to the bed.
“Thought you said I was a sorry excuse for a vampire hunter.” 
“I may have said something along those lines,” he grins.
“A vampire hunter with no kills under her belt-”
Wonwoo presses his hand to the bed next to your head, leaning over you while you wrap your legs around his hips. “Are you looking for an apology, darling?”
“It would help,” you sigh, enjoying the way he ruts his cock against your hot core.
“I’m sorry I called you a filthy little human who fancies herself a vampire hunter,” Wonwoo smirks, “I was having a bad day, and I misspoke… you’re a darling little human who’s about to become a vampire fucker.”
“Wonwoo-” you push at his chest, hating how harsh his words sound.
“You’re right,” your soulmate concedes, “you’re not a vampire fucker, I’m the one on top.”
“You’re horrible!” you screech, but at the same time, you’re giggling now.
“Tell me you love it,” he insists, leaning in to press his lips to your neck. “Tell me you don’t want me to fuck you stupid. That you don’t want me to sink my fangs into this pretty throat and make you mine, my eternal mate, untouchable to anyone but me.”
It does sound nice, and you shiver as Wonwoo presses his cold body down against yours.
“I’ll enjoy it once you’re turned,” Wonwoo breathes. “You won’t be able to be bratty with me. I’ll ask you what's on your mind and you’ll have to answer.”
“I’m just thinking how nice this is going to be,” you admit.
“Nice?” He laughs, pulling away to look down at you. 
“Obviously it will be a lot to figure out,” you back pedal slightly, “but… I don’t know, you really are my soulmate, and I know you’ll take care of me.”
The vampire simply blinks. 
“What?” you ask, cupping his face.
“This is the first time you’ve admitted it,” Wonwoo points out. 
“I wouldn’t let you bite me if you weren’t,” you remind him. “Wouldn’t let you fuck me-”
“I haven’t fucked you yet,” your soulmate grins, pushing his hips so his cock brushes by your clit as if to prove his point.
“And I’m devastated,” you say dramatically. “Please, Wonwoo- just fuck me!”
Wonwoo presses his lips to yours, and you love that he’s smiling into the kiss. You tangle your fingers in his hair, hooking your legs tighter around his hips. You’re still so wet from his fingers, and each small drag of his cock between your pussy lips feels like heaven. 
He’s such a tease, but you kind of love it.
The vampire adjusts slightly, reaching between your bodies, and then his cock slides into you. It’s just the head at first, but it’s enough to have you gasping and clawing at him. He thrusts shallowly, pushing deeper and deeper until his hips are flush to your own and every impressive inch of him is stretching you open.
“Fuck-” you whimper, toes curling from how full you feel.
Wonwoo collects one of your hands, linking your fingers and pressing it down against the pillow. “Are you sure you’re ready for this, my pretty human?”
“Uh huh,” you nod, swallowing thickly. “I told you,” you lean up, letting your lips ghost past his while you stare into his eyes, “ravage me.”
Your vampire lover groans, smashing his mouth to yours and squeezing your hand, then he begins to thrust into you and your mind goes completely blank. He fills you up perfectly- it’s like you were always meant to be full in this way. 
Now that you’ve tasted this, how can you ever get enough?
You can tell he’s holding back, can tell he’s still trying to be careful with your fragile form. You lock your legs tighter around his hips, a wordless encouragement to go harder. You wonder what it’s going to be like once you’re on his level, once you’re a vampire like him. If sex with him feels this good and he’s only at a fraction of his power, you bet undying fucking will kill you all over again.
Each snap of his hips presses his cock deep into your core, and your walls greedily eat him up. You’re moaning desperately against his mouth, squeezing his hand while tangling your fingers through his hair with the other. 
Wonwoo’s fangs drag by your lip, teasing you just enough to be on the verge of painful. 
You’re so lost in him you don’t even care, you bite him back, tugging on his curls and whimpering a sound of affirmation. This time, when his teeth make contact with your lip, it’s with enough force to pierce. 
Wonwoo groans immediately, suckling on your lower lip. It’s throbbing slightly, but unlike when he goes for your neck, his teeth aren’t still inside of you. He’s simply made a small incision, and now your vampire lover is making the most of it, kissing you so greedily that you can’t even taste the metallic proof of what he’s just done.
He simply can’t get enough of you, and you can’t get enough of him. You push on the hand capturing yours to the bed and Wonwoo relents, allowing you to grab at his shoulder while he fucks you harder, pressing you into the mattress.
With his fingers now free, he shoves them between your bodies, rubbing your clit and making your legs shake around his hips. 
With each lick and suck at your bleeding lip, he’s getting rougher with you. Your life’s blood is giving him strength, making him more feral, and you’re enjoying the show. 
Your pussy is throbbing again, just like your lip, and you know you’re achingly close to another orgasm. When has cumming ever been this easy? Wonwoo feels like a dream, or perhaps a nightmare, you’re still not sure.
“Close, darling?” Wonwoo asks, dragging his tongue across your teeth. You taste something on him, and realize he’s bitten himself, allowing his blood to heal your lip wound just as suddenly as it had been given. 
You nod, crying out as he rubs your clit harder. He stares down at you, in the dark there are angular shadows on his face, his pretty cheekbones all sharp-
“You look…” he licks his lips, “beautiful.”
“Wonwoo-” you whimper, body shuddering at the praise, your core twisting and aching as he continues to fuck into you wildly.
“That’s it,” the vampire coos, “cum on my cock, I need to feel you.”
You literally can’t help yourself. His voice is too sexy, his cock is too big, and you’re way too deep into the kinkiness of bloodsharing vampire sex to refuse any command he gives you. You let out a cry of ecstasy as your second orgasm of the night slams into you, ravaging your form and making you see stars.
Wonwoo buries his face against your neck, teasing you with his teeth and tounge while he fucks you through his high. With each second of overstimulated pleasure, you hang on the edge of anticipation, wondering if he’s about to bite you-
But he doesn’t. He simply works you through your orgasm until you’re a shaking mess.
You can feel tears in your eyes, but you’re not quite sure why they’re there.
When Wonwoo looks down at you again, he notices your tears, his brows furrowing. But he doesn’t question you on it, he simply brushes them away with his thumb while you shiver and recollect yourself after that mind numbing high.
You drag his face in for a kiss, pouring all your emotions into the merging of your lips. It must be clear to him that you’re okay, that you’re feeling just a little broken right now- but to be fair, you had asked him to ravage you.
There are underlying feelings being brought up, and in the periphery of your mind, you’re questioning your own mortality.
This is your last night on earth as a human, your last hour even- and although you know Wonwoo will take care of you, there’s something scary about it.
You’re diving into the deep, dark, unknown with your new soulmate, entrusting him as your guide after living an entire life without trusting anyone.
Trusting feels foreign to you, but you do trust Wonwoo, and that’s a scary thought in and of itself.
“Okay,” you say, swallowing thickly and letting out a shaky breath, “I’m ready for more.”
“I’d almost worried I’d broken you,” Wonwoo admits, pressing another soft kiss to your lips.
“It was a good broken,” you tell him, heart swelling in your chest at the fact that he’d been concerned for you. 
“And now my little human wants more,” Wonwoo muses. “You’re not as fragile as you look, are you, darling?”
You shake your head.
“Think you can get on your knees for me?” the vampire asks, pushing his body weight off of you.
“Uh huh,” you nod, whimpering a little at the loss of his cock from your core. You get into position, turning your back to him and adjusting on your knees, wiggling you ass gently to entice him.
“Pretty human,” Wonwoo breathes, hands ghosting down your sides before taking two fistfuls of your bum and squeezing. 
You feel his cock at your entrance again, and he pushes into you, making you both moan. In this position it almost feels like he hits deeper. You go fully doggy, resting your face against his pillows and arching your back.
“I’d tell you to be good for me, but I’m pretty sure I’ve fucked the brat out of you already. Isn’t that right, darling?” He lands a gentle smack to your ass that has you whimpering. 
He’s such a cocky asshole and it makes you groan. You can feel yourself throb around him at his words, betraying what you really think about the line he’s just used on you.
“That’s what I thought.” You can practically hear him grinning, and his hands move to your waist. His touch is almost bruising, but it feels so good as he begins to thrust into you again. Each movement has his hips hitting your ass, and the sound of sex fills the room.
You love the noises he’s making, soft, breathy groans, and deep rumbles that border on growls. There’s no time for talking anymore, your mind is much more preoccupied in the pleasure building within you both.
You’re still sensitive from two orgasms, so when you slip your hand under your body to rub your clit, your pussy immediately reacts. You clench tightly around Wonwoo, who lets out a moan at the sensation, fucking you even harder and faster.
Each thrust has you crying out now, whines of desperation slipping out of you while you rub your clit, eyes shut. 
Suddenly, Wonwoo is wrapping a hand around the front of your throat, pulling you up onto your knees with your back to his chest. His lips ghost by your ear. “So eager to cum again?” he asks.
You can only nod, grabbing at the forearm now pinned against your front while Wonwoo’s other hand tightens around your neck. He’s buried deep inside of you now, unmoving, and you’ve never felt this full.
“You know what happens when you cum, don’t you, darling?” 
“I-” You’re so delirious from his cock you can’t even think.
“‘When we cum, you can turn me,’ that’s what you said, wasn’t it, pet?” Wonwoo lets out a chuckle. “Are you really that eager? Or just a little dim with my cock buried so deep in this perfect pussy of yours?”
“I remember,” you gasp, head beginning to swim with how hard he’s gripping your throat.
“So you are eager,” the vampire confirms. “That’s cute.” 
He lets go of you, pushing you down to the bed. His hand finds the back of your neck and he holds your face down, grabbing your hip with the other. “I guess you can cum as fast as you want, little pet. I’d be happy to taste you again.”
You’re gasping against the pillow, enjoying how rough he’s being with you now. There’s something about having his hand on your neck, keeping you down while he begins to fuck into you again. 
“Are you close?” you ask, enjoying the groans leaving his own lips.
Wonwoo laughs. “When you cum, I cum.”
“Lucky me,” you whisper, reaching for your clit again. Your pussy pulses with ecstasy as you begin to rub the sensitive nub, your eyes closing from the pleasure. 
“Naughty human,” Wonwoo states, but there’s something like pride in his tone. “I guess I haven’t fucked the brat out of you just yet.”
“You love that I’m a brat,” you insist. “It gives you something you want to control, and we both know how much you like control.”
Wonwoo’s thrusts falter ever so slightly. “I didn’t realize you knew me so well, little soulmate.”
“I do,” you groan. “Just like I know that if I start begging, you’ll really lose your head.”
Wonwoo lets out a laugh, and you see it as a challenge.
“Please,” you whimper, rubbing your clit harder and cutting off your soulmate’s laugh. “Please, Wonwoo, I’m so close-”
The vampire behind you lets out a growl, fucking you faster. His grip on your neck pushes you down against the bed more, but it does nothing to muffle the begging that’s beginning to tumble past your lips.
“Want you to fill me up. Want you to make me see stars. Want you to bite me like only you can-”
“Fuck-” Wonwoo groans.
Suddenly he’s letting go of your neck and flipping you over. You’re not on your back for even a moment before he’s pushing into your core again, his lips eager against your own. His tongue invades your mouth, shutting up your begging while you tangle your fingers through his hair.
One of his hands is planted on the pillow next to you, and the other is on your hip, digging into your skin while he fucks you so hard the bed shakes.
“Please,” you whimper, so close to the edge you can almost taste it again.
Wonwoo’s mouth moves to your throat and your entire body tenses with anticipation, teetering on the edge of pleasure that you know is going to be nothing like anything you’ve ever experienced before.
You drag your fingers against his scalp, panting hard. “Bite me,” you beg. “Bite me, please- I’ll cum so hard if you just bite me-”
The vampire lets out a primal groan, and then his teeth are sinking into your flesh. The throbbing sensation erupts through your entire body, going straight to your core, which clenches desperately around Wonwoo’s cock. 
A strangled cry leaves your lips as your orgasm overtakes you. Your grip tightens in Wonwoo’s hair, holding him to your throat as you ascend to a height of pleasure that has you weak all over- 
From the noises leaving your soulmate, you know he’s just cum too, and the thought makes your body tingle as he drinks steadily from your neck. 
His thrusts begin to slow, but the speed to which he’s devouring you remains a constant. Suddenly, you realize that there’s no coming back from cloud 9, you’re simply floating- floating, floating, with only his hair as your anchor, but soon, you begin to lose your grip on even that.
Your throat is really pulsing now, but it’s getting noticeably weaker, and the heat of the bite is dying down. Maybe it’s not the only thing dying, you realize, with your eyes closed and your lids too heavy to lift.
Something presses to your lips, filling your mouth with a familiar flavour. 
Strawberries and stone fruits.
You do your best to swallow, but it’s kind of difficult. You’re so tired, so very tired-
“Drink up, darling,” Wonwoo says. His voice feels far away. “Come back to me. I’m not done with you yet.”
Part of you wishes you could simply drift off, but your soulmate's words are enticing. You push yourself to do as he says, drinking the sweet nectar and regaining your strength, drawing you back to him. 
When you’re finally able to open your eyes, Wonwoo isn’t on top of you anymore. He’s laying in bed next to you, watching. 
You roll onto your side, mirroring him. “Did I pass out?”
“I warned you that might happen,” he reminds you, reaching out to push a strand of hair away from your face. 
His touch sends sparks through your body and you lick your lips, feeling pulled to the man in front of you. That’s when you realize, the lights are still off, but you can see Wonwoo perfectly. “I’m like you now,” you whisper.
“You’re like me,” Wonwoo agrees. “Do you have any regrets?”
“No,” you shake your head. “Do you?”
He’s quiet for a moment. “Just one.”
“Yeah?” You shift closer, palms flattening against his cold chest. 
“After you passed out, I realized there’s one thing I never said to you while you were human, not in so many words, at least.” 
“It’s not like you’ve known me long,” you try to assure him.
“That doesn’t matter,” Wonwoo insists. “I still should have said it. Like you wanting to experience me while still human, I should have said it while you still had a heart that beats.”
“I hate to break it to you, mister vampire,” you grin, taking his hand and pressing it to your chest, “but my dead heart is beating for you the same way yours beats for me. Just say it now.”
Wonwoo takes his hand from your chest, reaching up to cup your cheek. “I love you, even though I thought I’d never love anyone. I thought I’d be alone forever, but now… here you are. And I… I love you.” 
You grin at your vampire mate, adoring how vulnerable he’s being with you. “I also thought I’d be alone forever,” you admit. “Thought I’d die young and bloody, which, I guess is kind of true, but you’ve given me something new, something I could have never imagined, and I can’t wait to explore this second life with you. I love you too, Wonwoo, as crazy as it sounds.”
Wonwoo grins, and you return the expression. His thumb moves up to drag past your teeth. “The fangs suit you, my love,” he muses.
The petname makes you smile wider, shifting closer and wrapping your leg around his hip, mounting the pretty vampire. “Hungry,” you whisper, leaning down to press your lips to his neck.
“We’ll have to go get you some food.”
“Not for that,” you laugh, licking his throat. “For you.”
“Are you sure you’re strong enough, darling?” Wonwoo asks. “You’ve just been turned, maybe you should rest-”
“I’ve got strength enough to have you again, that is… if you have the energy, my big, scary, vampire master.”
Now it’s his turn to moan at the new petname, even if it is said slightly in jest.
“Still a brat,” Wonwoo muses, fingers skimming down your sides. 
“You’ll be entertained forever,” you insist.
“And what if master tells you to be a good girl and keep your pretty mouth shut?”
You laugh. “Then you’d miss me after a minute and ask me to start begging again.”
Wonwoo sighs in defeat, then he’s rolling the two of you so you’re on your back, pressed between him and the mattress. “I guess we might as well start your new life off with a bang, shouldn’t we, my love?”
“I’d be mad if we didn’t,” you admit.
Wonwoo only laughs, pressing his lips to yours. You might have forever with him, but right now, you’re as eager and needy as you’ve ever been, and he doesn’t mind catering to you, not one bit. 
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☀️ mlist + an. thank you for reading! Vampire Wonwoo just bites different- I know I say that about every new fic but for real, I'd initially planned on this being a more slow burn but Soulmate sexy vampire asshole Wonwoo? as if we all wouldn't be climbing that man like a tree
🍭 support me by. sending a tip here or here - or become a patron to access monthly bonus content and extensions for fics like this one :) find the Patreon teaser below! 
🔮 preview. “Tell me what you want.” You kind of hate it when he uses his vampire master abilities on you, but at the same time, it allows you to dish out your darkest fantasies with no fear of disapproval. “I want you to make me cum so hard I can’t even think.”
cw/ tw. Oral (f receiving), blood play/vampiric drinking from each other, biting, roughhousing, fingering, orgasm control, orgasm denial, dacryphilia, overstim, man handling, pinning, unprotected sex, dirty talk, praise, size kink, soft dom wonwoo, mentions of wandering eyes, multiple reader orgasms, thigh grinding, hair pulling, etc… I pet names: (hers) brat, darling.
👹 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 2.8k I teaser wc. 300
🌙 staring. Wonwoo x afab!reader
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“Bratty baby is at it again,” Jeonghan says fondly, watching you saunter away from the table with Mingyu toward the bar. “Serves you right for staring at that juice box.”
“You’re not going to take my side on this one?” Wonwoo laughs, amused at the night's turn of events.
“Not a chance,” the long-haired vampire grins. “I don’t know why you’d even need to look at any of these fang bunnies with a soulmate like her.”
Wonwoo sighs, knowing his friend is right. He still can’t help but defend himself. “A man gets thirsty.”
“That’s what this is for,” Jeonghan retorts, swirling the liquid in his wine glass. “You gave up fang bunnies and juice boxes the moment you met your soulmate, and we both know it.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Wonwoo shakes his head, eyes shifting to you again. He supposes it’s only fair that you get to flirt with the bartender after he’d just been caught looking at a scantily clad woman, but the fairness of the situation does little to lessen the fire building inside of him.
You should know by now that he only has eyes for you… even if his gaze wanders from time to time. He can’t help his predatory instincts, although, he should get more of a manage on them. In fact, he should stop bringing you to vampire bars altogether, but it’s difficult to resist a night out amongst his brood mates. 
“We all know this is a kink of theirs,” Joshua muses. “They fight a little, piss each other off, and then they fuck in the back of Mingyu’s car while he drives them home like a chauffeur.”
“That’s only happened twice,” Wonwoo insists.
Joshua scoffs loudly. “Mingyu had to implement a no fucking in his jeep policy, it definitely happened more than twice.”
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There is now also a short nsfw alphabet centered on this fic, exclusively on patreon, read here
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lovableapocalypse · 1 month
birds of a feather
benedict bridgerton x fem!reader
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wc- 900ish
warnings- none, i think!
a/n- season three fueled this lolol. i love benedict he's the best bridgerton and i stand by that. anywayyy here's a cute short fic. i hope you guys like. love u all. send any request you want! i need to start writing again. (also this is the first fic ive written/published in like 7 months so sorry if im rusty lolol.) also title inspired by billie's new song. ok bye love u.
Benedict was uncomfortable. He was trying his best to avoid the bustling mamas and crowded dance floor, but seemed to be swept in the middle of it all. He sought comfort in the refreshments table but even there his luck was thin. 
Tired of making horribly awkward eye contact with debutantes and failing to find any more of his siblings to hide behind, he shifted quickly out of the ball and into the quiet anteroom. Glancing over his shoulder and turning a corner, he bumped into a figure with an “Oomph.”
He recovered and caught the mysterious figure before they fell. 
“My apologies.” He spoke, helping who he now recognized to be a lady stand upright. 
You turned to face him more fully, caught off guard. “That’s alright.” You were partly breathless from the unexpected run in. 
It was just the two of you in the secluded room. “Hiding as well, I presume?” You spoke. 
Benedict laughed, “Yes.” 
You smiled in return. “It’s refreshing to know someone shares a similar distaste for these things at times.”
“Very much so.” He sighed and raised his brows, his hands finding his hips. 
You went to speak again, but heard heavy footsteps approaching from the crowded party. You looked to Benedict who seemed to read your mind, quickly grabbing your arm and shoving you two around the corner, flush against the wall. His hand stayed attached to your arm as you panted and tried your best to stay unnoticed. 
The footsteps faded and you glanced sideways at the Bridgerton as they did. Holding in your amusement was difficult and when you were sure it was safe to, you let out a laugh. Benedict, despite becoming somewhat flustered in your hasty escape, joined in your laughter. 
You sighed and rolled your head to glance at the man again. His smile was contagious and you were happy to have a moment alone with him. Even if it was improper in society’s eyes. 
Sighing you spoke, “I should probably return soon. Before my absence becomes anymore obvious.” 
“Is your attendance of great importance?” Benedict questioned. 
“I see.”
You smirked as he took in your appearance. “If you find your way back, I’d be happy to keep you company. Maybe everyone will keep their distance if we seem engaged thoroughly with one another.”
You watched his face as he contemplated your offer. He nodded slightly, agreeing. 
Only then did you realize he was still holding onto your arm. He glanced down as well, gently releasing you from his grasp. You peeled yourself off the wall and made your way back to the ball, but not before looking back once more and meeting his eyes. 
You felt your face flush as you reentered the extravagant event. It was nice to have shared a moment away from everyone. You greeted more people and quickly became engaged in dull conversation with guests, thrown right back into the chaos of the function. 
Benedict was still loitering in your previous hiding spot. He needed a moment. He was surprised to have found someone else avoiding the party as well. Especially a beautiful woman like yourself. 
Taking a deep breath and putting on a brave face, he made his return to the ball. His eyes cast around the room searching for you. He was happy to take you up on your offer and stick by your side for the rest of the night. He located you near the balcony and made his way. 
You were nodding your head along in distracted agreement when he interrupted. 
“I’m sorry to intrude,” he started, “but I’m afraid I owe the miss a dance.”
You smiled as you took Benedict’s outstretched hand, sending a half-hearted apology to the interrupted guest. He led you to the dance floor as a new song poured out of the ensemble’s strings. 
You followed his lead in a content silence, merely enjoying each other’s presence. He smiled down at you, leaning close in a whisper. “Where have you been all night? We could have avoided hiding all together if I had found you sooner.”
“I’m afraid more people wanted to converse with me than necessary. A bit annoying, truly.”
“Understandable. I was avoiding conversation myself when I snuck off.”
You smiled and he pulled you closer, enjoying the movement of your bodies. The song came to an end and you were disappointed in having to face the crowd again. Benedict held his arm out for you and you graciously accepted. 
“There you are!” 
You turned together and came face to face with Violet Bridgerton. 
“I was wondering where you two ran off to. Almost sent Anthony to find you until I spotted you on the dance floor.” 
“Ah, yes Mother.” Benedict answered. “We just needed a moment.”
She nodded in understanding before stepping closer, “Do I need to remind you this ball was thrown in your honor? I understand you two are newlywed, but please refrain from ditching your own party.”
You blushed and hid your face in Benedict’s shoulder.
“Yes, Mother.” He laughed. 
“Thank you.” She smiled and sent you her undeniable look of understanding. 
“We were not as sly as I hoped.” You mumbled. 
“Next time warn me before you run off so we can go together.” He added.  
Laughing, you faced him and pressed a kiss to his lips. “Of course, husband.” 
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dumbandfunn · 2 months
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how cowboy!rafe and spoiled!reader met
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it was a usual friday night in the local bar, the few regular rowdy ranchers and the occasional couple passing through just to grab a drink for their journey. it was nothing new. not until the door swung open more aggressively than usual and low and behold you stood in your pretty white sundress, mascara stained under eyes and demanding somebody to tell you “where the hell you were.” rafe had been on high alert the minute he lay his eyes on you, telling his usual drinking crowd to shut up while he took a sip of the whiskey he had been clinging to the entire night. you looked so helpless, fragile, rambling to the bar tender who seemed to not care about anything but how low the cut on your dress was. his eyes were trailing from where you had perched yourself back to the pervy wandering heads from the countless men who had all fallen silent at the chaos you had created from nothing. “are you even listening to me,” you pout, lip still wobbling whilst you slammed a hand down against the wooden counter. “i need somebody to help me, im lost and—” you sniffle.
an older man sitting across from you had piped up with an “ain’t nobody gon’ help you in these parts little lady, not with that attitude,” and that only made you cry harder. “but i’m lost,” you huff out, your tears quick to turn to the sweetest angry pout rafe had probably ever seen as you turn to the few people who were only watching in amusement, oh how they hated pretentious city girls. rafe’s eyebrows were raised, maybe it was then, as you started to bicker with a rancher twice your size that he needed to know more about you. and why the hell a girl like you was in a place like this in the first place. you left with a pretty loud bratty scream after nobody showed any interest in helping you, the distant laughs of the scene you’d caused echoing behind you as you sniffled back your tears and kicked at the car that had put you in the unfortunate situation in the first place. it wasn’t like rafe to follow, especially after someone like you, not that he came across anyone like that much in the first place. a clearly spoiled, city princess. maybe it was just the little white dress you were wearing, maybe he was just as pervy as the rest. he just couldn’t leave a little helpless thing like you to your own devices in a place he knew too well. or maybe he just needed you the second his pants got a little tighter when you were leaning across the bar a few minutes prior.
but less than two seconds after your tantrum he was hot on your heels, waving off the whistles that followed when the doors swung behind him. “so y’need help?”
a knight in shining armour, just a minute too late, it was tantrum city now after not getting your way.
“not from any of you anymore,” you spat out, folding your arms over your chest, narrowing your eyes at the young man who took a small step closer, taking his hat off and raising both hands up in defense, “well, you didn’t choose the best place to come cryin’ for help, alright, s’all i’ll say doll.” “—so y’gonna tell me what happened or you just gon’ sit here cryin’ all night,” he mutters out. you frown up at him, clearly in a conflict about standing your ground or getting out of the hell your car had broken down in. maybe your stubbornness had gotten the better of you, how you turned your nose up at him and quickly looked away, only for a hand to land firmly on your jaw a minute later, squishing your cheeks and staring you down with those stern blue eyes. “i told you this not the place to come cryin’ for help, s’tell me whats wrong before i go back inside and leave you here all on your own, hm? you want that?”
you shook your head almost immediately, eyes widened and lips parted. nobody had spoken to you like that in your entire life. and the way your eyebrows creased and your lip started to vibrate again, rafe knew he had you right where he wanted you. “my car broke down, can you fix it” you whisper.
“they don’t teach you manners in the city?”
you managed to squeak out a please, just as his free hand reached to brush a few stray hairs out of your face, licking his thumb and swiping the clumps of mascara from under your eyes. “now that wasn’t so hard was it doll?” and you shook your head again, nervous and chewing down on your bottom lip. he really did have you right then and there, someone who could handle your tantrums and someone who could knock the attitude from your lungs with something as simple as an eyebrow raise.
everyone was shocked to see you curled under rafe’s arm the following friday in his usual corner of the same bar, feet swinging and dazed. nobody would dare say a bad word about you again.
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itsswritten · 2 months
butterfly kisses
Pairing: Azriel x fem reader
Word Count: 1.7K (honestly it's just a little drabble)
Warnings: 18+, implied smut, lots of fluff, mating frenzy
Summary: Azriel just can't get enough of your wings <3
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Wings Universe - More from this world.
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Azriel wasn’t sure how he’d gotten so lucky.
He had thanked the Mother every day since the bond snapped, and even more when you accepted it. When Mor had introduced you into his life only a couple of years ago, he never imagined this would be the outcome.
Azriel vividly remembered the first night he met you. It was another gathering at Rita’s, one of the many that had unfolded, now peace settled over the land. 
Mor with playful determination had pulled you over to their table, arm looped around yours– almost in a way that said she wasn’t going to let you escape. He had noticed the faint blush that creeped up your face to your pointed ears, merely from the proximity of your High Lord and Lady, and their inner circle. He recalled how you offered a shy little curtsy in their presence, that had led to the whole table stifling their laughter. Rhys kindly explained that such formalities were not necessary, especially not in Rita’s of all places. Azriel did his best to contain his mirth at the display, all the while chewing the inside of his cheek to stop the chuckle leaving his lips. He truly couldn’t get over how adorable you were, he'd found himself captivated by your endearing innocence. 
And that was only the start.
Mor explained how she’d met you in town one day and had essentially thrusted her friendship onto you, and it really didn’t take long for Azriel and his family to do the same. 
You were so sweet and caring, and slotted into Azriel’s life so easily that he found it hard to remember a time when you weren’t there at all. Your kindness towards the Archeron sisters, guiding them through the intricate transitions of fae life that they still at times struggled with. Nyx was absolutely enamoured with you, oftentimes seeking your company over his actual family. But they didn’t blame him, because they all did same. Your calm sweet nature was addictive to them all, especially Azriel.
Driven by an insatiable curiosity, Azriel found himself seeking every opportunity to unravel all your layers. He wanted to know everything about you. From your favourite foods, to the books that captured your attention.
His infatuation all made sense when the bond snapped. 
It was the last solstice.
Azriel had noticed how beautiful you were looking, as you always were. But you were clad in a breathtaking pale pink summer dress, the neckline delicately showcasing your décolletage. As you moved with a natural grace, the fabric billowed ever so slightly at the waist, accentuating your silhouette in a manner that held attention.
Or at least held Azriel’s attention. He couldn’t keep his eyes off you.
He watched you carefully navigate the chaos of the room. Nyx in one arm, giving Feyre some rest and reprieve in her pregnant state. Your other hand bringing in the cake Elain had spent all morning baking. Amidst the flurry of activity, you had been so close to dropping the cake. But Azriel's steady hand intervened just in time, grabbing the plate and taking it off you. Except in that moment your hands touched, grazed past one another in a way they had so many times before. 
But that time had been different.
It was Azriel’s turn to almost drop the cake. That all consuming warmth flooded his chest catching him off guard. A golden thread connecting itself to you. The mating bond. Finally.
And based on the bright red flush covering your cheeks, it was clear you’d felt it too. You’d fled the room then, overcome with emotion and what this new revelation meant. 
Though, it didn’t take long for Azriel to coax you round.
Ever the gentleman, he courted you. Taking you on the most thoughtful dates and spoiling you with bouquet after bouquet of flowers. He would leave little love notes and poetry for you to find. That it was really no surprise to anyone, when you decided to accept the bond.
That was only three weeks ago now.
Yourself and Azriel were deep in the mating frenzy. 
Rhys had kindly offered one of his private residences he had on the outskirts of Night. A smaller cottage, but with all the privacy you both needed. And Azriel had taken advantage of that privacy eliciting sounds from you that he would cherish forever and never tire hearing.
And then there were your wings. 
You had revealed them to him the first night after accepting the mating bond, and, Gods, was he done for.
Azriel had taken it upon himself, in the earlier months, to really vet you. His dedication to his role as Spymaster served as a guise for his self-indulgent exploration of you, delving into the intricate details of your being with a hunger that bordered on obsession. Not only had he discovered all the things you love, but he searched for details of who and what you were.
Finding himself holed up in the library at times, hours spent devoted to aquainiting himself to the type of fairy you were. 
He knew you had wings, was the type of fairy whose wings were the delicate kind. Most kept them concealed with magic. Yet, Azriel couldn't shake the thought that perhaps they were hidden not only for protection but also out of reverence for their breathtaking beauty. They were mesmerising. Enough to trap Azriel into some kind of trance. 
And perhaps possessively so, he was grateful not many males were privy to this part of you.
He was watching you now, laying on your front. Bare. Just how he’d left you when he took a moment to freshen up. You were giggling, your legs up and feet fluttering behind you while propped up over something.
“What are you doing, my love?” Azriel purred inquisitively, stepping closer towards the bed.
“Oh…Feyre was just checking in. Asking how much longer we might be,” he could hear you smile when you spoke, and watched as with the brush of your hand the magical parchment and ink disappeared that you’d been conversing with Feyre on.
“It’s not even been that long,”
“We’ve been gone three weeks–”
“And we’ll be gone 300 hundred more,”
You chuckled at his response, “Az, we do need to go back at some point. They need us.”
“I need you more.” There was no negotiating. Your family would be lucky to see you both before the next solstice at this rate.
Not that Azriel needed the frenzy to be satiated by you, but it truly was driving him. The primal need for you, overwhelming. The pair of you only stopped when you both fell into a slumber from exhaustion. And even then, there were many times you found each other in a sleep exhausted haze, tangled within and inside one another again.
The bed dipped either side of your legs, you were still on your front but could feel your mate over you. He had paused though, his eyes falling over your beautiful pink wings. The iridescent skin reflecting lights across the room. He had almost cried when he first saw them after you accepted the bond, mesmerised and overwhelmed by their beauty.
Getting to see this part of you, a part of you that was so private, stirred a gratefulness inside him. But there was something else too, a possessiveness that had slowly been creeping up his mind recently.
In the past three weeks, you had both done every possible maneuver, tried every kind of love making– fucking, screwing, mating. You’d even made him a crumbling wet mess just from playing with his wings. 
But he hadn’t touched yours.
No, they looked so delicate and soft, too beautiful to touch, that he hadn’t dared. 
You felt him situate himself behind you, his warm naked body lightly laying on you, his chest resting on your behind. His arms wormed their way under your hips to get comfy, and you splayed your wings flat against your back to fit him.
“Az?” you asked curiously, glancing slightly over at your shoulder to catch him in your peripheral.
He didn’t respond though, not with words. You felt his soft warm breath blowing on the membrane of your right wing, making your squirm under the touch. Your wing fluttering a little in the air.
“How sensitive are they? Too sensitive for me to touch?” You heard him behind you.
“Hm..” you tilted your head slightly to think, “They’re delicate, but you can touch them. Gently.”
You were waiting for him to wriggle his hand from out beneath you but instead you felt something warm and wet run against the bottom of your wing.
You couldn’t stop the whimper from escaping your lips at the soft touch. Azriel had taken it upon himself to use the tip of his tongue to explore this part of you, a part of you that was still very new to him. He felt you wriggle under him, and he shifted placing his full body weight on you so you couldn’t move.
His tongue traced the ridge of your wing, and he wasn’t letting up. Not when he’d made that sound from you. He wanted more of that. He moved and pressed his tongue flat against the delicate skin, evoking another moan from you.
“Does that feel good my little butterfly?” he purred, you could feel the smirk on his lips against your wing as he pressed a kiss on them.
You wanted to roll your eyes at his teasing, but it felt too good to do anything other than surrender to his touch.
“I want to hear your words,” he spoke a little more assertively this time, before swiping  his tongue along one of the tubular lines that spread like veins across your wings.
“Yes..” You huffed, before another moan slipped past your lips breathlessly. “It feels good Az…” You felt your body heat, your cheeks for sure rosy, grateful your mate could only hear not see the reaction he was having on you. 
He chuckled softly then, the vibrations from his lips skirting across your wings making them twitch.
“My sensitive little butterfly, ” the new nickname only made you squirm more, your core growing slick at his predatory attention.
Azriel moved his hand then, the one caught under your left hip, so effortlessly moving down to your core, cupping your wet slit as he licked the pink shiny membrane again. 
“Azriel…” you gasped, but his touch didn’t relent.
You knew this was only the start.
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a/n: just some lovely little fluffy mating frenzyness! I just love these two, so I may expand a little more on the wings universe and their relationship if you guys would like to see that! Maybe some domestic bliss, or if there's any scenes you'd like me to write for them or parts of their story you're interested in then I'm happy to explore. Also this was written fairly quickly, so please ignore any typos, I only did a quick little check hehe - Lottie
p.s. also thanks to @thisiskaylin who inspired the nickname! She commented on the wings fic that butterfly would be the perfect nickname and I just had to use it <3
Forever tags: @sleepylunarwolf @daily-dose-of-sass @milswrites @amberlynn98 @marscardigan @illyrianbitch @lilah-asteria
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fastandcarlos · 1 month
When He Pulls You Into His Hold » F1 Reaction
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» Max Verstappen
Making you jump is one of Max’s favourite things to do, and so he tends to pull you into his hold when you least expect it. The way your face flashes with panic makes him chuckle until you look back and realise that it’s only Max, allowing your expression to settle back into a smile. As much as you want to hit him for making you jump in terror, you can’t help but just relax into Max’s hold and rest your head against his chest whilst his fingers dance through your his, especially once he begins to kiss against the top of your head.
» Lando Norris
Usually Lando will hold onto you whenever he starts to feel his anxiety creeping in. He holds you to feel secure and loved, burying his head into the crook of your neck as he feels your hands over his arm. “You good bub?” You often whisper back to him, feeling his head nod against your bare skin as he struggles to find the words. Having you to squeeze is the perfect distraction for Lando, switching off and escaping into the bubble of only you and him. Whenever he can feel his heartbeat quicken, he searches for you to bring him back again.
» Charles LeClerc
You could be forgiven for thinking that Charles isn’t paying attention to you a lot when he pulls you into his hold, but actually, he does. His mind wonders to think about you when he’s doing even the most boring of jobs: scrolling through his phone; pretending to listen to someone talk or when you’re getting ready for bed. Those are the moments when he wants you closest the most as the feeling of you right beside him brightens any moment and brings a smile to his face as soon as your eyes meet, sending Charles into a melting mess.
» Carlos Sainz
Sleepy Carlos is definitely the favourite version of him that you love holding onto. His grip is tight to begin with but slowly loosens as he finds himself relaxing more around you. A faint whisper of your name will call through and let you know that he wants you, being the big spoon around you as you tell him about your day. A cuddle and your voice are the perfect combination to leave Carlos feeling weary, and soon enough you can usually hear the faint sounds of snores coming from behind you as Carlos settles holding on to his comfort person.
» George Russell
Whenever he misses you, George is there and holding onto you tightly so that he can familiarise himself with you. No moment is better for you both then that first hug, when George holds onto you a little tighter and for a little longer. There are never any words between the two of you, just the way that you hold onto one another tells you both exactly how the other is feeling and just how much you’ve both been missed. The embrace makes both of youth warts race and releases several signs of relief from you both as you’re reunited again.
» Daniel Ricciardo
You expect Daniel to pull you into his hold whenever you’re within reaching distance, it’s a habit for him that makes his heart happy having you right there beside him. There’s almost a smirk on your face whenever you think that you’ve managed to pass Daniel, but at the last minute his hand wraps around your wrists and pulls you as close as he possibly can. His bright smile meets you as you glance up, “didn’t think you’d get away that easily, did you?” He can’t help but tease, kissing against your temple as your head shakes at his sniggers.
» Oscar Piastri
More than most Oscar likes to hold you as it’s his way of protecting you and making sure that you’re close by. “I got you,” he’ll often whisper to you before pressing a kiss against your cheek in amongst the chaos that engulfs your busy lives. Oscar prefers to have his arm wrapped tightly around you, but if he’s only able to intertwine one of his fingers in with yours, he’ll reluctantly take it, searching for more, as long as he can hold onto you somehow and reassure you that you’re not alone then that’s all that matters to him.
» Pierre Gasly
Teasing cuddles are Pierre’s absolute favourite, he’ll love to hold onto you and do something that will make you resist against him. “Not today,” he’ll whisper against your neck, using his hot breath to send a shiver down your spine, or he’ll pinch against your waist to tickle against your bare skin as your shirt rides up, tightening his grip ever so slightly so that you can’t get away from him. Anything Pierre can do to get you to plead with him and hear you murmur against his name in between laughter he’ll try his absolute best to succeed at.
» Lewis Hamilton
Holding onto you is a subconscious thing for Lewis, without even thinking his arms reach out to you and make sure that you’re as close to him as your bodies will allow. He could be in an important meeting or listening to an important person, but that doesn’t stop his fingertips from brushing against your body or his chin resting against your shoulder gently. It often sends shivers down your spine as you hear his hums just underneath your ear as he acknowledges what is going on around him, despite his mind mostly just being filled with thoughts of you.
» Lance Stroll
More than anything else it’s habit for Lance to be holding onto you, he doesn’t even need to think to do it anymore. He’s there because he wants to make you feel loved, if you’re happy he’ll hold you and giggle away with you, if you’re sad then he’ll squeeze you extra tight to try and make you smile again, or if you’re just fancying a cuddle, Lance will be there to fulfil your need. “Is this alright?” He will constantly ask you, desperate to make sure that he is doing the right thing and leaving you with a heart that made you feel adored.
 ˗ˏˋ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ! ´ˎ˗
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velvetydream · 5 months
꒰ :🥀 [ Second chances ] ”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯
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Summary : Lucifer didn't think he would ever have the chance at love again, but then he met you and got to know you after the destruction of the Hotel.
Pairing : Lucifer x Reader
Word count : 2239 Words
Genre : Fluff, Romance
Warnings ➵ Spoilers for EP 8!!
a/n : I love him sm, he deserves the world, a big hug and a smooch to the cheek
Also legit the first part of this barely has any interactions but eh- idk where I was going with this-
Might make this into a series, idk yet.. Also definitely one of my more boring and bad works sadly..
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Coming back to the hotel from an outing in the city, you were met with chaos. Everyone was running around, Razzle and Dazzle were hanging up a banner reading > Welcome Daddy < what was happening? Ducking your head as Sir Pentious darts past you, before making your way over to Charlie.
"Sweetheart, what's happening?" Laying your hand softly on Charlie's shoulder, her hair flies around as she comes to face you. You were one of the first people to join the hotel back then, having grown close to Charlie over that time, she viewed you as a parent figure, while you viewed her like a daughter. "My dad is coming and everything has to be perfect! He has to be assured he can trust me and help me!" That explained a lot, especially why Charlie was so stressed. Pulling her into a hug now, your hand softly gliding over her head, as you mutter how she should not stress too much and that she is doing amazing. Noticing how her body was relaxing against your own, you were glad to have calmed her down at least a little bit.
After helping the others a bit more, it was finally time. Charlie swept her hands on her jacket, before opening the door. A bright choice sounding, as Lucifer pulls his daughter into a tight hug. Before saying hello to Keekee, Razzle and Dazzle. He was.. different than everyone probably though.
Watching Alastor talk to Lucifer now, they for sure could not stand the other one, this would be fun. Charlie now introduced Vaggie to him, which made you smile a little bit when Lucifer took her into his arms. The rest was quickly introduced before Charlie pulled you beside her. "And this is Y/N, Dad! They really helped me a lot already, of course like anyone else here too!" Fumbling around with her words a bit, you softly lay your hand on Charlie's shoulder. "We know what you mean dear, Charlie is an amazing girl, we are really proud of her." Your eyes were on Charlie, before greeting Lucifer correctly.
It was quiet for a second before a crash could be heard. Oh shit.. For a few minutes, the banter between Alastor and Lucifer continued on, making you sigh as you sat down beside Angel. This way going great huh? Vaggie was also at the end of her nerves right now. As they were seemingly coming to an end finally, the doors slammed open and some short blonde lady walked in as if she owned this place. Being introduced to her soon, you decide to tag along with Charlie and the others to show her dad around.
You were simply following the others, listening to Charlie nervously ramble on, only glancing over your shoulder for a second as Husker stopped Alastor, but you decided to not give it another thought.
Arriving at the balcony, you and Vaggie stand back, as Charlie and her dad talk. But too soon they were interrupted as some debris was thrown into the hotel and shook the whole building. Rushing through the portal, you guys are back in the foyer of the hotel, looking around for an answer. Mimzy the woman from before finally explained what was happening, you rolled your eyes, how amazing. Too busy with making sure you saw everyone safe, you weren't seeing the debris falling your way. Before you knew it you were swept off your feet, as Lucifer saved you from being smashed by the debris, setting you down on your feet again softly, as his wings disappear again.
"You see now Charlie what I mean? Those sinners destroy everything! They fall into your home and destroy it, they aren't grateful for anything!" Talking to Charlie now, as Alastor finally decided to step in and fight off those damned loan sharks, before telling the woman to disappear. Watching Charlie and her dad now, as you were standing beside Alastor, a frown visible on your face. She worked so hard for this, why couldn't he believe in her? Though quickly everything explained itself and both of them seemed to finally makeup, a tear slipping from your eye from how beautiful this moment was.
"All right.. I'll get you that meeting but.. once in heaven you're alone I.. can't come with you." Lucifer told Charlie, before disappearing in a red cloud.
That was now a month ago. Right now everyone was getting ready for that damned extermination. Sadly Charlie's conversation with Heaven didn't do anything, on top of that the tension in the whole group grew, with Vaggie being an old exterminator. But that was all over now, as the whole group decided to have one last drink the night before the big battle. You were talking with Husker, as Angel was with Cherri, Alastor and Niffty looking upon everyone and Charlie with Vaggie nowhere to be seen. And of course, Sir Pentious trying to strike up a conversation with Cherri. You hoped everything would go well tomorrow and that no one would die.
The morning arrived, and everyone was gathered outside to protect the hotel, to protect Charlie's dream. Everyone was ready for this.
Almost everything seemed to go down in a wink, the hotel was in shambles, Alastor was missing - assumingly dead, Sir Pentious gave his life for the group and Adam was killed. Now the rebuild of the hotel was in full swing, everyone was helping, even Cherri who wasn't even a resident of the hotel yet. Lucifer also stayed to help his daughter and somehow convinced her to let him have a room too and stay with the group.
"Have you seen Charlie? Some new shipments came." The blonde was approaching you now, his coat and hat off, sleeves pushed up to his elbows. Raising to your feet from where you were kneeling to work on some nails, you swept some sweat from your forehead before turning to Lucifer. "She and Vaggie went to town real quick for some errands, but she told me where to put them, let me show you." Laying the hammer down on one of the many workbenches, you go accept the shipments, before showing Lucifer the way.
You and him had quite a few conversations over the last few days, with you being a parent figure for Charlie and him being her father, you two talked a lot about how well she is doing. What you didn't notice were the fleeting glances the king of hell threw your way every now and then.
"She told me to just put it here." Opening the door to a little cabinet now on the first floor of the hotel in the foyer. This was the first thing finished, right now the works were on the upper rooms. Putting down the box you were carrying on the shelf, Lucifer followed where you put the other box, before thanking you for helping him out. "Soo.. The hotel is coming together rather nicely huh?" Looking over to you with his red eyes now, as you close the door, a bit confused he was striking up a conversation right now. "Yeah, everyone is doing so amazingly, I'm glad we got so much help.. If we don't look at Niffty punching holes in the new floor trying to catch roaches.." At least some things were apparently not changing and stayed the same.
"Say.. when the hotel is finished would you perhaps.. you know.. maybe.. be interested in a date?" Stopping in your tracks now, you blink a few times. Did you just hear correctly? The Lucifer Morningstar, the king of hell just asked you for a date? Turning your head around now, your cheeks slowly become a crimson-red color. Looking at him, he didn't really look different, his cheeks red, as he was sheepishly playing with his sleeves. "You want to go on a date with me?" Raising his eyes to meet yours, he simply nods. "To be honest with you, you caught my eye the day I first came here but.. then all this happened and we never really got to talk and I was worried you would think I'm weird for asking, so I thought I should maybe wait a bit-" He was rambling on, probably from how nervous he was to ask you out. After his ex-wife left him, he didn't really date anyone after that, so it's been a while since he has ever asked someone for a date. "I would love to. Thank you for asking me." Laying your hand softly over his, giving it a soft reassuring squeeze to tell him not to worry too much. Sadly the moment was cut short, when Angel called for you, having someone questions about about paint.
Lucifer's eyes followed you now, the smile on his face not being able to be hidden now, fist-pumping the air happily over how he finally asked you. Charlie came back that moment and looked a little bit more than worried at her father, but overall no new behavior from him.
The hotel was soon finished, Alastor also came back, making at least Charlie relieved that he was still alive, Husker and Lucifer didn't seem so pleased with that fact, but they would get over it.
So now, it was time for your date with Lucifer. Charlie was thrilled when she heard you would be going on a date with her dad, at first you were rather worried about how she would react, but she was happy that her dad was trying to find love again. Making sure your hair was sitting right and your clothes were wrinkle-free, when a knock sounded at your door. Taking one last breath, you open it and are met with Lucifer. His hat was gone and he was wearing a white suit, similar to what he normally wore but more suitable for a fancy dinner - as fancy as a dinner in hell can be.
"You look amazing! Oh my! Look at you!" Lucifer was throwing compliments at you left and right, before he caught himself again, straightened his jacket, and then extended his arm for you to take. "Thank you, you also look amazing tonight Lucifer." Taking his arm now, he guides you two to the elevators which take you down to the foyer. Charlie was trying subtly to look at you two, but failing miserably. "Charlie is staring at us and almost crying.." Whispering to Lucifer now, he just nods, making sure to throw Vaggie a begging look to take care of Charlie, as you two leave the hotel. He decided to take you to the more finer side of Pentagram City, where rather expensive shops and restaurants were and which were less bloody.
"Here we are! It's the finest one I know around here!" Leading you inside, it was a big place. The restaurant had a fountain in the middle and had many plants all around the wide place. Marble floors, stone walls were adorned with gold elements and gold was seen all throughout the place. This was definitely an expensive place by the looks of it. A waiter leading you to a table no, you were sure was the best one in the whole restaurant. It was by a wide window, having a good look down the city, in the distance you could even see the hotel slightly, especially the big sign reading Hazbin Hotel.
"This place is beautiful but.. it looks rather expensive, are you sure this is okay?" Of course you knew who Lucifer was and he could basically afford anything in this whole city and do anything he wanted, you just wanted to make sure. Assuring you now that you shall not worry about something like that. Ordering food and enjoying the meal together, it was a nice evening. Everything goes by smoothly and you and Lucifer finally get around to know each other better. Sadly the dinner was over too quickly, Lucifer leading you back to the hotel now, while telling you a story from Charlie's childhood, which made you giggle. He truly was a gentleman and had a pure heart, he cared so much about Charlie.
"So.. would you.. repeat this another time? I mean only if you also enjoyed it! I of course did enjoy it! I mean you're amazing and-" Standing in front of your room now, you silence him with a soft kiss to the cheek, before looking at him softly fixing his suit. "I would love to Luci, I enjoyed this evening with you alot." Raising your eyes again to meet his, you can't help but let out a giggle at his expression. Eyes blown wide, mouth open and cheeks blazing red. "Great! Yeah! Woah! Me too! Especially the food, poah that was amazing! And the place was really worth it! Was it to your liking? I really hope so because-" Pulling him down by his suit now, your lips softly meeting his, eyes closed, before seperating again as you look at him. "Sorry.. You were rambling so nervously.. Please don't worry, I mean it when I say loved tonight.. Now sleep well Luci." Planting another kiss to his cheek, you enter your room, closing the door behind yourself.
You can help but smile at his little giggles as he skips down the hallway to his own room now. He was something, but you were looking forward to more dates that would follow this one.
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lustspren · 6 months
Ko Ko Bop ft Aespa. 1/2
length: 20.5k words ✦
Aespa & Male Reader
Sequel to Erinyes.
genres:  little bit bdsm, bi, voyeur, oral sex, daddy kink, overstimulation, blowjob, creampie, thighjob, party sex, squirt, pool sex, dirty talk
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After that experience you told yourself that it would never be repeated, it had been something too crazy and reckless on your part as well as that of Ryujin and the other girls, you enjoyed it like a bastard, being high and fucking that trio of beautiful girls inside a luxurious mansion, but it was a resounding no for you.
That morning you had woken up several hours later, around 6 or 7 in the morning, and since there was no type of authority visible to the people inside the party, the whole house became complete and utter chaos, in true style of some kind of X Project where luckily and thank god the police or some crazy person with a flamethrower didn’t showed up, but Ryujin (and some of her close friends within the party) had had to use her own money to cover repairs.
You had to stay practically all day with them, being in charge of sending all the people home one by one in the most kind and calm way you could, some guys behaved like dicks and refused to leave, but to at noon, only you, Ryujin, Minjeong and Ning were left in the house. They asked you to stay for lunch, and so you did, but as soon as you finished your meal you went straight back to the comfort of your home.
During the rest of winter break you had a few more encounters with the three of them, especially with Minjeong, whose somewhat cold attitude softened and transformed into something much warmer and affectionate, she was still an introverted little princess and still cold towards other people, but with you or the girls she always behaved with a sweetness that slowly dragged you to want more than a friendship with her, but your mindset was not the right one at that moment to try something.
Although your relationship with Ning and Minjeong had improved considerably after that winter vacation, physical contact during school days was rather little since your head could not be anywhere else but in your studies and in your grades, you talked by text message with both of them, more with Minjeong than with Ning, but every time one of them told you to go out and have a drink you politely refused. You only went out with Minjeong to the movies once, but you couldn't have any post-movie plans since you had to immediately go home to study. You felt very bad about it, but Minjeong understood it with a lot of maturity and empathy.
With Ryujin, however, things were much more different. You were college classmates and your schedules coincided 100% of the time, so you spent much more time together than you were used to months ago. You fucked, you fucked a lot. Normally there was no particular excuse to do it, you just did it whenever you had the chance, most of the time in your homes when it was 'study night', and the rest in public places which you were embarrassed to remember.
Despite all this, you somehow managed not to develop any kind of love interest in each other, everything had remained a simple friends-with-benefits relationship with which you were more than comfortable. You always opened up to each other and told each other your problems, especially on days of frustration and severe stress with university as the main culprit, but at the end of the day it all boiled down to a purely sexual attraction.
She and Minjeong were a great support to you throughout the semester, and you were looking forward to summer so you could finally spend time with them without having to worry about a damn exam next week. The first week you met Ning and Minjeong to go out to dinner, a fun night in which Ning got stupidly drunk and you had to take her to your apartment since she refused to go to hers that night, in the end Minjeong gave in to your plea to not leave you alone taking care of her, so the three of you slept together that night. You slept cuddling with Minjeong, and the tensions of the day led to a fuck in the middle of the night where you and her were still more asleep than awake. Ning never noticed.
You didn't meet Ryujin for a few days, but you talked a lot via text message. She seemed quite excited about something, but it was still a mystery to you what, it wasn't until the beginning of the second week of July when you found out. Another damn party at her house. Obviously it was a resounding no at first, but Ryujin had a great damn talent for sweetening your ear in such a way that any idea seemed brilliant and rational. Her pretext this time had been that there would be very few people, but you didn't believe a single word she said.
Yet there you were, in a taxi on the way to the damned house, dressed in white shorts, a baggy navy blue shirt, a white cap, and white sneakers. Every second you spent in the back seat of that car was a second in which you kept thinking that in a few hours you were going to regret the decision you had made, you would think differently, but you were so used to Ryujin lying to you that it was already too difficult to get out of that mindset.
When the taxi left you outside the house and you stepped out onto the sidewalk, you were surprised not to hear loud music coming from inside the villa. Your first thought was that surely not enough people had arrived yet, so you didn't get excited yet. You passed through the gate and you were also surprised to see absolutely no one at the windows or outside, when last time at that point the disaster was such that you could notice it without even entering, you thought that perhaps everyone would be gathered in the living room, so that didn't help you either.
You reached the door and rang the bell a couple of times, waiting patiently for someone to open, finally your best friend and spicy hostess appeared under the wide wooden frame, dressed in a white baseball t-shirt that covered her jean shorts and a small white top. She looked you up and down and smiled triumphantly knowing that, once again, you signed up as an accomplice in her plans.
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"Don't you dare say a single word, Shin Ryujin," you said, raising your finger to walk past her and enter inside.
"I was just going to say that you look very handsome!" she laughed.
"I always do, you don't need to remind me," you responded, walking with your back to her towards the living room near the piano, your friendship was already at a point of trust in which you walked around that house as if it were yours.
"Fuck, how humble," she followed you from behind, "Hey, why so serious?"
"Because you dragged me again to another party that's going to get out of hand," you passed through the kitchen and went up a couple steps, you could already see the piano that preceded one of the outdoor rooms.
"Uh? Why would that happen?" she was now walking beside you.
"When people start arriving you'll see," you finally passed the piano, passed through a small hallway with a wooden credenza on the left to finally reach your destination, getting a pleasant surprise.
"What people are you talking about?" Ryujin frowned, standing next to you while you looked at Minjeong, lying on the wide gray sofa, Ning, sitting at a small circular legless table, and a couple of girls you had never seen before.
"Where are the others?" You asked, frowning, upon hearing your voice, Ning and Minjeong (who's eyes lit up when she saw you), turned around at the same time. The two unknown girls also turned to look at you.
"Honey, did you take your schizophrenia pills today?" Ryujin placed the back of her hand on your neck. You turned to look at her.
"Are you telling me there's no one else here?" your disbelief made her laugh.
"Nope," she denied with a giggle, "did you think I was lying to you again?"
"You said it, again. It wouldn't have been the first time you do it."
"But this time I didn't. Look," she turned to the girls, who were still looking at you, "you know these two sluts already," she said, referring to Ning and Minjeong, but then took your hand to lead you towards one from the unknown girls, who was sitting in a chair in the corner, with her legs resting on a stool in front, "this is Jimin."
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"Uh... hello, my pleasure," Jimin, whose beauty had you perplexed from the beginning, lowered her legs from the stool and slightly bowed as a cordial greeting, a small shy smile on her face. She was wearing a long beach skirt with jean shorts underneath it, a bikini top with straps to the neck and two long sleeves, the same pattern as the top.
"Pleasure is mine," you smiled back, "nice hair," you said, looking at her long, black, slightly curly hair.
"Oh," she opened her mouth and made a cute shocked expression at your compliment, "thank you," another bow, and another little smile.
"Isn't she a sweetie?" Ryujin asked, rubbing Jimin's chin with her fingers, "she's a genius, she studies medicine and she kicks your butt academically."
"Huh? No way," you took that personally.
"What was your GPA this semester?" Jimin asked.
"4.0" (A+, the highest grade.)
"What?!" You yelled, "Wow, that's impressive."
"Well, I'm really passionate about my career," she laughed, playing modesty.
"Yeah yeah, I'm sure you do," Ryujin took your hand again and led you outside the room shadow, stopping next to the girl who was standing on the grass with a cigarette between her fingers. She was incredibly hot, her revealing outfit showed off a pair of long, fleshy legs, adorned with jean shorts that covered her belly, she was also wearing a cropped green cardigan, with a bikini top that left little to the imagination.
"Hey, what's up," the girl greeted before Ryujin introduced you. She was made of different wood, you could tell. She brought the cigarette to her mouth, took a drag, and blew the smoke to the side of her. You greeted her with a nod up.
"This is Giselle, our Japanese bad bitch," Ryujin said. She reached over and took the cigarette from Giselle's fingers to take a drag as well. She didn't seem to care, she just waited for her to return it.
"Giselle? You're not from around here, right?" you asked, as she analyzed you up and down.
"No, I wasn't born here, and from what I see you weren't either," another drag on the cigarette.
"England, you?" You said that in English.
"America, where from England?" she replied back in the same language.
“Birmingham,” your thick accent made her laugh. Ryujin just looked confused.
"Oh, like Peaky Blinders?" You heard that question so often that you didn't even care anymore.
"Yeah, just like the Peaky Blinders. Only without the part about being in a criminal organization."
"Well, that's a shame. I like bad boys," she brought the cigarette between her lips and took a long drag that ended up extinguishing all the tobacco inside it. She put the cigarette butt in one of her back pockets, winked at you and returned to the shadow of the living room with the other girls.
"You know this is the first time I've heard you speak English, right?" Ryujin said from beside you.
"Really?" you went back to Korean.
"Yeah," she nodded, "and I've known you for years."
"I suppose there was no need to do so."
"No, but I wish you had, you sound so sexy," Ryujin's hand went to your cheek and caressed it with her thumb, then leaned in to kiss it.
"Ryujin-ah!" Ning called from behind you. You both turned around at the same time, "where's the alcohol?" She asked, "And why don't you come here with us?" That last question was directed at you.
"I know you crave my attention darling, calm down," you joked, walking with Ryujin into the room. Ning stood up and rushed towards you with a tight hug. You hugged her back, looking at Minjeong. You winked at her.
"How can I not when I hardly saw you for all these months?" She pulled away from you, both hands on your shoulders. You looked into her eyes, as beautiful as ever, "who gave you permission to look so fucking hot today?"
"I can ask you the same thing," you looked at her lovely body from top to bottom. Her cropped see-through shirt and her short skirt were the same red color with small white spots. You could see her bikini under the shirt, and immediately her tits demanded your attention.
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"It's been really hot lately, actually," she took a small step back and took off her see-through tank top, leaving herself in her bikini top and miniskirt, "too hot."
"Indeed, too hot," you stated, looking at her tits.
"Aren't you going to say hello to me?" Minjeong's small, soft voice. You walked past Ning and went to her.
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"I have something better for you," you took her hands and made her stand in front of you. You wrapped your arms around her waist and pressed her against you. Minjeong placed her hands on your chest, and you leaned forward to crash your lips against hers.
You shared a kiss for a while that felt like mere seconds to you. You missed Minjeong's lips, small, soft and plump. Eyes were on the two of you, you could feel it, and you could also feel the confusion and shock in many of them. You didn't care about that. Months had passed since the last time you were able to hold her like that in your arms, filling her with the love that you had sworn to her unconditionally long ago. You separated when Minjeong spoke to you.
"Can I spend a few days with you at your house? You know, after today," her voice came as a whisper, you just nodded and gave her another peck.
"Are you guys done? You're going to make me vomit," Giselle interrupted. You turned to see her sitting on Jimin's lap, who had her arms around her waist. Jimin, on the other hand, looked at you with a small smirk.
"Fuck, you haven't seen anything yet," Ning said, sitting on the couch behind you, "they get unbearable sometimes."
"How long have you been together?" Jimin asked, both glowing eyes darting between you. The complicated question. You and Minjeong looked into each other's eyes, searching for the right words.
"Well... I mean," she began.
"We're not together, but, uhm..." you continued. Ning put a hand to her forehead, covering her gaze, Jimin raised both eyebrows attentive to your explanation, and Giselle was holding back her laughter.
"It's just… well, it's complicated," Minjeong concluded. Complicated, yes, that's what it was.
"So... you're not together but you just gave me a romantic scene worthy of a movie?" Jimin said that in a way that made you laugh.
"It's just that we're like... uh..." you never found the right way to call it, you only knew how to describe it in your head. 'Almost something.'
"Friends with benefits?" Giselle asked.
"Uh… not exactly," you denied, "by the way, where is Ryujin?" You had to change the topic quickly, you couldn't stand that uncomfortable situation anymore, and you hadn't seen Ryujin since you greeted Ning and Minjeong.
"Right here, fools!" She appeared on the upper floor, her belly leaning against the glass railing, something that was quite dangerous considering that she had around 6 different glass bottles hugged to her body.
"Don't fucking do that!" You scolded her, "the railing will collapse from the weight of your big ass and the bottles will be ruined," the height of the second floor wasn't exactly very high, but it was high enough to cause an unpleasant situation.
"God how boring you are!" She disappeared from your sight and reappeared going down the stairs to the right of the wide pivoting door that led to the front of the house. It was closed at that moment.
"No, he's right, your big ass would cushion the fall, but not the bottles," Giselle said, as Ryujin placed the bottles on the table where Ning was sitting.
“Wherever my big ass fell your face would be there to cushion the fall, bitch,” Ryujin gave her the middle finger and stood next to you and Minjeong, “hey, can you go get the cooler?” She asked you, "It's in the room on the left. I would do it, but my poor little arms can't handle that much weight."
"Sure, but go look for that speaker you keep in your room, we should start warming up the engines."
"But that's also very heavy!" she complained.
"Then ask one of the girls for help and stop being a crybaby," you pulled her ear, and she squealed. Her foot almost stuck in your butt, but you quickly dodged the kick and went to look for the cooler.
The room Ryujin was talking about was just a corner away once you went outside, it was closed by a large sliding glass. You slid it to the right, docking it with the other glass panel to enter the room. The space was rather small compared to the previous one, there was only a comfortable looking sofa, a sound system and a wall-mounted TV. It seemed like the perfect place to take a long nap, but the huge cooler parked between the sofa and the surround painfully separated you from that desire. You grabbed it by the handle and went outside, dragging it easily thanks to its little wheels.
When you came back neither Ryujin nor Giselle were there. Minjeong, Ning and Jimin were sitting together on the couch, Jimin in the middle while the other two tried to make her feel comfortable. You left the cooler in the corner of the room that was close to the grass and the wall and went with the girls.
"Hey, do you want me to make you a drink?" The question was directed at the three of them.
"Tequila!" Ning exclaimed.
"Absolutely not, you know how you get with tequila," Ning rolled her eyes and snorted.
"Ugh, make it vodka then."
"You?" You looked at Minjeong.
"Same thing, honey, with grenadine," you nodded, and finally saw Jimin.
"Uh… no thanks, I don't..." she began.
"Huh? How not?" Ning said.
"I don't know, I don't usually drink, since I usually don't go to parties."
"That doesn't mean you can't do it with us here and now," Ning looked at you, "make her a drink with juice, not so strong. Or maybe with sparkling water?"
"N-No! Juice is fine, orange," nodded Jimin, who smiled at you.
"Roger, on the way!" you finished, as if you were their personal waiter.
You got to work quickly. Inside the cooler buried in ice were all the non-alcoholic drinks you needed, first you made Ning's drink just the way she liked it, vodka (Belvedere, you didn't know the price of that specific bottle) and lemon soda. You were going to make Minjeong's, but among all the drinks that were in there, curiously there was no grenadine, you didn't give it much importance, there would surely be a bottle in the kitchen, so you made Jimin's drink next. You took as a reference the amount of vodka you poured into Ning and Minjeong's glass and poured less into it, filling the rest with orange juice. You took both drinks and went to the girls.
"Here you go ladies," you handed Jimin and Ning their glasses, and then looked at Minjeong, "Honey, I'll go to the kitchen to get the grenadine, okay?"
"It's okay babe," she nodded, legs crossed and a patient look. Jimin laughed and Ning just took a sip of her drink.
"Babe?" Jimin asked, "and you're not a couple? Incredible," you just ran away from there.
You left the girls and went back inside the not at all modest house, heading towards the not at all modest kitchen. You were with your head down looking at your phone, so you didn't really pay attention to what was in front of you at any time, it was the sound of a familiar moan that made you look up. You were already in the kitchen, and you really couldn't believe your eyes.
The kitchen was divided into two almost equal areas that were separated by a sliding glass window that went from wall to wall, Ryujin was on the other side, bent over the island that served as both a trough and a sink, with Giselle kneeling on the floor, eating her pussy from behind. Ryujin's shorts were around her heels, both of Giselle's hands on her ass as she moaned louder and louder. The speaker you were talking about was close to them, black, tall and rectangular like a futuristic skyscraper. The poor thing had been forgotten by the horniness of the two girls.
As much as you wanted to stay enjoying such a scene, you didn't want to be a weirdo and you focused on doing what you were going to do. You walked stealthily towards one of the refrigerators, you were close to the wall, avoiding at all costs to enter Ryujin's range of vision (which was quite complicated considering that she was looking in the opposite direction and with her eyes closed). You opened the refrigerator, and your eyes quickly traveled from here to there in search of the grenadine. In the end you found it on the tray anchored to the door, you took it, you closed the refrigerator and with a loud moan from Ryujin in the background you disappeared from the kitchen.
When you returned to the outdoor room the girls were still on the couch, Jimin and Minjeong looking at Ning's phone screen. Minjeong noticed your presence and her face lit up when she saw the bottle of grenadine in your hand.
"What are you doing?" you asked.
“Oh, looking at our photos together,” Ning replied, showing you the screen. You blushed when you saw that it was a photo of the three of you naked in your bed under the covers. Apparently Ning had taken it while the two of you were still asleep.
"And do you think it's appropriate to show her that specific one?" You wrinkled your face.
"You look very cute!" Jimin said, "Oh, and... you have a nice back," there was a small awkward silence, no one expected her to say that.
"Well... you have nice legs, that makes us even," you laughed, and a blushing Jimin was left speechless, "anyway, I'll make you your drink, honey," you said to Minjeong, who just gave you a small kiss in the air and nodded.
You made Minjeong's drink in a matter of seconds, and when you finished you made your own too, with vodka, pepsi, and a touch of lemon juice. With both drinks in hand you went to sit next to Minjeong, and at that moment Ryujin and Giselle appeared carrying the speaker. Both of them looked intact and immaculate, as if a few minutes ago one wasn't feasting on the other's pussy.
"I hope you take it back upstairs later!" Ryujin said looking at you, you laughed at her face frowning from the physical effort. Finally they left the speaker on the grass and turned it on.
"Alright, but you'll bring the cooler," you took a sip of your drink, and took your phone out of your pocket to connect to the speaker since you were always in charge of the music.
"By then the ice will be melted and the bottles empty, easy peasy."
"Knowing you, you'll ask me for help again," Giselle laughed, looked into her eyes for a few seconds and went to sit on the single couch by the fireplace. Ryujin just played dumb.
"Hey you, are you going to play music or not?" she said to you as you looked down at your phone.
"Give me a second and shut up," you responded, and then you played Drake's Madiba Riddim. Ryujin turned up the volume on the speaker, now the music was flooding your ears.
"Oh gosh, now I need to get in the pool," Ning said and then took a sip from her half-empty drink, slightly moving her body  to the rhythm of the music.
"Let's go then," Giselle said with a gesture toward the pool.
"Are you all coming?" Ning looked at you and then at Ryujin.
"Oh yeah, heat is starting to get unbearable," agreed Minjeong, who was drinking slowly and steadily.
"Well, I'm not a big fan of pools but I guess it will be fun," agreed Jimin, who had apparently loved her drink.
"I didn't even bring a swimsuit," you said with a sigh.
"Okay but are you an idiot or what?" Ning said.
"I didn't consider it necessary!"
"We are in the middle of summer, in a house with a pool and the sun above our heads, what the hell did you think was going to happen?"
"Well I'm sorry!"
"Sorry my ass, you're going to go in there with us naked if you have to!" Jimin raised both eyebrows and turned to look at Ning.
"In underwear."
"Deal!" Ning nodded with a smile, then looked at Ryujin, "what about you, bitch?"
"I sure could get inside naked, I bet you'd love that," she smiled, with nothing less than mischievous intentions, "Come on th-" her phone rang in her pocket and it interrupted her, it was a call which she reluctantly answered, "Hello mom... aha..." she entered the room and stared at nothing, "But I'm busy today! I told you a few days ago... can't Hyungmin go there?... Agh, fine, I'll go! I'll see you there... yeah, I love you too," she finally hung up, visibly angry.
"Everything is alright?" you asked worriedly.
"Yeah yeah," she nodded, put the phone in her pocket and took a few steps towards the hallway, "mom needs my help, checking the quality of the fabrics for this year's summer collection," you sighed.
"Rich people problems," you shook your head, "will you come back?"
"I honestly don't know," she scratched her temple, "but don't worry, no one will be coming here until next week," she took the house keys out of her pocket and handed them to you.
"Oh hell no, you can't leave me in charge of this whole place," you backed away, but she tossed the keys into your lap.
"Would you prefer that I leave Ning in charge?"
"Hey!" Ning claimed, and everyone but Ryujin and her laughed.
“Fuck, whatever,” you huffed.
"You already know this house, so I have my trust in you," she patted your cheek a few times, and then leaned over to give you a peck on the forehead, "have a good time and behave!" She started walking away, "Take good care of him, bitches, he's a diamond in the rough!" With that said, she disappeared from your sights without giving any of you time to say goodbye.
"Well, that was unexpected," Minjeong said.
"Aw, I wanted her to enter the pool naked," Ning lamented with a pout.
"What a slut..." Minjeong muttered.
"I wanted too..." Jimin murmured as well. You, Ning, and Minjeong looked at her with a raised eyebrow, "What?"
"A diamond in the rough huh?" Giselle asked, seeing you, getting up to grab a bottle of gin and walk towards the cooler, "Why is that? Can anyone tell me?"
"Well... he's cute, very attractive in fact, and so handsome," Minjeong said. You played dumb as much as you could while watching your liked songs on Spotify. You played Troye Sivan's Rush.
"And he's very kind, and nice, he always takes care of us," Ning had already finished her drink, and she extended it to you as if wanting you to do it again.
"Nope, get up and do it yourself, you know how," you replied, and Ning frowned.
"... And he has a big, juicy fucking cock," once again, another dead silence that was broken by Giselle's laughter. You could feel your whole face hot, you knew she had said it just to embarrass you as revenge for not making her the drink. Minjeong tried to hide her laughter as best she could, and Jimin was blushing too. Ning stood up with a small triumphant smile, took off her skirt, and once in her bikini she walked towards the pool.
"So you've fucked her?" Giselle teased as she finished making herself a drink with gin and Nordic Mist Blue tonic water.
"The three of us, actually, being high," Minjeong admitted, and you were dying of embarrassment. Giselle laughed.
"You didn't need to say that..." you mumbled, sinking into the seat.
"Did you have a foursome being high? Damn, I'm jealous," Giselle took a sip of her drink, left it on the table and started giving you, Jimin and Minjeong a mini show. She started by taking off her green cardigan, throwing it on the couch where she was sitting. She then took off her jean shorts, but making sure to turn her back to you to bend forward and slowly lower them down her long, meaty legs. As expected, she had one of the most amazing asses you had ever seen, and she knew it very well.
Once in her bikini, which revealed a rather modest amount of buttocks but still looked incredibly sexy in her, she grabbed her drink, and with her high-heeled sandals still on she walked towards the pool, your gaze, Minjeong's and Jimin's placed on her while she swayed her hips with each step.
"Damn… she's hot… and so confident," Jimin said with a small sigh.
"Yes, she is," Minjeong nodded, turning to look at the dark-haired woman, "but you have nothing to envy of her, look at you," Jimin looked down at her own body, as if she wanted to validate something that, under her perspective was not like that, "you have beautiful legs, a nice waist... hell, your face it’s like a piece of art."
"I… really?" Jimin pouted and fiddled with her fingers, "well... I don't know..."
"And it looks like you have some nice tits too," you almost spit out your drink, not expecting such a comment. You refrained from affirming.
"Oh," Jimin looked down again and saw her breasts, "do you think so?" Minjeong nodded.
"Come on, undress and let us see that pretty body," Minjeong said in a gentle tone of voice.
"Right here and now?" Jimin asked, giving you glances.
"You have to build that confidence, cutie," Minjeong raised a hand and tucked a strand of Jimin’s hair behind her ear, "go ahead."
“Okay…” Jimin gave you one last small glance and stood in front of the two of you. She was visibly nervous, not really knowing where to start or what to do. She began by removing the two sleeves that covered her arms, and next was the beach skirt that surrounded her waist. Now only the jean shorts remained, "Uhm… ugh, I hate this part."
"Let me give you a hand," Minjeong brought a hand to Jimin's shorts and she alone unbuttoned them with one deft movement. You remained completely silent, watching as she took a somewhat more dominant role in relation to someone even more subby than her. It was strange for you to see, but you found it incredibly hot.
“Fuck…” Jimin gasped, and you looked at her, “I mean, uhm…” she cleared her throat, “thank you…”
Finally she began to take off her shorts, her gaze darting between the two of you as she reached her hands to the curb and pulled them down to her ankles. Her pair of glowing legs stole the show, long, pale and well toned, perfect for kissing for hours on end. When she took her shorts off her ankles, she turned around with her sandals still on and let you see the back of her bikini bottom, which was tied to her waist with two knots and exposed an amount of buttocks that made your mouth water.
"And if all that wasn't enough, you have a round pretty ass," Minjeong said, and Jimin turned around with blushing cheeks. She looked at you, as if she was seeking your approval, but your gaze going up and down her statuesque body wasn't enough, she wanted you to tell her.
"Yeah, you're fucking hot, Jiminie," you nodded, looking at her flat, pretty belly, and then looking into her eyes.
"Go to the pool with the girls, okay? I need a moment with him," Minjeong requested, and Jimin looked at you both before nodding.
"I'll wait for you guys there..." Jimin bit her own lip, and she gave you one last lascivious look up and down before turning her back on you and walking out.
"Would you be so kind as to explain to me what that was?" you asked Minjeong once Jimin had walked away.
"What are you talking about?"
"You looked like a restrained version of Ryujin just now," you laughed, "I've never seen you act like that."
"She needed someone to give her a little push to embolden herself, and Ryujin isn't here."
"Well, know that I'm proud of you, darling," you reached behind her and wrapped your arm around her waist, pulling her close to your body and giving her a soft kiss on the lips that she reciprocated with a small smirk. 
"Did you like me?" The mischief in her tone let you know that she was looking to tease you.
"Oh yeah, fucking hot," you gave her another kiss, looking into her eyes from very close up, "I almost called you mommy, in fact," she let out a small laugh.
"Stop joking, silly," she nudged your chest and gave you another kiss, "help me undress, will you?"
"Completely? Damn, I'd be delighted."
"No, dummy, just the part that isn't my bikini."
"How boring," you faked a yawn, earning another small push in your chest. You laughed and put your hands on her.
You started with the top, which only consisted of the blue long-sleeved sweater, cropped enough to only cover part of her bikini top: a semi-transparent piece attached to the neck that wore a black bra underneath. As you took off her sweater you moved on to her skirt, which had a small button behind it that you just had to undo so that it fell to the floor. With Minjeong already in just her bikini, your hands went straight to her small, tight waist, and you rubbed her pretty tummy with the palm of your hand a couple of times.
"Mmm… you obviously missed me, didn't you?" she teased, patiently unbuttoning your shirt.
"I didn't want it to be so noticeable. Is it new?" you asked, stretching one side of the hem of her bikini bottom and giving her waist a harmless little whip.
"Yup, it is, do you like it?" She took off your shirt, and holding it in her hand, she turned around so you could see her back. Your gaze went to her ass and her lower back, two parts of her that drove you crazy.
"Don't tease me here, Kim Minjeong," you gave her a little spank and turned her around, "go ahead, we agreed that I would go into the pool in my underwear," you pointed at your shorts with your eyes.
"Don't make me suck your cock here," she warned with a little smile, then she unzipped your shorts and got on her knees, pulling them down to your ankles. You took off your shoes, your socks and took your shorts off your feet.
"Well, it seems like you want to do it of your own free will," you looked down at her, and she put her hands on the sides of your thighs as she looked into your eyes, her face inches from your bulge.
"I want to do it, and I'm very tempted to do it right now," her fingers carefully gripped your thighs and her face moved closer to your crotch, "but you'll have to be patient until things get hotter over here..." She gave your cock a small kiss over the fabric, and with a mischievous smile she stood up, "good luck with that boner when you come with us."
You stood with your mouth half open, watching as Minjeong walked past you and went to the pool with the girls. Your bulge grew and grew, until you had a full boner which you painfully had to wait for to pass so you could go with them. They had all tied their hair in high buns, Ning was already inside the pool with Jimin and Giselle, the last two with their drinks in their hands and the water up to their chests. Minjeong was sitting on one of the steps in the shallow area of the pool, apparently waiting for you. Her drink was next to her, you were afraid she would accidentally spill it in the pool water, but you didn't say anything.
"Damn, I didn't know you were armed," Giselle said looking at your crotch, where the bulge from a moment ago still hadn't completely softened. You sighed, knowing you had a long day ahead of you. Ning didn't mind at all, she had seen you naked many times before, but Jimin's eyes, lacking discretion, didn't leave you for a second.
"And you haven't seen it hard," Ning laughed, sipping from Jimin's drink.
"Yet," Giselle said, you raised both eyebrows, turning to look at her.
"You sound very confident, mean girl," you sat next to Minjeong and took a sip of your drink, the ice had already melted, so it had slightly lost its flavor.
"I don't think it's wise to provoke her..." Minjeong murmured next to you, but you ignored it.
"Well you shouldn't challenge me," she began to speak to you in English, and everyone except Ning, who you knew had knowledge of the language, looked confused, "in fact, I would love to see it hard right now," Giselle said, looking at your eyes.
"I'm sorry but if you want that to happen you have to do something about it," you replied back in English, Giselle laughed.
"I'm not laying a single finger on you, Casanova," she moved back and leaned her back against the pool wall, leaving her glass on the edge of it.
"What are they saying?" you heard Jimin ask Minjeong.
"I have no idea," she replied.
"Then you'll just have to endure the urge," you were about to enter the water when Giselle played a dirty trick. She turned and put her hands on the edge of the pool, pushed herself up and purposely left her abdomen pressed against the edge to give you a perfect view of her fleshy wet body from behind, her ass and legs stealing all your attention.
"Uhh, you just killed him," Ning said, looking at your idiotic face as you looked at Giselle's ass, who was smiling from ear to ear.
"Well, that's definitely some bubble butt," Minjeong highlighted, also looking at Giselle's ass until she sat on the edge of the pool.
"So I'll have to endure the urge, huh?" Giselle asked, looking at your crotch. You looked down, finding a bulge harder than a rock, perfectly marked through the fabric of the boxer. All of them were looking at your cock, including Jimin, whose cheeks were red. She quickly tried to hide the look.
"Bloody hell..." you muttered to yourself, leaving your glass next to Minjeong and entering the water to hide your erection.
"Hey, wait for me!" Minjeong said behind your back, when you were already covered in water up to your chest. You turned to see how she left your glasses on the edge of the pool to get in with you.
"Ning wasn't wrong, that thing is massive," Giselle said a few meters away from you, as Ning swam towards you and Minjeong clung to your torso from behind. Jimin was now in a shallower area, calmly drinking the last of her drink. At that moment Scream & Shout by will.i.am and Britney Spears started playing.
"And you have no idea how it feels having him inside," Ning said, vibing to the music with her arms raised. You wanted to drown at that precise moment.
"If you want to fuck him you just have to go inside and get a room, you know?" Jimin said back in the pool, she was swimming on her back.
"Oh, why do you say that? Wanna join?" Ning teased with a giggle. Jimin made a small silence.
"Shut up," she finally said, and continued swimming.
"Can we stop talking about me for a second?" you asked, "anyone would think you were desperate for cock."
"If you only knew how long I haven't had a decent cock," Giselle said, returning to Korean.
"See? Now that's an interesting topic of conversation," you swam back and forth, Minjeong holding onto you.
"All the guys I've been with have been small-cocked losers," Giselle said, crossing one thigh over the other, "And I've laughed in each one of them’s face."
"No formal boyfriend huh?" you asked.
"Not really, just a couple, one went pretty well for about a year and the other cheated on me with a Malaysian whore."
"Fuck, that sucks," you looked at Ning, "and what about you?"
"I haven't had a formal boyfriend since high school, if that can be considered a formal boyfriend. It's too much of a commitment for me."
"What a weird way to say you're a slut," said Minjeong, who had her chin resting on your shoulder. Ning splashed water on her face with her fingers, and consequently on you too, so you two did the same to her.
"Ahhhh! My hair!" She screamed, turning her face away and covering herself with her hand.
"Minjeongie looks like a fairytale princess, I bet she had a lot of suitors," Giselle said, and Minjeong sighed.
"Fuck, I wish. I was very quiet and introverted, I hated parties and people. Nobody would want to be with a girl like that."
“You say it like something has changed,” Ning laughed, and Minjeong splashed more water on her.
"And what about you, cutie?" Jimin was so distracted in her own bubble that she didn't realize that Giselle was talking to her.
"Huh?" She stopped hanging around the pool and went to a not so deep area where the water reached below the chest and allowed everyone to see her more than considerable tits marked by the wet fabric, "Are you talking to me?"
"No, I'm actually talking to the pool tile," Giselle replied sarcastically.
"Uh... well, I never gave boys a second thought, honestly," she adjusted her bikini top, hypnotizing you with the weight of her tits, "I've been so focused on my career that I haven't even stopped to think about whether I like someone or I don't."
"But hasn't there been any guy who hit on you?" you asked.
"I have no idea, I don't pay attention to them," she bent her knees and covered herself in water up to her chest, "none have been charming enough to be worth my time."
"And what do you think of our little Peaky Blinder friend over there?" Giselle pointed at you with her gaze, "you haven't stopped seeing him all day," once again, Jimin's cheeks lit up like two emergency lights.
"Uh... I think I'll go inside, I'm thirsty," Jimin said, standing up to get out of the pool as quickly as she could. You laughed, as did Minjeong behind you.
"Me too! Wait for me!" Ning said, swimming towards the edge of the pool to get out.
"I'm fine here, but I don't want to be a third wheel," Giselle laughed, looking at you and Minjeong, then she stood up, walked around the pool and went with the girls, leaving you both alone.
"Fuck, you're a hunk, aren't you?" Minjeong teased you once Giselle walked away too, rubbing your chest with both hands. You turned around and found her small face inches from yours.
"I literally haven't done anything," you wrapped both arms around her body, and she raised her legs to wrap them around your torso, "it's not my fault I'm this handsome."
"Ahhh!" she screeched, "Oh my god, how arrogant!" She let out a few laughs, and hugged your neck with her arms.
"I don't see you denying it either."
"Of course not, I said it myself a few minutes ago," she began to give you small kisses on your cheeks, "I wish I didn't have to share you today..." more kisses, this time on your chin and neck.
"What are you talking about?" You caressed her lower back with both hands, and she pressed her thighs harder to the sides of your torso.
"Oh come on, let's be real," she looked into your eyes, "by the end of the day you'll have fucked us all, it's a matter of time."
"Giselle is a tough nut to crack, and Jimin... well, she doesn't seem like the one to take the initiative."
"Nonsense, they both want you, I see it in her eyes."
"How about you?" You gave her a small kiss, and began to return the kisses she had given you a few seconds ago, "do you want me?" you murmured in her ear, and she shuddered.
"I always want you..." she gasped while her neck was marked with kisses and hickeys, "and it's been a while since I felt you inside me."
"Well… no one's watching us," your hands went to her tight ass. She pressed her pelvis forward, rubbing your crotches, "and from there you can't see anything that happens under the water."
"Fuck..." Her fingers stroked the hair on the back of your neck as you continued kissing her neck and her right shoulder. Your two hands massaging her buttocks, "Are you crazy?"
"You didn't say the same thing when you put my cock inside you with Ning asleep next to us..." you put one of your hands inside her bikini bottom, you squeezed her buttock, ran your fingers down her butthole and reached her pussy to rub her folds. She moaned.
“It was different that time…” her fingers clutched at your scalp. You stuck your middle finger inside her, and she pursed her lips to stifle a louder moan.
"It wasn't different at all..." you brought your hand out from behind her to now shove it down the front of her bikini bottom, now rubbing your fingers along her slit "don't think too much, just tell me yes or no," you rubbed her clit in circles slowly, so she didn't manage to formulate a response until seconds later.
"I..." Her heavy gasps had her eyes closed and her fingers pulling at your hair, "Shit, yes. Fuck me, quick."
You wasted no time and quickly pulled your boxers down to mid-thighs, releasing your hard cock underwater. You put an arm around Minjeong's waist and lifted her just a little, using your free hand to push her bikini bottoms to the side. With her pussy now exposed you crashed your lips into hers, took your cock in your left hand and rubbed it a few times between her folds before pressing her down, taking the first few inches inside.
The loud moan Minjeong let out when she felt your cock halfway inside her was muffled against your lips. Her arms tightened around your neck, but her legs loosened on either side of your torso so you could move her easily. You were quite patient since there wasn't enough lubrication under the water, it took a few seconds, but you finally managed to get more than half of your cock inside her tight pussy, not completely like it used to be, but enough to make it pleasurable for both.
With two hands on her ass you began to move her up and down, your cock sliding more and more easily in and out of her. Her moans became harder to contain with each pump, but you realized that the music was so loud that any sound you made wouldn't reach the girl's ears, so you parted your lips and focused on her neck. The water didn't allow you to make her move as fast as you would have liked, but you did your best to manipulate her small body to your complete whim. Now Minjeong was moaning and whimpering just inches from your face, with free rein to do so thanks to Lil Wayne's voice in A Milli.
You squeezed both of her buttocks for a few seconds during which you bit and kissed her neck. She removed her arms from around your neck and cupped your face in her hands to kiss you again for a few short seconds. When you separated again you realized that her face was completely distorted by pleasure, mouth half open, cheeks red and eyebrows raised, anyone who saw her at that moment (if they hadn't already) was going to be able to catch you easily, so you resorted to a safe measure: turn your back on the house so you could cover her.
From that position you had one of the pool walls in front of you. You stopped moving her on your cock and took a few steps forward, the water covering you up to her shoulders and Minjeong up to her neck. You leaned her against her tiles, and grabbing the back of her knees you spread her legs wide open to start fucking her as fast as you could.
"Oh my fucking god how does this feel so good?!" she squealed, leaning her neck against the edge of the pool.
"Adrenaline maybe?" you teased, attacking her long, inviting neck with more kisses, your cock sliding smoothly in and out of Minjeong's increasingly tight pussy.
"I don't know but don't you dare stop!" Having said that, you took out your cock, let go of her legs and grabbed her waist to turn her around. She grabbed the edge of the pool with both hands and turned to look at you with a sexy look, and you grabbed the edge of her bikini bottom to lower it to her thighs. With her ass now completely exposed, you placed one hand on her waist and with the other guided your cock inside her once more, "Ohhh ffffuck!" she moaned when you started fucking her from behind.
From that position you made sure to feel Minjeong as much as possible, running your hands all over her tight, soft body as you pumped your hips back and forth. It was a pity that you couldn't grab and massage her tits at that moment, but you did run your hand over her flat abdomen multiple times, then move to her waist and from there lower your hands down her hips, reach her inner thighs, caress them for a moment before wrapping your left arm around her lower body and with your free hand rub her clit quickly. The song changed, now playing The Way You Make Me Feel by Michael Jackson. Good timing.
Minjeong soon began to shake in your arms, both stimuli taking her downhill in a snowball that led to an intense orgasm that made her bite her forearm between squeals and intense moans. Her pussy walls tightened around your cock, a sensation that also brought you to a pleasurable orgasm that shook every fiber of your body. You pushed forward hard, and with your face buried in Minjeong's neck your load began to shoot into her pussy. She turned her face and your lips met once more, muffled moans from each side as she continued to be gripped by her orgasm and you continued to pour out streams of cum one after the other. A few seconds passed before you stopped pumping your hips and her orgasm was over.
"It wasn't that bad huh?" You murmured in her ear, slowly pulling your cock out of her pussy to let your load spill out into the water.
"That was amazing..." she sighed, seeking your lips to share a brief kiss with you, "but please, next time let's do it with no one around who can see us," you turned your head to look towards the house. The girls weren't even remotely aware of what you were doing, they were playing around while talking, laughing and drinking.
"Believe me, they are in their own bubble, they don't care what we do," being a gentleman you pulled Minjeong's bikini bottoms back up. You also pulled up your boxers.
"But it makes me anxious, silly," she turned around, wrapped her arms around your neck and gave you another kiss, "can I say something cheesy?"
“You're going to say it anyway, so go ahead,” you nodded, and what was going to come out of Minjeong's mouth was going to completely blow you away.
"I love you," she said close to your lips, in a small voice that you could barely hear. Her pretty eyes looked at you nervously, like it was something she wasn't sure whether to say or not. You were paralyzed for a few seconds.
"Do you love me? I mean, are you serious?" You didn't mean to doubt her, but you had to make sure you hadn't heard wrong.
"Yeah, darling, I love you," she stated again with the same small, tender voice, only this time you did process the information.
"I... love you too," you stared into her eyes, two bright orbs full of affection towards you, "hell, do you wanna be my girlfriend?" Minjeong smiled from ear to ear, and her cheeks turned red.
"That'd be cute," she nodded, and once again kissed you. This time your lips danced in sweet love harmony, Minjeong's hands cradling your face while her thumbs gently caressed your cheekbones. Your hands went to her waist, to press her body against yours and hug her tightly.
"Alright, too cheesy for now," you murmured after pulling away from her lips, and you both laughed, "come on, let's go out, I'm going to get too wrinkled."
She nodded and turned around to rest her hands on the edge of the pool, you helped her and pushed her up so she could get out easily. Once outside you followed her, and walked hand in hand back to the house, faces calm as if you hadn't left a stream of cum flowing freely through the pool.
"Damn, you're finally back!" Ning exclaimed as she saw you enter the shadow of the room. She was sitting cross-legged on the couch with a bottle of vodka in her hand. The three of them were still in only their bikini, now with their hair down and looking even hotter, "we were about to start a round of shots."
"Already?" you asked, looking everywhere for your shorts, "and where the fuck are my clothes?"
"I saved it for you, casanova," Giselle said, sitting on Jimin's lap, who was sitting on one of the single couches, "I don't think you're going to need it, are you? We're all half naked at this point, so that would not be supportive on your part."
"Fuck, they're really playing dirty with you," Minjeong laughed after letting go of your hand. She patted your shoulder and went to sit with Ning on the couch.
"You allowed this?" you looked at Jimin, who quickly avoided your gaze.
"She very much agreed," Ning said with a laugh, leaning down to grab a shot glass and fill it with vodka, "who will go first?" You noticed out of the corner of your eye how Giselle took the remote control of the speaker and turned up the music even more volume. Cash in Cash Out by Pharell Williams breaking down the bass.
"Give it to me," Minjeong leaned forward and took the shot glass from Ning's hand to drink the entire shot.
"Oh shit, it seems like someone is more cheerful than usual," Ning looked you up and down with a mischievous look, "you had work to do huh?" she laughed.
"I won't comment on it," you denied, sitting next to Minjeong.
"Alright, come here, Jiminie," Ning stood up with the small glass in one hand and the bottle in the other. She walked to stand next to Giselle and Jimin.
"Uh… don't you think that's too much for me?" Jimin asked with a worried tone as she looked at her.
"Do you feel dizzy right now? Even slightly different?"
"Well... my body feels hot, not exactly because of the heat, or because..."
"Say no more, you're perfect, drink," Ning poured the vodka into the glass and gently grabbed Jimin by the chin, "open that mouth, sweetie," Jimin did so, but instead of doing it like any other person would, she stuck out her tongue as if she were going to receive something else. You couldn't take your eyes off for a single second while Ning poured the vodka in a trickle on Jimin's tongue, and she swallowed every drop until there was no more left.
"Fuck girl, you're hotter than you think," Giselle said, also staring at Jimin, who close her mouth and wiped a few droplets of vodka off her chin with the back of her hand.
"So you think?" Jimin asked, looking at her.
"That tongue of yours is sexy as fuck," Giselle nodded, "I even want to taste it."
“Do it then,” Ning, you and Minjeong looked at each other with your eyebrows raised in shock. Now that was a big step. Even Giselle looked a little surprised.
"Are you sure?" Giselle asked.
"For God's sake, just kiss me," Giselle didn't hesitate twice to grab her face with both hands and do what she asked. The first thing that stood out from the beginning was the use of both tongues during the kiss, an incredibly hot scene that had the three of you surprised by how Jimin performed. It was obvious that Giselle was the one in control, but both tongues were entwined with equal passions.
"Mother of God," Ning put her hand over her mouth, incredulous at the intense make out session Jimin and Giselle were having. You had to look towards the pool to avoid getting another boner.
"Oh no, you're watching this with me," Minjeong said. She grabbed your chin and forced you to look back at the girls as they kissed. As expected, the lewd scene caused arousal to grow in you, and consequently, your cock to get hard under your boxers.
"You hate me, don't you?" You quickly took a cushion from behind your back and covered your crotch with it. Seconds later, Jimin and Giselle separated.
"Fuck," Giselle gasped, wiping some saliva off her chin with the back of her hand, "who knew you could kiss so well?"
"I do?" Jimin asked. Her genuine innocence made you exchange an incredulous look with Ning.
"Girl, it's one of the best kisses I've ever had in my life," Giselle looked at Ning, and then at you and Minjeong, "we gave you a good show huh?"
"He's covering his crotch with a cushion," Ning pointed out, "guess why," you looked at her, wanting to kick her ass.
"Rock hard again?" giggled Giselle.
"He's just a man, what do you expect," Minjeong said dismissively, but you knew she was just teasing you.
"Hey, we already gave you a show, why don't you give us a show?" Giselle said, raising an eyebrow.
"We're not going to fuck in front of you," you stepped forward.
"Three way kiss," Jimin interjected, and Giselle looked at her.
"You're not as innocent as you seem, are you?"
"I'm not going to comment on how many erotic books and manhwas I've read."
"I don't need to know either," Giselle now looked at you, "you heard our little nerd, kiss."
Ning, who subconsciously always sought your approval for everything, turned to look at you.
"Give her the shot first," you pointed your finger at the bottle, "and then me."
"If those are the conditions you're making it too easy for me boy," Giselle took the bottle from Ning's hand and brought it to her mouth to drink directly from it.
"You set the bar too low, what a fool," Minjeong said from beside you.
"Shut your mouth," you replied, watching as Giselle stood up with the bottle in her hand and walked straight towards you.
"Come on, pretty boy, have a drink," she shook the bottle in front of your nose. You reluctantly took it and in an imitation of Giselle you drank from it, "Thaaat's it," she took the bottle from you, "Alright, what are you waiting for?"
Ning didn't even have to ask your permission to walk over to you, remove the cushion from your crotch, and straddle your lap. The rubbing of your crotches over the thin fabrics made you hold your breath, as you could feel her folds pressing against you. You didn't even have time to think about it when Minjeong knelt to your left and put her face between the two of you, Ning did the same, and soon your lips were together.
Strangely, you had never tried to do something like that before, so it was a little difficult to find the rhythm and the right way to do it, but it was a matter of seconds before the three of you finally reached a point of comfort in which your lips crashed in perfect synchrony. Naturally the tongues got into the action, and so did the touching.
You surrounded the waists of both girls with your arms, and pressed them firmly towards your body to feel their heavy breathing and hot bodies. Unconsciously small moans were also present, and you could notice a subtle movement in Ning's hips above you.
"Unnie, make them stop, I'm getting..." you heard Jimin say.
"Are you kidding? This is only getting better," she replied.
"No, seriously, I need them to stop..."
"Ugh fine," Giselle gave Ning a little shake by the shoulder, "Hey, that's enough."
If it weren't for Giselle's intervention, the three of you would have continued to a point of no return. The bubble in which you were enclosed was so thick that when you separated from the kiss, the three of you were slightly disoriented, and of course, you had a painfully hard boner. 
"Honey, would you get off of me? I don't think it's time to fuck you yet," you told Ning, and she obeyed without saying a single word, knowing that sooner or later she'll have her piece of cake. She sat down next to you and crossed her legs immediately.
"I... I need to go to the bathroom, but this is my first time coming to this house," Jimin said, "could someone uh… come with me?"
"I'll go," you jumped in immediately, not willing to waste a clear shot. You glanced at Minjeong, who was trying to hide her proud little smile. Jimin looked surprised, she didn't expect you to be the first volunteer.
"O-okay," she nodded, and then stood up to wait for you in the hallway.
"Don't drain him too much!" Ning said to Jimin as you stood next to her. Jimin's cheeks flushed red, and you had to put your hand on her back to get her to walk forward.
"Don't pay attention to her, she usually makes those kinds of jokes," you said, walking side by side with Jimin.
"The jokes aren't the problem," she continued to avoid your gaze as much as possible, instead looking around her, "the problem is that..."
"Is that?" you asked, noticing that she didn't finish the sentence.
"Nothing, I'm not going to say it," she said, as you stopped in the middle of the living room adjacent to the kitchen. You stared at her, "what?"
"You don't really need to go to the bathroom, do you?" you asked, and noticed a hint of panic in her eyes.
"Huh? O-Of course I do!" She feigned annoyance, but your eyes didn't lie to you.
"Then explain that to me," you made a small gesture with your finger towards her crotch. Her bikini bottom had a small stain on it, one that she certainly hadn't realized was there judging by her shocked eyes.
"Oh my god!" she screamed, and was about to run away if you hadn't grabbed her wrist.
"Hey, just be honest with me."
"About what?" You pulled her towards you, planting her inches from your face but without making physical contact with her body.
"Tell me, you want me to help you with that, don't you?" Jimin remained silent at your sudden advance, but when she looked down and saw your bulge kept in your boxers, her face changed.
"Ever since I saw your boner in the pool I haven't stopped thinking about how I want to have you inside me," her lips parted and for the first time all day she held eye contact with you for more than five seconds.
"I know you're not a pure thoughts innocent girl, so say it," you murmured. Jimin was silent again for a few seconds, but in the midst of her silence she reached for her neck with her free hand and untied the knot that held her bikini top to it, thus releasing a pair of nice, big tits that made your mouth water.
"Fuck me daddy..." her tiny, seductive tone of voice vibrated in your ears, "grant me the privilege of being able to have that big, juicy cock inside my needy pussy."
The sudden change in her personality caused mixed feelings in you, on the one hand you didn't know if that side was natural for her or it was just due to the body heat that the alcohol caused in her, but on the other she was driving you completely crazy. You didn't even know where to start, so you just did what any decent man could do at the time. You kissed her with all your might.
Giselle wasn't wrong about her. She was an excellent kisser, you confirmed this as you wrapped your arms around her waist and moved your hands up and down her bare back. Her skin felt creamy and soft under your fingertips. You hugged her against you, her tits crushing against your chest and her pretty stomach pressed against yours. She wrapped her arms around your neck, but her hands didn't stay still for long either. Jimin cupped your face first, letting out small moans against your mouth as you squeezed her ass and held her waist tightly. Then her hands went down your chest, one of them stayed on your waist, and the other went down to your hard cock to massage it over your boxers.
You slowly pushed her back, resting her lower back against the edge of the long floating cabinet. With a small lift of her you sat her up on the polished wood of her, and you got between her wide open legs to separate yourself from her lips and concentrate now on her long neck. Jimin brought a hand to the back of your head and tangled her fingers in your hair, she leaned her head and shoulders against the wall, and with her free hand she groped your cock inside your boxers, small moans coming out of her mouth as you filled her neck with kisses and bites.
"Baby wants me to suck her tits or eat her pussy?" you said against her neck, then you moved your kisses up to her jaw, and then back down to her shoulders.
"Why not both, daddy?" Jimin asked amidst cute moans.
"Do you want both?" You went up to her lips and gave her little kisses, then to her cheeks and her chin.
"Yes daddy please..." she gasped, gently stroking your cock underneath your boxers, "and I want to suck your cock too, will you let me?"
"Are you needy for daddy's cock, baby?" You teased, you lowered your kisses again, this time to her collarbone and the space between her two tits.
"Yes daddy... very very needy," she responded with her breathing becoming more labored, "I'm a good girl, I promise."
"First let daddy spoil you, then you can show me what a good girl you are..." you moved a few inches to the left, and she held her breath before you took most part of her tit into your mouth.
Jimin moaned in a sweet tone to your ears, both of her hands now on your shoulders. You started with slow and sensual sucks on her nipple, adding licks in circles around it and kisses on her spongy flesh. You repeated the same thing on the other side, and in no time you became addicted to her pair of pretty breasts.
You spent a couple of minutes just on her tits, but it could have been more if it weren't for the need you had to also eat her pussy, so you gave her mounds a couple more licks and sucks before moving down with your mouth through her abdomen. Her tummy was pure perfection for you, it was slightly toned, but it still retained that fleshiness that drove you so crazy about a girl. Her skin was creamy soft, and despite having recently been in a pool there was still a faint scent of body cream left. You finally reached her lower abdomen, just inches from her pube.
"Daddy wants me to take it off for him?" Jimin asked with a moan as she looked down at you, gripping her fingers at both knots on either side of her hips.
"Go ahead baby, daddy wants to see that pretty pussy," you nodded, kneeling to place small kisses on the inside of her thighs. Jimin acted quickly, and within seconds she untied the knots. With her bikini bottom now loose from her hips she only had to lift her hips and yank it off.
"Do you like it, daddy? It's wet and warm for you…" Jimin's pussy was now exposed just inches from your face, she brought two fingers to it, rubbing them up and down across her glistening folds.
"I fucking love it sweetie," certainly her pussy was like a work of art, but in this case, more of a gourmet dish which you didn't think not to taste.
You placed both hands on the back of her thighs and pulled them back, holding her legs wide open to have her pussy at better disposal. You didn't think it was right to make her wait too long, so you avoided foreplay and went straight to the action. You brought your face closer slowly, eyes on her at all times, stuck out your tongue, and she held her breath as you planted it flat right between her folds. You slowly licked upwards, and Jimin finally let out a long moan that was music to your ears.
Her pussy was wetter than it appeared on the surface, adding a softness and flavor that was immediately addictive. You began to use your tongue calmly and gently, making sure she felt every tiny movement before you started eating her out like a hungry dog. You licked every fold of hers, her clit, and every corner of her slit. That was enough to surprisingly make her cum.
"I'm sorry, daddy!" she moaned, shaking between small moans, "I was so needy, but keep going, overstimulate me, I'll be a good girl!"
If she said so, you had no problem satisfying her desires. You didn't wait for her body to stop shuddering before you began to really eat her out, kissing, sucking and licking between her folds. Jimin squealed, sometimes more similar to a moan and other times more like a whimper, but she didn't stop shaking off of her at any time, you had to hold her by her waist so she wouldn't fall.
You focused on her clit, quick, sharp licks with the tip of your tongue. Jimin gripped the edge of the cabinet with weak fingers, her hips shaking like hell and her breathing extremely labored. Her fluids kept leaking between her folds, but you soaked up every little drop of it as if your life depended on it. You were grateful that where the girls were, the music was so loud that it was impossible to hear anything that was in another room, because you had rarely heard a girl moan as loudly as Jimin did at that moment.
It didn't take long for her to reach another orgasm, but that didn't stop you from continuing. Jimin writhed and trembled as if she were being exorcized. She really scared you for a few seconds, but after a few seconds you confirmed that she was just in a fierce tide of pleasure. No moans came out of her mouth, only muffled sounds and heavy gasps. Her eyes were blank, rolled back thanks to the impeccable work of your mouth. She closed her legs around your head, both of her creamy soft thighs pressed against your cheeks as you continued to eat her out furiously. At that point your jaw and your tongue were equally tired, and you could no longer double your efforts, but you could give one last effort to make her cum for the third time in a row.
"OH FUCKKKK!!!" Her primal scream echoed throughout the room and nearly burst your eardrums. Her hands went to your head, nails digging into your scalp in the midst of intense spasms. She had no idea how much force she used, so it was painful for you, but seeing the tears pool in her eyes and then fall from them down her cheeks made it totally worth it. Her pussy was dripping to the point of soaking her buttocks and the wood under her ass, and her body couldn't stop shaking and shuddering.
"Did my little baby enjoy it?" you asked, her trembling thighs still crushing your head.
"C-c..." her voice hung by a thread, so low that you could barely hear it, "C-cock... i-in m... my mouth..." she loosened her thighs, and now blood was circulating normally to your brain.
"You're completely destroyed and you still want to please daddy?" you asked, standing up again. She only nodded weakly, "You really are a very good girl..." as soon as you cupped her face she sought your lips, you noticed that it was difficult for her to move so you leaned forward to kiss her for a few long seconds, "Come on, let's find something more comfortable."
You grabbed Jimin by her waist and carefully lowered her from the cabinet. As expected she couldn't even stand up, so you had to carry her in your arms. You turned around and walked between two individual armchairs, having on your right the large white leather sofa that you would lay Jimin on. You placed one of the four cushions behind her head and another on her feet. Sunlight filtered in from the left thanks to the large sliding window that ran from wall to wall. You could just press a button and have all the blinds close, but knowing that the girls were only a few meters away and that they could see you at any moment if they went out to the pool gave you a certain shot of adrenaline that made everything more pleasant.
With Jimin now lying on the couch you stood next to her and pulled down your boxers, revealing your erect and throbbing cock just above her eyes, which shone like two sea pearls at the sight of your entire length.
"Oh god... it's so big," Jimin said, slowly catching her breath, "put it..." she had to pause, "put it in my mouth, please..."
You knelt down, your crotch now level with Jimin's face. You took your cock in one hand, Jimin turned her face towards you, and you slowly brought your tip closer to her parted lips. She thought you would put it inside right away, but her attractive lips made you first rub against them a few times, tracing the outline until you let her take you inside her mouth.
At first you had to help her with a hand on the back of her head since she was still a little weak, but less than a minute passed when she rolled onto her side, rested her elbow on the couch and started pumping her head back and forth. Her pretty lips felt like pure velvet on your cock, and to your not-so-surprising surprise, she knew how to use them more than well. You placed a hand on one of her tits and squeezed it gently, gasping at the continuous movement of her mouth which as the seconds passed took more of you inside her.
"You suck daddy's cock so well baby..." you gasped, caressing the side of her face with your hand and tucking her hair behind her ear. Her slurping sounds were driving you crazy, and if that weren't enough she showed she had a rather non-existent gag reflex that she took advantage of to take you straight down her throat. Her nose rested against your pubic bone, and her big, bright eyes looked up at you, "Oh my god! Ugh! How do you know how to do that?" you groaned.
"I'd rather not tell you daddy..." she grabbed your cock by the base and gave it a few long, sensual sucks, "just let your baby please you."
"You can do whatever you want with daddy's cock," you bit your lip, your breathing heavy thanks to the precise and pleasurable pumping of Jimin's head. She was not only excellent at kissing, but also at sucking cock, and you just wondered what other surprises that girl was hiding.
You let her continue doing her job, and she certainly did wonders for your piece of meat inside her mouth. The way she used her tongue on the back of your cock and her way of taking advantage of the softness of her lips was going to lead you to ruin soon, but you didn't want to cum yet, not before giving her what she craved so much, so you stopped her. She looked at you with worried eyes.
"I thought I was doing a good job daddy..." she said.
"Indeed you were, but daddy needs to be inside that pussy as soon as possible," Jimin's eyes lit up again, "do you feel okay to go?"
"Yeah!" she nodded immediately, "please fuck me daddy, I need it so much!"
"How do you want me to do it?" You gave her a kiss on her lips, then another on her forehead.
"Anyway you like, daddy," she kissed you back, "but I can't be up... you know why."
“No problem, daddy will take care of you,” the couch was thick enough for you both to fit comfortably, so you got to work.
You stood up and the first thing Jimin instinctively did was pick up her legs, holding them both with her arms behind her knees, pressing them against her body and already giving you a perfect position in which you could fuck her. You climbed onto the couch and knelt in front of her, your cock was already well lubricated by Jimin's saliva, so you only had to rub yourself between her folds a few times before pressing your hips forward, letting her pussy slowly engulf your length.
"Mmmmgh!" Jimin covered her mouth and stifled a scream against it (you didn't really understand why, natural instinct, you assumed), "Be careful daddy!" she moaned when your cock was halfway down.
"It hurts?" you asked, tempted to just push down and go all the way in.
"A little... I've never had something that big inside me," she admitted, you noticed a slight reddish blush on her cheeks.
"Not even a dildo?" You pushed as slowly as you could, each time gaining more inches.
"Impossible, I almost never have privacy at home... mmm fuck!!" Finally you took your entire cock inside her pussy, you gasped as you felt the warmth, and how her velvety walls made you shiver.
"Then relax and let daddy make you enjoy the experience..." once fully inside her you slumped forward between Jimin's legs. Her tits pressed against your chest, and she instinctively wrapped her legs around your body. You began to move slowly, attentive to every tiny twist in the girl's face. Your movements were long, slow and sensual, she loved that, you noticed it in how her eyebrows arched, her breathing became heavy and her eyes rolled back.
“Oh fuck daddy… just make love to me, please,” she wrapped her arms around your neck and pulled you into a loving kiss, filled with moans and heavy pants.
No more words left your mouth (it's not like she'd let you anyway), you just moved your hips back and forth, making sure every movement was as satisfying as possible for both her and you. Soon you stopped concentrating so much on doing well and just let yourself go. Your hands ran all over Jimin's body, her tits served as gripping points for long seconds, you squeezed, massaged and played with her nipples. Jimin’s thighs gripped your lats, flesh pressing against flesh from absolutely every inch. Jimin caressed your back, moan after moan muffled in a kiss you never wanted to get out of.
You didn't start moving faster, but you did start moving harder. Your cock slid all the way in and all the way out with each thrust, shaking Jimin's slightly sweaty body beneath you. She arched her back in pleasure and consequently separated from your lips, you took advantage of that to kiss her neck once again. While you left little marks on her pale skin she tangled her fingers between strands of your hair and gave you little tugs towards her. You exhaled your hot breath against her neck, and came up to moan into her ear. She filled the side of your face with kisses, and you sought her lips once more.
Inevitably your instincts led you to want to move faster, and so you did, but not wanting to fail to comply with her request, you did so in a moderate manner, maintaining the same level of force but slightly increasing the revolutions per second. Jimin's entire body appreciated this, her calves and heels digging into your back, and now more than ever you were as close as two bodies could be to each other.
"Daddy..." she gasped, her face red and her eyes weak, "I'm going to cum on your cock daddy... mmmgh!" As her moans reached her peak until now you raised your head a little to remove her arms from around it. You took her two hands and intertwined your fingers to put them on the armband behind her head.
"Cum for daddy then... one more time, come on," you stared at her, fucking her just the way she wanted to bring her to an imminent fourth orgasm. After a few seconds she finally exploded around your cock. You felt her pussy and your cock considerably wetter, and as she writhed between moans and spasms you noticed that she had squirted (also staining a sofa whose high price you were unaware of). Another surprise that came out of Pandora's box.
"Don't stop daddy... mmghhh! I want your cum!" she managed to say as her legs now loose from your torso trembled and her hips twitched.
"Will my baby let me cum on her pretty tongue?" you asked between gasps, beads of sweat falling down both sides of your temple.
"Finish wherever you please daddy..." she moaned, "my body is all yours, just use it however you want."
With that said you straightened your back and grabbed Jimin's legs behind her knees. She had already cum, and thanks to that you considered her request as satisfied, it was your turn to enjoy. The pumps became considerably faster, she began to scream, overstimulated in every possible way as her orgasm had not yet fully passed. Even though you would have liked to continue fucking her like that, all the pleasure previously built in you began to take its toll on you.
Jimin's flushed face and her bouncing tits made you take a deep breath as you felt tingles around your pubic area. Her whimpers were getting a little too loud for your ears, so instinctively your first reaction was to bring one of your hands to her neck. Through all the flailing you didn't realize how hard you were squeezing until you saw Jimin gasp for breath, you didn't know if she was really enjoying it, but judging by how her eyebrows furrowed and her toes wrinkled, you could have an idea of what the answer was.
After a few thrusts you felt on the edge. You let go of her neck and left her pussy to kneel on the floor next to her face. She stuck her tongue out, just like she had done a few minutes ago to drink the vodka, and you started jerking off as fast as you could with the tip of your cock pressed against her tongue. You made eye contact with her, and that was the icing on the cake to make you explode.
"Aghhhh fuck!!" you exclaimed, feeling your entire soul leaking out of your body as you shot your load onto Jimin's hot tongue. She let your cum form a pool in her mouth, and when she felt it was too much she began to swallow it as best she could without any retching to interrupt her. You continued emptying your balls for a few long seconds, but she continued swallowing every single drop as if it were an everyday task.
"That was delicious daddy..." Jimin said when the cum was no longer coming out of your cock and she had swallowed it all, "I... I'll give you my number, but right now I need to sleep."
"Do you want me to take you to my room?" you ask panting, cock still in hand.
"Do you have a room here?" she asked incredulously.
"I spend more time here than at home, so Ryujin gave me a room. Although now that I think about it, I never use it, I always sleep with her," she managed to laugh out of her weakness and lack of energy.
"Okay, take me to your room," she nodded, "I can't walk, so I'm sorry to make it so difficult for you."
"I'll take care of it, just relax."
You stood up and bent your knees to put one arm under her knees and the other under her back. You picked her up like a princess, and she snuggled into your chest. Wanting to avoid the girls you took an alternative route upstairs, slower but safer.
"What do you plan to tell the girls when they ask you about me?" She asked sleepily as you walked up the stairs.
"I don't know, maybe you were feeling bad?"
"Out of nowhere? I doubt they believe that."
"Do you have anything better?" You walked until you reached the door of your room, which you had to make a superhuman effort to open with Jimin in your arms.
"Not really, just say what you think is best then," she sighed.
Your room wasn't as big as Ryujin's, but it was already bigger than the one at home and you considered it comfortable enough for Jimin to rest well. You laid her down on one of her two pillows, she settled on her side, and you covered her with the blanket. You turned on the air conditioning, and turned off the lights.
"Rest well baby, I'll see you in a bit," you whispered in her ear, and then left the room.
Due to your chivalrous act you had not even realized that you were still naked, and in a house where most of the walls were made of glass that was something quite dangerous, especially when the window in front of you was the one that faced the street. You considered it useless to try to cover your crotch, so you just ran downstairs in search of your underwear. Arriving in the living room where you were a few minutes ago, you realized what a real mess you and Jimin had made, so you took a moment to organize everything again before putting on your underwear and putting away Jimin's bikini in one of the drawers of the floating cabinet where you ate her. There remained the small problem of the gigantic stain on the sofa, but that was a matter that you would take care of later.
When you returned to the eye of the hurricane you found things calmer than you thought, Ning on the couch jumping to the rhythm of There's Nothing Holding Me Back by Shawn Mendes with a drink in her hand, Minjeong calm and quiet as always, and Giselle smoking another cigarette while drinking on the single couch.
"Jimin died in the bathroom and you were burying her or what?" Giselle asked when she saw you arrive, she took a drag on her cigarette.
"Her stomach went bad thanks to the alcohol, she threw up in the bathroom and I was just taking care of her," you stood in front of her and motioned with your finger towards the cigarette box.
"Stop lying!" Ning exclaimed behind you, "you fucked her so hard you sent her to sleep!" You knew it was best to stay silent, but he who remains silent grants, so you were screwed either way.
"Did you fuck her?" Giselle asked before giving you the cigarette, only motioning her lips so that no one else would know.
"What do you think?" You shrugged, not wanting to say yes to be a gentleman. You took the cigarette from her hand with one agile movement, and turned around to grab the lighter from the table. You lit the cigarette, took a drag, and went to sit with Minjeong.
"How does she suck cock?" She asked as soon as you sat down next to her, you sighed, done with your existence.
"Better than you," you said just to annoy her, and took another drag on the cigarette.
"Well probably, but my pussy is and will remain the tightest you'll ever be inside," she leaned forward and took the cigarette from your fingers to take a drag, the Minjeong of a few months ago would have choked on the smoke, this one now swallowed it and expelled it without any problem. You took the cigarette back from her.
"Get your own cigarette, fool.”
"Hey! Aren't you guys hungry?" Giselle asked from across the room.
"He definitely isn't!" Ning said pointing at you, and burst into laughter. The alcohol was already affecting her a bit, since in the middle of her laughter she almost fell off the couch.
"Actually I am, do you girls want a barbecue?" you asked them, "I remember seeing some nice pieces in the freezer."
"Oh fuck yes," Giselle agreed, taking the last drag on her cigarette before putting it out and throwing the butt into a glass jar that was originally on a shelf.
"I haven't had a meal since yesterday, so I can eat anything right now!" Ning said, the song ending at that moment, and she stopped dancing to sit on your right.
"I can go help you season and prepare everything, honey," Minjeong said, placing her hand on yours.
"Thanks darling," you nodded, and then looked at Giselle, "you two can be helpful and set up the grill."
"And... how do you do that?" Ning asked.
"Simple, you just have to put charcoal under the grill. There's a bag outside right next to it I think," another drag on your cigarette, discarding the ashes in the jar.
"Aight, we'll look it up on YouTube, let's go," Giselle stood up, and Ning followed her.
"Looks like it's just you and me again," Minjeong giggled, now standing in front of you.
"As it should always be, right?" you smiled, and stood up with her.
"It should, yeah," she smiled back, took your hand and you gave her a kiss on the forehead before heading to the kitchen. On the way you passed by the scene of the incident, and you tried to do everything possible so that she did not look towards the sofa, but being the observant person that she was, she saw it, "and what is that?"
"Uh what are you talking about?" you made a fool of yourself.
"That big ass stain on the couch," she pointed at it, "what is it?"
"Well… not exactly."
"She damn squirted?" You remained silent, and with a lost look you took a drag on the cigarette, "holy mother of God, you destroyed her."
"Well, anyway, we have some food to prepare. Come on," you walked straight to the kitchen, and Minjeong followed you, laughing.
There was more to choose from in the freezer than you remembered. There were t-bones, beef and pork ribs, and wide beef tenderloins. You waited a while for everything to defrost, but when your patience ran out you simply used the microwave to do the job. There were several different cuts, so you seasoned each one in a different way. For the T-Bone you only used a layer of grain salt and pepper, and for the wide loin you used the same but adding a layer of olive oil. The ribs were the main attraction, so you put a little more effort into it. For the beef ribs you had to first prepare a BBQ sauce, and for the pork ribs you had to prepare a sauce based on various seasonings for a better flavor. When everything was ready, you loaded everything onto wide plates and went outside.
Giselle and Ning had done a better job than you thought, the grill was perfectly prepared, with a perfect amount of charcoal. The grill was quite large, so you had plenty of space to put the plates to the side and start making all the cuts little by little. After about 40 minutes everything was perfectly cooked and ready.
You had a quiet, alcohol-free meal, which was already an achievement considering who you were with. During the meal the chemistry between you, the girls and Giselle increased, you learned many things about her, among the most notable, that she was a student of Criminal Law in the United States, her father was an associate justice of the Supreme Court, and her mother was an architect. She also told you that she was on vacation here with her mother, and that she would be returning to the United States next week.
"Damn, those pork ribs were amazing, what the fuck," Giselle said, wiping her mouth with a napkin.
"Thank me, I'm a culinary genius," Minjeong smiled, as if you hadn't given her every instruction in great detail.
"You? You almost ruined a ramen once, a ramen!" Ning exclaimed, “You literally just boil water and put in the noodles!”
"I was high as fuck, and unlike you three I could stand up."
"Speaking of being high..." Giselle began, and she looked at the three of you, "are you up for it?"
"This house keeps more weed than Uncle Snoop's," you said, "you literally just have to say how you want it."
"That much?" She, incredulous, raised an eyebrow.
"Not really, I'm just exaggerating, but Ryujin has enough to survive 2 months."
"Does she have a bong?"
"Nah, that's too much for her. I can offer you blunts, she bought a pack recently."
"Where the fuck did she get a pack of blunts? Ready to smoke?"
"Yep. And I don't know, but it's certainly not legal."
"How ironic that the daughter of a supreme court judge would be interested in something like this," Minjeong laughed.
"Oh honey, my crime is child's play compared to all the shit that some people of my kind do," Giselle responded, you noticed some arrogance in her tone.
"I know, all Americans are rotten in absolutely every way, no wonder," Minjeong snapped back, cold as ice. There was an awkward silence, and Ning giggled to try to break it, but she only made it more awkward.
"Well, who's going to wash the dishes with me?" you asked after a few seconds, and Giselle stood up instantly.
"I'll go, I don't want to get into an argument with your pretty little girlfriend and ruin my opinion of her," Giselle didn't bother waiting for you and left the room.
"It was just a joke, honey! Don't get upset!" Minjeong exclaimed for her to hear, with a mocking giggle.
"Enough," you said, and she stayed silent as you stood up, "I don't think that was the most appropriate thing to say to her."
"Did I lie?"
"I don't care, just think things before you say them," that was the last thing you said to her before turning your back on the two of them, "Ning, get the blunts while we wash the dishes."
"Can I smoke one?!" You heard her say as you walked away from there.
"No!" you responded, and went to meet Giselle again. You heard the tap running before you arrived, she was already washing a couple of cutlery, and you approached from behind.
"Your girlfriend isn't usually tactful when saying things, is she?" She asked as she heard you arrive, now speaking in English. You stood behind her, your lower back leaning against the stove behind you.
"It's not like you didn't make it easy for her," you crossed your arms, not the least bit interested in moving since you had a front row view of her enormous ass from behind.
"It's one thing to make fun of myself and quite another to be made fun of," she reluctantly threw a piece of cutlery and the sponge into the dishwasher and turned around after closing the tap, catching you looking down, "did you come to help me or to see my ass?"
"The order of the factors doesn't alter the product, I was going to do it right now," you took another discreet glance at her fleshy thighs before meeting her eyes.
"Are you sure? I see you very comfortable there," she huffed, also crossing her arms to imitate you, but also to put her tits together and form an attractive cleavage.
"It's because you're using the dishwasher," she wanted you to see her tits, and you did that in small intervals of time.
"There's a free one literally to your right," she said, eyes trained on you.
"Well, you caught me, I just stood there to see your ass, so what?"
"Oh no, it's okay..." for the first time she looked down, straight at your boxers, you didn't need to follow her eyes to know what she was looking at, "tell me something, pretty boy..." she gave a slow step forward, then another, and that way until she was standing inches from you, "you love it, don't you? and you love my thighs too..." she placed her hands on the counter on either side of you, somehow imprisoning you.
"Mmm… not enough yet, they have to pass a quality test first," you stared into her eyes.
"And what quality test are we talking about?" You didn't respond with words, but with actions. Two hands right on the sides of her thighs, caressing them up and down. The smile on Giselle's face told you that your bold act pleased her.
"Do you have something in mind?" From her thighs you moved to her waist, pulling her towards you to press her body against yours.
"I have a lot of things on my mind right now, honey..." she left her hands on your chest, your lips a few centimeters away, "you know? today I feel generous... why not give you what you want?" Giselle pulled away and turned around, then pressed her ass against your bulging crotch, "come on, pull it down pretty boy..."
You didn't doubt it for a second. You grabbed Giselle's bikini bottom by the back curb and slowly folded it down to her knees. Her bare ass was even more tempting and eye-catching than you imagined, her soft, round, juicy buttocks pressed against you. Your cock hardened in a matter of seconds, and when you felt this you pulled your boxers down to your ankles in a single pull. You noticed a sly little smile on Giselle's face as the back of your cock rubbed against the space between her ass cheeks.
"I guess the dishes can wait..." you murmured close to her ear. You surrounded her delicious body with both arms, and she twisted her hips to knead your cock with her ass.
"Are you going to fuck me against the dishwasher, casanova?" She asked with her face half turned towards you, she brought one hand back to cradle your face.
"Not yet," you moved a hand up to her neck and then to her chin, you turned her face towards you and kissed her.
Her full, soft lips welcomed yours in a deep kiss, full of passion and a growing feeling of desire. She pressed her ass back, grinding your cock between her silky buttocks. You couldn't help but grab the front of her thighs, feeling the firm flesh between your fingers. You left one hand on her left thigh, and the other you took to her crotch, right to her plump pussy which you rubbed with your index and middle fingers, you did it gently, feeling like her folds gradually became wetter and wetter. She stifled a subtle moan against your lips, feeling arousal take over her body.
You now took the hand you had on her thigh between your bodies to grab your cock and rub it between her buttocks, your tip caressed her butthole, and lower down it met her wet pussy. She held her breath in the middle of your kiss, thinking that you were going to penetrate her, but what you did was put your cock between her thighs. Giselle pulled away from your lips and gave you a little smile, pressing her legs together to crush your boner between them.
"So you want a thighjob huh?" she teased with a giggle, "I don't blame you... they are perfect after all," she spit a considerable amount of saliva into her hand and brought it between her thighs to grab your cock, you moaned just from her touch, as she let your cock slippery between strokes, "go ahead, have fun."
With the green light to do whatever you wanted, the first thing you did was put your two hands on her waist, and without thinking twice you began to move slowly from back to front. Not even ten seconds passed when you already felt like you were in heaven, and you let her know that with the loud moans that came out of your mouth. Her thighs were the closest thing to perfection you had ever felt, a perfect balance between softness, firmness and fleshiness that hugged your cock in an overwhelming meat sandwich.
"Fuck it... they passed the quality test," you gasped, pumping your hips faster and faster, "they're perfect and I love them," she giggled and you buried your face in her neck to fill it with kisses and bites.
"Your cock isn't bad either..." she murmured in your ear as it slid smoothly between her thighs and also rubbed against her wet pussy from the top, "it feels thick and delicious between my thighs… I can't wait to know what it feels like inside this fat pussy."
"You're driving me crazy, Uchinaga, you better shut up..." you growled, using one hand to untie her bikini top and pull it off her chest, you couldn't get a view of what you had freed, but as you put both your hands there you came across a pair of surprisingly big tits. These were just the right size to fit in your hands, but they felt full, round and soft like two stress balls, "and you have two perfect tits too?" you asked, pumping your cock harder and harder, her ass slapping against your pelvis with each thrust between her thighs.
"Thank genetics..." she placed her hands on yours as you massaged and squeezed her tits, "hell, thank life I'm giving you the chance to have me, lucky motherfucker."
"You're the only one of the girls who hasn't called me daddy yet," you lowered one of your hands from her tits to her pussy, "what are you waiting for?" She tried to laugh, but you started rubbing her clit in quick circles.
"D-don't even fucking dream of it, asshole," she managed to say before a moan escaped her, "you're not even close to earning that privilege."
"We'll see that... bitch," you continued fucking her thighs and rubbing her pussy for a few long seconds in which your moans overlapped. Giselle was melting in your arms, thanks to how you rubbed your cock between her folds and how you moved your fingers over her clit, "I'm going to fuck you so hard that when I come out of you you'll feel like a part of you is missing."
"I want to see you try, mmh!" she pursed her lips in a slight squeal, "fuck me, you bastard! fuck me hard!"
That felt like a sudden change of chip for you, you put your hands on Giselle's shoulders and roughly pushed her forward. You pulled the boxers off your legs, and took a stride forward to push her again, this time she was leaning against the edge of the dishwasher, and you stood right behind her. She bent her back, her head right next to the faucet as you rubbed your cock against her pale buttocks. You were eager to give her what she deserved, so you brought one hand to her waist and with the other you guided your cock between her buttocks. Finding her pussy you rubbed your tip up and down for a few short seconds, she turned to look at you over her shoulder, and locking eyes with her you pressed forward, taking your cock inch by inch inside her.
You couldn't utter a word as your cock pushed its way between her plump folds and reached deep inside her hot and extremely wet pussy. Giselle bit her fist to stifle a moan, feeling every inch of you filling her. Her ass rested against your pelvis, and you could have spent hours watching her buttocks hide your shaft, but you had a clear mission to fulfill.
The pumps began, your hips moving back and forth slowly at first to feel in detail how your cock slid smoothly in and out of her. Within seconds Giselle's eyes were demanding more, and you were happy to give it to her. With two hands on her waist you increased your pace, little by little making her big ass bounce with each thrust. You raised both hands to her ribs and moved them to her back, you left them there for a few seconds, but then you raised them to her shoulders to bend her back upwards. She clung to the edge of the dishwasher, and with her head thrown back she began to moan shamelessly.
"Do you like it, you arrogant bitch?" you asked with your lips pursed, breathing like a raging bull as you made her body shake like a rag with each thrust.
"Do it harder!! Be fucking rude and destroy me!! FUCK!!" Her pleas made you smile between your gasps. You knew very well how to be tough, Ryujin had that side of you well trained and polished. Easy peasy.
You raised one hand and let it fall at full speed on one of her buttocks, your spank made a wave on her flesh and left the shape of your hand marked in red on her skin. Giselle squealed with pleasure, but it was a squeal that only meant she wanted more. You repeated the action a few times, giving her the hardest spanks you had ever given anyone until you left her ass a vibrant red.
Her buttocks were now squeezed and kneaded by your hands, you did it knowing that her skin was sensitive and that it was itching for her. A normal person would be bothered by that, but Giselle only became more turned on.
When you stopped kneading her buttocks you brought one hand to her right thigh and made her raise her knee to the marble edge. With one of her legs now lifted you began to fuck her just as hard but this time hitting deeper, so much that you felt like if you were a few centimeters bigger you would have pierced her endocervix. Giselle went crazy with high-pitched squeals, and you leaned forward to grab a generous handful of her hair, pulling it back and making her growl.
"So you like being mistreated huh?!!" You teased with a devilish grin on your face, roughly pulling her head back on purpose as you hammered into her pussy like a tireless machine.
"I fucking love it!!" she admitted with a cry, as your pelvis crashed again and again against her round buttocks, "don't stop da..."
"You could have at least warned me, damn it!" Ning's voice coming from an unknown place brought you out of your zen zone, just when it seemed like Giselle was going to say the word. You and Giselle turned around immediately, stopping what you were doing to see Ning standing with her arms crossed next to a trophy case.
"What the fuck are you doing here? Didn't I tell you to go get the damn blunts?" You exclaimed somewhat angry since you were still inside Giselle and your body demanded more pleasure.
"I already did! But I wanted to know what you were doing since you guys were taking so long!" She excused herself in the best way she could, "but I'm leaving, I'm sorry!"
"Oh hell no," you interrupted her, and Giselle looked at you confused, "you're going to stay here watching me destroy this kinky little bitch."
"Oh really?" Ning asked. You turned back to Giselle and picked up right where you left off, pulled her hair again, and continued pounding her pussy with all your might, "Well shit, that's a yes."
"Come on you damn bitch, say what you were going to say!!" You ordered Giselle, lowering her thigh from over the edge of the dishwasher and pulling her up to press her back against your chest. With her face now on the side of yours you brought one hand to her neck to squeeze it, and with the other you gave her a slap that you didn't care in the least how hard it was.
"MHGHHHHH!!!" Giselle squealed, feeling her pussy being destroyed by your throbbing cock at full speed, "DON'T STOP DADDY, DON'T YOU DARE STOP!!" Just then Ning stood next to you, her elbow leaning on a counter.
"Your cock is so magical that you managed to break even this bad bitch," Ning laughed, watching with fascinated eyes as you fucked her, "I'll have my turn, won't I?"
You didn't have the head to give Ning any attention at that moment, not when you had Giselle at your complete mercy and on the verge of breaking. One hand of yours went to her neck and the other went back to her pussy, you cut off her breath without thinking twice, and began to quickly rub her clit in between the thrusts.
"Cum, you fucking bitch, cum!!" You growled in her ear as her distorted face turned red. And almost as if by magic, a few seconds after saying that her body completely decompensated. Her entire body swayed and began to shake in your arms, her spasms made it difficult for you to keep her standing, and not caring that she was going through her orgasm you continued to thrust into her violently until you reached your limit as well.
You let go of Giselle's neck and brought your hands to her waist as you pumped slower, shooting thick jets of cum into her hot pussy. She continued to moan and squirm, even pulling her ass back trying to get you as deep inside her as possible. You moaned against her sweaty neck, giving her the last few thrusts before your orgasm passed and all your cum was dumped inside.
"I-I don't want a single word about this... understood?!" Giselle warned with wounded pride, looking out of the corner of her eye at Ning, who you hadn't realized was already completely naked.
"I'll be a coffin, woman, now, will you let me eat your pussy?" Ning asked without any shame.
"You don't think I'll let my man's cum fall to the floor, right?" Ning knelt next to you, waiting patiently for you to pull out of her pussy so she could start eating it.
"Oh fuck! Be careful, I'm still s-sensitive," Giselle sighed, her arms and thighs weak as Ning had both of her hands on her ass and her face buried between her buttocks. A few seconds passed as Ning pulled away from her slit, wiping her chin with the back of her hand.
"Mmmm… I missed this taste, how delicious," Ning said, standing up and staring at you, "well? What are you waiting for, daddy?"
Under other circumstances you would have flatly refused another consecutive fuck, but you were feeling especially energetic at the moment, and fortunately for Ning, you felt capable of one more round at full intensity.
You pounced on Ning like a fierce predator, smashing your lips against hers and wrapping your arms around her body. She reciprocated your kiss with a small moan, caressing the hair on the back of your neck with one hand and your chest with the other. You brought your hands to her legs, and she got the message immediately, jumping up to wrap her legs around your torso so you could carry her. She wrapped her arms around your neck and deepened the kiss even further, adding her tongue and gasping in the middle of it.
You walked a few steps forward with her in your arms and leaned her against a wall. You separated yourself from her lips and began to kiss, bite and suck on her neck for a few seconds, then you lowered yourself further down, and when you reached her pair of round tits you took one of them to your mouth. Ning pressed you against her chest with a louder moan, while you sucked and licked each nipple with utmost dedication. By having her pressed and held against her wall she had the freedom to release one hand from around your neck, she took advantage of this to reach your cock and grab it firmly. You being still sensitive, that was somewhat painful, but she noticed this and loosened her grip on it, moving her hand slowly and carefully.
After almost a minute just dedicating the well-deserved time that you always dedicated to her perfect tits, you felt your cock ready for action again.
“Spit on daddy's cock, baby,” you ordered Ning, and she immediately spit on her hand to lubricate your cock again, using the remainder to rub her pussy a few times, “put it in yourself," a new order, eyes fixed on hers.
"Yes daddy… whatever you say," she sighed, grabbing your cock and guiding it into her own pussy. You saw in great detail how her face distorted as she slowly impaled herself on your cock, and how her eyes closed when you were completely inside her.
"Subby weak fucking slut..." Giselle said behind you, mocking Ning's obedience.
"You're not in the best position to make fun of me," Ning managed to say between moans that grew louder as you began to move your cock in and out of her pussy.
"At least I was tough for him, I'm sure the first time you saw him you sucked his cock with those puppy eyes of yours," you grabbed Ning's thighs and spread his legs wide open, pinning her against the wall to start fucking her gradually faster.
"Mmmmgh!" Ning groaned, wrapping her arms around your neck and giving you a small kiss, "Almost, I gave him a lap dance and we almost fucked in the middle of a hallway," you couldn't help but smile at the memory.
"Mother of God!" Giselle exclaimed, "you are a whore through and through."
"I'm not just a whore, I'm his whore!" She emphasized, inadvertently letting out a little scream of pleasure while you pressed her thighs between your fingers and fucked her mercilessly against the wall.
"Say it again, I don't think she fully understood it, baby," you murmured in her ear, panting and sweat dripping down your body.
"I'm daddy's good little whore!" she moaned louder as you hammered into her pussy, "everything of me belongs to him, especially my slutty tight pussy! Fuck!!"
"Damn, you sure have them well trained, huh?" Giselle teased with a giggle, "I have no doubt that Jiminie ended up in the same situation."
"Even worse," you said, removing Ning from the wall and turning to now sit her on the corner of the kitchen island. She left her legs wide open, and let go of your neck to rest her hands on the warm surface behind her back.
"So you did fuck her?" Ning laughed mockingly, but then she continued moaning as if nothing had happened. You slapped her to shut her up, and she moaned louder.
"Of course he fucked her, Jimin's pussy has been dripping since she saw him earlier," Giselle said, "I don't think she made it difficult for him."
"And neither do you," you laughed, grabbing Ning by her waist and fucking her as fast as your motor would allow, her tits bouncing off of her and her face twisting with pleasure.
"Well… I at least..." Giselle tried to find an excuse in vain, she knew her pride was indefensible at that moment, "ugh, fuck you."
Ning let her back flat, and with Giselle now quiet you focused on giving your favorite Chinese woman all the pleasure she desired. You lifted her legs, bringing her ankles together in the air and holding them with one hand. Ning loved it when you fucked her like that, you knew it from how she always massaged her own tits and bit her fingers between whimpers.
"Mmmmm! Give it to me daddy!" she squealed, curling her toes at the side of your face, "don't stop daddy!!" You released her ankles and hugged her raised legs against your body, now giving her deeper and stronger thrusts.
“Be a good girl and cum for daddy, you little slut,” you ordered with a growl.
"Yes daddy!! Just don't stop, don't fucking stop please!!!" she squealed, writhing on the counter. She was quiet for a few short seconds in which only the sounds of your pelvis colliding against her buttocks could be heard, and with a guttural squeal she exploded around your cock.
Ning's orgasms were always forceful and intense, she truly channeled pleasure with absolutely every part of her body, and you had to make a superhuman effort to keep her from falling off the island. With a firm grip around her thighs she stayed still in place, her back arching and her throat emanating pure sounds of pleasure. You gave her slow thrusts, feeling close to another orgasm but not wanting to cum inside her.
"Uchinaga, come here," you ordered as Ning's body relaxed and her orgasm subsided.
"Don't fucking tell me what to d-"
"I said come here!" you ordered, this time more stern and with an imperative tone. The next thing you saw was Giselle kneeling next to you, "good fucking girl."
You pulled out of Ning's pussy, left her sprawled on the island, and turned to Giselle, your cock between her eyebrows. You didn't even have to give her a command before she took your cock in one hand and guided it directly into her mouth. She began to suck you hard, taking more than half of your cock in a matter of seconds with each pump. She spit in the middle of the blowjob to make it more slippery, saliva falling from the corner of her lips to the floor but also drenching you with it.
Soon she didn't need a hand to help herself, she brought them both to your thighs, digging her nails into them to now move her head fully back and forth, giving you mini deep throats with each movement. You didn't need much more to explode once again. Giselle didn't seem to like the fact that you didn't warn, but she still took every inch of your cock into her mouth as you shot one last thick load into her body.
“Just watch that bitch swallow all his cum,” Minjeong's voice and giggle behind you.
"Fuck, this is the last straw…" Giselle said once she had swallowed all your cum and she pulled it out of your mouth. Her chin, her thighs, and her floor were soaked with saliva. You turned around, and saw Minjeong standing right where Ning was before. With her was Jimin, dressed in one of your baggy hoodies that you didn't even know you had left in that house.
"He really hit the grand slam today, didn't he?" Jimin laughed too.
"Ask Ning that, she's literally dead there," Minjeong scoffed.
"God, shut your mouth, it's no big deal," Giselle huffed, standing up and wiping her chin with the back of her hand.
"Did you rest well?" you asked Jimin, hiding your cock behind the island.
"Perfectly, daddy," she nodded with a little smile and a tender look, "and I think I'm ready for more fun."
"Oh honey, you're not ready," Minjeong denied, pulling the pack of blunts from behind her back, "this is just the beginning."
SPREN NOTES: My biggest job to date? Yeah. My best work to date? I think so. Is this divided into two parts? Of course. Wait for it.
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