#especially if not in large quantities
nari I would like you to kindly clarify for me which liquid of the human body is worse to be into than piss
fucking uhhhh... spinal fluid?
i would classify vomit as a liquid, honestly. i think it's worse than piss
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coredrill · 1 year
also i rewatched all of snw s1 to prep for s2 and i know i’ve complained about this before but it REALLY gets annoying for the show to completely go ham on spock’s love life when i’m not waiting a week between episodes… like i get they want to explore spock’s humanity and that’s cool! but why can’t that be expressed in the form of “erica recruits spock to help her with a prank” or “la’an tries to reach out to spock now that she’s started therapy because they have such similar trauma and we get an uncomfortable but genuine friendship” or “number one and spock hang out like in that short trek.” why does it have to be “women flirts with spock” EVERY TIME 😩 like i’m still excited for s2 cause i do love most of the show but it is such a shame that they just cannot let this go especially because ethan peck is a PHENOMENONAL spock who cares about and respects the character so so deeply and like 75% of the material they give him is THIS bs :(
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windrunner · 4 months
I got an incense burner as a gift for my room (b/c I've been renovating it almost non-stop) and I got a video recommendation called "Why incense is SECRETLY BAD FOR YOU" while looking it up.
It was just someone saying that putting your face really close to it while it's letting off smoke, in a room with closed ventilation, can be bad for your lungs maybe. I feel like that's just straight up not. a secret.
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bodybaggage · 21 days
Monthly Phantom Check Up
Frostbite, Danny’s overly enthusiastic yeti doctor, shows up at the Watchtower for a surprise check-up, and things get awkward fast.
The Watchtower was in chaos. It wasn’t a typical day of chaos—no alien invasions or time-traveling villains—but something far more uncomfortable. Frostbite, Danny Phantom’s towering Yeti doctor and self-proclaimed “Master of Ghost Medicine,” had arrived unannounced. His massive, fur-covered frame loomed in the main meeting room as he carefully unpacked a series of glowing, intimidating medical instruments.
Superman leaned over to Wonder Woman, voice low. “Is this... normal?”
Wonder Woman’s brow furrowed in thought. “I don’t think this falls under the usual protocol for supernatural beings.”
Across the room, Danny Phantom stood in all his half-dead glory—or rather, slouched in defeat, wearing a hoodie that seemed far too large for his ghostly frame. He was clearly trying to shrink away from the entire situation, one pale hand covering his face in mortification.
“Frostbite,” Danny hissed in a hushed whisper, “you couldn’t have waited until we got back to the Ghost Zone?”
Frostbite beamed, oblivious to Danny’s pleading. “Nonsense, Great One! Your health is of utmost importance, and I detected a slight imbalance in your ectoplasmic core. It must be addressed immediately!”
Batman stood against the wall, eyes narrowing as he watched the scene unfold. “Ectoplasmic core?”
Frostbite nodded solemnly as he began to prepare an absurdly long, glowing probe. “Indeed, Batman. The Great One is half-ghost, and thus, his core requires regular maintenance. There are many nuances to his biology that need tending to.”
Danny groaned. “Oh, Ancients, kill me now…”
The Justice League—gathered for what they thought was going to be a strategy meeting—could only look on in awkward silence. Aquaman coughed and pretended to adjust his trident. Green Lantern pulled up a holographic projection of the solar system, which he stared at intensely despite not needing to. Flash, of course, was barely containing his laughter, lips twitching every time Frostbite said something ridiculous.
“Now,” Frostbite continued, holding up a glowing vial of something green and gooey, “the first concern is the ectoplasm imbalance. Too much exposure to the Ghost Zone can cause buildup, which leads to... ah, let’s say, irregularities.”
Superman cleared his throat. “Irregularities?”
Frostbite nodded gravely. “Yes. In the human digestive system, it might be compared to... indigestion. But in ghosts, it manifests as random phasing, ectoplasmic leakage, and occasional transformation into a much more terrifying version of oneself.”
Superman blinked. “That sounds... worse than indigestion.”
“Oh, much worse!” Frostbite said brightly, not catching the sarcasm. “Especially during ghost puberty. It’s when the ghost’s core is developing at its most volatile stage.”
Danny’s entire face turned bright red. “Frostbite! Seriously?!”
“Ghost... puberty?” Batman echoed, voice laced with what could only be described as grim fascination.
“Indeed!” Frostbite said, now fully in doctor mode. “The Great One is well past that stage, but it’s important to note that ghost puberty can last several decades for some. Phantom’s transformations would have been wildly unpredictable for years, often triggered by emotional stress or large quantities of fast food.”
Flash actually lost it at that, letting out a snort and quickly covering his mouth. “Sorry, sorry! Just—did you say fast food?”
Danny rubbed his temples. “Yes. I went through my ‘ghost puberty’ eating burgers and stressing about math tests. Can we move on?”
Frostbite chuckled warmly. “Ah, yes. The human world does have its unique challenges for the Great One. Now, the next matter—”
“There’s more?” Danny wailed, half considering flying straight through the floor and never coming back.
“Oh, yes!” Frostbite said with far too much enthusiasm. He turned to the League. “His dual nature also means his ghost half sometimes conflicts with his human immune system. It’s a fascinating process! For example, Danny can phase through objects, but if he catches a human cold, it throws his phasing abilities off and he might accidentally phase into a wall and get stuck.”
The room went silent.
Batman stared at Danny. “You’ve... phased into a wall?”
Danny gritted his teeth, wishing for the sweet release of invisibility. “I was twelve, okay? And yes, I got stuck. It was fine.”
“Mostly fine,” Frostbite corrected, waving around a spectral thermometer. “There was that one time we had to extract you from a particularly thick brick wall in Amity Park. Took several hours.”
Wonder Woman, who had remained silent up until this point, exchanged a concerned glance with Superman. “Is this something we should... prepare for?”
Danny shot them both an exasperated look. “No. I’m not going to phase into the Watchtower’s walls. Probably.”
“Unless his ectoplasmic levels are low,” Frostbite added cheerfully. “Which is why this check-up is vital!”
As Frostbite pulled out what looked suspiciously like a ghost-themed blood pressure cuff, Danny gave up. “I’m going to die—again.”
Flash wiped away a tear of laughter, his shoulders still shaking. “This is the best day of my life. I didn’t know ghost puberty was a thing.”
“I’ll send you my research papers,” Frostbite said kindly. “There’s a great deal of fascinating biology involved!”
Danny, ignoring everyone, shot a glare at Batman, who was watching all this with far too much interest. “Don’t even think about adding this to my file.”
Batman didn’t respond, though his fingers twitched ever so slightly toward his utility belt.
Frostbite, oblivious to the ongoing awkwardness, finished prepping his tools. “Now, Great One, if you could just sit still. This next part involves extracting ectoplasmic residue from your pores—”
“I’m phasing through the floor,” Danny muttered, promptly sinking halfway through the Watchtower’s pristine floor, only his head remaining visible. “See you guys never.”
The Justice League stood in stunned silence as Frostbite packed away his tools with a serene smile.
“Very well,” Frostbite said. “I’ll schedule the next check-up for next month. Goodbye, Justice League!”
And with that, the massive Yeti doctor vanished through a portal, leaving the League standing there, trying to make sense of what they had just witnessed.
Superman finally turned to Danny, whose head was still poking out of the floor.
“Danny... you okay?”
Danny didn’t respond, choosing instead to fully disappear beneath the floor.
Flash wheezed. “I love that kid.”
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taviamoth · 7 months
🚨 Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza:
An urgent appeal for sending blood units from outside the Gaza Strip.
The Palestinian Health Ministry in the Gaza Strip appeals to all international and Arab institutions, especially the World Health Organization, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the Red Crescent Society in the Arab and Islamic countries, and the Arab Blood Transfusion Services to urgently work on providing blood units and their components from all blood groups due to the dire need to save the lives of patients and the wounded.
The Ministry of Health suffers from a lack of basic materials for blood donation, whether empty blood bags or viral testing materials, as well as blood group tests, as our people in the Gaza Strip have donated more than 40,000 blood units during the aggression despite the harsh conditions they are living in from displacement and starvation.
We call on all relevant parties to respond urgently to our appeal and send large quantities of life-saving blood units for the wounded and sick in the Gaza Strip.
[via RNN]
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communistkenobi · 8 months
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stealing this screenshot from a post correcting people about what liminal spaces are, because I want to say something kind of unrelated and don’t want to bother the op - it’s funny this wiki article identifies airports as one of these non-places, and one of the “criteria” for a non-place is somewhere where you are able to remain anonymous, because (at least in north america, I can’t speak globally), one of the primary terrors of airports is its ability to render you a known quantity at basically any time, to bring you into public attention specifically by cops and security people identifying who you are. Airport security, bag inspections, police, surveillance cameras, etc do this security theatre routine at airports in a way that is more intense than other public spaces. Like I just don’t think this state of remaining anonymous in the airport applies to muslims or other religious and racial minorities the state deems to be a “high risk population” vis a vis border security, I think if you want to make the argument that these places allow anonymity, a fundamental part of this analysis has to include the fact that this anonymity is premised on visiting state violence, surveillance, and coercion on largely non-white and religious minorities, particularly and especially muslims, to “protect” and secure this space of (largely white) public anonymity 
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yuzuocha · 1 month
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kissing hcs for xavier and zayne, let's go. rafayel and sylus will be in pt. 2.
warnings ‣ there might be a little steam, but thats it
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— when one usually shoots a glance towards the sleepy, cryptic, book-and-meat-loving hunter, they would see him as a reticent, passive lover who doesn't show much affection – especially physical ones – towards his partner.
— well, it isn't as if they were completely wrong, per se. however, the impression they had of Xavier when it came to romantic endeavors couldn't have been more wrong – especially when it came to kissing.
— in most cases, his kisses are sweet and gentle, just like his demeanor. he loves planting them all over you. your cheek, your temple, your ear, your shoulder, your palm – you name it, he most definitely enjoys it. hell, even if it's the bridge of your foot, your thigh or the back of your neck.
— he definitely has a preference to give than to receive, though he's more than happy to be gifted with a smooch. his mouth-to-mouth, on the other hand, couldn't be more different.
— it's as if a switch turns on whenever he touches your lips with his.
— xavier didn't actually have any experience in kissing beforehand – or so he says – but his trained instincts, senses and perception swiftly kicked in and turned his clumsy kisses into (literal) breathtaking ones.
— his direct kisses never fail in threatening your knees to buckle underneath his touch, and he knows what drives you insane – nipping your bottom lip and swiping his tongue to soothe the small bite, cupping your neck into a more favorable angle with one hand while the other tipping your chin upwards to make the kiss deeper and your breaths shorter.
— and then xavier sweetly pecks your lips as if he didn't just ravish you in your entirety.
— it's also important to mention that he's hardly shy, contrary to his sloth-like nature. he is bold and open in his ways of affection and would care less for pressing lips together in public regardless if there was no audience or a stadium filled with them.
— still, he'd prefer more private spaces simply because the sight of you is something that is for his eyes only – nobody should ever see that dazed expression of yours other than him. possessive? yeah. but do i love it? yeah??
"very pretty." xavier whispered, breaking the string of saliva that connected him to you. all you could do was weakly nod back like an idiot. you couldn't tell whether the droplets on your face were sweat or tears.
or perhaps it's both.
xavier leaned down once more and gave a final kiss so gentle that your knees threatened to give out. your lips didn't have time to feel cold after xavier pulled away — he had one hand cup your jaw and cheek and had the other hand's thumb brush your swollen lips.
as the corners of his lips curled upwards,
the clumsy xavier had long been buried six feet under — and that's assuming that inexperienced side existed in the first place.
— he's a surgeon. he has incredible dexterity and control. just in what world would you ever think he's awkward at kissing of all things? it's kinda ironic that zayne likes kissing despite knowing the amount of germs spread between the two are numbers that'd make any doctor froth at their mouth, though.
— despite his fondness for this activity, you're usually the one who gives small pecks and not the other way around. though, it isn't necessarily his fault – he's a doctor. a chief cardiac surgeon, at that.
— he doesn't sleep as much as he should to begin with, it's difficult to see you outside of check-ups and your occasional crashing at his place, and even at home he has to continue reading papers and study to not lose his edge.
— don't worry, however. he's largely upset about his quantity of kissing you. he just doesn't show it that much – so he uses those feelings to make the scarce kisses count.
— his kisses are slow but steady, allowing half-second pauses for you to breathe and his hand gently around your neck for support – indeed, a true gentleman. at the end of each kiss, it always leaves you feeling oh-so warm and soft, as if he swaddled you up in the coziest blanket in the world.
— during certain moments nightly activities ehehehehe, he still retains that loving finesse and control. he's someone who cherishes every single moment of contact, a perfectionist even in romantic endeavors.
— god bless zayne.
you could feel his hand twisting the door's lock.
clack. chief cardiac surgeon zayne really doesn't want to be interrupted at this moment.
but you couldn't afford to divert your attention to something like that; with one of zayne's hands gently combing through your hair and the other returning to your jaw, his gentle yet deep kisses only grew in intensity. the taste of sweet mint lingered, but it didn't do much in cooling you down.
he pulled away for half a second, letting you exhale and take in another breath.
"it's astounding how you dropped by just when i was missing you most."
you were about to respond, yet zayne returned to kissing – they were mellow and delicate yet meltingly profound, very much attuned to his inner nature.
it was a long moment before zayne opened his eyes and released your mouth with a soft 'pop'. he locked gazes with your dazed, nearly lovesick expression, his eyes somehow growing softer than his kisses at the sight. he trailed his hand towards yours while looping his fingers around your own.
"is there anything you'd like to talk about?"
you were too busy melting in your feelings for him to construct a response.
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tysm for reading! comment down below or message me if you'd like to be a part of the taglist, and if you can, please do consider reblogging! it helps out a lot ;; w ;; and and!! my inbox is open for requests! PLEASE SEND SOME ASDJQVEJWHE I NEED THEM
taglist! | @kttriangle | @sncrly0urs | @anxiousgoddest
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yuzuocha © 2024 — all rights reserved.
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misslydian · 2 years
While I was driving to see film red again, I was thinking it was kinda funny how I just wanted to keep watching this movie again and again, and then afterwards I realized it's probably just because I miss One Piece in general 😅
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literaryvein-reblogs · 3 months
list of words related to the body
Borborygmus - intestinal rumbling caused by moving gas.
Deglutition - the act or process of swallowing.
Emesis - an act or instance of vomiting.
Eructation - an act or instance of belching.
Hallux - the innermost digit (such as the big toe) of a hind or lower limb.
Ingurgitate - to swallow greedily or in large quantities; guzzle.
Kibe - heel. It most often refers to "ulcerated chilblains [that is, cracked and swollen sores caused by exposure to cold] especially on the heel," but it can also mean simply "heel."
Mastication - an act or instance of chewing.
Megrim - a migraine.
Micturate - to urinate.
Oscitancy - the act of gaping or yawning.
Osculate - to kiss.
Oxter - the hollow beneath the junction of the arm and the shoulder; armpit.
Philtrum - the vertical groove on the median line of the upper lip.
Phiz - face. It's a playful shortening and alteration of the word physiognomy, which refers to facial features. It sees little use now, but appears in the works of Nathaniel Hawthorne, George Eliot, Herman Melville, and Lucy Maud Montgomery, among others.
Pinna - the largely cartilaginous projecting portion of the external ear.
Popliteal space - a lozenge-shaped space at the back of the knee joint.
Proboscis - the human nose especially when prominent.
Singultus - a hiccup or an attack of hiccuping.
Sternutation - the act or noise of sneezing.
Supercilium - the region of the eyebrows.
Thrapple - throat, windpipe.
If any of these words make their way into your next poem/story, please tag me, or leave a link in the replies. I would love to read them!
More: Word Lists
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delta-orionis · 6 months
How Big are Iterators?
One thing Rain World does very well is portraying a sense of scale when it comes to iterators. They're massive superstructures large enough to have entire cities built on their roofs, and their processes are literally so powerful that they alter the natural environment around them.
I think in-game they're kind of meant to be unknowably huge, especially since the player character is literally a small animal who can't possibly fathom an iterator's entire extent. Despite this, I decided to try and figure out exactly how big they are.
Just a warning, this post is a bit long. I really fell down a rabbit hole here.
In-Game Clues
Five Pebbles and Looks to the Moon are the only iterators that the player can explore, but they're so huge that it's impossible to see exactly how big they are from so close. The only glimpse we get is from atop the big tree in Outer Expanse, where Five Pebbles' superstructure can be seen in the distance.
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He's so big that his entire can doesn't even fit on the screen.
(Ditto, minus the clouds)
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With nothing else close by to compare him to, it's almost impossible to tell exactly how big he is from this image.
However, we can see the entirety of other iterator cans in the distance from atop The Wall.
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Here's what they look like not obscured by clouds:
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The Speculation Zone
I made some assumptions about iterators to make my calculations easier.
An iterator's can (the large rectangular section) is 2 times as wide as it is tall.
Their legs are 1/2 the height of their can.
Their can is half obscured by a relatively uniform cloud layer.
These assumptions might not be entirely accurate, but they make the math easier.
Cloud Layer Height
At first I was tempted to try and estimate iterator height based on the cloud layer surrounding them, but I made the mistake of assuming the cloud layer is made up of rain-bearing nimbostratus clouds (which can reach up to 5km in height). This would make them literally taller than Mt. Everest. Iterators are big, but I don't think they're that big. I think it's safer to assume that the cloud layer is made up of low-lying stratus clouds that form a thick fog.
The way iterator rain functions could be an entirely different discussion, but I personally think it's caused by a sudden expulsion of large quantities of hot water vapor which very quickly condenses into rain clouds. A topic for another time, maybe. The takeaway is that I think the weather created by iterators doesn't have a clear analogue to real life weather, and it's misguided to assume that they function the same way.
Skyscraper Height
One thing that iterators have that can be compared to real life, however, is cities.
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The largest buildings in these cities can be seen at a distance.
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This in-game iterator sprite is 122 pixels tall, and the tallest building visible is 20 pixels tall. This means the top of this iterator's can is 5.6 times as tall as the tallest building on its roof.
We can compare these skyscrapers to the largest buildings on Earth. This requires some additional assumptions:
While the civilization that built the iterators is likely able to create skyscrapers much taller than the ones humans have created, I'm going to assume that the ones visible here are comparable in size.
I'm also going to assume that these skyscrapers are residential buildings, built to fit a high population density on top of an iterator. The tallest buildings on Earth tend to have very tall antenna spires which add to their overall height but are not inhabitable. Residential skyscrapers tend to be significantly shorter, so I'm going to use them as a comparison rather than the tallest skyscrapers on Earth in general.
According to Wikipedia, the current tallest residential skyscrapers range from about 300 meters to 475 meters tall. I'm going to assume the one in-game is 400 meters tall, as a nice even number.
5.6(400m) = 2240m
This would make an iterator's height, from ground level to the top of their can, about 2240 meters (2.24 kilometers, 1.4 miles).
Here's a diagram comparing that to the heights of some of the tallest free-standing manmade structures:
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And here's a size comparison between a typical iterator can and Mount Everest:
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Smaller than a mountain, but still huge.
Based on these estimates, I think typical iterator cans are about 2 kilometers (1.24 miles) in height.
This would make iterators significantly taller than anything created by humans, but I personally think an advanced society like the one that created the iterators would have no problem creating a structure this tall. (They canonically created thousands of iterators, after all.)
This estimate is also much shorter than my misguided original calculation, which made them taller than an entire mountain. While I do think iterators are meant to be unfathomably huge, I don't think there would be enough material on the planet to feasibly create thousands of identical mountain-sized superstructures. The player is also able to ascend from the ground to the top of Five Pebbles in just a few cycles (if they're quick), and I think it's much more feasible for an animal like a slugcat to be able to ascend a height of ~2km in a couple of days than to climb up an entire mountain. But again, this is pure speculation.
I made a ton of assumptions and rounded a bunch of numbers, so I could be completely wrong. There's probably other ways you could try to estimate an iterator's height that I haven't explored here. Let me know what you think; I love hearing about other people's ideas and theories.
Thank you for reading!
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clockys-soul · 24 days
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Updated designs for these guys!
Here’s some Ideas/Headcanons I have for the tribes:
For all tribes:
-they don’t use any weapons outside of daggers maybe (bro you’re a quadrupedal creature, using a spear or sword or bow is not gonna work how you want it to, and you have claws and teeth plus fire or venom??? You have weapons built in bro) it just looks dumb to me, like what are you doing.
-Dragons Never stop growing like crocs
-Most aggressive and bad tempered but not unfairly so, they don’t trust strangers and are much less friendly out of caution.
-prefer poultry and red meat, fish not so much, they also like to smoke their meat for special events.
-Hatchlings are capable of flying and breathing fire within a few months of their lives, quicker than most other tribes.
-their horns are the longest of any tribe and they take great pride in them, most (especially nobles) adorning them with jewelry.
-when on the ground they sometimes use their wings as extra arms, holding onto something for example.
-they are the best blacksmiths out of tribes, their craftsmanship is respected even amongst other tribes.
-they are almost completely fireproof, which is why they rely on their teeth and claws when fighting amongst themselves, their flames range is also the furthest and they can breathe fire the longest without stopping.
-Firescales have to touch another Skywing for a longer time to do damage.
-they have the best endurance when it comes to flying and they are also the fastest. They hold annual races.
-like birds of prey, they have insanely good eyes. They can see the furthest out of all tribes.
-during the before mentioned races they paint their wings with cool patterns just like they do during war, however the patterns are different, the Warpaint pattern is darker and rougher.
-their teeth are similar to that of medium to large theropods, they rely mostly on their fire an less on their bite as it’s a bit lower due to their longer necks.
-their eggs are white and long. Usually only laying one per clutch.
-relatively sociable, suspicious at first but especially once they get to know you they act like they never had a problem with you in the first place.
-obviously they prefer fish but also crustaceans and other sea creatures, SeaWings living more up north, hunt seals.
-second strongest bite force, also their main weapon.
-very round scales and thick skin.
-Hatchlings need to stay underwater for the first few months of their lives as their lungs finish developing.
-Short but very curvy horns, their "whiskers" vary severely between individuals.
-their glowscales vary in size and sometimes even in quantity, I think they use them mostly region-wise (face, tail for example) and then by how often they flicker (like morse code maybe?).
-Most of their jewelry consists of seashells and pearls, but also of platinum and Gold.
-they are expert tattoo artists (just like sandwings) and they take pride in their underwater murals.
-their sails/frills also vary a lot, there are several variants, some more wavy.
-Seawing families living in colder water up north have developed a bit of blubber over the generations.
-they have pharyngeal jaws (like sharks), their teeth are also a bit more flat like most sharks.
-Medium to large in size. (Everything in the ocean is big so why not)
-their eggs are round, a bit reflective and darker shades. SeaWings may lay up to 5 eggs per clutch but usually ist between 2 and 3.
-small to medium in size.
-amicable tribe, they often help dragons stranded in the desert.
-they have the second most fire resistant scales, while hotter fire and longer exposure will do eventually do damage getting blasted for a bit does nothing.
-they have keen senses, their sense of hearing and smell being the best.
-they can go without eating or drinking for weeks without issue.
-they have naturally warmer scales (like Skywings do).
-Sandwings love jewelry and accessories in general, they like decorating themselves with all kinds of stuff, like tattoos and piercings.
-Hatchlings hatch with more pronounced markings (like lion cubs), sometimes they stay that prominent even into adulthood.
-sandwing eggs are dark in color, Sandwings lay up to 2 in a clutch.
-sails are unique and every Sandwing looks different, they like to adorn them with piercings and other accessories.
-they also like to take sun naps, not nearly as long or often as Rainwings but they enjoy the sun.
-rely mostly on their barbs but also claws and teeth when fighting, less so fire.
-Medium to large, (trees can get real big)
-eggs are long and pale. They may lay up to 3 eggs a clutch.
-omnivorous but mainly meat, fruits and vegetables are usually just a side dish or snack.
-their scales change to duller hues in during winter, patterns stay the same though.
-hatchlings are pale and only get more saturated if exposed to sun, like rainwings.
-they have lots of golden accessories along with colorful cloths and gemstones.
-leading tribe in toxicology, they know their plants and how to use em, and they love their spices.
-they have the second longest tail of all tribes and like Rainwings use them to hold onto branches when perched in Trees.
-while they are typically shades of Green or Brown/Orange, they may also have accents of all kinds of colors to varying degrees.
-they have Treehouses but also build stone temples, their Royal Palace is a rather large one with large gardens.
-all silkwings have "fur" but some have less and some have more, typically it’s a line down their spine to their tail tip.
-they are omnivorous, mainly eating fruits and the like, but every now and then they will eat meat to balance out their diet.
-they have the shortest claws out of all tribes, which makes sewing and the like much easier for them, which it’s why it’s what most Silkwings do as a job.
-their wings patterns and shape is their most unique feature, they are also relatively quiet during flight.
-while Silkwings are typically very colorful they may have black accents (almost every butterfly has black so how tf are the butterfly dragons not gonna have some)
-they have the weakest biteforce, and rather weak claws, they are naturally pacifists.
-Silkwings have long thin tongues, cuz why not.
-it’s common for Silkwings to braid and generally style their hair, adding cuffs and other things like hair clips.
-they also have relatively weak scales, they’re a rather weak tribe, but flamesilks are about as fire resistant as Sandwings.
-eggs are small and round, per clutch it’s usually 3-4.
-laziness is not normal, before the main story Rainwings were much more active and kept track of their eggs
-eggs are round and small, very similar to snake eggs, 2 max per clutch.
-Rainwings are the second smallest tribe.
-their frills are essentially and extension of their ears.
-they require meat at least 3-4 times a week.
-only tribe, aside from Hivewings, to have fangs.
-their jewelry consists of flowers, gemstones and feathers mainly, but cloth is also often used.
-longest tail out of all tribes, parents sometimes carry hatchlings with them.
-shorter horns, usually curvy.
-scales get duller with age, and elder ones change scale color less.
-very curved claws to help em climb, also useful when hunting.
-Short wings like harpy eagles so flying through trees is easier.
-eyecolor cannot change neither can the horns nor claws or mouth.
-the older the individual the duller the scale color.
-largest tribe, also strongest tribe.
-due to needing to have a higher body temp to be able to breathe fire, they rely on teeth, claws and overall strength.
-strongest bite force, one bite can amputate a leg with ease.
-they may have different variants of tusks, male typically have larger ones.
-slowest flyers, the prefer the ground.
-Fire is more magma like, more liquidity.
-the usually have 2 sets of horns, 1 large and 1 small.
-eggs are large and typically tan to dark brown with spots, 6 eggs per clutch sometimes even 8.
-younger individuals are typically kinder, and more likely to help.
-they have shorter but incredibly strong tails.
-wings are more round in shape, and are used as extra legs sometimes.
-require a lot of meat, all different kinds, prefer red.
-jewelry usually consists of different kinds of metals and such, imbedded with gemstones and old tusks.
-mudwings love play-fighting and sparring and will do so often with their siblings, very good fighters.
-strong bite, maybe 3rd strongest.
-more nocturnal, but are perfectly functional during the day.
-their flames have tints of different colors, unique to every individual.
-some have more star scales than others, depending on how starry the night was when they hatched.
-strong sense of smell and very good eyesight.
-veils, and a bunch of jewelry imbedded with gems and crystals, they like their silver and gold.
-eggs are oval and black with hints of different colors.
-their wings have accents of different colors at the edges or in the middle, usually the brightest part of their body.
-Fire is very Smokey, their range isn’t that far either but it’s the second hottest fire.
-typically only 1 egg per clutch, 2 is rare.
-Mindreaders will have one teardrop scale for each moon they were born under, so all 3 would be 6.
-Prophets will have one starscale on their forehead for each moon they were born under, all 3 would be 3.
-padded feet like t-rex makes them quite even on the ground.
-blood varies from violet to more turquoise on the spectrum.
-claws are long and curved for extras grip but instead of be serrated, it’s their feet that are.
-the older the individual the more spines the will have.
-prefer to eat fish, but often eat red meat as well.
-eggs are long and white. Typically 1-2 per clutch.
-furs, silver and platinum are often seen, but royals will wear gold.
-teeth are long and thin, very similar to orcas.
-spines start growing along the horns as well, making them look similar to antlers.
-they are almost completely frostproof, as in, they cannot be hurt by frostbreath, or hypothermia.
-Frostscales are a thing, essentially the same as Firescales but frosty.
-about as trusting as Skywings, they are not particularly respectful either until you earn their respect.
-Medium to large in size, they grow incredibly large.
-venom is more similar to Sandwing venom, and all of them have fangs and a barb, the strength of the venom varies though.
-most agile flyers, maybe even second in speed.
-teeth are thin and needle-like, the rely on their venom to weaken their opponents.
-piercings and warm colored Jewelry are a must, usually imbedded with ambers and other similar stones.
-loud during flight.
-blood is dark, almost black.
-eggs are oval and black, typically 1-2 eggs per clutch.
-very curved claws, good for holding onto things, for climbing too.
I may add some more as I come up with it!
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blaire-apricity · 17 hours
ʟᴀᴅs ʙᴏʏs x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
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ᯓ❅ ┆ synopsis┆ : How does the LADS boys handle themselves in the kitchen?
ᯓ❅ ┆ tags┆ : prompt, soft, fluff & possible OOC
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Xavier in the kitchen was almost a disaster waiting to happen—no exaggeration. He had a knack for forgetting to turn off the stove or neglecting to set a timer, leaving his meals charred and inedible more often than not. While eliminating Wanderers with effortless precision was second nature to him, cooking seemed to be his weakness. Typically, Xavier gravitated toward quick, easy meals—cup noodles, ready-to-eat options—and never fussed over what he ate.
Despite his mishaps, he genuinely put in the effort to learn, committing to recipes and working to improve. With time, practice, and a few burned pans later, he eventually became efficient in the kitchen. Once he mastered the basics, he started preparing large meals, focusing on quantity so you’d never be short of options, making sure you had plenty of your favorites to choose from.
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Zayne embodied the perfect image of husband material. Though his job as a Linkon doctor kept him busy with back-to-back surgeries and long hours at the hospital, he never failed to make time for you—especially if you were craving his cooking. Despite his demanding schedule, he made it a priority to prepare meals whenever he came home, often late into the night, just to see your face lit up with each bite.
Zayne was meticulous in the kitchen, his precise nature extending from surgery to the ingredients he handled. Aside from his disdain for carrots, he had an impressive knowledge of different vegetables and how to bring out their natural flavors in every dish. Whether he was baking or cooking, he always followed the recipes to a tee, ensuring every detail was perfect, particularly when trying something new. His care and precision in the kitchen mirrored the way he treated you—attentive, thoughtful, and deeply considerate.
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Rafayel may come off as bratty and spoiled, but beneath that exterior, he harbored surprising culinary talent. It wasn’t something he flaunted, considering that most of his meals were either prepared by Thomas, brought or ordered online. But when the mood struck him, Rafayel could whip up a dish with flair, though he often relied on instructions and recipes to guide him. His creativity shined through, however, as he loved experimenting and adding his personal touch to any recipe.
You were always his first taste-tester, the one he’d eagerly present his latest creation to—sometimes a surprisingly delicious innovation, other times an odd combination that left you questioning his choices.
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Sylus, much like Zayne, could easily be considered husband material, though he typically didn’t need to lift a finger in the kitchen thanks to his personal chef. Yet, when the occasion called for it, Sylus was more than capable of preparing a meal. Confident and knowledgeable, he rarely consulted recipes, instead relying on his sharp memory and expertise.
While patience wasn’t his strong suit, he made an exception when you were involved. If you were there to taste his dish, Sylus would put his full effort into crafting a meal that catered to your palate, making sure each seasoning and flavor hit the right notes. For someone who thrived on power and control, cooking was one of the few activities where he allowed himself to slow down, focusing intently on every detail. After all, he wanted it to be perfect for you.
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╰。 Author's Note: There's significant parts that are definitely inspired by Infold's Special Chapter; "Ways Of Making Chocolate" chibi report on this prompt.
I'll be working on some requests (specifically a continuation of Grief) by next week since preliminaries are approaching soon, I'll be off from writing for a few days.
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ao3topshipsbracket · 4 months
Bonus statistics: the Really Funny Graph Awards
As I've pointed out before, it's often hard to notice voter fraud— even in large quantities— if you can't see, not just how many votes came in, but when and in what patterns. Accusations of fraud don't track fraud, they track controversy; the most fraud often happens in polls that nobody particularly objects to, because nobody was paying attention.
Unless you have a graph in front of you. Fortunately, we do! So here's a brief review of the graphs that made it very, very clear to the mod team group chat that someone was playing silly buggers.
Round 1:
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Davekat vs Zolu would almost even look natural, if it weren't for that enormous spike at the day 4 mark. But what a spike! And Akeshu vs Supercorp has those spikes in the middle, but the beginning stages of the graph look maybe fine... if you weren't watching for the first two days, and didn't get to see the progression:
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Round 2:
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This, on the other hand, couldn't be mistaken for natural by anyone. Look at this nonsense. The stairstep lines! The sharpness of the peaks! The sharpness of the dropoffs, which is how you can tell that this isn't just the poll being reblogged by large accounts, it is one person putting in truly insane amounts of effort! The fraud continuing long after Hualian had a significant lead, apparently just to make sure Buddie couldn't possibly launch a counteroffensive! Isn't it beautiful!
Round 4-5:
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And once again, Hualian voters— or, well, some particular Hualian voter— goes nuts. Usually in 1-day polls, the votes come in fast enough that even with a graph it's hard to see if anything's gone wonky. Not so here; that bend in both graphs at around the same time, where I can only assume our frauder stopped for the night and went to bed, is a work of art.
Round 6:
No visible irregularities in the graphs (I assume they were just happy with getting to the semifinals?) but I did see this ask pop up:
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I didn't see responses from anyone who took them up on it.
Real talk: This sort of thing is the reason I run poll brackets. This is proof that one person with insane dedication and a lot of time really can be the backbone of a fandom. This is, and I know this is melodramatic but I am being entirely sincere here, a chart of human passion.
Davekat, Akeshu, and especially Hualian— someone loves you very, very much.
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paticheri · 2 months
There are few things hotter than being able to visually tell when someone has stuffed themselves to their capacity. I’m especially fond of when a person consumes a large quantity of food and drink in a relatively short amount of time and you can see it all accumulating on the upper side of a belly in real time. I go crazy for stomachs that have expanded so much that they’re visibly pushing against skin, protruding further than the rest of the abdomen.
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haggishlyhagging · 10 months
Women were also regularly employed in brewing, at least as much as men. Medieval peasants drank rather a lot of small (or low-alcohol) beer and ale. In the tenth-century Alfric's Colloguy, which records theoretical dialogues between a teacher and his students, one young man states, "I drink ale, usually, if I drink at all, and water if I have no ale. . . . I am not rich enough to be able to buy myself wine: Wine is not a drink for boys or fools but for old men and wise men." By the late medieval period, in brewing centers such as České Budejovice, from whence the name Budweiser comes, beer was being made on a large enough scale that it was being exported to Bavaria.
Medieval people desired to drink beer and ale not because water was unsafe, but because farmwork is extremely hard. Small beer and ale added additional calories to their daily uptake in an enjoyable way. Although the wealthy were probably able to procure professionally made and imported beers, most people, especially in the earlier medieval period, made their own ale or bought it from nearby producers. Ale was brewed primarily from barley and did not include the hops of beer, which meant it could not be stored for long before going off. As such, those who wanted ale had to be constantly brewing it to ensure a steady supply, making brewing a very common cottage industry. Women who brewed for their families would often brew excess for sale, allowing them to bring in a bit of money. Because brewing was a craft that could be learned at home, women could be employed as brewers in larger commercial breweries.
We find women in the brewing trade consistently: records show them paying taxes on their gains from brewing, and registering with the authorities who oversaw standards. When someone performed below these standards, they were frequently written up, so we can find the women who were not meeting them. The Durham Court Rolls from 1365 record that Agnes Postell and Alice de Belasis were fined twelve denarii for selling bad ale, about the equivalent of two days' work for a skilled craftsman. Similarly Alice de Belasis was separately fined two shillings, or the equivalent of five days wages, for poor-quality ale, which a court proved had no strength at all. Punishments for brewing bad ale could range from fines to ritualized humiliation. In England, the Domesday Book first recorded the use of the cucking stool (which would become the ducking stool in the early modern period) in Chester to punish those who sold bad ale or ale in incorrect measures. They would be forced to sit in a chair out side their home and be jeered at by locals. Fourteenth-century Scottish laws noted that any alewife who made "evil ale" was either fined "eight shillings" or placed in the cucking stool, a nod to women as the primary brewers in the region who could face the largely gendered humiliation as a result.
We also learn of women in the brewing profession through records of accidents. For example, one coroner's roll indicates that at around noon on October 2, 1270, Amice Belamy was carrying a tub full of gruit, an agent for flavoring ale, with Sibyl Bonchevaler at her work in Lady Juliana de Beauchamp's brewhouse in Staple, Eaton Socon. As they went to dump the gruit into the boiling vat of beer, Amice slipped and fell into it and was trapped by the tub that fell on top of her. "Sibyl immediately jumped towards her, dragged her from the vat and shouted; the household came and found her scalded almost to death. She was given the last rites of the church and died on the day following. This harrowing story reminds us what a physically tasking and dangerous job brewing, especially in large quantities, could be.
This episode is also interesting because the two women were working for another woman, and a lady at that, Juliana de Beauchamp. Brewing was commonly associated with women across class lines, since the brewhouse is listed as belonging to the Lady Juliana. All in all, during these years a woman was just as likely to be brewing ale as a man, if not more likely in some instances.
-Eleanor Janega, The Once and Future Sex: Going Medieval on Women’s Roles in Society
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voidlesscreator · 5 months
Core Fusion AU
The people that live in the Infinite Realms are able to fuse like gems in Steven Universe. Why you may ask? It's because their body is made up of ectoplasm that comes from their core, which is very similar to how a gem's form is made up of light and comes from their gem itself.
Fusions occur when two or more ghosts share a similar strong emotion or obsession, such as protection, love or hate. The fusion is a state where the occupants share thoughts and work together to operate a single body, so a lot of trust needs to be present or a singular goal in both minds.
Core Fusions also merge unique powers together to strengthen or link them together more.
Due to this, core fusions are typically seen as a way to show trust in any form or bond between ghosts, and as a way to strengthen forces and power.
Danny is probably able to fuse with ghosts and humans but was never told that it was possible for him bc he's half-human.
Now, this could work for both Dp x Dc and Dp x BNHA.
Dp x Dc
Danny can fuse with people who have been touched by death or have been dead and came back (like Jason).
The fusion would be a physical form that mixes both or more appearances while their cores (pseudo or not) appear as jewellery they wear as the fusion, which changes depending on the fusion.
Since I'm fixated on the dead on main ship right now, let's say that Jason is the one to core fuse with Danny first, and there can be an in depth backstory on how they meet and leads up to the core fusion, and it helps with the pit rage. Danny takes them to either Frostbite or Clockwork to figure out what is going on and they learn about core fusion and how it works.
-possible plot idea ahead-
In Gotham, Red Hood has been MIA for several months from both being a vigilante and a crime boas, and the rest of the batfam are freaking out about it; especially since a new crime boss has come into play going by "The Monarch" or "JD Fent" (The Monarch plays into Danny being either Ghost King or an adjacent role in the Infinite realms, and the JD Fent is a mix of their names bc I think it's cool :D).
Meanwhile, Jason and Danny have been chilling together using core fusion to keep away from the batfam and have been improving Crime Alley with Danny's inherited chaotic mad scientist gene being used to harness ectoplasm as a renewable energy since Gotham has a large quantity of it (bonus points if the ectoplasm can be re-filtered to be safely used again for power).
The GIW or another ghost could show up in Gotham to hunt down JD and the batfam accidentally get captured since a lot of them have died (I think??).
Cue a garnet-style reunion and a "stronger than you" scene before escaping and telling the rest of the batfam the truth.
Similar to the other one, but quirks count as mini-cores and that's how people gain their powers. Quirkless people don't have cores and therefore don't have powers.
Danny could be able to fuse with the previous OFA users and just pull them out of Izuku or they could just fuse by Danny grabbing onto Izuku when using his quirk in a fight.
And I'm just imagining during one of the fights Danny grabs onto Izuku and a flash of light shoots out and once the light clears, Danny is gone and a person with three sets of arms with an appearance similar to Danny's and the other OFA users mixed into one before battling it out with the LOV.
Please let me know if anything doesn't seem like it works! And this prompt is free to use by anyone if they want to! :]
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