#esp if u were nearly a thing but not quite
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utterlyazriel · 1 year ago
the green emotion
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someone requested jealous!azriel and i... made up a whole plot. i hope it's decent and fulfills the craving ! i'm a firm believer than he's so silly when he gets jealous <3 friends to lovers, about 4k
Azriel was not a jealous Male.
That was what he told himself. Jealousy was something that possessed the likes of Cassian or Rhys, driven to territorial acts that likened them to wild beasts. Fueled by their protectiveness, their senses dulled beyond reason.
Jealousy was a sharp whip with a taunting bite and Azriel was one of few who did not bend beneath it.
He had adopted a strength over millennia, an iron will, that prevented him from harboring such unsavory feelings. He was a stronger male than that, not so easily willed by strong ugly emotions such as jealousy.
That was what he told himself — as he tailed behind you, hanging back far enough you could not detect his presence, his shadows shrouding him.
It was reaching evening in Velaris, the last remnants of the sun's dappled light scattered across the cobblestones. You were clothed in a velvet cloak that reached down to your ankles. Its hood was drawn up, to cover your face.
If Azriel didn’t know you so well, not the weight of your steps and the lithe you carried yourself with, you may have slipped by unnoticed.
But Azriel was the Spymaster for a reason — and you were keeping secrets.
Truly, it itched and picked at him as he turned reason over and over again in his mind as he followed you. What possible reason could you have for skirting around in the dark? To slip from your friends and cloak yourself, wishing to remain unseen on the streets of your home?
It didn’t make sense to him. No thoughts of treason ever breached his mind. You wouldn’t dare, he knew that. You treasured your family as deeply as Azriel did himself, having bled and fought for your space beside them many years ago.
But as Azriel traced the path you walked, knowing you were fully in your right to go about your business however you pleased, it couldn’t be ignored. Logic kept pointing fingers in the same direction.
If he did not suspect you of withholding vital information from your court, then his quiet tailing must be fueled by something else. Something as trivial as an emotion such as…. jealousy.
Azriel bristled at the thought and his wings shook silently behind him, as if shaking off some imaginary snow.
He did not get jealous.
He was simply… ensuring the safety of his court. Which included your own safety. Even the thought made him grimace in the shadows, knowing the smack he would receive from Cassian if his brother ever heard the implication you couldn’t fend for yourself.
You most certainly could. Azriel and Cassian had both spent their fair share of hours battling against you in the fighting ring, training you up.
And it’s hardly likely that the image of you — donned in your fighting leathers, forehead beaded with sweat, chest heaving as you gripped your sword tight and grinned across the ring — was something Azriel would forget anytime soon.
Cauldron boil him if he ever had to admit aloud just how often he thought of that image.
Still, something within him kept his feet moving, footsteps as quiet as the night.
Faelight illuminated across the cobbles, the light of the rising moon, brighter in this court than any other, cast across the doorsteps of the townhouses. You had wound through the streets and ended up two streets stray from the Palace of Threads and Jewels. On a doorstep that Azriel had never seen before.
Your hood fell to your shoulders as you pushed it back gently, revealing the column of your throat and the curve of your shoulders. The faint moonlight glided across your skin, a luminous glow curling up against your collarbones. Azriel swallowed from his place in the shadows.
It was never a surprise to find you beautiful. To revere your enchanting otherworldly beauty — that Azriel was used to. And yet still, even after all these years, he had not managed to master the way it stole the breath from his lungs every time.
A familiar hunger yawned within him. He averted his eyes from you to the door.
He forced himself to take in the details, listening as his shadows whispered things his eyes could not attest. An artist's home. Damaged and rebuilt in the last battle of Velaris. The inhabitant was a Male, living alone.
Something blistered awfully inside Azriel.
Why would you visit a home such as this? Azriel could think of a few reasons that could warrant a visit so late in the evening, with your face concealed and your footsteps light. He felt his stomach turn over. Something foul burned in his gut.
The door before you opened and Azriel turned his face fast, slicing his gaze to the ground before he could see the Fae who greeted you.
Suddenly, this felt too close to an invasion of privacy. If you wished to keep your lovers a secret, as he himself did, this was a direct violation of your wishes.
That was... if this man was, indeed, your lover.
Something vulgar, something ugly reared up in his veins. Azriel clenched his fists at his sides, siphons gleaming, and willed it down.
Jealousy would not become him. Jealousy was not— did not control him.
And yet he could feel it, coursing through his blood, choking up his throat. Azriel tried to push it down, to fight against it with reason, with logic. You were promised to no Male, least of all to him. But...
But he could've sworn.
As quickly as the words appeared in his mind, Azriel stamped them down with an icy fury.
A silent curse followed them, directed at himself for his own foolishness. How many times would he walk this road before he eventually learned?
There had been no heated moments between you, no wandering eyes, no lingering hands; none that he had not imagined. None that his mind had no conjured up in its own twisted hope.
When you sought him out in the night, tormented by your own mind and how it kept you from sleep, you were seeking... a friend, Azriel realised bitterly.
There was nothing deeper to your decision to show up at his door but no one else's. Nothing was hidden in the way you chose a seat next to him at every dinner, nor the way you found a way to be beside him at the tables at Rita's.
Sitting close enough so that he could smell the alluring scent of your perfume. Could see the gleam of your bright eyes as you glanced at him after every joke, almost as if to see what might make him smile.
No. He steeled himself, shutting down every sweet moment of you he had been subconsciously collecting, holding to a greater magnitude than you clearly did.
You were not like Mor or Cassian. You did not warm the sheets of many Fae beds, slipping in and out of them without a care.
You were... alike to himself, Azriel had thought. Dedicated yourself to one.
He scowled at himself in the dark. This— this rendezvous in the dark did not dispel what he knew about you. It did not make it untrue.
It simply meant his feeble hope, that the one, the Fae you might dedicate yourself entirely was him... was just that—a hope.
It did not sway the reality of the world, the matter of truth that you crept out in the night to meet on shadowed doorsteps. Azriel felt his shadows smoking around him, spun into a frenzy at his unwelcome revelation. He snapped in his wings a little tighter.
Coming here tonight, following you, had been a mistake.
It seemed perfectly logical after that night for Azriel to take a step back, to rein himself in.
Not that there was not much to rein back — but the small actions reserved just for you, the unrestrained smiles, the inside jokes ribbed back at one another.
The things he had perceived as meaning more. He knew, that if he wanted to protect his heart from further ache, he should stop doing them.
But... maybe the only thing he did better than fighting, he thought grievously, was being utterly lovesick for someone who would never feel the same.
At the very least, he would hold his feelings to secrecy. It began with the smallest retractions, like weaning an addict off their favourite drug.
Azriel knew if he pulled away too quick, it would send him into a sort of withdrawal — and after all these years spent together, he wasn't sure he knew how to live with a deficit of you. Of your brazen smile and sparkling eyes.
Slow and sure. Over the next week, he willed himself to quit bothering you, to empty a space in your life so you could invite in others, those that meant more to you. So, there could be space for your new... lover.
Even the word sounded bitter in his mind.
Azriel opted for longer training in the morning. Let his sparring sessions with Cassian bleed longer and longer, not leaving the blazing hot rooftop even when Cass winds up limping inside.
He had received a halfhearted scowl from the warrior, undoubtedly for how unrelenting he had been in his fighting this week.
The time he usually sets aside for you, to read side by side in the library, to bake, to enjoy each other's company — Azriel swept it aside for you, to free up your schedule.
Noticed how you spend your free time down in Velaris. He doesn't dare tail you again.
The week crawls by slowly, stretching out thick, black tar.
Come Sunday, a day you normally reserved for spending with him, Azriel knows his extra insistence on training isn't enough of an excuse to keep you away. He trains late anyway.
True to his suspicions, it takes less than an hour for you to appear— having come to find him.
Azriel can sense you, even before his shadows murmur sweet things in his ears about the most beautiful Fae watching him through the window.
You're lingering at the door, unusually reserved. He can feel your hesitancy, even as he works his aching muscles through yet another set of exercises. His shadows stay in close, the edge of his body whispering in and out of darkness, his siphons gleaming.
You wait, watching quietly, until the sword he's wielding, a strong, broad Illyrian blade, is placed down to rest. Then, there's the soft pad of your feet as you step out into the training area. He hears you coming but he does not turn to face you.
“I've missed you this week.”
Even with his back turned, Azriel fights to keep his expression neutral, even as his eyes flutter at your admission. There's a tug on his shadows, their desire to wisp across to you proving a challenge to resist. He holds himself still, stern, and doesn't even a ruffle of his wings to indicate he's heard you.
"I—" Azriel begins. He still can't bear to turn to face you. "I'm sorry to hear that."
He can hear the noise of confusion that slips from your throat — evidently, it isn't the response you're expecting.
Azriel focuses on the sword before him, his bicep bulging as he lifts its weight and wanders to the stand of weapons. He pretends to be immersed in the decision of which to train with next, even though he's been out here for hours.
Even with his silent cold shoulder, he can still hear you behind him, your feet dragging softly across the ground in what is surely a hesitant nervous action. But still, you haven't left.
"Well, maybeee…" You continue on, voice still aiming for light and breezy, as if he hasn't been avoiding you. You're still trying.
Azriel's chest tightens up with a familiar ache, one that always lingers around you. Since seeing you that night, on another Male's doorstep, its sting has become particularly cruel. Jealousy has a cold bite.
"If you’re nearly done... I mean, if your somewhat obsessive workout regime is finally complete..."
You're winding on, taking jabs that would normally make him smile. You'd take a gentle rolling of his eyes at this point. Azriel turns to you, his face remaining passive.
"I was wondering if you wanted to come sit with me in the library," You say, voice suddenly softer now that he's facing you. "If you’re not too busy, that is.”
Azriel steels himself, eyes cutting to the ground as he forces himself to not wilt beneath your hopeful gaze. He knew it would be hard to pull himself away from you but this? This is nearing torture.
He clears his throat. “I am.”
He turns and begins to peel off the layers of Illyrian leathers from his torso, remaining diligent at keeping himself from caving to you. He can feel the ugly emotion rolling just beneath the surface, a gruesome green monster that threatens his usual composure.
Behind him, he hears your soft, saddened oh. His wings give a tiny shiver at it, even as he continues the methodical process of unwinding after training.
Piece by piece, his armor comes off, until even his shirt has been shed. His skin glistens under the shine of the afternoon sun, the muscles beneath rippling and sore from exertion.
There's a moment of silence and Azriel keeps his head bowed as he gathers himself, prepared to bathe the sweat and grime off himself. It wasn't a complete lie he had told.
Perhaps, he thinks wistfully, he could wash some of his unjust jealousy away with it. Being so unwound by his feelings is taking its toll on him, considering how unused to it he is. He waits, ears keenly listening for the sign of your departure.
After a minute of quietness, he can only assume you've slipped away silently. He sighs, half in relief and half in his sorrow.
"What are you busy doing?"
Your voice pipes up and Azriel glances behind him, surprised that you haven't left after all. His wings tuck in a little tighter.
"y/n." He murmurs your name and it comes out almost as a plea. Now, faced with you pulling apart his loose lie, Azriel finds he doesn't have it within him to lie to your face. "Please."
You don't say anything.
Azriel's shadows dance around him, agitated and frenzied, and he wills them to calm— though, that had always been an impossible request in your presence. He takes a sharp inhale and walks towards the door, leaving you behind on the rooftop.
He gets halfway down the hallway, heading for his room before your voice calls out again.
"Busy avoiding me?"
You've followed him from the training ring and now you stand at the end of the hallway, your arms crossed firmly across your chest. Your face is contorted into a hard expression, a furrow between your brows.
Azriel sighs and turns back to you. He hadn't been able to keep his secret from Mor — why, oh why did he think that he would have any more luck when it came to you?
You— enigmatic, wonderful you. Maybe, all Azriel hopes to do today is to delay the inevitable rejection for a different day. An easier day.
A day where he isn't feeling so easily undone by his the enormity of his envy. Envious of what he can't have but so desperately desires.
As he turns to face you, it's impossible to miss the way your eyes dart down to his bare chest. You stare for a moment too long and it looks like it takes an effort to drag your eyes up. You swallow heavily, the bob of your throat unmissable. Even from afar, Azriel swears there's a glow to your cheeks.
No. No, he wasn't doing that to himself anymore! He wouldn't— he couldn't be having those thoughts about you anymore. You had a lover for Mother's sake.
"I'm not—"
"Oh my Gods, don't even try to say you're not avoiding me." You interrupt him sharply. You begin to stamp your way down the hallway, eyes narrowed, your annoyance clear to see.
A door in the hallway opens. Distracted by something over his shoulder, Cassian takes a blundering loud step out into the hallway before he freezes.
He spots you first, eyes widening and wings bunching up at your obvious fury. His head turns, finding Azriel down the other end of the hallway.
"Oh... Mother, this is happening now, huh? I'm just gonna— uh, get food later." He jerks his thumb over his shoulder, quickly turning and disappearing back into his room. His door closes with a quiet snip.
In the moment of distraction, you don't notice how Azriel has moved away stealthily— his shadows aiding his quiet getaway. He's not entirely sure what his plan is; he doubts he can avoid this argument by simply shutting himself in his room. Turns out, he's selfish enough to be willing to try.
Sure enough, it takes another moment before his wings twitch, his shadows reporting on your incoming footsteps moments before he hears them himself.
He busies himself with digging through his drawers and sends a silent request to the House, praying it might keep the door locked against you.
He can do this— he can swallow down his burning heart and keep your friendship he values so dearly, he swears he can. Just not today.
He hears the door open.
Glancing up, he narrows his eyes at the House and calls it a foul word in his mind. The Faelights of his room seem to twinkle mischievously in response.
"Az," You breathe softly.
His name sounds unbearably tender coming from your lips. His wings give a little rustle, curling closer around himself.
Despite his lack of reply, you aren't deterred. He can hear your footsteps, gentle and not at all like your prior furious stomps down the hallway, as they wind around his bed.
Chest stirring with an old ache, he keeps himself facing away. He slips a shirt on and prays you give him one more day to rein in his treacherous heart. One more day. He just can't do it today.
"Did I... Did I do something?"
Your voice is suddenly a lot smaller.
Azriel softens instantly at the sound of it, feeling his resolve begin to crumble. He crushes his eyes closed and thinks of what he had seen down in Velaris — forces himself to imagine you with another Male, in his arms, in his bed.
But even if his jealousy is so terribly unwarranted, he cannot bring himself to lie to you.
"No," The word grates out his throat roughly.
Because it's the truth. You hadn't done anything wrong and— and Azriel refused to hurt you just because he couldn't contain a few rampant feelings.
"Really?" The tinge of annoyance is back in your words and Azriel can't even blame you.
"Because then why it is that you have been avoiding me since— since the day I was-"
You cut your own words off and Azriel fills in the blank on his own. Since the day down in the city—where I saw you entering another Male's home, hidden in your cloak, like you were meeting a lover— and even though you're completely allowed to do that, I am like every other gods forsaken jealous Male in Prythian, getting upset over this, even if you are not truly mine.
He turns to you finally, his hands clenched at his side and he wills the next sentence out.
"What or who you choose to spend your free time with—" He inhales a long breath, forcing his face to remain neutral even as he feels his teeth grit together. "—is none of my concern."
Your face scrunches up, confused. Then the furrow between your eyebrows is back and Azriel feels a tad nervous. You aren't often angry, least of all with him.
"Cauldron boil me," You bury your face into your hands for a second. Then you drag them down languidly with a groan, peeking up at him over your hands.
"Did you follow me?"
Azriel feels a bit off-guard. His voice isn't as sure when he says, "It is my duty to survey my court."
You bristle a little at that and the nervousness within him grows a little bigger.
"'Who I choose to spend my time with?'" You repeat his words back to him with a tone of incredulity, your hands motioning wildly before you. Faintly, Azriel begins to sense the feeling of foolishness rising within him.
"For Mother's sake, Az, I was buying you a birthday gift, not sleeping with him!"
The moment the words burst from your lips, two things happen. Azriel stiffens, the true nature of your stealthy endeavor through Velaris making a fool of him indeed.
You were... cloaked and hidden because you had been planning a surprise. For him. For his birthday. Something he hadn't even considered was around the corner as it held no high merit with him. His eyes widen and his lips part an inch.
And you — you straighten up, eyes wide, looking as though you've been struck by lightning.
"You were jealous." You gasp.
Not a question, a statement.
"No," Azriel denies, without thinking. His heart rabbits in his chest. The irony of acting out the way he did, because jealousy had blinded him in the first place, is not lost on him.
Suddenly, all his envy is washed away, replaced quickly by a bumbling foolish embarrassment. He wishes he could winnow out of the House. He considers the window behind him for a moment, if only to spare himself from revealing his true feelings to you.
One glance back at your face, your expression edging towards crestfallen, and any thoughts of running away vanishes.
"Yes." He quickly amends, voice meek.
His wings give a little shudder, twisting in closer as he realises what he's admitted aloud. How there was no coming back from this.
No one had ever made him as loose-tongued as you do. Azriel is embarrassed to be caught stumbling over his words.
"I realise..." He croaks out, suddenly finding the slats of the floorboards immensely more interesting. His shadows have slowed from their nervous frenzy, making lazy motions instead, as if to soothe him. "That may not be ideal. My feelings, that is."
A beat of silence. Azriel studies a spot on the floor intently. His heart flounders wildly behind his ribs. His embarrassment seeps something closer to mortification.
Your shoes peek into the edge of his vision and Azriel's head shifts up slowly, his hazel eyes finding yours and burning into them.
His shadows whisper a thousand things to him — but all of them are dulled, quietened, as he simply stares at you. Feels something between the pair of you hang in the balance, just a breeze from unraveling.
Your eyes are bright. Acutely, he realises he can smell relief rolling off you in heavy waves. Amongst it, too, is a hint of... happiness. Happiness.
“Oh, you big Illyrian baby,” You coo, a teasing lilt to your tone.
His cheeks grow warm. Something white-hot tips down his spine as you step in closer, swaying into his space. He can smell the alluring scent of you and his heart thrums in his chest at your nearness, aching to be closer.
"Some spymaster you are, huh?" You say, voice barely above a whisper.
Azriel stays silent but his head tilts to the side just an inch in his puzzlement, his eyebrows knitting together. Hazel eyes peer at you with such an intensity that it sends goosebumps crawling across your skin— his eyes searching your face for answers to his thousand questions.
"Knowing everything except for this." You continue, words feather-soft.
You don’t say what this is but Azriel thinks he knows. Hopes he knows. His hands at his sides clench tighter, his fingers curled up into fists, and the motion catches your attention.
Moving so slowly, you reach out and gingerly take his wrist between your delicate fingers. Azriel lets you. A whine crawls up in the back of his throat and his swallows it back down.
He watches closely as you pull his hand up, forward, cradling it with your own two. His fingers twitch, so unfamiliar with such tender touches.
The shadows scouring around his shoulders burst into a frenzy, circling down his arms and twirling around your intertwined hands. It's as though they're... dancing, Azriel thinks.
"I... hoped." He admits quietly, his voice full of longing.
You shift his mottled hand, turning it gently so his palm is facing yours. Then you hold your own up against it, like you're comparing hand sizes.
Azriel can barely tear his eyes off where your hand presses into his to look up at you. Something molten hot begins to scorch through his veins. A realisation. A dream that may be finally answered. It feels like pure starlight.
Your hand is dwarfed against his own scarred one — and when Azriel curls his fingers, they hug the top of yours gently. You press back against his hand, like the smallest hug back.
You murmur back. "You don't need hope."
Your gaze skirts up from your joined hands, your lips twitching into a nervous smile.
Your eyebrows have drawn together in the middle, just a bit, as though what's happening is something you find devastatingly beautiful. As though you think that way about him. About the two of you, together.
Azriel finds himself thinking of all he would give in the world —all the mountains he'd move and dragons he'd slay— for you to keep looking at him that way.
"You already have me."
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sugudoe · 7 months ago
HI BABES <3 hruuuu
I've been on ur page for a while and was curious about the jjk matchup and wanted to try 😭
btw feel free to ignore this if u don't wanna do it 🫶🏻
-appearance wise- short? Not athletic at all, casual goth/alt kinda style hijabi/curly ASF short hair, (kinda really conventionally attractive according to shit ton of people ig😭?)
- schizophrenic? Borderline personality disorder and adhd 💀
-Quite smart actually but js lazy asf so usually no efforts
- procrastinates ALOT like that's a huge part of my life atp😭in literally everything
- not really the type to care for own health or anything
-Got a really bad rbf in public +not talkative AT ALL outside of home💀
a huge girls girl
-Really weird mood swings so either talk wayyy while making zero sense or fully mute
-Overall quite confident esp in own body and all so it's pretty hard for other person to win any argument/insult type of things
-Kinda narcissist? Like 1st priority is me so pretty hard to settle for anyone
-childish in relationships cuz ykk trauma🥰🫶🏻
- not taking ANYONES shi esp from partner soo.....
my first sukuna!!!! i’ve been waiting for you mwah. this is true form!sukuna and heian!sukuna. also you’re so badass i got inspired to write a one shot, yay.
•⁀➷ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠. . . ﹫ 𝘴𝘶𝘬𝘶𝘯𝘢 ៹ ༉‧₊˚
sukuna does not give a fuck about anyone that isn’t him or uraume, so when you came on this temple he took for himself with a lot of blood as a payment, he was left wondering.
you arrived as an offering from your village, they couldn’t deal with your personality and ways. never putting your head down or allowing anyone to talk shit. and you, a cursed user, had no restrains on using your technique to defend yourself or prove a point. somehow, they still managed to get you unconscious.
throw at sukuna’s feet, you woke in a daze and you were mad at everyone. seeing this fragile looking little person raising chaos and destruction intrigued him. he killed all of those you didn’t, and you hated him for it.
“hey, you big asshole!” you stormed all the way to his seat. “they were mine.”
“and you are mine now, go with uraume to receive your tasks.”
. . . what?
you start to work under sukuna after that day, he says he doesn’t give a fuck, but it’s an easy lie to spot. sukuna wants to know about your powers, your anger, your everything. and since asking you would be inconsistent to his nonchalant personality, he makes uraume be near you at all times.
uraume hates you. not for jealousy, they just hate how lazy you are with the work. the three of you have an intimidating aura, the closed off faces of you and uraume and the devilish smirk of sukuna is a common last view for anyone who dares face you all.
sukuna begins to view you as something other than a soldier when you keep back talking him more and more. he gets offensive, you defend yourself and nearly gets you face burned or body slashed, that makes you even angrier. he finds amusing your scowling and screeches, so he keeps “missing” his assassination attempts.
sukuna does not court you or asks you on a date, sorry! he will just make clear one day that you are his, like in your first encounter, except this time anyone that comes into his room will be met with a not friendly sight of you on his lap.
now, uraume hates the two of you.
──── 𓇼 ° ⋆ FUN FACTS ᵎᵎ
۫ ּ ﹗it’s all a lie, uraume actually likes you both. and if you ever get sick, sukuna will not help you, but the cooker will make you soup and that’s it. don’t ask the ingredients, though.
۫ ּ ﹗sukuna has a short temper, and you have the light to ignite his anger. you both are very explosive, and yet he stopped getting angry a long time ago, he rather see you worked up. you know where this ends.
۫ ּ ﹗he sees you with a gothic dress, his many eyes won’t leave you alone, never.
۫ ּ ﹗when the culling games start, you come back thanks to kenjaku. it’s like the day you first met, you come his way in a confused state and angry. he missed you a lot.
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narwhalandchill · 9 months ago
Hello! I saw you mention Childe in labyrinth warriors (hope that’s the right name) when talking about the 4.6 appearance, can I ask you about your thoughts on him there? I didn’t get to play that event- so what I know about it is spotty at best. Just that it’s in Inazuma, had Xinyan I think? And that Childe was there. And the little paper dude. I’m genuinely curious about what insights you gained from the event into his character- and I’d love to hear you talk about Childe more.
(can you believe. when i say. now that im finishing this up. that it got out of hand anon??? uhhhhhhhhhhhh. i mean. at this point this should be expected)
hi!!!! sorry this took a bit, ive been somewhat sick all week and also just now absorbed by the nuzlocke im doing but Anyway. am here now thank you sm for the ask and enabling childe thoughts!!!!!
. readmore bc this Actually got just. unbearably long otherwise JIWDJDWJKDJKWWJDK 😭😭😭😭
so the outline is basically as u said, but like. to summarize it w some particular details mentioned since they Do matter (sorry it got giga fucking long bc i think the full context is helpful for discussing childes parts too lmao). but here goes:
so a mysterious domain has appeared out of thin air on narukami island with monsters spewing out from within into the countryside. now this is an Issue (TM) bc timeline-wise this is still v much the immediate aftermath of the inazuma AQ and the civil war - the nation & esp the tenryo commission rly isnt in ideal shape resource and manpower wise to deal w another crisis like this and it has sara rightfully tense after the initial waves of the monsters were finally forced back. she kinda cant afford to send her men to scout inside the domain (it also kinda. opens and closes and reopens at random which is another issue for potential scouts) but if nothing is done to stop the monsters she must commit to a full on assault to destroy the domain to remove the threat & shes more or less on a timer with that. making it quite the precarious situation for her politically too and not just security wise. (keep this in mind)
how we end up being asked to investigate the place has to do w the. im ngl p convoluted xinyan b plot basically she was invited to a music festival as a performer but it was cancelled so now she lacks the travel permits she needs and getting new ones is Not fast without some inside help. we agree to look for sara so she could argue xinyans case, run into her dilemma w the domain and she agrees to expedit the process if we investigate the place in her forces' stead. (xinyan the civilian tags along for some reason too)
first time u go in, u find the paper dude (kind of an enchanted paper familiar of sorts) aka shiki taishou outside who has lost his memory yet is undoubtedly connected to the domain which is obviously a bit suspicious given the whole. monster spewing into the neighborhood deal. but idk she passes xinyans music vibe check so she argues we should help him recover his memories and in turn discover the truth of the domain along the way.
once we get inside the domain we obviously run into mr. worldwide himself including but not limited to a closeup of his crotch during his introduction for some reason. yeah its been nearly 3 years these things you cant unsee. that and the sending us sausage in his bday mail. like bruh
now childes (as he eventually divulges) in inazuma to look for traces of scara who ran off w the gnosis and happened to stumble into this strange domain with weird vibes. he thought it might be something relevant and waltzed in, proceeded to get locked inside (as the domain shifted) and beat the shit out of all the monsters there all the while having the time of his life bc hes simply built different. bc turns out the place is basically just a full-on sparring simulator for warriors that seems to be running by itself w no one overseeing it ever since the domain resurfaced cue the "pratice targets" aka monsters running wild
dont wanna recap the entire thing in detail but basically. firstly childe kinda improvs another new identity as an adventurer noticing xinyans liyuen attire bc Osial Incident and picking up the awkward energy we have at the realization of. this might be messy if we tell her. and xinyan buys it and nicknames him "red" w/e. so thats why the harbinger thing doesnt become a bigger conflict
he then informs us that all the monsters within the domain turn into torn paper charms when destroyed and that there are "replicas" of shiki taishou strewn about the domain that should restore his power and hopefully memories over time.
so we end up going thru the place helping shiki taishou gather his power and uncover the nature of the place. he kind of has an identity crisis happening bc all the monsters the place is generating seem to imply he was created for some nefarious purpose as a weapon of some sorts (childe says some Very Interesting Things in response as an attempt at pep talk. will get to it).
but TLDR what we do discover is actually that the shikigami/paper magic and the domains functions were basically a system invented after the domains creator harunosuke studied similar adeptal techniques in liyue in order to create the shikigami as these battle partners for samurai fighting against monsters from the cataclysm. these paper dolls could then record and replicate the monsters it and its partner fought in order to train others inside the domain so that inazumas protectors would always be ready to face such a threat if it ever came to be. shiki taishou was created as the "overseer" of this domain and its functions as a training facicility. by regaining his memories and finding clarity in his purpose shiki taishou gains control over the place again and is able to shut down its rogue functions so that it no longer poses a threat. he then promises to improve upon its workings by taking it to dormancy again. sara is relieved that the crisis could be averted without costing her manpower or further resources she doesnt have. yippee
So. yeah that took way too long mb jdwhjwdjdwadwaj but. Childe.
so there are a particular standouts in here in my opinion.
for one that is less like. a characterization aspect but more of a "gotcha" confirmation thats very nice to have is that he explicitly confirms that wherever in the abyss he spent those 3 months at 14, it DID involve places tied to the irminsul and its roots.
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fissures between great tree roots u say?????? Inch resting ajax. tell me more abt the trees king.
also this monologue is literally so fucking sexy in general i love his single-minded pursuit of something as like. quintessentially simple as just. Improvement. but bc he has literally 0 fucking chill in his boundless hunger for that one singular ambition it alone is enough to disrupt the gravity of the world around him....... (but we will get to that)
Anyway. another Very good fucking moment from him character-wise is during the 2nd act. where weve spoken w sara about the tense situation after the 1st day of investigation ended w all of us minus childe (who got "trapped" inside the same way a child gets "trapped" inside a free-for-all candy store with all amenities included. he had a blast) getting thrown out and the domain rearranging itself again. and like we go back in once the entrance opens and are even more eager and restless to start figuring things out bc again. sara is on a timer.
and then .
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guys im pretty sure theres a twitch emote for this???? something starting with C and ending with AUGHT?
he reads the shit out of us trying to all "subtly" push for the investigation to proceed so the crisis we are actually tasked to investigate can be solved. like this is literally just Actual 5d chess situational awareness and picking up cues from people around him and honing onto exactly whats stirring up in the undercurrent from childe. basically. he just lays onto us like. ah right. this is probably a big problem for that tenryo commission right? such a problem that theyd even ask an outsider to cover their duties... when thatd never happen during regular times right? a conundrum that could get even more problematic if theres a harbinger publicly around... right? oh my bad my bad haha just thinking out loud bestie lets get back to investigating shall we? hahaha
he is such a smart fucking Bastard oh my godddddd bro is out there smelling the traces of societal unrest and any and all weaknesses in a given governing structure like hes a shark tasting like 0,00000001% blood in the water . professional & supernaturally efficient problem causer everyone. this is what he was hired for . i love him
like. hes SMART guys. and hoyo Knows how to work his intelligence into the writing too its soooo scrumptious man .
and like bro hes being such a fucking menace in here too bc. he couldve kept this observation to himself too. but nooooo he just had to shove it in ur face that we are Not being as slick w keeping him in the dark as we would like to think💀💀 smug ass.
it makes me think abt how many things he actually Notices among the harbingers and all their power plays and schemes among one another but that childe simply keeps to himself bc he has nothing to gain from disproving the assumption of himself as this. gullible and simple-minded loyal warrior harbinger and the person-shaped time bomb we toss at wherever the flames of discord need some help sparking alight. after all, we saw this in arles quest too - how not only did he use our pathetic distraction attempts as an opportunity to fish relevant information on both arlecchino and pulcinella for himself (which i already commented on) but also. the fact that he Very clearly noticed our attempt at distracting her and intentionally helped us out without even knowing anything abt the matter at hand. to the point where even arle makes that Highly pointed comment about it and all but spells out that childe was assisting us on purpose the entire time.
like he is just. incredibly perceptive and so fucking intelligent like especially back in 2.2 where even Bigger of a portion of the fandom (if thats even possible) than today just thought of him as this. stupid fucking baby infant meow meow idiot brainwashed by the tsaritsa and completely owned by zhongli and signora XDDDDDD . seeing this unfold made me so fucking happy abt the way like. yeah HOYO knows what his character is all abt. the fandom can ruin him all the want but the games story isnt going to bend to their will.
Speaking of Which.
The weapon thing.
so as ive already alluded to prior . the entirety of labyrinth warriors despite it highlighting childes intelligence, attitude, priorities and ambitions in a way thats like. genuinely so fucking good and comes off as natural with no forced sounding exposition or backstory dump . mostly got a fan reception more in the way of . waa waa my baby boy is depressed with sigma PTSD 3.0 with DLC because calling yourself a weapon is self dehumanization and it signals he is suicidal and has no self worth 🥺🥺🥺🥺 he got TRAPPED in the EVIL DOMAIN consisting EXCLUSIVELY of all his favorite activities nonstop he must be feeling so scared i need to hug him my babygirl!!!!!!!!!11!1!1
when its like. ah yes. i have never heard of a motif ever before.
bc like as much as i do genuinely consider it something that more or less can be taken at face value as an Aspect of who childe is (not necessarily the whole of it, just another mask true to a part of his self) . it should still be acknowledge that part of the reason why his dialogue (and the event in general) fixates on the notion of being a "weapon" has to do with shiki taishous character arc.
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because thats what he is. and is trying to discover what kind of purpose a discarded (bc harunosuke left the domain abandoned at the end) weapon and tool like himself can even have anymore. and childes lines taking that repeated emphasis of. whats so bad about being a WeaponTM (& expanding on what that means for Him) specifically . are as much about himself as they are just an attempt to communicate his worldview to shiki taishou as a way of pushing him towards solving this identity crisis he has . that paper boy literally Needs to solve in order for the domain to stop malfunctioning.
and like. okay even if we just look at it w/o paper boy. so say childe considers himself a weapon . but what does that mean to him?
[incoming top 5 dialogue lines that genuinely fucking challenge my sexuality this is so fucking hot. no one talk to me]
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"Only those that wish for an end will find one."????????
"My limits vanish behind the horizon with every step I take"??????
like people think of childe as this fatalistic if not actively suicidal then at least like passively reckless and uncaring towards his own wellbeing blood knight w low self esteem barreling towards his death and here he is. using his own fucking words. saying that the mere CONCEPT of an END. is not in his fucking VOCABULARY. because it does not serve his ambition to let such confusions ever obstruct his sights.
people think his purpose and ambition is soooo tied to his family tied to the tsaritsa that if those are ever taken away he will just freefall into the depths of directionless confusion and depression and whatever. when.
oh hey thats funny now where have i heard that before. bonjour my baguettes any fontainian cults or god kings out there interested in the world and fate altering power of unstoppable weapons that can cut into anything even ego and destiny itself and whatever that may mean?????? O____o
i swear to fucking god if the entire time this entire weapon allegory from labyrinth warriors was all about all cleverly n loosely associating him with themes relating to descenders and wills that rival the world all the way back in 2.2. and yet on release all people wanted was to weep for how sad it was he thought himself a weapon. man why is it always like this . i weep for THAT.
like. idk i dont have anything poetic to say abt it other than childes drive as an individual is just fucking breathtaking to me??? its literally Scary how utterly consumed he is by that ambition yet at the same theres this . crystalline clarity he has towards viewing it and himself ?? this weird ass self awareness that coexists with the all-consuming pursuit and ambition of it all??? this isnt sad this is both ridiculously attractive AND batshit insane like dudeeee . and like . the way he talks about it too like this is just a matter of fact everyday thing to him 💀💀 bc thats his abyss shrimp color vision this is how he rolls . its nothing grandiose its just how he is . this is normal to him its unbearable i hate him
like somewhat unrelated here (sorry) but sometimes i see ppl go against the possibility of childe having sth to do w the 3rd descender (which like yes is a crack theory for now and its not sth i can fully align myself with either as of rn Due To Those Thematic Clashes it just lives rent free Because of how conflictingly insane it is while also having some Strangely compelling evidence in its favor) or even just. Any higher predestined significance assigned to him in the grand scheme of things with the sole argument of like . but then everything about Him is worthless bc it wasnt His ambition and His drive to overthrow the world he wasnt Just A Guy (and. sigh. as the op. of that ancient thing. stop taking that old ass hastily typed post too far and too literally thx. its abt the vibe the attitude the subversion. having a destined purpose if the story handles it well does not conflict w being the quintessential just a guy thanks xx). he was just special all along so it all means Nothing and its like. dude. he told a recently-amnesiac paper boy having an identity crisis that its a fucking skill issue to ever falter in the face of some greater purpose haunting in your past or defining your origins. that a True weapon cuts himself free of even that without even a sliver of hesitation . ppl think that if indeed some soul of the 3rd descender is resurrected in story and idk tries taking over his body with past lives and memories or whatever. you think he isnt ripping the essence and existence of that poor fucking dude apart and devouring him alive into the crushing depths of the black hole of an unquechable ambition that beats a steady pulse at His core just to reclaim HIS place as the ultimate weapon to cut through everything???????
aww thats so cute. you guys think even the hypothetical of theories akin to these being legit on some level is automatically going to ruin his arc and character bc hes gonna be taking it lying down!!!!! you think hes going to look at a Grand destiny Assigned to him by someone Outside and Above and not spit in its face!!!
just like his narwhal looked at the destined cosmic end of All life to fall to ruin and immediately devoted its entire existence to denying the universe that very outcome isnt that curious why are they the sam---------------SORRY SORRY where was i at
like. i see how it is for yall. well. myself on the other hand. i have some fucking faith in him lmao
partially . indeed Because. i read the goddamn text of labyrinth warriors. where they let him Talk about what these things mean to him. and how he Truly isnt about to stop. Ever. hes not looking for an end and if presented with one he sure isnt about to respect it. hes just. built different its absolutely amazing
and yeah my bad i got. sidetracked very badly there. you asked me abt labyrinth warriors but bc its childe this is just what tends to happen like my brain fucking spirals. but like . no im not saying that the weapon theme being such a prevalent aspect in the story is like 100% a descender and sword of narzissenkreuz thematic parallel and intentional reference i just think its Quite interesting in hindsight . that This is the angle they drilled in on .
anyway hopefully this at least had Something to illustrate abt why i love labyrinth warriors for how it serves to establish how much of a madman childe ajax tartaglia my beloved truly is . and how to hoyo his outlook towards the world has very much been one of endless limitless hunger and never-sated ambition . and not whatever fanon wants to cook up. childes greatest enemy has always been stagnation and he has always looked towards the Future. of surpassing each and every limit and boundary on his path . like thats what makes him who he is.
also. last lil thing aka. Most Ignored Canon Line Spoken By This Man
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which is a shame bc. its so fucking interesting??? i mean. i get that ppl dont know what to make of it bc everyones so fixated on picturing childe as this loyal puppy tsaritsa fanboy who couldnt even deign to imagine discarding allegiances to anyone yet here he is. saying exactly that.
like ive seen ppl be like oh hes trying to Convince himself of this!!!! hes putting up an act!!!!! and its like? no? i dont think this contradicts anything about his character. people just find it uncomfortable because it implies that the things he listed there are not something of any Inherent value to him. which adds up perfectly fine to me but what do i know.
like the way i have always seen this is that it really isnt. oh childe says he isnt actually a loyal person When it matters to him personally and isnt actually invested in fulfilling his duty (as of Right Now, mind you) which would yes seemingly contradict a lot of other things. but really its just that those concepts alone are void to him. you cant stop him from pursuing his ambition by saying its evil. if the tsaritsa ever truly loses his respect and leaves him completely disillusioned in the archon that once was a fellow honorable warrior in his eyes, the concept of "allegiance" will not be able to dissuade him from turning that burning ambition of toppling the heavens towards her throne too. personal respect maybe. a sense of honor. maybe even disdain so extreme that even investing that time into her now is a waste? sure. but like. you get what im trying at? he is way more ambivalent about these things than most people really Want him to be. bc they dont fulfill the hunger that burns at his core.
and it adds up. bc like. his ambition his drive towards battle and bettering himself and becoming a weapon completely unstoppable and irreplaceable that can conquer the world . is his north star. its the singularity that all else about him orbits around. of course silly little concepts like right and wrong will be secondary to that. we just really havent seen a moment where his ambition is in true conflict with the bonds and oaths he has sworn in his current life. but i have a feeling that if and when we do. this line will make a lot more sense lmao
anyway uhhhhhhh
yeah i liked labyrinth warriors!!! very underacknowledged and misrepresented event that had a ton of fun stuff abt childe. i am super normal about these hip and enjoyable aspects of his character as they are explored within this event as the length and contents of this post imply!!!!
omg anon i. really fucking hope u got at least Something u were looking for out of all this KWJKJKDWWJKDWJKDJKWDK i swearrr i just cannot. stop myself from completely fucking losing it on the asks of every innocent anon (and like non anon too why not) approaching my ask box 😭😭
but thank you again for sending this in!!!!!! have a nice day!!!! im very normal thanks for asking!!!!!
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wheelercore · 1 year ago
What's your opinion on Henry and Vecna now?
Well my opinion really has always been the same, since before tfs (i was 1 of 5 henry apologists in the fandom before henry theories really blew up on the by/ler-sphere sksbsisussi helloooo besties if u see this u know who u are :33333).
Henrys pov in the show never added up to me and there was always talk about how a 12 year old could even concieve of such horrible things, esp when a huge part of the show is about how children are not born evil. Now that its confirmed that henry was actually 15 and much more sympathetic, it puts into question the validity of henry's retelling (and how he villainizes himself, interestingly enough) plus what exactly is the reason behind the inconsistencies. Which i have already thought about in a rosegate lense but i will not talk about that rn :3 but i am Looking.
Tbh ive always been someone who never understood the "well this character CHOSE to be this way" takes when talking about children/teenagers who were abused or treated badly from a young age. Because really to me, its a portrayal of a tragedy rather than choice. Im not trying to excuse their behavior of course, but the portraying it simply as a choice to be a bad person puts the blame solely on the abused person in question and imo takes away from the real meaningful theme that (joker voice) society, and the people who were meant to support them, to some level has failed them. Operative word being solely, as I'm not saying that people cant be held responsible for their own actions. I'm talking more so in an analysis lense of the themes of the show.
We see this repeatedly shown in the show: concerning behaviors popping up when caretakers (namely parents) fail to unconditionally love their children, so their children develop negative coping behaviors and attitudes to deal with their situations and how those behaviors perpetuate over generations. But really thats not even the case with Henry, as even with Virginia's behavior (tfs) Henry still seemed like a decent kid. Maybe attached to Patty because of his mommy issues but its not a Billy type situation.
Henry is the very definition of never having a chance. From what ive heard of tfs i think he really tried to be good and was good. He was just a normal kid, really. But your own mother betrays you and your stuck in some psychopaths lab basement for 30 years, never actually ever getting to escape and rejoin society before getting blasted into the UD, so there was never really much hope there in his situation. Its also super vague how much control henry really has over his own actions regardless, considering now we know that Henry is not nearly as autonomous as we were lead to believe in the show.
I never really believed honestly that Henry was the big bad of st. You could either be a Mindflayer theory believer or a henward enthusiast (i do like me a mix of both), either way both imply that vecna and henry are not necessarily 1:1.
I'm quite interested in how they take henry in s5, because eventually the party will have to learn that Henry is not what he seemed, then we can get down to the actual truth of the matter.
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specialbluehens · 2 years ago
What are the crack theories 🎤
short version: shane is the son of the witch & the wizard & got his memories erased. boom.
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long version:
"rose what the fuck" LISTEN.
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this is known. the witch is the wizard's ex-wife. he mentions after they split she began flying around the countryside cursing everything.
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and then marnie has this dialogue when u talk to her in the ranch:
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the noise could've been anything given wtf the wizard is doing HOWEVER. u could say the terrible noise was her hearing the witch & the wizard fighting/arguing. why?
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we all know this theory. it's a very strong theory given dialogue from the wizard, caroline, pierre, & abigail herself (contradictory dialogue exists too, like saying abigail's hair is dyed & she naturally has brown hair like pierre)
but i'm adding more to this.
shane & jas are godfather & goddaughter, respectfully. shane & jas are also both marnie's nephew & niece. so?? my hc is that shane had a sibling (i go with an older sister) who got married & had jas, named shane her godfather. he avoids acknowledging his sibling's death hence why he says godfather, not uncle, & never brings the sibling up. they have hair like jas's. shane's hair is natural (it's never mentioned as dyed sooooooo)
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now. there's this smaller, not as commonly accepted theory that jas is the wizard's daughter due to her having a very similar skin tone & purple hair. i'm going with granddaughter :)
and i'm going with abigail being the biological daughter of the wizard & caroline, which would make shane & her half siblings.
but they don't know that :)
to continue down this rabbit hole, in the witch's hut are the three dark shrines. memory, selfishness, & night terrors. only two to focus on for this are memory & selfishness.
bc the wizard was going to use them.
with the way the farmer just like. has access to the witch's hut from the wizard's tower after completing the quest... that had to have been there. maybe when they were married it was just the place to keep the dark shrines & do other things. but then the wizard cheats & caroline gets pregnant with abigail.
the wizard was planning on erasing the witch's memory & turning shane & his sibling into doves to avoid consequences of his actions. at this point he feels no remorse, only that it'll be a hinderance in what he's trying to do. esp bc at this point, neither shane nor his sibling are showing they've got magical abilities like him or the witch. shane is like, 5 years old by this point (marnie is not magical, but she is the witch's sister).
the witch finds out, & their fight is the dreadful noise marnie heard. the witch keeps him from getting to the shrines but in the end, he uses smth else, a spell, to erase the memories of shane & his sibling of him & the witch, who is so angry, but she can't let him get to the shrines. her children losing their memories is better than turning into doves never to be seen again. she's able to get them to marnie, but then she makes the decision to erase marnie's memory for the sake of shane & his sibling, as well as marnie. (to stay away from the wizard).
shane & his sibling move on, end up in the foster care system (marnie believes her sister & her husband have gone missing & eventually gives up trying to remember bc it feels like ages ago). shane & his sibling visit often though, mostly during summers. but his memory wipe is why shane says he never had much of a family & why he doesn't believe in magic.
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the wizard never expects shane is become a true resident of the valley again. but when shane does, the wizard has given up by this point & has moved on. he feels remorse now, but he also doesn't try to ammend, seeing no point as it's been nearly 30 years. the witch has lost herself in her anger & curses throughout the valley as the wizard explains.
until one spirit's even when she is going to curse an unsuspecting ranch house & sees someone walking towards it. he makes her pause. he's familiar. she can't quite put her finger on it. shane goes inside, completely unaware. and that's that.
until the witch decides to go find out for herself :)
(shit hits the fan from here but this post is long enough & entering more like. story/fic territory... which i do wanna write LMAO)
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meltingpotimagines · 4 years ago
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this mans
is not husband material
for the right girl? he may be willing to play the part
listen, mans may not be a simp but he is cHARMING okay? he got potential
besides he’s lowkey a simp for the right girl but whatever
was very romantic when he proposed
managed to rent out an entire park perks of being the #2 hero
decked out a gazebo with fairy lights, candles, and rose petals
considered making a heart with the rose petals but decided just scattering them around would be classier and less cheesy
set up a picnic with a basket f u l l of food
sandwiches, cheese, fruit, desserts, the works
and ofc a bottle of champagne bc tonight you two would be celebrating
or so he hoped
you wouldn’t say no right?
i mean who could say no to that gorgeous face pHEW
pulled out the ring box right as you swallowed the last of the macaron you’d been nibbling on
his heart sped up as your eyes widened, a breathless ‘keigo’ escaping your lips
“i know you might not be ready, but the more i get to know you, the more i realize that i don’t want to live the rest of my life without you. you’re the girl of my dreams, and i never want to wake up. would you marry me?”
“are you s t u p i d? ofc i will!”
his grin has never been as bright as it was at that moment
slipped the ring onto your finger and immediately pulled you into his arms and took off into the air
slowed your assent as you two soared above the clouds and spun around, unable to contain his joy
gazed at your face with those golden eyes, taking in your beauty, before giving you the sweetest, most tender kiss you’ve ever felt
oh boy the wedding
when i tell you this was an e v e n t i mean anyone who was anyone wanted to go to this wedding
but only those that were close to the two of you were invited
haha suckerrrs
somehow got all might to officiate
who knew all might could officiate weddings? 
certainly neither of you
no one really knows how that decision came to be but i mean no one was complaining either so
he let you make all the decisions except for one
the flowers
he h a d to be involved in the flowers
he appreciates pretty flora and if the bouquets and floral arrangements at his wedding weren’t the prettiest possible he would n o t be satisfied
teared up as you walked down the aisle (which he will neither confirm nor deny)
not that he wasn’t lookin’ mighty fine too
just imagine: tan suit with a black button up and a gold tie, gold cufflinks with a ruby set in each
i know those are his costume colors but he looks good in them so y’all can fight me
dipped you for your first kiss as husband and wife to everyone’s amusement
best believe a few different cameras caught that
the timing of the wedding was planned out so the reception was held at night
semi-sheer white tents and custom black ten-feet tall candelabras
the soft glow from the candles combined with the moonlight made for the perfect dreamy vibe 
he managed to find a florist that could dye white roses black and cover them them with a thin layer of gold glitter
was it necessary? no
did it look good? heck yeah
the gold glitter shined beautifully against the black roses
the way your eyes sparkled as you danced with him was far more captivating
you two had flown up into the sky to dance your first dance together
your silhouettes against the bright moon made for a perfect picture
the only reason you ended up coming down was because neither of you had eaten much that day and a guy’s gotta eat
he gonna need stamina later *winky face*
you cannot convince me the man wouldn’t insist on fried chicken
like a whole buffet table of different flavors
but i mean fried chicken is good so can’t blame him
everyone expected him to smear some cake on your face when he fed you that first piece
instead wiped off the frosting that got on your lips with his thumb and licked it off
your best friend caught t h a t one on camera and will never stop teasing you about how flustered you got
he kept up a great image of a polite host but on the inside he was ready to g o
it had been a long day and he was ready love on his wife
he likes the sound of that
peppers your face with kisses on the ride home
yeah yeah i know h o n e y m o o n but where y’all were goin’ was forever away and mans just wants to shower you with affection as soon as possible (esp considering he had to keep his hands off you all day since you two never had a moment alone)
scoops you up the second you’re out of the car and carries you over the threshold
gives you a soft kiss before putting you down
and that’s the last soft kiss you’re gonna get for the night lolllll
definitely the type to make you breakfast in the morning
also the type to cook in nothing but an apron and boxers but anyway
you better be up in time to see that sight bc if not, you’re getting breakfast in bed not that i’d complain
he’s not the best cook but mans can manage some bacon and eggs
plus some fresh fruit bc it makes it more visually appealing and less like he doesn’t really know how to cook
he set the tray on your lap and climbs back into bed, pulling you into his side so your head can rest on his chest as you two munch on breakfast
there’s something so soothing about the sound of his heartbeat
a soft little rhythm that nearly puts you back the sleep
didn’t help that he was unconsciously running his fingertips along your arm, drawing random squiggles and shapes
will tilt your head up by the chin every so often to give you a little peck on the lips
if you do fall asleep, he’ll just gaze at you softly while lightly tracing your features
still can’t process that you’re married
someone actually loved him enough to marry him
there was someone that didn’t just admire or use him bc of his quirk
didn’t give him attention purely bc he’s the number 2 hero
you saw all his flaws and shortcomings and insecurities and loved him regardless
if he’s dreaming, please don’t wake him up
you cleaning him wings for him is something he loves so much
it’s such an intimate task that makes him feel cared for
how much time you take in cleaning them and how tenderly you handle each wing
it’s one of his favorite ways to spend time with you
it’s nice being taken care of for once, esp when he’s always taking care of others
absolutely loves taking you on night flights
will take you in his arms and just soar above the clouds
with the clouds below you and the stars above, it feels like you two are the only people that exist
definitely dances with you during some of those flights
wraps one arm more tightly around your waist and take your hand in his and just… slowly spins in the air
it doesn’t look like much but when you’re just looking into each other’s eyes, it feels like the most romantic and intimate moment you could ask for
your life is quite literally in his hands but you’ve never felt safer
even more so when you wrap your arms around his neck and bury your face in the crook
his arms wound securely around your waist, the comforting smell of his scent, the kisses he presses to your temple every so often
it feels like home
likes startling/scaring you a lot
will sneak into the house after work just so he can tap on your shoulder from behind 
the gasp you let out as you freak out for half a second never fails to amuse him the jerk
will always make it up to you with long, deep kiss
if he gets home late after a long day he’ll just crawl into bed and pull you into his arms before burying his face into your hair
no talking, just breathes in your scent before he crashes
he sleeps really well like that, but, although he won’t admit it, he sleeps best when you hold him, his face buried in your chest
he feels warm and safe, like it’s okay to be vulnerable for once
absolutely flirts with you while at work
probably definitely sends you a few spicy pics or texts
it gives him such smug satisfaction knowing the affect he has on you when he’s not even physically there
picks up take-out when he knows your too tired to or would rather not cook
like to back hug you and wrap you up with his wings
9/10 times will bury his face in your neck and nuzzle
sometimes if he spots you while on patrol, he’ll fly over and flirt with you
“how you doin’, gorgeous? the name’s hawks. what’s a pretty lil’ thing like you doin’ in a neighborhood like this?”
sir, this is one of the safest areas in the city pLS-
but if you actually a r e in danger? oh boy
no one, and i mean no one, touches his girl
honestly i’d rather fight bakugo one on one than deal with keigo’s wrath
he’s one of the chillest people you will ever meet, but when he’s that mad? s c a r y
will keep a close watch on you for a while after that
asks you to always let him know where you’ll be and to text him when you get home
definitely considered installing a tracking app on your phones
he’ll calm down eventually, but for the moment he’s extremely anxious
although he certainly tried his best to hide it
he didn’t want to stress you out too, especially if you had any anxieties from it yourself
he was just afraid to lose you
he doesn’t know what he’d do without you
after all, you’re the most precious thing in the world to him and he loves you more than he could ever put into words
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shoyoist · 2 years ago
ive always wanted to send in this ask but i was always too scared to do it 🥹
i hope its not too invasive but i genuinely enjoy hearing ppl gush about their s/o's so PLEASEE TELL US MORE ABOUT YOUR GF
i saw in one ask that you were too scared to bc you were gonna ramble about her but u know what! I SAY RAMBLE AWAY since u seem to have so much to say about her HAHA
if this is a little bit much i'm very sorry you can always ignore this but just know i think you and her are very cute together ❤️
hello! hehe it's not too invasive dont worry<3 while i'm not going to talk about any personal details, i'd love to talk about how much i love them 💓 edit: god i really rambled 😭
i dont fall in love easy but when i do it's a "i want to marry them" kind of thing, and that's honestly how i feel about her! i've always been an overwhelmingly romantic person if i do say so myself lmao, because i'm quite dramatic with my words and i really prefer giving affection to receiving it.
i do a bit of poetry here and there, and nearly every piece of poetry i've written in the past year and this year so far have been about them<3 (i can show you some of my poems if you likee)
but of course the idea of such strong commitment so early on doesn't sit well with everyone, esp when we're young— so i don't really tell them much about it really. i dont think i do anyway v_v
i've planned our dates very far into the future, i have separate, ongoing lists of gift ideas for each occassion where a gift is due, i think of different ways in which she and i might be living together ten years from now, and nearly all of my self-insert aus include them (we have a poly-selfship with shuji and kisaki<3)
they never leave my mind<3 and they're slowly working their way into every part of my life, really. i'm pretty reserved when it comes to letting people in, but they did it so easily.
i also have flower arrangements planned to give them in the future 😭 pink, red and white camelia bouquets are a favourite of mine because their meanings are so lovely<3 and also pink, red and white carnations! i'm not sure how much they like flowers but i love flowers and i love arranging and putting together bouquets of them so i'm going to do it anyway!
she is really everything to me<3 so beautiful and so precious and so perfect. my darling my baby my honeycake my princess the one i want for my wife<3
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saturnznct · 4 years ago
how he acts during your pregnancy | hrj
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➸ request from anon; renjuns ones always make my heart all mushy! esp the one where they first find out they’re expecting it makes me look forward to a scenario of how renjuns behaviour changed from then on. ofc this is not a request u don’t have to feel pressure to fullfil it! i’m just saying i would really like one of those hehe
➸ note; hihi thank u so much for the lovely message <3 i hope this is what you wanted!
➸ word count; 1384 words
➸ tengfei; in the womb lol
nct masterlist
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Coming home early. Is there anything you want me to pick up at the store?
Renjun’s text comes through as you’re laying in bed watching Kiki’s Delivery Service for the umpteenth time while fighting back the intense urge to vomit again.
Renjun had started showing up at home early far more often than usual since he found out you were pregnant. Normally, most nights out of the week he wouldn’t come home until maybe as late as one in the morning, either practice running stupidly late or going out for a midnight snack with the other dreamies. But now, he’d be home no later than eleven-thirty, armed with paper shopping bags filled with ice cream and pre-natal vitamins.
No, I’m ok
I just want a cuddle now
You respond quickly, having become desperate for some sort of comfort.
Ok baby, home soon
You flop back down onto the bed, head lolling to the side. Your glass of water on your bedside table is empty, and you close your eyes in frustration. You don’t want to get up and nearly faint while trying to refill your water. You zone out for a while, your stomach flipping while you try to muster up the courage to get up.
‘Oh?’ A voice snaps you out of it. You can’t even lift your head, you only turn it slightly.
‘Oh poor angel,’ Renjun pouts, crawling onto the bed and taking you into his arms.
‘So sick,’ you whine, ‘I have no water.’
‘I’ll get you some, ok?’
Renjun was so unbelievably affectionate now all of a sudden. If he wasn’t waiting on you hand and foot he was giving you all of his love and affection, which you couldn’t lie, you really enjoyed. All of a sudden you were his big baby, who he would cradle to sleep each night and nag to drink water and take your vitamins.
When he brought back the water, you gulped it down as quickly as possible, your dry throat being soothed finally.
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In addition to constantly coming home early, he would randomly buy little things for both you and your baby.
‘Look, Y/N, I got this from the store around the corner from the company building,’ Renjun produces a onesie from his backpack, holding it up to show you it in it’s full glory.
It’s dark blue with white fluffy clouds stitched onto it.
‘Y/N, isn’t it so cute!’ He gushes, slightly bouncing on his feet in excitement.
Your chest heats up at the sight of his enthusiasm.
‘I love it Junie,’ you smile, ‘I can’t wait until we can put them in it.’
‘Hey, and don’t think I forgot about you my love,’ he continues, disappearing into the hallway and returning with a large white box, that didn’t seem to weigh too much.
‘What is it?’ you ask, sitting up slowly and propping yourself up on your elbows.
‘It’s a special kind of pillow,’ Renjun explains, ‘I read about them.’
He pulls the white horseshoe shaped pillow out from the box. It’s like the size of body pillow.
’You lay in the middle of it, and if you lay on your side it supports your bump.’
‘I haven’t got one yet,’ you point out.
‘It will hopefully make you more comfortable,’ he smiles, ‘go on, try it out while I run us- or just you a bath.’
‘Mmph want you there too,’ you whine, ‘we’ve missed you today.’
‘Cute,’ Renjun murmurs, leaning over for a kiss, ‘I’ll go run a bath for us.’
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⋆✦⋆ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
‘You’ve turned into such a simp,’ Chenle pokes at Renjun, as he scrolls through photos of you and your now quite prominent bump.
’I know,’ Renjun agrees.
‘No rebuttal?’ Jeno exclaims in surprise, eyebrows raised.
‘Well he’s not wrong,’ Renjun grumbles, ‘sue me. I love my girlfriend and my unborn child very much.’
‘Chenle you’re right,’ Jaemin remarks, ‘he is a simp.’
‘Am not-‘
‘You talk about her and the baby all the time. Before Y/N got pregnant you mentioned her maybe once a month,’ Chenle points out, ‘remember when Jisung didn’t believe she existed-‘
‘And was completely embarrassed when he realised he was wrong,’ Mark butts in, and Jisung begins to flush red.
‘Anyway, you should be getting home, right?’ Donghyuck suggests, after checking the time on his phone, ‘it’s getting late, isn’t Y/N at home?’
’She’s out with her friends,’ Renjun explains, ‘having a girls night, and honestly she deserves it. She seems so tired lately.’
‘She’s just getting on,’ Mark says, ‘the last three months are just a whirlwind of symptoms and feeling constantly on edge.’
‘What should I do to help? I feel a bit useless at the minute,’ Renjun pouts.
‘Well, when Noah came along, I would help by just letting her rest and bringing her whatever she asked for.’
’So I should just do the same with Y/N?’
‘Renjun you’ll be fine,’ Mark claps Renjun on the back, ‘just you being there will help support Y/N.’
‘I hope so. Everything I do now, all I think about is hoping that I can make things easier for her.’
’See,’ Chenle hisses at the other four men, ‘simp.’
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⋆✦⋆ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
‘Look at the baby in that woman’s arms,’ Renjun points out the tiny newborn in the cafe.
‘Cute,’ you smile, ‘he’ll be that small you know. When he’s just born.’
Recently you’d found out that your growing baby was a boy, and you had both spent the last few days floating on happiness.
You had a noticeable bump now, one that Renjun would dote on endlessly. Previously, he was always affectionate, but not nearly enough as he was now. Renjun would just show his love through little things, like doing the dishes when it was your turn, or making you breakfast in bed. Now it was all that and endless kisses, cuddles and massages.
‘I think about what he will look like all the time,’ Renjun muses, examining your face, ‘I hope he has your eyes.’
‘I don’t mind,’ you murmur, ‘whatever he looks like, he is half you so he’ll be beautiful.’
‘No. That will be you.’
‘Definitely not,’ you smile, before jumping at the feeling of your son kicking you from the inside.
‘Kicks?’ Renjun asks.
‘Yeah,’ you move his hand onto your stomach. You’re sitting in the corner, where nobody else can see your moment.
‘That’s beautiful. Even after a few weeks.’
‘It hurts a bit,’ your nose scrunches up as your son continues to kick and turn, ‘but it’s nice to feel it.’
‘Hey, little man, calm down in there,’ Renjun murmurs looking down at your stomach.
’Thank you,’ you mouth, no sound coming out of your mouth.
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⋆✦⋆ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
‘I’m a big girl, I can handle myself,’ is what you once told Renjun when he worried for your safety in an airport a few years ago. Even though you would make your ways to the car separately, he still feared that the fans would make some sort of connection between the two of you and overwhelm you.
‘Are you sure?’ He had double checked.
‘Positive,’ you smiled, ‘I’ll be fine on my own.’
Since then Renjun became much more relaxed when it came to being in busy situations. If you were calm, he was calm.
Now, it was more like your were calm, and he was frantically trying to come up with reasons why you would need to have him directly by your side.
‘What if you go into labour? And what is people see you and bother you or-‘
‘Junie,’ you gently interrupt, ‘I’m not due for another six weeks. And we haven’t had anyone come up to us yet…’
‘I know… I just can’t help but worry,’ he pouts, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you gently towards him, ‘yours and his safety is my number one priority now.’
‘I know,’ you grin, ‘and we’re very lucky to have our big strong fiancee and dada to protect us.’
’Shut up,’ Renjun flushes pink at your teasing, ’sorry for being so overbearing sometimes.’
‘You’re not,’ you laugh, ‘you just don’t need to worry about me so much.’
‘It’s just because I love you, ok?’
‘We love you too, now come on, we want our ice cream and brownies-‘
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passable-talent · 5 years ago
hi! may i request an alta scenario with zuko where the reader (female or non-binary, if that works) is an earth bender who was injured by the fire nation and is found by iroh and zuko in the woods, who helps them heal, and they begin to travel with iroh and zuko to ba sing se and zuko and the reader fall in love? i’m not being super specific so u can have creative freedom to do what u want, i can’t wait to see what you write :) thank you!
cute!!! their adventures through the earth kingdom always entertained me. esp Iroh and his need for tea
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Zuko was growing more and more frustrated with his uncle’s complaisance. He just couldn’t understand it- they were royalty! Both he and Iroh had been raised as heirs to the throne of the Fire Lord, so if their current situation bothered Zuko, why didn’t it bother his uncle?
He took up the mask of the blue spirit once again to begin alleviating these troubles. They were getting food, they were regaining some of their luxury. Frequent firebending patrols, especially around villages, made things harder, but that had never stopped Zuko before. He left at night, when Iroh was fast asleep, and was usually back by midnight. Nothing could stop him- not firebending patrols, not walls, nothing.
Except when the ground moved under him and he lost his footing in the middle of the woods. That stopped him. He paused, and tried to get up, but felt the ground roll underneath him again. For a moment he resigned himself to the dirt, watching the dirt floor of the forest roll with the stones underneath as waves, radiating from one spot.
Through the trees, he caught a glimpse of a small, pointed rock structure. He narrowed his eyes and crawled backwards to put distance between himself and it, and went back to the camp he’d left his uncle in.
“Uncle,” he said the next morning, “I think there’s something I want you to see.” Iroh nodded and allowed Zuko to lead him back to the spot in the forest where he’d fallen last night, and as soon as their footsteps approached, the ground began tremoring again. Zuko pointed to the rock structure, which now it was clear to see had been made by an earth bender. It was a tent-like shape, with two diagonal roof pieces and triangular sides sealed up, all with stone.
There were scorch marks covering the rock, and all the grass around it was scarred with fire.
“What do you think it is?” Zuko asked, and Iroh studied the ground a bit more before leveling his gaze toward the stones.
“I think it’s a very scared earth bender.”
“Hello in there!” He called, and the tremors in the earth stopped. “My name is Mushi, I’m a refugee from the war heading to Ba Sing Se with my nephew. Do you need any help?” For a moment only silence answered him, until one of the triangular sides of the rock tent slid back into the earth.
Inside the tent you were buried up to your neck in dirt, using the cool soil to soothe your burns. You’d received some fierce ones on your shoulder and ribcage after you dared fight back against a firebending patrol, and when you tried to escape the battle, they’d cornered you. Your tent had been an effort to escape the skirmish by waiting it out, and it had worked, after a while. But for hours you merely sat inside your stone tent while they blasted it with flames, heating it up and nearly cooking you, if it hadnt been for the cool soil you submerged yourself in. At the very least, it made your burns much worse. At the worst, you scorched your leg when the flesh brushed too close to the heated rock.
“Are there any firebenders around?” You asked, voice quiet, and not quite timid. Zuko and Iroh shared a look for a brief moment.
“No,” Iroh answered. “Can I come closer?” You nodded and took your arm over your chest, trying to keep any of your body from touching the burns that were all too warm. You sat up slowly from the soil, revealing burnt and tattered clothes barely covering your three major burns. Iroh’s eyes widened and he stepped closer.
“You need help for those burns,” Iroh said, “we’ve got a camp we can take you back to, and help. Can you stand?”
“No,” you said, “it’ll hurt too much.” Iroh looked over his shoulder at Zuko, who was standing in shock, looking at you.
He’d been burnt, and it had left a scar. But at least it was only the one- you’d been treated so cruelly, and if all of your burns scarred, it would cover near a third of your body. He couldn’t stop the adrenaline coursing through him. It would’ve been so painful, and he couldn’t comprehend who would’ve been so cruel enough to do to you what had been done.
“Can you carry them?” Iroh asked Zuko, and he swallowed hard to break himself from his stare. He nodded slightly, hesitantly, and Iroh looked back to you.
“Just take down your shelter, and we’ll help you.” You lifted your right arm, the one whose shoulder hadn’t been burnt, and used it for a quick motion that sent the stone back into the ground. Zuko walked closer, and was about to kneel down, but paused.
If he picked you up on your left side, it would press your burnt shoulder and ribs into him. But if he did so on your left, it was your leg burn that would get too warm.
“Which side do you want me to lift you on?” He asked, and you took a moment to consider.
“Left,” you said, and he nodded. It was somber, as he lifted you up underneath your knees and shoulders. Upon Iroh’s instruction your threaded your fingers together behind Zuko’s neck, and tried to keep your leg extended so that it wouldn’t brush against Zuko’s clothes.
“As I said, I’m Mushi,” Iroh said, trying to make conversation through your light, subconscious whimpering. “My nephew is Lee. What’s your name?” You gave him a small smile, to show that you appreciated his kindness, even as it was tinged by your pain. You couldn’t help it- it had been days of boiling, sweltering flesh that you couldn’t get a reprieve from.
“Y/N,” you told him, and his bright smile answered you.
“What a lovely name.”
Iroh found a plant or two in the wilderness that helped with the burn, and slowly you began to heal. You were kept awake, though, sometimes, and watched as Lee left with nothing and came back with something. You knew something fishy was going on, but you didn’t push it, because you didn’t feel it was your place.
“Are you awake, Y/N?” Zuko asked one night when he returned. You grunted and affirmation and he sat down in front of where you were laying.
“I got this for you,” he said, and handed you a small tin. When you opened it, you found within it an artisan burn suave, made in the nearby earth kingdom village by one or two of the wives of soldiers.
“Thank you,” you said, giving him a smile in the dwindling firelight. He was a tough nut to crack, but you knew he cared for you- he showed his love through listening, and gifting. You noticed it first when he gave his uncle a teapot, and this gift to you only confirmed your suspicion.
Time went on, and they packed up camp to move closer to Ba Sing Se. You came with, holding tight to Zuko’s waist so that there was enough room for the three of you on the ostrich horse. You felt bad for the poor thing, carrying so much weight, but you were in pain and couldn’t walk for long periods of time. Even if you could, you likely wouldn’t have passed up and oppurtunity to hug Lee around the waist for hours while you travelled.
You knew that Mushi had figured you out- there was no way he hadn’t. You weren’t exactly very subtle as you tried to grab Lee’s attention with your laugh or a joke or an earthbending trick. He began doing his part to nudge Lee toward you, which you were appreciative of, especially since it worked.
Or so you thought.
Zuko had scooped you up one evening, when Iroh was already asleep. He hugged you tightly before setting you back down onto your feet, leaving you confused.
“What is it?” You asked, and he shook his head, brooding as always.
“Let me sleep beside you tonight?” He asked, and you were quick to accept, even if you were confused. You fell asleep that night with his arms wrapped around your waist and his nose pressed to the back of your head.
When you blinked your eyes open, you caught a glimpse of the ostrich horse riding away, Lee on its back.
“Mushi? What’s going on?” You asked, sitting up slowly.
“Lee’s got to find his own way. Come, help me pack. We’re going to move to the next village.”
Your alliance was to Mushi, but you did miss Lee. You wondered what he had been thinking that night, when he chose to lay with you before he left. The two of you had barely talked about romance or anything of the like, but he’d done this- how much had it meant to him?
“My nephew is a complicated man,” Mushi said, walking beside you. “Sometimes, his actions are quite peculiar. But he will find his destiny. And somehow, I believe it will lead him back to us.” You looked sideways at Mushi, and smiled.
“You think so?” He nod was all the affirmation you needed.
And he was right- Lee did come back. He came back to reveal himself as brother to the Fire Princess, which made him... the prince of the Fire Nation?
Now the whole ‘running from the fire nation at all costs’ thing made sense.
You didn’t really mind. You offered unconditional forgiveness to the prince, and showed the same medicinal care to Iroh’s wounds that he had once shown to yours.
Zuko was having a hard time, but you were fascinated in watching his training en route to Ba Sing Se. Just as Iroh wanted, the two of you learned from each other, and soon the style of earthbending you practiced looked similar in some aspects to firebending. He, through training with you, became more rooted, and his balance improved further.
But training aside, the two of you started talking. You sat under the stars and began to be honest with each other, now that he had nothing to hide. You shared what had happened to you in that forest for the first time, and he shared the story behind his scar.
Sleeping side by side became as common a practice as eating breakfast.
Iroh couldn’t have been happier, especially as you seemed to bring Zuko out of his shell. He smiled a slight bit more, and laughed a little easier. Even when the three of you made it to Ba Sing Se, Iroh could feel the difference in his nephew’s attitude.
You hated firebenders- they’d left you with course, scarred skin on the outside of your left calf, with dark scars under the skin of your shoulder and ribcage. You hated firebenders- all but two. One, who took you in, and the other, who you loved deeply.
Because someone who’d felt scar tissue for years wouldn’t hesitate to touch it when you wanted him to.
-🦌 Roe
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rosyerim · 4 years ago
bad boy au | na jaemin
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na jaemin, the notorious playboy of his school
literally flirts his way out of trouble
his english teacher caught his cheating during his test and what did jaemin do? wink and slide the paper up his sleeves
“ah you must be mistaken i would never cheat on a test! esp w a teacher as pretty as you ♥ ~(◠‿◕✿)”
cue the teacher blushin and letting him off and jeno laughing at him getting caught
part of the dreamie squad obviously 
the whole group of them are absolute hearthrobs
but jaemin is like the leader ever since mark graduated ot7(╥﹏╥)o
whenever he walks down the hall or into class, guaranteed the students are squealing and highkey blushing
i mean who isn’t, jaemin is a god???
he’s also known for playing around w girls and boys
its never too serious as jaemin always cuts it off when if they say i love you
homeboy isn’t about that committed life
which sucks for the ppl he has a thing with
because he treats them so good
always taking them out on the cutest dates, to the newest cafe, the aquarium, the ice cream shop even simple dates in the park!!
 pulling out their chair for them, holding the door open for them all that gentleman ish!!
but they always want more from jaemin
jaemin is known to be affectionate w his own friends but he’s never done any pda with his flings
which confuses them bc??does jaemin like me?? 
the answer is; no
despite what he says while flirting he rarely means any of it, he just likes the reactions he gets like,
when he compliments them and they turn red
or he holds their hand and they get all shy
but he loses interest in them as quickly as he gets it and is quick to cut it off
which does make him a bit of an asshole in that sense
but he does it in such a nice way they can’t get mad
he also dyes his hair so!!much!! 
how hasn’t it fallen out yet!!!
also kind of a stoner
psa; dont do drugs kids if ur underage!! this is just an au!!!
he likes to get faded behind the abandoned carnival the dreamies have dubbed as their hangout
its rlly just a closed down amusement park thats rlly old and they just spray painted DREAM on everything they could find but the dreamies love the eerie feeling they get in ther and like to pretend they own it
AND theirs no cops around so they can do what they like
which usually means getting crossfaded or having the occasional bonfire/party but most of the time they just get a truckload of candy and challenge each other on pokemon w their nintendos lol
he also likes the feeling of his surroundings being numb and always ends up falling asleep after he finishes a blunt
which leaves a sleepy and clingy jaemin stuck w the rest of the dreamies
jaemin doesn’t let himself smoke around his flings as he doesn’t trust them nearly as much as his boys
lowkey has trust issues
but once he gets his daily dose of coffee, like 3000 shots of espresso he is A W A K E
the dreamies are the worst for almost getting in trouble
when it gets dark they usually hop on their bikes, grab two bottles of spray paint each, and go on into their neighbourhood, whilst playing obnixous dubstep from their speakers
and cause total chaos 
they always leave dogs barking and house lights turning on in their wake as they cycle like mad men down the empty streets, streaking the road with luminous pinks and greens
they get the biggest thrill out of being chased by the local police
whenever the hear the telltale siren they all whoop and laugh in unison, shouting out bets on who will get caught first chenle and who’ll get back to the hangout first renjun
it’s dangerous but they get a real kick out of it and always make sure to tweet about and post it on ig
overall jaemin is jus your average bad boy who likes causing havoc
but who doesn’t like havoc?? 
you, my dear reader :))
you had just moved house and into a completely new neighborhood
 it was your fifth day in your new home and you missed your old area a lottt
and you were highkey bitter bc you didn’t want to move but your parents made you >:((
so sunday night rolls around and you were chilling in bed, watching some dumb yt video when all of sudden in the distance you heard,,,thumping,,,
like really ugly but rhythmic thumping,,,
and it was getting louder and closer to your house
so you being all investigative, throw on your hoodie and waddle on downstairs and open your front door, the porch light turning on automatically
and what you saw was a sight
there were a group of boys cycling up and down your street, attempting to do tricks like wheelies???and shit
but as they did their tricks they were spraying the ground so they left a lot of squiggly lines as they turned and jumped
you didn’t mind that, you thought it was actually kind of pretty
but what wasn’t pretty was that hideous music
you were pretty sure they were playing that im blue dabdeeda song but a dubstepped remix version 
and god it was awful
but you kinda assumed they must have gona tone deaf bc they were screeching the lyrics to the tops of the voices and one tall kid was trying to freestyle to it
yeah, they were a sight
 you noticed none of the neighours had come outside which meant this was a normal occurrence??
oh no, you were not having this
without a second thought you shoved your feet into your uggs by the door and stomped your little butt over to the group of screaming boys
one of the boys who was on his phone on his bike, noticed you storming towards them and quickly hit another guy next to him and so on
until all their attention was on you
all six of them 
if it were your old neighbourhood you would have been flustered at their attention on you and they were good looking and you were wearing an,,,odd attire
but you didn’t care
once you reached them you just crossed your arms
“whose playing the music?”
they kinda looked at you as if you spoke another language
until you arched an eyebrow and the tall kid from earlier raised his hand, holding his phone 
“uh,,, i am,,, i’m jisung,,,”
you marched over to him and swiped his phone, ignoring the laughing from one of the boys, scrolling thru his horrible choice of songs
then one of them tapped you on ur shoulder
“so like,,who are you? whats your deal sis?”
you noted he had quite an ugly bowlcut that was also bright red and you just rolled your eyes, before typing in a decent song in jisungs phone
another kid stepped forward and tried to look menacing as he stood up slightly taller in front of you
“like haechan asked,,what’s your deal? do you know who we are?”
you scoffed and clicked on the song, feeling satisfied as frank oceans song ivy played through the speaker
“frankly i don’t care who you guys are but your taste in music is shit and you all sound obnoxious”
homeboy who tried to seem tough was lowkey shook
and haechan just laughed really sarcastically 
“our music taste is shit? your outfit is a mess” 
your outfit was literally a large hoodie and uggs but like??your mom bought them and u liked them!!
“my mess of an outfit is worth more than that tragic cheap dye job you got ontop of your scalp smh”
haechan just gaped at you while the boys tried to hide their snickers 
you were about to leave before another one of them stepped forward, stretching out his hand
“yo you’re kinda funny, i’m renjun!” 
u just stared at his hand 
“yeah cool i dont care, bye”
ohhhh cold
you had stalked off from them ignroing their oooo savages behind you, ready to slip back into bed highkey proud of yourself 
not so fast
suddenly your met with a really smiley face with pink hair
he grabs your hand and kisses the back of it giving you his usual, heart stopping smile
“i don’t think i’ve seen you before...i’m jaemin and its very nice to meet you (◕‿-)“
but you are not liking his large ass smile
you rip your hand back and just arch your eyebrow again at him
“are you all actually deaf? I am y/n, and I do not care! goodnight!” 
and off you storm, this time actually making it to your door
you spare one more glance at them as you’re closing it 
and the group are almost crying bc they’re laughing so hard at jaemin whose looking over at you 
and he just winks at as u slam the door shut 
damn reader, ur wildt
once you’re back in your room you hear the group disappearing down the street, smiling as you hear frank ocean’s voice float away slowly
you peak out your window to see if they’re all gone but what you see leaves your mouth gaping
there in a mix of luminous pink and greens, spelled out in capitals is
there was gona b a next time??? oh no poor you ;)
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papersong · 3 years ago
I'm back!!! Life has been super hectic and left little time for fic reading, and also when I did get around to reading ch.18 they were aparse and inarticulate and I was like. I can do nothing but bask in this. But with Chapter 19 out!!! I feel like I have more to say this time :))
The chapters a lil niblet I feel like I blazed through but also like!! It had DO MUCH GOING ON in a good way! I feel like its nearly a reflection of like, how Kiku is a little touch and go mentally with the whole thing because of the trauma she has already faced in the past. Like her dry outlook on sex is not just an opinion but a necessity. Especially during the last few paragraphs when Shimida burst in-- I feel like it was all moving very slowly and also very fast at the same time??? As a reflection of her state of mind. She went from focusing on the clear cut and logical to nearly panicking as she realized she could not rationalize away the instinct to run, flee, retaliate, do anything to stop what was going to happen, that if she did anything she'd blow their cover but could she really remain so docile and powerless, could she really remain passive--?!?!
And then Kyoujuro busts down the door like I THINK THE FUCK NOT :). Tanjiro is right u wouldve been a little more convincing if you perhaps masquaraded as an older sister and not Also Sumiko lololol. Seeing the little outtake I wonder if one of the boys didnt send Kyo a crow and he was like :). >:). The way he must have immediately hightailed it to Yoshiwara from wherever he was to prioritize helping them-- Fujiwara especially!! And he was sitting there letting Uzui do his makeup but he was like. 'Do it faster.' On the inside of his head. Esp since i imagine Tanjiro mustve gone to Uzui quite frantically about the whole HEY FUJIWARA SAN ACTUALLY GOT PURCHASED--! oh hi Rengoku san. What he must be feeling right. I'm VERY excited for chapter 20.
No worries, I have had a week as well, it be like that sometimes~
I'm glad to see how you responded to the the free indirect speech-style look inside Kiku's mind. It's a useful technique to slow a quick chronological moment and give it the psychological impact. Sometimes a second stays with us for a lifetime.
Tanjiro has his head on right. The adults in the room weren't thinking straight at the moment lol.
I've outlined the next chapter of the related fic, chicago & tokyo. Here's to hoping it's finished quickly, schedule permitting~
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angeltrapz · 3 years ago
💋, 🍅, 🍊, 🌵, + 🍇 for ur SAW f/os (as many as u want if all of them is too much sjfhhdhd)
AAA ty bestie omg!!!! I'm gnna answer these w art, mallick, & gibson since I don't get to talk abt them nearly as much as I want ;v; putting this under a cut tho bc it's. very long
💋 - give us a kiss headcanon!:
he's super fond of forehead kisses! every morning before he leaves for work he makes sure to give me one. I like to kiss him on the cheek a lot + he loves that too!!
🍅 - what makes your f/o blush?:
when I wear his clothes >:3c the minute I found that out, he has not known peace since kdjsfkds
🍊 - what’s your f/o’s biggest secret?:
that being tested twice got to him more than he'd ever admit. he keeps that one very close to his chest, and it was quite a while before he felt comfortable admitting that to me. I don't necessarily think that he blamed himself, persay, but I do think he definitely wonders what john could've seen in him that was so bad it warranted being tested twice (though I definitely make sure to remind him that nothing he could ever do would justify + legitimize john's little power trip). I think he also struggles with the fact that even though they parted on bad terms, he still thought of john (and jill, who I believe he meets for coffee every now and then) as a friend until he heard about the jigsaw murders.
🌵 - how long does it take for your f/o to warm up to new people?:
though he doesn't say as much, after jigsaw, I think it takes him quite a bit. he's not outwardly hostile or even distant, but there's definitely that probation period after he meets someone new where he's super cautious and maybe a bit more quiet than usual bc he's feeling things out. typically though, unless given a reason, he tries to give others a chance.
🍇 - does your f/o naturally give themself “me time,” or do they need reminders from time to time?:
I think he's pretty good at being able to tell when he needs to recharge a bit! every now and then he gets a bit caught up in his work, but for the most part, he's able to step away from it when he needs + recognize when he's approaching that point.
💋 - give us a kiss headcanon!:
mallick loves face kisses!! cheeks, nose, lips, forehead, eyelids, chin, everywhere! he generally moves in a circle around my face, and they're generally fluttery + super sweet, if a bit shy. he very much appreciates it when I reciprocate too <3
🍅 - what makes your f/o blush?:
a Lot of things honestly kjdkfds but like art, when I wear his clothes, which is Not hard for me to do (given that. he is 6'1'' to my 5'2'' lmao)! part of that comes from like. having a partner who Wants to steal his clothes, and part of it is just that he likes to see me in them! it just makes him happy.
🍊 - what’s your f/o’s biggest secret?:
I wld have to say the fire, as we've both discussed before,, especially how it impacted him + the others who were involved, regardless of intent. I genuinely don't think he intended to hurt anyone but he feels terrible about the fact that he did, and that he technically was never caught - this gets into both mine and your interpretation of him, but as a result of this, I think what happened w jigsaw, to him, kind of felt like... righteous punishment, in a way, since he was never officially charged. it takes him a long while to unlearn that.
🌵 - how long does it take for your f/o to warm up to new people?:
a VERY long time, esp post-jigsaw. he is very, very cautious and if he gets bad vibes, he won't hesitate to remove himself from the situation (though he tries to do so politely). honestly, it takes him a while to be comfortable around people he doesn't know after that, which makes meeting new people hard, but eventually he's able to relax around new people, esp if meeting them with ppl he already knows!
🍇 - does your f/o naturally give themself “me time,” or do they need reminders from time to time?:
mallick definitely needs reminders. this also ties into his self-esteem issues, but he tries to like... push himself far past his limits bc he feels he doesn't deserve that sort of accommodation. over time he gets much better with it + doesn't need as many reminders, but I'm alwayd there to tell him that it's okay to take breaks when he needs them and that there's nothing wrong with setting time aside to take inventory of your mental health & how you're doing!
💋 - give us a kiss headcanon!:
matt rlly likes shoulder + temple kisses! he might not do so as often, but when he does, they're lingering + very soft. he's a bit reserved that way, but that just means that I know how much he means it when he Does do it <3
🍅 - what makes your f/o blush?:
when I flirt back lmao!! he might not engage in pda very often at all (hand-holding is typically the only thing), but he Does flirt with me - like he doesn't know how to turn it off or simply doesn't want to - and is always caught off-guard when I flirt right back. it's a surefire way to get him to blush + rigg thinks it's Hilarious when it happens around him!!
🍊 - what’s your f/o’s biggest secret?:
a bit more light-hearted than art + mallick, matt's biggest secret is that he sings in the shower. the thing is, he THINKS it's a secret, but I know and simply don't tell him 'cause I know he'd stop lmao!!
🌵 - how long does it take for your f/o to warm up to new people?:
matt is typically pretty easy-going. unless you give him reason, he's generally friendly and open! he's not afraid to call people out on their bullshit + stand up for himself, so the way he sees it, he's cool with meeting new people.
🍇 - does your f/o naturally give themself “me time,” or do they need reminders from time to time?:
we've talked abt this a bit before, but matt is pretty good at knowing when he needs a break! he even sometimes sets aside an hour or so to chill (iirc we were talking abt him + lawrence?) in a bubble bath with music and everything, just sort of recharge. I still check in with him of course, just in case <3
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kewltie · 5 years ago
omfgggg pregnant!deku. imagine where no. 1 hero is not only an omega but is pregnant and it's still early in his first trimester so he's running around kicking ass but IT'S DEKU so ppl frets and worry over his safety that even villains r like uh i dont wanna mess w/ that. deku is like ridiculously popular & well like even among criminal bc he believes in 2nd chances & rehab of the criminals/villains & fight for disenfranchised youths who fell on the wrong side of the track. so yea, they fight against him but they're also kinda soft for him!!!
so when they found out their fav hero is pregnant & still patrolling there's like some super-secret nonverbal agree among them that they won't stop doing what they are doing but like,,,, nobody fucking touch deku ok or you'll deader than dead. which is ALL KIND OF HILARIOUS bc deku coming to a bank robbery & the criminals doesnt stop their crime but when they fight him, they're like super careful w/ him making sure he doesn't get knock back, fall, or hurt himself too much.
when deku finally captured them and as they're about to taken away, they happily congratulated him on his pregnancy & ask if he'd thought of names yet & one of them is like, "oh, when my husband was pregnant eating X & Y really help with the nausea." and izuku is like,,, thanks???
there's like so many ppl invested in deku's pregnancy that it bizarre bc he's not the first or the last omega to ever be pregnant but he's deku, prohero, no.1 rank, and symbol of hope. all that means is there's a hyper fixation on everything about him esp now that he's pregnant. talk shows, news channel, & celeb gossip show are all talking about it one way or another. whether he's should take an early leave of work or not bc of the danger of his job, the baby's sex, his pregnancy craving, bump watch (I KNOW), & even a countdown to his due date.
the entire country is in a baby fever just bc of deku. everybody talk obsessively about it & even if you find that one person who does not care they def know someone who does. all this happen while deku just go about his day like all of Japan isnt watching his every move lol. the strangest thing about deku's pregnancy is that there's no sign of the other parent?? deku isnt even dating anyone. he never mention any alpha AT ALL, only declaring that he plans to raise his baby all by himself as a single parent which blew their fucking mind bc wtfffff.
look, deku is the most famous omega around, sitting high atop of the world as the no. 1 hero & is adore by the mass--he's greatest omega of his generation some would say so yea there's lot of expectation & hope place on him but deku is deku & he does what he wants. ppl speculate that maybe he's pregnant bc he had a one night stand and this was accident, maybe he has been in a secret relationship all this time, maybe this baby was from a spurned lover or WORST yet a produce of rape... LIKE there's so many rumor swirling around but the answer is actually v v v simple. deku has always wanted a child and since he's nearing 30 right now, he thought it's hightime he has one and the other father? JUST A DONOR. it's nothing serious or complicated as ppl imagine to be.
deku wants a kid and now he has one!! but ppl just can't comprehend how it could be that simple when the most notoble omega in all of japan decide he wants a kid W/O having a mate and he's going to raise this baby all by himself and nope he's not even going to quit his job at ALL to have a family. deku is just--blowing their mind lol
the world doesn't so much get over it as they just kinda get dragged along bc deku does not give a single fuck wut other think and proceed to be immersed in his pregnancy and try to survive the next 6 months while everyone waited on bated breath to see what deku does next. the only thing that stick is the constant rumor mill of who is the donor of deku's baby. they assume that deku wouldn't just pick a stranger bc he's sentimental like that so speculations run amok about every alpha that is closely associate with deku.
there are public polls, betting rings w/ billions on the line, televised debates, internet flame wars, and ACTUAL ARGUMENTS B/T FAMILY/FRIENDS/COWORKERS on who the fuck is deku's donor! even more than deku's baby, they're fucking obsessed on finding out who is the actual donor. the thing is it's not THAT big of a secret. all of class A are in the loop, his mom know (ofc), and even his agency but they all managed to keep it a secret bc deku's privacy is the utmost important & beside the other father would literally MURDER them if it ever get expose.
this is how it went: bullied by his pr team, deku went on a variety show where they have to babysit kids & put through various childbearing challenge while cameras record them for entertainment purpose. It's there when deku realized "ah, I WANT THIS. I WANT THIS V BADLY." deku is climbing close to his 30 now, he's well established presence in the hero world, and his life is pretty stable so it's high time he have his own little family but the thing is babies are two ppl business. they don't just come from thin air so deku did the next best thing.
katsuki would like to say he didn't see this coming the same way you would not expect to be attack by a shark on land, but in this case deku is that fucking shark & katsuki is the idiot that get completley blindsided by him when deku cornered him one day and asked for his sperm.
ok, bakudeku aint dating. they have deep & complicated history that is not only confusing o everybody else but also confusing to them. 'friend' would be to light of a word but anything else is left undefined bc how do you explain more than 2 decades of w/e they are to each other. katsuki doesn't want to talk about the amount of time he'd used image of deku to get off while in rut just so he can survive through it, while the next few days trying to resist punching deku in the face bc he act like a sacrificial idiot who got a cross he wants to bear.
it's not 100% healthy his therapist unhelpfully pointed out but the core of all his volatile feelings have always been named deku & katsuki doesn't know how to compartmentalize it properly bc katsuki may have squashed to something small & insignificant but it's heavy & permanent. so when deku laid his fucked up request at katsuki's feet, he broke the table they were using and nearly walked out if deku didn't catch him by the arm in time.
"kacchan, pls here me out first," deku begged of him, his sweet permeating the air; he's NOT PLAYING FAIR AT ALL. whoever said alphas are the dominate sex in the world have never met an omega, a determine goal focus omega with babies on the brain like deku.
"kacchan, recently i realized that im only getting older so i want a child when i still can," deku explained. "so won't you help me? i know settling down right now is the farthest thing from your mind, but im not asking you anything like that," he continued as katsuki quietly fumed in the background. "i just want your help in making this selfish wish of mine come true. you're among my top choices, kacchan."
Katsuki jerked up. "wait, you mean to say there's a fucking list of alphas you plan to extort their sperm from?" he seethed, feeling like deku had took a goddamn knife to his pride and butcher it completely. "how many other ppl have you asked before you even came to me?!"
"im not extorting anything from anyone." Deku frowned. "and, well, you always lectured me about diving head first w/o any backup plans," he pointed out, "so i made sure to leave several options open just in case the first one fell through. see? i did thought this one thru."
katsuki nearly broke another piece of furniture at the thought of deku asking someone else to father his child as though he was just another face in a long list of ppl deku could use. "What did every alpha on ur shitty list rejected u already so now have to come to me for help?"
deku, who was no.1 for a reason, narrowed his eyes and the air crackled around them. "kacchan, this is extremely important to me so i wouldnt just chose anyone. i only know a handful of alphas i can trust and someone im happy to share the other half of my child with. you're the 1st person that came to my mind when i thought about a child growing inside of me," he said, wrapping his arm around his flat tummy. "despite our many differences you're the one i admire the most. your strength & ambition, grounded by your strong drive & work ethics. the fact that you got where you are w/ your own hands & wits to guide you, i think you're just amazing. so how could i not want those kind of qualities for my own child," deku explained. "im sure a child born from half of your genes you will shine just brightly as you do."
katsuki felt so taken back that found his tongue heavy and words were escaping him. on one hand he felt a rush of pride and a strange sensation of happiness that deku had specifically chosen him out of his potential candidates bc of the greatness he had seem in katsuki but he'd also narrowed katsuki out not bc of some sentimental bullshit or lingering feelings but he thought of providing his future child with the best gene pool as possible so his child can flourish. it's a damn ego busting for katsuki but deku was clearly a man on a mission.
katsuki hesitated and thought what it would mean to have a child out there who carry a lil part of him in them; it's unnerving and humbling at the same time. he never thought of it himself but deku had dream of this, wanted this so badly enough to beg katsuki for help.
"alright," he said finally, not knowing exactly what compelled him to agree, but the look of utter happiness spreading across deku's face as he can barely contain his joy. a single word from him had caused deku's word to shift and rearranged itself to make room for another life.
and that's how katsuki got con into helping izuku make a baby lol. but, really katsuki was the one who agreed to it out of his own will bc he's an idiot & also terribly whipped; omegas are the ones ppl should be frighten of bc once they make up their mind it's hard to move them. they're an unstoppable force, something to be reckon w/ esp when that omega is the no.1 hero who fought his way to the top of the rankings and maintain that status quo for many years despite how many times katsuki tried to topple him from that perch LOL.
katsuki already lost the war before he'd even put a foot down on battlefront the moment deku'd opened his mouth & demanded his sperm AND HE KNEW IT TOO. so that was how katsuki found himself preparing to empty his balls in front of a two-way mirror in a mating clinic bc of deku. omegas, esp males, are the most fertile when they're in heat & when an alpha go in a rut, but the both of them have this arrangment that's more of a duty than any feelings involve bc they cant risk getting mix up in the hormones. this is for deku & his future child!!! so the clinic had prepared a large room w/ two way dividing mirrors& open air vents circulating b/t the two rooms so they can breathe in each other scene where deku can have his heat on one side and katsuki can watch BUT NOT TOUCH and get his rut on so he can produce sperm.
it's uh, not supposed to be v sexy since it's all clinical & shit but bakudeku being bakudeku they nearly tear the room apart to get to each other in heat/rut madnes. deku had blushed earlier as he asked to be bind with quirk restrictions cuff just in case he go crazy which HE DID. at first the nurses there was more worry about katsuki going crazy and out of control bc he has been known to fall pretty high on the alpha aggression and they fear it would be katsuki who would be dangerous; BUT NOPE it's deku all all along who almost broke the REINFORCED MIRROR just so he can get to katsuki!!!! DEKU WHO PPL SOMETIMES FORGET IS LIKE THE NO. 1 HERO FOR A REASON. soft and sweet deku who single handedly can fuck you up with just his fingers if he want to. he's an omega on a mission and he wants that knot up his ass AND HE WANTS IT NOW.
the nurses & docs have to use everything in their toolkit to pull bakudeku apart. when it's all said and done, katsuki embarrassingly produce buckets of cum enough to last deku a looooooong long time if the first one didn't take lol while deku couldn't look at katsuki in the eyes. they are both horridly embarrass about their 'not mating' and their action toward each other there even though they never actually touch each other through out the whole heat/rut procedure. despite the fact that they DIDN'T HAVE ANY SEX, it was still the hottest exp for both.
katsuki never seen more more feral and fierce omega who nearly broke the entire room just to get to him, in that moment if katsuki wasn't in love already he would have been half way there and izuku didn't expect KATSUKI AT ALL. the way he had handle izuku was completely diff. in izuku's heat fever, katsuki was the lone anchor who'd provided him grounding. he tried to calm deku down from his ramp up hormones even though he was as clearly affected as deku. forceful but not unforgiving, commanding not unyielding, firm but gentle.
it was electric.
it was as though izuku was a wild animal unleashed and katsuki managed to tamed him and he never had even had to raise a single finger to do it. it was all in his words that cut through izuku's hazy feverish wants and desires. the kind of alpha that made deku's knees weak.
after that, they have wordless mutual agreement to never talk about it. deku got the sperms he wanted and katsuki had finally fullfiedd his obligation and isn't responsible for deku or his future child. HE'S DONE. they dont have anything to do w/ each other anymore. RIGHT??? ha.
it's funny bc izuku had his hope on a child but didn't think it would take so soon! he'd thought he would fail a few times first before he get really lucky w/ conception bc of his age now that he's older, this 'psuedo mating' can't replace real mating, & biology is fucking weird. even the fertility doc couldn't promise this procedure to insert bkg's sperm in him when he's still got in a heat fever will work 100% and if they fail, they have to wait for another HEAT to come before it could work. which mean months of waiting in b/t so izuku is desperate. BUT it took one try. THAT'S ALL IT TOOK as izuku anxiously waited for the news in next couple of weeks. he took at home pregnacy tests and when hall 3 results were positive he'd cried and called his mom but even then he didn't tell anyone bc he was so scare it just was a fluke.
he'd kept this secret until he finally got the visit to his doc and could get the firm confirmation he needed! when the doc revealed that he was indeed pregnant, izuku fell to his knees in relief bc finally, FINALLY, his dream of having a baby had came true. he's a father now!!
the doc had warned that the first trimester would be rough on him bc of his age and miscarriage is more likely for him than most male omega. maybe he should consider taking an early pregnacy leave bc of the danger his job poses to him & the unborn baby. deku had agonized over it. ultimately, he decided to continue w/ his hero work but won't take on as much stuff as before. he plans to be more careful & attentive to his safety, and defer his more dangerous work to his colleagues instead. all his friends and coworkers go out of their way to help him w/ this
izuku got an entire community of heroes WHO DO THEIR BEST TO ENSURE HIS PREGNACY GO SMOOTHLY bc look izuku may be doing this alone but HE'S NOT ACTUALLY ALONE bc he got his friends, colleagues, and mom to support him through this bc they know how much this means to him!!
katsuki was one of the last to find out but only bc deku plan to see him in person to tell him bc katsuki HAD GIVEN HIM ONE OF THE BEST GIFTS (beside OFA) and he wanted to thank katsuki in person but class A are a bunch of gossip mongers so he found out through their groupchat. it started as a joke about katsuki & his super seed bc what a fucking stud bakugou katsuki to have ONE TRY and is able to knocked izuku up so quickly lmao. w/e the fuck katsuki is doing or eating, apparently it works wonder for him bc one of his sperm luck out & hit jackpot. his so called friends cant stop ribbing into him for knocking up deku so quickly bc they know from deku's worry that it wasn't going to be an easy conception but IT'S BAKUGOU KATSKUKI, outdoing himself once more bc he never does anything by half, not even his own sperm lol.
izuku met up with katsuki right outside his agency bc he knew wassup and how to corner katsuki effectively by trapping him when he just high off his patrol when he least expect an ambush esp when he was too busy avoiding izuku's attempts to reach him bc of COMPLICATED FEELS.
it's not cowardice that kept katsuki away, but izuku was the source of all his confusing feelings already & now w/ the news that he's carrying katsuki's child now it'd gotten worst. izuku, though, was nothing if not persistent. he zeroed in katsuki right away w/ purposeful steps.
"kacchan, i'm so glad to meet you here," izuku says as though he hadn't coordinate this w/ katsuki's coworkers, who are all SOFT for izuku anyway lmao, to get katsuki alone JUST LIKE THIS. katsuki knew he was caught bc every one his friends & colleagues are FUCKING TRAITORS.
"what," he snapped, clenching the hands at his side as he tried to keep his gaze from izuku's still very flat tummy. it's weird to think a life was quickly taking shape there when it's not like izuku looked any diff but he smiling more brightly & warmth coming from his person. was this what they call the pregnancy glow? bc deku was fucking blinding that katsuki wanted to shove his hand to deku's face to block it out.
"what you want," he demanded again even tho they both know why deku was here.
unperturbed, deku smiled. "im pregnant now so thank you. you'd helped fulfilled one of my biggest dreams & im ever so grateful for it!" he continued, rocking happily back & forth on his heels but the words barely registered katsuki kept staring at the way deku's body swing out & he opened his mouth before he could think better of it.
"should you be even moving liek that ?" he asked BC SINCE FINDING OUT IZUKU IS PREGNANT HE LOST HIS MIND. as soon as the words left his mouth he knew he was a dead man walking.
izuku leveled him a glare so fierce that he actually took a step back w/ chills running up his back. "kacchan i may be pregnant but im not an invalid," izuku said with the sharp edge of a smile and thinly veiled steel in his voice. the scariest part was that he hadn't drop a single smile but the ominous threas was there. "do you want me to show you how much of not invalid i am?"
katsuki scowled, face pinching at the thought whether this was just the usual deku's bs or this was deku's bs + the pregnancy hormones that get him so rile up. either way, katsuki no matter how much of an ass he was, he wasn't going to punch a pregnant omega to prove a point.
"fine, that was dumb sorry," he said, scratching the back of his ear in annoyance. "so was that all you wanted to say?"
deku's eyes crinkle in amusement as katsuki's scowl deepens. "yea, i just wanted you to hear the news from me personally and expressed my thanks."
"i'll take good care of them," he said softly, a stray hand caressing his stomach carefully. "I promise i'll be good to them so you dont have to worry."
katsuki paused and then, "I know," he said bc he does. deku was going to be a good parent w/o a doubt. That is a truth.
deku's eyes light up at katsuki's words and there was a hint of wetness in them that katsuki had the unnerving fear that he was going to cry right here and katsuki's entire agency going to charge out & murder him for making a pregnant omega, THE PREGNANT OMEGA DEKU cry in public.
"t-thank you," he sniffs, but THANKFULLY NO ACTUAL CRYING INVOLE, "it makes me so happy to hear that you in believe me. i won't fail you, i swear!" he said it like he was making a vow for world peace or some shit bc of how serious it had sounded but this was important to him.
"yea, okay," katsuki said, looking away bc got this entire conversation was agonizing bc here he was talking to the person, but not JUST ANY RANDOM PERSON, who is carrying a baby w/ half of katsuki's dna & they're not fucking each other. like,,, that's fucking weird okay.
"that's all i wanted to say," deku told him, fully aware how uncomfortable this talk was making him, "so I won't bother you anymore." he gave one last smile and turned to go but KATSUKI WHO SHOULD HAVE LET IT END THERE found himself opening his mouth and grabbing deku by the arm.
it was careful, a firm but gentle hand placed his forearm like deku was glass that stopped him for a moment. "if--if," katsuki said, swallowing around a stone in his throat, "you find yourself needing anything, call me ok? ANYTHING i dont care just call me and i'll be there."
a slow but the brightest fucking smile he had ever seen bloom on deku's flushed face. "ok, i'll let you know," he replied, bc this was KATSUKI PUTING HIMSELF OUT THERE AND WANTING TO GET INVOLVE IN IZUKU'S PREGNACY even tho deku had given him a clean break from it. HE CHOSE THIS.
katsuki doesn't know what he was thinking then but the words slipped passed his guard before he can stop it & now he fucking doomed himself, doom himself to 3am late night calls of deku crying in hysteric at his home bc he ran out of some rare hard to find fruit bc CRAVINGS. so now katsuki had to dragged himself all the way across town to hunt for this shit. the morning news of that day was hero ground zero harrassing shopkeeper in the FUCKING ASS'S OCLOCK FOR SOME FRUIT AND DEMANDING IT NOW FOR W/E REASON, WHILE LOOKING SO FURIOUS & UNHINGED.
look, it's not like deku doesn't have an entire network of ppl to reach out to if he ever needed anything bc they would even laid down their life for him but even when he's cursing a storm trying to get deku's his midnight craving, he's so relief it's him that deku called first. besides, he firmly knew wut he had signed up for the moment he had opened his mouth. offering is help in the pregnancy process was him choosing to get involve and commit to deku & his (god fucking damn shit, he can't think of it as *theirs* bc that's too dangerous) baby. and bc this is bakugou katsuki and he never does any by halves so even though he may have been reluctant at first but now that he's firmly on board he's going in full throttle w/ no break in sight. katsuki dumps all his $$ on pregnacy & prenatal care books.
he read papers, argued on pregnancy forum, & even harassed his parents on it just so he can come at this like a fucking boss bc while he has full faith in deku to put the safety of the fetus first but also HE DOESN'T FUCKING TRUST DEKU TO PUT HIMSELF FIRST which is just as import. deku has the self-preservation  of a damn child & he can't expect a *child* to take care of himself so KATSUKI OBVIOUSLY GOT TO DO IT FOR HIM. so he make diet plans, prepare prep meals for deku ahead of them, annoyed deku's coworkers to watch out for him lest he does something stupid. he make it his firm mission that this pregnancy will go smoothly as possible so even when he's running errands for deku, getting his weird ass food craving, and taking deku to visit his ob-gyn, sitting in the waiting room anxiously for any news in case SOMETHING GO WRONG.
He even drives himself crazy learning about the things a pregnant person can't do/is at risk of doing & he doesn't know how anyone can fucking take this for 10 months bc it's like walking on a precarious tight rope. it's scary & humbling and he just want deku & the baby to be ok.
there are still crimes and villains to wrangle, and the world keeps on spinning; nothing really change all that much now that deku's pregnant but katsuki finds himself personally accolating his precious time and energy toward deku & the baby. he became one of those *PEOPLE*, ugh. he never got it even when his friends had popped out spawns of their own. he wasn't going to get dragged down by biology & all that general bullshit about settling down. he's at the top of his game & prize to take over deku's position as no.1. he got no time for playing family.
yet here he is standing in the middle of a fucking baby store, staring down a damn baby crib and having a melt down. who the fuck knew that baby cribs come in so many fucking versions and THERE ARE JUST TOO MANY OF THEM. he thought he had come prepare but no this was toughs shit. he only saw this store in passing while on a patrol & thought he should drop by but the next thing he knew he got trapped here for three fucking hours just looking at baby cribs. he already got several people walking passed him, eyeing him weirdly as he internally freak out.
there are ridiculous amount of info floating on the internet about crib buying guide like the bars could only be certain inches apart, non-toxic paints, diff kind of mattress, safe headboards, etc etc. all of that to ensure the baby doesn't fucking DIE bc babies are like FRAGILE.
he calls deku & as soon as he picks up, the first thing katsuki says is, "last year, there were 1,842 babies death due to sudden infant death syndrome."
a long pointed pause, and then, "oh geez," deku answers, "where are you? I'll be right there, okay? don't go anywhere!"
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discountdyke · 4 years ago
*wakes up* and what was even the narrative purpose of killing off akechi? I can only assume it was an extremely half assed attempt at redemption - reveal sad backstory and then sacrifice life thus indebting the team to him - but like. it would have been SO much more meaningful to have him join the team, esp since u have a full scene of nearly every member begging him to join them, and atone that way. it could have been SUCH an interesting take on the justice system and what it really means to atone and not earn forgiveness, exactly, but to grow in spite of the horrible things you've done. dying in what was quite frankly not even a life threatening situation is not only pointless for the story as a whole but it also like... is not redeeming in any sense? he literally did not have to do any of that. it just feels like the writers didn't know what to do with him at that point so they were like fuck it just kill him off.
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eroticcannibal · 4 years ago
(1of4) Ok so kind of kink hour, kind of angsty, but do u think its possible 2 b, like, dysphoric but in a kink way? Like Ive got a kink of the lifestyle variety (nervous to specify what it is), that Ive had nearly my whole life, & I literally dont kno how 2 explain this feeling besides as social/physical dysphoria, but 4 kink stuff. Like all I can think of is that post that went around awhile back talking abt the difference between 'Identifying as a dinosaur' as a kid vs 'Pretending 2 b a
(2of4) dinosaur', & how I read that & was immediately struck by how much the 'Identifying as a dinosaur' description was spot on 4 my experiences wrt this kink. But I feel rly hopeless abt it a lot of the time. I kno trauma is a factor, but that doesnt make it better, & I would rather keep the trauma than b untraumatized & not have this kink. & it just feels rly crushing 2 b like, theres this way I feel, this way it feels like Im Supposed 2 B, & this overwhelming fear that Im Not. & I cant quite
(3of4) let go of the hope that that fear is wrong, but its obvs still sucky. Esp when the standard sort of comfort of 'Wanting 2 b a girl is a symptom of Being A Girl' doesnt feel like it rly applies 2 shit like 'Wanting 2 b a puppy/baby/doll/other headspace kink role', & the response is generally less than positive. At best I feel like I get vaguely ableist 'Im scared 4 ur sanity' type BS, & ur obvs rly cool abt kink stuff, so I guess Im looking 4, idk, sum hope, maybe? Or validation or smth.
(4of4) Sumthing 2 hold on2, 2 feel like this sense of how Im supposed 2 b doesnt have 2 b /erased/ 4 the fear that Im not 2 get better. That I can keep this kink thats so important 2 me & feel better abt the dysphoria that accompanies it, as opposed 2 the recommended 'Throw out the whole kink' approach my support system pushes 4. Idk, Im just hoping 4 sum hope, I guess? Feelin fragile n stuff & ur so nice abt kinks. Also sorry 4 so many abbreviations lol, character limit is not my friend.
Dysphoria can be over anything, the definition is just “ a state of unease or generalized dissatisfaction with life” so it can absolutely be in a kink way. (in fact I’d say I have dysphoria in a kink way in the sense that it severely negatively impacts me that I can’t practice most my kinks in my current situation)
I think a lot of people don’t realise just how much kink can be part of someone’s identity, but it absolutely can be very central, so it makes perfect sense that not being able to be open with it or explore it or whatever will contribute to negative feelings that are analogous to social and physical dysphoria.
I do wish the world were more accepting of kink as identity, it would allow far more space for people to just have feelings like urs without the shame. I really don’t think feelings like these are particularly unusual either, but talking about it can be a minefield.
Also honestly in my experience at least, getting better doesn’t mean losing kinks, even when they’re related. I think it absolutely can affect how u think about and approach a kink, I’ve noticed my approach to kink has become more positive and healthy the more I’ve dealt with my trauma, but I’ve not lost them. I don’t think that just throwing the whole kink out will actually resolve anything, that way lies further shame and repression. You can’t just turn a kink off. It will still be there. Better to work on how you can exist as you are comfortably than deny any part of you. Ultimately, what do you think your life would look like if you were truly comfortable? How can you get there? When it comes to your own identity and how your kinks interact with that, your own comfort is the only thing that matters.
Ur always welcome to talk about this stuff here, I promise u that.
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sacrilegeds · 5 years ago
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*      pops   in   20hrs   late   w/out   starbucks   bc   i’m   a   bih   but   not   that   kind   of   bih      *      NJLRJKFW   hullo   famjam   !      i’m   dani   n   i’m   so   stoked   abt   this   group   y’all   have   no  idea   .      excuse   this   messy   ass   intro   ,      i'd   sell   my   soul   fr   if   it   meant   i   could   write   even   a   mediocre   one   but   w/e   we   do   be   tryin   out   here   .      NEWAYZ   ,      before   i   get   completely   sidetracked   u   can   read   abt   my   gremlin   beneath   the   cut   n   if   u’d   like   to   plot   then   hmu   or   like   this   post   or   smth   so   i   know   to   come   bother   u   !!
rome   welcomes   DAMON   DVORAK   ,      an   INCUBUS   .      they   are   36/900+   years   old   and   have   been   in   the   city   for   TWO   MONTHS   .      they   are   known   to   be   VOLUPTUARY      +      IMPIOUS   ,      which   makes   sense   because   they’re   AMUSED   about   the   marriages   .      i   heard   they’re   betrothed   to   KIERAN   RAVYN      -----      a   SIREN   PRINCE   .
𝖓𝖆𝖒𝖊   .      draxus
𝖆𝖑𝖎𝖆𝖘(𝖊𝖘)   .      damon   dvorak      (      current      )   ,      countless   others   .
𝖆𝖌𝖊   .      physically   appears   in   his   mid   -   late   thirties   ,      is   actually   somewhere   in   his   900′s   but   stopped   keeping   track   awhile   back   .
𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖊𝖘   .      demon
𝖘𝖊𝖝𝖚𝖆𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖞   .      doesn’t   rly   care   tbqh
𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖑   𝖆𝖇𝖎𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖊𝖘   .
dream   walking   /   manipulation   :      damon   can   insert   himself   into      &      warp   other’s   dreams   to   his   whim   .
vampirism   :      like   the   rest   of   his   ilk   damon   feeds   off   of   pleasure   but   can   also   drain      &      consume   his   victim’s   life   force   through   physical   contact   .
inhuman   abilities   :      enhanced   speed   ,      strength   ,      reflexes   ,      etc   .
healing   :      well  -  fed   ,      damon   can   heal   from   most   injuries   in   a   matter   of   hours   .
immortal   :      he   can’t   die   of   natural   causes      &      most   attempts   to   kill   him   will   only   result   in   banishing   him   back   to   hell   for   a   period   of   time   .
*      quick   lil   note   to   say   that   i’ve   def   taken   some   liberties   w   the   lore   since   there   isn’t   much   to   go   off   of
if   questioned   about   his   origins   the   only   answer   draxus   would   give   is   that   he   simply   is   .      licked   into   existence   by   hell’s   flames   too   long   ago   to   recall   ,      he'd   claim      because   IF   he   did   have   some   sort   of   past   it   must’ve   been   quite   the   traumatic  one   to   warp      &      twist      &      mutilate   a   once   human   soul   into   something   demonic   and   if   that   was   the   case   whatever   he   might   recall  would   be   more   dream  -  like   than   memory   .      snippets   playing   on   loop   inside   his   head   ,      bits      &      pieces   of   a   story   that   never   betray   the   entire   picture      ;      broken   vows   ,      a   gaping   hole   in   his   chest      &      a   bleeding   heart   clenched   in   a   lover’s   fist   ,      none   of   which   was   as   metaphorical   as   it   sounded   .      with   nothing   to   fill   in   the   gaps   or   tie   the   whole   thing   together   ,      it   felt   as   much   a   reverie   as   his   own   recollection   .      the   emotions   however   ,      clung   like   a   second   skin   .      betrayal   ,      heartache      ,      RAGE      all   ate   at   him      ;      made   him   into   someone   else   ,      something   else   .
for   years   he   killed   indiscriminately   ,      caught   in   his   own   grief      &      ire   which   he   was   all   too   happy   to   take   out   on   his   victims   .      with   time      &      experience   he   discovered   feeding      &      killing   were   not   mutually   exclusive   .      he   began   playing   with   his   prey   ,      toying   with   them   during   the   day      &      haunting   their   dreams   at   night   ,      drawing   their   torment   out   for   weeks   even   months   at   a   time   as   he   siphoned   their   life   force   .      nowadays   though   it   isn’t   unheard   of   for   him   to   kill      &      he   certainly   hasn’t   lost   his   taste   for   it   ,      it’s   more   of   a   game   to   him   ,      a   way   to   pass   the   time      &      most   of   the   players   even   make   it   out   alive   .
when   the   war   broke   out   damon   never   really   chose   a   side   .      true   he   held   no   love   for   humans      (      or   anyone   aside   from   himself   tbh      )      but   all   the   same   he   failed   to   see   the   sense   in   culling   the   food   source   so   for   the   most   part   he   simply   kept   to   himself      &      observed   .      as   far   as   the   arranged   marriages   go   ,      he   doesn’t   really   care   abt   peace   ,      esp   not   between   spn   races   but   he’s   not   particularly   bothered   by   them   either   since   he's   not   taking   it   seriously   .
personality   wise   ,      he’s   an   imp   .      likes   causing   mischief      &      stirring   the   pot   ,      esp   when   he   can   sit   back      &      watch   the   chaos   unfold   from   the   sidelines   .      that   said   he’s   also   vvv   laid  -  back   ,      it’s   nearly   impossible   to   ruffle   his   feathers   though   it’s   certainly   amusing   to   watch   others   try   .      of   course   being   an   incubus   he   can   also   be   very   suave   ,      seductive      &      charming   ,      is   definitely   v   self  -  indulgent      &      encourages   like  -  minded  behavior   .
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