#especially the new Glee club
XX ~ S.S.
Part Four: Rush (Final)
A/n: This is a separate request but I combined them (This prompt list). This has been sitting in my drafts for AGES so very close to completion and I got a final boost from @mmmalakai so this one’s for you bestie <3
Request: “22 for Seb? 👀”
Word Count: 3800+
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~ Kiss in a rush of adrenaline ~
The Warblers ran into a problem when competition season rolled around. They had essentially been cut in half, and that meant they were working with significantly less people than normal. Adding on top of that the rivalry he was brewing with New Directions and... well, it wasn't ideal.
Y/n got an earful every evening after glee rehearsals. Blaine was apparently up Sebastian's ass, playing some form of protective older brother for Y/n. He had made it clear time and time again that he didn't approve of Sebastian, and his boyfriend Kurt was only too happy to support this endeavor. Predictably, Kurt had been most on board for it when Blaine had told him of Sebastian's initial flirting and move making. It made Y/n wonder if Kurt was in it to protect Y/n like Blaine was, or if he was in it for his own personal revenge.
Unfortunately, that didn't seem to be where the struggles ended. They had enough people to compete and so did Noteworthies - but only one team could compete from one school. Which meant that on top of push back from Blaine and Kurt, and the dance they'd been having with all of New Directions, there needed to be a pre-competition face off to see which Dalton Glee club was going to compete.
Which was strange to talk about, when they were technically opposed team captains, but also had been spending as much time as they could together again. They'd wanted to perform together again and neither could come up with a reason to. They were busy practicing for all the face offs and performances they had coming up, which meant they didn't have much free time. With the stress increasing, the need for peace and quiet got worse until their routine became shit talking everyone else in the car and then going back to Sebastian's, cleaning up and changing, and then just doing homework in absolute silence for hours and hours, cuddled up until dinner. Dinner was the best part of the day because they would be recharged from everything else and would put the homework away and just talk. Or watch something. They didn't talk about school during dinner, or Glee. They'd talk about music or the thing they watched or anything else. Sometimes Blaine and Kurt, but never New Directions.
It was so strange to find themselves on opposing sides when school came around at the beginning of every new day, especially when their mornings were spent getting coffee where Y/n and Blaine used to and tormenting the New Directions people who were there if they happened to run into each other.
Y/n didn't even feel bad about it. He had tried to stop Sebastian at first, but then Blaine had ruined that.
The day had started cool, which was nice because the Dalton blazers were always a little warm on the body. Adding coffee to that usually meant feeling a little warmer than one was usually comfortable with. But not that morning. Instead, Y/n and Sebastian were in line to get their coffees, Sebastian going on and on about a wild encounter he'd had in Paris when he was still living there. Y/n had been sent into a fit of laughter, face turning red and wrapping his arms around his stomach. "You did not get that drunk at 11 years old," Y/n accused.
Sebastian was grinning. "I absolutely did. My parents were mad, but it wasn't as big of a deal as you'd think. The problem was that I had stolen all the cream puffs. There were three heaping plates made for everyone at that party and I had eaten them all by myself. I was sick for two whole days, and still couldn't eat chocolate without feeling sick for another week." Y/n peeled into giggles again and the room seemed to get brighter, warmer. Sebastian watched him with so much adoration on his face that the people around them all smiled.
Well, almost everyone.
"If it isn't my favorite Dalton boy." An arm looped around Y/n's shoulder, and he looked over to see Blaine. Immediately, the joy started to seep out of him and Sebastian watched in irritation as he put on the mask that he always did. The calm and the patient and the gentle. Not that Y/n wasn't all of those things, but more that he only ever allowed himself to be those things specifically when certain people - like Blaine - were around. The more time he spent around Sebastian, the more he allowed himself to express all of the different sides of him, but it was slow coming. It was easier with the Warblers and most of the Noteworthies, but harder with Lyran and anyone from McKinley. It bothered Sebastian immensely.
"Hey," Y/n greeted with a soft smile.
Blaine positioned himself to cut Sebastian off from the conversation and immediately Sebastian's jaw locked. He tried to play as nice as possible with Blaine - he meant a lot to Y/n. And even if Sebastian didn't get the appeal (he had flirted with the man once before actually getting to know Y/n, and now he just about laughed out loud at the thought. How could be have gone for stick-in-the-mud, goody two shoes Blaine when Y/n was right there?) it wasn't about him, so. Whatever. The move from Blaine was an affront though, and he barely managed.
"I haven't seen you in a while. How have you been?"
Kurt shot him a look and Sebastian purposefully ignored it. His eyes were on Y/n, who suddenly seemed uncomfortable. It seemed he has picked up on Blaine's actions - and Sebastian's reaction to it as well.
"Fine," the boy eased, sliding fluidly from Blaine's hold to pick up something off of a nearby shelf, tilting it as if considering if he was going to get it. He put it down and turned back to the other three. It was a well masked attempt to include Sebastian again, and a well appreciated one. Well, appreciated by Sebastian. Blaine's smile got a little tighter.
"I heard you started a new acapella group at Dalton," Blaine picked up again. There was something very awkward about him trying to start small talk, and Y/n shutting it down with one word responses instead of expanding in the least. An awkwardness that was showing in Blaine's tone.
"Yeah," Y/n nodded, and the tension grew.
Sebastian swallowed a smile when he saw a hint of his Y/n. The hidden shade he was masking so well with innocence and softness. It wasn't cruel, more unsure. Y/n didn't know how to show Blaine that finally, he had changed too. In the way that Blaine had become more a team player, flourishing with a bunch of people who challenged him and treated him like a normal person instead of some music sex god, that Y/n had bloomed in the same way.
Under Sebastian's pressure and fire, he had grown to something infinitely more beautiful: Himself. Not filtered to be more palpable, or fit the vibe someone else was setting. He was himself - both soft and hot to the touch. Soothing at one point, and agitating the next, depending on what he had to rise to the top to meet. And there was a whole new side to him too - one that didn't just react, but set expectations and then kept them going. Who established a mood and then continued it. One who knew control and patience and could balance firm grips and gentle nudges.
Blaine missed it all. He hummed in such false amusement that it was so obviously just irritation.
"Seems you're spending a lot of time with Mr. Competition over here then." It was light and airy, easily dismissed unless you already knew he was trying to shove a wedge between Y/n and Sebastian. Which they all did know.
Y/n seemed to consider that. "Competition drama and interpersonal relationships are different things. At Dalton we try to keep it clean - nothing personal, no dirty play." He shot a pointed look at Sebastian. "These days at the very least."
Sebastian felt himself warm, flaring under Y/n's attention. "The whole point of a game is there are always rules. I set some, you set some. They must all be followed or people stop playing."
Y/n snorted. "Very good job Bas, you're learning so well."
Blaine seemed uncomfortable with the easy banter between the two, and he tended when Y/n used a nickname. "Y/n-"
"Listen," Y/n cut off. "I've tried to tell you before but you refuse to listen so I'll be very blunt with you. I'm a different person now - a better person. This is a good thing, and if you can't see that and accept that people change I don't want to be friends with you anymore. I know you have beef with Sebastian. It's a good thing you're not the one who has a relationship with him." He turned without another word and made his order, filling in Sebastian's as well without thinking. He had been correct to the T so Sebastian let it slide. He relished Y/n stepping in to stop Blaine, and he especially loved that Y/n was so easily showing how well they knew each other and how much they meant to each other. It was delicious.
Blaine stumbled over his words for a moment at the display from the boy who used to be so close to him. "What happened to you?"
Y/n's irritation slipped. "What happened to me is that I finally got a life outside of you. I'm in a glee club that isn't revolving around you. I have other friends. I developed a personality based on myself and not you and your standards and expectations, and found people who like what I have to offer. If the only way you want me is folded nicely so that you can have me at your disposable for you and your irritating ass boyfriend then you don't want me." He slapped money on the counter and grabbed the two drinks before walking away. "See you around Blaine."
As they left, Sebastian's face twisted with a smirk. Not the teasing or biting one he usually donned, but one filled with admiration and adoration.
Something bubbled under the surface of his skin and he shivered. Then decided to ignore it for now. Y/n started a conversation about how bagels sounded good for breakfast and that was the end of it.
For now.
It was decided that a face off would be held to decide who was going to competition of the Dalton glee clubs.
It wasn't a shocking conclusion, but still needed an official announcement.
When the day came, Sebastian thought the Warblers had it in the bag.
Then the Noteworthies went.
Whatever the group had accomplished in the past, they had surpassed themselves several times. They were completely in sync, switching out and weaving through each other like it was second nature. They kept a certain energy between them that truly was contagious, like before, but also tangible. An energy that flowed through the air. Not a performance, or a show of any specific person. No call to attention or vie for spotlight, but a conversation between them that became increasingly interesting to follow.
They sang songs and it seemed like words. Banter between friends, or inside jokes. Stories that weren't all the way told yet. Secrets on the cusp of being spoken into the world. It was a sleep over or a camp out, telling stories in the dark and trying to scare each other. It was a safety net that if anyone crosses a line, you could stop and it would be okay. It was a breath of relief, or the first day of Summer vacation. Full of possibilities and mischief and energy and wonderment with all the stability of not having quite lost your sense of time. Youthful. Bright. Fun. But also accepting and gentle and understanding.
Of course the Warblers lost.
Y/n had been right - a group that worked as a unit far surpassed a ring leader surrounded by people to make them look better. And after the challenge, Sebastian lost even more Warblers.
He was losing the game, and he realized he had been for a long time.
He swallowed his smile when Y/n met him at the car. Y/n rose an eyebrow. "What is it? You're not mad we won are you? And I swear I'm not trying to steal anymore of your Warblers-"
Sebastian shook his head. "Please. It's like you said - we've far surpassed taking things personally and lashing out."
Y/n rose an eyebrow. "So you're not going to be petty?" Sebastian was surprised to realize Y/n was being sarcastic when he asked the question.
Y/n knew him so well...
Sebastian's smile finally made it through as they got into the car. "Perhaps just a little." Y/n laughed and suddenly Sebastian didn't feel bad at all anymore.
"Oh I love this song!" Y/n shot to his feet, pushing homework aside for a moment to grab Sebastian's hand and force him to follow. They were dancing together before Sebastian could even complain.
He did it while they were up instead, despite the fact that he didn't sit back down even when Y/n let go of his hands. "You promised you wouldn't get distracted if we played music today. We need to study."
Y/n rolled his eyes. "We do homework all the time - my grades are better than they've been in ages. It can wait for a single song." Y/n stepped close, something mischievous in his eyes. "Or two."
Something bubbled in Sebastian's stomach, worming it's way up to his chest. Words were on the tip of his tongue but he couldn't quite pull them out or place what they were so for now he let them be.
And the two danced.
The second song was slower, and Y/n tried to do a funny bit by using choreography slowed to half speed, his facial expressions even changing at a snail's pace, which did get Sebastian to laugh. But then he reached out and pulled Y/n against him, chest to chest, and grabbed his hand and waist. "Slow dance properly or skip the song," he chided.
Y/n snorted but didn't pull away. "Of course the rich boy is particular about slow dancing," he teased. "You know how to waltz I assume?"
Sebastian's eyes shone. "Would you like me to teach you?"
Y/n grinned. "Fuck yes." So Sebastian did. It was the first time they'd danced that it wasn't competitive or teasing. There was fire here too but it was quieter, calmer - familiar. Sebastian grabbed his hand, then his waist, and stepped closer. He spoke softly, giving directions and telling him when and where he was stepping and the directions he was going.
It was easy to follow him. Sebastian was excellent at leading, both with his steps and his words. At one point he spun Y/n, slowly to allow for him learning, and Y/n giggled. When they were face to face again they were both grinning.
"This is fun," Sebastian noted. He didn't speak as loudly as he usually did, keeping that soft directional tone he'd been using up to this point.
Y/n felt his face warm up. "It is. Maybe we should make this a regular thing. You can teach me everything you know."
Sebastian's smile grew a little teasing, and seeing that peek out now only made Y/n blush worse. "Je crois que je t'aime."
Y/n's eyebrows came together when Sebastian spoke in French. "No fair! I don't know French."
"If I teach you everything I know," Sebastian reasoned. "You will one day."
Y/n narrowed his eyes. "Okay," he eased slowly. "What did you say though?"
The deviousness crescendo'd as Sebastian chuckled. "I'll tell you one day." He slowed them to a stop, spinning Y/n outward and catching his wrist. He brought the back of Y/n's hands to his lips, leaving a kiss. "You're a wonderful dance partner."
Y/n raised an eyebrow. "You need to be dubbed an official Disney Prince with all this charm you're using on me."
There seemed to be something Sebastian wanted to say, but he chose not to.
A new side to him.
Instead he cleared his throat, covering up a laugh. "Let's get back to homework." Unsure of how to get him to divulge information when he was so often readily offering it and not hiding it away as he was now, Y/n was forced to let the interaction go.
For now.
Noteworthies killed it at competition, putting Dalton in first place for the first time since Sebastian had started coming to school here. When they were announced as first, Sebastian's eyes went wide and he couldn't stop smiling. He was in the audience, but he was quickly out of his seat and rushing backstage. When Y/n was off of that stage, he was quick to close the distance. Y/n was surprised, but laughed as they met in the middle, getting caught up in the kiss immediately.
It was the first time they'd been explicitly affectionate in public, and it was wonderful. Especially as Lyran smiled to themself, watching the two.
"Finally, am I right?" they whispered to one of the other boys who laughed, all of them heading to the changing room to leave the pair alone.
When the two boys separated from their embrace, Y/n was blushing. "What was that?" he asked.
Sebastian shrugged. "Probably... adrenaline." He chuckled, finding himself a little breathless. No one had ever made him this soft before, taken him so completely. He felt a little silly and completely ridiculous and stripped entirely of his power-
And he loved it.
“Hey I have a question.” Things had changed since the kiss back stage. They weren’t playing this maybe-friends-maybe-not thing, they were definitely more than friends. Things had gotten as casual as Y/n ending up in Sebastian’s bed for no other reason than better cuddling positions as they watched Netflix all day. That was their Saturday routine. They only got out of bed to make food, and then they’d play music and dance together or tease or kiss…
It was domestic.
But they’d never made anything official.
Sebastian had waited for Y/n to give him that staple look people always did when things got a little too serious. Usually that was when he’d run away, but with Y/n he was sure he’d have drifted into a relationship blissfully. No one could keep up with him and change the game like Y/n could - who could ever even keep his attention after this boy?
But Y/n had never asked. It had never come up. And once again the rules were different than Sebastian had expected. It wasn’t Y/n asking about their relationship that day. It was Sebastian. His hair was soft, dried post shower, and he had only bothered with the bare minimum necessary to be comfortable. Y/n had lost his shirt at some point, stealing one of Sebastian’s even though there were clothes just here that were Y/n’s at this point. It felt intimate in a weird way. Different than sex, but maybe on the same level as it.
Y/n looked at the boy, smiling. “Ask away.”
“Are we together?” Sebastian asked. “Like, boyfriends.”
Y/n’s face light up. “I thought you didn’t do labels, Hot Shot.”
Sebastian rolled his eyes. “If you don’t want to-“
Even if Y/n could throw him off, Sebastian was good at catching up. The dynamic shifted as Y/n gently caressed his cheek, leaning in to kiss him to get him to stop. “No, it’s okay. I’d love to be your boyfriend. And to have yours as mine. Please.”
Sebastian grew warm. “Okay.” There was that thing… that thing just under the surface…. But he let it go.
Not yet. He couldn’t handle two huge leaps in character in one day. Something told him that Y/n wouldn’t want him to anyway.
It happened, ironically, after they decided to hang out because Y/n’s parents were getting a divorce. Maybe that was actually what made it perfect timing. They were tangled together on the couch, Sebastian soothingly running his hands up and down Y/n’s back. They hadn’t spoken in a while but Y/n’s mood seemed to slowly, steadily, improving. Sebastian could feel that feeling that was growing more and more impossible to ignore. The words that were getting closer and closer to slipping between his lips. They were getting less and less scary - easier to say. Easier to accept. He knew that they would escape any second now.
“I love you.” It was Y/n who’d spoken.
Immediately Sebastian sighed. “Of course you managed it before I did.” He sounded only amused.
Y/n laughed. “To be fair, you were the one who made the relationship official. You started all of this. I think I can get one thing on you. If that’s okay.”
“No. It’s not. Take it back.” At Sebastian’s words, Y/n laughed again. Sebastian left a kiss on his boyfriend’s forehead. Lingering. Then his lips parted and-
“Don’t say it just because I did,” Y/n interrupted.
Sebastian sighed. “I wouldn’t say anything I didn’t mean. If I didn’t love you, I’d run. I always do.” He scoffed. “But… I do love you. And I can even say that foul word. You’ve completely ruined me. I’m so young how could you do this to me?”
Y/n shrugged, and his smugness was so gorgeous Sebastian had to kiss him. When they parted, Y/n whispered, “Can we be different than everyone else? Can we just… not deal with all the bullshit? And work together and communicate and not fall apart? Or even worse - stay together forever even though the relationship is cannabilizing itself. Can you promise me we’ll never stop talking?”
Sebastian hummed, sighing. “I can promise I’ll always try.”
Y/n nodded. “That’s enough.” And it was. Everything else could fall apart. Their family, their relationship with Blaine. School could end. The Warblers could get usurped. It was all temporary. And maybe this was too, but it was also worth it in a way. Especially because it was temporary. Even if all they had was this week, or if it was for the rest of their lives… they had each other. What more could one person ask for than that?
Story tag list: @romanthesleepylizardking @taintedmaroon @shydinosaurcandy @clawzzz
Male readers tag: @ravenpuff-oli @sortzz @fadedver
67 notes · View notes
sillyrabbit81 · 2 years
The Fallen Wolves Brotherhood - Part Seventeen
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Series Summary: Lori "Babycakes" Tate swore she would never date a biker but when her life is in danger, she is put under the protection of a small club known as The Fallen Wolves Brotherhood. She suddenly finds herself attracted to not one, but five bikers.
A reverse harem, biker AU.
Part Seventeen Summary: Lori finds out more about Jake. Walker finds out about the pact.
Pairing: Captain Syverson x OFC, Walter Marshall x OFC, Mike x OFC, Geralt x OFC, August Walker x OFC
Word Count: Approx. 3.4k
Series Warnings: Reverse harem, age gap (OFC 23, ages range from 23 to mid 40s), oral sex (male and female receiving), unprotected p in v sex, anal sex, group sex, masturbation, praise kink, mentions of body fluids, drug use, recreational drinking, sex work, criminal activities, mention of death, violence, use of weapons, mentions of war, mentions of abuse, angst, fluff, probably a lot more that I will add as they come up.
Part Seventeen Warnings: slight angst, violence, mentions of blood, implied smut
Authors Note: Thanks as always to my lovely BBFs (Best Beta's forever) @henryobsessed and @nashibirne .
This chapter is from both Lori and Walker's POVs. I know it's a bit different to how I've been structuring the story, but I felt like it needed to be done this way.
There's more exposition here, but I think that will be all for a while.
Divider made by me. Edited by me, there will be errors.
Parts Masterlist
Part Sixteen Part Eighteen (coming soon)
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“Are you sure you don’t want breakfast first?” Marshall asked as we approached the open door to Walker’s office.
I shook my head. “Let’s get this over with.”
He gave me a brief approving smile before cupping the back of my head and kissing me on the crown.
“Let’s go,” he said.
I took a deep breath to steel myself for what I was about to face and I walked into Walker’s office.
The space was simple enough, basically furnished with a dark, almost black, modern looking desk with a laptop and a number of open files and papers making a mess of the otherwise clean room. There was a matching filing cabinet and a bookshelf, a low modern black leather sofa and four simple chairs pushed against one of the grey walls and the floor was carpeted in a similarly grey rug. The only feature that appeared decorative was an abstract art piece that ran nearly the entire length of the wall.
It immediately caught my eye; it was impossible to ignore. The work was lit by museum style lighting and spread over two canvases. It was mostly white with sometimes wispy, sometimes harsh, feathery slashes of black, grey and brown paint. While there was an obvious darkness to the piece, there was something heartachingly optimistic about it. For some reason I was reminded of being a kid, blowing hard on a dandelion and watching with glee as the pappus floated away on the wind carrying with them the potential for adventure and a new life.
Walker cleared his throat. I glanced at him quickly, he was taking his seat behind the desk and Marshall was carrying over two chairs. I turned back to the painting and tried to reconcile the art with its owner, but couldn’t for the life of me see the connection.
What would a piece like this mean to a man like Walker? If it was simply melancholic and evoked feelings of fear and dread, I could see the attraction for him. However, the undeniable sense of potential hope and happiness born from the darkness had my curiosity piqued. Why would he not only buy it, but give the piece a place of honour, something that no other object in this room seemed to have? It couldn’t have been cheap, the artist was no doubt talented and experienced; it must have cost a fortune.
“Oh,” I mumbled, rolling my eyes. “Of course.”
It was an investment and a way to hide his true net worth from authorities. Granted, it was a high brow, convoluted way of laundering money, but it wasn’t unheard of, especially for international criminal syndicates. It was the only explanation that seemed plausible.
Taking one last look at the painting, I sat down next to Marshall. He pulled out his notebook while Walker selected one of the files scattered over his desk and opened it. He selected a page and showed it to me.
It was a grainy and dark photograph of the interior of a nightclub and appeared to have been lifted from security footage. A number of people were in the shot, mostly holding drinks and standing in groups of twos or threes. At first I didn’t grasp the significance of the picture, then I gasped as I recognised the couple in the middle of the frame.
“Jake,” I whispered. 
“Jacob Owen Wright,” Walker corrected.
Barely able to tear my eyes from the photograph, I looked at the two men, “How did you find him? Just from this picture?”
Marshall looked a little sheepish and glanced at Walker who showed no embarrassment. “I had some associates sweep your apartment for fingerprints and DNA.”
“What?” I asked, my voice hard with anger. “You had no right to do that without asking.”
Walker took out another couple of pages and showed me pictures of what I recognised to be Jake’s apartment only by the kitchen cabinets because the rest of the apartment was completely bare.
“We didn’t have a lot of options. The whole place was scrubbed. Not a single piece of usable evidence was found to start an identification. Your apartment was the only other place we knew for sure that he’d been.”
“You could have asked,” I said, only partly paying attention to what I was saying.
My mind was in a whirl and I found it difficult to pin down any single thought. It was clear that Jake had lied to me about who he was and what his interest in forming a relationship with me was, but this along with the tracking device suggested that a bigger conspiracy was at play.
“So, you found something in my apartment?”
“Not a lot, but enough for an ID. A thumbprint was found on the top edge of the headboard of your bed and further examination found the rest of the prints on the back as if it had been grasped and used for purchase,” Walker informed me blankly.
My cheeks heated as I realised how those prints got there. I remembered when it had happened and remembered looking at the athletic cords of his arm muscles stretching and contracting as he used the bed as an anchor to go harder and deeper. I felt like such a fool. In the back of my mind I must have known there was something off about him, which was probably why I never want the relationship to make the transition from casual fuck buddies to something more serious. I don’t know why I ignored that feeling and let myself be drawn in by a man who had nothing to offer but lies and deception just because he had the veneer of civility. Looking up at Marshall, it struck me that while the Brothers appeared to be lawless and crude, they treated me better than any man I had known other than my father, Nate, and Hustle.
“Prints on file mean a criminal record right?” I asked.
Again the two men exchanged glances and again Walker spoke, “Not necessarily. But in this case, yes. One offence in New Mexico as a youth. While he was born in your home town, it appears as though he moved around a lot. His mother, born Louise Anne Huxley, married several times, however Jacob’s birth certificate lists no father and we haven’t been able to find one. Louise changed her name several times, with each marriage and on a few occasions without a marriage. Jacob’s birth name was Jacob Flynt, but he has also been known as Turner, Johnson and now, Wright.”
I peered at the photo of me and Jake again. He never even mentioned that he had been born in my hometown, only saying he had moved there a few months before we met; he hadn’t even said moved back. He hadn’t been open about himself like Marshall or Sy, or even Mike and I never would have asked him to be. I’d known the Brothers less than a week and I knew more about each of them than I did about Jake. Well, except for Walker.
“Anything else?”
Walker shook his head. “We have more leads to run down, I’ll let you know if we find anything more significant.”
“You’ve had some time to think,” Marshall said, “have you thought of anything else, anything at all that could help with the investigation?”
“No. Nothing I haven’t already told you.” My eyes were drawn back to the canvas. “Have you told my brother? Does he know anything about this?”
“I spoke to Hustle—” Walker started.
“I asked about Nate,” I brought my attention back to Walker whose jaw muscles quivered beneath his stubbled cheek. “Have you spoken to him?”
I nodded and swallowed down my fear. Nate must be alright; Hustle would have said if he wasn’t and despite everything, I’m sure Walker would tell me if something had happened to him.
“Is that all? Can I go now?” I asked.
Walker gave me a curt dip of his head, so slight it couldn’t be called a nod.
I stood and turned swiftly on my heels as I headed for the door.
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Marshall gave me a flat, unimpressed stare as he followed Lori out of my office.
“Jesus,” I muttered as I placed the papers and photographs back in the manilla folder. What the hell did I do this time to get her so riled up? 
Sighing, I tapped the file on the desk and glanced up to see Marshall lifting Lori’s chin with a crooked finger in a way that suggested a familiarity that was far too inappropriate for my liking. It was a good thing Sy wasn’t here to witness it; no doubt he’d go completely apeshit. A kiss on the cheek was one thing, even Mike’s game yesterday was basically harmless, but the way Marshall was looking at Lori was absolutely not benign. 
I was sure Marshall would pull away before they actually kissed. I couldn’t blame him for wanting to kiss her; the girl was far too attractive for her appeal to be ignored. She was artlessly beautiful and she had a spark of fiery willfulness that always made my cock ache when I imagined seducing her into submission. But this wasn’t about Lori, I didn’t give two shits if Lori stepped out on Sy, it was about Marshall. Marshall wouldn’t betray Sy, he wouldn’t betray a Brother. Surely he wasn’t going to—
“Holy Shit!”
He did it, he actually kissed her.
My blood ran like napalm through my veins, my sight going red as I lept my desk and letting the uncontrolled rage rush through my system along with the burst of adrenaline, I let it all out in one furious punch squarely in the middle of Marshall's face.
A scream and a warm spray of blood slapped me across the face, quickly sobering me. 
Oh fuck, what have I done?
Marshall held his nose, no doubt busted and Lori was pushing me out of the way as she tried to get Marshall to lower his hands so she could see the damage. Marshall wasn’t having it, stepping around her as he confronted me.
“You deserve that, you know you do,” I said, coolly.
“And why the fuck would I?” Marshall said, blood pooled in his mouth which sprayed out as he spoke.
“You think Sy would have gone easier on you? Should I have just let him deal with this?”
“And why the fuck would you care what Sy would do?”
“I’m not going to let a woman break this club up, I don’t care who the fuck she is.” 
“It’s not what you think Walker,” Lori had the hide to say. I turned on Lori, her face was pale with fear, but she held her chin up as if daring me to hit her too. Fuck, she was killing me.
“You have no idea what you’re talking about Walker,” Marshall added.
“What else could I think? You’re kissing his fucking woman. You think he’s going to shrug and get over it? You’ve put the whole club in jeopardy and—”
“Walker!” Geralt entered my office, planting himself firmly between Marshall and me.
“He was kissing Lori,” I said. Jesus, I sounded like a kid trying to obfuscate responsibility after being busted by their dad. I may as well have pointed at Marshall and cried, he started it.
Geralt didn’t react. Not even a tiny twitch of his eye.
“You knew? You knew and you didn’t think to stop it before he came back? He’s going to fucking kill him.”
Geralt sighed and looked at the grey carpet now decorated with a blood splatter that Dexter Morgan would have been proud of.
“Lori, take him to the kitchen and put some ice on his nose.”
Lori gave me a look of disgust that made my guts twist. Fear, I could deal with; disgust was something else entirely. Marshall still had his eyes trained on me, his eyes darkened with murderous ambition. I readied myself for him to attack, but Lori took his hand, with a gentle tug and he let himself be led away.
I turned my attention back to Geralt as Marshall and Lori disappeared into the hallway.
“You’ve got some explaining to do,” I said to Geralt, turning back to my desk and sitting in my chair.
Stunned, I sat slack jawed as Geralt explained the situation - the pact the others had made - although it sounded too far fetched to be true. But it made a lot of things fall into place and explained what the others had been whispering amongst themselves over the past few days.
How could I have missed this? How could I not have known what was going on. Jesus, what else was going on in the club that I didn’t know about?
“What happens when the job is over?” I asked when he finished talking.
“Same rules as before, she decides what she wants,” Geralt replied.
“What if she wants to go home? Would you go with her?”
Geralt shrugged.
“Jesus. You’d let the club fall because of the whims of some girl?”
Geralt raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything.
“When were you going to tell me? When you were all packed up ready to leave and I’d be stuck here holding my dick,” I seethed through gritted teeth. “I’d expect something like this from Sy, he’s always been a little soft when it comes to women. Or Mike even, he’s a fucking kid. But Marshall? You? No. I thought you knew what we were doing here, what we were working for.”
“I don’t think she will want to leave when this is over, I think she’s found her place here.”
“This is no place for a woman.”
“She knows what she's getting into. She’s not naive.”
Geralt’s nonchalance about this whole situation was doing my head in. There was so much that could go wrong here. We could lose it all because my Brothers couldn’t think with anything but their dicks.
“You don't have to be on the outside looking in,” Geralt said with a sly smirk. “She likes you too, you know.”
I laughed, curling my lip and showing Geralt my teeth. “I saw the look on her face, she’s terrified of me.”
“Not of you, of what you represent.”
“I don't share my toys," I sneered.
Geralt nodded slowly. “It’s your call,” he stood, “I'll go check on Marshall.”
“Tell him…” I ground my teeth, what the fuck do I say?
Geralt paused and waited.
I glanced at the painting on my wall. The darkness loomed larger than usual and I turned away again quickly, not daring to hope for some light.
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Over the next few days the divide between my Brothers and I widened while the others seemed to draw together as they closed in on Lori. Normally there was a schedule set up for guarding a client, even inside the clubhouse, but Lori didn’t need one; she was never alone. She went from Marshall, to Geralt, to Mike, back to Marshall. I didn’t bother offering to take even an hour of guard duty. I wasn’t asked to anyway.
I dared not ask which of my Brothers she was fucking. Marshall obviously, but had Mike and Geralt gone there too? It didn’t look like it, but I couldn’t be sure. I should have nipped the situation in the bud that first night when I found Sy in bed with her.
Dinners alternated between awkward affairs and actually entertaining. Mike in particular was lively, filling dull moments with jokes and conversation. But usually towards the end of the meal Marshall would look at Lori, and the air in the room became electrified as if statically charged. I would leave the room as soon as possible.
One evening after dinner, I walked into the common room and the four of them were there. Perched on Geralt's knee, it appeared she was playing a card game against Mike and Marshall, a small stack of chips were in front of each of them. Her brows were drawn low in concentration as Geralt whispered in her ear and pointed at her hand.
They all looked up simultaneously. Mike and Marshall dropped their heads back to their cards, Marshall still hadn’t forgiven me for the punch and barely spoke to me during meals. His bruising had faded to a few dark circles under his eyes and he had a small cut on the bridge of his nose. Geralt nodded in greeting but didn’t say anything. 
Lori watched me move around the bar until Mike pulled her attention back to the game.
“It’s your turn Babycakes.”
She peeked over her shoulder at Geralt and pointed at a card. He nodded and grinned. Lori dropped the cards onto the table with a smirk and Mike groaned while Marshall dropped his hand with a disgruntled sigh.
“I won?” Lori asked, grining.
“G won,” Mike grumbled under his breath while Marshall nodded.
She raised her hands into fists above her head and bounced excitedly on Geralt’s knee. I turned my attention to pouring my drink, slamming the glass down angrily on the counter.
“Should we play again?” I heard her ask.
“I’ll deal,” Mike said.
“Walker, do you want in?” Lori asked.
I paused, the bottle of whiskey poised just about to pour.
“On the game,” she added.
Mike snickered.
I started to pour myself a generous amount before raising my head. All four of them were looking expectantly at me. I raised my glass to my lips and had a sip, relishing the sweet burn as it passed my throat and settled in my belly.
“No thanks,” I said, already walking across the room, “some people have to work around here.”
I went back to my office. I didn’t have any work to do, not really. All the leads we had in the investigation into Jake were being handled externally by various contacts who worked for us on occasion and I had decided not to take any more jobs until this one was over. We’d had requests and offers, but after investigating Jake and relaying the information to Hustle, I had a nagging feeling something wasn’t adding up. I think we were going to need everyone on this and Sy’s experience in particular was needed.
I lit a cigar and went to the sofa on the wall. I stared at the painting on the wall as I smoked, and drank, waiting patiently for the heavy buzz that would let me sleep.
I was getting close when the gate alarm went off. I went back to my desk and checked the camera feed and saw Sy rolling the large wire gate shut before riding off to the garage. I sat in the chair and waited.
It wasn’t long before he appeared, bag slung over one shoulder, helmet tucked under his arm.
“Walker,” he said.
“How did it go?”
He placed his helmet carefully on the desk, shrugged then sat. “It was straightforward. No problems. Need a report?”
I shook my head, “Not unless there’s something we should be aware of in future.”
He grimaced, “One or two things, but nothing urgent. I’ll get it to you in a few days.”
I expected him to leave but he stayed sitting in the chair. After a few moments he spoke. “How is she?”
“Alive,” I said.
He nodded. Quiet again, he looked all around my office at everything except me then spoke again. “Where is she?”
“I last saw her in the common room with the others. If they aren’t there, then I expect she’s with Marshall,” I paused, trying to figure out what the fuck he was thinking, but he gave nothing away so I added, “Like every other night since we got here.”
He nodded again. Still nothing, his face totally impassive, I couldn’t get a read on him at all.
Sy stood suddenly, “I’ll get that report to you soon.”
I wanted to ask him where he was going to go; his room or Marshall’s? I wanted to ask him why he did it, I wanted to tell him I couldn’t have done what he did, I wanted to punch the shit out of him and tell him he was a fucking idiot. Instead I waited until he left and went back to the sofa and stared at the painting on the wall again until I fell asleep.
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thewcrblers · 4 months
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American Pie (Glee Cast Version).mp3
a little headcanon scene i have for finn’s storyline in season six, this would basically take place in 601 ‘loser like me’ instead of ‘suddenly seymour’ ✰
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i want to upload my whole headcanon to tumblr but i still haven’t figured out how(?) i basically have a whole different show from season four to the finale lol. it focuses a lot more on the glee club, especially the newbies, no new york, and it will have a pov primordially from finn’s, showing his whole journey in finding himself and becoming a teacher, that includes rachel not taking charge of the glee club in season six, it would be finn !! omgg i have a lot of storylines, songs, justice for the characters, i can’t wait to somehow share it here
btw, in case it wasn’t clear, the “script” page is also made by me, this is not in any means material of the original tv show, lol
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Love In Trouble [Part Two]
Fandom: Elvis Presley, American Musician, RPF
Pairing: Elvis Presley x Original Female Character, Austin Butler x Original Female Character
Characters: Elvis Presley, Original Female Character, Austin Butler,
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 3582
Summary: Lori Presley lives the high life. She has a lovely home, a elegant wardrobe and her parties are the most sought after ticket in town. Not to mention her husband is the King of Memphis. But what if she no longer wants to be the Queen?
Tags/Warnings: This is a mafia au with detective austin butler entering the chat, Memphis Mafia, Detective Austin Butler, Adultery, Infidelity, Love, Angst, Unhappy Marriage, Murder, Court Room Drama in the loosest possible way, AU, Set in the 70s
Notes: I have this idea for a while but I’ve been deep in my marauders series so I’ve put it off. Is any of it written? NAH but it’ll be coming
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It was astounding how someone so young could have their life ripped away so suddenly and yet no one seemed to know how. In fact if Austin hadn't been so frustrated by the whole thing he probably would have found it sad. After collecting what evidence they could from the apartment they had done a sweep of the building, knocking on doors and asking its residents if they had seen anything that may help their investigation. All they had got in return was the same sentiments; Tony was a nice but quiet guy who kept to himself and never caused any trouble. And each and every one of them had given the same answer verbatim that on the night Tony was killed, which the coroner had established to be the thirtieth, they had not seen or heard anything. 
Now this may have been true because the coroner had said that whilst he couldn't be sure the definite time but he guessed sometime in the early morning which could explain why no one saw anything but from the amount of curtain twitching that went on around this town he wasn’t sure how anyone could possibly have missed a gunshot. But if people had heard it and were choosing to ignore a crime of this magnitude it only supported the theory running around the precinct.
He had thought John had been exaggerating when it came to the ‘Memphis Mafia’. Of course he knew that most cities had their mob problems but Memphis wasn’t exactly repping the levels of New York or Chicago. Which was probably why he wasn’t aware of the undercurrent that ran through downtown Memphis hidden behind the façade of music clubs and suave bars. Whilst John had told him about the reputation of Kings Bar and others under the same management his other colleagues had elaborated informing him with a certain amount of glee that this case was unsolvable especially if this had anything to do with the boss, Elvis Presley.
It had been a name Austin had vaguely recalled; a rising star some fifteen years previous who had burned out shortly after joining the draft. Unfortunately his fellow detectives had relished in getting him up to speed. Apparently after leaving the army the singer had found himself at a loss, his allure now dwindled in favour of the music of the swinging sixties. So unable to gain any traction in the mainstream he’d turned his sights on Memphis, buying up a run-down bar and turning into an arena for the music scene of the city. His own name was enough to draw people in and it had quite the reputation on the strip for being a good night out. Yet as business had boomed his notoriety had gained a different sort of traction and his good reputation had become debatable. It didn’t help that he had an egregious partner running half the show, a toad of a man called the Colonel whose own criminal past was just as questionable, or that he chose to staff his establishment with a gang of his cronies. Soon enough they’d gained a name and rap sheets to match with offences like racketeering, intimidation and bribery topping the list. There was also the rumour going around the office that their newest venture was using their many clubs to fence narcotics but the drug squad had yet to have any traction with that notion.
Not that it mattered. As Elvis Presley had gained notoriety he had also gained powerful friends. He knew people local government, the celebrities of Memphis and most importantly members of their fine establishment.
‘You might as well give up now,’ Robert Johnson, a fellow homicide detective had said as he’d appeared at the side of his desk where Austin had been pouring over his files. He didn’t particularly like Robert, even though he was the only one in the department remotely close to his age, because he had this air of smugness about him Austin didn’t gel with. And as he continued to speak Austin could see it glinting there behind his brown eyes.
‘What?’ Austin asked irritably.
‘This case,’ he said, sitting on the piles of photos on the desk.
‘And why is that?’ Austin challenged.
‘Because it’s unsolvable. Ain’t no one gonna speak out now they know it’s one of the Kings guys,’ he snorted. Austin had to clench his jaw, the vein in his neck throbbing in irritation.
‘A man has been murdered,’ he reasoned.
‘Yeah and if it has anything to do with his work friends bet your life no one saw or knew nothing. They run a tight ship you know. They’ve flown under the radar for worse,’ Robert said.
‘Well maybe it’s time they did get caught for something,’ Austin said, pulling his files from under the man’s backside with a grunt. Robert rolled his eyes, ‘and who’s going to prosecute them? The chief of police who gave Presley an honorary badge last year? Or the mayor who held a ceremony in his honour due to contributions to the city namely a fat stack of cash.’
‘They’re not the only people who run Memphis,’ Austin countered.
‘No, Presley and Parker do a pretty good job of that too,’ Robert said.
That was why he was sitting outside the bar yet again. He’d already been there once hoping that the patrons or workers would have some information on what had happened to Tony last Thursday given he had been working that night. But just like it had been with his neighbours it was a fruitless endeavour. His workmates had told him nothing was out of the ordinary that night and Tony had left on time after his shift. They hadn’t even felt under pressure when he’d enquired about him not showing up for work, suspicion weighing heavily in his tone, instead they simply cited that they’d assumed he had left town something that wasn’t out of the ordinary in their line of work, their service jobs apparently resembling that of a revolving door. So he didn’t know what he was hoping for now and as he climbed out of his Ford Mustang shutting the squeaky door he sighed. Kings was an old brick building on an intersecting corner of Beale Street. The outside of it was pretty plain, the blacked-out windows revealing nothing to the passersby but inside was a different story.
Every inch of the place was swathed in dark colours with leathers, silk and dark woods being the favoured choices for decoration. He supposed he could see the appeal should one want to frequent the infamous Beale street. It didn’t look too impressive now but at night, when the sunlight didn’t stream in through the windows and the lights were kept low he could imagine it had an aura to it only enhanced by the low chatter of patrons and the swirling of cigar smoke in the air. Of course at noon that aura wasn’t present and it kind of felt disjointed with the fluorescents, the daylight odd and jarring but it still had a presence to it. A notoriety.
Maybe that just stemmed from the way people took note of him the second he walked through the door, curious glances following him as he walked towards the bar looking around to see if he recognised anyone. There were a couple of older men in a booth in the back and a young guy standing at the far end of the bar. From what he could tell the guy seemed to be the bartender, hinted at by the dish cloth strewn over his shoulder, but he didn’t initiate anything. Even when Austin offered a small smile he didn’t respond, his eyes merely narrowing with suspicion. Unfortunately he wasn’t spared from the scrutiny as a man came out from a back door at that very moment taking him in roughly. He was quite tall, not much older than Austin if he had to guess, though he looked more weathered, his ruddy skin and receding red hair not lending itself the youthful air Austin still had in his thirties. 
Still scrutiny or not Austin put his best foot forward, offering the man an easy-going smile as he said, ‘hello.’
‘Can I help you?’ the man replied gruffly. Austin supposed he should’ve been thankful he wanted to get the chase but that meant he wouldn’t be able to angle the conversation as he wanted.
‘Uh yeah actually,’ Austin said straightening up, ‘I uh I stopped by the other day I had a couple more questions. I was just wondering if anyone else would be free to talk to me.’
‘Questions about?’ the man asked impatiently.
‘Tony Bowen,’ Austin said, ‘your employee.’
‘Oh him,’ the man said, his eyes flitting around the bar. They landed on a woman who was sitting at the other end of the bar but before Austin could follow his gaze he snapped his attention back and said, ‘you’re the detective right.’
‘Yeah, Detective Butler,’ he said, moving his jacket out of the way of the badge on his hip so that it flashed for a second, glinting under the harsh lights as he asked, ‘and you are?’ 
‘Red West,’ the man replied, ‘look, we already told you what we know.’
‘I know I was just wondering if anyone else could share anything. I thought having a couple of days to think might help jog a few memories,’ Austin said simply.
‘Memories like what?’ Red asked.
‘Well Tony worked here nearly eighteen months all told and no one seems to know much about him,’ Austin started, easing into his suspicions gently.
‘He kept to himself,’ Red replied and Austin had to fight to keep his face neutral even though he was wondering if that was the official company slogan at this point.
‘Really?’ he pressed gently, ‘because it kinda seems like a tight knit group here. Hard to imagine him not being friends with someone.’
‘Are you friends with everyone you work with?’ he countered. Austin offered him a tight smile but said nothing, hoping his silence would be enough to bleed something out of this stone of a man, ‘look he was some kid from the sticks of Florida who came here lookin’ for a job. We gave him one.’
‘And what was his job?’ Austin asked. When he’d first asked he’d been told Tony was a busboy or waiter, but before that he’d been questioning regular patrons who’d stated they’d hardly ever seen the boy working out front. He was always coming and going, ‘part of the entourage’ one had told him though he wasn’t sure what that call for.
‘Worked the bar,’ Red replied.
‘And what does that entail?’ Austin asked.
‘Whatever he was needed to do,’ Red replied, his soft jaw clenching in indignation as Austin eyed him dubiously, a scrutiny he was no doubt unaccustomed to these days even if he did relent to elaborate, ‘haulin’ crates and bussin’ tables.’
‘And he always worked inside the bar?’ Austin asked, already knowing that couldn’t be true.
‘That’s his job idn’t it,’ the man replied tersely, ‘look he came. He went. He didn’t cause any trouble. What else do you want me to say?’
‘He obviously caused someone some trouble,’ Austin countered.
‘Yeah well it ain’t nuthin’ to do with us at Kings so take your lil questions elsewhere,’ Red replied. Austin watched as he came towards him, flipping the bar flap over until it crashed unceremoniously in front of the detective before he pushed past him and out into the high sun.
Austin could feel eyes on him now though it was mostly patrons, the bartender having disappeared into the back at some point in their conversation. He half wondered if he had gone to get someone to remove him, back up should Austin cause any trouble. Yet as he sighed and turned to leave he heard a small voice say, ‘excuse me.’
When he turned it was the woman he’d not managed to get a proper look at. She was sitting on a stool at the end of the bar, her legs crossed elegantly over one another as though she was waiting rather than sitting there to be served. She was pretty, extremely so, soft pale skin complimenting rich chocolate coloured hair and dazzling blue eyes. In fact she looked like the epitome of a club patron even at this early hour, a short black dress ghosting along her thighs offset by the outlandishly large fur she was wearing. Given that it was knocking on eighty degrees he almost felt the urge to laugh but then it occurred to him that in here it was quite chilly something he hadn’t noticed it before.
‘Can I help you?’ Austin asked, realising he’d been staring far too long and she was now watching him unsurely.
‘Sorry to pry but I couldn’t help overhear,’ she said apologetically, ‘I just wondered who you were talking about?’
‘Uh, Tony Bowen,’ Austin replied, figuring it couldn’t hurt to cast his net any further seeing as his current capture was barren.
‘What about him?’ she asked quietly.
‘He was murdered Thursday night,’ Austin replied, watching a flicker of sadness come across her face though like everyone else in this place he recovered well offering little more than a, ‘oh that’s just awful.’
‘Did you know him?’ Austin asked.
‘What?’ the woman shifted nervously and then shrugged, ‘oh no, I don’t think so but it’s just such a tragedy isn’t it.’
‘Yeah one I’m not getting far with admittedly,’ Austin said, earning a sad smile.
‘Well I hope you manage to find something,’ she said, slipping from her stool and standing up, smoothing out her fur coat as she grabbed her petite purse from the countertop.
‘Thanks uh,’ Austin said realising he hadn't even gotten her name yet but she didn’t return it, already hurriedly swinging her bag onto her shoulder and moving around the bar as she murmured, ‘would you excuse me.’
Austin watched as she disappeared into the back room. He was inclined to wait for her but when the bartender returned, a scowl on his face he got the impression he’d long outstayed his welcome and headed back out to his car.
But when he got there he didn’t feel like going back to the precinct. Everyone knew where he’d been granted because most of them had told him not to bother, even John who despite being partnered with him on this case seemed to be happy to let the trail run cold in light of the overlap with the dubbed ‘Memphis Mafia’. Austin knew he was probably being foolhardy. That he was stirring a pot he probably shouldn’t get involved with but he wasn’t just going to stand by and bury his head in the sand just because it was risky. Just because of who Tony had been involved with did that not mean he deserved justice? Did his grandma, a woman who had sobbed down the phone to him for half an hour upon receiving the grim news, not deserve to know what happened to her grandson? Did the ‘mafia’ just get a pass because it was too much of an effort to try and get involved? No.
So, with that in mind he decided to do another sweep of Tony’s apartment. Sure, eye witnesses were getting him nowhere but that didn’t mean there wasn’t still other evidence to find. After all, even in an absence of evidence Tony’s home had shared a story. Maybe there was more to it to be found.
The apartment was just as barren as he’d left it though admittedly the smell had improved somewhat. The blood stain had long since dried but he wasn’t sure if it was that or the absence of a body that made it seem smaller somehow. In fact with just him in here now without the foot traffic from the sheriff's office it felt bigger now, lonelier. Just like his apartment did when he sloped in after a gruelling shift, the sound of the TV still not enough to shut out the thoughts whirring around in his brain.
He wondered if Tony had felt lonely in here. The lack of any art or personality on the wall made it feel like it was possible. Then again the absence of people in his life, or at least the absence of those willing to admit to knowing him, made it feel that way too. How could his grandmother be the only one who seemed to know or at least speak to him. How could no one pin down what role he had played in a company for nigh on a year and a half. It begged belief.
Austin moved around the room rifling through drawers but finding nothing out of the ordinary. There was nothing in his medicine cabinet of note, merely a few band aids and a bottle of aspirin which he’d expect to find in any young person’s apartment. His mail, which John had so painstakingly gone through, didn’t hint at any trouble such as aggrieved parties or owed debts. In fact the only thing that took Austin’s interest was the handful of condoms in his nightstand though Tony was young and working at a club so that didn’t exactly scream concrete lead if anything it probably hinted at more than one lead entering Tony’s life for a very short-term basis.
Eventually he turned his attention to the bookcase. There wasn’t much on it but it was where most of Tony’s personal possessions lived. There was a stack of records next to a player which Austin thumbed through finding the boy to be a fan of Sinatra and Dean Martin. There was a shelf full of books, mostly sci-fi novels though they looked in good condition, the spines not even cracked which gave him the impression they were a gift he’d no intention of starting to go through or he was too busy to get around to it, which posed the question of what he was doing instead of reading. Trinkets cluttered the rest of the gaps. Old baseball trophies, a clock, a plant. Nothing out of the ordinary just like the photo frame that was nestled on a top shelf. It wasn’t very big but it was visible from where Austin had perched himself on the arm of the chair so he stood and picked it up looking at the photo encapsulated inside the silver frame. It was of an older woman and a young boy and it looked as though whoever had taken the picture had caught the pair off guard as the woman was sitting in a lawn chair with the boy standing between her legs, nestled into her as if they’d been hugging before he’d had to turn his torso towards the camera. He looked as though he’d been crying, his eyes red and puffy, but his smile was present. Behind him the woman was beaming a smile, her hand on the boy's hip as if to reassure him she was still there.
Tony and his grandmother, Austin reckoned as he smiled. It was nice to put a face to the name, nicer still to think of her like this instead of the sobbing wreck she had been when they’d interacted. And above all it was nice to know this young guy actually had someone in his life who cared for him. 
With a sigh Austin moved to put it back but as he did he felt something flutter past his fingers on the back of the frame. As he placed it on the shelf he noted a piece of paper had fallen to the ground in front of him onto the beige carpet. He bent down and picked it up, turning it to face him.
It was another photo, well a photo strip, and each individual picture showed Tony and a woman. Except this one was not a photo of grandmotherly affection. Each picture showed the pair nestled up in a photobooth, laughing and joking until they were entangled in one another, lips locked for the camera to snap away at. Austin felt excitement run through him at the thought of a lead. Who was she and more importantly where did she fit in with Tony’s life.
The woman with him was young with shoulder length brown hair and a sleek figure clad in a chic satin dress. In one frame she had her eyes closed and her cherry red lips pressed to Tony’s cheek. No one had mentioned a girlfriend before. Of course Tony had been in town eighteen months and this girl could’ve been anything; merely one date or an old girlfriend back in Gainesville. That might explain why it was tucked behind a photo frame, hidden from view but still accessible may the longing to spark a memory come.
Still without a name or hint at who she was, it didn't really help Austin. Though as he stared at the picture he couldn’t help but feel like he did know her. Then again how many women did he see day to day. If he could just place where he’d seen her maybe that’d help. Then all of a sudden it clicked and he slipped the photo into his back pocket, the picture of the woman on Tony’s lap and a sitting elegantly on barstool merging into one.
‘Didn’t know him my ass,’ Austin whispered.
@girlblogger2002 @sania562 @caitlin1996 @literally-just-elvis-fics @notstefaniepresley @18lkpeters @velvetelvis @jaqueline19997 @elvispresleyxoxo @amydarcimarie @everythingelvispresley @elvispresleywife @lillypink @richardslady121 @louisejoy86 @ccab
@i-r-i-n-a-a @lettersfromvenus @artlesson8892 @presleyenterprise
@purejasmine @caitlin1996
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Stories We’ve Read & Enjoyed in the Past Three Years (2020 - 2023)
We had a recent request for stories that were not dark, and no character death. They wanted stories that would make for fun conversations - we’re not quite sure what that means exactly, since any story can spark a fun convo so we hope you all find something enjoyable to read. We’ve included 30 various stories - if you enjoy an author’s writing, definitely check out their other works! And it goes without saying, please leave kudos or a sweet comment. 
Thank you and happy reading!
Lynne, @hkvoyage @1908jmd and @lilyvandersteen
I Don’t Date Cheerios by @teddyshoney
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Kurt lands the lead role in a new musical, but it flops during the previews. However, his performance captivates Nashville’s newest country music sensation. They share an instant connection and it grows deeper as they get to know each other. Will Kurt be able to save the musical and keep the man of his dreams?
Christmas in Cabinland by @honeysucklepink
Sam enters Kurt and Blaine in a contest for a “unique Airbnb experience,” which turns out to be a rustic week in 15 acres of the Pacific Northwest rainforest. Far away from civilization, and with little interruption from their eccentric hosts, it’s a Christmas they won’t soon forget.
Barking up the wrong bakery by @forabeatofadrum
Kurt is the biggest dog party planner in Los Angeles. When his usual dog bakery cancels on Kurt, he’s in the dire need of a last minute replacement. Luckily, he comes across the Dalton Doggy dog bakery, which is run by Blaine and Cooper Anderson. Cooper’s a mess, but Blaine manages to charm Kurt. Will Kurt be able to keep it professional?
About-face by quizasvivamos
At the start of the Marching Band season his sophomore year, Blaine is the youngest Drum Major in McKinley High history. However, none of his peers believe he deserves the title, especially a handful of embittered upperclassmen, including one particularly stubborn Color Guard Captain, who challenges him in more ways than one.
Everybody’s naked and there’s a country to run by @coffeegleek
A take on the "prince/king!Blaine and prince/king!Kurt are getting married and have to do it while naked in front of their loyal subjects" trope. It’s pure crack taken seriously. I’m blaming the heat. The fic started as this wisp of an idea and a single funny Kurt line. It was supposed to all be fast paced and instead sometimes dissolves into a bit of world building, exposition, and Kurt feelings. I do try my best and hope that at least some of the jokes and humor land. It also developed a full blown plot that has a beginning and an end.
Braid of Gold by @jayhawk-writes
Kurt and Blaine ask Caphriel to make the decision about where they go next. He chooses a lifetime where Kurt and Blaine will have to navigate a situation they've not yet been in. They'll have to work through loss and betrayal and ultimately, their bond will be stronger as a family because of it.
Home away from home by @lilyvandersteen
Cooper buys a hotel sight unseen and asks Blaine to run it for him over the summer. Only, the hotel is a health and safety hazard and Inspectors Hummel and Abrams are hell-bent on closing it down. Can Blaine spruce the hotel up in time and save Cooper's investment?
These inconvenient fireworks by @redheadgleek
After an unexpected Tony award, Kurt Hummel is Broadway's hottest up and coming star, which comes with expectations and some admirers that won't take a hint. When his best friend Elliott Gilbert suggests that they pretend to date to get the leeches to back off, Kurt takes him up on the idea. It's all working out great - until Kurt starts to fall hard for the dark-haired music director of his latest musical.
Reprise by orphan-account  [PDF]
During Kurt's senior year at NYADA, a life-changing event causes him to take a leave of absence and what was supposed to be a short stay turns into years. His life certainly isn't what he expected, but he's not exactly unhappy. His name is not lit up in lights on Broadway, but he's involved in community theater and LGBTQ groups in Columbus and has friends who love him and casual lovers. But turning 35 has made him restless and he's longing for the life he had before. Burt talks him into taking some classes at Ohio State University to finish his degree and start focusing on himself again. What Kurt finds on the OSU campus is much more than he bargained for.
Turn Into a Pose by @little-escapist  
Singer-songwriter Blaine Anderson wants to come out of the closet. When his publicist sets him up with movie-star Kurt Hummel, he’s ready for anything, but the last thing that Kurt wants is a relationship with anyone, let alone Blaine. He hates his publicist for setting him up, hates the idea of lying to the world, and hates letting the world invade his personal life. But maybe Blaine Anderson is exactly what Kurt Hummel needs.
Spinning out by @rockitmans
Blaine is smitten with his college roommate literally upon arrival and decides that he's an excellent candidate for losing his virginity with. After all, what's better for Roomie Bonding than penetration between friends?
Solid Gold by @heartsmadeofbooks
Ten years after breaking his engagement to Blaine, Kurt's life isn't the fairy tale he once hoped for. Forced to leave New York, he goes looking for a second chance, not expecting to find it in the town he always wanted to run away from, or with the man whose heart he shattered.
Lost Boy by  my own patronus
In September 1999, Pam and James Anderson's world was shattered when their youngest son, Blaine, was abducted from a local park. 12 years later, after pain, healing, and tireless searching, the family is reunited. But the boy who comes home to them isn't the same one they lost so long ago. The Anderson family must learn to change and grow as a lost boy is found once more.
To Serenade an Angel by @teddyshoney
After the death of his father, Kurt receives a letter from a prestigious musical college, inviting him to attend. He decides to attend, and shortly after his arrival, he hears a strange voice beckoning him down a forbidden hallway. Kurt begins a relationship with the voice, unsure why he finds him so intriguing and why his heart beats more rapidly each time he thinks about the voice. Who does the voice belong to? And what does it want with him?
Since Sense Sensory by @gleefulpoppet
One rainy night, nestled at a patio table of a small café, Kurt broke off his engagement with Blaine in a moment of heated frustration that had been building for weeks. That was 12 years ago, and they haven’t seen each other since. Suddenly, they may find themselves reunited in a place they never expected. If you had a second chance with your first love, would you take it?
The Ghost Kitchen by @hkvoyage
At the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, Kurt lived in Lima with his father. Two years later, he returned to New York City. As he needed money to pay for rent and food, he got a job in a booming industry: food delivery. His first delivery order was a pick-up from Warbler Food Enterprises. Little did he know he would meet a cute chef there that would turn his world upside down.
Where Dreams Are Born by @kurtswish
Kurt Hummel always dreamed of New York, but reality doesn’t quite live up to his expectations. One impulsive decision could change it all.
Love, Blaine by @gleefuldarrencrissfan
Blaine Anderson is a typical teenager. Except he’s not because he’s hiding a huge secret. He’s gay. But after reading a confession on the informal Dalton blog, he discovers that he’s not the only closeted boy at Dalton. After a moment of courage, he emails him and ultimately starts up a friendship that will change life as he knows it. Loosely based on Love, Simon.
Teach Me Control by @scatter-the-stars
Kurt is in a established Dom/sub relationship with his high school English teacher, Blaine. And Blaine decides to surprise him on his nineteenth birthday with something he never expected.
looking for something that'll (never) come by @klaineanummel
Blaine Anderson-Chang knows that his crush on his brother’s best friend, straight football star Kurt Hummel, is foolhardy. But every now and then Kurt gives him a look and Blaine can’t help but wonder.
Domus Civita by JayhawkWrites
While on vacation to a city he’s never been to, Kurt Hummel finds himself in a place that he recognized from his dreams. The person he always sees in those dreams is there, too, and they spot him and ask, “Is it really you?”
Note: Part of the In Every Lifetime series
Bicycle Patrol Unit by @caramelcoffeeaddict
When NYPD bicycle cop, Blaine Anderson, begins to fall for Kurt Hummel - the gorgeous man that he first notices while Kurt is jogging through the park during Blaine’s patrol there - it causes a rift between him and his patrol partner, Sebastian Smythe
Never Saying Goodbye To You by @lilyvandersteen
Inspired by a beautiful drawing by @thisdoesnotsuck, this is a story where Kurt travels through time to the 1920s and falls in love with his great-grandfather’s secret beau. Featuring a family curse, doppelgängers, angst and confusion.
When Are You Gonna Sing For Me by  TheNameIsBritney
Kurt is one of the three members of wildly successful pop punk band One Three Hill. He is also forgetful as all get out and accidentally leaves his phone somewhere where a certain music teacher just happens to find it.
The pop star!Kurt/middle school music teacher!Blaine au that lives rent free in my brain
My Reader by Cleverboots (Amberlovesocean)
Kurt is looking for an after-school job. He finds an ad on the school bulletin board for a job reading aloud for someone. It pays well and seems easy, so Kurt applies. He gets the job and goes to the mansion to read for a boy that was severely injured in an accident. Of course you know the boy's name is Blaine Anderson. After a rocky start, they become friends and an amazing opportunity opens up for Kurt.
The Elf On The Shelf by kellyb321
The owner at Verve Design has decided the holidays at the office have been way too boring in the past. He's decided to kick it up a notch with a Christmas party, Secret Santas and...and adorable Elf on the Shelf for the office. Kurt might be a little smitten.
Outlined on My Finger, Printed in My Heart by @jayhawk-writes
Blaine and Kurt spent a while picking their next adventure. When they finally decided, Caphriel was elated. This was an adventure he had been waiting for them to choose.
Guard My Heart by @scatter-the-stars
The kiss isn't meant to change his life. But for Kurt, that's what happens when he kisses basketball star Blaine Anderson. Not wanting to concern himself with the guy, he focuses on going back to his normal life and saving a place he loves. When Blaine starts to show up in his life, he tries to ignore the feelings he stirs up in him. That's easier said than done, and Kurt soon finds himself falling for someone unexpected.
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sugoi-and-spice · 2 years
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Chapter Two - Dream a Little Dream
Pairing: Bully!Dabi x Fem!Reader, (3rd Person)
Summary: If a boy is picking on you, it means he likes you. She could almost laugh. By that logic, Dabi must’ve been fucking in love with her. That thought was what finally made the tears start to spill. Not because of how ridiculous it was or how isolating it felt.
But because it was exactly what she wanted.
CW: Alternate Universe - No Quirks (My Hero Academia), Dubious Consent, Unhealthy Relationships, Bullying, Manipulation, Humiliation, Childhood Friends, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Childhood Trauma, Power Play, Angst, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Drugs, Alcohol, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Attempted Sexual Assault. Future Tags: Rough Sex, Hate Sex, Smut, Porn With Plot, Explicit Sexual Content, Angst and Porn, Sadism
Read Full Chapter on AO3
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She skipped cleanup duty. The second the clock on the wall hit three, she was bolting out the classroom — not even waiting to hear if the bell had rung or for her homeroom teacher to ask her to hang back and talk about today’s “incident”. 
It was the sort of thing she never did at her old school, in her old life, but she had no choice.
Dabi hadn’t come back to class.
Of course, it’s not like that was uncommon. Dabi was a serial skipper even by this school’s standards. It was a strange day when he and his friends actually stayed in their seats for a whole day. She should’ve been used to it by now. And yet, every single time she couldn’t help but panic, couldn’t keep her mind from wandering. 
What if he wasn’t just skipping? What if he left the city? Ran away and changed his name a second time? Erased himself from her life for good? 
No, she couldn’t stand the idea of losing him like that. Not again. The thought was just too much for her to bear, especially on days like this, where he wasn’t just skipping gym or rolling into English late and high. Where he just took off for the rest of the day. It had her wondering lately if on days like this, she should just skip class too.
Panic filled her chest when he wasn’t in his go-to spot on the roof. It boiled higher and higher when the other spots — behind the P.E building, the defunct gardening club’s abandoned tool shed, the convenience store across the street — all turned up equally empty. 
That panic was threatening to spill out of her mouth by the time she’d finally found him and his friends holed up in an alley about halfway between school and the train station.
She nearly collapsed from relief when she saw them, grabbing her knees and doubling over so she could catch her breath, “Th-Thank God…”
The two blondes looked thrilled to see her — Jin with entertained glee, like his favorite trashy reality show just came on — and Keigo with an air of something else entirely, something she really couldn’t discern. But she knew she didn’t like it.
Dabi was the only one who didn’t look happy to see her. He didn’t look especially unhappy either. There was almost a sense of boredom in those heavy-hooded eyes.
He looked at her like she was nothing.
“See, aren't you glad we picked a new spot?” Keigo nudged Dabi and turned back with a grin, “Look how cute and worked up she is.”
Breathing steadied, albeit still a bit flushed, she rose back up to try and plead with Dabi not to scare her like that again, but the words caught in her throat when she saw the joint in his hand.
She looked back towards the traffic of students on the main road. Truth be told, they weren’t that deep into the alley, and there were still a lot of people out, including what looked like a teacher or two.
Just what were they thinking?
She jumped, attention back to Dabi. He motioned for her to come towards them. With one last nervous peek over her shoulder, she obeyed.
“You look nervous.”
“O-Oh really? I-I’m not, um, I mean—”
“Aren’t you happy to see me?” Dabi taunted before taking a long hit.
“Of course I am!” she cried, quickly catching herself when he scowled at the volume. She dropped her head submissively. “I… I just don’t think you should be doing… that . Especially out in the open like this—”
She held down a gag as he blew a long, steady stream of musty smoke directly into her face, trying to ignore the sting it brought to her eyes as his friends snickered.
But her resolve was rewarded, it seemed, when he reached forward and caught her chin between his long, sturdy fingers.
“Awww ,” he purred, “Is someone worried I’m gonna get caught?”
Her heart jumped straight to her throat as he tilted her up to look at him, completely gripped by the endless sea in his eyes just inches away from her. She’d dreamed for so long to be this close to them again. And yet now that she was here, she could barely handle it. There was an intensity to them that was almost too much to look at. 
She squeezed her eyes shut and nodded nervously.
“Well, in that case...”
Her eyes flew back open as she felt his thumb run slowly up her chin and bottom lip. She wasn’t sure what she was expecting to see. The hopeless romantic in her had hoped it would be his own eyes closed as he leaned in to kiss her. The realist expected a painful flick on the nose to punish her for having such childish daydreams. But the actuality she was met with wasn’t either of those things.
It was the joint.
“...I guess you better smoke it for me.”
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musicalmoritz · 2 months
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My name is Roxy. This blog is mainly for my rambles and shippy posts (not mutually exclusive). I am a writer on ao3 under the same name as this account. I’m just here to put my thoughts out into the world like an open diary, and to reblog cute shit💞💞💞
Fandom Interests:
• Current Hyperfixation- TBHK
• Other Animes (in no particular order)- Hunter X Hunter, Chainsaw Man, Fruits Basket, Madoka Magica, Kakegurui, Jujutsu Kaisen, Bungou Stray Dogs, My Hero Academia, Cowboy Bebop, Ouran High School Host Club, I’m In Love With The Villainess, Sk8 the Infinity, Adachi and Shimamura, Banana Fish, Demon Slayer, Mob Psycho 100, Spy X Family, Vampires In The Garden, High Rise Invasion, Kyo Kara Maoh, Kase-San and Morning Glories, Haikyuu!!, Death Note, Attack On Titan, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and Full Metal Alchemist
• DC Comics, mainly the female characters and anything related to the Teen Titans/Batman. I’ve been in this fandom for years due to adaptations but I’m relatively new to the comics themselves. Currently reading Batwoman's New 52 run and anything Cass Cain related I can get my hands on
• I do like Marvel but like mainly Spider-Man, the X-Men, and Black Widow. I'm refraining from posting about it for the time being due to the boycott
• I'm a big filmbro, my top 3 movies of all time are Dead Poets Society, Pride & Prejudice (2005), and American Psycho
• Classic lit is my favorite thing to read (aside from fan fiction). Currently reading The Idiot by Dostoevsky
• I love listening to musicals, my top 3 being Les Miserables, Falsettos, and Spring Awakening
• Some shows I like are Breaking Bad, Glee, Stranger Things (not posting due to the boycott), Gravity Falls, First Kill, Bly Manor, I Am Not Okay With This, The Middle, Adventure Time, Modern Family, Merlin, Doctor Who, and probably others I can't think of rn
• I'm really into classic fairytales🦋
• As far as music goes I am a critical Swiftie. I also enjoy Fall Out Boy, Marina, early Panic! At The Disco, Megan Thee Stallion, Nirvana, David Bowie, Stevie Nicks, and various other artists
• Some other fandoms I've been involved in include It by Stephen King (all media types), Twilight, Percy Jackson (boycott), The Hunger Games, Marauders, Camp Camp, Archie Comics & Sabrina, Dan & Phil, Hellaverse, Homestuck (save me), aaaaaand I think that's everything??
• My favorite piece of media of all time is Les Miserables, especially the book and the musical. I love it with all of my heart and it truly changed the way I live my life as well as my outlook on the world and religion💕
• My favorite character of all time is Dazai from BSD, I adore his character development and all the subtle details that add to his characterization💕
• I enjoy analyzing and yapping about my interests so expect a lot of that
Other Interests:
• I am a psychology major with an AS degree in psychology
• I practice wing-chun, though I am still somewhat of a beginner (white belt, my si-fu makes his students earn them)
• Writing is my passion and I have been working on my own novel for many years now. It is meant to be a three part series but I don’t want to publish the first book until it’s perfect
• Proud Cat Mom
• Being an older sister is like 50% of my personality
• I am a lesbian and a Christian and both of those identities are very important to me
• Believe it or not I am employed, though I won’t say where for obvious reasons💪🏻
• Raging Feminist
• Antique collector
• Complainer, not a hater
• Optimist
• Lover of all things pink
Again, this blog is really just a side quest, I’m much more active on TikTok so you might want to follow me there (femslash.enthusiast / #1 aoinene lover). I’m just here to yap about my interests and spread good vibes💕
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tennypress · 1 year
Hi! First of all love your writings. second could you pls do a yandere Samuel x fem! reader (with slight mentions of smut) were he becomes even more obsessed after she breaks up with him
Of course my favorite bumblebees!
minors dni
WARNING: kiss and break up, angst, boss x secretary, ex boyfriend, gender neutral reader
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“And you don't seem to understand”
You just look at the apartment with many memories you’d shared with him
On the outside he may seem like a gentleman but deep down inside you, you’d wish you did t meet him in the first time. Especially since you saw his actual side other than his “hot rich ceo” demeanor. How you’d wish you’d never stop to apply to that job
You were just a newcomer to OneMCN company to apply as a new beauty and gamer newtuber trying to earn money to support yourself and your family back in the countryside. You’d enter to get interviewed by him
Yeah you were attracted to him, but who wouldn’t? He’s tall, handsome, and rich(everyone Lookism simps type ever)
You enter the office and sat down. He looked through your files, and then you. At first it looked like he was t interested, but in his mind: he was immediately attracted to you, wanted to be your everything. He’d put on that serious cold face and started your interview.
After a while, he tells you that you were hired, you were officially his new secretary. He’d tell you that you start tomorrow, and you were full of glee. You’d thank him and left the building.
You know the next thing people(I know that I sound lazy, but like it’s 4am and I don’t have much to write about 💀, plus this is a one shot :)): you guys grow closer, he’d offer coffee dates, you guys see each other more often, you guys hang out on the weekend, then he’d asked the big question: will you be my one and only. Of course you said yes.
Sure this relationship sounds great, but cmon let’s be honest. This is Sammuel we’re talking about
He’d usually be so cold around you at the office, treating you like his secretary, you’d only respect his wishes by treating him as your boss
But it only got worst a few weeks where he’d lashed out on you, treat you like nothing, he’d ignore you, come home late smelling like alcohol and smoke. Worst of all, there would be situations where he’d harm you for the smallest things: like let’s say you accidentally spilled coffee on his paperwork’s, when you try to apologize he would grab your wrist and yell at you, then would angrily clean up your mess
You knew that this was unhealthy, but he would try to apologize with small gifts to dates where he wouldn’t talk to you.
You knew the sign and eventually would leave. Looking back at his home and left a note
A couple of days were about self care and healing. You’d eventually moved back into your small apartment near the city and eventually went to therapy for it.
You left your job at OneMCN and decided to ask for your classmate Jace for a job at the cafe he worked at. He was hesitant but agreed. You entered your new work environment and worked your hardest
A few months later you’d eventually made enough money to pay rent and send money to your family.
You’d eventually decided to celebrate at a local club and was escatic. You’d danced the night away, and eventually met a nice guy, Byung ho. You’d met him at the club and met him back again at the coffee shop you worked at. You guys eventually hanged out at his place.
While you and him were walking down the street, you both bumped into a familiar tatted man.
He’d just looked at the both of you guys dumbfounded, the look on his face wasn’t looking good. He’d just push Byung out of the way and grabbed your wrist to drag you to your apartment which was conveniently on the way.
He’d just slam the door shut and pushed you against the wall
“Wanna explain this shit to me y/n?” He said while he grabbed your wrist to pin you on the wall
“I left you for good Sammuel, Why come back to me?” You said trying to escape his grasp, but lmao you we’re struggling
“Who said you left me? I didn’t give you any signals who said you can just leave like a rushed car?” He said while his glasses were sliding off his nose bridge while he came closer to you.
You’d managed to kick him just enough for you to push him away, and you just walk away from him
But to your appeal, he just grabbed your wrist slightly, pulling you in into a big embrace
You knew that it was wrong, but it felt sincere.
You just stood there, while he turns you around and kisses you passionately
You’d dint pull back, push him away, or just slap him. You just gave in
The moon shining through your window and how the stars twinkled. You were enjoying the moment.
And that’s how he’d trapped you into your relationship. You’re trap like a fly in a spiderweb
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gilithan · 6 months
i never actually articulated on here where my love for emmerdale/aaron dingle came from, so i though i’d express my thoughts below (heavy discussion of mental health ahead)
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So in 2011-2012 I was struggling to come out. This was when I graduated high school and started uni. I came out to strangers first, new uni friends. The first time I said it I felt an immense shift, a weight lifted.
But I still struggled, majorly, with my mental health, thoughts of suicide. I felt unlovable, hopeless, worthless. This were deep-seated, and not solely from my struggles in the closet.
I sought catharsis, as I always do, in media. However, gay media - specifically, good gay media - was few and far between, especially back then. Shockingly, Kurt from glee didn’t quite cut it. As someone who wasn’t and still isn’t into the more club/hook-up side of things the more risque shows didn’t help either.
So I turn to Soaps. Not really realistic, but based in realism. Overdramatic, but drama was needed to draw out the emotions.
Aaron Livesy (now Dingle) was one of the first I found. He was moody, rude, violent, and so, so self-destructive. His highs gave me hope, his lows gave me catharsis. His relationships with his family (when they were good) showed me how even imperfect relationships are important, if they are genuine.
Through Aaron’s journey, I followed and got through my hardest times. I must have watched his initial run, on a loop, five six times. Then the impossible happened: he returned.
And boy did he return. My initial hatred of Robert aside, Danny, Ryan, and most of the supporting characters, had the best writing and acting I’ve ever seen on the soap. That really solidified Aaron as not just a weird guilty pleasure that I needed once, but something that I say without a doubt will stay with me forever.
Things happened, Ryan left, writing deteriorated, Danny left. I resigned myself to the slow wait. I am in a much better place, not perfect but so much better. And now Aaron has returned again! Writing is still not quite up to what it was (and a certain someone still hasn’t returned) but… yeah. That’s my journey with Aaron.
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daughter-of-melpomene · 7 months
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❝ Only five months ago, Leo had been convinced his life had been on a pretty steady path. It had been a good path, a path he was excited to go down - winning the championship with his school’s incredible hockey team, upholding the scholarship that kept him at the fancy school where he could play it until he graduated, and hopefully doing good enough that he could get drafted into the NHL someday (preferably to the Ducks, since they were his state’s home team and he’d been a loyal fan since he was a kid, but he wouldn’t be picky) and become a star player. And up until five months ago, it had seemed like all of his goals were within his sight… until he had been caught drunkenly making out with a guy from another school at one of his teammate’s house parties and realized that not everyone in California, especially not high school hockey players, were as accepting of queer people as people from other states seemed to think.
Attacked by his teammates, the guys he’d thought were his friends, in the locker room the following week, Leo had been left with a bunch of broken bones that meant he could no longer play hockey, a lost scholarship because of that, and a bunch of whispers surrounding his family that had led them to flee their small California town and relocate to his mom’s former home of Lima, Ohio. He’d also been left with panic attacks in the dead of night, days where he didn’t want to get out of bed, and a terrible all-consuming fear of anyone finding out his secret ever again, but he was definitely choosing to keep that to himself.
Thankfully, no one in Lima knew about Leo’s past or the reason his family had moved - so the instant his doctor proclaimed him healed enough to play again, he joined McKinley High’s hockey team, quickly becoming a star player and well-liked by the team because of his talent, and did his absolute damnedest to not reveal the secret of his past or his sexuality to anyone else. Sure, keeping that secret sometimes involved laughing at dickhead jokes his teammates made or not interfering when they pushed around the kids they deemed “freaks” or tossed slushies in their faces, and sure, Leo always felt like absolute crap when that happened… but if it meant he never had to endure an attack like he’d experience in California again, he’d just have to hope karma or God or whatever higher power there was would forgive him for standing by.
After a few months in Lima, Leo has started to make peace with the new path his life seems to be on, even if it’s nothing close to the one he actually wanted to go down… until a punishment from Principal Figgins after a prank gone wrong forces Leo to spend time with McKinley’s glee club, the school’s biggest so-called “freaks” of all, Leo starts spending more and more time with a goofy, unfairly cute boy with big glasses and even bigger ambitions… and his life swerves onto a new path once again. ❞
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General Taglist: @hiddenqveendom, @auxiliarydetective, @foxesandmagic, @artemisocs, @reyofluke-ocs, @endless-oc-creations, @stanshollaand, @ginevrastilinski-ocs, @luucypevensie, @ginger-grimm, @arrthurpendragon, @fakedatings, @impales, @claryxjackson, @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @eddysocs, @lucys-chen, @oneirataxia-girl, @ocappreciationtag.
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mllemaenad · 5 months
The Magnus Protocol: Getting Off
Much like Gwen, I would very much like to know what the point of this is.
The first time I listened to this, I had a horrible fever, and honestly I think my only takeaway was that dying to the sound of that irritating Mr Bonzo song sounds tremendously unfair. That's a gross insult added to fatal injury situation right there.
Now, listening with a clearer head, I just keep thinking – this feels like a ridiculously convoluted way to achieve anything. So what are they aiming for, with all this rigamarole?
Most of the victims seem to be ... well, moderately important, let's say? They're throwing a bachelor party in a private room in what sounds like an upmarket strip club, so they have some money to throw around.
And this:
Norris/Jordan Bennett This lot weren’t the worst. Just a bunch of heavyset, middle-aged lads with names like Ozzer, or Rozzer or whatever. My guess was they used to be a school rugby team or something. The groom was fine, acted embarrassed even though he was obviously keen and they were easily pleased. – The Magnus Protocol: Getting Off
... very much gives off private school old boys vibes. Er. I mean public school, since it's British. But regardless.
They're probably somebodies, up to a point. Successful in business or politics. Drive Audis or Lamborghinis, or whatever is fashionable these days (my entire understanding of what car people like may be derived from a couple of Top Gear episodes I saw over a decade ago). Vote Tory. Have wine collections. Send their sons to the same school they attended. That sort of thing.
But only up to a point. Jordan, the bartender doing the narration, pointedly doesn't recognise any of them. They're just more of the same sort she served every night. The Prime Minister didn't die in that strip club that day, nor did any famous film star, nor any CEO big enough to have been on the news defending his company's dubious business practices. Just some guys, presumably with a bit of money.
It took a bit to set up, too. All the business with the name and address in the envelope, which required a hand delivery to the monster. Then, of course, someone had to plant the lunch box – or I suppose it could supernaturally manifest itself, but that does not sound like less work. And it seems to have only worked because "Baz" the groom was genuinely a Mr Bonzo fan.
Norris/Jordan Bennett They started giving the groom gifts. Same old tat as always, cufflinks, poo gags, all the standard stuff. Then the groom spotted the last one on the table, this cheap yellow and purple kids lunch box. It looked old and shoddy and no one admitted to bringing it but the groom just squealed with glee and carefully opened it before pulling out a bunch old souvenir merch. Pencils, postcards, keyrings, all sorts of crap, all the same yellow and purple and last of all a cracked CD case. When they saw it the whole bunch gave this big laughing cheer. – The Magnus Protocol: Getting Off
He had to like Mr Bonzo to trigger the trap. Had that lunch box been delivered to Jordan she would have tossed it.
It required research and setup, and access to exactly the kind of monster to which Baz would be vulnerable.
For an assassination, it's obviously absurd; there have to be thugs who'll do that job with less associated nonsense. It's entirely possible that somebody wants these guys dead, but that can't be why the OIAR did it. It's also a lot for the purposes of generating a scary story. I mean – the OIAR is drowning in scary stories. And if I'm honest, this one wasn't especially scary. I mean, don't get me wrong – it's deeply unpleasant and awful, but I've never been much moved by "monster on a rampage" tales.
But on the other side of it, it's much too small scale for a The Magnus Archives-style ritual.
There is Jordan, though. The thing about Jordan is that she is very much the sister of Dianne Margolis from Give and Take. If you subtract the specifics of the monsters, the stories are basically identical:
A place of business
A monster that is in some sense invited in
A massacre
A single, surviving staff member, traumatised and seeking compensation
Jordan and Dianne themselves are both professionals who find themselves wildly out of their depths when confronted with a supernatural interloper. And, crucially, both were abandoned by their superiors, and that isolation made them vulnerable. Dianne has a boss who goes on "personal development sabbaticals" and doesn't answer her emails. Jordan has a doorman who goes on unscheduled smoke breaks. Now, in fairness to poor Joey the doorman, it does seem as though Mr Bonzo took him out first. But there's a lot of plausible deniability to be found in that history – sometimes, Jordan is left on her own, and if something were to go wrong ...
Norris/Jordan Bennett All I actually want is my hand back so I can tend bar but that isn’t going to happen is it? So I’ll have to settle for the next best thing and sue you for everything I can get, because I don’t know what happened that night but it was in your venue and no one came to help. Not Derek, not another doorman, no one. So yeah, you’d better have one hell of a settlement waiting for me, or I'll see you in court. – The Magnus Protocol: Getting Off
A bachelor party is an odd choice of a place to kill someone. This isn't Baz's address. He wouldn't be here long, and in practice might be hard to pin down: he could arrive late or leave early; he could decide to go hang out in the public areas for a bit. Jordan, though. This is her workplace. You can just about guarantee she will be there.
Monsters in The Magnus Archives were not primarily interested in killing people. I mean – they did kill people, obviously. Sometimes quite a lot of people. But they killed people because dying people are often afraid, or because if you're, say, trying to make people afraid of falling, throwing one guy out of a cable car will make an impression on the other passengers.
Killing wasn't the point.
We have, here, another semi-public murder with a surviving witness. Jordan is unlikely to convince herself this never happened because she has her missing hand as evidence.
Geraldine The witness statements from three murders over the last five years – Nigel (speaking over her) I told your producer this wasn’t going to be discussed. Geraldine – that claim a person in a Mr. Bonzo costume was at the scene? Do you think there could be a copycat? – The Magnus Protocol: Saturday Night
On her own, Jordan might just be a spooky story. But that's a fourth witness statement for Geraldine. There have been at least four cases over the past five years of something almost exactly like this: grisly murders, and someone left alive to tell the tale.
Something is trying to get everyone's attention.
And I wonder if the name Gwen gave Mr Bonzo wasn't Jordan Bennett.
As for who benefits, I have no doubt Alice is quite correct.
Alice What are you getting at? Gwen You never wonder what the point is? Who benefits from all this awfulness? Alice I don’t wonder. I know. Gwen (sitting up) What? Really? Alice (portentous) Oh yeah. I’ve known for a while. What we’re doing here, it’s all part of a grand plan to satisfy one of the most unspeakable evils known to mankind… Gwen’s on the edge of her seat. Alice (almost a whisper) …the UK government. – The Magnus Protocol: Getting Off
Sure, that's one of those lines that sounds like a joke, but which actually speaks the truth. That's been the horror all along: the difference between The Magnus Institute, that had to coax people in, and the OIAR, which can just harvest the horrors, sometimes from very private sources.
And I have not forgotten this:
Alice Colin! There’s my guy! How's it hanging? Is it an app yet? Do we have a minimalist logo? I assume you’ve finished all the social features? Colin Don't you start. I swear I'm going to shove a cable down that prick's throat, pull it out his ministerial anus and floss him to death – The Magnus Protocol: First Shift
There's a minister behind this mess, somewhere, and he is likely the one pulling the strings.
The question, mostly, is whether Alice knows she's right. She does talk a good game about indifference, of course, but it's becoming abundantly clear that the OIAR does not hire people who are not marked by the supernatural. And something is already following her.
What could she tell you, if she were ever willing to talk?
Celia and Sam are what remains, of course, but that's just more put-a-pin-in-it-for-later stuff. Whether Alice does or no, Celia has things going on, but she won't talk until the plot is right for it.
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kevinmchalenews · 2 months
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Strike a Pose ("Naked" S4 EP 12)
Grab your fans because it's getting hot in herre! Tina has a great idea to raise funds for the ever-broke Glee Club … the men of McKinley calendar! Jenna and Kevin vividly remember the filming of this episode and everyone having so much fun with their costumes, especially Kevin in his leprechaun outfit, what Chord did in between shirtless takes, and the real-life parallels in this episode between Tina and Artie and Kevin and Jenna. Plus, the stellar musical performances! The duo remember being in pure awe at Jacob's big solo, having the time of their lives filming "This is the New Year" and Kevin admits getting emotional during "Love Song" by Lea, Naya, and Dianna.
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porcelainvino · 1 month
[PART ONE] the room where it happens (b!g animatic): artist’s commentary
spoiler warning for eden, other than that, who wants to hear some lore?!?!
better!glee is my (kind of) glee fanfiction in which my favs are essentially my ocs (i do not claim to own the characters). there’s a difference between the “glee club members” and the “better!glee characters” because some of the main characters in the better!glee story are just side characters i like in the real show who aren’t in the new directions (ex: kurt is in the NDs as well as a main character in b!g, rachel is in the NDs but is NOT a main character in b!g, maud is NOT in the NDs but is a main character in b!g; it’s confusing but i’ll try to elaborate as we go on).
each character has their own color, but it has no secret meaning, it’s just to separate them/tell them apart. i was planning, but it was honestly too much effort, to draw all of the new directions, so i only drew the ones who are main characters in better!glee.
the story takes place during the canonical 3rd season of glee, but it does not necessarily follow the canon plot of that season/the rest of the show. some of my b!g characters may act “out of character” compared to canon, but this isn’t necessarily meant to follow canon. in this animatic, there isn’t really a “good side” or “bad side”, both think their doing the right thing but also have their own flaws; this isn’t meant to villainize any character.
i do not necessarily plan to ever post the fanfiction publicly because it’s genuinely mediocre and frankly not even a glee fanfiction at this point. i don’t mean to gatekeep it or anything, this is genuinely just for my irl friends, not for anyone else. despite the name, better!glee is not meant to “fix” the show nor make it “better”, it’s just for silly funzies.
backstory, and basically the first minute of the animatic:
the last major plotline of better!glee mainly follows maud, the violin girl from s1, and her effort to join the glee club. she was unable to and discouraged to join for the past 2 years by her brother and her peers (there’s more to that but it’s too much to explain), but after becoming friends with some of the new directions members, she’s motivated to join and help them win nationals.
kurt encourages her to join. he didn’t get any letter from nyada yet, and he is determined to win nationals to add on to his transcript just in case. maud films her journey/the glee club’s plans for nationals for an av club project, and kurt encourages her to so he can maybe even use it to help him get into nyada.
kurt takes charge to help the glee club win nationals. however, kurt, the b!g characters, and the rest of the glee club have a bit of beef at the moment due to previous events (there’s more to that but it’s too much to explain), so tensions are high, and friendships are strained. his closest friends, mercedes and tina, try to negotiate with him, especially in such a busy time frame.
for context:
maud sings aaron burr’s part
kurt sings alexander hamilton’s part
tina sings thomas jefferson’s part
mercedes sings james madison’s part
rest of animatic, feel free to follow along :3:
• kurt has control of how nationals plays out, prioritizing winning. mercedes and tina hold a photo of the better!glee friend group, prioritizing their friends, at least in the beginning.
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• the trophies are colored in the character’s color, representing how each one of them helped win that competition, like tina got to have a solo at sectionals/got to chose the set list (there’s more to that but it’s too much to explain). nationals has not happened yet so there’s no trophy.
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• despite having beef with half of his friends (there’s more to that but it’s too much to explain), kurt begs mr. schue to help, at least temporarily, reunite the new directions for nationals.
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• “the pieces that are sacrificed in every game of chess” plays while they point to maud. this is showing how the b!g characters in the new directions are slowly but surely abandoning the non-glee club b!g friends in favor of nationals (i hope that made sense).
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• i genuinely don’t know how to properly explain this part because i’m not really sure how i want the plot to be (for context, i’ve only written 16 chapters but i plan for there to be over 80, with this animatic being one of the last plots), but i suppose this could be interpreted as either if mercedes and tina brought up the importance of friendship to kurt, they could all reconcile properly OR maybe mercedes and tina saying that their friend group will be fine if they temporarily work on nationals rather than focusing on fixing relationships? i’m not sure.
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• just maud wanting to be in “the room where it happens” aka the choir room.
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• there’s a message on the bulletin board saying that the glee club will continue to focus on nationals by themselves and do not require extra members. maud gets mad at kurt for getting her excited for nothing even though he had most of the control of how things would play out and had promised her he’d help her get in.
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• maud realizes that kurt was never going to let her join and only hyped her up so she could record the success of the new directions to further his chances of getting into nyada, using her for his own gain.
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• kurt saying that the better!glee friend group is insignificant compared to nationals, at least in his eyes. from his point of view, winning nationals is his chance to change the course of his future, and attempting to mend relationships is just an obstacle to that goal.
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• this is just my favorite frame lol
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[click here for part two]
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 11 months
Do you know of any fics where Blaine is in danger?
Wow - that's quite a wide ask. It depends on what sort of danger! There's all the tabs for abused!Blaine; orphan!Blaine; kidnapped!blaine; dark!Blaine, badboy!Blaine or just danger as he's a solider; police or fireman; or famous! Or just the canon, where he's beaten up or in danger from racial abuse or homophobes. Here are some to start!
Lost Boy by myownpatronus 
On September 20, 1999, Pam and James Anderson’s world was shattered when their youngest son, Blaine, was abducted from a local park. Twelve years later, after pain, healing, and tireless searching, the family is reunited in a most unexpected way. But the boy who comes home to them isn’t the same one they lost so long ago. Each member of the Anderson family has to learn to change and grow together as a lost boy is found once more.
Unfound Family by @tonks42
After years in foster care, finding himself moving in with a new family has become all too frequent of a routine for Blaine. But in the aftermath of an attack at a school dance, Blaine finds himself living with a family that’s like nothing he’s experienced before. Life at the Berry’s home is a whole new world. Despite his struggles at McKinley and having to learn to live with Rachel, he doesn’t want to move on, especially considering the new friendship he’s forming with Kurt and the glee club everyone keeps trying to convince him to join.
The Warbler by TheWhiteOwl
Kurt is a famous actor and singer who gets threatening messages and phone calls. One night his house is attacked and his manager suggests him to hire a bodyguard… Or better a whole team, the Warblers. Things just turn more complicated when Kurt finds out that the Warblers’ leader is none other than Blaine Anderson, his former one-night stand.
Note: Part 1 of the The Warbler series
Westerville Abbey by @hkvoyage
Blaine is the second son of the earl of Westerville, and is considered the spare heir. After his 18th birthday, he attends the London Season to fulfill his duty of finding a wife. He soon realizes he is more attracted to the new footman. Kurt, who has just arrived at Westerville Abbey to work alongside his father, becomes equally as smitten with the earl’s youngest son. Will Blaine and Kurt be able to overcome their class differences in 1910s England? Will their forbidden love survive WW1? A Downton Abbey inspired historical Klaine AU.
Note:  Part 1 of Westerville Abbey series
Go Your Own Way by zavocado
Kurt Hummel just wants to get through his Junior Year at McKinley in one piece. But when the new guy from Dalton Academy Reform School for Boys takes an alarming interest in him, he’s certain he’s going to be in for a wild ride. Badboy!Blaine, Klaine, AU
Worthless/Priceless by captain pihkal and @anxioussquirrel
Kurt buys a beaten and abused Blaine at a slave market and helps him get better.
Catch me if you can By afterthenovels
In the end, catching Kurt Hummel is definitely not what Blaine expected.
Special Agent Blaine Anderson catches con-man and art thief extraordinaire Kurt Hummel twice, and on the second time they strike a deal. They're supposed to just solve white collar crimes together, but they might even end up solving each other in the process.
A White Collar AU.
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annepi-blog · 11 months
Thank you @fallevs for tagging me in the Glee game!
1. Favourite season 1 episode: Laryngitis (1x18) I was torn between this episode and Theatricality. But I decided to go with the episode that gave us Rose's Turn.
2. Favourite season 2 episode: Born This Way (2x18) The hardest decision for me, as there were so many great songs and very coherent storylines this season. Especially the narrative around Kurt is very good. I was thinking of either Prom Queen because of the beautiful story around Kurt and Blaine. But I decided to go with Born This Way because I love the music here, 4 out of 5 songs are in my Glee playlist. Somewhere Only We Know is definitely in my top 5 Glee songs, Born This Way is iconic, and As If We Never Said Goodbye just shows how good Chris/Kurt can sing.
3. Favourite season 3 episode: The First Time (3x05) It's rather difficult for me to decide here, because I found the season weaker, especially after season two. There is again a lot of good music, but the story has only scattered highlights for me, the characters don't do much and some story strands are not consistent. I like the music in Michael and Dance with Somebody but the story is only ok. I like the (sad) story of Karofsky in On My Way, but the episode is too packed for me. I chose The First Time because of the Klaine story and the good West Side Story music.
4. Favourite season 4 episode: The Break-Up (4x04) Please don't hate me, but I love a good cry. And maybe the authors could have come up with something other than cheating (I feel like that's the only thing the authors know to end any relationship?!) But I thought the whole situation was so realistic and well written. They are just 17 or 18 year old boys in their first relationship. Misunderstandings and mistakes are just part of it. I like that they have time to develop independently, and it's even nicer when they get back together. I also love the music in this episode.
5. Favourite season 5 episode: New New York (5x15). I love the New York story; I love domestic Klaine; I love the friendship between Blam and Kelliot; I love the glitter rock vampire scene; I love that Klaine is arguing, communicating, and making adult decisions. I love many of the songs.
6. Favourite season 6 episode: Dreams Come True (6x13) I thought it was a great ending for Glee, especially in combination with the 2009 episode. Is it realistic that all Glee Club members are super successful and famous? Who cares! I loved that the main characters all had a great future written for them. And I love that Klaine become parents in canon.
7. Episode that makes me cry: The Quarterback (5x03) and The Break-Up (4x04).
8. Episode that makes me laugh: Puppet Master (5x07) I love puppet master Blaine!
9. Favourite tribute episode: Michael (3x11) This is difficult, the tributes are always very good. I'll take Michael, but more for the music.
10. Favourite Christmas episode: In A Very Glee Christmas (2x10), I LOVE Baby It's Cold Outside. But for the story, I like Glee, Actually (4x10) better.
11. Episode with the best songs: I can hardly decide, there are so many good ones. The first episode that comes to my mind where I like every song is Duets (2x04).
12. Favourite sectionals episode: Hold on to Sixteen (3x08) The Unitards' number is great; the Troubletones' singing is great (don't hate me, but the costumes and choreography aren't for me); I love the New Directions' setlist, everyone gets a chance to shine and the songs form a good unit.
13. Favourite regionals episode: I just realized that I find the regionals setlist all just ok. I'll take Journey to Regionals (1x22) because of Bohemian Rhapsody.
14. Favourite nationals episode: City of Angels (5x11) I have to say that I liked the New Directions setlist here better than in season 3. Even though Paradise by the Dashboard Light is of course great, I never liked the focus on one soloist or couple in competitions. I just like it when everyone sings together. And they were so much better than Throat Explosion.
15. Episode most people like but I don’t: I can just agree with @fallevs. Blame It on the Alcohol (2x14) Although I think the party is generally fun, I hate Rachel's selfishness. There is ONE other gay teenager who her gay best friend likes and she is trying to start a relationship with him. Because he can sing. Even though there are 99% other straight boys at her school and she knows that Kurt likes Blaine. The same goes for the Kurt is biphobic thing. He's a boy in love who is hurt by his crush, and the writers didn't write that argument well.
16. Episode most people dislike but I like: Again Puppet Master (5x07) I just love puppet master Blaine. He is so funny.
I tag @kirakiwiwrites @mynonah @1908jmd @rockitmans @daisyishedwig @cryscendo @esilher but no pressure!
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Chapter 3
Kurt plopped onto his couch. Today had been exhausting and exhilarating all at once. He could feel his smile etched into his face.  He and Blaine got to the second chorus and April callled cut, storming the stage and capturing Kurt in an enormous hug and declaring that he was their flying green bitch. He wasn’t sure if April had mixed up her words or if Mrs. Rhodes was just being affectionate.  At this point, it didn’t matter. He had scored his first Broadway role. He was also the first male to ever play Elphaba.   He had wanted the role since he had seen the musical the very first time. His former glee club teacher had told him that he could never be Elphaba because he was the wrong gender. Mr. Shu could suck it.   
He was so excited that he couldn't stay still. He rose to his feet, humming ‘As Long as You're Mine,’  practically skipping into his kitchen. He grabbed a Keurig pod and put it into the holder. He poured the water into the machine and placed a mug under the spout. He pressed start as his mind replayed today’s events again. 
He listened to the steady drip of his Keurig as his humming turned into singing. He needed to go over the script tonight so he’d be ready for rehearsal tomorrow, but he was too excited.  He wanted to share it with the world. However, he was told quite bluntly that if he announced his involvement that April would use the staple gun they keep in the staff room to neuter him and promptly fire his ass.  He wasn’t going to take any chances.  He began singing “Defying Gravity” as he wiped down his counter.  He was floating on air. So what if he had to remain silent about his casting.  He was happy. Mostly.
His mind flashed back to what had occurred on stage between him and Blaine. Electricity. Pure chemistry.  At one point Santana asked if she needed to create a diversion so that they could sneak off behind stage and screw like rabbits because she couldn’t take all the endless eye-fucking. Kurt wasn’t even sure that was a thing. But he was sure that it definitely made things awkward, especially since Blaine lived above him with his boyfriend.  A boyfriend that he loved deeply, at least it certainly sounded like it with their nightly sexcapades. He was shocked that it wasn’t currently happeni-
“Grip it tighter, Blaine.”
And there it was.
Kurt sighed. He was honestly relieved that their song was interrupted when it was.  It was supposed to end in a passionate kiss. Blaine had barely opened his mouth to sing when Kurt felt beads of sweat form on his hairline. His hands had become clammy, and he was trembling. Because at that moment, he realized that he was thoroughly fucked.  
“Yes, that’s it!” 
And this was the reason that he was screwed. He would have to perform this scene with Blaine on stage, rehearse it day in and day out.  They’d have to perform it eight times a week, most likely with Sam in the front row cheering his boyfriend on and glaring daggers at him. He’d have to kiss a man that he was falling for; and then go home and hear his perfect boyfriend pound into him over and over, night after night. 
Kurt trudged from the living room and into his bedroom.  He collapsed directly onto his bed and buried his face into his pillow. He laid there for several minutes, willing himself not to scream or pull his hair out.  God, he needed to move apartments.
He sighed deeply and even contemplated skipping his skin care routine and turning in for the night. Then he heard a beep.
 His Keurig. He had nearly forgotten. Oh well. A glass of lemon tea might help calm his nerves and help him relax. He sighed and rose from his bed, smoothing the wrinkles from his bedspread he just made when he collapsed onto it in frustration. He plodded over to the counter in his kitchen and grabbed the full mug.  
Bam! Bam! Bam!
Kurt yelped in surprise at the banging on his door and promptly dropped the mug.  "SHIT!" 
“Kurt? Is everything ok in there?”
“Blaine? Yeah, hang on. Be right there.” Kurt called. He walked to his door and unlatched the chain. “Pardon the mess.”
“Do you have a cat that likes to send your dishes hurtling to the floor or do you just have a personal vendetta against glass?” Blaine smirked as he reached for the paper towels on the counter and brought some over to Kurt, who was dabbing at the wet mess on the otherwise spotless floor.
“Seems to be the latter as of late,” Kurt pouted. “Although the cat scenario would make me seem less clumsy,” he said as he wiped up the remaining tea off the floor.
“No worries. The day we moved in, I dropped a couch on Sam,” Blaine laughed. “You broke some glass. I nearly broke his ankle.”
“I guess when you put it that way, I don’t feel so bad,” Kurt chuckled. “Did you need me for something?” he asked as he grabbed the broom and the dustpan and began to sweep up the broken glass. 
“I just thought I’d come down and see if you wanted to rehearse. You seemed overwhelmed today during rehearsal.” His neighbor smiled as Kurt finished sweeping up the mess.
“I can’t be that great of an actor if you sensed that.  I was trying to be a little less obvious,” Kurt said as he emptied the dustpan into the trash can and returned the broom to its place in a tiny closet.  
Blaine shook his head. “You’re a great actor, but I sensed it because I was a little flustered too. April does that sometimes. You’ll really be getting into character, really vibing, and then she calls cut! You were really getting into it, and I could tell you wanted to finish. Do you want to run back through it? Finish it?”
“You wouldn’t mind?” Kurt asked as he motioned for Blaine to take a seat at the table as he did the same. 
"Of course not?" Blaine smiled. "We're in this together."
"And Sam?"
“Are you kidding? He’s the one who sent me down here.  He heard you rehearsing and said you might want some company.”
Kurt blushed. “He heard me? I guess I should’ve suspected.  There’s not much insulation between our floors. I hear all kinds of things going on up there,” he said as he glanced down at the slate gray tile floor, his cheeks hot with embarrassment. Was Blaine aware that he could hear him and Sam in the throes of passion?
Blaine cocked his head. “Is that so?”
“Yeah. You two aren’t particularly quiet,” Kurt said, biting his lip.
“Casualty of apartment life in the big city, I guess,” Blaine shrugged, missing Kurt’s mortification at his response. Apparently he was aware of it, and it didn’t phase him in the least. “Anyway, I thought I’d come down and offer my assistance since we’re co-stars now.”
“So, what do you want to rehearse?” the brunette asked as he went back to the counter and pulled out two Keurig pods. He pulled out two mugs from the cabinet. “Would you like some lemon tea?”
“That depends. Will it too meet an untimely end on the floor,” Blaine grinned cheekily.
“No, it could end up in your lap if all your words are so snarky,” Kurt laughed heartily. “I never claimed to be coordinated.”
“I’ll alert the cast and crew,” Blaine chuckled as he raised his head, his gaze meeting Kurt’s. 
Kurt poured water into the machine and hit the brew button.  He motioned over to Blaine as if to ask if he wanted to take a seat.  Blaine walked over to the table and Kurt pulled the chair beside him out so that Blaine could sit down.  Kurt giggled. “So, how did you get cast as Fiyero on Broadway? That’s a pretty big feat.”
“You’re kidding, right?” Blaine chuckled. “It’s not a complicated story. I figured you already knew the gist of it, with your nepotism comment and all.”
“No. I didn’t realize you were a Broadway actor,” Kurt replied. “I thought that you were just the piano player.”
“Ouch,” Blaine pretended to be offended then he smiled gently. “Just a piano player, huh?”
“An incredible piano player,” Kurt replied, blushing. “But yeah. I’ve never seen you in anything. I think I would remember if I had.”
“Is that so? Blaine playfully batted his eyelashes. “And why is that?”
“‘I’d remember anybody with a head that big,” Kurt laughed. “So, why did you think I’d recognize you? What have you starred in thus far.”
“Oh, absolutely nothing on Broadway. I’m finishing college. I’ve done a few small roles off Broadway, much to Coop’s chagrin. 
Kurt  scratched his head in confusion. “Coop? Cooper Anderson?”
“AKA my big brother, and Broadway actor Extraordinaire.”
“HOLY SHIT!” Kurt blurted. “Cooper is your brother?”
“Yep,” Blaine said, popping the p. 
“I can’t believe your brother is Cooper Anderson!” Kurt clapped with excitement. “I loved his commercials, and I watched some bootlegged videos of him in the revival of The Boys in the Band.  He’s the most gorgeous man in North America.”
 “Yeah, and he’ll tell you that too,” Blaine said, rolling his eyes, but Kurt could tell there was affection behind the annoyed look. “My brother and I met Rachel Berry in Ohio where we both grew up, and we all participated in community theater in Columbus. When they graduated, Rachel and Coop auditioned for NYADA together.  She got in. He did not, but he started modeling and acting in commercials.”
Kurt didn’t say anything.  He just nodded as if to encourage Blaine to continue with his story as he arose from his seat and walked over to the Keurig, which had beeped. Kurt added more water and the second pod as Blaine continued to talk.
“Rachel and Coop went to high school together and they starred in their school musicals together. They even dated, but it didn’t work because they are too much alike.  Rachel auditioned for parts while she was at NYADA, and she got the part of Fanny Bryce in Funny Girl. She convinced Cooper to audition for an ensemble role in the show and he got it. He’s been in several shows with Rachel since then. He auditioned for one of April’s shows and she just loved him. They bonded partly because they are both from Ohio. He introduced her to Rachel, and they started to collaborating to put on an all-white version of 'The Wiz'. They worked on it for awhile, and it opened up to horrible reviews and was critically panned. So Rachel suggested they try 'Wicked' for a chance at redeeming all of their reputations.” Blaine chuckled as Kurt brought him a steaming mug of lemon tea. “Thank you,” Blaine said as he took a  small sip. Kurt took a seat once more and nodded for Blaine to continue.  
“Anyway, when I graduated, I auditioned for NYADA and I got in. Rachel recommended that I audition for some small parts like she and Coop did, and I got a few small parts off Broadway, but I didn’t really land anything big until now. “
“Did Rachel put in a good word for you?” Kurt asked.    
“Kinda. April wanted Cooper, but Coop wants to go to LA and try movies. Rachel recommended me to April, and the rest is history.”
“So I was right about nepotism,” Kurt grinned.
“Hey, I went into the audition with a false name. I wanted to get the role on my own merit and I did. April didn’t know that I was Cooper’s brother until after I got the part.”
“I’m just teasing.  If you made it into NYADA, you have to be incredible. I auditioned and I didn’t get in, even though I nailed my audition.”
“I bet you did,” Blaine smiled. “But Madam Tibbedeaux is a tough critic.  She failed me once because I did a duet instead of a solo for a performance.  She said I broke the rules.”
“Sounds like you kinda did, but sometimes you gotta throw your plans out the window and just trust your gut.  It sounds like that was the wrong time to do it, but you learned from it, right?” Kurt chuckled. 
“I did,” Blaine replied, smiling fondly at Kurt. “Tell me about you though. “Are you in school? You said you didn’t get into NYADA.”
“No. I go to NYU, but it’s ok. I audition a lot. It hasn’t really gotten me anywhere yet, until now, since I don’t have the hookup like you do,” Kurt teased..”
“Hey, I could’ve helped you out if you’d told me you were an actor. All that time you helped us unpack and you didn’t say anything,” Blaine replied, shrugging his shoulders.
“But you did. April said you requested me.” They were interrupted by the Keurig once more. Kurt quickly got up and retrieved his tea and came directly back to the table.
“You were the best. Besides, the only other person that came in that could do the part had onion breath. No thanks,” Blaine laughed. 
Blaine looked up at the ceiling. ” Wow! You weren’t kidding.  You can hear everything.”
Kurt looked down at the steaming liquid in his mug and took a sip of his tea. “Oh, you don’t even want to know. But usually I just hear a lot of music,” Kurt lied, feeling the heat on his cheeks. “I’ve heard you play through the ceiling, both of you. I’m more partial to your songs as opposed to Sam’s.  I mean, “Red Solo Cup is stupid,” Kurt said, rolling his eyes. “You have more of an eclectic taste. I especially enjoy your Disney and Broadway covers, especially ‘Sugar Daddy’ from Hedwig.”
“I didn’t know that you could hear that.” Now Blaine really was blushing as he finished his tea.
Kurt laughed. “I told you that I can hear a lot.”
Blaine’s head dropped to his hands in mock shame. “Well, at least you couldn’t see me in my high heels, fishnets and denim skirt.”
“I’d pay to see that,” Kurt laughed.
“You don’t have to. I’d let you see it for free,” Blaine smirked as he pulled up a picture on his phone. 
“Wait, you aren’t kidding?” Kurt laughed. “God, when was this?”
“Halloween last year. It’s my dream role,” he laughed. “That or Harry Potter in that Starkid musical. That just sounds like a blast.”
“Oh my God, that would be awesome. I’d love to be in a Very Potter Musical show too. But I’d probably be cast as Fred Weasley.”
“I know she’s not in that version, but you would so be Professor McGonagall,” Blaine replied with a knowing wink.
  “Oh my God! How did you know she was my favorite!” Kurt practically squealed.
“Because she’s amazing! And so are you,” Blaine replied. “Alright, are you ready to rehearse?” Blaine asked, rising from his chair.  He pushed it back under the table as Kurt stood up and stretched.
“Yeah.  Where did you want to start?” Kurt asked as he walked back into the living room. “Did you want to work on ‘As Long As You're Mine’ right now?”
“Yeah, let’s do it,” Blaine replied.
Kurt felt his cheeks flush as heat went through his face. He nodded. “From the top?”
“As opposed to the bottom,” Blaine chuckled. “Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Definitely, not from where I’m standing, anyway,” Blaine said, flirtatiously as he glanced at Kurt’s ass briefly and leaned in toward Kurt. “Did you want to start on the floor? Like we did at your callback? Get into character?
Kurt could feel himself start to perspire. Worse, when Blaine put his hand on his waist and slowly got down on his knees so he could get in his starting position for the number, Kurt felt his pants get tighter. Shit. This would get awkward fast. Blaine cupped Kurt’s face.  
Kurt pulled away and turned around awkwardly. “Um, I- we could try one of the other songs.  I’m not sure it’s a good idea to work on this one right now,” Kurt said, biting his lip and backing away a little.  He was getting aroused and the last thing he needed was for Blaine to notice or make the situation worse.  As close as they had to be during this scene, it could get really awkward fast.  
Blaine nodded. “Ok. But we don’t share very many songs together.  Actually, this one is it,” Blaine pouted.  
Kurt squirmed, willing his mind to think of unsexy thoughts because his body was still riled up just from the thought of being close to Blaine. “Yeah, but it’s so - intimate,” Kurt admitted, bashfully turning red. “And I just don’t know how comfortable I feel like we barely know each other and then we have to-”
Blaine took Kurt’s hand in his and nodded. “Yeah, I get it. That makes sense, and if you aren’t comfortable doing this yet, we can practice it another time. But you did great today.”
“It was different. I was on the stage and running on an adrenaline high. I mean, I was trying to impress Rachel, April, Cooper, and-um you.”
“You did,” Blaine said earnestly. “You’re great. But I will warn you that April gets a little personal. You heard her today, and we didn’t even get that deep into the song. She’ll want us to really go for it.”
“Oh God! Like how personal?” Kurt groaned.
“This is an intimate song, with several kisses and we’ll have to be really close,” Blaine replied. “Like this,” Blaine said, stepping in. “Are you ok with that? If I’m making you uncomfortable, we could work on something else for a while.  Work up to it eventually.” 
“No, it’s ok. I just need a minute,” Kurt said, taking a breath. “Are you sure Sam is ok with this? I mean, he’s right upstairs.”
“I could call him to come and give us feedback,” Blaine suggested. “He’s done that before, when I’ve rehearsed. We’ve even read together when I have auditions. Sam’s surprisingly up for almost anything.”
Kurt turned red. ”Um, no. Definitely not. Let’s just try to get the vocals down. We can work on the choreography later.” 
“Whatever makes you most comfortable,” Blaine nodded. “Tell you what. Let me just start the track.” Blaine pulled up the track on iTunes on his phone. “I downloaded this to rehearse with. I’ll let you take the lead. I’ll follow you, ok. You start the song, so I’ll just follow you.
The music started and Kurt took both of Blaine’s hands in his own as the music began. Kurt opened his mouth to sing.  
Kiss me too fiercely
Hold me too tight
I need help believing
You're with me tonight
Kurt moved in toward Blaine, dropping one of his hands and cupping his face. Blaine then took his now free hand and placed it on Kurt’s waist. Kurt nodded as if to say this was ok. 
My wildest dreamings
Could not foresee
Blaine’s other hand slid into Kurt’s hair, removing a strand from his face. 
Lying beside you
With you wanting me
Kurt moved in closer, caressing Blaine’s hand that had moved from his hair to his cheek. Kurt’s other hand wrapped loosely around Blaine’s neck. 
And just for this moment
As long as you're mine
One of Kurt’s hands slid across Blaine’s shoulder and down his chest. The other was still cupping his cheek.
I've lost all resistance
And crossed some border line
Kurt slid his fingers down Blaine’s jaw and traced down his neck. He leaned in so their bodies were closer still. Blaine slid his hand around Kurt’s trim waist.
And if it turns out
It's over too fast
I'll make every last moment last
As long as you're mine
Kurt leaned in so his and Blaine’s bodies were nearly pressed together. He could feel Blaine’s breath on his skin. ‘Kiss him before his solo. Kiss him!’ his brain cried. He cupped Blaine’s jaw, leaned in and…
Blaine jerked away as he reached into his pocket. His phone was vibrating. 
Blaine pulled away from Kurt immediately. He grabbed his phone from his back pocket. “It’s  Sam! I need to answer this.  Sorry. Sam, I heard you screaming. Are you ok? You did what? OH MY GOD! I’ll be right there.”
“Blaine? What happened? Is Sam ok?”
“Yeah, but I need to go,” Blaine said, rushing out the door, the door almost slamming behind him.
Kurt ran his fingers through his own hair and pulled. What the hell was that? He nearly kissed Blaine. His boyfriend was in the apartment above him and they had their hands all over each other. 
It was the song, Kurt rationalized.  It was even written in the script that Elphaba and Fiyero were supposed to kiss right at that moment. He was just getting pulled in by the music. The melodies weren’t responsible for the sensory overload he felt everywhere, from the tingling in his fingers and the places on his skin where Blaine had touched him to the scent of coffee and raspberry still in his nostrils where Blaine had been so close to him. The music wasn’t what was making him more aroused than he had ever been in his life.
He was being pulled in by lust and desire for Blaine. Gorgeous, perfect Blaine.
“DAMMIT SAM!” Kurt heard Blaine cry out, but he didn’t hear anything else. He didn’t want to. He grabbed his noise-canceling earbuds and shoved them into his ears. He didn’t need to hear anything from his neighbors tonight.  Blaine loved Sam, and Kurt almost caused Blaine to cheat.
But it wasn’t cheating. Blaine was acting. He had his perfectly-sculpted model boyfriend. He didn’t want Kurt. He was pretending. The problem was that Kurt wasn’t. Tonight, he’d lie in his bed and not sleep, replaying every moment that they were in each other’s arms, replaying the lyrics over and over in his mind, feeling every line throughout his body and soul because they were all true.
Except none of them were. Because the lyrics said as long as you’re mine. And Blaine wasn’t his. He was Sam’s. 
Kurt wanted to scream and cry all at once.  He knew how Elphaba must’ve felt, longing for Fiyero although he was engaged to Glinda. Kurt clenched his fist.  Blaine was Sam’s, not his. He couldn’t be responsible for Blaine cheating, even if Blaine said Sam was cool with it.  Because he himself wasn’t ok with touching and kissing a man day in, day out when he was so overcome with desire and lust for him.
Kurt knew what he needed to do. As much as he wanted the part, he needed to march directly up to April and tell her the bad news. She would need to find a new Elphaba because he was turning the role down.
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