#esp not one he hasn’t spoken to in years
heyitsphoenixx · 2 years
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stormblessed95 · 25 days
Okay so I’m on my fourth watch of the travel show
It gets better the more you watch, they are just so much fun
They have me smiling from ear to ear the whole way through
I know there is a lot of conversation about the car conversation but seriously, apart from Jungkooks beautiful ‘finally’ (and I’m glad that is in English so we hear it without mistranslation), what struck me upon this watch, is that he could actually mean them being in content together. 
Hear me out, but the kid spent the better part of the first half, and even to a degree still asking in the later half, of 2023 begging to go live with Jimin, inviting him over on lives. Including the bed begging live days after this filming, and now I’m framing it that he was probably thinking they have filmed this show, why can’t they have a live? I know that the show wasn’t going to be aired straight away but I can totally see him going with that thought. 
But it just struck me, he’d been asking and probably denied so many times, whereas Jimin had gone live with Yoongi and Hobi etc during work promotions, but denied JK. This was his olive branch, his two birds one stone, a trip for them to spend time together when free, but also for them to be alone in content (albeit airing a year later atp). If we remember too that they could not leave SK without work and a permit, the chicken and egg, hence the show. Jimin had the time at that point to plan it with the company, it makes sense he pushed it, though I’m sure Jungkook was involved too. 
People are moaning about Jungkooks attitude and they are so wrong and miserable, not to mention they misunderstand him. They guy is glowing with his Jimin, he’s being cheeky and kids around and it’s so beautiful to see it. To see their dynamic, as they are. 
Seeing them say they hasn’t planned another trip in NY, and the Forbes article said this too, they must have thought it a success enough to plan jeju and so on. I think a post from another blogger here also helped frame this for me, bc at the end of the day they talked about and proposed the show, just the two of them, to the company and needed a deliverable product. This involved planning to a degree, scouting locations and a vague idea of activities. They definitely had more freedom than Bv, and they had to rely on their natural chemistry, which is there in spades, but they still had to deliver/ this is where Jimins panic comes in when he is sick, bc he has to power through to make the show work, hence the are you sure? It’s so logical when I think about it all in that framed way. 
And mainly I think this also because they do not present as people who had had a falling out, or massive distance, or had issues, or something more ridiculous people are proposing. I mean logically do we really think Jimin (sensible Jimin) would even think it a good idea to do this if there was bad blood or feelings. Exactly, he would not.  There was no tension there, not that I saw anyway. They just vibe with each other. They present as pretty domestic, in tune and loveable goofballs. 
Also when you think about MS application being a month after this, they had to have seen and spoken to each other, it’s a complete reach to think they didn’t. Also, it’s their habit, Jimin literally said the same sentence in the very brief restaurant scene, that JK says to him in the doc and we know that was a complete fib. Also I feel the way JK looks at the camera in that scene and in the hand holding scene is very telling about how he felt around the cameras at first, especially when Jimin touches his throat, like he hesitated. 
I also hold in mind that at the end of the day we got about 5/10% of their time on screen, the rest is on the cutting room floor, and also probably not even filmed (esp given Jimins condition). Leaving them plenty of time for them. 
Just my thoughts. 
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vacantgodling · 23 days
anyway y'all are gonna get my unncessary cole cassidy backstory notes.
so basically i'm breaking up cassidy's backstory into the different personas he defines himself as during that time period in his life. currently there are 5 eras, with the 5th being this current cage-universe era.
CJ Cassidy III [age: birth through 15]
The Deadeye Kid or "Kidd" [age: 15-20]
Jesse McCree (deadname jumpscare) [age: 21-36]
Joel Morricone [age: 31-present day kinda]
Cole Cassidy (!! CURRENT ERA !!) [age: 37-present]
went by CJ or junior, even though he's a third because his grandfather stopped considering his father his son after he was born and his dad kept fucking up. really looked up to his grandfather and had strained relationships with both of his parents. after his grandfather's death, he started down a bad path as he had no guiding figure in his life.
Grandma: Eliana “Silver”  Cassidy (mn: Clearsky) (1977-2032; age at death 55)
Eliana was a force of a woman. She was from the Apache tribe in New Mexico, and she had storm grey eyes that always seemed to mirror the rare storms that overtook the area. 
She was always the disciplinarian for their son Cole Jr (cj's father), and did partially regret when he began to go astray. She passed away 6 years before Cassidy was born and Cassidy Sr never married again.
Grandpa: Cole Justice Cassidy Sr. (1979—2055; age at death 76)
The man who really raised CJ and whom he has an extreme reverence for. Cassidy Sr. was a stoic man but he did have a soft spot for his grandson.
the mexican clan that would eventually become known as the cassidy’s used to rule the Old West back in the 1880s, or at least the part of Arizona that they reside in now; and it was when their first ancestor Judas (Jude) “Justice” Cassidy made contact with an ancient spirit of the West. Some say it was a demon, some an angel, some malevolent, some mischievous—either way the spirit challenged Jude to a shootout, which Jude won. Afterwhich, he fell into a trance and the spirit granted him the Deadeye ability. This ability passed down through the generations, when that fiery red and gold skull and crossbones appeared in his own son’s eye when he was 6 years old. Most Cassidy’s start showing their ability when they’re around 6 or 16 and Cassidy Sr was no different. The ability however, skipped Cole Jr (cj's father), and ended up getting passed to CJ.
Father: Cole Justice Cassidy Jr. (2022—2059; age at death 37)
Cassidy had a strained relationship with his father; he was a drunkard and beat his longterm partner (Selina Ballard) and was adulturous, and was overall a disappointment to Cassidy Sr.
CJ took up the same disdain for his father, and esp after his grandfather’s passing, he began to treat his father with more ire. The last time the two of them spoke, they actually came to blows over Cassidy joining a gang.
When his father passed away suddenly in a drunk driving accident (he was a trucker) when he was 19, Cassidy didn’t go to his funeral.
Mother: Selina Ballard (2024—2076; age at death 52)
A semi-neurotic, anxious woman who was raised in a religious commune with her parents up until she turned 14 and began public school after her parents took their own lives. Selina has always held fast to her religion, and has always tried to be chaste—at least until she met Cole Jr. She fell head over heels for him, and consequently did anything to get him to stay with her, which included losing her virginity at 16 and falling pregnant with their eventual son, CJ. She changed her religion to Catholicisim shortly after CJ’s birth, and lived with Cassidy Sr as he didn’t want the mother of his grandson to live on the streets, esp after he found out she was an orphan. The two steered clear of one another, but she always acknowledged that the man was a great influence on Cassidy’s life. Cassidy hasn’t spoken to his mother in years, and despite Reyes encouraging him in Blackwatch to try and reach out to her, its just not something he could ever bring himself to do. He always called her ‘mama’ and he carries with him a good helping of religious trauma which he doesn’t try to wade through—just feels like too much work.
Her passing occurs just when Overwatch is shut down by the PETRAS act. Cassidy takes the time to leave everything behind him (grieving heavily) and goes back to the states to bury her since he’s the only one she has left. The funeral arrangements were already set up, the Cassidy ranch sold off, and the only thing that Cassidy had left of any of his family aside from their memories are his mama’s rosary beads. He keeps them as a memento, even if he’s not religious.
After Cassidy Sr. passed away, Cassidy began to spiral. He was already a rambunctious kid who had a hard time sitting still, but without the guidance of his grandpa, and the mess of his family life between Cole Jr.’s drinking, and his mother’s religious fervency and anxiety around him doing anything outside of the home, he began to sneak out, run away, and get on the wrong side of the law.
It wasn’t long before he was doing small run ins with the local gang; the notorious Deadlock gang who had been operating around these parts since 1976. Eliana Cassidy (grandmother) had a few family members who were mixed in with the gang (though it was a life she herself avoided—she didn’t like taking orders, which is something Cassidy kinda gets from her) and so when little CJ started coming around, they opened their arms to him like he was a cousin. By the December of that year—The Alleyway Shootout as it would come to be called occurred, which led to Cassidy formally using his Deadeye ability for the first time to kill 3 police officers. The gang saw his ability and decided to take him under their wing formally, training him for bigger jobs and keeping him out of the clutches of the law. This is also where he began his eventual lengthy bounty. The mokier the cops gave him was “The Deadeye Kid” and it stuck. Elder gang members took to calling him “Kidd” because 1. Billy the Kid but 2. because at 15-16 he was the youngest member.
Kidd dropped out of HS at 17 and stopped returning home, never mind that his mama worried about him. The last time she reached out to him was at 19 when his father passed away in a DUI incident, and all he said was “Ma, ya know I ain’t comin’.” and he hung up on her. Whenever she tried to reach out, Kidd never responded.
Kidd rose the ranks of the gang pretty quickly; he became acquainted with their arms trade, became their enforcer whenever deals went south. the high that cassidy got from stealing, shootouts, joyriding and more just couldn’t be beat. and on top of this, his gang became his new family: sure, they treated him like shit sometimes and teased him something fierce when it was discovered that he was bi, but they cared about him and he cared about them. for the most part. the only time he doubted this is when he got into an argument with the leader of deadlock once; and in exchange, they got him jail time for about 6 months when he was 20… getting out just before they were fully apprehended by overwatch—so basically he got out of jail and was immediately taken in by head of blackwatch, Gabriel Reyes.
After being apprehended by Overwatch, Reyes offers Kidd two choices: join overwatch under his command, or rot in a jail cell for the rest of his natural born life. It was an easy answer, and since he's been left his true name behind, kidd now needed a new mask to wear; eventually settling on the name Jesse McCree. Under the watchful care of a few key Overwatch members, Jesse's morals, outlook on life, and skills begin to evolve once more.
Gabriel Reyes ⟶ a mentor and father figure to jesse and the first one who really saw his true potential. he likes to claim that even if jesse said no to joining blackwatch he would’ve kept badgering him until he said yes. reyes always reminded jesse of his grandfather, even if he wasn’t as wise or as patient as the man. even still, having that strong presence in his life helped change his morals—even if he’s doing things “wrong” if those wrong things equate for the greater good, then that’s what matters. reyes saw jesse, towards the end of overwatch, as basically his own son.
Dr. Mina Liao / Echo ⟶ while jesse always had a hard time understanding what the hell dr. liao was always talking about whenrever she started rambling about omnics, ai, and engineering, he did know that she was a kind, bright soul and he really took a shine to her. in a strange way she reminded him of the kind of bright spark that his mama used to have before she met his dad and before she delved headfirst into a reductive religion. to jesse’s eyes, ai was basically like a religion to dr. liao, but one that she was taking part in understanding, learning, and shaping. consequently, he never had any issues helping her train with echo and really began to value her research for what it was: a way for humanity to move forward. he didn’t ever have strong opinions about omnics until he met dr. liao, but she shaped his view that so long as something has thoughts it has a soul and while he doesn’t consider himself religious that is something he holds onto. in the same vein, echo is special to him; he feels horrible about not being able to protect dr. liao and one of his many demons is wishing he knew who, what, or why the explosion in her lab took place. 
Ana Amari ⟶ the kind of mother that jesse wishes that he had—he understands fareeha’s struggle with having a mother who pulls away from her but at the same time, if there’s anyone who truly shaped jesse, it’s ana. she learned of his deadeye and helped him hone it; training with him for hours and days on end to become a sharpshooter so that deadeye itself was only a last resort. she made sure he washed behind his ears, and said his please’s and thank yous; re-instilled the manners that he lost being in the gang for as long as he was. he’d move mountains for her and she knows it.
Genji Shimada ⟶ the two of them, similarly to hanzo and himself (in the future), did not start off on a good foot but this was mostly due to genji’s attitude and demons and less to do with jesse’s personally investment with his attitude problem. the one place where they seemed to find some sort of equal footing was during training sessions; genji would beat him up and then feel better enough to express himself a little bit, then he would close off and the cycle would continue. jesse can’t pinpoint exactly what made genji’s mold fully crack open and open up to him, but he assumes that part of it had to do with the fact that jesse helped him (along with blackwatch) dismantle the shimada clan. during genji’s darkest hours during their stings, jesse was the only person willing to get close enough to extend a hand to him; even reyes was decidedly more hands off with genji, just expecting him to perform. but jesse recognized that he was a man within his cybernetics, a hurting man. and that is partially why genji considers jesse/cassidy not only his closest friend, but damn near a brother. 
Moira O’Deorain ⟶ moira always said that the ire jesse held for her is because she was uninterested in dressing up her controversial views and research in pretty clothes; such as many scientists like angela ziegler or dr. liao were wont to do. jesse never liked that not only did she rub him the wrong way, generally speaking, but the fact that her employment was a secret is something that jesse never agreed with—and was the first time that he and reyes butted heads (before rialto anyway). when he found out that moira was experimenting on some of the other blackwatch personnel he rose hell—but he never knew that reyes himself was part of those experiments.
Gerard Lacroix ⟶ jesse resected gerard and trusted his judgement. he felt definitely more like a boss that you wanted to be on your best behavior for and was shocked when he heard the news of his death; never mind the fact that his assassin was supposedly his own wife.
After the Venice or Rialto incident (used interchangably throughout Cage), Jesse McCree was sidelined from Overwatch as Blackwatch itself was dissolved. Because he is essentially in timeout for his role in the incident (never mind that he told Reyes this was a bad idea), Jesse decides to take time for himself and starts to travel on his own; creating the persona for himself Joel Morricone. Joel is the first truly civilian life that he's ever lived; but even then he can't help but involve himself in one of his best kept secrets, writing, by ending up becoming a journalist who especially defends Overwatch's actions. However, as bad influences begin to find the cracks in Overwatch's amror, he starts to wonder if he should strike out on his own as Joel Morricone for good.
Lakeisha “Blue Jay” Thompson -> black canadian. As a jounalist who also sees the good in overwatch, after cashing in a few favors she unexpectedly meets one Joel Morricone at a bar after the press conference about the impending fate of ovw.One thing leads to another and they end up sleeping together, and then keep each other’s contact info and meet up a few more times. When lakeisha falls pregnant with their child. she debates heavily if she wants to keep it, or even tell Joel about it, yet, when overwatch is outlawed by the PETRAs act and she decides that she’s going to retire from journalism and consequently, keep the baby. she tries to reach out to Joel to tell him, but he seems to have all but disappeared and she wonders if its because of overwatch’s disbandment and because he was such a staunch supporter if he’s laying low to avoid the heat. she decides then to go back to canada and begins to raise their daughter on their own. something she does remember from the times that they were together is joel mentioning that justice was a family name for him, so she decides to name the baby when she’s born raleigh justice.
Raleigh Justice Thompson aka “RJ” — 4yo; Joel (or Cassidy tm) currenlty doesn't know she exists but Oh Boy when he finds out--
When Overwatch implodes literally (with the explosion at Swiss HQ) and figuratively, Jesse McCree has no choice but to lay low, or face the music and turn himself into authorities. The Joel persona becomes an afterthought as he feels he needs to do something with this anger and misplaced frustration, so he ends up becoming a vigilante for a few years to earn money, and to take justice into his own hands in his own way, since the UN seems to have no interest in doing so. Things come crashing down when he's confronted about his true heritage by a contact he makes during this time, and are further complicated when Winston launches the recall. However, his guilt in his "old" age have begun to really gnaw at him--so he decides to go back; dropping his old monikers behind, and finally going by Cole Cassidy for the first time in his life.
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sugar-petals · 5 years
Can u introduce yuzuru to us the caro way?👀
so you want to know about the one and only. ♡😌
yuzuru hanyū (25) of sendai, japan: the most beautiful ice prince with a heart of gold.
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….an artist clearly not of this world, he’s been sent to us from another realm. 19 world records, two olympics won, dubbed the greatest figure skater of all time. and the most precious bean on top of that.
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but let’s start from the beginning, shall we ♥︎
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so, want to spot yuzu on the ice? use this checklist. slender silhouette, an even slimmer waist, feather-like outfits (he sketches those himself; the fandom lovingly calls him swanyu), soft blushy face. he has great androgyny.
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outside of performances, you see him either with a deer’s gaze or the brightest, biggest eye smile. also, he’s usually found sitting with his wife: 
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which is the ice 😄 these two are together forever. you can discern yuzu from a mile away by how he treats his working ground. 
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there is a purity to him. you’d not guess that this is one of the most ardent athletes if you didn’t see what’s around his neck after competitions. the guy’s cuteness is as compelling as his skating technique.
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look for it: yuzu’s face is super suave and rosy up close, even after his most energetic performances. some men are handsome, others pretty, he is both. 
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even acoustically, he’s hard to miss. applause is all around, and he’s highly expressive. if you see a crying young man getting the high score, that’s yuzuru hanyu. you’ve not seen more beautiful happy tears.
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and score reactions, anyway:
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so, aye loves, the rumors are true. a cutie-pie off the ice, animated, a real unabashed meme — yuzu is easy-going, talkative. cheery, cheeky, one of a kind. his facial expressions are a league of their own.
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if you thought this is the sort of guy who watches cat videos, you are correct 😄
yuz-uwu hanyu, everybody:
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his undoubtedly feline behaviour is often unexpected, it stands out with its adorableness, too. a sweetheart par excellence. 
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and, how else could it be: vice versa, the big beast on the rink. he’s cutesy, dorky, very well-spoken in daily life, but when it comes to skating, his seriousness escalates. you blink once and suddenly hanyu is a bedazzling, strutting lion :’D his performances stun with confident elegance.
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he becomes full of ardor, drama, and focus. you’d never suspect so much fire burns in him. a showman and ambition icon, hands down. 
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his skating is dynamic, perfected, and emotional. if you want to see art and the extra mile, tune in when hanyu competes.
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the downside is; more light, more shadow. it leaves him crawling on the ice afterwards. yuzu performs so hard, it’s worrying.
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he delivers it all. you won’t believe it:
this guy is an asthmatic.
the symptoms aren’t as bad as they used to be, but there are still regular attacks. he said that he’ll never take it as an excuse and often recalls how he started skating because of it. he’s a badass, extremely inspiring. yuzuru defies all limits, including gravity. his jumps have legendary status. 
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off the rink, you guessed it: he turns into a wholly different person. 
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it all dissolves completely when he’s dorking around again. 
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don’t let it deceive you, he’s the no other option than first place type. he could not be any more decorated with titles, he achieved the grand slam in all competitions as of 2020. and still, king of sportsmanship hanyu is respectful and smiley towards all colleagues and never lets anyone feel left out. especially when it comes to his juniors (e.g. yuma kagiyama, 16, below) which says a lot about him.
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he bows in every direction before an audience, too. lower than a 90° angle, even. this is more polite than any existing formality in japan.
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talk about audience: i introduced fellow japanese skater shoma uno last week, who’s more uncomfortable with social contact and aggression. yuzu, extrovert he is: the exact opposite. he withers away with no people and competition. he’s befriended rivals, had crises over not having someone who could challenge him. when a competitor retires, he’s the one crying in their arms (e.g. with team mate and bff javier fernandez from spain below).
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beside his competitive spirit and princely wow factor, hanyu is popular for his winnie pooh tissue box that he caresses, squeezes, and carries everywhere. he loves good luck charms & rituals, pooh is the most important one.
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fans throw pooh plushies on the ice after his performances because of it. since it’s gotten so intense, yuzu recently started cleaning them up himself on top of the flower girls for the upcoming skater who could get delayed otherwise. (more about what happens with the piles of plushies later.)
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so, the burning question is. 
what made yuzuru hanyu emerge so outstanding an entertainer? how does someone causing so much uproar become like that? it’s not just what kind of appearance he was given, although he really looks his part to a T. you don’t have to be an insider to see it right away.
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like literally to a fault. and you can tell the way his blades sound on the ice is different. it’s soft even if he does the most hardcore quadruple jumps. i think it’s because his drive to do this is a higher one, hanyu has an altered relationship with the ice. where his devotion comes from has a more severe reason so, massive trigger warning. 
this is no exaggeration: yuzuru is considered a hero to the japanese. a survivor of the earthquake 2011, he narrowly escaped the collapsing rink in his hometown on that very day. he’s often talked about how the ice shattered underneath his feet and it was the moment that defined his life forever. he could have been dead by the age of 16. his motivation has been set ever since. this man is compelled by something bigger, that’s why you hear it and you feel it. he wants to skate not just for himself but others and seize every day. 
much of his copious charity work — that’s where all the pooh plushies go — went to mend the consequences of the tsunami ever since, he’s looked upon as a great hope in japan. the minister gave him the people’s honor award in 2018. 
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now you know why yuzuru has such a fanbase and treats the ice as sacred, you see it in every gesture. his manners are without a single flaw, he helps staff repair the ice after performances. 
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you might think it’s odd, but he honors the ground. he’s invested in the integrity of it. that’s why he’s the best skater. it’s gratitude and the will to live fully.
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he hates to fall on the ice, he hates to damage it. alongside his feathery weight, that’s why the sound he makes while gliding along is so tender. 
i think that’s also why hanyu’s signature element is the ina bauer. it doesn’t rely on brutal force, instead this element slides across the rink like a swan. yeah, oh my god.
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it’s his most well-known dramatic move. the way he surrenders into it. 
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hanyu’s back arch and perfect split allow him to do elements no other male skaters can. his biellmann spin, for instance. i know, it’s ridiculous.
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and those are just two elements of dozens and dozens. hanyu is a kinetic wizard. i highly rec this record-breaking delivery of his olympic program. in front of his home crowd! he’s just… mind-boggling. i live for his smiles here.
exceptional skater, exceptional mentor: it’s time we look at another puzzle piece that made yuzu the way he is. the masterful brian orser is hanyu’s beloved coach. missing gold by just one mistake at the olympics 1988, brian is now committed to give others what he couldn’t have— successfully so.
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orser took the ice prince to gold twice, this hasn’t happened in 66 years. brian is the nicest and most supportive pooh carrier and yuzu’s utmost rock. hanyu’s talent rests safely in these hands.
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he gets strict about punctuality lmao! but other than that, his guidance is gentle. canadian he is, brian’s courteousness mixes well with yuzu’s politeness. their bond is strong. as. hell. 
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brian picked up yuzu from rock bottom several times. most fateful being hanyu’s accident with a fellow skater during competition warm-ups nov 2014. they collided at a high speed, it was unspeakably nasty. yuzu got knocked out for half a minute and had grave breathing problems but still decided to skate on with what later turned out as an almost-concussion. brian was the most worried ice dad in the world that day.
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yuzu cried and crouched and bled like mad and my heart has been broken ever since. i hope he never suffers like that again. promise me you don’t search up the video, it’s a harrowing watch like a stab to the chest. sadly enough, hanyu’s body has still been a notorious wreck, esp. ankle issues regularly give him a hard time 😔
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it hurts like a bitch with every jump landing but he takes meds and still manages to win, god knows how. sometimes even with crutches on the podium. at his worst, he’s still the best, it’s a tragedy.
he’s been recovering, or always is, but he pushes himself through injuries. his ambition and perfectionism are boundless. the cause is more important to him than his well-being. this is not an easy guy to stan once you see how he sacrifices and self-destructs. so, it’s good someone protects him. 
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mostly from himself because nobody has profoundly surpassed hanyu. he has let himself no choice than to contest himself. not even health, only age can stop yuzu. i think that brian understands this ‘curse of a genius’ effect. his mere presence can make hanyu say these rare words:
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his two other coaches contribute to that. tracy wilson (left) has proven to understand his playful side the best while ghislain briand (right) helps yuzuru deal with his fears. so you got 3 people taking care of the golden boy. brian once said: “he is very sheltered” and you can see it’s true.
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yuzu eased into learning english and communicates well with his coaches. like with everything, he studies hard and often forces himself to speak during interviews to practice. his skills are astounding. his speaking voice is also very soothing, very amicably low and high alike. yuzu is highly intelligent. he always says something eloquent and interesting.
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now, privately, hanyu is very much like you’d expect someone so devoted to skating would be like. he doesn’t go out, has no social media, can’t eat nor sleep very well. no cameras allowed during practice. it figures he is attached to winnie pooh, think about it. in the cartoon, pooh is someone who sleeps, eats, and engages with friends plenty. 
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these are the things hanyu can’t do, doesn’t have time/energy/incentive for. he is barred from balance in life but can at least admire this little carefree plushie for it. especially because pooh represents eating lots while yuzuru doesn’t have a good relationship with food (he says it doesn’t go well with jumps etc.), hanyu lives vicariously through him. 
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what’s more, you have to see how he throws himself onto others and never wants to let go, yuzuru is extremely cuddly. 
to the degree that mere social customs can’t meet how much he really needs. so, what else can he resort to, he loves mascots and plushies. it’s how the tale goes in japan generally, tough work ethic, high responsibility, high pressure, so people turn to cute fluffy things.
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he always fondles pooh’s head, even pretends he’s come to life so he has someone to snuggle with. i think that his isolated lifestyle doesn’t help. so, he gets his affection at least there, you can see how happy it makes him. and again: he does this all for charity.
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that’s why fellow skaters are so important to hanyu. it really brings out his social spirit and comforts him best, it’s so wholesome. i’ve not seen someone react so relieved to being embraced, like he’s not been touched for months. skating this, skating that. at the end of the day, hanyu wants love.
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as he once said, what motivates him is to express himself in the first place. hanyu is a romantic. it’s written all over him. it reflects in his music choices, his elegant motion, how he designs his outfits:
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… and how thoughtfully he talks about marriage. he has big plans for starting a family and coaching after he retires. i won’t be the only one squeezing lucky charm pooh in my imagination so it turns out well for him. please make this heart of gold heal and see all his wishes come true ♡🐻
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piratejct · 4 years
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* 𝐠𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐚𝐲, 𝐜𝐢𝐬-𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 + 𝐡𝐞 / 𝐡𝐢𝐦 | you know 𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐲 “𝐬𝐢𝐝” 𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐮, right? they’re 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐰𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐨𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 by 𝐨𝐡𝐢𝐨 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫𝐬 like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐧𝐭’𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐤 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐭𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐬, 𝟐𝟎𝟎𝟎𝐬 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬, 𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐨 thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is 𝐣𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝟏𝟔𝐭𝐡, so they’re a 𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐧, which is unsurprising, all things considered.
NAME: kassidy averescu  NICKNAME(S): sid. strictly sid  D.O.B: january 16th, 1996 AGE: 25 BIRTH PLACE: irving, north carolina  CURRENTLY RESIDING: irving, north carolina SEXUALITY: bi-curious, but we don’t talk about it  OCCUPATION: entitled twat / pesky lil crook 
tw: mentions of gangs, crime, drugs, weapons, attempted murder but not really. 
born and raised in irving, has lived in the same freakin’ mansion in aquila drive pretty much his whole life. serving you the full rich boy fantasy, except it’s all rotten. illegal as shit. his mother, who’s been pretty much an outlaw since she was in her early twenties, literally runs like a tiny little crime organization where she recruits family members and people she finds trustworthy enough to pull off heists and just... earn all that $$$ in ways that could get you seriously fucked if anyone ever found out. she’s quite powerful and.. frankly quite scary for a woman in her late fifties. truly knows how to get shit done. i mean.. she trained her kids to be semi successful young criminals, so.. that’s pretty badass of her. 
to be fair, though, he still had a childhood. he wasn’t, like, laundering money at the age of six. growing up, he obviously wasn’t exposed to a lot of illegal stuff. would get whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted and didn’t even question it. thought for the longest time that his mother really was this successful business lady or whatever, and all the shady people in their living room past 10pm were just other company owners. 
never met his dad. guy’s been out of the picture since before his mother even knew she was pregnant. has few half-siblings, though none of them probably has the same father as their mom was never one for commitment. sid fully leaves the half part out when talking about them, because.. well, they all pretty much grew up together, so that makes them 100% siblings. 
he’s the only boyo in the family and uhh... sometimes it’s as if he believes he deserves special treatment because of it??? idk. 
did well enough in high school, got accepted to college in charlotte on a swimming scholarship even though the fam had more than enough money to pay for the studies. but, he was a good swimmer and.. it was recognized. he used to compete a little and even won a couple of times, but.. he still wanted more. started getting greedy. grew up getting everything handed to him, was the best on the high school swimming team so when he went off to college and met another guy who was maybe even slightly better?? oh, hello, he was not gonna take it. i think that was like the first time he felt properly jealous. threatened to shit. at that point in his life, he was aware of the stuff his mother had been pulling, having been involved a couple of times before. so, he thought he could just take the matter into his own hands and once before a competition, he crushed up a bunch of sleeping pills and had someone slip them into the dude’s gatorade. guy literally passed out in the water and almost drowned. to nobody’s surprise, the competition was put on hold and sid literally had the audacity to be like ??? what !! but he passed out, so .. how does that not mean i win??? 
anyways, the accomplice felt so horrible about this, they told on him and sid was obviously kicked out of uni. in fact, the whole situation was serious enough for people to want to take it even further (aka to court) but that’s where sid’s mom stepped in and did some of her ~ magic ~ to get her shit child, as well as the overall family name, out of trouble. she was so, so disappointed, though. like, wow, she went in on him, and he cried like a little bitch on the ride home. hasn’t spoken of this incident since, but if you bring it up, he’ll stick to the story the guy just passed out. not his fault. don’t hold it against him. <3 
has grown a lil since the incident. learned to be more careful when it comes to sabotage. now, he’ll smile to the opponents face, lose with grace, and afterwards get his revenge if he’s feeling petty enough. 80% of the time, he is. 
currently lives with the fam and is very involved in the whole.. heisting. gets a massive kick out of it, tbh. 
um, first of all, he’s absolutely unhinged. quite unpredictable. like, he’s not necessarily always ready to stab someone, but there are moments where he just does something and you’re like ??? oh my fucking god, please stop. literally, whenever he’d get angry abt something he’d go a little off the rails and maybe shoot the radio or the tv and his mom wld jst be like ... it’s okay, baby. go at it. i’ll let you shoot one object a week. whatever makes you feel better <3 so yea, in a way she... encouraged a lot of this behavior?? idk, i don’t wanna point fingers, but if she had let him.. not be a brat for a second, he wld maybe be a different person today. rip. 
restless. so fucking restless. and you know what does not help?! all the coke he does! and molly! and other shit that doesn’t do any good when your mind is already going hundred miles per minute. yum, yum. 
absolutely thrillseeker. he just wants to feel stuff. adrenaline rush 24/7. can somewhat contain himself enough not to mess up when on a job, but in his free time?? he’ll literally get someone to ram his head into a wall and freakin’ laugh abt it. it’s a mess. a riot. 
omg ... has the nasty tendency of handling weapons like they’re toys. will spontaneously do shit like a point a gun at you or put it in his mouth and be like ... yo yo yo. thinks it’s funny? i honestly don’t know what’s going thru his mind. 
because his thoughts move at the speed of light, he also tends to speak super fast when he’s all riled up abt something. also knows a bit of asl n ... its actually quite scary how fast he can sign along. 
doesn’t hold back. if he feels strongly abt something, he’ll prob voice his opinion. isn’t afraid to be like “i hate that guy and i don’t want him around” when the guy is literally stood there like ?? chill. i just came to get my copy of great gatsby ??
acts like he’s the shit. conceited prick. self-proclaimed big dick energy, but if u look closer, it reeks of insecurities. absolutely never point that out. 
genuinely offended when he can’t be the best/most skillful person in the room, esp if it it’s something he considers himself good at. has bit of a hard time admitting defeat. 
fr the most part, his bark seems bigger than his bite. has definitely tried resolving conflicts by going “mooooooom!!!!” at the age of twenty-fuckin’-five. manbaby realness. 
guess he can be bit of a fuckboi?? sleeps with a bunch of ladies while looking at boys from afar and going ..... *heavy sigh*. has had a crush on.. quite a few, but he’d rather eat his own hair than ever publicly admit to it. 
though, he’s by no means homophobic. jst ... a little unsure of his sexuality n it makes him a lil insecure. bt.. vulnerabilities and ... that sorta stuff?? pfft. not in his household. 
also . don’t call him kassidy. he won’t respond. unless you’re his mom. and you’re angry. then he might weep. 
um. i’ll make a list at some point maybe bt until then.... come punch him in the gut? <3 
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elysicndrcvm · 4 years
━♡ guess the 23 YEAR OLD FEBRUARY baby just arrived to dallyeog! it makes sense, because CHU EUNHA is just as BEDAZZLING as the month of FEBRUARY. wait, why do they remind me of JACOB BAE? beyond that, they seemed JOYOUS and SAVVY upon first glance. i heard someone say they’re sort of DELICATE and QUIXOTIC though. i hope they get acquainted here in COMPLEX 1 / APARTMENT 0215 / FLOOR 3 ; HE seem(s) to have a lot going on with HIS job as a PATISSERIE OWNER/NUTRITIONAL SCIENCE STUDENT. ( ez, 21, she/they, gmt. )
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     well hey there !! im ez but you fellow dallyeogers can call me ezzy, i have been in dallyeog before so some may remember me as having someone v different to my new bb i bring u now, i joined before with miss tam carmen !! anygays i return with this lil angel who i am all ‘ i say that’s my baby and i’m proud ’ over already even tho i literally came up with him like two days ago. you can find his pinboard here ( which btw i fuckeN love like he’s so aesthetic to me u go king ) and i made him a lil playlist which u can vibe to here. you can learn more about him under the cut but he’s a super soft-hearted gentle dove of a muse and quite...simple for me ?? sdhdh that’s not the right wording but U GET IT djjflg he isn’t super full of angst or trauma he’s just kinda viBIN livin his best life so that’s fun !! but ye without further ado: 
so as u kno from his app he owns a patisserie, it’s his lil babey and he is very dedicated to his craft and makin sure all his ideas for the place and the baked goods he sells are like rlly quirky and avant-garde. like he is so passionate about it u dont even KNOW, he tries to make sure most of the stuff on his menu is something like fun and new u wouldn’t get at just any old patisserie or cafe and that it’s super varied and also kinda aesthetic af? the place is very like trendy. it’s called patisserie d’elysian cause ya know he’s an extra biTCHH and proud.
he has three pupperino’s. all as adorable as each other, snickerdoodle is his golden lab and often ppl shorten it down to snickers, butterscotch is his dapple daschund pup, shortens the name to scotchie often. toulouse is his fancy toy poodle boi, shortens the name down as toto. if u are on the shortened name basis with his pups then u can consider urself one of his close pals. 
he’s actually adopted by his aunt but she raised him like she was his mother so that is what he considers her, she’s on his mother’s side but they are half-siblings. in terms of first name reasoning as well she just liked eunha as a name and didn’t even think about how it is traditionally for a female, she liked that it meant gift from heaven so it stuck. his father is still around, he’s just quite elderly so it felt like a better living situation for him to be raised primarily by his auntie. unfortunately his mother has passed on but no tragic story, she just went peacefully in old age. 
he dyes his hair quite often, it’s currently like a really pastel blue with black streaks consistently throughout like lil ones so it looks super cool. but he’s also had it be a more electric blue, lilac, and a duck egg kinda faded silvery blue. it’s naturally dark brunette. has brown eyes kind of a hazel hue. 
his style is kinda androgynous ig?? he just lives for soft retro fashion, lots of color in his wardrobe but also lots of tapered short and t-shirt fits frequented, sweater vests, rolled up jeans, high skater boi socks, soft jumpers with shirts, shirts in bright colours or satiny texture worn over plain white t-shirts, cardigans, pastel denim jackets, jeans with printed patterns on like clouds, flowers etc, favors yellow and blues. sometimes does eye makeup, occasionally wears heels bc he’s a baddie or super heeled boots/chunky shoes. 
obsessed with music, can play violin and guitar. he’s a big mitski and rina sawayama fanatic, likes anything that sounds peaceful or calming or has like a good fun vibe to it. also likes the trademark gay icons like carly rae jepsen, lorde, etc. he’s not ashamed. obsessed with mamma mia movies. but also likes rap which is rlly funny cause its like the bad bitch female rappers only and like he’ll listen to it while arranging his sock drawer or making his bed or something ajdjdj it’s like hype anthems for being a baddie and a hoe and he’s just doing his night sleepy routine adkfkf. 
showers, blankets, music, baked goods especially bagels are his happy places. 
very much a sensitive lil romanticist, falls in ‘love’ like five times a day, he just likes to giggle and smile around pretty people and admire the artwork hnghdh, he’s like yeARNS though ya know?? like he’s all i will flirt by making prolonged eye contact, i made you a playlist, this song makes me think of you etc. it’s either memes as flirting with him or elaborate love letters u never know what ur gonna get akdkd. 
awful sense of humour, loves his friends more than anything on earth except his pups, would fully live in a huge house of just like his pups and all his closest buds for all eternity. likes fruits way too much, enjoys puns about fruits way too much. milkshakes, sushi, orange hues and bus rides are some of his absolute favorite simple pleasures of life. clouds, flowers, salt lamps, the sunrise over the sea, skateboarding, fresh soda, teddy bears, busy street markets, parasols, fish tanks with exotic fish, sorbet, bike riding, polaroids, record players, rain at night against floor to ceiling windows with a fresh steaming pot of tea on the desk beside it and warm fresh sheets from the laundry on his bed, ponds, skateboarding. all little joys in life that give him like the biggest pleasure dopamine hit in the world. 
his cousin actually owns a florists so he has flowers just littering his apartment like a lot and it just looks like he has ten million suitors from the late eighteenth century attempting to court him but no all these flowers are from him to him or worse from his aunt djfjg she sends him some for valentines every valentines, pls help him, pls send him flowers. 
studies nutritional science and he fucken hates it. do not ask him shit cause he doesn’t KNOW OKAY? he doesn’t understand it either. he took it because he needed something to go alongside the passion for baking that was a real ‘qualification’/job so that is the only reason he’s doing it. no point doing a baking degree after all when he’s already a baker with a business, he’s super young still he gotta keep his prospects open. so YAH. he’d rather be doing culinary arts but eh. nutritional science sounded better and more logic based. the real miracle is he still gets top grades all the time even tho he spends his life like wtf am i even doing is this even legit akdkdk. school is the worst thing in the world for him watch his mood instantly deflate the second its brought up. 
despite being a quixotic, he’s a lil afraid of intimacy. like oh god does he love it, those small touches and acts of affection u kno? the subtle things that normally go unnoticed, eye contact, brushing of hands, linking of little fingers, rubbing a thumb, kissing eyelids or foreheads or palms or shoulders in little gentle pecks, back massages and rubs or finger tracing patterns absent-minded, shoulder massages, laying your head on someone’s shoulder or on their lap, knocking knees together, exchanging a small glance only the two of you get before bursting into laughter, smiling into kisses, napping together, having blankets placed over you warm and fresh, or towels put ready like it, someone making you something they know you like a lot. that’s his sHIT. but like he’s terrified still, someone skimming their fingers on his skin makes his breath hitch like he’s a scandalized and alarmingly aroused victorian woman sjdjd. he’s literally still a virgin, he hasn’t even had his first kiss okay my baby is delicate be gentle with him akdkd but he still LIKES PASSION AIGHT kfkf. 
real soft spoken, honey tinted voice like i shit u not this boy talks like he’s an angel sent from heavens above to guide you to the paradisaical garden of eden or some shit akdkd. ur gonna fall in love with eunha’s voice before u even fall in love with any other part of him like his adorable beaming smile or stunning eyes akdkf. 
has dance parties around his room when getting ready in the morning, listens to bella’s lullaby unironically yes from twilight yes u heard right, bit of a himbo streak sometimes in his obliviousness djfjf. quite silently subtly funny actually much like jacob himself. 
he is gay, afraid of driving, cannot do math, blanks out often and he is valid for all of those things. has a collection of cartoon and disney animal movie dvds. has a dream notebook. always has blue painted nails in some kinda shade. 
does not enjoy turning in assignments bc he is scared he’ll fail, avoids looking at his grades for weeks after they’re released and hates knowing that they’re out. 
cannot dance, dances often. collects vintage stuff esp clothes and mostly sweaters. likes midnight trips to corner stores and fields where he can just lay and look at the stars. makes friends rlly easily but has super bad performance anxiety. cannot ever have a messy room like even the tiniest bit messy. even like clothes being stacked on a chair instead of away. 
bakes peanut butter, banana and choc chip muffins (they r called monkey bites normally) whenever he’s super stressed. if u want to cheer him up when he’s anxious or stressed then u should give him french lavender honey, chia seeds and caramelized pear on toast/bagel. it is his comfort food. he fancii when he needs a pick me up. treat urself and all that. 
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kimannhart · 5 years
Tony sighed to himself as he checked his phone for what felt like the hundredth time in the last thirty minutes. His best friend, James (or Bucky if you were anyone besides Mrs. Barnes or Tony), was supposed to pick him up tonight. 
The two of them had this monthly tradition where they went to their local theater and watched the most terrible movie that was showing. Afterward, they would get burgers and shakes and their favorite hole-in-the-wall diner that was just a few minutes outside of their city, and talk trash about the movie. Finally, they would finish up their night by having a late night conversation in one of their favorite hidden spots around their city.
But it seems that James had forgotten about their plans. 
[Tony 06:42pm]: Are you on your way???
[James 06:43pm]: On my way for what?
[Tony 06:44pm]: Our monthly tradition
[James 06:45pm]: Oh fuck! 
[James 06:45pm]: I totally forgot. I’m so sorry, Tony
[James 06:46pm]: I would come and get ya right now, but I’m actually on a date right now
[James 06:46pm]: Let’s raincheck for next Saturday yeah?
[James 06:46pm]: Okay, gotta go before my date gets back from the bathroom
While it hurt Tony that James forgot about their monthly plans, it was okay... at least that’s what Tony tried to convince himself. 
The following Saturday, James was again a no-show. Tony was about to text James where he was when his little sister Natasha and her girlfriend Sharon walked into the common room of their dorm. 
“What are you so bummed about?” Sharon asked when she spotted the look of dejection on his face. 
“Didn’t you have plans with Bucky today?” Natasha jumped in and questioned as she laid her feet onto Tony’s lap. 
Sharon’s brows furrowed. “You had plans with Bucky? Huh, that’s weird because I could’ve sworn he said he had a date today with the guy from his history class.” 
That was news to Tony. “D-date,” he stuttered out dejectedly. 
Sharon nodded, “Yeah, he’s been talking about it all week.”
“Oh,” and just like that, Tony’s felt a pain hit his heart. 
When Tony questioned James about him not showing up, James apologized. He had said that he forgotten and had went out on a date. James then told Tony that he would make it up to him the following week. 
This time though, Tony knew better. 
So, when the following week came around and James was yet again a no-show, it was no surprise. 
The more time went by, slowly the friendship between the two friends was crumbling. 
“You can’t keep doing this to yourself Tony,” Sam told him one night. 
“I know,” Tony admitted. 
Sam stared at Tony, his heart hurting for one of his best friends. “Did you ever tell Bucky that you’re in love with him?”
Tony shook his head. “I can’t do that. He’s in a relationship, it wouldn’t be right.” 
“So what?” Rhodey jumped into the conversation, “You’re just gonna let yourself suffer in silence?”
Tony shook his head once more. 
“What are you gonna do then?” Sam questioned. 
“I’m transferring schools,” Tony told them. “After this semester is over, I’m transferring to MIT.” 
The news brought silence from Sam and Rhodey. 
“Are... are you gonna tell Bucky?” Rhodey asked.
“I would but there’s no point, it’s not like he actually makes the time to talk or hang out with me anymore.”
Winter break had finally arrived and Bucky couldn’t be more happier. He was finally back home, brought his new boyfriend to meet his family.
Though, the moment that Bucky plopped onto his bed, he noticed the framed photo of him and Tony. It was a candid photo his mother took of the two of them passed out and cuddling together on the couch. Seeing the photo made Bucky realize that he hasn’t spoken or seen Tony in a while and he missed him and shot him a text.
What Bucky wasn’t expecting was his message to fail to send. 
And when he called he most definitely wasn’t expecting to hear, “We're sorry; you have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service. If you feel you have reached this recording in error, please check the number and try your call again.”
Confused, Bucky texted Sam.
[Bucky 03:32pm]: Did Tony change his number?
[Sam 03:22pm]: hello to u too
[Bucky 03:22pm]: Oh my God, fine. Hi Sam
[Bucky 03:23pm]: Now, did Tony change his number?
[Sam 03:23pm]: yup
[Bucky 03:23pm]: And he didn’t tell me?
[Sam 03:24pm]: lol 
[Bucky 03:24pm]: ????? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
[Sam 03:26pm]: i just find it very funny how you seem to remember tony now esp since you haven’t seemed to remember or care about for half of this year 
[Sam 03:26pm]: oh and don’t be surprised if you don’t see him on campus next semester
[Bucky 03:26pm]: Wait, what? Why?
[Bucky 03:41pm]: Sam? Helloooooo, answer me. 
[Bucky 03:59pm]: Sam! Please, tell me!
[Sam 04:07pm]: he’s transferring schools 
Bucky didn’t know why, but he could feel an ache in his chest when he read Sam’s last text.
a/n: hmmmm i’m slowly starting to hate this but i already spent too much time writing it so here i am spitting this excerpt i will probably never finish into the void 
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thedeviousdo · 3 years
Im really trying to understand where you are coming from but what it feels like to me is exols turning a blind eye to the clear difference between how sm and the group treat chanyeol and how they treat eachother its heartbreaking i just hope chanyeol is ok and he is dree from sm and fakeness if this all
What I was trying to say, is that yes he has had hate for things, but so have all of them. Hate for so many things. It's not just him, as much as it can seem that way some days, it's not. I'm not going to say SM isn't crap, bc in my opinion they are in many ways, just like any other management company. Im not going to say SM hasn't mistreated him or the other members and how easy it is to see their favoritism. And I'm not going to say that Yeol doesn't get horrible hate bc he does. So does every member of this group and any other group. I'm not turning a blind eye to it, I've spoken out about the hate they get, I've made countless posts about it. It's also very easy to only see it being thrown at one member esp if they are your bias. It's also easy not to be satisfied with things you believe should have more importance or when it's not done the way you think it should be. Fandom life is crap anon, and as much good it brings it also brings the bad. But truly, if the members didn't care about him, would they have shown up for his movie premiere? Would Soo give his watch to him before leaving? Would Sehun want to spend his time learning from him and be apart of a subunit he has said he was thankful was with Yeol? Would any of them have spared a glance or word to him in the past 9 years that wasn't written out for them in a script before going infront of the public? No.
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bytheangell · 5 years
Raise a Glass to the Past
(Read on AO3)
Present Day
“I was looking through your files again at work today,” Alec says, leaning his head back against Magnus’ shoulder. They’re both on the sofa, Alec nestled comfortably in the space between Magnus’ legs, leaning against Magnus while Magnus leans back against the cushions. They each hold a glass of white wine after dinner, enjoying the breeze coming in through the open balcony door, listening to the faint sound of rain falling just beyond the wall.  “Again?” Magnus asks, a light laugh chasing his words. “Ran a full Nephilim background check on me before we started dating, didn’t you?” 
Alec knows the words are spoken in jest, but the memories they bring up leave the current Head of the New York Institute biting down on his lower lip, considering his next words carefully. 
“Actually…” Alec starts before stopping abruptly. It’s a strangely personal series of events to explain, even if they all involve Magnus; somehow the idea of telling him about it brings up a lot of conflicting emotions in Alec He’s embarrassed at the guilt he felt for most of his life, at how he thought so much about the man he loves before he ever met him, that this man who changed his entire life from the second they did meet managed to shape so much of it even before that moment, without ever realizing... 
What will Magnus think if he tells him now? 
“Actually, sort of. But not intentionally. See, when I was probably about 5 or 6…” 
Alec, age 6 
Alec finds his way once more behind his father’s desk at the New York Institute. There are files up, files that he knows he shouldn’t be reading, but ever since he learned how to string full sentences together he’s absorbed every word he could lay his eyes on. And that includes dossiers left on computer screens in the same room as him while his father runs down to the ops room for a moment to deal with some emergency or another. 
Even kneeling on the large chair his head doesn’t clear the back of it, blocking him from view of anyone passing by the open door. Which is good, because if they did see him he probably wouldn’t get to read the page about a warlock that’s front and center, with a black-and-white photo of a man with spiked hair, slit cat-eyes, and a grin that makes Alec smile back even though he knows the man in the photo isn’t smiling at him. Magnus Bane. Those aren’t words Alec knows, but they’re words he’s heard out loud before. A name. 
His father comes back and scolds him for touching his computer (which, Alec defends, he didn’t technically do, he only read what was already open), before being ordered to re-read the section of the Shadowhunters Codex on Warlocks if he’s so damn interested in them. Alec dutifully slumps out of the chair to obey, his copy of the book marked with dozens of pencil circles of words he doesn’t know to ask about later. He’s only half focused, however, his mind frequently drifting back to the eyes and the smile of the man in the photo.   
Present Day
“I was your first Downworlder file. How cute.” There’s a hint of sarcasm to Magnus’ tone, one that Alec doesn’t take personally. He knows the tone of those sorts of files and the reasons why his father might’ve had it up on the computer that day. But there’s also a hint of actual endearment over the idea that Alec remembers that, even now. 
“You were,” Alec confirms. “And I have to admit, as a suggestible youth, I didn’t have the best impression of you at first.” 
“Oh, no?” At this Magnus straights up a bit, shifting behind Alec on the sofa. There’s no turning back now, Alec, realizes, not after piquing Magnus’ curiosity like that. 
“I’m sure you can imagine, but any files the Institute had on you weren’t painted in the most positive of lights…” 
Alec, age 8
It isn’t long before the Institute’s records, both on the computer and in the library, become freely available to Alec. He’s reached a point in his training and studies where it’s easier for him to simply look up answers on his own when he can rather than run everything back to Hodge or his parents. Because he stays out of trouble and does what he’s told when he’s told to do it (as much as any kid does, certainly more than Jace or Isabelle at the very least) he’s left to his own devices for most of the time he’s not in a lesson or training. 
This means no one is around to see him stop at Magnus Bane’s file almost every time he goes to look something else up… or should he say, files, plural. There are a lot of files on him, Alec notices, many marking him as a criminal in varying degrees: lying during Clave Inquiries, harboring fugitives, refusing to assist in investigations when his services were requested, aligning with dissenting Downworlders against Clave sanctions throughout the centuries. The bottom line is always a general disregard for the Nephilim which is all Alec is able to discern from the words on the page when he first comes across them. 
It seems simple enough at first read. He isn’t familiar with all of the terms he comes across or every single one of the various laws and regulations broken, but he doesn’t question them. This is a very powerful warlock who is capable of doing a lot of damage - and he doesn’t seem to listen to any of the rules. Hiding fugitives, helping criminals. If Magnus Bane is on the Clave’s radar then it must be for good reason, High Warlock or not. 
So when everyone around him tells Alec that Magnus is not to be trusted, despite the fact that he still feels inexplicably drawn towards the cat-eyed warlock in the photos, Alec forces himself to believe them. 
Present Day
“And what number is that file up to these days?” Magnus asks with an amused smile. 
“Right now? Pending review of wiping your record clean after, you know, saving the entirety of Idris and all,” Alec says, shifting himself forward enough to turn to face Magnus on the sofa as he takes a sip of his wine. “Plus, I don’t think Jia liked the idea of the Head of the New York Institute being married to someone with such an extensive criminal record.”  
They both laugh at that, Magnus shaking his head incredulously. “I don’t know… that’s a lot of history to erase. I think I’d like it better if they kept it - we could print it out and frame my accomplishments, hang them over the fireplace.” 
Alec shrugs. “We both know most of those violations were bullshit anyway,” he points out.  “Do we?” Magnus challenges playfully. “Because a moment ago you were telling me all about how young Alec Lightwood thought Magnus Bane was nothing more than a dastardly, dangerous lawbreaker.” 
Alec rolls his eyes. “I didn’t stay that naive forever.” 
Alec, age 10
Alec never stops asking questions, always eager to learn more, so no one thinks twice about it when he starts to ask them about the High Warlock of Brooklyn. He’s careful to approach a wide range of adults around the Institute so no single person will see that the cases he ‘randomly’ chooses to read up on for his studies all happen to revolve around a singular Warlock. 
What he learns, slowly, is that the only danger Magnus Bane poses is to the stuffy older members of the Clave who wouldn’t know how to be nice to someone if they tried. Almost all of the fugitive harboring Magnus is guilty of turns out to be for injured or wrongfully accused Downworlders (though the Clave didn’t know they were wrongfully accused at the time). But Magnus knew, and he protected them when he thought the Clave probably wouldn’t listen to a word they said if they were taken in. 
The more Alec learns about his people, the more he starts to realize that they believe they’re better than everyone else in the Shadow World. The rules are set up to favor them because they enforce the rules. The Nephilim are in a position of power in the Shadow World, dealing out justice as they see fit - this is a lesson taught to him now as something to pride himself on, but instead it leaves him feeling uneasy. 
He wants to talk to Downworlders about it but he’s forbidden. They would only feed him lies, the older Shadowhunters tell him. He doesn’t need to confuse his mind with so many sides of the same story when their side is right here for him on a silver platter. When their side, the right side, is the only one that matters.
Someone must talk to his parents because soon he’s told to stop asking questions about Magnus Bane. His job is to learn what he’s taught, to do as he’s told. 
Except his questions don’t stop there, not about Magnus, and not about himself. 
His parents take him to the wedding of a family friend and with tears in her eyes his mother smiles down at him and says “One day you’ll meet a nice young lady, and I’ll be watching you up there.” 
Alec thinks of all the girls his age and frowns. He doesn’t like any of them that way, even though he knows one or two have a crush on him. Their friends giggle about it and try to push them together during sparring, but Alec mostly finds it annoying. 
“Does it have to be a girl?” Alec whines. When he thinks of the people who make him smile, the people he might want to spend the rest of his life with (which doesn’t mean much to a nine year old who thinks the break between dinner and dessert is an eternity) his thoughts drift to a boy or two in his training classes, and then to some photos in a database that bring him more comfort than he even fully realizes. 
“Of course it does. Why would you even-” Maryse almost dismisses before her gaze turns sharp, almost fearful. 
“What if I want to marry a boy?” It’s such a simple, innocent question. He hasn’t liked any girls yet, but there are a few boys he think he might. So it only makes sense that instead of a nice young lady he’d want to marry a nice young man. 
“No, Alec. Shadowhunter boys don’t marry other boys. It isn’t-” Maryse falters. “They just don’t. You just haven’t met the right girl yet, but you will. I promise.” 
Alec considers this. “But what if-” 
“Alec, I said no. This isn’t up for discussion. And don’t ever mention this to anyone else, okay? Especially not to your father.” They’re speaking in whispers to begin with, and though Robert is only two seats away on the other side of Isabelle he’s entirely oblivious to the conversation. Izzy looks like she may have been listening but turns her head quickly. 
Alec simply nods and keeps the rest of his thoughts on the matter to himself, not just for that day but for years to come. 
Alec, present day
“I always knew how I felt was different, but that was the first time I realized it was wrong,” Alec admits. “And up to that point I was nothing but the perfect son, I didn’t want-- I didn’t want to ruin that.” 
“Maryse knew,” Magnus realizes, surprised. 
Alec nods. “My father was the only one who didn’t, or maybe he was just in such deep denial he convinced himself he didn’t notice. But I think everyone else had an idea, at least. Izzy was the only one who ever tried to bring it up but I denied it long enough that she stopped trying. My mom never mentioned it again after that wedding, and neither did I. Well, not until…” 
“Not until your wedding,” Magnus says, smirking ever so slightly. 
“It was kind of hard not to talk about it after the stunt you pulled, yeah,” Alec points out, and though he tries to sound accusatory he’s smiling back, unable to help himself. . 
“The stunt I pulled? It takes two to tango, Mister. You could’ve just taken me out of the room to talk, you didn’t have to make out with me in a hall full of Shadowhunters,” Magnus counters, eyebrow raised in amusement before growing serious once more. “I’m sorry you felt like you had to hide who you are for so long.” 
“Yeah,” Alec agrees. “Me too.” 
Alec, age 12
“Please?” Alec begs, hazel eyes large as he tugs at the back of his mother’s dress. “Let me go to the meeting! I promise I’ll behave. I won’t say a word, you won’t even know I’m there.” He’s twelve-and-three-quarters now, nearly thirteen whole years old. Plenty old enough to sit in on a meeting. In fact, his parents have dragged him along to countless meetings he didn’t want to be in, so he doesn’t know why this one is such a big deal. 
Maryse shares a look with Robert who only shakes his head. “You can come to the next meeting we have with the Clave. Not this one. I don’t even want to be in this one.” Alec’s father mutters the last bit, earning him a reproachful look from Maryse. 
“But I don’t want to go to a Clave meeting. I want to go to this one,” Alec insists. 
“Why this one?” Maryse asks, and Alec opens his mouth to answer before snapping it shut again quickly. What can he tell them? That he overheard them talking about meeting with the local Warlock representative? That he wants to be in the same room as Magnus for more than 5 seconds, to hear the man speak and see if he’s anything like what Alec imagines after reading every report on him they have? 
“Because I already know a lot about Shadowhunter things. I want to learn more about Warlocks, too.” Not a total lie. 
Both Maryse and Robert exchange a hesitant look. “Alec, sweetie. The man we have to meet with… well, he doesn’t like us very much. It’s already going to be a very difficult meeting... Maybe we can bring you along to talk with some other warlock another time. You just be good for Hodge, okay? We’ll be back soon.” 
They’re gone before Alec can ask any of the dozen follow-up questions running through his head. Us? Did Magnus not like him either, even though they never met? Did he hate all Shadowhunters? So many questions that Alec knows he’ll never get the answers to because he knows better than to ask now. 
...then again, maybe no answer is better than getting a truth he doesn’t want to hear. 
While his parents are gone he goes back to the computer. Back to the files and the photos. It’s safe, and it’s become almost a ritual habit by this point to imagine a world where the things he’s starting to feel for boys isn’t something he can’t talk about; a world where his gaze can linger on more than just a photo on a screen without being seen as a cause for concern. 
Alec, age 14
“Son, we need to talk. You’re coming of an age now when you’re going to start having… impulses. You see, when you like a girl-” Robert Lightwood begins after making it a point to call Alec into his room after watching one of the girls in his class flirt with him endlessly during his last training session, going so far as to try and lean up for a kiss after he pinned her to the mat. Alec had never moved so fast in his life to jump back from it but apparently that part was lost on his father. The fact that Alec got a lot of attention from the girls his age, however, was not overlooked. 
Alec doesn’t have the heart to tell him that he already knows all about sex. Word travels fast once one kid gets The Talk and his dad is a year and a half late to this party. He also doesn’t have the heart to tell him that liking girls, Alec is now entirely certain, is never going to be an issue. 
Or perhaps it’s going to be the biggest issue, because his mother’s words still echo in his head, creating a cycle of guilt and shame every time he does feel an impulse, just not about any of the girls he’s around. He barely looks at the other boys, afraid of what might happen if he looks too long, or the wrong way. Afraid someone will notice… that someone will know. 
For now he forces himself to smile back at the giggling girls, but he hates it. And every time Jace ends up stepping in oozing charm to pull the attention away from him it leaves him feeling equal parts grateful and sick to his stomach, because he wants Jace to smile at him like that. He wants any boy to smile at him like that. 
Except every time a boy is even remotely kind to him he’s afraid it’s because of something he did that he didn’t realize, or something he let slip that he didn’t catch, and so he closes himself off entirely. He throws himself completely into training, into work, and into files stored away he sometimes forgets are for everyone’s use, and not just his own personal escape. 
Alec, age 17
Duty first, his father tells him. He’s being raised to run an Institute, to help bring the Lightwood name back to its former glory and prestige. That leaves no room for error… it certainly leaves no room for his attraction to guys, especially not his troubling feelings for his parabatai or his increasing infatuation with Magnus Bane. 
His exposure to Downworlders has increased significantly since he, Izzy, and Jace began sneaking out to a Downworld-run diner downtown. Izzy and Jace have both dallied in the company of romantic partners who would give their parents a heart attack to learn about, but not Alec. He watches from afar, daydreaming but never partaking. He can’t, not with anyone he actually wants to. Part of him knows that they’d never say anything if he told them but he doesn’t want to put that sort of burden on either of them. Because that’s what it is, and that’s all it will ever be: a burden. 
He gets the feeling he’d be more easily forgiven for wanting to spend his time with downworlder girls than Shadowhunter boys, if his feelings were simply an act of teenage rebellion. If only. He knows by now that Shadowhunter, Downworlder, or even mundane, the only people he’s ever going to like are going to be boys. And he knows that will never be okay. 
So instead of smiling back at the waiter he keeps pointedly avoiding eye contact with he watches after Izzy and Jace, yearning for the freedom they have and their honest sense of selves. They can afford to sneak out, to mess up, to disappoint - the same pressures and expectations aren’t put on them that are put on him, and he envies them for it. He shoulders the burdens so they don’t have to, defending them at every turn in the hopes they never feel the crippling shame he experiences every single day. 
Alec, age 20
Alec gets stuck with the task of assisting with updating all of the databases with more up-to-date photos after getting caught sneaking into the Institute at 3 am one night. In truth, he only allowed himself to get caught by security in order to buy Jace and Izzy enough time to run in the opposite direction - both of them are already on probation this month while he has, as usual, a nearly spotless record. He’ll take the hit this time and they’ll owe him a huge favor later, one he’ll be sure to make count. 
“I can’t believe he supplied us with his own photos,” says a voice followed by laughter from one of the other Shadowhunters on the project. 
“Who?” Alec asks, only half-listening for the answer. He doesn’t particularly care, 
“Magnus Bane,” comes the reply in a tone full of contempt. Alec freezes, nearly dropping the stack of photos in his hands. “Said, and I quote, ‘Our security cameras never pick up his good side’.” 
“Let me see,” Alec manages, wondering if he sounds as anxious as he feels. They all look over the offering Magnus sent over, most of which are from that club in town that he owns now, Pandemonium. Some of the photos are just him, others have an assortment of men and women in extremely close proximity. One photo looks downright compromising and Alec has to turn away quickly to avoid anyone seeing the fierce blush that crosses his face. It’s the first time he realizes that maybe Magnus is like him, a simple reminder that he can’t possibly be the only person in the entirety of the shadow world who likes the same gender. Magnus looks so comfortable, so carefree in that photo, and Alec wants that, too. 
For a moment he closes his eyes and imagines a world where he has a chance at happiness without having to hide, where he can be bold enough to take a photo with another man, to leave a lingering touch--
And then it’s gone. 
The names and jokes that follow at Magnus’ expense make Alec’s blood boil as much as they make his stomach turn, because a lot of them could just as easily be aimed at him. They are, indirectly, not that anyone other than him knows it. Alec doesn’t know how long it goes on before something inside him snaps. 
“He really isn’t that bad, you know,” Alec mutters. 
“What was that, Lightwood?” One of his peers questions. 
“Magnus Bane,” Alec says, louder now. “From what I’ve read on his file, he really isn’t that bad. Most of his charges were due to misinformation.” 
“I heard he and Camille Belcourt were a thing once. Bet he gets her to just encanto everyone who catches him,” one suggests. 
“Yeah. My father was part of a raid on some rogue werewolves Bane defended in the early 90s. He never got charged for that, either, but my uncle nearly died,” another says. 
Alec decides to cut his losses and not bring up the fact that most of those raids were unjustified, the charges were dropped because the warlocks and werewolves were only reacting in self-defense. 
The photos Magnus sent in end up in the trash and the standard security camera footage uploaded in their place. Alec can’t help but think that the photos are unnecessary anyway - every side is Magnus’ ‘good side’. 
Present Day
Magnus rolls his eyes. “Do you know how long it took me to pick out the best photos for that?” he says with an exaggerated roll of his eyes. “The least they could’ve done is return them to me. Didn’t have to throw them out.” 
Alec, however, finds it difficult to be amused by the story, even now. “Doesn’t it bother you? That that’s how some Shadowhunters see you? Not just you, but all of the Downworlders?” It’s something that’s bothered Alec more and more ever since he saw the sort of reception Magnus got for the brief period he stayed at the Institute with him. Of course Alec isn’t naive enough to think the bias is gone, that people would change their minds overnight just because the Head of the Institute was with a Downworlder, but… he expects more than what he got. He expects better. Magnus deserves better. 
“Of course it does, Alexander. But there are some people so stuck in their antiquated ways that they’ll never change, not for you, and certainly not for me. If I worried about everyone with an unfavorable opinion of me then I wouldn’t have any energy left for the people actually worth my time and effort. People like you.” 
Alec relaxes a little at that. 
“I wasn’t so sure I’d be one of those people when the first time I saw you at Pandemonium ended with you fleeing through a Portal,” Alec admits. 
Alec, age 24
Alec keeps an eye on Jace and Clary… and Magnus. It’s the closest he’s been in years, not trusting his own instinctive reactions enough to dare come to the club on his own. Magnus is so much more attractive in person, and the guilt that wells up inside of him at the simple observation is nearly enough to drown under. 
He doesn’t have long to dwell on it before a Circle member sneaks up behind Magnus and Alec takes him out with one well-aimed shot from his arrow, careful to avoid eye contact with Magnus as he walks by him to retrieve his arrow and scan the crowded room for other attackers. He has a job to do, he can’t allow his emotions to distract him.  
 “Who are you?” Magnus asks out loud, unaware that a few recently activated runes allows Alec to hear the words over the thump of the music even at this distance. Alec has to fight against the shiver of anticipation that runs down his spine in that moment. 
Because Magnus Bane may not know who he is -  not yet - but Alec certainly knows who he is. How do you explain to someone you just met that they’ve held your interest for years? Short answer: you don’t. 
Alec focuses on his arrow, on the Circle member, and by the time he turns back around Magnus is gone and Alec’s following Jace, Clary, and Izzy out of the club without looking back.
Alec doesn’t miss his chance the next time they meet, not long after and under strangely similar circumstances.
“Well done,” Alec says, allowing his bow to drop slowly once he’s certain his arrow hit its mark. His shot is followed quickly by a blast of blue magic which renders the circle member unconscious. Alec looks away from Magnus, aware of how long he’s waited for this moment: their first meeting. Just to be in the same room as him-- 
“More like medium rare,” Magnus says, and Alec’s thankful he’s looking away because he doesn’t know what he’d do if his first proper interaction with Magnus Bane is for him to catch Alec rolling his eyes at the pun. 
It isn’t long before Magnus makes his way across the room and into Alec’s space. “I’m Magnus, I don’t think we’ve been formally introduced?” 
“Alec.” He smiles. The only thing he can think is that the photos and faraway glances didn’t do justice to even half of Magnus’ beauty. And then he realizes he’s staring, smiling like some dopey schoolboy, and he can’t seem to make his mouth stop grinning. “Um, we uh, should really, uh, probably get, you know…” 
Alec silently prays to the Angel for the ground to open him up and swallow him whole, which would be far less excruciating than his fumbling. Magnus, to his credit, doesn’t seem deterred. “Right. We should join the party,” Magnus agrees, finishing his thought for him. 
And the rest? Well, the rest is history. Their history. 
Present Day
As he finishes recounting the impact Magnus had on his life before they even met, Alec’s face is a little flush despite the cool autumn air; whether it’s from the tinge of embarrassment over the story he kept to himself for so long or the alcohol (which he blames for blurting all of that out) finally starting to get to him he can’t tell. 
“Alexander…” Magnus says, voice soft and eyes full of an emotion that Alec can’t quite place at first. “I had no clue-” 
“Of course you didn’t,” Alec says with a soft laugh. “You had no way of knowing. Honestly, I never even planned on telling you. But that’s what made it so easy for me to trust you from the very start - I knew you were a good person before I even met you. It wasn’t just that I always dreamed of meeting someone like you… I just always dreamed of meeting you.” Alec takes a deep breath. “But do you know what finally made it sink in that it didn’t have to be just a dream?” 
Magnus doesn’t ask what, he doesn’t have to. The curiosity is written all over his face and he remains silent, giving Alec the time to finish his story at his own pace. 
“The day we tried to get Clary’s memories back, when I ruined the summoning circle. You told me I didn’t have anything to be ashamed of,” Alec’s voice is quiet now. “It was the first time I had the hope that that might be true. That there might be one person out there who wouldn’t look at me, at what I wanted or who I wanted, and only see something that needed to be hidden.” 
Magnus reaches across and takes his hand. “I’m glad you listened.” 
“I’m glad you didn’t give up on me,” Alec admits. “I didn’t exactly make it easy on you.” 
But Magnus shakes his head. “All my life, the only times Shadowhunters were willing to give me a chance were when they needed something from me: a deal, or a favor. You aren’t the first to see that file and form a judgement, but you’re one of the first to look beyond it. To see me as a person, and not just someone with something to offer.” Magnus smiles again. “It seems to me, Alexander, that you didn’t give up on me, either.” 
Alec thinks about that for a moment and nods, and then turns and grabs his glass of wine. “To not giving up on each other, then” he offers. 
Magnus mirrors the motion, glass meeting glass in the space between them on the sofa. “To never giving up on each other.” 
They drink, and Magnus shifts to lean back against Alec, Alec’s hand moving up to brush through his husband’s hair. The last thing Alec thinks as they drift off to sleep on the sofa, Magnus first and Alec close behind, is how nice it is to go from never dreaming he’d have someone like Magnus in his life to dreaming about Magnus every time he closes his eyes, no longer ashamed of the love he deserves.
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marlbros · 5 years
⋆*       ❪         ⛓️         ❫       ⤻       crashes  through  a  brick  wall  like  the  kool - aid  man  hi  i’m  paige  &  i’m  here  to  present  you  with  neels ,  who  is  a  piece  of  coal  put  under  a  lot  of  pressure  but  instead  of  a  diamond  he  just  turned  into  cubic  zirconium .  if  this  appeals  to  u ,  drop  a  like  &  i’ll  come  collect . 
Tumblr media
ʻ   /   let  me  introduce  you  to  a  prized  member  of  our   student government   ,   cornelius  ‘ neels ’ rockefeller .  this   cis male virgo   has  been  a  student  at  our  institution for   seven years  and  is  currently  a  21 year old   junior .   through  the  halls ,   he  has   always  reminded  me  of   timothée chalamet  ,   but  there  is  always  more  than  meets  the  eye ,   like  the  fact  that  both of his parents are having affairs and he’s the only one who knows .  coral  cape  has  made  their  future  just  as  bright  as  their  smile ,   i  assure  you .  ʼ
→  name   cornelius  andrew  rockefeller →  nicknames  neels →  age  /  d.o.b.   twenty  one ,   23rd  august  1998 →  gender  /  pronouns   cis  male  /  he  &  him →  dominant  hand   left
→ born   new  york  city ,   new  york ,  usa → current residence  portland ,   maine ,  usa → spoken languages  english → major  finance → clubs  student  government ,  golf  team → drink / smoke / drugs  yes  /  like  an  absolute  chimney  /  rarely
→ moral alignment  true  neutral → mbti istj - t → zodiac virgo → tarot card seven  of  cups → archetype  the  achiever
first  born  son  of  his  half  of  the  rockefeller  clan ,  it’s  never  been  a  secret  that  neels  was  favoured  by  his  father .  though  only  minutes  older  than  his  twin  sister  arden ,  the   amount   of   pressure  put   on   his  shoulders   by  their  paternal  figure  was   enough   to   turn   him   into   a   fine   dust  .  it   was   never   difficult   for  neels  to   get   what   he   wanted   from   his  dad  ,  as   the   golden   boy  /  prodigal   son  .  but   best   believe   that   every   joy   ride   he   ever   took   in   the   mercedes   &   every   cent   he   ever   spent   of   his  father’s   money   was   earned .              ⤻     the  eldest  rockefeller  man  was  very  straight - forward  about  his  expectations  for  neels  —-  attend  cape  coral ,  study  finance ,  and  follow  directly  in  his  illustrious  footsteps .  for  now ,  neels  is  still  walking  that  unforgiving  tightrope . 
basically  neels  is  not  #smart ,  but  the  amount  of  effort  he  always  put  into  school  was  borderline obscene .  he  started  building  his  educational  resume   the   first  day  of  his  freshman  year ,  morphing  himself  into  a  real  future  leaders  of  america  type  and  sidelining  any  and  all  unrelated  interests .  he’s  very  dedicated  to  his  own  success ,  because  he’s  always   wanted  to  do  well  without  his  family’s  connections .            ⤻     literally  the  only  subject  he’s  never  had  to  bust  his  ass  at  is  math .  the  man’s  a  math  guru ,  esp  when  it  comes  to  money  math .  money  makes  the  world  go  ‘round ,  and  neels  learned  that  from  a  young  age .  his  affinity  for  finance  is  essentially  what’s  keeping  his  relationship  with  his  father  afloat ,  and  you  can  catch  him  doing  everybody’s  taxes  come  filing  season .
my  man  cornelius  is  all  about  the  emotional  extremes .  he  feels  everything  very  deeply ,  no  matter  how  much  he  wishes  he  didn’t  .  he  has  a  terrible ,  terrible  hair - trigger  temper ,  one  that  can  be  set  off  by  the  drop  of  a  hat  .  it  doesn’t  show  its  face  very  often ,  but  it  doesn’t  help  that  he’s  lowkey  kind  of  a  spoiled  brat  lmao .  on  the  other  side  of  the  coin ,  he’s  a  very  caring  individual  that  wants  the  best  for  the  people  he  loves , and is the worst kind of free falling hopeless romantic . he's in love with at least 4 people at all times .            ⤻     he  has  a  tendency  to  push  away  the  people  that  are  good  for  him  and  attract  the  people  that  might  hurt  him .  his  usual  m.o.  is  finding  the  tiniest  thing  he  doesn’t  like  about  somebody  and  using  that  as  an  excuse  to  cut  them  off .  mans  can’t  keep  a  friend  or  a  lover  to  save  his  gd  life .  the  only  people  he’s  had  as  constants  in  his  life  are  his  twin  sister  and  the  rest  of  his  family .
he’s  currently  the  only  member  of  his  family  that  knows  that  both  his  mother  and  his  father  are  having  separate  affairs .  he’s  known  about  his  father’s  for  a  few  months  after  seeing  some  incriminating  text  messages  while  they  were  out  to  lunch ,  but  his  mother’s  is  a  new  discovery .  he  hasn’t  told  either  of  his  siblings ,  mostly  because  he  wants  to  protect  them  from  such  a  shitty  piece  of  information  lol .  he’s  a  steel  trap ,  though  tbh  his  parents  don’t  deserve  his  secrecy . 
quick fun facts
        ⤻     my   man   loves   a   good   suit  .  he’s  been  rocking  slacks  and  trousers  since  he  was  twelve ,  he  loves  a  good  designer  piece ,  and  if  you  see  him  wearing  jeans ,  something  is  terribly  wrong .  like  seriously  amiss . 
       ⤻     he  chain  smokes   like   fuck  .  only  marlboro  reds  ‘cause  he  likes  the  way  they  hurt  the  back  of  his  throat . 
      ⤻     he’s  obsessed  with  basketball  .  his  favourite  team  is  the  knicks ,  he  knows  everything  about  them  including  all  the  players’  stats  and  the  two  years  they’ve  won  the  nba  championship .  can  he  play  basketball ?  fuck  no .  but  he  still  loves  the  game  lol . 
     ⤻     he’s  a  music  hoe  .  neels  rockefeller  will  only  listen  to  one  band ,  and  that  band  is  fleetwood  mac .  i hate  him .  not  only  will  he  only  listen  to  them ,  but  he’ll  also  only  listen  to  them  on  vinyl .  he’s  disgusting . 
    ⤻     wine  mom  alert  .  this  boy  loves  a  good  red .  he  loves  a  dry  chardy  in  the  afternoon ,  and  a  spicy  merlot  in  the  evening .  hand  him  a  wine  spritzer  and  maybe  he’ll  stop  being  so  fuckin  moody . 
wanted connections
   ⤻     the  one  friend  he  managed  to  keep  .  he’s  shit  at  maintaining  relationships ,  but  for  one  reason  or  another ,  this  person  decided  to  stick  around .  he  appreciates  them  big  time ,  but  he’ll  never  admit  to  it ,  so  don’t  hold  ur  breath . 
  ⤻     exes  .  ex - lovers  or  ex - friends ,  he’s  rolling  in  them .  the  worst  at  being  a  good  friend  or  boyfriend .  the  worst .  very  stand - offish ,  never  shares  his  feelings .  i  truly  feel  bad  for  anyone  ever  involved  with  him . 
 ⤻     bad  influence  .  listen ,  i  don’t  even  wanna  say  that  they’re  a  bad  influence ,  they’re  just  somebody  who  can  manage  to  get  him  to  pull  the  stick  out  of  his  ass  for  a  second  and  have  fun .  must  be  willing  to  hear  about  the  knicks  and / or  fleetwood  mac  if  u  intend  to  give  him  alcohol . 
⤻     studdy buddies  .  he  needs  #help .  though  he’s  majoring  in  finance  and  math  is  his  strong  suit ,  he  struggles  with  virtually  everything  else .  someone  aid  him  lol . 
⤻     gossip queens  .   these  two  get  together  and  tell  secrets  over  white  wine  and  neels  gives  them  unsolicited   fashion  advice  in  a  dry  voice  lmao  .   he  loves  a  good  juicy  piece  of  gossip ,  much  to  his  dismay  —-  so  this  person  is  likely  semi - important  to  him  . 
⤻     the  crush  .   listen  he’s  not  made  of  stone .  in  fact ,  he’s  actually  very  mushy  on  the  inside  and  he  does  fall  for  people  even  if  it’s  only  momentarily  lol . 
⤻     literally  anything  else ,  please  hit  me  up  .  
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luki-fanfic · 5 years
Dr. Stone Fanfic: Crossed Your Mind - Part 1
Yes I know, it’s not KHR.  But I’m liking this fandom and it’s proving frustratingly effective at distracting me from my other works, so bear with me.
WARNING: suicide of OC, and some minor manga spoilers (end of the stone wars)
“Remember Gen, you must always give them enough reason to doubt.”
It’s the mantra his grandmother had uttered every day, before he’d head to school. They’d lived on the outskirts of the town, inside a traditional Japanese home, and the family bitterly held on to every acre around them they could find, no matter how good the offer that came.
It was so isolated, you could almost pretend you were the only one for miles.
Almost, anyway.  And Gen enjoyed the quiet.  It certainly didn’t last long when he had to walk into town, and sound started to echo in his head.  While the citizens and his fellow classmates kept their voices low and polite, their inner voices were no such thing.
‘God, when is he going to call me?’
‘Okay, so if I get A Meal today and the C Meal tomorrow, maybe I can afford two B meals-’
“Ugh, I’m so not ready for that test today.  I’m so screwed!”
‘Dammit, I’m going to be late again!’
Gen winces and resists the urge to cover his ears.
Physic powers are a real burden sometimes.
In a place like Japan, filled with overpopulated cities, telepathy is not so much a gift as it is a curse.  It normally runs down his mother’s side, but Gen happened to be one of the lucky males to have it passed down. While movies and comic books might suggest to the common man on the street that having real life super-powers would be cool, Gen will quite happily tell them otherwise.
For one thing, it doesn’t turn off.  It’s a sense, as much as sight and taste, and Gen’s only saving grace is that his own seems to be limited to hearing range at the moment.  His grandmother hears significantly further, and his mother…
Well, she’s not hearing much of anything any more.  But it had been far.
His father does the best he can, raising Gen with his grandmother.  For someone without mind-reading, his father had been a rock.  A psychologist, who worked regularly with police, and had studied ESP as a hobby.  It’s how he’d met his mother, and his days spent analysing witnesses and criminals made him a natural at reading people.  
“If I didn’t know he couldn’t read minds, I’d honestly think he could,” his mother had told at age five, in one of her better moments.  “He knew everything I was thinking just from a smile and a twitch of my hand.”
She wasn’t wrong, and it’s quite frustrating to grow up when both of your parents are impossible to lie to.  On the plus side, they couldn’t lie to him either, and his younger memories are fully of happy moments.
Unfortunately, those became a lot less when his mother’s gift spiked.
It gets worse in your mid twenties.  That’s the one thing that seems constant. While the radius remains almost tolerable through childhood and the teens, by 25, the mental reading spikes.  How far varies, but both his mother and grandmother had been brutally honest on what his future entails.  
His grandmother is the only one in the family with the gift to make it past thirty for generations.  And she hasn’t left this house since she was 23.  Not even the threat of bombs during the war had pried her out.  She’d tried to get her daughter to do the same, but she’d ran off to university, positive she could handle it.
At first, she’d been fine.  She’d studied, she’d met Gen’s old man – who found her ability fascinating, and could keep up with her despite his lack of it.  They’d been married in six months, and Gen came along a year later.  When he was two, they learned he’d inherited his mother’s gift, and celebrated his luck.
He was five when his mother started screaming, with the entire city suddenly pounding into her head, and they’d all packed up and moved to the house in the forest while her sanity bled out her eardrums.
Her mother had seen it coming, and tried to help traditionally.  Meditation, and long walks into the country.  Gen, his mother and father, would spend their weekends hiking in the forest, camping in the wild, trying to find areas that were isolated enough to make his mother’s headache tolerable.  Gen is not the outdoors type, but he appreciates the lessons as things he’ll need to learn for his own safety.  If he’s honest, there’s something soothing about the wild – while it frustrates his father, he likes to take off his shoes and wander barefoot when he can.  It genuinely makes him feel at peace.
Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for his mother.  The trips only help so much. Japan is a populated country, and it’s nearly impossible to find yourself outside of civilisation.  While Gen might find it quiet, neither woman ever finds true success.
His father had tried to help her through modern means.  Reduced his hours and thrown himself into parapsychology.  Prescribed any medication that might possibly help.  Sometimes it did.  But she kept getting stronger. Sometimes, the voices were so loud, she couldn’t even tell who was saying what.  Her mental state is so bad at times, his father sometimes thinks to himself she might have genuinely developed schizophrenia.  Which is a dangerous thing to think in a house of telepaths.
On the worst nights, his mother will attack his father, both with her fists, and her words.
“You hate me!” she screams, hands trying to claw at his father’s face.
“I don’t, I love you!” his father screams back, pinning her hands down.  
From his room, Gen just turned and fell into bed, burying deeper into his pillow, pretending that would drown out the words not being spoken.  
Once upon a time nobody in his family ever thought to lie.
But that was a long time ago.
If there’s one thing Gen’s ability has taught him, it’s this.  Everybody lies.
It’s a universal constant.  A lot of people don’t even seem to know they’re doing it, but you can’t hide your true feeling from him.  He learns quite young to never trust a smile, or a tear.  He sees and hears first hand someone uttering words of affection while screaming abuse in their head, seen teachers feign affection for eager students when they’re mentally begging them to vanish so they can go drinking.
‘I like you.’
‘It’s no trouble at all.’
‘It’s not that impressive, really.’
‘Gen, I promise, I’ll never hurt you, my baby boy.’
Lies. Lies. Lies.
When Gen was eight, he woke up to hear his mother singing in her head.  A happy, ditzy tune, that almost made him hopeful that today was a good day.  That this set of drugs had finally calmed down her hysterics.  In the back of the house, he can hear his grandmother thinking something quite similar, and they laugh to themselves at their need to be hopeful. It’s a thought that stays with them, right up until his mother’s musings cut straight out, leaving frightful silence.
His grandmother screams out loud.  Gen doesn’t, merely jumping out of bed and running towards his mother’s bedroom.
She’s in the cupboard.  She’d used a scarf.  Gen thinks it might have been one he gave her for a birthday, once upon a time.  His grandmother tries to usher him away, but the same thought is going through her head.
His father was away during the incident, and after the funeral, starts looking at Gen differently.  He doesn’t say why – he doesn’t have to.  Gen doesn’t need telepathy to know that his father has suddenly realised his son has a bomb trigger in his head, and his police work falls to the wayside, focused completely on looking at psychic research, looking for something, anything, that might save him.  Gen leaves him to it – it means they speak over phone while he travels, and it keeps things quiet and less depressing at home.
His grandmother has always been the bulk caretaker for him, and that definitely doesn’t change when his mother passes.  If anything, life becomes easier, because they don’t have to worry about her episodes.  A thought that makes both of them feel overwhelmingly guilty, so they never mention it.
To recover, his grandmother teaches him meditation and yoga, ways to calm his mind, and digs out decks of cards to show him tricks.  Given their natural talent, some of ancestors were known in the magic circles – when the world was smaller, and their skills not quite as strong – they worked as magicians, or magicians assistants.  She’s happy to give Gen a hobby that keeps his mind of…well, his mind.  Playing the magician is what allows their family to survive in this modern era - a way for people to explain away their uncanny ability to know all.
Then, his grandmother dies when he’s fourteen, and he’s the only voice in his head for now.
When he turns sixteen, he moves to Tokyo, and gets an agent.
His father thinks he’s an idiot.  Begs him to reconsider.  In this day and age, Gen can still be home schooled, and go to university online.  He can have an entire life without ever having to leave their little corner of the world.
Gen is mature enough to admit he might have a point – both of them understand that he has a very tight deadline on his life.  But he wont live like his grandmother, caged in her own house for her own sanity.  And his mother had done everything right and still ended up the way she did. Why spend years studying for a job he might not have the mental faculties to do in a decade?  If that’s his inevitable fate, he’s at least going to enjoy the time he has left and spend it being rich and adored.  
Knowing that people lie, is his strength.  Knowing precisely what they lie about, is something he can use.  While his father might suggest using it to better society, Gen won’t take the risk.  Too many dark and dangerous people to interact with, and the concept is still laughed upon in a lot of enforcement agencies.  Entertainment is far safer – he won’t even be the first in his family to use his skills this way.
The term is ‘Mentalist.’  An entertainer who feigns mind reading or other psychic abilities.  His grandmother had taught him some family methods and the basic card tricks, so he has a pretty good base to start on.  A natural talent at mental tricks, and long, painful hours in a cheap apartment, trying to block out his neighbours voices until he can manipulate a deck backwards and forwards, get him his first gig.  His attractive features, and a knack for knowing just what to say, get him his first TV performance.
A year later, and he’s doing full on shows to a sold out crowd.  Up to a thousand people, all watching him.  All loving him both in their applause and heads.
It’s a drug.  A beautiful, wonderful drug that makes up for living in one of the worlds most over populated cities.
Granted, there’s always a few that don’t enjoy it.  Gen takes pleasure in trying to seek them out whenever he needs an audience member to help him.  The ones that are looking for the trick – Gen does try to keep his act within the realms of possible most of the time.  There needs to be some way for people to guess how he does it, but every now and then, he’ll show off.  Get the biggest disbeliever in the room on stage, and mentally take him apart.  The look of shock, of horror, and astonishment, as this simple being had their entire world view shaken.  When the revelation that they can’t tell anyone because they won’t be believed crosses their mind.  It’s a beautiful thing - Gen thinks he’s personally made at least a dozen sceptics full on psychic believers by this point.
On one occasion, it’s another celebrity.  He’s been booked for a special on exceptional young Japanese citizens, and he’s there for both his psychology and magic credentials.  The piece was fairly run of the mill, with one exceptions – a teen by the name of Shishio Tsukasa.
Although ‘teen’ is a bit of stretch – muscles like that shouldn’t be possible on someone that young.  He’s attending as an example of psychology in fighting – how the state of mind can improve anyone’s abilities. During his own display, Gen can’t deny he’s impressed.  Tsukasa’s mind is calm, and focused, and terrifyingly powerful.
But he also doesn’t believe in magic.  He looks over Gen with the usual polite respect that one in the media masters, but his dismissal of Gen’s talents rings clear as day to him.
As such, when the show cuts for a break, and the two of them are alone in the green room, Gen hides a vicious smirk behind a glass of water, and gets to work.  After a few moments of quiet contemplation, trying to block out the voices around them and focusing on Tsukasa’s own thoughts, he’s ready to go.
“How is dear little Mirai?”
The reaction is beautiful.  He waited until Tsukasa was drinking, and he has to fight back the smirk as the taller teen chokes on the liquid, hand trembling as he drops it to glare over at the mentalist.
Gen gives an innocent smile.
“It’s quite an impressive feat, to soldier all those medical bills on your own.  For what it’s worth, I can completely sympathise.”
That’s not even a lie.  Throwing yourself into work, desperately putting money together to help a family member that has no hope of ever getting better?
Oh, Gen can definitely sympathise.  Tsukasa however, doesn’t seem amused.
“How do you know about Mirai?” he asks, voice low.  Gen completely understands – the teen has gone to extraordinary lengths to keep his little sister’s state out of the media.  There’s only a handful of people who know the Strongest Primate High Schooler even has a sibling.  
“It is my business to know, Tsukasa-chan,” Gen offers, leaning back and resting his hand on one cheek.  “I make a point to know everything about everyone I deal with.  You’d be amazed at the secrets I know.”
“Is that a fact?” Tsukasa asks, body tense, and Gen grins.
“My dear Tsukasa-chan, my entire career is built on reading people,” he says.  “I am young, I am pretty, and I am new to the game.  On the one hand, it works for my brand, but on the other, people always think they can use me for their own good fortune.  If I don’t learn how to manipulate, how to get into the heads of people, I’d never survive.”
He flashes Tsukasa a dark smirk.
“I’m sure you understand this as well as I do.  This world is not fair one, but if you know that, you can still come out on top.”
Tsukasa stays silent, but gives a nod of comprehension, and Gen settles back, satisfied that the indifference in the fighter’s head has been quite firmly replaced with respect.
A few months later, Gen is sporting a new black and white hairstyle, and is running through a stage performance to a regular audience.  It’s a small crowd, and there’s nobody he can pick up that’s not genuinely enjoying his act, so there’s no need to psychologically gut anyone in the finale.  Everyone seems happy, and he’ll give them the best show he can to reward that.
Next week, he’ll probably show off, because his father will be attending.  Right now he’s in America, attending some medical conference.  Gen has only seen the man in person since he left for Tokyo three times, but they call regularly.  He’d come to see Gen perform twice, and once come just to yell at him, having taken great offence at Gen’s ‘psychology’ book, especially considering Gen hadn’t even finished High School – but Gen could have seen that coming without psychic powers.  No doubt, he’ll roll his eyes when Gen publicly dissects the biggest sceptic in the crowd for his finale, but then he’ll laugh, and take his famous son out to dinner, before going over the newest research he has in how to keep Gen’s mind sane.
Gen looks forward to it.  Even though he already knows his father has no faith whatsoever that they’ll find a cure in time, no matter what words he might offer.
He’s just completed his final act, one of the more standard ‘magical’ aspects of his performance, where he escapes from a box stabbed with knives, basking in the approving minds, when something dark and ominous hits him like a sledgehammer.
‘What’s happening?’
‘Am I dying? What is this!’
His smile falters as the voices scream inside his head.  But before he can process the danger, his arms stiffen, his vision vanishes, and he has nothing left but the voices.
Oh god, there’s so many…
‘Is this part of the act?  I don’t like this!”
‘Mom!  I want my mom!’
‘Can anyone hear me!  Help me!’
‘Please!  I’m scared!’
He wants to scream. Wants to run away from this darkness and their screams.  But he’s as frozen as everyone else.
Has it finally happened?  Has he succumbed to his family’s curse?  He’s only 19, he supposed to have time left…
But there’s no answer, and the crying, sobbing, frantic minds don’t let up for hours.  But eventually, they start to quiet, and Gen becomes even more alarmed when he starts to realise he can pick out individual voices – the crowd thinning for unknown reasons.
It should be comforting, but with nothing to see, hear, smell…those voices are the only thing keeping him sane.  He cries every time a voice tapers off.
‘Stay!  Come back!’ he begs in his own head.  ‘Don’t leave me alone!’
He doesn’t know how long it takes for the last voice, a young woman whose last thoughts are of her fiancé, to drift away.  But the time after is horrifying.  He’s never been so alone.  There’s always been someone on the edge of his head.  This silence is terrifying.
So, when his own mind starts to drift away, its nothing but a relief.
Several thousand years later, he meets Shishio Tsukasa again.  The teen is even more impressive, and the army of stone behind him does not fill Gen with confidence.  Neither does his mental state –and Gen suddenly becomes exceedingly grateful his father would have been in America and is far, far away from him.
He is given clothing, which to his surprise is slightly more elaborate than everyone else, and based on traditional Japanese garb.  It’s the style he’s admitted in interviews and TV appearances to being his preference, and it doesn’t take much to realise he’s being buttered up.  Better clothes to elevate his position in Tsukasa’s new world.  The girl who made them is torn between being happy at making something creative, and being terrified of Gen’s existence. She knows exactly why Gen’s been revived, and she’s not happy about it.
Granted, Gen also knows why he’s been revived, but he can’t tell Tsukasa that.  Any more than he can tell him the one called Senku is still alive.  At this point, he’s not even supposed to know the scientist’s name, so he stays mum.
He’s given a tour of Tsukasa’s kingdom, the strange caves utterly alien to him.  It’s difficult to imagine that this is where Tokyo once stood.  Or that this simple little cave holds the key to their revival.  It’s there that he finds something truly phenomenal.  The date.
Tsukasa had told it to him, but he was still wrapping his head around the concept of what happened that it didn’t register.  But here it is, written on a tree, plain as day.  
Gen’s reeling. Someone was awake during the petrification?  The whole time?  And stayed coherent enough to keep track of the date?  Gen had stayed conscious longer than everyone because he had mental stimulation, and even he’s still iffy on exactly how long he was functioning.  The mental feat this must have taken…
He laughs long and hard in his head when he realises Tsukasa has revived him to track Senku down.  A man Gen suddenly realises he has to meet, no matter what.
So he plays along, trailing after Tsukasa, acting the role of shallow egoist, looking at his options and realising Tsukasa was his key to success in this new world – the person Tsukasa, and most of the modern world, believed he was – looking over Senku’s abandoned hut, and being directed to where Tsukasa had once left a strange blonde girl, only to return and find her missing.
Gen is given a fortnight to hunt down Senku or the village, or Tsukasa will send out a rescue team.  He’s rather surprised that Tsukasa is willing to let him go alone, but then again, a more censored version of his family’s hiking trips have also made it into his biography, so perhaps it’s just rationing resources.  And it does make Gen’s plans so much easier.
Once he’s stepped into the forest, and Tsukasa’s mind is no longer close enough to be heard, Gen immediately kicks off the primitive shoes he’d been offered, and sits in the crook of a tree to process what’s just happened.
The world is so quiet.  That’s the first thing he truly registers.  Now that he’s out of the Kingdom of Might, and away from the half dozen people up and running, it’s truly alien at how quiet his head is.  There is nothing but the sounds of wildlife in his ears, and not a single stray thought in his mind.
He hasn’t been this alone in years.  It’s kind of soothing…normal people don’t know how lucky they are, to have this every day.
But as much as he’d love to bask in this quiet, he somehow needs to track down this now infamous ‘Senku’ over untamed wilderness, and figure out a way back without issue.  While he has some outdoors experience, he had modern clothing and supplies on hand, and there’s no markers to help him out, or minds to pick up.
Thankfully, Senku and his blonde friend didn’t do much to cover their tracks. They’re faint from time, but he does manage to follow a trail, finding an old campfire, and then wheel tracks.  He also stumbles across a hot spring, which he admittedly spends a day at before moving on.
Between marking a trail, and his wrong turns, it takes four days before he comes across civilisation.  A beaten mud path that’s probably used by hunters, and when he follows it, he picks up the sound of an instrument, too melodic to be natural.  A few minutes later, he rests at the top of the hill, grinning at the village on the water.
The grin gets wider when he picks up an amazing smell too.  It’s not perfect, but that’s definitely ramen.  And the idea of eating something he didn’t have to gather himself is too good to pass up.
When he walks out of the forest, he settles on a grouping of rocks, just out of sight.  A passing glance at the locals make it clear his getup will stand out like sore thumb, so he needs to stay in observation mode.
Most of the village are hoarded around a bamboo cart, and everyone’s thoughts are filled with only one thing.  How phenomenal this strange food is. They’ve never tasted anything like it.
But there’s one mind that’s running at a frantic pace.  Gen’s almost taken aback – it’s practically speaking another language compared to the more simplistic thoughts around him.  The owner is going over the components of ramen, a string of insanely long chemical components, and most curious of all, counting seconds almost subconsciously.
Gen smiles.  
Hello Senku.
Now, how to approach?  The last time Senku met a fellow modern man, he was supposedly killed.  Gen can’t imagine he’ll be received with much trust.  Gen himself has gone and put together makeshift armour just in case the reaction is more extreme than he expects, so he should expect Senku to be at least that paranoid.
He’s still mulling it over, when an utterly adorable slip of a girl wearing a watermelon on her head hands him a bowl of ramen.  She’s so focused on handing food out, she doesn’t even seem to realise he’s not a villager. Or perhaps that mask is obscuring her eyes?
The ramen itself is…well it’s a painful example of why MSG is in so much food, but the sensation of eating something cooked, that’s been even a little bit processed, is a glorious feeling.  The general aura of delight and joy surrounding him definitely sweeten the bowl too.  One girl even thinks about how they should stretch the rules to get the stranger into the village if he cooks like this.
The teen that can only be Senku is starting to slow down at his cart, and the crowd is dispersing in order to eat, so Gen makes his move.  Something that will get Senku’s attention, but wont appear threatening.
“This ramen is making me wickedly thirsty,” he says with a smile.  “A cola would be great…”
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lizzybeth1986 · 5 years
Quick Thoughts on The Royal Heir (Finally!), Book 1 Chapter 12
• Sorry for the delay, guys! I had my first spoken word performance in years this week, and since I was pretty rusty from lack of practice I was spending most of my time preparing for that. Which kind of meant I couldn't concentrate much on getting this QT done the way I usually do.
• If you don't want these posts clogging your dash, here are the tags to blacklist: #trh quick thoughts, #trh qts, #trh qt reblogs, #long post.
• Honestly the highlight of this chapter for me is finding out that Kiara calls Madeleine an angry poodle behind her back. I bet it was supposed to mean something else and Penelope simply edited it out lol.
• And also Hana's look this chapter, coz Hana always looks so pretty XD
• Soooo like we have one more chapter in Texas left? That's...quite the gap away from the country - from Chapter 5 to Chapter 13, with us returning to Cordonia (by the looks of the summary) by Chapter 14. That's 8 chapters in the States + 1 in Auvernal (9 total): that's roughly 42-47% of our total book. That's how long the narrative took to wrap things up in Walker Ranch, a huge chunk of which added nothing much of value whatsoever to the story.
• In terms of timeline, we've spent over a week preparing for Bertrand and Savannah's wedding, following a possible month-long honeymoon plus barely two days in Valtoria. That's one looooong holiday. And...newsflash...it's not only "King Liam" who's being "irresponsible" (esp if you consider that in a playthrough where you're honeymooning with another LI, he isn't the one spending a whole month frolicking on the beach then running off to Texas shortly after), it's all your favourite LIs as well.
• Screenshots:
Hana: The Universal 77 YouTube channel
Maxwell: @itsbrindleybinch and rash.rec YouTube channel.
Drake: The HIMEME YouTube channel and BizzysChoices YouTube channel
• Sooo the chapter begins where we left off, with Savannah worried about where Bertrand has gone, and the group doing some sort of team huddle like they're discussing strategy for a football game or something.
• Maxwell for some reason thinks the chickens may have taken him hostage. This is not Angry Birds, Maxwell 🤭
Savannah mentions that his tux and wallet are still at home, and therein lies the clue that he isn't abandoning her. He's not taken any money with him.
• Leona gives in her crusty, unwanted input, which Bianca to her credit shuts down. I mean, if Bertrand really needed to turn tail and run, he would have done it ages ago. Like as soon as Drake the Freeloader insisted Bertrand cluck like a chicken last book, just to win the hand of his equally freeloading sister. He could have just muttered "this entire clan is bonkers, me outie" right then. And he'd be right.
• I need Bertrand to ask THE ENTIRE WALKER FAMILY to cluck like chickens or something similar in public once this whole ordeal is over coz istg they deserve just as much humiliation for what they've put them through. That includes Savannah and Drake. Bertrand would be appalled by the idea but yknow, a girl can dream.
• The MC offers to go to the store to find him, and sees Bertrand arguing with the clerk (and threatening curses on him and his progeny). She gets to sock him over the head if she wants...or just scare him. After a couple seconds of arguing coz Bertrand went on this impossible mission just before his wedding, he admits to wanting to get Savannah the Walker saddle.
• The owner of the store doesn't want to give the saddle away because he wants to use it to hold hats. If there is one thing Esther DuPont can appreciate, it's a man who values his hats.
• You have three options to convince Cassidy, the owner: you either plead with him and remind him of the power of friendship, or you tell him the truth about the saddle being Bertrand's fiancée's family heirloom (and because Cassidy is a big softie really, he is moved by both these options).
• The third option is the messiest and the best because you grab the saddle and run while poor Cassidy is just standing there like "what the fuck just happened here":
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• Just before the MC and Bertrand got to their respective rooms to change, she gets to ask him why it was so important now for him to get the saddle - and his reasoning involves not only Savannah but Bianca, who Bertrand reveals "has never had a favourable opinion" of him. Which for me technically means buildup for a flashback scene for her before we leave, so the story can highlight why she secretly shares Leona's mistrust of the Crown. There have already been a couple instances where Bianca has hinted at her disappointment, and I'd be kiiinda surprised if it doesn't come up next chapter.
• Bertrand suddenly starts "realizing the importance of parents" with Bartie Sr's return? Really?? How and why? Wasn't he extremely conflicted about Bartie Sr earlier? You'd think they'd expand on that but no.
• Since the MC and Hana are from the bride's side (for no reason) they wear these lovely pink outfits (of course, if the MC decides against that, she can always choose Pepto Bismol!). The men wear blue and white with pink flowers at the lapel, and interestingly Maxwell wears a bowtie rather than the tie Liam and Drake wear (I'm guessing so he could match with Bertrand).
• As with most things on Hana's playthrough, Maxwell takes her place for scenes where an LI is to assist the MC (either in picking an outfit or in choosing for something like the nursery). Here, we meet Maxwell first, then see Hana's outfit afterwards.
• ...Madeleine believing she's "an actual professional", and in fact better than Jess, and Blake Yasuda.
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If I had to make a list of how poor a professional you are, it would be - oh wait. I already have a comprehensive list of that. It's the entirety of Book 3.
• Madeleine is not our press secretary anymore (thank goodness) but she still hasn't lost her need to control and criticize and screech at people. Unfortunately, by virtue of being last in the room just when the MC is hit by a wave of nausea, Madeleine ends up sharing the secret of our possible pregnancy with us (eww).
• Because the MC is impatient as hell, Madeleine shoves the test into a desk drawer and waits for the timer to go off, after which we find...two tests (how did she not see this when she was opening the desk). Which one is ours? (the positive one, but for plot purposes the MC is kept not knowing about this).
• I'm not appreciating Madeleine carrying around pregnancy tests. That'll always be a weird thing to do.
• Why the heck was Savannah keeping her negative test in a desk in someone else's room? Why not just throw it away? Like I understand not wanting Bertrand to know but this is just next-level bizarre. What's it supposed to be: "a keepsake of that time when I was not pregnant"?
• So now the plan is to figure out who took the other test and confirm any results from them. The rest of the bridal party (Penelope, Olivia and Kiara) are downstairs making small talk and discussing wedding fashion/traditions. You get references to Lythikos weddings ("all knives and crossbows", which is actually Kiara's disbelieving statement that Olivia confirms).
• Time for the wedding! And the MC needs to ask a woman from the court about this test, and quick.
• You'd think she'd zero in first on a girl who was already in a relationship but nope. Kiara it is. Even after she's told us enough times that she isn't dating nor does she want to. Asking KIARA this question first is a clear sign of lack of common sense.
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@ Option 2: The writers seem to forget that this was a woman who didn't mind juggling both work and finding a suitor. Like...sure, she has a position in the palace now and her priorities may have changed but let's not forget that it's just as easy to give a girl like Kiki a phenomenal love interest in the time they took to lovingly plan a "reward" for Penelope 🙄 Just say you're too lazy to even try giving Kiara nice things that she more than deserves and go, PB.
• Savannah finally enters the venue, riding her horse Thunder and wearing a version of the RoE MC's free wedding dress that has wider straps. Bianca notices the saddle, surprised, and Savannah (in the only sequence where she makes 1/4th of an effort to support her partner in front of her shitty family) informs her that it was Bertrand who got it from the store for her. Bianca's way of repaying him for doing this is tears in the eyes and a whispered "thank you".
• You know that isn't enough, Bianca. You and your daughter stood by while your sister treated this guy like shit. You allowed him to suffer when he was the bridegroom in this entire wedding shindig, and let's not forget his money was what was supporting her in Paris when she didn't even keep in touch with anyone - including you. Yet you and your sister let your bias - fueled by other assholes - make it okay to treat him like this?
• Also, Cassidy's shop seems to be nearby and I'm pretty sure Bianca and Leona know him at least a little better than Bertrand or the MC do, if they sold a precious family heirloom to him. Why weren't they going and asking him, even after realizing how important the saddle was to Savannah? Surely they'd understand that he was a softie at heart, or at least they could have made an effort. Sure, pride could be a factor but this was a matter of Bianca's daughter's happiness...I guess actually doing something about it other than mope and brood isn't much of a Walker trait.
• Bartie Sr is yapping loudly without caring how he's disrupting the ceremony by doing so, and the MC needs to make a decision to keep him quiet. She can choose between Madeleine and Penelope:
- Madeleine: is clearly the option PB wants you to pick because they wrote her bit with Bartie quite well. Bartie Sr recognizes Madeleine as "Godfrey's little girl" and it's nice to see her distance herself from her father and reaffirm her authority beyond him. She also shuts the man down so fast he must have gotten whiplash.
- Penelope: is there. And thinks we're playing dumb charades in the middle of a wedding. Her poodles are smarter and eventually get the job done, because if you want something done, Penelope is the last person you should be asking.
• I've also learned from this sequence (and chapter) that the Choices fandom only needs the slightest, flimsiest excuse to like Madeleine. Like that's it. Kiara will be hated by some until the end of all time and have to go through hell to get even a tiny smidgen of respect, even. Forget about getting memes about how great Kiara is and how narrow-minded the people who dislike her are. Nah only the white woman gets that.
• Anyway, Bartie Sr shuts up, and the wedding is underway. Except Chuck decides now is a good time to object.
• It's cliché, it's stupid, it's totally what you'd expect at Savannah's wedding, but at least you get the option to say "fight! fight! fight!" with Olivia gleefully joining you and Liam going all "ffs ladies I'm trying to officiate here" 😂 For that alone this sequence is worth it.
• The option for Bertrand to "rise above Chuck with your eloquence" is nice, because Bertrand then makes it clear that the decision to be with him or not rests with Savannah, and Chuck disrespecting Savannah's wishes and choices is the real issue here. You get a minimal version of the same message with the more aggressive option, but the message is essentially "what Savannah wants is more important". I only wish that message went both ways coz for the most part I just never see the same amount of effort or consideration from her side.
• You have one eloquent choice, one cute one. But my favourite one is the one that focuses on Esther rather than the actual couple 🤣
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- I miss hearing my duchy by name, okay? It's been said a couple of times in this book but still.
- "Daniel Henney" 😁😁😁😁😁
- This is revenge for that time when Savannah and Bertrand would have taken over the hype of my reception party for themselves except that I didn't pay the diamonds.
- I still don't understand why Esther is the reason this pair works when she hasn't done shit but okay, we'll roll with that. As long as this is the last time I hear about this version of events from either of them.
- Also pls now that they're married, just...let them stew in their awkward silences together for the rest of their lives. I don't want to be involved anymore. It's exhausting.
• Savannah's vows are really more about how she felt Bertrand was out of her league and how he welcomed her anyway etc etc. Hana and Maxwell pass the rings for Savannah and Bertrand respectively. Cue cute Bro-mont moment between Bertrand and Maxwell.
• Marriage solemized (😬). Now it's time to - as Maxwell puts it - PARTAAAY.
• This is not the first time we're seeing someone use Penelope's nickname (in the "she's not my bestie" option in Portavira, Emmeline calls her "Pen"). But it is the first time someone has used it by default in the books. Guess it's kind of a mark of the progress of the relationship, that Zeke has already begun calling her that.
• It's time for the bouquet toss, and as per Madeleine's suggestions also time to find out if this test belongs to either Penelope or Olivia. You have four options altogether:
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- Penelope: grabs the bouquet, is happy, everyone believes this means she's next in line, and Madeleine is not very subtle about hinting that she may be pregnant so Penelope laughs at her and says no wonder Kiara calls her "an angry poodle" (somehow I think "poodle" wasn't the term Kiara wanted to be using there 😅...)
- Olivia: Doesn't catch, doesn't care, calls "Maddy" out on being nosy.
- MC: Really likes flowers.
- If the timer runs out before you choose someone, Kiara catches it. She also really likes flowers.
• I'm pretty sure a lot of this sequence is geared towards highlighting where in her relationship with Zeke Penelope is right now, since she is the only one who actually doesn't mind these "you're next" hints all that much. Next wedding for Book 2 must be hers (😑)
• I'm meh about the possibility, but at least maybe (if they're hosting anything in Castelserraillian) I'll get to see more of Kiara's estate and Kiara's parents - with some actual attention given to Kiara this time.
• You get to take your spouse aside and briefly talk to them, either telling them that you've "got it covered", tell them a little of what you're doing without disclosing the possibility of your pregnancy, or tell them it's complicated and can't really be said that quickly. I think the last two options have variations but idk about the first one.
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I missed Maxwell's screenshot of the response to "invasive personal questions" thing coz I'm finishing this QT in a rush and wound up not asking anyone (sorry!), but if any of my wonderful Maxwell stan readers are still reading this I'd love to know!!
• I like that the MC can point out how invasive she's being, going around and quizzing people about the status of their uterus after complaining about everyone else doing the same thing. It's nice that you can see her understand that, otherwise it's always been "one rule for me and another for the rest of the world".
• Bartie Sr makes a toast that's all about him and his house and how proud he is of his son, and hardly about the couple. Istg he's worse than the toddler named after him.
• Speaking of Bartie Jr, he gets so excited about the cake he drives straight in, like that dude from Cold November Rain:
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(I'm calling it, this is what Bartie Jr might possibly do as an adult, in the series that revolves around our kids all grown up, if there is one. "Kayyyyke!" He is a Beaumont, after all)
• Poor Blake is panicking, Bertrand is sad coz he wanted the perfect wedding cake for Savannah, Savannah is happy coz the writers are desperate to show us she isn't as whiny a person as she actually is.
• LMAO @ the LIs' responses to the MC wanting to scrape cake off a toddler.
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• So Madeleine pulls the MC aside to tell her she's not pregnant because she has overheard that Savannah was taking one this morning. How...did she make that leap in logic?
• Overhearing Savannah say she took a pregnancy test only proves that one of the tests belonged to her. NOT that it would be automatically the positive one. Madeleine may be an established courtier but she lacks decent deduction skills and basic common sense. I should have called Olivia for this job gah. It's already canon that her deduction skills are better than Bastien and Drake's combined!
• We go back to our LI, and Bertrand and Savannah check in on us. Jess and Blake step in to alert us to another problem: the DJ's speakers has gone bust, and that means a Beaumont Bash with no dancing.
• Okay so...who are the ones actually staying on this semi-broke ranch, have been around longer, and would know the local bands in the area? Leona and Bianca. Who is the one finally making the effort of calling them to the party? US.
Who was the person who was holding Bartie and didn't manage to distract him before he destroyed an entire wedding cake? Bianca. Sure one cannot always tell with a toddler, but the least you do when that happens is apologize since you were the one in charge, rather than simply standing there and saying "oh dear".
Who sold the saddle to Cassidy? Leona and Bianca. Who probably has had more experience talking to people in that shop? Leona and Bianca. Who made the effort to actually get back that saddle? Bertrand.
Even the wedding planners that they got were because Liam recommended them!
Like I see them putting such little genuine effort into all this, and the nobles they judged so much are ironically the ones who don't shirk away from helping them out even though they're not as well-equipped...yet Leona still thinks she has the right to whine about everything and Bianca is doing nothing much besides letting her sister treat everyone else like trash.
• Anyway, the MC makes the calls that Leona and Bianca should have been making if you choose the options, and you wind up with a band, some fun dancing from everyone else, and a private moment with your LI.
- Begins with everyone dancing and rejoicing, Bertrand and Savannah thanking the MC and if we choose Bertrand and Maxwell can carry us on their shoulders.
- The tune changes, everyone shows a signature step, and the MC can choose to make either Olivia, Bartie Jr, or the poodles dance:
* Poodles: Everyone is doubtful at first, but Penelope has given her poodles dance classes. Merlin and Morgana stand on their hind legs, bob to the music and then do flips in the air. More of Zeke and Pen acting like a couple who have taught these dogs together.
* Bartie Jr: is a Beaumont through and through, you can tell by the way he says "dance! dance! dance!" perfectly.
* Olivia: is skeptical about this and most of her dance moves are marital arts moves, so Hana steps in and dances with her so she can have fun with it. Meh. I know everyone else loved this scene (part of me thought it was cute too, no lie) but I'd rather not see Hana yet again be nice to someone who has held such shitty opinions of her (I'm sure people will jump in and say that Olivia was just "helping" to rile Lorelai up...but no. There were other ways she could have chosen to distract Lorelai, and she chose instead to talk of Hana with disrespect). Especially in Hana's case, Olivia isn't worth the effort.
- You get to choose the music (regal, fun, yeehaw) and get music from either TRR, TF or BSC. Hana also asks you to do a dance move (a high flip, a Dirty Dancing type lift with the LI, or good old faceplanting).
- "Now that's what I call a party!" Leona says. Yeah, Auntie Bitch, no thanks to you.
- Bianca and Drake speak about how much Jackson would have loved a party like this, which means IMO that he's definitely going to be a topic for discussion next chapter!
• Partners are coupling up, and it's time for a little dance with the LI:
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- Liam: You start with a cute callback to Coronation Night ("I'm ready to do a lot more than dance"), whiiiich I think the writers show a little selective amnesia for, considering that after Liam says he remembers the last time she said that Esther replies that she wasn't able to act on it back then 😳 (PB I did buy that scene. She did act upon it. An hour after she said that. WTF are your writers smoking). They also joke lightly about how nice it is to see a wedding minus assassins.
- Hana: Very simple. Hana asks for a dance, you choose who leads, and you both dance gracefully as everyone watches appreciatively. The couple notice this, and the MC talks about how when Hana dances everyone talks notice, and Hana sweetly places her head against the MC's shoulder, telling her that the rest of the world falls away in front of her. I honestly wouldn't have minded even a vague reference to the Cordonian Waltz since if you chose that scene that would have been your first dancing experience with her. If you're giving Liam a dance reference, might as well give Hana one too, right.
- Drake: There's one bit I'll address here and another that I'll address a little later. Drake and the MC dance together and are the picture of elegance according to the narrative. This leads the MC to joke about the change in him, but Drake maintains he is still the same simple, rustic whiny asshole guy. The rest is about Bertrand and Savannah (mostly Savannah) which I will get to in a minute.
- Maxwell: The couple dance a little, Maxwell compliments her moves, after which he thanks her for saving this Beaumont party with the music. He then lightly kisses the MC because she makes him so happy. I'll talk about the Betrand Savannah part now.
- Drake and Maxwell: Okay, I'm clubbing these two together because in extension to talking about their relationship with the MC, they also get to talk about their siblings. Which is fair, because they're after all the brothers of the bride and groom:
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(First five screenshots are from The HIMEME Channel Drake playthrough, and the next four are from the rash rec Maxwell playthrough)
I don't mind that they get to talk about the couple. They're the family of the couple. They're bound to be personally invested in a way Liam and Hana may not be.
But read these screenshots and tell me you don't see a huge difference in the way these two talk about their own siblings. Tell me you don't see more attention being given to one while the other one essentially gets barely two lines to talk about literally the same thing. Tell me how it makes sense for Drake's wife to make a reference to family, and not for Maxwell's wife who has also seen and learned similar lessons about family in a shorter span of time (esp with Bartie Sr's return).
Drake - for the umpteenth time - has dialogues that are more personal and specific to him, that emphasize more on the importance of family. He's the one who talks about Bertrand never allowing himself to love Savannah, he's the one who envisions (for some reason that I can't fathom because this doesn't sound like the Savannah I've seen in the books) Savannah as this self-sacrificing figure, and he's the one talking about how the couple would have been "heartbroken without music". Maxwell's is pretty much "oh look now they're happy" - when he could have easily gotten a couple of lines about Beaumont Bashes and how parties like these are the only times Bertrand allows himself to let loose for example (it's true).
Someone once asked me how I knew the attention given to Bertrand was really about enriching Drake's storyline...this, among other things, is proof. This family story could have involved Maxwell instead of pushing him so far out of the narrative. This ordeal involved his family too. PB seems to constantly - and conveniently - "forget" that.
• Once this sequence is over, Savannah comes over to thank the MC for the things she's been helping with behind the scenes, and the MC can either congratulate her, or straightout ask her if she's pregnant. Either way, Savannah lets the MC know that she isn't pregnant, and she didn't want to stress Bertrand out unnecessarily with the news.
• Which means only one thing. WE ARE FINALLY PREGNANT!!
• So the next chapter is going to be about disclosing the news to the LIs and the other guests, and possibly to have Bianca's remaining issues aired out in the open, which may possibly lead to another flashback? Whatever it is, it's clear now that we'll be spending our final chapter in Texas this week.
General Thoughts:
• Sigh they just HAD to make Madeleine and Savannah the first to know, right?
• I don't have a lot of thoughts really that I haven't already shared. The next chapter seems promising because it's the big one, and it should be customized so each LI has a different reaction and/or a different story to tell related to how they view babies/family.
• Hana doesn't get a lot of space in this one - besides alerting the MC to stuff that could disrupt the wedding or dancing with people who verbally shit on her or minimal LI stuff (which for once...is okay, like her family isn't here and nor is Liam's which is why their dance scenes don't mention family that much), so she'd better get next-level amazing writing next chapter! So should Maxwell after they've done him dirty especially in the last 2-3 chapters.
• I was very happy to see some of our MCs get their well-deserved revenge by upstaging Savannah's dress with their Ana de Luca special. You guys are heroes and I love you 💜
• Ngl this chapter is one of those that reads better with the messier and more chaotic LI xD
• Sure Leona and Bianca have their own axe to grind with the Cordonian monarchy - and are justified in feeling that - but staying in their house has been painful. Painful. Worse then pulling out teeth. It's like the moment they provided housing and board for the guests they washed their hands off them and hardly put much effort into much else - instead had us do a significant amount of work for them.
• And let's not forget, Bianca/Savannah especially stood by and did nothing (though Bianca would make a few weak counterpoints when Leona insulted him) as Bertrand was being regularly humiliated and reminded of his inadequacies. Whatever problems Bianca had with the Crown, allowing her now son-in-law to be treated that way in her own home - with the barest minimum support - is unforgivable. If she didn't like the idea of him as a son-in-law she should have just refused to entertain the idea of Savannah marrying him, or told the couple to host it elsewhere. Bertrand shouldn't have had to make all that effort to do what Bianca or her sister didn't bother to do for Savannah, just to gain her approval.
• Yet somehow the Walkers are supposed to highlight to us the importance of family. How? All I see are a bunch of people who don't make much effort to look out for each other, and who depend on other people to take any initiative for the same.
• Nonetheless, I hope to see a difference in tone once we return to Cordonia in Chapter 14. (that's 9 chapters, people. Nine). There's other stuff left. More mysteries to unravel, more messy history, understanding what Olivia is upto and perhaps a visit to Monterisso at some point. There's always at least two-three main people we're expected to impress in a certain book (remember how we got our report card of performance from Justin, Francesco and Adelaide in TRR Book 2?). We've already had a chance to do this with the Auvernese, so Monterisso should be up next at some point. There's also some nursery stuff to purchase which I'm guessing will be done either slowly or in one go.
• Because there's so little time left with this book, and we already spent a huge chunk of it on the BertVannah wedding, there are going to be time jumps. Imagine the kind of time we would have had to explore this pregnancy plot properly instead of rushing it, if the writers weren't so busy drooling over all things Walker.
• Well. I can't deny I'm sorta kinda looking forward to this chapter. And the reactions from the LIs and other characters. I'm low-key excited.
• Until next chapter, folks!
79 notes · View notes
raiswriting · 6 years
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request: art major!reader w law major!doyoung pls :cc bullet note format if u can!!!
a/n: he’s a year older than you but it doesn’t matter that much
warning: a few swear words oopsie
genre: fluffy college!au
pairing: doyoung x reader
summary: ummm basically just how you and doyoung meet and get to know each other
word count: 5.1k (oops)
okay so basically college has been a JOURNEY
people ALWAYS had some shit to say as soon as they found out you were an art major
it was usually “what are you going to do with that” “do you know how unsteady that career path is”
do they really think they’re telling you something new????
oh I’m sorry your majoring in business Susan™ and you decide to throw away your passions just because some high school counselor told you that you wouldn’t be able to support yourself but IM going to make my passion a career
lol sorry I have a lot of feelings
now onto how you met your mans doyoung
your freshman and sophomore years, you had only seen him in passing
tbh you barely recognized him when you saw him more than once
you knew him as “that one dude that i always see in the dining hall wearing suits”
then junior year you got a job at the convenience store on campus (lets get this BREAD)
pls tell me it isn’t some weird niche thing that only my school has
aNyWHO he started coming in around 2 am right before closing
and ALWAYS picked up 3 coffees all of which had double shots of espresso
this happened about 2 or 3 times a week
(which is very unhealthy guys gals and nonbinary pals pls try to drink cold water instead, it helps wake me up or green tea)
so despite seeing him so often at work, he began to appear less and less everywhere else
were you lowkey kinda sad about it???
that was until winter quarter started
you needed an elective class, SO you figured ‘eh why not take philosophy’ you had heard around that the professor is really chill and overall the class wasn’t supposed to be that bad
 because that really nice professor that everyone loved isn’t the one teaching the class this quarter
but hey you figured let’s go into this with an open mind and hope for the best
well on day one of this class (which is a 9 am by the way) guess who struts through the door
mister “that one guy i’d always see wearing a suit” who became mister “that one dude who always buys too much coffee at 3 am”
the man… the myth…… the legend………….MISTER KIM DOYOUNG
yep and ya boi decided to sit 2 seats down from you, it was too far to say hi or anything (esp bc you had never really spoken to him before) but like he was also just close enough for it to be awkward
so class went by normally you found out that the new professor wasn’t THAT bad but there was definitely gonna be a lot of work involved
so yeah life carries on as normal
you still see him all the time at the convenience store
one night it had been a particularly rough shift
your alarm didn’t go off, so you were running late, it had started to rain on your walk to work, and when you finally got there your manager apparently had someone piss in his cheerios because he had S U C H an attitude because you were
you were sat behind the counter after what felt like hours of sweeping and mopping the floors
that’s when he walked in
you didn’t even lift your head to greet him as “hi, welcome” crawled itself out of your mouth
you did however notice when he sat his 3 cans of coffee in front of you
“hey your y/n right?”
 “that’s what it says on my nametag”
“haha yeah it does. i think i have you in my philosophy class”
when you finally met his eyes, you felt a little bad
you had kinda been giving him the cold shoulder for something that wasn’t his fault
 you gave him a little smile
“yeah i am. doyoung right?”
he nodded slightly
the air was a little awkward and silent as you scanned his coffees
as you handed him the receipt he asked “hey do you maybe want to study together sometime. i mean our test is in like two weeks and it’s a quarter of our grade so like if you were free we could hang out and get some work done?”
dUDE you froze
here he was standing right in front of you; messy hair, sweatpants, a sweatshirt repping your school logo and looking very nervous (but very attractive lmao)
i guess your reply took a little too long because he quickly started to back peddle
“i mean if you prefer to study alone that’s cool. i just always see you during lecture and you look like you understand the material and sometimes i get a little lost in terminology but if you don’t want to that’s fine too.”
you quickly snapped out of your haze
 “no, no. i would love to study with you. here let me give you my number so we can meet up. most of my classes are in the morning so any time after like noon should be fine.”
 you grabbed his receipt back and quickly scribbled your number on it before handing it back
“just text me when you want to get together”
 okay honestly you had never been one to give out your phone number just like that and you didn’t really like studying with people
but something about him made it so hard to say no
you just had this urge to get to know him
so when he texted you a few days later asking if you were free to study that night
of course you said yes
and it went pretty smoothly
he has a much better understanding of the material than he let on at first
he even ended up helping you understand a few things
you got together w few times over the next couple of weeks
each time you met you got to know each other more and more
yall quickly became friends
well yall became friends after the first night studying because lets be real it was awKWARD
like neither of you felt particularly comfortable yet because this was the first time you had actually hung out with each other despite knowing of each other’s existence for two years
oh yeah that’s something you found out after getting to know one another
 he had always seen you around campus and wanted to get to know you but never did because he thought it’d freak you out having a random stranger coming up to you like
‘hey I know you don’t know me but I see you all the time. let’s be friends.’
which isn’t THAT crazy but to each their own
okay but let’s jump to the time 2 days before your exam
you guys agreed to meet up at the library and the plan was to study for A WHILE just to make sure you were prepared ya know?
so like you get there and he was already sitting in a room waiting
 when you open the door he gets up to hug you
which he hasn’t ever done before
and like tbh he was really warm and smelled really nice like it his cologne wasn’t too strong, and it smelt sweet but also very inviting which isn’t really a scent but like do you get me? and he gave a really tight hug like the type that you didn’t want to let go of it felt as though you could stay there forever (this is also where you lowkey start having feelings for him but shhh because you don’t realize it yet)
so back the point
obvi you start studying and besides the hug nothing was really that different
you got through the material, quizzed each other, talked a bit
ya know the usual
time flew by and the next thing you know it’s 12:30 am and the library would be closing at 1 so you decide to wrap it up
“alright doyoung i’ll see you in class. get some rest before the test okay?”
 “yeah yeah i will” he rolled his eyes a little bit
 “seriously dude. i know you. go straight to sleep when you get back to your place”
he worried you sometimes. He really wanted to do well and the applications for law school were opening up soon, so he’s been kinda stressed no matter how much he tried to hide it and this test coming up isn’t helping
“i will. i promise.”
he walked you out of the library and you two would usually part ways and walk alone to your apartments
before you could turn and say goodbye doyoung was already speaking
“hey it’s a lot darker out here than usual”
you looked up at the pitch-black sky
“yeah I guess it is, oh well at least I have my pep-“
 “what? you have your pepper spray right?”
“no i forgot that i let my roommate borrow it. she’s going to a sorority thing and won’t be back until like 3 or 4. it’s fine though my apartment is only like a 10-minute walk. goodnight do”
“wait y/n. i’ll walk you back. it’s way too late and too dark for you to go home”
“no i couldn’t ask you to do that. you’re law and society class is at 8 am tomorrow so you need to get some sleep.”
 “well i won’t be able to sleep anyway if I’m staying up worried about you. so lead the way.”
despite the cold fall air, your face felt hot
like you know that it’s normal for friends to be worried about each other but that didn’t make doyoung saying it any less charming
the walk back was nerve wracking
you guys normally don’t hang out outside of the context of studying
so like this was weird, nice but weird
and once you go to your door there was a cast of silence
doyoung was just looking at you
normally it would make you kinda uncomfy/insecure but right now you were calm
there was something about looking into his eyes
the brown was so warm and inviting
after a few seconds of the comfortable silence, he finally looked away
and I awkwardly cleared my throat “thank you for walking me home doyoung”
 “of course, i’m just gald to know you got here safely”
“so um, i was gonna wish you luck just in case we don’t see each other before the test but i mean judging from our study session you won’t need it though.”
he giggled and i swear someone could have mopped up your heart because it was in a puddle on the floor
“shut up y/n. thank you though. i always appreciate your kind words. do you want to meet for lunch after the exam? i usually have a lab afterwards but it got cancelled so if you’re free we should meet up.” asjdjjklcbclkNCKDLSNCOS
“yeah i am free. i guess i’ll see you then.”
 he took a few steps back “yeah i guess you will. goodnight y/n”
“goodnight doyoung. actually get some sleep tonight, yeah?”
you could see his shoulders shake with laughter as he walked down the steps
to say you were smitten would be an UNDERSTATEMENT
the smile that showed up didn’t leave even after you fell asleep
when you get to class on that friday morning, doyoung is already sitting in his usual seat
the bags that usually take their place beneath his eyes are barely visible today
hopefully he took your advice and actually went to sleep
after the test you both got some burgers for lunch and just talked it had nothing to do with the test which was nice
i guess y’all make a great pair because once the scores came out, both of you got A’s
after that studying together became a routine
every tuesday, thursday and saturday leading up to the next test,  you guys would review or sometimes just hang out
it was a mutual decision to help each other study
even if you didn’t share the class, one would be there to quiz and make sure the other focused (most of the time it worked, other times you’d be the reason they got distracted and vice versa)
the two of you would go out for lunch on those days instead
as the quarter drew to a close and the break got nearer and nearer as did finals week
you and doyoung tried to keep up with your study schedule but it was getting harder
you had artwork due
you were particularly stressed over a sculpture that was assigned
your teacher gave you those choice of clay or marbleas a medium and clearly you chose clay
you were going to do marble but then you remembered the other 3 tests you need to prepare for and a portfolio that had to fit the theme of mythology
so basically you had a lot of art to produce and NO INSPIRATION like none, zero, zip, zilch, nada
you sat in the room you had reserved in the arts building
a pile of clay sat atop a slab of rock, a blank page of a sketchbook sat next to that
scrolling through pinterest had stopped working long ago and at this point you were losing hope
ring, ring, ring
doyoung’s name popped up on your screen
it was odd because you two usually texted for everything
“hey, do what’s up?”
“hi y/n i was just wondering if you wanted to grab some fro-yo. i just got out of another test and could use some company”
“ahh, doyoung i’m sorry but i’m stuck doing work. do you remember that mythology sculpture i told you about? well, it’s due next Wednesday and i haven’t even started on it yet”
his voice sounded so concerned “is everything okay? how are you doing?”
“i’m doing okay, just tired. i’ve been trying so hard but can’t find any inspiration” you sighed into the phone, looking out the window of your room
“what room are you in?”
“room 247 in building B. why?”
“just sit tight.”
the call ended before you could ask any more questions
okay when i tell yall it was less than five minutes and he was walking through the door just know that what i really mean is he rAN FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF CAMPUS TO COME COMFORT YOU
so yeah, he got there huffin and puffin, ready to blow your house down (with love)
“doyoung, what are you doing here?”
“well you were upset.” his tone was so matter-of-fact, and his eyes were so wide and innocent
honestly he looked so cute but like you were still very confused
what was he doing there?????
yeah you were upset but you also didn’t want to worry him
he casually walked over to a seat beside a window and pulled something out of his backpack
as he got closer and reached his hand out for you to take it, you noticed it was a sandwich
“it’s ham and cheese. light mayo, no lettuce or tomato”
when your eyes looked up at him he wouldn’t make eye contact
“you said this is the only way you take your sandwiches”
you only told him this once in passing because he was eating a sandwich with mayo
but pls tell you are putting the pieces together
he stopped to get you food and made it across campus in 5 minutes
alrighty anywho
obviously you took the sandwich and spent 5 minutes thanking him for getting it for you
he sat back down in his seat near the window as you guys chatted for a bit
the conversation slowed slightly and you were able to just look at him
the light was bouncing off his face perfectly
his eyes looked like freshly brewed coffee. they were warm and inviting
his smile somehow managed to outshine the light pouring in
there he was
in all of his glory
your muse
your inspiration
his expression shifted to one of confusion
“y/n, why are you looking at me like that”
he could be your subject for not only the sculpture but also the portfolio as well
“okay this may be an odd favor and you can feel free to say no”
your leg couldn’t stop bouncing up and down and you thought your hands might catch a cramp from all the wringing they were doing
“don’t be silly. what is it?”
“well, i was thinking maybe you could be the model for my sculpture.”
 “of course i will but i thought it was supposed to be about mythology and i’m no greek god”
he chuckled a little bit
“shut up do. are you kidding me? your shoulders are like a mile wide. you have a great jawline and that smile? you’d have all the mortal girls falling for you i mean i did. that sounds like god-material to me”
he threw his head back laughing
mostly to hide the huge blush creeping up his cheeks
“okay, okay. i’ll pose for you. what do i have to do?”
“just sit still so that i can take some measurements of your face and then i’ll take some photos for reference afterwards.”
doyoung did as he was told for the most part
he sat there patiently
he kept peeking at your sketchbook as you laid out the rough ideas for a few of your other pieces
tbh you hadn’t even noticed
you were in the ZONE, you hadn’t been this inspired in a while and you wanted to take full advantage of it
you also hadn’t noticed the ,,,, um,,,, lack of space,,,,,, between the two of you
well doyoung had, to say the least
he sat there desperately hoping and praying that you wouldn’t notice how sharply he would breathe in everytime your hands touched his face to move its position
or that you couldn’t notice how much his hands were shaking and how he was constantly wiping them on his pants because they were very sweaty
finally, you had all the information you needed
as you stepped back and over to your chair in front of the clay, doyoung could finally breath
“doyoung, do you have any other classes today? i don’t want to keep you here if you have plans. you can go i can work off of the reference pictures”
he very vigorously shook his head
“no no, i’m free for the day.”
“okay. you should probably go get something to eat while get this started. this will probably be a long process.”
“yeah sure. do you want me to grab you anything while I’m gone?”
“nope i’m good. i already had the sandwich you brought me.”
“okay then i’ll be right back”
after he left it easy to feel the emptiness of the room
even though you were enveloped in your work it was still noticeable
the absence of his presence was palpable
the lack of it was almost suffocating
while you were worked on getting the basic shape and structure you found yourself unsettled
unable to get back into the ‘zone’ you found yourself in before
still, you pushed through the weird shift in the air, but it wasn’t long before doyoung came back with a bag of food
“hey doyoung.”
he glanced over at your pile of clay
“whoa. you made a lot of progress. okay i know you said that you didn’t want anything to eat but i brought burgers and some chips and stuff just in case.
“doyoung, you really didn’t have to. i would have been fine.”
he rolled his eyes but didn’t reply. he simply sat back in his chair and ate some of the fries that came with his burger
the hours seemed to fly by once doyoung returned
it also helped that you played music on the speaker that you brought
before you knew it, it was 5 pm and the sun was setting
you leaned back from your chair to stretch before standing and taking a good look at the sculpture
after about 4 hours of work, you were almost done
of course there were still things that needed to be touched up, like the hair and the eyes
you had decided on a pose of doyoung looking up and off into the distance
you turned and washed your hands in the sink at the back of the room
“here’s your burger if you want it. it might be a little cold, but it doesn’t have any mustard, lettuce, tomato, or pickle. that’s how you like it right?”
“yeah, how’d you know?”
“remember we met up for dinner before a study session a few weeks ago? that’s how you ordered your burger and you told me about how dill pickles were the bane of your existence”
 “which they are” you chuckled “but i can’t believe you remembered that”
“of course, i did. i remember everything you tell me”
your heart melted for like the fiFTH TIME TODAY
you smiled and blushed before grabbing the wrapped burger from his hands
you guys sat and ate in comfortable silence
once you had finished you turned to him
“if you’re ready to leave you can. i just have a few things to add but it’ll be okay if you aren’t here. i’m just about out of daylight anyway.”
he playfully cocked his head to the side and crossed his arms
“y/n. i have a feeling you’re trying to get rid of me”
“maybe i am doyoung. whatcha gonna do about it?”
you both busted up laughing
once you had calmed down you looked at him
“seriously do. if you wanna go study or sleep or something go ahead”
he stood up and began to walk closer to you
“oh stop that. y/n it isn’t a burden for me to stay here with you. i’m honored that you would choose me to be the subject of your work and i love spending my time with you”
at this point he was standing right in front of you. looking down into your eyes.
there was no hiding the redness flushing your skin
after a few moments of silence, you looked back down at your hands
he speaks again as if you two hadn’t spent the past minute just staring into each other’s eyes
“so what next? are you gonna keep sculpting me or are you gonna draw and paint a bit?”
“ummm ,,, i kinda want to just finish the sculpture so that i don’t have to worry about it ya know?”
“yeah. where is the light switch?”
“right by the corner near the door”
as he flipped on the switch and light once again flooded the room
you were able to get a good look at the sculpture
despite it not being finished, you were still incredibly happy and proud of it
you sat back down in front of it ready to finish the work
it only took another hour or two to finish once you really got back into it
you spent the bulk of the time adding in all the little details
and you also decided last minute to add a wreath atop his head and the top of a toga
you took a final step back before sighing in relief
you were finished
you almost wanted to cry
while you were staring at the piece doyoung got up to stand behind you and look at it as well
“wow y/n. it’s beautiful.”
“well it’s you so i hope it is.”
before he could say anything else, you walked back to the sink and while washing your hands, asked his help to put it in another room to dry for a few days before it goes into the kiln
“it’ll take a while to dry so i’m going to leave it here and head to bed”
“okay well i can walk you back to your apartment”
okay so you grabbed all your stuff (with his help because doyoung is too nice to just walk beside you as you try carry 4 different bags filled with art supplies)
the walk back was kind of uneventful
you invited him in to drop all your things off before he headed out, not until you thanked him for spending the day with you and being your subject
okay so 2 weeks pass
you and doyoung meet up a few times because you need him to model a few poses for your portfolio
but FINALLY you finished your portfolio and sculpture and turned it all in
since then you have been relaxing, getting ready for winter break
well “relaxing” is a loose term
tbh you had been kinda stressed over the scores you were going to get on the artwork
and today, the day before the quarter ends, your professor would be handing back your portfolio & sculpture with a score
you decided to text doyoung after getting dismissed from class
y/n: “hey i get the score for my art project back today. do you want to meet up and we can find out together?”
doyoung: “oh my gosh yes. but are you sure you want me to be there?”
y/n: “of course do. you were such a big part of this, i couldn’t leave you out of it. besides you haven’t seen the finished portfolio”
doyoung: “okay. same art room as last time?”
y/n: “yep. i’ll see you in 20”
you were nervous. as you waited in the room, your legs couldn’t stay still so you decided to pace in hopes of calming yourself down
or at least having something to do
when he walked into the room, your eyes met
there was no hiding the frantic look in them either
“hey y/n. do you have it?”
you pulled a card from inside the front of your portfolio and set it down on the table
doyoung’s voice was soft and calming as he walked up to you
“can i look at it?”
he picked up the large folder
in a large gold print:
PROMETHEUS, he dies everyday but wouldn’t wish for any other way to spend eternity
“you chose me to represent Prometheus? what’s his story”
you began to recount the tale as doyoung slowly flipped through pages of your artwork
·         “well he was the youngest of the titans, which were the creators of greek gods. it was said that he was also the kindest. when he looked upon the earth and saw how the humans were struggling, Prometheus felt pity and decided to give them a gift. he gave them a divine secret of the gods. he gave them fire. he did this despite knowing that Zeus would punish him if he found out. which he did. the other titans and gods were furious, so they tied him to a rock near the sea. every day an eagle would come and rip out prometheus’ liver and he would die. every night it would grow back bringing him back to life. this torturous routine goes on every day and night and according to the myth it continues until this day, as it will forever.”
as you finished the story doyoung closed the folder
all he said was “wow”
it made you nervous. “so ,,,,, do you like it?”
“y/n. this is beyond words. this is amazing. and you chose me?”
“well yeah i mean. you two just seemed to fit each other. you are the kindest person i know. you’re very generous too. so really it wouldn’t have worked if i had chosen anyone else or any other myth.”
he said nothing. just set down your work and hugged you.
you embraced each other. sharing this moment.
“y/n no matter the score on the other side of that car, just know that your work is beyond incredible. not just because it’s of me”
you both laughed before he continued
“seriously. you are an amazing artist. your art moves people. it makes me feel emotions that i haven’t felt in a while. it takes me on a journey.”
he pulled back and gave you one last smile before grabbing the card off of the table
“on 3”
a 97 was written in bright red marker
“oh my gosh y/n”
you two jumped back into each other’s arms
the smile on your face was ear to ear. there was no way it was going to fade any time soon
“I knew you could do it.”
“not without you i couldn’t have,” you say leaning back slightly, your arms still around his neck
he rolls his eyes at you
“seriously doyoung. if you hadn’t come by that day i don’t know what i would have done. you were my muse”
his arms were wrapped tightly around your waist
your eyes would have met if his weren’t staring at your lips right now
“y/n.” he whispered
“can i kiss you?”
ahem sorry I got a little excited for you
it was great. what can i say
it was everything you expected to be
before you thought that the whole “fireworks” thing was just movies overexaggerating
 but NOW you can attest to that
the kiss with doyoung had so much built up tension and caring and passion and just wowza
when you finally pulled apart
both of you were slightly out of breath
doyoung still had this cute, dumb smile plastered on his face
he gave you a few more pecks
which of course made you have a big dumb smile plastered on your face
you actually pulled apart and out of his arms this time and took a look at the score card
beneath your score the professor left a little note
“i hope you don’t mind but i emailed the art gallery about your work. they have a small exhibition open if you’d like to showcase your art. here’s the email: ­­­­­­_______. please consider it. you have serious talent.”
“an art gallery doyoung. an exhibition in an art gallery.”
tears fell down your face
this was an amazing opportunity
a dream came true
“i can come over tonight and we can email them.”
you just nodded your head
tbh you were still in shock
this was a huge opportunity
“so y/n. i know there is a lot going on right now but I can’t wait. will you be my girl/boy-friend?
“doyoung of course. can you help me take this stuff back to my apartment then if you want we can go grab something to eat?”
he nodded happily and grabbed the sculpture
goodness gracious that took a while
I hope you enjoyed reading this 5 thousand-word trainwreck
I know some of the stuff about creating sculptures isn’t accurate, but I need to make it work with the timeline I had in my head
I hope it didn’t bother anyone too much
but yeah
thanks for reading
also I didn’t proofread this so hopefully there aren’t many mistakes
if there are just message me and I’ll fix them
also also here’s a sequel type thing that doesn’t have to be seen as a sequel umm it isn’t as good as this one but here ya go
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xnderbrlw · 6 years
                   task 001   ------   camper file 
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the basics
camper’s name: alexander james barlow camper’s age: 18 camper’s birthdate: august 25, 1999 camper’s birthplace: orono, maine gender identity & pronouns: cismale, he / his sexual orientation: bisexual
+ traits: pragmatic,  composed,  decisive  - traits:  isolationist,  judgmental,  nihilistic   zodiac: virgo  moral alignment: ????  true neutral, if only because he doesn’t care enough to be anything else. being either lawful or chaotic is like, a lot of work. xander says no thanks! i’m good!  hogwarts house: slytherin  mbti: istp enneagram: types 3 & 5 four temperaments: phlegmatic  celtic tree sign: hazel 
height: 5′8″ hair color: brown eye color: blue any tattoos/piercings?: no other attributes: absolutely nothing about this boy is remarkable. 
the demigod
godly parent: hermes any mortal family?: matthew barlow (father), jenny barlow (mother. he’d say, for lack of any other words to describe his relationship with jenny barlow), currently unnamed demigod.  abilities: enhanced theft, speed (esp. when wearing the shoes his father gifted to him), skilled with a sword.  relationship w/ godly parent: not any worse than his relationships with his mortal parents! xander has absolutely no complex feelings about hermes beyond thinking that adults are dumb and the gods are about ten times dumber. he also has no earthly idea what any god, let alone hermes, would’ve seen in his father, which really only cements his thought that hermes is as dumb as any other authority figure he has ever met. he doesn’t dislike hermes though and gets that he’s ....................... trying. he appreciates the shoes hermes gifted to him when he was ten, and like, thanked him for them at the same time that they had the ‘i’m your dad!’ talk. they haven’t had much contact since then and xander likes it that way. his parental figures growing up were always distant, more involved with themselves and their own drama than him and his sister  ---  he doesn’t think he’d appreciate having a father, all of a sudden, who cared about what he does.  when/how was the camper claimed?: in the middle of a quest maybe a year or two out from his arrival at camp. xander never really cared to find out who his father was and had been more than content to hang around the hermes cabin while unclaimed; that one conversation didn’t change much at all about xander’s life.  any quests? or smaller missions?: yeah! i haven’t ironed them out but i assume the one where he was claimed was his first quest. he’s capable and doesn’t talk a lot and likes to just get shit done and get out, so he’s honestly a very decent quest - choice, so long as the other people on the quest can stand him.  what is their fatal flaw?: he probably has like .............................. ten. the biggest might be how quick he is to judge and hold tight to that judgement. he hasn’t spoken to his sister since his arrival to camp because of something that happened when he was eleven. if you cut him off in line in the dining pavilion once three years ago he’ll never forget, and dismiss you as a cheat in his mind from then on. it’s bad! very not good! he has a lot of issues!! what is their preferred weapon?:  a sword. 
favorite camp memory: coming back from that first quest and getting to move to a more permanent position within the hermes cabin. he doesn’t feel a lot towards their father, and is still immensely wary of looking up to any older siblings, but he does enjoy the camaraderie and sense of belonging he feels with his siblings.  favorite food: blueberry waffles favorite color: grey. he’ll argue with you that it is a color, too.  favorite animal: cats  favorite movie: i highly doubt he has one. whoops! he likes movies, and the experience of watching them, but it seems highly unlikely to me he develops a lot of strong emotions about them once the credits roll.  likes: early morning runs,  comfortable silences,  fresh fruit eaten by the handful,  staying outside a storm,  long showers,  being left to his own devices.  dislikes:  wearing shoes,  forced team building exercises,  organized sports,  authority figures,  arguments about trivial things,  overly repetitive music. 
mini playlist:  backseat driver by shakey graves;  hurricane (johnnie’s theme) by lord huron;  bad boyfriend by spector;  nighttime hunger by overcoats;  tyson vs. douglas by the killers.  describe their aesthetic: the grey crash of stormy waves against dull sand and a duller sky, on a day when being on the beach doesn’t mean anything beautiful. the glint of a knife stuck in your pocket, not yours, but taken  ---  after all, some things are necessary steals. footsteps pounding against the pavement until the thud of them syncs with a pounding heart. settling into the shadows of the night outside and letting the rumbling quite take over. sticking earbuds in as an excuse not to talk or listen or be present. slapping a band - aid over a problem and calling it cured. not being able to sleep at night and never once questioning what the cause for that could be. inviting the cold in, tempting fate, not believing anything comes from it. the need to do something, to keep your hands busy, to fill everything with a touch of white noise.  if your camper was a vine, which one would they be?:  i couldn’t pick one so ig pick your fighter  (here & here) and we’ll let them fight it out   if they weren’t a demigod, where would they be in life?: his father really pushed him into organized sports as a means of getting xander out of the house and like, giving him coaches to maybe be stand in parental figures! xander doesn’t give a single shit about the sports he played but he’s very, very quick, and generally light on his feet  ---  he was good at them. he’d have probably stayed with them until his tendency to just do whatever rocked the boat the least got him decent grades and excellent records in whatever sport he pursued in high school so he could snag a college scholarship and get the hell out of dodge. would probably major in business just for something to do. 
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mvnros · 6 years
Oh hey, it’s MUNRO D’EATH, the 7th year CISGENDER MALE  SLYTHERIN. I always thought HE looked just like the muggle, THOMAS DOHERTY. I’ve heard they’re CREATIVE+CHARMING, but also SARCASTIC+LONELY. Hope they have a good year!
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and again, i’m bren & this is my babe, munro. will release connections in a bit !!  just gonna get down to business to defeat the huns !!
— basics;;
NAME : fionnghall munro d’eath ALIAS ( NICKNAMES ) : munro AGE : 17 SEXUAL ORIENTATION : bisexual GENDER IDENTITY : cis-male, he/him SPOKEN LANGUAGES : english, some scottish gaelic  BLOOD STATUS : half-blood, one-fourth vampire HOUSE : slytherin (seventh year) PARENTS : lorcan d’eath & shona reid née guinne (deceased), lawrence reid (step-father) SIBLING(S) : sorcha d’eath (twin sister, deceased), jackson reid (elder step-brother), elias reid (same age step-brother), catriona reid (younger half-sister), isla reid (younger half-sister) PET(S) : owl named atlas & rat named nugget
okay so munro is the son of the famous lorcan d’eath, and boy, does he know it. his parents met after one of lorcan’s concerts and had a bit of a whirlwind romance culminating in munro & his twin sorcha. his parents never married, but were blissfully happy together even if all lorcan’s fans weren’t. however, the happiness was short-lived when his sister was killed in an accident when they were seven that no magic or muggle medicine could fix. his mother and father separated less than six months later, his mother taking him back to her native scotland to live while his father continued performing and releasing new music.
his mother married a few years later when he was nine, giving him a step-father and two step-brothers. it could have been a hard transition, but it was easy. his step-father was everything his own father wasn’t. he was attentive, present, and caring while munro had always found lorcan to be whimsical, immature, and borderline selfish. his brothers were a distraction from the pain of losing his twin. 
he grew up in a fairly happy household after that, gaining two new half-sisters along the way. to his father’s delight, he discovered an affinity for music, a talent that was so similar to lorcan’s that he almost wanted to ignore it completely. 
his mom died when he was fourteen as well and despite his step-father wanting him to stay with him, he was forced to move in with his father after not living with him for years. it was an...interesting transition. he went from having a fairly stable life to traveling more than he really cared to during the summer. instead of his mother’s care packages, he’d get a irregular, hastily scrawled letters from his father that didn’t really say much of anything at all. 
now that he’s in his last year at hogwarts, he’s mostly just determined to work on his music so he can pursue that when he leaves. he hates the idea that he can only get fame because of his father, but he doesn’t see much of a way around it. the music he’s released so far has been met with some good reviews; but most of them just said how he’s so much like his father. 
so 10/10 munro just wants to be happy and successful but he doesn’t know how esp after losing his mum so young and dealing with his odd father.
his dad’s vampire heritage hasn’t come out much in him aside from a slightly paler complexion than necessary, a tendency to burn easily, and a penchant for extremely rare meat. 
will probably release more the more i think about him ya know
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oddcoupler222 · 6 years
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okay, you literally asked for another longass post:
So, Madelyn is the oldest daughter to a gay head of state, and even though she's Sansa's biological daughter, her personality is so Margaery that it is almost frightening. She's Marg -- but even more outspoken and sometimes less diplomatic, because she has no designs on politics, so speaking her mind is somewhat of her status quo
Growing up, she wasn't the most popular. She wasn't *un*popular, either; she's wealthy, pretty, smart, and outgoing. but her mothers being who they are meant that anyone who has an issue with them in anyway didn't care for them, people have routinely thought that she gets it easier in life, and she's always sort of weary for people who want to get to know her and use her for who her moms are (it has happened. more than once.)
Anyway. So, coming out as bi was somewhat difficult for her, BECAUSE of Sansa and Margaery. Not because she was ashamed or anything, but because for the people who opposed Marg, a big part of them being against the Gays, you know, was about like, making children gay and being deviant and stuff. So, she didn't want to "prove" them right in any way. But regardless, her coming out was somewhat of a spectacle to the public. In college, she was dating a girl, who ended up making it public without her permission, and it was all over the media (this is somewhat of a side note into Ellie and Amelia's story. As in, Ellie kissed Amelia shortly after this happened, and worrying about Ellie having to face a public fallout the way she was watching Madelyn do was a factor into her gently turning her down)
So, anyway. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger, and Madelyn squared her shoulders and did the interviews and whatnot about her sexuality. But her walls went up more than a bit after that
She graduated from college and then law school, and unlike Ellie, who left King's Landing asap, Madelyn does love it there, and stays there and close to the moms as she makes a life for herself, working her way up at a prestigious law firm -- Madelyn puts a LOT of expectation on herself. Part of "I'm Margaery Tyrell's daughter" and a need to project herself as perfectly and put together as possible
That expectation also comes into her love life. Because she wants to settle down and to find her person, and sees her parents as like the golden standard to aspire to
So... her Future Love of Her Life comes into play also years earlier than they get together. At her firm, which she joins when she's 24 and already a boss ass bitch, there's a guy a couple years older than she is, who ends up being her nemesis at work. Olivar Florent, who - if able to vote when Marg was PM - wouldn't have voted for her. He’s an entitled jackass, who often talks shit about Madelyn and has like a complex about her. He also makes comments about her sexuality and believes she gets things easier because of her who mom is (when, a lot of the time, it has meant she's had to work twice as hard, esp at this job). They also are always competing for the same promotions and cases
When Madelyn first meets him, he's married to Emma, who is a couple years older than Madelyn as well, and is a decent enough presence around the office. Not that the two of them ever get along, really. She's not a Jackass like Olivar is, but she's married to him, which makes Madelyn already weary of her. Though, she sends baked goods to the office and is always at the office parties and whatnot. Even though - as Amelia will tease her over the years - Emma is physically her office crush (because she is Gorgeous and quietly witty), their only interactions over the years are short, often tense/charged conversations and she somewhat feels that Emma has something against her (which she assumes is the same shit that Olivar does)
Cut to Madelyn, age 35. She's been at the firm for 11 years, is kicking ass at work. She has the best moms in the world (her own words), a sister and a best friend who are together and who she loves both enough to kill for, and a baby niece. And... she's lonely af. As Sansa's daughter, she has a romantic soul, which led her into several romantic pursuits, and always ends up getting her heart broken. The last one of these had almost led to an engagement, but that got called off by the woman in question, who went on a diatribe about Madelyn somehow being Too Much but also Not Enough, and even though it was a couple of years ago, she's sort of soured on this whole trying to open her heart kind of thing
Now, on the other side of matters - about a year or two ago, Olivar got caught out cheating on Emma, and they separated. It was a huge thing for office gossip, and ever since then, of course, Emma hasn't been around the office. The one thing about Olivar that Madelyn DOES like, is his daughter. Alyssa, who's 13 and precocious af. And whenever he has the day with her, he usually ends up working and having her sit around in the office (because he's a shitty dad), and Madelyn always lets her sit in her office (where she has some Cool Stuff, knick knacks and stuff, and she talks to her like "an adult" - not like actually bringing up Grown Up topics, but, you know - and orders her lunch and stuff).
Their story would begin as such - Madelyn is coming into her office, and who is standing there but... Emma.
And she's confused, like... "I know it's been a while since you've been around here, but, Olivar's office is still a floor down from here." And Emma takes a deep breath and gathers her strength and, "I know. But I came to see you." Madelyn's eyes narrow and she's intrigued, and gives her a questioning look. Emma looks nervous, which - she's known her/seen her around for a decade, and she's never seen her fidget or look anything other than calm, so it’s strange with her all like, "I'm sorry I don't have an appointment. I... I just. I was wondering if we could talk." and she looks around the office, still nervous. So Madelyn nods and lets her in and is all, "I'm aware we don't know one another all that well. But, are you all right?" Emma blurts out that she wants to hire Madelyn as her divorce lawyer.
Madelyn is SHOCKED, because well, they've hardly spoken and never gotten along all that well when they have aside from a handful of surprising moments over the years (including one very memorable time in which they were caught under mistletoe at an office holiday party and Madelyn laughed it off, rolling her eyes at her somewhat drunk coworkers, but Emma had been -- just staring at her. Her mouth, specifically. Madelyn had tentatively put her hand on her elbow to murmur to ignore everyone, and it had jolted Emma out of her stare. And basically had her avoiding the office for a few months).
Plus, "You two aren't divorced?" Because they've been separated for almost 2 years now, as far as she knows. And Emma is biting at the inside of her cheek, because she has trouble being super open with a lot of people, especially after having been in a marriage with someone who is domineering and rude and loud and controlling. But she sighs and confesses that Olivar has been fighting against actually getting a divorce ever since she moved out, and has been doing everything in his disposal to stop her from proceeding, and she is sick of it. BUT Olivar has a lot of money (she was a stay at home wife/mother, before), he comes from a prestigious family, and has a LOT of legal/political connections, and he isn’t afraid to make threats about custody or lord anything over her head, so it's been a very difficult time for her
Madelyn is still surprised, and is all, "Why me?" Bc over the years, Emma would have basically known everyone at the lawfirm. But Emma tells her that she knows she's at least as good of a lawyer, if not better, than Olivar is, because of the amount of issues she'd caused him. And she knows she is outspoken and not afraid to lay a smack down when needed (paraphrasing), and... she bites her lip but has a gleam in her eye that Madelyn enjoys when she says that she knows Madelyn wouldn't be afraid to take a case that is going against Olivar, because she knows how much she dislikes him and how much they don't get along. And Madelyn takes it in, nodding, because, Emma's not wrong. Plus, she can imagine the look on Olivar's face when he finds out, and - yeah, she likes that
And thus, a deal is struck.
They start meeting up after that - out of the office, at Madelyn's suggestion, because the less Olivar sees them and could find out about what they talk about/their plans, the better. So, they start meeting up and getting coffees at the cafe that Emma is working in (which she is embarrassed about, explaining to Madelyn on one of her breaks, after being somewhat standoffish, because she's a 37 year old woman who spent the majority of her adult life relying on her husband to pay for everything and now she's worried and struggling. Emma and Olivar met when they were in college, and even though she graduated with an art history degree, she has never done anything with it/has little experience because of him not wanting her to work, and they got married at like 23).
Madelyn takes it all in, Emma’s flushed cheeks and mutterings about calling herself an idiot for being in that situation, her fidgeting - before she slides her hand across the table and onto Emma’s. Which makes her cheeks darken and she stares down at Madelyn’s hand on hers, before looking up at her while Madelyn tells her that anyone could have gotten swept up when they were young and being trapped in a bad situation isn’t her fault. And that her aunt worked in a cafe for a long while in her adult years, and that she admires her work ethic. Before she realizes - okay, maybe Emma had in the past had a discomfort about her sexuality, and she drops her hand.
Spurring Emma into action and she tries to talk about paying Madelyn, laying out a financial plan (because she knows that there is no way Madelyn doesn't make a ton of money from her clients, since she remembers how much Olivar makes), Madelyn tells her to pay her in coffee, unable to hold back a little wink
So, they start to bond over the next couple of months, learning about one another, bit by bit. Madelyn brings her work out of the office sometimes when she doesn’t have to, setting up shop in the coffee shop. Talking on her breaks. They end up catching the end of a documentary that’s airing on a television in the cafe one day, one made about Margaery and thus features Madelyn heavily, and Madelyn surprises herself by sighing at it. Emma watching her carefully and saying that Madelyn made all of it, with all of the pressure, look very easy, and Madelyn pushes through a smile and they talk. Emma opens up a bit about how the few days Olivar does get to have Alyssa, she worries about her, and that they are typically the days she goes to see her mother in the care facility she is in, as she has dementia, and it’s just... a lot.
Emma is still a bit reserved around Madelyn, though she doesn't know exactly why. The moments where they share smiles and then Emma will clear her throat and look away or suddenly need to get back to doing something at that given moment. This only kind of changes over a month in, when they are meeting at Emma's apartment for the first time, and Alyssa is there and sees Madelyn and gets super excited and they talk a bit about what's going on for her school project. And Emma is ?? confused... until Alyssa shrugs it off and tells her that she hangs out in Madelyn's office whenever she's had to go to Olivar's work, basically for years, even when they were married.
But that sort of really starts breaking through the reserve she has remaining, because Madelyn is just almost maddeningly lovely. It’s a bit scary
Olivar comes to drop something off (and rage about the divorce papers he's just been served, which had been why Madelyn had stopped by to drop off a “celebratory gift” for the papers being served -- she kind of already has this actual crush going on), and sees Madelyn there, which only makes him more pissed. And then ANGRIER when Alyssa purposefully implies that Madelyn and Emma are a little something-something more
Madelyn goes along with it at the time, because, well, she hates the man and it’s so very far from the worst thing she could imagine... but when Olivar leaves, she apologizes. Especially because she has always thought her sexuality/her moms has played into Emma's reservedness around her
But Emma is sort of frozen and blushing and eventually admits that it's okay (and now... gods, she has Thoughts).
But that sparked a Thing, and now around the office, it's going around the Madelyn is not only defending Emma against Olivar in their divorce, but also that they are dating. Which she keeps up as a facade, even though she knows she SHOULDN'T. This, of course, leads to a Fake Kiss That Feels Real, of course, and then after that is when Emma admits that she isn't exactly straight, which was a very confusing revelation for her, which also caused a big thing between her and Olivar and is something he has threatened to use against her in the divorce if she ever went through with it. (and she admits that a part of why she'd always been so distant toward Madelyn is because she was always SO unapologetically herself and outspoken about who she was and about supporting her moms and Emma (especially when she and Madelyn first met) was intimidated by that, and tbh pretty nervous because she was (and is) attracted to Madelyn, like everything about her) [also, she might have secretly had the magazine article from when Madelyn came out when she was in college for a long time, because it was like a celeb-fantasy-crush, when she was first feeling like she might not have been straight]
They get even closer, like... Madelyn doesn’t even know. Almost dating? Sort of? They’ve had some more moments since the kiss, and she knows without a doubt how much she wants Emma. Emma meets Sansa and Marg, and winds up getting a job at a museum that Sansa gets her an interview at. Emma is thrilled that Alyssa and Madelyn are so close and also admits that a lot of what had put her off of Madelyn, aside from her sexuality and everything I already said, was that Olivar would often say things about her that were entirely unflattering, but she sees now that they were all super untrue and that Madelyn is actually... pretty dreamy. Featuring a lovely moment wherein Olivar sees Madelyn and Alyssa and Emma at one of the office parties (because Madelyn told them to come as they were "dating" in the eyes of everyone else at the office), and when he makes a threat to Emma about taking away custody, about her being gay, about all of the connections he has, Madelyn stepping in and being like, "You think you have connections? I'd like to see you even try. Actually, I would love it. Really."
Which... Emma is... well how can she even try to resist that? (she cant)
And when they go home from that night, they sleep together, and thus, the lines get blurred and it feels so thrilling but so messy. Madelyn starts worrying about not being good for them and that she is really overstepping in their lives, plus she starts to have some trouble at the firm (because Olivar has one of the partners essentially tied around his finger) and this is causing "unnecessary tension" and when Emma finds that out, she doesn't want to complicate Madelyn's life and decides that they shouldn't be doing this
Which cues a few lonely weeks, as the divorce really sets in motion, and Madelyn has a chat with Margaery about living up to expectation and being perfect. She misses Emma and Alyssa - who also miss her quite a bit.
But then in the end, Madelyn quits her job and goes to another firm that has been after her for years. Slightly less prestigious, but better - morally - and she goes to represent Emma, who is shocked that she came, given how their big fight went when she fired her. And then, naturally, comes the big confessions of actual feelings, and Madelyn might have felt like she is either too much or never enough and that she needs to be perfect, but she really is pretty perfect for this little family
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