#especially having been dormant for so many years
haveihitanerve · 10 months
What all of the Questers were ready for when they went on a ‘quest’: swords, claws, being attacked, getting stitches, having to fight, being covered in blood 24/7, possible internal bleeding, having to fight someone while your guts are splayed across your bonds back and you are half hanging off of them
What the Questers were not, in fact ready for: all 800 lbs of rage daddy coming and slamming into them to shield them when the going gets tough
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dominantslasherking · 24 days
Armand With Dominant Male S/o pt 1
Backstory: Louis and Armand talk to Daniel about you. Armands, strange feelings and possessiveness of you is revealed. The obsession that Armand reveals for you is unsettling, Daniel can't help but wonder, what happened to you. Authors note: Tell me if you want part 2.
My Stories are meant for the much more mature audience, 18+
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The dim light of the room flickered softly over the rich crimson drapes, casting long shadows that mirrored the weight of the conversation between Daniel, Louis, and Armand. The sound of the city outside was muffled, distant. It was just the three of them now, seated in that familiar, quiet tension. Daniel, ever the sharp observer, leaned forward in his chair, the recorder beside him whirring faintly, capturing every word.
Louis’ dark eyes flickered over to Armand, who sat with a distant expression, lost in thoughts of a time long past Almost weary of the current subject that was about to be, revealed. The interview had delved into old wounds, recounting moments of blood and betrayal, moments that were still vivid in Louis' mind. The play, the Theater of the Vampires, where he and Claudia had first met Armand and his brood. It was a time when everything was fragile—when the world had cracked open and bled.
Daniel was listening intently, following the story, but there was a glint of curiosity in his eyes, something unsaid hovering on his lips.
“And this is where Claudia asked to join them,” Daniel remarked, a small smile playing at the edge of his mouth. “Bold move. She never struck me as one to hesitate.”
Louis chuckled softly, a bitter edge to the sound. “Claudia was many things, but hesitant was never one of them.”
But then, Daniel shifted, leaning back in his chair, eyes narrowing as he steered the conversation in a different direction. “Speaking of companions…” he began, his tone measured, “there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask. You’ve mentioned so many characters from your past—Lestat, Claudia, Armand—but there’s one who seems to be missing from the puzzle.” Daniel’s gaze sharpened, settling on Armand, whose stillness had taken on a peculiar intensity.
“What about the vampire [Your Name]?”
Louis glanced at Armand, whose expression remained unreadable. The air between them felt thicker, charged with something unspoken. Armand’s dark eyes flickered with something that might have been longing, or perhaps possession, as if the mere mention of [Your Name] had awakened something deep and dormant within him.
“[Your Name],” Daniel repeated, leaning into the silence. “There’s not much written about him, but what I’ve found… well, it’s fascinating.” Daniel paused placing his recorder onto the table tappingsome files. "I mean anytime you did talk about your past, never once did you mention [Your Name] despite the hints in your story that seemed almost made up, as if you were...well I don't know, excluding someone?" Daniel let out a hum, Louis faked a smile.
Armand’s lips curled into a soft smile, though his eyes remained distant. “Fascinating, yes,” he murmured. “He always was.” Armand stayed calmly distracting Daniel from Louis for the time being.
Louis shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “[Your Name] was with us for a time after we… after we thought we had killed Lestat,” he explained, his voice quieter now, more careful. “He was an old friend, or at least, he felt like one. Claudia adored him. Treated him almost like a father, after Lestat.”
Daniel raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. “A father figure? That’s interesting. Especially after… everything with Lestat.” Louis opened his mouth to respond, but the weight of the past pulled him under, drawing him into a memory he hadn’t revisited in years.
Claudia’s youthful laughter echoed softly in the apartment room, filtered through thick curtains. You sat with her at a grand oak desk, his quiet presence a soothing contrast to the chaos that often surrounded her. He held a delicate book in his hands, showing her the intricacies of calligraphy, his long fingers guiding hers with a gentle patience that was entirely foreign to Claudia’s previous life.
“Like this,” [Your Name] murmured, his voice soft but commanding. He demonstrated a fluid stroke, the pen moving with elegant precision. Claudia’s brow furrowed in concentration, her hands trying to mimic his movement, though frustration danced behind her eyes.
“I can’t do it,” she huffed, but there was no real anger. With [Your Name], there never was. Slowly your hand brushed against her dark and flawless skin
“You can,” he replied calmly. “You just need time. We all do.”
There was something calming in his presence, in the way he never rushed her or demanded perfection, unlike Lestat. He was patient, treating Claudia with a respect that neither Louis nor Lestat ever fully granted her. It was perhaps why she came to see him as more than just another companion—he was a guide, a teacher, a quiet fatherly figure.
Claudia’s smile returned, albeit faint, and she tried again, her tiny strokes improving under his watchful eye.
Louis, watching from the doorway, had always been struck by the way [Your Name] interacted with her. Unlike Lestat, who sought to mold Claudia into a creature of his own making, [Your Name] let her be free. He offered her the tools to learn but never forced her hand. ---
Louis nodded, though his gaze grew more distant, his mind drifting back to those long, haunting nights. “[Your Name] didn’t speak much,” Louis continued. “He was quiet, gentle, with an aura that suggested he had seen more of the world than any of us combined. Claudia trusted him, perhaps because he never tried to control her. He let her be free, let her learn. I… I never asked about his age, but I always suspected he was ancient. He had that look about him. That weight.”
Another flashback enveloped the room. [Your Name] sat in a dimly lit corner of their home, the flickering candlelight casting shadows over his face. He was hunched over a piece of parchment, a quill gliding smoothly across its surface as he wrote in deep concentration.
Louis, standing a few feet away, watched the scene quietly. He had often wondered what thoughts lingered behind those eyes, what worlds [Your Name] inhabited when he retreated into his silence. There was a timelessness to him, a stillness that unsettled even Louis.
The quill scratched softly against the paper as [Your Name] wrote, never pausing, never hesitating. A half-finished poem lay before him—lines that hinted at an eternal sadness, at an understanding of the world that Louis could only guess at.
"In shadows deep, we dance and fade, Unseen by time, in darkness laid. A fleeting touch, a whispered cry, We live forever, yet still we die."
Louis had never dared to ask about the poem, nor about the others like it that [Your Name] left unfinished. There was always a sense that those words were not meant to be shared, that they belonged to a part of [Your Name] that remained forever out of reach.
Armand’s eyes flicked over to Louis, a subtle smile on his lips. “You never understood him,” Armand said softly, his voice almost tender. “But Claudia did.”
The room seemed to freeze again, the gravity of Armand’s words hanging between them. There was something more, something deeper beneath his tone, but Louis didn’t respond. Instead, he let the silence stretch.
Daniel, however, was unwilling to let the moment pass without prodding further. “And what about his work? His poetry?”
At this, Armand’s expression faltered, his usual controlled demeanor slipping for a fraction of a second. His eyes narrowed ever so slightly, but Daniel caught it. He had been waiting for this moment.
“You mean his unfinished poems,” Daniel continued, flipping through his notebook. “It’s strange, isn’t it? So much of his work was lost or… incomplete. But there’s one poem that stands out. The one about Claudia.” He paused for dramatic effect before reading a few lines:
"In her eyes, a child—yet, never to grow, Trapped in a prison of eternal woe. Her heart beats, but not with life’s fire, A doll’s existence, never to expire."
Daniel looked up, meeting Armand’s gaze. “Unfinished, of course. But haunting, nonetheless. It almost feels like he was trying to capture her essence, but couldn’t quite bring himself to finish the thought. Why do you think that is?”
Armand’s eyes darkened, a flicker of something dangerous passing over his features. “Because some things are too painful to complete,” he said, his voice low and deliberate. “Even for a vampire as old as [Your Name].”
Daniel held Armand’s gaze for a long moment before turning back to Louis. “So, he was there, part of your little family, but never truly part of it. An outsider, despite being… what, centuries old?”
Louis nodded. “He was always elusive. A shadow. There, but never fully with us. But in his own way, he cared for Claudia. I believe he loved her… as much as a creature like him could love.” Daniel snorted at Louis calling the other vampire a creature, amusing really.
Armand’s expression softened, but his eyes still held that possessive gleam. “[Your Name] was more than just a companion,” Armand said quietly, his voice dripping with something more intimate, something obsessive. “He was an artist. A mind that saw the world in ways none of us could comprehend. And in that, he was perfect.”
Daniel raised an eyebrow, sensing the depth of Armand’s obsession. “It sounds like you were quite fond of him, Armand.”
“Fond?” Armand’s lips curled into a dangerous smile. “Fond doesn’t even begin to describe it.” He glanced at Louis, then back at Daniel, his gaze sharpening. “But I suppose you’ll find that out in time, won’t you?”
The room fell silent again, the weight of the past pressing down on all of them. Armand’s obsession with [Your Name] hung in the air, unspoken but palpable, and Daniel knew that this was only the beginning. The dim lighting of the room cast long shadows across the walls as Daniel’s voice cut through the tense air. He glanced between Louis and Armand, history lingering just beneath the surface. Louis sat stiffly, avoiding Armand’s gaze, his expression unreadable but tight with an underlying tension.
"So, how did you first meet [Your Name]?" Daniel inquired, breaking the silence. He leaned forward in his chair, eyes sharp as he caught the subtle exchange between the two vampires, but his quesion was clearly direced at Armand. Louis shifted uncomfortably, his eyes momentarily meeting Daniel’s before darting away. His hands fidgeted slightly in his lap as if the very mention of [Your Name] was enough to unravel something within him. “I need a moment,” Louis muttered, standing abruptly. Without another word, he exited the room, leaving an awkward silence in his wake.
Daniel raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued further by Louis’ reaction. “That was… strange. He usually holds his composure better.”
Armand watched Louis leave, a small, knowing smile playing at the corners of his lips. His dark eyes flicked back to Daniel. “Louis is complicated when it comes to [Your Name].” His voice was calm, but there was an unmistakable undercurrent of possessiveness.
Daniel tilted his head, intrigued. “What do you mean by that?”
Armand leaned back, folding his hands together as he considered his words. “Louis… admired [Your Name], perhaps even more than he admitted to himself. He loved him, in a way. But he never acted on it. He feared what might happen if he did. He worried about Claudia, about rejection. Louis has always been a creature ruled by guilt.”
Daniel’s brow furrowed. “So, you’re saying Louis was in love with [Your Name]?”
Armand gave a slow, deliberate nod. “Yes, but Louis’ love is often restrained by fear. He couldn’t risk what they had, the balance they had established. He was content with the idea of [Your Name] being there, even if he never fully pursued his desires. But me…” Armand’s smile grew, dark and intimate. “I wasn’t as restrained.”
“Obsessed?” Daniel offered, his eyes gleaming with interest.
Armand’s smile deepened, his gaze far away now as he recalled the moment that had changed everything. “Obsessed,” he repeated softly. “I first met [Your Name] at a play. I was performing for humans, entertaining them with our little charade. But when I saw him…” Armand’s voice trailed off, and the room seemed to darken as the flashback began. ---
The theater was crowded with the lively chatter of the mortal audience, the scent of cheap perfume and candle wax heavy in the air. The dim light of chandeliers flickered across the stage as the actors performed, though Armand’s attention was no longer on the play.
Seated among the audience was a figure unlike anyone Armand had ever seen. [Your Name], with his sharp jawline and hauntingly smoky red eyes, sat in the back row, a quill in hand as he scribbled across a piece of parchment. His attention wasn’t on the performance but rather on whatever he was writing, his lips barely moving as his thoughts flowed onto the page.
Armand, playing his role on stage, felt his concentration waver. The beauty of [Your Name] was undeniable—he was like a statue carved from marble, perfect and distant, entirely uninterested in the mundane theater around him. His very presence seemed to command the room in a way that no mortal could.
As the play continued, Armand found his gaze drawn back to [Your Name] again and again. There was something magnetic about him, something beyond mere physical attraction. It was as if [Your Name] belonged to another world, and Armand could not resist the pull of that world.
Unable to focus any longer on the play, Armand had finished early, much to the 'awes' of the mortals watching. He made his way discreetly toward the back of the theater, his eyes never leaving [Your Name]. The other actors continued their performance, oblivious to his distraction, as Armand approached.
When he was close enough, he could see the quill moving smoothly over the parchment, the words forming beneath [Your Name]’s skilled hand. His expression remained impassive, though there was a subtle grace to the way his jaw moved as he focused. His beauty was mesmerizing—those sharp, defined features, the way his fingers held the quill with delicate precision.
“Enjoying the play?” Armand’s voice was low, but it held a teasing edge.
[Your Name] didn’t look up immediately. Instead, he finished the line he was writing before raising his eyes to meet Armand’s. His gaze was piercing, deep red with an ancient wisdom that sent a thrill through Armand.
“Not particularly,” [Your Name] replied smoothly, his voice calm but with an underlying sharpness. “I’ve seen better.”
Armand smiled, intrigued by the indifference in [Your Name]’s tone. He had expected someone as striking as this to be swept up in the grandeur of the theater, yet here he was, completely unimpressed.
“I’m sorry we couldn’t entertain you,” Armand said, though there was no sincerity in his apology. Instead, his eyes lingered on [Your Name]’s form, taking in every detail—how his clothes fit perfectly against his body, the way the flickering candlelight cast shadows across his face, making him look almost ethereal.
“You seem distracted,” [Your Name] remarked, his eyes narrowing slightly. “Shouldn’t you be focusing on your performance?”
Armand chuckled softly. “Perhaps, but I’ve found something far more interesting.” His gaze lingered, making his intent clear.
[Your Name] raised an eyebrow, his expression unreadable. “Is that so?” --
The flashback faded as Armand’s voice broke through the memory, returning Daniel and the present audience to the dimly lit room. Armand’s eyes were dark with longing, his tone soft as he spoke again.
“That was the first time I saw him,” Armand murmured, his voice almost reverent. “He captivated me in a way no one ever had before. There was something… otherworldly about him. From that moment on, I knew I had to have him, despite the fact that I was...Occupied with Louis at this time”
Daniel remained quiet, letting the weight of Armand’s words settle in the room. The intensity of Armand’s obsession was palpable, and it was clear that this story was far from over
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sandwhitches · 2 months
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𝗰𝘄: mentions of cheating, slight angst
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When was the last time you stood up? Your legs were beginning to grow numb, knees sore and tingly against the ground as you hunched before the synthetic glow of a laptop screen. A long emptied energy drink can sat dormant on your lap, forgotten in the swarm of schemes that bounced around the walls excitedly in Suna’s bedroom. 
Suna was beside you, feverishly penning down what was happening. It was a neatly lined table: the first column was for names, the second for dates, and the third for offenses. 
The name of your ex-boyfriend. October 31st. Cheated on you with your friend.
The name of your friend. October 31st. Hooked up with your ex-boyfriend.
The name of Suna’s old roommate. June 17th. Took the cash out of his wallet and ran.
The name of a girl you hardly knew. February 5th. Keyed Suna’s new rustbucket for parking in “her spot.”
“Think that’s enough to start off?” He peered up at you groggily, flexing out his spent fingers with a wince. You nodded, eyes trailing the list of thirty or so names, “More than enough.” Of the names were people who had wronged you, who had wronged your friends, who had wronged friends of friends and their friends, too. It was practically untraceable. 
Suna sniffed, thinking, then scooted next to you to examine his laptop screen, “Smart.” 
You felt yourself flush at the subtle praise, chalking it up to the unreasonable amount of caffeine in your system, then glanced back at your work. “Well,” you murmured sheepishly, “At sight was taken.” 
Rintaro rolled his eyes, a lethargic shrug following, “Dumb name, anyways, sounds too romantic.” You snickered, “What? I thought it was a good play on words. Like love at first sight, just, not…love.” You both chuckled dryly at this, slightly delusional with exhaust. It was hard to make time for this, it was even harder to plan this, and the execution was no easy feat, either. 
“I like this name you picked better. Sounds kinda confrontational, ya’know?” 
You licked your lips, then snapped impatiently, a queue for him to hand you the extensive list in handwriting only you seemed to be able to read at that point.
“Chicken scratch.” You muttered, earning a groan from him as his watchful eyes ensured you typed every word to a tee. 
Suna was your best friend. Suna was the best of the best. The cream of the crop. The apple of your eye. The only person you think, no, you know would ever want to take things this far.
It was a little past four in the morning by the time you finished, sighing in satisfaction as he rubbed your back, “Nice.”
You turned to face him, the tips of your noses inches apart; how many times had you been this close on his floor? Too many to count, surely, but why did it feel so different lately? Especially in that moment as you both dove headfirst into your favorite secret you ever will keep. The secret you’d keep in the years to come. 
“Is this a bad idea?” You mumbled abashedly, balling your sweaty palm. Suna’s expression lightened and he shrugged once more for the umpteenth time, “Maybe, but…” he clicked his tongue in thought, “we’ve wanted this for a while.”
It’s decided. You nod. This is a very good bad idea, indeed. 
Turning back to the computer, you mashed around on the keyboard, deft fingers pressing at the clacking mouse on the floor, “Okay,” you sighed. “It’s live.”
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✱ "THEY DID IT!!! THEY SAID THE THING!!!!" ass moment
✱ formal apology to anyone i may have unintentionally (it was slightly intentional) led to believe that they murdered someone, or, that one person who thought they were vampires (I liked that theory the best)
✱ y/n and suna are no strangers to controversy
✱ spiteful bitches who match each other's toxic freak
𝗮/𝗻: hehe sorry this is a bit late. everything is about to go to shit. also ree (who is unfortunately not here to see it, fly high!) and i looked up the actual onsight.com and it was a python coding wtv the fuck...starting a gofundme for me to buy the domain /j
𝘁𝗮𝗴𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁: @zumicho @nectardaddy @moucheslove @kodzu-ken @phoenix-eclipses @piopioo @lvtilzs @s777athv @localgaytrainwreck @reignsaway @savemebrazilhinata @pop-ghost @naweirdo @sunsribn @staileykout @milesmoralesluvs @chaconadine @aboutkiyoomi @m3gitsune @wizardhore @ineednanami @wakashudou @torkorpse @st4rdusttx @renkitsune @solaqes @sereniteav @eveyams @myromanempiree @saltypuffin1040 @nbcvs @gsyche @miiyas @starkyu @renardiererin @puppenpop @sleepystrwbrryy @yumiecheesecrackers @sp1ng @mfcherry @semieita24srockstargf @nanamis-right-tiddie @strawbrinkofdeath @piapiaweee3 (blogs in bold could not be tagged, please check your settings!)
taglist status: open (44/50) (please send an ask to be added)
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wandagcre · 10 months
hii ive been down bad for kate bishop fics lately 😓😓. can i request a oneshot of dom intersex kate bishop just fucking reader but shes just as needy as reader? oh and maybe some choking and breeding cause why not 🤭🤭 thank youu!
better than the rest | kate bishop 🔞
(Kate Bishop x Fem!Reader)
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Your partner as of late called it quits with you. Kate was concerned, insisting to check up on you. With the warmth she always had provided, you can't help but think of other ways she can comfort you.
WARNING: top!kate, kate has a penis, bottom!reader, self-loathing (r), p in v, unprotected sex, car sex, choking, breeding - not proofread +18 / men & minors dni. Words: 4.6k
“I think it’s for the best if we break up.”
Was what your partner said while hesitant to meet your eyes. It snapped you back into consciousness that your gaze on them fluttered rapidly in wonder. Yes, undeniably, there was a hint of sadness that hit you. After all, you dated them for half a year, it was… stable. No, rather it was stagnant, so you supposed this was bound to happen.
However, with your silence and clenched fist, your now ex-partner mistook it as deep despair.
They carefully placed their hand atop yours across the table. “I’m sorry–”
“You don’t have to be,” You cut them off, sighing in resignation. The acceptance somewhat came in quickly to your surprise. “I do not want to weigh you down at all, especially when it comes to your happiness. I-I… truly understand where you’re coming from.”
A faint smile appears on their face. You return the expression, wanting to ease the tension. You wanted a civil conversation where they could easily say the thoughts that they might have been withholding. You had your own as well. From there, the two of you discuss what went wrong – you simply drifted away from each other, inevitably with the long distance as another obstacle. The infatuation stage didn’t last – your relationship was too casual for someone who should be lovers. 
As the conversation ran, the air felt lighter. You didn’t realize how much you missed them but this further confirmed that you and now current ex, worked better as friends. The notion of breakup was mutual and amicable between you two and turned out better than you both hoped for. 
What caught you off-guard as you parted ways, was how your ex mentioned a certain friend of yours.
“Say hi to Kate for me! That girl is always on your rescue.” They gleefully say with a pat on your back and a knowing smile.
You froze for a moment at the sudden mention of the Avenger but managed to form a cohesive reply. “Sure. I’ll make sure she doesn’t send pitchforks or arrows on your way.”
“That’s very much appreciated!”
The two of you ended up giggling as you waved goodbye and a part of you remained stunned. Your heart was pounding, as though a dormant thought had come back to life.
It has been a week since you were available on the market again and you received mixed responses. You wanted to laugh, at how some disapproved and agreed that you and your ex were simply different. When you rebutted that technically, opposites attract, your close ones were quick to say: totally inapplicable to this case!
Your family knew how you’ve grown close to Kate; and seriously, they kept mentioning the woman! You lost count of how many times you’ve become flustered each time they lumped you and shrugged the thought that maybe you two had a great chemistry together. But in all seriousness, things were easy with Kate – the archer somewhat managed to juggle you in her time, between Avenging and college, your dynamic was far from you and your ex. All it took was the fateful encounter you guys had at a hardware store you part-timed in, attending to her questions, and Kate charming you with her clumsy rambling self. 
Why do you keep comparing her now with your ex? Screw these insinuations, now you cannot stop thinking about the other possibilities.
And speaking of the devil, the archer finally had her well-deserved free time. Said through the phone that the aliens and gods can handle the potential storm for a while, to which you were surprised to hear, knowing that she took Avenging duties seriously close to her heart. Unbeknownst to you, all it took from Kate was your break-up news and it immediately filled her with concern. She was far too occupied even if it was only a few days, setting aside her feelings for you, Kate wondered how you were holding up.
“Get in sweetcakes.” Kate hollered from her rolled-up car window as you waited in front of the hardware store. Your shift just ended. You shook your head at how corny it was, although it was endearing enough to make your insides fuzzy. 
“Not if you call me that one more time.”
It only occurred to you that it was a bad idea as soon as you saw the glint of mischief in Kate’s eyes, hands on the side of her mouth, ready to scream.
“Sweetcakes! Sweetcakes, Sweet–”
“Stop embarrassing me, Jesus.” You get inside her car, rubbing your palms together to warm you down. Kate chuckled at your feigned display of annoyance. It was certainly her favorite pastime.
The drizzle had stopped. The familiar afternoon glow wasn’t there, instead replaced with grey skies, giving a gloomy ambiance in the chilly weather. Yet, it barely affected the natural state of Kate’s aura – her bright disposition and smile giving you warmth.
Blood rushed on your cheeks and ears as you realize you’ve been taking quick peeks to your friend’s side profile.
Kate cleared her throat, “Actually, I prefer to be called Kate.” You give her another displeased look. “Fine, I relent. So are we going to talk about it now?” Kate shook her head sideways, urging you to elaborate. She leaned comfortably on the driver’s seat, prepared for a long story time before you guys hit off the parking lot. You were casual – too casual – as though this was another Monday for you. 
Break-ups aren’t normally this way, right?
“What was what? Can’t I get a hi first?”
“Hi.” Kate says unamused. “Now, I was worried the whole time. I know we’ve talked on the phone but I’m not fully convinced ‘til I hear from you.”
“Aw, so you were thinking of me?” You tease Kate who’s cheeks flamed up yet you did not notice as she pushed you off playfully. 
She groaned. “Come on. I’m sure break-ups are commonly followed by crying and drinking afterward. Not… this!” Kate gestures at you, hands flailing at your almost poker face. “Or have you recovered already? Because that’s either an impressive world record or a bunch of bullshit to me.”
You chuckle at the unending questions being thrown at each other. Now you figured out how you sounded odd. 
For the sake of her inner peace, you decide to let it out. “Look, Kate, it was meant to end at some point for us. I mean, when was the last time I hung out with them? I don’t see them a lot, we don’t feel the spark anymore. I’m almost always hanging out with you. There isn’t any bad blood. I guess we just fell out – not compatible anymore.”
“Seriously.” You look at her straight to her ocean eyes that you love. Wait, what? “I don’t… I don’t think I’m missing out on the relationship department because, in the first place, I haven’t been getting any action.”
Kate awkwardly chuckled at your words, tugging on the collar of her shirt. 
“Uh, that I cannot fix. I’m sorry?”
You laugh at the archer’s response. Taking a good look over Kate’s outfit, you see that she’s particularly dressed up today – indicating that she had business to attend over her family’s company. She wore a black suit patterned with an embroidered burnt orange design. She was a treat in your eyes.
Were you shamelessly checking her out?
Yes, very much so.
Kate, however, wasn’t as clueless as you thought. She lets you and plans on teasing you about it. Even if it was out of curiosity or an innocent admiration, the archer wouldn’t tell you – at least for a couple more hundred years – how she loved being the subject of your attention. It didn’t help that your being single again had spurred her mind on the gutters and honestly made you more desirable at the moment. However, Kate refused to delve into them right now – out of respect as your friend first.
"Would you be interested in hooking up with me?” You sultry uttered.
The air within the car felt thick and a pin drop could almost be heard. You shook your head in disappointment to yourself – God, of course, this wasn’t very proper of you to ambush Kate like that. Her silence was very telling. You caught the archer real good, flabbergasted, and can barely formulate a proper word out of her pretty mouth. Nodding at this, you understood that it was too much – forward and probably disrespectful.
You start buckling your seatbelt.
“No, no I get it. Don’t worry, Kate. Let’s just get out of here and–”
Kate was quick to shake her head in disagreement, "No baby, you don’t understand,” The archer’s voice sounded desperate. She did not even realize how the endearment smoothly left her lips. “You're all I wanted! But that doesn't matter right now, you just got out of a relationship–"
“–I told you it wasn’t built to last. I guess it’s a talent of mine, I can’t keep things to stay.” You say out of attempted humor, although your mind had flipped into a different perspective now, the thought was very unsettling. 
Can’t you?
"It’s normal! Nothing goes perfect on the first few tries,” Kate sputtered out, desperate to provide an ounce of solace. “Just like with cooking, we burn stuff, end up ordering takeout. Or- or me with my things. You know how many times my messy self can misplace a lot of things.” Especially my hoodies. I swear they keep disappearing on me, the thought suddenly coming into light to Kate. Whatever, she hoped that in a way, she managed to lighten up the conversation. 
One thing about Kate is that her rambling and playful nature combined somewhat grows into this charismatic mess. A giggle almost erupts out of you but clearly, there is another time and place for that.
“Well, you do keep losing your keys.”
“And you’re notorious for parading around while wearing The Ronin’s suit and coming back to your apartment.”
“Ouch. Not my brightest moment I’ll admit. But at least you’re getting my point!”
Finally registering her words, you rolled your eyes now good-heartedly to Kate’s relief. "And if you’re wondering about your hoodies, no they are not lost. I may or may not have some of them.” You admit your crime and Kate comically jutted her head closer to you in shock. It’s like you read her mind. “Not bad for a pep talk, Bishop. But I guess we’re not fucking, are we?”
Now the last sentence had Kate gripping her seat, not expecting your unfiltered spew of words. Would it be bad if she were to admit that her cock twitched at the thought of having you?
But your comfort comes first. She worried that a speck of insecurity could have been plaguing you, wanting to ease that more than ever. While you peered at the window seat, the archer exhaled, scooting to your side – at least the most she could, anyway.
"Give me your hand." Kate's elbow rested in the middle of the car compartment, where her jug is confined, her palm extended for an invitation for you to hold. "Come on, you big baby.”
You take the chance, petulantly placing yours atop hers.
"What now, gonna take the rejection easy on me?" You raise an eyebrow, looking away from her. "Or is it another one of your pranks? Kate, I'm telling you I can take rejections like a big girl despite your disagreement. It was a dumb proposition. Just forget it." You try to act unphased but the grumble gives you out. The feeling slowly sinks you further into humiliation.
Why would you ask your good friend for a good time?
Kate feels the laughter begging to erupt out of her chest. Still, she doesn't, knowing that you might take it the wrong way. God, you were so adorable. "You're not getting it, always so stubborn."
You feel her squeezing your hand. 
"Yada, yada. Just drive, Kate."
Kate's hands remained interlaced with yours even with your curt reply. Eyes curious over you. Even with your mind far away, they have always been so expressive and raw which makes it tenfold difficult to look directly – all tender and equally needy as you, only if you took the chance and looked.
She admits timidly, "I want to. You have no idea how long I've waited for this moment just to kiss you. But I cannot afford to be your second choice, just because it is convenient. I don't want it to be a casual thing!" Her voice bounced off a pitch-higher.
You bit your lip in contemplation. Kate doesn't take her eyes on you nor disrupt the short comfortable silence that lingered. Her hands come to thread through your tresses, admiring you out in the open now.
How could you not have seen it earlier?
It would have saved you a lot more time. One that couldn't have gone to waste. Kate has always been worth your while. Meanwhile, the said woman was stunned. Kate's throat was almost caught in a lump, in disbelief that she got to pour an ounce of her confession. She can't help but rub your sides soothingly – in hopes of calming your turbulent mind.
You unexpectedly move away from your seat, determined to plop yourself on Kate's lap. You swung your legs atop her and a tremendous surprise struck the archer; she could not grasp the uncharted territory being crossed. 
Having you so intimately? Kate was going to combust.
"Huh. It's a good thing that I specifically don't intend it to be a one-time thing." You place your forefinger on Kate's plush lips. "No, I don't expect this to be a casual thing either. I'm sorry if I didn't see the signs earlier..." 
Her ocean eyes had a glint of hope, her heart thrumming madly at the next words that would leave your lips. "So you're saying...?"
"Take what's yours, Bishop." You moved closer, arms dangled between her headrest. You comb through her jet black hair, her attention hopelessly hooked onto you. Inching further to her ear, you husk out, "Do me like you mean it."
She sharply inhaled. 
“I’ll make it worth your time.”
You answer her with a tease, wiggling your hips forward so slightly, her ocean eyes melting at the motion.
She takes one last look to find traces of an ounce of possible regret and retreats from your offer, only to see the unadulterated need in the swirls of your darkening eyes.
Kate's grasp over your hips tightened mouth agape over your affirmation. Her cock was no longer flaccid, instead, it started to strain through her jeans. You feel her and your cunt throbs madly. She was clutching over the layers of your clothing, now eager to take them all off. All she ever craved was to worship you, for you to finally notice her – to take you as she means it – just as your green light urged her to do so.  
Both your lips clashed, tilting on the opposite side, excited to get a taste of what both of you were missing out on. It was no longer as hesitant and awkward as the chaste kiss that you initiated a few minutes ago. You taste the faint traces of her favorite coffee that caused you to smile. The cramped space was overwhelmingly filled with tension and adrenaline; Kate rode along as you did and happily explored your mouth – her tongue swiping sensually along your lower lip and catching you in another bruising kiss again, to which you enthusiastically let out a guttural moan at.
"I’m so drunk on you right now..." Kate muttered, her voice dropping a few octaves. You ground harder in response, moving languidly against her as the kiss continued. 
Her scent was alluring more than ever. You claw at the back of her neck, fingers tangled in her silky tresses. “Then, consider this definitely worth the hangover.” You moan sultrily in Kate’s open mouth - both of your sounds crashing.
Lips bruising and breathless at this point, Kate reluctantly pulled away to adjust her car seat. It was hilarious and endearing for you how she kept smiling between your kisses and the archer kept on chasing for your lips. Even with her numbing lips, she scattered open mouthed kisses all over your jaw and neck, your whole body set ablaze.
“No backing out now.” Kate returns the equally seductive tone, her vulnerability poorly hidden underneath her assertive act.
“Wouldn’t dream of it,”
You feel Kate clawing the fabric of your shirt underneath the bunched up jacket of yours. the way her nails dug desperately had made you buckle over her lap, bodies pressed more than ever, making the two of you moan. 
"You feel so good against me," Kate murmured breathlessly. "I can't get enough of this." she confesses with much candor, eyes gleaming at you that it sends shivers down your spine.
You were plopped down on her lap, swollen lips, and you wanted nothing but her. Kate cannot express enough how her heart feels like it was going to burst out of her ribcage.
"Is that so?" The husk and rawness in her voice made your stomach flip, breaking out a small smile out of you. "I bet you regret it..." your hands that no longer cradled her jaw found their way instead to graze downwards underneath her fancy suit, nails digging on Kate's fine abdomen. "Regret how you said no to me earlier."
The firm muscles grow tense under your touch, making you smirk. you had the Bishop woman successfully loss at words. She only hummed, seemingly lost and busied herself through littering your jaw and neck with more kisses, her teeth inevitably scraping at your skin.
And Kate? She's more than willing to be under your hypnotizing spell.
Kate soon broke the barriers and went her way to claw on your bare skin. The obvious choice for you was to discard the jacket that was nothing more than an obstacle. You wanted to feel her, craving for so much more. Although, you find yourself smiling a little with how the archer was hesitant to break the kiss as the inevitable parting in the process came - Kate chasing your lips - both of you having red and swollen ones from a thirst induced by a dance. 
You're riled up and so is Kate. more so, she's afraid to break the momentum. Afraid that you would snap out of this haze anytime, so she savors each second – the shared warmth, the charged tension that drives her crazy, and your lips heavenly against hers – better than she ever dreamed of. 
When your hands begin to tug and unbuckle her belt, Kate looks at you with her ocean eyes skeptically.
"You wanna go all the way?" Kate rasps out and fuck, you have never heard of something more attractive than this. "I know you're- you might be still processing the break up. I don't wanna..." 
"Kate, listen to me." Your eyes pierce against hers, hands tangled on strands of her disheveled jet black waves, gently tugging and making the archer groan low at the sensation. "Among all the things I mourned and doubted for today, this - us - is not one of them. So yes, I want this. I need you."
Kate took a deep sigh. "As long as you're-"
"-long is what I want, it’s underneath your pants, and you're keeping it away from me. Unless you're backing out now on me, Bishop." 
Her perfect teeth clutched against her bottom lip as you've managed to unzip and free her cock out of her boxers. Your mouth agape in shock, heavens, she was big as you expected. How would it fit? You witnessed her member grow erect under your needy gaze. Kate has no other choice but to moan pathetically as you hold her cock.
"S-shit! Baby, be careful!" Kate hissed low, although her touch continued to relay the want coursing through her.
"Sorry," you sheepishly say and regardless, it dawns a stupid smile over Kate's features. 
It's rough and slightly painful on Kate's end, making her turn red sporadically. You take pity and spit on her cock to lubricate it, the stroke and twists slow at first. The action made her lower stomach and appendage twitch, with her foreskin being tugged in your grasp, Kate uttered a string of soft moans, all putty in your hands quite literally. 
Sue her, she's over the moon right now.
You bite your lip. "I can't take this anymore, I need you inside of me." 
Your spontaneity and darkening gaze continues to make Kate's head spin. She loved being the subject of your desire. Fuck, it was the hottest thing she has witnessed yet. 
"Do you now?" Kate chimed, having a palmful of your breasts through the shirt you're wearing. your eyes rolled back. "Unzip your jeans for me."
When you moved your body up, you failed to measure the distance between the roof of Kate's car and your head, making you bump your head in the process. you muttered a soft ow - heat settling on your cheeks. Kate's gaze however, did not waver, and it brought a pearly smile on her face as she found you endearing.
"Do I have to do it for you baby?" Kate murmured, her hands gripping over your waist.
You shook your head timidly. "No no, I can do it,"  
"That's my girl." The archer scratched her nails light on your stomach, a moan inevitably escapes your mouth. You feel her thumb teasing underneath your bra.
It was the push you needed, then on it was almost smooth sailing as you deftly unbuttoned your jeans. Gravitating to Kate's touch, your own body was attuned and glided for more. Her blue eyes never left yours nor her ministrations that descend over your breast and waist faltered. Your heart pounded madly at such intensity.
Your playful ways shifted back, maneuvering through the limited space - it was a miracle for your slightly trembling hands. You were glistening enough to make Kate's throat grow dry.
As your eyes peer down, Kate's cock felt intimidating, with a girth and length that none of your previous experiences could rival. Not to mention her precum looked tempting. 
All that is left is for you to lower down and so you let your impulsive thoughts win; plunge in. 
Your face curled in the unexpected stretch. Maybe you shouldn't have done that.
"Oh god, oh god, oh god—slow down!" Kate whisper-yelled, her mind flitting between panic and pleasure, not knowing where to succumb first. "You should've warned me first! I don't even have a condom rolled up yet," Her grip over your hips reprimanding you as it was almost bruised; the archer tried to carry some of your weight, in hopes to alleviate the burning sensation.
"Sue me, did you really have to be so–" You groaned, one of your palms against the car window for support, eyes shut in semi-frustration. Kate is fucking huge and it was vivid how your cunt swallows her in. "It looked nice and ready, can you blame me?" 
The breathy heaving both of your breaths barely ceased. Fully settled in Kate's lap and your cunt insanely and sync pulsating with her cock inside of you, she gave you an unamused look. She gave your breasts a firm squeeze, kneading the supple flesh and tugging on your nipples particularly hard – enjoying how your head lolled, eyes droopy in the erotic sensation.
"If you're going to keep playing like that I'm gonna need to take over. You've been naughty enough for me." The archer sultry says, nipping at your clavicle.
"Kate, what—"
She hoists you an inch, only to thrust you back to her cock. "Always taking what you want, doing as you please. I'll have to teach you some manners next time baby. But right now… I will do as you said; buried deep in you.”
Kate slid her hand on the flesh of your bare ass cheek and gave it a light spank. Reveling and lost in how she fit inside of you, your head lolled in the stack of pleasure. Your body practically molded and moved along the archer languidly, feeling her front against yours.
Fuck, how can she fit in the depths you've never explored before? The squelching sounds of your wetness grew and filled the car, erotic to your ears. The vehicle no doubt rocking along the motion and build up that Kate has been brewing.
Your hands loosely enveloped between the driver seat's headrest, upper body slumped and now chest-to-chest against Kate. Even with her unwavering thrusts, you feel the heel of her palm firm around the side of your neck, along with her thumb applying pressure – inches away from your jugular notch – squeezing you.
No, Kate was choking you.
Eyes flutter shut, you respond with enthusiasm. "Yes, oh, yes!" 
"You look so beautiful right now..." Kate dazedly confessed. Her hands moved to your lower back for support. Opening your eyes in curiosity, you see her half-lidded eyes – your favorite ones – softening. "No, you always do. I can't believe this,"
The peppered kisses on your shoulder and above your chest were spread out. Kate's breathing was gruff, you found it adorable as you were well-acquainted with her focused state. Her words dripped with much honesty that it pierced right into your heart, her name already indented there.
Meeting Kate halfway, your hips continued to gyrate along and your palm gently cradled her by the cheeks. You kissed her fervently, filled with a newfound passion. Kate was surprised but fully snapped out, returning the same energy. This was an enlightenment; another step that both of you are eager to explore together.
Your eyes welled up; both in joy and the fruition of her lustful hard work.
Her hips fluidly doing an upward thrusts to squeeze all the juices worth out of you, the archer makes sure that she's punctuating her punishment for you. There was barely a resistance anymore that your walls practically accommodated the entirety of Kate's cock. Although the stretch lingered, adding to the build you wanted.
"This sight? M-mm! Kate, you- you better make it count. Take all of me." 
Your jaw went slack as your dirtiest fantasies are being overfilled with Kate's grip and her determined grunts. Your clit throbbed and you took it upon you to rub it. She whimpered upon witnessing the act. Kate swats your hand away, pad of her fingers applying more pressure against your nub.
You feel Kate's mouth and teeth nibbling on your pebbled nipples this time and being filled to the brim with her words, you don't know if she knew you already came.
Kate knew. Her eyes flicked between your face and saw your pretty tummy, how it twitched, the bulge of her member appearing at each pound. Her trousers were tale-telling too as it was ridiculously soaked.
A shrill was pulled out of your throat. Kate continued to thrust, "Gonna fill you up until your walls are painted white. You wanted this right? Then I'll give it to you, baby," You see her veins bulging out of her neck, the archer completely flustered as she releases thick ropes of her cum inside of you. You were still throbbing at the fill and the aftershocks. The warmth was overwhelming, from your walls and Kate's cum coating you, both of you felt slightly numbed. She kissed and marked you underneath your jaw and you hummed softly.
"Where did that come from?" You murmur while an inch away from Kate's plump lips.
"Guess you bring out the best in me."
You giggle at her silly self coming back and comb through her jet black strands, scratching at her nape. She lets out a soft moan. You're satisfied with how ruined her suit was almost unsalvageable with its creases and wetness.
“Well shit. I think we’re banned forever in this parking lot.” Kate jokes, breathless, causing you to softly chuckle. She’s never been more thankful for the invention of tinted car windows.
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do not repost/translate on other sites. © wandagcre
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jpitha · 1 year
The thing to keep in mind, is that humans aren't the only thing on Earth. If Xenos think that humans are odd, just wait until they come and visit. Especially if they come back.
The first delegation came in June. The specific time of year wasn't planned or anything, it was just when things had been nailed down for the visit.
The Coalition had sent a few ambassadors down to Earth for goodwill. Earth was heavier than they were used to and on the larger size of planets they knew of that would support sapient life, and the positively gigantic moon orbiting Earth had caused more than a small amount of conversation, but the visit was otherwise uneventful.
Everyone was on their best behavior around the new visitors and the Sefigan's especially liked Earth's trees. Squat, branching, and thick, they were much more imposing than the tall, spindly things that the Sefigans called trees back on their homeworld. More than one of the small furry Sefigans were caught standing underneath the large oaks in front of the embassy, staring up in wonder.
After many meetings about relations, travel, visas and even tourism, the delegation said their goodbyes and left. All in all, it was a great visit.
Four months later, the delegation returned, this time with more people. Included were representatives from tourism boards as well as the heads of mining companies. It turned out that Earth had a lot more heavy metals than other planets with sapient life, so we had begun talks about exporting our bounty to the settled galaxy.
Captain Mary Markuss met the delegation at the airlock. Like last time, they would be taking a human built ship down to the surface. Most Coalition ships weren't designed to go atmospheric, and most human ships were. After the welcome and introductions were completed, she offered the head ambassadors the option to remain on the Command Deck and watch the landing. "It's quiet beautiful this time of year."
The ambassadors - two Sefigans and two Zz'tks - made polite noises, and sat on the seats prepared for them next to Captain Markuss's chair. She set the forward screens to show external views, so it was like they were looking out of large windows as they landed.
The Sefigans were nervous during the fall through the upper atmosphere, but had been coached ahead of time that this was normal and just how humans landed. It still felt to them like a slightly insane way to go down to your homeworld, but they remained silent.
As the ship burst from the clouds, they saw the trees.
The land was covered in the red, yellow, brown, and gold. It was breathtaking, especially if you weren't used to seeing it. Captain Markuss smiled to herself when she saw it. Autumn was her favorite season, and it was always nice to see, especially now that she wasn't planetside as much. It was slightly past peak color so there were many trees already denuded of leaves.
All four ambassadors gasped in surprise. One of the Sefigan ambassadors turned to Captain Markuss, "Captain! What's happened! Your trees are dying!"
One of the Zz'tk ambassadors clacked their wing covers together, a stress action. "Captain. If your planet is suffering from a major extinction event, you should have told the Colation. We have experts that we could deploy to assist."
Captain Markuss looked over at the ambassadors. They all looked worried. One of the Sefigans was furiously taking notes on their pad. She chuckled. "It's Autumn - one of our seasons. This is normal. The trees lose their green color and drop their leaves in preparation for going dormant during the winter."
The Sefigan taking notes stops with their paw above the tab and slowly looks up at Captain Markuss. "This-" they gesture at the screen "-is normal?"
The Captain nods. "Happens every year here. I grew up in this area. The sounds, the smells, the sights of fall are very nostalgic to me. It's my favorite season. I can't wait to show you some of our autumn traditions!"
They landed without any further conversation, but as they exited the ship, the two Sefigans walked over to the same oak they visited a few months ago and stared up. It was practically glowing it was so bright with orange and yellow leaves. The wind gusted, and the leaves rustled and a small drift of leaves blew around them as they stared. They turned to the Captain, who had walked up next to them. "And, this tree is... not ill?"
She smiled gently. "Not at all. This is a fine Oak. Come the spring, it will be green and lush again. Come, I believe you are able to consume Apples. I have a drink called cider, and there are some pastries called apple cider donuts that have been prepared. They're popular on Earth at this time of year, in places that have seasons like this."
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hakethishere · 1 month
Where is Sam season 4 and post-Crisis?
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I know it’s been brought up before, but Sam is a core relationship and person to Lena’s past. They are best friends “sisters” even and I refuse to believe her disappearance isn’t a massive plot hole. Let’s consider a couple of key moments Sam should’ve been brought up.
First and foremost season 4 Lex being released from prison?? Hello, your best friend’s maniac brother is on the loose, maybe a phone call would work. The irony of Lena snapping at Kara for not being there for her while Alex and even Supergirl were was also not lost on me.
Second, Lena finding out Kara is SUPERGIRL!!! To set the scene Lena finds out the her best friend is a kryptonian while Sam, her other best friend, had a wild awakening for being one as well a year before! There is literally no one better to talk to about whatever she was feeling than Sam. Moreover not only was Sam a kryptonian and knew and saw Supergirl’s struggles, but Sam was Reign!!! and for a while both Kara’s friend and Supergirl’s villain. She had front row seats to Supergirl’s hypocrisy and her poorly played split personality. To top it all off Lena had lied to Sam for her own good in order to protect Sam and because she doesn’t really trust people which was obviously not the same situation as with Kara but still, we can see some similarities that they could’ve talked about. But instead of doing so, Lena builds an AI puts it in Eve Tesmacher’s body OF ALL PEOPLE to serve as her emotional support/sounding board. (I refuse to believe that actually happened)
Third, Lena brings Andrea back into her life?! If you ever had a best friend I’m sure you’d have some reticence before allowing said best friend to bring a toxic lying ex back into their lives for god sake. Like no matter what, that decision should’ve been double checked. I love the Lena backstory with Andrea it really thickens the plot, but if I was Sam I would’ve given Lena a quick reality check on why that was a bad idea.
Fourth!!!! Post-Crisis!!!! Okay so reality changed and let’s say maybe Sam and Lena never met. But Lena kept her memories, and as (a platonic best friend according to the writers) Kara checks/makes sure that Lena remembers their complicated history first thing after saving the world, why on earth prime wouldn’t Lena do the same with Sam if they are so best friends and so platonic. But let’s say they indeed didn’t meet, I have even more questions. How did the Harun-El come to life? Was Sam Reign? Did they save her and then just moved on? how did they even realize she was Reign. And if Sam was not Reign how in the world did she get to Earth and what in the world was with the witches of the cult popping up 5th season. Will Sam become Reign? is she dormant? I have so many questions that Lena, Alex, Brainy, Kara should have too!
Side notes to that argument I have:
Lena saying every one of her friends has betrayed her in the past when Sam never did
There’s some sort of excuse the writers could give, like if Lena already had a best friend that was there for her in every sense of the word while making big sapphic eyes at Kara and going through a sapphic tragedy when Kara lied to her then well that couldn’t have been platonic could it?
Ruby and Esme. There’s absolutely no way Lena did not think of Ruby especially when Esme came around I just refuse to believe so.
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An important (and overwinded) announcement regarding this blog below the cut.
Hello everyone! This is Rawkin Ghoul/ Tumblr Ghoul/ Tumblrina/ Soda/ etc etc.
First thing’s first: no, this blog is not an official Ghost social media account.
I started this blog in late 2022 when ghost-official started blowing up (I do not believe this one to be real either, and honestly I won’t believe they have a Tumblr until it is linked on their official website) and thought, “wow, I could make a better Ghost blog than that. One that’s way better organized and actually advertises properly for them, and posts regularly!” So I did.
Originally it was meant as just that, a little joke between some friends, and wasn’t meant to really get farther than that. But then I thought, Ghost does have a lot of fans on Tumblr- a lot of exquisitely talented and devoted fans. Maybe I can kinda “roleplay” it for a while, build almost a bit of a portfolio, and then either offer the blog to management or offer to run it for them officially, for fun, if they were interested.
More time passes and more people followed. I thought “xofficial” as a username was a common enough joke/ gimmick that people would realize it wasn’t for real (and in fact, when I first searched the URL, I found that this username was once in use years ago! Sorry, previous owner), especially after posting that April Fools joke post- this was wrong of me to assume. There are a lot of roleplay/ joke “official” Ghost accounts all over the web but I failed to really properly disclaim that I was one of them.
I of course don’t plan to reach out to Ghost anymore and haven’t for some time, for multiple reasons including Tumblr just not being a good website for advertising. But another one is I got pretty loose on here. Tumblr is so different from Twitter and Insta and all that- you guys (and myself! I go here too) don’t want to have someone sell something to you- but you do love interaction and jokes and solving things together.
I think we can all admit it- when Ghost is dormant, the fans can get bored and even agitated, and can start to have a go at eachother. I’m certainly not guiltless there either. I wouldn’t say I’m notorious or even particularly well known in general but I’ve gotten into drama here and there. I figured the blog would be a fun way not just to distract the community, but really engage with it. The blog passed 5k a month or so ago and I started thinking, we could do something really cool with it. Smaller events like fanart contests and zines. But what if we did more? Organizing pre-ritual meetups. Larger community projects like fan-made music videos. ARG. Maybe even a short video game- there are so many incredibly skilled and hard-working Ghost fans and I wanted to try to bring them together because I think our love for Ghost, for whatever reason we love them, screams so loud and everyone deserves recognition (also a reason I started Fanart Friday as a regular thing).
You guys know I do my best to keep up with your tagging and what you’re saying and everything and I’ve seen the people pointing out the blog isn’t real from the beginning- I didn’t want to address it directly at first because I thought if nothing else people enjoyed the mystery.
But, more lately there’s been more and more people who are agitated, disappointed, and even a little scared to hear that this blog is not official.
I want to offer my very sincere apologies to people who I made feel that way. I should have made it obvious sooner- I know so well that there are a lot of very young Ghost fans especially who wouldn’t necessarily surmise that this isn’t real. I’m really sorry to those of you I disappointed.
I will never ask you for money here, or any personal information, or send asks anonymous or otherwise from here or my main personal blog as “Tumblr Ghoul”. I have had one person ask to message me so I messaged them to allow them to do that. If somebody contacts you claiming to be the person running this blog, they are lying. Please block them. My interactions here I aim to keep as public as possible, hence being increasingly liberal with replies and reblogs as the number of people interacting grew.
My only goal with this blog is to advertise for a band that I love and to entertain/ help the fandom when and where I can. I love and appreciate all the fanart and interest in the character of Tumblr Ghoul but I don’t want anybody to feel obligated to me and I especially don’t want to hurt anybody. I started this blog for fun and that how I want it to remain- fun for everyone.
People pointed out when I didn’t post for some time a few months back and it was because I had lost interest in the blog and was going through a rough time- and then one particularly bad day I got on to check it by chance and just seeing your guy’s tags and comments made me feel so much better. I tell people that I found Ghost when I really needed a friend and they fulfilled that for me, but the past few months you guys have done just the same for me. I am so sorry to have betrayed that and made you feel unsafe and lied to in return.
As of posting I do intend to still run the blog as I have been (with a disclaimer added to the bio regarding the legitimacy of this account)- posting about tours, chapters, merch, etc, as well as Fanart Friday. I 100% understand if anybody doesn’t want to be involved in that, so anybody who has tagged me in something and don’t want it on the blog now, I can open messages and you can let me know. I will probably close them again after a week or so if I get a large flood of unrelated messages.
Please do not message me asking me who I am, who knows about the blog, etc. Gaining popularity was never something I wanted from this so I will stay anonymous, for the time being at the very least. A very small number of people know who is behind the blog and to my knowledge only one of them is even on Tumblr and in the fandom.
Thank you for all the support you’ve shown me, Ghost, and eachother. It can be easy to see the bad parts of a community and roll your eyes electing to keep your distance, but since starting this blog I’ve been reminded what good community is even when it’s frustrating sometimes.
Thank you for reading, I won’t hold it against anybody who wants to separate themselves from this blog at this point, and please don’t let my oversight and general dummyness sour your experience with Ghost or its other fans. Enjoy the rest of this tour and whether it’s with or without me, please keep rawking 🤘 Be good to eachother.
Thank you.
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detailtilted · 4 months
In Search of Supernatural Fans from the Early Years
Hi! I’m looking for the legends who originally recorded old Supernatural convention panels featuring Jared or Jensen, or possibly Misha. See "What I'm Looking For" below. If you know one of them, or if you're a member of a community with people who were in the fandom in those early years, I’d greatly appreciate it if you could let them know about this post. I can be reached at [email protected] or here on Tumblr.
If you aren’t familiar with my project, see the “Project Background” section below. This is not a low-effort exercise to merely repackage old videos. I’m putting many hours of work into each video to improve their watchability and accessibility. I will always credit my sources unless you wish to remain anonymous.
Even if your videos are on YouTube, I’m likely to have more success upscaling them if I can get the original video files. Thanks to the videos AgtSpooky kindly sent me, I've learned how big of a difference it can make when I have the original files to work with. That's why I’m putting more effort into finding those elusive original video takers.
The problem is that they all seem to have fallen off the face of the earth. Most of their YouTube accounts, LiveJournal accounts, and whatever other accounts I’ve dug up haven’t had any activity in 10-15 years. I’ve left a few messages on some of them, but I doubt they’ll be seen on dormant accounts. I’ve also gone down some crazy and twisted Googling paths trying to find current contact info for them, but without much success. In one case I even messaged the wrong person, who was at least kind enough to reply to the psycho asking for videos to let me know she wasn't the person I'd hoped she was. Oops!
What I’m Looking For
I’ve already finished CHICON 2007, Comic-Con 2008, and CHICON 2008, so I don’t need videos from those events, but I’d be happy to try to upscale your videos for your own collection if you have some you'd like to send me.
Actually, I could use CHICON 2008 Breakfast videos if you have any. I plan to attempt to redo that video either late this year or early next year.
I’ve been trying especially hard to reach people with original video files from either LA 2009 or Asylum 3 (2009), and I’d also be ecstatic to get some from LA 2008.
Any other old con videos you’re willing to share that have Jared or Jensen in them would be awesome. I hope to get to all the old conventions eventually. I haven’t yet defined “old”, so I don’t have a specific cutoff point.
Even if you just have audio files without video, those could be helpful too.
Length doesn't matter. Both long and short videos are welcome. Maybe I won't end up using them all, but the more options I have the better. Even if I don't put your video in my final edit, it would still be used because I always listen to every single video I can find when I'm finalizing my subtitles. Each video sounds at least a little different, and sometimes just hearing the audio in a slightly different way lets me catch a subtitle I'd missed or misheard.
Also, just to be clear, it isn’t necessarily my intent to exclude Misha. I’ve watched and enjoyed many of his convention videos and I liked Castiel for the most part, especially in the earlier seasons. I’m just not obsessed with Misha like I am with Jared and Jensen, and these videos do take quite a lot of work, so I’ve been putting my energy where my greatest interests lie. I’ll absolutely be including him when he’s in panels with Jared and/or Jensen, and in the future I may consider doing some of his solo panels.
So if you have original video files of Misha's solo panels that you’d like to send me, I’d be happy to add them to my stockpile for future possible use. If your videos turn out to be mostly complete, and if they upscale easily, then I might go ahead and do his panel at the same time I do the other panels from the same convention. If they'll take more effort to work with, I’ll probably skip them for now, but I may come back and tackle them if/when I run out of old Jared and Jensen videos to work with.
For any con videos you send me, regardless of whether I use them or not, I’d be happy to try to upscale them and send them back to you for your collection. I can’t always get things to upscale, so I can’t promise success, but I’ll definitely try.
Project Background - Enhanced Edition Con Videos
You can find my videos on my YouTube channel. (If you're already familiar with my project, skip to the next section -- there's nothing new to see here.)
I started this project in December 2023 to enhance old convention videos. My goal is to make them easier on the eyes and more accessible to both new and old fans from around the world. The videos on YouTube from that time can be difficult both to watch and to understand due to a combination of the older technology used to record them, the difficult recording conditions the fans were working with, and the lack of subtitles that make any sense.
I’m enhancing the videos as follows:
Visual Improvements: I’m upscaling the videos if possible, making color corrections if needed, and adding some slight stabilization to reduce the jitteriness. The end result is far from perfect because there’s only so much that current technology can do, but it's noticeably improved if you compare it to the originals.
Subtitles: I’m adding good, color-coded, English subtitles that can be turned on or off through YouTube’s CC button. The color-coding makes it more clear who's saying what when multiple people are speaking, and YouTube can auto-translate them into other languages to improve the accessibility.
Multiple Sources: If one video has gaps in it, then I'll try to find another that I can edit in to fill those gaps so the end result is as complete as possible. If I have more than one source that captured the same portion of the event, then I'll cut to whichever video I think had the best view of the action. In a few cases I’ve added a split screen with two different videos showing simultaneously so we can see action that's taking place in two separate areas. For example, when Jared and Jensen are on opposite sides of the stage. (There were also the infernal talking head bubbles on my Comic-Con 2008 video which nearly made me throw in the towel, but taught me a lot. 😅)
Extra Content for Context: These older videos don’t take up the full width of a modern video frame, so I’ve taken advantage of the extra space to display some still images with text to add extra context for many of the things they discuss. Some things are a lot funnier, or at least a lot more relevant, when you know exactly what they’re talking about. I clarify Supernatural episode references and pop culture references among other things. Sometimes I’ve also inserted short video clips, usually just a few seconds’ worth, if I thought it would add worthwhile clarity or entertainment to the topic at hand.
Current Project Status
If anyone has been wondering how I’m doing on my current video and what’s next… I’m almost done with the last video from CHICON 2008, which was Jensen’s solo panel. I should be ready to publish it on YouTube this Friday, May 24. I plan to use the same schedule as last time and put the Tumblr post up the following Tuesday when it’s a little more likely to be noticed here.
The next sequential conventions are LA 2009 and Asylum 2009, but I haven’t had much success in my attempts to upscale the available videos. If I were to work with what I have now, I know I could turn out something better than what’s on YouTube today, but the end result wouldn’t be nearly as good as what I might be able to achieve if I can get some original videos to work with. So I think it’s more logical to skip over these conventions for now and give it some time to see if I get any responses, in hope of a better end result.
I do intend to come back to the skipped conventions eventually, even if nobody sends me anything. Once I run out of conventions for which I can upscale the videos, if I still don't have anything better to work with for the ones I skipped, I’ll just do the best I can with what’s available. Even if I can't upscale, I can still do color corrections and stabilization, plus the subtitles and extra content. Some of these panels are split up into a bunch of very short videos, so it would also add value if I can combine them into something more sequential and cohesive. (I found 130 videos from the Jared and/or Jensen panels at LA 2009, and most of them were under 2 minutes long. 🤣) I don’t know if there’s enough footage to cover the entire panels seamlessly, but I’m itching to get my hands on that jigsaw puzzle of videos to try to make sense out of them.
So… the next videos I intend to work on will be from Vancouver 2009. This is one of the conventions that AgtSpooky attended and sent me videos for and they upscaled very well. Her breakfast video had already found its way onto YouTube, but wasn't properly credited. Her main panel videos aren't on YouTube as far as I could find, so that version may be new to newer fans. I'm only just starting to play around with upscaling the other sources out there, but my first attempt at the other main Breakfast source came out well. Both breakfast videos were taken from extreme opposite angles, so that should provide some useful editing opportunities. I’d still love to get more videos of this event if anyone has them.
If you made it this far, I am in awe. Sorry for putting this wall of text on your screen! 😅
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milqueandsugar · 5 months
Can you do some Adam and/or Lucifer with a male reader who's basically their bi awakening? 🙏 super vague but I think it'd be especially interesting for Adam since he's so,, yknow
🌼☕` Your Tea Is Ready `☕🌼
Gen / Fluff
Includes / Adam , Lucifer
⚠️ AMAB language used ⚠️
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| ADAM |
Is soooo in denial about it
Let's be clear, heaven nor the angels are homophobic. He's just been around since literally the beginning of humanity and he is so confident in himself and that he knows himself and then one day a semi-hot sinner walks by with a fucking contagious smile and a tight ass and hair Adam wants to tug on when he-
Talks to Lute about it first, she states the obvious, he denies it, this goes on for some time
About the time it takes until he sees you at a concert, he catches a glimpse of you over the hottest chicks and without a second thought goes after you after the show
He's beating himself up, he's so stupid, he left a bunch of hot wanting groupies to chase some rando and you're not even-
Seeing you in line for a drink is the best and worst thing that's ever happened in his after life, fuck it life life too.
He invites you back stage where he's flirty and handsy but you start an awkward friendship
He texts lute the next morning about it, he catches himself right after he sends it , he sounds like a school girl with a crush so he deletes it right away and replaces it with how many hot babes he slept with last night
Which was none he spent the entire time playing you music and getting wasted with you
He invites you to every one of his shows, best seats in the venue, free drinks, back stage pass
It's only when he blows off one of his favorite groupies to spend time with you that he realizes that he's cooked.
Takes a few weeks after that to start making a move, he just needs time to get over his pride before he can get under you
Let's be honest he knew he was bi since he came our of gods metaphorical womb
One he started dating, then married Lilith, however he stopped thinking about that side of him
But she's gone, and for seven years he thought she took it with her, but then he met you
It was the first time he had seen Charlie since she started the hotel and between that and this Alastor asshole he hadn't thought much about you
But he saw how close you were wit Charlie, how willing to help you were with rebuilding, how... kind you were
It felt weird to call a sinner kind, but there you were
Sweet and honest and patient and everything he needed to feel whole again
He doesn't want to let that feeling go, let you go, he can't, so he turns on the charn
He let's himself fall into the warm fuzzy feelings of a developing crush, let's himself indulge in lingering touches and holding your are just a little longer then needed, he relishes in his time alone with you and is selfish with your attention
It doesn't take long for you to catch on, not when he looks at you with those love struck eyes and parted lips, like he's trying to take you in as a whole
And when he finally haves you in his arms he knows that he never lost that part of himself, it was just waiting dormant until he could meet you
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shuadotcom · 1 year
Take Me Higher | CHS (M)
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🍃Summary: Yeah, your first real party was completely different than you had imagined, but it was even better than you had hoped.
🍃Pairing: Stoner!Vernon x Stoner!Afab Reader
🍃Genres & AUs: Smut, a dash of fluff, friends to lovers au, pwp
🍃Content/Warnings: Marijuana usage, mention of alcohol, profanity, protective sex, cunnilingus, fingering, handjob, bathroom sex, sex while high (they’re both faded but they like each other and are consenting), multiple orgasms, dry-humping, allusion to big dick!vernon, reader has boobs and a vagina but no gendered terms are used for y/n
🍃Words: 6.1k
🍃Note: As a cannabis connoisseur myself, I love stoner!vernon fics and will read any and every single one so it was only a matter of time before I wrote my own. Truly it was a mighty need - especially blue hoodie Vernon because that's my favorite shoot of his. This is based off of a slightly true story of my first adult party years ago. Y/n has a much better partner and time than I did though 😂
I also listened to Rihanna's Anti album (aka the last album she'll give us 😭) a lot when writing this for whatever reason.
Thank you bestie @the-boy-meets-evil for being my beta!🫶🏽
Tagging the lovely @kthpurplesyou 😘
🍃Net Tag: @kflixnet
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Tonight was turning out to be different than you ever thought it’d be. It’s your first-ever real party and it was turning out to be much less notable than you’d have imagined. Growing up, you had been a typical wallflower with a tiny group of friends that were as introverted as you, so you never knew people who threw parties, and you sure as hell weren’t “important enough” to get invited to them. Nothing much had changed from middle school and even through college.
It’s not until you’re well into your young adulthood that you receive your first party invitation. It comes from your oldest friend, Joshua, whom you recently reconnected with. You had practically grown up with him and when he and his family moved away, your communication eventually lessened with life and timezones in the way. It isn’t until you just so happen to move near him after college that you start hanging out again. He sends you an Instagram message after happening to see a location close to him that you tagged in a post.
You and Joshua easily pick your long-dormant friendship back up, getting along as perfectly as you had years ago. Your closeness and trust are quickly restored in him the more time you spend together. It’s why when he invites you to a party a friend of his is throwing, you jump at the chance.
Having never been to a party, you only had the tv shows and movies you watched to go off of as to what the atmosphere would be like. You imagine loud, deafening music, drunk people spread all over the poorly lit house, the air reeking of alcohol, and too many people.
In reality, the lights are on around the house as expected and the music that plays over a speaker in the living room is loud enough to get lost in while dancing but not so loud that you couldn’t hold a conversation. Instead of smelling like nothing but alcohol, the air only smelt of pizza and an artificial air freshener, with a hint of beer.
There are only a few handfuls of people milling about, most of whom Joshua and Jeonghan - his other close friend who came with the two of you - had long since introduced you to. 
One of whom you’ve spent the most time with when you hang out with Joshua and his friends and are the most familiar with. You have a ton in common and always feel comfortable around him. 
He also happens to be the friend that you have an embarrassingly huge crush on. 
“Hey, Vernon!” Joshua calls his name as the three of you file down the basement stairs where it looks like most of the guests are. 
Vernon turns from his conversation to find you three and if you didn’t know any better, you’d think his smile widened when he made eye contact with you. 
He says something to the guy he’s talking to before approaching you all.
“Hey, Josh, Jeonghan. Hi, Y/n. Thanks for coming.” 
“Obviously we’d show up! I don’t think anyone has thrown a party just for fun in months. And I knew you wouldn’t mind if I brought Y/n. It’s baby’s first party!” Joshua throws his arm around your shoulders, bringing you forward from your spot nearly hiding behind him. You’re not too flustered that you can’t pinch him in the side for exposing you so willingly.
“Of course, I don’t mind!” Vernon rushes out, maybe even a little too loud. He clears his throat, breathing out an awkward laugh. “Anyway yeah, Seungkwan and Chan were feeling particularly social this weekend so I didn’t have much of a say but it’s cool.” Vernon scans the room, pointing out his two roommates across the room as he says their names. “Tonight won’t be anything crazy so don’t worry.” He says the last part to you, a sweet smile on his pretty lips.
As if they could tell they were being talked about, Seungkwan and Chan spot the group of you and are over in an instant, thanking you for coming and guiding you over to where all the snacks and drinks are while Vernon trails behind.
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Truth be told, the whole party feels as if it’s a normal hang-out session with everyone. Sure some people get a little more drunk than usual and there’s more dancing and obnoxious singing than there typically is on any other Saturday night, but overall it’s nothing like the parties in movies. No one is swinging from the ceiling naked and drunk off their asses (unless you count Soonyoung shirtless and screaming at the top of his lungs to the karaoke song he’s doing, but no one is too concerned).
You’re even more grateful that you decided on jeans and a nicer shirt after agonizing over what to wear for days. Everyone was in the most normal clothes which took a lot of the pressure you had initially felt off of you. This includes Vernon, who was in jeans and an oversized, cozy-looking hoodie in the prettiest shade of baby blue. You could barely keep your eyes off of him, not that you really tried. He didn’t make it any easier, seeing how he hasn’t moved from your general vicinity all night. 
Whether it was near the snack table, upstairs for a little while, or standing near Joshua and Jeonghan as they played beer pong, Vernon hasn’t been far, mostly talking to the two men or any other people around you, occasionally trying to bring you into the conversation. You’ve been doing your best to contribute, but your nerves about not knowing what to do with yourself, paired with the butterflies in your stomach that erupt whenever Vernon so much as looks at you, have you feeling a little out of your element.
At some point in the night, Jeonghan wanders off and Vernon disappears for a bit. You and Joshua are standing near the drinks, trying a few different shots and you hate them all. You nearly forgot how much you dislike the taste of most alcohol.
“So when are you going to tell Vernon you’re into him?” Joshua’s question is abrupt and he knows it. It’s why he snickers, watching your face contort as you choke on the shot of Patron you just knocked back, which you instantly regret. 
“When am I going to what?!”
Joshua shrugs, taking a shot himself, his eyebrows only knitting a little. 
“You heard me. And don’t act so surprised. Watching the two of you steal glances at each other all night and then act all shy as if you weren’t doing that was cute for the first five minutes, but enough is enough!” Joshua reaches for another shot, but you smack his hand, demanding why he thinks you like his friend. You haven’t told a soul about your crush on Vernon.
He’s about to say something else, but then Vernon shows up and your attention locks onto him.
“Hey guys, I’m heading outside if you want to come.” His eyes linger on yours and you momentarily forget how to speak so Joshua answers for you, letting him know that you’ll both be joining him.
It’s late and you’re not sure what time it is, but the sky is full of tiny stars, providing faint light to the group of people sitting outside. The small circle of people is sitting on lawn chairs surrounding a brightly shining lantern and a bong as they take turns passing it around. The three of you take the spots still open with you between Joshua and Vernon. 
You didn’t forget what Joshua said inside, but put your interrogation on the back burner.
You’ve smoked weed before, in fact, you do so multiple days of the week. It’d been your chosen way to destress with friends before you moved and even more so now as you quickly learned that Vernon was the stoner friend in this group. If everyone was going to be hanging out and Vernon was there, there’d inevitably be edibles or a joint passed around. In your mind, you were practically perfect for each other.
The other partygoers greet you, and Vernon immediately takes the bong from the person next to him. Joshua falls into conversation with Wonwoo on his other side which gives you time to study Vernon.
He rolls up the sleeves of his hoodie, his forearms on full display. His movements are effortless as he leans forward to grab a pinch of weed from the grinder tin on the small table in front of you. His fingers, always looking so long, nimbly pack the bowl of the bong. He uses his middle finger to gently press it down as his eyebrows knit in concentration and his lips purse just a tiny bit. 
Your eyes never leave him as he places his lips into the mouthpiece and uses his free hand to grab a lighter on the table. Vernon lights the bowl with skilled fingers, inhaling gently but confidently, then removes it. His eyelids flutter closed, as he inhales steadily, the smoke in the bong swirling as it fills his lungs. 
Once he’s had his fill, he pulls the bong away, holding the smoke in his chest for a few seconds before his red lips part, the smoke seeping out of his mouth in rings and drifting up to the dark sky. A dopey smile plays on his lips as his eyes open again, meeting yours. 
The entire act has you clenching as you watch him work, so in his element and looking absolutely breathtaking while doing so. But the look he’s giving you now has an undeniable effect on you and the want you so often feel for him.
Vernon tips the bong lightly in your direction, asking if you want a hit and you accept it. Instead of handing it to you, he holds the mouthpiece out to you, keeping it in his grasp as you lean forward and place your mouth on it. Vernon lights the bowl for you, holding eye contact as you start to let the smoke billow into your mouth, your chest already feeling warm as it fills you. He waits until your eyes close to remove the bowl, and you inhale sharply, your head already feeling lighter.
The bong is pulled away and you tip your head back, the smoke swirling inside of you before your lungs begin to burn and you open your mouth, releasing the smoke. You watch it float up and dissipate and don’t notice Vernon’s gaze still glued to you.
When you meet his eyes, neither of you moves, almost waiting to see what the other will say or do.
Joshua is the one to interrupt the moment, yelling at the two of you for not sharing. Vernon leans over you to pass the bong to Joshua’s waiting hands and he’s the closest to you he has been all evening. The smell of his sweet shampoo hits you first before the woodsy scent of his cologne follows, topped off with the faint smell of weed. It takes everything in you not to kiss him, but you hold it together until he sits back in his chair. He slouches into the uncomfortable fold-out chair, his legs spread wide in his worn jeans, practically begging you to crawl into his lap. Again, you don’t, but dear god how you want to.
Time ticks by as your small group stays outside, passing the bong around the circle every few minutes. You’ve quickly lost the conversation being held by the whole group since you and Vernon spend most of your time talking amongst yourselves. You don’t discuss anything in particular, just movies you’ve seen lately, new restaurants you’ve tried, and some of your favorite new musical releases. Conversation with Vernon always flows so naturally and easily. The two of you rarely broach awkward topics which is a miracle in itself.
At one point, the conversation shifts to you and your lack of experience in the party department.
“So, you’ve never been to any party ever? Like not even a birthday party?”
“Do birthday parties at laser tag places count when I was like ten?” Both of you giggle at that, feeling so much more at ease than you did earlier.
“I don’t think so. I mean like, in high school, you never even went to like a small house party?”
You shake your head as you sip on the soda you had dragged yourself back into the house to get earlier. “Nah. I wasn’t really popular in high school and my friends and I were all too nerdy to throw parties. We had anime-watch nights, but that’s about it.” Waving your hands dismissively you chuckle, but Vernon just shakes his head.
“I can’t believe that.”
“What, that I’m a massive nerd? I wouldn’t think that’d be a surprise since Joshua and I literally got into an argument about Full Metal Alchemist last weekend at Seungcheol’s.” A snort leaves Vernon when he laughs and you can’t help but notice how endearing it is.
“No, we already know you and Shua are weebs!” He keeps laughing even when you lightly push him at his teasing. “What I mean is, I can’t believe that you weren’t popular. I mean, look at you!” He gestures wildly to you, his eyes sweeping over you from head to toe.
“Oh, come on.”
“No, for real! You’re so damn funny and so fun to be around. You’re super sweet and kind and you’re always taking care of us. Plus you’re the hottest person I’ve ever met so like, how the fuck weren’t people all over you? You’re basically fucking perfect!” His words make you feel fuzzy all over, and you know it’s not just the weed.
“Thank you, Vernon,” you whisper, averting your attention to your drink. Hearing Vernon call you hot and “fucking perfect” makes you squeeze your thighs together. Something about him complimenting you so blatantly has you weak in the knees. With your earlier stress gone and feeling a little more carefree, you decide it’s now or never. “I think all of that about you too,” you mumble under your breath.
At first, you’re not sure if he hears you so you dart your eyes over to him. Vernon is staring at you, blinking slowly and you can almost see the gears turning in his head.
“Oh wow,” he finally breathes out. “Really?”
Oh. He did hear you.
“Yeah.” You admit. It’s already out there so you may as well just stand by it.
Vernon’s brain looks as though it’s working overtime as he stares at you blankly. Your stomach does the most violent of flips as you wait for what comes next, unsure of what you should say. 
Thankfully, Joshua barges into the conversation, disrupting the tension that hung between you and Vernon.
“Hey, Y/n, I’m tired. I’m gonna find Jeonghan and head home. You wanna share an Uber? Jeonghan’ll probably crash at my place and you can too. Or we’ll put your address in as a stop.”
“Uh…” Do you want to leave now? You just kind-of, sort-of, maybe confessed your feelings to Vernon. But, he also kind-of, sort-of maybe did the same. 
If you leave now, will he pretend none of this happened the next time you see him again? Will he blame the weed for his words that he possibly didn’t mean? Does he want you to stay and decide what to do next together?
“Y/n mentioned staying behind for a while longer. Right?” Vernon decides for you, tilting his head and looking back at you, unmoving as he waits for you to verify.
“Oh, yeah I’m gonna stay a little longer.”
Joshua narrows his eyes at you, scanning your face for something that may contradict your words. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I’m good here with Vernon.” Joshua seems to inspect you both, the seconds dragging on before he finally decides that he accepts what you’re saying.
“Okay, but I better get a text from you later when you’re going home and when you get there. Got it?”
Joshua throws another look at Vernon. “Everybody better stay safe.” There’s something else behind Joshua’s demand and you’re not sure how exactly to take it.
You and Vernon watch him go before the earlier silence you shared is back. It hangs in the air for what feels to you like an eternity but is more likely only a few seconds.
“You wanna, uh, go upstairs?”
“Yes!” Vernon stumbles over his words when he asks you, but you don’t when you answer him. He’s barely able to get the last word out before you’re accepting his offer. You don’t care where he wants to take you because you’ll go wherever with him.
Vernon slowly stands, reaching for your hand which you give him without a second thought. He leads you back inside the house, upstairs, and to one of the bathrooms in the hall.
“Um, my room’s not clean. I didn’t really expect anyone would be in my room besides me so…” Vernon confesses rather sheepishly when the door is shut behind you. “But, Seungkwan made us clean all the common areas so I promise this room is clean.” A nervous chuckle leaves him, averting his eyes from you.
“That’s okay,” you admit. And it is. Your romantic feelings for Vernon aside (and yes it is a lot of feelings), you want him so badly. You yearn to kiss him, touch him, and let him fuck you, no matter where it happens. Knowing that maybe your feelings aren’t unrequited only makes you want him even more. “It doesn’t matter to me.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah. I’m sure.”
Vernon smiles at you, his mouth taking the shape of a heart that has your actual heart beating wildly. He approaches you almost cautiously, pressing you against the bathroom door.
“Are you sure you want this?” His question is a whisper as he’s practically nose to nose with you.
“Of course.”
“We can stop whenever you want to. If you get uncomfortable or change your mind about me or anything like that just say the word.”
“Vernon, I want to be here, I promise. Now kiss me, please.” 
And kiss you he does. Vernon dips his head to close the gap between you. His lips are a little chapped as they move against yours, but you don’t mind at all. Your hands ball themselves in the front of his hoodie while he cups your face and kisses you hard. His tongue prods at your lips and you open immediately, moaning as the muscle slips inside your mouth. His tongue wraps around yours, suckling at it and pulling another desperate sound from you. The urgency behind his movements is evident, as his hips meet yours, his body flush against you. 
It’s shallow at first and barely noticeable but when you do feel it - Vernon grinding against you - you instantly react, meeting his small thrusts.
When his clothed erection, already hard and straining through his jeans, presses against your pelvis, he makes a deep, pleased hum in his throat. Even through his clothes, you can feel just how big Vernon is. More wetness pools between your legs, already making your underwear feel uncomfortable and sticky. 
Vernon continues to hump against you, his kisses becoming more frantic and his hands have long since started wandering on you. His big hands cradle your hips, sliding down the tops of your thighs, then around you to grab a handful of your ass. He yanks you into him, his hips continuing to rut against you.
The sheer act of Vernon dry-humping you like a man truly crazy with lust only makes you want him more. You feel yourself clench around nothing, the friction of Vernon’s hard-on nudging so close to where you need him the most. He has to pull away from your mouth finally, gasping for air, but his hips don’t falter. 
“Vernon…please, I need more.”
“More. Need more.” Your words come out as more of a whine when he squeezes your ass again.
“More of me?”
“Fuck, yeah. Okay.”
He looks genuinely forlorn at the thought of stopping his movements, but he does, lightly panting from his exertion.
Your hands leave the crumpled fabric of his hoodie and snake down to his waist, slipping your hands under the hem. Vernon lets you undress him and then he does the same to you, pulling off piece by piece, tossing each article away without so much as a second thought and drinking in the sight of one another as you go. 
Vernon is back on you once you’re both naked, shoving your bodies together as he kisses you again. He cups your breasts, thumbs rubbing circles over your pert nipples. You moan into Vernon’s mouth, letting him work your sensitive buds, the sensation making you rub your thighs together. When your knee brushes Vernon’s hard cock, he nearly chokes. His hands knead at your plush skin as his lips trace their way from your lips to your neck.
Vernon’s teeth nip at your skin and your hands float up to grab at his hair, fingers tangling in the soft strands, keeping him at your most sensitive spot. Your knees nearly buckle when he starts to suck harshly and his hands continue their work on your tits.
Before you know what’s next, one of Vernon’s hands is inching down your body, stopping at the apex of your thighs. With a step out to the side, you spread your thighs to give him access. A single, long digit swipes at your already sopping folds. 
He eases his finger into your hole, your warmth greedily sucking him. Vernon begins pumping his finger in and out of you as he continues marking your neck, mumbling about how warm you are and how wet you feel. Your mind starts to turn to mush, your hands scrambling to grasp onto any part of Vernon you can. It happens to be his biceps - those of which are surprisingly firm. You’ve never seen him go to the gym or talk about working out, but clearly he’s doing something. The muscles ripple as he pistons his finger in and out, soon adding a second which slides in with no resistance.
His hot, rock-hard length brushes against your thigh and you reach down with the hand not clutching his arm for dear life, and wrap your fingers around his cock.
Vernon jumps, hissing through his teeth as you slowly jerk him off. Your thumb rubs over his tip, the precum oozing out and helping your hand glide over him.
His lips find yours again, the kiss bruising and messy as he finger fucks you faster and the squelching sounds you make around him echo off of the tile. His fingers scissor in you, working you open for him and when he grazes that soft, spongy spot inside of you, your legs nearly give out. 
He manages to keep you upright with his other arm locked around your waist. “You okay?” His voice is gruff, much deeper than it was earlier and you can feel more wetness seep out and around his fingers. 
“I’m s-so close, Vern, fuck.”
“Yeah? Gonna cum all over my fingers?”
The sentence is so simple but it has you clenching around his digits so hard that you hold your breath.
“Mmhmm!” you can’t manage words, only sounds, but he doesn’t ask again, instead quickening his pace. Doing your best to match his speed, you twist your wrist, letting Vernon cant his hips forward and fuck into your hand. You whimper into each other’s mouths, the only focus is each other. The only thing either of you see and think about is the other.
Vernon eventually breaks the kiss and bends down to draw one of your nipples into his mouth, his tongue flicking at the bud before sucking on it hard enough to hurt in the best way. The twinge of pain shoots straight to your belly, the tension finally snapping.
When you cum, you throw your head back, hitting the bathroom door with a loud ‘thunk!’ and your eyes squeeze shut so tightly that stars swim in the darkness of your closed lids “Fuck!” You choke out, your knees finally giving up on keeping you upright as you let go of Vernon’s cock to grab a hold of his other arm.
Your body sags against his bare chest. He has to prop you back against the door while he helps you ride out your orgasm. The image of you like this, naked and sweaty and crying out for him on his fingers will live in his mind rent-free until the day he dies.
When he finally slips out of you, he can’t help but stare in awe at your juices that drip down his fingers. His first impulse is to shove them into his mouth which he does eagerly, sucking and savoring the flavor of you.
Vernon’s eyes roll back and you watch the entire thing, struggling to keep your eyes open.
“Can I eat you out? If that’s okay with you of course.” Vernon’s eyes are wide as he meets yours, half-afraid that you’ll say no. He’ll respect you of course, but he’ll also daydream forever about the way just the small sampling of you tasted on his tongue.
Luckily, for both of you, you want nothing more than to feel Vernon’s kiss-swollen lips on your cunt.
“Please!” You shamelessly beg, droopy eyes widening at his request.
He leads you to the bathroom counter and helps you clumsily clamber up onto it. Both of you are wobbly and clumsy from the weed, but you make it without injury. Vernon’s on his knees instantly, wide hands prying your legs open, pussy on full display. 
“Holy shit, you’re so wet!”
“Vernon!” You cover your face in embarrassment, feeling self-conscious.
“Like, your pussy is fucking shimmering in the light, baby.” His face is right in front of your heat, the proximity making your hole flutter right in front of his eyes. “Fucking hell I just watched your pussy squeeze. I’m going to pass out.”
“Vernon, fucking touch me already, please! I need you so bad!” His heavy eyes meet yours, tongue darting out to lick his lips. 
“Yes, please.”
Much like earlier, he didn’t need you to tell him again as his eyes focus on you and he dips his head between your legs. 
Vernon’s tongue immediately finds your clit, the muscle flicking forcefully, sending a jolt through you. Shaky fingers rake through Vernon’s hair and grip the brunette locks for support as he takes your clit into his mouth, sucking on it in the way you need.
“Fuck! Vernon, yes!” Your hips start to buck up into his face when he changes direction and dips his tongue into your pussy, groaning low in his throat as he does.
“Mmph! So good.” Vernon drawls, his words muffled as he tongue fucks you, slurping your wetness as he does.
His tongue darts in and out of you, his nose brushing your clit every time you lift your hips. Vernon makes out with your cunt, the lewd sounds alone are enough to have you hurdling to your end and Vernon’s grunt reverberating through your body is what ultimately has you cumming. 
“Vernon!” His name erupts from your mouth in a shriek, your thighs clamping around his head. Your whole body feels as if it’s on fire, as you arch almost painfully into him. You stay that way for what feels like minutes, hips still pushed towards him as you gasp and Vernon continues to lazily lick at you.
The world could crumble around you at this very moment and you don’t think you’d care. 
That was undisputedly the best head you’ve ever gotten.
Vernon chuckles from between your thighs, finally coming up for air.
“Best head ever huh?” His nose all the way to his chin shines with your juices as he gives you a lopsided grin. 
You hadn’t even realized you said your last thoughts out loud. Only a small part of you feels embarrassed. The rest of you only focuses on Vernon as he stands up, his cock red and angry as it rests against his stomach.
“Can - can we do it on the floor? My legs feel like cooked pasta right now and I can’t stay upright.” His expression is sullen as he says this, but you can only giggle at how cute he looks, pouting at you, cradling his very thick, very distracting dick.
“You can fuck me wherever you want as long as you do it.”
Vernon’s eyes widen, blinking a few times as if your words fluster him, but he quickly snaps out of it, helping you off the counter. He grabs a bath towel hanging on the rack nearby and spreads it out on the floor before helping lay you on it. He promises that it’s clean, but you shrug his worries away. Towel or not, at this very moment all you want is Vernon to fuck you even more stupid than the weed has made you, and you don’t care what he does it on.
With fumbling hands, Vernon reaches for his pants and digs his wallet out in search of a condom. When he finds it, he opens and rolls the rubber on, hands trembling as he goes. 
He scurries back over to you, easily taking his place between your legs. He momentarily forgets what he’s doing when he catches sight of your still-sopping folds and you have to call his name to get his attention. His eyes dart up to look at you, fixating on your heaving chest and bottom lip pulled tight between your teeth, hair sprawled out around your head, eyes red and shiny, staring right back at him. 
You look straight out of all of the late-night fantasies he’s had about you and you don’t even know it.
Vernon’s cock feels as big as it looks when he finally eases inside of you, your legs quivering along the way. His hands hook under your knees, keeping you open until he buries himself balls-deep into your pussy.
The two of you share a moan, your voices harmonizing in pleasure at finally filling you and being full by him. He takes a moment before he thrusts forward, gauging your reaction. A scrunch of your brow and a nod to him lets him know to move and he anchors himself by gripping your thighs as he starts to snap his hips.
A high-pitched yelp leaves you, echoing in the room along with the wet sounds of your arousal, the sound only intensifying as Vernon starts to fuck you with more urgency. 
“Holy shit, Y/n. You feel fucking incredible.” He pants out as he drives his hips into yours, sweat already beading at his hairline.
Your shaky hands reach up to wrap around his shoulders and you pull him closer. “S-so do you…” Vernon stumbles, but catches himself, planting his hands on the sides of your head. Wrapping your legs around his waist, you do your best to lift your hips with each thrust, meeting Vernon’s momentum as he fucks into you.
Through the condom, you can still feel the most prominent veins on his cock, the friction gliding against your walls, your eyes crossing at the pleasure. The bathroom floor isn’t where you imagined your first time with him being, although you never thought that your first time with him would even happen. Your crush on him was one you kept close to you and in your mind, it wouldn’t be reciprocated. 
That thought was obviously cast aside if the way his soft brown eyes, rimmed with scarlet, are looking down at you, even as his lips press together in concentration with each drive of his body jolting yours and almost pushing you across the floor.
Even with THC coursing through his system and making every other movement so slow, Vernon is quick and determined as he rocks into you, your soft, gummy walls squeezing him harder the faster he fucks into you at a bruising pace. 
“You’re beautiful, you know that?” Vernon rasps out between grunts. 
“You’re f-fucking the last of my brain cells out of m-me and you wanna be romantic?” You manage a laugh, even if it gets cut off with a sob as soon as Vernon’s cockhead bumps into your g-spot. 
“I can’t help it. You make me wanna be romantic.” His words are accentuated with a breathy groan - the sentence a stark contrast to the way he pummels your cunt.
Tears well in your eyes, and you blame the weed for bringing emotions out of you. Raising your head as best as you can, you meet his lips in what is meant to be a sweet kiss, even if it’s more teeth than anything, but neither of you minds.
You lay back and settle when you can’t keep yourself up anymore and Vernon stays close to your face as he pivots his hips, shoving his hand between your bodies. It takes him a second, but he eventually finds your clit, eliciting a shriek from you.
The pace that Vernon finds with both his hips and his fingers has your orgasm right on the cusp, your body already sensitive from earlier. 
“Say my real name,” he wheezes desperately. 
“Hansol! Fuck, so good. ‘M gonna cum! So close…” His real name rolls off of your tongue just as easily as his nickname does, if not easier.
His fingers pinch at your clit between pressing against it as his other hand supports most of his weight, his sweaty forehead resting against yours. 
“Cum for me again, baby. Wanna see you cum just for me.” His voice is like honey, dripping all over you, and setting your heart and body ablaze.
You reach your high then, a needy cry of his name exploding from you, your body going stiff. Wave after wave rushes through you like an inferno, your blood rushing to your head. Through the ringing in your ears, you hear Hansol actually growl from above you, your name, and a string of curses sounding like a chant coming from him.
His mouth hangs open again as his hips stutter, riding out his orgasm until he lets out a loud huff. Instinctively, you reach your hand up, running it through Hansol’s damp strands. His eyes slip close, pushing his head into your hand more, relishing in the way your nails graze his scalp.
The air is calm and full of so much adoration even as you both harshly huff and puff, catching your breath. You relish this moment with Hansol, wanting nothing more than to stay like this with him.
The sound of his stomach grumbling cuts through the moment. “Sorry,” he snorts, causing both of you to break into a fit of laughter.
“Wanna go back downstairs and get some pizza?” You ask him as he finally moves off of you and you peel yourself up from the floor. Vernon has to help you stand, but to be fair, both of you are unsteady as you stand again.
“Hell yeah. Would you wanna bring it back up to my room? I can clean up really quickly and you can stay over. I have a bowl if you wanna smoke more. But only if you want to! You can say no and I can stay with you until a rideshare gets here.” The nervousness in his question is obvious as he pulls his clothes back on, having to concentrate on getting both legs in his jeans without falling over.
“Of course, I’ll stay over. And don’t worry about the mess. As long as there’s room in the bed for us, the food, and to smoke it doesn’t matter to me, Hansol.” You smile to yourself once you’re dressed, loving the way his real name sounds to your ears. You want to only call him Hansol from here on out.
His head snaps up and he fixes you with a wide-eyed look once his hoodie is back on. “Really?”
You nod at him, laughing at his expression - the same incredulous look he’s given you all night. Closing the small distance between the two of you, you place a gentle kiss on his lips, enjoying the way he instantly melts into you.
Yeah, your first real party was completely different than you had imagined, but it was even better than you had hoped.
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Seventeen masterlist | All Masterlists
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In GTN chapter 36, Cytherea says “None of you have learned how to die gracefully. I learned over 10,000 years ago"
Do you know/have a theory as to how Cyth could have learned anything pre-resurrection? She was not one of the original lyctors present for the resurrection and it was only 10,000 years ago. It could be hyperbole but I am suspicious of the “over 10,000 years”.
Thank you so much for the ask! I wanted to take my time with it, I hope you didn't mind the wait.
I actually had been chewing on this with my most recent GtN reread. Bear with me as I cut and paste all the pieces that form my thoughts on this - hopefully it's somewhat coherent to read.
Could "over 10000 years" be a hyperbole? Maybe. A lot of characters tell the 'truth' as far as they believe it to be so even if it's factually incorrect. I don't think, however, that Tamsyn would make Cytherea say it in this specific way if it was a hyperbole. In GtN chapter 35 where Palamedes confronts Cytherea we get the following lines, which are what feed my intuition about this:
"Don't lie to me, please."
Dulcinea said, "I have never lied to any of you."
Cytherea has no reason to lie, especially not after being confronted by Palamedes. She tells him herself - she has been giving pieces of the truth and using those to manipulate the narrative. Because of this and because it's much more fun if it isn't a hyperbole I see no point to dismiss it as an emotional inaccuracy.
So let's say she is over 10,000 years old. How does that work?
First thing I went looking for while trying to figure this out was the question of Cytherea's birth. On the fandom wiki, it states that Cytherea was born into the established Seventh. I have been combing through the books, and I cannot find anything in canon that truly confirms this. What we do know of the timeline and her age is the following from HtN chapter 9:
"When they first brought her to Canaan House, I thought there'd been some mistake. - She was just shy of thirty then, I recall. -
-Was she the first gen, or second?"
"Second," said God. "Early second. We were still experimenting with getting the Sixth installation up and running. Some of the Houses were empty."
Mercymorn spoke up: "No. We had it running by then. Because Valancy was with us, and Anastasia."
-"Yes, you're right. We were all there to meet her. All sixteen of us -
'Some of the houses were empty' is the important line here, because in NtN John 5:4 Harrow describes how the resurrection happened:
-You resurrected some of them. You wake up fewer still. You start out with a few thousand, then, later, some hundred thousand, then millions, but never more than millions. You teach them how to live all over again. You teach yourself. -
The houses are named in order of resurrection. The Seventh, then, comes after the Sixth, which should make it obvious that by the time Cytherea arrived the Sixth was already established - or the Seventh wouldn't have existed. Yet, for some reason, for John this is not as obvious. I have found what could be an explanation in HtN chapter 2:
He said, "No. I haven't truly resurrected anyone in ten thousand years. But at that time... I set many aside, for safety... and I've often felt bad about just keeping them as insurance. They've been asleep all this myriad, Harrow, -
The difference wouldn't be as obvious to John, because he didn't resurrect the houses one by one. He resurrected a chunk of the earth's population, kept them dormant, and piece by piece woke them up to populate the houses. Beyond the fact that Cytherea is never said to have been born on the Seventh in canon (again, to my knowledge - please correct me if I missed it), the following from HtN chapter 2 really seals the deal in my eyes that she was not born on the Seventh but rather woken up for the Seventh.
The emperor said gently, "She needs to go home, Harrow."
"That was never her home," he said.
You did not look. "And will the Seventh House accept her?"
I also considered John might feel Cytherea belongs at home with the other Lyctors and therefore denies that the Seventh is her home, but then remembered the following from the same chapter:
He said, "No Lyctor has ever returned home, once we understood the reprecussions... no Lyctor except one, who knew I would come to intercept her for that very reason."
He is talking about how Harrow cannot go home to the Ninth, and referring to Cytherea going home by returning to Canaan house located on earth. John also talks about the kind of people he resurrected in NtN John 5:4:
-We'll get them all back... some of them, anyway... or at least, the ones I want to bring back. Anyone I feel didn't do it. Anyone I feel had no part in it. Anyone I can look at the face of and forgive. -
Part of the same chapter I included above in combination with this one make me itchy almost. Harrow says 'You teach them how to live all over again.' That almost feels like it should be people who recently learned how to live. Like John only resurrected kids.
Think about it. He resurrects his loved ones and ones he can forgive. People who did not take part in the destruction of earth in his eyes. Who other than children could he really be talking about? Children, babies, who have no power to decide or influence to exert, who - even if they did have the power - do not have the capacity to understand the consequences of their actions. Whose memories will be easiest to erase because there is so little to begin with.
It then also makes sense why there were two generations of Lyctors. The population he woke up had to grow up into adults first. Why else would he have half a band of Lyctors trying to settle all of the Houses? If he was able to pick adults worthy of resurrection, he would have been able to pick adults capable of establishing his houses and becoming his hands and gestures.
One final point that drives this home is the following from the very beginning of GtN in chapter 7 when Teacher tells the Ninth about Dulcinea's condition:
"Dulcinea Septimus was not meant to live to twenty-five,"-
Dulcinea's hereditary disease is the same as Cytherea's. John did not know she was sick when she first was brought to Canaan house, which means that when he resurrected her, she must have been young enough to not be actively dying yet. Perhaps a toddler or a child who had been sick for some time - long enough to know what it feels like to slowly be dying.
So, all in all, my answer is that Cytherea was not born on the Seventh. I am not sure where the idea that the second generation was born on their planets of origin came from, but I honestly doubt any of them were born instead of woken. Cytherea claiming to have learned something 10,000 years ago would be a great way for Tamsyn to give us just enough to figure it out - this is, after all, the same author who gave us the big reveal of the second book in the first sentence of the first book of her series.
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sttudnobright · 1 month
Targaryen Dragon Family Members
Spoiler Warning for anyone who hasn’t read the book Fire & Blood and/or hasn’t seen any of the episodes for House of the Dragon/Game of Thrones.
One of things I loved about the House of Dragon was seeing the many different designs for the dragons. Especially since dragons are my favourite mythical creature, ever since I read the Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini. 
Thankfully the design for Drogon, Rhaegal and Viserion were just one design type and they really diversified their design when making this new spin off series. Making these fantasy creatures far more interesting along with their unique personalities.
According to this article: dragons-guide-house-of-the-dragons. They based the skulls of the dragons off three shapes; dinosaur (T-Rex) e.g. Seasmoke, Equine (Horse) e.g. Syrax and Canine (Dog/Wolf) e.g. Caraxes. 
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Source: https://x.com/knight_Steve_/status/1561268496625209344
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Source: https://ew.com/tv/dragons-guide-house-of-the-dragons/
The second season introduced even more dragons and regardless of how you feel about the second season, I began to play a game to try and figure out who’s related to who, the Dragon version. It seems like the dragons follow their Targaryen counterparts with their interwoven family dynamics. 
Before I get started, I’ve kept in mind that the Targaryen’s fled the Valyrian Freehold with five dragons, one of which was Balerion. Considering he was the last of those five dragons alive by the time of Aegon the Conqueror, it’s easy to theorise that he was the youngest of the five by far. 
I also know that dragon eggs don’t hatch immediately when they are laid. If the eggs are kept warm regularly then they can lie dormant for years before hatching. For example, according to the book Fire & Blood, the pink dragon Morning hatched from Rhaena Targaryen’s egg after years, toward the end of the Dance of the Dragons. 
Canine (Wolf)
The most well known i.e. notorious dragon with a canine design is Caraxes, the Blood Wyrm the mount of Prince Daemon Targaryen. 
His head was designed to be wolf-like in appearance while his body was influenced by the Eastern representation of dragons.  
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Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/HouseOfTheDragon/comments/166hdub/concept_art_for_caraxes_in_house_of_the_dragon_s1/
‘More so than any of the other dragons, it represents the greatest deviation from the Drogon template, its serpentine shape inspired by dragons found in Chinese folklore. “The Blood Wyrm almost looks like a deformity in the way it slithers and undulates through the air versus just straight flying.” Condal says.’
(Source: House of the Dragon: Inside the Creation of the Targaryen Dynasty by Gina McIntyre, Chap 2, pg 60)
Caraxes also doesn’t appear to share his body type with any other dragon seen yet on the series (both older and younger). 
My first theory is that Caraxes came from an egg that was laid by one of the four other dragons that left with the Targaryen’s for Dragonstone before the Doom. 
My second theory is a bit more vacuous but Caraxes shares a similar name to Meraxes. Only the skull of Meraxes is seen during season 2 of House of the Dragon and even then it was in the background of the scene and there have been no depictions of Meraxes with her body before her death. Leaving the possibility open that she had a similar body shape to Caraxes.
Arrax is the next dragon which I would say had a more canine influenced head. Though I do see similarities to Drogon too. Given how eggs can take a while to hatch both potential fathers are likely to be Caraxes or Seasmoke. 
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Source: https://gameofthrones.fandom.com/wiki/Caraxes, https://gameofthrones.fandom.com/wiki/Arrax and https://www.reddit.com/r/HouseOfTheDragon/comments/1bka4y4/this_dragon_is_seasmoke/
However, I’m not blind to the fact that Arrax could be the result of Seasmoke and Syrax either. His head might have become more like Seasmoke’s or Caraxes. Sadly he was taken away from us before he could become fully grown. 😢
For my own headcanon I believe Arrax  (and Vermax) were sired by both Syrax and Caraxes, because from my perspective he bears resemblance to Caraxes with Syrax’s neck frills. It would also hint that Rhaenyra never wanted to be married to Laenor and has always desired to be with Daemon. Thankfully the dragons aren’t as carefully watched as their human riders. 
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Source: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/arrax-concept-for-house-of-the-dragon--8936899255036648/
I debated whether to put Vermax on the list for canines as he appears to have gone through a redesign between season 1 and 2. But since there’s no clear and concise picture of him in Season 2, I’m going to keep with his season 1 design. 
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Source: https://gameofthrones.fandom.com/wiki/Vermax
Like Arrax, I think Vermax is the offspring of Caraxes and Syrax (this opinion may change once I see his new design). As we can see above, Vermax has a more canine inspired head, very similar to Arrax and Caraxes but has the neck frills of Syrax. Then there’s a brief glimpse of him in flight as a young adult (see below).
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Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/HouseOfTheDragon/comments/z1cqvo/vermax_looks_so_goofy_after_the_time_jump_hope/
I had a bit of a problem with this. As it looked like they just enlarged Vermax’s juvenile head and made it look a bit like they transplanted the head of an ankylosaurus onto a dragon’s body. 
Then we got a slight glimpse of Vermax at the Twins in Season 2. I’m a bit miffed that we only got this one (barely) close up scene of Vermax. Though I’ve noticed that he now has a more lovely and vibrant green to his scales (from what I could tell).
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Source: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1034165241400861&id=100044221846882&set=a.80587916089613
I could also see that they’ve redesigned him somewhat. His head looks a bit more streamlined like Syrax and seems to have those swept back horns. But it’s possible that his head has become a bit more like a dinosaur. His design appears to be closer to his earlier artwork than his last look in season 1. Unfortunately, I’ll have to wait until season 3 to see his final design, I just wish it didn’t take so long. 🙁
Equine (Horse)
The first dragon we see with an equine designed head is Syrax. She has a long, narrow snout with four protrusions on her head (two on each side). They look like horns but they’re covered in scales. Though there is a snakelike quality to her. 
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Source: https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Syrax
I didn’t see any other dragons with a similar head design until we got a brief glimpse of Sunfyre during Laeana Velaryon’s funeral. 
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Source: https://gameofthrones.fandom.com/wiki/Sunfyre
When I saw Sunfyre, I thought that it was likely he came from an egg laid by Syrax, as they both share the same head shape and with the same scale covered horns (possibly - can’t get a picture of Sunfyre with good enough light and quality to check). Then there’s their similar colour; Syrax with yellow scales and Sunfyre being gold. 
Not to mention he would have hatched during a time when both Viserys and Alicent were trying to get on good terms with Rhaenyra. It’s not out of the realm of possibility for Viserys to ‘heavily suggest’ that Rhaenyra give her new brother one of Syrax’s eggs as an attempt to reconcile her with Alicent. 
That was until I saw Silverwing. 
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Source: https://www.businessinsider.com/all-targaryen-dragons-house-of-the-dragon-2022-9
I think I figured out where both Syrax and Sunfyre got their horns from. 😉 
Which makes me think that perhaps Syrax and Sunfyre are siblings rather than parent and child. This would further mirror their riders: Rhaenyra and Aegon. But without confirmation from George Martin or the showrunners, I can only speculate. 
But I think it’s definite that Syrax was hatched from one of Silverwing’s eggs. And since Silverwing is the known mate of Vermithor, I don’t think it’s far off to conclude that they're both the parents of Syrax and possibly Sunfyre too. 
Dinosaur (T-Rex)
In the Game of Thrones series, we only had Drogon, Rhaegal and Viserion and all three of them despite their different colouring had the same shaped skull. 
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Source: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/kinonewpro--330240585180974788/
The first one to appear (sort of) with this head shape in House of the Dragon is Balerion’s skull. 
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Source: https://collider.com/house-of-the-dragon-balerion-westeros-horror-story/
Balerion appears to have the same halo of horns as the Daenerys’ dragons do, as well as the same broad snout and brow. From looking at all dragons from both series, I believe that Balerion is definitely the sire and grandsire of the majority of the dragons living, going by the amount of dragons that appear to share his head shape. The spin off series following Aegon’s Conquest might undermine this but until it airs, I’ll stick with this. 
Vhagar & Vermithor:
Next is Vhagar and Vermithor. They both appear to have the dinosaur inspired head shape, though Vhagar appears to have been created with influence of modern day monitor lizards. Her head reminds me especially of a Komodo dragon,
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Source: https://pixels.com/featured/komodo-dragon-profile-bill-cubitt.html
When we finally saw Vermithor in Season 2, I began to believe that Vermithor hatched from one of Vhagar’s eggs. 
When we compare them we can see the similarities in their head shapes and we can even see Vermithor developing the beginning of a gullet like Vhagars’. Though Vermithor still has some of his horns while Vhagar’s appeared to have fallen off in old age. 
‘...She maybe was once a very beautiful jade dragon but is now a kaiju, a monster, because of her age. Any horns that she’s had have been pushed out by the growth of her skull… For reference, Serkeris studied images of ageing reptiles, including turtles and alligators.’
(Source: House of the Dragon: Inside the Creation of the Targaryen Dynasty by Gina McIntyre, Chap 2, pg 57)
‘Vermithor is very nearly the same size as Vhagar, with an enormous wingspan and all the hallmarks of old age, including loose skin and missing scales.’
(Source: House of the Dragon: Inside the Creation of the Targaryen Dynasty by Gina McIntyre, Chap 2, pg 73)
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Source: https://x.com/westerosies/status/1586377934499377153 and https://www.forbes.com/sites/danidiplacido/2024/07/29/house-of-the-dragon-silverwing-vermithor-bastard-riders-explained/
And since I mentioned above that I believe Vermithor and Silverwing are the parents of Syrax. I think it made this scene hilarious. 
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Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2024/07/28/house-of-the-dragon-season-2-episode-7-recap-and-review-the-dragonriders-take-flight/
Essentially Syrax with Mum and Dad telling Granny Vhagar to ‘F**k Off!’’ 
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Source: https://screenrant.com/why-aemond-vhagar-flee-house-of-the-dragon-season-2-episode-7/
And Granny Vhagar wanting to smack down the insolence 😂
Dreamfyre & Seasmoke: 
Then there’s Dreamfyre and Seasmoke. Sadly Dreamfyre isn’t seen much in Season 1 and doesn’t appear at all in Season 2. In season 1, the best we have is a slightly illuminated image when she’s in the Dragonpit and one at a distance during the funeral on Driftmark. 
However, from what we can see in the Dragonpit is that she has the similar head design as Drogon, Rhaegal and Viserion. 
Given that Dreamfyre is the oldest, having hatched while Aegon the Conqueror was still King, it wouldn't be a big leap to deduce that she’s the ancestor/mother of Seasmoke and Drogon and his siblings. 
I do hope we see her properly in Season 3 as well as Tessarion (They’re both blue, which is my favourite colour) 
Then there’s Seasmoke, the mount of Ser Laenor Velaryon. Despite his smaller size, it’s clear that there are strong similarities between him and Daenerys’ dragons and of course to Dreamfyre. 
Apart from the head shape and horn crest both Drogon and Seasmoke share a similar design on their tail and neck fin which only strengthens the evidence that they’re related.
‘Four of the dragons were modelled quite closely on Drogon, including Seasmoke… though Laenor’s dragon is smaller, with a slightly altered wingspan to give the creature a more youthful appearance.’
(Source: House of the Dragon: Inside the Creation of the Targaryen Dynasty by Gina McIntyre, Chap 2, pg 68)
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Source: https://gameofthrones.fandom.com/wiki/Seasmoke and https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/close-up-of-drogon-the-dragon--1407443625283046/
Personally, I still believe Dany’s eggs are the three eggs stolen from Dreamfyre by Elissa Farman and sold to the Sealord of Braavos as they look too similar but it’s possible that Syrax is their mother if Seasmoke was the father. 
Finally there’s Meleys, the Red Queen: 
Other than Caraxes and Moondancer, I think Meleys is a dragon with one of the most unique designs. I can’t see any of the older or younger dragons bearing a resemblance to her. Her head crest is unlike any seen on Dreamfyre or Syrax and instead of frills on her neck she has rows of horns. 
Her head design also seems to be a cross between an equine and dinosaur design. From the front Meleys’ design looks more like a dinosaur but from the side her head looks longer, more streamlined with a slight droop. 
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Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/HouseOfTheDragon/comments/1dy3jwl/i_was_worried_the_show_wouldnt_do_meleys_justice/ and https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/meleys-and-seasmoke-laena-n-laenor-velaryons-dragons-sea-1-ep-5-house-of-dragons-91822--321655598400053208/
It’s possible that like Caraxes, the egg Meleys came from was laid by a dragon that had long since passed by the time of the Conquest. However, during season 2 of House of the Dragon, I noticed the skull of Meraxes (later confirmed by the showrunners) in the background of any library/archive scene on Dragonstone. 
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Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/HouseOfTheDragon/comments/1di097c/meraxes_skull/
Despite the broader snout, those straight horns sticking up look very familiar. I won’t know until Meraxes is brought to the screen but I believe it’s a good possibility.
I do hope that the new spinoff series of the Conquest is done well but regardless I’ll be excited to see how Balerion and Meraxes are designed and brought to life. 
One of the dragon designs I most enjoyed this season was Moondancer. 
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Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/HouseOfTheDragon/comments/1dwr4ti/moon_dancer/
‘Moondancer… presented the artists with an ideal opportunity to break the mould… “Moondancer is the rock star of the bunch,”... “She’s the punk rocker. She has more of a Mohawk.”’ 
(Source: House of the Dragon: Inside the Creation of the Targaryen Dynasty by Gina McIntyre, Chap 2, pg 71)
She’s an amalgam of so many different dragons, it’s possible she’s a descendant of a few or all of them but who’s the sire and grandsire, I have no idea. 
Moondancer has the green scales and the beginnings of a gullet like Vhagar. She has a triangular, canine head like Caraxes. And then there’s the swept back horns and the frills on the head and tail like Syrax and Silverwing. 
Sheepstealer is described as an ‘ugly, mud-brown’ dragon in the books. While we haven’t got a detailed, up close image of him, his design is certainly interesting. I particularly like the design of his wings, it reminds me of claws. I can honestly picture him in a horror movie. Hopefully we get to see some of his personality in the next season. I really want them to show Rhaena claiming him, she’s waited for so long she deserves the spotlight. 
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Source: https://gameofthrones.fandom.com/wiki/Sheepstealer
As for parentage it’s impossible to say. I’d say it’s possible to be in a similar situation to Caraxes and Meleys, where his sire died long before he hatched. 
He does seem to have a more canine inspired design for his head rather than equine. But there could also be a dinosaur influence as well. I’ll have to wait for season 3 to draw more clues and just in case the show decides to redesign him before season 3 starts.
Firstly, Little Stormcloud is absolutely adorable 😍😍😍😍😍😍 We need more baby dragons 🥰
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Source: https://screenrant.com/house-of-the-dragon-season-3-aegon-stormcloud-not-happen/
As for parentage it’s harder to say from his looks because he’s so young. His head might grow more like a canine or a dinosaur, it’s too early to tell.
However, since he’s the dragon of Daemon’s firstborn son and first child with Rhaenyra, I’m willing to bet Stormcloud is definitely one Syrax’s egg with Caraxes. It could be one of Dreamfyre’s eggs but considering Aegon the Younger was born during Rhaenyra’s 6 year isolation on Dragonstone. I don’t think Rhaenyra would have travelled all the way to King’s Landing when she had a supply of eggs at the ready under the Dragonmont. 
Obviously not sure, as we never got a glimpse of Tyraxes only heard him rattling about in his cage 🙁 Poor thing 🙁
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Source: https://www.aol.co.uk/dragons-still-war-house-dragon-095758750.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAEJoYIdfPDaVqX0YBjyW_ZXrgd04QJf3k6dpzOVllpJtuHXGxFkrmL2y-i06EDoyEiCPPL0_DwyNSB2ZBs4zZjvtzVkqojxuDQM7lUU_hSALYDM8NDn6Mu-y8Ws3FLd9NlGqHvCIsB_jXlyXegotKD_1_TFxZ5u8v6z-DhcBHmPe
Given the name similarities I like to think it’s possible his egg came from a union of Caraxes and Syrax, just like Vermax and Arrax.
We only got a brief glimpse of her toward the end of the season but I was excited to see her. And I’m looking forward to seeing her properly next season. Mainly because as I mentioned my favourite colour is blue and I love seeing blue dragons. 
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Source: https://www.dexerto.com/tv-movies/house-of-the-dragon-tessarion-explained-2841424/
From this brief look, she looks like a blue version of Arrax. Until we get a closer look, I’m going to predict that Tessarion is one of Syrax’s eggs. Possibly another attempt to bridge the gap between the Black and Green Factions by Viserys or Rhaenyra or both. 
Or going by the blue colour, Tessarion could've come from one of Dreamfyre’s eggs.  
I hope you’ve had some fun reading this. I certainly entertained myself thinking about it during Season 2. 
If you disagree with anything I’ve proposed feel free to disagree. This is mainly from my perspective. 
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Dormancy: Coping with the temporary loss of a headmate
So we have a post on how to help a headmate post-dormancy, and we thought it was about time to write a post on helping yourself when one of your headmates goes dormant.
What is dormancy?
Dormancy is when a headmate or alter becomes temporarily inactive or seemingly disappears from their system for a length of time. This is a relatively common experience that affects systems of many different backgrounds and origins.
Why do headmates go dormant?
Headmates may go dormant for a wide variety of reasons, including, but not limited to:
- the system feeling overwhelmed
- a scary or traumatic life event
- their presence being no longer needed in their system
- the system being too overcrowded
- the system functioning through cycles of different headmate groups
- and many more! There is no clear-cut set of reasons for a headmate going dormant.
Will my dormant headmate ever come back?
Chances are, yes! Headmates and alters don’t die in systems, and if a headmate goes dormant there is a huge chance that they will return one day. It may take weeks, months, years, or even decades for a headmate to be awakened from dormancy. Even if it’s been many years since a particular headmate went dormant, that in no way means they’ll never be coming back!
Can I force my headmate out of dormancy?
For some systems, it is possible to contact a dormant headmate or even pull them out of dormancy before that headmate is ready. However, if your system does not already have a pre-established member capable of contacting dormant headmates, it’s probably for the best to not fret over forcibly removing them from dormancy. Rather, it’s best to have patience and accept that, while it may be a long time before you see your dormant headmate again, being dormant does not mean they’re lost forever.
I miss my dormant headmate! How can I cope with the loss?
It’s totally understandable to be hurt, confused, frustrated, anxious, or distraught when a headmate becomes dormant, especially if it was a member you are close to. We’ve found that the best way to handle coping with the loss of a headmate to dormancy is through trusting your feelings and allowing yourself to grieve.
Here are some things you can try to help you and your system properly mourn the (most likely temporary) loss of your headmate:
1) Remember there are no wrong feelings
There’s nothing wrong with missing your headmate! There’s nothing wrong with feeling angry that they left, or worried that you may never see them again. What matters more than our feelings is how we choose to act on them. You can’t control your feelings, but you can try to control how you react to them. So try to treat yourself and your system with kindness, patience, and understanding, in spite of feeling upset or overwhelmed! Don’t
2) Journal
Keeping a journal can allow you and your headmates to vent, process your emotions, and grieve in a safe environment. You can write out how you feel, reminisce about times spent with your dormant headmate, or anything that helps you and your system in the face of this loss. Your journal can be just for you, or it can be for any headmate who wishes to write in it! Journalling can be so useful for those who are grieving or going through difficult times, and this includes those who are missing a dormant headmate!
3) Keep their memory alive
Just because your headmate is dormant doesn’t mean you’re doomed to forget about them. You can create a shrine or memorial in your living space or even in your system’s headspace (if you have one) in order to honor your dormant headmate. You can keep pictures of them and hold onto their projects, personal items, or things they were interested in. You can create a playlist of songs that they loved or that remind you of them. You can do things like engage in their favorite activity or make a food they love in order to feel close to them. You can spend time with your headmates sharing your favorite stories and fond memories of your dormant headmate. Collaborate with your system to find ways of keeping your dormant headmate’s memory alive, and leaving a space for them if and when they do return to your system!
4) Seek support
If your system is still struggling after regularly journalling, attempting to process your emotions, and memorializing your dormant headmate, it may be time to seek outside support. Of course, if another member of your system feels equipped to support those who are struggling, y’all should feel welcome to support and care for each other however you can! However, if everyone in your system is having difficulties dealing with your headmate’s dormancy, it may be time to seek some outside help.
This is where friends, loved ones, therapists, and other people who your system trusts come in! If you’re out about your system to anyone in your life, and trust them to be understanding and treat you and your headmates with kindness, it may be a good idea to reach out to them and let them know what’s going on. Sometimes just talking about your troubles with someone who cares can be incredibly cathartic and beneficial!
Hopefully, these suggestions can help bring your system closure while understanding that, while your dormant headmates aren’t gone forever, it’s okay to miss them and to grieve their absence in your lives!
My headmate has returned from dormancy! How can I help them readjust to life?
We actually already wrote a post on how to help headmates post-dormancy! You can check it out below - there might be some repeat information in both of these posts!
If you made it this far, thank you so much for reading! Feel free to reach out if you have any further questions or comments regarding dormancy. The post linked above ^ has some links to outside articles and resources on dormancy which may be useful! We hope this helps those who are struggling with the loss of a headmate due to dormancy.
Please try to take care of yourselves, and have a great day!
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(Image ID:) A pale orange userbox with a cluster of multicolored flowers for the userbox image. The border and text are both dark orange, and the text reads “all plurals can interact with this post!” (End ID.)
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This is entirely out of pocket for me but for context I watched the latest episode of BNHA. I- uhm, well, I initially didn’t care to watch the show anymore because I lost interest due to the fanbase and the pure hate I’d gotten after expressing enjoyment for it in the past.
My brother and my mother convinced me to watch S7 with them, and I did, and it was manageable to watch.
Up until episode 11. Spoilers for MHA/BNHA S7 under cut, this is most ramblings again but it awoke some dormant part of me who loved the show when I was younger and well yeah . .
Sooooo that episode right???
I think it might’ve changed me a bit. I’ve been generally very meh about the show/series for the better part of the last year, due to my dwindling interest in it and the absolute firestorm of fandom hate that drove me away.
But I’d been watching the season with my bro and mother, who I’d accidentally gotten hooked on the show nearly five years ago.
And while I did see it coming a bit with ep10, I don’t think it would’ve ever prepared me for (what I’m only assuming is permanent? I’m not knowledgeable of the manga past vol 30) Bakugo’s death.
The buildup was stunning. In comparison to many other seasons, especially the long haul of the latter half of season 6, the fight sequences in season 7 have been nothing short of spectacular. But the pure buildup to the moment of power, the music as well, the hope that is instilled in us as we watched him practically fly around to land his hits.
For context, I used to think Bakugo’s character was annoying as shit. Then again, as a preteen, it was very easy for me to hate on characters that were simply outwardly annoying. However, somewhere around season 5, I began to harbor a sympathy for him. He was far from my favorite character, but I began to enjoy his progress, his maturity, and seeing him onscreen more often.
I respected Bakugo. I understood his insecurities. My sympathy for him only strengthened.
His critical injury in season 6 (sorry if so much of what I say isn’t specific, I genuinely haven’t watched this show in a long freaking time/interacted with the media since 2022) had me freaked. I was worried for his character and I hadn’t read far enough in the manga to be able to determine whether he would be okay or not.
This time, I’m not sure he’s coming back to us. And I’m almost scared because I wasn’t exactly prepared for the single constant throughout the entirety of the series, Izuku’s rival but closest friend, to be gone within seconds.
And please, I’d like no manga spoilers in any rbs or comments.
Shigaraki saying that Bakugo was the closest person to Izuku was a line that made me pause and think. It made me suddenly flash back through all of the seasons and their relationship and their growth alongside each other. And holy shit it made me genuinely become invested in this guy’s slow but shocking character arc in this story.
It was a beautifully crafted thing and I haven’t felt so attached to a character that I didn’t know was a part of me in the first place, in a surprisingly long time.
So, in conclusion, Bakugo Katsuki is a really fucking interesting character. I was never all that about him, I respect and sympathize with him, and suddenly when he might be gone forever I realize how much I care about him. It’s odd how that happens, how this character can sneak up on me like that.
Anyways, I think this season alone is restoring my love for this story, for this show. The dark tone shift that Horikoshi took was one of the reasons why I loved it, and I think I’ve returned to that appreciation.
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syscultureis · 3 months
I’ve got a question and I’m not sure where to ask except here. Sorry if this isn’t the place. Also sorry that it’s long.
I’m a polyfrag sys. I’m in therapy and stuff and my therapist is seeing a DID specialist for me. Everything that makes me doubt that I could have DID turns out to be a symptom, but there’s one thing that still bugs me.
I’ve had alters just… disappear. Like, I’ve had some come in and out of dormancy, but some just gone. Alters seem to just split for no reason, too.
I’m under constant stress and I’m still having to deal with the person who caused all my trauma in the first place so I’ve been told the splitting isn’t super abnormal especially since. Polyfrag. But we’ve had so many alters split to deal with one specific situation, stay around for a bit, and then never front again. Like some haven’t made profiles on simply plural and have straight up been forgotten due to amnesia and stuff. The fact that we’re incredibly introject heavy doesn’t help.
Like it’s just making me wonder if I’ve been faking subconsciously and have been using the label for three years to explain something that just is not actually DID. My therapist is convinced I’ve got it but I had come to her with the suggestion and not the other way around.
I guess the question is really just whether or not this is possible. Our previous hosts are all still around and just rarely front because they hate it, but the ‘less developed parts,’ as my therapist calls them, tend to either go dormant or fuse (is that what it’s called?) or whatever it is that happens to them when they disappear.
Sorry if I seem a bit stupid. I’m a recently split alter and I’m still unsure how all this works. I just know I am heavily doubting myself right now because of this.
Thanks in advance.
We have pretty similar things happen, it's likely to be dormancy or fusion but honestly we don't know what happened to ours either
It's a scary part of the disorder that we've had a lot of other systems tell us about before
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blackbat05 · 10 months
New Beginnings
Oliver Wood x Autistic! Reader
Plot: It's your final Christmas at Hogwarts but that doesn't mean you can't make new friends. While working at the school library, you meet a certain Qudditch Captain who has been observing you for longer than you think.
Genre: PG-13 (warning: suggested degrading terms towards people with special needs but not explicitly mentioned)
A/N: It's that time of the year and my obsession hasn't gone away actually, it's just been dormant. And what better time of the year to do a new character, one that I actually crushed on by simply just reading the books. Thanks @the-slumberparty for letting this gal write so many fics for end of the year!
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Prompts in Bold!
It was a quiet day at the library. The semester break had just started and this meant that many students would be heading back home for the holidays.
You decided to stay at Hogwarts. Your friends expressed their pity but quickly forgot your supposed “plight” as they jabbered on about their holiday plans. Instead of cramped concert venues where wizards and witches would be rubbing all over each other, you decided to take on a position as library assistant at the school library. It was your final semester and you were going to miss this place. Soon, it would be the harsh environment of the working world and you weren’t quite ready to face it yet.
Apart from a student scribbling on his parchment, the library was empty. You decided to flip through the papers, looking at potential job openings for an educator at a school for young wizards and witches with special needs. You marked potential jobs with your wand, not noticing the young wizard in front of you.
“Oh my god! You scared me.” You jump a little at the sight of his burly figure.
“Sorry,” he apologizes, scratching his head sheepishly. “I was hoping you could help me find this book?” He passes you a piece of paper with the title scribbled on it.
“Professional Qudditch techniques?” You raised your brows, looking at the boy over the paper. You knew that you were talking to the Captain of Gryffindor’s Qudditch team. “I believed Madam Pince told me to stock this yesterday. Come along Wood.”
“You know who I am?”
A small smile forms on your lips. “Hard not to when your part of the Furious Seven.” You see his bemused expression and add on hurriedly, “I mean that’s what some people call the team.” You head down the aisle with Oliver Wood trailing behind you like a lost puppy. “Here it is!” You beamed, passing him a thick magenta book.
Oliver beams and thanks you. “So, are you not going back for the holidays?”
“Nah. My family’s inviting relatives over and I don’t really want to answer their intrusive questions. Especially since we’re in our final year.” You say drily and Oliver solemnly nods in understanding. “Besides, I wanted to stay for the school’s Christmas dinner and celebration. I won’t be coming back next year so I want to have a magical Christmas. What about you? Surely you can’t be studying.”
He laughs, “Nope. I was hoping to practice some moves for the professional Qudditch tryouts next year. I’m trying out for Puddlemere United’s reserve team.”
“That’s great!” You say sincerely. “I hope you make it.”
“Thanks Y/N.”
You pause in your tracks, looking at him curiously. “How do you?”
“Know your name?” Oliver finishes helpfully. “Hard not to know the Witch who is advocating for the rights of Wizards and Witches with special needs and doing a far more excellent job than those in the Ministry.”
“You read my posts?” You refer to the commentary on the school’s newspaper and an independent newspaper from the Ministry that you were involved in.
“Of course I did. I’m not going to be reading whatever purist rubbish that the Ministry has.” Oliver responds. The two of you reach the counter and he waits for you to check out his book.
“Um. I was wondering if you’re free tomorrow. Since it's Christmas Eve.” He adds hastily as you looked at him curiously.
“Sure. I would like to get a book from the local bookstore. Perhaps we could have a few butter beers while we’re at it.” You suggest. Oliver grins and you can’t help but to match his as well. You’ve never talked to him for this long before and you’ve only seen him from afar at the Qudditch matches. Kind of odd really that he’s reaching out before the lot of you graduate.
“It’s a da- deal!” He agrees a little too loudly as Madam Pince shoots her head out from one of the shelves and gives him a glare. You giggle softly.
“It’s a deal.”
You meet Oliver at the entrance to Hogsmeade. You can’t help but to notice that even all under that clothing, Oliver’s physique was still prominent. You prayed that the cold weather would cool your cheeks.
“Shall we?” He offers and the two of you trudge along the snow covered path.
Despite the two of you only having a real conversation the day before, it felt as if like you've known him since the very beginning. As the Captain of the Qudditch team, you always thought that he would be unapproachable and up there. On the contrary, he was charming and jovial, making you laugh at an incident that he recounted on the Qudditch field.
"You know a lot about the sport." Oliver remarks as you also added in your two cents on the recent match between the bottom two teams on the league table.
"My dad watches it. He's a huge fan. I think the two of you will get on swimmingly."
"Why didn't you join Qudditch then?" Oliver asks. He clearly remembers in first year of broom practice with Madam Hooch, you were one of the few students who could control their broom with ease and even managed to have a good swing at the practice bludgers Madam Hooch threw at you.
"Let's just say that I was a free spirit." You enter the warm bookstore and greet the saleswizard who directed you to the newest releases. Satisfied with your find, you retrieve another book and thrust it into Oliver's hands.
"I didn't want to say anything while Madam Pince was there but this is the newest version of Professional Qudditch Techniques. It has a few extra pages at the back that discusses Puddlemere United's training system and why its so effective."
Oliver is about to reach out, presumably to pay but you have a tight grip on the book. "A Christmas present." You tell him.
You hurriedly look away and Oliver can't help but to notice how your sniffing due to the cold (and also nerves at your attempt to get closer to him). He doesn't know the actual reason for your sudden sinus of course so he wraps his scarf around your neck. The saleswizard gives you a playful grin and shake your head furiously while Oliver is engrossed in a sports magazine, blissfully unaware.
Your last stop for the day was the Three Broomsticks. Oliver orders two mugs of butterbeer that you force yourself not to down with relish.
"Thanks for today." You nurse your mug. "I really enjoyed it. Best Christmas ever."
"So did I. My parents wanted me to be home for the holidays but I'm glad I made the right decision." Oliver has an unreadable expression and a honey-like gaze that would have gotten you stuck if you were transfixed on him any longer. The bell to the Three Broomsticks rings, signaling new customers and also the change in Oliver's expression.
"Flint." He hisses and you turn around to see the Slytherin Captain with a bunch of his cronies snarling at Oliver. Flint had a nasty grin plastered on his face. Oliver takes you by the wrist and you end up sitting beside him as the group approaches menacingly.
"What do we have here? I didn't know you had time to pick up girls?" Marcus Flint's slimy undertones made your skin crawl. You unknowingly grip Oliver's hands tighter under the table. You never liked the whole lot of them. For a very good reason as well. They would constantly make hateful and degrading comments at the cause that you were championing, even going as far as harassing you anonymously with thinly veiled death threats. You couldn't catch everyone, but you knew Marcus was one of many.
"Sod off Flint." Oliver shoots but obviously falls on death ears. In fact, this eggs on Marcus' taunts. His eyes fall on you and narrow into slits. You almost shrink into a ball and this does not go unnoticed by Oliver.
“So, L/N. Written any tasteless posts lately?”
Your mouth goes dry and Marcus continues to launch his assault on you. He turns to one of his cronies. “Hey, did anyone see that post about how wizards and witches with special needs should be able to attend schools?”
A snort of assent goes around and you go bright pink, fighting to keep your temper down in a public place.
“What a whole lot of dung that was. Hogwarts is already ridden with blood traitors and mudbloods. We certainly don’t need more charity cases.”
This time, you find yourself holding onto Oliver whose knuckles have gone red. He knew that both your parents were muggles.
“Did you know?” Marcus says to no one in particular but his voice is annoyingly loud. “I’ve heard a rumor.” His smile is almost sinister. “Y/N here is apparently… a special needs witch as well. A reta-”
Before Marcus can get another word out, a loud sickening crunch could be heard from Oliver’s fist coming into contact with Marcus’ jaw.
“You keep your bloody mouth shut Flint!” Oliver was shaking in rage. “Y/N, let me at him!”
“Oliver stop! He’s not worth it!” You hold him back while Marcus is held up by his cronies. “Please!” You stand in front of him and this seems to snap Oliver out of his rage induced trance. “Get lost before I break your hand next.” He snarls.
Marcus keeps his mouth shut but is shaking from fury and embarrassment from the attention that the scuffle had attracted. He storms out of the establishment, cronies slithering behind him. The Three Broomsticks resumes its normal hustle, leaving you and Oliver to clean up the mess that was a result of the fight.
You stay silent throughout the rest of the trip, all the way back to Hogwarts. Oliver thinks that he’s royally screwed up this time and is wrecking his brains on how to apologize.
“Come on in.” You tickle the pear and the door to the Hufflepuff common room opens. “Let me see your hand.”
Oliver blinks but doesn’t say anything. He follows you quietly into the common room that was thankfully empty.
“Sit.” You direct him to the sofa as you rummage through the shared medical supplies. You wordlessly take his hand and Oliver goes stiff as a gargoyle. Working your magic, the bruise on Oliver’s hand is virtually non existent and doesn’t feel sore when he grabs the cup of water on the coffee table.
“Thank you.” You speak up. “No one ever has done that for me.” You throw the last of the medicinal jars into the kit, returning it back to its original place with a flick of the wand.
“It’s what I would have done. You’re a hundred times better than them, pureblood or not.” Oliver states. Curiosity crawls up his neck and he wants to ask about the unsavory rumor about you floating around Hogwarts. But you beat him to it first.
“When I was four, I wasn’t hitting the typical milestones a wizard or witch would. My parents were worried and sent me to every muggle doctor and therapist in hopes that I would get better. It was a tough journey but with my parents’ support, I’m able to be here today.” You explained. “That’s why I’m so passionate about what I do. Because I see myself in them. Hell, I am them.”
“I didn’t know.” Is all Oliver can say. You smile sadly.
“I didn’t tell anyone. Despite what I’m doing, you’ll be surprised that there’s still stigma surrounding the magical world regarding special needs wizards as witches.”
A lull of silence falls between the two of you.
“Well, you’re still the same in my eyes.” Oliver insists. “Beautiful, brave and bold.” He realizes what he had just said and goes beet red. You can’t help but to think it’s adorable.
“Thanks. For believing in me.” Before you can even understand what is happening, the door to your heart has opened. You feel vulnerable but strangely… you’re okay with that. You lean forward and give him a kiss on his cheek.
The sight in front of you is hilarious - Oliver holds a hand to his cheek, mouth slightly agape. You laugh at his apparent shock and you don’t know where you get the bravery or confidence from.
“Do you need me to kiss you again?”
Oliver snaps out of his stupor and this time it’s his turn to leave you stuttering. “Yeah. I need you to kiss me properly this time.”
A pair of wolf whistles emit from the entrance of the common room and you see a familiar pair of redheads with identical grins.
“Way to go Cap!”
“And we thought you were only married to Qudditch!”
Oliver rolls his eyes good-naturedly. “Piss off you two.”
George Weasley raises his hands up in mock surrender. “Don’t your get your pants in a twist Wood. We just wanted to tell you that Christmas dinner is starting in ten. We couldn’t find you in the common room so we’ve been looking everywhere.”
“Everywhere except here apparently.” Fred adds helpfully, dodging a cushion that Oliver throws his way.
“Don’t be late!” The twins singsong and leaves you two alone once again.
"I'm so sorry about those two." Oliver groans. To his surprise, you didn't look the slightest bit mad. You shift closer to him and Oliver has to steady his heart as you look at him.
"Can I hold your hand?"
Oliver goes slack for a moment. It's funny if he thinks about it. You've kissed him on the cheek for Godric's sake! But like on the Qudditch pitch, he recovers quickly and takes the lead instead, reaching out to grab your hand that slots perfectly with his. As you leave the common room and head to the Great Hall where you can already hear the festivities in full swing, Oliver stops abruptly.
He looks so serious that you wondered if he completely malfunctioned from the moment you two had in the common room.
"You forgot something," Oliver says and you feel his lips on yours. He slowly parts, observing your expression with a lopsided grin. "A kiss."
A cold gust of wind brushes by and the two of you look out to see the first snowfall of your last year at Hogwarts. "What do you know? First snowfall of our first day together."
Once you snap out of your trance, you playfully smack him on his broad shoulder and he sprints away from you.
"You are a cheeky one Oliver Wood!" You yell.
"Yeah?" He turns around, stopping right outside the entrance of the Great Hall. "But at least I'm yours! Hey! Everyone!" He attracts attention from everyone in the hall - students, professors and even Headmaster Dumbledore himself. "I'm finally going out with Y/N L/N!"
You run after him as loud whoops from the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff table could be heard. Even the faculty were exchanging serene smiles at the sight of young love despite the imminent tough times that were about to descend on them any moment.
It was your last year at Hogwarts. Your final Christmas celebration with a place you called home for the past seven years. But with every ending, comes a new beginning.
In this case, one that involved a very charming Qudditch Captain who saw you for who you were.
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