#eris is like welcome to the club buddy
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separatist-apologist · 2 years ago
I feel like LOA is the type to say she doesn't condone violence until one of her sons (most likely Eris) is too mean to their wives and then all bets are off.
Have you seen the tiktoks where someone goes to their mom/dads house to tattle on their spouse, but the spouse got there first? 1000% Elain. Oh Lucien was being a dick? I'm telling your MOM.
Lucien striding in, irritated as shit only to find his mom cooking Elain dinner. The two of them glaring daggers at him
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secret-third-thing · 1 month ago
hi! I am very new to the Azris fandom (the ship has consumed me) do you have any fic recs?
Hey! Welcome to the fandom <3
There are more fics than I can possibly name, so I pinged some of my Azris buddies to get some recommendations to share with you. Here are fics they've written or recommended. And be sure to check out @azrisweek for past azris fics (and future fics coming to you this June!)
In no particular order:
what hath night to do with sleep by @iftheshoef1tz
In 1968, Eris Vanserra is leading a double life. In West Berlin, he is a promising new doctor who frequents queer clubs, fucking his way through his friend circle. In his parents’ village, though, he walks the thin line between success and failure under his father’s brutal repression. Eventually, he realizes there can be no way forward unless he takes matters into his own hands. He summons a demon.
All Things End by @acourtofladydeath
Eris struggles with losing his memory due to complications from traumatic brain injuries caused by Beron's abuse. He forgets parts of his life and steps down from the mantle of High Lord. Azriel and their children take care of him the best they can, until he eventually passes away. After losing his mate, Azriel tries to move forward, but eventually dies from a broken heart. This is a very sad fic, but they love each other very much. Based off a tumblr post and written with permission from the creator of the original idea.
Red Ferrari by @ysmtttty
Azris AU, where Azriel is a mechanic and has his own service station. One day, Eris comes there because something is wrong with his car.
Collateral Damage by @g00seg1rl
Eris is having a bad day. His twerp of a little brother, Lucien, crashed his car into a motorcyclist. Eris expects chaos and insurance nightmares. Instead, he gets a hot date.
I Need You by @neciebee
Azriel had always wanted a mate. Both of his brothers were so happy with theirs. It used to be the three of them together, but now his brothers had their own lives and wives and Azriel could not contain his envy. All he had was this. Dirty, secret, meaningless. Perhaps he could pretend it was something, if he’d just take one bite.
Once More to See You by @buffy-vanserra
Days after Feyre and Lucien are rescued from the Winter Court border, Eris finds Azriel snooping in his father’s woods. They fall into old habits and discuss a path forward. Or: The story of how Eris entered his alliance with the Night Court
Fall by @gravitysthrall
Eris knew cruelty and kindness could grow in the same soil. The existence of his parents fruitful centuries under the same roof was proof enough. Fall in love. Fall from grace. Fall through worlds. Azris series continuation of ACOSF / HOFAS. 3rd person multi-POV
What We Deserve by @chunkypossum
Once upon a time, Eris thought that he and Azriel could be mates whose bond just hadn’t settled yet. It didn’t make sense for him to be so drawn to the male when they were at odds in every other way. It had to be the Mother, had to be fate. Now he knew for sure, it had been none of those things, only simple, stupid want. What happens when Azriel finally finds his mate but it isn't the male he is already in love with?
What Lies Inside by @ofduskanddreams
Like a cloak of heat and flame, the power of the Autumn Court settled on his shoulders. The air crackled and sparked as the very foundations of the Forest House trembled beneath the blood-spattered boots of its new High Lord. Eris Vanserra opened his eyes, expecting the world to be shrouded in flame. Instead, he saw the shadowsinger standing near the foot of the dais, wreathed in wisps of darkness. The Illyrian's green-bronze eyes glinted with curiosity and caution and flecks of burnished gold. There was only gold. A golden thread spooled out of his chest towards the winged male. The one who'd been his sworn enemy for over five-hundred years. Rhysand's spymaster. The feared shadowsinger. Azriel. His... mate.
Caged in Gold by @aurorasleeps-27
Adorned in Eris’ gold, shadows streaming down his face, Azriel is the most beautiful thing Eris has ever owned.
If you want some VERY dark stuff, and don't mind Nesta being thrown into the mix, read And The Hounds Bayed 🐶🐶🐶
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nokti-jpeg · 5 months ago
hi isatblr. i was told it was a good idea to post my funny little postcanon king au. so uh. meet eris i guess
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okay to start out: euphrasie unfreezes the king, taking away his craft in exchange for his freedom. he is NOT a fan of the idea since he was dreaming about the island- so he immediately tries to freeze himself again, but since she completely removed his ability to cast craft spells, he's unable to
so he's got no choice but to exist again. welcome back to reality buddy, this is a punishment worse than death for you!
mirabelle ends up being in charge of overseeing him while he stays in the house. because like. yes we're gonna try our hardest to make this guy a benefit to society but dear god he is not allowed to interact with people yet. tl;dr we makin him an honorary housemaiden
^ she does NOT like him at first (rightfully so, i mean like it's the king)
^^^ and neither does eris! he did not ask to be here!
eventually everyone warms up to each other though. besties club forever
eris is not his original name. he picks up the name of a celestial body he reads about in the observatory
so anyway uhhh. my asks are open for any questions! drops him on the floor and scurries away
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scarlettriot · 4 years ago
Mina Ashido Headcanons!
@jewel116 requested some headcanons of our Alien Queen and I am here to deliver!
Some of these also could be considered BakuSquad HCs, hope that's alright.
I also went ahead and included some Adult Mina and 18+ Mina Headcanons too. Both are below the cut and clearly stated. Warnings are posted at each header mark.
If anyone has any other requests, lemme know!
Basic Mina Headcanons
Warnings: It's as fluffy as her dang hair! (Swearing)
. Most definitely has ADHD! In class, she is constantly tapping her foot on bouncing her leg as a means of trying her best to keep focused.
. Has a collection of shirts that she has designated for sleep and loungewear because she's burned acid holes in them by accident. Sometimes she'll wear them to concerts and shows if the design is cool enough.
. Loves piggyback rides! Frequently will run and jump on the backs of the guys in the BakuSquad. Even Katsuki himself puts up with it after a while.
. While Katsuki is the 'mom' of the squad, Mina is the one everyone goes to when they need comfort. Denki will curl up in her lap after a long day, Eijiro frequently goes to her when his insecurities creep back in, Hanta shows up late at night and they talk in her room about nothing just because he doesn't want to be alone, and Katsuki, well, he shows up to her room, slams the door and complains for a solid half-hour after reading a particularly heartbreaking scene in a manga while she listens to every word and validates his feelings.
. Mina worries far more than people believe she does. Her bubbly, loud, personality usually masks it but she knows when people are lying to her about what's going on in their heads.
. Sitting properly in a chair physically bothers her. She'd much rather be hanging upside down off it.
. She lowkey likes that the boys get protective over her.
. Mina is the type of person who gets A LOT of random thoughts that pop up in her head and one of the few people who actually will engage with the sheer randomness of the ideas is Shoto. Not only does he engage, he comes up with his own! The two can talk for hours.
. Loves hosting 'spa parties' in the common area of the dorms, everyone is welcome to join.
. When road trips happen, she's making the playlists (technically, she and Kyoka switch off).
. Tries teaching Tenya, Izuku, and Shoto how to flirt. After a very embarrassing first hour, Shoto didn't learn a single thing, Izuku was only good at it when paired with Shoto and Tenya... Tenya had her SHOOK! Man has game and she made sure everyone knew!
. Has weekly meetings with Yuga where they drink tea and spill the tea.
. She is so damn ticklish. Hanta was teasing her one day, she warned him to stop, he received an elbow to the face for not listening.
. Tried to grow her hair out once but it didn't grow down... it grew OUT. Mina thought she rocked it, and she totally did but ended up having it cut back down so poor Tsyu could see in class.
. Wakes up early three days a week to practice her hand-to-hand combat with Eijiro. Mina wants to improve her technique and Eijiro needed to work on his mobility, it benefits them both.
. Just Dance is her favorite game, she dominates.
. Easily forms new interests.
. Won't admit it but she gets jealous super easily.
. Will be the first to attempt to throw hands for a friend! I HC she was picked on as a child for looking so different but it never really phased her too badly, she likes looking different but understands that not everyone thinks like she does. So, if someone were to say something about Mezo's facemask, she's stepping in to defend the guy without hesitation.
. Knows every TikTok dance EVER. If a new one comes out, she's mastered it by end of the day and her account is always up to date.
. (Popular idea but important to reinforce) Mina and Eijiro co-founded a club, Horn Buddies, specifically to make Eri feel more welcome. They take her on trips and group outings. The only horned person who's not allowed to join is Pony because she was rude as heck to Mezo.
. Mina gets extra competitive over board games.
. She can ice skate and roller skate like a champ.
. Mina is resilient, dedicated, and passionate. She has goals and the girl will achieve them.
Pro Hero - Adult Mina Headcanons
Warnings - Mentions of alcohol use and swearing
. Gets several tattoos and piercings.
. Starts a roller derby club with most of the girls from 1A.
. Loves going out to the hottest dance clubs just as much as she enjoys staying in and munching on take-out food with friends.
. The Horn Buddies club she formed with Eijiro has now expanded into regular society and both young heroes couldn't be more proud. Together they've formed a foundation that strives to help those with non-flashy, unconventional, or misunderstood quirks feel welcomed and loved.
. Does her best to shop small whenever she can. Mina wants to help her community in as many different ways as possible.
. Becomes a fashion icon for many small, just starting out, alternative clothing lines. They love her look and the standard she sets.
. Goes to fashion and runway shows with Momo on the regular. While Momo prefers buying right off the rack, Mina goes to thrift stores and buys items that are coming back into style.
. Does her best to stay in touch with her classmates. She really cherished the friendships she made and goes the extra mile to make sure everyone stays connected.
. Has told off Shoto's father. Sent the man an anonymous bag of flaming dog shit as well for making his son so damn stressed. Sorry, not sorry.
. As long as she isn't in the middle of a fight, Mina will always stop to take a photo with a fan or sign an autograph. In or out of costume, she doesn't care.
. In high school, Mina's room was always decked out for the holidays. She goes decoration crazy and it is always done well. But, now that she's an adult with that pro hero money and her own place, she's the best house on the block decorated for each and every holiday! Inside and out! Also throws holiday-themed parties.
. Got absolutely trashed with the BakuSquad one night and taught them all how to twerk. By the end of the lesson, she deemed Katsuki was the best of her students.
. Loves to drink. Is a lightweight. Katsuki and Eijiro have carried her home more times than they can count.
NSFW 18+ Mina HC Below - Minors DNI
Warnings: Drinking, rough sex, mentions of orgies, handcuffs, impact play, and praise kinks. Subtle sexual relations with BakuSquad, Jiro, Todoroki, and Ochaco.
. The Queen of stripteases and lap dances.
. If any of her friends are at a party or some event and they need a fake date, Mina is their go-to person. She's handsy. She's flirty. And has no problem with platonic make-outs.
. Always encourages kissing-themed games at parties. Seven Minutes in Heaven, Spin the Bottle, those sorts of games. Mina also loves to play cupid and has rigged a game or two to get people together.
. Has made out with every member of the BakuSquad at least once as well as Kyoka, Shoto, and Ochaco simply because she was curious.
. Has attempted to start an orgy with the BakuSquad before when intoxicated. Still mentions it in passing just in case they change their minds.
. Has gone further with Katsuki and Eijiro though. Maybe both at the same time once or twice or several times...
. Wonderfully filthy dirty talk. Can even make Katsuki blush.
. (A personal favorite of mine that was in a previous post) When they were first years, Eijiro asked innocently enough, to touch her horns. He was gentle but that didn't matter. Our poor girl was so damn flustered! Her face turned red bright, she felt hot, and she had to go take a very cold shower!
. Ei felt terrible about it. It took them both maturing for her to explain exactly why she reacted that way... and then asked him to do it again.
. Is likely to send NSFW texts and photos while people are indeed at work. She is a Pro Hero though so only certain people are allowed to have those photos. A scandal is the last thing she wants.
. Very good at communication and is not afraid to speak her mind about what she wants and needs out of a relationship and her sex life.
. Loud, very loud, very needy.
. Fuzzy handcuffs in every color she can think of and adores impact play.
. Let her know she's doing a good job, Mina responds well to praise.
. Big cuddler after sex. Wants to snuggle into you and more than likely take a nap.
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fairymadnessyeah · 4 years ago
BNHA Ship to Finish the Year
KotEri (Izumi Kota x Eri Aizawa)
I like to think that Kota and Eri meet during October. Eri never went trick or treating, and since Kota is a kid her age and Ragdoll is available for taking the door to door, Shota deems it okay.
They met before Halloween night, and it goes okay. Mostly they talk about costumes.
They dress up as LeMillion and Deku. Ragdoll sends a lot of pictures, It's too cute.
From there on out, the two are inseparable. I feel like Kota would be Eri's first friends, and he teaches her the beauty of pranks. Once, they put cooking oil on the floor and watched as Iida went flying into the TV. There is a no running rule now.
I don't think they would go to school together until they go to UA. 
I feel like until then Kota only sees her as a friend until they start high school. Suddenly, the guys of class 1a are talking about who the cutest girl and they all think it's Eri.
He knows he shouldn't, but he is mad about it... Oh no!
I feel that for Eri, it happens later and more slowly. She knows she can trust Kota. Whenever she has a problem or needs someone to talk to, she knows she can trust in him.
By the second year, when I imagine he suddenly hits a growth spurt and enters his emo phase, she realizes he is handsome. 
The two don't say anything until they go to a hero-convention (Deku Merch!) and one of the ex-Hassaikai attacks as a villain and recognizes Eri.
Kota helps her by taking her around the city, and when they get to a Sakura tree, Eri leans in and kisses him. He obviously returns it, and they start dating.
They keep it a secret for as long as they can, since Aizawa is the principal and very protective of his daughter. However, once he finds out, his trust in Kota is completely broken. He is not welcome in their home anymore.
However, Shinsou is weaker against Eri's puppy eyes.
I don't know why, but I would love a fic about them like this:
"Hey Izu-kun, you know how to drive right? And your aunt's and uncle let you take their car whenever?"
"Yeah, why?" "I need you to drive me somewhere?" "Sure, where?" "Tartarous," "... alright."
"So, why am I driving you to Tartarous?" "Oh, I want to talk with Chisaki," "*stops abruptly* WHAT!? You want to talk with the man that tortured you since you can remember and made your life a living hell!? WHY!?!?"
"I need closure. I know I might never be able to forget him and what he did, but I can't freeze every time somebody mentions him. I need to do this, I need to move on,"
He goes with her, as moral support. It kind of helps seeing him armless, behind bars and defeated, but Eri simply tells him she is moving on with her life and he should too.
After it, they go for ice-cream and a walk in the beach (I like to think this is a favourite date for them). I think it's a very romantic moment until Shinsou interrupt them.
Her family was made aware that she visited Chisaki and have been looking for her like crazy.
Aizawa is not happy when he finds out. This is what happens:
*Eri comes in with Kota. The two have smoothies, Kota a blue one and Eri a red one* "Hi dad! We are going to be in my room studying! Don't interrupt us!" "Alright!"
*An hour later* "Eri, Mic is going to be home in a few minutes, we'll have dinner when he arrives. Is Kota staying?" "No, his aunt is picking him up in a bit," "...Why is your tongue purple?" "Oh... um... maybe it was the smoothie," "You had a red smoothie... and Kota had a blue... one..." 
*He realizes what happened and starts stomping up the stair, Eri behind him, telling him to calm down. He slams the door open and sees Kota, with his hair messed and his lips covered in lip gloss, throwing himself off the window.* "Come here, you traitor!"
Aizawa calls a family meeting, and even Shinsou who has his own home has to come. He is ready to expel him, he feels betrayed. He trusted that kid in his home, and he takes advantage of his daughter? I don't think so! He is going to die.
Hizashi cries, his baby girl is replacing him. (I headcanon that she would die her hair to look like a rainbow, and Kota helps her, instead of Hizashi)
Shinsou is the one who sides with Eri, reminding his parents that she is old enough to make a decision like this, and they should trust her. "Besides, I was her age when Kaminari and I started doing stuff," "What?" "What?" "I don't live here anymore, I don't have to keep secrets,"
Shinsou lets her come to his home to get ready for her dates, so that Koda doesn't have to fear for his life in their living room. However, he still threatens him.
"For some reason, you make Eri happy. But if that changes, and you make her sad, you are going to wish, Midoriya never saved you from Muscular," "H-how do you know that?" "I know everything. Have fun on your date!"
The WWP are embarrassing. They have a photo album ready, they tell Eri how much he talks about her.
They also have an open-door policy, but Koda is a rebel and doesn't follow the rule. However, they found a way around it.
*comes in without knocking* "Hey kiddos, want some cookies?" "No, Aunt. We are fine," "Alright, just keep the door open!"
*comes in without knocking* "Hey lovebirds, are you thirsty? I made some lemonade!" "We are fine, Pixie-bob," "Alright, just keep the door open!"
*comes in without knocking* "Have you seen the cat?" "We don't have a cat, Ragdoll!" "Oh, right! Keep the door open!"
But when he locks the door:
*BANG!* "Aaaaahhhh!" "Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh!" "Tiger! Did you just kick the door open!?" "Yes! Remember to keep the door open!"
Also, when they found out, the WWD follows them on their date. They need pictures.
The problem is that Kota and Eri are not on a date. They are helping Katsumo give a tour of the city to his sister. They all notice the four pros following them, Kota tells them to ignore them.
I feel like Deku would be happy for them. His first fans are so cute together. 
AU - Band AU
This is a modern setting au.
So, Eri was adopted into music. After she was rescued from Chisaki, she was adopted by Present Mic and his husband, Aizawa.
Present Mic is a famous radio host, and before that, he and Aizawa and Oboro played in a band together. Now, Aizawa is a music manager for young artist, in between those there is 1A band.
As she grows up, she is introduced to music, and it becomes one of the best things in her life. She is a great singer, and she also learns how to play the piano.
She want to have a career in music, so when she is a teen, at UA school, she joins the music club.
She is trying to form a band, and along the way she finds Katsuma, who becomes the bassist, Tamashiro on the drums, and they only need a guitarist and vocalist.
Enter Bad boy Kota. His parents were musicians that died in a boat accident, and so Kota now lives his aunt and their dancing group, The Wild Wild Pussycats.
He used to love music, but now it's only a reminder of who he lost.
But one day, Eri hears him sing. She asks if he would want to join their band. He refuses and leaves, but that is not the last he sees of Eri.
The two are paired for some school work, and while working on it, Eri starts singing, and it wakes something in him.
Kota doesn't know what it was, but suddenly, he felt as if he was with his parents again.
He tells her that he'll join her band temporarily, at least so he has enough time to figure out what was that feeling.
They are all ecstatic, and they start playing together.
Eri and Kota are the ones who most clash since he is really into rock and edgy stuff, and she is more cute and pop style.
However, the two spend a lot of time together.
Kota wants to understand how Eri makes him feel stuff, and Eri doesn't really mind his company, so she lets him stay. She was always very shy, so it's hard for her to make friends without recurring to music.
At some point, Eri tells Kota about her life as Chisaki's toy, and it makes him realize why Eri is so special.
She is real, she suffered and survived, and now she can keep smiling. Which Kota never got to, he never moved on from his parents death, and still hold on to the rage and sadness.
Kota also opens up to Eri, and he tells her about his parents death and his departure from music.
Eri asks him to sing with her, and when they do, Kota feels like he has his parents back. It brings him to tears, but Eri hold him.
The band present themselves to the talent show of the school and somehow end up winning. 
During the celebration party, Kota and Eri kiss.
Fanon Opinion
I'm sorry, but I don't feel comfortable writing NSFW stuff about Kota or Eri.
I know that I age up everybody, and I did so with these two, too, but I can't.
I can't picture them as nothing, but children and I am not going to write PWP about that. 
I don't they would do it until their third year, but I do think that they make out.
I think this is a very cute couple. They have that puppy-love thing going for them. 
Also, I love this because it would be a good thing for Eri. We just want good things for Eri.
And I know that Eri is older than Kota, and supposedly she should be his senpai. But with all the emotional baggage she has, I think it makes sense that she would start school a little later.
I think that they would be a beach and parks couple. In summer, they go to the beach, while in the winter they hang around the park.
I feel like they would love to go camping.
Also, they match. They are horn buddies.
Also, Tik-Tok has a lot of stuff about them, so I recommend seeing them. I got the Band AU idea from it.
I imagine that they would become heroes when they are older. Eri would be like a new recovery girl, but scarier, and Kota would torture the children when they go to the training camp.
In my mind, Eri uses Aizawa's capture weapon, but she has it wrapped around her arms, covering her scars.
Also, while they are at the dorms, they are the Parent Couple. The two take care of their classmates with Kota stopping them from doing stupid shit and lecturing them, and Eri comforting them and healing their bruises.
Also, if Katsuma goes with them to class, he would be the baby.
"Oh, No! This is Bad! This is Bad! Stress is bad for the baby!"
"What baby?"
"ME! I'm the baby!"
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jinterlude · 5 years ago
More Than Enough
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↳ Header is made by yours truly, and the photo used can be found here.
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—Pairing: Namjoon x Reader (female OC) —Genre(s): Angst, Romance, Fluff, & Slight-Humor —AUs/Tropes: Haikyuu!!Verse, Shiratorizawa Volleyball Captain!Namjoon, Field and Track!Reader, Hyung line are all 3rd years, Taehyung and Jimin are 2nd years, and Jungkook is a 1st year (awe baby) —Warning(s)/Rating: None / G —Word Count: 1,374 —Summary: After blowing their last chance at Nationals before moving on to that University life, Namjoon decides to blow off some steam by running on the track, however, the last person he expected to see showed up and brought a group of friends—and a wheelbarrow?
—A/N: Good morning party people! I am back fulfilling two different drink requests because why not?! Anyway, the first request was made by @jintobean​ who wanted Namjoon + Whiskey & Wine + Wheelbarrow and the second request was made by @ihavetitanium (I can’t tag you uwu so I linked your blog instead) who wanted Namjoon + Hot Chocolate! Talk about a combination of an interesting drabble! I had fun writing this, to be honest! Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this! As always, feedback (constructive and/or positive) is always welcome! 
Also, this is written for @bangtan-dreamland‘s Drinks + Drabbles game! Thank you Eris and BHQ for creating this fun net game!
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“And that’s the match! Karasuno goes on to Nationals for the third consecutive year!” 
A faint growl emits from Namjoon’s lips as the bitterness from his team’s complete and utter defeat returns. 
His hands ball into a fist. His knuckles practically turn white from the intense pressure. 
Namjoon’s tears well up as he doesn’t want to end his volleyball career on such a sour note. Shiratorizawa’s defeat isn’t how he desires to hand over the team to Taehyung, Jimin, Jungkook, and the rest of the younger players. 
The intelligent captain has planned every detail of their victory until their match against those lowly crows. 
And now? 
No longer will Karasuno be known as the “Flightless Crows.” Now, Shiratorizawa will take that title. The title of being called the “Flightless Eagles.”
Namjoon can’t help but snort at the mere thought of a majestic bird like the eagle becoming flightless. 
“I know that goofy grin, Joonie,” A friendly voice penetrates his entertaining thoughts, “So, what smart joke got you smiling like that?” Asks the voice, who Namjoon registers as his close friend—yours. Well, you’re his non-male close friend. Yoongi will have a heart attack if he hears Namjoon even remotely think that you’ve taken his spot as his number bro. 
Bromances are strange, and a concept that he will never quite grasp. 
Stopping in the middle of his sixth lap around the field, Namjoon stands in the middle of the lane, panting heavily. You quickly jog up to the volleyball captain. 
“___, what brings you out on the field this fine evening?” Namjoon asks, dodging your earlier question. 
You hum in response, grabbing your ankle as you begin stretching your leg muscles. 
“Well,” You pause, gesturing around you, “This is technically my territory since I am a member of the track & field club.” You state proudly, smirking. “So, let me turn that question back to you and ask what brings you out on the field this fine evening?” You ask, smiling sweetly.
Namjoon slowly nods, completely lost for words as that freaking smile of yours causes his heart to skip a beat. Talk about a cliché.  However, the speechless boy swiftly composes himself, clearing his throat as he maintains his usual stoic expression. 
Your quick and witty remarks are one of the many reasons why he harbors romantic feelings for you. 
Well, your witty remarks and the fact that you actually manage to outrank him during exam season. 
For crying out loud, you’re basically his dream girl. Now, if only you’ve chosen to join the girls’ volleyball club. 
Oh, well. 
The track and field club is an excellent second place sports-related club.
Shaking away his inner thoughts, Namjoon rakes his hand through his hair, ignoring the fact that some parts of his hair contain sweat. 
You grimace, “Okay, remind me to ask you to wash your hands before you touch me.” 
Namjoon arches his brow and then looks down at his hand. A short, “ah,” escapes his lips as he quickly wipes his tainted hand against his sweatpants. 
You giggle softly as you playfully shake your head. 
“Well, since you seem kind of jumbled, I’m going to take a wild guess and go with that you sadly lost in the finals against Karasuno. Shiratorizawa will not advance to Nationals.” You say, quickly alarming Namjoon. 
He begins fumbling over his words—a rare sight for the school’s resident Brainiac. Well, one of them. 
Your eyes widen, unsure what to say or even do next. Though, you take a few moments to relish this adorable sight. Unknown to Namjoon, you’ve actually developed a little crush on the scheming captain of Shiratorizawa. You somehow develop this strange infatuation over your high school career. At first, you’ve tried to talk yourself out of this silly little crush. However, that’s proven futile after your track and field announced to the entire club that they’ll be attending one of the volleyball team’s games. 
God, you remember that afternoon so vividly as the game has taken place during yours and Namjoon’s second year. 
To this day, you still recall the intense amount of focus and passion on Namjoon’s face as he relentlessly went after each ball, making sure that it remained in the air. After that day, you finally understand why your classmates say that Namjoon treats each match like a rousing game of chess. 
He is calculating…
He is intelligent…
And he knows how to ensure that Shiratorizawa maintains victory after each match. 
Now, imagine your surprise when word of their defeat reaches your ears. Hence, why you are currently standing next to Namjoon, checking up on him and hopefully cheering him up in the process. 
You don’t need telepathic abilities to know that today’s loss completely crushed Namjoon and the rest of the third years on the volleyball team. 
Not wanting to worsen that mental wound, you suggest a fun race between you and him. 
Namjoon eyes you strangely, “A race? Why?” 
You simply shrug, “Well, I know how competitive you get, and I always wanted to see who was the fastest between us.” You explain with a warm smile. 
Namjoon slowly nods his head, and as he opens his mouth to accept your challenge with a smile so wide that reveals his dimples, you guys hear panic shouts. 
The two of you turn towards the direction of the shouts and see six volleyball club members running down the ramp. It also appears that two of the members are pushing something. 
Wanting to get a better look, you squint, but soon your eyes go wide. 
“Those guys…” Namjoon mutters, suddenly embarrassed to call them teammates. 
You chuckle, “Uh. Do you want to tell me why your friends stole the gardener’s wheelbarrow and are now running as if their lives depend on it?” You question the poor volleyball captain, releasing a few more chuckles that bubble within your chest. 
Namjoon points towards another figure chasing after his good friends, “I’m guessing it has something to do with the fact that said gardener is threatening him as he runs after them,” He slightly shakes his head, “Poor gardener though. He can’t keep up with those six, especially the youngest of our little group.” A long sigh leaves the exhausted captain’s mouth. 
You shift your focus away from the comedic scene, though, you want to keep watching. 
It’s not every day you see a bunch of fellas steal a wheelbarrow. 
“Are you gonna help them?” 
“I mean a good captain would, but since the season is officially over, I’m no longer captain since I passed the title over to Jimin and—” 
“RM! Look, we did what no other team has done and stole the gardener’s prized tool!” One of his friends interrupts Namjoon. You recognize the voice, knowing it belonged to the school’s resident sunshine boy. Jung Hoseok. 
“Oh, wait! Is this girl you like, RM?” questions another friend of his who is exceptionally handsome. Then, you recognize the pretty boy as Kim Seokjin. 
However, his handsomeness doesn’t faze you. What does disturb you is the sole fact that Namjoon may or may not return your feelings? 
Oh, dear lord. 
Crossing your arms, you give the bright-red faced captain a knowing look. 
The shy boy averts his gaze and then narrows his eyes on his close friends. 
“Don’t you guys have to run away from the gardener or something?” 
“We will, but we want to first witness you asking out ___!”
Namjoon growls, but just as he’s about to threaten his buddies, you come to his rescue. 
Lucky for them…
“Tell you what, how about you guys resume your comedy skit and I will tell you what your dear old captain says to me asking him out. Deal?” 
“Say no more! See you later, guys!” The youngest shouts before ordering Jimin and Taehyung to resume pushing the wheelbarrow. 
You and Namjoon stare at their retreating bodies, patiently waiting for the nosy group to be out of earshot. 
Once they are, Namjoon turns to you and asks, ruining your so-called plan, 
“So, how does this Friday night sound?” 
“Sounds perfect. Now, please go save your friends before the gardener hurts them, especially Jungkook. He looks too adorable, and I don’t want him injured.”
“As you wish.”
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More Than Enough is copyright 2020 by jinterlude, all rights reserved.
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nhlhoser · 7 years ago
On The Rocks - 20
word count: 4226
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"Mother fucking star boy"
The loud bass pumping through the club and into my body urging it to move in a seductive rhythm to the beat, surrounded by moving bodies pressed against together in similar rhythm. The girls surround me shielding each other from predatory males, shooting venomous glares to anyone that dare approach or even look at us with suggestive eyes. Mitch, Matt, and Connor form an additional layer of protection their hands on their girl.
The faces in the crowd blur together as I head for the bar in search for Steph who had gone to replenish her drink but wasn't back yet. I volunteered to try and locate her but also to replenish my own drink. Bumping into the odd person here and there I finally made it to the busy bar being attended by about 4 people busy making drinks with flair, tossing and flipping the bottles in the air and shaking the drinks to the rhythm of the music.
My height gives me a better view of the people surrounding the bar, scanning the variety of different faces I was able to spot Steph trying desperately to gain the attention of the bartender closest to her, which seems to be proven difficult by the amount of time she had been gone. Starting to approach an unknown guy drops his hand onto the middle of her back and talks in her ear, she instantly lurks away making me instantly quick my step and slipped my arm around her creating a barrier for her.
"He bugging you?" I asked my head bowed to her ear like the man did just moments before but she welcomes my closeness by tilting her ear to me before nodding. I step closer to the bar completely blocking him from her with a glare.
"-Putanna," I heard the guy say to someone meaning whore. "I was just trying to have a little fun with your friend here," The guy raise his arms in mock surrender with an eye roll leaning back to laugh with his buddies beside him.
Deciding to ignore this guy, I turn and lucky was able to catch the eye of one the bartenders and waved my wrist bearing the vibrant orange VIP band, he beeline towards us instantly inquiring our needs with a harmless flirtatious smile before quickly preparing the order with the same flare I had observed for awhile. As we wait for our drinks the guy beside us is talking to his friends loud enough to be heard over the music in Italian, some of the things are funny and the rest is disgusting.
Getting our fruity cocktails I left Stephanie to walk ahead of me as I follow. I could feel the guys eyes on me as I sip my drink stepping away from the bar, my back rigid.
"Putanna, si sarebbe più eccitante se eri più piccola ," whore, you would be hotter if you were smaller. On what ever reflex that sober me would never have done I whip my head and glare into eyes before snapping.
" NON SONO NESSUNA PUTTANA ," I am no whore I seethed loudly drawing more attention. "TUA MADRE NON TI HA INSEGNATO LA RISPETTO, CULO!" Your mother didn't teach you respect. Steph was at my side instantly pulling towards where we were last all together, the guy was too shocked by my outburst to react.
I am still shaken up when we reach our group, I could tell by the temperature that my face is red and so are my ears. Pushing hair away from my face to behind my ears I take deep calming breaths through my nose before chugging back my tequila sunrise instead. Mitch tucked his girl under his arm protectively with concern and wonder etched on his face as well at the others.
"What happened?" Mitch observed wide eyed as my tense stature and red face- and probably crazed eyes.
"I'm not exactly sure other than- HOLY FUCK THAT WAS HOT!!!!" Steph cheered. "SHE.WENT.OFF- in Italian," she swooned into her boyfriend's arms with a drunken laugh easing no one's curiosity but sparking it more.
"First off she came out of nowhere as this creep tried to hit on me, then instantly flagged down a bartender which I was trying to for awhile THEN WHEN WE WERE WALKING AWAY THIS GUY- THE SAME GUY SAID SOMETHING I can only assume is nasty and AMELIA WHIPPED TO HIM SO FAST AND BEGUN A VERBAL ASSAULT IN ITALIAN," Steph recounted her side of the tale over the loud music with enthusiasm, bouncing in her spot her boyfriend looked grumpy at the knowledge of someone trying to get with his girl.
"He called us whore's many time as we were beside him," I deadpanned not sharing her energy. Mitches eyes darken as does Stephanies as a look of disgust shoots across her face clearly now offended by the situation.
"That ass" she hissed.
"Culo," I gave her the Italian translation with a smirk but her brows crease before shooting up with understanding.
"Well, let's get back to shaking our Culos!"
"It's not gonna work for you, nobody can equal me,"
My heart continues to pump viciously from anger as I move with Sydney and Steph, the intent of his words sit directly on my heart. My lack of a good mood doesn't go unnoticed as Steph pulls me between her, Sydney and Lexi and all started to sing a lot to the music horribly close to my ear. Steph pulls away couple songs later to say something to Mitch who then disappears with Matt. Continuing to dance to a heavy bass song, Steph directly in front of me, Sydney to one side and Lex to the other with Connor practically wrapped around her. All moving to the beat to the best of our drunk abilities and laughing at each other.
Multiple songs later, the pair return with drinks in hand but also with Auston carrying a tray of shots, of what is yet to be discovered. Matt balances multiple drinks in his hand, giving one to me with a huge grin and nodded before dishing out the rest, Mitch's hands are full of beer bottles of different variety squinching at the label before handing out to the respective owner. It was rather harmonized for a bunch of drunks. Auston as if on queue, when all the drinks we situated he started handing out the shots of -once I smelt it- whiskey to everyone as he balanced his drink.
"TO HOCKEY!" Sydney raised her shot and we all copied before slamming back to the rough liquid, instantly burning down my throat. Shaking my whole body to ease the burning before chasing with my drink. The alcohol settles into my system a sense of calm and bliss wash over my whole body.
"He calls me the devil, I make him wanna sin," The opening for one of my favorite songs floods my ears, my body instantly reacts moving to the sensual beat moving my hips proactively.
"Hotter than hell," Closing my eyes singing along off tone. "As my kiss goes down you like some sweet alcohol," I open my eyes taking a sip of my own sweet alcohol, my blues meet the dark brown of Auston couple meters away sipping his beer. The alcohol coursing through me I work around Steph and Mitch, I approach Placing my hand on his always tense shoulder his head tilting towards me curious look in his eye. Definitely not use to me being the one to come to him as usual, it's the other way.
"Relax, Auston," I coaxed leaning my head towards his shoulder so he could hear me over the pounding music. When he doesn't relax right away I pout like a spoiled brat, gliding my hand down his bicep to his hand. Pulling him and slightly pushing him to the beat, a dumb grin raising on my lips. He's resistance still held, taking my hand out of his I use it to push the one holding his drink to his lips, he drinks after he rolls his eyes. He chugs it back before setting it down on an empty random empty table and urging me to drink mine back as quickly as he did, taking my glass and setting it beside it, grabbing my hand starts leading me deeper into the crowd.
The music got louder, vibrating the floor beneath my feet. Auston's face was shadowed by the lack of lighting in this area making it increasingly hard to decipher what he's thinking. Taking a couple beats to take him in for the first time tonight, his white dress shirt not as crisp rolled to his elbows and the top buttons undone expose the hints of his strength.
He pulls me by hands and then pushes like I had done to him but ultimately puts me into him, his large hands lay on the bare skin of my back. guiding me to him as he moves with beat moving me too. Both smiling as he pulls and twirls me a couple times, I end up with my back pressed up against his chest.
We laugh and dance for many songs before deciding we should head back to the floor above with the rest of the hockey people. We stumble into the elevator knocking into each other nodding at the security as they eye our bracelets letting us through.
"Uhm did you see a big kind mean looking guy come here yet?" I ask the guard pressing buttons, referring to Matt because he was the tallest.
"That's not this guy," The guard teased my head whipped to Auston survey him to figure out why the guy thought he looked mean but he had his usual look on his face it naturally looks bitchy so I guess i could understand.
"Nah, this one just has a case of bitch face," I dismiss as Austons face forges into a mock expression offense. "It's a good look though," I padded his shoulder.
"To answer your question, I did. He was with two other guys and three girls,"
Getting off the elevator I was stumbling mildly I put it but apparently it was enough to worry Auston as his eyes were wide with worry, his hands going to my shoulder. I rolled my eyes and stuck out my tongue leading forward to the rest of the Leafs. Auston in toe as we were greeted by a waitress with some shots, grabbing one for both of us without hesitation quickly handing Auston his as I violent slam it back. Probably didn't help my stumbling situation as dizzy spell hit me, grabbing onto Auston for some support,
"So now you want my help," He teased wrapping a strong arm around my waist better stabilizing me but also him.
The party is still going but now it was more just the players and respective partners. Sitting down at a booth with William, Morgan, and James who are all wasted by the sounds of it and that they admitted they'd probably fall if they stood. They all now nursing a glass of water each, which seemed like a great idea but when I went to get out the booth Auston was there.
"You're in my way," I poked his shoulder aggressively with a pout dawning my lips. He lazily/drunkenly turned his head to me his brows raised.
"I'm thirsty," I actually was quite parched from dancing. He stood up with a grievance but when i tried to get up he pushed me back into the booth shaking his head. "you'll fall," he mumbled but he was no soberer than me and the other guys could tell- laughing.
"Wha- do you want?" he hiccuped.
"Water, please," he nodded before wandering in the general direction of the bar- I think. I tuned back into the conversation at the table brief before getting distracted by the aching in my feet, groaning stretched my feet in front of me.
"Why don't you just take them off?" Morgan mused.
"I think they're part of me now," Was the first thing out of my mouth seriously as I frowned down at my slightly swollen feet which would only swell more and I'd never get them back on when i had to leave is actually what I could have said but they're guys they don't understand.
"She wouldn't get them back on when she had to leave," James said in a condescending tone with a dramatic roll of the eyes. The other two simply nodded giving their teammate/friend a look. Impressed I nod in agreement with him as his chest puffs out a little making us all break into laughter.
Digging my phone out of my bra for the first time tonight, unlocking it I have to blind my eyes to focus on the bright screen.
3:01 am
A tall glass of cold water is set down in front of me, instantly my hands make hast dropping my phone in my lap to grab the cold glass. The water refreshing on my throat and dry mouth. I was half gone by the time I turn to an amused looking Auston sipping a dark amber liquid.
"Oh yeah, thank you," I smiled raising my glass mock cheers tapping it against his as he sets it down. I continue to enjoy my water it made no difference in lack of sobriety but it and much more would help my head tomorrow. That reminded me that I'm not exactly sure how I am getting home even into my apartment at this point not having my keys, Steph didn't really give me the plans.
"It's 3 am! Do you know if Steph left yet?" I asked the guys no one imparticular.
"I don't think so, but you might want to check with the other Leaf lady they might no more than us," Morgan shrugged nodding towards Molly and Lucy mere feet away. Turning to Auston who's once again in my way he lazily slides out wordlessly. The rest of the guys got up also deciding they should start heading out, we said our goodbyes but Auston stayed with me as I approached Molly and Lucy.
"Hey, Do you know if Steph and Mitch Left?" I got out over the music, slightly startling the two who are quick to shoot me their huge smiles pulling me into a semi group hug.
"Yeah, I think just a bit ago. She and Mitch looked pretty eager to get outta here," Molly winked insinuating they probably left to go have sex.
"Thanks, It was great meeting you guys. I'll already know I'll be seeing lots of you guys," I drunkenly giggled as we hugged and parted ways as stressed settled on my shoulders, my drunken brain decided the best way to deal is with more shots as a waitress came up to us with another tray of vodka shots. I took two for myself and wasting no time in drinking them as I could feel the judgment radiating off Auston as we wordlessly made out way outside of the club.
"I have no idea what the hell I am gonna do?" I started to freak out when Steph didn't answer her phone so could give me an Idea of where the hell is I suppose to go. Auston was obligatorily drunk beside me leaning against the brick wall casually, staring with glazed over drunk eyes.
"What's the matter?" He sounded like a little kid as his bottom lip jutted out forming a pout.
"I can't go home, I don't have my keys to get into the building or my apartment and Steph is probably fucking Mitch right now," I curtly confessed.
"You can stay at mine," He offered instantly with a bright smile. "Plus I always stay in your guest room," he added. Seeing as I literally have no other opinion and that I'm drunk it's a great idea. Nodding with a drunken smile as I watch the same smile grace his lips.
"Perfect, let's get- outta here.I'll get uber," Pulling out his phone nearly dropping it in the process he began tapping away. He squints at the screen with extreme concentration as the task became more difficult being under the influence.
Leaning back against the cool brick waiting for him to get everything situated, shifting from foot to foot they throb but are more at the point of numb then pain. I tilt my head up looking into the light polluted sky unable to see the stars. The air is cold raising goosebumps on my bare arms and legs, the lingering sweat intensifies the chill in some areas a shiver running down my body breaking through my drunken haze.
"Let go- wait at the front,"
My head is spinning and my stomach was turning.
Where am I? The surface under me was soft and warm.
and breathing? Rolling over I fall from the comfort onto the cold floor, knocking my elbow of the too close coffee table. The sound hurts my ears as my elbow buzzes.
"Can you kill yourself quieter please?" A voice said grumbled from the couch, so I was laying on someone. Blinking my eyes open carefully, it's still rather dark meaning it's early. The ceiling is not mine and neither is any of the furniture of what I could make out.
"You can stay at mine," The memory of Auston offering me to stay at his returns to my brain as I try to decipher where the hell I am. Relief temporarily washed over my body before the need to throw up replaced it, shooting up too quick on my wobbly feet with a groan. I stumble through the dimly lit foreign apartment, loudly knocking into the coffee table again and a wall on my mission down the hall to the bathroom. Throwing open the first out of 4 doors to luckily find the toilet on the first try.
Returning to the living room still feeling the effects of alcohol. Auston now lays on his stomach, his head turned out and his mouth open but his eyes still closed. He's still asleep. Looking around the Austons place it's open concept like mine but with a lot more tall windows, the living room is separated by a kitchen island complete with bar stools. His apartment being in the corner of the building, there is a great view of the city and the water. The city light's still bright as the sun is still down.
"Auston," I nudged his shoulder but nothing happens. "Auston, come on," I pushed harder earning mumbled words and a groan. "I need to steal clothes," I whined still in my club outfit but now it's wrinkled and gross against my skin.
"Take anything," He whispered turning towards the back of the couch.
"That couch isn't good for you back, Auston," I nagged but headed towards the doors from before this time taking my time to discover where each of leads.
"You'll just have to fix it," He muttered in the couch cushion.
"Ass," but I probably will anyway.
Behind the four doors is a bathroom and laundry room on the left side, a guest rooms with a bare matress on the right and Auston's room is at the end. Walking into his room I'm hit with the scent of Auston's and not surprised by the mild mess on the floor, ties throw across a slick looking dresser with a full-length mirror to the left with a suit jacket hung on the corner.
There's a walk in closet attached to his ensuite bathroom, stealing a hoodie, a black v neck, and compression shorts. Jumping into the shower there to no surprise is only male products but luckily he cares about his skin and has a face wash and exfoliator. Turning on the water is like the other time in someone else's shower it's a puzzle but alcohol makes it near impossible until I flip something and tug another getting the water to perfect burning temperature to wash the night off my skin.
Fresh faced and now more tired than ever, the window in Auston's room showcases the starting of a beautiful sunrise. A cheerful smile lights my lips as great idea spring in my still drunk head a hungover looming dangerously. Quickly jogging back into the living room, the sound of my bare feet slapping against the hardwood. I stop at Austonsleeping figure and try to figure out how I am going to get him wake and get him onto the balcony.
Deciding on the physical way I put my arms around his chest under his arm pits and start pulling him up. His heads lulls on my shoulder, soft snores hit my neck.
"Auston, come on," I tried to pull him into a sitting position but he's dead weight being asleep.
"AUSTON!" I go to shake his shoulders but decide against it as it would cause him to puke.
"You're killing my vibe," He mumbled leaning against me now.
"Get up, you drunken arse," It was easier this time as he worked with me, pushing himself off the couch and let me guide me towards the balcony. The crisp morning air assaults both of our senses, Auston eyes shoot open with a look of confusion. I guide him down to the single outdoor love seat and sit down with him.
"What?" He mumbles eyes widening. "Sunrise?" He turned to me, hair a mess and eyes half open brow cocked. I nodded eagerly curling my legs to my chest resting my hands covered by the ends of Auston's hoodie and rested my chin on them, looking out over the water as the sun rises. A shiver runs through my spine as the breeze catches my damp hair, I pull the hoodie closer to my body and the collar over my nose enjoying the scent of Austons deterrent.
Auston's arm came around my shoulders wordlessly as he repositions me to be leaning against his chest, cocooning me with his body heat. The sensation warms my heart and colors my cheeks red as the colors in the sky start to slowly morph from dark black night into lighter hues of navy blue as the sun brings up contrasting hues of oranges, reds, and purple as night meets day.
The brighter the sun gets, my eyes become heavier as my body slowly starts to descend into peaceful slumber wrapped up and surrounded by comfort and beauty. Auston has his left arm wrapped around my shoulders playing with the damp strands of hair falling over my shoulder as his right is around the front of my stomach, his head resting on my head on chest.
"I've never been this relaxed and hungover before. I'm so conflicted right now," Auston chirpy more lively than before breaking the silence. I hummed in agreement my eyes closed as I sink into him further.
"Come on, you can't sleep out here. It's bad for your back," Auston used my words from earlier as he poked my cheek. Blinking my eyes open easier than the first time I woke up, the sun is higher in the sky than before the sun rays glistening across the water.
"And you might wanna know that the view only gets better," He mused tiredly as he probably has seen the sun rise much time since he lives here.
"Let's go to bed, the sun is starting to burn my eyes," I suggested squinting, Auston laughs his chest shaken me with it. We get up Auston stumbles into the apartment, raising his arms into a large stretch as his bones crack in multiple locations.
"I wasn't kidding about you fixing my back," He smirked collecting our phones from the floor and moving our discarded shoes closer to the door.
"Sorry, it's my day off," I shrugged with a teasing smile closing the glass door and close the blinds. He mocks offense before adjusting his hair to look half presentable tossing my phone as I got closer.
"Water, Gatorade?" He offered as yawned walking into the kitchen.
"Gatorade and Advil if you have any? I can feel my hangover creeping in," I rubbed my eyes yawning myself.
"Good idea, I think I have some in my bathroom," He handed me the bottle of grape Gatorade beckoning me to follow him as he heads in the direction of his room. Following him into his room I sit on his comfortable bed as he searched for medicine, leaning back into the mattress and soft duvet I sink into sleep.
"Here it is," He tossed the bottle beside me startling me.
"Oops uhm go back to sleep,"
I did just that as he went into the shower, pulling off the hoodie and crawling under the duvet and I didn't instantly fall asleep. The other side of the bed dipped as he gets in 15 minutes later, I could hear him fiddling with his phone but the electric sound of the curtains closing break the silence correcting my assumption as he sets into the mattress with a sigh.
"Can you fix my back later?" Whispered seeing throughmy fake sleep. Cracking open an eye he has a small smile.
"Fine, go to sleep,"
Even though it's my day off.
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throwingideasatthewall · 4 years ago
Clone Wars       A Friend in Need
Well let’s see you at the main cast            who has friends?
    Obi-Wan           a “girlfriend,”.         and apparently no one else
         - Who          does have the one person who most prominently featured the word           “friend”
   But he’s been gone           since..
I mean does         Barisse count
 Oh wait I forgot a CP3PO        and R2D2
  So our, candidates are generally down to,       Clovis, Barisse, the droids           (CP3PO & R2D2)                       Or an unknown character                      coming from under the table                          (Which is always                            on the table)
                   (Oh and Jar Jar Binks,  who I don’t think classifies as a        friend ?)
  Which is why none of the characters have it           “ In response”           (To quote)
        O-             kay?             ...              A
         I’m not sure I get the        whole design    thing- 
   Still slightly nope-    about it         -      Con-tinuing          -            ?         -        Um        -      What?         -            Also   isn’t he supposed to be a       kid?
    Like           he was one of the better kid representations in the show  just barely scraping over the hump around that time..
    I’m taking a break from the live commentary         just to see how          this plays out;
   [Random stranger shows up without an invitation and irritates literally everyone yeah sure let them stay
     - no       invitation
    -no    explanation      needed-
   - Not         like           this         could            Quite-          literally            fu- 
         An-             Way,
Also,     Dear-    God      ,
  [Skip      button       used           at        nausuem]
      Yeah,  I couldn’t stand        that,
      [It just, didn’t-]
     They’re just escorting him back to his        ship
    [Oh so yeah whatever happened to that kid considering his mother was dead and his father is informed to be dead,
         How is he               alive?
         [also I will give it that it is still staying within the margins of       reasonable          child behavior or just            decent enough that it stays under the radar,         Though it does get me nervous,
       [That or I’m just kind of numb to it,         Focus,]
    Also yeah       what was         expected to happen?              -
        -          Ok seriously       who gave the kid the order is though           (Okay who gave the kids the orders though because I’m               little sus.            Nothing serious        yet just a bit skittish,”
        Es-              Cape
          Oh gosh they’re doing the Boba Fett thing                  aren’t                    they?
          Whoa, whoa                the fuck?                      .                   Dude                       is like 12.                     (16 maybe)
                    Like,                          No,
                     (Unless that was a bit      At his involvement in      politics,)
       Also what is up with his size when we last saw him he was a- l- significantly smaller and clearly a child
    [The scales          a little off       in that frame.
       Whelp,     A war just broke out,               -           And Ahsoka       just dragged the Mandalorians           into a war,
    (Also pardon     me but in the queen say something about        subtle ?)
      -          Whe-
     Also yeah the council is going to love that
       “ Hey cancel I found a separatist, can I keep it               ?”
            Re-               P-ublic.                 -                   Is he a spy?
          [Like yeah   admittedly that seems like a lot of work to go through,]
           Oh so yeah that was pretty good the expression,                 , stayed neutral and non-emotional
          Amen-               sty-
          That-      just came out of nowhere,
   Children don’t have plans,
   And adults don’t have         such un- even tone          -           -Gun
   Ah, you know literally nothing about him
   You had a five minute conversation while he just repeated        Pro-paganda,        And order        s-
   Talking points
     Also he’s a Sep-artist
   You don’t know he’s not a fighter        -         Well then you’ll      -starve-             -         The di-
       Okay seriously what was with that tone?
   Everything you’ve been through,
     Again, that’s teasing             If it’s             a child,
       And             adult?        (The context really         doesn’t support it)
        Okay, what is with the        eyes?
         Okay,            No,
         Children can’t do           outright emotion like that-               -                Certain things might cause an automated      reaction-               But       their face stays blank,                And, it doesn’t           reach their voice,
           Adults     well they have a lot even-er                  tone-
            They’re purposeful
             And this should have a lot more weight                 and the narr-a-tive treat them like equals
         [I’m            going               to               go                use                 the                 skip              button]
             cause       this is getting                    Hella                    quasi-
                 [Sk   ip]
       Like seriously this kid that should be dead like 50 things over because kids can only follow orders and at the mercy of adults
       If he’s an adult, A) Ahsoka may very well be an enabler,           And B) Narr-ative needs to get its tone right and treat them like      eq-uals
     Dude-            Movie          -          ?
   [I am at         6:30           Btw           (With the brief.            indication that he just knocked her out with some thing,)
[i’ve       talked       about         the         Evil          Child         trope;              it          needs            to          burn,]         Is-
        Mr.     Bontierre
       So yelling at an         in-nocent         child,
       Oh reasonable anger at                 a malicious adult,             (And an attack).           that likely could’ve been prevented,
           Be-cause yeah he stabbed her in the back
         (Malicious science is not something         I often            dabble in,)
           This works,
            Quasi my two least favorite things quasi      and the deathwatch,
          (I don’t even remember if there was a         con-           fron-          tation,              And they were assumed gone
    Or, just a bunch of reenactors that like putting on their         helmets,
    (Or people with similar       helmet    designs,) 
    Like seriously that.          seemed very chill for people that have like this 
     blood vendetta against Jedi,
       -            Snoop
        What the fuck?
  [Like       ok just hold on a second though,
    That is a          child           [imp-       lied to be one the last time we saw this dude]
       -         He’s not an         adult-
   As clear by the lack of        emotion(s)
      And just feckin everything
Okay,     no just no,
   “Old, “.         is more so the concern here,
   Like dude doesn’t talk            or act like an        adult..
  Cele          brate  
(Are we sure these guys are deathwatch        they don’t seem to have the same          insignia,  or any            indication?
    Is every thug that hangs out in the woods          Wear         Ing            armor       deathwatch now?
    Why, would he think that?
   Ser-ious-ly that makes them no more assholes         than literally anyone else
      Like they’re not sentient,
      I’m more concerned with the asshole that program them to feel fear and general although human emotions
      Like if the practice robot I was            using         suddenly gave a scream of human like pain        I would stop immediately,
       Doesn’t matter if some asshole continue-d to             program it
             If there’s any indication,                  you stop
              Yeah you could say these guys are assholes              for practicing on it,
               (And yeah obviously don’t enable that shit,)
               Un-less,             it’s like an acting droid?
                 I don’t-
          Like don’t get me wrong the         “woman comment could’ve been kind of a dick move
        Actually, no          it totally was,           Because it was totally            un-wanted
          And                 No
   But literally everything else;
  Some reenacters just decided to set up in        a park, screw around with some effects droids,          And possibly            get drunk,             With one of them having a           history with Dooku
       (Like it’s one of the flaws with the Mandalorian arc            that I meant to bring up,                That it relies heavily on negative             ass-              ociation,  
             Aka, assuming that you assume the worst of a              situation,
             When in reality,                   no, people tend to be pretty positive and                assume    benefit of doubt,
               You’re really going to have to work at convincing me that these guys aren’t just your average brand of      asshol-ery             (Two/       Three               Times)
     Seriously,           Anakin, what the fuck
       (Or maybe just what the fuck at the scenario,
        Since Anakin probably didn’t know this would happen
          (Train-ed to detect distress in Ana-kin)
          And those guys didn’t know that it was trained to             detect distress...
           Still I really don’t like how they are por-tray-ing him as sentient in that moment
               Also, how is he supposed to re-assemble anything he doesn’t really have arms
              Most of the things we’ve seen being able to be fixed by a        gear thing,
              And, yeah he can kind of pick up some things
            But I’m pretty sure this thing requires          bendable appendages,
         Okay, what’s with the hand maidens?
         When did deathwatch become         misogynistic?
        Also they’re adults,
        Kid-napp-               ed                -                 Ah, you’re still adults and could’ve you know stopped them at any             time,
         No one’s less or more          intelligent than each other
          You both       produce the same amount of               energy-
          I’m really hoping they were going for simple as in they aren’t really interested in             materialistic                    .                     But the tone around these people leaves a lot to be                desired                       .                      and concerned about,
                 Trust easily
   Everyone         trusts easily       .          We’re humanity
     That’s kind of (our) thing,
     Making the world           a softer better              place.
    Also, wow is this several, miscommunications
     This is getting         pretty damn            boomer,
       They are people                not object           if they went          they went willingly
          (Assuming they are adults                 which is in                  worry-ing                    question,)
                He                      re-
                  When they said         stole I thought they meant from like a village                     A few blocks over 
                  Like in the past,
                  But                      dude comes in like he just turned a corner,
    You can’t return            a fucking.         pe-rson,
    Oh that was nice-      though the tone awful-
   (But also still         you can’t return a person in like a              grocery bag
           Or this isn’t the   deathwatch          
          Or they are suffering from a serious bouts of         Clovis syndrome           (Or more so               reverse              Clovis              syndrome,                Like their actual first leader              whatever his name was,
           Ok, now that was just straight up murder
         Dear fuck
        Also, this is why we assume accountability
       Also hey  that name after a very little       note,
         Also his temperament seem to completely change,
        Went from prove yourself
         To ‘Welcome to the club buddy, ‘         with little regard,
         They kill people 
          fecking kills people
           That was disgraceful
          Also I guess maybe he could’ve managed it if he fixed one thing at a time and I mean some of them had some functional with limbs and assumed fixed self capability
          -             Ai          Ght
        “                ?
     Ok seriously what is with the          Tided up thing,
         Or literally,
           Ca                 -mp
         Jus-               tice
    Ok seriously what is with Ahsoka and       constantly getting her ass kicked,              And it’s portrayal as                 involuntary,
Seriously,         Hand to hand combat      shouldn’t be much of an issue for her          , either way-
  Well,     seriously     can’t she win a fight on her own-   ,merit
  Against a   boomer?
  So, they are tracked 
Why is she such an idiot this episode?
Why is she so devastated?
  Why is he so   mature?
 Like either she should-
   Remove him from the bad situation being          an adult and         him a child
   -Who should have only orders and no initiative
  All she said was specked in adults decision and not be doing this,
  And the tone was down right      Con-    cerning-
  No actually you were pretty un accountable for literally all the episode and then you somehow had to save her
     Be cause
  Oy, his tone needs to even        -er,
  Well that episode,
    Was disgusting,
     Downright                      Disturb-ing
         Due             To             It’s
        Lack of commitment to a           tone -           Going           quasi             During               a               romance
         With unfortunate implications either childify-ing an adult,               Over sexualizing a child,                Both of which                   aren’t a good look,
              On top of childify-                      ing an adult                      (woman)
*Believe      to be         accurate       identification               -                               (Several)
                        In                            Meta
   Using Quasi      tone, as        well as           Body    Lan-guage,         Portraying      No recognizable         emotion,         Befitting              of a         child              -            With the dialogue and plot generally indicating and supporting this disgusting and awful insinuation that any adult being is unable of holding them selves or others accountable, and is equal parts of       one (humanity)
               Or (complete)                        (Developed)                humanity in general
                              Coupled with slave     indications-                   (Bound       wrists)   Without the common decency of its     predecessor,         To acknowledge that          Ahsoka as an adult,           Shared no risk,        (And need not tole- rate.       outside of her own preference         and accountability)
     Showing no      self-awareness,
      And continuing the theme               into the chase                  scene              (Note you can have character      like such             play along with such scenario                   But it has to come with the              self-awareness said they are                   not in any danger                     (In universe)
   (Oh and a very forced and completely          Boomer message about not following the          crowd, that is terribly          botched, especially with what seems to be the positive influence              (Ahsoka)               Doing literally the exact thing,            Children not having the ability of              initiative,             And it not committing to adult)
     (And is essentially everything that I disliked about the Man-        dalorian arc;
                 The unaccountability          of the male leads,
                  With an extra bit of certain                         adult  childifi      -cation
                     And uncertain tone
                      (Which en-sures that if the disturbing and downright toxic message didn’t scare you off the complete lack of fun certainly will)
   (And   dis-   appointing)
                      and puts it right back to no live reactions
                      Because well this is essentially the bonus round of writer’s                          advice                          and                       “is it fun,”.                          There has to be some con-       sequence for submitting me to tox/                               Contin-uing to create                         tox long after it was excusable,
                      (Or had leniency,)
                      (Now having fully worn out as                           welcome
                                      Several episodes   -ago)
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andygvge512-blog · 7 years ago
Not Known Factual Statements About Kickboxing Classes Visalia Ca
On a latest icy Tuesday evening at the Equinox health and fitness center on East 85th Street as well as Third Opportunity, Mr. Uresti led 80 girls (as well as one male, a 55-year-old financial advisor) through a zingy collection of strikes as well as kicks. Mr. Uresti, who resemblance to Jim Carrey merely deepened as he started to move, seemed to be having a fantastic opportunity. They smiled as well as punched as well as panted and also tallied out loud. That was actually incredibly user-friendly, virtually idiot-proof-- peppy, boppy, martial artsy-- this kickboxing to Mariah Carey. A strike is a terrific gesture to phony, particularly to an eight-count beat. And also there are no challengers in Gotham Box, as well as no blood-spattered nostrils. Subsequently, the females gathered, damply, into little happy-talk lots, small gatherings from feel-good endorsements to Mr. Uresti's training class as well as the general complete satisfaction from the brand-new technique of working out-- which has discarded in 2013's gimmicks like so numerous old shoes. The new technique is called Tae-Bo (evident TIE-BOE), a title that has been trademarked yet has actually generated lots of duplicates, featuring Mr. Uresti's Gotham Carton. The real point, a beverage of tae kwon do, boxing as well as aerobics, is actually the little one from a 43-year-old fighting styles champion http://query.nytimes.com/search/sitesearch/?action=click&contentCollection&region=TopBar&WT.nav=searchWidget&module=SearchSubmit&pgtype=Homepage#/kickboxing, fitness, cardio kickboxing, workout as well as action-movie actor in Sherman Oaks, Calif., named Billy Blanks. Mr. Blanks is actually differentiated among his physical fitness brethren through both his charm as well as his diffidence-- you might point out that he is actually the inverse of the overgroomed as well as voluble Denise Austin, of the Life time stations-- as well as runs a workout center as well as karate dojo, which has actually lately metamorphosed right into rather a realm. You can easily purchase Tae-Bo physical exercise strips to make use groupon.com/biz/pittsburgh/pittsburgh-2 of in your home; a set of four expenses $59.85. These are the tapes Mr. Uresti recommended to, which are sold through an infomercial playing 2,000 times a time on cable television service stations around the nation. You should have observed its fervent endorsements, like" This gets inside your blood," as one girl points out. Or even," It made a distinction in my resurgence," as Carlos (Master) Palomino, a welterweight pugilist, claims, incorporating:" I've possessed 3 battles, three knockouts." In a growly vocal, Shaquille O'Neal, the baseball superstar, states," Receive off your butt, man.". As well as very soon Billy Blanks begins, along with his timid smile and his dreadful body, and informs you he has actually regularly intended to aid folks, and you believe him. He informs you various other fitness experts have actually lied to you, but that Tae-Bo will definitely work since that is" the Fact." As well as you feel him. I feel him. I acquired the tapes. Why not? If you have actually received the willpower, Billy Blanks states, Tae-Bo is the technique. No disorganized tablets to purchase, no unappealing devices, no Spiritual Buddies. What a paid announcement.
Sales from the strips have reached out to practically $80 million, baseding on an executive in the commercial sector, and created Mr. Blanks a millionaire sometimes over since the 30-minute promotion started concentration broadcasts final August and Mr. Blanks helped make an extended appearance from the Bahamas on" Oprah Winfrey". He likewise obtained a disclosed $1.5 thousand development for an exercise manual off Bantam Books. " Our company have actually acquired a publication," mentioned Stuart Applebaum, a speaker for Random Property, of which Bantam is a department." The price is actually experimental.". Cash like this brings in imitators. A lawyer for Mr. Blanks, Jan Yoss, said she sends out an average from 60 cease-and-desist characters a full week to health clubs and also gym that are making use of the name Tae-Bo without paying a licensing fee. Mr. Blanks removed a trademark on the label in 1992. Legal insurance claims are likewise flying around Tae-Bo, featuring a fit joined due to the previous punching champion Sweets Ray Leonard, which claims his title was utilized without consent in the paid announcement. A legal professional for the promotion's manufacturer has rejected to comment. That infomercial truly attacked some chord. I have actually received 100 people presenting up for Gotham Container as well as I have actually acquired every instructor in town getting in touch with to claim they may educate Tae-Bo.". Carol Perry, aerobics supervisor of the Newport County Y.M.C.A. in Newport, R.I., mentioned:" The groups! It is actually like a Lifeless gig!" Ms. Perry has called her class Tae-Box. She mentions that individuals are actually so caught up that they show a Pavlovian passion at workout sessions." You count to eight," she said," and also people begin sweating straightaway. And at that point you make all of them count and also you resemble, 'This is a piece of covered!' Our team possessed all this intricate choreography as well as currently all you need to perform is actually stand there and count to 8.". A buddy from mine states that Tae-Bo is the macarena from exercise: alluring actions with a beat that any individual may do as well as look type of O.K. Gentlemen as well as women, younger and outdated, all" get" Tae-Bo, since a hit is an instinctive move. Doing yoga is actually unusual and also unpleasant and also elitist; this made you think like you just weren't rather a member from the nightclub. And also that bad feeling of being actually left behind out suggested that you just weren't primaried to acquire the mystical yummies that yoga exercise was hawking. Unless you were squirming around along with all your punctured colleagues down at Jivamukit on Lafayette Street in Manhattan, yoga exercise was actually uninteresting. Probably uniformity is out. Regardless, the mild hostility from Tae-Bo thinks that a welcome palate facial cleanser. A couple of full weeks ago, Billy Blanks's attention broker, Julieann Hartman, as well as supervisor, Jeffrey Greenfield, were actually hovering outside a television workshop in Los Angeles while Mr. Blanks was actually inside being taped for a look on the Howie Mandel chat. They passed Ms. Hartman's cellular phone backward and forward as they talked to me. " That's crazy, I'm acquiring 60, 80 phones a hr," claimed Ms. Hartman, who utilized to work for" Risk.". Mr. Greenfield said:" Just what we are actually branding is actually not Tae-Bo, it's Billy Blanks. And Tae-Bo is actually the vessel our team're using to obtain his information throughout.". Our company have actually received large plannings: Tae-Bo for little ones, Tae-Bo for couples, battle Tae-Bo. And after that there's clothes.". Mr. Blanks possesses a mawkish as well as compendious press release--" the Billy Blanks story"-- that describes his increase off" poverty" as one of 15 little ones in Erie, Pa., to becoming a seven-time globe karate champion. He is actually wed to his childhood sweetheart, Gayle, and also they possess two grown children, Shellie and Billy Jr., both of whom instruct in his studio. He created Tae-Bo virtually Twenty Years ago and began educating a version from this, gotten in touch with Karobics, in 1982. When he determined a many years later eventually that someone else had trademarked Karobics, he altered the title-- a true blessing, due to the fact that Karobics possesses no euphony. Through telephone off his California dojo, Mr. Blanks said that he has maintained his feet on the ground in spite of the craze from the last 6 months. The lord acquired me into this and also He could acquire me out. I acquired to go. Prior to hanging up, Mr. Blanks said he wished to construct a dome under which he might teach Tae-Bo to 1,000 people. I would certainly turn up. Definitely would not you?
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