bakersimmer · 2 months
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Speak Your Language Day edition ⬇ Head lugemist! 😄
Martin: (vihaselt) Kass! Sa lähed õue! Matilda: Tal on nimi ka... Martin: Mind ei huvita, mis selle põrgulise nimi on. Matilda: Aga võib-olla kuulaks ta sind paremini, kui sa seda kasutad? Martin: Ta on kass, ta ei kuula kedagi!
Martin: (angrily) Cat! You're going outside! Matilda: She has a name too… Martin: I don't care what this hellspawn's name is. Matilda: But maybe she would listen to you better if you used it? Martin: She's a cat; she doesn't listen to anyone!
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Martin: No muidugi, nüüd sa siis nurrud. Aga ma näen sind läbi! Sa oled terrorist.
Martin: Well, of course, now you're purring. But I can see through you! You're a terrorist.
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Matilda: (vuristades) Tead, kassid valivad endale omaniku. Ja ma arvan, et talle meeldib siin palju rohkem kui su sõbranna juures. Ja kassid on stressi suhtes väga tundlikud. Aa, ja siis seda ka, et kassid aitavad inimestel stressi vähendada. Ja! Kassid õpetavad lastele vastutustunnet. Ja enne ei võinud meil olla kiisusid, kutsikaid ega beebisid, sest Lailale nad ei meeldinud, aga nüüd oleme ju ainult mina ja sina!
Matilda: (prattlingly) You know, cats choose their owners. And I think she likes it here a lot more than at your friend's place. And cats are very sensitive to stress. Oh, and also cats help people reduce stress. And! Cats teach children a sense of responsibility. And before, we couldn't have kitties, puppies, or babies because Laila didn't like them. But now it's just me and you!
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Martin: Mmmhm... Ja kes nende kõigi eest hoolitsema hakkab? Matilda: Kasside ja koerte eest võin mina hoolitseda. (kõhklevalt) Oma beebi eest peaksid sa vist ikkagi ise hoolt kandma. Martin: (hakkab naerma) Ah-aa, hea teada! Aga õnneks ei ole ühtegi neist siia majja tulemas, seega meile mõlemale jääb vaba aeg alles.
Martin: Mmmhm… And who will take care of them all? Matilda: I can take care of cats and dogs. (hesitantly) Well, you should probably take care of your baby yourself. Martin: (starts laughing) Ah-ah, good to know! But luckily, none of them are moving into this house, so we can both keep our free time.
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Matilda: (kiljatab) Ma tean kuidas seda olukorda lahendada! Martin: (iseendale) Palun, ei... Matilda: Sa pead leidma omale pruudi, kellel on kass. Näiteks selle kassi... (Martin segab vahele) Martin: Ei-ei-ei! Lõpeta.
Matilda: (squeals) I know how to fix this situation! Martin: (to himself) Please, no… Matilda: You need to find yourself a girlfriend who has a cat. For example, this cat's… (Martin interrupts) Martin: No-no-no! Stop.
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Matilda: (sosistab kassile) Täiskasvanud vajavad vahel abi ilmselgete asjade nägemiseks. Aga küll ma kõik korda ajan ja siis sa saad igaveseks siia jääda.
Matilda: (whispers to the cat) Sometimes, adults need help seeing the obvious. But I'll take care of everything, and then you can stay here forever.
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I tried to make as literal translation as I could 😅
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23escape23-blog · 6 years
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Muchas gracias por venir a #escape23! Estuvo un placer atenderles! 🗝🕶🗝 #escape #trabajo #equipo #amigos #friends #workers #ecuador #escapegame #juegodeescape #quehacerenquito #quito (hier: Quito, Ecuador)
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escape-23 · 7 years
An old theatre, known for its mysterious stories and eerie events, turned into a criminals’ hideaway. Accidentally, you and your friends entered this secret place full of obscure and hidden things. What a mistake! You will have 60 minutes to escape. In our Escape Game you have two possibilities to play: The Normal Mode, or the Duel Mode. Both Modes are a lot of fun. But to be honest, the Duel Mode brings in some intense while playing one team against each other which the Normal Mode unfortunately can´t bring.
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bakersimmer · 5 months
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Chrono // Latest // Archive // Blogger // Playlist // Feedback and questions
Ever since I was a little kid, I have liked making up different characters and stories—the problems of an only child. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I'm writing to improve my English and grammar because it is not my native language. So, I don't really follow any rules other than grammar rules, and I don't always follow them either, but I try. During parental leave, I got the idea to take my old and sloppy story, Martin's Escape, and start filling in the plot holes. I say plot holes, but I had no plot… so only holes. 😬 I hope attempt number 2 goes better.
In just three months, I have learned so much, and I'm actually quite proud of myself. If you have ever commented on my story posts or shared an opinion or feedback, know I'm very grateful. It's really cool to see that I can communicate the ideas in my head in an understandable way. This has not always been the case.
@zosa95 I will never forget how you explained to me that in English, it is correct to say that you are "in the shower," not "under the shower," and then we tried to understand the logic of English showers and Estonian showers. 😆 And it all started with the idea that Laila doesn't want Martin to slip while in the shower.
Why am I sharing this? I don't know… So that in 2026, I can look back and think what I've thought and said at some point in my life? 😁
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bakersimmer · 3 months
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bakersimmer · 3 months
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bakersimmer · 4 months
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Instead of the familiar sound of the alarm, Martin was abruptly pulled from his dream by a firm nudge to his arm. As he opened his eyes, Matilda stood over him, already prepped for school.
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Matilda: I'm going to school. Martin: (still groggy) Okay, have a good day. Martin: No… wait! Um… Do you have everything? Do you need anything? Did you eat breakfast? Did you eat last night?
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Matilda: Yes… you can do the dishes. (walks away) Martin: (unsure) Did I say have a good day? Matilda: Maybe. (front door closes)
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The silence settled in the room. Martin lingered on the sofa, slowly shaking off the remnants of sleep. After a while, he reluctantly dragged himself to the bathroom. He had once read somewhere that the first sign of depression was a decline in personal hygiene, and Martin was determined to prove to himself that he was not depressed.
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Returning to the living room, he sank back onto the sofa, idly fiddling with his phone. He repeatedly locked and unlocked the screen as if this action somehow could help him make up his mind.
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Finally, the open screen won, and Martin dialed a familiar number, fully expecting it to go unanswered. To his surprise, after a moment, a familiar voice answered on the other end.
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bakersimmer · 5 months
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In the past years, Martin's role in Matilda's life had transformed from the cool cousin into the daily presence of authority. The dynamics had shifted, and the carefree buddy-style relationship was replaced by a more complex, challenging one.
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Neither of them had yet fully adapted to the new situation. There were days when Martin struggled with the responsibility of being a consistent presence in Matilda's life, and Matilda, in turn, grappled with the boundaries and decisions imposed by Martin. The transition had been gradual, but now and then, some moments highlighted the struggles in their changing relationship.
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Martin: (knocking gently on Matilda's door) Matilda: (through the closed door) I don't want to talk to you! Martin: You don't have to. Just… listen.
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Martin: This situation is not easy for either of us, and I'm trying my best to make everything feel as normal as possible. What you said offended and hurt me. As a result, I said things that I didn't really mean. I guess... I wanted to make you feel as hurt as I was feeling. I'm sorry. I'll do my very best to be a better person in the future.
Matilda remains silent, and Martin senses her withdrawal.
Martin: I understand you need some time alone right now. But I want you to know I'm always here for you; nothing will change that.
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Martin heads back downstairs. He paces around the living room, restless, trying to figure out how to control the damage already done and avoid causing any further. But instead of coming up with solutions, his mind keeps circling around the question — how did everything go so wrong?
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bakersimmer · 2 months
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Instead of traditional wedding vows, Martin and Laila had borrowed a few lines from an old poem that spoke of eternal love and the promise to bring peace to each other's hearts.
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But there was also a cautionary note woven into this text: "They will try to the end because they have sworn so. Grant that they also wish so." It was a reminder that commitment required not just duty, but genuine desire. Lately, Martin had started questioning his vow. He struggled with uncertainty, unsure if his growing desire to let go and start anew was just a fleeting impulse or a sign that his heart and sense of duty were no longer in sync.
Martin: I'm having a really hard time understanding you and your actions. Is this your way of asking for help or getting my attention?
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Laila: (whispers) Both. Martin: You have my attention; tell me what I can do to help you. Laila: Come back home. Martin: I can't do that. But. You'll continue seeing your therapist, and I'll make time to spend a few hours with you each week. Laila: (frustrated) Few hours? That's... (Martin interrupts)
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Martin: That's the most I'm willing to do at the moment. Laila: (sighs) And what if this "married for a few hours a week" doesn't work? What if it drives us apart? Martin: (pauses) If it doesn't work... we shouldn't force something that isn't meant to work. Laila: (wraps her arms around Martin)
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Hopefully, someday, even beyond the trials of life, they will still whisper to each other in truth, "I love you.”
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bakersimmer · 3 months
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Soft murmurs and distant whispers floated through the air, mingling with the gentle buzz of the vending machine. In the background, intermittent phone rings echoed. As Martin sat there, waves of nostalgia washed over him, carrying him back in time.
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The faded green walls, worn linoleum floors, dim lamps, and uncomfortable plastic chairs - gone like they had never existed. The only thing that had permanently permeated these walls was the smell of disinfectants, an integral part of any hospital.
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In his youth, the emergency room was almost like a second home to Martin. Cuts, concussions, and fractures were familiar companions, each injury a testament to his restless spirit and insatiable thirst for adventure. Perhaps he had been a touch more reckless than his peers in his eagerness to embrace life. Or maybe Martin was just blessed with two left feet.
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Martin's eyes wandered and eventually settled on the wall-mounted TV. A cooking show was airing, demonstrating the art of preparing the perfect bouillabaisse. With the TV muted and no subtitles, Martin had to rely on his imagination. Luckily, telling the difference between a tomato and an onion didn't require much guesswork.
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The waiting room's sleepiness was disrupted by a new sound—squeaky rubber soles. With each step, the noise drew closer until a woman clad in a doctor's attire emerged from behind the automated doors.
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bakersimmer · 2 months
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Before Laila could reach out, Martin seemed to anticipate her intentions; he opened his eyes. Without a word, Martin shifted to sit on the edge of the bed, his movements slow but deliberate. After gathering his thoughts for a moment, he asked in a sleepy voice, "How are you feeling today?”
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Laila: Tired, but better. Martin: Good. Laila: What are you doing here? Martin: (shrugs) Paying my debts? You were there for me when I made bad choices. Laila: And what's next… when your so-called debt is paid? Martin: A clean slate. Next page. I don't know.
Laila's pounding headache made it difficult for her to fully grasp Martin's words. Before she could gather her thoughts, Martin had already moved on to the next topic.
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Martin: So what happened? Laila: I'm not sure. Martin: Hmm… Just chugged a few bottles of wine like it was water? Laila: (rolls her eyes) Maybe the drink before the last one should have been the last one… Accidents happen. Martin: I refuse to believe you accidentally had one too many. Laila: (irritated) You're not even fully awake, and you're already interrogating me. Martin: Now you know how I used to feel.
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Martin seemed concerned, yet he made no effort to approach the situation with tenderness or delicacy. Laila tried to read his tone and expressions, but her senses felt dull, incapable of picking up on the subtleties. This left her with a sinking feeling that the outcome of their conversation was out of her control.
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Laila: I tried to numb the pain. Martin: And did it help? Laila: No…
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bakersimmer · 3 months
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The first rays of morning light gently flooded the room, casting a soft glow that stirred Laila from her sleep. Despite the extended sleep, she still felt drained.
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As her senses slowly awakened, she became painfully aware of everything her body had been through the previous days. Her muscles were stiff, her throat dry and sore, her eyes swollen.
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Laila inhaled deeply, steeling herself for the day ahead. It was then that she caught a familiar scent in the air—a blend of woody and spicy notes, unmistakably Martin's cologne. In her half-awake state, she hadn't even realized he was there. Turning to her other side, she saw Martin lying next to her. It wasn't a dream or wishful thinking—he was really there.
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bakersimmer · 3 months
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bakersimmer · 3 months
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Martin couldn't tear his eyes away from Laila. Her makeup was smudged. Instead of her usual cascading curls, her hair hung straight, tucked behind her ears. But what really caught his attention were the hospital slippers she was wearing.
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Laila looked scared and weary but ready for a fight, much like a stray cat she had often compared herself to.
Finally, Martin turned his attention to the doctor, who explained that Laila's medical history could be reviewed online. Martin couldn't help but detect a hint of sarcasm in her words, a subtle jab at their earlier exchange. Despite the undertone, he nodded and thanked her for the assistance.
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As soon as the doctor left, Laila started walking towards the exit, her pace picking up with every step. Martin, sensing the urgency, trailed closely behind. When they stepped outside, Martin reached out and gently grasped Laila's arm, stopping her.
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Martin: Where are you running? The car's on the other side. Laila: (pulling her hand away) I don't need your help. Martin: (disagreeing) This isn't the time to be stubborn.
The small spark of defiance that made Laila pull her hand away from Martin faded just as quickly as it had ignited. A sense of confusion replaced it. She stood frozen.
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Martin: Laila? Laila: (voice trembling) I'm tired. Martin: I can see that. Just let me help you.
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bakersimmer · 3 months
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bakersimmer · 4 months
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Hanna: Dialed the wrong number?
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Martin: No… Unless you're not Hanna. Hanna: (guarded) What do you want? Martin: (unsure) I think I want to apologize?
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Hanna: (unimpressed) Is this a statement or a question, or a really shitty apology? Martin: (sighs) I'm sorry... I'm sorry I pushed you away when you were only being supportive. I'm an idiot who doesn't know how to appreciate kindness. Hanna: I agree, mostly with your last statement.
Hanna: Care to explain why you chose to ignore my calls? Martin: You were too pushy… I don't like that. Hanna: And you couldn't just say, "Hanna, back off"? Martin: I didn't want to be rude, but looking back on it now… Hanna: Uh-huh… But like you said, you're an idiot, so I don't even know why I'm surprised.
Both are silent.
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Hanna: Can I ask how you are? Martin: I'm… not okay. Hanna: Want to meet and talk after work? Martin: (doesn't reply) Hanna: Back to ignoring already? Martin: I'm at home and don't feel like going anywhere or doing anything… Maybe some other day? Hanna: See, now I have to be pushy. It's obvious you're wallowing in your self-pity, and it will only get worse if you do nothing. Martin: (reluctantly) When and where?
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