#especially if i keep it kinda sketchy
paeonia-horse · 1 year
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Sned hosses.
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teaboot · 3 months
I'm surprised/impressed? by how blase you are about people threatening you at work. A neighbor threatened me last week and it was so scary and I wish I could have had the same kinda response you seem to.
First off, I hope you're safe and okay, that's an awful experience to be familiar with and especially bad that they live so close to you D:
Second, I'm certainly no maverick out here- I've only been doing this a few years now- but I've found that about 99% of threats I receive have very little intent to follow through.
The type of threats I usually receive are typically from:
Someone who's had bad experiences with security or police, in the past. People with hand and face tattoos, homeless folks, people with mannerisms that get them labeled as "sketchy", POC, and people who've been incarcerated all have valid reason to believe I'm out to get them, and may get treated badly elsewhere often enough that they're expecting that. Every time I approach someone, I have to take this into account and do everything I can to signal that they haven't been profiled based on preexisting stereotypes.
Someone experiencing the symptoms of a mental health condition. People with mental illnesses are statistically victims of crime more often than they are perpetrators. That said, I have run into people before whose mental illness can present as aggression- if someone behaving erratically or is known for that sort of thing tells me they're gonna blow my brains out, but I can clearly see they're unarmed, not coming towards me, haven't hurt anyone, and show no intent of escalating, I'm probably not in danger. A few people I've met will see me again in a day or two and will have no problems with me at all.
Someone who is scared, frustrated, anxious, or grieving. Not to excuse violence in any context, but in my experience 99% of people who blow up at me aren't actually thinking about me. Anger isn't so much an emotion in a lot of ways as it is the reaction to another emotion- if someone tells me they're gonna kick my ass, I have to question if there's anything they may be frightened, frustrated, or sad about something else entirely. If I can address and resolve what's causing the anxiety, the anger usually goes away next. If I can't deescalate, my next job is to disengage and make sure myself and others aren't at risk of harm.
People who want something from me. This does not happen often. Maybe they want me to back off, or leave them alone, or let them take something, whatever- maybe they think I'm someone with clearance to use physical force, or they think my flashlight is pepper spray. Whatever it is, once they've made it clear they're willing to act, I back off. Unless they're hurting another person, nothing they want is worth getting stabbed or shot over. And physical conflict is insanely stressful, even for the attacker, so even then whoever threatening me will likely take any "out" I can give- I keep paths of escape clear, stay out of range, keep calm and respectful. Every time this has happened to me, the person has run away when given the chance.
People who genuinely want to hurt me and intend to follow through. Again, this is super uncommon- I think it's only really happened to me once or twice on the job. Yes, it's scary, but I find it helps to remember that they arent after me, they're after the uniform. If someone is coming after me in costume, so to speak, it's not who I am as a person, it's what I represent. And a lot of people seem to think I'm a cop, or see me as a faceless goon, or a past abuser, or an intruder in their life specifically sent to make them miserable. If that's what they believe, there's not much I can do to change their mind except, again, stay calm and respectful and disengage.
I do know how to defend myself to an extent, but again, I don't have weapons or restraints or a vest or anything and I'm kinda small on top of that so really I'm cool with hauling ass if I gotta. If me getting the fuck out of dodge resolves the issue then I'm not above radio'ing HQ from the top of a tree somewhere, that shit is above my pay grade.
TL/DR in my personal limited experience, someone who has told me that they're going to hurt me wouldn't have given me the warning unless there was something I could do to avoid it. Stay calm, don't yell, be respectful, give them an escape route and run if you need to
Stay safe out there, yeah?
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bloatedandalone04 · 6 months
Love Like Ours
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➪the one where you and jj sneak off during a keg party for some alone time.
Warnings: fluff, swearing, making out, alcohol consumption, groping, pda, indications of smut, hi i finished season one in a single day and couldn’t help myself, mwah
Word Count: 1.5k
Do not repost this anywhere, reblogs are fine ♡ THANK YOU FOR 4.5k FOLLOWERS
Agreeing to have a kegger at the beach was not something you wanted to do, especially after you found out that JJ had taken the gun from that dingy, sketchy motel room. But now that darkness had taken over and left the beach drowning in shadows and the moonlight, and now that you had consumed a fair amount of beer and booze, you were very happy you ended up going instead of staying at home by yourself.
JJ, your oh so poise boyfriend of two years, was by your side, a red cup in his hand and his arm thrown over your shoulders. The beer in the cup was spilling onto you, but you were far too gone to care at this point, and you only laughed as the amber liquid rolled down your arm and got absorbed by your shirt.  
His signature red hat was placed on your head instead of his own in a not so subtle claim of territory over you, because in JJ’s eyes you were far too good for him and completely out of his league, but you’d never catch him admitting to that out loud. 
It was dark, but you were still able to see the pink blush that formed on JJ’s neck and face at the amount of beer he’s consumed since the party started. “We should have a fire,” you suggest in a dreary tone and JJ’s eyes widened as if it was the best idea he’s heard all night. 
“We should totally have a fire,” he agreed and finished off the drink before tossing the cup aside. “How do we make a fire?” He couldn’t finish the question without laughing, and you join in as you cling onto his muscle tee to steady yourself.
“I don’t know,” you answer and look around the sand. “Sticks. We need sticks.”
You step away from JJ in order to begin your quest of finding something to start a fire with, and he watched with hooded eyes as you stumbled along the sand, a small and content smile on his lips. “Hey, JJ,” John B greeted as he slung his arm around his best friend’s shoulders. “What is our girl doing, man?”
“Our girl?” JJ scoffed just as you made your way back to him and threw your body against his, draping your arms around his neck as you connected your lips in a kiss. He kissed you back, stepping away from John B until his arm fell back to his side. “Think you mean my girl.” He mumbled once he pulled away and you grinned up at him, pressing multiple kisses to his cheek. 
“Glad the two of you don’t give a shit about the no Pogue on Pogue macking rule, huh?” John B laughed and drank from his own red cup. 
“Nah,” JJ confirmed, wrapping his arm around your middle. “Think we stopped caring about that rule a long time ago, right, baby?”
You nod and tug him away from your friend. “So long ago,” you agree and turn away from him but keep your hand firmly bunched up in his shirt. “Sticks, JJ, we need to go find sticks.”
John B furrowed his brows and laughed as he watched you and JJ drunkenly stumble towards the darkest part of the beach. “Yes, sticks,” JJ replied and wrapped his arms around you from behind. Before you could wander off again, he pulled you back against his chest, making you release a surprised laugh. “I don’t want to have a fire right now, babe, I want to get you alone.”
You blush and lean back against him. “We kinda already are alone,” you point out, but you still had to raise your voice over the music and loud chatter around you. 
“More alone,” he reiterated and leaned down to press a kiss to the side of your neck. He pulls away and grabs your hand, guiding you towards the path that leads up to the docks. “Come on. Come with me.”
You laugh and allow him to tug you along with him back up the dirt path you came down a few hours ago. “Where are we going?” 
“Away from all the noise,” he answered and threw his head back with a loud groan. “God, is there usually all this noise?”
You laugh again and stop, pulling your hand from his just to grab hold of both sides of his face and press a deep kiss to his mouth. Any other complaints die on his tongue as he kisses you back, his hands reaching up to tangle in your hair that was messy from the late night breeze off the water. 
The noise was fainter now, but you could still somewhat hear the conversations of both the Pogues and Kooks, informing you that you weren’t quite isolated from the party yet. 
You run the tip of your tongue along JJ’s bottom lip when he tries to deepen the kiss, then pull away with a teasing smirk. “I thought you wanted to get me alone,”  
JJ matches your smirk and leans down to kiss the skin below your ear, and the quiet moan you let out had him laughing to himself. “Sorry, I got distracted,” he says and tangles his fingers with yours again. “Let’s get out of here.”
You follow him back up the path and along the boat docks until you reach one that very clearly belongs to one of the Kooks. It was massive and put all the boats you’ve been on to shame, so when JJ dared to step onto it with a questioning look in his eyes, you were powerless to stop yourself from going after him. 
He holds his hand out to you and you jump from the dock and onto the boat with a small squeal, and then you are back in your boyfriend’s arms as he connects your lips again in another deep kiss. 
You laugh into the kiss and run your hands up his sides under his shirt. “Whose boat is this?” You ask in between rushed kisses, and JJ pulls away to glance around the abandoned and dark boat. 
“I have no idea,” he replied and kissed you again, making you grin against his lips. His hands slid up from their place on your hips and began squeezing at your chest, and the air was quickly getting hotter and hotter. Your own hands move to grip at his biceps, and his sleeveless shirt gave you perfect access to them. They flex under your touch and you moan at the feeling as JJ backs you up against the wall of the boat. “I want you.”
You break away and tilt your head back against the wall as he begins placing open mouth kisses to your neck. “Here?” You breathlessly ask and softly dig your nails into his skin. 
“Why not?” He questioned, reaching behind you to slip his hands in the back pockets of your shorts. “How hot would it be to fuck on some random persons boat? Only we’d know what happened on it whenever we pass by this thing in the water.”
The invitation was definitely tempting, and you’d be a liar if you said you didn’t want him, too. The idea of fucking against the wall of a Kook’s fancy yacht had you growing more and more needy for him, and you could feel him pressing against you in his shorts as he also grew needy for you.
You turn your head and can faintly see the outlines of the party goers further down the beach, and the semi public setting of this little makeout session had you moaning rather loudly. 
Turning back to him, you kiss him and brush your tongue against his, tangling your hands in his blond hair and tugging on it. “Think John B was feeling a little left out back there,” you change the topic as JJ unzipped your shorts. “Almost made me feel bad that he’s alone now.”
“Don’t,” JJ practically begged, giving up on his mission of ridding you of your shorts in order to pick you up and hold you against the wall. “Please, do not make us go back there. John B’s fine, I promise. He just wishes he has what we have, but this is just for us.”
You bite down on your lip and tightly wrap your legs around his waist. His words were sweet, and this was a side of JJ that only you got to see, and on the rare occasion. “We’re pretty good together, huh?” 
JJ groans and pulls away from your collar bone to look you in the eye. “We’re amazing together,” he corrected and you grip his shoulders to hike yourself up a bit higher, his hat falling off your head in the process. 
“He’ll be fine,” you state and pull at JJ’s hair. 
He closes his eyes at the tug and confirms your words, “He’ll be fine,” 
You smile and kiss him for the hundredth time today. “Now, what were you saying before? Something about only us knowing what happened on this Kook’s boat?”
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gdbatbitch · 1 month
TL;DR Please, please. I’m at the absolute end of my rope and can use all the help I can get. Also, just putting out there for those that prefer alternates: my PayPal is [email protected], Venmo is @Dextra-Hoffman, and CashApp is $DextraDawn. Thanks y’all.
I wish I had the spoons to talk about how horrible I have been feeling the last few weeks in real time. Especially the last 3 weeks. You don’t realize how much one little gland will mess up your entire existence until it’s defective or gone. I’ve been without my thyroid for 10 months now. And I’m still suffering the repercussions of it. 
My biggest issue is my TSH levels. I’ve had to have dosage adjustments twice since January, and each time it results in weeks of adjustment time, and a good portion of that, I’ve been completely laid out because of being unable to function. The symptoms can vary, but generally involve massive fatigue, nausea, hot flashes and cold spells/sweats that I’m not able to control and barely able to combat, dehydration, weakness, and just having that feeling you get with a high fever and a flu where you feel half in and half out of reality and not sure if you’re actually alive or you’re a ghost. 
Also because these hormones think they’re that special, they also affect my mental health by spiking my adrenaline levels and triggering my anxiety. My anxiety alone can shut me down for days. It’s been well documented. So the physical symptoms would trigger my anxiety. I have a really high pain tolerance, but sickness not so much. And I have never felt sicker in my life than I have in the last month. So not only was I feeling like I was dying, I was terrified the entire time.
I’ve not gone into great detail about it openly because it was so scary, and I know when I’m in panic mode I can’t really trust my own mind to determine the seriousness of a situation. So I kept it quiet, at least quiet for me. 
Of course, all of this has completely destroyed my plans of getting back to work and out of this poverty rut I’ve been in for months. I had a job lined up, but the start date was right in the middle of my being incapacitated. I tried to work with the company to push back my start date, but that didn’t happen. I’m in the midst of interviewing for a job that would be absolutely perfect, but I’m still waiting for next steps on their part. Aside from those, as anyone currently seeking a job will tell you, it’s abysmal out there. I’ve applied for over a hundred jobs in the last 4 months and I’ve barely gotten any responses. 
I’ve been asked if I’m going to be doing art commissions, and if I were more capable, sure. I’d be silly not to try. But I’ve not been anything close to capable for weeks. I’ve only been back to 100% for a few days now, and even that has been sketchy. So I’m putting a pin in that for now, at least until I can knock out a sketch or two to knock the rust off. 
I was hoping to be done with fundraising, it’s so nerve-racking. But right now, my survival is in peril. I just submitted a request for what will be my last unemployment payout. It wasn’t much, but it was barely keeping me afloat. After that, I’m kinda screwed unless I can figure something out. 
I still haven’t made rent for August, my car payment is late, I’ve got bills up to my ears and I’m just worried that I’m not going to have those things very very soon if I can’t keep up. If I can at least hit the goal on the fundraiser, that can keep me going until I can get back to work (fingers crossed). 
I’ve been struggling with asking for help for a while now because I feel like I’ve been holding my hat out for far too long, but I don’t really have a choice anymore. I’ve also been struggling with a lot of internalized ableism as well because I know I’m disabled and shouldn’t push myself as hard as I do. But that’s a rant for another time.
Please, please. I’m at the absolute end of my rope and can use all the help I can get. Also, just putting out there for those that prefer alternates: my PayPal is [email protected], Venmo is @Dextra-Hoffman, and CashApp is $DextraDawn. Thanks y’all.
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billgetsmewet · 6 months
short smut :3
-tom kaulitz x fem!reader
-warnings : nicknames,blowjob , sub!reader / dom!tom, agegap
A/N : 2015 tom is so hot stfu he could bend me over and *******
You and your parents recently moved towns because of financial problems, your new house was fine.. except the air conditioning. It was always super cold in your room, especially in winter, because of this, youve had a sore throat for a bit now.
You eventually told your mum and she suggested you get it checked out by a doctor, so you did as she said.
You were looking up doctors in your area, trying to find one that didnt look sketchy…
Eventually, after a but of scrolling, you found a doctor. He was quite young, it said in his description that he was 26 years old. This made you more comfortable, considering old doctors are kinda creepy.
Keep in mind, you were only 18, about to finish highschool.
You called the doctor and made an appointment for about 3 days after. You didnt mind waiting, since you knew you would still have this damn curse of a sore throat…
The day finally came. You hopped into the uber, getting to the doctors 20 minutes before your appointment, just in case. Surprisingly, he was free.. He welcomed you in, in a slightly seductive voice - Hello, y/n? Ah yes, Im Tom, i got done with the client before you pretty quickly..
You couldnt help but notice his thick german accent, it was really hot, being honest.
He took you into the office, sat you down, asked you whats wrong… the usual. - Ive had a sore throat for a while.. my room is pretty cold, so i just cant get rid of this.. Hm.. im sorry to hear, i suggest you getting a warmer blanket and clothes with longer sleeves.. and without cutouts around the neck.
Shit, you just noticed, you wore the most revealing shirt you could ever wear. I mean.. it could be helpful if he was trying to examine your lungs, but it was also making you look stupid in this situation, but.. for some reason Tom didnt seem to mind, its almost as if he kept looking at your tits from time to time..
He put the stethoscope on your chest, the cold metal making you slightly flinch, he was listening to your heart, noticing the beats are getting faster and faster once he looks at you. He smiles in realization before moving on and putting it on your back to check your lungs.Deep breath in, darling.
You struggled not to moan out as he called you “darling”.
Good girl, now deep breath out.
God, he was making this so hard.
He took the stethoscope to your heart again. This will.. uh..let me examine your lungs better, i feel. - he said, yet it sounded like an excuse.
Deep breath in, sweetheart…
He was definitely teasing you. He could hear your heart beat as fast as possible as he said “sweetheart”. You looked up at him, blushing, realizing whats happening.
Listen darling, all i can prescribe you for this sore throat is…
Next thing you know his cock is in your mouth and hes bobbing your head up and down on it. Atleast this will cure your sore throat, right..?
Ps i want 2015 tom to make me choke on his cock..;(
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saewokhrisz · 7 months
have u ever talked anywhere about your coloring or composition processes? u are honestly one of my favorite artists and i would love to hear any insight on how you make pieces 💓
wahh thank you TTT !!! I did sorta give a very simplistic answer here but it was more of my simpler sketchy style so lemme redo that, ill try to be consise and make this understandable ?? its a bit hard cuz it honest to god depends on what Kind of piece im even drawing, cuz for some i go the whole length of doing lineart flats and all that, others i just just fuck around untill it looks right?
i do usually start with a rough sketch or colour draft, especially with more compley pieces this helps with figuring out the feel, honestly i should spend more time drafting properly, figuring out poses and such but im so lazy i just go w the first thing that looks good
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then just lines over the colour draft, fixing lots of anatomy and proportion stuff, and depending on how i wanna do the colours ill either keep the colour layers or merge them together and have the edited colours as the base colour (this might not even make sense help)
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see this piece at the time gave me an insane ammount of trouble with lighting and colours, so after trying to render i ended up merging everything together....which i dont USUALLY do but the rendering is pretty similar except usually i have colours be seperated by layer,
ANYWAYS sadly i dont have a process on how it got from flats to this specific render for this piece...but i still followed my initial drafts/plans with vibe and colours and just painted over it, its why i make it after all!
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but honestly a lot of times its just very simple colours and just trying to mainting good contrast and values !!!! and THEN fucking around with colours and rextures, for other pieces i kinda just paint as i go? i have this timelapse of my justice piece that may be a bit more help!
it includes the initial colour draft, the cleanup/lining process, flats, rendering, and all that so its probs the most accurate timelapse of my morecomplex work processes, with stuff that doesnt include heavier backgrounds, which is a whole OTHER topic honestly
im sorry if i cant explain it more cohesively, i genuinely barely know what im doing most times and go by muscle memory and stuff i Know but cant. Explain? like i know how light and folds work since i observed and studied them but i cannot put it into words at all )--)0
my brushes also contribute a lot to how i render and colour, depending on what i use, you can find the swatches for them here !
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hermesmoly · 2 months
rate all the greek mytho married couples from most to least interesting (or your favorite to least favorite, depends on you!)
For fun I’ve split them into four categories:
The Really Interesting category, made their relationship everyone’s problem:
- Zeus and Hera (duh)
- Helen and Menelaus (happy ending)
- Helen and Paris (oof! ending)
- Odysseus and Penelope (has a whole word dedicated to their like-minded thinking)
- Rhea and Cronus (tragedy and cannibalism)
- Jason and Medea (tragedy and filicide)
- Clytemnestra and Agamemnon (tragedy and filicide and mariticide and matricide and misogyny and and OH gods-)
- Peleus and Thetis (the arranged mortal marriage blues, but in my head Thetis immortalized Peleus somehow by force and keeps him in her attic) (Because gods be damned if she will be the only one doomed to grieve Achilles)
- Orpheus and Eurydice (mf really went to hell for her and still didn’t get her back :<)
- Hector and Andromache (relatively the most normal ones in this category but still very tragic. Like don’t even ask.)
- Hecuba and Priam (them too)
The Really Cute couple category, bonus if it took them long to get there:
- Hephaestus and Aglaia
- Eros and Psyche
- Dionysus and Ariadne
- Perseus and Andromeda (they kinda remind me of Prince Philip and Aurora which is cute)
- Hebe and Heracles (listennn. they’re cute and important to the Heracles-Hera feud ending)
- Hippomenes and Atalanta (RIP Meleager)
- Philemon and Baucis (one of my fave Zeus myths)
- Alcestis and Admetus (Orpheus and Eurydice but with a happy ending thanks to the interference of Apollo)
- Iphis and Ianthe (trans man rep is good someone PLEASE write about them)
- Tethys and Oceanus (placing them here idc they are cute in my head!! The only titan couple who survived rip to Coeus/Phoebe and all the failed marriages thanks to the Titanomachy)
The Uhhh… Okay Category
- Hades and Persephone (placing them here because while I do think their relationship is interesting AND I find good various retellings of them (excluding LO) like Hades Supergiant, Hadestown, etc I long for more neutral/nuanced takes on the kidnapping, not just by their romance (or lack of romance) but Demeter’s role in the story to be more respected. (It also can’t be helped that HxP has the most over saturated greek mythology content everywhere that people get tired of seeing them, especially portrayed as the “only good greek myth couple” like okay get outta here)
- Gaia and Uranus (I like them, their relationship is clearly important for Cronus’ succession story, but their conflict to me seems so.. short lived? Like you have your son castrate your husband for imprisoning your less appealing babies but now the strife is gone and you work together to tell your son he is destined to be overthrown by his son and telling your grandson to cannibalize his wife as good advice??? Like good for them ig but Rhea and Cronus just do it better imo)
- Hypnos and Pasithea (getting ur wife from a deal with her mom that makes you commit treason by inducing your king with sleep… nothing sketchy about this at allll) (but maybe they’re cute and functional besides that who knows)
- Ceyx and Alcyone (in one version they didn’t do it, in the other they’re just… very dumb to call themselves Zeus and Hera.)
- Procris and Cephalus (eos RUINS lives)
- Hephaestus and Aphrodite (lets be glad it ended bc while they are interesting and Hephaestus did make their marital strife public, I just think they had a better relationship after the divorce)
The Kinda Boring category (to me, subjectively, put down the pitchforks)
- Poseidon and Amphitrite (do they have one myth together that isn’t the Delphin seduction myth… Amphitrite is nice to Poseidon’s worst son. That’s. That’s kinda it. I wish we had more, like how they are with their children or literally anything else to depict a dynamic between them. Especially since they ARE supposed to be the king and queen of the sea. But nope. At least with Oceanus and Tethys they’re both obscure in their personalities so headcanoning stuff is fun to me. Poseidon having a well established personality and Amphitrite… oh dear Amphitrite…)
- Cadmus and Harmonia (they’re a couple in order become ascendants of more tragic humans like Actaeon, Semele and that’s it. They become Snakes in the end to repent for Cadmus’ mistake. Nothing really about their relationship with each other)
- Deucalion and Pyrrha (The Greek rendition of Christianity’s Noah’s Ark and yeah. Thats it)
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AITA for snapping and scaring a kid?
Okay first, some background, I (F20) am a sorta bnf in a fandom I write and draw for and I am a group of roughly 10 other kinda bnfs who do the same and are all 20+.
We all reblog from each other and support each other, and one unique thing we also do is block minors who are open about being minors that we see anywhere and/or that interact with us.
We DM each other their usernames to weed them out of circle even though all of accounts are PG and do not have and dnis or warnings that minors will be blocked. We don't let anyone know we do this, make no posts about it, no warnings, they just get blocked without any exchange.
There's a few reasons why we do this:
to encourage kids to not let their age be publicly know.
to make sure kids are not getting normalized to interacting with strange adults online
kids, to put it kindly, are fucking lame once you become a certain age through no fault of their own. There's nothing in common after a while. They don't understand adult life and can't relate in the same way another adult can, and this is just no good reason for an unrelated strange adult online to let a kid interact with them that's sketchy and weird as shit
I grew up lurking and with strict internet safety lessons. Nowadays, kids seem to not know how to lurk and basic internet safety anymore. I've tried to make post upon post warning them of the dangers of putting personal information, especially their age, online, but it's done nothing to make the minors interacting to act more safely.
But me and my friend group have found that the only way to get kids to lurk and not put their age online like they should is if they get loose access the things they want because of their age is public.
So many of the kids who follow me have been blocked and they realized why they're getting blocked and came back on a much safer lurker account. I know I'm not the asshole for doing this and encouraging others to do this because ultimately it keeps the kid safer.
What I do think I may be the asshole is when one kid in particular, I'll call him X, spent months testing me to figure out and confirm that I was blocking minors who are open about their age and then spent weeks after that threatening to call me out and accused me of being agist, a pedophile because why am I so scared to interact with kids, and lying about being cis-queer because queers wouldn't discriminate like this.
At first he was was just the usual kiddo with his age in his bio, so I blocked him, and while I didn't notice it at first, he kept making more accounts with his age in the bio and following me. I caught on when I was curious about why do many 14 years olds were following me in a row because normally is varied from around 10 to 17, and I noticed similarities across the account and realized it was one kid desperately trying to following me.
I figured I just keep blocking until he figured out how to keep his age offline, and it seemed to work when I got followed by an identical account with the age missing from any posts and the bio. I let him keep following, not interacting because he's 14 and that'd be fucking weird, but then a week into following me on this new ageless account I got a DM.
It was full of screenshots of me blocking him on he openly a minor accounts and then him just accusing of what I said above. I blocked, not caring to respond to a 14 year old, but he keep making burners to DM more and more accusation.
I just kept blocking without responding, not wanting to waste my time, but then he treatened to call me out for being all those things. I've seen first hand how life ruining those accusation and false callouts can be, how people see those accusations and do no research and let their instinctual disgust and fear of those people drive the accused to going offline or even committing suicide.
I did not want this, and the fact that this may become a possibility due to a kid who just couldn't accept not everyone wants known minors following them, made me super pissed off.
And so to "scare him straight" and to prevent him from making this callout post, I photoshopped screenshots of both a police and cyperbulling report being submitted and police thanking me for reporting this and how they'll check it out.
At the time, still being super angry, it was very satisfying to see him come apologizing, saying he'll stop stalking me, and asking for me to tell the police and cyberbulling that it was a fake report and that it's been handled.
I didn't bother responding and just blocked him, and this time, he didn't make another burner. In fact, he deleted all his accounts.
A few months have past, and now that my anger has melted into annoyance, and that annoyance into realization I may have went too far.
X, while annoying, and could have really hurt me with a fake callout, is at the end of the day, 14, still a little kid.
X probably just didn't know better and I could have just tried to talk to him and reason rather then scaring him. I feel especially bad because if he was a POC and/or an abuse victim still living with his abusers he may have and possibility still be fearing for his life. Also it made me look like a bootlicker and I would kill myself before I ever support a cop
So I'm wondering now if I may have been the asshole here for snapping and scaring a kid
What are these acronyms?
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alkalinefrog · 1 year
Hey Alka, I had a quick question for you (whenever you have the time to answer or even if you have the time), I've been taking some storyboard classes and with my illustration background, it's been hard to really find a good shorthand for characters to really get that anatomy/gesture looking right without it being too sketchy and unreadable.
How long did it take you to find your storyboard shorthand, and what exercises would you recommend to try to find it? I'm sure it just takes time and practice, I've been doing a lot more studies and gesture drawings (currently following along all the free Glenn Vilppu videos I can find on youtube) but I wanted to ask you as well because I am in love with how fluid your anatomy is, and how clear your storyboards read. And those hands my god you're a wizard!!!
Thanks a bunch, have a wonderful day!
Heya Secret, great to hear from ya! Well, what you don’t see online is how gross the rough stage of my boards can get LMFAO. Most of the boards I post are actually overly cleaned up because I'm just doing them for fun and can afford the time! I'm not really sure how long it took to develop my shorthand, I've never really enjoyed drawing detail to begin with, so when I decided to go into boarding I kinda just leaned into it!
I’ve covered a bunch of gesture drawing exercises already if you scroll through my advice tag, but ***once you have a good foundation*** here's some stuff you can try!
First you'll want to build up an arsenal of anatomy hacks you can always fallback on, particularly for complex parts of the body. The less time you spend on details, the more time you have to focus on the overall pose and storytelling. Aim to find ways to draw with as FEW lines as possible. If I had to make a list to streamline what to practice:
Head shapes - find the most efficient way to draw the front + 3/4 + side view in as few lines as possible (the challenge is still making them look structured with dimension)
Eyes - are SO important for expressions! Unless your project has characters with dot eyes, you're going to need to find a quick way to do the circle and iris in as few lines as possible. Make sure you can convey where they're looking
Hands - fists (you'll be drawing a lot of people holding poles), open palms at various angles, foreshortened fingers pointing at viewer, fingers making grabby motions----protips: 1) half the time all you need is a vague triangle/rectangle plus thumb sticking up and that's a hand 2) if the hand is relaxed, you probably don't need to draw the knuckles. Save some time!
Feet - just learn how to make sure they look like they're standing on the ground, and do some studies of what they look like when you're running. Otherwise you can usually get away with a vague shoe or boot shape (just add toe lines if they're not wearing any)
----everything else you'll practice as you go!
Jump from SUPER rough straight into clean boards to really force yourself to be economic. I've done each of these methods for work before:
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Before you start boarding with a character, sketch them a few times with the intention of simplifying their design while keeping them recognizable:
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You'd be surprised how little you need to recognize a character:
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Depending on the scene, you can adjust how much detail you want to include:
Stay loose/more generalized with action, especially for the "inbetweens" between key poses. Clean up enough to communicate movement and make the character recognizable.
If the character's small on screen in a wide shot, edit out most details and focus on the silhouette
Save the detail work for character acting, when you really want to be specific with their expressions and gestures.
But outside of all that, be bold and fearless!! Everyone has that stage where their boards look like spaghetti! Boarding is like handwriting; you could have really shitty chicken scratch, but if you're writing beautiful poetry, who cares!
god I love drawing hands you don’t even know thank you so much!! Good luck dude!! You’ve more than got this!!
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a-libra-writes · 1 year
Ok you did rocky and nico but what about Mordecai with widow reader with three kittens? (bonus if you include aunty Serafine and uncle nico)ps I love your writing!
This one is a bit different from the other widow-with-kiddo asks but I hope its still to ur liking ~
Firstly! Regardless if you're working the Marigold Room as a bartender or musician, or you're in the gang directly, the kittens are often at the hotel. The staff knows them, the managers don't mind because they stay away from guests, other gang members are familiar with them and make sure they stay outta trouble. The hotel's back rooms and staff quarters are like an endless maze to the kiddos, and they know the whole place like the back of their hands. ... Kinda.
Not to mention how they're doted on by everyone - Asa gives them candies, Nico tosses them high in the air, Serafine is kind of scary but she gave them these funny bracelets (made of bones??? but theyre funny and she's pretty so it's okay!), various hotel staff cooing over how cute and well-behaved they are.
And then there's Mordecai. He's pretty scary to adults, let alone kids. When he sees them skittering around in the peripheral of his vision, he has to frown even more. Who let these wayward children in here? He hears them running about the halls and empty offices while he's trying to do accounting. And as much as Mordecai wants nothing to do with them, he's a figure of great interest to your kittens. Someone who isn't cooing over them? Whose in an office way in the back, only one light on? The one who follows Mr. Sweet and dresses in all black? Their little imaginations run wild, even if you've plainly told them that "Mr. Heller" is your colleague and to leave him be.
The oldest one approaches him first. Which is to say, she lingers behind the doorway, peeking in and thinking he can't see her tail and ears sticking out. He hears the younger ones shushing each other. As much as Mordecai wants to be annoyed, instead, a painful deja vu comes over him. Your oldest finally patters in with a nervous "Mr. Heller?". Before he can ask what she wants, she plops a candy on his desk and runs off, the other kittens right behind her.
As much as the shadowy cat doesn't want the trio bothering him, he's torn about them being so fearful of him. All three of them stir up painful familiar memories of his sisters, but the youngest especially reminds Mordecai of Rose. He tries not to think of how old she and Eshter are now, if they miss him the way your kittens miss you when you're away. It's hard for him to keep up his cold exterior when those painful memories bubble up to the surface.
So when the oldest comes by his desk, he finally sighs and says with a frown, "All three of you, just come in and show me what it is." And the other two shuffle in, with their big eyes and hand-me-down clothes and it's just. Very difficult not to dismiss them.
The two youngest have decided he's their "secret friend", even if you were well aware of how they liked to pester your overly serious colleague. You'll watch your girls draw him alongside other people they know (why does he always look so shadowy and sketchy, even in crayon form?) but you don't know they like sneaking their drawings into his satchel or desk drawers. They'll leave wrapped candies and pretty strings and buttons too, to his exasperation. Eventually Mordecai walks over to you and drops a handful of the little treasures at your table.
"Gee, Mordecai, I'm flattered. You know what a guy/gal likes."
"Don't be ridiculous, I'm returning what your snooping progeny keep leaving me. Tell them to stay out of my things."
"Looks to me like they're trying to add some color to that depressing office you hole up in."
And so on, and so forth, you two really like to bicker, don't you?
(Oh, and Mordecai starts keeping the door shut and locking it, but then he hears giggles and sees them shoving the pictures and little things under the doorway.)
Now they aren't afraid of him at all, which means they want to run about Mordecai and get his attention. They'll giggle as they dart between his legs or "hide" under his coat. Their fur gets all over his black clothes. When they inevitably tumble and fall, he picks them up by the collar or under the arms and scolds them for running indoors. And he yanks them down when they get too rowdy and climb up furniture, or sometimes he finds the youngest one crying because she got lost and takes her back. If he catches any of the kittens with an unlaced boot or messy face, he stops them immediately.
"Stop! Lace up your boots immediately. You'll trip and crack your skull open. Don't run in the hotel lobby, either. This is an establishment, not a wild jungle you can traipse about in - keep still, what is on your face? Is that - syrup? Did you not think to wash your hands and face after - no, there will be no giggling about breaches of hygiene -"
(A few people are staring as Mordecai fusses over her, which he doesn't notice until a woman walks by and says, "oh, it's so hard at this age, isn't it? Don't worry, you're doing great." And he dies a little a lot inside).
He tried doing these things in secret, but inevitably one of the Savoys or Asa or you would spot him, and the youngest one loves prattling on about him. Asa, Nico and Serafine find "Nanny Heller" to be hysterical. He's going to throttle someone or plan a murder swear to god-
There's been several moments when you hear a high-pitched squeal that sounds like a scream, and you run over in a panic ... and oh, it's just Nico dangling one of the kittens upside down and pretending to lose his grip. False alarm - wait, why is Mordecai here too?
If you're a triggerman with the gang, it means you're keeping all sorts of odd hours. You've been with them for years and you're more than useful, so having the children set up in an empty office isn't looked twice at. They've got their bedding, some books and toys, and ... sometimes they're sleeping there more than they sleep at home, which you aren't proud of. It's not just the cost of childcare, but the odd hours and questions being asked about your job, especially if you're a woman.
The first time Mordecai came across this office was by accident, but he knew the children had to be staying somewhere. He walked up very quietly, and looking through the open doorway, saw the oldest doing her homework at the big desk while her two siblings slept under it, curled up with their pillows and blankets and stuffed toys. He didn't think he'd be affected so strongly, but it was painful. A very, very painful reminder, and maybe he saw himself a little too much in that girl, furrowing her brow and making sense of numbers.
You and Mordecai have had strange arguments about the the children, which was odd at first. You wondered why the so-called unfeeling triggerman cared at all. If he felt you were being too reckless during a job, he'd tell you as much, but there was more bite in his voice. He never outright said 'you have others depending on you', but it was in his tone. Many times you felt judged, or looked down upon - but a lot of these fights weren't about you specifically. It was the situation that upset him, the lengths one had to go to keep their family fed and safe in a clean environment. He was definitively projecting, and not always aware of it, or just in denial about it. Mordecai tried not to dwell on his own mother and sisters: what they felt when he didn't come home one day, when they read that letter explaining where all the money was hidden, when the realization sunk in for Eshter and Rose that their brother wasn't coming back. If they were sad, or angry, or resigned, or didn't think of him at all anymore. Or maybe they'd resent him forever.
Look he really doesnt want to be thinking about these things -
After long jobs, you'd wash the blood off and change shirts and tiredly walk all the way to the back rooms where your kittens were sleeping. Sometimes you stir the oldest awake so she can help you carry the other two to the car, but honestly, the only apartment a single parent with three children can get is pretty shit. So most times you just curl up on the floor with them, catching a few hours of sleep before you need to wake up the oldest for school.
You hold her hand as you walk through the back rooms and out the staff exit. Sometimes Mordecai sees you. You wear the same tired but persevering expression as his mother did, looking a mess compared to your well-put together daughter. He knows she washed up and dressed herself, and packed her own bookbag. She has that look of responsibility and eyes that are a little too old, and it's too familiar, so he looks away.
(Sometimes the oldest finds an extra sandwich in her bookbag, or new pencils and one time, a new pair of mittens. She feels like it's magic, so she doesn't want to tell anyone, otherwise the magic will 'break'.)
You and Mordecai already have a very strange relationship (can you call each other friends yet? You'd consider him that, or something more, but his feelings are something else entirely), and your kiddos would certainly add another layer of strangeness onto it. You might actually get to know him a little faster and closer than most do, or at least see a side that most people have never seen or even considered him capable of.
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bambisspeckles · 30 days
A Cigarette, A Guiding Light, My Guardian Angel
Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Reader
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*pics for aesthetic purposes only!
CW: simon is kinda gross (its my fav simon im sorry), depictions of a mildly unhealthy relationship but everyones happy, reader is going through it, simon also has his own issues but nothing is specifically mentioned, very light religious themes (literally one paragraph), simon is also a little mean but like teasing mean, mild editing, lmk if i missed anything!!
WC: 3.6k (oops!)
Summary: Simon finds a stray, only it's not an animal: It's you.
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It's winter again.
The cold, biting air nips at your skin as you wander the streets streets of Manchester, your mind in a constant daze. You've been wandering for awhile now, traveling on trains, staying in hostels, shelters, and sketchy hotels, with no place to call home, the one you once had a place you vowed never to return to. It's scary, lonely, the world feels so big when you wander with only the clothes on your back and a few things to your name.
You get desperate, especially during times like this. It's so cold out and your winter coat is wearing, seams splitting apart, and new holes appearing on the fabric everyday. You've tried shelters but most are full, not that you'd be able to afford to stay long anyhow, and hostels in Manchester cost too much per night. You're exhausted, your feet blistering, and your shitty winter boots are rubbing against the back of your ankle. You feel much like the sky above, dark, gray, cloudy.
Sometimes you consider knocking on peoples doors, begging for shelter and a hot meal but the fantasy ends as quickly as it begins, there's no point in begging for something people won't give you. You don't entirely blame these hypothetical strangers though, the world is crazy and hard, most of them are probably barely holding on themselves, how could you expect them to take care of you, even if only for a night. Not to mention it's dangerous for them, what if you're crazy? You're not but they don't know that. You don't know if they're crazy either.
That might be a chance you're willing to take though.
The sun is beginning to set and the air is growing frostier by the minute, you know shops will close soon so you'll only be able to camp out in them for so long. You wonder if it's even worth it, going into a nice warm cafe only to be kicked to the bitter cold is almost worst than just staying it, the warm and cozy atmosphere taunting you with what you can't have. It's cruel, begging on the street, the looks of pity from strangers, it all feels like one humiliation game, like god is taking pleasure in watching you lie down like a kicked dog.
Some nights you beg him to take you out, others you beg him to provide you hope, a guiding light, a guardian angel, anything that might give you hope to keep trudging on. It is said in times of struggle people either turn to god, or walk away from him.
You think you're somewhere in between.
Something snaps you out of your thoughts, a shadowy figure walking down a dark alleyway you were passing by. You know better than to follow monsters into the dark, and maybe if you were still the girl you once knew, you'd shrug it off and continue down the sidewalk, just like anyone else would. Only you're not like anyone else now. You're detached from society, the dirt on the bottom of people's shoes, you're not even sure you're seen as human anymore.
You can call but no one will answer.
It's normal for your, how have people put it? Your kind, to reside in alleyways, dark hallways the rest of the world wouldn't dare to touch. It's where the dirty go, the sick go, the broken go. You think you fit that bill well now, and since you do, you ignore the way your gut screams at you to turn around, and run back to the light. You've learned there is no hope in the light, so perhaps you'll find it in the dark. You walk further into the alley, the darkness making it feel like a never-ending tunnel. Everything you expect to be there is there, used needles and empty bottles, bodies slumped over, you're not quite sure if they're dead or alive.
Dirty. Broken. Sick.
Everything is there, everything except what you're looking for. You not even sure what it is, all you know is that you haven't found it yet. Perhaps it's not a thing you're looking for, maybe it's a person. Darkness envelopes you like a cold, uncomforting blanket, it feels like tendrils of murkiness are wrapping around your body, pulling you further into your own misery. You're not really sure how long you walked, it was likely only a few minutes but with the state of your mind it felt like hours. You can tell you've finally reached the end when you can squint and see a brick wall in front of you.
God, what did you expect. It was a whole load of nothing, of course it was. The cold was probably getting to you and you can't imagine you're in the best mental state at the moment, of course you're not! You just walked down a dark alleyway, I mean no one willingly does that unless they're mentally unwell and-
"You shouldn' follow strange men into dark alleyways girl." A deep, gravelly voice pulls you out of your thoughts. You take a quick moment to collect yourself, your voice practically a squeak as you talk.
"W- what makes you think I was following you." The man laughs at that and you finally turn to look in his direction, the orange glow of a cigarette butt guiding your gaze towards him.
'Wha' else would you be following? Or are you tryin' to tell me you walked down an alleyway jus' cause." There's a cocky, almost teasing lilt in his voice. It makes you scowl, not that he can see.
"I don't know why I came down here." You reply honestly and there's a helplessness that unwillingly seeps through your voice. You're afraid it reveals too much.
You hear the man huff at your words before he speaks again.
"Go home. S' not safe for such a little' bird like you to be out here all alone." You faintly feel the thick smoke from his cigarette as he blows out, tendrils of ash caressing your skin
"I don't have one, not anymore." You're not sure why you tell him this. He doesn't care, he can't save you.
Perhaps, foolishly, you hope he will.
"Bit dramatic are you?" The man takes another drag of his cigarette and you huff at is words.
"I'm not being dramatic, it's true. I don't have a home, I thought it'd be obvious with my unsightly appearance." He chuckles at that.
"Can't see you well in the dark… Perhaps we should step into the light, hm?" You hear the man shift in place for a moment, the sound of ruffling clothes filling your ears.
"There's not much to see in the light either." There's a beat of silence before the man speaks once more, his shadowy figure leaning closer to you.
"Come home with me bird." It's more of a demand than a question.
"I'm not some whore for hire." The bite in your voice causes him to grunt rather harshly, flecks of orange ember falling onto your skin.
"M' not tryin' to fuck you. Said' you got no where to go, m' offerin' you a place to stay. Take it or leave it bird." He blows out one final puff of smoke before the orange glow of the cigarette butt slowly dissipates into the night, the odd comfort of the dull light dissipating with it.
You clench your jaw for a moment, the sound of your grinding teeth filling the tense silence. Perhaps if you were still the person of your past, you'd say no, but if you were the person of your past you wouldn't be here at all. You're no longer integrated into society, no longer part of a community, you have nothing and no one yet the world keeps spinning, how foolish you were to think you mattered at all. Who are you to think you're above anyone else? Everyone just wants the same as you, a warm bed and a hot meal.
There are many paths to the same place after all.
With a long, breathy sigh, you nod into the darkness and though you doubt the man can see it, he somehow knows you've said yes.
"Smart thing you are." He coos at you so softly and it makes your stomach twist, though the underlying purr of his words makes your heart thrum just a bit.
Not that you'd say that out loud. \ You don't feel very smart at the moment, but who knows, maybe the monster in the dark can offer you more than an angel in the light.
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Simon knows better than to pick up strays, especially one as clueless as her, they're more trouble than it's worth; Dirty, sick, broken. He already has to continuously pick up the pieces of his past, millions of little shards that he has to take the time to glue back together, over and over again, he doesn't want to do that for anything else. He's always been firm in it too. Johnny constantly pokes fun at him, telling him his heart is colder than he originally thought, that perhaps he'd find a bit of joy in a disheveled little thing.
Johnny probably meant a cat though.
Instead, Simon's got himself his very own bird. He had no intention of caging you, truly he didn't, he was content to send you on your way, send you out of his life. But when the moonlight hit your features just right, a vulnerable glow in your eye visible, and the helplessness in your voice seeped out, he couldn't help himself. Simon never acts based off his wants, off his selfishness, but perhaps just once, he could have a pet of his own.
So that's what he does. He takes you, and you don't put up much of a fight. Willingly following him out of the dark alley and back into society, bright street lights causing him to squint his eyes. He asks your name and you tell him so sweetly. You're scared and unsure, he wants to tell you not to worry, that he's a bad man but he'd never hurt a helpless thing like you. Eyes all wide and glassy, furrowed brows, and pouty lips. He wonders how such a soft bird like you ended up shunned from the world. You don't look like a junkie, and you told him yourself your no whore for hire, when he looks at you all he sees is a helpless kitten, separated from all her purebred friends, and tossed outside for tomcats like him.
You fidget anxiously when he ushers you towards his car, his calloused hand moving onto your lower back to guide you softly, causing you to stiffen up for a moment. He chuckles meanly at that. Your fretting continues in the car and Simon's not sure what more he can do to calm you down, after all, he's never dealt with a stray before.
He resolves to leave you be, eventually you'll realize that his home is yours, that you're safe now, that he'll take care of you. You'll let yourself be pampered by him and he'll have a trophy to show off to the world, a pretty little thing perched on his arm like a good little bird.
Simon doesn't like strays, but he sure does like you.
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The man tells you his name his Simon and he doesn't tell you much more, you don't bother asking anything else, maybe you should. He takes you to his home, it's empty and lifeless, you think it speaks on the kind of man he is, you're not sure if it should scare you. You linger in the entryway unsure of what to do, it feels strange to be in a home, strange in a way you never thought it could. You feel out of place, uncomfortable, there's something inside you screaming, telling you to run away. Unfortunately, you don't want to play the cards you've been dealt and now you're forced to draw. Perhaps it's a mistake, if it is you're not sure you care.
"You jus' goin' to stand there bird?" Simon's voice startles you, pulling you out of your dazed state.
"Sorry…" You're quiet, a bit shy even, and you're not sure how to feel about the smirk that grows on Simon's face at your discomfort.
"Nothin' to apologize for," He says gruffly. "Come inside." So you do. Shuffling your feet against the wooden floorboards as you make your way over to him.
He guides you into the kitchen, a rough hand on your lower back as he silently urges you to take a sit in a small dining chair. You don't move for a moment so he drags the chair out for you, it's wooden legs screeching against the floor. He stares at you as you settle and you can't quite tell what he's looking for. You're in such a vulnerable state, emotionally rubbed raw, and physically you're sure you're much weaker than before. It's scary, and with his gaze your palms begin to sweat.
You wonder if this is what being prey feels like? Bottom of the food chain; the weakest link.
Simon feels much like a predator, stalking you, watching you. At any moment he could decide to rip you open, take whatever he wants from you, leaving your carcass behind as evidence of what he's done. He watches you for a few moments longer before his gravely voice breaks through the stillness.
"You must be hungry bird, why don' we get you somethin' to eat?" You nod at him timidly and he grunts back before turning around to rummage in his fridge.
"Don' have much to eat right now…" His voice trails off for a moment before it picks up again. "Can order take out, unless you're starvin' right this second." You shake your head at him, a pathetic 'no' escaping your lips. He tilts his head a bit and you realize 'no' may have been to vauge.
"I can wait." Your voice suddenly finds you again but it's still nothing more than a whisper.
He hums at you before picking up his phone and dialing a number. He places an order of what sounds like Chinese food and then hangs up the phone, the clacking of the screen against the tiled countertops causing you to cringe a bit.
"S' the only place open this late," He explains suddenly. "Would've asked you wha' you want but nothin' else is open." You shrug your shoulders and he chuckles at you.
"Timid thing you are, you know that bird?" You don't respond but he doesn't expect you to. Instead, he opens the fridge again, pulling out a half empty of beer before turning on his heels and walking over to his couch.
You watch as he sinks down into the cushions, the fabric stained and worn down, sipping on his beer while watching whatever happened to be on TV. You stay sat in his dining chair, eyes trained on his hulking figure sat on the couch, your body fidgeting in the uncomfortable piece of furniture. You want to speak but the words feel heavy on your tongue, to be honest you're not even sure what you'd say.
"You think loud." His gruff voice cuts through your dazed state and you jump in your seat.
"Sorry…" It's all you can think to say, you're not even sure what you're sorry for. You think maybe you're sorry for letting someone see you like this, weak and pathetic, sorry for letting him see you so timid and scared, not because you feel pity for him.
But because you pity yourself.
"Come on," He pats the small space next to him on the couch. "Doubt' you've had any good entertainment for a while… I know I haven't." The way he speaks sends a shive down your spine, the look in his eye nothing short of predatory. That's when it really clicks in your head that this man, Simon, isn't a good man. He didn't take you in because kindness blooms from his heart, he took you in because you're his prey, his pet.
You stare at him for a moment before shuffling over to the couch and plopping down into the stiff cushions. He makes a pleased sound at your obedience and it both fills you with butterflies and maggots, you feel disgusted at yourself for enjoying the scrap of praise he provides. You barely even know this man but every instinct in you is telling you to please him, to let him do what he wants to you, and in turn you get taken care of.
Or maybe, you'll only ensnare yourself more.
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Simon isn't sure how he's meant to take care of a stray like you. You're skittish, you jump at his voice and tense at his touch, it makes him grind his teeth together, struggling to resist the urge to sink his teeth into your soft skin until you submit. He doesn't want to scare, for once in his life he wants something soft to call his own, but the first step to caging a bird and clipping it's wings is getting it to trust you and he's truly lost on how to do that.
Logically, he know it will take time, but this is one of the rare moments he's not sure he has the strength in him to be patient. He knows he has to be, you're scared and playing the game of survival, pushing you too fast will only frighten you but it's hard for him to stray from his ways. Seldom can you teach an old dog new tricks.
Perhaps he needs help, someone who knows what scared little strays need to feel loved and safe. Simon has already bought you food, he really thought a clueless kitten like you would be cuddled up to him by now. He understands though, and one day you will too. He decides to ask Johnny, something he'd normally avoid doing but he's got a knack for taming strays.
Afterall he tamed Simon.
Once you've been bathed and fed he sent you off to sleep, ushering you into his tiny bedroom, gray bedsheets still tucked under the mattress. He thought it was cute that you felt guilty for taking the bed, and he had to assure you many times that it was alright and he'd be fine, though your pouty lip was quite the (unintentional) invitation to share the bed. When he was sure you were tucked in for the night he slipped out onto his balcony to call Johnny.
"Johnny." Simon could hear his own voice crackle through Johnny's side of the line.
"Lt! Callin me so late at night aye? M' I your booty call sir?" He could hear Soap chuckle on the other end of the line and he let out an exasperated sigh at that.
"Need your help Johnny." He can hear the Scotsman shift around a bit and he stifles a snort at the image of Johnny sitting up right in his chair over this.
"Aye, of course Ghost." Simon huffs out through his nose, his eyes fluttering shut for a moment.
"How d'ya take care of a stray?"
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Things have gotten better with Simon. He's still grumpy and stoic, and truthfully he treats you more like a pet than a person, but (not so) secretly you think you like it. At first you were worried he'd take advantage of your vulnerability but he never really did, you always did what he said and that kept Simon satisfied. On the rare occasion you messed something up or didn't do what he asked of you, he make a point not to yell at you, instead he'd squeeze you tight and lowly tell you to 'quit your cryin'.'
You would both make a point to ignore the shivers it sent down your spine.
Perhaps your unorthodox relationship with Simon wasn't the healthiest, you were entirely dependent on him and you both liked it that way. Simon made sure you knew you had freedom, he gave you many opportunities to take advantage of it but you never did and you think that was his plan all along. You were already broken, all he had to do was build you back up, shape you exactly the way he wanted, and then you'd never run.
Not that you think you'd want to either way.
He wasn't mean, or cruel, just a bit twisted and lonely. He never hurt you, or treated you unfairly, you were his bird, and he made sure you knew that.
As the months transpired you find that you've grown grossly infatuated with him. He took you in, nursed you back to health, gave you all the attention and love that you needed to blossom and now you're completely his. Simon had his issues, you had yours, but somehow they mesh together in a way that creates a peace rather than chaos. It was a mundane, domestic life that both of you were content with.
Perhaps if you were still the old you, you'd hate him more than anything, but you now understand broken people more intimately than anyone would ever want to, and somehow it's been the greatest gift life has handed to you. When Simon holds you close, squeezes you tight, and tells you how much you're his, you find it hard to do anything besides melt into him, to feel anything besides adoration.
You were two broken people that somehow made a whole, and you were lucky you did. It could've been so much worse, things could have been so much harder, but he saved you, and though he'd never say it out loud, you saved him too.
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AHHH! I'm so freaking sorry for my absence, 12th grade is the year of dealing with many things so I've been super busy with it all! I wrote bits and pieces of this during my free time so it might not be entirely cohesive but I pray its good enough! Love and miss you all dearly <3 take care of yourself MWAH!!
as always likes and reblogs are appreciated <3
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iridescentdove · 1 year
I don’t know if you already did this but can I request bad men with f!reader that is like Lumine full power. I heard that with new lore drops that the traveler could destroy world’s. I’m also a huge Lumine fan both as the traveler and abyss princess <33333
Chuuya, Dazai, Jouno & Atsushi x Lumine! Reader
(I just chose the characters myself ehe)
Lumine is skeptical but shares the same curiosity her twin has for everything, she's rational and courageous, along with being generous and helpful towards others that need assistance. And most especially, rather beautiful and somewhat quiet, yet considered rather expressive.
As if a primordial being – Lumine holds power able to destroy worlds and travel through them with ease, and yet, most of it having been sealed away by the Unknown God's own bidding. What happens when she regains her full power and travels through the world of BSD?
Fyodor, Ranpo & Sigma Ver.
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You probably already stand out enough due to peculiar clothing and ur girlboss appearance 😩
He is literally so confused- you're saying this short blondie saved worlds and can travel through them all and has these Godly powers to DESTROY EVERYTHING?? UM
Okay but he does admit, you're probably full of surprises. And he admires your brave, courageous nature.
You're honestly a cute little bean, and a very strong one at that too – so you do get along rather well. Plus you got his back whenever he needs help
His pride probably won't allow him to say it but in some cases you're really helpful in various ways.
You one time, said he reminded you of a familiar sketchy ginger in the previous world you visited through, and now he's actually kinda curious.
Tar- Tar- Taglia lover of Snezhnayan Queen
Someone please make me fanart of Childe! Chuuya and Lumine! Reader I will pay you will all of the massive dumpload of fanfics you will ever want to see
I can imagine him just walking into the PM headquarters one day and greeting you with ...
"Hey girlie." 😏 *lip bite* i am sorry
The first time he witnessed your strength wss when you single handedly beat up the fucking hunting dogs without batting an eye?? Hello?? Wtf sis
"(Y/N) WHAT THE FUCK" "This is normal, no worries"
He is very curious to even know about all of the things you've seen and fought across worlds ...
When you tell him you literally beat up God *cough*Raiden*cough* dude's jaw smashed to the ground
Though you're not very talkative, you sure do have some ... interesting expressions. He's floored. Bro and you're smaller than him he delights in pinching your cheeks and ruffling your hair sjsiskak
Even if he's thankful you're around to help, he does feel as if people abuse your kindness way too much ...
So now he's your bodyguard yay! :D
Whichever bitch tryna shred your ass? You bet he's giving this menacing ass aura, readily cocking a fucking gun and slamming them around across with his gravity manipulation
If you're visibly tired and people keep asking for more help? He will snap at them and tell them to leave you alone <3
By the end of the day, this man is just ... so addictive wtf
And in a romantic light also he literally tries to hide his blushing whenever he sees you whether in a new outfit or not LIKE your beauty is Godly fr
I don't make the rules. This Tartaglia 2.0 worships you.
And if you're the abyss princess instead of traveler, he is definitely thinking ur some hot shit. Same Chuuya, I want her to step on me.
Whenever there's nothing to do, he just sits down and listens to you talk about your journey in other worlds.
And whenever he and you go out on missions together and you give him compliments along the way he's floored, and trying not to show how affected he is with them
Hear me out ... praise kink
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Okay, you already know the drill. Once this man sees you he's gonna do a fucking double take
Will ask you to do a double suicide. If you're done with bullshit say actually say yes, I think he's dead in love. If you say no with a blank face, this bitch grows desperate
Well either way he's gonna fucking love you so why not
Did assume that you definitely weren't from this world, just not really the full detail. So he got curious.
Your journeys from different world intrigued him, and the fact you were basically an actual shooting star. Just soaring through the sky away from all the shit like aight m8
But you'd bet this is Dazai, so of course he wants to go see you in action.
After all, you are kinda like, God-level strong.
So why not? You know he wouldn't be too surprised, but he's gonna go apeshit the moment he sees you take on like freaking all PM executives at once and stuff.
But it didn't really matter because you did somehow manage to defeat them. And literally with your full power? Hello the city is shaking 😐
Chuuya was boutta use corruption but he got smacked into the 6th dimension before he even blinked HAHA
You're so done with everything. His double suicide offer still stands y'know, it's not that late.
Bet he dragged you into the mersault prison drama
... He's smart as hell, we all know this bitch can prepare for an event that isn't even happening yet in 171919 years
... But ..l did you just ... beat him in a game of chess?
No you ate the chess pieces whenever he blinked
Okay well great- at least the agency has an OP new member that can fucking traverse to another dimension-
If you were abyss princess, he's down on his knees begging you to choke him zaddy can't stay still 😩
Thinks it's hot
If it's in a romantic light, you can take a guess. You both do get rather close – and you're one of the very few he trusts because of how helpful and trustful you are.
It will take some time but he'll show you the reason behind his bandages. You can sense some anxiety in his expression, a vulnerable state for the first time.
But the fact you just accept it? He's over the moon <3
Dazai will not accept from bullshit from other people. Any disrespect directed to you, he's boutta go Dark Era on them so just pray he don't do that unless you want to, simp.
You can tell he'll just ... go over his loneliness all over again when you decide to travel through a new world and leave.
But of course, you assure him you'll return to visit :)
Yay! ✨️
Rest assured you're not gonna let him go through that pain, so if you dare even think of leaving him
I'm sending my homies after you.
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You'd bet he's a bit skeptical at first, he's not sure whether he can believe a story like that at all 💀
But the thump of your heartbeat begged to differ, because you actually weren't lying. So I guess now he's just kind of curious about your existence. and your powers
As for your beauty this man is blind asf bro what u expect
So even though he has no idea how you look like, he can still bet your gorgeous and he's obviously right.
As per part of the Hunting Dogs, they all have their own individual beliefs on justice. And because you're prone to helping others a lot, he actually appreciates it.
Won't abuse your kindness though, he doesn't really ask for help. Unless they're in an actual dire situation.
Plus you strong asf so 🗿
Although he's busy, both ya'll can take some time for some peace and just chit chat. Honestly, this man wants to know the deets like c'mon spill the tea sis
He's probably interested in whatever you have to say abour Teyvat, especially Fontaine. I can feel it
I mean it's the nation of justice bro what else
Jouno will sit down, listening to your tales about Fontaine and the God of Justice – (he's fucking flabbergasted knowing it was a bratty child who is like shorter than you)
No fr he did not expect that shit 😭
"Also she's really short" "Really now?" "She's like a bratty child who almost got assassinated while playing with cats" "A ... A child?" "Yea and dramatic" "(Y/N), whAT"
This man would probabpy do a double take and question even the existence of Gods. HOO BOY
"... You're telping me the Gods there are broke and et bullied by their own people 24/7" "Yeah"
Let's just say he's now questioning life.
But then again, anything is possible now so he just rolls with it and enjoys his time with you.
Don't tell me he doesn't enjoy lesrning more about your powers and how useful it can really be to the Hunting Dogs.
Once he decided to spar with you, because his patience was wearing thin and he really wanted to know how far the heights of your power could stretch.
He was fairly sure that it wouldn't be an easy win, but he really thought he'd win. Lol.
He was all ready and stuff, slowly unsheathing his sword as you and him clashed ways.
... After that, he promised himself as he was nearly buried six feet under.
Nah most especially if you were the abyss princess because this man literally won't last. He'd actually put up a really good fight, he's strong as hell.
But still, he plummets to the ground like Odasaku.
... Never again, I assume.
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You and him met when he was running errands after being told forced by Dazai.
Holy shit he looked so tired. He was sweating as he ran back and forth across multiple shops and streets. Being you, you went over to give him a helping hand.
Canonically Atsushi's type is someone kind and patient, so he just was actually rather happy.
Congrats for being friends with the furry 😍
He adores how nice you are for being a helping hand, and he admires your bravery honestly. That shit is what keeps him going on the daily
No but fr you were so PRETTY too. And innocent looking
So imagine he does a fucking 180° when he sees you casually coming into the agency to help them beat up the Port Mafia?? SINGLE HANDEDLY HELLO
He's beginning to rethink everything he thought about you. Ok cool, you travel through worlds, fought God, is strong a–
... Wait a minute 😐
He nearly passed out from the amount of sheer info dump that you gave him. He's beyond shocked.
But also happy you're there to help. He trusts you and just loves everything about you. You're pretty blunt and quiet, but you're courageous and have cute facial expressions.
Chub squishy cheeks uwu
He literally would not ask for anything more. And you have some interesting things to talk about!
Atsushi is intrigued in the types of things you faced and the places you've visited. The fact you're literally bullshitting through and brave enough to face God himself??
You probably went through stuff. He respects you sm.
He's like a little kid all over again, sitting down with his knees to his chest as he listens to you talk about Tevyat.
You'd just be doing something in the far corner like fucking fantasizing on killing Timmie's pigeons again and he's just
Heart face emoji 😍
No matter what you do, Atsushi honestly believes in you and he knows you're of really good help. The agency welcomes you with open arms.
Bro he's just in love leave him be. Furries still need that love and attention bbg
Ngl since abyss princess is more stoic and somewhat intimidating boy is tryna stay away from you lmfao
"Not a second Akutagawa!" bitch 🗿
Yet we all know this man cannot stay away from you. You bet he's right there 24/7, admiring you and protecting you with his life.
Pet him in his tiger form pls 🤲
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scholastic-dragon · 1 year
Psst...think the boys ever had to give a "shovel talk" to any of their bro's SO? I can totally see Mikey get surprisingly serious about threatening Raph or Donnie's SO and to not hurt his big brother's hearts.
Yes 100%
Shovel Talk Headcannons
These boys are very protective of one another.
Especially when s/o's start to come into the picture
these boys are pretty good at reading people, but that doesn't mean they won't get a bit intimidating when meeting you
they insist to meet you very early in the relationship, probably for dinner or game/movie night to see how you interact with their brother
don't get me wrong, they want to like you and be happy and supportive of their brother, but keeping him safe does come before that, so you're getting interviewed when you come over
like 20 questions, but its the three of them asking 20 questions each
if it's NOT donnie's s/o he does a full background check, he finds out everything he can about you, he doesn't tell his brothers everything but he does keep an extra eye on you
raph goes like angry dad mode, standing in a dark corner with his arms crossed, not easy to talk to and just looks mad
mikey is the ringer, he'll be talkative and friendly, and he'll causally ask for your help with the dishes and then give you whiplash from how fast he changes the conversation
"yeah, and that's how i broke my wrist a few years ago, and that's how I'll break yours if you break my brothers heart,"
(it's a little hot seeing him so protective)
but he makes his stance very clear, like he literally tells you outright, that he wants to like you but he and his family have had to be so careful with the people they bring into their lives
leo goes silent when meeting you, more observing how you reach and act around his family. he's in a speak when spoken to kinda mood
the moment that gets them all is secretly watching you and their brother say goodnight to each other.
Your face lights up when you talk about all the fun you had with his family (you decide to wait to tell him about mikey's threat) and watching you look up at him melts their hearts.
they finally get the hint that you two are serious, seeing you raise up on your tip toes to wrap your arms around his neck and pull him down for a solid smooch.
and don't worry, they tease the hell out of him after you leave
tags: @thelaundrybitch @m1dnyt3-w0lf @happymoonangel @post-apocalyptic-daydream @mysticboombox @sketchy-loo6195 @leosgirl82 @eveandtheturtles @pheradream-15
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lowkeyrobin · 6 months
Hi!! 🍄 again I was wondering if I could get a platonic newt x reader (from tmr) where maybe it’s while newt is still new to his limp and reader is helping him do Is jobs
(Also just to let you know if you didn’t newt from tmr is canonically gay (as stated by the author ) I just wanted to let you know so you didn’t write him with a fem reader btw I didn’t relizie how rude this sounds not trying to be rude just and fyi also sorry if you did know just a lot of fans didn’t )
Thank you once again sorry if it seemed rude
ooooo okay I like this! ; also I know, don't worry, and you didn't sound rude! i do see newt as a queer character 100 and I always have, even before learning about James dashners tweet about it, which I find sketchy bc I'm pretty sure he tweeted that after being accused of being weird to women or smthn?? idrk, doesn't matter here bc gn readers only + I wholeheartedly see newt as queer and I can rant ab it for hours ; I don't plan on writing for tmr much but pls send requests, I love writing for this fandom lol
NEWT ; personal aid
summary ; youre helping him after he gained his limp
warnings ; language, talk of/about suicide and mental health
genre ; platonic fluff, kinda angst
word count ; 1k
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Newt was recently injured in the maze. He'd been as fixed up as possible, given a brace made of tree branches and some painkillers sent from the box. At least no one was using the pills for bad, considering they're a fragile item to give to a bunch of teenagers. The only thing you'd ever thank WCKD for was those painkillers, because seeing the blonde hurt like that killed you inside.
To put it as blankly as possible, he tried to kill himself. He climbed his way up of one of the walls surrounding the glade using the ivy that grew on it, and jumped. He fell about thirty feet, considering he only climbed up the wall about a third of the way, apparently thinking thirty feet would kill him.
He'd never been the type to express happiness within the glade, but he never expressed the opposite either.
But, everyone struggles inside, especially in the Glade. Reoccurring dreams and nightmares, unanswered questions, the will to live dwindling down each and every day, they only fed into the growing depression. Everyone was struggling in the Glade, but Newt, he took the first place trophy for that.
Once he'd been able to walk around again, you took helping him into your own hands. He was clearly never running in the maze again, due to the limp that slowed him down. So, he had a few options, hopefully one he'd like.
Alby took pity in him, making him his right hand man not long after. He needed someone around for when he wasn't, Newt was a good choice for that. He was responsible, good at directions, and keeping order.
You were working as Newt's personal aid, being a medic. You were very much an empath, and your true goal was to just help anyone and everyone. You brought him food and water, washed his clothes, sewed up his ripped up clothes from that day in case he'd be strong enough to wear them again, you did everything for him.
But now he leans into you, looking up at you with a certain displeasure, clearly uninterested in working outside of the maze.
You obviously were never going to let him be a builder, that was already off the table. But he got to look around and make his decision between slicer, cook, track-hoe, med-jack like you, slopper, bagger, and map keeper.
He easily put his money down on track-hoe. Something you didn't know about him was that he found gardening therapeutic. You didn't blame him whatsoever, you never wanted to be in the shoes of the sloppers, slicers, or baggers. To be fair, it was a little too gruesome and gross for you, you'd rather be helping people around the Glade than washing everyone's clothes or killing the animals, just a personal opinion.
He needed help while working, though. He couldn't put too much weight on his one foot, and he couldn't bend down on that knee at all yet. So, while he worked, you stood off to the side, making sure he was alright while you watched the others work around the Glade, enjoying their peaceful, warm day.
While he was picking fruit and vegetables off the vines of ivory, you were by his side, either holding the basket or getting the ones he couldn't bend down to reach. You couldn't help but feel bad for his poor spine as well, considering your back started to hurt after a few hours. The gardens were pretty large, considering there was about thirty or forty boys in the Glade to feed, meaning there was always hours and hours of work or expansion to do.
"Y/n, sorry, can you help me?" The dirty blonde asks, groaning as he stands back up, holding a hand on his knee. "I can't get those tomatoes at the bottom"
You quickly nod, kneeling down to grab them for him while he moves to the next bush, plucking off all the ripe tomatoes off the vine. You retie a string around the support branches, which heald the bush together and let it grow vertically rather than horizontally and try and choke out and kill any other plants nearby.
"Fry is gonna love it when he sees these tomatoes, they're the biggest and ripest they've been in a long time" You comment, looking over at Newt.
He nods, tossing a cherry tomato in his mouth to amount to a little snack. "He sure is, we'll be eating good this week" He chuckles with a little smile. "You wanna work on the cucumbers for me? I'll get the corn" He suggests, wanting to work a bit quicker and suggest some things he could actually do without feeling a pain shoot through his leg.
You nod, taking a new basket over to the cucumber lane. You feel something pang in your heart as you see him attempt to kneel down on one foot to reach one last tomato, groaning and furrowing his brows in the process, clearly still hurting him.
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"How are you feeling? Physically and mentally, nothing is off the table."
Newt shrugs, watching you examine and touch around the bruising and his ankle. Your fingertips slide over his ankle a little harshly, and he quickly inhales and furrows his brows, which you respond to by quickly pulling your hands away and apologizing.
"On a light note, it looks much better than before already. How are you doing in a mental sense?"
"I hate this bloody place, I feel dumb for not climbing higher-" He strays silent, watching you wrap a fresh bandage around his ankle. "Sorry..."
"It's okay. I'm here as your personal aid, Newt"
"That's the damn thing! I don't want you to waste your days on me. You have other important stuff to do, I don't want you to have to babysit me." The blonde expresses, watching you properly stand up.
"It's fine, really. You're still in a lot of pain, and I swear I'm not babysitting you. I'm just watching over you so it doesn't end up hurting more, alright?"
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loopyarts · 7 months
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Here’s a sketchy drawing and a two panel comic that I did back in late January this year of an Au idea concept inspired by @crate-of-edges fic idea concept of them being turned into little kids with no memory of themselves as adults post and this is my Au idea and take on the concept idea of what if somehow Sanji brothers got cursed/de-age 10 years back to being 11-12 year old boys and now Sanji and Strawhats have to deal with them while also trying to find a way to reverse the curse/de-age effect inflicted upon them.
In this state, Sanji brothers are weaker because one they’re kids again and two their bodies can’t handle they own powers right now and they also seems to have a bit of memory loss at the moment but will regain them as time goes on. Yup, Sanji is basically having to babysit his brothers and play big brother to them, the only one that feels natural to him is Yonji because Yonji is his actual baby brother.
While with Ichiji, Sanji strangely finds that he starts to look after now as well and despite his age he acts like he’s 15-16 rather than a 11-12 year old boy although he does have his bratty and prideful moments and Sanji slowly starts to lose his mind whenever Ichiji decide to wonder off on his own or weirdly enough go fish diving.
Sanji feels like he has no idea what is going on in his older brother head and it doesn’t help that he also rarely talks which is fun but as time goes Ichiji began to open up more and more to Sanji to where he’s finds out that this Sanji is actually his little failure of a brother Sanji.
Niji is well Sanji living hell, an absolute brat of all brats. But as times go on Niji starts to respect Sanji and they both bond through kick combo training together and Sanji share some of his techniques to Niji to which the little gremlin absorbed like a sponge.
Also Niji a nightmare when it comes to food to point he refuses to eat what Sanji gives him, since he didn’t trust him yet. When Sanji does get Niji to try his dishes, he eats them up like no tomorrow and surprisingly asks for seconds. Niji also grows the closest to Sanji to where he wants to protect him and look after him just as much, that need to protect Sanji.
Which grew even more when he found out, this Sanji is his little brother Sanji.
Yonji is at first is very spoiled and entailed little chestnut, who acts like snot nosed brat to Sanji and constantly calls him stinky fish man. But Yonji bonded with Sanji the quickest and he loved that Sanji acknowledges his book-smarts and especially loves talking to Sanji friend Robin about the books and world, although he does get annoyed how Sanji treats like a little kid all the time.
When Yonji finds out, he not all that surprised by it but he surprised by how strong his big brother has gotten and is confused why they all tiny while he’s not.
After a while they found a cure for curse and let just say the brothers have had an experience while they still part ways. They surprised felt connected and didn’t let go of that experience they had together despite how odd it was for Sanji brothers to go through.
The comic kinda explains partly on how the boys got de aged. But to give a further more in depth rundown basically it takes place after Wano and they somehow encounter each other on another island before Egghead. The reasons the Sanji’s brothers are there is because they have a mission they carrying out which involves the person who cursed them to be 10 years younger. Who has been causing an uproar in town on the island due to their mending with age.
Basically they find her she kinda like a witch with feathered hat leak stick and has giant bag where she keeps her bottles and has the power to take memories and age take away or give age to a person and seal in a bottle.
Blah blah Sanji and his brothers start fighting and arguing giving her loads of time to quickly curse Sanji brothers and take away 10 years of age and memories away making them 11-12 year old kids again. Sanji was too shock to realise she escaped and went into hiding on another part of the island. Now Sanji is stuck looking after his de-age brothers along with strawhat crew and they now begin the journey of finding the age witch and reversing the curse done on his brothers.
Ichiji, Niji and Yonji basically got magic poofed into being kids again like an old fariytale. Also the time Witch thought it be funny because how childish they were all being and with how awful they being to Sanji, she decided to punish them and she hoping Sanji will give them a taste of they own medicine.
Also, Ichiji, Niji and Yonji will slowly regain parts of their memories as adults as they slowly put the pieces that this stranger is actually their twin brother Sanji. That’s all I got in my head for plot I basically was making it up as I draw the comics amd drawings for fun. OvO’
There a scene with Ichiji putting blanket on Sanji happens way later in the story in my head and it he also confirming to reader that he now knows that adult Sanji is his little brother and yes Ichiji will be first to figure it out because he a sharp cookie. Niji will figure it out last because he’s stubborn and take a bit longer to put two and two together. (Hint, hint I have a full oneshot comic based this idea that be posted soon hopefully. OvO’)
Oh I almost forgot to mention in my mind and headcanons Ichiji powers can hurt him outside of the raid suit. So if he uses his sparks as a child he will hurt himself despite not being as powerful he can still inflict damage onto himself. Also my version of Niji has low vision and cannot see very well without his goggles.
Anyway, that’s all my rambling on this idea. I will probably won’t do much more with this Au idea after I have finished doing that oneshot comic.
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chaifootsteps · 4 months
I'm the anon who compared the full moon deal to the Fifty Shades scene where Christian & Ana discuss the dom/sub contract
Thought I should point out that the directors of the movie version obviously realized how sketchy Christian comes across, because movie Christian doesn't purposefully try to get Ana drunk. Instead they just discuss the dom/sub contract one on one in a room with no distractions. Movie Christian still kinda sucks as a person (especially movies 2&3 when the original author got way more creative control and the original female directors got fired) but at some point in time there was some pushback that if EL James refused to have Christian challenged or presented as in the wrong in any real way, they should at least take out most of the dubcon stuff instead of presenting it like it's nbd
the writers treatment of Stolas circa s2 doesn't even manage that level of awareness.
We're supposed to buy that Stolas respects and cares for Blitzo when he jeopardizes something Blitzo cares a lot about - his business - and doesn't bother having an adult discussion with him about a contract for terms surrounding his use of the book (or even any failsafes for keeping the book safe, Stolas is just that negligent). This was OK when the writers were cognizant that Stolas sucks eggs, but now in s2 when we're supposed to buy him as the most tragic put upon royal of all time their solution to the massive problems with the full moon deal is to have Stolas put an end to it...because he's no longer satisfied with what he's getting out of Blitz and ending the deal is just a means to an end to him so they can be a real couple
what I'm getting at here is that Stolas is worse than both the movie version of Christian Grey, the book version of Christian Grey and doesn't even have the minimum self awareness Grey has that he's, in his own words, Fifty Shades of Fucked Up
Just to stress how messed up this is, Stolas is worse than the guy who at one point just straight up ignores the safeword. That is how badly Viv's messed up writing this character.
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