#esp when they said itd be fine lol
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puppysdog · 1 year ago
ooh got denied a promotion again for some stupid ass not my fault reason. do they know im gonna blow them up with my mind
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m1ckeyb3rry · 5 months ago
LMAO we only accept non basic exceptionalism as coined by Karasu but if reader had an espeon and got eevees with otoya imagine how much worse the tweak out would be when otoya gets a sylveon LMAOOO reader gets espeon first and hes like oh yeah seal the deal im def getting an umbreon now gotta have the power duo and then bam sylveon
Omg wait hioris nidoqueen just becoming an honorary member of reader and co solely because of it getting along with nidoking and garchomp waitttttt imagine a side story where they get stuck in like some electric type situation (im thinking like the ferroseed issue in the bw anime) and they have to rely on their only ground types (iirc those are the only three then but I could be wrong but ykwim) actually i always found those episodes interesting where they get stuck and are limited to a certain pokemon (bonus points if the character didn’t originally get along with that one LMAO)
LMAO wait that lowk also makes more sense I feel like a deino would harder to catch than phanpy waittt illegal pokemon abuse ring arc that would go hard
LUKEWARM DONUT thats so random im crying i almost forgot about the whole “team x thinks she’s one of them” thing im ngl it kinda makes me laugh like ofc those team organizations are usually huge but i just imagine it like you don’t even know your own co workers LMFAOO
WAIT ATOPPP THATD BE SUCH A CUTE EPISODE zooming in on little Polaroid snippets of precious moments
LMAOO no because I read that fic like “okay so where’s part two with justice for Karasu….”
SHSHSHSB OAEU BAROU WAS SOOOOOOOOO GOOD I actually had such a fun time reading it as usual can’t wait for what you cook up next!!
I’m fr waiting for s2 to spread the tabieita agenda given that there’s a good amount of focus on them in the first third selection match in very hopeful LOL
LMAOO I originally thought of pursuit being another Nagi marker for you (and hopefully it’ll still be one) but itd be kinda comical if people ended up associating it with Barou instead HSGSHS but once it’s actually written it’ll probably be more Nagi since hes, yk actually ALIVE and we see him a lot more than Barou
Professor aiku is gonna be so funny LMAOO like when he locks in people are like “wait you actually have a brain I thought you were just a Prof for memes and chicks” it’s crazy how we now have prequel main series and sequel cast developed LMAO
You probably already saw my commentary in your inbox by this point EDIT: I just saw the response gonna go read that now but OOOOH excited either way do you have anything particular in mind?
Also unrelated but have you seen the latest jjk chapter I lowk don’t remember like half the characters but yk it’s fine
- Karasu anon
THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT I WAS THINKING LMAOAOA like otoya sees the espeon and he’s like YUP we’re set time to lock in i just KNOW i’m getting an umbreon it’s basically fate and then he in fact does not 😭 but agreed karasu said it best there’s no time to be mediocre/average when we can have fun cool slightly unusual pokémon (not that reader’s team is super off the beaten path anymore but still i feel like hydreigon is def a bit of a rarer pick than garchomp for example would be)
yes nidoking and garchomp are the only ground types w reader and co!! actually mc trio doesn’t have any either the only other ground types are barou’s krookodile, hiori’s nidoqueen, and yukimiya’s steelix 🧐 imagine we get a yukimiya comeback just for that arc LMAOO like they’re struggling nidoking is carrying everyone on his back and then all of a sudden yuki pulls up like “need a ride 🤩⁉️” and everyone piles onto his giant snake HAHAHA
agreed i think her deino will be very stubborn esp at first (houndour beats it up while it’s still young so it listens better once it’s older) so it makes sense that it refused to be caught plus phanpy being more common means reader probably wouldn’t care as much like if she misses she misses but deino she NEEDS to have (or maybe deino is about to destroy their campsite so the only option she has is capturing it since houndour is off helping karasu collect firewood) the pokémon abuse ring is def an interesting arc i’m looking forward to it!! basically otoya is so rizzful that the nurse joy is like “look the police/government aren’t doing anything about this but you guys are trainers can you investigate” (as more hints towards the government’s corruption…maybe they’re being paid off by the leaders of the ring??) and otoya immediately agrees (even though he and reader literally have one pokémon each since deino’s still healing at that point and karasu + tullia are busy elsewhere) so then he and reader go undercover and end up busting the ring and exposing them before sending them to jail (this could also make them automatic opps of the government since they’re clearly unruly/difficult to control)
LMAOO no because team x grunts fr see the houndour and they’re like yup okay she’s one of us even though there’s zero other evidence that she is?? but maybe the houndour line is rare due to their bad reputation and association w team x so they weren’t entirely wrong in assuming that
bro once again pokémon studios needs to hire me IMMEDIATELY i could make such a good series like literally just animate pursuit atp it would be fire…speaking of side stories idk if you remember the pursuit graphic so i’ll add it down below
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i was thinking like for the side stories i’ll replace the houndoom with the character’s signature pokémon/starter?? so for a karasu side story it would garchomp, for otoya it would sylveon, hiori’s is kingdra or maybe nidoqueen, tullia’s is infernape, isagi’s is stoutland, etc etc i think it would be a fun way to differentiate the side story chapters from the main ones!!
no fr i was like ok so can we leave otoya and get w karasu now?? please??? i don’t want eita he’ll CHEAT on me GIVE ME KARASU NEOWWWWW and then i just wrote a bunch of karasu one shots myself JFJDKS
i actually feel like rather than barou people might associate it with KARASU since he’s the most present male in reader’s life during the story (at least before nagi starts locking in) and they’re super super close and as we know people have a hard time differentiating between platonic/familial and romantic love 😓 imagine everyone’s like “why didn’t she end up with karasu they’re obviously in love” HE’S A PARALLEL TO HER BROTHERRR (technically cousin but for emotional closeness’s sake barou’s her brother) COME ON NOW YES THEY LOVE EACH OTHER VERY MUCH NO IT IS NOT ROMANTIC anyways…
PLS pursuit universe is so deep and extensive we fr have every era defined…no because aiku as a professor cracks me up he definitely is the professor that gets stuck without a pokémon and the trainer character has to pick a pokémon at random to save him (maybe this is how niko meets him LMAOOO) to be fair bro IS doing a thesis like he is quite smart he’s also just goofy (very brock coded)
i’m very undecided what to release next…i’m getting lots of sweet comments abt the barou version of the oaeu so maybe i should just stick with that?? or maybe old requests?? or my 1k event?? smth else entirely?? it will be a surprise just whatever i’m inspired for when i sit down w my ipad to write ig 😭
i did see it!! i am…uh…a little lost tbh it felt very random once again like nothing of particular note actually happened 😰 and now the trio is just going on a mission?? but this wednesday is the last chapter so for better or worse things will be over then!! maybe it’ll make more sense afterwards 😭 lowkey i can’t believe it’ll be over in three-ish days that’s kind of insane to think abt…definitely the end of an era
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cielospeaks · 10 months ago
-dv livestream!
-so first of all, mY ABSOLUTE MADLADS HOLY SHIT JOSEPH JOESTAR VOICE RICKY BOI IS GOING TO WIN THE DEDUCTION STAR OH MY GOSHHhhhh ok. i am normal abt this. i would really like it if he wins but im terrified at what sorta skin they will give him.
neutral ending: he gets like. a chopin biopic theme outfit (or even another composer. monteverdi maybe if they want to hammer in the references to orfeo or whatever). playing it safe but thats fine tbh. you want me to suffer (affectionate) ending: its amadeus the movie and idk if ricky would be mozboi or sal but either way im screaming and crying on the ground. bad ending: its none of these options and its something predictable/boring/shipping related and im like. angery face. expanded galaxy brain it will not happen but i can hope: any of my shitpost rickys. music man ricky. froderick fronkensteen ricky. beet from batea ricky. ricky wearing a nightgown and nothing else absolutely losing it ricky (that being said i have no idea but a jekyll and hyde ricky would be a bit goated)
-and for the actual livestream stuff. the three new characters are neat. i think im more attached to them than other ones- memory and adaemil were very lore heavy, lily and friends were fine but i dont feel so invested (esp when operas backstory was just a more marketable rehash of antonios -angry face emoji- ). i like the gambler lady. shes fancy yes but shes got an air of like. elegance and politeness i dont get from other characters in the series. idk i just think shes pretty and shes got them gantsby vibes -pacha hand-. goatman seems nice, like bane or burk or someone. knight seems like a cool guy or could be just the "polite guy villified for plot" and i guess that means either way ill prolly like him -le shrug-. that being said i hope hes well written and isnt a character i wont end up liking. itd be cool if he and ricky can be bros. he gives me those vibes. also gambler lady and antonio being gambling buds would be so cute. the friend he deserves. everyone can be buds with goat man bc he seems nice too.
-not so interested in the crossovers/events besides the holmes one which is big interest omg. the new lady seems like shed be a cool irene adler if shes added. detective as holmes pls. (its prlly gonna b novelist or maybe mercenary bc of mr inference? but listen cone boi is detective so holmes should be too, since his apprentice is lol)
-sept the first school au hunter gets revealed. im like :| bc this series hasnt had any faves yet but it also seems mostly harmless and gives less popular characters skins occasionally so tbh im fine w it. itll prolly be a popular hunter and not my boi antonio but whatever. -shrug emoji-
-rest of lore: ok this is fine. like tbh id rather they dont focus on the journalist plot bc i really dont like it lmao. i find the animation kinda ugly and the characters are all really unlikeable. its also just impossible to talk abt the plot to anyone since everyone has such different takes on it lol
-that being said i am looking forward to maybe the next essence/season (w gambler lady? antonio a/b tier pls he needs it. pretty lady who is also gambler i think he needs this)
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mikumutual · 5 years ago
answers aa themed questions nobody asked because i’m cool and sexy
also i havent played the 5th or 6th games so
YOUR FAVOURITE…? 1. Favourite Ace Attorney game? honestly? phoenix wright ace attorney! everything’s fresh, there aren’t many weak characters, and the plot is remarkable (especially the fifth case). the whole trilogy is really good as one unit though 2. Favourite case? 1-4, 1-5, 2-4, and 3-5 are tied lol, i can’t make a decision to save my life. 2-1 is really really funny tho 3. Favourite defendant? as a defendant, lana skye. as a person, edgeworth 4. Favourite prosecutor? as a prosecutor, franziska von karma. as a person, edgeworth 5. Favourite ship? wrightworth obviously... ive probably put more thought into them over the last 3 years than any other ship 6. Favourite victim? probably mia fey or gregory edgeworth... but for non-relevant victims, neil marshall :( 7. Favourite murderer? shelly de killer, i LOVE that guy. but dee vasquez was very cool as well 8. Favourite assistant? maya fey!!!!!!!!!! but i like kay faraday a lot too (im so sorry ema) 9. Favourite witness? adrian andrews... or maybe iris? i mean i didn’t like iris but god what a person 10. Favourite quote? “It doesn't matter how many underhanded tricks a person uses... The truth will always find a way to make itself known. The only thing we can do is to fight with the knowledge we hold and everything we have. Erasing the paradoxes one by one... It's never easy... We claw and scratch for every inch. But we will always eventually reach that one single truth. This I promise you.” - Miles Edgeworth i made this one of my senior quotes :]
YOUR LEAST FAVOURITE…? 11. Least favourite Ace Attorney game? uh fucking apollo justice. literally what the hell was that 12. Least favourite case? turnabout visitor wasn’t very strong? i guess it’s fine as an intro, but it’s also wonky with the timeline of aai 13. Least favourite defendant? max galactica. he’s better in the anime though 14. Least favourite prosecutor? manfred von karma, obviously. i like every other prosecutor (who i know of) though, even winston payne is pretty funny in hindsight 15. Least favourite ship? “miles edgeworth/female oc”. there are a lot of bad ships though, mostly involving phoenix & his assistants. dont do that please 16. Least favourite victim? zak gramarye for kickstarting that shitty, shitty game 17. Least favourite murderer? again mvk... but also fucking frank sahwit LMAO 18. Least favourite assistant? i guess trucy 19. Least favourite witness? fuck everyone from turnabout big top unless it was the anime episode 20. Least favourite memory of Ace Attorney? repeatedly trying and failing to download the emulator for aai2 hbjsjhdb i eventually got it but someone had to send me the download fully pre-patched and i felt kinda useless DO YOU PREFER…? 21. Phoenix Wright or Apollo Justice? phoenix wright. fuck that “GOTCHA!” mechanic jesus christ 22. Maya Fey or Trucy Wright? maya fey. nothing personal against trucy but i just dont like aj hbjsdjhsdb also maya is really sweet and fun and she has the best sprites. she seems like she’d be a good friend, it’s too bad that she doesn’t have the time for them as a spirit medium and all :( if maya ema and kay got to hang out together itd be wild 23. Investigations or trials? trials are easier in my opinion because investigations have several things you could be doing without such a linear style, so if you miss something, you won’t really know until you wander around forever 24. College Phoenix or Hobo Phoenix? college feenie!!!!! he’s like trilogy feenie but more emotional and less witty. i like to pretend that hobo phoenix doesnt exist 25. Klavier Gavin or Kristoph Gavin? who would say kristoph 26. Ace Attorney or Ace Attorney Investigations? ace attorney but only because phoenix is in it lmao. im actually rewatching a playthrough of aai now, and playing aai2 at the same time, so while it is on the mind, i feel like the cases characters and mechanics - while loved - don’t hold up to the OGs 27. Apollo’s perceive, Phoenix’s magatama, or Athena’s Mood Matrix? i actually kinda like the mood matrix more than anything because it has a really good UI and the magatama is kinda grating. but FUCK the gotcha mechanic it is SO FUCKING STUPID and IMPOSSIBLE TO USE.  where is logic chess 28. Ace Attorney trilogy or Apollo Justice and Dual Destinies? you already know my answer to this one 29. 3D models or sprites? i do like the 3d models a lot but i like the original sprites more! imo original pixel sprites > 3D models > HD sprites. mostly bc the hd sprites are garbage (see here, here, and here) 30. Ema Skye as she is in Rise from the Ashes or Ema Skye as she is in Apollo Justice? rfta !!!!!! shes actually really nice as an assistant, esp considering the fact that we actually see her interact with her sister, which is something maya didn’t have very often. also her random appearance in aai was well appreciated by me
MISCELLANEOUS 31. Did you like what they did to Phoenix in Apollo Justice?
32. Your opinion on Dai Gyakuten Saiban? haven’t played it! it looks pretty cool though
33. Do you think Dai Gyakuten Saiban and/or Miles Edgeworth Investigations 2 will get localised to the West? doubt it, since the creators have said that it won’t be. but the fan translations are pretty good, so i think it’s okay
34. Do you think Miles Edgeworth should get another Investigation-game or do you think another character deserves a spin-off? i mean he already has two, so i guess he doesn’t need another? like i love edgeworth but he’s not as fun without phoenix around. ngl i would play a franziska game. or a maya game, or any spinoff revolving around a side character. hell i’d play hotti game if it meant it took place in the trilogy era
35. Opinion on the soundtrack of the Ace Attorney-franchise? REALLY good. really really good. i love how each game of the trilogy has different composers but each track has the same theme and feel!!!
36. Do you like where the franchise is heading or did you prefer the atmosphere in the original trilogy? seriously absolutely completely prefer the trilogy. i’m sorry but the rush of youth and trust is way, way more enjoyable than whatever “i’m 35 and therefore middle aged” nonsense is happening in the 2020s
37. Capcom suddenly announces that Phoenix will no longer appear in the Ace Attorney franchise! Your reaction? He’s been replaced by Penny Nichols. Fuck you.
38. Capcom suddenly announces that the Ace Attorney franchise has ended for good! Your reaction? it was me i ended it
39. Would you like there to be another Ace Attorney/Professor Layton crossover game? i didnt play it but i really like the idea!!!!!! aa crossover games are really funny to me, i mean have you seen edgeworth in project x zone 2, lmao
40. Would you like an Ace Attorney anime? we have one now! honestly i don’t think it did a very good job of representing the cases, but it did do a good character remix of turnabout big top so that they’re not creepy anymore. they also did a really good job with the anime-specific cases, like the one on the train! it feels a lot better paced when it’s intended for that medium rather than just adapted.  also the childhood episodes made me cry
41. Opinion on anime cutscenes in Ace Attorney? like in 5 and 6? mm, the art style is kinda weird, and i don’t really like the voices, but i guess not everything can be pachinko and prozd
42. Would you want to play an Ace Attorney game where you take on the prosecutor’s role? YEAH ACTUALLY!!!!!! it might be kinda weird being on the right side of the screen though lmao
43. Do you like having DLC in Ace Attorney-games? uhhh i hate having to buy extra things, but i’ll admit that they are pretty funny
44. Opinion on Lamiroir’s storyline? i only played aj so if shes in other games idk but i thought she was fine
45. One thing you think the Ace Attorney games can improve on? stop having creepy characters please. also jesus christ if phoenix and edgeworth arent wearing rings in aa7 i will become the ceo of capcom myself
46. Capcom suddenly announces an Ace Attorney movie! Would you like it to be based on an already existing case or would you like an all new storyline? i mean the musical did a pretty good job of adapting existing cases, so it might as well be new. it would be kinda hard to balance the games’ timeline & character development without being repetitive or an au
47. Capcom suddenly announces an Ace Attorney movie! Would you prefer it being live-action, 3D animated or 2D animated? stylized 2D animation, probably? i would want it to feel more like into the spiderverse than an anime, though. in my dream ace attorney movie, they’d just need a high art budget, several plausible deniability wrightworth scenes, and prozd to voice edgeworth
48. If there could be an Ace Attorney crossover with whatever franchise you’d like, which one would you choose? (Does not need to be a video-game franchise) your turn to die is probably closest in characterization, although its premise is more “locked in a room” than the open-world investigation of aa
49. Opinion on recurring witnesses? (Wendy Oldbag, Lotta Hart, Larry Butz, etc.) honestly, i like them a lot! i don’t know why people hate them so much - i mean, i know lotta lied, and wendy is a horrible old flirt, and larry just kinda sucks all around. but they’re also pretty funny to have around! larry is a constant comic relief who reminds you how much better nick & edgey are in comparison, lotta is likeable as a general character (like in 2-4, although yeah, not remarkable), and wendy oldbag is really funny. she’s so fucking funny. none of you appreciate wendy oldbag’s quirks and you are SLEEPING ON IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
50. Do you think Dual Destinies deserved its M-rating? no idea, holy shit, it got an m-rating? i mean every game before it has had blood violence and very mild swearing, and since DD probably doesnt have anything too sexually risqué, i doubt it deserves a rating any harsher than the rest of the series
okay thanks thats all
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