#especially two handed but sword and shield is nice too
grapecaseschoices · 23 days
i know people dont like playing warrior in da. but grappling hook has to be one of the sexiest and coolest moves ever on a per-specialization ability tree.
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felassan · 3 months
Just poring over some of the new images. ◕‿◕
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I like the overall shape of the dragon, its wings and silhouette, like it's maintaining this theme, two. It particularly reminds me of the DAII cover, with the figures of other characters being present in the dragon's wings. the pattern in the background gives the impression of a sunburst or explosion/outwards burst of energy (there's been lots of that going around in promo images for DA:TV over the years hasn't there). :D chunks of rock float around, which by now is associated with Fadey stuff (floating rocks in the Fade), the barrier (Veil) crumbling in key arts, and reality warping in places like Arlathan Forest. the dragon, open-mouthed, golden-eyed and ready to breathe fire, recalls the dragons on the Dragon Age vinyl arts, two, especially with its general position, and the dragon in this screenshot/scene. in the background at the bottom you can even see a hint of the 'concentric circles' pattern that represents the Veil.
I love that this group shot truly does include the whole team, including Assan and Manfred. I wonder if they will come into the field too if we select Davrin or Emmrich to come out with us respectively? We saw Assan capably fighting darkspawn in the character trailer, and in this image Manfred is helping fend the monsters off. Does Manfred carry Emmrich's stuff in his lil backpack..? 🥺 and I wonder what the purpose of Manfred's goggles are. Visually they set him apart from other skeleton/undead-type enemies and make it so you don't have to peer into empty the eyesockets of a skull, but also they're green (necromancy magic color) and we see Emmrich doing magic on them here. Are they part of the enchantment keeping him animated? also happy to see Varric in this one even though he is not one of the 7 companions. also, Bianca is still here. RIP
Taash looks so cool. :D Even her weapons are gold. her upper body armor in this piece has the aesthetic to me of like a dragon's ribbed armored chest and underside. I like that her weapons are unique generally, and from each other too. her dual-wielding like this as [I presume] a warrior differentiates her from Rook who if a warrior would be sword and shield or twohanded. her gauntlets look like they have dragon teeth or spines on them (the sticky-out parts that are not scale-like).
Davrin is at Rook's right hand. ♡ the floating triangles near Bellara show that she is using her magical device. I wonder what the white sphere part of Neve's wand/staff is. like, in this particular image it gives me the impression of a big pearl. Lucanis' eyes are glowing, like we see here, in that way that seems to hint that something interesting is going on there. overall it's cool to see all the team and cast together like this, working together heroically to stave off doom.
some of the monsters the group are fighting at least are red lyrium darkspawn. the ones with 'shark fin'-shaped headpieces are the same kind as the one at that link. are the rest all darkspawn too (there are different types of darkspawn ofc), or are there some walking dead mixed in there? (lol at the one Varric has just shot in the face). the non-sharkhead ones seem to be these guys from concept art. the prominence of darkspawn in this key art give the impression that we will fight a lot of red lyrium darkspawn in this game and that the threat they pose, including the Blight, is a significant part of the game's storyline.
at the center of it all and at the forefront is Rook. in a nice bit of poetic mirroring (the Wolf and the Rook), they too stand on a rocky outcropping, also with the knife - just like this. the knife is blue here.. blue lyrium influence? the very ground on which they stand bursts with energy. I wonder if Rook's outfit here is sort of their default, iconic look, like the Champion of Kirkwall armor for Hawke etc? I love that they have a cape and the point of their helmet gives them a bird-like feel. (omg.. we can have capes in this game fr). they have the Veilguard symbol on their chest. and could they be canonically left-handed..? :)
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jacevelaryonswife · 2 years
Golden and Silver, my new colors | part two
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That day Aemond had thought about you more than ever. Maybe it was time to deal with his ghosts and allow your to approach, to see beyond what his eye could see.
∴ pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Wife!reader
∴warnings and a note: slight angst, pregnancy, some reader’s thoughts may be a little aggressive to the topic of pregnancy, spiteful reader, english is not my first language. There's a bit of book!aemond here.
golden and silver masterlist
Duty was more important than petty desires. Prince Aemond did not wish to marry so suddenly, but he performed his duty with obedience. You were a good lady, beautiful and quite polite, but nothing more. You were like all the others that made up the royal court, just normal, there was nothing special about you and he didn't have to convince himself of that. However, there were certain moments when he almost leaned into your touch and let himself sink into the melody of your voice a little longer. It was unexpected, sudden, and almost ripped a hole in the armor that protected him from your affection. It started when you so proudly displayed his colors in your dresses and jewelry, the blue with the purple hues of sapphires enhancing your beauty. Later when you asked him about reading preferences, maybe your intention wasn't as genuine, but it was a good attempt at rapprochement.
He knew that his posture did not match that of a husband, nor the husband you deserved, but it was strange to deal with your presence and especially your affection. No lady ever bothered to disguise their disgust when crossing his path. No matter how good he was with a sword or if he owned the largest dragon in the world, in the end he was just Aemond One-Eye, not as handsome as his younger brother or lucky enough to be the firstborn. So imagine his surprise at not receiving your dislike? You were a pretty little thing, a little afraid and almost desperate for your husband's attention and approval. A good, kind lady, in his mother's words. A nice ass and nice tits, in Aegon's words. Yet what prevented him from removing a part of the shield to allow entry? You weren't dismissive, much less cunning or cruel. A part of him refused to budge, another part just didn't have enough interest. Too simple maybe.
But then the news of your pregnancy hit him. He would be a father. It was particularly strange to the ears. Not all men are born to be fathers — he had some very close examples — so the thought troubled him. How could he be a decent father if he kept failing as a husband? He was aware of his flaw though he didn't do much to remedy it, not even Alicent's constant advice and suggestions made him change. However, things will never be the same, you were pregnant, expecting a little dragon in your womb, his dragon. The thought that had haunted him before (and continued to haunt him) now gave him a small twinge of pride.
“I hope that with this happy event you can understand each other,” the queen said.
That day Aemond had thought about you more than ever. Maybe it was time to deal with his ghosts and allow your to approach, to see beyond what his eye could see. He kept his hand over your for the better part of the dinner his mother had arranged last night — much to the delight of both families — and an almost satisfied expression was visible on his face. On the other hand, you were quieter than usual. Your answers were short and your gaze was almost always beyond the moment. Women were emotional, he knew that, and pregnancy tended to make them even more sensitive by what the books said. It could be something or it could be nothing.
To the surprise of everyone present, it was something. Unexpected and uncomfortable, to say the least. His tender and obedient wife, so affable and meek has just displayed an unknown and almost aggressive facet. Aemond could choose the blindness of ignorance and believe the nonsense his father had said to smooth your way out, but he knew better that wasn't a good sign, especially when you treated him apathetically in subsequent developments. At that moment the one-eye prince felt different sensations, but none were as terrifying as the realization of guilt. It could be a coincidence in fact, but it wasn't what his heart pointed out. After returning to the small dinner, Aemond reassured your parents and his mother with false words that he wisely disbelieved. Would it be naive to believe that your devotion would remain active without any kind of return? He mulled this over at the owl hour as you rested facing the wall. A small detail.
The next day when orange rays directly illuminated his face, Aemond noticed the empty bed before he noticed another small detail: you didn't wake him. Often your hands touched him on the face or shoulder so you had breakfast together every day. All from the first day of marriage. He faced the ceiling as he brooded over the situation. Maybe you needed to go somewhere, maybe the pregnancy made you more sensitive, maybe just like him you didn't know how to deal with the news. There were many options, but the one that tormented him was caused by himself.
That morning you felt a sudden urge to get away from him. Aemond was also a morning person, but he woke up a few minutes after you, giving you the advantage of sneaking out. Not that it was too difficult, you thought, your presence wasn't usually appreciated, what difference would it make?
Your personal maid had set the table as usual, but this time you didn't bother to dismiss her immediately for privacy with Aemond. She asked about the prince, which you answered quickly. Not a word was exchanged after that, you didn't even notice when she withdrew upon the arrival of your husband, too caught up in your current condition. A child, you would have a child soon and you couldn't get anything good out of it. Would you be able to love him with all the grudge you held in your chest? Would you be able to love this child while wishing his father would get out of your sight?
The wisest thing to do was to suppress such feelings and move on as a devoted wife and honorable daughter. But you didn't want that. No, you wanted to feel the grudge in it’s most palpable and fervent state. You wanted the freedom to feel and want what you desire without the interference of right or wrong.
"How are you feeling?" asked Aemond, breaking the silence.
"I’m fine."
That's all the two of you talked about. Interestingly, both the question and the answer were not completely honest. Yes, Aemond worried about you because of your condition, but mostly because he noticed the change in your behavior. And yes, you were physically fine and healthy, but on the inside… you just wanted to slaughter him.
Your meeting with the craftswoman was just after breakfast, the dress you wore was light orange, the majority color of your house, which would soon be replaced by shades of gold and silver. You also asked for new jewels of the same colors, of the most diverse sizes and shapes. You were a little extravagant and always liked to be neat. One of the perks of being a member of the royal family was the improved quality of cloth.
“I ask you to make them as soon as you can, I want to have them with me soon.”
“And the other dresses, my lady… the ones you own?” Asked the artisan's assistant, receiving a rigid answer from her:
“It is none of your business, Irma.”
"There’s no problem. I'm actually thinking of distributing them to the other ladies of the court or to the women of the poorest part of Kingslanding”, your voice was calm. "I never liked green, it won't be a problem to discard them." You didn't mind the look exchanged between the two women, very interested in the new models you would own.
On that day, the tradition that you and your friends kept of getting together whenever one was pregnant happened. You were the last of the small group and expected to be nervous. You felt nervous whenever you remembered the fact, but you were happy to be in the beautiful garden on a beautiful day.
“Have you thought of the names yet?” Drusilla asked.
“Not yet,” you replied as you took a piece of lemon cake.
"Valyrian names are very beautiful, but please don't name Aegon if it's a boy or Rhaenys if it's a girl," your other friend Livilla said, making you laugh.
“Please, how many Aegons has House Targaryen seen? I don't intend to collaborate with another one”, you replied in a good mood.
“And the prince? Did he suggest any names?” Kalena asked, bringing a sour taste to your mouth. Oh please, you meant to reply with an eye roll.
"No, not once, but if he wants to suggest it it should be a tawdry name like Maegor." Your tone was more prickly than usual, more than you intended to show (no less than you felt). Your friends smiled with some concern, and the comment in particular caught Livilla's attention.
"What's he like? You know, he was always so quiet and reserved?” she asked.
“He is quiet and reserved, nothing more.” Looks like I married a door, you wanted to say, but you chose not to reveal too much. You never know when the walls might hear.
“At least he is not unfaithful like Prince Aegon,” Drusilla said. How lucky I am. “It was a little difficult with Willas at first, we were strangers and I always thought his brother was better looking, but he was the heir, not Tyrent. However, time and the magical treasure he keeps in his legs made things easier.”
“Drusilla!” Kalena looked at her with wide eyes before laughing.
"You can't blame me for being fond of my husband's dowry!" she made light of it, “what about prince aemond, what is he like back there in four walls?”
“Uh…” you tried. “I don't know, is it normal? I think. I don't know."
“I'm sorry, dear”, it was Livilla's turn to speak. “I always thought that behind that black wall there would be a fierce stallion.”
“Behind that wall are as many other walls as the swords that forge the Iron Throne, believe me,” you complained.
“Targaryens, love them devotedly or hate them bitterly,” Drusilla said, studying your posture.
“Don't let these things get you down. Men are like that, they take time to appreciate what really matters. Perhaps now, with the pregnancy, he will open up to the present at your side,” Livilla said with a friendly smile.
You knew the risk of her next words, especially if they were heard, but you couldn't help it.
“What if I don't want to?”
On the other side of the palace the queen was talking alone with your husband. Not for the first time, but she hoped it might be the last —they both hoped for different reasons. She asked what happened last night, which he answered truthfully.
"I don't know, she's been quiet ever since."
“She’s pregnant, it’s a difficult but happy period. You are very lucky to have her by your side.”
“You already said that.”
“And you don't seem to listen. Do you think I like to repeat that?” She asked. “What's the problem, Aemond? What is the problem that makes you not understand?”
He did not answer.
“I have my own things to manage, the things of the kingdom in your father's absence. Do you know how much it demands?”
"Yes mother."
“Then why do you insist on going through with it?”
"I'm not asking-"
“But I’m your mother! And believe me, I've been in her place. It's been a long time since your union, Aemond, don't make things difficult on purpose. You will be a father soon, act like it, act like the son I raised.”
His gaze was hazy, hard to read. He hated being charged or warned about something he knew, he didn't need it, Aegon did. Leaving his mother's room after being dismissed, the one-eye prince knew he had a decision to make, but he didn't know he had little time to do so.
taglist: @immyowndefender @arcielee @malfoytargaryen @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @fan-goddess @dark-night-sky-99 @siriusdumblittlepuppy @let-love-bleeds-red @sassysaxsolo @cicaspair418 @yentroucnagol @mefools @risefallrise @auratiqs @glitterandgoldfinds @bellaisasleep @plzletmedaydream @padfooteyes @bellameshipper ✨✨
Thank you everyone for the positive feedback! There are a few people I wasn't able to tag, but I appreciate all the feedback received 💙
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dreaming-medium · 10 months
Animals Without Direction
Chapter Six - Aye, My Lord
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Neither you nor Hyunjin spoke a single word to one another on the walk back to the capital. Even if he tried, you would’ve shut it down immediately. There wasn’t a single nice word you would’ve been able to conjure up to say to him. 
By the time you entered the stone walls of Miroh’s capital, it was close to midnight. Gone was the laughter that filled the streets. Instead, you were met with a close silence. 
It wasn’t eerie, but you’re sure that you would’ve appreciated the distraction. What wouldn’t you give to walk into one of the taverns and order yourself a strong drink.
Once you both stepped inside the keep, Hyunjin spoke up. “Until next time, Y/N.” His voice still had that cocky tilt to it. Truly, it made your teeth grind. 
Your fingers itched to connect your fist with his jaw. 
His farewell receives no response from you.
But, as soon as he disappeared down a hallway, all you could feel was the ghost of his gentle touch on your ears. The feeling slid down your spine and you shivered. 
He knows. He knows how sensitive they are. What he did was akin to him shoving his tongue down your throat and pulling your hair. 
Honestly, maybe that would’ve evoked less of a reaction. 
There were so many other ways he could’ve proved his point, but he chose the most… intimate way you could think of.
You should feel a lot angrier than you do. You should’ve slapped him, kicked him in the groin, ran your sword through him. But instead you leaned into it and let yourself be consumed by the shivers that came with the sensation. 
The way your body reacted to his touch like a cat curling around its owner’s legs. 
You immediately shake your head free of those thoughts. Enough. 
A deep sigh comes from your chest and you take in where you’re standing in the keep. Since you returned, you should probably check in with the Jarl if he’s awake. You can definitely find the throne room from here. Maybe you’re starting to get the hang of this place.
To your surprise, Chan was awake. He was standing at the end of one of the tables in the throne room. 
He was in a simple tunic and cotton pants. The top of the tunic was undone, revealing a large portion of his sculpted chest. It was strange seeing him in normal clothes. The last few times you saw him, he had on regal, expensive looking robes.
The clothes he wore were still tame considering what you’re used to seeing nobles wear. 
It was also a surprise to you that he never wore a crown. 
His hair looked even curlier and more unkempt than usual. Did he wake up and come down here? Has he not gone to sleep yet? A deep frown pulls at his lips, he looks lost in thought. One of his hands comes up by his mouth.
There were no guards in the room, the only sound was the fire flicking in the grand hearth. 
As soon as your footsteps crossed the threshold of the room, he looked up in surprise. 
“Ah, Y/N. I see you’ve made it back in one piece.” A genuine smile crosses his face. “And you have a new shield.” He looks over your shoulder at the Shield of Absorption poking out from behind you. 
Even with shoulders on the broader side, the shield showed around you. 
“Aye, an enchanted one too.” You say, taking steps closer to him until you’re about five feet away, standing on the other side of the table. 
“A fantastic find, then.”
Sprawled out on top of the table is a map of the continent, Olera. The six holds of the continent are clearly labeled. There are several smaller villages and cities written in ink that you’ve never heard of. But the most interesting part of the map was the small flags placed on top. 
They were on top of military posts and forts. 
This was a war map. 
Most of the forts that were identified were in Miroh and Erbus, but there were a few in the other four holds. Especially the two kingdoms that shared northern borders with Miroh and Erbus: Bewaes and Inuin. But there were a few known strongholds labeled in Daefall and Upera. 
Chan made no move to shield your eyes from the map. Twenty four hours you’ve been here and he trusts you to see the location of his strongholds. Not only his strongholds, but the other holds as well.
Back in Erbus you could be hung just for being in the same room as a map like this. 
“How did it go?” He asks you. 
Pulling your gaze from the map, you look up at him. “Ah,” you couldn’t hold eye contact with him. A sheepish smile crosses your face and you look away, “I do not believe we will be doing business with Camus again… nor will… anyone.”
Truly, the consequences of your actions didn’t cross your mind until now. Would you be charged with another murder? Would he take away your room? Banished to the dungeons?
Obviously, this merchant was someone they counted on for supplies, and you killed him the first time you met him. Within the first twenty minutes of meeting him. 
Chan sucks in a breath and lets out a deep sigh. Out of the corner of your eye, you see his head roll around his neck like he’s stretching. “Did you strike first?”
“Nay, my lord. He slammed Hyunjin’s head into the counter, I threw a tankard at his head before it could get worse, it all went downhill from there.”
You gulped, ready to accept your punishment. There’s a stiff moment of silence before you hear gentle laughter coming from Chan. 
“I apologize, it is just not every day I hear that Hyunjin had his bell rung.” When you look over at him, he has his hand over his mouth. He’s trying so hard not to laugh out loud. 
The corner of your mouth pulls up. “I believe he still has a red mark on his forehead if you would like to see it yourself.”
That seems to delight him even more and the floodgates of his laughter break. It’s musical, his laughter. And apparently contagious, as you find yourself chuckling under your breath. His eyes crinkle shut with laughter and he leans over on the table and braces his weight on his hands.
It’s such a warm sight.
With clothing like this, his hair messy, the beautiful smile on his face, you would never realize the power this man holds. This man could snap his fingers and bring an army to their knees.  
He’s laughing while holding himself over a war map. That, in itself, is poetry to you. 
Eventually, after a few moments, he calms down. “Thank you for reporting in, Y/N.”
“Of course, my lord.”
“Please call me Chan.”
You nod your head once. “If you don’t need me for anything else…” you bow your head and turn to leave. 
When Chan’s voice calls out, you turn back around, a curious expression on your face.
“I know it has only been a day, but I am glad you’re here,” Chan states, his hands staying put on the table. 
“Thank you, my lord.” You nod, heat coming up to your cheeks.
“I know you spoke of a life back in Erbus…” his eyes stare deeply into yours, they’re so warm and comforting. “But it could not have been easy. Especially given the details you provided.”
Your eyebrows furrow as memories of Erbus play through your mind; both good and bad. Playing in the streets with other children, song filled nights in the tavern, but what you hear the loudest in your mind is the night that the city guard discovered your father was an Elf in hiding. 
Slowly, your gaze falls from Chan’s eyes, to the floor. The mirthful glint from your eyes fades. 
You can still hear the sound of the door to your cottage being kicked in, the guards screaming and calling your mother and father such vile, nasty words. The way it sounded when they snapped his bones, when they-
“Y/N.” Chan spoke your name so softly, but it took you out of that nasty memory so fast. 
When you look up, you see nothing but compassion written on his face. One day, you’ve been here one day, and already he looks at you as if he knows exactly what you’ve been through. Like he wants nothing but to comfort you.
“I know it must not have been easy,” he pauses, searching your face, “but you are here now.”
Your throat feels dry when you respond, “Thank you, my lord.” the words crack a bit and you realize that if you do not leave this room soon, you’re going to start crying in front of him.
“Chan.” he repeats in a stern, yet gentle manner. Again, all you do is nod. “Oh, before you leave.” Chan reaches over and grabs a small pouch from the table, he holds it out for you. “Your payment.”
You raise an eyebrow, “I’ve only been here a day.”
“Aye, but I pay all my workers on the same day, it would be a pain to adjust it for one person. Additionally, you did complete a job today, so it is not as if I am paying you for nothing.” He motions for you to take the pouch from him.
Hesitantly, you reach out to grab it. Chan reaches forward and grabs your hand with his empty one, forcibly placing the pouch of gold in your palm and closing your fingers over it. 
It’s the first time he’s touched you. The warmth from his palms spreads all the way up your arm. His touch lingers for a moment before he drops your hand.
“Do with it whatever you please.” he adds with that loving smile of his.
Your mind goes back to the market you passed by today.
Nervously, you look around the room, absentmindedly shifting your weight from foot to foot. “Am I permitted to go to the market in the city?”
When Chan doesn’t answer, you look at him. He’s staring at you with an absolutely flabbergasted expression. As if you asked him the most ridiculous question.
“You…” he trips over his words, “Y/N, you are not our prisoner. You can come and go however you wish. All I ask is that you report to me when I request you for a job.”
Your tongue pokes from your lips and you lick them nervously. “Aye, of course, I knew that. I was simply making sure, thank you, my lord.”
“Chan.” he repeats. Once more, you only nod. 
There’s a few moments of silence, the pouch of gold in your palm is the heaviest you’ve ever held. All you want to do is roll it around in your fingers, open it up and count each coin.
“Um,” you stutter after a moment, “I’ll be going then.” 
Swiftly, you turn on your heel and walk towards the door that leads to the closest path to your room– at least, it’s the closest you know of.
“Goodnight, Y/N.” he calls after you, there’s a bit of mirth laced in his voice.
“Goodnight, my lord.” you answer, a bit softer than his.
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occasionallyprosie · 8 months
"A Warrior's Blade"
Link was eight when he met the spirit of the Master Sword. Fi still remembered the last time too-small hands held her... She swore she would not let this one fail and die too. She would teach him to be an unstoppable force. Only... maybe a traumatized sword who was taught that emotions were useless and that all dangers were to be eliminated wasn't the best option to raise a child told from a young age he would be tasked with protecting the goddesses bloodline.
Febuwhump 2024 | Alt Prompt 4: Human Weapon
Read on AO3
Warnings: Mild cursing
Link was eight years old when he found his uncle guardian bleeding out in the sewers, was given a sword and shield far too big for his arm and hand, and told to save the princess.
Link was eight years old when he met Fi, the kind spirit of the Master Sword, who took one look at him and promised him that she would ensure that he will be strong enough to kill Ganon and save the princess. That promise was everything to Link, Zelda had asked him in a dream to save her and he had to, he had to. Something in his blood thrummed and he knew that it was his duty to protect the girl, even if she was two years his senior. Fi would tell him that she couldn't do that, however, unless he reforged her. She was weakened, her metal rusted and dull from centuries left soaked in the blood of her last wielder.
Fi told him about the boy who wielded her before, that he had died, how Ganon had crushed the boy, how his tusks had tore open the boy's stomach, how Fi had been driven into his chest and pierced his heart. Fi explained in graphic detail, and Link asked if the same would happen to him.
"If it does, would you still try and fight him?"
Link had nodded. "I would... I have to. Nobody else will."
"Then as long as you do as I tell you, then no, it won't."
Link was ten when his anger got Din captured and Fi told him to never let himself get emotional during battle.
He was ten when he met a dodongo that didn't immediately try to kill him, it was young and nice and Link thought it was a friend. Fi reminded him that monsters were monsters. Despite the way Dimitri the dodongo begged, Link killed it.
He was eleven when he let his guard down and had a bit of fun with Sir Raven, only for an attack to strike and he was caught off guard enough that Roperi was almost hurt. Fi told him to never let his guard down.
He was fourteen when he was wrecked on an island, met Marin, fell in love with her and lost her when he woke the Wind Fish. After he told Fi, she told him that emotions like that would only be a detriment and he shouldn't allow it to happen again.
He was fifteen when Fi told him he was doing well, right after he killed Octavo--who had begged for clemency and insisted he had tried to kill Ganon--without an ounce of remorse or hesitation, just a notice that Octavo was a threat and he eliminated him.
Link was nineteen when he met the heroes of times past and future.
Fi hadn't said much the past four years, she only spoke three times and it was, in moments of weakness, to remind him to keep his emotions in check, never to let his guard down, and to eliminate whatever threats he was met with, even if it didn't act like other threats.
He almost killed the other heroes on sight when he ran into the group of highly armed men, especially the one with thick darkness around him, but Fi had stopped him with a word. They were heroes, her other masters, he was to never do them harm.
Twilight was a bit concerned.
Since this whole time travel thing started, he had gotten to know his fellow heroes. He got to know Wild, who he would see again even when this all ended. He even got to meet the hero of time, his predecessor and ancestor.
It was incredible, and sure, some of the heroes weren't... what he would've expected as heroes. A pompous knight, a soft and kindhearted woodcarver, two literal children who also were the ones most prone to cursing, and an almost child who was incredibly paranoid and definitely scared of blood.
But the oddest one was the cold and quiet adventuring veteran. Just overall, Legend was sharp, dismissive, and incredibly distant. He didn't talk with them, didn't get to know them beyond their names and skill sets, didn't seem to care at all. He never let his guard down, even in inns or the castle, Warriors had tried to tease him for it all but Legend's quick response was a far sharper jab that necessary for the tease Warriors had given. Wind would try to chat with him, and Legend seemed to listen, but he never actually engaged in conversation.
At least, at first that's how it was. As time went on, Twilight learned that Warriors was so obsessed with his appearance out of a fear of being judged and looked down on, of being unworthy of his station and not as 'noble' as he was expected to be. He learned that Sky could be a vicious fighter and protector, he was the first one to step up and face off a horde of monsters alone. Wind and Four were both incredibly emotionally intelligent, Wind was also very good at calculating their location and once he had a map he could get them anywhere, then Four was just intelligent on the overall, he would provide rationale and the pragmatic approach. Then Hyrule turned out to be a total powerhouse with his magic, and his fear of blood stemmed from a curse being placed on his own blood, he was also the only one who willingly stuffed his hand into a gaping wound to slow the bleeding.
Legend took the longest to figure out. Slowly, even slower than Hyrule who won their unofficial bet of "most paranoid", Legend relaxed around them. He eventually would tease Warriors, throw insults as easily as he turned on his heel, which turned out to be very quickly because he ended up telling them about how he had been a dancer for a bit! He told them a few stories rather unrelated to his quests, talked about people they reminded him of. Twilight could see Legend grow protective over Hyrule and Wind, watched him almost turn to Sky in search of approval.
It was odd, how much his personality just changed.
Then after a particularly bad battle, it flipped again.
Twilight took some time to get all the details. Legend had been fighting with Wild when a monster--nobody could agree on what, a daira, moblin, or lizalfos--had tried to attack Legend. Legend had been distracted by Wind's yelp when he barely dodged a flaming ball sent by a Wizzrobe, and Wild shoved him out of the way. Wild was fine now, but he had needed a fairy.
Twilight didn't know what it was, but Legend hadn't let go of his sword, staring down at it with a small frown, eyebrows knit, and pain in his eyes. Then it was like a switch was flipped and his expression mellowed out and went blank.
It had been two weeks since, and Legend hadn't let his guard down once, he hadn't indulged Wind with stories, hadn't chided Wild gently over his form, hadn't argued jokingly with Warriors, he was just cold and sharp all over again.
Twilight was worried. What caused the... relapse?
They found the Shadow.
After a long battle with a lot of running, Legend managed to get the Shadow at the other end of his blade. Hyrule and Wild behind him and moving quickly to join him. The rest were either injured or stayed behind with the injured, and were hallways or rooms behind them.
Legend moved to kill.
"Wait!" The Shadow--a Dark Link--exclaimed. "You wouldn't want to do that."
Legend did pause, only because he sensed dark magic flare behind him and a brief glance showed Wild stumbling back.
"Kill me and I kill them both."
Hyrule yelped as Wild--eyes blazing black--lunged at the other hero. The traveler barely deflected the first attack.
"Champion! Snap out of it!"
Legend internally cursed. The Shadow was still at his mercy, his sword at his throat, but he could feel the magic in the room. He may be fast with a blade, but the Shadow would have plenty of time to snap the cords that kept Wild alive, dark magic was powerful like that. It only really required intent once the power backed it up.
If he made on wrong move, Wild would be dead. But if he didn't move, Hyrule would die.
Except, the Shadow was a threat, it was the threat and the entire timeline hung in the balance. He had to kill it.
The Shadow grinned at him, its face uncannily like Wind's at the moment. "Let me go, and I'll let them live."
In a moment of weakness, Legend found himself saying, "Let them go permanently, and we can have this fight to ourselves another day."
He wasn't supposed to spare the enemy, under any circumstances with the sole exception of the goddess' blood being in the balance. He served the goddess, he protected her daughters, he didn't spare the greatest threat Hyrule has yet faced for the sake of some of her heroes.
But... he didn't want them to get hurt.
"Only you?" The Shadow countered.
"Wild, please!" Hyrule begged. Legend knew Wild would win their spars on a normal day, if Hyrule was holding back and Wild wasn't, there was no doubt of who would win.
Then everything froze.
"Have you forgotten what I have taught you?" Fi questioned, crystalline face somehow conveying her disappointment.
"Have you forgotten to turn off your heart, this is not you." She shook her head. "I see you changing from how I've designed you."
Link clenched his jaw, staring at the immobile form of the Shadow.
"Have you forgotten your purpose? Let me remind you."
Memories slammed into his mind, the dozen times he went against Fi's guidance and how every single time it failed. His battles with Ganon, with Veran and Onyx, with Agahnim and Yuga, the Wind Fish, Lady Maud, Octavo-- His duty was protecting Hyrule, the goddesses bloodline, and her people. Not some heroes.
"Don’t forget that you’re a hero of a very special kind," Fi warned him. "You are the legendary hero, the greatest of them all. Don’t disappoint me."
Link didn't respond. When time clicked back into place, he met those eyes but heard Hyrule begging Wild to come back, to snap out of it.
He's still a threat until he's dead, Fi reminded him. Finish it.
No. "Only me," Legend told the Shadow.
He would not let the other heroes be killed. Not on his watch.
"Not even that sword?" The Shadow challenged.
"No other spirit or soul will interfere in our fight--From either side. Deal?"
The Shadow grinned. "Deal."
Legend lowered his blade and The Shadow ran. Wild fell like a puppet with his strings cut.
He felt Fi pulse. She was upset.
He resigned himself to burned hands until the quest was over.
"That was reckless."
I know.
"You were too sentimental."
"That is not a teaching of mine." Fi hovered before him, he had slipped away from the group in the aftermath at Fi's order and she stood there to lecture him. Like every other time he screwed up and wasn't her perfect little hero. "You've grown too soft, your dead friends will attest."
"Put your emotions aside," she snapped. "You’re the legend, meant to teach the rest! I don’t know where I went wrong, but I warned you."
"You wanted me to get them killed!" He argued.
"In time, they'll all be gone."
"But this way I can fight him!"
"You need to learn your place."
"I can kill him without anyone else interfering!"
"Without me you won't be able to."
"I will keep my word. A fight alone and I'll win," he insisted.
She narrowed her eyes at him. "You forget. You are mine."
He froze. Her crystal cracked as she drew close, no longer hiding herself.
"Listen close. In this fight, you will not disappoint me. You won't waste the time I've spent molding and designing you into a proper hero. Consider this my final warning."
He looked down, clenching his hand into a fist. "You don't own me."
She startled.
"Why are you surprised? We are the same. Used, broken, and doing our best, but unlike you, every time I screw up, I fix it myself while you put it on a child to mend."
"You’ll be killed."
"Get out of my head now."
"There is a 0% chance you'll succeed."
"I'll control my own life."
She floated back. "What a waste of energy spent."
"At least I'm out here fighting for my goddess," he retorted. "While you forged someone else into the weapon."
"Since you claim you’re so much better, why have I saved your life time and time again?"
"Leave me alone!"
They both went silent, Legend panting and shaking. He didn't know what he was doing, he didn't, but all he knew was that... damnit, he just wanted to be himself. He had that for a while there, he hadn't realized it at the time but then he realized he had been happy... He just wanted that, but he didn't want to lose Fi.
"One day, you'll hear what I'm saying. One day, you may understand. One day... but not today, for after all you’re still human."
Legend flinched, then he forced out a shaky, "Leave."
She did not respond for a long moment. "Yes, Master."
She disappeared into her sword. Legend could feel her spirit go dormant.
He closed his eyes, dropped the blade, and released a shaky breath... He just wanted to be himself with these heroes, he wanted to know them, to protect them... so why did it suddenly feel like nothing mattered at all? Not the heroes, not their safety, nor who he was.
Why was he so broken?
Event Masterlist
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athena-gunpla · 10 days
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BE 1/144 Round Table Knights SC-003 "God's Guardian Gawain"
It's finally done! This is the one other SNAA "fake" gunpla kit that currently exists, and it's a really striking one. Just like the other kit, Thunder Incise Grace, Gawain goes together super smoothly and even has a well detailed inner frame.
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A neat feature of this kit was the inclusion of gold inner parts. I used my gold paint marker to redo the gold (as the stock gold was incredibly flat) but unfortunately this made the pieces a little too big, making the kit much harder to snap together and giving it some pretty annoying panel gaps. Given most of this is hidden, this is probably a step you can skip.
Regardless, Gawainhas amazing range of motion, and excellent color separation, with layering of parts giving the kit a super detailed surface and plenty of panel lines. The blue clear pieces are another neat detail, and make the kit look amazing in the light, especially as they are UV reactive.
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The kit comes with plenty of pre-moulded hands just like Incise Grace, as well as really nice waterslide decals. The weapon options are the main draw of this kit, with a large transforming gunblade and a bulky shield with its own beam effect parts.
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The gun can fold back into a shorter sword mode, and be held by either of the two handles for a variety of poses. The beam effects can easily be removed for active or deactive display. The back of the main weapon can also be removed to provide a small combat knife.
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Additionally, Gawain has two large wing effect pieces that attach securely to the back boosters. These look really cool, and are a major reason I was excited for this kit.
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Overall it was a great building experience and the kit looks really cool on my shelf. At the significantly lower price compared to gunpla I definitely recommend checking it out.
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phoenix-fell · 2 years
Hi! I enjoyed your analysis. Hope you don't mind the ask. In the post you talked about alternating between background and foreground, what background scenes do you think are particularly worth paying attention to? Starting to realize how much Ive overlooked lol.
Thanks! And of course, happy to receive asks! Good question, there's a few I could name and there's some scenes that are technically 'foreground' but are extremely understated - like the close-up of Blake's sword but here's a few:
My favourite background moments to note, is a scene in 'Creation' - Vol 8 - where Penny is becoming human, there's a huge flash of light. Ruby and Weiss cover their own eyes, turning their bodies away. Whereas, positioned in front of the 'camera' (but not the focus), Blake and Yang immediately turn into each other, Yang placing a protective arm around Blake and shielding them both with her other arm. When the camera pulls away to show them in the background, Yang's arm is still around her and it shows Blake wrapping her arm around Yang too. The camera begins to focus on Penny, with the two of them stood comfortably looking on with their arms round each other. It's so easy to miss, especially the latter part, but I love the way they're framed together and is just such a nice little background inclusion as it shows an active choice to animate these two doing something differently to Weiss and Ruby.
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Another one that's often overlooked is in 'Fault', Vol 8, the infamous "Yeah...Ruby..." line from Yang - the screen focuses on the part of the bike she's fixing and looking at before she initiates that conversation with Jaune, which is purple, and likely what prompted her to think of Blake.
There's also scenes, particularly in Volumes 7/8 as the cast grows, where lines are added in to imply off-screen developments they don't have time to show on-screen, such as:
"Have you guys ever thought about branching out - you always pair up but...." - Marrow, in Sparks, Vol 7, which is used to imply that they're spending more time together without showing it, partnering up on all their missions.
"Blake and Yang are off doing their own thing... Again." - Nora, in A Night Off, Vol 7. Marrow implied they're spending all their time together at work, Nora heavily implies that they're spending a lot of time together outside of work - likely to banish the notion that it's just a 'I just want to fight by her side' type of arrangement.
This one's much smaller, but in Risk - Vol 8 - after Ironwood has announced his ultimatum, Yang tells Ruby, "you know, that hound kicked us around like we were nothing, but Blake told me that you and the Schnees managed to take it down..." Simple, but just having Yang slot in that, somewhere offscreen after their Beeunion, she and Blake have caught up about their time apart. Later in this episode, once Ruby expresses hope in the form of a new plan, the camera pans out to show them all together in a circle. Everyone's focused on Ruby who had just spoken, except for Ren and Nora who look to each other, and Blake who honest to god looks like a sunflower following the sun as she just turns to beam at an oblivious Yang. I don't tend to place too much emphasis on two characters who are often in scenes together looking at each other, but there's something about the Renora parallel that stood out to me, especially as everyone else is very still - it was a choice to animate her this way. Blake's often shown staring at Yang, notably whenever something good happens and she's happy, or when she needs comfort/is worried.
Lastly, my three other on-screen understated favourites are:
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This one is in 'As Above, So Below' Vol 7. They use parallels between these two and Renora often, the scene directly before this one is Nora comforting Ren by holding his hand, then pans to these two. Yang looking worried (as Ren did), then just a subtle smile from Blake and shared look between the two as they relax. Notably, they're sitting opposite Ren and Nora; showing how the two pairs 'mirror' one another.
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Another 'blink and you'll miss it' (but not the BB fans! We see all) is in 'Worthy' Vol 8. Immediately after Yang falls and Blake was unable to catch her, we can see Blake's body almost entirely off the platform and Weiss having to pull her back up. The strong implication being that Blake was ready to willingly dive into the void after her. (I make no apologies for the fact that the screenshot looks like Neo is nudging Weiss' butt off the platform).
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And lastly, who could forget this absolute screamer. It's a popular and iconic scene now, but you'd be forgiven if you didn't see Yang checking Blake out the first time in 'A Night Off' Volume 7.
But to add a little bit more into the 'background' notion of the scene that not a lot of people seem to talk about: Weiss is deciding what she wants to do. Three 'options' are presented to the audience, but only two invitations are extended to the team. Ruby explicitly invites Weiss to the party, Jaune invites Weiss to the movies... But earlier in the scene, Ruby asks what Blake and Yang are doing and it's met with a matter-of-fact statement that they had been invited out, but extend no invite, no cordial 'if you want in' or 'come along' to any of their teammates. These two are very much presented as being completely in their own bubble separate from the rest of the team.
Sorry this ended up so long!! I should have just made a separate post on background analysis and parallels because I have stuff from earlier volumes. I just love these two! Anyway, I hope this helped and hope you enjoyed!
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gleefully-macabre · 1 year
A bit disappointed in the Ancient Hero’s Aspect. 84 defense is nice, but increasing the power of the Master Sword Beam doesn’t help if the player sucks at maintaining full health.
I got the Champion’s Leathers, Diamond Circlet, and Zonite Shin Guards at the earliest opportunity and upgrading them was my #1 priority. This combination gives Link 88 defense, +1 Attack, and +1 towards improved battery efficiency.
I recently finish killing all 14 Gleeoks for the Monster Hunter Medal (3 down, 3 to go!) and switched to the Fierce Diety set when I realized I was able to take down a Gleeok without getting hit (at least one 5-shot Savage Lynel Bow, two or three Gerudo Scimitars fused with Silver Lynel Saber Horn, plus at least 2 Rocket Shields, and a +3 Attack buff). I was able to get the last 3 King Gleeoks, including the one in the Depths, without taking damage.
This is also the ONLY monster I have ever taken no damage with. Even Frox would get me once in a while, even if it’s just being too close and getting smacked by a flailing foot. With Ganon, that just ain’t gonna happen.
I don’t consider the Phantom Ganons to be decent practice runs for the real thing. They are weaksauce, especially with the Master Sword in hand.
*sigh* I’m just putting off the inevitable. I should just go face the final boss, die until I figure it out, then continue doing side quests at my leisure. Pretty sure I accidentally made it down to the final area (put a Travel Medallion down so I won’t have to make THAT trek again).
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goosetrainer · 10 months
Thank goodness the palkia/dialga raids are 5☆, couldn't have dealt with another mewtwo fiasco.
Quick guide this time, them being lv. 75 makes them much easier to deal with and leaves more options to choose from; but they're still legendaries, so I'll drop some guidelines and a couple builds.
About both:
They're both dragon tera, both know Draco Meteor (only dragon type move of their set) and Fire Blast. They wipe the player's stats modifications and ability once at 80% HP left, and their own twice at 75% and 50% time left.
Draco Meteor can be exploited if you can survive it comfortably once (bring a non-fairy type with enough special defense/HP), let it hit you so the enemy's special attack goes down by its own and you only have to care about your offensive power.
However, since there are TWO enemy side stat wipes, and they are fairly close, you would have to survive a full-strenght Draco Meteor thrice!
The other way is to bring a fairy type and make your own special defense (via Calm Mind and Amnesia).
In any case, it's more efficient to buff your own statistics than debuff the enemy's.
Lots of coverage here, mainly in the form of Steel Beam (BAD news for fairies!). It also has a move that can lower your special defense (Earth Power) and a once-per-battle scripted Iron Defense.
It looks incredibly hard to beat on paper, but in reality it's still only lv. 75 and can be done with a common all-purpose Azumarill (you know the one: fairy tera, max attack & HP, huge power, shell bell, belly drum + play rough? Remember to teach it or make it remember Amnesia)
The trick is to NOT terastallize. It'll be a bit slower, but Steel Beam hurts a lot when you lose the resistance from the water typing and maybe it was me but it kept critting >:(
Instead, use Amnesia at the start of the battle, attack until the shield goes up (NO Belly Drum before that), Amnesia again - possibly 2-3x, then check how much life you've got left and see if you can slip a Belly Drum before attacking with Play Rough.
Keep in mind that you will probably die at some point (not gamebreaking, I won after fainting twice in the same try so it's doable) and if you do you have to reapply at least one Amnesia each time you come back. On the other hand you don't need to use Belly Drum, because Dialga will have a preference for Steel Beam which, while strong, also hurts the user - you can literally spend the entire duration of the shield setting up and watching it go down by itself.
Use healing cheers sparingly, keep them in case you get burned by Fire Blast, or for when you're done maxing out your attack and special defense but you risk going k.o. and the Shell Bell won't heal you enough.
You could try Leftovers instead, too. It's a bit more annoying but the healing is better (and not dependent on how much damage you deal, which is not a whole lot, this time...)
Azumarill can also learn Light Screen via TM, forgot about it so I can't say how efficient it would be and when to use it, but could def help
All in all not the cleanest solution in my repertoire, but I would hope everyone and their mother has a raid-grade Azumarill by now u-u
Would have loved to use Azumarill on this one as well, but it has Thunder (AND Rain Dance) so no can do.
Great results with Florges, though (which is nice since there are event mass outbreaks of Flabebe rn). Any other pure fairy type with good special bulk and access to Calm Mind (OR both Amnesia and Nasty Plot/Swords Dance/Belly Drum, depending on which offensive stat is higher) and Moonblast (or whatever other strong fairy type move your pokemon of choice can learn) will do. Other strong contenders we didn't try are Sylveon, Clefable (especially with Magic Guard!) and maybe Scream Tail.
Palkia, too, between Draco Meteor, Fire Blast, Hydro Pump, and Thunder, has great supereffective coverage, but thankfully they all only hit fairy neutrally. Just need enough special defense to tank everything.
Our Florges had 252 EVs in special defense and special attack (and 4 in HP), a Shell Bell, and only ended up using Calm Mind and Moonblast. Sylveon-Clefable-Scream Tail would use the exact same build of course.
They're less common pokemon to have for raids (unless that was your choice for the Charizard event), but once they're ready the battle is extremely easy. Use one single Calm Mind at the start of the battle, Moonblast until your stat modifications get nullified, now use 6x Calm Mind, terastallize if you can (if not use more Moonblast(s) to charge), and simply more Moonblasts until Palkia goes down.
You can use a healing cheer if you end up paralyzed by Thunder, but there's plenty of time so you can even ignore it and let your walking bouquet miss a couple of turns, without fear of being kicked out. You can 100% ignore burns from Fire Blasts too, as it doesn't have any effect on your special attack and you heal much much faster than the chip damage it deals.
If you want to be safer you can bring moves like Draining Kiss, Wish, or Synthesis for emergency healing, but again you could literally do this battle with 2 moves only >:)
More info
Other useful things you may want to know.
-the natures seem fixed (Quiet for Dialga, Modest for Palkia). The IVs apparently not, though. They will have 4 stats at random with max IVs, and the other 2 with random IVs. I didn't reset a lot but I think the IV spread is fixed as long as the location is (in other words: if you're looking for a different IV spread, you have to change the date - or wait for it to change by itself. If you save in front of the den - or, really, anywhere - the IV spread is fixed again, and needs another date change to change again). Keep it in mind if you're looking for certain stats.
-they do not have their signature moves yet (will learn them at a higher level)
-their ability is basically useless in these raids, so pretend they don't have one
-I didn't mention that Dialga also has Trick Room (it actually works to your favor if you bring Azumarill, but only for the first 5 turns) and Stealth Rock (deals some damage upon reentering from a ko, not much of a problem unless you bring like. A Talonflame. Do not bring a Talonflame).
-advanced trick for Dialga: if you think you're going to die on the next turn (let's say you are at 10HP left, no sp.def. boost, and you can't be sure Heal Up will bring you back to over half HP): you try and terastallize. If you're lucky, Dialga will kill you with Steel Beam instead of Earth Power or Fire Blast, and the doubled damage to you (because of your type change) will mean double recoil damage to itself. If you're EXTRA lucky and Azumarill acts first you can also get more direct damage from a tera-boosted Play Rough. Not a game changer but anything helps!
-Dialga again (sorry that's the one from the version I own so I had more time to mess with it, lol): Dudunsparce, Umbreon, BELLIBOLT, and Mudsdale npc allies are... not as necessary as with Mewtwo, but definitely very very welcome
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themculibrary · 11 months
200k+ Masterlist 2
Links Last Checked: January 1st, 2024
part one
1796 Broadway (ao3) - rainproof, teaberryblue steve/tony, bruce/natasha M, 460k
Summary: Captain America respectfully requests that all complaints be addressed to him in writing. On paper, the nice old-fashioned way, because the computer screen hurts his eyes.
Put your phone down, Tony.
Bend Around the Wind (ao3) - Scyllaya loki/tony E, 403k
Summary: A few months after the battle of New York the God Loki appears back on Stark Tower under chaotic circumstances. This time however he is on the run. Tony Stark gets caught up in the crossfire and is taken along with the Aesir. Can the two of them ever make truce in order to get away? And even if they do, how does one escape from such a dark corner of the universe, when they are so very far away from the Nine Realms, that not even Loki knows the way back home. But first, they need to survive.
Blue Lips, Blue Veins (ao3) - romanoff steve/tony E, 300k
Summary: Tony Stark is Iron Man.
Before that, he was an man with bigger heart than brain. Before that, he was an asshole with a bigger mouth than sense. And before that, he was was a scared little boy. Not that it matters. Stark's always have had iron in their backbone.
Born from the Earth (ao3) - venusm steve/tony, clint/phil, tony/oc E, 277k
Summary: Tony Stark's born an omega in a world where that means he's supposed to follow certain social rules. He becomes Iron Man anyway: Fuck biology.
If only his biology (and the world) would quit fucking him back.
Counterpart (ao3) - sara_holmes steve/tony M, 217k
Summary: coun•ter•part [koun-ter-pahrt] [noun] 1. a person or thing closely resembling another, especially in function. 2. a copy; duplicate. 3. one of two parts that fit, complete, or complement one another.
Just because Hydra used the DNA of a Captain America from another dimension to create a lab-grown, six-year-old super-soldier, it doesn't mean that said six-year old super-soldier is biologically Steve's, right?
(Where Steve wants to ban Clint from bringing things home from alternative dimensions, until he doesn't.)
God's Righteous Man (ao3) - FoxyAtlas steve/bucky M, 232k
Summary: A story in which the serum doesn't affect Steve's size, the shield goes to Bucky, and they reunite years before the Battle of New York. Also, Steve is a punk, but that's canon.
A timeline starting with the Howling Commandos and going all the way to Pre-Infinity War.
Pieces of Echoes (ao3) - geekymoviemom T, 334k
Summary: When weapons designer and SHIELD consultant Tony Stark and his son are kidnapped following a routine weapons demonstration, newly defrosted World War II hero Steve Rogers is sent to find them.
But what begins as just another mission, a way for Captain America to reintegrate back into society, quickly warps into something more as betrayals are discovered, harsh, long-buried truths are finally brought to light, and Tony and Steve come to realise that their biggest allies are each other.
Pirate's Heart (ao3) - NotEvenCloseToStraight bucky/steve/tony E, 267k
Summary: The 1700s, the Golden Age of Piracy, and Captain Steve Rogers has all he wants: a ship, a loyal crew, Bucky at his side, and the horizon offering a new adventure everyday. But an impulsive kiss gone wrong leads to a marriage between Steve and Tony Stark, and now Steve doesn't know what to do about ANYTHING. Steve loves Bucky, but something about Tony draws him in. Tony is too innocent for this life, but he picks up a sword anyway. Bucky is Steve's, but when he offers his hand to Tony and now the three of them are something new. When the truth about Steve's mission to ruin the Stark name comes out, Tony runs away, leaving Steve and Bucky behind in search of answers to the secrets hidden from him his whole life-- about his company, about Uncle Obie, about his parents death.
Steve and Bucky cant abandon their mission against Stane and Tony cant deal with the answers he finds in New York. Is this the end? Is Tony gone forever? Or will he leave his old life and return to the sea and the Pirates that hold his heart?
Poetic Justice (ao3) - Limmet loki/tony M, 311k
Summary: When the time comes to pass sentence on Loki after the events in The Avengers, Odin decides to go for the poetic justice angle. For his attempt to enslave humanity, Loki has his magic and powers bound, and is sent back to Midgard and given over to Tony Stark to be his slave.
This was not a turn of events Tony had ever seen coming.
Rock Me Gently (ao3) - enigma731, invisibledaemon gamora/peter M, 479k
Summary: “She is our–She is Gamora,” Nebula says. “There is only one Gamora and I know her better than any of you do.” She pauses and glares at Peter, clearly challenging him to protest that. For once, he doesn’t dare. “This Gamora has jumped forward in time nine years, but she is the same person at her core. Just as you are the same despite not having experienced the last five years I did. We are all just–out of sync at the moment.”
Show Me What I'm Looking For (ao3) - JamieB93 mj/peter, pepper/tony M, 381k
Summary: Peter Parker has spent the last year struggling to believe he has finally found a place he belongs. He has come a long way and whilst there is still a way to go, Peter begins to blossom and open himself up to the world. Which brings with it all the usual teenage dramas.
A touch damaged and more than a little rough around the edges, Peter is very often his own worst enemy. Still plagued by the scars of a traumatic past and newer challenges - it seems Peter's happy ending might not be so easily in reach.
Still Here, Still There (ao3) - ArwenP steve/tony N/R, 218k
Summary: Tony and Steve never think about having a child- until they do. They have their son, Peter, and then... everything goes to hell.
Now that they decided to keep their son away... what will happen to all of them?
Sunrise in Exile (ao3) - Ragdoll (Keshka) tony/stephen E, 384k
Summary: Tony does the math and realizes their best chance to save the universe is by... not confronting Thanos on his own turf.
So he steals a wizard and a spider and a space ship. And he runs.
(Three humans and an A.I in space, the alien friendships they make along the way, and discovering how science and magic might coexist in a universe where they can be one and the same.)
Until It Sleeps (ao3) - frickss75 steve/bucky M, 407k
Summary: Steve finally has Bucky back in Brooklyn with him, but he is finding out that his issues are deeper than he thought. His PTSD manifestsin many ways, including some very bizarre sleep behavoir. And Bucky is fighting internally with constantly returning memories and some deep seated fears about himself. Steve loves Bucky no matter what and is determined to prove it to him however he can.
Walking The Wire (ao3) - emquin N/R, 372k
Summary: “I knew your mother,” Tony said, figuring it was the right way to start. “You know this. She used to work for me and I liked her a lot. We were friends and she sort of reached a part of me that very few people could in those days. I think it was partly because she was brilliant and because she didn’t bore me like most people did. I didn’t love her -- not like that, but I cherished her friendship.”
“Mr. Stark why are you telling me--”
“She left when she found out she was pregnant,” Tony said and had to glance up, “and didn’t even bother to tell me about it.”
It was a one night stand and Tony had a lot of them, but this one changed everything. Tony always knew Peter Parker existed. He had no idea that Peter would become Spider-Man, but he kept tabs on his son, even when he couldn't meet him. Peter Parker grew up unaware of his superhero father, admiring Iron Man from afar and unaware that one day he would too become a super-hero - an Avenger. Spanning the entirety of the MCU , this fic covers a canonical view of what it would be like if Peter was Tony's biological son dwelving heavily into the canon. AU post-Infinity War with an AU version of Endgame and with a Stony endgame.
whatever souls are made of (ao3) - atypicalsnowman tony/stephen M, 320k
Summary: Soul bonding canon divergence. Fourteen million futures and Stephen saw just one where they win. Tony has to soul bond to a virtual stranger whereas Stephen... Stephen is in love.
This is a story of how two broken men became friends, then family, then fell in love.
And saved the universe.
Your Latest Trick (ao3) - ChortlesOfDoom loki/tony, pepper/tony E, 273k
Summary: Following a violent, masterfully feigned death aboard the Statesman, Thor believes Loki's gone for good; more importantly, so does Thanos. Exhausted and hungry for revenge, Loki returns to Earth, but as he bides his strength, anonymously supplying the Avengers with inside knowledge between his own preparations, he begins to see the true cost of holding on.
You've got a friend in me (ao3) - boleyn13 loki/tony, clint/natasha, pepper/tony M, 412k
Summary: After faking his death in the Dark World Loki is free to do what he wants. Instead of leaving everything behind Loki is driven by his thirst for revenge and won't find peace before he destroyed every single one of the Avengers. This time though he won't use violence, but the weapons of the God of Mischief: trickery, deceit and illusion. Loki decides to befriend the Avengers. However they won't know it's him. Not until he is close enough to strike. Unfortunately Loki didn't consider the possibility that he might get too close.
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xiakha · 1 year
FFXIVWrite2023 Prompt #2 - Bark
It wasn't every day that Hilda Ware, the Mongrel, would answer a summons. She was more than happy to let those who wanted to mouth off to mouth off as much as they liked. They got awful quiet when it came time for her Hounds to distribute what little they gathered up that moon. The purebloods could mouth off all they wanted; Hilda wouldn't hear it from down in the Brume, so it didn't bother her any. And if they got into her earshot... well there was good reason most nobles avoided the Brume. The Hounds would never directly retaliate, but everyone involved would know that it was retaliation. The Mongrel was all too happy to bite after all.
But now a nasty little rumor had gotten more legs than a yarzon and threatened to skitter its way on over to upturn the both the Pillars and the Brume all at once and the daft foreigners that started it all were asking around for her? This she had to see.
Of course, she knew of Fortemps's "guests," especially the Miqo'te. Oh she had plenty of names and rumors in the Brume. None of them were nice. Most Hilda would not to repeat or let befoul her tongue. The nicest were centered around her being the Fortemps's kept pet, the bastard son's whore, his latest cocksheath. Rarely did they make reference to her status as the Azure Dragoon, if only because most people of the Brume didn't care, and allegations that she had bedded her way into the position butted heads with the gossip that Aymeric and Estinien, the two men she would most need to spread her legs for, were more than occupied with one another.
There was another set of whispers that fretted about the recent slayings in the Brume of Temple Knights. Some claimed to have seen the Miqo'te, or someone very similar to her, do the deed. Some form of grim justice was thus dispensed, aye, but there was doubtless to be some kind of retribution upon those in the Brume. If that was the selfsame Fortemps's Coeurlregina, the whispers went, what could she hope to gain for such brutal killings?
Regardless, it would seem between stemming the tide of Dravanian forces and felling the Great Wyrm, this Miqo'te was keeping quite busy, and all the extra ruckus she was generating was getting her Hounds all worked up. Hilda was worked up too. First heretics in the city and then the implication that the Church had outright lied for a thousand years? All of this on the back of the unheard of second Azure Dragoon of a generation, the rumored Knightsbane, the foreign harlot that had seduced one of Ishgard's most beloved yet unloved sons?
These were interesting times for sure.
Hilda saw her from afar, her cropped violet hair sticking out in the grey fog and smog of the Brume by a long malm. She was clad in typical Ishgardian armor, but wore no shield. Instead, strapped to her back was a naked hand-and-a-half sword, formidable in the hands of a full grown Elezen man, colossal on the back of the adventurer.
Her arms were crossed and the flicking of her tail betrayed her annoyance, but she didn't act either as her schoolboy compatriot failed to speak sense into one of Hilda's Hounds and her shorter would-be-barmaid compatriot fretted in circles. As Hilda drew near, the Miqo'te instinctively reached behind her back to place a hand upon the grip but did not draw her sword, a motion neither of her companions noticed, but Hilda's Hounds sure did. Things were about to escalate...
"Enough! Leave threatenin' women and children to our 'betters'! We don't have the knack!"
Tch, her loyal Hounds let her presence distract them from the nearly drawn weapon before them. If there was ever a moment to strike them down, it would be now. The boys would need much more drilling if they got out of this unharmed. Despite the circumstances, the Miqo'te relaxed and her hand left her blade, though her eye never left Hilda.
"Lay a finger on the blue bloods' pups and you're like to lose the hand." She nodded, pointing her chin at the mismatched trio, "It ain't often I get called on by glorious heroes like yourself. So tell me: what have I done to deserve you?"
Introductions were brief, the Miqo'te spoke with an exotic lilt and had an equally as exotic name, "Shi-ow" or something that left the lips hanging open and the tongue frozen before the one syllable ended. Hilda knew it of course, but only after it had been passed multiple times through ears and lips, so to hear it fresh from the source was different. She watched as Xiao did her best to internalize her own name. After moons of three or four syllable long mouthfuls (in more ways than one, if the rumors spoke true) with enough written-but-unspoken hidden letters to stage an ambush, it must have been equally relieving and disconcerting to pass the lips over "Hilda."
She was nearly Hilda's height, but built likely a third again as heavy. Hilda didn't consider herself much of a sickly waif, but with the way Xiao's muscles packed the armor she had on, the Mongrel was as emaciated as her nickname would imply in comparison. Broad of shoulder and bereft of much of a bust, she could likely have passed for a man if she wished, were it not for the smooth femininity of her face and the silky if firm way she held herself. Considering the predilections of the Greystone she was (oft anyway) joined to by the hip, the way his sword swung, so to speak, much started to make sense.
Her ears were twitchy and alert, constantly flitting to sounds around them. Her eye was a deep purple, the other covered by a scar and eyepatch. Hilda had never been stared down by a great wyrm, but she imagined Xiao's eye was similar enough. Upon Xiao's cheeks and across her nose was a starfield of pale flecks on her tan skin that matched the whisker-like streaks that ran from her jawline. Her lips were held thin and curved mostly downwards, her eyebrows alike. All together, her face was weary. The eyepatch and hard squint did little to disguise her eyebags. If she were prim enough to line her eyes, blush her cheeks, or paint her lips, all of that had faded away long ago. If she had anything high class to her, it had been beaten out of her through years of low living.
So it was that Hilda immediately took a liking to the brute despite herself.
The schoolboy who could have passed for a noble save the lack of high blood stench, or at least one that Hilda recognized, was Alphinaud and their diminutive and deceptively devious companion was Tataru. Of the three, Hilda was most wary of the Lalafell, she knew too much and was the most likely to be in a position to use the information she had. The most damage that Alphinaud could do was talk your ear off, and Xiao may slice one in twain with the sword but clearly left the intrigue and plotting to her betters.
Introductions made, Hilda directed them into the Forgotten Knight to get out of the cold and miasma, and so at least they could keep an eye on the prying ears around them. She watched as Xiao gave the slightest of nods to the armored Au ra by the stairs, who returned the gesture, then strolled up to the bar to order a round for the entire table. Curiously, she leaned backwards on the bar and mostly gestured her order, keeping her un-eyepatched eye on the few remaining patrons, her ears flicking to every muttered conversation. Hilda recognized the style.
Curiouser and curiouser.
"How's a pirate fall in with snooty highborns?" Hilda asked as Xiao returned with lagers for the table, a hot chocolate for the boy, and mulled wine for the Lalafell.
Xiao scowled slightly at the recognition but shrugged, "Didn't think other Lominsans came this far ashore."
"Relax, I've just a single acquaintance that orders spirits as you do, though it would seem skypirates have taken after their seaborne brethren." There was a brief toast, "Well?"
"To shorten a long tale, took on a mercenary assignment that went overlong. Wouldn't recommend."
The look of dismay on Alphinaud's face at this set the Hounds laughing.
"And here I was thinkin' you'd be a prissy lady adventurer with the company you keep. Full of surprises this one, eh?"
"'Ve been warned to roll wi' dogs was to get fleas, but what's that matter to us already fleabitten?"
Hilda tapped her tankard on the table, "Hear, hear. Well then, I suppose this'll be some candid canine conversation I can expect?"
Xiao nodded again at the Au ra, who unsheathed his own long naked blade and thrust it into the wooden planks at his feet, catching the attention of the few dawdling patrons who hadn't cleared out when Hilda arrived and stared at them. The Mongrel went up to Gibrillont herself and offered him a bag of coin for the inconvenience that clearing out a slow night was, and the greatsword wielding knight returned to his room with his young charge, leaving the party alone in the Forgotten Knight.
"So what's this about a rumor I hear?"
Hilda blew a low whistle after Alphinaud finished regaling the full tale, "Look, you've a good heart. I can see that. Willin' to risk your neck for someone else, even when his troubles ain't yours. But what's this got to do with me and mine?"
Alphinaud nodded, "If Ser Aymeric is imprisoned in the Vault, we will need all the help we can muster to breach their defenses and rescue him."
"Lookin' for as big a pack as you can muster--" The doors above them slammed shut, "What in the hells?"
"And here I was seeking to put down but a single monstrous heretic with the blood of Temple Knights on her hands, only to find a rats' nest ...or perhaps a kennel?" Ser Charibert de Leusignac, pyromancer, former inquisitor, and current member of the Heavens' Ward descended the steps with his retinue, "The honored guests of House Fortemps consorting with the queen of rats? Oh? Plotting insurrection, I shouldn't wonder! Tsk-tsk. That won't do."
"That. Won't. Do. At. All."
Xiao had already risen, her hand resting easy on her sword's grip, "If ye want me to come quietly, 'd happily fight another of yer 'trials by combat.'"
Charibert clicked his tongue, "Sickness is wont to fester and spread. It must be burned out ere the infection takes hold. Why wait for a trial when we have reason enough to excise the tumor here and now?"
"I reckon ser's got the irons already waiting to be fired." Hilda drew her musket." Well, so happens I've got irons of my own awaiting firing."
"Ahahaha! Such simple creatures, rats and rabid dogs alike. Certain to attack when cornered." The Knight of the Heavens' Ward waggled a finger, "Let us step outside, miladies. In here, your toys could hurt someone."
Outside the Forgotten Knight, Hilda was greeted to overwhelming odds. Charibert likely summoned as many Temple Knights that could be spared. Hilda looked back at her forces, the only other combatant was Xiao. Her Hounds never traveled with weapons if they could help it, no reason to risk imprisonment if they get frisked by a passing knight. Alphinaud could provide some conjury, but combat magicks he had little experience with, and his carbuncle didn't have the teeth to tear flesh. Dozens against two, three if you were being generous.
Xiao drew her sword finally and casually leaned against it while sizing up the enemy herself. She turned her head to Hilda and gestured quizzically at the gathered knights.
Hilda smiled, "Seems like an even fight to me."
Without a rejoinder, Xiao plunged into the fray.
The adventurer was mighty, working her way through as many knights as she could. Her blade bristled with crackling black-red energy. Hilda did her best to watch Xiao's back, shooting to disable any Temple Knights that attempted to attack from Xiao's left though the Miqo'te seemed preternaturally able to dodge even those opportunistic swipes from her eyepatched side. What hits the knights were able to get in were quickly healed over by Alphinaud, and Xiao was able to draw enough enmity that neither Hilda nor Alphinaud had much aimed at them.
But attrition was, and seemed always to be, the strategy. Xiao did not get a chance to finish off any of the knights, so plentiful were her foes, so a knight dropped to the cobblestones could recover and return to the melee little worse for wear. Alphinaud, the poor boy, caught a stray arrow to the shoulder, and Hilda ran out of munitions, the bark of her gun finally out of bite. The Mongrel grimaced and prepared to use her musket as a club when a voice ran out above the din of combat.
"Stop this, all of you! It is madness! Why are you fighting!?"
Haurchefant Greystone leapt off his chocobo and slammed shield first into a knight poised to pierce Xiao's side. Hilda watched Xiao's expression, determined but grim up to this point, split into a wide and starry-eyed smile.
Ye gods, the Miqo'te was so incredibly in love. It was sickening, thought Hilda.
Xiao fought with increased fervor, her swings now more reckless that she had someone to her back. Haurchefant fought with textbook expertise, parrying blows and deflecting shots with efficient and precise movements. His steady defensive work gave Xiao the room to breathe and inflict more readily grievous harm. Knights no longer rolled away to gather their sense and return to the fray.
"Hilda!" One of the Hounds caught her attention and tossed her a satchel of ammo. She caught it out of the air and reloaded her musket in one fluid motion. Alphinaud mustered the will to pull the arrow out of his shoulder, his face beaded in sweat from the exertion. He now stood up, his conjury patching up his shoulder, and was ready to aid in battle again.
Thus it was that the tides of battle turned.
Soon, it was only Charibert left, pressed into a corner by the warrior lovers. His retinue was to a man bleeding on the ground, groaning or unconscious.
"Hmph. How fitting that it would be you three. The noble bastard, his foreign whore, and the mongrel bitch."
"This mongrel bitch is going to put a bullet between your eyes!" Hilda snarled, sighting down her crosshairs. But before she could pull the trigger or Xiao could lunge forward, yet another voice rang out.
"Enough! Cease this fighting!"
All eyes turned to Lucia, backed herself by her own retinue of a dozen knights. If the battle wasn't just about finished, it was definitely over now. Charibert clicked his tongue and took the distraction as an opportunity to back flip away.
Lucia's men moved in to treat the wounded but also capture the Temple Knights aligned to Charibert. Haurchefant swept Xiao up in a quick embrace and a peck on the lips before they stood to attention both to debrief with Lucia.
Hilda strolled up to their side as well, standing to attention as genuinely as she could manage. Any doubts she may have harbored about the rumors du jour or the Camp Dragonhead Lord and would-be Lady were as trounced as the knights at her feet.
If this was the way they were looking to summon her and convince her to throw in with them, well, it worked. If they had a mind to change things around here, then she had a mind to join them.
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stinkylittleanon · 2 years
Hello!! Here’s my description for the Pokemon Sword/Shield and Scarlet/Violet Matchup Trade!! I put it in bullet points to make it easier ☺️
- I’m 20 years old, so I need to be shipped with an adult. I personally headcanon Arven and Nemona as adults, so please keep that in mind
- I work as a librarian and enjoy writing, drawing and baking. I’d probably be working as a student library worker at Naranja Academy in this scenario. I LOVE researching things and am a huge nerd in general
- I’m 4’ 10” tall (so crazy short, 147 cm) with a slender and toned figure, long fluffy brown hair and glasses. My style switches between masculine and feminine a lot, and I tend to wear unusual but cute outfits
- I’m Autistic and Disabled with stuff like scoliosis, lightheadedness (I faint a lot :/), breathing issues, weak bones and chronic pain in my hands, back and hips
- I have a very good sense of humor. I love making people laugh!!!
- I’m very goal-driven (especially while playing video games) and love training my pokemon to get stronger. I love story-driven games that let me fulfill objectives lol
- My friends say I have warm, inviting vibes that make people feel at home. I love comforting people and am quite good at it! I rarely if ever get mad at anyone or anything. A fire Pokemon could burn my books and I'd still be like "You're fine sweetie, it's not your fault, don't even worry about it ☺️". I’m the type of person who could make friends with anyone. That being said, it is hard for me to put myself first sometimes and I tend to be a little self-sacrificing too often
- I get flustered really easily. Just call me any cute nickname or compliment and I'm on the floor. An online friend called me babe once and I nearly threw my phone across the bed and squealed
- That being said, I’m very affectionate. One of the easiest ways to relax me is by holding my hand, so I tend to do that or cling to people’s arms. But I also really respect boundaries and know when people don’t like being touched so it depends
- I'm very sweet and polite, but can also be a bit if a gremlin. My entire moral alignment is neutral good because it boils down to "Yeah, but it'd be funny". I know when to have fun and also when to take things seriously
- I have two main goals in life: Learn as much as I possibly can, and help people. I feel like those things are what I was put here to do
- I’m very booksmart but also incredibly stupid, in a high wisdom low intelligence kinda way. I’m a walking trivia machine but also have no sense of self preservation whatsoever.
- Though I might not seem like it, I can be very stubborn and blunt. Never to the point of picking fights, but once you’ve lost my trust, it’s honestly hard to get it back. So very sweet, but fierce when provoked
Thanks so much!! I can’t wait to do yours, I’ll have it out as soon as possible! Also sorry if this is too long, I like to talk lol ;-;
Hiii!! Thank you for putting it in lil' bullet points, it actually helps so much! Also it's not too long at all! For Scar/vio I match ya with...
The first thing that made me choose him was the height difference, I'm ngl! I headcanon that Arven is at least close to 6ft, not quite there but he's definitely taller. (I'm a sucker for height differences LMAO) Anyways! Arven is a carin' guy, and even if he kinda struggles with his anger a bit he's still the sweetest person you can meet when you get to know him. He's a bit of a mess too, but that's not something you can't handle! - When you first meet, it's after Arven graduates (finally) and begins working as a substitute for Naranja! I hc that he becomes one of the teachers in the future, so this is his lil' head start into that. - It's quite a mess when you two meet... Literally, this guy manages to knock everything over- And you're just- So nice about it... - Arven can't help the way his heartbeat quickens when you two meet. You're so sweet but... You've got this aura that just tells him you're ready for it all. - And after you two meet, Arven keeps going to the library to see you. He's a goof, and you seem to enjoy his company... And he really likes talking to you. You know so much!! And he can't help but look up to ya for how you reach your goals. - When you guys finally go on a date, the entire faculty knows how much he likes ya- He's like a puppy and it's so obvious - Anyways... Picnic date is the first thing! He plans on cooking for you, but when you show up with baked goods... Holy shit that's it for him, you're a keeper - You guys have a super cute relationship, but you also definitely help each other. Arven helps you take up for yourself more, and he makes sure that you realize how important you truly are. He's a bit stubborn over you putting yourself first LMAO - You two get into shenanigans, little jokes with other staff... And sometimes it'll make a mess, the staff does find it endearing. You two make sure it's not something that'll actually upset anyone! - Also... He's the same with the 'smart but stupid', Arven is a fuckin' himbo and a half. You know that meme about "If you get your leg cut off, what would hurt?"? That's you guys- - Fluffy hair couple!!! FLUFFY HAIR COUPLE- - Overall, you guys are literally just way too cute! The whole school knows about you two, and you're absolute goals >:) - Btw, Arven loves to fluster you with lil' kisses on the forehead!!
For sw/sh I match ya with...
I couldn't help but think of two lil' nerds in love, and I think it'd be such a sweet relationship!! Sonia is a sweet but sassy gal, and very smart, so you two would match so well!! - With Sonia having so many books and doing research on Pokemon, you'd be the perfect assistant! Maybe that's how you two meet! - Like at first, you're just a new assistant after Sonia's last one kinda betrayed her, yk yk, but then you guys just get along so well... - And when Hop decides he wants to work with pokemon and starts helping Sonia out too, Sonia sees your caring nature and she's just... Head over heels - Like you're so caring, and smart, and funny and and and... She just can't wrap her head around it. - Sonia does research pokemon, yeah, but that wouldn't stop her from researching the disabilities you have! She'd accommodate your needs so well and find the best solutions! - Your relationship is more co-workers to friends to lovers, so it's something that slowly happens and it's so sweet - Also with Sonia being super fem presenting, she would LOVE to match outfits with you if you ever dress feminine. Or even masculine, she's still got a fashion sense! - She gets you lil' star hairclips to match her heart ones... And that's literally how she asks you out - Whatever date you go on, it's literally the sweetest thing ever. - Sonia is also sweet but with a stubbornness to her, so your energies match in a way! - You guys would work on researching together, just sitting by each other with books but sitting close enough that your arms are touching... - Hop always teases you two, but despite how flustered Sonia gets about it she'll just hold your hand and give you a kiss to drive him off - Also she just loves complimenting you... She truly means her words, but the way your face lights up with blush is. so. CUTE!! - Also her Yamper loves you, it loves sitting in your lap while you do your own research! --- Sorry if the way I wrote Sonia's is different from Arven's, these were written on different days LMAO but ty for the trade! It was super fun and it's been a long while!!
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cagemasterfantasy · 2 months
Battle Smith Ranking (5e)
2=often useful
3=sometimes useful
Tool Proficiency 4 most interesting and expensive non-magical adventuring gear is made of metal
Subclass Spells
Level 3 Heroism and Shield 4 Spectacular defensive buffs. Shield easily makes up the durability gap between Battle Smith and Armorer in heavy armor
Level 5 Branding Smite and Warding Bond 2 both options are situational. Warding Bond is hard due to Artificer’s d8 hit die
Level 9 Aura of Vitality and Conjure Barrage 2 both spells are fine but not especially good for a 3rd-level spell
Level 13 Aura of Purity and Fire Shield 4 more great defensive buffs
Level 17 Banishing Smite and Mass Cure Wounds 2 both options are situational but you don’t have another good way to deal with extraplanar creatures and your best group healing is Aura of Vitality which can’t get a whole party back on their feat in 1 turn
Battle Ready 4 finally a way to use Intelligence for your weapon attacks. You also get martial weapons which offers a small improvement to your existing weapon options. Be sure to take 14 Dexterity to max out medium armor but otherwise go all-in on Intelligence. You have a variety of good options for how to jump into combat with a weapon. Grab a longsword and a shield and you’re nearly as durable as a Fighter (arguably more durable if you have the right infusions) especially with Steel Defender’s Deflect Attack. Deflect Attack may even be enough to justify using a two-handed melee weapon so that you can focus on offense but if you’re going to use Booming Blade or Green-Flame Blade the bigger damage dice will be less impactful than the AC bonus from a shield. If you want to be extra defensive but still in melee grab a whip and keep your Steel Defender between you and your enemies. If that’s still not safe enough grab a ranged weapon and send your Steel Defender into melee on its own
Steel Defender 4 the Steel Defender is primarily a Defender rather than a Striker. It has a decent pile of hit points and what amounts to Fighting Style (Protection). It deals damage equivalent to a longsword and since it’s force damage almost nothing will resist it but its primary function is to protect you while you do the real damage. It has a poor AC at just 15 so expect to spend a lot of time repairing it between fights. The Steel Defender’s Repair action allows it to repair itself but at 3 uses per day you’ll get a lot more healing out of Mending. The Steel Defender notably doesn’t gain any ability to fly which is a problematic limitation once you reach high enough level that flying enemies become common. You’ll need a way to either get enemies down into range of your Steel Defender or you’ll need to find a way to make your Steel Defender fly. Infusing a pair of Winged Boots is probably your best option
Extra Attack 3 Helpful since Battle Smith typically relies on weapons for damage output but without an on-hit damage boost you’ll get considerably more damage output out of cantrips like Booming Blade and Sword Burst so Extra Attack may only be consistently useful if you’re using a reach weapon or a ranged weapon
Arcane Jolt 4 2d6 damage/healing up to 5 times per day isn’t much but fortunately it doubles at 15th level and the healing is as useful as Healing Word allowing you to heal dying allies and get them back into the fight. Personally I would reserve this exclusively for healing and critical hits. The damage isn’t enough to make a big difference normally unless you know that it’ll kill the target but the damage is extra damage rather than a separate damage source so it’s multiplied on a critical hit like Divine Smite or Hex
Improved Defender 4 2d6 more damage/healing on Arcane Jolt makes it a little more impactful but still not significant. The AC boost is significant especially since your pet has been sitting at 15 AC for 11 levels while attack bonuses gradually increase. The tiny bit of damage on Deflect Attack is nice too. At this level 1d4+5 (assuming that you have 20 Intelligence by now) isn’t much at this level but it’s still a nice little buff to something which you were going to do anyway and if you’re using it every round (which you really should) it will add up quickly
Final Ranking 3 Battle Smith allows Artificer to focus on Intelligence and Constitution allowing you to thrive in melee without worrying about Strength or Dexterity. The Steel Defender is a really simple pet and the cost of it dying is low enough that you don’t need to feel bad about it so you’re free to throw it in front of you and your allies whenever things get dangerous. The hardest decision facing Battle Smith is what to do with your hands. Most characters only have two hands and if you plan to be in melee that’s often a problem. You could use a two-handed weapon but a shield is an important option when you only have d8 hit dice. You could fight at range with a bow or crossbow and that would work fine but if you want to fight at range Artillerist is typically a better fit. Battle Smith is intended to wade into melee with a weapon in hand and clad in so many Infusions that you’re basically untouchable. Remember that you can use any item bearing one of your infusions as a spellcasting focus which means that you can use it to provide both Material and Somatic components for spells that require inexpensive material components, and thanks to the “Tools Required” part of the Artificer’s Spellcasting feature you don’t need a free hand to perform Somatic components so long as either your weapon or your shield are one of your Infused Items
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prismit · 1 year
alright, here's my thoughts on the current state of online tera raids and how i think they could be improved. excluding glitches in this post, since while yeah there's quite a few that should be addressed, i think the biggest flaws in this system are all just poorly designed mechanics.
under a cut because this got kind of long lol
problem 1: right now it's pretty much impossible to get into one of the 8 displayed raids on the front page unless you click on it within the first few seconds of the page loading (and even then it's pretty much a 50/50 shot). and instead of immediately telling you the raid is too full to join, it makes you wait a full 40 seconds for no reason.
two easy solutions to this: either decrease the time it tries to let the player in to ~10-15 seconds, or ideally just make it so pressing B while trying to join lets you cancel. also, since the front page raids fill up so fast, the refresh button should have a MUCH shorter cooldown; maybe 30-45 seconds at most.
problem 2: the random button is really the only way to consistently get into online raids. because of this, i feel like the time penalty for leaving a raid before it starts is too harsh (especially when you still get penalized even if the host cancels the raid, which is entirely unfair). i understand that the penalty is probably there to "encourage" people to help out lower level players. but on the opposite hand, i had a lot of times earlier in the postgame where i just didn't have anything to counter a difficult raid boss, so i had to choose between being a hindrance to the rest of the team - likely costing them the win - or backing out and taking a penalty for being courteous.
so i have a couple ideas for this: first of all, i don't think there should be a penalty at all for backing out before a raid starts. instead, give players who have beaten the game bonus rewards for participating in lower level raids. nothing too crazy, maybe just some extra exp candies and money items. don't punish players on the assumption that they're being selfish - instead, reward them on the assumption that they're being helpful.
on top of that, it could also be a good idea to have the random button take you to a second page where you can choose what tier of raids you want to join. this would also be a good place to show that lower tier raids can give higher tier players bonus rewards, which can encourage people to join those lower tier raids by choice. this is less necessary than the previous idea, but it'd be some nice quality of life.
problem 3: the raids themselves are way too slow with all the animations. the most noticeable example of this that i can think of is a rock type garganacl raid. every single turn, you have the player's animation (which is even longer if you're using a tera-boosted attack), then garganacl's tera-boosted animation, followed by its actual attack animation, and then the animation for being hurt by sandstorm, and finally the animation for being salt cured. sometimes also leftovers/shell bell and/or grassy terrain heals. every single turn. also, whenever you do something that heals your whole team, you're unable to do anything while you watch every pokemon do its healing animation. and that's not even mentioning how laggy it is online.
they already had a solution to this in sword and shield! abridge the move animations during raids. particles out of the attacker, particles into the target. don't make me watch shadow ball slowly creep towards the boss while a timer ticks down; that lost time really stacks. also this one should just be for every battle, but mention every stat boost/decrease at once instead of having a new text box for every stat. and of course when doing something that affects the whole team, do it all at once. there's a timer, i can't be sitting still for 10 seconds while every teammate is healed individually. the online lag is something i can't give any suggestions on really. that's on nintendo to improve their servers and it's on gamefreak to optimize their game.
problem 4: my final complaint might be more of a nitpick, but i really think the health cheer is way too rng-reliant. it feels like it only heals 1/5 of everyone's max hp most of the time. sure it also heals status conditions, but that doesn't really matter when you're knocked out this turn thanks to a tiny heal anyways. the other two cheers are always a net positive (unless you time them poorly and get your stats wiped immediately, but that's avoidable), but the health cheer way too often ends up doing more harm than good.
i can see that it might be hard to balance this one, but i just think it should never heal any less than 1/3 of everyone's max hp. maybe it heals 1/2 max hp 50% of the time, 1/3 40% of the time, and a full recovery 10% of the time. it doesn't have to be those numbers specifically, but the important part is that the minimum heal needs to be actually kind of decent, at least. otherwise its too much of a risk for something that's supposed to be a benefit.
there might be some other things that could be improved, but i think these are the worst of them. i also doubt they're actually going to fix raids in any way, but one can still hope! at the very least, i hope they learn and improve on these co-op game modes in future games.
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to-the-stars8 · 2 years
Learning to Love Slowly
Jason Todd x Reader All Chapters AO3
25- Jason's Girlfriend and The Dark Knight
“What do you think she’s like?” Stephanie asked as she spun around in the chair in front of the bat computer. “Jason’s girlfriend, I mean.”
Tim, leaning against the table off to her side, snickered. “Probably smart-mouthed like Jason.” Damian nodded silently in agreement as he sharpened his swords next to him. 
Duke paused his daydreaming to add in, “Dick said she was nice. Very down-to-Earth.” Cassandra then signed that she had heard the same about you. 
Bruce listened to his three kids as he restocked the med-bay across the cave, thinking about what you were like, too. Jason said you were great, but Bruce knew everyone had different definitions of ‘great’--especially with rose-colored glasses on. Dick, though, was a social butterfly that inherently saw the good in most people, so it wouldn’t be too far off that if you had any malicious intent for his brother he could be oblivious to it. Your background check came back clean, not so much as a traffic ticket, but that could also mean you were good at hiding things.
Despite that, Bruce remembered the sincereness in Jason’s voice when he said you were great and the smile that followed after. Genuine content is what Jason seemed to have, a small sign that something was going good in his life. You couldn’t be that bad if you managed to make the most angsty of his children express some sort of happiness in front of him.  
Stephanie suddenly gasped, grabbing the edge of the table to stop her spinning. She pointed at the camera showing the foyer. “She’s here!”
Bruce whipped his head around to look at the camera to see you just leaving out of frame with Jason following behind you. From what little he could see, he thought you were pretty, but beauty did not equal goodness. 
The three of them took off upstairs, all clamoring about getting all the juicy gossip about their brother since Dick could only provide so little. Bruce slowly followed them, still slightly worried as any father would be. 
You were in the living room after having left the kitchen, Jason next to you with an arm thrown behind your shoulders on the back of the couch. From what Bruce could see, you were startled at first by four teens and a little boy practically running up to you two. Jason tried shielding you from the crowd, but you welcomed it with as much grace as you could. 
Surprisingly, you were quiet--Not silent, but your voice was softer than Bruce imagined. Why had he expected someone with more loudness considering that Jason was often soft-spoken himself? 
When Bruce entered Dick instantly noticed him, quickly shutting everyone up to point out that their father was there. Loudly, Dick called out, “Bruce!” He turned to you. “Have you met Bruce? Brucie Wayne? The Dark Knight?”
Bruce moved toward the two of you, moving to take the free armchair right across from you. When you started to get up to shake his hand, he only told you that no formalities like that were necessary. “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Wayne.”
“You too,” He said, still astonished at how soft your voice was. “The drive over was okay?”
You nodded, while Jason snickered saying something along the lines that no one in Gotham could drive to save their lives. Leaning into him, you mumbled something that caused him to wrinkle his nose jokingly at you causing you to giggle a bit. 
Bruce said your name and that got your attention, “Are you from Gotham?”
“Born and raised. I grew up not too far from here,” You stated with a grin. “Just a bit closer to the city.”
“Rich kid?” Stephanie asked teasingly. 
You shook your head. “Not really. It’s a long story.”
“What do you think of animals?” Damian interjected before anyone else could get a chance to ask you a question. 
Pretending to ponder on the question for a moment, you finally answered. “Love ‘em. Jay says you’re big on animals, like all of them.”
“I am, that information is correct.”
Tim finally got to ask his question before Damian went on his usual tangent about animals that bore anyone to death. “Do you work for any Gotham villains?”
“In this economy?” You were shocked, leaning back against the couch, a bit offended. “I wouldn’t be able to make rent.”
Bruce chuckled. “Then, what do you do for work?”
You smiled. “I work at Gotham University in the IT department. It’s easier to be at work and attend class when you work on campus.” 
For the next half hour, Bruce and the others threw questions at you like you were being interviewed for a position at the house. Which, in a way, you were. Jason sat up next to you with pride as if to say yeah, you were awesome and his girlfriend. So far, Bruce had to agree with Dick and Jason. You were great, nice, and seemed normal compared to seven vigilantes and counting that were not around you. Which, in Wayne Manor, normalcy was so foreign. 
Tim and Damian, who had quickly chalked up the idea of you being loud just because you were Jason’s partner, quickly changed their minds upon further talking to you. The three of you seemed to share the same common interests, and the ones you didn’t, you wanted to ask about. You seemed like a genuinely nice person who wanted to know the family Jason grew up in, which Bruce was more than pleasantly surprised with. 
Eventually, when the questions had died down, you finally asked, “I was wondering, Mr. Wayne, do you have any pictures of Jay when he was a kid?”
Jason groaned. “I knew you were going to ask that!”
Bruce got up almost instantly, willing to show any pictures he had of little, chubby, and rosy-cheeked Jay to anyone who asked. Within minutes after disappearing he returned with several thick-bound photo albums. Everyone collectively groaned and now you felt like you bit off a bit more than you could chew. 
“Why do I feel like I girl bossed a little too close to the sun,” You stated. 
Jason leaned over to whisper in your ear, “Regret asking now?”
“No,” You grinned despite feeling a bit of regret. “I’m hoping there’s a picture of you in your red pill helmet.”
Every passing second Jason was regretting bringing home, but, at the same time, he felt it was so right. 
Bruce slapped the top of the stack of books, grinning at you. “I’m having Alfred put on a pot of coffee now as we speak, this will take a while.”
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windwheeler-aster · 3 years
a productive day
jean’s birthday hangout 2022
summary: you knew that jean’s job was hard, especially when so much of the work is shoved in her direction. so, you took it upon yourself to clear out a few camps for her birthday. everything was going fine until your shield broke, and when you ran into the acting grand master herself...
masterlist | jean’s letter
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pairing: jean x reader
reader info: uses gender neutral pronouns (they/them), reader has a crush on jean, and reader can be traveler 
word count: 827 words
genre: romance, fluff, confession, birthday celebration
format: one shot
warnings: fighting descriptions and slightly insecure reader
a/n: jean, my love, when will you come home to me 💖 JEANNN- (hope this is a nice read for you all, really enjoyed writing this piece 💖)
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The hilichurl’s club collided with your shield, a visible crack splitting it in two. You cursed loudly before taking the shield off and threw it hard at your attacker. It spluttered out a curse in its own  language, you assumed, as it flopped down onto the ground. 
You tore your eyes away from it and turned around, kicking dust up as you ran away. You ran as fast as you could, accidently alerting the passing hilichurls and megachurls returning from a hunt on the way out of this camp.
With every step you took you cursed at yourself for being so foolish, disregarding almost everything you learnt in training. You yelped as an icicle was hurled towards you, barely missing it as you twisted your body in one swift motion. You surprised yourself when you managed to catch your footing and continue out of the camp, keeping the abyss mage in the corner of your eye. 
However, as you eyed the dancing mage, you managed to collide into something solid. You gasped as you felt hands reach around your waist and spin you around, carefully out of the way of an incoming icicle. Their hands left your waist and found their place into your hands, interweaving your fingers together. Whatever had you in their grasp quickly spun you around, like a graceful dancer with their dancing partner.
“Are you alright?”
You looked up and felt your cheeks warm up quickly. 
Holding your hands in her own with such grace and care was the Acting Grand Master and Dandelion Knight, Jean Gunnhildr. Her eyebrows furrowed with concern as she scanned over you, leaning in slightly to get a better look of your face. The heat on your cheeks, and now your ears, was unbearable. 
You nodded quickly, almost too quickly. “I’ll be fine, those hilichurls could barely lay a finger on me.”
Jean looked reluctant to agree with you, eyeing the dirt and bruises adorning your cheeks. “Are you sure? Taking on a camp like this alone can be troublesome even for me. It’s a miracle that you haven’t-”
A popping sound, one both you and Jean recognized too well, followed by laughter cut Jean off. She let go of you as she looked over at the hostile abyss mage, her hand finding its way to her sword. But before she or the abyss mage could make a move, you quickly grabbed her hand and dragged her along with you.
“Why are we running?” Jean yelled, finding some difficulty to keep up with you. “We could have easily handled that abyss mage.”
“And let the Acting Grand Master get hurt on her birthday?” You asked. “Yeah, like I’d ever let that happen.”
She looked up from the ground and to the back of your head, thankful that you couldn’t see her rosy cheeks and shocked expression. You remembered her birthday? 
“You remembered my birthday?” She repeated aloud.
“I heard Captain Kaeya talking about it the other week,” you explained. “I was going to lighten your workload and patrol work, to make things easier.”
“Because I care about the people I like,” you blurted out, more focused on taking Jean as far as Windrise for her safety, “I wanted to surprise you with something nice, that’s all.”
“Sorry, what?”
You cursed, quiet enough that Jean wouldn’t hear. “Please forget I said that.”
She slowed you both down to a halt, digging her heels into the ground even when you wanted to press onwards. Your grip on her hand loosened like your hope for a better relationship with her, ashamed of yourself for so carelessly blurting out your feelings like that. A woman like Jean deserved a proper confession, with flowers and chocolates and a suave charm and-
“Why would I ever want to forget that?” She asked, a beautiful and gentle smile present on her face.
All the negative thoughts that swarmed into your head disappeared once you saw that smile. The same smile that made your own lips break out into a grin. Her genuine and bright smile that made you flustered and confident at the same time. One of the most beautiful sights you’ve ever seen, nothing in all of Teyvat comes close in comparison.
“Do you want to go out for lunch sometime?” You blurted out once again. “When you have the time of course, I know you have a busy schedule and everything, so I completely understand if you don’t-”
Jean leaned over and gave your cheek a kiss, slipping her hand back into your own. She giggled at the way you quieted down and rubbed the spot where she kissed, a goofy expression overtaking your face. 
“I’d love to,” she smiled, “how does today at the Cat’s Tail sound?”
“Wonderful,” you breathe out, still dazed that she kissed you. “Anything with you would be wonderful, honestly.”
“Great,” she brought your knuckles to her lips, making your head feel fuzzy, “let’s get going then, shall we?”
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thank you for reading 💖 all forms of interaction to my posts are appreciated 💖
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