#es prowl
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bloominglegumes · 7 months ago
another abandoned wip/sketch dump
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jarofloosescrews · 9 months ago
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Some stream doodles.
I was going off the box art and Nick Roche's recent head turnaround (thank you, sir).
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mistylia · 1 year ago
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I'm a firm believer that if ES Prowl is based on his IDW self, it will either be the funniest shit ever, or absolutely horrendous.
Reference image and doodles below
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no-hhamani · 4 months ago
Love how ES Prowl got manhandled by femmes the moment he stepped in base
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rayfishandchips · 7 days ago
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has this been done before
all images are from the internet
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dezmolad · 4 months ago
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all u need to know about ES3
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cybercybertron · 9 months ago
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This was the full turnaround that we got from Nick since the original post ate part of it.
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ikkosu · 9 months ago
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running from ghost
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cortinar · 2 months ago
on the hunt for a good Prowl figure.. i don’t know where to even start looking tho. any recommendations?
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scourgeofmyownbrain · 3 days ago
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Hey look, it's the Autobot Symbol guy. The guy they based the Autobot symbol on. Wow so cool, such a celebrity, can I have your autograph? It's Prowl's Height Chart everyone, I finally finished it.
I was making this at the same time as my Jazz one, I am aware I posted the Jazz one weeks ago. Work has been a bitch.
Quick Disclaimer, if any of the images look weird, it's because I had to stitch a few separate images together to create a full body shot of the character. (god, some of these ones are really bad)
Listed Heights and Explanations below the cut.
Unicron Trilogy Armada - ~4 feet 6 inches (I am going to be real with you, I have no actual source, and this guy shows up in one episode. He's shorter than a human child of an age, and this was my best guess.)
Unicron Trilogy Energon - ~11 feet (Entirely separate guy from the last one, there are two bitches named Prowl here. No actual source, I measured him on Optimus and got this. Idk either.)
Earth Spark - ~12 feet (No actual source but I was able to compare him to Arcee, whom I have already established is the same height as Bumblebee (I haven't posted her yet but I have) and was able to get this number. And once again Earthspark is tiny short bitch central all of them are so short the only ones actually shorter than ES are actual mini bots.)
Gen 1 - ~13 feet (Tfwiki you god send I don't have to do any work for this one)
Netflix Cybertron Trilogy - ~13 feet (It's the exact same design as Gen 1 so I'm assuming they're the same height.)
RID 2001 - ~13 feet (Tfwiki for the WIN I don't have to do any work)
Animated - 15 feet 10 inches (This number actually comes from @phoenix-inanis and the glorious calculations they have done on the TFA Characters. Go check it out, because animated has literally no actual numbers -> https://phoenix-inanis.notion.site/TFA-Height-Chart-f6ad2960ca8c4c5b859ee4958723aaa4?pvs=4)
One V1 - ~16 feet (Okay, so this movie doesn't have any actual numbers, aside for some bullshit ones from a Walmart Promotional. I've been using the Knightverse Optimus number as a baseline since these were at one point said to be vaguely canon to each other. And the Bumblebee-Optimus scaling is the same. I was able to see he is the same height as Ironhide, and I already had his number, so here we are.)
One V2 - ~18 feet (Same schpeil as before, this movie gives me headaches. I did the same thing I did to Ironhide, my method of "knocking off or adding two feet" has been pretty accurate so far (I got Bumblebee right.) Until I get some real numbers this has to suffice.)
Cyberverse - ~18 feet (I did my best, he's like the same height as Bumblebee, so I just did that.)
I don't have anything else to add, there aren't any layers to separate.
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karanseraph · 4 months ago
Peeps who might be shipping EarthSpark Megatron and Prowl...
You know Megaempress is their baby, right?
Silver with red and black accents, chevron on her helm, lightbar on her knees, big rail gun, apparent 'rescue' alt-mode (crash tender), but really manipulative?
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mistermalaprop · 25 days ago
some swindle and hardtop es ideas
swindle and hardtop reunion in g.h.o.s.t but when swindle sees hardtop he gets the overwhelming dread that something is different and it’s not just his missing arm
swindle and hardtop reunion but when they try to hug each other they both get shocked by the barriers and are forced into cells really, really far from one another (bonus points if they can hear each other but cannot see) ((bonus bonus points if one of the other cons has to be a middle man between the two)) (((bonus bonus bonus points if it’s soundwave lmfao)))
swindle learning that the last of his gestalt (brawl) is dead by going to the remains of the bot brawl arena ( with hardtop if it’s after season 1) and seeing his empty husk on the ceiling
swindle actually staying around as thrash’s weird devil-on-his-shoulder mentor and he co-dad2s with bumblebee or prowl
hardtop and swindle stay on earth because swindle wants his scatterblaster really bad and hardtop likes to collect earthly comics
swindle gets in contact with wheeljack or tarantulas and begs for a new arm for hardtop (bonus points if it’s some weird ass gadget that hardtop equates to one of his favorite characters so he keeps it)
hardtop and swindle steal candy from babies <3 but instead of babies it’s actually just the maltos
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elegantmantaray · 23 days ago
I finally caught up on Transformers Earthspark.
I think it was pretty good overall, season 1 on its own being great. Seasons 2-3 aren't as good, though watchable.
I will say that the best part is the character designs, hands down. The ONLY bad looking character is Mandroid, and that is clearly on purpose. I mean, have you seen the cybortronians? They are all gorgeous! (Though Optimus' face is a little off, I will admit).
Prowl was peak in s3, hands down the best part of that season. I love my morally questionable boi! The Terrans are cool, too. Nightshade is excellent nb rep, and they are my child. I will fight you on that.
Like Danny Phantom, though, the show suffers from, well, wasted potential, I want to say. A similar situation of left behind plot points, unanswered questions, and vague backstories.
The first episodes insinuate that this is a G1 based universe, for example. But it quickly became clear that that is not quite right. So because of that, we don't know slag about pre-war Cybertron. Why did the war start? No fragging clue!
That's my biggest gripe with the show, actually. The next being how they fragged over Starscream after season 1. Like, I don't actually mind the Decepticons being the bad guys again, but they wasted Starscream's potential in particular.
Overall, I can at least recommend season 1 without guilt. The episodes after that, however, should be watched with a grain of salt, I guess.
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aishien-the-aishien · 9 months ago
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Prowl doodles!
A human version of trans Prowl comes from mine and @dezmolad's AU called Sheesh- I mean, Serious-ish. The others are just IDW/ES Prowl-related doodles The smiling one looks cursed. That's how it's supposed to be. The other human one has shiny blue eyes because IDW Prowl, or Prowl in general, reminds me of Dune's mentats The last one is Prowl x Tarantulas from ES! ... Also from something ES-related we're cooking up with @dezmolad haha
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shatteredspark · 2 months ago
I LOVE s3 prowl and I feel like people are soooo hard on him for things that are entirely reasonable and realistic. :{
he has every right to be defensive towards megatron, unsettled, rude. People tend to forget that all the troops up there and not on earth don’t know ANYTHING about the switch, or the final battle, or even the allspark (that we know of.) Can you imagine being leaderless and patrolling the stars thinking the guy that’s led a army against yours PROBABLY killed your leader, and then you show up on earth, and find out he’s suddenly GOOD?
not to mention the constant reinforcement of how bad megatron was during the war. He admits it, other characters admit it, he is incredibly toned down due to his peace now, but there’s a good chance prowl saw Megatron at his worst and peak moment of violence.
prowl is missing a massive time gap, and missing a lot of info! He needs time to develop just like every character in the show.
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unfreeeee · 1 month ago
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do not scare the kids prowl
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