#especially if you follow those big guys who literally read the wiki
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Can I be honest here,
I find highly ironic that people will harass new fans just because "ew you don't know all the 400 books and 200+ short stories, you're new and ignorant, ew", then will proceed to correct them and
*drum roll*
They are wrong or hold incomplete knowledge themselves.
#where is that graph showing 'how much you know ' and 'how secure ypu are about your knowledge '#literally a good chunk of the fans here#someone should inform these people that books are meant to be read and that listening to podcasts is not the perfect way to get all the info#especially if you follow those big guys who literally read the wiki#ironically enough those who are really human libraries of the lore are actually chill and understanding
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Live And Let Livestream
Jaskier's saturday nights are reserved for livestreams but sometimes they end up including wikipedia fraud, protective boyfriends who only half-know how to use the internet, and a spontaneous sleepover instead...
A/N: this is just a bit of fun inspired by the jaskel discord - love y’all <3
Having a wikipedia page is pretty impressive and since Jaskier strives to be both pretty and impressive, it’s no surprise that he has one.
Well, he actually has two but nobody needs to know that. Either way, for someone as bothered about his reputation as he is, he pays very little attention to his wiki, often forgetting he’s even that level of famous until Yennefer teases him about it. Or until something inevitably goes wrong - It just so happens that he’s in the middle of a livestream when something does inevitably go wrong.
“...and yes, this is a new shirt, thank you for noticing, um- sorry, i didn’t catch your user! I’ll drop a link so we can all be scandalous together, hang on!”
He’s just about picked up his phone to check he’s got the right website in mind when it starts ringing. Cursing softly as he literally jumps, he shoots a guilty grin at his computer. “Can you guys pretend that didn’t happen so I can pretend I still have some dignity? Thanks, just give me a second…”
Ordinarily, he’d just put his phone on silent because all of his important friends know he spends Saturday evenings and often nights livestreaming. But it’s Eskel calling and he’s not about to be rude and decline someone who bakes him brownies whenever he has a meltdown now, is he?
“Is everything okay, darling?” he asks.
“Can you end your stream early? I think you’ll regret giving people a live reaction to this.”
Jaskier frowns harder, reluctant to break his promise to the followers he only somewhat childishly considers to be his friends. “What is it? Are you all okay?”
He hears Eskel sigh. “Maybe at least mute the thing?”
Rolling his eyes, he clicks the mute button and types the link for his shirt into the chat along with a brief apology before focusing back on Eskel. “You’re worrying me, what happened?”
“So you know that wikipedia page we were talking about the other day?”
He nods, then realises Eskel can’t see him. “Uh yes, my page, what about it?”
“You might want to take a moment to take a minute to see for yourself?”
“What is it with you guys and being so cryptic? You don’t even all share the same genes so it can’t be that. Maybe it’s just the kind of people I attract, not that I’m complaining per se but still,” Jaskier mutters to himself even as he googles his own name.
He truly has no idea what Eskel was trying to get at until the page loads properly, at which point he blinks at the photo staring back at him. The photo that is most definitely not the one Essi had jokingly submitted and somehow managed to keep there because shut up about my terrible phone camera quality already, you actually look candid so who cares?
“Is this a joke, Esk? What the…” he trails off, scrolling to find lists of achievements and songs and facts that really shouldn’t be associated with his name. Not that it’s his name currently on the page.
“Oh, for the love of-" his breath hitches as he sees a parody of his own song written off as Valdo's- "actually, screw that! There is no love here, what exactly does he think he’s doing? Ugh, can’t a guy livestream in peace nowadays?”
“I’m sorry, Jas. Geralt just told me and I-”
“Geralt was on my wiki?” Jaskier finds himself asking, grinning at the very thought.
“I… wasn’t supposed to tell you that. Uh, yeah? I mean, he actually came and asked me how to email wikipedia but we kind of figured it out from there so…”
Jaskier laughs despite his frustration, his urge to punch Valdo morphing into an urge to kiss his boyfriends. “Who’s ‘we’, by the way?”
Before Eskel can answer, Jaskier’s computer starts rapidly beeping, at which point he turns back to the live and promptly curses when he sees the dozens of messages in the chat asking who Valdo Marx is or, from people who already know who he is, messages asking whether they have permission to throw hands; he'd be lying if he said those messages don't warm his heart.
“I didn’t mute the thing properly. Gods, I’m turning into Vesemir,” Jaskier groans, then slaps his free hand over his mouth and glares at his camera. “None of you tell him I said that, you hear me? I do love him so.”
“How would they even find Vesemir?” Eskel asks in his ear, clearly amused.
“Remind me to remind you how deeply the internet works later. More importantly, you haven’t mentioned Lambert or Aiden yet and I know for a fact they were heading to yours today so…?” Jaskier asks, hoping the former hasn’t punched a wall again or anything like that.
Eskel clears his throat awkwardly. “Yeah, they were heading to ours but they… well, uhm, they called to say they took a detour.”
“To mine?” Jaskier asks, frowning at the thought. He’s more than capable of fixing his own wiki page and as much as he appreciates the moral support, he doesn’t really need any of his loved ones’ presence for such a trivial matter. And anyway, he was already planning on joining the others in the morning so they could spend Sunday together, which means coming over to his makes no sense.
“No, not to yours. To Valdo’s…”
Jaskier’s eyes widen.
Throwing hands on social media is one thing but he doesn’t want any kind of misleading vagueposting from the likes of people who need to steal other people’s wikipedia pages in the direction of people who have no fault other than mildly violent forms of love, and especially not on his behalf.
“What are you still doing on the phone? Go derail their detour! I’ll be there as soon as I can too,” Jaskier says to Eskel, blowing him a kiss through the phone because he knows it’ll make the other man blush.
Once he’s hung up, he turns back to his camera with a pout. “Right, sorry guys, I’ll have to cut this one short so my darling idiots don’t ruin their evenings for the sake of a pathetic leech who just will not let me live! Okay, I promise some cute instagram selfies in exchange for this mess but for now, I’ll see you next week! Alright, bye!”
This time he does press the right buttons and closes both the live and the computer down even as he grabs his coat. Forgoing socks in favour of making sure nobody except Valdo’s weekend gets ruined - he already knows Yennefer or Renfri will be more than happy to throw shade his way to make him regret his failed publicity stunt - and pulling on a pair of boots really not designed for driving, he makes his way out of his apartment as fast as humanly possible.
There’ll be time to be angry at Valdo again later but he’s more than aware that between his family, his friends, and his followers, it’s simply not a big deal. He signed up for drama when he signed up for being famous and yes, he loves fighting against anyone or anything that tries to stop him from sharing his music, but he’s really not about to waste any more time worrying about all that at the moment.
At the end of the day, it's nice to be pretty impressive but there's nothing better than being pretty loved.
what are the logistics of this au? whatever you want them to be ;)
thanks for reading! masterlist | witcher blog: @itsjaskier
#jaskier#witchersexual jaskier#youtuber jaskier#modern au#jaskier x witchers#geraskier#jaskel#jambert#all of the above#valdo marx#jaskier x geralt x eskel x lambert x aiden#idk how to tag this ngl#it's just a bit of fun#finally posted one of the many ficlets the discord has inspired#i love that bunch of geniuses#anyway yeah here's whatever this is#fluff#the witcher#fanfic#fanfiction#lall#my writing
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Hellsing Ch. 70-76

I guess anything I say here is a spoiler, so yeah, this is “Heart of Dreams”, “Relics”, “Heart of Iron”, and the arc “Finest Hour”. Oh, and “Lunatic Dawn”. Gotta lotta ground to cover. Treacherous ground.

Not a whole lot to say about Anderson’s death. He tried to become a monster using one of the Holy Nails from the True Cross, and then Alucard defeated him anyway, once Seras gave him a little help and a reason to go on living. Alucard was pretty upset about Anderson’s demise, but Anderson says a few soothing words, and reminds him that Al only became a vampire because he couldn’t stand being a human, so it doesn’t make a lot of sense for him to cry now.
So yeah, as determined as Anderson was to kill Alucard, he’s a pretty good sport about losing this fight, and he seems to genuinely pity the man. He wonders how long Alucard will go on living with his regrets, and Al replies “Until my expansive future shatters my expansive past.” So, if we want to take that literally, I guess he’s trying to find redemption by being a good guy to make up for his years as a bad guy. Well, he’s been a vampire for 523 years, and a servant of Hellsing for 101 of those years, so I guess maybe he figures if he trucks along for another 321 years that’d balance the scales?

And maybe I’m finally starting to appreciate some of the complexities of Alucard’s character. The Team Four Star Abridged series spent some time on his desire for redemption, but I couldn’t tell if it was based on the original material or something they came up with for their own version. For instance, the Abridged!Alucard rejected the forgiveness offered by God himself, but later Anderson spoke of his desire for redemption and Alucard didn’t dispute that. It seemed contradictory to me at the time, but the manga does seem to support that. As Vlad Tepes, he refused to ask God for anything, preferring instead to fight and drive himself and his followers to the limits of endurance and decency as proof of their faith.
I find that idea heretical, because it suggests that a person can “earn” God’s favor, or God’s forgiveness, or a place in heaven. Arguably, Anderson tried to do the same thing, but I think he was coming more from a place of doing zealous deeds out of gratitude for the Lord’s grace, rather than trying to earn anything he didn’t already have.
The difference with Alucard is that he seemed to be really wrongheaded about his faith, trying to use violence to become a good person. Then it didn’t work, and he became a vampire, devoted entirely to his own selfish desires, and I guess he’s spent the 20th Century realizing that he’s back where he started, trying to fight his way to redemption, only now he has centuries of red in his ledger instead of mere decades.
Oh, anyway, while this is going on, Integra takes a sword and stands it upright so it looks like a cross to mark Anderson’s death. It’s like this quiet sign of respect. I’m not sure whose sword that is, but it looks like the one Alucard was using in his Dracula persona.

Anyway, fuck all that, because Walter finally shows up and stomps the ashes of Anderson just as everyone was having their final farewell with the guy. Rude.

Young Walter just looks kind of stupid to me. Why is he still wearing the monocle? He’s trying to be 14 and 69 at the same time and failing at both.

Seras asks what Millennium did to him, but Walter makes it clear that this isn’t some brainwashing trope. He’s doing this of his own free will.

He also doesn’t consider himself loyal to Millennium. They turned him into a vampire, but he’s doing this for himself, and he’s only cooperating with them because their goals are in alignment.

Yumiko Takagi tries to kill Walter for... Was she mad at him for stomping on Anderson’s remains? I mean, Alucard’s the one who actually killed Anderson, so shouldn’t she be mad at that guy?

It doesn’t matter, because Walt just slices her into pieces with his magic filaments. Now Heinkel Wolfe wants revenge, because she was her long-time partner in assassin stuff. The TFS Abridged series implied that they were lovers, too, which seemed authentic at the time, but I’m not sure there’s any confirmation to be found in the manga itself.

But before she can take the shot, the Captain shows up and shoots Heinkel in the face. Like, through one cheek and out the other, and the only thing saving her from serious injury was that she happened to have her mouth open at the time.
Side note: I caught myself referring to Heinkel as “him”, which frustrates me because I’ve known she was a woman for like five years now. When I first watched the OVA, I was confused, becuase I could tell it was a female voice actor, but maybe that just meant he was really young, like with Schrodinger. But the Hellsing Wiki set me straight, or so I thought. I didn’t think I’d still be making this mistake.
On the other hand, Yumiko sometimes looks a lot like Goemon from Lupin III, so her wearing a nun’s habit isn’t as heteronormative as it might seem. I’m getting off-track.

You’d think this would be leading up to some big double-team on the Hellsing group, now that the Iscariots are out of the picture, but the Captain’s only stopping Heinkel so Walter can have a clear shot at Alucard. That’s the sole reason Walter turned traitor, you see. He wants to fight Alucard and win, and for the last 55 years they’ve been on the same side.
But is that all it is? I never got to read or watch “Hellsing: The Dawn”, the prequel manga Kouta Hirano created after Hellsing. I’ve heard that it never got finished, but also an anime adaptation was released with the home video release of Hellsing Ultimate Episode VIII. All I really know about it was that there was this time where Alucard and Walter were fighting the Nazis, and the Captain showed up, and Alucard ran away because he didn’t think he could beat that dude. Presumably, he left Walter to fend for himself? But all three of them survived until 1999, so I’m not sure what the outcome of that was. I always wondered if Walter held a grudge over that. But maybe I’m reaching.
There’s also a suggestion of professional jealousy. Walter was a rockstar vampire hunter in his youth, but he’s been overshadowed by Alucard, who is--let’s face it-- a living legend. This would be doubly true in the 90′s, when Integra reawakened Alucard, and Walter having to step back even further from the spotlight. The only way for him to reclaim his former glory would be to challenge the greatest of all vampires and win. He’d go down in history as a traitor, but at least he’d be cemented as the absolute best.
Or... or, you can go with the TFS version, where Walter hints at his motives, only for Alucard to take the wind out of his sails and announce “because you wanna fuck me!” And I love that theory more than any other explanation, because it just brings everything together a lot more neatly. I guess you don’t need Walter to have had a crush on Alucard for 55 years, but it’s a lot more compelling than revenge or professional jealousy. Those things have weight, sure, but they work better as distractions, the things Walter might admit to because they hide the deeper reason that he can’t bring himself to say out loud.
And it’s not entirely rejected by the manga. Alucard remarks on how much more beautiful Walter looked in his old age, compared to this treasonous knockoff vampire look he’s sporting now. The last time he spoke this way, it was when he flirted with Queen Elizabeth II. The next time he does it, it’ll be with Sir Integra when she’s in her early 50′s.

Speaking of QE2, she’s safe and sound, because the Secret Service evacuated her to a fortified location in Dover before Millennium attacked. If things get really hairy, they’re prepared to send her to Canada, and if London can’t be secured, they’ll nuke the whole city, though the Queen is certain that Integra and Alucard will win the day. The vampires acting as Millennium agents outside of London are being contained and destroyed, so things seem to be getting under some semblance of control.
However, the Royal Order of Protestant Knights, also known as the “Round Table” is down to just three surviving members. Integra’s in London, but here we have Rob Walsh and Hugh Irons, reflecting on the death of their fellow Round Tabler, Penwood.

This whole scene struck me as a complete non sequitur when I first saw it in the anime. Walter’s betrayal seemed to sudden and poorly explained that it felt like the author was just winging it by this point, and now we have these two dudes struggling to provide some justification for the twist. But reading this manga in 2021, I find that it makes a lot more sense. We’ve already seen tons of Britons in rather lofty positions, all willing to sell out their principles for a chance to become a vampire. Walter is no different from any of them. It’s just more personal when he does it because we actually know the guy.
But as Walsh discusses the utter debacle of this Millennium invasion, he deduces what we’ve just learned back in London. There must have been a traitor in their ranks, because that’s the only way Millennium could have made it this far. I mean, they just flew a bunch of giant blimps full of rockets right into British airspace. That only worked because they had traitors sabotaging the U.K.’s defenses and communications, and Hellsing was especially vulnerable at the same time.
The only thing Walsh can’t figure out is who the traitor was, since it had to be someone at the Round Table, but they’re all dead now, except for Integra, Irons, and himself.

But Irons fills in the missing pieces. It doesn’t have to have been one of the Round Table’s members, but someone close to one of the members. Years ago, Irons warned Walter about Richard Hellsing. Irons knew that when Arthur died, Richard would try to make a play for the Hellsing estate. But when Irons’ fears came to pass, Walter wasn’t there. It’s like he wanted things to play out the way they did.

But why would Walter want events to play out that way? On her own, Integra had no choice but to unseal Alucard to defend herself, and she’s kept Alucard active ever since. And now, lo and behold, Walter reveals that he turned traitor just so he could take on Alucard. It’s like he arranged for all of this to happen years in advance. But how many years? Fifty-five, Irons wonders.
It’s never explicitly confirmed, but Irons’ reasoning makes too much sense to ignore. Earlier, the Major said that he decided back in ‘44 that Walter “Angel of Death” Dornez would have been a good “get” for his side. Now, Irons is suggesting that Walter might have agreed in the same year. So maybe Walter and the Major made a secret agreement even then. It’s possible that they might have done it later, but why not in 1944?
I mean, the whole backstory here is that Millennium is a continuation of a secret Nazi Vampire project that Walter and Alucard destroyed in 1944. Except they didn’t destroy it at all, which sure makes Walter and Al seem very bad at their jobs, unless Walter let them escape and covered it up.

Meanwhile, the Captain tosses a first aid kit to Heinkel, kind of like he’s saying that he doesn’t want to kill Heinkel, but he can’t let her interfere either. We’ll talk about the Captain later.

As for Alucard vs. Walter, Al wants to check with Integra before he goes through with it. He asks for orders, repeating his big speech from when he killed all those cops in Brazil. Yeah, Walter’s a traitor, but he’s been a close mentor and advisor to Integra for all these years. Does she really want Alucard to killerize his ass?

Yes, she does. If Walter stands against them, then he’s the enemy, and Integra has already ordered Alucard to destroy the enemy, no matter who (snif!) they may be. Integra doesn’t relish this command, but she refuses to compromise over sentimental feelings.

Man, fuck you, Walter.

Then the Major lands his airship near the battlefield and invites Integra to come aboard and fight all of his remaining guys. Alucard orders Seras to join her while he deals with Walter. I can appreciate Seras’ concern here, because the last time she watched Alucard fight alone, he took a flaming bayonet to the face. She probably doesn’t care for Integra and Alucard splitting up like this.

Before she goes, she thanks Walter for all of his support, which disarms Walter for just a moment. Man, fuck you, Walter. Seras is so nice and grateful and polite and cool and you just go right ahead with your 55-years-in-the-making Nazi Vampire Jilted Lover scheme. Fuck you, Walter. You don’t deserve to be in Seras’ life.

So the gals go on board the airship and Schrodinger’s there and Integra just shoots him right between the eyes without bothering to slow down. This is maybe my favorite Integra moment in this thing. I sort of wish Kouta Hirano had done a spin-off of Integra and Seras doing cool shit like this for 30 years.

Alucard taunts Walter with the fact that he no longer gets to be a part of Inegra or Seras’ lives anymore. It sounds kind of petty, but when you think about it, it’s a pretty sick burn. Walter may have been planning this for 55 years, but he still had to live that double life, and it’s not like he can just say he was faking it the entire time.

So they fight. Walter’s magic wire powers seem to be amplified, either because of his restored youth or maybe the boost offered by vampire powers, or maybe he’s always been this strong but now he no longer needs to hold back anymore. For instance, he can make mesh screens with his wires to deflect Alucard’s bullets. And when Alucard summons that dog creature he used to dispatch Luke Valentine....

... Walter just bisects it with a flick of the wrist. You really begin to see why he was “The Angel of Death” back in his heyday.
I never understood what this dog familiar was supposed to be. Walter refers to the Hound of the Baskervilles, but as far as I know that’s just a legend confined to the Sherlock Holmes novel of the same name. But apparently that concept was based upon “black dog” folklore of the same region. There’s a whole laundry list of “black dog” apparitions in Britain alone. Black Shuck, Padfoot, Hairy Jack, Bizarro Snoopy, and so on. So I’m not sure if Hirano is saying that Alucard was the source of these legends, or if they were all based on a single creature which Alucard eventually defeated and absorbed into himself.

Al tries to use the Jackal to kill Walter, but that’s kind of stupid, since Walter designed the gun in the first place. In the anime, I thought Walter somehow triggered a bomb he had planted inside it, but maybe he used his wires to make this happen. It doesn’t really matter, because we already saw that the Casull was useless against Walter’s defenses, and not because it had smaller ammunition.

Then Luke Valentine emerges from the black dog’s body. This part never made any sense to me, but I loved how the Major recognized him, but barely. “Oh yeah, it’s that guy from Volume 2! The guy with the brother.”
The doctor suggests that when the dog was killed, this allowed Luke to reassert himself from inside the dog. Something about a “control ratio”, whatever that is. Like, he was absorbed into the dog’s mass, but now that the dog is no longer conscious, he can think for himself again. Notably, only half of Luke actually makes it out . It’s like he’s half-Luke, half dead dog monster.

But before he can do anything else, Walter puts his wires into Luke and starts controlling him like a puppet, mostly so he can use the dog half to attack Alucard.

Alucard seems more impressed than threatened. Keep in mind, Walter was doing pretty damn well against him early on. You’ll notice Alucard’s missing his right arm along with one of his guns. This is better than Anderson managed to do. So why does Walter even need this Luke-dog puppet thing in the first place?

Well, it’s because Walter’s body is giving out on him. Earlier, when the Doctor was performing the procedure to turn Walter into a vampire, he spoke about how rushed the operation was. I mean, he had to finish the whole thing in one night, after all. And Walter’s a lot more powerful than Dandyman, whom the Doctor considered his finest artificial vampire work. So maybe Walter’s just too powerful for this, and he can’t sustain this form. The Luke-dog-thing is just to keep Alucard busy while he coughs up blood.

The Major sees this development, and likens Walter to a high stakes gambler who’s mortgaged everything for a single hand at a high stakes table. Walter’s risked everything just to tangle with Alucard, and it still isn’t enough.

Alucard does manage to finish off the dog-Luke thing, and this sets him up for Walter’s next attack, and then he goes to finish him off, so things seem to be going Walter’s way...

But Alucard used a decoy, disguising Luke’s severed torso as his own, all so he could sucker-punch Walter in the face. As it turns out, Walter’s physical breakdown is making him younger, which amuses Al to no end.

So Alucard follow suits and assumes the form he once used when they fought the Nazis in 1944. Yeah, say hello to “Girlycard”. I’m not sure why Alucard looked like a 14-year-old girl during World War II. I’ve heard this form described as a Japanese 14-year-old girl, and I can’t dispute it, but it also makes Girlycard seem even more random somehow.
I mean, I guess the idea here was for Walter and Alucard to be able to move inconspicuously through enemy territory. No one would suspect a couple of kids until it was too late. I’m imagining a similar scenario to the ones presented in “Cross Fire”. Heinkel and Yumi would play innocent bystanders, then whip out their guns and swords and go ham on the bad guys. Knowing Hirano’s style, maybe Girlycard and Young Walter operated the same way.
And this further supports the Walter-had-an-unrequited-crush-on-Alucard theory. He might have understood that Girlycard was a disguise. On an intellectual level he might have known, but maybe he still carried a torch, and told himself that there was some way that they could be together. Was he just in love with this disguise, or does he love the real thing? Alucard says that he told Walter the truth decades ago, and claims that this is the reason Walter turned traitor, so yeah, it sure feels like Walter couldn’t handle Alucard’s true nature, one way or another.
I mean, let’s assume that this isn’t just about Alucard not being a cute girl. Maybe Walter fell in love with Alucard in all his forms, whatever that means for his sexuality. The bigger issue is that Alucard’s a vampire, and he’s just fundamentally different from Walter, and maybe that was the problem all along. It’s interesting to think about, but the point here would be that there was some kind of problem, and Walter couldn’t let it go.

Meanwhile, Seras and Integra are busy looking like total BMFs. Just HBIC’s. What’s better than this? Two gals bein’ pals.

Hell yeah!

Bad ass!

The vampires on board this airship are happy to meet their doom, and Integra recalls what her father once told her about how vampires want to die on their own terms. Seras doesn’t get it, because if they want to die so badly, they could have just died in the war they were already in fifty-odd years ago.

So the Major gets on the PA system and explains to her that they want more than just a glorious death. They want bigger, better, more perfect battlefield, so as to make their deaths as meaningful as possible. That’s why I don’t understand that airship captain from a while back. Everyone else in Millennium seemed to understand that they weren’t necessarily fighting to win. Britain is prepared to nuke London if they have to, so it’s hard to imagine anyone in Millennium surviving past today, even if they won.
Anyway, as the Major explains all of this, the Captain appears before the gals. It looks like he’s here to stop them, or is he?
#2021hellsingliveblog#hellsing#alucard#seras victoria#walter c dornez#alexander anderson#heinkel wolfe#yumiko takagi#the major#the captain#warrant officer schrodinger#sir hugh irons#lt general rob walsh#luke valentine#really? luke valentine?
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AU SUMMARY- Your husband Namjoon and yourself run a successful Adult Film Entertainment Company called “Onyx” with your 5 best friends from college who you also happen to be in an open relationship with! This is a candid in-depth look at the rollercoaster ride that is your life!
Namjoon, Yoongi, Jin, Tae, Hoseok, and Jimin, all already work with the OC and Joon, Kookie comes in later one as a new hire...and the possible final piece…
DISCLAIMER: Obv this is a poly so the boys are Bi..but outside of kissing and dirty talk I have not YET ventured into physical MXM….
NOTE- As long as this keeps getting support the initial plan is 7 one-shots, one for each boys. Everyone installment will have smut as well as a overall storyline, one that not only ties into your job, but also the OC’s (AKA YOU) special dynamic with each individual member. The last one-shot (7th) will be the first and maybe only one where smut wise it’s all 7 of them, it will finally address how they all came together, and will be partially a flashback sequence. HOWEVER, there will be bits and pieces of the “Characters” lives and what not sprinkled within the “drabbles” too...so those will also be worth reading especially, as the story developes....or at least reading the summaries!
Kookie will make appearances throughout, however, he is NOT as involved off rip as the other boys…
AFTER-HOURS- NAMJOON X OC (Tae comes in at the end) -
ABOUT- Your husband and business partner find you up way past acceptable work hours for the 3rd night in a row! So, daddy has to step in and remind you that’s not something we do in this household. You come before work, in every sense of the phrase!
OR-You're in desperate need of a 2nd videographer/editor, because Yoongi’s in over his fucking head! So here you are, up at 1 AM scrolling through resumes because your that boss that hates to overwork her employees so she overworks herself!
PRETTY PLEASE- TAEHYUNG X OC - ( Joon comes in at the end)
About- Tae fucks you on top of your receptionist's desk before you fire her…
Or- Tae’s feeling a little needy...and somewhat high-key self continuous about you possibly hiring a new production assistant...AKA...Jungkook. It seems as though Mr. Kim takes pride in being the youngest within the office! It seems as though your baby boy just needs a little..reassurance…
JIN & CHOCOLATE- JIN X OC (FT A lil Seok at the end ) -
About-You suck Jin off…and brownie batter may or may not be somewhat involved because why the fuck not. Oh, Hoseok comes over to drop off weed…and welll….doesn't exactly leave
Or- His assistants birthday is tomorrow and she’s insisted on him making his infamous “Dizzy Brownies” AKA…pot brownies and Jin being the perfectionist he is, scrapes the first batch. You however, think they’re fine and if he’s not gonna bake with said batter you’ll find use for some of it…..Then Hosoek stops by to bring the missing ingredient…weed and his dick…
About- Namjoon eats you out the minute you walk in the door because well…that’s the kinda husband he is!
Or- Jimin text’s Namjoon to brace him for the mood you’ll more than likely be in after a day full of drama and finally firing the front desk receptionist! Which essentially red for him to make you come hard AF and then feed you….OH, and You guys invite Yoongi over to talk about the Tae and Kookie “Thing”
(5k, Holiday esque one-shot however for the 1st time it does dive into the downside of being in a poly relationship that’s essentially a secret in the publics eye)
About-Just a casual lunch outing where Tae’s trying to do his job and your trying to get him off under the table with your shoe...nothing new!
OR- Tae and yourself are grabbing lunch at 71 Above, after checking out the last couple of venues for the company's end of the year Holiday party. While at said restaurant, it becomes a humbling reminder that the most important people in your life are essentially a secret...cute!
UP AND COMING: In no particular order!
Note, this is more of a smut drabble though it will be around 3k...this is NOT Yoongi/Jin’s official “Introduction” if that makes sense….(SNEAK PEEK IS LINKED)
About-Yoongi goes down on you in the back seat while you’re on a business call….Jin’s driving, lowkey watching..and being a little shit the entire time…
Or- You’re on the phone with a dick of an investor and a second away from losing your shit and calling off the entire deal…however…your boys decide to “distract” you. Give you a little something to keep you at ease so you don’t blow this 6 figure account…
About- Jimin and yourself take a trip to get a sneak peek at “Filter” before it opens… and Jimin fucks you on top of the bartop…
Or- Jimin’s ready to make his first solo big boy investment….AKA...opening up his own Gay club in WeHo...and the new business venture also reopen’s old wounds about his past. Both good and bad..but at the end of the day he remembers he wouldn’t the version of himself that he’s oh so proud of...without a little someone named “Y/N”
About- You and Yoongi get a little one on one time while in Amsterdam, IE getting completely stoned, and attending a sex show..hell maybe even joining in on a sex show...shit just get’s wild in the Dam!
OR- You and your boys jet out to Amsterdam for the weekend to celebrate 16 AVN award nominations (AKA THE TONY’S/GRAMMY’S OF PORN) and while high and in a country where nobody knows who you are...(which means Yoongi and yourself are free to do as you please even in public)....Yoongi admits for the first time that sometimes he feels a type of way that HE wasn’t the one that married you considering the two of you were a thing FIRST....
About- Jin says he's coming over to discuss business over brunch, champagne, and a nice Jacuzzi bath…which, of course, leads to more than just talk about “Finances and portfolio expansions”
OR: Jin’s the eldest, he loves control, he needs control, hints why he’s the finical controller..always has been...even in the domestic sense. Jin’s also shit at feelings he’s used to being the shoulder to cry on not needing the shoulder..he’s not used to feeling vulnerable...so it’s not to easiest for him to admit that he misses being the one you all come home too...misses being “needed”! He’s used to being the one that has his shit together, being the glue that’s held you lot together during your worst times..so this...is completely out of his comfort zone!
About- Hoseok and yourself have sex in a very questionable place while at the launch party for ‘Spectrum” I.E. your newest business venture...sex toys…your man deserves a little…”Thank you” for all the work he’s put in...including planning this party!
OR- Hoseok’s in over his fuckin head, he’s the one essentially spearheading the launch of “Spectrum” which is obviously his job as the head of Marketing, tactical ETC, however, this is just..different...he’s literally the one steering the boat. He’s good at what he does he knows this, he’s fucking made for it...but...it;s still’ bringing out some old, nasty insecurities...reminding him how he's his own worst critic...a perfectionist to the fault. Reminding them of those days where he never thought he was good enough...and it would absolutely break him if he lets you lot down!
About- Jimin and yourself take Jungkook shopping for a new suit to wear to the “Spectrum” launch party! OH, and Jimin fucks you in the backseat of your truck in the parking garage of the mall…..
OR: You know Kookie still in that “Broke college grad” phase only being with the company barley a month, and you don’t want him to feel self-conscious at the event! You’ve also been too busy to really check in with him to see how he’s adjusting! So, you thought something like this, in a more laxed atmosphere, would be a good solution! Oh and Jimin, honestly he’s just nosey as fuck and inched himself along, like nobody really invited him he invited his damn self! Also Jungook can’t underatand why the fuck your all so damn attractive...like...why!?
This series is open to request...for one-shot/ member scenarios/drabbles.
The initial 7 one-shots are done to get the dynamic and I guess you could say “Plot” set in stone...however, once that’s done and in-between I’m open to random scenarios as long as it somewhat coincides with the “Universe”
This is a story that follows normal day to day life in a sense....they just happen to live a very exciting one!
Anything from them going grocery shopping and making dinner...all the way to the OC and one of the boys fooling around on set...as long as it fits the vibe. I’m down!
*** To clarify as well...publicly ( And in the workplace) the world just knows your married to Namjoon....the whole poly situation is not something blasted on your Wiki...at least not yet....***
(Obv things are spread out now and they have other employees but they all STILL oversee multiple jobs...It’s a habit now. For so many years they couldn’t afford the help! So, now that they can they’ve just become a little...protective of said job duties..)
Y/n Kim(26)- CEO/Founder/HR/Storyboard/Content creator/Directory/Scriptwriter/Talent scout/ALL OF THE ABOVE (Set design, DVD author, 2nd Location manager, etc)
Namjoon Kim (26)- CEO/ Founder/ Director/ Content analyst/ Lead scriptwriter/ Sr Production manger/ ALL OF THE ABOVE (IT, web design, outreach, etc)
Yoongi Min (27)- Head digital producer/ Program/site Planner/Production manager/Sound engineer/Production scheduler
Taehyung Kim (24)-Executive Assistant/ Content admin/ location manager/Wardrobe assistant/backup talent scout & health liaison
Seokjin Kim (28)- Senior Accountant/ Sales manager/ Financial controller/Logistics/Operations
Jimin Park (25)- Head talent scout/ Model Liaison/ Wardrobe/ Hair & Makeup coordinator/ Onset assistant/Health Liaison
Hoseok Jung (26)- Social media/ Streaming manager/Tactical marketer/ Advertising/event manager/PR
#Namjoon#namjoon smut#namjoon x reader#taehyung#taehyung smut#taehyung x reader#yoongi fluff#yoongi smut#yoongi x reader#jimin#jimin smut#jimin x reader#hoseo#hoseok smut#hoseok x reader#jin#jin smut#jin x reader#jungkook#jungkook au#bts#bts au#bts poly au#bts poly fic#kpop#kpop smut#kpop au#kim namjoon#kim taehyung#min Yoongi
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50 or so hours into Cyberpunk 2077
This should be roughly the correct amount of time, ive been leaving the game running as I get up to get food or do stretches. Quests are roughly in order I did them
non spoilers above cut:
i haven't found a single hat/helmet i like, and since you can't hide them I just am not wearing any. It matters that much.
I posted the other day about bugs, every few hours I play I find new bugs. some require me to go back and reload a save others I honestly can’t tell if it’s a bug or just really poor development
there are several perks that don’t quite do what the description says, like the Anamesis perk. Based on reddit and trying it out it seems to just not do anything.
sometimes in car chase segments the passenger will say “look out” as cars spawn in my path and hit me. Can’t tell if that was deliberate or a pop in issue
Yeah I’ve just totally given up on doing pacifist things unless required by a mission. Given up on doing stealth too unless a mission objective, except for sneaking around to set up a fight.
the delemain car quest is fun. From the shock of the one going "beep beep motherfucker" and doing a hit and run to start it off, to the GLADOS car i see a lot of people talking about. It was fun to explore the city when i might have missed places like the landfill apparently there is follow up on T-bug's death if you go back to the quick hack shop in Kabuki. It's not much but better than nothing I made the pass with Panam of "what if the room just had one bed". I know she won't do a wlw romance, which is fine since I wouldn’t have chosen her. I enjoy her as a character, don’t get me wrong, my V considers her as a friend, but it seems like theres always drama going on which would be tiring. I would have gone for a fling, i like her leotard-pants combo with all the straps
but also her questline was buggy as hell. Multiple cases of having to reload due to clipping into objects, including her in a driving section, or just insta-dying when collision physics with some rocks broke "your neural network can no longer function independantly of the chip" me slapping my desk: s y m b i o te!!! come on lets have some s y m b i o s i s
in the scene with hellman i really liked how Johnny moved around the room. It made him feel like he was really there. it was hard to follow the convo as I left the room, i would not have understood it without subtitles. But i guess Takemura fucking waterboarded hellman. :|
lol I hope the dialogue is different b/c i refuse to smoke for Johnny
i am level 18 and still can't beat the first opponents in the fist fighting quest. ffs
I looked up the romances options so I went to do the I fought the law quest as soon as i got it. ACAB, but like I literally just met River Ward 2 minutes ago, and I really like him. His earring and cyborg eye, his big fluffy coat. I'm definitely gonna sleep with him Ok i like how when River Ward is dealing with the tiger claws if you interject it leads to a fight. It goes better if you follow his instructions and let him deal with it. Seriously I enjoy that sometimes its good to not pick a dialogue choice.
during the red queen club part, there was no dialogue over the phone. So i reloaded a save and got myself spotted and attacked. Then River showed up to help me <3 and it was more enjoyable having him there. I honestly am not sure if him not going to the club level is bug or not.
then uuuuuugh the worst of irl police "cops are my family" from Detective Han. Again ACAB "FRATERNITY OF CITY COPS RESEMBLES A [Nomad] CLAN NOT AT ALL" ok a few minutes ago i was complaining about bugs, but the character modeling in this game is good (when they're there). You can see body posture, characters jiggle their legs when they are nervous. Like I though character A was just throwing a cigarette on the ground, but then character B flinches back; I realize Char A threw it at B as a fuck you
I'm honestly curious if "I fought the Law" quest will have any impact later on. My choices were that I thought there was more going on than Holt being the only person behind this (based on how complicated the main questline heist is, and keeping an eye on some of the in game news), and told him not to take it to internal affairs, and I loved his response of how he doesn't give a shit what we think, he's doing it anyway.
In the elevator to report in, Johnny said "this muck is deeper than you think, tell them nothing", so i just said that the case was complicated. anyway i love how much of a sarcastic asshole V is
I thought i was being nonlethal with the monk quest, but it seems i accidently killed someone. RIP, but thats kind of the problem with this game. Like when i do the non lethal cyberpychosis quests I equip my non lethal modded gun and hope for the est. I like how a go here kill things quest led to Charles the ripperdoc. He's getting all his parts from scav gang members so I felt obligated to take him out. I got a police bounty for it but w/e.
I merged the Delemain fragments with the whole. Guess he's the meta now. (Side note: some of my favorite rvb fanfic plots are Ai consiousness/memory merging with the humans, so I’m having fun with this game and look foward to introspective fanfic)
Honestly Jonny made some good points, the fragments didn't deserve to die; but also destroying the core and freeing the fragments, they couldn't really function alone.
I was able to rescue Saul fine with stealth. Using cameras and the synapse overload really made it easy. Can't use the sniper rifle reward b/c I don't have the stats for it, and while it has a silencer the fact that it's a ricochette weapon and not a shoot through walls weapons, makes it not as good imo; and theres a legendary one that is stats free for only 100k.
Lol made a pass again at Panam, and she immediately shut me down. I then did Mitch's quest and I love every time someone tells V they area good person.
I hacked the operation carpe noctem shard, and wow the corporations are using ai to make people have cyberpsychosis, or something like that. What a shocker /s, I've played Deus Ex HR before
lol driving through the unifinished interstate, past the fight from Panam's first quest I found a "batcave" with a very nice car, and a manifesto written by "muckman'. But here's my complaint about the loot, there is a legendary top, but it had 16 armor. My current top has 84 armor, like why would i switch?? then later i found a bunker with soviet spies in it. Wild
Doing River's second quest, love the timing of as soon as you ask, why are we breaking in, someone shows up to tell you he got kicked off the force. It's funny how Johnny comments how maybe River's into you, and V just doubts Johnny's words. Love how the first kid asks River if I'm his girlfriend. also wow like oof both the second parts of Judy and River's quest are SUPER fucked UP!! oof like i stopped doing first person mode on the braindances for those quests as soon as i could, just made me too uncomfortable seeing that in first person.
DRIVING IN THE GAME IS BAD! nowhere is it more apparent than the sinnerman quest, which took me 3 times to get the driving section done, as cars spawned out of nowhere to hit me. Then when you restart, there is a bunch of dialogue it doesn't let you fast forward through. The rest of the Sinnerman questline is interesting. My V took every option to tell the dude that he was messed up, and what he was doing was wrong. idk, I was surprised how much dialogue there was that let you buy into his whole "forgiveness thing" and how there wasn't any real dialogue to call him the fuck out, that in seeking forgiveness he continues to do harm both emotional to the mother of the man he killed, but also that he got the husband killed via cop. The later follow up quest, I told him that what he is doing is crazy, studio is just going to profit off this vid. Then I refused to join him prayer, and told him fuck no i wasn't going to hammer him to the cross, or even watch. Yes, the man is scared of dying, and the corporation is exploiting him, but he keeps creating burdens for others. I think the discussion on this quest will be interesting to read, it's definitely my own personal experience with religion coloring my view. Anyway back to a main quest, yeah i don't trust Placide, especially in that scene where he grabs my hand, then jacks in. I ran off to do most of the sidequests here and got some criticism from him. I do love how in the cinema the western movie switches to a mission brief as the netwatch agent talks. its a fun enviromental detail. I took the netwatch offer, i don't think he's being fully honest with me, but he didn't put a virus in my head. As I told Placide later, I didn't pick a side. I like how you can then talk with the agent, who is a fan of Western movies, b/c they show "a simpler time where all good guys carry badges" :eyeroll:, and then V recommends Unforgiven, which from the wiki summary goes against that theme.
Looks like the Voodoo boys all got killed by Netwatch, but I as revenge for them trying to set me up I'm fine with it. Honestly after speaking with ai!Alt I don’t believe their plan of trying to be on good relations with AI would work.
doing the johnny flashback 2, and wow Johnny really is an asshole. Like I had gotten so used to him in side missions I forgot how self centered and unlikable he was.You constantly get prompts to drink or do drugs, which I ignored. But i do love the goth/punk love Rogue and others have.
lol i called it, when Hellman said that the engram would seek to override the host, put V on the engram. I really like how as the relic malfunctions, you wind up in the chair with a cigarette, which you can either smoke and say you are turning into Johnny or throw away. My dialogue "your problem is the ends justify the means", which is true!!! He and Rogue detonated a nuke downtown, does anyone know that, and like ask Rogue about it????
(Funny you can ask Rouge about Johnny silverhand, over the phone, then the game bugs out and spawns her npc where you are. She doens't say much about the nuke, but she does say no one trusts you for jobs). The line of no one trusting you for jobs is pretty funny at level 46 street cred where im at “respected” status. really loving the family atmosphere at River's 3rd quest. Also his big strong arms, and the fact he is no longer a cop. I totally let the kids win, and wow the family dinner where they GRILL YOU over the relationship and try to set the two of you up, then the water tower scene!!!!! I don't love the first person sex cutscenes but they do have personality. I'm glad afterwards you got to tell River about the biochip and that you might die. Because he's so far removed from your personal plot. So I took that option to back out of a relationship.
I do love that you wake up with "river's tanktop" that says "fuck the police" It actually has extremely good armor stats, so thats what I'll wear now.
panam 3rd quest, when shes like why did you help me, I'm like "because it's important to you". Basically the closest you can get to "when a friend asks for help you help them", which as an ex-nomad backstory I really choose the nomad options when ever i can Paralezes quest part 2! I love the piano song but I always think of it as ocean's 11 music. It's also fun to see the computer and see Judy recommended you for the first quest. The emails talk about "forgetting" to hire a staffer, on the balocony a strange antennia was scannable, the color of the roses was remembered wrong... lol guess i was right with those giant wall screens. Its fun environmental details that spell things out before you can notice, and it ties into some other quests where people's behavior is being altered. Actually, this quest "Dream On" I love it! For a while I've been like "wheres the illuminati conspiracy! Here it IS! I chose to follow Elisabeth's wishes and not tell her husband he was being brainwashed. In best case they program him to forget again, in worst case he ends up dead. The gaslighting Elisabeth described is CHILLING, her husband describes a vacation she can't remember and she doesn't know whose memories have been messed with. On your way to the plaza you get a call from someone/something that says the know exactly WHAT you are, any you black out!!! It's such a great feeling of helplessness that you're just one person in a world so big that you can't fight every power. As Johnny said, could be a corporation, could be a rogue ai, either way Jefferson is fucked (and so are you).
#cyberpunk 2077#mac plays video games#a lot of this journaling i do#so in a few years i can look back#and see my first impressions
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The launch of DC's Future State has already brought new and ambitious re-imaginings of the publisher's core characters. But after learning just what is in store with the Future State versions the Suicide Squad and a millenia-old Black Adam, there's no question some of the biggest surprises for readers are still on the way.
In addition to a new version of Batman or wild glimpses of DC's possible futures, the conclusion of Death Metal also brought with it the return of parallel worlds and realities many believed to be erased, or at least overlooked, from the DC Multiverse. It's those worlds that have been chosen for DC's Future State: Suicide Squad #1 arriving January 26th. With a new version of Task Force X taking a mission to Earth-3, followed by Black Adam's own mission in the 853 Century in the same issue, the stage is set for two major twists. Screen Rant got the chance to speak with new Suicide Squad writer Robbie Thompson and Jeremy Adams about both unexpected tales. The full interview, as well as a preview of both stories contained in Future State: Suicide Squad #1 can be found below.
RELATED: Superboy is Building DC's New Suicide Squad
Screen Rant: So with Death Metal setting up a new status quo, the shift from that finale into Future State obviously happened faster for readers than for you guys. Can each of you speak to the process of how you joined Future State, and landed on these particular characters, and inside the same book? I'm assuming you didn't need to be talked into an event like this.
Robbie Thompson: I was working on Teen Titans, and this was a long time ago. Usually in comics, your runway is about 20 feet, so it was quite a while back. I'm not sure when you go brought in, Jeremy, but I felt like we got a lot of time which we don't normally get. Was that your experience as well?
Jeremy Adams: No, my experience was that I was brought in under the umbrella of 5G. Then that all fell apart. I had never written a comic, and that's always been on my bucket list since I was a little child. So I thought, "Oh, it was so close. And yet again, it has crumbled before me." Then a couple months ago, my friend Tim, who's writing Teen Titans now in the Shazam Future State, mentioned me to our editor Mike Cotton. Cotton asked, "What about these guys?" And Tim's like, "Oh, Jeremy is great." So, Cotton called me up and said, "Hey, would you like to do something with Black Adam in Future State?" And I'm like, "Okay, what's that?" I really didn't have much time.

The advantage I had compared to a lot of the people in Future State is that mine is so far removed in the future to the DC One Million segment that I didn't need that much run-up, other than trying to make sense of DC One Million. Which I loved, but it's crazy. Cotton, very cleverly, is trying to weave some overarching story between the Future State titles that he's editing - which I think is very good. So, having to try to figure out how to put that into what I was doing was really fun. But I didn't have a lot of lead up.
Robbie Thompson: I guess we had somewhat similar experiences in that, although I was not involved in the artist formerly known as 5G, there was definitely a sense that I got of, "Okay, here's this big event, and here's how we can be interconnected. Here's how we can tell stories that can stand on their own," which was another big appeal to me.
I also knew I was going to be writing the Suicide Squad ongoing book, so that that was really helpful too. Because Cotton and [Assistant Editor Marquis] Draper both had a very clear idea what they wanted for that book, which made forward reverse-engineering Future State a little bit easier on my part. Just to finish the thought, I was working on Teen Titans and my job was to come in and land that plane. That's that's what I did, and that was fun. I figured, "Okay, my time at DC is done. I'm wrapped. I never got to write Ambush Bug, but it was a good time." But then Cotton reached out and was like, "Hey, what are your thoughts on the Suicide Squad?"
I was a big fan up to Tom Taylor's recent run with that crew, so I'm like, "What did you have in mind?" I'm from TV, so it's always great when editors are like showrunners and have a clear vision of what they want; it makes the job a lot easier and a lot more fun. To have a little bit more time than usual was also cool. It's not that we haven't burned through that time or changed some stuff, but to have the luxury of that was very cool.

SR: Death Metal opened the door for revisiting previous worlds and realities and storylines. For you, Robbie, that means a return to Earth 3. And for Jeremy, it's a trip it's a trip through time to DC One Million. Can you both set the stage for these return trips, if it will be the same version fans know, and what it was you found appealing about these corners of DC lore?
Jeremy Adams: For me, it's the Black Adam of it. When you read DC One Million, which is so far flung in the future, one of the things that I noticed was that there was a lack of discussion of magic. And I think that was kind of the thread I started pulling at when you're talking about Black Adam and who would that character be. Why is there no real discussion of magic, and what does that look like? Kind of hinting at what could have happened to magic, but also using that as a catalyst to get us into a bigger threat that is going to play a critical role, especially in Teen Titans Future State.
I thought that, to a degree, I had one of the easier jobs because I could be so far in the future. I don't know if I'm spoiling anything, but in one of the panels in the background, you can see Etrigan, except he has a Detective Chimp hat. I didn't have any brakes put on me, in terms of the things I could do or not do. The fact is that the DC One Million just afforded me an opportunity to play with that, and go into that world. When I first read it, I was kind of like, "I don't know..." and then I reread it and I'm like, "This is awesome!" It's really strange and out there, but it has a really great ending. To be able to play something in that time, and then try to trace it back to what might have happened in some of the other books, was really fun.

Robbie Thompson: I would say I had a similar experience, in terms of the worlds that's opened up. Earth-3 is fun and everything but, I think for me, it was more about what Cotton and the crew wanted to do with Amanda Waller. I think she's always been such an amazing character. She's both the protagonist and the antagonist of the story. And where they wanted to take her was eventually to Earth-3, which is sort of a bit of a cautionary tale. If she gets what she wants in the ongoing series, it's curtains for us. But it was really more about exploring what drives Amanda Waller.
In Future State, we see what she's doing. And then in the series, I guess, we kind of unpack why she's doing it. We're seeing her trying to do something different after having done the sort of the same for a while. And we're exploring what that breaking point was for her, and why she wants to try something different. That, coupled with the addition of Superboy to the team - he's in the Future State books, and the two-parter is centered around him and Waller. He's introduced very quickly in the ongoing story, and I was just really excited about that character.
We have a bit of a mystery with him - I don't know how much I'm allowed to say - in terms of where he's going and why he's there, but it dovetails a little bit with Walter's story. You'll see it hinted at in Future State issue 2. I was excited Earth-3 and I love the crime syndicate and all that other stuff. But, really, it was about exploring what Waller is up to, and it was kind of a means to that end. She's a means to an end kind of a character, so it felt like it fit pretty nicely.
Jeremy Adams: It's such a good high concept too, Robbie.
Robbie Thompson: I blame Cotton; it's all his fault.

RELATED: DC's New Superman Is Quite Different From His Father, Kal-El
SR: Despite the name of the book being The Suicide Squad, you're getting to assemble three teams in play at this point. The first page will pleasantly surprise people when they open the book to meet the Justice Squad, which has been glimpsed in some preview pages. You have assembled a motley crew out of some hilarious deep cuts that are guaranteed to send fans searching DC Wikis.
Robbie Thompson: Again, I have to credit Cotton and Draper, the editors on the book. When we first started talking about the book again, we initially were talking about the ongoing Suicide Squad book. There were a lot of pieces that they wanted to play around with. But the thing that was appealing to me, and I think it's the appeal of the great Suicide Squad runs that I've enjoyed, is the motley crew of both familiar faces and obscure faces. To spoil a little bit in the new series, we'll be introducing some new characters. I wouldn't get attached. I mean, it is the Suicide Squad. I literally will put that in the script. I'll be like, "Don't get attached. Two pages later. the neck bomb's going off."
But, yeah, we wanted to kind of play around you know with what a Bizarro Justice League would look like. What would it look like if Waller was assembling ostensibly her own version of the Justice League, with her squad bent on it? It led to some larger iconic characters, like Conner Kent now being Superman. But then we were like, "Okay, who's our Flash? Who's Wonder Woman..." and that led to some really just fun and frankly weird shit, getting Talon as Batman and Clayface as the Martian Manhunter.

To Jeremy's point earlier, because Cotton is weaving a bunch of these things together, we do have the futuristic version of a new Teen Titan character that will be introduced in Tim's book. It's definitely a weird group of people. I think this is in the preview pages, but much like any Suicide Squad or anything with Waller attached, I wouldn't get attached to any of these people. Pretty quickly, you see a pretty iconic character go right out the window. But that's been our MO: how do we keep this true to those classic Ostrander stories that are character-driven, but with characters that are obscure and weird and that you end up caring about? Then, of course, their heads blow up and that's the great paradigm of a book like this.
The Justice Squad is definitely a motley crew. But, like you said, we're gonna meet a couple of others. I think I'm allowed to tease stuff. If this is the new Task Force X, there's also hinting at a Task Force Z. What powers that, I think, is a cool mystery for fans. And then, of course, our last page is the Squad itself. It's always fun to build teams, but on Suicide Squad, it's even more fun to break them down - sometimes literally. The two-page spread that introduces the Squad is really just another piece of fantastic storytelling from Javier Fernandez, who's the artist on the book.
SR: A special treat is that Peacemaker is playing a major role here. He's getting a ton of buzz right now, thanks to James Gunn's Suicide Squad sequel, but you have the cool honor of introducing him to a lot of fans. Where does your Peacemaker fit in this battle of bad versus evil?
Robbie Thompson: I think the great thing about Peacemaker is in his first line: "peace at any cost," or whatever, I'm blanking on the exact phrasing. He is such a delightfully arch character in that regard. And he's such a fun contrast, especially in the later years where he got even more rigorous and how he wanted to find peace. So, I think the thing that's fun about him is that he's not really interested in good or evil; he's interested in peace. He doesn't really care who gets in his way, as you'll see in the story, and this is the story that we're gonna be telling long term with Peacemaker.
He is at odds with Amanda Waller. As you'll see in the ongoing series, he's a willing member of the Suicide Squad - as much as you can be. At least that's what he's telling himself. In terms of placing where he's at, I think what we hint at in the story is that he was working for Waller and was a believer and what she was doing, and she has gone a step too far even for Peacemaker. Waller is kind of off the rails. But what I think is great about both characters is they both can be protagonists and antagonists. They both genuinely feel that what they're doing is not only the right thing, but the good thing. In their minds, they have justified their actions to meet that questionable morality.

Yes, he's a buzzy character, because he's going to be in the movie and they're doing a TV show. And it's John Cena playing him, which is amazing. I love that guy. But it was really about finding a fun, opposite number for Waller. They're two people that might seemingly be on the same page, but then what would tear them apart? That's sort of where you're seeing Peacemaker at the beginning of this; he is none too pleased with Waller.
SR: That actually is a fantastic segue for you, Jeremy. Fans of Shazam don't need to be told how far Black Adam would climb if he was given a few hundred centuries. For that very reason, the Adam they meet in this story is not the one that they're going to expect. What led you in that direction of subverting his reputation?
Jeremy Adams: I think because Adam's trajectory from being the chosen champion of the wizard Shazam, and then that power going through his head so he becomes this kind of antihero, feels like a hollow pursuit. I think what makes him interesting is when he finally found Kahndaq, and he's like, "I have a people, and I have a mission to protect." This has extended out into the universe now, but he gives up that iron fist, and it's more about Kahndaq being a place of refuge. He mirrors that, and he's kind of stepped away when we meet him from that life of being a warrior; of being somebody that fought for things. He's almost gone the other extreme, into kind of pacifism.
And he's lived for hundreds of years. There's this perspective he has on what actually means something. That's kind of where our story moves a little bit. What would it take for somebody that's seen it all to keep wanting to live? And that's where we meet him. What brings that fire back that makes him want to fight again? Because that's not where he is when we meet him.

Related: The New Wonder Woman is Completely Rewriting DC Mythology
SR: What are your hopes for this tale? I feel like this is a very different story than people would expect from Future State Black Adam.
Jeremy Adams: Yeah. I'm in awe of many different things: the fact that they let us create some characters, which has been an absolute joy - particularly one character that I got to help create that is my favorite person ever. Also, taking something from my animation work and being able to put it into the DC proper has been really great too, and seeing how that character will have far-reaching effects in other books.
But this is my first time out as a comic writer, and I'm still learning the ropes. Mostly, when I see Fernando Pasarin's art, I'm like, "Why are we splitting it with words? This is stupid. We need to strip out all the words, and just put this incredible art there." Because he really captures the emotion and the humor and some of the insanity of it. But I think because it was my first attempt at a comic, and it was also me thinking it could be my last attempt at a comic, I'm gonna just throw the kitchen sink at it. I think it's really fun, and even the second one doubles down on the craziness of it. But I like that kind of unrestrained imagination, where I can keep putting ideas out.
Robbie Thompson: I did the same thing when I was at Marvel, I think it was issue 4 of Silk. Because I was like, "Oh, we'll get cancelled at 5." Right? But I put the Fantastic Four and Galactus in it, and there was no reason for either to be in the book. I thought, "This is it. This is my chance. It's the fourth issue."
Jeremy Adams: That's what I did when I got on Supernatural, because I knew it was the last season. "Here's a bunch of ideas!" And they're like, "No."

SR: You both are giving readers a lot to talk about with, with more than one headline-worthy twist or reveal or development. Are you prepared to see how fans react to those bombshells?
Jeremy Adams: Robbie and I have been through the crucible that is Supernatural. So, sans expectation, I'm just like, "Alright, whatever." That's not why I do it. I do it because I want to tell that story. I want to be crazy or zany or whatever. Because I'm a fan, so I write toward my inner fan.
Robbie Thompson: I mean, you're always going to have - on characters that people are so attached to, or teams that people are so attached to, or content - you're always going to have something. It's almost a fool's errand to chase it. Becaus when you do chase after the shiny thing, it's the thing that you never thought - it turns out they love this over here, and they're obsessed with that detail.
I certainly hope that people talk about it. As one of my first editors said, "It's only when they're not talking about your book that you're in trouble." I certainly hope they do, but I wouldn't say it was the intention. I really can say that on every book I've ever worked on, there's always the thing that I felt like, "Oh, this will get their tongues waggin'." And then no, it was actually this thing over here. It was this relationship that people got really invested in, that was for me just a means to a plot end, but for them it was the conduit into the book or the story or whatever. So, yeah, I certainly hope they get chatting.
SR: In that vein, can each of you speak a bit about the art teams responsible for this future cosplay? They more than deliver right from the start, and it's hard to imagine them elevating it from here.
Robbie Thompson: I'm really bare bones in my scripts. I'll just say, "This is a new version of Batman; it's Talon. Have fun?" I'm dressed like a failed lumberjack; I'm not the guy for that. Fortunately on Future State, I'm working with Javier and Eduardo on the ongoing. They're just briilliant artists. Javier took all of the ideas that we were talking about in the book and really just made his own take on all these characters. And then Alex came in with his colors and did an amazing job, and everybody just came to play in their own way. If people end up cosplaying as Talon Batman or this creepy Martian Manhunter, it's all thanks to Javier and his design work. I don't know about you, Jeremy, but seeing those new designs come in every single time is always so exciting and really fun.

Jeremy Adams: Yeah, I was a little overwhelmed by it all. Because in animation, you write something and then you got to wait a couple years before you actually get to see it. But when it comes to this, it's almost like live theater a little bit. You have a very quick reaction that you get, because these geniuses that are artists and colorist and inkers come in, and give you this magic from the little words you scribble down. I probably am a little more descriptive in certain things, just because of the byproduct of animation in general. But the fact is that everything that I had in my mind, Fernando did it times 10. It was just so detailed and so interesting. Even the coloring and the inking; everything was just so perfect.
It's a weird thing for me, because you get the pencils back and you're like, "Can we just release this? This is so good." Then you get the inks back, and you're like, "Well, this is great!" And then you get the colors back, and you feel like, "Well, I don't know why I'm here." That's kind of how I feel the entire time.
Future State: Suicide Squad #1 will be available at comic book shops and digitally on February 26th, 2020.
Future State: Suicide Squad #1
Written by: Robbie Thompson, Jeremy Adams
Art by: Javier Fernandez, Fernando Pasarin, Alex Sinclair, Oclair Albert, Jeromy Cox
Cover Art by: Javier Fernandez, Marcelo MaioloDerrick Chew
Editor: Mike Cotton,
The Suicide Squad enters the Future State era as Amanda Waller uses Task Force X to save the world and remake it in her image—but what happens when the team shows up to stop her? And in the second story in this extra-sized issue, Black Adam, the immortal one-time champion of the wizard Shazam, rules the planet Kahndaq in the 853rd century. Can he save the future from a threat rooted in the past?
MORE: Nightwing Is Becoming The Anakin Skywalker of Future State
Exclusive Preview: Suicide Squad & Black Adam Future State from https://ift.tt/3qO4evh
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The Rubber Band
So uhhh…that Rock Band AU thing that I kept coming up with headcanons for? Yeah…I ran with it lmao though I’m establishing now that this in no way is meant to be GOOD and is instead meant to be SILLY and ENJOYABLE and FUN! I had fun writing it, even if it only took me like 2 hours haha
Credit goes to @ohpineapples for the initial idea (also 2 OCs make a very brief cameo in this, though I only own one, but for the sake of this AU they exist in the same universe and are best friends, if for no other reason than because Skylar definitely would take one look at Sophie and say “We’re best friends now”. She’s the extrovert I wish I was lmao)
Also featured: slight Frobin, because I can’t leave well enough alone lol
Word Count: 1674, will include a read more but they hardly ever work on mobile so RIP sorry in advance lol
Anyway, I hope you enjoy the silliness! (all lyrics are taken straight from the One Piece wiki so if anything’s incorrect I apologize!)
Battle of the Bands: Sabaody Park City! Prizes awarded to the Top 3 bands! 1st Place awarded title of “Best Band Ever”.
Zoro was by far the easiest to recruit.
When Luffy had strolled into the music shop, old-as-shit hand-me-down guitar strung across his shoulders, the green-haired percussionist hadn’t had much thought beyond “drumsticks”. This is, of course, because he hadn’t even noticed the other boy come in, an amazing feat considering the volume he exuded; but when Zoro was focused on something, it took a lot to break that focus. In this case, that focus lay on a set of 5B, dark oak, drumsticks. Zoro fumbled with the almost-matching stick in his pocket, older now but no less powerful, similar build though lighter in color. These would go perfectly with it.
And so it didn’t take much to convince Zoro to join; especially after Luffy helped him “borrow” the set.
They tried to recruit a band manager next, eager to get the show on the road, but the orange-haired prospect they’d met at the local carnival practically laughed in their faces.
“You call this a band? There’s two of you! That guitar’s strings are tied in place! I’m not throwing my weight behind a couple of idiots who don’t even know how to maintain their instruments! Do you even know how to write songs?” “Why write them? It’ll come to us when we play!” Nami threw her hand over her face. “See, this is why we need you!” The boy smiled at her, brighter than the sun, and she sighed.
“What do you even call this ‘band’?”
“The Rubber Band!”
She walked away.
They’d returned to her days later, a long-nosed, bass-playing, songwriter and a curly-browed keyboardist in tow, guitar strings neatly replaced. She sized them up, weighing the pros and cons, and crunching the numbers, in her head. Finally, she spoke up, dollar signs in her eyes.
“My rate is 70% of everything you make, plus a fee of $500 for every event I land you.”
“Hey isn’t that-”
“Of course, Nami-swan!~ Whatever you want dear! Nothing is too unreasonable for you, my love!~” The blond, Sanji, twirled around her, hearts in his eyes as he continued asking if he could make her anything to eat. She could get used to that.
Luffy agreed as well, not seeing a problem with it, as of course they’d make plenty of money as they journeyed to become the Best Band Ever. Usopp was the only one to voice any concerns, saying that “clearly as the true leader of this band”, they should negotiate for a lower price. Nami’s glare quickly silenced any further complaint.
They played a few local venues, and along the way picked up a curious reindeer with an affinity for the tambourine. Growth was, unfortunately, scarce though, as Nami brought up one day after receiving a call for a gig in the big city.
“Well we’re not getting anywhere without transportation.” She was right. Usopp’s beaten up car had finally quit on them only the week before, and they’d yet to find something up to the task. They sat around a table at the bar they’d just performed at, munching on snacks that Sanji had snuck in. Usopp was working on some new material, as well as their logo (a pirate’s jolly roger with a straw hat, for personality, and to dissuade those who thought Chopper was their mascot), and Zoro placed his freshly polished drumsticks pristinely in their case. Their attention was diverted when a woman approached them, smiling in a way that set them both at ease and on edge at the same time.
“Hello, I just wanted to congratulate you on your set. You played very well, especially you young man,” She said, particularly speaking to Chopper, the inexplicable reindeer.
“I don’t need your compliments, you dummy,” The boy gushed, blushing at the woman’s words. For her part she didn’t appear offended, and even chuckled slightly at his antics.
“My name is Robin. I overheard you need a way to get around?” Nami eyed her warily.
“Yes…we do, but there’s not enough in the budget to purchase a whole new vehicle.”
“Oh, my husband owns a tour bus. He used to travel with his own group before we met. If it’s no trouble for you, we’d be happy to help.” As she spoke, a large, bright blue headed man walked up, startling the group with his rather eccentric look.
“It would be SUPER no big deal! We’ve been wanting to travel for a while ourselves!”
Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, the band quickly said yes, and so finally began their trip to Sabaody Park City for the Battle of the Bands tournament.
They’d made only one stop for fuel on the way to the city, inadvertently picking up a probably homeless man named Brook, who was hoping to meet a friend in the city. Though most of the group had warned Luffy against it, there was no convincing the boy otherwise, and so far it had actually proved a fruitful venture. The man, thin as a skeleton, was proficient in music as well, and assisted Usopp with writing songs for the next show.
When they’d finally made it, their first real stop was the venue Nami had booked, in hopes of making some quick cash to prepare for the tournament. Robin had assisted with setting up the stage, helping to fight off Franky from installing pyrotechnics (“We can’t afford to pay for fire damages!” Nami had screamed), and despite Luffy’s insistence she stayed well away from the stage while they played. Along the way, they’d discovered she had a rather lovely voice, and seeing as how Luffy’s voice tended to sound like two whales fighting during a car wreck in the middle of a bagpipe festival, they’d tried to convince her to become the official lead singer. So far she’d shrugged them off, saying she wasn’t one for the spotlight.
For the next week, Nami continued booking gigs, somehow extorting extra money out of each new venue owner, until finally the day of the tournament had arrived. They’d walked in as a group, filing past dozens of other bands. They shuffled up to the signin, Luffy writing in big, bold letters “THE RUBBER BAND” across the paper, taking up at least five slots. They ignored the event coordinators’ griping in favor of finding a seat, as they waited for the event to start.
One by one, bands began to play; the audience determining who would move on and who was knocked out. The Rubber Band managed to make it through the first few rounds, fumbling slightly in the round before the finals. Until this point, they’d mostly gotten by through Luffy shredding on his beat-up guitar. His energy was infectious, and if he missed a note or played a weird chord, most didn’t notice; but now it was the big leagues, and the competition was fierce.
It was down to three bands, and they watched as a man with red hair screamed into the mic while a masked blond man played the drums. When they finished, the apparent leader taunted the next performer: a tattooed guitarist with a curly blond drummer and a silver-haired singer (and was that a polar bear playing the triangle?). Overall, the semi-finals passed in a blur, as it became apparent just what they were up against.
Luffy wasn’t discouraged at all, however, and merely used this as fuel to further insist Robin join them on stage. In his mind, if she sang for them they were sure to win! His pleas remained unanswered, until it was once again their turn to take the stage, and the dark haired woman followed them up to the mic. She smiled at Luffy’s excitement, and they all ignored the cries from an earlier band about the “new member”, instead settling into a quick, upbeat rhythm. As the crowd started to get into it, Robin launched into the lyrics.
“Arittake no yume o kaki atsume, Sagashi-mono o sagashi ni yuku no sa, ONE PIECE!”
It was a song she’d memorized after helping the others work so hard to write it, and learn it, specifically for the Battle of the Bands. Robin was nervous, having never purposely put herself in the spotlight like this, especially so literally. But as the crowd grew more enthused, dancing along with their music, she found herself feeling more and more confident, even beginning to sway with the music in her own sort of dance, smile growing wide on her face.
“Arittake no yume o kaki atsume, Sagashi-mono o sagashi ni yuku no sa, poketto no koin, soreto you wanna be my friend? We are, we are on the cruise! WE ARE!”
Before the group knew it they were finished, sweating and panting beneath the stage lights, the crowd roaring in their ears as they yelled “encore! encore!” Luffy raised his arms above his head, the biggest smile stretched across his face as he started cheering along with them. The tournament coordinator’s voice came over the loudspeaker, straining to be heard over the loud cheers.
“Well, I think we have a pretty clear winner, folks! Give it up for The Rubber Band!” The crowd’s screams grew deafening, and in the confusion Luffy had somehow snaked his way through the crowd to drag Nami, Franky, and Brook onto the stage with the others.
“Come on, guys! We did it!”
“Luffy, why did you drag me up here…”
“Shishishi, come on! They want an encore!” He said, ignoring the groans of his exasperated manager. The song started up again, spurred forth by Sanji and Zoro (who seemed to be competing over who could play louder), and those without instruments joined Robin at the front, singing along with the lyrics that, at this point, they all knew by heart.
And with the crowd screaming along, it was pretty clear…
They truly were the Best Band Ever.
#the end lmao#one piece#one piece scenario#one shot#AU#One Piece AU#of course I had to use that song like...I gotta lmao#AUs are fun lol#probably won't post this on ff.net or ao3? but we'll see how I feel in the morning lol#also I learned about different kinds of drumsticks today so that's neat!#also posted this on the correct blog this time cause what's the point of having a writing blog if I post my writing to my main blog?#Again: I don't expect this to be perceived as good but tbh fanfic doesn't have to be good and I had fun lmfao so I hope you did too!#alright Leyna's out goodnight folks
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BnHA Chapter 022: Needs More Corporate Sponsorships
Previously on BnHA: A dozen pro heroes showed up at USJ. Kurogiri and Tomura were forced to blow the coop. Back at their secret villain hideout, they had a chat with their secret villain boss over Skype. We met All Might’s unnervingly cheerful detective friend. All Might talked about how great class 1-A is (spoilers: really great). Aizawa announced the upcoming sports festival.
Today on BnHA: The heroes discuss Tomura and his fellow villains and keep me guessing. We learn more about the sports fest. Ochako gets fucking possessed by the Spirit of Gambatte and it’s something to behold. All Might has lunch with Deku and tells him he needs to get out there at the sports fest and be like “HEY WORLD, WHAT’S FUCKING UPPPP.”
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 37 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.)

apparently she’s gotta touch something with all five fingertips on one hand in order to float it
she can float anything under three tons! interesting! so she can’t go floating aircraft carriers around or anything, but she could float a couple of cars if the situation ever called for it. she’ll puke but she could do it!
still no word on a time limit, so I’m just going to assume the thing floats until she releases it, and she herself probably doesn’t know what the limit is because she’s never reached it yet
(ETA: having now watched her fight against Bakugou, it appears to be more of a stamina limit thing than a time limit thing. all of my questions have thus officially been answered!)
her hair’s not bizarre! I take offense
she’s so cute
she sure does wear those tights, all right. you rock those tights Ochako
on to the chapter!
ahh! so they were able to at least find Tomura through the Quirk Registry!
(ETA: I read this completely wrong lol. they were not able to find anyone under that name.)
he can disintegrate anything he touches, but we already knew that. I WANT TO KNOW ABOUT THE HANDS
it occurs to me that the hands might not actually be his, they might belong to the Main Villain and that’s why Tomura appears to be talking to them sometimes. maybe that’s why they’re not mentioned in the registry. they also seem entirely unrelated to the disintegration quirk
and Kurogiri apparently is still a mystery. or at least he’s not a man in his twenties or thirties. maybe expand your search then. forty-year old villains exist too, surely. or else who will Iida fight
heehee the Sheriff is using his old timey cowboy slang again
I’m a simple person. I see the word “varmints”, I click the like button
All Might doesn’t seem convinced that Tomura was actually their leader

the more I think about it the more I’m convinced that the real Main Villain was involved with those hands somehow and was feeding some of Tomura’s dialogue to him to boot
All Might has really good instincts to have picked up on all this from the relatively brief interaction he had with him
yeah I think he’s correctly pegged Tomura as a Belphegor-type
apparently they offer quirk counseling in elementary school! I love hearing these little details that help expand the canon like that
they apprehended 72 fucking villains. I actually thought there were even more, given how many people seemed to be attacking each of the kids’ groups despite them being split into so many groups. anyhow, that’s still a lot of villains. but then, it was a league
now they’re discussing why all of these redshirt villains would follow a guy like Tomura
so clearly Tomura is just a puppet and the real guy who was pulling the strings is still out there, we get it. actually, we already knew that. I wish these guys would arrive at that conclusion already, or if they’re not going to, maybe change the subject unless there’s some other point they’re trying to make here

do not fucking start redeeming this person you guys. don’t start!! go ahead and do whatever you want but don’t expect me to just be on board like that! :/
(ETA: okay, one big thing that seemed to get lost in Viz’s translation, though. when I watched this scene in the anime, it seemed like they were using the word kodomo to describe Tomura, though I could have misheard it. anyway, for whatever reason, Viz translated this as “man-child”; I guess maybe to emphasize Tomura’s immaturity. however, to the best of my knowledge, kodomo actually translates directly to “child.” like, literally a kid.
so here’s the thing... it seems to me that what they’re hinting at here is that Tomura may in fact actually be a teenager himself, possibly not much older than the kids in class 1-A. he wasn’t in the registry, and they speculated that he might not have received quirk counseling, implying that maybe he wasn’t in the school system. anyway, this makes a huge difference to me as far as whether or not I think he’s redeemable, and if it’s true, then I will reverse my stance on that entirely. if he’s still just a kid himself, and is being manipulated/groomed by this mysterious Skype Villain character, that goes a long way towards him getting a pass for being a complete shithead. I mean, he is most definitely not stable from what we’ve seen, so. gotta say I’m pretty curious to see where this goes now. and also if this is true, fuck you Viz for making this so needlessly unclear.)
back to class 1-A!
apparently they’re going to have extra security during the sports fest, but they plan to move forward with it despite the recent attack
I’m torn on whether something else is going to happen, or if it’s just going to be them causing all the chaos on their own, because they’re more than capable of that even without help from villains lol
(ETA: so far it seems to be the latter and I’m loving it)
“our sports festival is the greatest opportunity you’ll get”... for what?
oh wow apparently this thing is a big deal and they all already know all about it
well if you’d all be so kind as to clue me in then
wow so it’s basically the Olympics
a high school sports festival is on the same level as the Olympics???
there’s not even any element of competition between different schools lol. it’s just U.A.
apparently lots of pro heroes use the event to scout for future sidekicks. kind of like how colleges and professional teams scout players at some high school sporting events
well that does sound like a fairly big deal, but surely it’s not as important for these first-years as it is for the older students
not that that’ll stop any of these kids from setting their sights on the big leagues right away, I’m sure
(ETA: okay so now that I know a little bit more about the sports festival, for some reason the question I haven’t been able to shake from my mind is: why are there no corporate sponsorships?
like, if this really is supposed to be BnHA’s equivalent of the Olympics, brands like Nike and Apple and Coca-Cola and various other car and beer and telecom and apparel companies should all be trying to snatch up as many of these kids as possible to push their brands. I mean, they even have an entire Business Course over at U.A., so what are those guys even studying then if stuff like this isn’t a thing.
I do realize of course that these kids are only 15, but their age really shouldn’t be a factor, given that plenty of Olympic-level athletes become well-known and are getting sponsorships and such well before they turn 18. it could also be that the brands concentrate more on the second- and third-years who’ve established themselves in past sports fests, but even if that were true, you’d think that the kids of 1-A would be a special case after the USJ incident thrust them into the spotlight. they practically became celebrities overnight. you’d think at least one or two of them -- Todoroki and Bakugou especially, since they were both already known to a degree -- would have gotten a few last minute calls with some lucrative and tempting offers.
the only other explanation I can come up with is that they’re forbidden from doing this sort of thing. which seems unrealistic since the school would undoubtedly be saying no to a LOT of money, but I guess they’re not hurting for it and don’t need it. (they sure do throw enough of it away on entrance exams.) or I suppose it’s also possible that this actually is going to be a thing, and I just haven’t seen any of it yet due to the aforementioned “they’re only first years” bit. I just think it would potentially be interesting, even just as a background thing.
anyway, I really went off on a tangent, but it’s just something that keeps nagging at me. like it’s a key element that’s missing in order for this to feel more realistic to me. you know, because Jump mangas about superpowers are always so realistic!! but this one actually is for the most part, so it feels all the more out of place.
okay I’ll shut up now.)
now it’s lunchtime!
lol it’s the cement guy. just chilling in the hallway

Cementoss...? pretty sure that was it
I don’t want to go look up his name because I found out the other day that their full names tend to be listed on the wikis, and if they haven’t been revealed in the manga yet then I don’t want to know dammit
the Internet is a treacherous place with dangers lurking around every corner
anyways. all the kids are abuzz with excitement
Iida looks like he’s forgotten how to breathe

I wonder if there’s any chance we might get like, a U.A. dance party at some point. I just want to see Iida try and dance. I think it would be really great
wow Ochako has shadow eyes, that’s a first I think
wow she is fired up

oh my god Ochako. you do know how fucking badly I want you to wreck some bitches, right. you know that? I put it on my wishlist and everything
please, more of this

the trio is now walking downstairs on their way to lunch, presumably
now she’s embarrassed because compared with Iida, her motivations are less noble
but Iida flaps his arms around and tells her there’s nothing wrong with wanting to rake in that dough

boy but I sure do ship these two little oddballs
??? wow, she says her family runs a construction company, but that they’re somehow poor. here I would’ve thought they’d be in constant demand, what with villains constantly running amok and destroying shit. maybe there’s too much competition? or maybe heroes with construction-related quirks are putting them out of business somehow?
omg baby Ochako

her slightly oversized sweatshirt that says “SUPER” is making me wibbly eyes
I need to pick up this sweet little cinnamon roll right this instant and give her lots of hugs and cuddles
oh my god and just like that her goal of “making money” is the noblest fucking thing on earth goddamn

they’re fucking speechless

down in the cafeteria, Iida and Ocha are speculating on what All Might could possibly want with Deku
“perhaps he’s taken a liking to him” y’all have noooo idea
what is this sudden shot of Todoroki

somehow I feel like he’s gonna be the first one to actually put it all together. he’s been listening and observing all this time, and he’s pretty sharp. he knows they have similar abilities; he saw firsthand how Deku behaved around All Might and how he dove in to save him; and I don’t know, but he’s just a pretty smart cookie and I wouldn’t put it past him
(ETA: he was so close. “illegitimate child” is close enough to get full marks IMO. also I’m now positive that Kacchan has figured it out, but I’ll save that speculation for another day.)
oh jesus the time limit is worse than I thought now. only fifty minutes
Deku apologizes even though it had nothing to do with him, aww
and All Might already knows him so well by now that he cuts him off before he can finish
he wants to talk to Deku about the sports festival!
oh yeah that’s right. we don’t want him dying yet again
Deku mentions that he was able to use the power once against Noumu with no side effects. so All Might asks him what he did differently

hm. interesting. here I was thinking that it was only coincidental and it might’ve just been because of Noumu’s shock-absorption abilities. but I guess that wouldn’t have completely negated the impact. so I guess Deku would know better than me here
“sounds like you managed to pump the brakes without even knowing it” are you telling me he was worried about overdoing it against the guy who was trying to disintegrate Tsuyu’s face?? why is his heart so pure dammit
still, he’d better figure out how to do this at will, and sooner rather than later

“and among those with villainous intent... there are some who’ve started to realize that.” yeah we kind of figured that one out
still, it’s not like Deku’s just going to be able to instantly replace him. he’s only fifteen for crying out loud

All Might what did I just fucking say. FIFTEEN
but I guess that’s not too young to be an inspirational hero though
wow he’s so earnest... he totally won me over in like two seconds

wowwwwww I just got fucking fired up. the intensity lines for no damn reason. and even with All Might coughing up blood at the end there lol
but yeah I’m sold, okay Deku go be a star

#bnha#boku no hero academia#makeste reads bnha#uraraka ochako#shigaraki tomura#all might#midoriya izuku#y'all can't tell me the baku-todo-deku trio wouldn't absolutely slay a 'just do it' campaign though#like can you even imagine that ad#it would be the campaign to end all campaign#on a somewhat related note#do you guys think all might has like his own sneaker line#like jordans#but all mights#because if he doesn't#then he totally fucking should
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Eastern Cottontail / Sylvilagus floridanus
Facts of Interest
Crepuscular feeders - most active during twilight.
Some crepuscular animals may be more active on a moonlit night or during an overcast day.
Cottontails are active when visibility is limited, such as rainy or foggy nights.
Way more similar to Brown Hare/European Hare than other rabbit species in that they
do not burrow; lay in “forms” - depressions in the ground
are solitary, yet also have some sense of community (will warn others of danger)
Aggressive, territorial - males fight other males for females, females will fight other females for control of territory.
They have 17,000 taste buds - can taste and enjoy more intense flavor and subtleties in their food than humans can ever image.
Used to inhabit only deserts, swamps and hardwood forests, as well as rainforests and boreal forests. In current times, it prefers edge environments between woody vegetation and open land.
Its range of habitats includes meadows, orchards, farmlands, hedgerows and areas with second growth shrubs, vines and low deciduous trees.
Their diet varies between seasons due to availability. In the summer, green plants are favored. About 50% of the cottontail's intake is grasses, including bluegrass and wild rye. Other summer favorites are wild strawberry, clover and garden vegetables.
In the winter, the cottontail subsists on woody plant parts, including the twigs, bark and buds of oak, dogwood, sumac, maple and birch. As the snow accumulates, cottontails have access to the higher trunk and branches.
Folklore & Mythology (Rabbits and in some extension Hares, as well)
“In many mythic traditions these animals were archetypal symbols of femininity, associated with the lunar cycle, fertility, longevity and rebirth. But if we dig a little deeper into their stories we find that they are also contradictory, paradoxical creatures: symbols of both cleverness and foolishness, of femininity and androgyny, of cowardice and courage, of rampant sexuality and virginal purity. In some lands, Hare is the messenger of the Great Goddess; in other lands he is a god himself, wily deceiver and sacred world creator rolled into one.”
- Terri Winding in "The Symbolism of Rabbits and Hares"
Brer Rabbit is a trickster character found in African, African-American, and Native American folktales.
“The rabbit in Algonguian folklore was a trickster whose name was cognate with dawn and whose behavior reversed the order of nature as it was originally created, causing problems for those who followed. In the story of the Potawatomi Medicine Society the land of the dead was ruled by Chipiapoos, whose name translates as Corpse Rabbit. The Potomac Great Hare ruled the land of spirits and dwelled in the east where the sun rose.”
- “An Archaeology of the Soul: North American Indian Belief and Ritual” by Robert L. Hall
My Thoughts
When I first got the urge to look into rabbits and hares, I was expecting the typical “fertility,” “lunar,” “spring goddess” symbolism that most people think of when they think of these animals. After I started reading more about their biology, and their true natures, I was fascinated and intrigued at the amount of unassuming fierceness these guys have.
Rabbits and Hares in the context of Trickster folklore of the Americas resemble very similar to Coyote. In biology/ecology, they are both edge animals living off the hedgerows, the liminal here and there, and also neither-nor. They are paradoxical. They are typically shapeshifters, and are associated with the spirit world and “reverse-order behavior.” Also like Coyote, they are very good at surviving and thriving in the world of humans. And have become known as pests, at the same time.
To me, through reading into the existing Native lore and ecology of the two animals, I feel this very faint thread between them. Almost like two sides of the same similar spirit coin.
Rabbit seems to be way more connected to the Underworld than Coyote, however. Perhaps because most rabbit species burrow and live underground. Closer to the dead. Coyotes will use dens, but will often use found dens instead of tunnel systems like Rabbits.
The Eastern Cottontail, however, do not burrow. They are more similar to their cousins the Hare and Jackrabbits in that they do not burrow to make dens. They will be more often found in depressions in grass, or under logs. In Illinois, we find their young a lot in our yards and people have to be very careful not to run over the poor little guys with the lawnmower!
On to the magic...
Being Crepuscular animals, Eastern Cottontails (and Hares) are more active during the twilight hours, and bonus points if the evening has low visibility in general. This is good to stay off the radar of predators that may be looking for a high visibility night to go hunting wabbits.
The fire flies, moths, and rabbits are coming out. Twilight is the liminal time between day and night, the blending of one world and the next, where the unexpected can happen, where magic is worked and woven, and where some spirits are said to tread easier (such as the fae) closer to work with us. The Eastern Cottontail is a natural in-betweener, living at the edge of their environments, and perhaps can teach a lesson or two on how to better tune in to this time of day-night. Of which, their large sensitive ears, whiskers, and big deep eyes are adept at aiding them.
Another thing is their amazing trait to detect flavors between different plants, something we can’t even vaguely imagine. Calling upon this idea may allow you to think more carefully on herbal use, and also to be more aware of the plants in your local. What can you use in your backyard? What can you use, what can you learn about in a parking lot? Near a riverwalk? At a campground? You don’t need to ingest or apply plants to learn about them, get to know their spirits, what they’re all about. Most people gaze out into a community park or neighborhood and just see “green.” Trees, shrubs, maybe some pink and white flowers. Open your eyes wider. How much can you actually see? Use your senses to see just how diverse the plant population around you really is.
Another point to bring to attention is that they will find food in any season, but are often left with more woody plants and bark to eat during the winter. This may be a “beggars can’t be choosers” lesson, or even a “take your opportunity and be grateful for it.” Cottontails do not hibernate, so they need to take every opportunity they can get to feed and house themselves through the colder months.
As mentioned before, these animals are unassumingly fierce. They look innocent, even anxious, and they may be some of the time... but between each other, they fiercely fight. These are the true unexpected warriors. They kick, spit, growl, scratch, “box”, chase off. They are extremely territorial and both males and females fight with each other. They are solitary most of the time, but are not too fierce against each other to warn of a predator or impending threat.
Perhaps look to them for a time when you have to stand your ground against your own peers, and stand up for what you believe in. Or simply just to protect your territory, literally or figuratively.
On the other hand, they know when to keep their energy close and save it for when they need it the most. Eastern Cottontails can lay still in a hiding place for up to 15 minutes at a time, especially during the day or while hiding from predators. They don’t know when they will need to activate their literal fight-or-flight, and often have a lot to lose if they are going up against something larger than themselves.
When they do need to get up and go, they use their fur coloring to their advantage to blend into their environment. And spring away fast in a zig-zag pattern, as to give a predator the least amount of chance to grab hold of them. Perhaps one could use these elements to their benefit in a protection sigil, or glamour spell to seem more unassuming.
References & Credits
#eastern cottontail#illinois wildlife#rabbits#hares#sylvilagus floridanus#animals#bioregional animism#animal folklore#terri windling#magical significance#animal familiars#witchcraft#magick
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What is a story?
Tiernan's @tiernanogphoto wonderful contemplation (found here: http://letstalkphotography.tumblr.com/post/171568318505/on-the-intersection-of-art-journalism-and) on "stories", "photo-journalism", "objectivity", and his thought-provoking question whether all kinds of photography can (or maybe even should) evoke stories (which will certainly be a topic for one of the next inConversations), made me think.
I certainly cannot add anything of value to Tiernan's "sociologist approach", because my background is largely different. I studied literature, drama, (and social-psychology), later went to filmschool, and have been working as a producer, writer, director, video-editor, and cameraman. So, what I write here, is a very different take on the subject, and rather the viewpoint of a "storyteller" and that one of a person, who has been engaged in trying to understand and to work with the "mechanics" of storytelling.
What is a story?
A story certainly is some sort of narrative. It can be based on actual events (to whichever extent), or it can be completely fictitious. The goal of a story is to interest, inform, amuse, emotionally engage, or also instruct an audience. And that unrelated to whether the story is "true" or not. Often, the most effective informative or instructional stories are not "documentaries" but are complete fiction (think of fables for instance or instructional videos which present a fictitious story based on certain information). And often "true stories" are merely told for entertainment purposes. What all stories have in common: They are communication. And communication always demands at least two parties. The person who "tells" and the person who "is told" (I'll get into that a bit later).
One of the biggest misconceptions about stories and storytelling is that there is ONE true and unambiguous interpretation of a story: Usually the one of the author. But that is not true. Never was. Never will be. Because it is not as simple as that.
Where does a story "happen"?
Since stories are always communication, the story "happens" inside of the mind of the recipient. And different minds create different stories. So there is not ONE story. But as many stories as there are minds who read/hear/watch them (plus the one of the author). The storyteller (especially, of course, the journalist) often wants to get sure that the same story they had in mind also appears in the mind of the recipient - which can be tricky.
We have no possibility of communicating in an objective way.
Communication is encoding information into a form that can be transmitted. And then this "encoded information" has to be decoded and interpreted by the recipient. Facts, thoughts, feelings, opinions - they all have to be encoded into symbols - like words or sentences - to be transmitted. And to receive "the intended message", the recipient needs to have the same understanding of the symbols, the right "decoding mechanism", often also the same background knowledge, in short: the same "context". I am aware that what I wrote might seem like a bloated, and "blown out of proportions" analysis, but actually, it isn't.
I'll give you an example: If I give you no context whatsoever, and I write that I love tits, your "story" will probably be that I like birds. Won’t it? When I continue writing: "I also love pussies", your story might change into: "Oh, Pete is not only fond of birds but also of cats. He loves animals". While this seems like a simplified example, think closer: I only threw in some words. There is no complex background story like in - say - news reporting. Every transmitted information is either based on that the audience has the same background knowledge - the same standpoint, or it ideally will give you the needed background information.
People in similar types of societies (like for example "the Western world"), certainly all have a very similar "decoding mechanism", but this is nevertheless tricky. Symbols are never unambiguous. You know that yourself. Misunderstandings in even the simplest forms of communication occur all of the time. A slightly different tone of voice, an added gesture, a missing gesture, a missing word, or a word that the person who said it, apparently uses slightly different than you do can lead to creating a whole different "story" in your mind than the "message" was intended to be.
I will not go (too deep) into the psychological part of this, and only will mention one of the (certainly one of the biggest) factors in all types of storytelling (including reporting and news media): Confirmation bias. Confirmation bias is "the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms one's preexisting beliefs or hypotheses" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confirmation_bias). In short: You are more likely to believe what confirms your existing beliefs. And you will automatically interpret information, stories, behavior, etc. biased towards this. You certainly know this yourself: As soon as we're confronted with information that stands in direct opposition to what we believe or "know", we will automatically be at least skeptical, try to disprove it, or completely reject it. And the more important the subject is for us, the more likely will we reject it without even spending thought on that we might have been wrong.
And there is more: If we like someone, we are more likely to accept and believe what they say. And we don't need proof. And if we don't like someone, they can tell us the most obvious truths, but we will at least be skeptical or even try to find ways to disprove them. That's why people often only read newspapers, or watch tv shows (including news) that confirm their own beliefs.
Journalism is supposed to be objective
Yes or no? I'd say "yes". I still believe that it is not possible. There cannot be complete objectivity. Confirmation bias just being one factor. Journalists also have confirmation bias. Even though a responsible journalist should be aware of this and work against it, in favor of the "objective truth". Not only is this hard, and I certainly don't want to be in this position, I am even sure that it is impossible to be completely impartial and bias-free.
But there is more: Journalists often are freelancers. So they will get paid for their stories being published. If the stories don't get published they won't get paid. So what they do - what they HAVE to do - is to find and write stories that WILL get published. And which stories will get published? Those stories that people want to read: Confirmation bias. And that is also true for permanently employed journalists. They have to deliver stories that the "audience" of the news-outlet wants to see.
And I'm not (only) talking about the "big stories".
It's also the seemingly small things: Say, I am a photo-journalist and I have to cover a protest march. Which photos will I try to take? The ones that I can sell. The ones that have a chance to get published. While my personal beliefs and certainly also the task I was given by my employer might be the big force that drives me through the hours of shooting, there is always my confirmation bias ("Is this a legit protest?", "Who are the good guys and who are the bad guys? The protesters or the counter-protesters?" etc). So I am even more likely to see things that confirm my beliefs. Granted, a good journalist should be able to be as objective as ever possible. But there is still the "get published threat". You will try to capture the best story you can get.
In almost all, if not all common storytelling theories, you will find one aspect as the centerpiece of stories: Conflict. "No conflict, no story". So you will try to find and build up the conflict. And the stronger the conflict, the more powerful the story.
Tiernan mentioned recurring "formulas" for storytelling. And yes, in (almost) every book about storytelling, and especially screenwriting, you will find "recipes" for structuring stories, for creating conflict, for constructing "interesting characters" etc. I won't go down this rabbit-hole, because I could ramble and rant about this for hours, just let me mention one point: You will find these "formulas" in almost every movie you will ever watch. Even in the ones that (pretend to) not follow formulas. You can literally predict the exact minute of a movie when one of the big events, which will give the story a different spin (the "plot points") will happen. And depending on the genre of the movie you can even predict WHAT will happen.
Every media outlet provides a certain "space" for every story. And the space is limited. Limited by time (for instance in movies) or limited by - literally - the number of letters (for instance in newspapers). So there is NO WAY to ever tell "the whole" unbiased story. There is NO WAY to be completely objective. Because we always - deliberately or not - have to leave out events, facts, and background information. And the recipient is the one who fills the blanks with their own interpretation, based on their own context and knowledge of the background information, and their own beliefs, and so create their own story.
So... if we are talking about being objective, it all comes down to Tiernan's wonderful notion: "But one can certainly be more objective"
Let me close this with a quote by Neil deGrasse Tyson, who said:
"No matter what eyewitness testimony is in the court of law, it is the lowest form of evidence in the court of science."
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Allen’s Rambles About Persona 4 Arena
So... back in my RWBY Rambling I said that I really wasn’t going to like May since I’d be doing my breakdown and retrospective on the Blazblue series for the release of Blazblue Cross Tag Battle. Well it turns out I suck at keeping a schedule when it comes to these Ramblings, because I still need to talk about Persona 4 Arena and Under Night In-Birth. Sorry for the wait folks, I just haven’t had anything to say about these two series until now. It was hard to figure out a good way to articulate how I feel about these two games. After a bit of thinking I now know how I want to tackle these series, so I’ll get started with Persona 4 Arena first then move onto Under Night at a later date.
With all that said, hello Persona 4 and Blazblue fanbase, I’m Allen X. I write fanfics, fan lyrics to video game songs I like, and occasionally write out an opinion piece or two when I’m in the mood.
I’ve been a big fan of the Persona series for a few years now, with Persona 4 Arena being the main thing that drew me into the series. Since then I’ve played Persona 3 FES, Persona 4, and Persona 5, even dipping in SMT: Devil Survivor 2 just for the sake of trying what the SMT universe had to offer, and reading through the manga adaptation of SMT: Devil Survivor 1. For those of you not familiar with the Persona 4 game and are curious about it... well, I’m sadly not going to explain the plot or story, but I do recommend watching the anime, Persona 4 the Animation if you want a crash course in what that game is about and not spend 60+ hours on a JRPG.
In any case, let’s get that Synopsis out of the way. I’m gonna’ be a little cheap this time around and copy the wiki page if that’s alright with you all. If I were to give a true synopsis of Persona 4 Arena I’d be spoiling Persona 4 and Persona 3. So then:
The game takes place two months after the events of Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 as well as two years after the Persona 3 FES's "The Answer" storyline. Like Persona 4, Persona 4 Arena takes place in the fictional, rural Japanese town of Inaba. However, most of the events occur in the TV world, a dimension that reflects people's feelings. In this game, the world takes the form of Inaba's Yasogami High School, which is divided in multiple areas that serve as arenas.
As Yu returns to visit Inaba for Golden Week, he and the others witness a commercial on the Midnight Channel for a fighting tournament, the "P-1 Grand Prix", hosted by what appears to be their friend Teddie. The tournament not only involves them, but also their companions Kanji Tatsumi and Naoto Shirogane. With their friends Rise Kujikawa, Kanji and Teddie missing, and Naoto absent, Yu, Yosuke, Chie and Yukiko decide to investigate. The following day, they enter the TV and find themselves stuck in a world resembling Yasogami High School.
So yeah, it’s literally a Persona 4 fighting game with some Persona 3 characters thrown in. I’d talk a little bit about Ultimax, but again I don’t want to fill this Rambling with spoilers
That done, I’ll move onto...
My History
Like I said, Persona 4 Arena was my first true dive into the series in terms of a financial purchase, but I’ve been familiar with Persona 4 since it first came out on the PS2 (God, I’m getting old). Yes, it looks like we’re two for two in terms of drama and fandom outcry not being what initially drew me to Persona 4 Arena and Persona 4 as a whole.
I actually got into Persona 4 when let’s plays of the original game was coming out. I mostly saw the clips and cutscenes of the game and was able to piece together enough about the plot to understand and enjoy it, but I was fully hooked when the anime came up, Persona 4 the Animation. I had a PS2 and PS3 at the time, but I really didn’t want to buy the game since the PS3 was starting to gain more prevalence and I was saving for other games. I found the anime it to be a great adaptation for the game, to the point where I can safely say if you don’t know about the story Persona 4 the anime is a great way to get caught up if you don’t want to spend 60+ hours playing the original game.
I bought Persona 4 Arena a little after it released in the West, and I found it to be one of the more accessible fighting games at the time, especially for anime air-dashers and for Arc System Works games in general. I had Blazblue at the time, but I sucked at it and just spammed revolver combos or Noel’s drive to get by, but Persona 4 Arena helped me get a better handle on how fighting games work.
Which brings me to...
The Appeal
I’ll be honest, this game doesn’t really have much appeal unless you’re a Persona fan. This game heavily references both Persona 4 and Persona 3 with how characters fight, a lot of flavor text that happened between characters, how a lot of the UI is displayed, and (most important of all) its story. I feel the same way about Dragonball FightererZ, this game is a love letter to Persona 4 and Persona 3 fans, but unless you like those two games there isn’t much to care about. I think outside of a love for the series the only other real appeal is the accessibility. Before DBFZ came out, Persona 4 Arena was probably the most accessible Arc System Works fighting game out there. There was an auto combo system for new player to use, but there were also some more complex systems to it too, liking properly using EX moves and EX supers, managing Awakening Mode, properly using strong and Persona attacks in your combos do a large amount of damage, and so on.
Though, it I were to give a personal appeal of the Persona 4 Arena, namely for Ultimax, it’d be Golden Arena Mode, an RPG-esque mode that lets you gain experience, level up your character, and gave you wicked-powerful buffs as you get stronger. It was a great call back to Blazblue arena, and something pray get’s put into Cross Tag Battle somehow.
So all in all, not much I can say to sell Persona 4 Arena to people that have never played a Persona game. In any case, I’ll be moving onto...
My Mains
What kind of Fighting Game Retrospective would this be if I didn’t talk about who I mainly play? Just a quick explanation before I go on. When I play a fighting game, I usually have two to three mains, and about 4 subs. The main reason being in case someone gets extremely nerfed and become unplayable in a competitive sense. Now I rarely play top tier characters for this reason, but... well, they nerfed Answer in Guilty Gear for some God-forsaken reason, so I think I was right to have Ram and Chipp on the side. The reason I have so many subs is because I play these games on a more casual level, and I like experiment with just about everyone... except the grappler characters... sorry Kanji.
But anyway, here are my Persona 4 Arena Mains
Yosuke is basically the ninja of the game, and as you will see in future Ramblings, I usually main toward the ninja, the only games I haven’t would be Under Night In-Birth where I sub Seth, Virtua Fighter were I just haven’t touched Kagemaru yet, and... that’s really it. Yosuke is “Mixups the Character”. He has a move for just about every situation and can easily confuse his opponents. A warping sweep, kunai throws, his moonsault, God’s gift to all Yosuke mains, Tentrafoo, and Sukaja. And honestly, this is probably the most fun I’ve heard Yuri Lowenthal have voicing the guy. He sounds so energetic.
Along with the ninja, I always main who I believe is “Best Girl” of that series. Now that’s a very subjective matter, I know, but I’ll just say that Chie is a rushdown-heavy character that I could get down with. I think this was my first time hearing Erin Fitzgerald’s voice too, and what a way to do it. I think she sounds great as Chie, at least for the fighting games. I’ll save my critique of Persona 4 for a later date, but her Power Charge ability and God Hand can one-shot just about any opponent. She’s a bit of a glass cannon as a result, but God what a cannon.
So... SHO Minazuki. I really like his playstyle, mostly because I don’t have to worry about his Persona breaking since he doesn’t have one. He’s rushdown-heavy like Chie, but he’s a little more risk-reward. His all-out attack has a weird hitbox, but other than getting around that I have a lot of fun playing him. I like him, I like him a lot.
I also subbed Yukari, Marie, Teddie, and Sho MINAZUKI, but these are my three mains.
So, with my main’s out of the way, I’m going go straight into...
The Conclusion
I sorry this Rambling isn’t like the monster the RWBY Rambling was, but I’m honestly very apathetic to Persona 4 Arena as a fighting game. As a Persona game I’ve got some issues with how it writes some of it’s characters and how contrived the story feels, but over I find it to be a solid game in general and worth getting if you’re a fan of Persona.
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Butterfly Soup Asks #16
This time including the squad as DnD characters, Liz facts, Noelle getting her yaoi education, and more
I’ve only played Dungeons & Dragons once (1) in my life so I’m no expert! I’d consider my thoughts suggestions (like with my takes on the charaters’ MBTI types, which I’m not an expert of either):
Noelle as a Wizard sounds right, since she definitely can’t do anything reliant on physical strength. She would be an asshole and attempt things like building a Clone Army
AKARSHA THE BARD. Rogue sounds too cool for her
Diya: I actually want to say she’s a Ranger because the Wiki on 5th edition says “The Beast Master archetype forges a connection between civilization and beasts, allowing the character to interact with animals in certain ways including gaining an animal companion to control.“ Fighter and Knight also sound plausible though!
Min: Barbarian with high Strength and no Intelligence and Wisdom
I don’t want to say too much because I want to save things for the sequel, but here’s some stuff:
She actually played against Diya in youth leagues before she transitioned. That’s why she recognizes Diya+specifically approached her to sign the baseball club form while Diya doesn’t recognize her. At the first club meeting Liz tells her “I was at one of your games when you were little” -- This is purposefully ambiguous/misleading (sounds like Liz was just watching) because she passes and doesn’t want to out herself to a bunch of club members she doesn’t know well
After transitioning she quit baseball and switched to softball. It was weird being the one trans girl on a team of cis dudes, and additionally when she was younger she sort of felt like she had to prove she was a girl; she naturally has feminine taste, but she’d overperform it by 25%. It wasn’t until she got close to Chryssa and found out she also liked baseball that she reclaimed her interest in it
She has a nice resting face so strangers tend to ask her for directions
Sunburns easily
Yesss check the FAQ guys! Fangames are fine as long as you explicitly say it’s a fangame!!
I’m almost mad I didn’t think of this myself. I’m one of those people who overuses “spoopy”
All art in the game (including the title screen) can be downloaded here!
Noelle. The day the others find out will be the End of her
Akarsha was reading some yaoi so it came up in conversation, and since Noelle had never heard of it Akarsha gleefully educated her (to Noelle’s horror). Noelle was extremely scandalized that Akarsha kept sending her inappropriate images, and Akarsha was like “i’m doing this out of the kindness of my heart! it’s for ur education!! me: Master Teacher. call me sensei”
Following this Akarsha changed her chat name to YAOI SEME as seen at the beginning of the game
Diya and Noelle: Never tried it
Min: Has tried it
Akarsha: She constantly makes weed jokes but actually only does it rarely
Yes, I’m planning on exploring this more in the sequel!
Diya; Dee-ya. Rhymes with “See ya”
Min-seo: Korean way, but most characters like Diya pronounce it like Min-so, with the “Min” rhyming with “win” (not like “mean”). The “so” is one syllable (not like “see oh”)
Akarsha: uh-KAR-sha
Noelle: No L
I was planning on making the sprites blink! I’m still a bit sad I didn’t end up doing it
It’s supposed to be fall 2008 when they’re in high school, but I took a LOT of artistic liberties when it came to the references. For example, Akarsha makes a Durarara reference even though the anime didn’t come out until 2010, and there’s a lot of modern memes that ended up in there too...I couldn’t hold back...
The IGF trailer video is especially modern-day meme-wise -- since it broke the 4th wall, it was like, all bets are off. Don’t think too hard about it!
I wanted to put a lot of 90s and early 00s hits in the game for the nostalgia factor, like Complicated, Rock Your Body, Dilemma, etc. I think it would’ve made the experience even more surreal for players who are around my age!
I don’t own the rights to all the music so I can’t distribute it around for people to download! Here’s where you can find everything:
Thought Projection by Ketsa
Holding Your Breath by Ketsa
Thoughts of You by Ketsa
2011-13 by Ketsa
Miyauchi Yuri/110515 (miltata remix) by Miltata
Night Tourist by Miltata
Sound413_Images(short) by Miltata
Sound429_Floating Cloud (draft) by Miltata
Side by Side by Miltata
Blooming by Miltata
Romaras by Miltata
Little Circle by Miltata
Daydream by Miltata
Calling Project 2 by .que
Flame of Love by YOSHI
Valar Morghulis by Bloodgod
Overflowing by Tatsuya Kato
My Heart Will Go On - Recorder By Candlelight by Matt Mulholland
At one point Diya finds out what it means on her own. After she finds out, she uses it for the actual meaning :) (added this to the FAQ now)
I can totally relate to all of them, but I’d say Diya! (added this to the FAQ now)
that sounds a bit alarming
(I added this to the FAQ page now, thanks for reminding me) I’m fine with people shipping whatever!! The only thing I can think of that’d make me uncomfortable is incest and shipping Diya and Min with male characters – other than that, go nuts
Oh noo im sorry, that must’ve been stressful! For those who don’t know, I chatted about my game for a few minutes last week with MEGA (a USC club I used to be in!). I’ve adapted them here with what I assume what the questions were:
1. Is that your cat on your Skype icon?
yeah it is!! it's burrito
(people think it’s a cute name)
LOL glad you guys approve
2. Was the game made in Renpy? What do you think of Renpy vs. Twine?
yep! it's made in renpy! I actually started out in twine -- twine is impossible if your game is like longer than an hour and is image heavy. the engine started lagging so bad it would take 30 secs to do anything
2. Would you eat a tiny 2 inch man for $100 million?
LOL it's hard..it's a lot of money. I don't think I would
(but you could use that money to save many more lives! utilitarianism)
it's a real dude tho! i'd feel awful for him haha it's hard when you have to physically do it LOL
3. How long did it take for you to make Butterfly Soup?
FOREVER. I thought of it in my junior year over winter break
4. Was it for school (like an assignment)?
nah! just on my own
(people saying that’s impressive)
yeah!! self motivation
5. What’s your favorite part of the game?
hmmmmM I like the "date" with min in the dream. it's so fun, with the dog park
6. Which character do you relate to the most?
diya!! social anxiety queen, so relatable
(people comment on how she runs around when anxious)
i really did that before my sat once, ran 2 miles at the school's track
7. Are you from the San Francisco Bay Area
yeah i'm from the bay! east bay
8. Which year did you first come up with Butterfly Soup?
winter 2014 i think
(people trying to calculate which year was my junior year)
i graduated a year early so junior year was also senior year
9. Are you making a sequel?
yes!! once ihave more time. i have a lot of ideas for stuff that goes after
10. Was this a prequel to Pom Gets Wi-Fi? Or maybe spiritual successor?
this is a prequel. i dunno about spiritual successor tho, they're a bit differnt
11. Any tips on how to balance schoolwork and working on personal projects?
hmm...i honestly sucked at this and could only work on it on breaks lol...if you can try to work it into your school projects, like some bit of it...
other than that i cant think of anything LOL it's hard
12. How did you organize yourself making such a long game? Any tips?
it was SUPER hard to organize, i was really lost until i split it into 4 sections with each character. so if you're planning on making a game this big definitely think about forcing yourself into sections like that
the art was the most confusing to do bc of how many assets there were. i was going to say "have consistent naming conventions" but that's literally impossible LOL it'll always become inconsistent no matter how hard u try
13. What part of the game took the longest (writing? art?)
writing, actually, despite how much i complain about art assets. it's really hard making sure the structure and themes come across correctly. like pacing is so hard. art is like #2 biggest time sink
14. How early in did you write the Akarsha/Min skateboard scene?
that came pretty late haha i put it in at last second
15. Are the characters based on real people?
they're all inspired by combinations of ppl i know! i wouldn't say based on them, tho. for example min is like a combination of 3 friends i have, strategically arranged to play her part in the story
character design is design so u still gotta be deliberate about it
16. Who’s the other cat on the computer? (they’re referring to the cat on my desktop wallpaper)
that one's maru! he's a famous japaense cat. he's super photogenic
(people speculating that he’s the “tube one”)
the tube one? probably. he's famous for going into stuff
17. What was your favorite aspect of working on the game?
definitely getting to put specific Asian-American experiences into it
i was like HAHOH i can do this and no one can stop me! it was really fun getting to do this without any creative direction from like, a studio or anything. so i could just go bonkers. i hate pitching stuff so
18. Any writing advice?
definitely have other people beta your writing as soon as possible! they always catch stuff you missed. also this is like a cheat, make your characters really extreme. like find one aspect of yourself, and turn it up to 11 and make it into a character. that way they'll be relatable and memorable at the same time. i think most people don't make their characters extreme enough so they're all kinda samey
19. (I can’t remember what they asked me here, sorry! They were asking if a specific meme was in the game)
LMAO nah it's not. i did briefly think about it though, i will admit
20. Would you eat a Gusher the size of your hand?
that would be pretty cool. i don't think i could eat it all at once tho...i would try to save it. like half
You’re welcome, I’m really happy to hear it helped the game feel relatable!!
Thank you! I hope you have a good day too!!
haha I feel like my game is almost propaganda bc so many people wish they had girlfriends after playing it! the agenda...Thank you for waiting for the sequel, it makes me super happy to hear people are looking forward to it!
You’re welcome!! I’ll do my best!!!
You’re welcome!!!! :>
You’re welcome!!!
same I’m really happy so many people find them relatable! you’re welcome!!
You’re welcome!! my kids can never get enough love im very happy
I’m glad you liked it! Thanks for the support! TT_TT
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Hellsing Liveblog Ch. 45-50

This is the “Soldier of Fortune” arc. I thought there was a song by this title and there is! Give it a listen.
This opens with a flashback to Pip Bernadotte’s childhood, where he finds out his whole family is a bunch of mercenaries. His grandfather confirms it, and I should point out that Grandpa Bernadotte is the most mercenary-looking dude I’ve ever seen. He’s wearing a friggin’ beret while he tells Pip about how his dad died in some war to raise money while Ma Bernadotte was pregnant with Pip. Was Pip’s mother a merc too?
I guess my point is that this whole scene feels really stupid to me. Kid Pip grew up among mercenaries, but he’s literally the last person in town to find out about it. How do the kids at school know? Are the Bernadottes that well-known? I always assumed mercenaries tried to keep a low profile. Then again, they are entrepreneurs, so maybe the kids in school found ads about the Bernadottes in the phone book.
Even so, was Pip’s family trying to keep this a secret from him? Because Grandpa sure wasn’t. Not with that beret he’s got on. It’s like he’s been waiting Pip’s whole life to tell him, so why didn’t he mention it before? You’d think he’d want to raise the boy to follow in his footsteps, the same as Pip’s dad. Did Pip’s mom not want him to grow up to be a mercenary? It just seems like she should have known that wouldn’t work out.
Anyway, Grandpa Bernadotte waxes philosophical about killing people for money, which doesn’t seem like much of a justification. Pip was very upset about the whole thing, and I don’t think Grandpa said anything to make him less upset, and then we flash forward to the present day, where Pip’s a mercenary.

I mean, what was the point of that flashback? Pip was horrified to find out his family kills for profit, and then at some point he got over it and joined the family business. Why didn’t the flashback show us that moment instead? It seems more relevant.
At any rate, I feel like the flashback is overlooking the true point of Pip’s character arc. He starts out a soldier of fortune like his father and grandfather, but by joining up with Hellsing he’s now fighting for a much nobler cause, ridding the world of unspeakably evil monsters. He still seems to look at it like just another job, but it’s still important. His defense of the Hellsing mansion is a lot more heroic because he’s fighting against daunting odds with very little hope of surviving to see another sunrise, let alone his next paycheck.

Back to the main story, when Millennium’s forces invaded London, they sent a company to the Hellsing HQ on the outskirts of the city. Zorin Blitz was tasked with leading this group, but she was ordered to hold off on attacking until the Major gave the word. The Major then fired rockets at the mansion, only for Seras Victoria to shoot the rockets down... and Zorin’s zeppelin. Now, Zorin is trying to lead a ground attack on the mansion, except Pip has turned the entire yard into a minefield.

Seras disapproves, but Pip doesn’t care. In this sort of conflict, he and his men, the Wild Geese, are at a complete disadvantage. Vampires, even the weaker, artificial vampires of Millennium, are faster, stronger, and harder to kill. He hints at some sort of vampiric ability to read an opponent’s movements, too, which might have something to do with that whole “third eye” trick Seras and Alucard use. Against all of that, landmines are a sensible precaution, since they’re powerful enough to kill a vampire in one shot and don’t rely on a human operator with killing intent. Seras can gripe, but if Hellsing had used mines back in volume 2, the Valentine Brothers never would have made it inside. Pip clearly read up on that debacle, since it must have taken weeks for his men to bury all these mines.

The landmines do kill a lot of Zorin’s troops, and the Wild Geese lay down heavy fire from the mansion to keep up the pressure, but Zorin won’t give up so easily. She uses he powers to create some sort of zany illusion, where everyone sees a giant Zorin Blitz attacking the mansion.

So what the hell is Zorin Blitz, exactly? I thought she was a vampire, but reading this manga has revealed that Rip Van WInkle is a werewolf, which led me to suspect Zorin is a werewolf too. But the manga is silent on Zorin being one or the other. I check the Hellsing Wiki, but it contends that both women are vampires, and the term “Werewolf” just refers to the group of officers in Millennium. This group includes literal werewolves like the Captain and Schrodinger, but not Blitz and Rip.
Maybe it doesn’t matter that much, but I find it a little silly to call all four of those characters “Werewolves” and then only two of them are really werewolves. Clearly, all four of them are a cut above the Major’s other troops, and none of them show any interest in drinking blood, or any other vampire-exclusive traits. On the other hand, this whole battle takes place under a full moon, and none of them seem to be affected by it. Unless the Major chose this particular night to launch his offensive because he wanted them all to be at full power. Maybe Zorin couldn’t do this illusion thing otherwise.

Anyway, the Wild Geese see this giant woman slashing at them with a scythe, and they all panic. Seras sees it too, but she somehow intuits that it can’t be real. Then she sees Alucard, who reminds her of her third eye. I’m not sure if this is a flashback or Alucard is using telepathy to coach her from the deck of the H.M.S. Eagle.

Either way, Seras uses her third eye and not only sees through the illusion but lines up a shot on the illusion-caster. But it only grazes Zorin. It disrupts the illusion, but it doesn’t end the threat.

And even though the illusion is shattered, it still distracted the Wild Geese long enough for Millennium troops to enter the mansion. Seras manages to shoot them down, but there’s more where that came from.

Because the Nazi bastards figured out a way past the mines. They just threw a bunch of knives on the ground and played hopscotch to get across. I guess this means they can only get in one at a time, but it’s still bad news for the good guys.

So Pip adjusts his tactics accordingly. He and his men will regroup and hold up in a defensible location, while Seras roams the building to take the fight to the enemy. I guess the idea is to divide Millennium’s focus. They can attack the Geese or watch out for Seras, but not both. For some reason, Seras calls Pip “sir”, like he’s in charge, and maybe that is appropriate in this situation, but I thought Seras was in charge of their training.

Then one of the Geese pats her on the butt and Pip steals a kiss. I’m not sure what the hell this is about. I guess they were trying to lighten the mood before they go to face certain death, but if my life depended on some vampire girl killing all the bad guys before they can rip me to shreds, I probably wouldn’t sexually harass her, or do anything else to tick her off. But that’s just me.

Pip seems resigned about their chances. He’s confident in Seras’ ability, but there’s only one of her and like... 30? Let’s say 30, thirty Nazi Vampires heading their way. If even one of them gets past Seras, the Geese will all die horribly. But they took this job and the risks that come with it, and besides, there’s nowhere for them to run anyway. He seems to accept the situation with a mercenary sense of honor. Like, a mercenary should expect to die in some unwinnable battle, and they shouldn’t complain about it, since it’s the nature of the business.

Anyway, it doesn’t go well. The nature of the comic doesn’t really make it clear how the Wild Geese are operating, but I get the impression that they’re doing sort of a fighting withdrawal concentrating their forces as they give ground. But they suffer a lot of casualties in the process.

This leads to the Geese holing up in the big conference room where Integra met with the Royal Order of Protestant Knights before the Valentine Bros. attack. One guy panics and wants to bug out, but Pip reminds him of what I said a minute ago. They’ve got nowhere else to go, and they all got into this for the action, so they should stick to their principles, even in the face of death.

There’s this one guy from “B-block”, who I guess was covering a certain hallway, but B-Block got cut off before they could join the others in the Round Table room. Zorin Blitz decides to have some fun with him, so she uses her weird powers to make him see himself back home, with his dead daughter.

This seems especially cruel, because it’s not like Zorin needed this diversion to kill one dude. She’s just really sadistic.

Meanwhile, some other Millennium guys are eating the Wild Geese they already killed, and one of them shows off his ability to tell blood types just by taste. It’s this really sick moment, but at the same time it humanizes the characters, which is a weird thing to say when discussing Nazi vampires, but you know what I mean.

Then Seras blows the dude’s head off, which is extremely satisfying.

So Seras is holding up her end, and growing more resolute with each kill. She’s really improved a lot since the last time she was in action. Yeah, these Millennium vampires probably aren’t that much tougher than the vampires she killed back in the summer, but there are a lot more of them, and they’re trained soldiers on top of that, and she doesn’t have Alucard backing her up like she did before.

By now, all that’s left of the Wild Geese are in this barricaded room, and they’ve run low on silver bullets, which means even the few shots that don’t miss will have almost no effect. Pip is determined to hold out, confident that Seras will save them, but...

She runs out of bullets before she runs out of enemies to kill. When she arrives to save the day, she’s still has to go through Zorin Blitz.

But Zorin doesn’t see this as a problem, and she uses her freaky mind powers on Seras, forcing her to relive memories of her days at the orphanage. Yeah, Seras was an orphan, remember? Alucard asked Walter about her parents a while back, and Walter said they were both dead. How did they die?

Well, Zorin Blitz is about to find out...
#2021hellsingliveblog#hellsing#seras victoria#pip bernadotte#zorin blitz#alucard#a bunch of no-name wild geese dudes#i sometimes feel bad that i can't keep track of them all#but then i remember that kouta hirano never gave them names in the first place#so there's young commissioner gordon with the dead daughter#and the chubby faced guy who wants to run away#and the guy who cops a feel on seras#and the other guy who gets blown in half by a rocket launcher#and that's basically it
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Sicilian Defense (Trivia)
Thank you very much, everyone for reading our fic and for those of you who left comments about it as well! We’re really happy! For those of you who haven’t read Vampire Knight, here’s some important things to take note of while reading our fic Sicilian Defense.
This post is spoiler-heavy for the Vampire Knight manga, not in terms of the plot but more so for how their world and society functions. I linked the wiki in my previous post but I realize that not every bit is relevant and it might be pretty confusing in certain areas (like the twins’ curse in the wiki, which is irrelevant to the story).
So I sieved some important information out. If I think of anything else you guys need to know, I’d simply add it into here and tell y’all about it. [Disclaimer: While I do love VK and am following up VKM, I have to admit that I am not as familiar with the universe as I used to be and there might be certain mistakes here and there. If anyone sees any issues, do feel free to point it out to me and I’ll correct it.]
Despite how the world of VK seems, it’s actually a post-apocalyptic kind of world and I believe the plot actually takes place thousands of years in the future.
While vampires are pretty common in the society, their existence is kept as a secret from most humans, aside from Vampire Hunters. Some do know of them, though, but it’s a rare case.
Vampires are actually mutations of the human race. Unlike conventional vampires, they can go out in the sunlight, though they don’t seem to like it. They’re stronger than humans of course. Vampires still get hungry for normal human food and they still eat the usual meals of a day. They just have an additional thirst for blood that they have to deal with. Things like crosses don’t really ward them off I believe, but there are in-universe equivalents of them such as certain charms done by the Vampire Hunters.
The vampire society is highly hierarchical and it is mandatory for lower classes to respect higher classes, especially purebloods. When Ayato appears in the story, you’ll see even those around him addressing him as ‘Ayato-sama’. This is usually the case for even close associates in the VK universe, though there might be some exceptions.
Pureblood vampires (Level A) are the top of the hierarchy. They’re descendants of the first ever vampires and their blood had never been contaminated by human blood at all. They’re all born as vampires and are immortal (they won’t die naturally-- they have to be killed). They’re technically the royalty of the vampire society. They are very powerful, though even VK hasn’t revealed the true extent of their powers. Among their abilities, I think that all you guys need to know that they’re capable of manipulating the memories of others and commanding the humans they’ve turned into vampires like mere puppets.
Purebloods have the purest, thickest blood and it’s usually delicious to most vampires. Their blood is also somewhat ‘sacred’ (for a lack of a better word I can think of right now). In VK, when the blood of the pureblood dorm president was spilt, the whole NIght Class could smell it and they were unnerved by it. The blood of a pureblood, I believe, is also capable of helping someone strengthen themselves, but a vampire who drinks it is also somewhat bound to that pureblood.
There’s also a hierarchy within the purebloods. In VK, originally, there is a monarchy that governs the society but it was done away prior to the story. In our fic, the monarchy does still exist and it’s the Kirishima family that is in-charge of things. Therefore, Touka, as the oldest Kirishima alive, is the Vampire Queen and her younger brother is the Prince. Any other pureblood family is technically subordinate to her, but that doesn’t mean power struggles and opposition is absent. Like any monarchy, there will always be attempts to overthrow the existing ruler. For now, notable pureblood families aside from the Kirishimas are the Yomos and the Yoshimuras.
For those of you who read VK, the Kirishimas are technically modelled after the Kurans. Touka = Kaname, who is regarded as the Vampire King, and Ayato = Yuki, the heavily sheltered Vampire Princess, and, yes, we did get rid of the incest bit so as a disclaimer, if there ever is a scene of Ayato drinking Touka’s blood, see it as an older sister feeding her younger brother and not how VK would originally have implied it.
Aristocrat/Noble vampires (Level B) form the next level. They’re also like the purebloods in the sense that they’re born as vampires. These guys have a little bit of human blood in them. They’re also not immortal but they live for very long. They usually also have sophisticated lifestyles and huge families.
These guys have abilities that are unique to the individuals. Some of them can control fire, ice, animals, etc. Some can create illusions. One guy can create a whip out of his blood. So these kinds of abilities will be present in our fic as well. They’re also able to manipulate memories.
The Night Class is predominantly formed by Aristocrats. Aside from the ghouls I’ve listed as purebloods and Hinami, everyone in TG who’s a natural ghoul is a Aristocrat vampire in this AU. The Tsukiyamas, White Suits and Blades are famous Aristocrat bloodlines.
Humans bitten by them do not turn to vampires.
Ex-human vampires (Level C-E) form the bottom of the hierarchy. They’re all humans turned into vampires after being bitten by a pureblood. It is actually a crime for a pureblood to turn an unwilling human into a vampire, just like what happened with Hinami. They tend end up as puppets of the pureblood that turned them. While it’s possible to resist, usually an ex-human does the bidding of said pureblood.
Aside from Hinami and Kaneki, all artificial half-ghouls from TG are ex-humans, like Seidou.
It usually takes some time for a human to transition into a vampire and when that happens, they become a Level D vampire.
Level Ds function normally, but as time pass, they start going crazy from thirst. An ex-human vampire that gives in and falls into complete insanity. In such cases, they will become literal monsters and start attacking everyone they see. They are usually not savable and are listed to be exterminated by the Hunter Association. These guys are known as Level E vampires.
Every ex-human will eventually fall to this level, not matter how strong they are. The only way out of it is if the ex-human is able to drink the blood of the pureblood that turned them into a vampire. By doing so, they will become a Level C vampire and they will be able to maintain their sanity. Generally, they live long lives as well but are not immortal.
A Level D drinking the blood of another pureblood can help to delay the process of changing into a Level E, though it’s not a complete cure.
TLDR for this segment; Hinami is gonna go crazy if she doesn’t drink the blood of the vampire that turn her. Drinking Ayato’s or Touka’s blood can help her a little, but not completely.
Blood tablets are pills made to serve as an alternative to blood and vampires usually take them to quench their thirst. The usual dosage is 2 pills at a time, though some with extreme thirst might chug down many at one go. They’re not as delicious and usually vampires opt to drink blood instead.
Vampires don’t necessarily thirst for human blood. They can drink from each other as well.
When one is in love with someone, their thirst won’t be quenched unless they drink the blood of the person they’re in love with, regardless of the person’s race. (If I ever write a Touken spin-off based on this AU, this might be a problem...)
Technically, Vampire Hunters are humans. They’re the ‘police’ that protect humans from vampires. They’re permitted to kill, but mainly only Level Es.
Hunters are generally born into the job because their bloodlines contain a little bit of vampire DNA within. The more vampire-blood they have in them, the more vampire-like they are so they’re stronger and they live longer.
Kaneki is over a hundred years old in this fic and he still maintains a youthful appearance due to thi. His role is basically that of Cross Kain in VK (headmaster of the academy, ex-hunter, 100 years old hot daddy material), but of course the plot and character traits are different.
The CCG officers in TG are all vampire hunters. Some of them teach in the Academy’s Night Class.
Weapons: Hunters have anti-vampire weapons that can only be made from the metal forged by a particular furnace. Usually, vampires cannot wield them, but there are some exceptions.
Anteiku Academy
Modelled after VK’s Cross Academy, this Academy’s goal is to foster coexistence between vampires and humans and is mostly run by Kaneki, the Headmaster. Touka plays a big role in maintaining it as well behind the scenes.
Day Class: Humans. They generally are unaware that the Night Class is made up of vampires. Most of them look up to the Night Class.
Night Class: Vampires, mostly Aristocrats. Their teachers are mainly from the Hunter Association, sent to keep an eye on them.
Contact between the Day and Night Class is generally not recommended. It is against the rules for a Night Class student to drink the blood of a Day Class student. The vampire secret must be kept.
That’s all I have for now. I’ll add anything in when the time comes and I’ll be sure to reblog this when I do. I hope everyone enjoys reading SD and thank you for all your support!
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Name origins for Super Mario Characters
Nintendo characters make their VR (arcade) debut with new Vive-driven Mario Kart
Bandai Namco revealed a virtual reality version of Mario Kart, Mario Kart Arcade GP VR, that is going to make the debut of its over a VR arcade the company is opening using Tokyo, Japan following month.
The game appears to draw the VR debut of 1 of Nintendo's flagship franchises, though it is crucial to observe it's licensed by Nintendo and also developed by Namco - the same as the non VR predecessor of its, Mario Kart Arcade GP.Not many specifics are still available in English about the game, however, it's listed about the arcade's site as running on HTC Vive headsets and also specially designed racing seats.
Nintendo has so far been publicly reticent around the promise of VR - last calendar year frontman Shigeru Miyamoto told investors that for VR in specific, we are continuing the homework of ours, along with looking into enhancement with a head to the way our present main products are intended to be played for a somewhat lengthy time period of time.
We're considering the possibilities of supplying an adventure which gives value when played for a little while, he continued. And the way to eradicate the issues of long-duration use.
When I found that out I did two things. For starters, I whipped out my message (yes, I ensure that it stays that real/nerdy that I still have an old NES connected in the room) of mine and then made positive I can still match the game at will. (I can. Childhood not wasted.)
Secondly, I started down a rabbit hole of reading through Mario internet sites and Articles and Wikis. In the procedure, I stumbled upon the etymologies of the brands of a few of the major players in the Mario universe. Therefore, in honor of the video game that changed the world, right here they are, presented in handy 11-item describe form.
When Mario debuted in the arcade game "Donkey Kong", he was simply called Jumpman. (Which even is the generic brand regarding that Michael Jordan dispersed leg Nike logo. Two of the most celebrated icons ever both have generic versions of themselves known as Jumpman. But simply one has today reached the effort of simply being so effective that he shaved himself a Hitler mustache prior to filming a professional and not one person had the balls to correct him.)
In 1980, as the Nintendo of America crew brought in Jumpman to elevate him into a franchise-leading star (Hayden Christensen style), an individual discovered that he looked just like their Seattle office building's landlord... a fellow known as Mario Segale.
Mario Segale didn't get a dime for being the namesake of essentially the most well known video game character by chance, although he most likely is not absurdly concerned; in 1998 he sold the asphalt company of his for more than $60 million. (Or 600,000 increased lives.)
Luigi has among probably the weakest name origins of most of the mario characters list in the Mario universe (once again displaying precisely why, for life which is real, he would have a greater inferiority complex than Frank Stallone, Abel or even that third Manning brother).
"Luigi" is merely the product of a team of Japanese males trying to imagine an Italian label to enhance "Mario." Why was the Italian brand they went with? When they each moved from Japan to Seattle, the pizza spot nearest to the Nintendo headquarters referred to as Mario & Luigi's. (It has since gone out of business.)
Koopa is a transliterated variation of the Japanese name for the opponent turtles, "Kuppa." Stick with me right here -- kuppa is the Japanese phrase for a Korean dish known as gukbap. Basically it is a cup of soup with rice. From what I will inform it is totally not related to turtles, especially malicious ones.
In an interview, Mario's originator, Shigeru Miyamoto, said he was deciding between 3 different brands due to the race of evil turtles, every one of that were called after Korean foods. (The alternative two were yukhoe and bibimbap.) Which means among two things: (1) Miyamoto adores Korean food and needed to provide it with a tribute or (two) Miyamoto considers Koreans are evil and should be jumped on.
I sort of skipped the debut of Wario -- he debuted in 1992, right around when I was hitting the generation where I was too awesome for cartoon y Nintendo games. (Me and my middle school buddies happened to be into Genesis only. I was again on Nintendo within four years.)
Appears his label operates both equally in Japanese and english; I kinda assumed the English manner but didn't know about the Japanese feature. In English, he is an evil, bizarro world mirror image of Mario. The "M" turns to become a "W" as well as Wario is produced. The name likewise functions in Japanese, wherever it's the variety of Mario as well as "warui," which implies "bad."
That's a pretty excellent scenario, since, as I covered extensively in the list 11 Worst Japanese-To-English Translations In Nintendo History, only a few language difference finesses back as well as forth quite efficiently.
When I first read "Waluigi" I believed it was hilarious. While Wario became an all natural counterbalance to Mario, Waluigi felt so comically shoehorned (just tacking the "wa" prefix before Luigi) -- including a huge inside joke that somehow cleared every single bureaucratic phase and after that cracked the mainstream.
Well... in accordance with the Nintendo individuals, Waluigi isn't only a gloriously lazy decision or an inside joke become massive. They *say* it is based upon the Japanese phrase ijiwaru, which means "bad guy."
I do not understand. I feel like we'd have to cater for them much more than halfway to get that.
Toad is designed to look as a mushroom (or maybe toadstool) because of the massive mushroom hat of his. It is a great thing the gaming systems debuted before the whole generation realized how to generate penis jokes.
Anyway, in Japan, he's named Kinopio, which is a combination of the term for mushroom ("kinoko") as well as the Japanese variant of Pinocchio ("pinokio"). Those blend being something along the collections of "A Real Mushroom Boy."
In Japanese, the men are known as kuribo, which results in "chestnut people." That is sensible because, ya know, if somebody requested you "what do chestnut individuals appear to be like?" you would most likely get to food just about similar to these heroes.
Once they had been brought in for the American version, the staff stuck with their Italian initiative and also referred to as them Goombas... primarily based off of the Italian "goombah," that colloquially will mean something as "my fellow Italian friend." It also sort of evokes the photo of low-level mafia criminals without too a lot of skills -- such as people's younger brothers as well as cousins who they'd to retain the services of or maybe mother would yell at them. That also applies to the Mario Bros. goombas.
Birdo has nothing to do with this first Japanese name. Generally there, he's called Kyasarin, that translates to "Catherine."
In the training manual for Super Mario Bros. two, where Birdo debuted, the character explanation of his reads: "Birdo considers he is a girl and additionally would like being named Birdetta."
What I think all this means? Nintendo shockingly decided to generate a character that struggles with the gender identity of his and referred to as him Catherine. In the event it was some time to show up to America, they have feet that are cold so they determined at the very last minute to call him Birdo, though he's a dinosaur. (And don't give me the "birds are descended from dinosaurs" pop paleontology series. Not shopping for that connection.) That way, we'd just know about the gender confusion of his if we look at the mechanical, and the Japanese had been confident Americans had been either way too lazy or illiterate to do it en masse.
Princess Toadstool/Peach.
When we all got introduced on the Princess, she was regarded as Princess Toadstool. I suppose this made perfect sense -- Mario was set in the Mushroom Kingdom, so why wouldn't its monarch be called Princess Toadstool. Them inbreeding blue bloods are always naming the children of theirs after the country.
No person appears to be certain why they went that guidance, nevertheless. In Japan, she was known as Princess Peach from day one. That name didn't debut here until 1993, when Yoshi's Safari came out for Super Nintendo. (By the way -- have you ever played Yoshi's Safari? In a bizarre twist it's a first-person shooter, the only woman in the entire Mario times past. It's like the equivalent of a country music superstar producing a weird rock album.)
In Japan, there's simply no Bowser. He is simply known as the King Koopa (or perhaps comparable variations, including Great Demon King Koopa). And so just where did Bowser come from?
During the import procedure, there was a concern that the American crowd would not see how the small turtles and big bad fellow could certainly be named Koopa. Thus a marketing team developed dozens of options for a title, they loved Bowser the very best, and also slapped it on him.
In Japan, he is nonetheless hardly ever called Bowser. Over here, the name of his is now very ubiquitous that he's actually supplanted Sha Na Na's Bowzer as America's many famous Bowser.
Donkey Kong.
This's a far more literal interpretation than you think. "Kong" is based off King Kong. "Donkey" is a family friendly way of calling him an ass. That's right: The label of his is an useful version of "Ass Ape."
Great Mario Bros. is a video game released for the family Computer and also Nintendo Entertainment System contained 1985. It shifted the gameplay away from the single-screen arcade predecessor of its, Mario Bros., in addition to instead highlighted side scrolling platformer concentrations. Although not the very first game on the Mario franchise, Super Mario Bros. is the most legendary, along with launched many set staples, coming from power ups, to timeless enemies like Goombas, to the standard idea of rescuing Princess Toadstool from King Koopa. Along with kicking above an entire series of Super Mario platformer video games, the untamed results of Super Mario Bros. made popular the genre as an entire, helped revive the gaming sector after the 1983 video game crash, as well as was largely the cause of the first good results of the NES, with which it was included a launch title. Until it was finally exceeded by Wii Sports, Super Mario Bros. was the best marketing videos game of all of time for nearly three years, with more than 40 million duplicates marketed overseas.
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Ducktales 2017 - “Daytrip of Doom!”
Story by: Francisco Angones, Madison Bateman, Colleen Evanson, Christian Magalhaes, Bob Snow, Rachel Vine, Matt Youngberg
Written by: Rachel Vine
Storyboards by: Emmy Cicierega, Ben Holm, Jason Reicher
Directed by: Dana Terrace
Imported guitar games!
We start off the cold open of the first regular episode with Scrooge McDuck waking up, not really minding that Huey, Dewie and Louie are playing with foam dart guns. He even helps Dewey out by telling him not to shout when he's aiming at something, possibly training him for future missions. Mrs. Beakley doesn't exactly agree, as she alone has to prevent anything from getting broken.
Eventually, we get to see the far more adventurous and Mabel Pines-like Webby, doing what she does. Webby takes this game far more seriously, using grappling hooks, night-vision goggles, and even sets up a trap for Dewey and Louie to fall into. This contrast between the Webby and the boys sets up the main premise of the A plot.
After Scrooge McDuck finally draws the line at Donald Duck bathing in his washroom, Scrooge McDuck starts a family meeting to lay down two rules. 1. His space is his space, and 2. Refer to Mrs. Beakley for any other rules. While he had some character development with the nephews, he's still just as selfish as ever. He doesn't appear for most of this episode, giving more of the spotlight to the nephews and granddaughter.
This is not to say it's only the nephews and the granddaughter. Mrs. Beakley continues the meeting by flipping the blackboard to reveal a complicated diagram of rules. Much to Donald's chagrin, one of them is that nobody is above them, not even Donald, and he's not very happy about that. They get into a fight, telling the kids to leave. This sets up the B plot of Mrs. Beakley and Donald Duck not really getting along.
After they're forced to leave for what is probably not a kissing session, as they assumed. Webby wants to play more games, but the boys suggest a nap instead. Louie gives a better plan: going to Funso's Funzone! Dewey decides to invite Webby, because she's been sheltered all her life. Webby leaves to get her stuff by climbing up the wall. Whimsy!
Webby brings the usual kids stuff: grapping hooks, night vision goggles, the same kind of things she used in the foam dart scene. She tells herself that she's going to play it cool. She is not going to play it cool. From this scene, one can guess where this is going. She's going to be awkward, she's going to ruin the day somehow, the boys will shun her, and she's probably going to use these items to help the boys defeat whatever evil is going to capture them later in the episode.
While Webby gets super excited, we take a slight detour to the B plot, where Mrs. Beakley confronts Donald over him hooking up too many things and literally just holding a running water hose. There isn't much to say about these scenes. The episode just stops to show Donald Duck failing to get power. I've watched this episode a lot; I don't really remember what was funny about these scenes. For the record, Scrooge is nonexistent in this episode beyond the first scene, though he seems to be on Donald Duck’s side by virtue of not really caring. That's not necessarily a bad thing; he didn't need to be in this episode.
Webby gets to go on a bus for the first time in her life. Huey tries to prepare her, among other things, not to lick anything. Let's see how that works out!
Not well. She couldn't even follow the "no licking anything" rule, though thankfully on a pole. Apparently, she was so annoying, even the boys get thrown out, even though they didn't do anything. They seem fine with it, seemingly giving her quite a few chances. However, they have to walk through a seedy part of the neighborhood to get to their destination. Where people write "flatulence" on the wall, ducks play hopscotch on crime scene chalk outlines...
...and, of course, where three of the Beagle Boys are mugging some poor bird and stealing his truck. If you're familiar with the original show, they certainly have more distinct designs. One of the major differences is that Burger, the fat one that loved to eat in the original cartoon, is now a skinny guy who only speaks in grunts. It looks like they just took his admittedly "not cool nowadays" personality away, but maybe it'll get better in future episodes.
After the commercial break, they're finally at Funso's Funworld, and this episode turns out to be a "kids visit the Chuck E Cheese clone" episode. Each of the nephews seem to have their own way of having fun. By each of them, I mean just Louie and Dewey.
Louie takes her to the Pizza Pier, and he continues to be the sleaziest of the three. He clearly knows everyone in the pier, and is able to talk his way into free tokens and free drinks. Specifically, asking for water cups, and getting fruit punch. Webby is horrified, but Louie asks her to try the same thing.
Of course, her lack of social skills and inability to lie, outright telling the server what she intends to do with the water cup, only ends up getting the manager, who happens to be a pig, to kick both of them out. There is a really good joke that really plays into Webby's new character that is really subtle, but it's mostly just the expected scene otherwise.
Meanwhile, the Beagle Boys are. A man in a Funso costume tells them that no adults can come in unless they're accompanied by a minor. Big Time points backwards, and we see Bouncer in an ill-fitting outfit and holding a lollipop.
Now, how is this any different from those awful drag jokes in certain lesser cartoons? First, it's not a drag joke. The joke isn't just "look at this wacky villain in a costume", they play up now nobody would actually buy this. He actually says that line. An actual joke, if simple.
Speaking of simple jokes. Dewey introduces Webby to Uke or Puke, an obvious Guitar Hero parody. The joke is vomit.
Dewey: Behold! The best game ever created! Japanese import, there’s only one in the U.S., and I have the top ten scores...so I’m pretty much the best in the country.
Oh, so it's a GuitarFreaks parody! Despite never playing a video game before, she easily gets the hang of it. Yeah, that's definitely not accurate to real life, especially with those Japanese rhythm games. In fact, considering arcades nowadays, especially considering Chuck E Cheese, I'm surprised tickets never get involved.
We never get to see if Dewey's high scores get beaten by the utter magic of Webby, because this is all interrupted by Big Time and Bouncer in the Funso costume they stole by force in the previous scene. It ends as soon as it begins, as Webby instinctively hits the person sneaking up on her with the fake ukelele. Unforunately, not only do people see her as beating up Funso, he happens to land in a way that unhooks the game, getting rid of all the high scores.
As said before, they don't really think of a thing she could do to ruin Huey's enjoyment, so he just joins in to show that they aren't really that mad, subverting our expectations. Of course, this doesn't last long, as an acccident involving a deep part of a ball pit and the grappling hook causes Webby to accidently cause a fire. Even the boys get banned from Funso's, even if only one of them actually did anything wrong.
As for that prediction, while the boys never shun her directly, they sure think it loudly. Thankfully, as the manager calls Funso to take them away, it turns out Funso is still the Beagle Boys in disguise. Tying them up with rope, something proven on this very blog to keep superheroes from escaping, Big Shot has them call...
Ma Beagle, their boss. One of the main aspects of Ma Beagle is that Big Shot really wants her to give him praise, but Ma Beagle just isn't having it. He tells Ma Beagle all about his plan to kidnap the McDuck Brats, and have Burger throw a ransom note at Donald Duck, letting the B plot converge into the A plot for the benefit of the episode.
While the Beagle Boys are different from the original, they're still not too bright, as Ma Beagle tells them they just painted a giant target on themselves. Not only could Scrooge McDuck come in and give some a whollop rather than dollars, but possibly Mrs. Beakley as well! They don't get into too much detail, but the fact that the maid has a reputation says a lot about her.
Sure enough, Mrs. Beakley and Donald confront the Beagle Boys, and everyone's preparing for Mrs. Beakley to finally show what she'll do in an adventure situation. Unforunately, we're just going to have to wait.
Instead, it's Donald Duck that takes him down with his trademark outburst. The disappointment is most replaced by knowing how Donald Duck probably took care of things back when he was adventuring with Scrooge and Della. As for the other two, and how the nephews and Webby get out of their situation, I like being more vague when it comes to shows I actually enjoy, so I'll just spoil at least one things: Webby at least knows how to get out of rope, which was made believable by her previous actions.
Needless to say, I was mostly correct about my initial assumption, as Webby learns it's okay to be the odd one even if it caused them to be banned from a place they really loved. They seem to be okay with it, so everything turned out alright.
While this episode does a good job in building up Mrs. Beakley as this amazing person, both in how the Beagle Boys and Ma Beagle talk about her and a little joke in the end, we never actually see her do anything beyond her keeping the house safe from the nephew’s dart gun game in the beginning.
Teasing things that may happen in future episodes is happening a lot with this show, and it will happen in the next episode as well. Clearly, they want to be watching. I want to watch these potential episodes, so...mission accomplished?
How does it stack up?
Obviously, this wasn’t going to be as epic as the special that started this show. There’s still some good jokes, and one of my worries, that Webby would become this invincible can't-do-anything-wrong-unlike-those-icky-boys character in an effort to try to make her not as unmemorable as the original Webby, didn’t entirely come true. On the other hand, while not everything has to be a part of a major plotline, this is a cartoon after all, most of this episode felt like a throwaway.
According to Comcast, this episode was meant to be episode 3. Having seen The Great Dime Chase so I can have some sort of comparison for my ratings, I can probably see why they decided to swap the two. Not that this episode is bad, far from it, but let's just say, the next episode will have more of a bang than this one.
Honestly, this is the most skippable episode I've seen of the show so far, even if it's still entertaining. In the Fly Pow Bye economy, with its show-specific bell curves, Neutral Nephews are worth a little more than a Happy Buttercup.
Next, let's get to the chase!
← Woo-oo! 🦆 The Great Dime Chase! →
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