#eser gunduz
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Eser Gunduz
'Esthétique, hyperesthétique et anesthésie'
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Eser Gündüz
Eser Gündüz is an expressionist artist based in France He mostly emphasizes to varied utopias through the achitectural basis. He feels the different moments on the utopias, and makes with the power of balance and senses on the painting. He compounds this works onto his canvas. In here, those shapes reach at their maximum contrasts with…
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Weekly reflection #5
Research that impacted my work
This week I learnt a lot of new skills in different fields of art, in terms of Photoshop and traditional art. As this was the first week back onsite, I felt a lot more productive and in a better mindset to work hard, so this week really helped me to catch up with things like research.
After researching a variety of different artists, I managed to produce these outcomes on Monday:

I really enjoyed researching the artists for this task, as I was unsure of how to start my work at first. Artists like Lewis Rossignol and Eser Gunduz helped better my understanding as to how I can use certain techniques to link back to my work, and I produced a total of 10 different outcomes from it. My favourite outcome produced that day was this one:

We also learnt how to create custom brushes in Photoshop, which worked very well with the designs I’d created on Monday. I especially liked the way that the brush would retain the grain of the carbon paper design transferred onto the digital design, as I feel it created a nice balance between digital and traditional.
Wider world research
I was recommended a show by one of my tutors which related to my flipside theme called Altered Carbon. I took a look at the trailer and wrote it down on my research list, as the imagery and aesthetic of the show seems very close to my idea of Dystopia in my project.
How I pushed the practical tasks
I feel like this was very heavily due to the fact that I felt way more productive being onsite than offsite, but I’ve managed to push myself a lot more with the practical tasks this week and had no problem doing the minimum amount of pieces at a high quality. I struggled with this a lot when working offsite because I feel more motivated in a busy environment like college, and I was glad that I managed to push myself a lot more this week.
Problem solving
On Monday’s lesson I was a little unsure as to what I was doing and what to create, as it had been a while since I was onsite and creatively I was still warming up. But it was around the fourth postcard where I started to find my style within the techniques, and I began to produce outcomes that clearly reflected on my project.
A few examples of my favourite ones I created:

Plans for next week
My plans for next week are as follows:
Continue with independent research for FMP. I still have a lot more research resources to explore, so I’ll make sure to fullfill as much as I can next week. Right now I’m thinking that I’d like to start researching character design so that I can start storyboarding my outcomes shortly after.
Independent experimentation. I’ll use next week’s practical tasks given to further explore new techniques for my work.
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3D printing idea
So i had the big idea to 3D print a decorative frame mould and then fill it with resin to finalise the design.
I was heavily inspired by Eser Gunduz who makes transparent frames and then paints over them, painting onto the frame and not just inside the canvas part.
I would need to create a mould and then use resign instead of directly 3D printing the frame because i would like it to be transparent.
I’m not sure how big i’d be able to make it or if i’ll even be able to code something like this but the thought of producing something like this really excites me.
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Pasaporttan gecip ikisi de bavullarini aldiginda, kendilerini bekleyen araca yoneldiler. Seminerin yapilacagi eski sato yaklasik iki saat mesafedeydi. Gunduz olsaydi, etrafa, dogaya, guzelliklere dalmak, bu guzel ilkbahar gununde rengarenk ciceklerin ucusan kuslarin dunyasinda hayaller kurmak mumkun olacakti. Ama etraf zifiri karanlikti. Patronu her zaman konusmayi cok severdi, mutlaka dinlenmek isterdi. Ise ilk basladiginda, isleri ogrenmeye cabalarken, gununun Mehmet Bey’in odasina cagrilarak bolunuslerini hatirtladi. Kah “hadi gel de bir kahve icelim, su raporun daha etkili olmasi icin yapman gereken eklemeler ile ilgili sana soyleyeceklerim var” der, kah elemanlardan birine, bir musteriye, diger departmandan birisine kizar, ama hep ona bir yapilacaklar listesi ve yeni bir toplanti gundemi ile donerdi. Bugunun de farkli olmayacagina emindi. Kacis yoktu..
“Gecen gunku ise alim gorusmesinde yine cok az soru sordun” diye basladi lafa… “niye hazirladigim soru listesinden gitmiyorsun?” “O sekilde cok robot gibi oluyor ama Mehmet Bey, sonucta mudurleri olarak ilk gorusmemiz, ben de duzgun bir intiba birakmak, basliyorsa bir iliski, dogru baslamak istiyorum” “O zaman sen kendi listeni yap, soru sor.. Kisilikleri ile, aileleri ile ilgili detaya gir. Sonradan sorun cikiyor, isten adam cikartmak cok zor biliyorsun” Aslinda sorun ise yanlis eleman almakta, ya da cocuklarin erken ayrilma sevdasinda olmalarinda degildi. Mehmet Bey de bunu onun kadar iyi biliyordu ama, bir ust duzey yonetici olarak sirketin elemanlarini mutlu etme konusunda cok geride kalmasini kabul etmiyordu kesinlikle. Ona kalsa, sirketin politikalari ile mutlu olabilecek profilde elemanlar alip, huzur icinde calisacak bir ekip kurardi. Ama tum onerilerini, sen kaliteyi bozacaksin boyle yaparsan diyerek elinin tersi ile itiyordu Mehmet Bey.. Iki ay once tum bolum elemanlarinin katildigi o yemekte, nasil da onu tersledigini, kipkirmizi kesilisini hatirlayiverdi birden. Diger bolumlerin sikayetleri oluyordu eleman sirkulasyonu yuzunden, elemanlari egitecek vakit yoktu, zamana ihtiyaci vardi ama, Mehmet Bey tum bu hakli sebepleri bahane olarak goruyordu. Evde kardesi ile sohbetlerinde, arkadas toplantilarinda, kafasinda devamli is vardi, o eski hossohbet halinden eser kalmamisti. Dokunsan aglayacak bir durumda idi. Aslinda keyfini en cok kaciran sey gecen yilki terfi doneminde, kendisinin adinin bile gecmemis olmasi ve o cok istedigi egitime soz verildigi halde onun yerine Seval’in gitmesi idi. Mehmet Bey “biraz rekabet iyidir” derdi hep. Oysa onun tek istedigi huzurdu. Cikis yolu ariyordu uzun zamandir.
Terlemisti, hava cok bunaltici idi, ortam da… Havalandirmayi biraz daha soguga getirecekti ama Mehmet bey’in sogugu sevmedigini hatirladi… Disardan isinmis, birbirine surtunen otlardan yanik kokusuna benzer bir koku geliyor, havada asili kaliyordu sanki…
“Sunumu iyice calistin mi? Ben yapicam ama sana da soru gelebilir” dedi Mehmet Bey. O kadar cekiniyordu ki gecen yil Seval’in basina gelenleri hatirladikca. Mehmet Bey tam sunumdan once rahatsizlandigini soyleyip, Seval’i sahnede tum Avrupa ve Asya Bolge direktorlerinin arasinda yapayalniz birakivermisti. O kadar akici Ingilizce konusan Seval bile, heyecandan dili tutulmus, kendisi hazirlamis olmasina ragmen, o cok iyi bildigi sunumu bile zor tamamlamisti. Gelen sorularin bir kismini cevaplayamamisti.. Simdiden benzer birsey olursa diye bacaklari titriyordu adeta. Aklina gelince bu ihtimal ellerinin ici daha da terlemeye basladi.
Cantasinda islak mendil ararken, Mehmet Bey yeni bir atakta bulundu. “Dondugumuzde iki hafta izindeyim ben, biliyorsun degil mi?” “Ama bana bir sonraki hafta icin izin vermistiniz, ben tum biletleri aldim, arkadaslarim da ayarladi. Biliyorsunuz..” diyebildi ancak, Mehmet Bey lafini kesti, “imzaladim mi izin belgeni, aile tatili bu, yaptik coktan planlari, sen bekarsin ayarlarsin yine” deyiverdi. Nasil bu kadar insafsiz, dusuncesiz olabiliyordu bu yoneticiler. Kendisi ne olursa olsun boyle bencil olmayacakti, kimseye karsi… Birden o kadar sinirlendi, bunaldi ki, kapiyi acip atlamayi dusundu. Ama tabii kime zarari vardi ki bunun sonucta? Off, bir cikis yolu bulmaliydi, bu is, bu adam onu boguyordu. Nereye kadar sabredebilirdi ki. Sadece “Siz dondugunde imzalariz, ne acelen var? Sen al biletleri dememis miydiniz Mehmet Bey” diyebildi. Saate bakti, daha sadece 45 dakika gecmisti… Dusunmek istiyordu, bu izne cok ihtiyaci vardi. Birden izin hakkinda sadece konusmadiklarini hatirladi. Bazi yazismalar sirasinda bu konuda da maillesmislerdi Mehmet Bey ile. Aslinda boyle politik islerden, sikayetlerden hic hazetmezdi ama bu is onu kotu olmaya zorluyordu adeta. Seminer gundemine goz atmisti ucakta iken. Kalbi deli gibi atmaya basladi yapmayi aklindan gecirdigi konusmayi dusunurken. Sesini Mehmet Bey de duyuyor mudur acaba diye dusundu bir an. Once “son mailinizde o tarihlerde sizin burda olacaginizi ve gidebilecegimi yazmistiniz” dedi ama “tamam uzatma artik” cevabini aldi.
Kisa bir sessizlikten sonra “Seminer’e bizim bolgelere yeni atanan IK Direktoru de katilacakmis galiba degil mi Mehmet Bey” diye girdi lafa. “Hatta gundemden anladigim kadari ile, siz direktorler ilk gun aranizda calistaylar yaparken, Mrs Aubrey de seminere gelen tum mudurlerle once bir genel tanisma toplantisi yapip yeni stratejilerini anlatacakmis. Sonra da tek tek bizleri gorusmeye alacakmis. Bizim gorus ve onerilerimiz alip, daha yakindan tanimak icin”. Son donemde genel merkezden izinlerin zamaninda kullandirilmasi, calisanlarin daha mutlu olacagi ortamlarin olusturulmasina yonelik bazi direktifler geldigini duymustu bir arkadasindan. Ama sirketteki yoneticilerin bunu islerine geldigi gibi yorumlayacagina da emindi. Mehmet Bey onun bu aba altindan sopa gosterme durumunu anlamamazliktan gelse de kravatini gevsetti, “neyse su seminerdeki performansina gore belki bu seferlik bir kiyak yapariz sana donunce, dur hemen iptal etme bakalim biletleri” dedi ve bozuntuya vermemeye calisarak klimayi soguga dogru cevirdi.
Secil Erginler
Temmuz 2018
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Anı düşmani olduğumu fark ettim. Simdiye kadar kim girdiyse hayatima neler yasadiysak hepsini silivermisim efsane yetenek degil mi? Herkesin derdi sanal albumlerde kalan gecmis tarihli bi kac fotograf, albumleri temizlerken elinin o fotolara gitmemesi düşüncelere dalmak falan degil mi? Bende yok o telefon,pc,usb bellekler her seyin icinde unutuldugu harddiskler hatta.. hepsini temizlemisim aferin bana hayatimdan cikardiklarimi sadece cismiyle degil ruhuyla da çıkartmışım. Anilar hayaletlerdir huzursuz eder uyku böler. Gittigim yerler duruyor ama rek basima gitmisim gibi her ayrintisini hatirliyorum mekanlarin izmir kucukparkta barlar sokaginda gunduz gozune bodrum katı guzel bi barda simdiye kadar ictigim en guzel birayi ictim mesela, yillar gecti ama unutmama tadini yine kucukparkta bi nargile içtim daha da bulamadim oylesini, izmir kitap fuarına gidip karış karis gezdim poster aldim bikac kitapla. Parkin birinde bi banka oturup aldigim kitaplari inceledim 1saat ama nasil eğlenmiştim 17ydim daha. Kimsenin haberi yoktu Trabzona uçtum bi başıma, Rizeye geçtim ah o kayikhaneler mis gibi çam kokuyor önünde kocaman karadeniz şansıma dolunay vardi ama nasıl guzel yakamoz kac kadeh raki ictim ne zaman uyudum hatirlamiyorum. Aydere çıktım sonbahardi kar yoktu daha ama ne üşüşmüştüm ince giyinmişim. Cennet gibiydi yemyeşil karsidaki dagdan bi kac selale siziyor gibiydi duruyorlar mi acaba ayderde icitigim çayın tadi da hala damağımda. Ne cesaret kalktim gittim bilmem 19dum daha. Eskisehire gittim subatti buz gibiydi hava titreye titreye gezdim geceleri hayal gibi bi şehir hele gece adalarin ışıkları her yer genc dolu utopya gibi bi şehir. Mac vardi Turkiye'nin onlarca kafe icinden izleyecek yer bulamadim ama nasil kalabalik en son sıkışmıştim bi köşeye ordan izledim, kalabalikta da ayri bi heyecan tabi sesim kısıldı o gece. Meşhur 222 ye gittim ictim ictim dans ettim sonrasi yok o gecenin de ne ara gittim eve uyudum kaldim. 19dum yine. Birini cok saglam silmişim ne adı ne yüzü ne anısı var bi kararti sadece bombos. Ah o çıralı yok mu kesinlikle Antalya'nin en guzel yeri soğuk tertemiz denizi yeşili doğallığı agac evleri. Top atsan uyanmayan ben çıralı da sabah 5de uyanırdım güneşle üşenmez denize giderdim iki adımdı zaten denizde. Oglen denizin kenarında agaclarin golgesinde saatlerce kitap okudum. Gece vakti bi sise sarap icip sahildeki kokorecciye gittim paket yaptirirdim hep yarim ekmek kokorec ama nasil lezzetli nasil güzel yanina da iki bira otururdum kiyiya ayaklarım denizde kokorec bira yapardım. 24-25 boyle gecti diyebilirim. Cok daha geriye gideyim 11 yasimda tanidim daha yeni gelmisim Antalya'ya safım bu halimden eser yok tabi. Sonra yedigimiz ictigimiz hatta aldigimiz nefes ayri gitmedi 10 sene kizkardesimdi artık sevgilisi istemedi gorusmemizi onu da sildim belki de binden fazla fotoğraf, anilara dair hic bi fikrim yok gercekten bomboş. 22ydim acımıştı. Insan neden silmez ki zaten bitmiş iste gitmiş yok etsene hakkim yok biliyorum baskasina mudahale etmeye ama anılardaki gidenleri yok etmek takıntı bende belkide onu da silmek istiyorum olmasin hic bir şeyinde. 27 oldum acimiyor artik canim bazen sıkılıyor ışte böyle cok da şaapmamak lazim.
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Illustrator 2
Eser Gunduz
Eser Gunduz is a Turkish fine artist who concentrates on making small pieces of ‘unfinished’ looking art with basic colour and lines. He usually builds up detail on one or two areas and then leaves the rest in line art form causing it to look so confusing and ‘unfinished’.
His work inspired my postcard series from last week as well as my digital enhancing of my postcards. When making them, although I prefer to make my work look finished I tried to build up certain areas of my postcards whilst leaving other areas to the bare minimum as much as I could take it to still look pleasing in my eyes.
His style is not something I am going to take forward in my work, because I dont think as a personal preference I can make art with the intention to leave it looking so unfinished because it would constantly nag me that it doesn’t look right. Although I suppose whatever way you look at it, if it nags you that it looks unfinished it is doing its job right.
I feel that at least its given me some beautiful work from experiment ing with anew style outside of my comfort zone as well as teaching me new techniques even if I do not plan to use it any more in this project.
^ Above is a post that I made in regards to another series of art I made also referencing how I didn’t think Id take the inspiration of their artwork forward because I prefer to make my art pieces look ‘’ finished’’ however, with this project and my actual outcomes that I finished with most of them link back to this artist more than what I had first realised. As I mentioned this artist builds up certain areas using linework and leaves others bare, but in a sense that is almost exactly what I have had to do in this project to come up with my linear colouring page outcomes. Its weird to think in one of my other projects how I din’t think Id like this style or even mindset going forward as I dont like leaving things blank or having ‘’white space’’, however for this project it shows how much Ive actually gone out of my comfort zone to try something I wouldn’t usually do or be comfortable with
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Eser Gündüz Artist Eser Gündüz (b. 1990, Antalya, Turkey) combines architectural drawings, diagrams, cartography and manuscripts with abstract elements to create his works. We’re talking retro-futuristic utopia, here. Gündüz’s art is mostly based on life experiences. The idea of utopia has always been an inspiration. Gündüz doesn’t see utopia as a perfect version per se - but as his own version of the actual world. Robots and robot related objects take their places in the artworks. Gündüz creates mixing past and future references. Some of his artworks have a mixture of artificial intelligence, retro-futurism, art-mechanics, bad science and good science. Gündüz expands the boundaries of paintings and merges gestural, sometimes chaotic, brushstrokes with patchy pictorial and linguistic elements. Each work can be interpreted individually and collectively. Born and raised in Istanbul, Turkey, Gündüz studied architecture at ‘Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University’. After a couple of years in architecture, he pursued his career in spatial painting. His knowledge of architecture is realised in most of his works, the artist often turns to schematic and planning drawings. Gunduz's artwork is a well-planned structure of symbols, letters, and drawings that speak of both the visible and the less visible, sometimes even hidden. #neonurchin #neonurchinblog #dedicatedtothethingswelove #suzyurchin #ollyurchin #art #music #photography #fashion #film #design #words #pictures #istanbul #france #abstract #painting #retrofuturistic #scientificdiagrams #architecturaldrawings #utopia #franckmuller #estrellagalicia #ghostvector #esergündüz https://www.instagram.com/p/CbcMP7UMIZj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Collaged postcards
Lewis Rossignal
The way the conjoined bodies are all walking one dog makes me believe these all represent the same person, and possibly represents the way we all mask ourselves depending on who we are around or the situation we are in, for example the man in the suit represents who this person is at work or in professional and formal situations, and the black scribbled out face represents the man’s struggle with self identity due to constantly acting differently around others to please them.
The element collage gives the art more context and detail, as it informs us of who this person may be, and entices the audience into wanting to know more, as we are aware that there is a real human being behind these crude drawing. The words collaged onto the page adds more to the message and context to why this man may be feeling like a shelf of himself, as he has lost himself to the media he consumes everyday.
The composition of the page highlights the men as they take up half of the page, and therefore are the most important to sharing the narrative that the media is bad and the negative affects it has, as the man is now confused about who he is and who he wants to be. It appears as though the dog is the only thing he is sure of, as it is clear and not repeated, like it is the only good constant he has in his life everyday.
Eser Gunduz
These mixed media frames remind me of drawings children will do on walls and such as these frames aren’t something people are typically allowed to draw on, similarly to the walls. The drawings are also very crude in a similar way to children’s drawings. They feel as though they were made to rebel against all authority and share the message that authority in all forms should forever be questioned and isn’t always right.
The top half of this frame is much more chaotic than the bottom half, as though the top half is the side that is rebelling and letting themselves be free from authority and individual, whereas the second half is the half that is holding back, still being slightly proactive in following the movement, but not carrying it out in full authenticity through fear of being punished or judged by others. The colour blue implies that despite this being a protest, this is calm and harmless, with no intent to harm anyone in their anarchist views and actions.
Compared to Rossignal’s art, this is much more crude but just as political, as one questions authority whereas the other questions the media and it’s affects, however it could be argued that the media is an authority as it has so much influence over us everyday even without us noticing, with subtle biased and advertising, giving it power morally, socially and economically.
My A6 Postcards
In these A6 postcards, I used a graphite stick to darken the background and create a dystopic background. The texture of the background is to indicate depth and it implies that there is darker happening to this world than what is on the surface. I made lots of erratic crude marks similarly to a child who doesn’t understand why you shouldn’t scribble on everything, heavily influenced by Gunduz and the naivity which is shared within his art.

In each picture I decided to keep the colour scheme minimal, with each image being black and white except from the small amount of one colour I included in each. The darkness implies a negative world and a gloomy atmosphere, and the colour represents the people within the world who still have hope and want to change things. The colour contrasts and argues against the black and white to show it that things can change in this terrible place if people have the initiative to take action and break the boundaries set by an authoritarian government.

all of my mark making happened in layers and is illustrative and aggressive. The shaking and layered fine lines is heavily influenced from the way Rossignal applies lines, with aggression and purpose in every mark. I created faces in continuous line contours based on the collages I made from magazines. The faces are linked via lines which makes them all part of the same monster and quite disturbing. The white applied to the teeth and eyes accentuates them as the most distinctive parts of the face and creates faces which convey pain and struggle due to their distortedness and void expression disregarding any emotion. The togetherness of the faces is to link to communism in a way as togetherness and equality/ sharing is very important in those beliefs. The simplicity of the face is to emphasise that these people have been turned into drones and are all slaves to this system they are imprisoned in.

All of the coarse textures are just to further communicate the message of how treacherous living in a world like this is, where the earth around you may as well be rubble for all its worth, as its so mundane and lifeless, with people having to follow certain rules and stay out of trouble or the authority will cast them away and mistreat them, similarly to how the justice system works today, with the death penalty being legal in many places and prisons being inhumane and slave labour. The world perceives this as right and just, because they are criminals, but it is not as they may have done some wrong but this all dehumanises them. The system needs to be abolished and replaced with something with rehabilitates instead of punishing. These people represent the hardships prisoners go through.

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Presentation Notes:
Lewis Rossign:
-continuous line drawings
-random composition
-playful and simple, is there a deeper meaning - questioning???
-different texts and fonts
-child-like drawing and blocks of colour - primary
-a running theme throughout his works
-contrast between no detail and a lot of detail
Eser Gunduz:
-controlled and restricted sections
-pieces are created on a larger scale
-uses empty space within his work
-rapid thinking, movement within his pieces
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Bu makalemizde üzerinde duracağımız eser, “Dipnot Yayınlarından” çıkan “Madun Konuşabilir mi?” isimli kitap. Müellifi, Hintli yazar Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak. İngilizceden çeviren ise Emre Koyuncu. Kitap 132 sayfadan oluşmaktadır.
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Passionate Postcards

On Monday, we designed these A6 postcards which I called passionate postcards. The materials I used were paper, graphite, collage, sharpies, stencil, fine liners and oil pastels. To create these unique postcards I got my A6 piece of paper and using the graphite I created rubbings for the background. Then I collaged back into it and using sharpies I drew eyes or faces. I used stencils and sharpies to created these bold symbols or letters. To add a pop of colour I added oil pastels or sharpies. We created these postcards to then tomorrow with Charlotte digital edit them.
My favourite postcard was the 4th postcard and the 6th one. The reason being I love the graffiti I’ve done to show anger in conflict and how I I’ve only used red in the 4th design. Then for the 6th one I love the bold white eyes and the oil pastel circles as they give my work bold and uniqueness. Thee artists that inspired me were Jean Michel Basquiat and Eser Gunduz. Jean Michel Basquiat inspired me because of the bold colours and the geometric shapes he uses. Eser Gunduz inspired me because of the doodles he creates and the intense lines.
#monday#eser gunduz#jean michel basquiat#a6 postcards#graphite#collage#sharpies#stencil#fineliners#oil pastels#unique#patterns#shapes#geometric#boldness#lines#doodles#colours#flipside#fmp#Conflict#peace
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Bu makalemizde üzerinde duracağımız eser, “Dipnot Yayınlarından” çıkan “Madun Konuşabilir mi?” isimli kitap. Müellifi, Hintli yazar Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak. İngilizceden çeviren ise Emre Koyuncu. Kitap 132 sayfadan oluşmaktadır.
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8 th March
2. Safety / Rules / Return
3. Learning Objectives - please make a note and add to your blog
your learning objectives for the Monday workshop is about creating artwork that has been manipulated through imagery, shape and time. You will be using work that you have generated whilst offsite (please bring it all with you) we will be looking at https://www.lewisrossignolart.com/ Lewis Rossignol AND Eser Gunduz https://esergunduz.art/ to gain inspiration. We will be looking closely at layout, composition, mark making and colour combination. You will be transferring and manipulating the hand based work into your Tuesday (digital) with Charlotte PLEASE produce a min of 10 A6 postcard sized pieces of artwork
4. Artists:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6RseaEqVQA - combine theory
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VM1klSRyMn0 - Basquiat /colour inspiration
5. OPEN group discussion on why it is important to show two different sides of art work / design? to experiment?
6. DEMO - please makes notes
7. practical
8. critiques
9. evaluate the day
10. upload the day / artwork and reflection / scan all work ready for Charlotte
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