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papelespintados · 8 months ago
Ofertas Exclusivas en Papel Pintado Erismann
En papelpintadoonline.com, estamos encantdos de presentar nuestras últimas ofertas en papel pintado de Erismann, una marca alemana de renombre mundial conocida por su calidad y diseño excepcionales. Llevamos más de 20 años colaborando con Erismann, garantizando siempre la satisfacción de nuestros clientes. No es de extrañar que los papeles pintados alemanes sean los más vendidos globalmente,…
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guerrerense · 11 months ago
Spanish Bread Train, 2022
Spanish Bread Train, 2022 por Alex Erismann Por Flickr: In 1846, the first railway was built in Switzerland. It led from Baden to Zurich. The train was also used to bring the Sunday rolls - called: Spanish rolls - to Zurich. This earned the train the nickname "Spanish Bread Train". The locomotive did not make it to our time. That is why this beautiful and absolutely exact replica was built a few years ago. It only runs a few times a year. That's quite an experience! Camera: Mamiya RB67 SD Film: Kodak Portra 400 Scanner: Epson V850 Pro ScannerSoftware: SilverFast
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ultralowoxygen · 2 years ago
Typical weather, 2023
Typical weather, 2023 by Alex Erismann Via Flickr: Typical weather in Switzerland in spring. The sky is constantly overcast, it rains or snows. Often there is fog. I drove to Lake Lucerne on a Sunday morning in February because the sun was forecast to break through in the course of the morning. There were no breakthroughs - but a very fine pink before sunrise... for a few minutes. Camera: Graflex Speedgraphic 4x5 Filmback: Shen Hao 6x17 Film: Kodak Ektar 100, 120 Scanner: Epson V850 Pro ScannerSoftware: SilverFast
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worldsandemanations · 12 days ago
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Alex Erismann
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dips-123s-blog · 11 months ago
Wallpaper Market (2024 to 2032) - Size, Share & Industry Trends Analysis Report
Polaris Market Research has recently added a new report titled Wallpaper Market 2024: By Types, Applications, Size, Share, Key Players & Regions Forecast Analysis till 2032 to its database. The research report offers a comprehensive analysis of the industry, covering several key aspects such as Wallpaper Market size, share, production capacity, and growth rate. Besides, other important parameters like future direction, industry identification, and innovation insights have been included in the report. Big sample sizes have been used in the report to meet the requirements of small, medium as well as large businesses.
The study serves as a great source to analyze the competitive landscape and create effective strategies to thrive in the market. Pictorial representations such as tables, pie charts, graphs, and figures have been used to offer an easy-to-understand analysis. The report has been meticulously prepared by a team of expert analysts and researchers by keeping in mind the end user’s point of view. It can be used by both established players and new entrants to gain in-depth knowledge about the market.
“According to the research report published by Polaris Market Research, the global wallpaper market was valued at USD 1.65 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 3.8% during the forecast period.”
Request For A Free Sample Of This Research At (Use Corporate Mail ID For Quick Response) @ https://www.polarismarketresearch.com/industry-analysis/wallpaper-market/request-for-sample
Major Points Covered in the Report:
Industry Overview: The market overview section provides information on the research scope, market fragments, study goals, and years considered.
Market status and outlook: The study offers an in-depth examination of the net edge, deals, CAGR, and market size by locale.
Application or end-user: The report sheds light on how the end-user/application sections add to the Wallpaper Market.
Manufacturer profiling: Here, driving players of the market are considered based on key items, income, cost, and creation.
Findings and conclusion: This report section summarizes the key findings and discoveries by expert analysts and researchers.Competitive Landscape:
This section of the research study sheds light on the competitive landscape of the industry. It analyzes the key market players by covering aspects like company overview, company financials, market potential, production capacities, and manufacturing sites and facilities. Also, the key business strategies adopted by Wallpaper Market key players have been detailed in the report. Furthermore, information on new industry participants aiming to gain a significant market revenue share has been provided. Major Key Players:
AS Creation Tapeten AG
Asian Paints
Erismann & Cie. GmbH
F. Schumacher & Co.
Graham & Brown
Laura Ashley Holdings PLC
LEN-TEX Corporation
Lilycolor Co.
Marburger Tapetenfabrik
Osborne & Little
Sangetsu Corp.
ShinHan WallCovering
Tapetenfabrik Gebr. Rasch GmbH & Co. KG
The Romo Group
York Wallcoverings
Regional Analysis
For more information: https://www.polarismarketresearch.com/industry-analysis/wallpaper-market
The research study offers important insights into the regional market distribution. It provides crucial data about potential revenue streams, industry trends, and emerging opportunities pertaining to various regions and sub-regions of the market. Also, it predicts revenue growth at the local, national, and global levels. Furthermore, other Wallpaper Market factors like pricing, profit margins, and supply chain analysis have been covered.
The Geographic Regions Covered In The Report Are:
North America (United States, Canada, and Mexico)
Europe (Germany, France, United Kingdom, Russia, Italy, and the Rest of Europe)
Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Southeast Asia, and Australia)
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, and the rest of South America)
The Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, South Africa, and the Rest of the Middle East and Africa)
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simonh · 1 year ago
Leeza's favorite forest, 2024 by Alex Erismann Via Flickr: Not far from where I live is my dog Leeza's favorite forest. It is a sparse forest through which the sun shines because it is on a ridge. Leeza loves walking there. We only walk a few hundred meters because she has arthritis - but she is as happy as a little child when we get there. Camera: Shen Hao TZ-45 IIB Lens: Schneider Kreuznach Apo-Symmar 150 Filmback: Shen Hao 6x17 Film: Kodak Ektar 100, 120 Scanner: Epson V850 Pro ScannerSoftware: SilverFast
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rolmako · 2 years ago
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Last weekend, an exhibition of Rolmako tillage equipment was held at the yard of our representative in Switzerland. Among the presented devices were, among others, our new products:
- MATRIX rotary harrow
- ComboTill cultivator for biological tillage
- SpeedCutter disc harrow for ultra-shallow tillage
The exhibition enjoyed great interest, and in the upcoming days the performance of the devices will be presented in practice.We thank our distributors for the photos: Steinhauser Technik in cooperation with Erismann AG Seengen
#rolmako #rolmakoswitzerland #agricultureshow #expo #agriculture #agricultor #switzerland #schweiz #swissfarming #agrar #agriculturalmachinery #landmaschinen #landwirtschaft #bodenbearbeitung #saatbettkombination #cultivator #cultivation #tillage #agricultura #maquinariaagricola #maquinaria #implementos #agriculture_global #farmequipment #farming #farm #farmlife #rolnictwo #rolnik #agregat #uprawa #hürlimann
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construbiz · 4 years ago
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NOVA COLEÇÃO DE PAPEL DE PAREDE DA @erismann_tapeten BALI ➡️ PURA SENSACAO DE FÉRIAS Com motivos foliares exóticos, ornamentos místicos ou arejados, ondas de luz e motivos gráficos, a coleção BALI está em linha com a última tendência viva "Viagem Emocionante". Os motivos de folha generosos evocam uma sensação de férias real na parede. O visual místico final é criado por um padrão de ornamento moderno que dá a cada estilo de vida um toque exótico. Ondas, flores estilizadas ou um motivo de folha todo em tons pastel lúdicos sublinham o caráter variado da coleção. 🎯 ESPECIALISTAS EM MATERIAIS E EQUIPAMENTOS PARA REABILITAÇÃO 🎯 SOLUÇÕES SUSTENTÁVEIS, INOVADORAS E ECONÔMICAS WWW.CONSTRUBIZ.COM uma forma diferente de ver o negócio da construção PEÇA-NOS MAIS INFORMAÇÕES SOBRE O PRÓXIMO AMBIENTE PARA SUA CASA Contacte-nos pelo WHATSAPP 910 515 481 #construbiz #erismann #papeldeparede #bali #decoração #ambientes #interiordesign #decoraçãodeinteriores #interiordecor #decoracaodeinteriores #interiors #interiores https://www.instagram.com/p/CNPPI-HMLS_/?igshid=1shbm7grh7vms
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rsu-company-blog · 5 years ago
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Ремонт квартиры выполнен по формату #Ремонтомания - просто, доступно и качественно! Площадь 39,96 м.кв. Жилой Комплекс 44 жемчужина от СК #KadorrGroup. Ремонт без смет и доплат. К фотоотчету подкрепили подборку c выбранными, материалами, которые клиент выбирал в Шоу-Руме РСУ. Все фотографии сделаны до уборки на мыльный телефон. ⠀ ☎️044-221-71-71 Киев ☎️048-788-71-71 Одесса ⠀ Подробный фото отчет на сайте компании https://rsu.company/gallery/galereya-rabot-rsu-44ya-jemchujina-ot-kadorr-group-181/#2 ⠀ #подключ #rasch #erismann #agtflooring #kronopol #classen #kolo #laufer #eglo #nowodworski #wiparquet #atem #ремонтквартир #дизайнпроект #будоваодесса #rsu #ремонтоманияужетут #электрика #сантехника #ламинат #обои #кухня #рсу #ремонтомания #ремонтквартирподключ (at «РСУ» Ремонтно-Строительное Управление) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9y1d2NhuNz/?igshid=1mwxqvz6ilb3m
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exoticlamps · 6 years ago
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Подвесная люстра ST Luce BOCCIO SL301.503.05 на сайте exoticlamps.ru цена 10 550 большой выбор люстр и светильников, широкий ассортимент ламп и бра.Известные бренды Stluce,mwlight,lightstar,artelamp.. помощь в подборе светильников в квартиры и дома. бесплатная доставка по Мск. доставка и установка . #Erismann #RaschMarburg #Zambaiti #paratiGrandecoSirpi49 # Style #WallquestArchitects #PaperAS #CreationAshdownBlue #MountainBN #InternationalBrewsterCasa #MiaChesapeakeClarke #ClarkeCollins #CompanyDecor #Deluxe #InternationalDecorline #DekensDIDEconom #ElysiumEmiliana #ParatiFine #DecorGraham& #BrownGrandefiore #GrantilHarrison #PrintsHenkelHoldenKenneth #JamesKleoLimontaLuteceNina #Hancock #WallpapersP+S #InternationalParatoPrima #ItalianaPufasRasch #TextilThibautVilberWarnerYorkИПА #Московскаяобойнаяфабрика https://www.exoticlamps.ru/ispanskie-lyustry/boccio-sl301-503-05-35429/ https://www.instagram.com/p/B0MT9n1iDke/?igshid=1n6ncwjf18a8h
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materiauxbc-blog · 6 years ago
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Papier Intisse à Peindre Rollover Deco 25x1.06m ERISMANN 41,99 € décoration Chantier peinture Bâtiment fibre verre Intérieur Peintre Toile Papier Peint Peindre ERISMANN https://materiauxbc.fr/fr/papier-peint/1310-papier-intisse-a-peindre-rollover-deco-erismann.html Erismann bien produit.
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oboiaktau · 2 years ago
Прочные обои немецкой фирмы ERISMANN
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guerrerense · 2 years ago
Spanish Bread Train, 2022
Spanish Bread Train, 2022 por Alex Erismann Por Flickr: In 1846, the first railway was built in Switzerland. It led from Baden to Zurich. The train was also used to bring the Sunday rolls - called: Spanish rolls - to Zurich. This earned the train the nickname "Spanish Bread Train". The locomotive did not make it to our time. That is why this beautiful and absolutely exact replica was built a few years ago. It only runs a few times a year. That's quite an experience! Camera: Mamiya RB67 SD Film: Kodak Portra 400 Scanner: Epson V850 Pro ScannerSoftware: SilverFast
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limetimo · 3 years ago
Paint Me Anew
Paint Me Anew by LimeOfMagicLimo, Part 3 of Amnesiac Regulus AU
He might have acquired more rolls of wallpaper patterns than strictly necessary.
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(The fish one is bonkers and I have a mighty need)
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wedreamedlove · 5 years ago
The Importance of Vision [Xu Mo Character Study]
Reddit archived.
This is also pretty much the last of the posts I'll be bringing over. I have plans to update my Speech Quirks post and then maybe write something about Li Zeyan being in love.
So, back in my translation for Xu Mo's Archery Date I noted that Xu Mo had a lot of eye symbolism, especially with eyes being covered. At the time, I made a mental mark whenever I caught it but I didn't have any conclusive thoughts. However, I'm back now with said thoughts!!
Everyone ready for another deep dive with me?
Spoilers go up to Chapter 16 of the main story, and some dates unreleased yet in English.
First, and this will sound silly, I want to set the atmosphere for this post by pointing out that vision is an extremely important sense for animals, humans included. It helps us navigate the world.
Xu Mo brings up danger signals in [Firefly Date] and [Rainfall Date], explicitly the ones that you can see with your eyes. Here, he's giving us an example about how vision can be used to identify and avoid danger (if you so choose).
Meanwhile, like a broken record, I want to bring up again how colors (related intimately to vision) is THE romance symbol for Xu Mo and MC.
[Drowning Love SSR] and its two calls [Artist and Butterfly] and [The Only Color] imply an obsession and importance towards the one and only person who brings color to Xu Mo's life.
[Afternoon Date] has Xu Mo admitting that MC is full of colors in his eyes.
In addition to colors though, the two of them have scenes where they reflect only each other in each other's eyes. Their vision is wholly focused, consumed, and reflective of the other person in [Main Story 13-8] and [True Love Date].
So, in this case, vision is being used to give weight and importance to the bond between Xu Mo and MC. Not only can vision warn us about dangers and let us avoid them, but it can also identify important things to us (whatever that may be).
However, in [Afternoon Date], Xu Mo actually gives an interesting lecture about Theodor Erismann and Iva Kohler's experiment on inverted vision. Interesting that Elex chose to drop their names, because the Chinese version included it...
TL;DR Kohler, when he wore the goggles that inverted his vision (up became down, and vice versa), he had a hard time doing things but his brain ended up adjusting and, by the end, he could go about their daily lives with these goggles on. Other people could even drive with them on!
Xu Mo goes on to say an intriguing line which Elex decided they wanted no part in LOL. So, in English, he goes "That's how malleable our brain is. The world you see may not be real. Perspectives can easily be changed".
In Chinese, he goes "这就是大脑的可塑性带来的效果、你看到的世界也许不是这个样子、去无存清、用进废退" which basically translates to "This is the result of our brain's plasticity. The world you see may not be as it seems. The brain eliminates anything other than what is essential and that is the law of use and disuse."
I took liberties here to get my translation to make sense, because 4 character phrases are always a headache to translate. I'm sick and tired of Elex dropping lines though!!
Anyway, the reason I bring up Xu Mo's lecture here is because it's being said that vision actually isn't so important. Like he pointed out, what we see may not even be the "real" world and it's just our interpretation of it through our senses. I'm going to stop here before we end up going to Wittgenstein's theory of experiential epistemology.
But the fact that our brain can adjust to messed up vision and still lets us go about our daily life shows how adjustable we are to our senses being deprived. Not to mention, there's lots of disabled people getting by just fine in our world too, blind people included.
In [Main Story 1-9] Xu Mo delivers his infamous line about how, when MC runs into danger, she is to trust in her instincts.
In [Main Story 9-22] Xu Mo talks about dreams, lucid dreams, and how there is no such thing as absolute reality, only reality begetting reality. Honestly, this is some mumbo jumbo and I'm sure there's different interpretations for what he meant here... but how I'm understanding it is that, again, he is pointing out that reality is what we experience and believe to be reality.
This is important and leads into my next example because, if reality is what you make of it then, again, vision isn't all that important and you can't rely on it.
In [Main Story 13-15] Xu Mo and MC go to the abandoned lab and see the [1 Corinthians 13:12] line on the wall "For now we see through a glass, darkly...". The meaning of this line is that we have an obscure or imperfect vision of reality.
Over and over again in Xu Mo's chapters we get these lines about how reality (and the truth) isn't something we can literally see. In my various character studies, I've tied this back to him gentling his eventual reveal as Ares to the MC, but here I'm using it to point out that it lessens the importance of vision because it's clearly a useless sense in this context.
Now, after all this emphasis on the lack of importance of vision, there's these scenes:
[Main Story 9-22] Xu Mo covers MC's eyes when they're both sharing the dream about the car accident in his past.
[Main Story 16-22] Xu Mo covers MC's eyes before he removes her from the dream world.
[Blossom Date] Xu Mo covers MC's eyes to demonstrate how her other senses heighten and lets her listen to the sounds of nature around her. This also lets MC hear all the suppressed emotions in his voice.
Again, in [Blossom Date] MC covers Xu Mo's eyes this time. His monologue shows that he's amused because he doesn't need his senses heightened, he has always heard his heart beat for her.
[CN Archery Date] MC covers his eyes to get him to sleep in the car.
In [Main Story 5-14] Xu Mo tells MC that it's not what you see that's important, but who you see it with. He's really diminishing the importance of vision and putting more weight into the experiences and feelings you get elsewhere.
MC clearly takes his words to heart because in [Hot Spring Date] she closes her eyes to avoid seeing the snow, since she wants to see the first snowfall WITH him (at the time, they were in a hot spring separated by a wooden divider).
Lastly, I mentioned this in my massive character study for Xu Mo that I actually think his actions, up to now, have disproved his obsession over the one and only color in his life (aka. importance of vision) because he hasn't tried to chain her to his side. He's let her escape, or helped her escape, in his chapters.
Then, in [Memory Palace: The Night Before], we see that Xu Mo can barely remember MC's colors and is prepared to lose it completely when they meet at the news conference. In [Main Story 16-22] MC sees moments of Xu Mo's past but it's already all in black and white.
Remember Erismann and Kohler's experiment with the inverted goggles and how the brain adapts quickly to wonky vision? Haha... Xu Mo has made the choice to abandon the color in his life (for her own good?) and now his brain will just have to adapt to a black and white world.
I say adapt but, well, he's been living in one for 26 years (except for that one time he met the MC?) and so it's more like he's returning to a familiar world. The plasticity of the brain will make it so he'll have no hindrances navigating through the world, but whether he's emotionally satisfied is another question.
BUT!! It's not all doom and gloom! Because here I'm going to say that Xu Mo and MC know each other on a soul-deep level. Not only do they play off of each other well (examples in the character study with poems and quoting each other), but there's also:
[Autumn Whisper SSR Call: Breakfast Time] MC delivers breakfast to Xu Mo's office and hides it behind a stack of books. He guesses it right on the first try and after MC asks if he has x-ray vision he answers "I don't have x-ray vision, but... you certainly don't have any secrets in my eyes, and you can't hide anything. Isn't that right?".
Meanwhile, in [CN Archery Date], MC picks out Xu Mo's bow among all the others in a line up, because she knows his personality, and this surprises him.
In the [Go See Him] sometimes Xu Mo will have a line where he says "Even with my eyes closed, I can tell its you".
[Midnight Date] and [True Love Date] make references to the red string of fate (although in a negative light because it pains Xu Mo) but the CN traditional wedding theme literally shows Xu Mo and MC bound by the red string of fate.
Those connected by the red thread are destined to be together, no matter their appearance, the place, the time, or their circumstances. They're connected to each other on the level of the soul and they'll always recognize and know each other.
So, how about it? Is vision important or not important to Xu Mo?
MC being Xu Mo's only color in the world is super important and romantic, but at the same time it's equally important and puts a twist on this romance that, hey, they don't actually need to rely on this color connection between them because they're connected on a deeper (?) level.
MC doesn't need her eyes to see and understand Xu Mo. She just has to trust in her instincts and believe in his character.
Meanwhile, Xu Mo can function without color as long as she's still here in the world although... maybe he is emotionally lacking something still LOL. There's always this hint of awe in his monologues whenever he thinks about MC and the color she brings with her.
Haha, at the time of writing this post, I didn't strongly believe in one or the other side. I just thought it'd be interesting to point this out. However, I read an amazing comment by @Edhie421 on Reddit:
And then the most famous sentence of [The Little Prince], of course, that I read when I was 7 and never forgot "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye." (A very good translation from the original French, I might add.) That seems to me to reflect the other point you were making: that Lucien and MC both teach each other to look beyond the surface. While they're both obsessed with surface sight first - he with her colours, she with not wanting to notice the darkness in his behaviour - they slowly learn to see each other's value beyond. In that sense, I believe it's important that MC went through his betrayal, and that he went through being severed from her. He must learn that she means much more to him than the colours she brings, and she is learning to love him for all of the person he really is, the good and bad, and not just the lovely image that he projects at first. In that sense, it's a reflection of transition from passionate love into deep, lasting love: going beyond the surface (the iridescent shimmer) of your expectations and appreciating each other for who you are, stripped down to your bare, sometimes terrifying essence.
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simonh · 1 year ago
White, 2023
White, 2023 by Alex Erismann Via Flickr: A 135 film has been sitting on my desk for over a year and has never been put into a camera. Now the time had finally come - it had snowed... But during development it became apparent that the film had suffered. It had incredibly heavy grain and other flaws. Only with a lot of computer use could a few images be saved. So does this one. Camera: Nikon F90 Film: Kodak T-Max Scanner: Epson V850 Pro ScannerSoftware: SilverFast
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