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I don't think people take into account that the moons being treated like lesser beings didn't just start it'd been going on for what was probably billions of years, Earth's insult was just the thing that pushed everything to boiling point.
This isn't to say you can't be sympathetic for the planets or you can't like them, you can be sympathetic towards a character while acknowledging they messed up, characters do not have to be entirely good to earn sympathy for the shit they've been through and even if there's nothing sympathetic about them you can still like them.
I think this is what really annoyed me about people who act(ed) like Ganymede and Europa were completely evil with no redeeming qualities, it wasn't like they were just suddenly deciding that they wanted this, they had no ability to do anything till the moon revolution, Callisto literally says they're dependent on the planets and it's never going to change.
I see less of it after the trails but I still think people undermine things, using an example here but I looked at the solarballs subreddit and saw a post saying that the show trying to make Ganymede and Europa have even a little justification for their actions or saying Titan wasn't really correct for acting like everything was their fault was horrible writing and that they wished Eruopa and Ganymede got killed off (I understand not liking a character but wishing they got killed off is stupid, especially when that wouldn't benefit the plot in any way)
I'll be honest, the Solarballs Reddit is really pretty shitty so I take everything they say with a grain of salt. I don't want to go too off topic here but a lot of people there act like every non-canon ship is inherently wrong, even the people on Fandom wiki seem to be better than them to be honest.
If you'd been in that situation I'm pretty sure you'd jump at the opportunity at being seen as an equal, it wasn't a new thing they'd been actively treated as lower beings for the majority of their existence.
This isn't a Sun bad or Planets bad thing, I really like their characters too and love watching and learning more about them but this just really bothers me.
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I think it's kind of sad that all the other moons have names that separate them from what they are, but our moon is just Moon.
It's like referring to all of your friends' dogs by their specific breed, like "Oh, Ganymede's a Great Dane, and Eruopa is an Affhenpinscher and Mimas? Oh, Mimas is a tiny, angry teacup Chihuahua." And then, when someone asks you about your dog, you're just like "It's a dog. A dog named Dog."

Our Solar System's Major Moons by size (x)
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Về trận đấu sắp tới giữa Brighton và Roma, W88hey tin chắc rằng lợi thế nghiêng về đội chủ nhà! Dù có ít cơ hội, nhưng đội chủ nhà sẽ chắc chắn mang đến một trận đấu kịch tính tại sân Amex Stadium. Hãy cùng chờ đợi và cổ vũ cho đội bóng mình yêu thích nhé!
#tran dau brighton vs roma
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Forging an adze isn't easy. Even when you start with an old hammer, forging that adze will straight up wear you out!
This was a mason's hammer. i noticed that it had what's called the "adze eye" style of eye on it, and thought, "Well, why not make it a proper adze then?!?"
Hours and hours later, gallons of sweat poured onto the ground in tribute, she's done. Now it just needs a short handle and it will be ready to make bowls and other projects.
It was a good learning experience and I've already started on a second one!
If you'd like to help support what goes on here at Three Rivers Forge, consider grabbing a shirt or hoodie - https://www.storefrontier.com/store/three-rivers-forge Or you can join the team at Subscribe Star - https://www.subscribestar.com/three-rivers-forge
I appreciate each and every one of you. 3300 Followers, and even if half are fake accounts for some reason, that still leaves a whole slew of real people... and that amazes me! Thank you!
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James Sant [British. 1820 - 1916] Courage, Anxiety and Despair: Watching the Battle. Detail. c. 1850
#james sant#british#art#fine art#oil painting#courage anxiety and despair#watching the battle#courage anxiety and despair watching the battle#1800s#1850#europe#eruopa#european#european art
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The video game Barotrauma is about running a submarine on Europa after humans colonize it, where most people live in underwater habitats dug up into the surface ice because there's creatures down there and they're scary and you're in a shitty old submarine trying to keep it from sinking
It wrinkles my brain that Jupiter’s moon Europa has oceans that are sixty miles deep, while Earth’s oceans only reach seven miles deep at most. I’m willing to bet good money that there’s life in Europa’s oceans. Like five bucks. You hear me, NASA? I bet you five bucks that there’s life on Europa… Now that there’s money and reputation on the line, I bet they send a mission there real quick.
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Ativista belga caminha sem roupa pelo Vaticano para “quebrar tabus da nudez”; veja outras polêmicas
Acesse https://jornalmontesclaros.com.br/2020/12/08/ativista-belga-caminha-sem-roupa-pelo-vaticano-para-quebrar-tabus-da-nudez-veja-outras-polemicas/
Ativista belga caminha sem roupa pelo Vaticano para “quebrar tabus da nudez”; veja outras polêmicas

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Cabañas Raras, León, Castile and León, Spain. VIA.
#house#casa#building#edificio#architecture#arquitectura#garden#jardin#window#ventana#el bierzo#leon#castilla#castilla y leon#castile and leon#spai#espa#spain#eruopa#europa#europe
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Confianza del consumidor en la eurozona cae inesperadamente en julio
Confianza del consumidor en la eurozona cae inesperadamente en julio
Fuente: Reuters 20 de julio de 2017
BRUSELAS (Reuters) – La confianza de los consumidores de la eurozona bajó inesperadamente en julio después de un importante incremento el mes anterior, dijo la Comisión Europea el jueves.
El órgano ejecutivo de la UEprecisó que una estimación avanzada mostraba que la moral del consumidor en la zona euro cayó 0,4 puntos hasta llegar a -1,7, sin proporcionar…
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#confianza#consumidor#economia#eruopa#eurozona#news#sentinel#Sentinel 1973 Limited#sentinel1973#sentinel1973 limited#ue
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La moschea dipinta di Travnik, Bosnia/Painted mosque in Travnik, Bosnia

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#colorful mosque#moschea balcani#moschea bosnia#moschea bosnia erzegovina#moschea colorata#moschea dipinta#moschea dipinta bosnia#moschea dipinta travnik#moschee eruopa#moschee insolite#mosques europe#painted mosque#painted mosque bosnia#sarena dzamijia#travnik#travnik mosque
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UCRANIA, LA OTAN, RUSIA, GIBRALTAR, MARRUECOS…¡UF! QUE LÍO Rafael Dávila Álvarez. General de División (R.)
UCRANIA, LA OTAN, RUSIA, GIBRALTAR, MARRUECOS…¡UF! QUE LÍO Rafael Dávila Álvarez. General de División (R.)
«Porque ahora se está en el filo de una navaja para todos los aqueos, ya sea para morir sombríamente o para vivir» (Ilíada 10.173-4). El Reino Unido se va de Europa —Brexit— no sé si militarmente eso se soporta como si nada hubiese pasado. ¿Pedirán pasaporte a sus tropas? Estados Unidos mira hacia otros rincones del mundo y le dice a Europa que pague su propia defensa y que todos deben aportar a…

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#Almirante Schönbach#blog generaldavila.com#Brexit#ceuta y melilla#chang yu#el corazon de europa#el gasoducto Nord Stream 2#el juego de la estrategia#gasoducto del baltico#gibraltar español#iliada#la defensa#la otan#los pilares del sur de eruopa#Nord Tream1#Pacto Ribbentrop-Molotov#peninsula de crimea#Putín#rafael davila alvarez#territorio de rusia#Ucrania
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Mourinho Bingung, Tottenham dipaksa Susah Payah Untuk Menang
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Beware: I got to thinking about missed storytelling opportunities with Destiny 2 and I go on a rant.
Tl;Dr: I'm just bitching because I'd went about it differently. I'm aware my version of things would tick off other players and Bungie needs to stretch the story to fill the rest of the seasons/expansions and that they want players reading the lore as much as playing the game.
Anyone else feel like Bungie totally ignores great story hooks or completely misses a mark storytelling wise?
I've felt this since Beyond Light came out. When Eruopa was introduced, we got Eramis as the main villain and since then not much to do with it.
Info about Exos, Clovis, Ana and Elsie's family, DER, the vex, The Whispers---all right there. But nah, let's bring back Variks and a one off villain to introduce darkness abilities, THROUGH THE GRANDDAUGHTER OF CLOVIS BRAY.
I feel like Europa was primed to be a huge lore dump about the Bray family, the Exos and the vex and they just...totally missed the broad side of the barn and hit the one tree in the field by introducing Eramis a little too soon.
Idk, I feel like the introduction of Europa could have felt more fulfilling if we'd centered on the exo/vex/Clovis lore and saved Eramis for later when she could have been built up better as a baddie and we knew what was hidden in Europa to begin with and then ending it with the Eramis arc, the darkness powers and the raid.
I also feel like they did it with this season and the Shadow keep expansion. The young wolf has been through so much shit--yet had absolutely no trauma to work through? REALLY? No nightmare to haunt them? We had just lost a good friend and gotten revenge for him by killing someone we'd known for years? We've seen guardians die, been too late to prevent disasters, the whole Gaul arc with losing our light and being vulnerable for the first time since our first rez?
And you really gonna tell me that the YW is just totally mentally healthy/stable/ a-oh-kay?
I call plot armor bullshit.
When Shadow keep came out, I was excited to see how they'd handle the young wolf, only to see the spotlight fully on Eris and her trauma over people I couldn't name aside from Toland. I felt very... disconnected from the story. Hell, I never even fully finished it because it just didn't call to me like others did.
I know I'd there'd been a common thread between Eris and the Young Wolf and the begining of truth shown about their trauma and what they'd been through, through the years--that I would have cared a bit more and finished it.
Also, I'm glad we got backstory on Caital and Zavala and that we got more Crow crumbs-- I devoured the season story in about 3 streams, about 4 hours each.
but Ikora's nightmare is cayde and it's just nodded to in lore tabs? We never actually get to see him haunting her in the tower or have a scene with her to help her heal like the others? To confront those still lingering feelings of regret, remorse, anger and sorrow? Nah, let's just have a few voice messages from Amanda Holiday dealin with it instead and act like the YW is just totally cool with everything going down around them.
The YW is just the driver and the one forcing everyone else to get fucking therapy while Eris is the witchy therapist 🤣
But seriously, we have the vanguard hunter stand in (Crow), vanguard leader (Zavala) and the Cabal Empress getting nightmare therapy but y'all just gonna leave ya girl hanging like that? Standin by herself at home? Being haunted by her lost friend / fire team member?
It's like they come up with all these amazing concepts and then only end up bouncing it off the backboard during the execution rather than a slam dunk by adjusting the main focus
Me lately:
#destiny 2#diana the hunter#destiny the game#destiny 2 the game#im just ranting#been thinking a lot about the story lately
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Sooo I just finished a run of the Deep Stone Crypt and I just have to say one thing
BEST RAID EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Omg y’all that raid is the shit and possibly the hardest raid I’ve done oh god was it hard but it was also exciting from finding out that piece of shit taniks was still alive, to fighting a FALLEN EXO (ohhh god atraks he’s gonna haunt my nightmares),to riding up into a space station and stoping it’s nuclear desennt into eruopa and then crashing it on the planet’s surface anyway, and don’t get me started on the whole tariks vore shank abomination. God that raid is the best would definitely recommend to anyone if they can.
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embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yArEZ07oxWc%5B/embedyt%5D
Da bambina, ogni estate, attendevo trepidamente di andarci. Soffrivo tremendamente il caldo ed il mio unico desiderio era di stare in acqua, al mare e trascorrere tutte le mie giornate. Così era. Ogni estate, dopo lunghe ore di viaggio, giungevo e la mia prima meta era il mare. Col passare degli anni, la mia concezione del posto…
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If we are the only living things
If Earth was the only place life currently existed, why focus on the dark things? Why not look at the positives?
1. We are alone right now, but won’t be forever thanks to bacteria from earth:
It might be true that we are alone, but eventually (if we don’t kill ourselves first) we will leave earth to venture to the vast beyond of space. Hell, we have a whole solar system to explore! But no matter how hard we try, bacteria will always hitch a ride. If we went to let’s say…Eruopa (The moon) and we stayed there for about a decade. The bacteria on us will fall off and start to adjust to the new environment. And we could do this for all the moons! Let’s say in a billion years, when life on earth is impossible and humans are gone, the bateria might have evolved to fit their new moon/planet/asteriod and evolved to become complex. Right as the sun dies, maybe those complex life will have made civilizations and begin to leave the solar system behind as a home and use it as a resource center.
2. We will always be alone, but become a galatic civilization:
This one seems to be a favorite among people. We could be the only living things in existence, but that just means more places to inhabit without worrying about fighting alien races. That means we have so much more resources for traveling space itself and making new things without worrying about another race trying to murder us. And who knows? Maybe one day we will find away to hop from galaxy to galaxy?
My main point is things may seem bad now, but humanity is destined for greatness thanks to one thing: We are Sentient.
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