#eris fourth house
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sunkissedchld · 6 months ago
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asteroid eris is named after the greek goddess of discord and strife. eris is known to be a troublemaker and is often credited with starting and sustaining the trojan war. although eris is often associated with creating problems for people, liana miate asserts that hesiod (an ancient greek poet) splits eris into two: a younger version who aligns with sowing discord for no reason and an older version who intends to bring about competition and push people to go beyond their set limits. 
in astrology, eris follows her mythological roots and represents areas of life where we can encounter disruptions, major losses, and chaos. eris can also tell of where we face injustices and where we need to learn to stand up for ourselves.
asteroid eris mainly makes itself known as it moves and creates transiting aspects, but for this post i will be focusing on how it functions in one’s birth chart. (if you do want me to analyze how it may work as it makes aspects to planets and other object - let me know).
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asteroid eris has an orbital period of about 560 years, so it moves through the signs really slowly. this asteroid has been in the sign of aries since the mid-1920s and won’t be in taurus until 2048 where it will stay until around 2146. with this in mind, i will only explain the way the signs aries and taurus will influence the way asteroid eris can function.
eris in aries could be tumultuous. there could be more of an emphasis on literal war and combat which makes sense in my opinion given the world wars were in and around the time period of this asteroid being in aries. i also see eris in aries being more likely to fight back against the chaos the asteroid can bring; if older eris wants people to learn to stand up for themselves, then aries is the perfect sign for that to occur. again, we can look back in history to see revolutions like the civil rights movement, the vietnam war protests, the breaking up of the british empire and more occur while this asteroid was in aries. of course, these things happen all throughout history, but i want to specify how often this seems to happen while in the specific period of eris in aries. asteroid eris in aries seems to function as dealing with catastrophes head-on with the idea of pushing through the tough times instead of succumbing to them. while discord may hit hard; the collective will rise back with more strength than what was had before.
eris in taurus could bring about a sort of predictable chaos. build ups to conflict may be obvious, but when it occurs it could destroy people’s comfortability and especially bring havoc to finances. conflicts could last for long periods of time, and people overall could fall into a “woe is me” attitude when it comes to figuring out how to move past catastrophes; instead of figuring out how to advocate for one’s self or the collective when facing injustices - those born under eris in taurus could try to wait things out. the idea of fighting back or advocating for oneself could take a while to be viable, but once it becomes an option i could see people putting up a hard fight.  asteroid eris in taurus could be reluctant to face conflict head on, but once decided to it will be obstinate on its course. i’m reminded of the phrase “when an unstoppable force hits an immovable object”.
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you could go through drastic physical changes. if you were to get into plastic surgery, fillers, botox, etc. it may not bode well for you; your body could react negatively to the treatments and/or you may not look as well as you wanted to. you could also struggle with your identity or feeling like you don't truly know yourself or what you want to do in life. you could go through "phases" or looking and/or dressing a certain way. you could feel as if no one understands you, or as if the way you view yourself is vastly different from how others see and understand you. people may not be able to come to a consensus about who they think you are as a person. it could take you a while to find out "who you are", and your body may change often throughout your life. those with eris in the first house probably need to come to terms with the way they look instead of trying to constantly change their appearance, and they also likely need to learn how to settle down with one way of living or learn to embrace that vastness of who they want to be instead of trying to put themselves into a box.
money and other financial successes could easily come and go out of your life. you may be the type of person who loses things more easily than the average person, and you may find it hard to retain money and possessions. during tense transits, you could have items repossessed or even stolen from you. your routines could be hard to maintain, or you could find random incidents keep you from being able to have one. it could be easy for you to break bad habits (but again, could be hard for you to maintain good ones). you could find yourself struggling to keep jobs or find that you're drawn to jobs where every day is different and unpredictable. you may need to learn how to stay on top of what it is you want and need to do (ie. writing down a schedule, having someone hold you accountable, etc.). you may need to learn how to say no to yourself when it comes to spending money and work on having a savings account you can't touch at all. it may be better for you to make large purchases with cash instead of setting up payments, so you can keep possessions long-term.
you could find yourself being ghosted often and/or you could have trouble maintaining contact with others. you could be "horrible with communication" or even technology to an extent. you could find that people misunderstand you or they think you're more harsh in your words than you intend to be. you could also have a tumultuous relationship with your siblings - maybe you've always found it hard to connect with them, or you go long periods of time without talking. your early education may have been interrupted in some way (having to move away, change schools, etc.). you could also have issues with transportation more often than others like your car breaking down randomly or always being late to events due to unreliability. learning how to advocate for yourself will be a major key to dealing with this eris placement. there's a need to learn how to "speak up" and deal with confrontation without running away and also without arguing. you may find it better to try leaving early to account for possible transportation issues. there's a need to learn to set boundaries with your siblings also in order to maintain the connection.
you could have an unstable home life. maybe you had (or you do) change living situations often, or your relationship with your family might not be the best. your childhood might’ve been fractured as a result of family issues. people, areas, or things you find comfort in may seem like they always get “ruined” at some point (ie. if you have a comfort show it gets canceled or the writing starts going downhill, a celebrity you like ends up being very problematic, etc.). you may feel as if you have no control over your emotions, or whenever you try to control your emotions you end up breaking down anyways. you may even find it hard to trust your instincts. you may also find it hard to create and maintain relationships with women - especially your mother. you may need to learn how to come to terms with the fact your childhood wasn’t as good as you wanted (or as good as it should’ve been); you might even have to realize you need to put yourself and your needs above your family due to their issues. you may need to learn to step back when it comes to parasocial relationships; figuring out it’s okay to find comfort in things or people, but not putting them on a pedestal anymore.
eris in the fifth house is also a contender for having an unstable childhood. maybe you weren’t allowed to behave like a child, or your childhood abruptly ended due to unforeseen circumstances. when engaging in creative avenues, you may encounter blocks often - in terms of imagination, originality, or physical blocks. you might even find that the art you create gets messed up in some way (ie. you delete a song or a section of a song you were making, you mix the wrong paints together, etc.). you may spontaneously lose interest in hobbies, or you��re prevented from being able to do them (ie. it rains on a day you planned to golf, you run out of yarn when you were planning to knit, etc.). with this placement, it may also seem like your romantic life is never going anywhere; this is another house that may see people ghosting them, or when you go out on dates they could be horrendous. you may need to learn how to create things out of your messes when it comes to creative endeavors; there’s a need to learn how to “roll with the punches” so to speak. you may find it best to engage in multiple hobbies instead of just one or finding a way to have someone hold you accountable for the creative work you want to create. there’s a need to allow yourself to go back to being the child you never got to be at some points.
you may be the type of person who always has health issues or some sort of injury. when you try to create good health habits you may find it hard to stay on track, and there may even be instances where you unintentionally break your habits (ie. you’re counting calories and want to stay under a certain amount but by day three you’ve forgotten you were dieting this way, you’re forced to work overtime one night and it just happens to be one of the days you’ve set aside for weight training, etc.). you may lose items easily, and when you try to help others you may have a way of making things worse (ie. you tried to help someone cook, but you burned part of the meal). you may need to advocate for and pay attention to your health and your body more than the average person. similar to other placements, having other people hold you accountable may be helpful for you to maintain habits you want to implement.  you may find it best to keep items in the same place each time you don’t have them in your hand, so you don’t lose things as often. when helping others, try to have someone check your work to be sure you’re providing aid the right way.
you could find yourself entering toxic relationships often or at least relationships that often never go anywhere. you might find yourself being ghosted by people for seemingly no reason or drama arising out of relationships you have from out of nowhere. contracts you write up or engage in could fall apart easily (ie. you receive a job offer, but it’s randomly rescinded for no reason; you have everything in order to move to a new apartment, but you get rejected out of nowhere), or they could cause more headaches than they’re worth. you might find people often don’t give enough in their relationships with you - like you’re the one running the show, making all the plans to be together, spending all the money, and they’re only along for the ride, or they only focus on what they can gain from you. you may need to learn how to have respect for yourself when it comes to relationships of all kinds. learning to not set yourself on fire in order to keep someone else from being cold, demanding equality in partnerships, etc. with this placement in aries i could even see a need to step back from relationships in some way - to allow or force others to pull their weight instead of making everything happen on your own. there’s a need to learn how to advocate for yourself and your needs in partnerships and contracts.
you could feel as if you’re always going through some sort of transformation - almost as if your life itself or life circumstances are always unstable. when you try to share with others you could find your kindness is not appreciated, so you may feel reluctant to give people money or take money from others for seemingly no reason. whenever you try to create deep connections with people it could feel like things never work out or always fall through (ie. you want to have a business partner, but the person backs out at the last minute, you need someone to cosign on a loan for you, but no one is willing). also, with this placement you may feel as if people leave randomly; this could range from being ghosted, them not putting in effort to maintain a relationship with you, conversations going stale to literal death taking people away from you without warning. additionally, your long term assets may be unstable. there could be a need to learn how to let go of things and people once they’ve served their purpose in your life; some people are meant to be present for only moments or periods of time in your life as opposed to throughout the whole journey. there’s also a need to stay on top of contracts and long-term investments; you could find that lower risk investments work best for you. there’s also a need to learn how to share yourself with others and allow others to do the same with you even through times where you may have been betrayed - learning from your mistakes is important in this area.
this is another placement that could encounter issues with transportation since the ninth house deals with travel. going further though, you could often experience disruptions when going on trips or vacations (ie. forgetting your passport, wallet, or other important item; flights being canceled or delayed for no reason, having “bad” experiences when you visit other areas). this could also be an indicator of struggling in areas of higher academia; this could be in regards to the material feeling overwhelming to learn or things always going wrong during the school year (ie. experiencing life changing events that make it hard for you to attend class, having to drop classes or finding it hard to create a schedule that works, etc.). connections to religion could also be unstable; you could feel uncomfortable with the idea of religion because of issues with religious institutions. you may find that people often try to suppress your culture or way of living, or you could find it hard to connect with your culture because people push you away from it in some way. there’s a need to be proactive when it comes to the way you travel – opting to leave too early instead of even on time, checking your luggage twice and three times over, etc. you may need to advocate for yourself more when interacting with higher institutions like college or religious places, and there’s also a need to be proud of your culture and views despite people’s attempts to erase them.
when it comes to receiving recognition for your achievements you could find that you’re often looked over. your career path may be hard for you to narrow down, or you could find you’re let go from jobs without warning when everything seems to be fine from your point of view. you may jump from job to job or be promoted and demoted to certain positions for no reason. you could encounter extreme highs and lows when it comes to your reputation; it might even be possible that your reputation is not consistent amongst people, and it could be hard for you to control it. when you’re in positions of power you may find that people often undermine you or refuse to take you seriously - especially men. on that note, you may find it hard to create and maintain relationships with men (especially your father). you could find people always find a way to criticize you or tell you all the work you do is wrong no matter what you do. there’s a need to possibly embrace whatever reputation people assign to you instead of trying to control the narrative or change who you are to appease everyone. there is also a need to demand recognition and praise when you know you deserve it - possibly even walking away from job opportunities when you know you’re being lowballed. there’s a need to maintain your sense of self trusting that the truth of who you are will guide you towards those who will appreciate you.
it could be hard for you to maintain friendships and connections with the collective and other groups in general. you could find yourself being iced out or being the “odd one out” when you try to fit in. technology may fail on your frequently, or you may feel like it doesn’t like you (ie. you find it hard to connect to wifi, you always have phone or computer issues, etc.). you may feel as if (or told) that you’re not as helpful as you think you are when it comes to collective situations (ie. group projects). you could find your ideas and dreams for the future often don’t work out, or you find them hard to maintain. there’s partially a need to embrace your individuality - to come to terms with the fact that you will eventually find a group that aligns with you and won’t push you out or make you feel othered. there’s a need to keep putting yourself out there even when you feel like it never works out. there’s also a need to maintain hope – for the future, for connecting with others, and when it comes to interacting with technology.
this is another placement that would indicate feeling as if you’re always going through some sort of transformation or ending in life. you could feel as if your spiritual life is in constant chaos (ie. having times where you’re clear on what your journey is and then suddenly feeling like you have no clue what you’re doing; being able to communicate with your guides clearly and then suddenly hearing radio silence, etc.). you could feel as if you don’t “truly” or “intimately” know yourself. you could find that your subconscious activates at random times and could cause trouble when you least expect it. you could feel as if your fate changes quickly going from having great luck to none at all. when it’s time to end certain cycles in your life you may find it hard to let go, or you may feel as if things end abruptly leaving little space for you to accept these endings. there’s a need to learn to be okay with abrupt endings or the idea of never receiving closure – finding a way to maintain peace even if this doesn’t happen. there’s also a need to take fate into your own hands instead of always being passive (or learning to be passive when it’s necessary). there’s a need to be open to ambiguity as opposed to running away from it.
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slytherin-pen · 19 days ago
so, i somehow managed to miss the day i hit 100 followers, but i also just hit 2500 likes. to celebrate and thank you guys for all the love you’ve shown me i want to let you decide what i write. over the next few days i’ll post various polls so that you can vote on what you’d like best.
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yourejinx · 1 year ago
Late Nights
Azriel x F.Reader
Warnings: NSFW, smut, +18, minors dni. Oral, fingering, unprotected sex, p in v. A bit of fluff? I think that's it.
Author's note: I wanted to try something different, this is my first time writing content like this so please be gentle but also PLEASE FEEDBACK.
Word count: 4k
It was the fourth night in a row that you were deprived from sleep, cursed with listening Cass and Nesta fuck like rabbits in the room next to yours. In all honesty, you loved your friends and were absolutely thrilled they were enjoying and exploring the extent of their relationship, they deserved it after everything they went through. You just wished they had a little consideration for your poor ears and sleeping schedule. 
You had been working your ass off the past few weeks, Rhys had you and Az going around the courts every other day, plus you've been dealing with Eris, since you seemed to be the only member in the Inner Circle that the Autumn heir tolerated just fine. So you had your plate full, and wished for a little peace and quiet at your own home. But your friends had other plans.
Nesta let out a particularly loud moan that you clearly heard through the too thin wall. It made you grimace and you decided you had enough. Huffing, you tossed the sheets off your body, grabbed the shirt you had stolen from the shadowsinger years ago and opened the door, putting on the clothing while you made your way down the corridor. If you were awake, then Azriel had to be too, he didn't miss a thing happening in this house. 
You didn't bother knocking on his door, you were way past that line with him. Azriel was your best friend, your confident, the person who you most trusted in the entire world, and vice versa. You were too comfortable with each other to bother with politeness. You flung open the door to his bedroom, making your way inside and slamming the door behind you dramatically. The room was dark except for the dim fae light hanging on his bedside table, Azriel had put down the book he was reading to stare at you amusedly. 
"Good evening to you too." He uttered playfully.
You didn't reply, just scowled, walked up to the other side and plopped down face first on the bed beside him. He chuckled. 
"Finding it hard to sleep?" He asked, setting the book aside. 
"They are insufferable." You mumbled around the sheets. They smelled like him, an instant comfort for your tired mind. "Agh! You can hear them from here too! How are you not bothered?!?" You lift your head from his pillows to look at him exasperatedly. 
Azriel smiled somewhat apprehensive at you. "I'm kind of used to it by now." He shrugged. 
You narrowed your eyes at him, smirking. "Kinky."
He rolled his eyes feigning annoyance. "You have no idea, sweetheart." His voice was a deep purr as he smirked back at you. 
You lifted one eyebrow in amusement. There was this recurrent thing between you two, where you usually teased and flirted with each other but never dared to actually do something about it. It was just for fun right? You were friends who just liked messing around as a joke. Always dancing the line between friends and something more, it was a dangerous game for sure, but you had to admit you loved the thrill of it. 
“Is that so? Oh please, do enlighten me then.” You shot back, lying more comfortably on his bed. Arms behind your head, eyes fixed on him. 
Hazel gaze traveled all the way down to the now exposed skin of your upper thighs, your movement had caused the shirt – his shirt– to ridden up a little, revealing more of your legs and the underline of a pair of lacy black panties. His pulse spiked slightly at the sight. You didn’t seem to notice, he averted his eyes before you could catch him shamelessly staring at you.  
There was a glint in your eyes when he caught your stare again, a slight flush to your cheeks, but he didn’t back off. 
“Curious now, are we?” He tilted his head, resting his cheek on his fist to properly look at you. 
“Ah, don’t flatter yourself, pretty boy. You brought it up, are you backing out?” 
Azriel opened his mouth to respond, a playful spark dancing in his golden eyes, when—
“Fuck, Ness!” Cassian’s growl reached both your ears as clear as day. There was a beat of silence after that where you just stared at each other stunned, then you broke in a fit of laughter. 
“Seriously Az, I don’t know how you endure it, if I have to listen to them one more night I’m gonna lose my shit. I haven’t slept in days,” you sighed, rubbing your eyes. “and neither have you, it seems.” you pointed out, poking open one eye to stare at him. Azriel had laid back facing you, wings tucked behind his back, shoulders involuntarily curving inwards, a sign of tiredness. You noted the dark circles under his eyes. 
“I look that shitty, huh?” he smiled tiredly.  
“Never.” You stated matter-of-factly. “You’re always pretty.” 
It was his turn to blush then, heat rapidly crawling to his face and neck. He could handle your flirting, your teasing, but he didn’t know how to react when you blatantly called him pretty. It just sounded so…sincere, coming from you. It made his heart flutter in his chest. It was no secret that he found you attractive, he thought he made that clear, but there was more to that, wasn’t there? He didn’t just think you were hot, he thought you were beautiful, smart, and kind, and it freaked the hell out of him to acknowledge all those things because that would mean that he wanted more. More than being your friend, but it terrified him to ruin your friendship. If you wanted him in the same way, you would’ve said something by now, right? You’ve known each other for years. 
“What are you thinking about?” you whispered, breath fanning across his face. He hadn’t noticed how close you were. He could feel the heat radiating from your body. 
“I’m thinking that we should sleep.” He answered, but made no move whatsoever. You smiled at him and nodded, making to reach the faelight to turn it off. You angled your body half above him and stretched to the bedside table, hair barely grazing the hot skin of his torso. Gods, you were practically straddling him, his mind taking him to all sorts of indecent scenarios. Your breasts were just a breadths away from his mouth, he could make out the perked nipples under the shirt. He loved seeing you in his clothes, but right now he wanted nothing more than to rip the fabric out of you. Azriel swallowed dryly. 
What was his fucking problem? It wasn’t like you hadn’t shared a bed before, he blamed his friend’s heated session down the hall. He had to admit it had gotten him a bit railed up, especially with you on his bed, smelling like him. It was hard to ignore the growing want in his veins. 
“Goodnight, Az.” You said, pulling back a little to look at him through half lidded eyes, even in the dark. Was it possible you were feeling the same? or was it just tiredness in your features? 
“Goodnight, angel.” He whispered back. If you leaned in any closer, he swears he’d kiss you, consequences be damned. But you slid right back onto your side, back facing him. 
Azriel lets out a quiet, frustrating sigh, reaching an arm out to wrap around your waist pulling you close. More moaning can be heard outside his bedroom, all the way to Cassian’s room. He feels slightly jealous. 
Suddenly you snorted, “We’ll sleep better if we get past the nghs, ohh, right there Cass!” you moaned, imitating Nesta. Azriel inhaled deeply, trying to ignore the way your little whimpering had shot straight to his dick. And the bite of jealousy he felt at hearing Cassian’s name falling so sinfully from your lips.
He scented the slight change in your scent though, a pinch of sweet arousal that got him mouth-watering. It had gotten to your head too, the display of passion from your friends a few bedrooms away. Azriel debated whether it was wise to do something right now, to taste the waters maybe. But you rolled onto your back again, facing the ceiling and letting out a frustrated groan. 
“Someone has to teach them though, make them uncomfortably listen for once. Maybe I’ll go to Rita’s tomorrow, choose a random male and bring him home. Beat them at their own game.” 
“No.” Azriel growled. You turned your head to the side, looking at him and were met with the dark, lustful haze in his eyes. You felt your core pulse in response. Fuck, why was he so hot?
“What do you mean"no "?" You asked, feeling your tongue paper dry  in your mouth.
“Why wait until tomorrow, if you can beat them tonight?”
The offer hung there, unspoken, for a few heartbeats. You felt your face grow hot, felt liquid fire pooling at your belly at the mere suggestion. He hadn’t even touched you and yet he got you all hot and bothered with a few words. You licked your lips, staring at him, shirtless, hair tousled over the pillow, shadows dancing dangerously over his shoulder. As if expecting your answer. He was a sight for sore eyes. It had to be illegal to be this beautiful. 
“I’m game if you are, sweetheart.” There it was, the deep purr again that had you clenching your legs together. He noticed the shift of course, smirking smugly. 
“Haha, very funny.” you said, huffing. 
“I’m not playing.” He pulled you closer, pressing you against his front. You gasped, feeling the not so subtle bulge in his sweatpants, rubbing against the side of your thigh.
“Is this why you kept me at an arm's length tonight?” you chuckled, but he could hear the breathlessness in your voice. “So I wouldn't find out they got you all worked up?” 
“No, this isn’t their doing, angel. It's all yours.” He dared a hand down your waist, past your hips, to ghost over the skin under the hem of your shirt. You shuddered. “Tell me to stop and I will. It's okay.” 
He lifted the fabric ever so slightly, inching closer to the waistband of your underwear. 
You turned fully to him, chests pressed together, breasts dragging against the firm muscle with every breath. 
“Fuck it, let’s show them.” You breathed into his mouth before crashing your lips together in a searing kiss. 
Azriel groaned low against your mouth, grip tighter bringing your hips flushed together, and kissed you back with fervor. Your hands found purchase in the dark locks at the back of his neck, tugging gently and urging him impossibly closer. He pushed you onto your back, knees parting on their own accord to accommodate him between your legs. It was all so hot and messy. Like you both have been waiting for this for a very long time, it made you throb with need. The thought of him wanting you as much as you wanted him. 
You rolled your hips onto him, desperate for any sort of friction, moaning loudly when the clothed tip of his cock catched on your clit deliciously. Azriel took his chance to slip his tongue inside your mouth, exploring every inch and taste of you, kissing you deeply, desperately. He wanted more, he wanted everything. A wave of arousal licked down his spine, your lips were sweet and addictive, he wondered — needed to know— if other parts of you tasted as sweet. 
He kissed your jaw, your neck, biting and licking his way down to your collarbones. His right hand came to fondle with the generous swell of your breast over the shirt, pinching at the perked nub. The smell of your arousal hit him at a full force, Azriel felt like a youngling in heat rutting his cock at your core. Fuck, he couldn't help himself, he was so enamoured with the sounds he was getting out of you. 
“Take this off,” he ordered, tugging at your shirt. “If I do it I may rip the damn thing off of you, and I love seeing you in my shirt.” 
You obeyed without a second thought, too lost in the feeling of him already. He invaded all your senses, his touch sending your skin on fire, his scent sparkling pleasure bubbling in your insides. The rich tone of his voice had you feeling all tingly and sensitive. Gods, you wanted him everywhere. 
With the offensive clothing now discarded, Azriel wasted no time dipping his head down and latching his mouth to one of your nipples, swirling his tongue and grazing his teeth around the nub. His hand came to play with your other breast, giving it the same attention, switching between your tits. You arched your back into him, whining in pleasure. 
He let go of your chest, looking down to admire you, all spread out for him. Nipples hard and shiny with his spit, breathing unevenly, underwear drenched with arousal, all because of him. He felt his cock throb within the confines of his sweats. Fuck, you looked so pretty like this, he had to taste you. Azriel looked up at your face, your glazed over eyes and swollen lips, and kissed you hard. Scarred fingers found the flimsy material of your panties, pushing them aside and dragging two digits along your soaked folds; you both moaned at the feeling. He rubbed tight circles around your clit, then ran a finger through your slit, smearing your juices everywhere. Your breathing quickened and he bit down your lip before kissing his way to your heat. Azriel looked at you from between your legs, pupils blown with lust, smirking wickedly. He hooked his fingers under the waistband and tugged the material painfully slow down your legs, snarling softly at the sight of your dripping pussy. 
“Beautiful,” he moaned. “So damn beautiful.” His tongue darted out to lick a long stripe out your center. It almost knocked the air out of your lungs, your hips bucking off the bed to get closer to his face. He chuckled darkly. “Eager, angel?”
“Az please, stop teasing,”  you whined prettily, eyes locking with his. 
At this point you didn’t care if your friends could hear or not, you wanted Azriel’s mouth on you, his fingers, his cock. You wanted to feel all of him. 
“Whatever my sweet angel wants,” he blew some air into your cunt, making you shiver in anticipation. Azriel dive in, devouring you like a male starved, like he might die if he didn’t get to taste you. He all but full on made out with your pussy, dragging his tongue along your folds, wrapping his lips around your clit and sucking sharply. He groaned at your taste, the reverberations causing your eyes to roll back into your head, hips jerking up. He wrapped one arm around your hips to keep you pin to the bed and switched between harsh sucks and flicking the wet muscle around the nub. The pleasure was all too much and not enough at the same time, you moaned his name aloud and tugged at the strands of his hair again. 
Azriel’s free hand reached down to spread your folds, soaking his digits in your arousal before proding one finger at your entrance, and pushing inside. Your walls immediately clenched around him, making you both growl in pleasure. 
“Fuck, sweetheart, so tight. Already clenching on me,” he moaned, teeth grazing your clit. You could feel the pressure building in your lower belly, walls clamping down on his finger when he added a second one. You cried out, desperately trying to ride his face. Azriel pumped his fingers inside of you faster, curling his digits to reach that sweet spot that had you seeing stars behind your lids. Words were beginning to fail you, mumbling incoherently about how close you were. “You wanna cum? C’mon angel, give it to me, cum all over my face and fingers.”
His words had an immediate effect on you, pushing you over the edge. Pleasure overpowered you and you let go, cumming hard on his fingers, moaning his name for all the house to hear. Azriel kept thrusting his fingers into your hole, guiding you through your orgasm and licking every last drop you had to offer. He watched you closely, eyes shut in pleasure, soft pants leaving your plush lips as you came down from your high. Only then he pulled his hand away, mesmerized by you. He crawled up your body, coming face to face with you. 
“Hey,” he whispered, smiling. 
“Hey,” you replied, face flushed and smiling satisfied. You reached your hand to push away the dark strands that had fallen into his face, cupping his cheek in your palm. He looked absolutely gorgeous, hair disheveled from your tugging, lips bruised and shiny with your juices, gaze clouded with lust and something else. More intense even, more deep. 
You dragged your thumb over his bottom lip and he sucked it into his mouth, you almost whined again. Breaths coming in short. You brought his face to yours, kissing him with such devotion you couldn't hold back any longer. Azriel shuddered, leisurely kissing you back, you could taste yourself on his tongue. Moaning softly, you ranked your nails down his body, from his pecs, to the hard planes of his abdomen, all the way to his cock, palming him through the fabric. He hissed when you slid your fingers past the waistband of his pants, gripping him in your hand. His hips buckled. He was big, and warm and sticky with pre-cum. You made to put his sweatpants down but he stopped you before you could take it any further. 
“Fuck baby, are you sure?” he asked, looking intently at you. A swirl of emotions passed through his eyes, it made your heart flutter in your chest. “We don't have to, unless that's what you want. I think we made our point clear.” He laughed breathlessly. 
“It is what I want Az. I want you, I need you. Please.” You watched him with pleading eyes, full of trust and… He didn't dare acknowledge that emotion yet, not unless you spoke it out loud. Although his heart still gave a flip. Pulse picking up. 
He helped you pull his pants down, and kicked them out of his legs. His cock sprung free, slapping against his abs, tip swollen and dripping. You flashed him the most beautiful smile he had ever seen you wear, dragging your eyes shamelessly through his body. It gave him a little bit of an ego boost. 
“You're so pretty Az. So so pretty,” you murmured, eyes half lidded already devouring him. 
There it was again, you calling him pretty. He didn't know what to do with himself so he leaned in to capture your mouth in a scorching kiss. You wrapped your legs around his hips, pulling him flush against you, both hissing when the tip of his proud cock bumped against your clit. 
You broke the kiss to slide your mouth along his jaw, down his neck, peppering his sun-kissed skin in love bites. Marking him as yours. Azriel groaned and thrust his hips forward, sliding through your folds, coating his length in your arousal. He repeated the action a couple of times before aligning himself with your entrance. He pushed in slowly, inch by inch, your wetness and the remnants of your orgasm making it easy to slide all the way in. Your walls hugged him tightly as he bottomed out, stilling, to give you time to adjust to his size. Azriel let out a moan so hot and sinful it made a new wave of arousal wash over you. 
He felt on cloud nine, his head falling to the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent and letting it intoxicate him. He could’ve cum right then and there, buried to the hilt in your heat. But he wanted it to last, taking his time to savor the feeling of you wrapped around him so perfectly. He had no doubt in his lust filled mind that you were made for him. You were his and only his. 
You rolled your hips at last, running your fingers down his sides urging him to move. That was all it took for him to pull out to the tip and slam his hips hard into yours, Azriel set a slow, sensual pace, intended in making you feel every last inch of him. You welcomed the stretch with a wanton moan, feeling the veins with every delicious drag of his cock against your walls. 
“Gods, Azriel, more!” you whined. “I can take it.” 
“I swear you're gonna be the death of me, sweetheart.” He panted. Pulling out he gripped your hips tightly and turned you onto your stomach, ass up in the air. He thrust in harsher, making you cry out in pleasure. All signs of restraint gone. 
Azriel picked up speed, angling his hips just fine so that he could reach even deeper inside you. He quickly found the spot that had you gripping him tight, eyes rolling to the back of your head. Abusing your hole, hitting your g spot every single time, mercilessly. He had you in a state of pure bliss, bringing one arm to wrap around your middle, reaching between your legs to play with your clit. You were so close, already too sensitive from your previous orgasm. Squirming around in his embrace, pushing your ass back to meet his thrusts. 
“Fuuck! Don't stop,” you managed out, fisting at the sheets for support. 
“I won't,” he grunted, the swollen head of his cock kissing your cervix. “You're mine, do you understand me? Mine. No other male gets to touch you.” 
“Yes, yes I'm yours,” you panted,  desperately wanting to please him. 
“Good girl.” 
He was relentless, hips slapping with a force that had the headboard smashing against the wall. He knew you were about to cum, could feel his own orgasm sneaking up on him. Azriel went impossibly faster, pulling sobs out of you. You clamped down on him after one particular sharp thrust and your high barreled through you without previous warning. You screamed, white hot pleasure blinding you. Cum gushed out of you, making a mess of your thighs and his. He held your trembling body up, pressed to him as he fucked you through your orgasm, thrusts becoming sloppier by the second. His wings flared proud behind him and he felt the tight knot in his gut snap. Azriel came with a growl of your name, hips coming to a stop. Your body falling limp atop the bed. 
Slowly pulling out of you, he watched astonished at the mess you made, both of your juices dripping down your legs. When his breathing became even again, Azriel leaned in to press a kiss to your spine, making you shudder. 
“You okay, angel?” He asked, scarred fingers gently pushing your hair out of your face. 
You smiled tiredly at him, content. “I feel amazing.” 
He chuckled and laid back next to you, pulling you to lay on his chest. You pressed a kiss over his heart, arms resting on his stomach, still catching your breath. No one spoke for a while, enjoying the aftermath of your actions. There was no room for worry, not with Azriel. Not ever. 
He traced iddle circles on your skin, loving how well you fit next to him. 
“Az?” You called softly to him, he hummed in acknowledgement. “Do you hear that?” 
He stilled, straining his hearing. Muffled moans could be heard down the hall and the distinct sound of a headboard smashing hard against the wall. You laughed in unison. 
“I think we may have spurred them on,” he said amusedly, voice hoarse. 
“I've never been more glad to have left my room than right now” you chuckled. 
“You and I both, angel.” He added, squeezing your ass. 
You turned to him, placing a kiss to the outline of his jaw. Silently admiring the hickies you left on his neck. 
“How does a second round sound?” You purred. 
He smirked, cock already hardening. “Absolutely delightful.” 
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merymoonbeam · 8 months ago
Possible Elriel plot points for the next ACOTAR book
First of all... I'm not saying this is all true. Just my own observation and link to theories that connect to stuff. So just try to enjoy.
We will go by topic. This is LONG. You have been warned.
we will divide this into different topics.
a.the timeline
In Hosab Azriel carried Bryce to a house and we had this scene.
He gave no warning as he hauled her over a shoulder and tromped down a set of stairs before entering somewhere … nice-smelling. Roses? Bread? They ate bread in Hel? Had flowers? A dark, cold world, the Asteri had said in their notes on the planet.
We know it is town house. Here is the post that explains it. > Town House
And from Acosf we know that it was supposed to be empty.
“But why live in this dump, when the town house was sitting empty?” (Acosf)
but in Hofas when Rhys comes Bryce is taken to Hewn City prisons.
“What world is this?” Bryce rasped, the words gravelly. After Ruhn’s body double had introduced himself in that lovely, cozy foyer, he’d grabbed her hand. The strength of his grip, the brush of his calluses against her skin had been the only solid things as wind and darkness had roared around them, the world dropping away—and then there was only solid rock and dim lighting. She’d been brought to a palace carved beneath a mountain, and then down the narrow stairs to this dungeon. Where he’d pointed to the lone chair in the center of the room in silent command.
so we dont touch on the topic that the town house that was supposed to be empty is lived in and is smelling of roses and bread. So to me it looks like they are keeping the acotar plots in acotar and cc plots in cc. So they are not gonna reveal who lives in there in another series so...who lives there?
to me it looks like bryce falling into their world will be in the same timeline as acotar5. we will see through elain or azriel's(probably him) point of view what goes down.
b. the horn-fourth dread trove
In acosf we learn what they are.
Cassian nodded into the ensuing silence. Nesta found herself asking, “What’s the Dread Trove?” Amren’s eyes glowed with a remnant of her power. “The Cauldron Made many objects of power, long ago, forging weapons of unrivaled might. Most were lost to history and war, and when I went into the Prison, only three remained. At the time, some claimed there were four, or that the fourth had been Unmade, but today’s legends only tell of three.”
and in the same book we learn there is indeed a fourth one.
A fourth object lay on the altar, veiled in shadow. But she couldn’t make out more than a gleam of age-worn bone—
in hofas we learn that it is the horn. (ngl I hate this bc acosf timeline and hofas timeline of the past doesnt match so sarah def changed some stuff so..........)
And then she took the Trove for herself. Theia sat, enthroned, the Harp and Horn beside her, the Mask in her lap, and the Crown atop her head.
again goes with the whole same timeline thing. we are gonna learn through elain or azriel that fourth dread trove is tattooed on some girl from another world. Again imo this needs to be mentioned bc making dread troves a big part of nesta's book(and making them so dangerous) and in the next book acting as if some other girl having is not important?? doesnt make sense to me.
c. Cauldron and Ramiel
in hofas we learn that Cauldron sits on top of Ramiel.
“The Cauldron,” Nesta said hours later, pointing to yet another carving on the wall. It indeed showed a giant cauldron, perched atop what seemed to be a barren mountain peak with three stars above it. Azriel halted, angling his head. “That’s Ramiel.” At Bryce’s questioning look, he explained, “A mountain sacred to the Illyrians.”
And from Acosf we know that nobody went to look at what lies under ramiel. Sure enough Eris says "secrets". Maybe like daglan secrets???
Eris shrugged, and Nesta knew Cassian monitored his every breath. “There are three of them, you know. Sister peaks. This one, the mountain called the Prison, and the one the Illyrian brutes call Ramiel. All bald, barren mountains at odds with those around them.”
Eris gave him a mocking smile, but continued, “Unsurprisingly, the Illyrians were never curious enough to see what secrets lie beneath Ramiel. If it, too, was carved up like the others by ancient hands.”
and Vesperus says this in hofas.
Vesperus backed up a half step, hissing at the gleaming weapon. “We hid pockets of our power throughout the lands, in case the vermin should cause … problems. It seems our wisdom did not fail us.” “There are no such places,” Azriel countered coldly. “Are there not?” Vesperus grinned broadly, showing all of her too-white teeth. “Have you looked beneath every sacred mountain? At their very roots? The magic draws all sorts of creatures. I can sense them even now, slithering about, gnawing on the magic. My magic. They’re as much vermin as the rest of you.”
What if there is more to under ramiel than we thought? What if its a secret Daglan hideout? I went into detail and what could have inspired it in my Wild Hunt post if you want to read it.
also the red part in thw quote...cue in acowar elain:
Elain only turned toward the sunny windows again, the light dancing in her hair. “Will I hear the earthworms writhing through the soil? Or the stretching of roots? Will the bird of fire come to sit in the trees and watch me?”(acowar)
we learn that Asteri corrupted the Cauldron in hofas. So this come in handy for the whole mating bond topic of this whole post so Im leaving it for that.
The Cauldron was of our world, our heritage. But upon arriving here, the Daglan captured it and used their powers to warp it. To turn it from what it had been into something deadlier. No longer just a tool of creation, but of destruction. And the horrors it produced … those, too, my parents would turn to their advantage.(hofas)
Also we know from acosf that Enalius tried to stop the "enemy" from reaching the stone on top of Ramiel.
Emerie’s eyes shone. “Long ago—so long ago they don’t even have a precise date for it—a great war was fought between the Fae and the ancient beings who oppressed them. One of its key battles was here, in these mountains. Our forces were battered and outnumbered, and for some reason, the enemy was desperate to reach the stone at the top of Ramiel. We were never taught the reason why; I think it’s been forgotten. But a young Illyrian warrior named Enalius held the line against the enemy soldiers for days. He found a natural archway of stone amongst the tangle of boulders and made that his bottleneck. He died in the end, but he held off the enemy long enough for our allies to reach us. This Rite is all to honor him. So much of the history has been lost, but the memory of his bravery remains.”
so probably they were trying to reach cauldron as it was on top of it. Or maybe the ramiel stone as it seems to heal too. I did go into whole detail in the post I linked about wild hunt. also in this one
Also in the first three acotar books we learn about Book of breathings.
In acomaf we learn that book of breathings was made to control the cauldron.
“When the Cauldron was made,” the carver interrupted, “its dark maker used the last of the molten ore to forge a book. The Book of Breathings. In it, written between the carved words, are the spells to negate the Cauldron’s power—or control it wholly. But after the War, it was split into two pieces. One went to the Fae, one to the six human queens. It was part of the Treaty, purely symbolic, as the Cauldron had been lost for millennia and considered mere myth. The Book was believed harmless, because like calls to like—and only that which was Made can speak those spells and summon its power. No creature born of the earth may wield it, so the High Lords and humans dismissed it as little more than a historical heirloom, but if the Book were in the hands of something reforged … You would have to test such a theory, of course—but … it might be possible.” (acomaf)
So...only made can use its magic.
Made = Feyre , Nesta and Elain
And later in the book we learn that the book is written in Holy Tongue—Leshon Hakodesh.
She stared and stared at the Book—as if it were a ghost, as if it were a miracle—and said, “It is the Leshon Hakodesh. The Holy Tongue.” Those quicksilver eyes shifted to Rhysand, and I realized she’d understood, too, why she’d gone. Rhysand said, “I heard a legend that it was written in a tongue of mighty beings who feared the Cauldron’s power and made the Book to combat it. Mighty beings who were here … and then vanished. You are the only one who can uncode it.” (acomaf)
Mighty beings: Daglan/Asteri
and in hofas we learn that...It is written in the language of the asteri.
Amren turned to Rhysand and said in that new, strange language—their language: “The glowing letters inked on her back … they’re the same as those in the Book of Breathings.” (hofas)
Bryce's tattoo is in the holy language.
And later in hofas Rigelus says that it was his people's language.
“I can teach you things you’ve never even dreamed of,” Rigelus promised. “The language inked on your back—it is our language. From our home world. I can teach you how to wield it. Any world might be open to you, Bryce Quinlan. Name the world, and it shall be yours.”(hofas)
So the book of breathings can control cauldron and it can "open any world" to who can wield it.
and in the first crescent city book...the book of breathings is in crescent city world. In jesiba's library.
Micah loomed over her. She stretched her arm out—toward the shelf. Her tingling fingers brushed over the titles. On the Divine Number; The Walking Dead; The Book of Breathings; The Queen with Many Faces …
do we need book of breathings back as it was mentioned it is in the language of the asteri?
Also in acowar we learn that cauldron has void in it.
when Feyre broke the Cauldron void was coming out of it.
I managed to stand. To take one step before I felt it. The … thing in the Cauldron. Or lack of it. It was lack and substance, absence and presence. And … it was leaking into the world.I dared a step toward it. And what I beheld in those ruins of the Cauldron… It was a void. But also not a void—a growth.It did not belong here. Belong anywhere. (acowar)
And then this reminded me of what Apollion said about void in hosab
The darkness paused. “You are impertinent as well. Do you not know where I come from? My father was the Void, the Being That Existed Before. Chaos was his bride and my dam. It is to them that we shall all one day return, and their mighty powers that run in my blood.”
@silverlinedeyes made a post about Void and Elain connection awhile back (that’s where my fascination with the void comes from lololl) > The void post
in Hofas we learn that Daglan/Asteri made the Cauldron a kill switch.
“Once we left our home world, our powers began to dim. Too late, we realized that we had been dependent on our land’s inherent magic. The magic in other worlds was not potent enough. Yet we could not find the way back home. Those of us who ventured here found ways to amplify that power, thanks to the gifts of the land. We pooled our power, and imbued those gifts into the Cauldron so that it would work our will. We Made the Trove from it. And then bound the very essence of the Cauldron to the soul of this world.” Solas. “So destroy the Cauldron …” “And you destroy this world. One cannot exist without the other.”
So in hofas we learned about thin places...
“No,” Aidas agreed. “But Helena knew that Midgard possessed its own magic. A raw, weaker sort of magic than that in her home world, but one that could be potent in high concentrations. She learned that it flowed across the world in great highways, natural conduits for magic.” “Ley lines,” Bryce breathed. Aidas nodded. “These lines are capable of moving magic, but also carrying communications across great distances.” Like those between the Gates of Crescent City, the way she’d spoken to Danika the day she’d made the Drop. “There are ley lines across the whole of the universe. And the planets—like Midgard, like Hel, like the home world of the Fae—atop those lines are joined by time and space and the Void itself. It thins the veils separating us. The Asteri have long chosen worlds that are on the ley lines for that exact purpose. It made it easier to move between them, to colonize those planets. There are certain places on each of these worlds where the most ley lines overlap, and thus the barrier between worlds is at its weakest.” Everything slotted together. “Thin places,” Bryce said with sudden certainty. “Precisely,” Apollion answered for Aidas with an approving nod. “The Northern Rift, the Southern Rift—both lie atop a tremendous knot of ley lines. And while those under Avallen are not as strong, the island is unique as a thin place thanks to the presence of black salt—which ties it to Hel.” “And the mists?” Hunt asked. “What’s the deal with them?” “The mists are a result of the ley lines’ power,” Aidas said. “They’re an indication of a thin place. Hoping to find a ley line strong enough to help her transfer and hide Theia’s power, Helena sent a fleet of Fae with earth magic to scour every misty place they could find on Midgard. When they told her of a place wreathed in mists so thick they could not pierce them, Helena went to investigate. The mists parted for her—as if they had been waiting. She found the small network of caves on Avallen … and the black salt beneath the surface.” (hofas)
It is long but what we get from this is that
Ley lines are used for moving magic and...communication between worlds
Ley lines are joined by time and space and void
The mist is a big give away for thin places
you get the point. this all seem to be connected. thin places-cauldron-void. I talked more about this in this post
d. the middle and fionn
fionn died in the middle.
The image shifted to some sort of marsh—a bog. Fionn rode a horse between the islands of grass, bow at the ready as he ducked beneath trees in bloom. My parents often went hunting in the vast slice of land the Daglan had kept for their private game park, where they had crafted terrible monsters to serve as worthy prey. It was there that he met his death. A dark-haired, pale creature that could have been the relative of the nøkk in Jesiba’s gallery dragged a bound and gagged Fionn into the inky depths of the bog, the once-proud king screaming as he went under. Horror rooted Bryce to the spot. Theia and Pelias stood at the water’s edge, faces impassive. Petals began falling from the trees. Leaves with them. Birds took flight. As if sudden winter gripped the bog. As if the land had died with its king.(hofas)
Acowar elain
Devlon let out a grunt at the sight of her. But Elain wrapped her own blue cloak around herself, averting her eyes from all of those towering, muscled warriors, the army camp bustling toward the horizon … She was a rose bloom in a mud field. Filled with galloping horses.
Acosf the middle
Islands of grass dotted the expanse, some so crowded with brambles that he could find no safe place to land. The tangles of thorns were a mockery of what might have been—as if Oorid had ever produced roses. Not a single flower bloomed.
Hofas bog when fionn died
Fionn rode a horse between the islands of grass, bow at the ready as he ducked beneath trees in bloom. My parents often went hunting in the vast slice of land the Daglan had kept for their private game park, where they had crafted terrible monsters to serve as worthy prey. It was there that he met his death. A dark-haired, pale creature that could have been the relative of the nøkk in Jesiba’s gallery dragged a bound and gagged Fionn into the inky depths of the bog, the once-proud king screaming as he went under. Horror rooted Bryce to the spot. Theia and Pelias stood at the water’s edge, faces impassive. Petals began falling from the trees. Leaves with them. Birds took flight. As if sudden winter gripped the bog. As if the land had died with its king.(hofas)
So elain and the middle???
Also another point is...the avallen island was like the prison island because Helena hid 1/3 of theia's power there and once bryce claimed that power...the island went back to what it was.
Helena had bound the soul of this land in magical chains. No more. No more would Bryce allow the Fae to lay claim over anything. “You’re free,” Bryce whispered to Avallen, to the land and the pure, inherent magic beneath it. “Be free.” And it was.
It was no longer gray and thrashing, but a vibrant, clear turquoise. And rising from the water, just as they had seen on the map Declan had found, were islands, large and small. Lush and green with life. Forests erupted on the island they stood on, soon joined by mountains and rivers.
So what if fionn did the same before he died? What if the middle is the way it is bc before he died...he bound himself to it so the magic of the land was bound?
And we need elain to free the land? As bryce did to avallen?
also Fionn's death goes so well with lightsinger describtion in acosf. also it ties to pelias.
Me and @silverlinedeyes have theorized before that Pelias might have been a lightsinger in this post.
In hofas we learn that Fionn died like this:
The image shifted to some sort of marsh—a bog. Fionn rode a horse between the islands of grass, bow at the ready as he ducked beneath trees in bloom. My parents often went hunting in the vast slice of land the Daglan had kept for their private game park, where they had crafted terrible monsters to serve as worthy prey. It was there that he met his death. A dark-haired, pale creature that could have been the relative of the nøkk in Jesiba’s gallery dragged a bound and gagged Fionn into the inky depths of the bog, the once-proud king screaming as he went under. Horror rooted Bryce to the spot. Theia and Pelias stood at the water’s edge, faces impassive. Petals began falling from the trees. Leaves with them. Birds took flight. As if sudden winter gripped the bog. As if the land had died with its king
Lets break this down...
Fionn and his close people. One of them is his lover and the other is his general
In the bog
Asteri private game park
The last thing he sees is their faces after they betray him
Now how this ties to Pelias and Lightsingers...
This is how lightsingers are described in acosf:
“There are lightsingers: lovely, ethereal beings who will lure you, appearing as friendly faces when you are lost. Only when you’re in their arms will you see their true faces, and they aren’t fair at all. The horror of it is the last thing you see before they drown you in the bog. But they kill for sport, not food.”
Now lets break this down...
Friendly faces
For sport...not food... private game park
The last thing you see is their faces
Another point is...Silene and Helena both have shadow and starborn power. so them getting the starborn from theia and shadow from fionn makes a lot of sense.
So fionn's death being similar to lightsinger describtion when fionn could have shadow powers...like azriel who is a shadowsinger...you know what I mean? kinda weird lol.
lightsinger gwyn theory @silverlinedeyes made wonderfull posts about it. You can find them >> Part1 and Part2
I have some lightsinger theories too if you want.
Gwyn’s song and Cauldron’s song(lightsinger theory)
Azriel bonus chapter “settled/settling”(Lightsinger theory)
Azriel’s Bonus Chapter “glowed quietly”(Lightsinger theory)
Acosf Chapter 52 - Lightsinger Theory-Sirens
Glow=Power(lightsinger theory)
e. wild hunt being released?? 
In cc3 bryce said this:
“I think it’s what the Prison—the island in the Fae’s home world—once was. When Theia ruled it, I mean. Before Silene fucked it all up. Maybe they’re linked in some way through being thin places and spilled over to each other a bit. Maybe back in that other world … maybe I woke up the land around the Prison, too.”
Maybe I woke up the land around the Prison too
And we know that Silene captured Daglan's pet in prison. 👀
One after another, I hunted monsters—the remaining pets of the Daglan—until many of the lowest rooms were filled with them. Until my once-beautiful home became a prison. Until even the land was so disgusted by the evil I’d gathered here that the islands shriveled and the earth became barren. The winged horses who hadn’t gone with my mother to Midgard, who had once flown in the skies, playing in the surf … they were nearly gone. Not a single living soul remained, except for the monstrosities in the mountain.
And from acosf we know that Lanthys was one of them and he was in...Wild Hunt.
“Oh, I do not think so,” Lanthys seethed. “I rode in the Wild Hunt before you were even a scrap of existence, witch from Oorid. I summoned the hounds and the world cowered at their baying. I galloped at the head of the Hunt, and Fae and beast bowed before us.”
So if bryce did indeed woke up the land around prison that means it could be all crumbled like it was in avallen. Are the inmates going to be free? Are the wild hunt going to be in acotar5? Are we getting a full on wild hunt plot?
Also this goes well with the books being in the same timeline so what happens in cc affects acotar in a bad way.
f. Gwydion and Truth-Teller
They are white and dark light—Alpha and Omega.(I have a post about this) which came true lol. my best theory....
The male drew it, and Bryce flinched, but—“What the fuck?” The knife could have been the twin of the Starsword: black hilted and bladed. It was its twin. The Starsword began to hum within its sheath, glittering white light leaking from where leather met the dark hilt. The dagger— The male dropped the dagger to the plush carpet. All of them retreated as it flared with dark light, as if in answer. Alpha and Omega. “Gwydion,” the dark-haired female whispered, indicating the Starsword.
And whats important is that with her power bryce can unite them to open a portal to nowhere.
Polaris’s eyes widened as Bryce plunged the blades into her chest. And as those blades thrust through skin and bone, the star in Bryce’s own chest flared out to meet them. It collided with the blades, and both sword and knife blazed bright, as if white-hot. The light extended up through Bryce’s hands, her arms, her body, turning her incandescent— Into a star. A sun.
that portal to nowhere is...void.
A portal to nowhere. To a black hole. Wasn’t that the unholy power that Apollion possessed? The power of the Void. The antithesis of light.
so this connects with Cauldron and it having void in it too.
as bryce collects Theia's power that was parted into three parts she starts to realize it is taking a touch of darkness...
Bryce rolled her eyes, but for a heartbeat, Hunt wondered if Thanatos was right: Bryce had explained how the prism in the Autumn King’s office had revealed her light to now be laced with darkness, as if it had become the fading light of day, of twilight—
And we go to that scene...
With a prayer to Cthona, she sent twin beams of light arcing around the prisms, shooting straight into them.Twin bursts of that light flared from either prism, gunning for each other. Bands of light falling into darkness, her power stripped to its most elemental, basic form. They shot for each other, and where they met, light and darkness and darkness and light slamming into each other—Bryce stepped into the explosion in the heart of it. Stepped into her power.It lit her up from the inside, lit up her very blood. Her hair drifted above her head, pens and papers and other office detritus flowing upward with it. Such light and darkness—the power lay in the meeting of the two of them. She understood it now, how the darkness shaped the light.
And the purple highlighted part...it is exactly the same as the six pointed star.
Ithan angled his head. “A six-pointed star,” he said. Like the one Bryce had made between the Gates this spring, with the seventh candle at its center. “It’s a symbol of balance,” she explained, moving away a foot, but keeping the dagger at her side. Her crown of cloudberries seemed to glow with an inner light. “Two intersecting triangles. Male and female, dark and light, above and below … and the power that lies in the place where they meet.”
And if we go by the elriel scene...
Elain looked up at Azriel, their eyes meeting, his hand still lingering on the hilt of the blade. I saw the painting in my mind: the lovely fawn, blooming spring vibrant behind her. Standing before Death, shadows and terrors lurking over his shoulder. Light and dark, the space between their bodies a blend of the two. The only bridge of connection … that knife.
Can you see the connection?
Also that elemental part in bryce's scene. we learn about that in acosf.
Cassian forced himself to sit perfectly still as Rhys dragged a hand through his black hair. “Once, the High Fae were more elemental, more given to reading the stars and crafting masterpieces of art and jewelry and weaponry. Their gifts were rawer, more connected to nature, and they could imbue objects with that power.”
could that be important in acotar? Having elemental magic?
also...TT can unmade things. could this come in handy in mating bond plot?
“The Starsword is Made, as you called it.” He waved an idle hand, sparks at his fingertips. “The knife can Unmake things. Made and Unmade. Matter and antimatter. With the right influx of power—a command from the one destined to wield them—they can be merged. And they can create a place where no life, no light exists. A place that is nothing. Nowhere.”
and now we have both of them in Acotar.
Nesta lifted her head. “So?” “So I want you to take the Starsword.” Bryce held the blade between them. “Gwydion—whatever you call it here. The age of the Starborn is over on Midgard. It ends with me.” “I don’t understand.” But Bryce began backing toward the portal, taking Hunt’s hand, and smiled again at the female, at her mate, at their world, as the Northern Rift began to close. “I think that eight-pointed star was tattooed on you for a reason. Take that sword and go figure out why.”
as we all know...Elain already used TT.
But as a black blade broke through the king’s throat, spraying blood, I realized someone else had. Elain stepped out of a shadow behind him, and rammed Truth-Teller to the hilt through the back of the king’s neck as she snarled in his ear, “Don’t you touch my sister.”
And we know from Bryce that knife has some kind of shadow powers.
Bryce threw her power into the Starsword, light ripping through the black blade, willing it to tear this fucking monster apart—She willed it into Truth-Teller, and shadows flowed—
elain...shadow...as I mentioned above fionn possibly had shadow powers as well. So it all connects. Because Fionn had Gwydion. Enalius had TT. it all seems to line up.
okay we are done with crossover part. I think. I added as much as I could. moving onto another topic.
Im adding narben as a topic here bc we dont have much to go on but I made a deep dive for it in this post from myth connections and all if you want to read it.
Also side not...narben means scar. Azriel's scars....thats all your honor.
2. Beron
But no one had been able to decide which was the bigger threat for them: Briallyn and Koschei, or Beron’s willingness to ally with them. While the Night Court had been trying to make the peace permanent, the bastard had been doing his best to start another war.
What’s better way to star a war over a female who is a cauldron made seer and also his son’s mate but doesn’t want to be with him?
And from Azriel bonus chapter we know that Blood duel is an autumn court tradition.
“Oh, I can, and I will. If Lucien finds out you're pursuing her, he has every right to defend their bond as he sees fit. Including invoking the Blood Duel.” "That's an Autumn Court tradition." The battle to the death was so brutal that it was only enacted in rare cases.
rare cases: for a cauldron made seer
Cassian said, “So we’ve got them on one front, and Beron here, ready and eager to go into war with Briallyn so he might expand his own territory after the carnage halts.”
he wants to expand his territory
Cassian unpacked each word. Beron had tortured his own son for information, rather than thanking the Mother for returning him. But Eris had held out. Fed Beron another lie.
The male had been raised with every luxury and privilege —on paper. But who knew what terrors Beron had inflicted upon him? Cassian knew Beron had murdered Lucien’s lover. If the High Lord of Autumn had been willing to do that, what wouldn’t he do?
Beron is so power hungry that he tortured his own son and he killed his son's lover because she was lesser-fae?
What would he do if he learns that Elain rejected the bond with Lucien because of a lesser-fae(illyrians are lesser fae)?
He already wants war and this would be his reason.
and we know from eris that Beron might as well make a new allience with Koschei after Briallyn is dead.
“Maybe not.” Eris shifted on his feet, and grimaced again. “But you and yours have more important things to think about than ancient history. My father is furious that his ally is dead, but he’s not deterred. Koschei remains in play, and Beron might very well be stupid enough to establish an alliance with him, too. I hope that whatever Morrigan is doing in Vallahan will counteract the damage my father will unleash.”
so...beron. lol.
3. Koschei
Elain already had visions about him in acowar.
Elain shifted her face toward him. Another blink. “They sold her—to … to some darkness, to some … sorcerer-lord …” She shook her head. “I can never see him. What he is. There is an onyx box that he possesses, more vital than anything … save for them. The girls. He keeps other girls—others so like her—but she … By day, she is one form, by night, human again.” “A bird of burning feathers,” I said. “Firebird by day,” Rhys mused, “woman by night … So she’s held captive by this sorcerer-lord?” Elain shook her head. “I don’t know. I hear her—her screaming. With rage. Utter rage …” She shuddered. Mor leaned forward. “Do you know why the other queens cursed her—sold her to him?” Elain studied the table. “No. No—that is all mist and shadow.” Rhys blew out a breath. “Can you sense where she is?” “There is … a lake. Deep in—in the continent, I think. Hidden amongst mountains and ancient forests.” Elain’s throat bobbed. “He keeps them all at the lake.” “Other women like her?” “Yes—and no. Their feathers are white as snow. They glide across the water—while she rages through the skies above it.”
and in acosf we learn that Koschei wants free of his lake but we don't know his other plans
“And all Koschei wants is to be free from his lake?” Rhys asked Azriel. But Amren answered. “No one really knows the full scope of the Trove’s powers. Beyond freeing him from his lake, Koschei may very well know something about the Trove that we don’t —some greater power that manifests when all three are united.”
and he might know things about the trove that nobody knows.
And in hofas we learned this about the harp:
She gave us what protection her magic could offer, transferring it from her body into our own using the Harp. Another secret she had learned from her long-ago masters: that the Harp could not only move its bearer through the world, but move things from one place to another—even move magic from her soul to ours.
Move things from one place to another—even move magic from her soul to ours
and in most koschei tales there is a thing about his...death.
The most common feature of tales involving Koschei is a spell which prevents him from being killed. He hides "his death" inside nested objects to protect it. For example, his death may be hidden in a needle that is hidden inside an egg, the egg is in a duck, the duck is in a hare, the hare is in a chest, the chest is buried or chained up on a far island. Usually he takes the role of a malevolent rival figure, who competes for (or entraps) a male hero's love interest.
maybe he wanted the dread troves for the purpose of his death? Can I bet that koschei moved his "death" from his body using the harp?
Also in that elain quote from acowar elain mentions a box.
While rereading the acotar books I noticed something.
Book of Breathings is described as a box.
The box would be heavy—and cold. Who are you, who are you, who are you— I flexed my fingers and cracked my neck. I am summer; I am sea and sun and green things. “Come on, come on,” Amren murmured. Above, water trickled over the stones. Who are you, who are you, who are you— I am Tarquin; I am High Lord; I am your master. The box quieted. As if that were answer enough. I snatched the box off the pedestal, the metal biting into my hands, the power an oily smear through my blood. An ancient, cruel voice hissed: Liar. And the door slammed shut.(Acomaf)
The box—the Book—was silent. Then it said, Like calls to like. “Open,” I gritted out. Unmade and Made; Made and Unmade—that is the cycle. Like calls to like.(Acomaf)
And we have Koschei's onyx box which we know from Elain. And koschei is a...sorcerer.
Elain shifted her face toward him. Another blink. “They sold her—to … to some darkness, to some … sorcerer-lord …” She shook her head. “I can never see him. What he is. There is an onyx box that he possesses, more vital than anything … save for them. The girls. He keeps other girls—others so like her—but she … By day, she is one form, by night, human again.” (acowar)
so what if it is not a box but a book???
4. Mating bond
Since acowar this has been a question. There are a lot of theories and idea about how sarah would go with this. True mates. Two mating bond. Some of us think elriel has carranam bond... There is so many theories
Elain sat silently at one of the wrought-iron tables, a cup of tea before her. Azriel was sprawled on the chaise longue across the gray stones, sunning his wings and reading what looked to be a stack of reports—likely information on the Autumn Court that he planned to present to Rhys once he’d sorted through it all. Already dressed for the Hewn City—the brutal, beautiful armor so at odds with the lovely garden. And my sister sitting within it. “Why not make them mates?” I mused. “Why Lucien?” “I’d keep that question from Lucien.” “I’m serious.” I turned toward him and crossed my arms. “What decides it? Who decides it?”
Feyre was the first to question the mating bond between Elain and Lucien. This scene is important because she is questioning the mating bond while looking at Azriel and Elain.
And we again see in the bonus that azriel questions the mating bond.
Rhys's power rippled through the room like a dark cloud. "I’m talking about you, about to kiss Elain, in the middle of a hall where anyone could see you," he snarled. "Including her mate." Azriel stiffened. Let his cold rage rise to the surface, the rage he only ever let Rhysand see, because he knew his brother could match it.  "What if the Cauldron was wrong?"
And we see through out the books that Elain and Lucien are not even getting closer. Both of them are uncomfortable with the mating bond.
He hadn’t mentioned Elain, or his proximity to her. Elain had not asked him to stay, or to go. And whether she cared about the bruises on his face, she certainly hadn’t let on.
Elain, at least, would be too polite to send Lucien away when he wanted to help. She was too polite to send him away on a normal day. She just ignored him or barely spoke to him until he got the hint and left. As far as I knew, he hadn’t come within touching distance since the aftermath of that final battle.
“You’re welcome to stay for the night,” I said, since Elain certainly wasn’t going to. Lucien lowered his hands into his lap and leaned back in the armchair. “Thank you, but I have other plans.” I prayed he didn’t catch the slightly relieved glimmer on Elain’s face.
“Why are you here?” Cassian asked, unable to help the sharpness. “Where’s Elain?” “I am not always in this city to see my mate.” The last two words dripped with discomfort. “And I came up here because Feyre said I should. I need to kill a few hours before I’m to meet with her and Rhys. She thought I might enjoy seeing Nesta at work.”
He and Lucien did not exchange gifts, though the male had brought a gift for Feyre and one for his mate, who barely thanked him after opening the pearl earrings. Cassian’s heart strained at the pain etching deep into Lucien’s face as he tried to hide his disappointment and longing. Elain only shrank further into herself, no trace of that newfound boldness to be seen.
Also I mentioned above how TT can unmade things...so can it unmade a mating bond? also it ties into Cauldron too bc....as we know it is corrupted by the asteri. @offtorivendell made a post about how asteri might have messed with mating bonds.
Also lets not forget this iconic quote.
Azriel stiffened. Let his cold rage rise to the surface, the rage he only ever let Rhysand see, because he knew his brother could match it.  "What if the Cauldron was wrong?"  Rhysand blinked. "What of Mor, Az?"  Azriel ignored the question. "The Cauldron chose three sisters. Tell me how it's possible that my two brothers are with two of those sisters, yet the third was given to another." He had never before dared speak  the words aloud.
I'm gonna drop a few mating bond theories in here if you want to read it. Elain and Lucien mating bond is a spell by @icedflames
True mates theory by @silverlinedeyes
mating bond and bridges by @silverlinedeyes with my reblog.
@offtorivendell has many posts about mating bond you can find it here
Would a mate know, would a mate feel— by me
“Through love, all is possible” by me
5. Elain and Azriel’s powers
as I mentioned above...fionn could have a shadow power like azriel.
This is just a speculation but in hofas Silene gave this information.
My mother eventually trusted only Helena and myself to seek the truth. She knew we could be of great use to her, because we bore the shadows as well as starlight.
Helena and Silene both have shadow and starlight power.
Theia= starborn
So they got the starlight power from Theia. They must have gotten their shadow power from Fionn then? Bc he is their father.
So this made me think...in mythology fionn is a seer.
Fionn mac Cumhaill often anglicized Finn McCool or MacCool, is a hero in Irish mythology, as well as in later Scottish and Manx folklore. He is the leader of the Fianna bands of young roving hunter-warriors, as well as being a seer and poet. He is said to have a magic thumb that bestows him with great wisdom. He is often depicted hunting with his hounds Bran and Sceólang, and fighting with his spear and sword. The tales of Fionn and his fiann form the Fianna Cycle or Fenian Cycle (an Fhiannaíocht), much of it narrated by Fionn's son, the poet Oisín.
So what if...fionn in acotar was also a seer? What if that's how elain and azriel are also connected?
Bc that would mean...
Fionn: a seer and shadow powers
Elain: a seer
Azriel: shadowsinger
Is that how they are connected? Is that how elain could use the tt? 👀👀
Bc we know tt and gwydion are twin to each other. And Gwydion was Fionn's sword. Tt was his friend's—Enalius.
And in acowar elain used tt. Maybe bc that's the reason why. Maybe being a seer has some kind of connection to it. Just like being a starborn is connected to wielding the gwydion and its powers.
But as a black blade broke through the king’s throat, spraying blood, I realized someone else had. Elain stepped out of a shadow behind him, and rammed Truth-Teller to the hilt through the back of the king’s neck as she snarled in his ear, “Don’t you touch my sister.”
And we know from Bryce that knife has some kind of shadow powers.
Bryce threw her power into the Starsword, light ripping through the black blade, willing it to tear this fucking monster apart—She willed it into Truth-Teller, and shadows flowed—
As we know Elain is a seer. But there is more to her powers than just being a seer.
@wingedblooms made a post about how when it's mentioned it's always in plural form. >> Elain’s Powers
And with her seer powers she can be a good spy and we can see that Sarah hinted this acosf.
“You came,” Elain said behind her, and Nesta started, not having heard her sister approach. She scanned Elain from head to toe, wondering if she’d been taking lessons in stealth either from Azriel or the two half-wraiths she called friends.
the red part I highlighted in this has a parallel with Azriel you can find the post here >> azriel/elain parallel
And we know that N+C are trained by Azriel.
Amren, at least, knocked this time before entering. Nuala and Cerridwen, who had finished setting combs of mother-of-pearl into my hair, took one look at the delicate female and vanished into puffs of smoke. “Skittish things,” Amren said, her red lips cutting a cruel line. “Wraiths always are.” “Wraiths?” I twisted in the seat before the vanity. “I thought they were High Fae.” “Half,” Amren said, surveying my turquoise, cobalt, and white clothes. “Wraiths are nothing but shadow and mist, able to walk through walls, stone—you name it. I don’t even want to know how those two were conceived. High Fae will stick their cocks anywhere.” I choked on what could have been a laugh or a cough. “They make good spies.” “Why do you think they’re now whispering in Azriel’s ear that I’m in here?” “I thought they answered to Rhys.” “They answer to both, but they were trained by Azriel first.”
another thing is that we know azriel is good at keeping secret and here we have feyre pointing out elain has him beat
Feyre smiled. “Elain was the only one who guessed. She caught me vomiting two mornings in a row.” She nodded toward Azriel. “I think she’s got you beat for secret-keeping."
also now that we have crossover with CC books, there are mystics and it looks like Elain's seer powers and mystics are very similar one another. I talked about that in the post that I'd linked. Also with Elain's seer powers I made a theory about how the timeline could work if Sarah took inspo from a poem from the Norse Mythology called Völuspa. Another thing is there is a magic called Seidr in Norse mythology which I think Sarah might have of gotten inspiration for Elain's powers. It also connects with Vassa(and a little bit crossover) and her possible plotline.
I think this is all I got.
if you read this much....THANKS.
bye now. :)
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acourtofladydeath · 3 months ago
Hope Is A Fickle Thing
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🎶 I've been keeping a seeeecreeeeet... 🎶
HELLO @yanny-77!! I have lied, schemed, and manipulated (with so much love) my way through the @acotargiftexchange to ensure I could deliver you the most perfectly curated fic possible. It was an absolute honor to be your Satan this gift exchange, and I hope you love this fic: an Empyrean angst inspired Azris calamity of errors featuring as much sword lore as I could wrap my head around. -Love, your Satan 😈🖤
Eris travels to the Night Court to surprise Azriel, hoping to sneak in a romantic rendezvous. Unfortunately, the night goes horribly awry. How many members of the Inner Circle will walk in on them? Guess we’ll find out.
***This fic takes place post HOFAS and includes spoilers for the Crescent City series.
***This fic contains direct quotes from Fourth Wing and Iron Flame woven in as parts of the plot. How many can you find?
Read a snippet below or start the full fic on AO3!
Running a hand through his hair to wrestle the short strands back into place, Eris let out a determined sigh. His steps echoed through the wide, empty halls deep within the Forest House as he set out toward his room. The day had been long and advisors more tedious than ever; pushing back against Eris’ attempts to prepare Autumn for his eventual reign.  Beron still sat atop the throne, High Lord in title, though his power waned. Each day Eris felt a new trickle join his amassing magic and he knew it would not be long before he’d need to make his move. All but one of his younger brothers stared at him with hungry eyes, anxious to steal what was rightfully his.  Pushing open his door, Eris tried to act unsurprised by what he found. His youngest brother lounged before the fire, long legs draped over the chair’s arm. Eris groaned internally, struggling to keep his eyes from rolling. He’d been hoping to unwind by himself for a moment, but no matter; he could prepare for what came next with or without Lucien there.  “Who let you in?” Eris asked, voice monotone in an attempt to disguise his disgruntled state.  Lucien scoffed, righting himself in the chair. “Why, I let myself in. You did get father to lift my banishment after the war.”  “Stop making me regret that.”
Continue reading on AO3.
Thank you to @suebswrites for being the absolute best spy and beta, and to @climbthemountain2020 for betaing and being the most supportive mod! Shout out to Vanth for connecting me with Suebs in the first place!
Let me know if you want on or off the taglist! @pippsmcgee @born-to-riot @chunkypossum @bubybubsters @queercontrarian @yanny-77 @fieldofdaisiies @iftheshoef1tz @secret-third-thing @jules-writes-stories @the-darkestminds @climbthemountain2020 @amalhe-kofee @molcat07
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nikalaeva · 2 months ago
I like the romantic fantasy genre. But I guess I'm asking too much when I want both romance and plot. In most of these books, the plot and fantasy part are decorations like in a kindergarten, just a background. No matter what popular (or not so popular) book you take, the author only promises an interesting story. Let's take my "favorite" example - ACOTAR. This is not my first romantic fantasy, but disappointment I felt after spending time on these books is greater than the Burj Khalifa. There is no plot in any of the books in this series. Walking, having sex and talking is not a plot. Every action must have consequences, every next scene must be a continuation of the previous one. Take one away, and the whole story will fall apart like a house of cards. Even sex can be part of the plot. I write for myself, just for fun, and in one of my stories, because of sex between FMC and her friend, her dragon (don't laugh, this was before the Fourth Wing and even House of the Dragon) was attacked and almost killed. What would happen if we removed the sex scene? The heroine would either have prevented the attack or come to the rescue faster.
Feyre, Amren and Rhysand stole relic from Tarquin. Blood rubies are cool, but taking them away doesn't change anything. Mor stole Feyre, the High Lord's bride, from his home, and Rhysand made her an emissary of the Night Court. Remember what Cresseida said about that? The people of Prythian give a shit about laws because they don't exist. Feyre destroyed the Spring Court, and Hybern easily invaded the Summer Court - great, that's as it should be. Did Tamlin and Tarquin do anything to punish Feyre? Okay, that's a bad idea during a war, you need strength, and Feyre isn't completely useless. And then? I was hoping for at least a line about the Night Court turns the treasury inside out to pay for the damage. Azriel attacked Eris. Eris is the High Lord's eldest son, practically a prince. Azriel is just a spy. It doesn't matter who he is for Rhysand and the Night Court. If Prythian had human laws, Azriel should have been executed immediately. If Prythian had laws, Azriel must be punished by the Autumn Court (even if they took him into slavery) and be banished from the Night Court for, like, 100 years, as an apology from Rhysand, who allowed this.
But SJM is a coward. She's as afraid of the consequences as Rhysand was of telling Feyre the truth about the pregnancy - because only her opinion is correct, and the reader is not allowed to have his own.
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ellievickstar · 1 year ago
A Fox's Pain
A/N: I loved this request so much mostly because i have a lot of self induced pain from being clumsy along with the fact i have horrible cramps that make me wanna die for two weeks every month. Can we just agree that protective caring Eris is the best Eris??? Also, I hope your okay slipping on ice sucks and it hurts like a bitch i couldn’t imagine how you feel, remember to take care of yourself!!! (For your info some of the falling is based off my real life cause i thought someone was in my house but i went tumbling to the floor, my foot got caught on the door stop as i was falling and i scratched it and then tripped over it further and died on the floor)
Summary: When you’re clumsy and in pain how will your mate take care of you especially when it pains him to see you this way.
Request: Hi! I was wondering if you could write something about eris taking care of his injured mate or a mate with chronic pain. I fully busted my ass this morning slipping on ice and since I have arthritis, the pain is 10x worse. I can't help but YEARN for the comfort that Eris would bring with his warm hands and reassurance (maybe even a touch of guilt or anger at the gods for bestowing their mate with such pain or even a bonus where the mate gets hurt because of someone else) If this is too specific/complicated, not a problem, but I really love your writing and find so much comfort in it!!
Pairing: Eris Vanserra x reader
Warnings: Chronic pain (reason unspecified), clumsy reader, getting injured, i kinda tried to research a little on arthritis sorry if this is like- wrong. T^T
“HELP!” You yelped as you came tumbling to the floor for what might have been the billionth time that day. You had decided to bake so that you could pass time while Eris was in his meeting with the nobles. You were not needed to show up, thankfully, even though you were High Lady most days Eris let you stay in when your body ached and you could not move. Even on days your pain subsided a little and you were able to make public appearances he would hover over you like a really protective cat. You snickered at the idea of Eris almost hissing and clawing at people who got close to you.
Although your earlier bout of tripping oven door had caused you to go crashing, at least the over had cooled down enough that you were not burnt and you had already placed the baked treats safely on the counter. You reached up to maybe take one, a little lazy to stand up from the cool comfortable floor, when a sharp pain stabbed through your arm and you flinched, curling into yourself.
You don’t know how long it took for the pain to start subsiding as you shut your eyes, trying to swallow down the pain. You do not know when your vision started to blur as you stumbled over to the cabinet where the healer had stored the herbs for the pain.
“This hurts like a bitch,” You mumbled to yourself, causing a slight smile to creep over your face before the pain return and you winced. Maybe you should have stayed in bed like Eris said and waited for him to come back. You craved his heated palms soothing your skin and soft whispers as he tried to soothe the ache in your body.
Breathing in, you counted in your head, counting the seconds until you felt okay to move again.
Breath out.
“You’re okay,” You said firmly. You had grown up with this, you would be fine. You were stronger, you were better than this. You could get through this bout of pain just like very other time. Sighing, you shakily stood up, the dull ache in your joints still present but…better than the stabbing pain you had felt earlier. Wobbling your way to the tray of pastries, you picked up on and just when you were about to put it in your mouth…
You leaned you head back too far and it slammed against the cabinet behind you.
“Shit!” You exclaimed. Cursing out the cabinet, you groaned at the pastry that ended on the floor, bending to pick it up, being careful not to hit anything.
“I think that’s the fourth? Fifth time you’ve done something to hurt yourself?” A cool voiced echoed through the room and as you whipped your head around quickly, too quickly, your foot slipped and you were about to go tumbling again when strong arms shot out and grabbed you by your waist, steadying you. “Clumsy little fox,” He murmured gently lifting you to sit you down on the counter.
“It’s not my fault I wanted to make something nice but the kitchen is so hazerdous,” You shot back. “So hazardous,” He hummed. His warm palms slid over your skin, messaging the ache in your joints with heated skin, the warmth of his magic seeped into your joints and you groaned gratefully, leaning your head into his chest while he worked at your aches.
“You know, you’re helping me but maybe next time keep quiet and just help,” You mumbled. Chuckling, “I don’t remember that complaint last night when I was-,” “Stop, nope, I take back what I said, never mind,” You cut him off quickly. You winced when he touched a particularly painful spot. His eyes softened slightly, and you noticed how his movements slowed and gentled just a tad as he worked on that particular ache, messaging it just like how the healer taught him to.
When he was done, he picked up a pastry from the tray, holding it to your mouth. Your brows quirked as you looked at the pastry to his face, “I can feed myself you know?” “You just hit your head trying to though,” He replied. You rolled your eyes, taking the pastry in your mouth, moaning at the delicious taste as the warm sweetness seeped into you taste buds.
“I’m sorry,” He suddenly said.
“For what?” You asked curiously, reaching to grab another pastry, Eris slid his hands to wrap around your waist again, looking into your eyes.
“I’m sorry that for all the pain that you could feel, I can’t be the one to take away the pain, but I hope that by being here, being with you, I can at least make it bearable. And I’m sorry, that there will never be a day I could truly understand how strong you had to be to survive this illness,” He murmured. Warmth fluttered in your chest and you felt tears well up in your eyes as he pulled you close in an embrace, and as you felt comfort by the warmth of his body against yours, just for a moment, you felt as if everything didn’t matter except the male in front of you.
A/N: So I tried my best and this is how it turned out hahha....I hope I didn't disappoint the anon T^T For those who don't know my requests are open for the moment so if you want me to write anything for you guys please let me know. BYEEEE <3
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acotarxreader · 7 months ago
My Library
Welcome to my lil library of fics I have enjoyed recently (and the gifs that summarise them way too simplistically)! This will be updated as I go 🩷
Dividers by @tsunami-of-tears
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Falling in Love on the Fourth Floor (Azriel x reader)
Out of an act of desperation, you move in with a guy you kind of know who happens to have a really hot brother who lives next door. Azriel x reader - @daycourtofficial
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Practice On Me
Set in Illyria when the Bat Boys are mere twenty-year-olds, Azriel has never explored intimacy and sex like his closest friends have. Reader is more than willing to help — not realising it will offset a series of events that will change life as they know it. Azriel x reader - @acourtofwhatthefuck
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One Summer
One beach house. One festival. One summer to fall in love. Azriel x reader - @illyrianbitch
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Morally Grey
Cassian drags the IC to his new obsession: open mic night at Rita's, and much to his delight, Azriel has been paired up to sing with the Reader. Azriel x reader. - @velariscalling
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Come Here Sweetheart
You are suffering from burn out and having a meltdown. The General of the Night Court's Armies ensures you give him your best smile. Cassian x reader -
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A Thousand Roses
Every day you curse the books which gave you unrealistically high expectations of men. Adamant he wants to take you on a date, Cassian does his best to impress. Cassian x Reader.
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Sly Fox, Dumb Bunny
You find yourself ensnared by a sly, cunning fox. A very handsome, irritating one - Eris x Reader
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Just a little Crush
Everyone secretly longs for Azriel, but Azriel only longs for her. Azriel x Reader
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loneliestluvr · 10 months ago
𝑻𝒐 𝑴𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒐𝒘𝒔 𝑰 𝑾𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝑮𝒐, 𝒊𝒊𝒊.
i. ii. iii.
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Pairing: Eris Vanserra x Archeron OC
Synopsis: Caught up in a world of hollow grief for her people, her life, and her father, Blair Archeron is forced into a life under the light she wants no part of after ghosting through immortality since being Made. But what she finds, is not what she expects.
Warnings: beron😒, abuse in general(like triggering af please be warned), me being a rhysand hater, brief suicidal thoughts
Word Count: 4.1k— this took me all day to write(from 7-9 am and then 3-now please be thankful😞🙏🏼)
taryn thinks: YES I DID CHANGE THE NAME. IT FITS BETTER. I HAD NO IDEA WHERE I WAS GOING WITH THIS WHEN I STARTED. HUSH. i would like to choose this very moment to tell you there will be a happy ending and to say they WILL end up with babies. still unsure how many parts this will be though 💃🏼 im just a gorl. @readychilledwine this is my payment for that tamlin baby and domestic fluff(smut if you’d like) bonus chapter for lost bonds 🤗
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There was glass shattered on the floor by the windows.
Eris’s head was down as he stood before his father, pieces of deep auburn hair hanging by his eyes as he tried not to move and tried not to let any emotion pass over his face. Just as Beron expected when he took his lashings— whether that be from a whip, his tongue, or his powers.
However indignant, the fact his father had chosen his tongue today was a mercy.
“You are insignificant,” Beron seethed, spit spraying from his mouth as he yelled. The deep, cruel, voice booming off the walls of his fathers study. “—a bastard, truly. A bastard because you surely can not be this stupid and be born of me. A worthless excuse for a first son.”
Eris kept his stature wane, making himself small for his father despite the fact he was a few good inches taller than the male.
Sometimes, he thought the High Lord’s need to belittle and denigrate everyone around him, raise his voice and grow violent, was driven by some sort of lust. For power, respect, whatever it may be. Something he lacked.
That maybe the fact he put energy into minimizing his court, his family, his wife even, was because he didn’t even respect himself. That he needed to create room for his anger and hatred by pushing others down.
What had happened to him that made him so cruel? Is this how his father had been to him? Was this love to him?
“How is it that we’ve only just learned there’s a fourth sister, Eris? Tell me,” Beron’s voice grew lethally quiet as he spoke and Eris forced himself to breathe, bracing mentally. “—tell me so I know who better to put on the throne instead of your pathetic fucking excuse of life.”
His words grated against his ears, voice tight and angry and again growing louder as he spoke.
Another glass was thrown, and shattered. Hitting the wall so close to Eris’s head that a piece flew at him, slicing across his cheek lightly. He barely moved.
The crystal thin enough, knife-like enough, that he felt the warmth of his blood start to slowly seep from his skin.
Like moisture collecting on the petal of a white poppy in the early morning dew when he sat in the meadows by the Forest House, Saydee’s head in his lap as he talked to the earth. A small reprieve from the chaos of the palace.
Eris was there, in his mind.
Petting his hounds grey coat as he whispered, just as he always did when the sun came over the horizon and woke for the day. Like he had since he was just a faeling sitting in his mothers lap as she did the same.
His mother had explained it so gently one morning, sat in the grass, about when the sun comes over the skyline to say good morning. Not to speak too loudly or too brash so that he didn’t startle the earth, because she too deserved kindness. The Mother.
So almost everyday for as long as he could remember, he sat in that meadow, lazing in the tall grasses as those vibrant hues of blue and orange and pink and yellow streaked across the sky— and he whispered to Her.
About his hopes and dreams that would never be fulfilled or sought after, talked of the life he wished to have. That he wished his own mother had. Asked for her days to be gentler, kinder, prayed on every wild dandelion he found, for someone to share his days with, to talk to— however boring.
And he had. He had his dogs, and he had the fields surrounded with the creeks that ran through their property, and he had the sky.
He wished he was there most of the time. So he created a place in his head, to escape in moments like this.
Acres of meadows, full of flowers and taller grass than he could dream of. Up to his hips, his bloodhounds disappearing beneath the blades as he strolled leisurely. Hands wading through the soft thicket. Sometimes he dreamed of others with him, his mother, Lucien, someone else.
Locked away that piece of himself to disappear into whenever being in his body became too much.
It’s where he had spent nearly fifty torturous years Under the Mountain, spending every waking moment protecting the female who had raised him for his father didn’t care to. Spending fifty years away from those grasslands and that beautiful savoy grandeur. His meadows.
Throwing stick after stick out into those pastures as he walked further and further, his best girl running every time he threw— chasing bunnies and jumping into the streams. Getting lost in his mind. When he knew it was morning, which was so very rare down in that dark and decrepit nightmare, he prayed. He prayed for some divine force to step in, for Her to save him and his family. To be kinder. The first time he cried and spoke his despair aloud, Feyre Archeron had come three days later.
Eris was deep in fern grasses as the blood dripped down his face, but he still did not move.
He hadn’t even taken his coat and finery off from Hewn City yet, having told his father he was coming from the lookout on the northern border. He didn’t bring attention to it.
He heard his fathers deep breath and the creaking of the chair behind his desk as he sat, maybe seeing reason now that the heady scent of his sons blood filled his study.
“You will go to Rhysand as soon as possible,” Beron started, pinching the bridge of his nose. Eris still didn’t look up, just blinked at the floor. “—do what you must. Find a way in, figure out what else those wretched girls took from us. I do not care if you kill or maim or whatever else takes your interest these days.”
His voice trailed off as if remembering something significant and Eris heard the wood groan again and then footsteps, his heart remaining steady despite the screaming that filled his head. Then he saw the polished toes of Beron’s shoes.
“You always were the smartest of my sons. So much like me, so brutal.”
Male pride laced those words. Eris wanted to throw up, he wanted to scream, and he did want to kill. He wanted to kill the man before him, wanted to kill the ruination that circled this court. That ripped its beauty from her chest, chewed it up, and spat it out.
But he did not move.
A hand gripped his chin, turning his face to the side and up. Eris let his eyes flick to his fathers face and saw the warning there.
“Where did you get this.” It wasn’t a question, Eris knew.
“I was playing with Saydee and tripped too close to a jagged rock, it cut me. It didn’t hurt.”
Beron released his chin if only to land a sharp slap on his other cheek and then immediately grabbed his face again. His grip burned, like molten ire, making the flesh of his cheeks dig into his teeth.
“Where did you get it.”
“I was practicing my swordsmanship with Brenton and he sliced me with his rapier, it was an accident. He got the proper punishment for hurting me.”
Beron released his son’s face and stepped back.
“Get out, don’t let your mother see you.”
Doubtless that the reason he wanted him gone was because he didn’t want his sons blood to drip onto those precious carpets.
Eris didn’t need to be told twice, so he walked. As calmly as he could until he got to his rooms, making sure to take the long way around and avoid where his mother was no doubt waiting by her own door to hear Eris’s footsteps walk by.
To know he was safe, or to know what his father did. Either way, he didn’t want her to see him like this.
Closing the door behind him, he finally loosed a breath, opening his eyes as he shucked off his jacket and draped it over the chaise by the hearth. Walking to his tray of decanters, lightly touching the blood on his face with one hand as he picked a bottle up in the other.
His scarred fingers came back crimson.
A slow boiling rage, like simmering sugar, filled his body. His muscles, gritting his teeth silently. Grip growing tight as he looked at that blood.
And then that was all he saw as the glass bottle shattered into the brick fireplace, sending the flames roaring and him stumbling back a few steps into the post of his bed.
He hadn’t noticed it was lit, vision glazed over.
He was breathing heavily, eyes wide as he watched the flames fulminate, casting an orange glow on his room and his face. So bright and wild he felt the heat from feet away as he watched the fire roar and gutter back down.
Eris thought that maybe he really wasn’t any better than the man that sired him at all.
Spring in Velaris was beautiful.
The mid-day sun warmed the air around the River House, a gentle breeze kissing Blair’s skin and ruffling through her curled hair.
She’d let her little sister braid it back this morning, a thin coronet that made a beautiful pleated flower on the back of her head. Though her loose bangs tickled her eyes, Blair thought she had looked rather pretty.
She wasn’t so outside of her body when she sat in the open air. And she felt… alright.
Though she would have preferred a fir to scale, as they allowed for easier climbing, but the willow she had found herself in made for a good view of Elain working in Feyre’s garden.
It was a welcome change from her window. Like there was no need to run away and hide in the forests of her mind, digging her own hands into the soul of the earth just to make sure her mind didn’t numb away.
She was almost laying down against the bark, the large trunk and spindling branches wide enough two people could have sat up here side by side. As uncomfortable as it may have been, the rough corking crust digging into wherever it touched through her pale yellow gown, it felt like home.
It’d been a week since Starfall at the House of Wind, almost a month since that all too brief introduction she had made to the world in Hewn City on Winter Solstice. Of Prythian’s world, at least.
Blair hadn’t expected anything for it, she had been there for a short half hour and had been… occupied the whole time.
Sometimes her skin still burned when she was alone. In the bath, when she stirred honey into her tea, late at night in the too cool sheets of her bed.
She’d felt her own since Hewn City, able to think and manage conversations, elating to Feyre and Elain and she quite enjoyed conversing with her little sisters now. But she still laid by the fire, night after night just to feel that warmth fill her.
But after that, after the surplus of gifts from their small gathering that followed, presents hadn’t stopped when the Solstice holiday ended— but they weren’t coming from her family.
Baskets and boards and chests and boxes were sent to Rhysand’s palace and then were brought to the House. Welcoming’s and courtiers from every place in Prythian it seemed, branching out to welcome her.
Well wishes, mostly. Some off-notes and letters, claiming that Blair Archeron’s beauty could be used to fix the rifts in this continent and between courts. That had been the most absurd one, a letter for Rhysand asking for her hand in marriage. He laughed as he read it to her, sitting by the window— knees tucked into her chest.
It angered her more than anything. That she was already a prize to be had, or that it was Rhys they were asking.
Slowly, as days passed and she spent more time outside breathing clear air, the anger grew. The realizations came in waves, of things she had missed, times where she should have spoke up and didn’t.
Resentment, frustration, shame, guilt.
She didn’t let it show, bottling it up and shoving it down. Killing the urges inside her to scream at everyone, to bellow and seeth and grow violent. Something so awake in her, gnashing and bloody teethed. The need to give into that voice in her head that told her to let it go.
That she needed to in order to go on, in order to have a sense of normalcy. That exploding was the only was to settle her bones. She felt particularly nasty towards Rhysand.
The betterment he had to achieve and grovel over, should grovel over, was stacked against the High Lord.
The anger was what took her the most, forcing her fingers to loosen the grip she had on her fork at dinner nightly as she listened to him ramble and laugh. Watched Feyre go on like she would not die having his child, closer and closer to being due.
She wanted to watch him bleed as her sister was going to.
Wanted to scream for all he had made Nesta do.
The entitlement.
But Blair buried it.
So she would glare to herself when he wasn’t looking, lip pulled back slightly and passed off as a twitch, before she took in what was sent as an attempt to woo her.
Blair had thought they were for Feyre in all honesty, before Cassian explained that it was bad luck. A few days ago when he walked with her along the Sidra— Elain had dragged her out and in return she made the Illyrian come with her— he had said it was a grim omen and wish of terrible luck to send an expecting mother gifts for a babe that hadn’t yet been born. To the fae at least.
She listened mindlessly. Noting the scent of her older sister that came from him in waves. She needed to talk to Nesta, and soon. A conversation was owed on both ends.
The thin parchment of the book she was reading scraped against the soft pads of Blair’s fingers as she leaned back against the large trunk of the willow.
Vines of cream wisteria flowing in the soft wind that sent the caps of her bell sleeves fluttering, watching Elain out of the corner of her eye as she dug her bare hands into the soil. Choosing not to use the enchanted gloves Lucien had gifted to her as she tended to the flower beds at the back of the house.
Despite the cool air surrounding Blair from the river flowing a few paces away, a warmth bloomed past her skin, not from the sun, but from something else, and her chest melted or sparked or roared as she saw a flash of deep auburn hair— walking towards where she was in the tree.
The second oldest Archeron’s brow furrowed so slightly. That scent— that heated mahogany and citrus, burning embers, floated to her on a soft wind and brushed through her hair in a soothing caress.
Eris’s hand skimmed along the brush of a white rose hedge as he strolled, his gait loose but strong. Blair kept her focus on the pages she was reading, but a sudden pounding in her heart had her unable to focus on any of the words.
She heard him approach, feet light and careless, she wouldn’t have heard it if she were still human. But with her new ears, the new senses she was still getting used to, she could.
The feet stopped, just under her, and Blair flipped the page. The thin and gauzy skirt of her dress draped and hung down the branch she lounged on, leg crossed over the other.
Eris cleared his throat then, and Blair could see his tall stature blurred in the peripheral of her vision. Hands tucked appropriately behind his back.
“I’m shocked Rhys let you come here, especially with my baby sister in her condition.” Blair said without lifting her head to look at him. Eris hid his smile by lowering his head. “Or should I be worried you’ve come to steal Nesta away? She’s not here, by the way.”
The words poured out of her mouth so quickly that Elain lifted her head in wonder, the same furrow as her older sister’s she’d seen play out in her face so many times. Rhys was standing with his arms crossed on the stone walkway when Elain looked to the back doors. Not pleased, but something willing.
“Now, smart, beautiful thing.” He tsked his tongue, amusement lacing every word. “I wanted to see you, and I told you that Nesta was not what I wanted anymore.”
Blair lifted her head at that, looking down at his wretchedly beautiful face and he smiled that wicked smile at her that spoke of pure sin. The level of her belief was in her eyes.
Whatever he offered that was big enough for Rhys to allow him to come to Velaris, she didn’t believe it would be just for her. Eris had given something to gain something— that’s what they all said of him.
“I told him I’d spoil our fun and tell my father of our plans or he could let me see you and I’d send a legion tomorrow for him to direct.” Eris added, as if reading her mind or face or body. She forced herself to keep looking at him.
“I could have met with you somewhere else.”
“Would you have? Left this place?” A raise of his brows.
Blair didn’t know, she didn’t know why she said it. Why her tongue just moved before she could think with him. Her eyes said as much and then a sudden, unknown, panic filled her and the life guttered so quickly from her eyes.
“It is safer here anyway.” Eris said lightly a few seconds later, followed by a quiet sigh.
There was a thin white gash along his cheek, almost healed, but it wasn’t there the last time she’d seen him. Blair remembered every inch of his face whether she wanted to or not. A face that followed her.
“No gift to try and sweep me into a marriage with you?” She said as gently as she could, face a bit flat.
“I thought I gave you one.” Eris smiled and at Blair’s squinted eyes, he continued. She closed her book and tossed it to the ground, narrowly missing him as it thudded to the ground. “Our dances, I did give you three I believe. Is that not the correct number in the mortal realm when a male is courting a female?”
The female blinked down at him, pausing as she swung her legs over the side of the branch, face drawing ever tighter and then she couldn’t control it.
It was the wording that sent her laughing she supposed. The sound rich and full of life, not empty and deserted or even strained, a song that skittered over Eris’s skin. Soft and silky as a fawn’s coat, gentle and easy as a gliding dove.
“I suppose,” Blair started, grunting slightly as she slid on her stomach— using the little strength she had in her arms to hold tight to the trunk she was dangling from. “—if we were in the mortal realm.” Blair panted slightly and Eris’s mouth formed a tight line as he watched the female struggling to climb back to the ground.
Her palms quickly formed indents from the grooves and bumps and ridges she clung to, nails digging into the wood.
“But,” Slipping slowly, trying to find a place for her dangling bare feet to land or stick to so she didn’t drop seven or eight feet right to the grass. The thin sleeves of her dress catching and snagging on sharp ribs in the bark. “—I so graciously have the rest of my immortal life ahead of me,”
“Would you…” Eris’s hands trail off as he watched, hands behind his back and head tilted.
“I have choices, to make—” Blair interrupted, toes splaying as she reached and reached for the next thing down but there was just nothing. “So I think it fair I take,” She huffed, hands slipping and sweating as she tried to grapple. “My,”
Eris raised an amused brow to her backside, arms crossing over his chest as he just watched. Her full body dangling there and then Blair yelped, right hand slipping and then she was falling with a gasp.
Eris was there a second later, large hands firmly gripping her waist as her knees bent over something. Scratching up her hands as she went, skin ripping on the rough bark and she grappled for anything. Body twisting.
It was Eris who caught her, who she tangled herself onto so she wouldn’t slam against the ground. Panting, heart beating, arms around his neck before she looked at him.
Blue, rust-flecked eyes met amber ones.
“Time.” She whispered, staring at his face. He’d caught her. She couldn’t tell if it was her pulse she could feel inside her hand, or his, as it held to the junction between his neck and shoulder. His eyes flicked down.
“Yellow was a choice, my dear Blair.” She scrambled from his arms, dropping another foot before touching the ground as she stood on her own again.
“I like yellow.” She spoke quietly, brushing her hands along her dress and halting when it streaked the fabric with a dirty red. Looking up at him with a breath, she crossed her arms instead.
“Beautiful as a rare star, then.”
Blair rolled her eyes.
“What is it you want, Eris?”
The male nearly fell to his knees at the look in her eyes, the sound of his name on her tongue for the first time.
Out loud, that is. He’d rewatched her beautiful lips play with it in his head for the past month, over and over. Kept it for himself, for when he was alone or bored or…
Eris feigned a pout.
“No polite courtier? I just saved you, my fair damsel.” He said, face serious until he smiled again and Blair started walking back towards the house. Rhys mouth twisted into a satisfied smirk as he watched.
“I do not need saving, the worst that would have happened was a few scratches or a bruise. I would have lived.” Even if she didn’t particularly care to. She didn’t say that out loud, though. But the despair seeped into something, she didn’t care enough to stop and think about the feeling.
“Mm,” He hummed, following behind her. “I suppose so.” He wanted to grab her, to touch and feel her beneath the flesh of his hands just because. Something inside his chest dragging him along behind her, he was not himself.
Blair just kept walking, right up the stones and the marble stairs off the back of the house, feet padding to the doors. Eris stopped at the steps where Rhys made him halt.
“Don’t let them hold you.” Eris called and she looked over her shoulder just briefly before flinging the doors open and disappearing inside the house that was warded off. Eris couldn’t follow after her if he wanted to.
“You saw her. For whatever reason you needed, she clearly did not have an interest in the same.” Rhys sighed, stepping in front of Elain subconsciously as Eris stood there— still looking into the House. “Now leave my city before I kill you, you know not to speak of this place to anyone.”
Eris was still staring after her when he disappeared in a rush of wind and warm light.
Elain looked back at the tree where her sister and the male had come through moments ago, only to find a particular trail of higher grass where Blair had walked and suddenly grown dandelions were blooming.
From the slam of the back door seconds later and the vacant yard that Elain was now left alone in, nobody else had noticed.
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🏷️: @prythianpages @readychilledwine @impossibelle @anuttellaa @aelincaddel @umgatochamadopercyval @mirandasidefics
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queercontrarian · 9 months ago
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Azris Week 2024: Contact
Azriel and Eris are not quite as overt in showing their affection as Azriel's family is. You might not even know it's there... unless you know where to look.
this summary is shit also let's all just pretend i posted this on the right day okay? thank you
“I’m getting old,” Cassian groans, letting his heavy body drop onto the bench with a crack that doesn’t bode well for the structure of the piece. After all, the birchin is almost as old as Cassian is now. 
“Must be the constant losing because I feel great,” Azriel lies through his teeth as he sits, much more careful than his brother to not damage the old furniture more. He does feel great; winning always feels good, especially when it’s their traditional snowball fight and even more so when it’s his fourth year in a row. Still, he too can feel the years bearing on his bones and joints, especially now that he doesn’t spend nearly as much time training his body as he used to when he was still Spymaster of the Night Court.
“The only reason you can keep up your winning streak is because you don’t have any children to run after,” Rhys complains, stretching his leg out in front of him to gently massage his knee. ”You have no idea what real tiredness is until you’ve chased a nearly eighteen year old across all seven Courts trying to keep him from causing the whole continent to blow up.”
Azriel snorts. “Actually, I do know a thing or two about how that feels.”
“Oh fuck you, I was never that bad,” Rhys replies, but it has no real bite. He leans back and closes his eyes. Azriel shrugs, which Rhys can’t see now but might just feel through some brotherly intuition or simply the fact that they’ve known each other for nearly their entire lives.
“And anyways, it can’t be that hard,” Azriel adds, “You love your children, that’s why you had them. That’s why you continue to have them.” He shoots a pointed look at Cassian. He and Nesta just welcomed another two children into their home: twins, no more than ten years old, both from the far islands which crown the north of Illyria. That makes for five kids that his friends have adopted so far. Luckily, the House of Wind has enough room for all the youths they invite to join their family, and Nyx and Jasmin both go nearly green with envy since Noura is the only cousin with siblings. That is, until Elain gives birth again, which won’t be for a couple months now.
“True that,” Cassian mumbles, eloquent as ever as he too leans back against the wall. “Why don’t you have children anyway?” 
Azriel just stares at him, trying to decipher what it is his brother is really asking. It's not exactly like having a child is something that could just happen to him and Eris like it did for Rhys and Feyre. He knows of course that Eris will be expected to produce an heir some day, but it’s been barely fifteen years since he became High Lord. They still have time, time to figure out how they will construct this future family of theirs, time to be a family of just two. Azriel isn’t ready to share his husband with another soul yet when he already shares him with an entire Court, but that feels like too earnest of a thing to say here and now. It’s not that he thinks his brothers wouldn’t understand, he just doesn’t want to bring it up yet.
“It’s not like we don’t try,” he says finally with a sideways grin on his face, waiting for Cassian to look at him again. “We try so hard, you know, every night, but it just doesn't seem to be happening for us.” Cassian cackles and then coughs as he breathes in the hot air of the birchin, enriched with a thousand healing herbs - at least that’s what it smells like. 
“I’m sure you do,” he rasps through coughing and Rhysand smirks too, though Azriel doesn’t know if it is at the joke he made or Cassian’s face, which has taken on the color of pickled beetroot. 
“You’d never know,” he says, and Azriel just gives a noncommittal hum.
“Right?” Cassian agrees, his voice still rough though he’s stopped coughing for now. “I mean, you’d never know if you just saw you guys.” 
Azriel frowns. “What is that supposed to mean?” 
“Just, you know. You don't really act like a couple. I mean, compare that to me and Nesta or Rhys and Feyre; they’re all over each other.” 
Azriel has half the mind to turn his back to them to show them the clear proof that Eris, too, is all over him more often than not, and likes to leave his mark, thank you very much, but that feels childish. The truth is they don’t act like the other couples in the Inner Circle. That doesn’t mean they love each other any less.
“What, just because we don’t fondle each other in the presence of others?” Azriel responds, unable to suppress the slight defensiveness, his inner walls shutting down almost automatically. He knows his brothers mean no harm, but it still feels like a challenge. Eris and him are just much more private people than his brothers and their partners.
“Yeah but there’s private and then there’s whatever you guys have,” Rhys voices his opinion from the bench across the room. Azriel barely has time to admonish him for reading his mind without asking - which is something he promised he wouldn’t do anymore when Azriel became Lord Consort of Autumn, but old habits seem to be hard to break - when Cassian adds, “It’s not like it’s bad or anything. It’s just different from what we’re used to.”
“I suppose,” Azriel says. He’s not trying to spend the limited time he and his brothers have nowadays bickering - even though they are of course dead wrong…
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
There is no way they will be able to talk to all these people tonight but Eris seems to be hellbent on trying, and if the High Lord is convinced of something it is harder to change his mind than to go along with it. Azriel has always been the type to choose the path of least resistance. Eris's hand is firm on his back as he leads him through the crowd of fae gathered in the throne room. He can feel Eris’s heartbeat, reverberating through their bond. It rarely feels stronger than when they are next to each other.
He’s been standing on the balcony for a while when Eris finally joins him. His wings are practically being baked in the hot sun of the Day Court but it’s still bearable. Better than being inside anyways.
“Taking a break, are we?” Eris says with a smile. Azriel just rolls his eyes.
“Didn’t really want to stick around to watch my family stick their tongues down their partners’ throats,” he grunts, and Eris laughs.
“The topics of conversations have changed quite drastically since this morning,” he admits, and that’s putting it lightly. The official visit that had been scheduled for diplomacy reasons has been derailed entirely. Now it seems more like they were only moments away from an orgy taking over the room.
“Just… stay with me for a little while,” Azriel asks, with more vulnerability in his voice than he would usually allow himself. It’s hot, he’s tired, he feels a little overwhelmed. He shifts slightly to his left so Eris can lean against the railing next to him. Their arms brush against each other and Eris reaches for his hand, locks their fingers together. 
They watch from the sidelines as the courtiers inside bicker and flirt and debate and disappear off into their own little corners away from prying eyes until Helion finally calls them to order (“So unlike him,” Azriel mutters and Eris grins). 
Minutes turn into an hour and the afternoon sun sinks further into a beautiful sunset. Finally Eris separates himself from the railing and makes a step back towards the hall. He turns to look at Azriel, their hands still joined between them.
“Ready to go back in there, Shadowsinger?” 
Azriel raises their hands to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to the back of Eris’s hand.
Azriel never thought listening to two brothers argue could be calming, but with Sasha and Bas bickering on the couch opposite him he feels like he could fall asleep at any moment. Then again maybe it’s not the heated discussion about grain import but the friendly fire that the Lady Vanserra had lit in the family’s private drawing room, the dog snoring at his feet, the sound of the wind outside the stained glass windows. Maybe it’s Eris’s hand, curled at the back of his neck, playing absentmindedly with his hair.
Azriel sighs and leans in closer, Eris’s low chuckle a familiar and comforting melody in his ear.
People have slowly been filing out of the great ballroom for the past two hours. Personally, Azriel is elated. He does not mind balls, in fact there are two very good arguments why he should enjoy them a lot more than he does - those arguments being that usually, he gets to see his half of the family, and he gets to see Eris even more dressed up than he is on the day to day. Still, he likely won’t ever get used to being the host, and he is very glad that at least for now it is over. There is only one more breakfast to get through tomorrow before the last of their guests leave and he will only have to share his husband with one Court instead of all seven of them. 
“There you are.” Speak of the devil. “Ready for this to end?” Eris’s smile is slightly lopsided, and the way he holds his shoulders betrays his exhaustion, but he looks happy and it instantly lifts Azriel’s mood as well. When he turns to fully face his husband he can’t help but reach out to smooth down the spangles on his coat, which still looks practically impeccable. He knows it would bother Eris though, if he noticed it. 
The male places his hand over Azriel’s own and pulls him closer by his arm until they are standing only a few inches apart. 
“Dance with me,” Eris says, the look in his eyes so earnest that it feels impossible to deny him anything.
“Here?” Azriel asks weakly, his resolve already crumbling before he can even try to say no.
“Yes. Here, now.” 
There’s barely anyone in the hall now anyway, and even if there were a thousand guests still around them it wouldn’t matter; all Azriel can see is Eris.
Azriel feels like they've been sitting here for hours, listening to Helion drone on and on about regulations in the creation of new subsections of the principal disciplines of magic. Eris at least manages to pretend to show interest, but Azriel is pretty sure that it's very evident on his face that he wants nothing more than to take another break from this meeting, or better yet, leave it be for today and return back to their room. 
He is distracted again when Eris moves his hand to rest between them on the narrow wooden armrest of his throne. He watches, mesmerized by the way his husband's many rings glint in the sunlight as he begins tapping his fingers against the armrest.
Tap tap tap. A signal?
Azriel glances up at Eris, who is still following the debate that has now started between Helion and Kallias, but his expression is a bit too fixed to be natural.
Tap tap, Eris's pointer finger sounds softly against the wood. Slowly, Azriel places his own hand next to Eris's, eyes tracking every movement his husband makes, watching as his mate extends his pinky finger until it rests against Azriel's own scarred hands. Slowly, so slowly, their fingers entwine, Eris’s rings scraping against his skin. When Azriel looks up, Eris is still staring straight ahead, a slight smile on his lips.
The House of Wind is as crowded as ever on Starfall, but Azriel can barely hear his family cheering for the spirits as they travel across the sky, nor can he hear the music or the noise of the party. He’s too wrapped up in his mate, standing as close to him as he possibly can to take in his warmth, his scent, his quiet words even as the world around them seems to get only louder.
Under the light of a thousand stars, of spirits and candles and magic sparks Azriel leans in closer to wrap his arms around his mate just as Eris turns to kiss him.
Eris doesn’t say a word when Azriel slumps onto the couch next to him. He only moves his leg a little so he can fit comfortably, shifting his book from one hand to the other. Azriel sighs, his head rolling back as his muscles slowly relax from the long day. Eris’s thigh is leaned against his, with no pressure but a warm, comforting presence that makes him melt deeper into the couch. 
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
The trip from Night to Autumn is an arduous one, even more taxing in the winter months when it's cold and wet and generally unpleasant to be flying in the Solar Courts. He wants nothing more now than to simply curl up here with Eris, not talking, not moving, just listening to the rain patter outside their window, the fire crackling and the sound of Eris’s breathing. He sighs, his shoulders slowly relaxing as he lets the day pass by again in memory, from the early morning snowball fight to Solstice dinner, which had dragged on forever. He loves and misses his family, even more so now that they live so far apart, but his longing for Eris, for home, always wins out. 
Azriel stretches his tired body out across the whole sofa with a sigh, feet hanging off one end as he reaches for one of the pillows to rest his head in Eris’s lap. Eris helps him maneuver his wings into a more comfortable position and Azriel can hardly hide his groan of relief when all the weight is finally taken off of his back and he can feel fully at ease. Eris’s fingers get tangled in his hair as he starts to gently massage the back of his neck and his head with one hand and Azriel can feel his mate’s pulse against his ear, on his lips, across the bond, like the steady beat of his own heart.
“How was your trip?” Eris asks finally, though he still doesn’t look up from his book. 
I’m getting old, Azriel thinks, I missed you. They are so wrong about us.
“I love you.”
Eris smiles.
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bubybubsters · 6 months ago
Shame (Eris x you)
a/n: I kinda like this one
Eris week day 6: AU @erisweekofficial
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Your POV
You sighed, placing your pen on your desk as you covered your face with your hands and groaned. Physics was depressing. What crazy alien had possessed you to decide to major in it?
Glancing out the window of your dorm, you frown at the flock of students. Your roommates are out there somewhere. There’s a party tonight at the Vanserra brothers dorm. And you can’t go because of a stupid physics test tomorrow. Checking your phone you find that nobody has texted you. Of course. You didn’t really have many friends anyway. Just a best friend studying architecture
A light tap against your window tears you out of your trance and you furrow your brow at the guy outside your dorm.
Eris Vanserra. Majoring in aerospace engineering and the man of everyone’s dreams. With red hair, piercing amber eyes, and the sharpest cheekbones you’d ever seen, how did he not have a girlfriend?
And what the fuck was he doing knocking on your window?
You cock your head at him and he smiles, motioning for you to come out. You debate refusing but you were in need of a break anyway.
Getting up, you slip on white crocs and round the building. The crowd if partiers has passed and there’s only a few people roaming the grounds of Forest House Academy.
You spot the sought after redhead surrounded by a small crowd of people and roll your eyes.
Why’d you even come out here?
You stretch for a few minutes, letting uour muscles relax after hours of sitting. Glancing at the growing crowd of girls around Eris you start to head back to your dorm.
Just as your hand lands on your doorknob a hand grabs your wrist.
“Hey, wait up.” The smooth voice of Eris reaches your ears and your brows shoot up.
“What do you want?” Crap, that was not the tone you wanted to take for the first time you met him.
Eris smiles, dimples showing. “I just wanted to see if you have a partner for the project in quantum mechanics.”
You freeze. “We have a project?”
He chuckles. “Yeah it’s on some subatomic stuff.”
You groan. Great, more homework to add to your already long list.
“So?” Eris raises a brow.
“Will you be my partner?” He pauses. “For the project of course.”
You blow out a breath. “Sure…?”
You eye him vaguely wondering why he hasn’t left yet. Surely he’ll leave after you go into your dorm right? But that’d be rude. You inwardly groan, this is why you don’t socialize much.
“So, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow?”
Eris grins and the sight makes your heart race. “Meet me outside the library at noon. That’s when you’re free right?”
You nod. “Of course.”
Only after you’ve said your goodbyes and sat back down do you wonder how he knew you were free from 12-3 on tuesdays.
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The next day you’re rushing to the library straight after your thermodynamics class. You know your Professor Helion will ask you about it given that you usually stay after class to talk with him but you don’t care.
Eris, Eris, Eris.
The red-haired mans name is a mantra in your head. You catch yourself thinking of his splatter of freckles for the fourth time today and curse the guy silently.
You arrive at the library fifteen minutes early only to find Eris already there, fidgeting with the hem of his jacket.
“Hey.” You call nervously, putting your phone in your back pocket.
“Hey there little flame.” Eris replies, smiling.
Girls walking past “ooh” and “ahh” glancing over their shoulders to get a good view of Eris’s ass.
You unconsciously roll your eyes.
Eris frowns. “What? Not a good nickname?”
You blink. “Oh it’s not that. It’s just…” you wave awkwardly at the girls, “everyone’s obsessed with you.” You pinch yourself, reminding yourself of the need to develop a filter on your words.
Eris laughs, seemingly unbothered. “Does it bother you?”
“No. It’s just the way they obsess over some hot guy instead of something like grades.” You grimace as you remember doing exactly that on your way here.
“You think I’m hot?”
“That’s all you heard?”
“Pretty much.”
You sigh through your nose.
“Let’s just get to work.”
Two hours later the two of you are worn. Leaning back in your chair you close your eyes. You’d split up the work with you writing the essay and Eris making the poster then the both of you coming together to make an extremely detailed 3d model of a subatomic particle.
“Can we please take a break?” Eris practically begs.
“Says the one who insisted we don’t.” You snap.
Eris groans. “I’m sorry! Now please. One break.”
You hum. “Sure.”
Eris exhales in relief. “You want coffee? There’s a cafe not far.”
“Yes please!” The thought of coffee is exhilarating in itself.
Eris eyes your exhausted form. “I can get it. What do you want?”
You tilt your head. “Uhh not sure. Order for me.”
Eris nods, turns and is almost at the door of the library when you call out, “Thank you!”
You smile softly as you close your eyes. Maybe the all popular Eris Vanserra isn’t so bad…
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Eris POV
Eris is walking back to the library when a voice hisses at him nearby. He glances around, spotting a flash of dark hair.
Jurian. His ex best friend.
Eris glares. “What?”
Jurian’s bright eyes meet his. “Come here.” He does, following Jurian to a closed off space.
“How’s the bet going? You seducing her?”
Eris grits his teeth. “The bet is going great. In fact one of these lattes is for her.”
“Awww you got her waiting for you.”
Eris shakes his head. “I don’t like this.”
Jurian smirks at him. “That’s too bad because you have to do it otherwise poor Lucien gets….” Jurian makes a slicing motion across his throat
“I know.”
“So you think you can bed her within the week?”
“I know I will.” Eris leaves Jurian with one last glower.
He finishes his walk to the library, now pissed and tense. When he gets to where he’d left you he’s at a loss of what to do.
You’re asleep, cheek pressed into the keys lf your computer, hair falling over your face. You’re beautiful.
Eris stands there, two coffees in hand staring at you for a long time. Maybe it just felt like a long time, it may have been minutes, even seconds before he moved. He sets the coffees down and packs up your stuff, quietly picking up the computer from under you. He slings your bag, then his over one shoulder and your body over the other. Eris picks up the two coffees and heads for your dorm.
When he gets there he desperately knocks, hoping one of your roommates is home. A brunette girl opens the door and takes him in. Brows raising she steps aside and shows him to your room. Setting you down, Eris looks around.
The room looks like yours, beige walls with pictures and memories strung everywhere. LED lights hang in strands in the doorway next to a messy desk with drawings and writings. He glances around before quickly stepping out and closing the door.
Your roommate watches him quietly.
He’s at the door when she speaks.
“Don’t hurt her.”
Eris stiffens, turning to look at the girl.
“Who are you again?”
“Feyre Archeron.”
“You’re Y/n’s best friend.”
“Guilty as charged”
Eris nods, “nice to meet you.”
Feyre nods back, albeit warily.
As Eris closes the door he whispers to her, “I would never hurt her.”
And Eris prays that he can keep that promise as Jurian texts him.
The text is a picture of him carrying you across the school accompanied by a single sentence
Jurian: You seem to really like her.
Eris rolls his eyes. And what if he did? He frowns. Did he? He had never cared what happened to his project parters before this. He’d certainly never carried someone halfway across campus. One could argue it was so Y/n would like him and sleep with him so Lucien would live. But… for once he hadn’t even thought of Lucien. He liked her. But Lucien, his brain screamed. Jurian’s family was full of gang members and assassins which meant if he didn’t sleep with Y/n then tell her she was a bet, Lucien would likely die. And he couldn’t get Lucien out because his brother was a stubborn ass. Eris cursed. What was he going to do?
There was no way be could keep his promise to Feyre and save Lucien.
His phone dinged again.
Jurian: It’d be a shame if Y/n went missing….
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dividers by @anitalenia
taggin: @thelov3lybookworm@profound-imagination@randomgurl2326@theduskyprincess@mp-littlebit
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vmrsdias · 11 months ago
Impossible love pt2
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Pairing: Ruben Dias x Reader
Plot: you love him, but he has to marry someone else
Author's note: English is not my firts language, the ending isn't the best though
y/n is you
It had been about six months since you left Manchester and you hadn't seen Rubén. You had heard that he got married but you didn't want to know anything about it because at least then you wouldn't break your heart even more.
After leaving you took the first plane and flew to Iceland, it was definitely not on the other side of the world but at least you were away from him and everything that reminded you of him.
Due giorni fa hai ricevuto una telefonata da Hanna che ti diceva che si sposava e ti invitava al matrimonio, la cosa che non sapevi era con chi si sposava, eri felice per lei perché se lo meritava moltissimo. Quindi eccoti qui all'aeroporto, aspettando che Hanna ti venisse a prendere.
“Y/N how long!!” you would have recognized that voice anywhere, so you turned around and she was there “Hanna you are glowing”“i’m so happy you’re here” he said putting his hands on your shoulders "I would never have missed your wedding" "come on, you'll come to my house then this evening there will be the pre-wedding dinner"
she said starting to walk towards the exit.
The ride home was silent, Hanna was driving and you looked out the window remembering all the times you walked, about 15 minutes later Hanna stopped in front of a huge building. "do you live here?" you asked him as you opened the door to leave, "yeah, on the fourth floor" he told you as he took your suitcase down.
"honey, we're home" Hanna shouted as I entered her house, "oh finally" you knew that voice because it was the same voice that said good morning to you in the morning, at that point you turned with wide eyes towards hanna and said "are you with Haaland? OH MY GOD IT'S NOT POSSIBLE", she then smiled at you and went into the living room. You never expected her to get engaged to Erling.
“how was the trip, y/n?” "Fine thanks" "I'm glad to hear it"
It was around 7pm and people were arriving at Hanna and Haaland's house, while you were finishing putting on your makeup you realized that he would be there, that his wife would be there, you should have run away, you could have told Hanna that you had to go back to Iceland.If you had run away you would have been a coward, not that disappearing into thin air six months ago wasn't worth it. You had just come out of your room that Hanna had given you, when she asked you if you could go and open the door, so, after crossing the corridor you arrived in front of the door. When you opened the door you didn't expect that right in front of you he would be there. You hoped the floor would open and you would fall in.You didn't know what to say, you were just staring at him. There was something different about him, maybe it was his beard or his hair, the only thing you heard in your ears was the sound of your heart beating too fast, you didn't even realize that Halland had appeared next to you .
It wasn't until he put his hand on your back and said hello to Ruben that you realised. "Hey hello Ruben come in" "thanks friend". his damn voice, that voice you missed.
Around 8.30pm everyone had already arrived and you were seated at the table, ironically Ruben was sitting in front of you, you tried in every possible and imaginable way to avoid his eyes. “y/n, honey, do you want something to drink?” "yes thank you. a coke with" “ice but without lemon” and it was after that sentence that you looked at him for the first time since you were sitting eye to eye. Hanna smiled at you at that point and went to get you that coke.
You got up and walked towards the bathroom, avoiding Ruben's gaze. When you entered the bathroom you breathed a sigh of relief. Two seconds later you heard someone knock on the door, so you opened it and on the other side there was him, looking at you with those eyes, those damn eyes. "What are you doing here Ruben? You should be over there" "this is where I wanted to be" "you never thought it would be like this" "that you and I would stop talking and you would disappear into thin air?" "yeah, where didn't your wife come with you?" "no, we broke up about a month after the wedding" "oh I'm sorry" no you didn't like it, in fact you were happy about it “yeah… I missed you y/n.” "you too Rub" fuck, it came out so natural that you didn't realize it until it came out of your mouth.
"Where have you been these past 6 months?" "Iceland, I was a physiotherapist for a hospital" "I thought you were in Spain, you always said you wanted to go and live there" "well it would have been obvious if I had gone there, no" "y/n I lied to you, I never loved her, I always loved you from the first moment you arrived at City" "Why didn't you tell me? Why did you look me in the eyes that evening and tell me you loved her? My heart broke into a thousand pieces"
"she was pregnant or so I thought, but after a while I discovered she wasn't and so we broke up" "I am sorry" "y/n, I want to start again, I want to be able to wake up next to you in the morning, I want you to steal all my sweatshirts" "I already told you Ruben I didn't steal your sweatshirt" “who cares about that sweatshirt y/n, I love you” "reuben" "you do you love me?" "I have always loved you there has never been a time when I haven't" and it was at that moment that ruben approached you and kissed you, it was one of those romantic kisses but also full of passion.
5 months later
“y/n y/l/n do you want to marry ruben dias here?” "I want it" "ruben dias do you want to marry y/n y/l/n here?" "I want it" "I pronounce you husband and wife, you can kiss the bride" you were so damn happy right now, that as soon as you broke away from the kiss you looked at ruben and said in his ear "you're about to become a father" he pulled away from your embrace and smiled at you with that smile you hoped your baby would have.
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honeybeefae · 2 years ago
A Court of Wings & Fire: Chapter Four
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Summary// Eris had control of everything in his life. The war was over, he was planning to take the Autumn throne, and nothing was left to surprise him…until he met you. A mating bond with an Illyrian was like a spit in his face and neither of you could understand why fate had put you together. You both swore off relations to each other, refusing to even be in the same court, but you should have known that fate is not to be tested.
(It's been a long time coming but chapter four is here! I think the bingos really helped my creativity blossom and spark this story back to life! I am so sorry for the long wait but I hope you all enjoy it!)
WARNINGS: This chapter does contain a slight illusion to SA towards the very end. It doesn't explicitly mention it but a reader could infer so just be cautious!
Chapter One / Chapter Two / Chapter Three / Chapter Five
The ceiling above your bed was starting to get all too familiar as you stared at it for the hundredth time this week. Sleep seemed to be evading you no matter what you did and so you had been left alone with you, your thoughts, and the ceiling above. All you could do was replay the deal you had made with Eris over and over in your head, wondering if you had made a mistake.
You knew he did not care what happened to you but with the revelation that severing this bond could unmask it, he seemed to be keen on making sure it all stayed a secret. Eris, for one of the first times in his life, had to rely on someone else and you knew it was killing him.
He had been staying true to his word since your conversation, not even so much as grazing the thread of fate so that it felt like it wasn’t there. Rhysand had found Eris minutes after he had finished up with you and you knew that if they didn’t need him, Rhys would’ve ended his life right there.
They all interrogated him ruthlessly. Cassian and Azriel flanked Rhys’s sides as they worked through his reasoning, his motives, and if he was telling the truth. He repeated the same story he had given you and despite all of his past mistakes, you believed him. 
Rhys did too.
Everyone had made sure that you were okay with the arrangement, pulling you out of the room so you could speak freely. Of course, you weren’t truly happy with having to keep this connection, this bridge, between his world and your own, but you could deal with it. As long as you both stayed as far away as possible, it was doable. 
A sharp knock on your door had your head turning, raising a questioning brow as Rhysand opened it and walked inside. He was in normal clothes for once, though he was still handsome, but you could tell something was wrong.
“What do you need so early in the morning?” You asked suspiciously, glancing out your window. “The sun is barely up.”
“There is something amiss in the Autumn Court. The wooded area around the Forest House. I don’t know exactly what but Elain had a vision and…” He trailed off, scratching the back of his head.
“And what? You want me to go?” You frowned, sitting up as your blankets pooled around your ankles. “You know I can’t go, we just had this conversation weeks ago. Why not Az or Cassian? Or Amren? Or literally anyone else?”
“Azriel is already getting ready but I need another pair of eyes on the situation. Cassian is a bigger liability than you are for this mission, he doesn’t know the meaning of being quiet.” Rhys smirked, giving you a sympathetic look. “I know everything is…tense right now but I promise you will be in and out.”
“What exactly are we looking for?” The floor was cool against the soles of your feet as you reluctantly got up, heading for your wardrobe. “And does Eris know?”
He ran a hand over his face and for maybe the third or fourth time since you’ve known him, he actually looked tensed. Rhys never liked to show his true feelings, even his anxiety, but you could tell by just the way he shifted his feet it wasn’t something good.
“We think Briallyn might have one of the troves. Or she’s trying to get it. I need you and Azriel to see where she’s sending her men and why.” He explained, looking at the door as you went behind your privacy screen and got dressed. “If she gets her hands on one of them-”
“It’ll be very, very bad.” You finish for him, adjusting your leathers and gingerly styling your hair the best way you could. “Is Azriel ready?”
“Always,” Azriel replied from the doorway, Truthteller tucked carefully in its sheath as he gave you a wink. You snorted. “In and out, okay, Y/N? This shouldn’t take more than an hour.”
You nodded and gave him and Rhys a two-finger salute, opening your balcony doors and walking onto the banister. Azriel followed behind you, opening his wings just as you dove head first off the balcony and let your wings spread wide. The free-falling feeling was something you loved every time you took flight, your stomach dropping as the wind caught beneath your wings and rose you back up to glide. 
Azriel quickly fell in line beside you, his wingspan much bigger than yours as the two of you weaved and ducked around the high tops of trees and clouds. You held your hand out as you passed over a small cloud, a small bubble of happiness breaking through the dark depression you had been in for weeks now.
“How have you been?” Azriel asked, turning his head to look at you as you glanced up at him. You pulled your hand back to your side and shrugged, leisurely flapping your wings to propel you forward. 
“As good as someone could be in my situation I guess?” You sigh, glancing down at the trees. They were starting to change colors from green to reds and oranges. “I just wish I had never gone to that meeting.”
“I think we all agree with that.” He chuckled softly. “I can’t imagine a fate worse than that…with Eris. I’ve noticed you’ve been holed up inside your room, missing training. Cassian kept wanting to bother you but I told him to give you some space.”
A clearing appeared and you paused the conversation to dive down, Azriel following right behind as your wings extended to ease your landing. Your shoes dug into the soft earth and crunchy leaves as you came to a stop. 
The forest was quiet as you took a quick assessment, not seeing anything unusual. You couldn’t stop yourself from admiring the beauty as the rising sun caught the multi-colored leaves, the wind blowing just enough to give them a rippling water effect. As much as the Autumn Court had its problems it truly was one of the most beautiful courts you had seen.
“I appreciate the space, Az. I really do.” You turned to look at him, patting his shoulder. “I know I haven’t been the best in attendance but I’ll try to do better. I think I just enjoy wallowing too much.”
“If I were in your shoes, I would too.” He smirked, adjusting his stance as his shadows curled up to his ear to whisper something only he could understand. You watched, not daring to bring up his own personal problems with a certain Archeron sister. 
You knew he was just trying to be personable, if not a little nosy, but he was the closest thing you had to a brother and he was only looking out for you. The last thing you wanted to do was talk about Eris with anyone, partly because you were scared of the bond strengthening and partly because you didn’t want to be seen as some damaged person.
It seemed like all anyone thought of you as right now was Eris’s mate. You couldn’t escape it even in your own house. 
“Hey,” Azriel whispered, lifting up a small log and resting it against a tree. “This is our meeting spot. One hour. Head north. Eyes open.”
“Got it. Be safe.” You whispered back, nodding as you started your search. The air was now still as you noticed how no animals could be heard scurrying around, an eerie quietness that didn’t sit right in such a large forest.
However, you couldn’t see anything that looked suspicious. There were no footprints, no strange markings on trees, nothing that would tip you off that someone was here. You raised your chin and sniffed, searching for any unfamiliar scents, but all you got was earth.
As you searched you remembered Eris talking about Beron’s curiosity about Briallyn, how he was looking for an alliance with her. None of you could figure out a good reason as to why he would be looking for that unless he was planning on taking over other courts, which wasn’t too far-fetched for the vile man.
If that were his true intentions he must be stupider than you thought. He would be standing alone with Briallyn against everyone in Pyrthian. Why would he risk something like that unless he was sure he would win?
You paused midstep as you remembered Rhys’s suspicion of the wicked woman having one of the dead troves. If that were true that she had unearthed one of those terrible creations, it very well could beat you all. And Beron wouldn’t put his court on the line unless he was sure of something…
Lost in thought, a small glimmer caught your eye right as you stepped into a hidden snare. You were blessed by the Cauldron that you hadn’t set it off, immediately taking several steps back as you examined the trap. The first thing you noticed was that it was not made for any animal. 
It was made for a fae.
Alarm bells went off in your head as you unsheathed your dagger and held it close to you. Why would there be a trap for a fae in a forest where they often walked? Who was this trap for? 
A crunch behind you made you turn around and lunge without a second thought, a snarl curled up on your lips as you went to strike at the intruder. However, you found yourself being wrapped in bonds of fire around your wrists, waist, and wings. It was very warm but not enough to burn you as you squirmed against the restraints, your eyes widening when you saw who was standing before you. 
Eris was glaring at you, his hair slightly disheveled and hanging freely as if he had just woken up, while only dawned in a light shirt and long pants. You flinched as
the bond within you sang at the sight of him, the smell of him, and watched as he responded the same.
“Let me go.” You hissed, fighting against his magic once more only to wince when he tightened the bonds. 
“What the fuck are you doing here, Y/N?” He snarled, coming up to you in two long strides. 
“How did you even know I was here? Did you set this trap?” You retorted, falling to the ground as he released you before quickly scurrying up to go toe to toe with him. 
“I felt you through the bond, it woke me out of my sleep.” Eris curled his fists tightly by his side. “You reckless, stupid woman. Do you know what could have happened if one of my brothers had been the one to find you? Or my father? If this is some trick to strengthen our bond or-”
“Oh don’t flatter yourself, Vanserra.” You snorted, jabbing a finger into his chest. “The last thing I want is anything to do with you or this bond. I’m here because-”
A tree branch snapped behind the both of you, your eyes meeting with his as you stilled your breathing. Everything was quiet, not a whisper of wind, and you
shivered as you felt a dark presence behind you. 
The back of your neck tingled in warning but before the two of you could even react something or someone appeared behind you and hit the back of your head, knocking you out cold. The last thing you heard was Eris yelling your name as everything went to black. 
When you woke back up you had a massive headache, immediately clutching the back of your head and whimpering as you felt the large knot that was protruding outwards. As you moved you heard the rattle of chains and felt a sense of dread wash over you like a bucket of ice water.
You looked around blearily, blinking multiple times to try and clear your eyes to take in your surroundings. The first thing you noticed, or in this case smelled, was must and iron. It was an awful combination with blood and piss mixed in that made you want to hurl.
As you tried to stand you realized those chains you had heard were attached to you. They were around your neck, your wrists, and your ankles and when you tried to stretch your wings you saw that they were also locked away. 
Not my wings. Not my wings. Not my wings.
Your heart started to race as fear and claustrophobia set in, using all your strength to try and break free only to realize that you felt weaker than you had ever had in your life. It felt like you were a caged animal and as you tried one more time to yank the chains out of the wall, you heard a voice from the corner.
“It’s faebane.” The voice said, dry and tired. “It weakens us. It’s no use.”
Eris’s eyes caught yours as you looked at him in surprise, taking in the dirt across his body as well as the bruises and cut lip. He looked awful but you were sure you probably looked worse. 
“What happened?” You croaked, looking around your cell. There was a small window at the top and to the side you noticed rows upon rows of other holdings. Some were empty, some had other faes, and some had dead bodies. “Where are we?”
“Briallyn’s dungeon. Her soldiers ambushed up when you were snooping around.” He recalled, watching as you glared at him with a frown.
“I wasn’t snooping, I was sent there by Rhys. He hadn’t heard from you but he had heard a rumor about your-” You tried to explain only to huff when he cut you off once more.
“I don’t want to hear your excuses. If it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t be stuck here right now.” Eris snapped, his temper growing with every second. You didn’t know how long he had been awake but it was long enough that he had been stewing in his own anger. 
“You’re the one who started shouting at me. If anything, you drew them to us.” You argued, flinching when he suddenly drew closer to you with rage in his eyes.
“Stupid Illyrian woman. I should’ve known you couldn’t follow basic instructions. All you were raised for is breeding and raising children.” Eris sneered, venom dripping off of each word. “That’s all you will ever be good for. You should’ve stayed in your place.”
You hated the way you winced, hated letting him see how his words got to you. He was cruel, you knew, but you didn’t realize how vile he could truly be. His words cut you deep and reminded you of all the things you had been told in your life from others, especially your own kind.
“I hate you.” You whispered, blinking away the tears as you turned away to look out the cell. Those words had been said to him by you plenty of times but this time, this time you meant it with every fiber of your being.
Eris watched you, looking at how they had caged your wings like an animal, and he felt the anger leave his body. He knew he had gone too far. His anger had gotten the best of him. Again.
He watched as you brought your knees to your chest and rested your head on them, not wanting him to see the tears even though he could see the slight shake in your
shoulders. The bond inside of him twisted painfully like a knife, as if punishing him for making you upset. 
Your ears perked up as you heard footsteps walking down the hall but you tuned them out as Eris’s words replayed in your mind. He had been so mean ever since he had met you. It still baffled you that the Mother thought the two of you were meant for each other, that you would be able to feel anything towards him other than resentment.
“Lay down.�� Eris suddenly hissed behind you, his tone sharp. “Now.”
You turned to give him a death glare, not in the mood to take any orders from him before you heard the footsteps once more as they stopped directly in front of you. 
“Well, well, well, look who’s awake.” A male fae sneered above you, the one beside him grinning. “I was hoping you would wake up soon.”
“Let us go now.” You ordered, trying your best to be intimidating. “Or you will deeply suffer the consequences. I promise you.”
“I like em’ feisty. Makes you more fun to break.” The original one chuckled, whistling as two more men appeared with a set of keys. “Help me grab her.”
As soon as the doors opened you used what little strength you had to leap up and strike, landing a kick to the closet one and sending him to his knees. The attack was short lived as you fell to your side in pain, struggling as someone tried to grab your feet. 
The one who fell appeared in front of you and you spit in his face, trying to bite whatever you could before you felt a large hand grab a fistful of your hair and yank as hard as he could. It had you crying out sharply in pain, feeling as if your scalp was about to be ripped off as the others grabbed your legs and arms.
They unchained you from the wall and started dragging you down the hall, the hand still gripping your hair tightly as your eyes connected with Eris. He looked like a scared child, his eyes wide and face white as a ghost. 
And despite everything that had happened between the two of you, the hatred that had grown from the bond, you found yourself calling out for him to save you.
“Eris! Eris!” You screamed, struggling against the men as the cell became smaller and smaller. “Eris, please! Help me!”
But there was no response. 
Taglist: @elizarikaallen @kristeristerin @a-frog-with-a-laptop @littlebbb @introvertsuntes68-blog @clairebear08 @feyretopia @jangmi-latte 
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princessofmerchants · 1 year ago
My prediction about the next four books SJM will publish
I wanted to get this down somewhere, in part to process my angst about the possibility of what may come last in this next cluster of book releases 😫 but also to record the plot and character threads I am seeing as important heading into the next stretch of books SJM will release.
This includes HOFAS, ACOTAR, and TOG spoilers so it's after the break.
DISCLAIMER: These are just my guesses based on various interviews SJM has given both before and after the HOFAS release — THE ONLY SERIES BOOK THAT'S CONFIRMED IN THIS LIST IS ACOTAR5 BEING NEXT, and with that one, the main characters and plot threads I'll mention have also not yet been confirmed (beyond an avalanche of textual evidence 👀)
So, here are my predictions, circa 1.5 weeks after HOFAS was released:
➡️NEXT: ACOTAR5 - Az/Gwyn + Nesta and the Valkyries (which should also include Mor, ideally in a shared storyline with Emerie), Illyria / Ramiel / the Prison (and maybe a return of the pegasuses to Prythian), Gwydion and Truth Teller (not to mention the other two Made blades Nesta forged in ACOSF - also will Narben make an appearance? 👀), and I also think the first part of the Autumn Court drama may be told in this book - the truth about what happened between Mor and Eris, Beron's ongoing treachery, and Beron may die in this book making Eris High Lord (though some of these items may also be in ACOTAR6 instead - I do think the Mor and Eris story needs to come out in ACOTAR5 though, for Az to make peace with his 500 years of pining for her)
➡️FOLLOWED BY: A Throne of Glass crossover book - Shifter Fae + humans, more history and context about when the ancient Erilea Fae world-jumped to Midgard and served the Asteri, a story that creates threads and connections (of some kind, no idea how, and not sure which ToG characters it would entail) to Lidia (deer shifter with fire magic a la Aelin), Tharion (and the Mer as a people - ToG stans, remind me, were there mer in the ToG series at all? I'm pretty sure Rigelus says they hailed from the same world as the wolves and other Midgard shifters - I've read ToG in full but not as closely as ACOTAR and CC), and Ithan (wolf shifter with ice magic a la Dorian)
➡️THEN I AM THINKING: CC4: House of Many Waters - This would be the continuation of the story threads SJM did not resolve or finish by the end of HOFAS: Lidia's "service" to the Ocean Queen (and more RuhnLidia story with Brann and Ace 😍), Tharion/Sathia with Flynn and their earth magic / Avallen and the pegasuses, Ithan as the new Prime of the Wolves (and something with Perry - why did the antidote fade for her so fast?), Firstlight Zero, widespread distribution of the antidote, Ariadne (where did she go??!), and maybe more portal hopping to Prythian for Bryce, Hunt, Ember, and Randall (OH and maybe Ruhn here too, to get him in the same room as Rhys 👀) to further develop the cross-world friendships we saw forming in HOFAS
➡️WHICH MEANS FOURTH IN SJM'S AIRPLANE TAXI LINE WOULD BE (SOBS): ACOTAR6 - Elain/Lucien, Band of Exiles, Firebird retelling, Koschei, the mortal queens, and the conclusion of the big magical conflict that began with the finding of the Dread Trove in ACOSF, not to mention the Archeron sisters finally acknowledging and healing all of their familial baggage that was born from their collective and generational hardships from their time as humans (so Elain also coming to terms with her Seer powers and being Fae / no longer human - also answering the question: What happened when Elain went into the Cauldron?), I also think some of the Autumn Court drama would play out in this story Helion/Lady Autumn and Lucien's heritage (Day Court heir?), as well as more information about Papa Archeron from the time period of ACOWAR when Lucien traveled with him (LOTS of processing complex and problematic parents in this one!)
Again, these are JUST MY IDEAS - the ToG book guess is based on SJM saying after ACOTAR5 she's excited about the world her next book will be in which she implied was not the CC or ACOTAR world, and which will be emotional for her because of "who may pop up" - if that doesn't scream a return to her to the ToG universe then I don't know what would.
Then the 3rd and 4th predictions follow from that 2nd one being ToG and what I think she may focus on in it to add layers to her crossover - which seems like something she would want to do after how much work she's put into it so far.
I think there's a stronger and deeper fanbase for ACOTAR6 than there will be for CC4, so I think that could impact a decision to write and release CC4 first (since us ACOTAR stans would wait decades for the conclusion of that story and still buy a bazillion copies of it).
WHICH MEANS (SOBS), if these books are released one every 1.5 years on average... It may be quite a few years until we get our Elucien book 😭 ACOMAF came out in 2016. It would be PAST 2026 when ACOTAR6 gets released, over 10 years, until we get to see what actually comes of Elain's and Lucien's mating bond, if the above winds up bring true.
I swear, Eluciens are going to get the trophy for longest wait to see these two in their endgame, bless our patient souls 🏆
(There is always a chance the last two in the list will be in reverse order, with ACOTAR6 followed by CC4, but even if that winds up being the case, it would still be three books from now for ACOTAR6.)
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sensualnoiree · 3 months ago
daily transits & horoscopes 12/9
Mercury’s sesquiquadrate to Eris today creates an atmosphere of sharp words and unfiltered expression. This edgy energy may provoke heated debates or direct confrontations, as Eris brings hidden tensions to the surface. As the Moon enters bold and fiery Aries, this dynamic is further amplified, infusing the day with urgency and a pioneering spirit. While this is an excellent time to initiate action, the challenge lies in balancing impulsiveness with thoughtful execution.
Rising Sign Delineations:
Aries Rising With the Moon in your first house, you’re filled with energy and confidence to tackle personal goals. Mercury and Eris stir up your seventh house of relationships, where blunt words could cause friction. Approach conversations with care while leaning into your natural ability to lead and inspire.
Taurus Rising This lunation energizes your twelfth house of introspection, urging you to confront lingering doubts or hidden frustrations. Mercury’s influence in your sixth house highlights the need for clear communication in your work or health routines. Take time to reflect before responding to critiques.
Gemini Rising The Aries Moon activates your eleventh house of friendships and aspirations, encouraging bold steps toward your goals. Mercury and Eris in your fifth house may stir creative debates or passionate expressions in romantic or artistic endeavors. Use your wit to smooth over potential conflicts.
Cancer Rising With the Moon in your tenth house, this is a powerful day to step into the spotlight and take charge of career matters. However, Mercury’s tense aspect with Eris in your fourth house could bring family disagreements to the forefront. Stay grounded and focus on constructive solutions.
Leo Rising This fiery lunation illuminates your ninth house of higher learning and adventure, encouraging you to explore new horizons. Meanwhile, Mercury’s influence in your third house could lead to intense discussions or misunderstandings in your immediate environment. Choose your words thoughtfully.
Virgo Rising The Aries Moon energizes your eighth house of shared resources and transformation, urging decisive action in financial or emotional matters. Mercury and Eris in your second house may trigger blunt discussions about values or money. Stay calm and grounded during negotiations.
Libra Rising With the Moon lighting up your seventh house of partnerships, this is a key day for relationship dynamics. Mercury’s sesquiquadrate to Eris in your first house adds intensity to your communication style. Embrace directness, but aim for diplomacy to avoid unnecessary conflicts.
Scorpio Rising This lunation activates your sixth house of work and health, motivating you to tackle lingering tasks. Mercury’s influence in your twelfth house could stir subconscious frustrations, leading to surprising outbursts. Channel this energy into productive outlets to avoid tension.
Sagittarius Rising The Aries Moon in your fifth house brings a surge of creative energy and enthusiasm for personal projects or romantic pursuits. However, Mercury and Eris in your eleventh house may trigger clashes within your social circles. Focus on collaboration rather than confrontation.
Capricorn Rising This fiery lunation energizes your fourth house of home and family, inspiring bold action to address domestic concerns. Mercury’s influence in your tenth house highlights professional dynamics that may feel tense. Practice patience and avoid being overly critical of others.
Aquarius Rising With the Moon in your third house, your communication style is bold and energetic today. Mercury and Eris in your ninth house may challenge your beliefs or worldview, leading to passionate debates. Use this energy to expand your perspective rather than digging in your heels.
Pisces Rising This lunation in your second house sparks a proactive approach to finances and personal values. Mercury’s influence in your eighth house may bring up intense conversations around shared resources or emotional boundaries. Stay honest, but temper bluntness with compassion.
follow for more astro insights like this and head on over to @quenysefields or my etsy --> sensualnoiree to grab my new astrology guidebook on reading your own natal chart :)
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destinythesims · 3 months ago
I have no idea what this will turn into but for now I'd like to keep it up without my entire blog being flooded by it.
So from this point on the sims updates will be over here.
The current household:
Zavala, Ikora, Drifter, Osiris, Eris, Crow, Sloane, Saladin
(there's a max of 8)
-I will only interact if it's to stop them from dying. somehow this has been necessary three times already.
-can't add non human/awoken characters, unless it's like. en exo with a canon other appearance. can't add shaxx either bc he's just armor. eris is barely in there bc I threw sunglasses on her at all times.
-cheats are enabled
-i can't add mods, I'm on Xbox. I only have 2? dlcs, seasons & college life
-the characters with canon sexualities have them set, everyone else is just the sims default
that's pretty much it
if y'all have any ideas for things I should do tell me. or characters to add, etc. mostly doing this bc y'all think it's funny atp. I might end up streaming it if there's enough interest? not talking or anything just have it up to watch.
as I said before, this is run by @dredgen-dumbass and I can't remember if asks work on sideblogs so if not just send em there
test run - crow crashes the helm house
test run photo dump
first hour - just at the house
second hour - they all go to the bar
third hour - sad attempt at a dinner party
fourth however long - drifter goes to runs from college
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