#especially since the second one has the rainbow behind it
zylphiacrowley · 19 days
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"Come away, O human child! To the waters and the wild With a faery, hand in hand, For the world's more full of weeping than you can understand." ~The Stolen Child by W.B. Yeats
vv extra vv
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bunniandhoney · 2 months
Angst | He doesn’t realize what he has until it’s gone, fast-forward he sees her back at the premiere
P.s Just for fun , Idk how he is Irl he is a sweetheart tho
Dear Anon,
How did you know I love angst? 😏
Life’s a Marathon
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Jacob takes his best friend for granted.
Y/N found herself in the most awkward predicaments. Never by her own design but certainly by the construction of her best friend Jacob.
“I think i might’ve fucked up” Jacob says looking down at Y/N as she ties her shoes. “I think I’m going to have to agree, neither one of us should be running a marathon this early or really at all.” YN replies with a grim look on her face.
She definitely shouldn’t have agreed to this. She hates sweating and gets her daily exercise from the 25 minute walk from her apartment to her office job. But since she has a burning crush on her best friend she has such a hard time telling Jacob no, actually she’s never fully told Jacob no.
Like that time in Year 10 when he’d ask her to help with his final paper. Even though she was behind on hers and working extra shifts at the cafe she still did his, resulting in her earning a C+ on her paper and an A on his. Or when she told him she just wanted a relaxing night in for her 18th, but Jacob insisted on hitting up every pub in the city. She then spent the last moments of her 18th birthday rubbing Jacob’s back as he emptied his guts in the toilet. This is what best friends do though, they sacrifice, they care, and apparently they run marathons with zero training.
Finally on her feet Jacob pulls her in by her shoulders. “ Quick let’s take a selfie to remember this moment”, with wide grins facing his phone Jacob takes the picture.
“Will all runners please make their way to the starting line” the announcer says.
YN is starting to feel sick. “ You know I can always wait for you at the checkpoints and cheer”
“Yeah but where would the fun be in that? Besides you can’t leave me now, we’re at the starting line.” Dragging her feet YN follows an excited Jacob to the starting line with the rest of the runners.
The sound of the gun signals the runners to start, and they’re off…well Jacob is. YN is already at the back of the pack within 60 seconds of the race starting and her best friend is nowhere to be found.
When she finally finishes the first mile, she’s slightly winded but not awful, the second clearly wears her down though because she’s practically walking. Huffing and puffing she tries to pick her pace back up as she sees the finish line. She sees Jacob at the end cheering for her, or at least that’s what she thinks because her vision seems a little blurry and black dots are spotting her vision. Yn is almost there, almost at the end when everything goes dark.
People are laughing at her. YN can hear it as she comes to; wait is that Jacob laughing at her? Blinking her eyes open she does see him laughing but it’s joined by a woman’s laugh, a very pretty woman now that her vision is clearing up.
“Jac—“ the rasp coming from her voice is unrecognizable, but does the trick because Jacob looks down at her.
“You’re awake!” says the pretty lady on her other side.
“I’m Dr. Sams, I was the medic on the scene when you passed out. Can you tell me your name?”
Sitting under a cooling tent with ice packs on most of her body and being forced to chug down gatorade is probably top 5 most embarrassing moments especially since the only other person under there is a 65 year old man who threw out his knee, and said he felt too hot under the medic tent. “It’s alright doll, my first race wasn’t sunshine and rainbows either, " he says with a grin.
“Dr. Sams said you’re clear if you’re ready to go. Should probably take you home to rest.” Jacob says helping YN up. The car ride back to her apartment is dead silent besides the loud tension between Jacob’s guilt and YN's embarrassment. When he pulls into her garage Jacob decides to break the ice. “Look i’m really sorry love, you were right the marathon was not a good idea. I’m sure dehydration was not in your weekend plans.”
A sympathetic smile, the same one she always gives when Jacob screws up, graces her face. “It’s not your fault I’m an adult, and should’ve known that I was feeling way too bad to continue.”
Walking up to YN’s apartment Jacob can’t help but to be apologetic still. Laying YN on the couch and getting her a bottle of water from the fridge Jacob, trying to ease any leftover tension yells, "Well at least something good came from today?”
And honestly nothing is coming to YN’s mind, in fact, today was about as horrible as it could get for her.
She was spontaneously woken up at the crack of dawn.
The “Big Suprise” her best friend/crush for her was a damn marathon
She had to run a marathon
And lastly, she passed out in front of hundreds of people including Jacob. Yeah, there couldn’t possibly be anything good.
“The cute medic that was helping you, well we were chatting so I’m taking her out tonight!”
Mentally adding this to the list of horrible things happening today YN groans, “My head is pounding, what did you say?”
“I’ve got a date with a hot doctor babe!” he yells back gleefully.
YM closes her eyes silently hoping that what’s happening is that she’s in a dream and when she wakes up it’ll be noon, she will just now be getting up, and planning to spend the whole day in a big Tshirt (no pants of course). But when she peeks open one of her eyes she sees her best friend walking back with a glass of orange juice and some painkillers. “ Here you go, Dr. Sams said this might help with any aches or fatigue.”
Nope, not a dream, but a terrible nightmare.
Jacob finally heads out, claiming he needs to prepare for his date, leaving YN alone and feeling incredibly achey. In the 15 years she’s known Jacob he has only had a girlfriend twice.
Once in Year 9, Elizabeth Brown, ended up being on the receiving end of Jacob’s turn of a horrid “Spin the Bottle” game. Elizabeth claimed Jacob was the best kisser in the world and deemed him her boyfriend. Which to her point was very true as YN and Jacob had been practicing for years at that point. Jacob beaming with pride accepted the title for approximately 17 days before he claimed she was way too clingy and broke it off.
The next was years later in university when he dated Sasha Davies for TWO whole years. YN just knew she’d lost him. But Sasha was quite rude and incredibly judgey, so when she found out that Jacob passed up a regular job for acting, she dumped him, leaving YN to pick up the pieces. Since then Jacob had sworn off dating until he was settled in his career as a full time actor, claiming that YN and his mum were the only women he needed in his life.
So why on earth are things changing now! She thought she was all he needed, even if nothing went further than friendship. YN is not near spiteful enough to ruin a relationship, so for now she’ll just sit back and see if anything comes of this one date.
Unfortunately, everything comes from one date, because it turns into two and three. Then eventually Yvanne (Dr. Sams) and Jacob are practicing living together in a matter of months. It’s not that Jacob ignores YN, no, he tries to include her in almost everything the couple does. He even tries to do a weekly coffee date with YN just to check in on her, but YN can’t do it. She can’t watch him kiss and hug another woman, buy her odd but sentimental gifts, or even open the bloody car door for someone else. She can’t watch him be in love with anyone else while her heart still craves him.
So she pulls away, just slightly so he doesn’t notice. Her plan is working beautifully since Jacob is enamored with Yvanne. It simply looks as if she wants him to spend more time with his girlfriend. Well, it was working beautifully until Jacob drops an absolute bomb on her during one of their coffee dates.
“You’re going to do what!?!?! “ she screeches in the corner booth, causing too many eyes to look their way.
“Woah calm down. Look I’m going off to shoot the movie and want Yvanne to know I’m serious; that I’m in this for the long haul, for forever.”
“I think there are other ways to show you’re serious than marrying her. For fucks sake J you all haven’t been together a whole year yet!” YN fumes.
“It’ll be a longish engagement, and honestly I thought you’d be happier for me. You’re my best friend in the whole world, I haven’t even told my mum this yet.” He replies diffendently.
Now YN sees it, she sees him slipping away. It’s clear that as always, Jacob has made up his mind and in turn has decided both of their fates for them.
“You’re right, it just caught me by suprise. I’m so happy for you”
“Of course, J, you know I just want you to be happy, you’re my best friend.” YN rewards him with a suffering smile.
For three weeks after the news YN goes completely ghost. Every call and text Jacob attempts to make goes unanswered, but she can’t do it. She can’t watch this happen or pretend to be okay, even when she thought she could. Jacob stops by her apartment at the end of week three to check on her since she’d clearly been avoiding him. But when he reaches under the ficus pot outside her apartment door he realizes it’s gone. YN had taken the key and moved it. This officially sends Jacob into a rage because that key was reserved for him, now he’s banging on her door yelling for her to “Let me in because I know you’re in there!”
A puffy-eyed YN opens the door just as Jacob raises his fist again. She’s been crying, she can’t stop, not since the day she left that cafe. “Hey J, what’s going on?”
“You’ve been ignoring me!” he says stepping into her apartment, which is shockingly a mess. She’s always been a bit of a neat freak, cleaning up everyone’s mess all the time. “You’ve been ignoring me, and you’ve been crying.”
“Oh. I’m fin—“
“Please don’t do that shit with me. The pretending, because I know you better than anyone in this world so come off it!”
For some reason this pisses YN off to a degree she’s never known before.
“You don’t know a damn thing about me, Jacob Scipio! How dare you come banging on MY door expecting anything from me, you, you selfish bastard!”
Eyebrows raised in shock Jacob uses his silence as a reply.
With tears starting to roll down her face YN cries, “ I have spent years following behind you, trying to make sure nothing ever inconveniences you. Making sure that Jacob is happy, that he’s in perfect health, that he’s got his lines down packed, and not because I wanted something in return but because I cared for you. Hell, I loved you Jacob. Then you expect me to jump for joy when you want to propose to a girl you’ve known for 9 months! So, no Jacob, you don’t know me!”
“YN, I’m so—“
“Please don’t apologize, just leave, I want to be alone.”
His head hung low Jacob turns to walk back out of her apartment. “Umm, I wanted to give you this. I hope you can make it.” he says sitting an envelope on her coffee table. When Jacob walks out that door YN expects to never see her best friend again and she crumbles to the floor letting the tears wrack through her body.
1 ½ year later —
Jacob would like to say that he couldn’t be happier. At the premier of one of the biggest movies of his life, he should be overjoyed. And don’t get him wrong, he's extremely happy and grateful. He’s a trending topic, he has his amazing cast mates, and his extremely supportive family here with him. But the one person he’s hoped to see is nowhere to be found.
When he’d left that save the date on her coffee table a year and a half ago he knew that wouldn’t solve whatever issues they had, so he had his mother send her an official invitation through the mail three months ago. Even though YN wanted nothing to do with Jacob, their lives couldn’t help but to be intertwined, they’d known each other for over half their lives.
This separation had been hell for him, as he knew it would be as soon as he left her apartment that day. He cut things off with Yvanne two days later, unable to proceed with the engagement. He spent the rest of the time thinking about how right YN was, he was a selfish bastard. Almost her whole life has been spent accommodating him and so he vowed that if he ever got the chance he would do right by his best friend.
But he couldn’t do that because for the past 550 days he hasn’t so much as heard her voice let alone seen her, and while he hopes she would show up tonight for his premiere, he also knows that it’s a long shot; a consequence of hurting the people who love you.
Jacob takes one last look as he walks into the already packed theater. Sitting next to his mom Jacob relaxes into his seat and just before the lights go down he hears a breathless “Sorry I’m late, this LA traffic is awful!”
There she is, on day 551, the only person he cared to see, his very reason for being and she sits next to him filling his lungs with fresh air and her jasmine scented perfume. “You came.”
“Well of course, I couldn’t miss you on the big screen. Plus both of our mothers threatened me.” YN says with a bright smile.
She’s different, they both are, and they can only hope that fate hasn’t given up on them yet.
thanks again for letting me write this for you, i had so much fun!
IDK, I’m kinda feeling a part 2 in my spirit, so lmk if that something y’all would be interested in!
also thanks for all the love on my other posts, i’m still taking requests so let them free!!!
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mediumgayitalian · 7 months
“I made this for you.”
Nico stares, blankly, and the freckly hand extended out to him. Twisted around the long, calloused fingers, snagging on a black-lacquered chipped nail, is a bracelet.
Hesitantly, Nico takes it.
It’s woven in some way. He doesn’t recognize the exact pattern; Annabeth probably would. Not a braid, certainly, not any particular shape he can recognise. It’s bi-coloured, a twist of black and yellow, strings wrapped around them in an aborted spiral, almost. There’s a snag a third way into the bracelet, a tiny little error betraying its homemade status.
Under the guise of still inspecting the bracelet, Nico peers through his eyelashes. Will’s attention has long since shifted to somewhere to the left of him, rocking back on his heels, teeth gnawing into his lips as he hums. No longer extended out between them, waiting for Nico’s next move, his hands pick at the colour on his nails, picking off the polish chip by chip.
Dozens of similar bracelets stack his wrists, his ankles; rainbow of colours clashing horribly with the mint green of the cheap plastic shoes.
“What…” He pauses, clearing his throat. He feels Will’s attention on him, the warming rays of his soft smile. Surely this can’t be…
“It’s a friendship bracelet! We were makin’ pottery in Arts ‘n Crafts; I got distracted and the whole thing went squelch.” He blows a raspberry, smacking his fist into his hand. Nico jumps. “Totally collapsed! Anyways. Made a friendship bracelet for all my friends, yellow for me, black for you. I got a matching one!” He holds up his his wrist. It takes Nico a second of squinting to find the matching one — yellow and black, twisted, just like the one he’s wearing, nestled against the others like he’s been wearing it for years.
I made one for all my friends.
“You, uh.” His palms sweat. He tucks them behind his back before Will notices, although the twinkle in his eye tells him he might have an idea. “You’ve done this before.”
It’s not much of a question. Will takes it as one anyway.
“Mhm. You don’t have to wear it, if you don’t want to, I can take it —”
Nico wrenches himself away. Will blinks.
“Absolutely not,” he says, before he realizes what’s coming out of his mouth. “You made it for me. It’s mine.” In a flurry of movement, he tugs the bracelet over his hand, twisting the loosely hanging part around his thumb.
Slowly, giving him time to pull away, a freckly hand comes back into his space. When Nico — frozen — doesn’t flinch away, they rest on the jut of his wrist, the scar on the palm of his hand.
“I got it,” he murmurs. Nico glances up to find Will already looking at him, blue eyes wide and imploring and soft.
Nico has never associated blue eyes with softness. Intensity, maybe. Clarity. Softness, to him, has long been the understanding brown of Reyna’s, the softly glowing embers of Lady Hestia’s. The golden glow of Hazel’s, especially, ever-smiling. (The gentle, endless, sun-warmed clay brown of Bianca’s. Too big for her face, hidden behind her bangs; except, of course, when Nico was overwhelmed and miserable and needed her, needed her, needed her. Or when the lawyer came to their room door, steel-faced, giving the same news, and Nico would slide a small hand in hers, squeezing.)
Will’s eyes are soft, though, he realizes. Like cotton candy at DC fairs, like grape hyacinth, like the blanket he toted around as a baby. Like a sunny smile and golden hair and teasing winks when everything is too too much.
With a gentle tug, the loose strings of the friendship bracelet tightly pull the bracelet snug against his wrist. Looser, barely even touching, Will’s fingers follow the contours of the bracelet. He lingers. Nico wonders if he can feel his pulse, pounding, endless.
“Thank you,” he manages, finally. His throat is dry. “For.”
The rest of his sentence won’t come out. Before he can panic, Will smiles; beams, really, eyes crinkling shut, and the short breaths clattering his lungs fizzle out entirely.
“Oh,” he says, several things slotting together at once. “Oh.”
“Anytime,” Will responds grinning, squeezing Nico’s wrist once more before bouncing off. “See you around!”
He’s far gone before Nico finds his voice again. But he smiles, still, eyeing the pretty bracelet, and whispers, “You, too.”
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thebestofoneshots · 8 months
Mr. Blue Sky | marauders x reader
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Pairing: J.P. x R.B. x R.L x Female Hufflepuff Reader Word Count: 3 k Warnings: None Prompt: You had your entire birthday planned, it would be the perfect picnic, but... a storm has ruined it entirely and now, you can't help but feel absolutely desolated. Of course, your boys would never allow you to be sad on your birthday.
Happy Birthday my beloved Lily flower! I truly hope you have the best of days today and even if you didn't have your garden picnic in the end, know that you can still have the most brilliant day ever, after all, there's always a rainbow after the rain.
Wirtten for @starchaser-lily
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You had it all ready. You had ordered the dress that you would wear. You had asked the elves in the kitchen for a proper banquet, thankfully, since you often went there, and you had helped them cook some stuff before (cakes for your boys), they were more than happy to help you with your plan. In fact, Bub, a small elf that seemed to always be around, had gotten so excited about the idea of helping you with your plan that she had started jumping all over the kitchen and looking for all the things she would need to prepare it.
You had to remind her that the event wasn’t going to be until the next Tuesday like 3 times before she stopped jumping around; she already had eggs, flour, food coloring, and sugar in her arms, and a bunch of other ingredients floating behind her when she understood what you meant. You had told her that she could work on the cake if that’s what she wanted, and that the design would be all up to her. Which made her fallen face turn into a delighted one in a second, and she walked over to the side to start sketching some things in her notebook.
You had prepared and made the invitations; it was going to be a small gathering, but you still wanted it to be perfect. One of your friends from abroad had sent you an adorable tablecloth with cute yellow details that matched your house colors, and she’d sent a birthday card along with it. Although she warned you not to touch it, let alone open it until it was officially your birthday. The red envelope was deterrent enough, but you were too curious not to try and pry, so you opened it on the side just slightly and found yet another envelope inside.
"I knew you’d try to open it, babe. Now you must be warned, if you actually open the one you’re reading now, it will blow up. I’ve used all my knowledge and even asked that Remus boy of yours to help me. He’s absolutely brilliant in charms. Love you. Ps. For the love of Merlin, leave it closed."
You had laughed at her note and placed the threatening envelope on your night table. It made you smile whenever you read it, and you were pretty excited to see what would be inside of it. But if the bright red sign that said “DO NOT OPEN TILL BIRTHDAY” hadn’t been enough, the threat of an explosion had. Especially since you knew your friend’s exceptional ability in charms, and if she really had teamed up with Remus, then the most likely scenario was that it really, really would blow up if you didn’t do as told.
Either way, the tablecloth she’d gotten you was perfect; it was even charmed so the delicate drawings on it would move and swirl around, making the yellow and gold tones distractingly beautiful. And once Madam Pomfrey saw it, she was more than happy to lend you her picnic baskets.
You had, pretty much, prepared every single detail of your small party, gathering items and making sure the food would be ready, and you were impossibly excited for the 30th.
And then, the day came… You woke up to the sound of a soft splish-splash against the window. But you were still half-asleep to really notice what was going on. And then you heard it again, a soft ticking sound, like something soft, was tapping against it. You frowned and slowly opened your eyes. It was rather dark for it to be already 8 am. You focused on the sound, and when you realized where it came from, your gaze snapped towards the window.
“No, no, no…” you whispered as you saw the small droplets of rain fall one after the other, filling the window with their soft watery trails. The rain was soft, and as you looked out and saw the grey clouds, you could only hope it would go away soon enough.
You huffed and pulled the Daily Prophet from underneath your bed and revised the weather section over and over again. You had been marking the day with red all day of the week, and while it had said it would be cloudy, not a single one of the predictions mentioned anything even remotely close to a small shower.
“Everything all right, luv?” Your roommate asked. “Oh, and Happy Birthday!” she added with a smile.
“Thanks,” you mumbled in response. “It’s just– It’s raining.”
“Lovely day, innit?” Another one of your roommates said as she looked out of the window.
You loved rainy days; you truly did. There was something about staying inside and reading a good book while you watched the raindrops crash against the window that was so romantic; you couldn’t even get enough of it.
But today?
Today you hated rainy days!
You had been planning your picnic for months, getting the right food and the right clothes and managing to get all the boys at the same time at the same place, which was hard enough because everyone was either studying or doing one of their extracurriculars and yet… you had managed.
So much for a perfect picnic, you thought as you looked up at the sky yet again. With another sigh, you got up and put on your uniform, walking down the stairs to the common room in what you tried to make it look like not a mopey attitude. Especially with all your housemates pulling you in for hugs and wishing you a happy birthday.
Even Madam Pomfrey had stopped you on your way out to give you a short hug and tell you to have an incredibly good day. You had smiled and told her that it probably would, even if on the inside, you were absolutely certain everything had been absolutely ruined.
You went to the great hall, but just on the entrance, and when you spotted the boys looking rather eager, you decided you did not need any reminders of what an awful day it was and decided to skip breakfast altogether, opting instead to walk towards the library and look for a book. Perhaps reading as you watched the raindrops fall against the window, like you loved so much doing, would put you in a better mood.
You weren’t too hopeful for it, and frankly, you didn’t really want to do it either, so when you got to the library and found a book that seemed mildly entertaining, you took it in both of your hands and went straight into one of the most hidden reading nooks available. Few people knew of it, and you didn’t expect anyone to be looking for you there either. Not on a Tuesday, not on a class day, not with the NEWTS so close and certainly not with the fact that your year had Potions with Slughorn as the first class. So you hid in the reading nook as you read the book.
And you couldn’t have made a worse pick, not because the book was bad, in fact, you had read the first and second books of the collection, and you thought they were delightful. In fact, you loved Anne; you liked her positivity and you could easily see yourself as her, except that she was awfully positive and the mood you were in at the moment was far too dreadful to even consider her positivity a good trait. The more you read, the more annoying you found her because, how was it possible that she was so happy and you were so completely and utterly miserable?
You felt silly; you had magic and you had friends that loved you and a place in this bloody delightful school, and you were moping like a little kid over a rainy day. You really had to get yourself together or else–
“So this is where you’ve been hiding?” You heard him say with a short smile as he got in through the tapestry.
You closed your eyes and winced when you realized how stupid you’d been, hiding in the place he had shown you; of course, he’d find you. It looked as if you wanted to be found by one of them. Did you? Perhaps deep in your subconscious, you sought the kind of support only they could offer.
“Reggie,” you said softly and turned to him with a forced smile. “Lovely to–”
“Don’t even try,” he responded, cutting your bullshit in an instant. “Remus told me you didn’t go for breakfast or to class.”
“And Jamie has been going around pestering all your roommates; they were pretty upset, they had prepared something for you at breakfast.”
You gulped and pouted at how harsh Reggie was being. Not even a “happy birthday sweetheart.”
“So?” you responded confused.
“Why are you here, hiding from the world on your most special day?”
“It’s raining,” you responded simply, looking out at the window again. You had held onto this naive hope that the rain would go away fast and that things would still be able to do your picnic, albeit slightly wet and murky; the possibility was still there. Except that said hope had been crushed when you heard a thunder ripple through the sky, making the entire window tremble with its might. It was no longer just rain; it was pretty much a storm.
“Yeah, I noticed.”
“My birthday is ruined.”
Reggie frowned and leaned in right next to you, peering down from where he was to look at you directly in the eyes, “Because of some silly rain?”
You huffed, “Because it was a picnic, Reggie!” you spat angrily and left the room out of there before he even had the chance to follow.
“Hey, wait!” he said as you left the place and sighed after not being able to find you at all. “I was gonna wish you a happy birthday,” he added in a sad tone as he pulled a small little envelope from his pocket. Forrest green paper and a silver bow, his birthday gift for you.
You had been running so fast with your disillusionment charm, looking back to make sure that Reggie wasn’t following that you didn’t notice the moment you crashed into someone, but he did, holding you by the shoulders as he stared at you. “Dove?” he asked as he tried to see through your charm.
You frowned and shut your eyes with a sigh. You might have been able to run from Reggie, but running away from Remus would be an impossible task. First of all, he was freakishly tall; second, he was literally a werewolf and fit as hell.
“Remus,” you said awkwardly, and he pulled you into a hug. “Happy Birthday,” he whispered into your ear, and you let out something between a sob and a laugh. Reggie caught up with the two of you a few seconds later and joined Remus’ hug.
“Happy birthday, you prat!” He said as he pressed a kiss to your cheek. “Can’t believe you’d let Remus hug you but run away from me, your favorite boyfriend.”
“You’re not her favorite,” you heard another voice say from the side; you hadn’t seen him at all but apparently, Jamie had also been around. “That’s obviously me.”
Remus just rolled his eyes at the petty little fight they were about to start. James loved getting on Reggie’s nerves. The tension they’d build up with that would always end up satisfactorily for the two of them.
“Did you finish that?” Reggie asked, and James grinned.
“Duh,” he responded as he placed a hand on Reggie’s shoulder to be able to see your face; as much as he adored his boyfriend’s long hair, it was still way too long at the moment. In fact, a few inches and he’d basically be Sirius (but actually fuckable).
“Come on,” Remus said as you pulled away from him, finally letting the disillusionment charm go.
“Boys, you are very sweet but, I’d rather be alone for a while. You know I had this whole thing planned and–”
“Shhhh,” James said as he placed his hand on your shoulder. “Just shut up and let us guide you.”
“But I really am not in the mood for anything right now.”
“Except for moping around in a reading nook,” Regulus said with a shrug; he was walking a few steps behind the two of you.
You turned to him with a reproachful stare, and Remus just pulled you closer to him, not quite letting go of you yet in case you would try to run off and hide somewhere. Of course, they had the map, but you had found ways to cheat your way out of it since you were helping them make it impossible. But while that meant the map would be incredible, it also meant that you were among the only people who knew how to sneak away from them.
Sirius thought it was hilarious, but your boyfriends thought it was immensely annoying. “Are we going to the Ravenclaw common room?” you asked with a frown.
“Just let us take you there,” James responded with a self-assured smile. You tried not to pay attention to how handsome he looked, although the walk along with them, even if you weren’t going to admit it, had already made you feel a lot better. Especially with Regulus and James’ constant teasing of the other. So much that Reggie almost pushed James off the stairs but managed to pull him back just in time, and James pulled him in for a kiss.
“Boys, behave,” Remus huffed slightly exasperated; though there was a sly smile playing on his face, especially after he saw a similar one on yours.
By the time you had gone the entire flight of stairs, you and Rem were actually laughing along Jamie for some silly joke, and Regulus was really trying to hold back his laughter and keep a stoic face as James kept looking at him with a know-it-all smile and raised eyebrows as if daring him not to laugh.
“Oh, almost there,” James said as he walked behind you and placed his hands over your eyes.
“James, we’re still on the stairs; I can’t see shit,” you complained.
“We’ll catch you if you fall,” Reggie said casually, and you fought the blush creeping up your cheeks really hard.
You still had Rem’s hands, holding you by the waist as James helped you up the stairs, whispering in your ear whenever there was a new step and when you had to take a couple of steps up. By the time you stopped, you knew exactly where they were taking you but decided not to tell them. You didn’t want to ruin their little surprise.
“Okay,” James whispered. “Open your eyes,” he added as he slowly removed his hands from your face.
You actually gasped when you realized what had happened. Right there, in the middle of the room was your picnic cloth, the baskets Pomfrey had borrowed, and a bottle of sparkling wine along with cups and plates and a huge cake.
There were floating balloons on the ceiling, and even if the rain was storming just outside, the boys had charmed the area so the rain wouldn’t wet anything.
“How– but…”
James smiled as he walked in front of you and bowed down in an extremely exaggerated fancy waiter gesture, “that was actually Reggie’s idea,” he said as he placed his hands on Regulus’ shoulder, who almost scoffed in return. “He said you’d be upset, and we decided to make your picnic party even if it wasn’t by the lake like you had planned.” Then James pulled you towards him and planted a kiss on your lips, letting himself get carried away when you gasped and allowed him to deepen the kiss. When he pulled back, you were breathing heavily, and he had a cocky smile on his face. “Happy birthday, my love,” he added.
You let out a diverted scoff, and the boys guided you towards the picnic. You were reclined against Reggie after you’d said sorry for running away from him, and he was rubbing his hands over your arm as James started serving some of the sparkling wine.
The letter from your friend had been somewhere inside the picnic basket, and Remus was the one who pulled it open. It exploded into a bunch of confetti and then turned into a howler of your friend singing “Happy Birthday” at the top of her lungs and with a rather off-pitch, but you were so happy you could only smile as you continued to listen. Regulus was looking at you in a judging manner.
“She’s a terrible singer,” he whispered in your ear.
“Shut up, she’s lovely!”
“And you’re deaf,” he added. “And I might be too now.”
“Shut up, Regulus!” the howler said as it stopped mid-song; he turned towards it genuinely petrified. Remus’ snigger was barely audible.
So she had asked for his help after all. “Still can’t believe you’re dating a Slytherin,” she added and then continued with her song. Once it was over, the howler moved a little closer to you. “Hope you’re having the best day ever, and that the boys treat you right. If not, I’ll make sure to call Sirius and make a plan with him to make all of their lives absolutely miserable,” there was a small pause, “Love you to the moon and back, my dear flower,” she added, and then the howler turned into more confetti and some gold glitter.
“Should I be jealous?” James teased.
“Of her? Probably,” you joked then leaned onto him again.
The rest of the night was spent smiling, joking, and enjoying the delicious food Bub had worked on all night. The boys had caught her in the halls looking for you, and she had happily given them the food along with a small present for you. Reggie had gotten you a necklace with a star, Remus a stunningly bound copy of your favorite book, and James had gotten you a ring with the sun on it.
And that’s how your birthday was spent, in between tears of laughter, delicious food, and surrounded by the sun, the moon, and the star.
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This one might get a part two, if you guys wanna see that <3
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hughiecampbelle · 1 year
Fucking Married (Lukas Matsson x Roy!Sibling )
Character/s: Lukas, Connor, Kendall, Shiv, Roy, Logan
Word Count: 1,908
Inspired By: Fucking Married by Harriette
A/N: I love writing for Baby Roy so much omg. This song is the main inspiration, it's so good!!! I hope you guys like this as much as I do because I'm screaming!!! Feedback is always appreciated 💜💜💜
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Something bight and peachy hit your bloodline, warming you from the inside out. You could feel your cheeks heat up against his chest, swaying side to side. You pulled yourself closer, feeling unsteady on your feet. He laughs a little, kissing the top of your head, squeezing you harder. There isn’t a second of his life that goes by where he isn’t grateful for you. All of you. Music plays from the speaker of his phone in his pocket, an old one you’d heard thousands of times. About love and life and loss. One of his favorites. Of course he would pick this, you smiled. His hand on your back, the other in your hand, swaying softly. He even hums along to the chorus, not saying anything. Not patronizing you, or lecturing you, or reminding you how expensive this whole day was. He’s just grateful to have you to himself for a few moments, getting the dance you promised him regardless of the circumstances. Behind you, they gather by the bar, ordering for themselves. No one had told the staff it was all over. It wasn’t going to happen. The worked quickly, quietly, eagerly. The rest walked gingerly, serving appetizers on silver platters. It made their eyes light up, each grabbing greedily, knowing they hadn’t eaten much since yesterday. He spins you sweetly, making you laugh, feeling childish. At the sound of this, they perked up, their faces breaking out in grins. He always known how to get you to smile, even when you weren’t really feeling it. Even when you’d been crying minutes ago. 
Everyone else has gone, even the groom. Especially the groom. None thought to look here the way they had. Surrounded by colorful, oddly shaped glasses with toothpicks of fruit stabbed down the middle. Peach, mango, pineapple, apple, grapefruit. Mixed drinks of little rainbows, one spilled down the front of your white corset. No amount of rubbing will get that out. You shrug, grabbing for another. Thats how they found you. Drinking yourself drunk, chewing up the bits of fruit, hiding from everyone like you’d been doing since you were little. You were sure you stunk of some sixteen year olds favorite mixer, the sweetness of all this leaving you feeling bitter. Wronged. You were under the tables at the reception, crying softly, feeling yourself ease up a little. The whole morning had been nerve wracking. So much so you forgot how to breathe. Greeting everyone, thanking everyone, your own mother late, your father not showing up at all. You played the part, good enough to convince everyone else but yourself, and a few watchful eyes. Those that knew you, who saw you through it all, could see these pre-wedding jitters were more than that. You were petrified. Are you mad at me? You asked so much like a child, tucking your knees to your chest, trying to hide the skirt of your dress from their view. It was too big to hide under the tablecloth. Mad at you? Are you kidding? Come on kid, come and talk to us. You sniffled, chewing a cherry. When you didn’t even consider moving, you heard the groan of a man more than twice your age, watching him get to his knees. The rest protest, but he doesn’t listen. You wipe your cheeks, knowing you must look mad, your makeup ruined. He pokes his head through, wearing that familiar smile. The kind that promises everything will be okay, that you did the right thing, that he could never, ever be angry with you. It only makes you cry harder. I made a mistake. You repeat this over and over again, unable to catch your breath. He urges you out, unable to crawl under with you. Come on kiddo, it’s okay. It’ll be okay. No one’s mad at you. Eventually, you follow him out. 
Kendall taps Connors shoulder, wanting to cut in. His eyes meet yours, asking if this is okay. You nod, taking Kens hand. You rest your chin on his shoulder. He’s changed the song to something more his speed, not the kind of song to slow dance to of course. It looks and sounds ridiculous and yet, you can’t help but grin. It’s so him. You did the right thing. It comes out barely above a whisper. You don’t stop moving, though you hesitate for a second. You hadn’t thought about right and wrong, only that you were overcome with an overwhelming sense of dread. Not just today, though it was definitely amplified. Ever since he popped the question, ever since you were expected to say yes. What other choice did you have? Did I? The question comes out before you can stop it, your voice a lot shakier than you expected. Do you feel better? There’s not a second of hesitation. Of course you do. That sinking feeling was totally eradicated. You nod. Then you did the right thing. He made it sound so simple. It couldn’t be, could it? His hands on your waist, in your hand, always wrapped around you, like he was afraid you’d run. Maybe he knew all along. The look on his face said another story. Those knowing, self-assured eyes were wide pools of blue, calling after you, but you were too far to understand what exactly he was saying. He was hurt and angry. You hurt him. But you knew, if you went through with it, you’d hurt for the rest of your life. You were young, too young. You had so much more time, so many more mistakes to make. Not the kind like this. You’d only looked back once, to see his face. Kendall immediately stood up, holding him off from running after you. Were they speaking? You couldn’t see, only that your brother stopped him in his tracks. Connor stood in the middle of the aisle like a deer in the headlights. He was walking you down, not Logan. He hadn’t thought his appearance was necessary. How angry he’d be, you could picture it now, calling after you. He would have killed you. 
She turns off Kendalls awful music, putting on something that’s more your taste. Shiv holds her arms around your neck, and yours around hers. She looks beautiful, as always. What do you think Dad’s gonna say? Like a child, you fear the man in charge. If not him, then it would have been your husband. There is always an angry man in every scenario. She shrugs, searching your face, searching for the right words. He won’t be happy, she starts slowly, but it’s not like he can drag you down the aisle, right? She tilts her head to the side, a trait she’s carried with her all her life. I guess you’re right. Though it isn’t anymore comforting. She sees this, senses it, and tries to reassure you. Hey, hey he’ll understand. Maybe not now, but he will. You’ll always be his baby, no matter what. You think we haven’t colossally fucked up before? You try to hide your smile. Your smart sister, taking care of everyone. Where would you be without her? When you’d asked her to be your maid of honor, she was wary. You didn’t sound so sure. Not that you doubted her role for a second, rather that she’d take the brunt of the blame if you decided to take off, as if it were some great master plan between you and her. She would have taken that fall, though. She would have found a way to spin the narrative. Save both of you. She was always doing that: saving sinking ships. Is that what your marriage was, could have been? Probably. You weren’t a good match, you and him. You didn’t want your world to be business dinners and investors. You wanted to explore, see the world, make a name for yourself outside of the Roy/Matsson conglomerate. He was perfectly happy rotting away in meetings. You didn’t have the same interests, the same hobbies, nothing. He spoke Swedish in front of you, probably about you, constantly leaving you out of the conversation. What kind of life would you have lead? A bad one. A miserable one, no doubt. 
You know you can never come back to Sweden after this. You’re like banned, permanently, for life. You slap Roman on the chest, trying not to laugh. I’m serious! He will get every Swede on his side and they’ll all gang up on you. They’ll never forget the day you left him at the altar. That strikes something in you, a deep fear. Did you make a mistake? Was this the best you’d ever do and you ruined your chances? Quickly, Roman tries to undo what he’s done, of course with a joke. Kid, come on. Matsson as my brother? Barf. This is a good thing. You did a good thing, for everyone involved. Besides, you didn’t want to have sleep with that guy every day for the rest of your life, right? He’d get tired of looking at himself in the mirror every night. Roman pretended to snore, “dozing off” as you swayed, until your smile came back. You hadn’t even been involved in planning the wedding. His assistants took care of most of it. Not even the date or the place had been cleared by you. You were just expected to show up, get married, call it a day. Everything you’d heard about weddings were magical, the kind of thing that brought couples closer. He was in Sweden not long after you said yes, you in New York. you maybe talked twice a week, if you were lucky. It was almost laughable how silly it all was. Of course you ran. Of course you bailed. He was, essentially, a stranger. A handsome one maybe, if you were in the right mood, the right lighting, but still. Had your mother really bought this? Had everyone? Were they fucking stupid? Do you think he’s upset? Who, Matsson? Fuck no, he probably forgot all about it. He’s got, what, a thirty second memory? He always knew the best thing to say. They all did. Where’s the ring? Hm? The ring, what did you do with it? Oh. You’d thrown it over the deck of the reception dance floor, feeling too claustrophobic to leave it on. It fell down somewhere in the foggy wilderness. After that, you grabbed your tray of drinks and climbed under the table. Are you kidding? That’s hilarious. Roman laughed a hearty laugh, peering over the glass bannister. That things fuckin’ gone. Forever!  Lukas could spend the rest of his life, or his assistants life, searching. There was no way you’d go back to him, take back what you did. You could be wrong, but your whole family? It wasn’t often you and your siblings came to the same conclusion. When it came to this, though, you were all in agreement: he could go fuck himself. Everyone at the wedding could for not seeing this sooner. Let him cry like a little baby. Let him keep his money, his houses, his everything. All of sweden, too. You had your brothers and sister. They’d have your back no matter what, regardless of the situation. They’d look after you, look after your best interest at heart. Look on the brightside, Roman said, you’re saving a hell of a lot on the divorce. I gave it five years, tops.
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lixisere777 · 9 months
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Drabble 02: Amidst the shadows and rain, there's Jungkook who becomes your sun instead
Wc: 2.7k
Mentions of: ocean water, crying, stress, knives and a bulgar (nothing happens), a bit suggestive, kissing and I think that's it?
Note: I've been working on this for months, it feels nice to finally get it done. I wanted to finish it especially now to comfort us after Jungkook left so aaah >.<. Hope you enjoy!
The long, hectic week was finally catching up to you. You were exhausted, anxious, irritated and just in need of a warm cuddle session with your lovely boyfriend. One would think you felt relieved at this moment—now that this hectic week has come to an end—, but it felt like you were just destined for worse. Everything was going wrong, nothing went the way you planned it to. Now that it was finally over you expected to be greeted by the feeling of relief, but alas even on your way home, you were not left alone by the grip of misfortune clinging to you. It suddenly started raining and since the bus you wanted to take decided to be a no-show you had to walk home. Without a jacket. Great.
It wasn't raining that hard so you thought it didn't matter, but you arrived home in soaking wet clothes anyway after a car passing by caused a wave of dirty water to splash your way. You could cry. If you didn't turn out sick the next morning, it'd be a miracle. 
A week full of stress had just ended, but you couldn't seem to get rid of every gnawing feeling that it left behind. You just want to take your mind off of things. When you entered the door to your shared apartment, you wanted nothing more than to be greeted by his beautiful face stretched out into that famous bunny smile you loved so much. But of course —since nothing was in your favor—you arrived to the deafening silence of Jungkook's absence. 
You were planning on dumping your soaked body on top of him and ignoring all of your worries, but even that you can’t get. 
With a heavy sigh you peeled off your clothes and put them in the laundry basket, jumping in the shower right after to try to wash away the weight on your shoulders. 
You jumped awake at the loud clatter coming from the kitchen. Instead of reacting like a normal human being and hiding, you started yelling with your eyelids still stuck together—the drowsiness refusing to escape you. Grabbing the first thing you could find on the couch you fell asleep on, the huge rainbow-colored hello kitty plushie you were cuddling with, you tried forcing your eyes open. You yelled, "Who's there?” pointing the innocent plushie towards the source of the sound. 
A fit of giggles replaced the sound of the echo your voice left behind, probably mocking your messy bed hair and unusual weapon. You frowned, a pout appearing on your face as you realized your lover was the one to awaken you so rudely from the magical dream you had just a few seconds ago. 
“Do you expect a plushie to protect you from a burglar?”, he approached you after picking up the empty bowl he dropped.
“Well what do you expect me to do when the burglar is in the kitchen, where all the knives are, and my boyfriend isn’t there to protect me?”, the pout never left your face. 
His tattooed hand went through your head to try and smooth down the mess your pillow had created. He didn’t mean to but he got so lost in the look in your eyes and the feeling of your hair against his hand, that he forgot to form a response. You didn’t mention it though, the fond smile on his face and his gentle touch on yours fill your heart with warmth in ways you could never have dreamed of before.
You did however miss the sound of his voice, too soon to your liking, so you spoke up anyway, just to hear him speak. 
“When did you get home, anyway?” This time, your hand was the one to reach towards his body. Your fists bawling around his loose shirt, resisting the urge to hug him. 
“Not too long ago, didn’t wanna wake you”, the sweet sound of his voice reached your ears again. The muscles on your face contract, trying to hide the involuntary smile that tried to betray your unsatisfied yearning for Jungkook's attention
You sigh, giving in and pulling his body close to yours. Your arms wrap tightly around his waist, your head rests on his chest and all negative feelings flood from your body. A sound of relief escaped you. You could cry. But this time it’s because your heart is so full of love, so full of love you were afraid it would burst and lose all the love you’ve stored in there just for him. 
“Are you okay, baby?” His voice faltered with concern. Nonetheless he hugged you back as you felt his arms snake around your neck.
“Just a hectic day—”, your stream of words got interrupted by the single tear falling from your eye, you had to stop talking or you knew you’d burst out in tears. You wanted to tell him so badly, tell him; “who am I kidding, this whole week has been holding me by my throat and I still can’t seem to find a way to loosen its grip.” But you didn’t want to break down in tears in front of him. Not when he was probably having a more challenging week than you could ever handle. Truly, could you ever complain about your life knowing his everyday is way harder?
“Oh no, baby don’t cry.” You were a bit shocked, but how could you be? Jungkook knew you better than you knew yourself. Is it scary that he can recognize the slightest change in your tone and behavior so easily? Maybe. But do you love him all the more for it? Definitely. 
He started swaying you both to the side, knowing how you liked to be cradled. It was an unconscious habit of yours whenever you couldn’t sleep or felt uneasy. Over the years, he had also adopted your silly little habit and now he couldn't hold you without swaying you anymore.
“Hmm, you know what? Tomorrow I have a day off. What if we spend it at the beach?” He sighed, placing his head on top of yours, plans for the day filling his mind already. “We could bring a cloth and sit by the shore an—oh!” His excitement got the best of him as another string of ideas flooded his mind. “And we can bring some snacks and some stuff we could do. We can paint, play lego or play board games. I can think of so many things!” 
You just giggled to yourself, the dried-up tears on your face long forgotten. “I’m all in. I just wanna see the sunset,” you croaked out a response.
“Anything for my baby,” he spoke, kissing your forehead when you finally removed your head from his now slightly damp shirt to look him in the eyes. But you weren’t planning on settling for a simple kiss on the head, so you pouted your lips, non-verbally asking for a proper kiss on the lips. And he complied—with the biggest lovesick smile on his face.
The smell of Jungkook's cooking skills flooded your nostrils and your mouth started to water. After the long day you just had, a warm meal is everything else you craved. 
"What are you doing?," his voice was filled with amusement. Since you weren't much of a good cook yourself, you decided that your antics in the kitchen should be entertaining—or distracting—the chef at work. This time that amusement contained sitting so close to him he could barely reach for the spoon to mix the ingredients and your hair almost slipped into the pot he was so desperately trying to steer.
When you decided to sit by the kitchen counter with your laptop, you thought you could continue your schoolwork while being in the detoxing atmosphere that Jungkook provided. But the thought of studying vanished your mind as soon as his sleeves rolled up and his hair got tied into a manbun. 
You tried so hard to stop your teeth from biting down on your bottom lip, but should you even be willing to hide the effect Jungkook has on you? Sure he teases you about it and sure you're a little stubborn, but how can you ignore such a sight. 
“You want to hear a secret?”, you whispered in his ear as his hand reached for your hair, making sure it didn't dip into the food. Yet his heart was beating against his ribcage, what are you planning? 
“I never thought watching you cook for me could get me so turned on,” and as if your comment wasn't wild enough to drive him crazy, you didn't miss the chance to graze your lips against his skin. Not enough to be a kiss, but also not enough to be a mere brush of innocent affection. 
"Fuck–, baby—, you can't say things like that!,” he groaned, aggressively stirring the pot, making you giggle. 
When you didn't say anything and nonchalantly returned to your schoolwork he decided to speak up again. “You're acting like you've never watched me cook before,” he says in a rather mocking way, but you laugh at that, enjoying the reactions you get out of him. 
“Just because I don’t always show it, doesn’t mean I don't feel it,” you wink at him, shrugging your shoulders like you confessed the most normal thing on earth. 
He couldn’t hold in his smile, his expression of amusement quickly turned into a smirk, remembering all the moments you were extra touchy in the kitchen. He took a mental note to always make you watch him cook from now on.
“Baby, did you pack the towels?,” Jungkook asked softly, trying to start up a conversation. The car ride to the beach was awfully quiet. Normally you were very talkative when you were going to the beach, too excited for all the things you would do. It was one of the things you loved most in the world of course, and Jungkook knew that, so he couldn’t help but worry about your silence. 
The pounding in your head however made you unable to think straight. You took an aspirin this morning, hoping to redeem the aches in your body. The last thing you wanted was for Jungkook to notice and spend his day off taking care of you. So you kept it to yourself. You couldn't stay in and sit in your flu, or whatever it decided to be, you needed to get out of your head. 
“Yeah, I put it in my bag,” you sighed as your head came in contact with the cold window of the passenger seat in his car, your shoulders sagging in relief. His hand squeezed your thigh in worry, he knew there was something wrong. 
“Baby, we’re here,” he shook your sleeping body. The ride to the beach wasn't that long, but the never-ending headache made you close your eyes a little too long. 
The sudden excitement that flew through your body at the thought of finally spending a carefree day at the beach got knocked out of you as soon as you looked out of the car window. 
“Are you fucking kidding me,” you almost yelled in annoyance towards the raindrops landing on your face as you got out of the car. You made sure to check the weather report every hour of the day ever since last night and it still managed to rain today. It made you more frustrated than you could imagine. You could cry.
“___, baby...,” he looked at you with pity. Carefully approaching you to avoid you getting even more upset. 
Your teary eyed face faced his sympathetic one. The looks you were exchanging saying it all. You expected him to comfort you, hug you, offer to sit in the backseat instead and rest. But Jungkook always seems to surprise you, even when you know how spontaneous he is. 
“What are you doing?!”, you shrieked as you felt the ground under your feet disappear. Jungkook carried you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and your eyes widened, feeling overly exposed with your ass up in the air.
Like he could sense your discomfort he twisted your body around to carry you bridal style. Your wide eyes gazed into his excited ones. You immediately shook your head when that mischievous glint in his eyes and that childlike smile on his face made you realize what he was planning to do.
Despite your panicked protests he threw caution to the wind and started running towards the beach with you screaming in his arms.
“Jeongguk, if you fucking drop me I will—!,” you yelled at him punching his chest, but he silenced you with a kiss. 
“I won’t,” he reassured you, making you blush.
So you just let him. Let him run into the deserted beach, towards the water, with the biggest smile on your face because Jungkook always knew what to do to make you smile again. He always knew what to do to make you fall deeper in love with him. 
You gasped loudly as Jungkook entered the water—fully clothed. He ran past the shore, his favorite boots getting wet, but he didn't care. He kept running however, so far that his entire lower body had entered the water. He knelt down, you being in his arms getting completely engulfed by the cold water. This way he avoided getting his own upper body wet. You panicked, swimming out of his grip to look at him with an angry expression. But your face didn't match your feelings, or so you thought, the broad smile on your face betraying you.
“Jeongguk! You said you wouldn’t drop me!,” you splashed a bunch of water his way making him duck down to avoid getting his hair wet. 
“I didn’t drop you, I just dipped you in,” he shrugged, making you scoff. Another wave of water was thrown his way, this time he couldn’t dodge it in time, the water hitting him straight in the face. 
“Oh now you're asking for it,” he strides towards you, his arms ready to engulf you and body slam you into the water but you’re too quick.
What was supposed to be a relaxing day at the beach ended up turning into a chaotic water fight. And even though you were sick, the cold water felt rather healing as well as spending time with Jungkook did. You must look like reckless children to onlookers, but you haven’t had this much fun in a while, so you decided to not care. 
“You should've told me you weren't feeling well,” you smoothed the frown between his brows out with your thumb, smiling brightly. You were now in the backseat of his car, both of you covered with the towels you brought earlier to lay down on the sand. You were basically sitting on top of him, having persuaded him with the argument that you needed his body warmth to warm up quicker.
“Then I wouldn't have such a fun day… Besides I think I'm feeling better already,” he pouted at you, not believing your words for a second. After getting out of the water you couldn’t stop shivering and what he thought was only natural turned concerning when he found you coughing and sneezing as well.
He held your hands in his, looking into your eyes, feeling guilty for noticing how bad you were feeling earlier. Blaming him was never in your agenda though, he made you feel healthier than you actually were in his presence. 
“You’re not falling asleep on me are you?” he looked down at your slumped figure leaning on him, your full body weight on top of his.
“Uhuh,” you responded, snuggling further into his embrace. He smiled, not minding it one bit if you decided to sleep for hours on end. He’d stay right there, in the back of his car, thinking about all the things he can do later today to make you feel better. Because that’s what Jungkook did best. Love you unconditionally and brighten up your days. 
He planted one final kiss on the top of your head, telling you goodnight, unaware of your lingering wakefulness. You think you might love him a little too much, you could cry.
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wisteriaiswriting · 1 year
𝕆𝕟𝕖 𝕄𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕙
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A simple solo mission had gone wrong but Percy is always waiting for you.
Words: 753
Percy knew you could handle yourself, been given tougher quests and returning without a scratch. He tended to worry a lot, much more when it came to you. Especially after everything that has happened to the camp.
It wasn't common for you to be missing at breakfast, but it was quite easy to tell. Normally meaning you were sent on a quest, one that was hopefully, not to long. But something about today, just... felt off.
The feeling wasn't for him though, his day going on without a hitch. As the sun set, a few campers had retired to their cabins already, the rest hanging around.
And soon enough a week has passed, then a month.
A whole month that you've been gone, and never communicating with him once! Though he's not mad, just panicking since no one else has talked to you. But even if he wanted to, which he did, he couldn't speak to you. Never made aware of where you were going.
Quickly everyone else picked up on how down Percy has been, as they've also known that you've been gone for a month. But no one could help, and Mr D was content to let you continue.
As the second month rolled around Percy couldn't sleep, staring at anything that caught his attention. And the almost blinding light in the middle of the cabin did, eyes adjusting to the familiar rainbow colour.
"PERCY!" "Y/N?" Now he saw you, still unable to tell where you were. But that wasn't his main concern, you looked terrible. Majority of your skin was covered in some type of injury, sticks and anything small enough stuck themselves in your hair.
Under your eyes were clear eye bags, but a small smile sat on your lips. "I DID IT!" Percy winced from your volume, yelling in the middle of nowhere at midnight, why?
Quickly as you appeared you disappeared, not the message though. You just dropped, "Tree..." With the message still open his mind was racing, slowing slightly when he caught sight of the golden fleece.
Lightly glowing against the sky, but the fleece was at the hill. The hill! His mind and heart racing quicker than ever, if he saw it, high chance you were outside the barrier, on the ground.
Without ending the message he grabbed Riptide before sprinting outside, ignoring any lingering campers or creatures around. Running past everything to reach the hill, reaching the top quicker than he expected.
Even in the dark your form, laid on the ground, stood out. And be was right, you were a good few feet out of the barrier, but luckily no monsters were around. Slowly putting Riptide into a pocket before stepping over to you.
Easily hauling you into his arms, holding you tight as he made his way to his cabin. While he should find someone who can help properly, he knew enough to be able to help you. Promising to find someone tomorrow.
After placing you on his bed he pulled off any thing you were carrying, one being a surprisingly heavy bag. A quick look over told him most of your injuries were on your face, your huge injury was taken care of, barely.
On one of your arms was a clearly rushed stitch, although they held so far, they should be good until morning. Percy stood up to find his medical supplies, during the rush he missing the figure sitting up behind him.
"Percy?" Spinning so quickly he fell over, also dropping everything. The cabin was light enough to see your features and injuries, so you easily made eye contact.
It was well known Percy wasn't good at hiding his emotions most of the time, and this time, he wasn't good either. You swear all you can see in his eyes is worry.
"Y/N!" Seemingly forgetting that your hurt he launched at you, both of you falling backwards. "Ow..." Seemingly not hearing you Percy had you stuck in bed. Tangling his legs with your own, arms thrown over your shoulder.
From Percy you heard him say, though very muffled by your neck. "Thank the gods you're back." "Yeah..." You could just hear both of your godly parents, watching you both reunite after all this time.
But soon enough their voices would be pushed out of your brain, as Percy made it clear he was asleep. Drool was quick to reach your shirt, grabbing a nearby blanket and pulling it up and over you both, joining Percy asleep in the night.
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lemonlamblaura · 20 days
My Husband is the God of Pestilence - chapter 17
I had to rewrite the beginning of this chapter like 3 times smdh
Thanks for your patience everyone 😊
A week passed after the attack on the temple and repairs were completed in that time. Rainbow light filled the halls, the windows made up of mosaics of different crystals in the style of stained glass. The front doors were made up of slabs of clear quartz, and were very heavy and sturdy compared to the simple wooden doors they replaced.
Nona's absence was noticed immediately by the other followers. Kallamar assured them that he had sent Nona away for being a nuisance, and, since no one was close to him, they believed their god without question.
Saleos served his punishment by cleaning the outhouses for a week which the custodians appreciated. Lilybell avoided him and Saleos reciprocated, not wanting to get on her or Kallamar's bad side.
Rowan continued to watch over Lilybell and Kallamar and also grew closer to Merryn. Due to his past experience lifting heavy logs, he was assigned to assist the gemcutters by lifting and sorting the uncut crystals, and eventually also came to help cut down the huge minerals into a more manageable size to be shaped. It was hard work but he was happy to have a job and to be close to his daughter.
Lilybell moved into Kallamar's room, unable to sleep in her old one since Trenaty's death. Everything except her bed was moved in, which was relocated to the women's quarters. She spent every night in his bed, snuggled in his arms while he read or worked. Due to his divinity he had little need to sleep, though he did doze occasionally.
Nights were especially hard for the young sheep. She dreamt of Trenaty often and she sometimes dreaded going to bed. One terrible night she began to twitch and cry out in her sleep, calling for Trenaty, before jolting awake in a panic. Kallamar comforted her as she began to cry into his chest. When morning came she pretended nothing happened despite Kallamar's protests that she was not as "okay" as she claimed.
Kallamar chose that day to visit Silk Cradle so Lilybell could forget her dreams. They left just after breakfast as the other followers began to settle into their daily tasks. They teleported to the lobby of Shamura's temple, and it was as dark as Lilybell remembered it from the week before. Shamura was summoned, Narinder trailing along behind them with a bored expression.
"Greeting, brother," Shamura said. "Your temple has been repaired, I assume?"
Kallamar nodded, setting Lilybell on the floor. Her hooves stuck to the cobwebs covering the stone, undoing hours of careful weaving. "We used crystals to cover the damages. It looks spectacular, I wish you could see it."
"In time. Your eye is healing well." They turned to a few followers who came beside them, holding towels and a fresh dress. "Perhaps your lady would prefer to dry herself?"
"Yes, please!" Lilybell exclaimed, taking a towel and attempting to dry her hair, but salt water clung to the thick wool like a sponge. It took three towels to soak up most of the water. When she was done the followers held up the used towels around her, forming a makeshift dressing room so she could change. The new dress was long sleeved and lavender and covered with a second layer of lace in a web-like pattern.
The tour of the temple lasted all morning. Lilybell was surprised how the layout of Shamura's temple resembled Kallamar's. In fact, it was almost exactly the same. When asked, Kallamar meekly explained that he enjoyed the way Shamura's temple was built and modeled his own after it.
One room was used solely for refining. Two large forges blazed brightly while workers pounded away at metal, or artistically shaped glass.
"Have you any forges yet?" Shamura asked Kallamar.
"I'm afraid not."
"I shall send you materials so you may build your own. It is in the benefit of every god that they have their own forge."
Next was Shamura's pride and joy: an enormous library, filled wall to wall and floor to ceiling with books of all sizes. Lilybell's eyes brightened at the sight of all the books.
"I've never seen so many books in my whole life!" She squealed, hopping up and down excitedly. "Do you have The Dreaming Princess? It's my favorite!"
"I collect textbooks, not novels," Shamura said flatly. "I care not for frivolous stories."
Lilybell pouted disappointedly. "That's too bad, it's really good! You should give it a try!"
The look on Shamura's face made it clear that they did not believe her, nor would they even attempt to seek it out.
The last stop on their tour was the room where followers wove silk. Looms and spinning wheels were everywhere, followers knitting or sewing while they talked amongst themselves.
"This is where your dresses come from, my dear," Kallamar said to Lilybell with an affectionate smile.
Lilybell waved to the followers. "Thank you!" She called out to them, grinning. Their response was to look confusedly at one another; they had no idea who she was or why she was yelling at them.
Eventually the group circled back to the lobby. Kallamar and Shamura began to talk quietly while Lilybell continued looking around. Narinder looked bored and annoyed, having followed them silently throughout the tour.
"I have made my first sacrifice, sibling," Kallamar whispered.
"Excellent. We're there spectators?"
"No, we were alone."
"There is still time to teach the others that sacrifice is in their best interests. Remember, brother, you are their god. They must obey you without question."
Meanwhile, Lilybell came up to Narinder with her hand extended. "Hi! We haven't met, but my name is Lilybell! It's nice to meet you!"
Narinder stared down at her hoof coldly. After a moment, his face twisted into a cocky smirk and he met her eyes with mischief. "Want to hear how you die?"
The lamb's hand dropped slightly, startled by the question. "Huh?"
"It's a autumn night, full of stars," Narinder continued as if he weren't interrupted. He maintained eye contact in such a way that it made Lilybell uncomfortable. "You're with your husband and he's very sad. You go to comfort him but he snaps your neck. You suffocate slowly while he holds you in his arms and cries."
"Narinder," Shamura cut in warningly. They beckon the kitten over and give him a sharp flick on the head with their fingers, just hard enough to smart.
"Ow! What was that for?!" Narinder shouted, rubbing the spot where he'd been struck.
"I warned you to behave yourself," the spider chastised. "So far you have been no more than a spoiled infant." They turned to Lilybell. "Pay no attention to him. He enjoys tormenting others."
Kallamar picked up a shaken Lilybell, cuddling her close. "You owe my darling an apology."
Narinder looked up to Shamura, silently protesting, expecting them to support him, but the glare Shamura sent him made him cower, lowering his head in defeat. "I'm sorry," he grumbled, clearly not sorry.
Kallamar wanted to reach down and give the kitten a piece of his mind. But he knew Lilybell and Shamura would not be happy, so he kept quiet, stroking Lilybell's hair. "I suppose we must be on our way."
Shamura nodded. "Thank you for your visit. We hope to see you again soon."
When they returned to the ocean, Lilybell patted Kallamar's chest to get his attention. "He was just kidding, right?" She asked worriedly, her brows furrowed.
"Of course, my love. I will never allow anyone to hurt you. Anyone who tries will answer to me."
Relieved, she snuggled into his arms and let out a dreamy sigh.
She gets more beautiful every time I look at her, Kallamar thought, his heart fluttering in his chest.
Later that evening, Kallamar held a sermon shortly before everyone went to bed. It was the first sermon he'd made since the battle. He spoke to his followers about the glory of sacrifice, of many kinds.
"Sacrifice is a virtue," he said loudly for all to hear. "We sacrifice everyday. We sacrifice our time, our love, our patience. But the greatest thing you can do is to sacrifice what you can to help someone you love, someone in need. For there is no angel in the afterlife that did not give up something for another."
It was sloppy, badly delivered, he thought. But, in his opinion, it was better to ease them into the idea of giving themselves to him rather than just to tell them. Better than scaring them away. Still, despite his criticisms towards his sermon, the following ate it up like the famished at a soup kitchen. He felt their devotion seep into his soul like rain upon the earth and it nourished him better than the richest meals fit for kings.
When it was over, he gave the crowd a chance to speak to air any grievances publicly or to ask questions. Usually no one said anything, but this time a small hand went up.
"Lord Kallamar," said the small goldfish once they were addressed, "what's wrong with the ocean?"
A concerned murmur broke out through the crowd. Lilybell and Rowan looked at each other in confusion. Being foreigners, they felt no difference in the ocean whatsoever. But the sea-dwellers who had lived there all their lives felt changes in every way of life. From the slowing currents to the random temperature changes, it was clear the ocean had changed.
"Lord Kallamar, you fought with Carcharias, didn't you?" Cried another follower.
He nodded. He had felt the changes too but hoped they wouldn't say anything. He needed to come up with something fast.
"It's true, the ocean has changed," he confirmed, "because Carcharias has been defeated-"
"Did you kill him?"
A sharp glare directed at the follower shut them up. "Yes. He left me no choice. It was either him or me, and I could not leave all of you without leadership. Gods have always come and gone throughout the eras... it is nothing to be concerned about. A new god will take over the ocean in time. For now there is nothing we can do but wait."
This was, of course, not at all true. Unless another crown came along with the exact same powers as the ultramarine crown, there would never be another god that could control the ocean. But he knew better than to tell them this. It would send them into a panic.
"Tell us about your fight with Carcharias, Lord Kallamar!"
"Was he very strong, like in the stories?"
"Did he have his magic trident?"
"Was he scary?"
"Tell us, Lord Kallamar!"
The following clamored eagerly like children begging their parents for one last bedtime story. Kallamar weaved an exciting tale, full of embellishments to make him sound like the hero, Shamura as his sidekick and Carcharias as the slimy, dastardly villain. They absorbed every word, every syllable, especially Lilybell, who listened admiringly while her heart swelled with pride at Kallamar's "bravery". Rowan reserved his thoughts as the speech droned on, finding it hard to believe every word.
"But he still lived, even after the ceiling caved in!" Kallamar said dramatically, waving his arms, getting into his own story. "He begged for mercy, said he would never have anything to do with us again. However, I knew this was a lie, that he would have stopped at nothing to destroy our way of life. So I took up my sword and finished him off with one mighty swing!"
Everyone except Rowan cheered and Kallamar felt more devotion flow into him as the crowd whooped and hollered. Finally the ocean was free of Carcharias's tyranny! Things would change for the better!
Rowan raised his hand. "I find it hard to believe the god who ruled the ocean for millenia was actually a huge coward. How do we know you aren't just trying to make yourself look better?"
"Shut up, land-dweller!" Someone shouted.
"Yeah! Lord Kallamar would never lie to us!"
"Long live Lord Kallamar!"
"Long live Lord Kallamar!"
Chanting filled the hall as the followers swarmed the stage. Lilybell weaved her way through them until she reached Kallamar, and he picked her up and set her on his shoulder while the others fell at his feet and began to bow like peasants before a king.
Rowan grumbled, storming out of the hall. It was dark, save for a few glowing crystals on the walls. He looked out the window, waiting for Lilybell or Merryn to come out to he would have someone to talk to. He was surprised at how lonely he'd been since coming to the temple. He thought he would be able to spend more time with his daughter, but she was so caught up with Kallamar he wondered if she forgot he was even there. Merryn had been a blessing, seemingly the only other person in the temple with common sense, but after the way everyone behaved in the hall just now he wasn't sure anymore.
Suddenly, something high above caught his eye. Through the colored crystal he could see many tiny lights floating through the water. Stars? No, they couldn't be seen through the waves at the surface. It was something else.
He burst back into the hall just as Kallamar was trying to quiet everyone down. "There's something in the sky!" He shouted.
Merryn rushed forward to calm him down. "What is it?" She asked, taking his arm.
"Lots of bright lights! They look like stars!"
Everyone suddenly got very excited again. "The jellies are migrating for the winter!" Someone exclaimed, and everyone ran out of the hall, excited to go outside.
"Jellyfish?" Lilybell asked nervously, scooting closer to Kallamar's head.
He chuckled. "Not the ones that almost got you that night, darling. These ones are harmless. They travel south every year to bear young. Watching them is a yearly tradition."
Everyone went outside to watch the great migration. There were so many jellyfish that an enormous streak of light shone through the water just under the waves. If one were to watch very closely, they could see the jellyfish moving at a leisurely pace.
Lilybell cooed in amazement, leaning her head on Kallamar's squishy cheek. "That's so cool. It's like a galaxy," she breathed.
"Maybe," Kallamar whispered back, "but their beauty pales in comparison to yours, my little pearl."
Her face flushed bright red and she pressed a kiss into his cool skin, snuggling into his neck with a delighted sigh that made his tentacles shiver in ecstacy.
Winter descended on Anchordeep faster than usual that year. While the world above the waves was covered in a blanket of snow and ice, the ocean remained relatively unchanged aside from a drop in temperature. Followers often gathered in the dining hall to be closer to the kitchen's hearth and work slowed somewhat. In the meantime, sermons picked up. Kallamar addressed the following multiple times a week in order to keep faith high. The stress of so many sermons made Kallamar anxious but Lilybell was always there with an adoring kiss to comfort him.
Whenever Lilybell was not by Kallamar's side, she was often found with her father or Merryn and Anna. Rowan tried to avoid Kallamar as a topic of conversation as he was still untrusting of the squid. That particular day, Rowan was telling the girls about his travels from the mountains to Anchordeep.
"You know, it's strange," he said, "but when I was passing through Darkwood I found a big clearing full of flowers that weren't in season. They were all so healthy, someone had to be taking care of them."
"What kind of flowers?" Merryn asked.
"There were so many I couldn't tell you! Sunflowers, camellias, irises, all kinds."
"Were there roses?" Lilybell asked.
"I wouldn't be surprised, but I didn't see any."
"I would love to see them," Lilybell smiled with her head in her hands. "I bet it's magnificent!"
"You should ask Kallamar to take you," Merryn suggested, ignoring the look Rowan gave her. "Don't you two go out sometimes?"
That was before Lilybell was almost kidnapped. Kallamar had asked her to go out with him since then, but she turned him down, wanting to stay close to the temple. Going to Silk Cradle was the furthest she had been for some time.
"I'm not sure," she said, frowning. "I don't want anything to happen again."
"But Carcharias is gone now, and Darkwood isn't like Anchordeep. There wouldn't be anyone to go after you there."
Rowan interrupted by clearing his throat. "If she doesn't want to go, she doesn't have to."
Thoughts of flowers and lush green grass took over Lilybell's mind all the rest of the day. If Rowan had never said anything, she probably would have never thought about flowers or the land above. But he had, and she had to admit that she missed flowers and sunshine on her wool more than she wanted to admit. She never thought about flowers more than she did that day.
Kallamar noticed that she was distracted before suppertime. "What's wrong, love? Are you troubled?" He asked.
She looked up at him, her face serious. "Can we go to Darkwood?"
He was taken aback not just by her expression but also her directness. "Of course, darling, but why? What could you possibly need in Darkwood?"
After a moment of hesitation to figure out how to express her desires, she turned to face him and took his large hand in her smaller ones. "I want the sun."
His face twisted in confusion. "The sun."
"And the grass, and the flowers, and everything else. When you're in Silk Cradle for too long don't you want to go home after a while?"
At last he understood that she was homesick, but he was troubled by it. Didn't she love Anchordeep as he did? He would have thought that after all this time she would have preferred being down here.
"Your wish is my command, my darling. But tell me, do you dislike this place? Are you unhappy here?" With me?
"No! I just... miss being where I used to come from, that's all. Dad told us about a really pretty place with lots of flowers and I wanted to see it."
"But darling, surely the flowers are all dead and covered with snow."
"Please, Kallamar?" She gave him the biggest puppy dog eyes she could muster, batting her eyelashes and turning up her mouth in an adorable pout. "Pretty please?"
How could he resist such a face? His heart melted at the sight of her. "Very well, my dear, we shall go at once." Better to get it over with quickly to forget it all. "Take some old robes to keep yourself warm."
The next thing they knew they were in Darkwood. Snow covered every inch of ground while icicles hung from tree branches. An icy breeze came by, chilling them both to the bone. Lilybell shivered in Kallamar's arm while he peered over a map. He was less affected by the cold but even he knew he would be bothered eventually.
"We won't be able to stay long, it's far too cold." As he spoke tiny crystals of ice began to form on the wet paper. They set off in the direction of a large clearing. As they came towards it the temperature seemed to change and the snow began to fade away. It almost felt like springtime. Lilybell began to shake less and less and Kallamar could feel warmth return to the tips of his tentacles.
Finally they made it, and all the snow had disappeared. They couldn't believe their eyes. Before them was a huge meadow full of every flower imaginable. Every colour of the rainbow was on full display and not an ounce of snow or ice was in sight. The air was warm and bees flew from flower to flower while birds twittered in the trees. It was like winter did not exist here. Only spring, and warmth and colour existed.
Kallamar set Lilybell down and she rushed into the field of flowers laughing and smiling brightly. "I never saw so many flowers in my whole life!" She shouted gleefully. "Daisies and poppies and hyacinths and morning glories! There's forget-me-nots, too! There's even a pond for water lilies! There's even lilac bushes! OH, MY GOD, THERE'S ROSES! KALLAMAR, THERE'S ROSES!!!"
Kallamar smiled as he watched her scream is excitement but he stayed at the edge of the meadow. He would not be able to enter without trampling the flowers and he hated the though of getting mud on his tentacles. He never understood the appeal of flowers, maybe because he was not exposed to them growing up. Still, he had to admit there was beauty in these alien weeds. In fact, the more he looked at them the more he realized that they were too perfect. There was some magic in them that made them so healthy.
"You are trespassing."
He could have inked himself. He turned slowly to see a being that was his size. Behind them were a huge pair of iridescent wings, glimmering in rainbow patterns. Multiple antennae protruded from their head and their five eyes were divided into many tiny squares. Their fur seemed to glitter as if covered in microscopic diamonds. They wore a crown on their head with a dark pink four petaled flower as an eye.
"State your intention, god of pestilence," said the butterfly.
"W-who are you?" Kallamar stuttered. "We m-m-mean no harm..."
"I am Arete, the god of nature. This is my sacred meadow. You are not welcome here."
"Please forgive me, we were told of this place by someone. W-we didn't know it belonged to you. My dar- I mean, my love has been missing home and wished to come and see the flowers."
Arete was stone faced. "I care not why you have come. You must leave now."
"Kallamar!" Lilybell cried, coming up behind him with a bouquet of flowers she had picked. "Look, look! Can I take them home? Oh, please?" She noticed the huge butterfly just then. "Is this your garden?" She asked them, not realizing that the other god was angered. "All your flowers are so beautiful! You take such good care of them, they're much, much better than the flowers back home! They smell so nice, too-"
"Lilybell!" Kallamar cried in alarm, noticing the flowers in her hands. "Put those back!"
"But I can't! They've already been picked!"
"Don't you understand? These are a god's flowers! They aren't yours!"
"Oh, no! I'm so sorry, I thought they were just here!"
"Take them." Arete said suddenly. Kallamar and Lilybell looked at them in surprise. "I enjoy when my work is complimented. More shall grow in their place. You are welcome here anytime you like... provided the flowers are left alone."
Kallamar didn't know what to say. Thankfully Lilybell filled the silence. "Thank you!"
Arete turned and crept away, their footsteps silent. They disappeared into the trees and it felt as if they were never there to begin with. Kallamar breathed a sigh of relief and looked down at Lilybell. She smiled up at him brightly.
"They were nice!"
They stayed for at least another hour when an angry bee stung Lilybell's hand. Kallamar had so enjoyed watching her frolick that he lost track of time and it was too late to hold a sermon.
That night, Lilybell slept in Kallamar's arms while he tried to read. After going over a single page for a third time he gave up, laying the book down on the bed. He looked down at his girl, his fingers playing with her hair absentmindedly. He wondered what she was dreaming about. The dreams about Trenaty had waned these past weeks, which he was glad for. She seemed happier lately, too.
She was so beautiful, even as she drooled on his chest and talked in her sleep. He was so lucky to have her. If she had never come to Anchordeep that day he would surely be a different man, most likely a more unhappy man. How could he live without her now? Just the thought of her with someone else filled him with dread. He decided he must be the one to make her happy no matter what the cost, even if all the world became his enemy.
When are you going to make an honest woman of my daughter?
Now there was a thought. Sure, gods couldn't procreate, but at the very least they could get married. It was the logical next step and they were basically already married anyway, sharing a bed, spending their days together, kissing and making love. The idea of her in a white gown and professing her vows to him almost brought a tear to his eye.
That was it then.
He tapped her arm. "Darling." No response. He tapped just the slightest bit harder. "Lilybell."
"Uh?" Came the half-asleep response. She didn't even bother lifting her head to meet him.
"Will you marry me?"
She was quiet for a moment before she looked up at him, her eyes bleary. "Huh?"
"Will you marry me? Will you be my wife?"
She blinked at him for a moment before pulling herself up and capturing his lips in a tender kiss. He sighed into her mouth, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her on top of him.
"Sorry," she said when they finally broke apart, "I wanted to be sure I wasn't dreaming."
He leaned his forehead against hers. "Is that a yes?" He asked hopefully.
"Are you crazy? Yes!" She giggled, kissing him again.
"You are planning something, god of knowledge."
The lion had made a deadly mistake going to Silk Cradle alone. Shamura had been awaiting their arrival. It was only a matter of time before news of Carcharias's death reached the ears of the goddess of law and order.
"First Warracka and now Carcharias? One god warrants concern, but two is unreasonable. These were not accidents, nor self defense. How many more gods do you mean to kill?"
"All of them."
The response shocked her. She had no time to defend herself against the blade that slit her throat. She staggered back, grasping desperately at the bleeding wound, gasping and coughing as blood entered her lungs. Shamura lunged forward and plunged the dagger into her chest, over and over again as she fell to the cobwebbed floor. Once they knew she was dead, they began to carve out her heart.
Three down, hundreds to go. Narinder watched from the shadows, eager to learn from his master. He wanted to taste the heart, too.
"Come, little brother," Shamura beckoned, the heart dripping in their hand. "Come and taste divinity."
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archivalofsins · 1 year
Purge March is just great all the way through! From beginning to end so let's go over it~
The way Amane has her own flag at the end-
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The same symbol that we see on the balloon of the girl from her school- Whose dad tells on Amane to her mother. Before the actual cults symbol is highlighted again-
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Possibly implying there's a cult for adults and children or a shift in ideologies. As the symbol of the cult we see throughout magic is the one with the double clouds and colors around it that is over the door of Amane's home-
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And slapped on her backpack where we can see other stickers have been ripped off of it-
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Then there's the way Amane lets the others go absolutely feral while still leading the charge calmly -
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The way she uses an umbrella as a weapon after drowning in those rainy days.
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Them hinting from the beginning it's an umbrella through the way the flags are held at the start and the point of the bottom of Amane's staff-
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The blood on the scepter that can be seen while she's still making her way home-
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The rainbow behind the grey balloons carrying over behind her as she walks home-
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The subtle but manic expression of the more feral ones bleeding through externally, contrasting her more calm internal demeanor-
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How all this perfectly follows up on the cheeky grin that Amane had when she brandished the wand in Magic,
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As she uses the idea of supporting this cause for her own benefit. Making her a fake believer in a way. Something highlighted through the beginning lines of Purge March-
"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! It’s the beginning of a most wonderful day- However, there are blasphemers and silent by-standers, who would have it otherwise. We must not give into them, they are the ones that should be judged with pure, unsullied body and soul, let us preach all that is true and right!"
Them going from being covered in shadow and beneath the balloons to ahead of them.
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"I'll give back the judgement that you gave me."
How they visually show her putting that distorted image behind her-
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Yet, allude to how it still impacts and supports her belief. Just now in a way where she has control.
The fact that Amane's very last straw was her mom killing that cat and the lyrics don't shy away from that-
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"So nary a sound can be uttered a second time, I’ll crush your throat too."
The implications that she not just took out her mom but the people who snitched as well-
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Especially telling considering we see that the staff has blood on it before she gets home. Plus, since it's raining if the umbrella had gotten bloody the rain could have washed it off as she was walking. Hence the very manic expression and the title Purge March. Since the march very well could have just ended at her mother.
Something again I would be fine with happening to mister I can tell your mom I saw you helping a cat on the street but can't pick up a phone and call child protective services when I see you walking around with bruises on your face-
"There are blasphemers and silent by-standers."
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Fuck him too honestly.
(Star here; I wanted to mention how the cult's colours combined are connected to the concept of happiness and it being brought to you. They highlight this in a poster that seems to advertise themselves. If we take this as a visual shorthand for happiness in general, it's interesting that the colours only get shown combined (including with the confetti) when Amane has decided she's had enough and moves to commit her murder.)
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"I don’t need it anymore, if you’re going to break your vow. Here and now, it’s my turn to tear you apart- So there is no second time, I’ll give back the judgment that you gave to me." - "“UNDER” The magic is in believing there is no righteousness in broken promises."- "A good girl that keeps a promise is like, mwah!"
Then there's the song itself-
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"The “It can’t be helped”, from the scum that can’t be helped. That makes them doubtlessly, clearly, absolutely, unequivocally, beyond any doubt, categorically, emphatically, GUILTY."
"It can't be helped" it's the only way you'll learn after all.
"After you cry, repent, and kneel, it’s now your turn to say that hopeless “I’m sorry”."
It's the vindication and euphoria that I feel can only be felt by those who grew up with abusive parents for me that resounding- "Yes!" feeling that seeing this,
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accompanied by this line brings-
"You’re sorry? I don’t care! Please, go ahead and die already. Remember MY cries, MY repents, MY words of “I’m sorry” that I said to you?"
That really gets to me specifically. That really makes me go actually yeah, sure murder is objectively bad. However, in this case do I find it morally reprehensible...? No, fuck this lady she kills cats and beats children. Like come on now this isn't hard. She probably killed what two people a guy that ignores blatant child abuse and a woman who once again kills cats and beats children.
I don't think Amane should be sentenced to torture because she gave two terrible people express passes to hell. That's just silly- Plus for me it's always been about how I feel about each individual prisoners' crimes first and foremost. I don't particularly care how safe these prisoners are or aren't because this isn't about that and it's something I have no control over. There are just too many factors to properly deduce what will happen during the intermission outside of what they've alluded to already.
I'll only have a clear idea of what may happen next when Kotoko comes around. If she does the same thing, she did during her first interrogation and updates us on how the prisoners are handling their verdicts, that is.
For now, though- I'm going to vote how I want as usual. Simply put if childcare services were better, and she wasn't in a community of bootlicking rats this lady wouldn't have gotten away with this for so long-
Sad that Amane had to take matters into her own hands but at least this woman is fucking gone. So, she won't be going back to that cult environment we see in Magic, she'll simply go back and hopefully be with her dad. Who she wishes to be with already. But what if she makes her own cult?
I don't give a fuck. Her cult isn't going to be the kills cats and beats children cult now, is it? She's actively trying to be better than her parents and has displayed her desire to be so numerous times. I don't know this is just an easy one for me. Glad to see that this aspect was handled incredibly well and I'm more excited for Double now as a result!
So, a great start to the day overall.
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kouyuzu · 1 year
Another Day
*Was listening to Save Your Tears by The Weekend when I wrote this, but I wouldn't call it a song fic, and it's a little different
*1786 words
*Sae x gn! Reader [angst/ hint of fluff]
Sae hates Japan and everything it reminds him of. Of how the country could never produce a striker, or any teammate that could be worthy of receiving his passes, and when a program cropped up to do that— it included his lukewarm little brother. Playing against the bluelock 11 ‘team’ will be so easy. It’s what he stuck around for afterall, but he’s not ready to see you.
You are the only thing he hates equally to Japan’s football league. YOU, standing there in the stands with your eyes trained on… yup. His lukewarm loser of a brother.
A small flare in his chest ignites as he takes in your face. How your hair shines under the lights of the stadium, a small halo from the way the mist lingers in the air. He jumps up a couple of times to get his blood moving, because not going to let anyone get the better of him, especially not since he’s met the others on the U-20 team. They’re going to destroy Bluelock 11, and prove that there is no worthy egoist in Japan (let alone 11 of them). And then Sae can go back to Spain and forget about this cursed country.
There’s barely any history between you and him anyways, and five years is plenty of time for him to claim that he doesn’t recognize you, and has forgotten. That’s what he tells himself as he keeps the ball just outside of the Bluelock11 penalty area. He dribbles just a little bit behind the tall one who’s been saying the most lukewarm statements about being ‘glam.’ He’s not distracted. He can’t afford to show his brother a lukewarm version of himself, because that doesn’t exist. Not even in front of you. Especially not in front of you.
Maybe Sae got into his head too much because after the game, he can’t even be bothered to care about the results. The only thing he’s thankful for is that Shidou feels the same way, because if he didn’t, someone would have a trip to the emergency room. The rest of the team files off of the field towards the locker rooms and Sae doesn’t mean to look back over his shoulder. He especially doesn’t mean to look directly at the section of the stands where you’re now at the railing and smiling down at Rin. At his younger brother— that lukewarm motherfucker. Of course you would grow closer to Rin after Sae left for Spain, but to be close enough that you’re blowing kisses at him… He doesnt mean to stare as he watches Rin smile. Actually smile back at you, even though he doesn’t return the cheesy gesture.
Teal eyes are watching you long enough for you to look up and catch him. Sae’s brows are furrowed at the scene, and Rin follows your gaze. There’s an eternal second where your mouth parts slightly, and then his name on your lips and a single glint over your cheek bone as a tear falls from the corner and slides across your skin, pale from the overhead lighting, the one pearlescent orb reflecting rainbows as it falls. Ten meters from where Sae stands across the field. He turns for the locker room because he doesn’t want to watch you cry over him. Not again.
The team is going to celebrate and meet the Bluelock 11 team, but Sae doesn’t want to do that. He’s letting his intrusive, repulsively lukewarm, thoughts tear through his mind. Should he go speak to you? It’s been five years since you last spoke. Since you found him the night before his flight to Spain playing soccer at night. You always found him before anyone else began to think to look.
As the Itoshi’s next door neighbor and only friend through middle school, being exactly one year between him and Rin was so perfect. For twelve years you were a constant in their lives, even though you sucked at football. At least you supported his move to Spain. That's what he hates the most about you though— how supportive you are.
His last image of you is fresh in his mind as you told him with tears in your eyes that you wanted what was best for him, and Sae looked back at you with his gorgeous aqua lifeless, blank eyes and said that he didn’t give a fuck what you cared. If this image is in his mind, the first snow stinging his face and you crying— of course you’re crying, you were always crying until Rin showed up— then you have the same image. Sae left you in the field that night, and he’ll do it again. Right now.
Once Sae changes and is standing with the U20 team and some of the guys from the bluelock team, someone speaks up.
“Where’s Rin?” Isagi asks.
Various responses of “I don’t know,” and “who cares?” are returned. Sae’s gritting his teeth as he thinks about that interaction between you and Rin. Maybe Rin is in the stands holding you, and returning that kiss you sent him, but with his own lips.
This ego is going to be the death of him, as Sae drops his bag at Shidou’s feet and starts running for the stands. In his chest his heart is pounding and he can feel the ache in his calves as he sprints up the stairs to get to the stands. He can reach you he knows he can— and there you are, standing at the railing still. Your back is to him, and there’s a hand to your face as you swipe at your eyes. When your fingers fall to the railing there’s a slight shine as the tears linger on your skin.
“Fuck,” Sae whispers in the still air. The stadium feels hot and suffocating, the air muggy and weighing down on Sae as he stares at you. He waits for an infinite second before slowly walking up behind you. But what the hell does he say to you?
“Rin?” You whimper, and turn around as soon as Sae stands behind you.
Sae sighs gently and in a flat voice says, “guess again.”
Your breath catches and you can't help the hiccup that escapes your mouth. Eyes are wide under your lashes which are collecting small drops of condensation from the air, or maybe residue from your crying. You can’t take a step back but Sae notices how your legs shift to move towards the railing. Your throat moves as you swallow.
“Hi… Long time no see…” Sae says. His voice is low, but not as threatening as he thought he was going to come off as.
You glance behind you, but the field is empty since the only other person left was Rin, but he’s in the locker room.
Sae rakes a hand through his hair and he turns to look behind him too, making sure that Rin isn’t going to hear how pathetic he's about to sound.
You’re shifting from foot to foot with your bottom lip locked between your teeth in nerves, and even trying to sneak peaks past him since Sae knows you’re waiting for Rin.
He needs your eyes on him though, so he takes a step in to face you. “(Y/n),” he says. “Look… I fucked up.”
Your breath catches again. “...what?”
“I’m sorry,” Sae clarifies. His hand flits to the back of his neck for a second as he thinks about how to say the next part. He wants to apologize for leaving you, but he needs to improve. He needs to be better. “I ran away from you, because I needed to train.”
You exhale shakily, a whispered “S-Sae,” leaving your lips.
Sae sighs a little more heavily than he means to. You crying right now is the last thing he wants, but it'd be perfectly in character.
“Your training went well,” you say to him, your voice wavering and revealing that you believe the words even though you don't want to. “Sae… you were incredible out there.”
“I've been working hard,” Sae agrees, and shoves his hands into the pockets of his track pants. He traces your face from the way your eyebrows are pushed together in anxiety, to the shine in your eyes. “What's wrong?” he asks.
“Nothing,” you say simply, but lower your gaze to his shoes. There's a deep inhale from you as you continue, “but…” Another second before you let out a soft, “I missed you.” Your voice is quiet under the blanket of night, and Sae feels as cold as the night he left you crying on the soccer field with flurries of snow flying past your faces.
“I’m sorry,” Sae says. His voice is low, although he accidentally used his press-voice, and his tone is flat. “I needed to get stronger.”
“You did,” you agree, your eyes finally meeting his own. “Will you go back to Spain?”
Sae allows his features to even out and his mouth settles into a line instead of a frown. “We lost,” he finally acknowledges, “so I need to continue training.”
Your breath is shallow and you reach your arms out for Sae and slot your own arms around his torso, holding him tightly. “I know you have to leave, but I don't want you to.”
Sae takes one hand out of his pocket and places it on top of your head, patting a couple of times. He doesn't know what to say because he doesn't want any attachment to Japan when he has to leave. And he has to leave because the game against BlueLock 11 confirmed that maybe there is a striker out there who isn't lukewarm, and Sae will need to keep up with them so he can make the best crosses when the time comes to play with him, whoever that might be.
“I'll miss you, Sae,” you say into his U-20 jacket. “I don't want you to leave again.”
He wants to say it back. He wants to save you from the tears but he wants to be internationally recognized in the football community even more. But if you wait for him, maybe another day he’ll be able to tell you these disgusting, lukewarm thoughts.
For now though, Sae’s free arm wraps around your shoulders to hug you back, strong arms pulling you into his chest as you start to sob in earnest again. This time is different though because Sae won't leave your heart broken. He can't allow himself another five or even ten years without you, so he leans his head down next to your ear to murmur, “once I become the number one midfielder, I’ll come back for you, (Y/N).”
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Imagine: Derek having to convince you that you deserve love
You weren’t particularly fond of it. Emotions. I mean you had them. You can cry on a dime if you watch a sad movie or scene. And oddly enough when you get hugs.. sometimes you tear up.
You weren’t raised to be “emotional” or to Expect a lot. You weren’t neglected or ever wanted anything from your parent.s they just decent enough parents. They made sure you had food in your belly, clothes, and whatever you wanted within reason. But you were different. When you saw your friends being young and Stupid. You just saw warning signs. And you stared clear. And when All your friends got coupled up. And you were Left behind. You are sixteen. Realized. You would always be alone. So you had to make a decision. Cry and Let a status determine who you were. Or Learn to be happy with yourself which was pretty easy. You were always by yourself. Sure you had friends. But you didn’t go out to party and weren’t ever invited out. You. I just.. accepted it.
It was because of Erica you learned to about the werewolves in Beacon Hills and about Derek Hale. You knew about him. From passing. Especially since you saw him from time to time and you always had to stop. He would be a few yards away and you would stop just t Marvel at his beauty for a second before going on your way. Well after Meeting him and watching Erica change completely. With her personality and boldness, you barely recognized Erica. You were changed to. Not by choice. Derek just did it. You survived the bite but you weren’t like Erica. You weren’t bold and dressing differently you felt better but still yourself.
Two females in a pack. And having Derek as the Alpha. It was clear both you and Erica thought Derek was unbelievably attractive. And rationally you didn’t want to do anything about it. Because you were just 17. And he was over the age. And far too Hot. And you were fighting with your contentment. You weren’t the kind of girl who gets the guy. Erica tried everything to get Derek’s attention. Secretly you were enjoying the failed attempts she wasn’t just giving up. She got a thrill each time he refused her. Then During a training session, Erica jumped and Kissed him. You weren’t overly stunned that she tried getting into Stiles’s pants earlier. That week. But Derek tossed her off and Eric’a statement “I have someone else in mind for you.”
That’s when you spoke up, “what do you mean by that? You’re setting us up? Playing matchmaker?”
Derek looked at you. As he spoke, “Don’t worry when you’re older. We will discuss it again.’
“No- No you can tell us Now? You shuffling us around like cattle?”
Derek chuckled as he spoke, ‘No of course Not. But I have hopes.. for who my two betas will be with” 
you looked over at Erica and Boyd knowing instantly who he was going to set them up with. “Erica and Boyd... you’re going to push them together..” looking at Derek. who was standing over you after just tossing you to the ground? he was covered in sweat as he crossed his arms. which you just knew meant you were Right. “And. Me and-” Derek stopped you there as he spoke, “I haven’t - you aren’t going to him. this conversation is over!’ 
and it was. Derek kept his word he didn’t bring it up again, Not after Erica died, Or Boyd..Isasic-you wasn’t sure what happened to him. one second he was with the hunter and the next in Paris? or Egypt you weren’t sure. you’re pretty sure he is alive. either way years passed. Out of Derek’s pack, you were the only one left. Derek tried to push you off to Scott thinking you would be better and safer with him. you loved Scott he was your friend. him Stiles, Lydia, Malia but he wasn’t Derek, and you didn’t want to be in A pack without Derek as your Alpha. Derek didn’t sugarcoat anything. Scott has a can-do butterfly and rainbow outlook on things. saying that he/ the pack will Fix everything and everyone will be safe. the positivity wasn’t what you needed. you wanted the truth about the dangers. Derek was the only one who gave you the truth and true reassurance. Naturally, Derek tried everything in his power to Ride himself of you but you were Stubborn. and refused. 
After High school, you went away, and Derek encouraged it. wanting you to experience Life, and Scott promised he would Stay in beacon hill to protect and help the younger wolves. which He did.. until Liam graduated and Scott just figured that the wolves and all the supernatural mischief would Just Stop. you were Slightly furious that Scott Left Beacon Hill, after promising he would stay and be the Alpha and help out whenever a new Big Bad showed up. Derek was there. with Eli but it wasn’t the same. Scott was the Alpha since Derek lost his ranking. it was Scott’s responsibility, not Derek’s. you moved back to help out. plus you got offered a teaching position.  
Returning to Beacon Hill Derek was Stunned to smell you, you smelt the same as when you left. he was stunned as you hugged Eli and gave him a long story about your adventures in New Orleans. One of the Downfalls of being the Alpha he could smell the scents off you. it originally was a thing for Alpha to have over their packs to keep them safe. hundreds of years ago. but now it was Creepy.. and Even the other pack members can smell who was close to the others. but Alpaha’s noses are more tuned in and he could smell right now to how long it was lasting. unfortunately, Derek smell your former lovers.. or in your case your Lack of Lovers.. he was Stunned. watching you go around and give your headbutt to Malia. your secret handshake you then pulled her into a Hug. and Derek was Stunned. 
Out of All the girls, in the Pack. you were the one that knew was going to be a heartthrob, with your Shinny y/c/h and the depths of your eyes. your dry sense of humor and you’re brilliant brian. you could have easily been the CEO of any company or the Next president of the united states. you were Smart enough and could literally be Anything in the world. but you choose a Teacher. He knew your grand plan was to come back to Beacon hill one day. you loved it here. it was home. and you wanted to be here in case something bad happened to cause you wanted to protect your family. you skillfully and masterfully were able to keep your secret from them. 
When you were in High school Derek had the hardest time reminding himself. you were a high schooler and he refused to be a creep. Sure he thought about Everything he wanted to do with you, on you, to you. for you. and that was when you were in High school. Now an adult. and more confident in your words, and your mind was expanded, Everything about you changed but fundamentally you were still the same. Derek secretly cursed all the boys at your university. he figured you would be hounded by boys left and right.  he definitely figured you would have a line of boys waiting to Woo you. Malia didn’t notice her nose could only smell your soap and shampoo and the deodorant you were using and the calmness you had. 
Shifting over hugging Derek you gave him a big squeeze as he hugged you tightly. they all helped you move into Derek’s Old flat you were renting as Eli said it was going to be a man magnet for sure. which you just laughed. 
Malia soon took Eli home while Derek stuck behind as he spoke, “can I ask a personal question?” 
you were sitting on the sofa about to stick your hand into  a bag of lays chips, “yea absolutely what’s up?’  
“Why don’t you have a partner?’ 
that wasn’t what you were expecting to hear, you expecting to hear “why did you come back, why aren’t you exploring the world” along the lines of the speech he gave you when you graduate to go out and explore the world. but Not why are you single? 
“Oh- well. I don’t know- No one is knocking on my Door.” 
Derek rolled his eyes as he spoke, ‘bullshit- your beautiful, funny, kind, compassionate, Brilliant. you are the last person i expected to be Single.” 
“thank you?” you laughed at that statement as you shook your head, ‘No one- I guess. I don’t know. it’s not like I’m outspoken. I just- prefer my own company.” 
Derek saw right thru that Lie. he knew you were lying to yourself when you use to state that you were content with being just by yourself. the truth was you were terrified of loving someone. And that you were afraid No one could love you. so you are never tired.  Derek figured. after school when you went to university and the boys saw you. that they would sweep you off your feet. and you would learn you deserve Love. If it weren’t for the fact you were a high schooler when he turned you. Derek would have. he would have made you feel like a goddess on this earth. But again. Derek’s mortal compass refused to hurt you in that way. he promised himself he wouldn’t even entertain the idea of having you, being with you, until you were an adult. then you moved and he thought he would finally be finished with his crush on you. Now sitting there giving faint lies as to why you were still Single. it drove Derek even crazier. 
“you deserve the love you know y/n. more than anyone in this town. you are. unbelievable.’ 
you rolled your eyes you heard your mom give you the same speech hundreds of times. when she would call and bug you about who you were seeing. as if even If you had someone you would Go into details about your love life with your mother! But Derek was different. Derek was Derek. “I do not, it’ just- hasn’t happened. and I’m not going to Wallow in sadness because I’m alone. you’re alone.. and look at you.’  
Derek sighed heavily as he spoke “I’m alone by choice because of the only woman who could tempt me. is afraid of love.” 
your eyes grew large as you spoke, “Malia? you sick Fucker.” 
Derek rolled his eyes as he spoke, “you idiot! Not my cousin!” 
your mouth fell open as Derek walked over crouched down in front of you looking up at you. “ive been intoxicated with you. since before I bite you Y/n. I didn’t- i wouldn’t do anything about it.. when you were...” Derek paused as he grabbed your hand, “remember when you figured otu I was hoping for Erica to be with Boyd?” you nodded your head,”yea you wanted me with Isaac.” 
he’s grip on your tighten hearing as he shook his head, “No- I never said that. you assumed. I- wanted you. I was hoping. One day. we could be together.” your mouth fell open hearing that as Derek spoke, ‘let me show you how much you deserve Love.” 
WOW, was all you could think about the next morning. As you laid on the floor beside your bed. The mattress you brought was completely destroyed along with half your bedding and the sofa derek brought over. You were so thankful for super healing. Since there were moved you never thought were imaginable. Derek was laying beside you. As he was breathless as you tapped his chest softly with the back of your hand.
" Derek this isn't a one time thing right"
Derek shifted wrapping his arm around your waist as he pulled you into a side hug.
" God I hope not"
"Good. But next time.. no claws"
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thoughtssvt · 8 months
Far Beyond Eternity
cw : sad topics, negative thoughts, mentions of death, comfort
It'd been a while since something good happened to Suguru. It was about time he started wondering when it would end like all the good things in his life
wc : 850
A/N: nothing really happens that's sad, suguru just thinks sad things and satoru is there to comfort him! this is a happy piece I swear! not proof read tho, oops. sorry for any mistakes!
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It wasn’t their first time sneaking out after curfew. It was, however, their first time sneaking out after they shared their first kiss. Though, maybe it’s better to say after they became comfortable kissing each other with no restrain. They kissed all the time, annoyed the hell out of Shoko, got scolded countless times by Yaga to have a little self control.
They just couldn’t help it. Especially not now. Not while the moon shone so gently down on them and the breeze was so soft that it slipped beneath their uniforms, kissing their skin and wrapping its arms around them in a comforting hug. Not while Suguru’s rainbow dragon droned a comfortable pur, deep in its chest as it slithered steadily in the air for them. Not when he looked so pretty.
Satoru pulled back in a soft pant, reaching to tuck the dark sliver of hair behind Suguru’s ear, breath hitching at the realization that Suguru was staring at him as hard as he was staring at Suguru.
Suguru’s hands were much more callused than Satoru’s, but he didn’t mind. It still felt good against his cheek, thumb running back and forth against his blush. Satoru was prettier than the moon, Suguru thought. Eyes more captivating than the limitless sky, more precious than the depths of the ocean.
And he loved him.
He loved him.
He loved him in a way Suguru never thought he could be loved.
With his whole heart. So deeply and boundless. And it came for free.
Suguru didn’t have to beg, he didn’t have to give himself up in his entirety. The love between them just became and it engulfed him, filled him up so full that sometimes it was nauseating, but it was his and theirs and it was them.
Sometimes Suguru didn’t know what to do with it. Sometimes he woke up and after the feeling settled that this was actually real he asked himself when it would finally come to an end. Everything must come to an end, right? Even love.
He’d ask himself whose fault it would be. Maybe it would be mutual. Maybe they’d drift apart as the seasons passed. Maybe, just maybe, for them the world would be kind. Maybe their love would end in death. It would be no one’s fault, they wouldn’t decide to close the chapter, the seasons would pass and their love would grow stronger. Only death could break them apart. Though, even that thought terrified him.
He turned his head to look at Satoru where he was now laying next to him, arms crossed and tucked under his head, legs bent, one knee crossed over the other.
“Satoru,” He gulped, “I can’t live without you.” He’d said so suddenly. It had surprise and confusion spreading across Satoru’s face. “Please let me die first.” Suguru rasped, so small and delicate like he didn’t want the world to hear his plans.
For a split second concern knit his brows tightly together. Pain and anxiety spread through Satoru’s chest, but seeing the same feelings on Suguru made his dissipate. He knew Suguru. He knew this wasn’t about anything that was coming any time soon. Suguru was just a worrier and he’d already endured five lifetimes of hurt before meeting Satoru. He knew his boyfriend just needed reassurance. He needed to know that what they had would last. That it wouldn’t end like all the good things that came before.
“I’ll bear that for you because…” Satoru sucked in a deep breath. “Suguru, if we live to be 100… how could I possibly fit all my love for you in 83 years? So you go on ahead– but not too soon, okay? Because there has to be something after this.” Even in his uncertainty he managed a stable smile. “Meeting you has made me believe it.” Satoru sat up, turning to face Suguru completely. Suguru could see the cogs turning in his boyfriend’s head along with a growing type of excitement. Like all their worries would be washed away. If he said this then it’d be set in stone. “I don’t know if we’ll get another lifetime or if we’ll be reincarnated as ice cubes or if we’ll just meet together in whatever paradise is, but i know that my love for you will reach far beyond eternity.” He said it with such sincerity that Suguru would have believed that this was a guarantee after death. Although he trusts his boyfriend with his life this wasn’t something that would go away over night. It did ease the uneasiness, though.
Suguru couldn’t help launching himself at Satoru, cupping his face with two rough, callused hands, pulling him close until their lips intertwined. The wind massaging their scalp, ruffling their hair, reminding them to be wishful children filled with youth. ‘Sneak out in the middle of the night, get scolded for kissing too much, talk about the future of endless possibilities,’ it said as the moon illuminated their hearts. Reassuring them that in darkness it’ll be there to light their path for whatever is to come to them.
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sonkitty · 8 months
The Door Trick Visual Representation
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Core concept: Touch the door while touching the door.
This Threshold Trick uses a pocket touch, so it is actually really complicated. I have not fully solved it.
Pocket touches use word play. They have both a Pocket Chain and a Rainbow Connection. They require specific framing.
As such, The Door Trick is actually the first part of a special Double Door Act with Aziraphale. Aziraphale's part is...The Door Catch.
Read more at the end.
From the overall first cut of a front view of Crowley:
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From the overall second cut of a front view of Crowley:
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The Door Catch Ground Zero
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Earthly Objects really likes the number 3, and pocket touches really like word play. Given these two factors, I truly believe that this particular cut is meant to be Ground Zero for The Door Catch. Notice that it has zero ground in it. The Door Catch for Aziraphale officially starts in the next Aziraphale cut when Aziraphale has his feet visibly on the ground.
That way, Crowley gets his 3 shots for The Door Trick, and Aziraphale will get 3 his shots for The Door Catch.
Aziraphale gets an overhead light for his Ground Zero cut.
(GIF version)
From the overall third cut of a front view of Crowley:
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1-Single accessory touch to the door with the watch. 2-Double clothing touch to the door with the jacket and pants thanks to the pocket touch. Double multiplier for having the legs crossed. 3-Triple skin contact touch to the door thanks to the watch and deliberate separation of parts of the hand. Triple multiplier for the collective middle, ring, and pinky fingers together.
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Note the illusionary touch onto something from the human behind him. It is a black part of a black bag. Several bags were shown earlier in their assistance with both the Pocket Chain and Rainbow Connection. The illusionary touches tend to be on edges, but this one is not. It is precisely within edges. I assume such a thing is acceptable because of how the nearby humans are framed, especially the one holding the bag and the other walking away from the car wearing a hat and that this Trick is linked to what Aziraphale will do.
Nonetheless, this part is a cue for Aziraphale.
The Door Trick is done.
Now for The Door Catch with its official start.
From the overall first cut of Aziraphale after Crowley's last shot:
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From the overall second cut of Aziraphale after Crowley's last shot:
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From the overall third cut of Aziraphale after Crowley's last shot:
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This framing is likely intentional and related to the pocket touch:
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Crowley's sideburns are at their longest length despite him not being in the bookshop. I suspect they are contributing.
Even though the pair made a connection with the car during the story, I think Crowley was granting access to the threshold to begin with. He himself is a master manipulator of thresholds as opposed to a demon who has never fired a gun. Aziraphale had to do his part to get in.
The humans nearby were contributing significantly to this special Act. One of the ways they were helping is the Rainbow Connection. You can find out more for this mechanic and my limited understanding of it here: The Pocket Chain Rainbow Connection Part 4 - The Door Trick and The Door Catch.
The Metatron made mistakes that helped both Crowley and Aziraphale succeed.
Aziraphale had a Pocket Frame that was Elevator Edges.
The Metatron had a Pocket Frame that was Doorknobs. The Metatron was making mistakes with his own frame since the elevator buttons are the equivalents of doorknobs.
Note the constant presence of humans in every shot until Aziraphale walked into that threshold...unless of course, the Metatron is secretly human himself. Humans have a significant presence during Crowley's own pocket touches. It's at least worth mentioning.
Much of the above is theory, especially with the more intricate details of the mechanics, but I am as sure as I can get that there is a Door Trick and a Door Catch due to the effort required to play the games in the story and find both.
The Door Trick is the fifth Threshold Trick to start and finish overall. Five down, one to go.
You can find me going over The Door Trick and The Door Catch in even more detail here:
The Door Trick
Read more about all the Threshold Tricks in my post for them here: Threshold Tricks.
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abhainnwhump · 5 months
IMYM Chapter 30: Captive to Queen: Ribbon
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For the fifth time that day, Ribbon adjusted his new ruby necklace.
Nightmare didn’t want him to take it off, he never told him why. All he said was it had to do with his mortality problem. Since talking about the guardianship issue made him so upset, Ribbon kept his mouth shut. He didn’t question anything he said, although he always did that. Nightmare was always stressed, especially after Error escaped. Ribbon offered help in any way he could. He made him tea, offered cuddles, did extra chores, and always let Nightmare hold him on his lap. Ribbon couldn’t be happy unless Nightmare was happy first! The head pats were nice too, Ribbon made sure to purr at those, Nightmare liked that, he always wanted him at his side. And all this pressure a week before they got married too!
That’s why Ribbon was here, singing for him in private in his office.
His dress spun around as he twirled. Nightmare leaned back in his leather chair and watched him. Ribbon didn’t know the words to this song very well, it was in French, but Nightmare said it was one of his favorites. It was from somewhere in the seventeenth- no, the eighteenth century? Ribbon forgot. Nightmare went a long ramble about it when he taught Ribbon the song.
Ribbon kept his eyes on Nightmare’s tense face. Yeah, Ribbon was upset about Error running away too. He tried to be good to him! He tried so hard to be his friend and Error always said no! But Nightmare took it way harder. But luckily, Ribbon watched as his face softened. It was working! His soft little soprano voice was helping!
“Thank you, my little bear. That was lovely.” Nightmare said with a slow clap when he finished. Ribbon curtsied, blushing at the pet name. At this point, Nightmare used pet names to describe him more than his real name, even to other people. Nightmare booped his nasal bone with his tendril.
“I just didn’t want you to be stressed out.”
“I’m not. Everything is under control. However, I do need your help to pack the last of the decorations." Nightmare stood up from his desk chair and gestured for his doll to follow. Ribbon studied his stance and vibe. Tendrils relaxed, aura calm. Good, he was genuinely happy. The doll skipped after him, smiling knowing his job was done.
The big day has finally arrived.
Ribbon scrunched his face as he did his best to fill his back with paint. He used a mirror to help him see what he was doing. Strange, Nightmare always remembered to help him with this. It could be because there was so much other stuff to do today. Still. Ribbon struggled to fill each compartment on his spine, arms shaking. Yellow paint and pink paint had to be the strongest, . That’s why he could. He couldn’t even feel emotions without him!
But he figured it out after about five minutes of trying and failing. His spinal compartments dripped with all shades of the rainbow. Nightmare wouldn’t notice with his back screwed back up. Ribbon left his room and walked through the dark hallways. He met up with the other four members at the front entrance. Horror and Dust whispered to each other. Killer stared out the window, holding a wreath under his left arm.
The entire Villian Sans Squad teleported to the venue. Each member carried a different tote of supplies. Ribbon carried the lightest one.The building was the size of Nightmare’s ballroom and had two floors. The first floor was the actualplace they were going to marry. Twenty-six long benches lined a massive space with a triangular roof. Three stained glass windows with pictures of the monster-human war lined the back.But that wasn’t important right now. They had to decorate the second floor, which was where the celebration was going to be.
First, Ribbon went to help Horror with the food. The kitchen area was a room behind the bar. It was small and periwinkle. Horror dropped a cooler and a tote of supplies by the entrance. Ribbon looked up. Why was this place so cold?
Horror frosted the cake, going slow to get every peak right. It was four-tiered and covered in white frosting. Each tier had black fondant acting like streamers and roses to hold them up. Horror’s massive hands didn’t look like they were fit for holding the tiny frosting, but they worked. The top had a little fondant display of Nightmare and Ribbon dancing. Dream's circlet sat at Nightmare's feet, covered in dust.
“Tryin’ . . . follow boss’s plan.” Horror pushed a drawing toward Ribbon. Ribbon looked between the two. Nightmare had amazing drawing skills.
“It looks perfect! Good job!” Ribbon grinned and bounced. Horror’s mouth curved up in a half smile. He looked over and spotted leftover frosting left in the bowl. He wanted a taste, but he knew Nightmare would say no.
Horror looked over and gave Ribbon a nod. “You can . . . have it. Better than letting it . . waste.” His comment was technically permission, so Ribbon took a spoon. He took a scoop of the white buttercream frosting and licked it up. It wasn’t too sweet, but the vanilla was strong. And there was something else. Cinnamon? That had to be it. The cake was apple spice, so it made sense.
"Do you need any help? That's . . . that's why I came in." Ribbon asked, wiping the frosting off his face with a napkin.
Horror shook his head. "No. 'M fine."
Ribbon nodded. He checked that off his mental checklist and dashed out of the room. He went back to the main decorating room. Nightmare and Killer worked together and Ribbon joined in. He shuffled through a tote until he found some fake flowers that had to be hung up. Nightmare used his tendril to help Ribbon go up and tie purple flowers to the walls. Ribbon wrapped bows around each bouquet. The chandelier at the top of the room glittered.
“This is a little . . . brighter than I expected my wedding to be, but I still like it.” Nightmare said, looking around the light purple and black room. The streamers the flowers held up looked just like the cake.
"I did this intentionally. Your dress will be the brightest thing in this room since you're the brightest thing in my life." Nightmare chuckled and nuzzled Ribbon, making him blush.
Dust knocked on one of the wood benches to get Nightmare's attention. "Hey boss, I got a situation with the guest list. I need your help."
"Of course. Wait here, my doll," Nightmare said. He dropped Ribbon and followed him. Ribbon focused on ground decorations instead, at
Ribbon hung up a banner as Killer dropped one of the roses. He wore his best man suit with a knife lapel pin on the chest. Ribbon designed all the outfits, the weeks of sewing hurt his hands. Well, made them ache at least, it was hard to feel much pain without nerves. Ribbon picked it up and handed it over to him.
“Thanks, dollface,” Killer said. He set the rose back in the bouquet. Then he poked a petal. “Do you think I can get Cross to do this with me one day?
Ribbon paused and looked down at him. He pulled his heart charm. “Um . . . I don’t know. Maybe. Why Cross? Do you like him?”
Killer laughed, which was more of a mix between a scoff and a wheeze. “Have you seen that guy? I’ve liked him since boss brought him into the castle. Cross hid his face with his turtleneck when he introduced us and it was adorable. I saw him training for the first time a week later, shirtless.” Killer fake-fanned himself with one of the napkins. “He has a really nice body. One time he put his knife to my throat after a battle . . . you should’ve seen the look on his face. It was hot as hell.”
Killer giggled to himself. Ribbon couldn’t help but giggle with him. It was silly.
“What would this be about?” Nightmare stepped into the doorway with his arms crossed. His tendril lashed out and grabbed Ribbon. He was yanked back like a pull-string into Nightmare’s arms. He held Ribbon with one hand on the back of his head and the other wrapped around his back. Ribbon couldn’t see Killer with his face pushed into Nightmare’s chest.
Killer held his hands up. “Woah, boss. I was just joking with him.”
“Well don’t joke. Not . . . Ribbon doesn’t need to be agitated. He needs to be in a calm mindset before the ceremony.” Nightmare turned around and walked with Ribbon, holding him close. Ribbon couldn’t breathe and looked up, taking in a big breath. He squirmed. Nightmare loosened a little bit, only when he realized he was suffocating him. Nightmare kissed Ribbon on the cheek as he sat him down on a bench. No one was around but them. “Aw, I didn’t mean to choke you.”
Ribbon nodded. “Mm hm, I’m fine! I forgive you.” Ribbon looked at the clock on the wall. He couldn’t read it very well. He asked Nightmare for help before, but he just said he didn’t have to learn. He would do that for him. “How much longer before I have to get ready?”
Nightmare looked around like he was nervous someone was watching. But why? Nightmare was stronger than everyone here combined! Nightmare set a finger on Ribbon’s mouth. “Now. I hired some maids to help you get ready. So don’t be scared of them.”
“Okie!” Ribbon exclaimed. He forgot about Nightmare taking him from Killer, that wasn’t important right now.
“Good. Now remember where the bridal’s suite is and go put your dress on. Killer, Dust, and Horror will greet the guests while we get ready.” Nightmare turned Ribbon around by grabbing his shoulders. He leaned down and whispered in Ribbon’s nonexistent ear with a grin. “The next time I see you will be on the altar. Traditionally, it’s bad luck to see the bride before the wedding. The same goes for your seeing me, so go on.” Nightmare let go and melted through the shadows.
The doll did remember the suite from their tour. Ribbon walked down and listened to the sounds of arguing from Killer and Dust. Nightmare scolded them. Ribbon found the wood staircase and walked up it. It was one of the thin ones that forced him to tiptoe so he didn’t slip. It led him through another hallway.
Ribbon entered the bridal suite. It was a mix of periwinkle and pink. Big cushy sofas lined the room. Framed photos of previous brides lined the walls. He walked to the back and sat on a soft ledge, looking out at the busy Mafiatale. Ribbon looked into a small subsection of the room and spotted a group of seven maids, all in matching white dresses. Nightmare didn't tell him much about this, so he didn't know what he was getting into. Bridesmaids? Maybe.
"Queen Ribbon!" One of them exclaimed. She walked up to him and held his hand. Ribbon assumed she was the oldest being the tallest with long black hair and blue eyes. But she didn't have a name tag or anything like that, so he wasn't sure what to call her. The maid grabbed him by the shoulder, something everyone seemed to like to do today, and brought him over to a small bathroom. It was at least gentler than what Nightmare did, somehow. "Would you like any assistance?"
"I can do it myself. That- that's okay." Ribbon didn't like the idea of anyone seeing him naked except his soon-to-be husband.
"As you wish, your highness." She bowed before him and went back to the other girls, who all seemed to be invested in some kind of drama. Something about a secret cannibalism ring. He didn't want to know.
Ribbon took his dress off and set it aside, along with his shoes, stockings, and beret. He would get to pick it up later, once all of the party and noise and action was over. He climbed inside. He turned the right setting on and a wave of hot steam blew onto him. He poured porcelain cleaner on a scrub brush and
Ribbon washed himself in the shower, taking deep slow breaths. The steam felt nice and helped him clean. Since it was only vapor, it didn't damage his porcelain body like liquid water or ice. He couldn’t believe it. Less than three hours from now, he would be Nightmare’s queen and wife. His hands jittered with excitement and anxiety. He had to make his porcelain body shine and glitter.
Ribbon didn’t know anyone, they were all Nightmare’s connections and friends. But he remembered what he said. He wouldn’t need to talk so much. It would be like his singing; he wouldn’t need to talk directly to people. He took another deep breath. His mechanical heart pitter-pattered in his chest.
The doll finished cleaning himself and was grabbed by two maids. They dragged him over to a dressing room. The walls were periwinkle with brown trimming. Was there any heating in here? Ribbon shivered from the cold. Maybe it wasn’t the building’s fault and only his porcelain body.
“Your Highness?” One of the maids asked. Muscle memory forced Ribbon to curtsy. "Can you stay still so we can get you prepared for Lord Nightmare?"
“Um . . . go ahead.” Ribbon wondered how much he was allowed to talk to them.
Ribbon stood as still as possible in a t-pose. Soft material slipped over his head and something clicked on his neck. The only time he moved was whenever one of the maids adjusted his limbs. Either to slip his arms into sleeves or to tilt his head this way and that. Several times he had to resist peaking. Ribbon could’ve opened his eye sockets whenever he wanted, but he tried to keep it a surprise. He struggled not to giggle when the makeup brushes tickled his face. The room smelt like vanilla and roses. It felt like it went on forever, though it couldn't have been longer than fifteen minutes.
Once they slid his veil on, a maid gripped his shoulders and guided him to what he guessed was the mirror. One of her fingers pushed something out of Ribbon’s face saying, “Open your eyes, your highness.”
Ribbon stopped repressing his smile and followed the order. He looked in the mirror and smiled with a gasp.
The maids dressed him in a long-sleeved silk white dress with a long train. The heart-shaped bodice revealed most of his chest. His breezy skirt had a medieval-looking corset. The sleeves were made of lace and dropped down. Tight around his neck was a white choker with his heart charm peeking out from above it. His chapel-length veil was semi-translucent and lined with white lace. Rose-gold flowers covered both that and his dress in a long chain. Light blush and eye shadow tinted his face, along with highlighter on his cheekbones. His ‘nails’ were painted light pink. Ribbon reached up and touched the last piece of the outfit. A silver tiara with a lavender diamond-shaped gem in the middle. He put it on, smiling. He did feel like a queen.
Yes, Nightmare’s beautiful queen, as you were always meant to be. This is who you are.
Ribbon bounced and clapped his hands. He looked in the mirror and watched as the maids giggled with each other and left through the back. As disappointed as he was, he kinda understood, they didn't know him. Or at least, he didn't know them. It was a job, that's it. What if Error was here? He would stay! He would be his friend here and say something nice. Error seemed to care . . .
The doll looked at the one thing that was left, a bouquet of black dahlias. They were real flowers, not fake ones like the decorations. A little note hanging off one of the stems said 'Good luck!' with a smiley face. Ribbon smiled and picked it up. He opened the bridal suite and left.
Ribbon walked down the hallway. The walls were white and the floor was darker tan. It was empty besides a few windows and vases here and there. He could have sworn he heard footsteps, really angry ones. But then he looked around at all the guards. Nightmare said he would be safe, so he had to be safe. His silly doll brain was just overthinking. Ribbon puffed up his sleeves and adjusted the flower chain on his dress.
Finally, he stood in front of the door. Both sides were engraved with humans down on their knees and praying. Ribbon listened for any strange sounds, but he didn’t hear anything. This was it. Once he walked through the door, there was no going back. He had to face the scary strangers. His hand shook as he grabbed the door handle.
Ribbon took a deep breath and stepped through the entrance. Rose pink petals fell down from the ceiling and onto his head. One fell right on his nasal bone, but he shook it off. He did most of the decorating, and it still looked great. The banners were the same ones Nightmare put up after taking down an AU.
The orchestra played a soft tune while he walked down the aisle. His veil and dress trailed behind him. He looked at the monsters and humans whispering and staring at him. There had to be eighty at least. They were mostly Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, Chara, and Asriel variants. Ribbon waved with a nervous smile.
It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s my wedding. I’m safe.
He wasn’t sure, but then he saw Nightmare and all his panic faded away. His back was turned as he talked to the officiator, an old Gaster, but he must’ve sensed Ribbon’s aura as he looked at him. The only word he caught from the conversation was ‘legal’. He wore the suit Ribbon made as he promised. The embroidery shimmered in the light and made it look like it glowed. He only added one more thing to the outfit, a crown. Well, it was more like Dream’s circlet. It was the same silver as Ribbon’s, except with a fancier moon design. A crescent moon was in the middle and was surrounded by waves. Ribbon’s soul fluttered; his cheekbones exploded in blush. Stars, he was perfect.
Ribbon walked down the rest of the aisle. His body was fuzzy all over. If he squeezed the bouquet any tighter, he would’ve snapped those rose stems in half.
He made it to the altar. Nightmare offered a hand to help up the steps. Killer gave Ribbon a wink. He stood as Nightmare's best man. The maids that cleaned him stood as bridesmaids. Ribbon ignored them though and only focused on Nightmare. He stared into his eye as they held hands.
Nightmare brushed his thumb against his knuckles before kissing them. “Are you ready to become a queen, princess? You look perfect, precisely as I imagined you.”
“Very ready,” Ribbon said. His scared jitters turned into excited ones, but he kept his emotions in control for Nightmare’s sake.
A sigh came from Killer. “If you two are done being sappy with each other, let’s get this show on the road.” He glanced up at the door. “And Horror will get here at some point. I don't know where the hell he went. Last time I saw him, Horror went to investigate some sounds he heard. Don't ask me what, I have no clue. I didn't hear anything."
"Interesting . . ." Nightmare eye twitched. Ribbon rubbed his arm to remind him to calm down. What if there were angry noises and he wasn't imagining it?
The officiator cleared his throat. “We gather here today to join Nightmare Joku and Ribbon Adela in marriage. The bonding of two souls is a practice as old as monsters lived, as these two immortals should know.” Ribbon tilted his head a bit. He knew that wasn’t true. Only Nightmare was immortal.
“Within the circle of love, marriage encompasses all of life’s most important relationships. A wife and a husband are each other’s best friend, confidant, lover, teacher, listener, and counselor. Marriage deepens and enriches every facet of life. Happiness is fuller, memories are fresher, and commitment is stronger. Now, please join hands and look each other in the eye.”
Ribbon and Nightmare followed the order. Nightmare’s eye glowed a bit, both with teal and pink. The officiator looked at Nightmare. “Do you, Nightmare, take Ribbon to be your lawfully wedded wife, to live together in matrimony, to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?”
“I do,” Nightmare said. Killer gave a thumbs up.
The officiator nodded. “And do you, Ribbon, take Nightmare to be your lawfully wedded husband, to live together in matrimony, to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?”
“I do.” Ribbon couldn’t stop grinning.
At that moment, Dust walked down the aisle. He carried a small silver pillow surrounded with lace. Their rings glittered on it. He wore a suit like Killer’s, using an embroidered cloak Ribbon made for him to make up for his hood. He went down on one knee and held out the pillow. He didn’t look all that happy.
“The two of you have chosen rings to exchange with each other as a symbol of your unendin’ love. As you place this ring on Ribbon’s finger, repeat after me. ‘With this ring, I thee wed and pledge you my love now and forever.’”
Nightmare took the black ring and slipped it onto Ribbon’s finger. “With this ring, I thee wed and pledge you my love now and forever.” Dust didn’t even look up when it was Ribbon’s turn. He stood up and walked to stand by Killer.
Ribbon grabbed the black and silver band and did the same thing. “With this ring, I thee wed and pledge you my love now and forever.”
“If there are no objectifications to this marriage,” he shut the book, “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”
Nightmare pushed his veil aside and pulled him in. Ribbon wrapped his arms around his shoulders. He’d kissed him a million times before, but none came close to this one. He wasn’t kissing his boyfriend anymore. He was kissing his husband.
The crowd clapped and cheered. Killer whistled. The rainbow glass from the window shimmered onto them. Nightmare’s face was lit with green, red, blue, and pink. His mind went blank; his eyes glazed over, flickering between lilac and blue. The doll’s tiara and ruby necklace also caught light. Nightmare chose the perfect time for the sun to hit. Queen Ribbon Adela Joku, he liked that title. Though the idea of being a queen worried him. Would he have a lot of new responsibilities? Was he good enough for it? Would there be more once they took over the Doodlesphere? Could he handle it without breaking down? But lucky for him, Nightmare would always be there to help when he was too dumb and weak to do so.
Nightmare broke the kiss and pulled back. His tendrils wagged. One of them traced the outline of Ribbon’s black cheek mark, absently thinking. “Well . . . shall we begin the festivities, my sweet wife?”
Being called ‘wife’ made Ribbon blush and go back to that dreamy feeling. He felt it the whole time, but now it was at its peak. He was walking on cotton candy clouds and he couldn’t be happier. He pulled his string, being sure not to get it tangled with his necklace. “Yes, Nighty! I’m ready for-”
Ribbon stopped as the back door flew open in a field of dust. Ribbon coughed and his husband held him. At first, Ribbon thought it was something Nightmare set up and planned. But he looked shocked too, something was wrong. Very wrong. From the cloud, a glitchy skeleton wearing a red scarf and battle armor strode out. Blue’s body was covered in blood and dust. Ribbon couldn’t tell which was his own. He screamed and burst into tears. The doll didn’t know what else to do with all the stress.
If it couldn’t get any worse, Dream followed Blue. He’d never seen him that angry before. His eye lights blazed with anger. They made eye contact with Ribbon, which softened their gaze, but only a little. He was covered in less blood, but that didn’t make him less scary. Were they here to kill him? Or Nighty? Neither of them said a word. Nightmare’s tendrils raised and Killer and Dust summoned their weapons.
Everything was perfect. Everything was going to be perfect. Now they ruined it. Blue summoned his hammer with a huff, pointing at Nightmare.
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Thoughts on the Mario movie (spoilers ahead)
The animation is awesome. I've said it before, and I'll say it again.
Mario proves his platforming prowess right at the beginning.
Why are there so many short jokes? Mario is a short king!
My favorite part is when Luigi escaped the Dry Bones, and then lightning strikes, showing the Shy Guys behind him. My second favorite part is when the Shy Guys are leading him through the forest and the one Shy Guy says "(Shy Guy noise)." Basically, I like Shy Guys.
I actually kinda like Chris Pratt and Charlie Day as Mario and Luigi. For most of the movie, they were just Mario and Luigi.
On a similar note, I could hardly tell that Bowser and Toad were Jack Black and Keegan-Michael Key, but then again, I haven't seen anything with KMK in a while.
I'm not sure if I like how they portrayed Peach. I've always thought that Daisy was the kickass princess and Peach was the gentle one.
Jack Black once again proving that he has pipes.
Only one Koopaling reference in the entire movie. Shame.
Next-day edit: I just realized there was not a single Lakitu. Even bigger shame.
I find it hilarious that Bowser is equal parts ruthless tyrant and simp for Peach.
The choice to add 80s music was an unexpected choice, but a welcome one. I loved watching them ride through the Kong Kingdom to "Take On Me."
That was not the voice I was expecting for Cranky Kong.
Chunky is not dead.
In retrospect, the option to portray Donkey Kong as a shithead was completely obvious, especially since they cast Seth Rogen.
Seth Rogen does the Seth Rogen laugh.
Mario: "It's fire flower time!" DK: "Haha gentle blow go brrr."
I personally would have picked the 64 theme for the Rainbow Road scene, but the arrangement for the SNES theme knocked it out of the park.
Blue shell Koopa was a jerk as expected.
Peach legit becomes Elsa at the end. Also, Tanooki Mario is just Tails.
I was bopping my head to the star music when Mario and Luigi grabbed the Super Star.
Overall, a solid 9/10. Please get that Luma some therapy.
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mostlymaudlin · 2 years
okay. can neil sing? can any of the foxes sing? thoughts pleSe
okay i am not very good at Music stuff beyond just liking it, so i had to consult with my more musical friends @sillyunicorn and @starwarned ...i have a more informed opinion now. and im going to express it thru narrative, bc im me:
hold on to that feelin'
andreil, rated t, 1k
it’s been almost ten years since the palmetto state foxes won the ncaa championships and changed the world of exy. 
neil knew there would be things that would happen — sports fans love an anniversary. but he thought maybe they’d do a ceremony back in palmetto, or a magazine write-up or something.
he had not expected a film studio to want to make a whole documentary on the subject. he had not expected to learn this news on a call with ichirou, who had told him in no uncertain terms that neil would agree to do the film, and that he would be as personable and camera-friendly as he could muster. 
neil had especially not expected the filming to involve… karaoke. 
it’s one of several excursions the crew has taken the old team on this weekend. the film will include interviews and old footage, but it will also be interspersed with clips of the team “hanging out.”
“the bond you all created is part of the narrative of your win,” the director told them. “we want to capture the fact that you were the first team of foxes that actually got along.”
no one corrects this narrative. the documentary is going to be the hollywood version of neil’s freshman year. it’s going to be sunshine and rainbows and campfires and bumper cars and, apparently karaoke.
“i’ve never done this before,” neil says, holding the microphone awkwardly. 
“andrew!” nicky chides. “you’re the one responsible for giving him Real Boy lessons — how could you have deprived him of karaoke?”
andrew is lounging on one of the sofas in the small room they’re all crowded into, scrolling through the song selection to pick something for neil.  “yes, because karaoke is something i obviously consider essential to the human experience."
“raise your hand if you’ve done karaoke before,” allison says. she’d gone first, singing a show tune that drew complaints from half the room in a booming, enthusiastic voice. everyone except neil and kevin lifts a palm — including a reluctant andrew. “okay, yes, this makes sense. kevin, you’re next.”
andrew stops scrolling. “you know this one,” he tells neil. “just follow the lyrics on the screen.”
the title and artist flash up on the screen, but neil doesn’t recognize them. he slides andrew a look, but andrew only gestures impatiently back to the screen. 
just a small town girl
livin’ in a lonely word
“oh,” neil says, finally recognizing the song despite the instrumental version playing. “i do know this.”
“then sing it!” dan says. 
“just a city boy, born and raised in south detroit…”
neil sings. he can’t remember if he’s ever tried before, and he’s not sure if it’s going as intended. a couple of foxes laugh, and he’s self-aware to know that’s probably a bad sign. but whatever. how many of them made the us court? neil knows what he’s good at. and he’s done enough terrible commercial acting gigs to appease ichirou that he doesn’t much care about how bad he is at this type of shit. 
the others join in for the chorus and carry him through to the end. the cameras are rolling, and neil can admit that he’s kind of having fun. he is killing this camera-friendly thing. he is definitely not going to get a knife to the gut this time around. 
when he’s done, he turns back to the room. it’s quiet for a second, and then allison cackles so hard that she nearly falls off her stool. nicky and matt join in immediately. dan stands to give neil a hug, but she’s laughing too. renee hides her smile behind her hand.
“yeah, yeah,” neil says, waving them all off. he holds the mic out. “kevin, your turn.” 
kevin puts on an air of confidence when he struts up to the makeshift stage. he chooses a song by the black-eyed peas, and his stance is rigid and determined as the music starts.
“i think i know this one too,” neil whispers to andrew once he sits down in the narrow space between him and matt. andrew knocks his elbow into neil’s side, shushing him.
hmmm. kevin doesn’t sound quite like the song that neil’s heard on the radio. he turns around once he’s done, glaring at the room, daring them to react. they do, anyway. 
“there, i did it,” kevin says, dropping the mic to the floor and stomping off.
renee mostly sounds like she’s talking when she sings "hallelujah," but she smiles through the whole thing, so there’s less ridicule involved. matt and nicky give and energetic duet on a shania twain song that neil has heard each of them singing in the shower at different points before, and alison says it makes her ears bleed. aaron earns a surprised slow clap after singing “someone like you” by adele — “a doctor who played exy and can SING… maybe katelyn isn’t settling after all,” nicky comments. dan goes all out for a whitney houston song. 
“are you going to go?” neil asks andrew when nicky takes the stage for a second time. 
“absolutely not,” andrew murmurs, eyes on his cousin. neil huffs a laugh, but settles against andrew’s side to watch the rest of the madness.
later, when neil and andrew are back at the hotel, neil crawls across the bed to where andrew is sitting. andrew pulls neil in by the collar of his shirt for a kiss.
“aaron can sing,” neil says against andrew’s mouth. 
andrew shoves him back, making a face. “and?”
“is it genetic?”
“i don’t know.”
“hmmm,” neil says, flopping onto his back beside andrew. “i’ve never heard you sing. i’m curious now.”
“that’s because i don’t sing,” andrew says. 
neil sighs, knowing a dead end when he sees one. “fine.”
he gets up to get ready for bed, and then nearly dozes off when andrew takes his turn in the bathroom. he blinks a few times when andrew crowds against neil’s back, pressing kisses to the side of neil’s neck. neil is nearly asleep again when andrew’s voice pulls him back, soft and slow:
“blackbird singing in the dead of night
take these broken wings and learn to fly…”
neil doesn’t really know what constitutes as good or bad. but he knows that he likes the sound of andrew’s voice. he wraps his fingers around andrew’s wrist where is lays on him stomach, and andrew goes quiet again.
“keep going?” neil requests, voice only a whisper.
andrew heaves a sigh. 
“all your life,
you were only waiting for this moment to arise…”
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