#erika yells into the void
leadon-illfollow · 5 months
So during the eclipse I was seeing some weird shadows going across the ground and for a solid minute I was freaking out thinking I was having a new hallullu but my mom was like nah I see it too
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livviehasstories · 5 months
When I was living in bangor, I lived a block away from Stephen King. I often walked by his house after getting off the bus to go home
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pahallepaivalle · 7 months
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Käärijä and Erika reacting to Windows95Man winning UMK:
K: windows is a new legend
Q: How does Käärijä like the winner?
K: downright loving it! but i am from vantaa
Q: opinion on windows?
K: i am honestly feeling it! the circus at the end was the cherry on top. Probably not for everyone but it fits/strikes my silly sense of humor
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Gripper Check | AIRika/Adrik | Trial 3.6 | Re: Arakiel, Kenshin, Eureka, Erisu | ATTN: Erik A, Eureka
Adrik wants to slam their head into a wall with the amount of time they've been accused by now, and they're visibly annoyed. However, they still don't snap, or yell, or doing anything that AIRika might've done previously.
"If I killed everyone important, I'd be killing the loved ones of people I actually care about here. You think I'd be able to forgive myself if I killed, say, Erik's mom? Or Erik A's sister? Hell, even Eureka's younger clone. I'm not a good person, but even I'm not that horribly fucked up.
Besides... yeah, my situation with my ex is bad. True. Erik A told me he was going to handle it, though. I don't know how, you'd have to ask him. I have a few ideas, though, considering what we had access to before all of this.
Also, I asked for a favor ticket for the sake of taking care of Ani just in case. Not in a deadly way, God no. I just was going to see if there was a way I could make it so she couldn't share what she learned. I still have it. I never used it. I was waiting to see what Erik A was going to do.
And besides... I've given up. I can't just go back to being AIRika after all this, can I? Not even if I was exposed or not. I just can't. It feels wrong. I know that's not a good defense, but it's true. I want to be real. I just wish it was on my own terms.
They sigh, shaking their head.
"I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who burned something today, and it was pretty bad. The room was smoky for a reason. I just can't cook, and I probably never will after today.
Either way, Eureka had a bowl that Kenshin spotted, and that's a bit too damn good of a coincidence."
They look at Erisu, and shake their head.
"Eureka doesn't know plants, yeah. But she also just contradicted herself. She just said everyone knows hemlock, and everyone knows it's poisonous. Is that not a confession she knew what the plant was? She even identified it for my group during the investigation. Sure, she might not be good at plants, but she absolutely knows this one.
You know what she does have, though? Just like Erisu said? Mechanical knowledge and medical knowledge. The device that was created was honestly creative, and used electrical tape from the workshop that were purchased before today. I know this because my group asked AION about it. That's totally an item she would have on her person, considering her past contraptions made here. The electrical tape and amount of needles also could prevent breaking the needles, right? If they're all bunched together, it'd be difficult to break. Either way, that point is void, since the trap still worked and the needles killed even if they're brittle.
Her medical knowledge also means she'd know how to administer the poison effectively, and how to even do hemlock poisoning. I didn't know what hemlock was until literally today, but I feel like most people would've probably defaulted to trying to get the other party to consume it. Injection? Especially only at the surface level? That's sure a lot of specialization.
And again, she had multiple chances to find the letter and create a plan to attack. The earliest I learned of any of this was when I was in the eatery with Erik, where Erika Chen told us she was going to play mermaids in the pool. That's all the knowledge I had, and seeing that I left at 5:10PM, just like Arakiel said, that would give me only, I don't know, maybe thirty minutes to create my plan and execute it. I also had no electrical tape, so I would've had to go to the store, which we know didn't happen, or get it elsewhere."
A feet check? They can agree to that. Their flexibility means they're able to easily lift their foot in the air, revealing white flats. Their feet are medium in size. They then take the shoe off and hold it out, showing the size marker inside: size 38 EU.
"I wore different shoes when I got caught in the rain and changed since they were soaked, but the size is obviously the same. My group also matched my feet to the footprints in the dorm hallway, which at least proves that.
Now, we just need to see Eureka's."
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tinknevertalks · 6 years
Did someone say chapter four? Because that’s what I’ve just posted. (Ignore that 5 - I put the prologue as the first chapter and now everything is out of whack.)
Chapter Four: In which more is thought about, more is discussed, and the case slowly starts gathering traction. And why are there electro scorpions here?
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syntheticperson · 7 years
lolcomics people that should not be allowed to make comics
1. erika moen
2. milo manara
3. the shitty artist who works for buzfeed and copypastes all his faces and they somehow have even less emotion than if it was just the same face
4. erika moen
5. frank miller
6. andrew hussie
7. erika moen
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jq37 · 5 years
Let's go final bloodkeep ep breakdown!
**spoilers for the tomb of ultimate evil**
I was originally kind of annoyed that dropout wasn’t working when I wanted to do this originally, but it’s actually kind of a blessing in disguise now that I think about it because it means I get to rewatch and discuss the ep in light of the bombshells Brennan dropping in the BTS video.
As I watch the Previouslies, I realize I’m still not over the fact that Maggie named her kid after Leiland. It was so sweet an unexpected. 
So, at the start of this episode, Brennan must have realized that his plans are pretty much jossed because the 4 baby blessing was *very* not on the docket  
“Absolutely, Lilith’s got 25 strength.” Idk why that’s so funny to me. Maybe because I think Rekha was asking whether Lilith was allowed to carry her, not if she was physically cable but Brennan was like “Of course she can carry you. She’s an absolute unit.”
Leiland’s first move? Drawing all the enemy fire. Markus’s first move? Immediately hiding. In fairness, my dude is a rogue.
Lol, spiderweb baby bjorn.
“We’re evil but we understand communication and consent.”
Nat 20 from Old Pickering! Finally he’s useful!
Watch a bitch call lightning! A different bitch, but still.
Amy’s childish delight at the prospect that there might be a bomb in the goblins is so good.
I love how on board everyone was for the mystery potion.
Did Hork exist before this episode? I have no memory of him existing.
Nat 20 for Sohkbar!
Brennan is really so good at all of his on the cuff J'er'em'ih nonsense.
Erika yelling, “Sanctuary!” a la Hunchback of Notre Dame.
I like that Lilith calls her spider kids to defend them by going, “Get ‘em ladies!” and then Brennan decides one of the kids she summoned is Jason.
“I really am sorry. I’m sorry for everything I’ve done…and everything I’m about to do.”
Leiland Jr. MVP!
I love that Lilith treat’s Sohkbar as if he’s also a parent.
Two words I’ve learned to fear since I’ve started watching RPG shows: Lair action.
Leiland just BARELY not being on the falling chunk of floor.
Brennan really faked me out on that Jason fall. Man really was about to make me cry over a fictional spider for the SECOND TIME in my life (Charlotte’s Web).
I love Erika screaming over Jason in and out of character separately.
“Guys, this is our element! Knocking people off of things!”
Leiland’s affirmations. Who is doing counseling at the Bloodkeep.
AOE spells are so boss.
“Everyone look at Leiland! He’s doing it!” Aww, everyone finally gets to see him be cool! It’s really wild how much of an arc these guys went through in just 2 days of play. It’s very narratively consistent.
“Oh you fucking freak, you’d love that.”
“Tell him something is gonna happen to his bones but don’t explain it.”
Rekha loudly announcing her ridic amount of hitpoints is on of my fave things
I love how in both campaigns so far, Brennan has had a moment of, “You’re not bad at magic, you’re just depressed.” What an oddly specific thing but also, relateable.
Cell Block Tango ft. Leiland.
Leiland curses one of the Vingury. I’m sure that won’t be important later (I’m lying).
Ify/Markus just refusing to learn Hobbert and Frod’s names.
 Ify: *Trying to do a shenanigan*
Brennan: I see what’s happening here.
So I guess the real lesson of this season of D20 is always commit to your running jokes because you’ll get free nonsense out of it. (A 19! That’s so painful!)
Jessa just straight eats not-Gollum.
Both Jason and Jessa are very protective of their mom and I love it.
Maggie All elves look the same. (Maggie said F elf rights)
The full 6 seconds of silence from Matt between his saying  he loves J'er'em'ih more than any other animal companion and looking directly at the camera and saying, “Except for Trinket,” very seriously.
Amy: I must become the necro boatman.
Brennan, whose plans have now been entirely womped: :O.
I truly didn’t even consider attacking the boatman. I feel like this is such a good DM moment, because I feel like my reaction would have been, “That’s not how this works,” but Bren just let it happen, which is better both for the story and player agency. I’m taking notes.  
Efink getting validation on her chosen name by the evil statues.
“Kick his ass and you get the power!”
“I’m like a setpiece, not like a guy!”
Sohkbar claims the baby as his ward. This baby is gonna have so many godparents.
What a wild improv.
I love the ancient evil statues have Lilith’s back on the fact that she should have gotten the promotion.
When Leiland Jr was born Brennan was like, “He’s not gonna do much. He’s a baby.” One ep later this baby is taking turns and fireblasting enemies and talking like he’s the Godfather.
OK so there’s a lair action. Leiland rolls a NAT ONE to not plummet into the Bloodkeep. Brennan clearly is ready to bring out the ghost figurines we saw in the BTS.
The statue Lilith JUST got the blessing from falls which means if she hadn’t gotten it that turn, they would have been screwed. Sidenote: Brennan says it was an instant lose condition for them which is part of why I was surprised that this wasn’t his plan to begin with. He just readjusted everything on the fly and set new parameters. What a good, confidence projecting, quick thinking DM.
It’s Leiland’s turn. He is once again falling to his doom. This time, without the bossa nova music and soothing apathy because he actually has something to live for.
It was JUST close enough. And he almost cursed Olag instead! That decision saved his undead ass!
I love that Leiland is Uncle Leiland to Jason! And later Jessa calls Efink Aunt Efink.  I wanna see evil Thanksgiving so bad.
“You’re really killing it today Leiland!” My boy finally getting the praise he deserves. (Also, wild that this is all still THE SAME DAY)
“oKAY, okay, OKAY, oKay.” –Brennan having a moment
“You wanted us to play evil characters but we’re actually playing evil players.”
Man this episode is truly how Leiland got his groove back, huh?
Boatman rolls a 4 to resist fear. Go Leiland!
“I take off my mask to reveal…I’m sexy as fuck.”
Everyone including the evil statue is hot for Markus.
“Shut the fuck up, Olag. Go kill yourself.” Maggie just has no patience for nonsense (that’s not the kind of nonsense she enjoys anyway).
“Do I take psychic damage from that?”
Lilith gets a nat 20!
Maggie, upon Leiland calling her 'my queen’ for the second time: Just call me Maggie, please.
“Lilith, you’re my girl! Lilith, my girl!” They grab hands over the table. It’s such a pure moment.
Brennan after they kill the Boatman: I mean, fuck me I guess.
Leiland goes down. Leiland Jr. goes, “Nah, get up, you’re fine,” and he gets back up. (Brennan at this point has clearly fully leaned in to the direction his players dragged him).
Leiland comes back as Leiland the White. And I just realized! That’s the ghost figurine! I thought that was the figure Bren got for when Leiland inevitably completed his story arc. No! It was the figure for in case Leiland DIED.
Leiland FONZES at Leiland Jr.
Nat 20 from Maggie to avoid falling into the Bloodkeep!
Leiland lets Markus convince him to not kill Olag (for future shenanigans). Leiland instead owns Toby and rolls a 29 to convince Oswald back onto their side. Toby also comes as a zombie on their side. Everything’s coming up Leiland!
Except no, he goes back down immediately and falls face first into the blood pool.
OK, check it. Markus bargains with one of the evil statues to make Olag alive and undead for eternity. The statue is kinda on board but wants to make a trade. Markus basically goes, “Watch this,” and STEPS INTO THE VOID.
Go back and watch Amy’s reaction. It’s so genuinely shocked and concerned. Matt’s is good too.
Sidenote: That is apropos of nothing goal wise. He just wanted to torture Olag.
Maggie gets the final blessing with a quiet, heartfelt speech Brennan doesn’t even make her roll for. The statue tries to get her to put in a good word w/ her dad for it and steps all over the moment.
Ify, about to pull out shenanigans part two, electric boogaloo: I never got a chance to attack on my turn.
He attacks himself and warps back up!
Amy: Is that how you play a rogue????
Why sneak attack damage? Can you sneak attack yourself?
“You’re a liar!”/“I’m a rogue.” Beautiful.
We’re evil!
Oswald dies and Leiland comes back! Hexing Oswald really panned out for him
“It’s all spiders from here!” I wanna start saying that.
Efink cancels out a nat 20 on Sohkbar!
Lilith telling her kids to go find safety is a small thing but sweet.
“You know you live near Goblin Island and you always say you’re gonna visit.”
Markus swashbuckles over to the bloodkeep before he falls. Leiland is ready to jump his bones.
Nat 20 from Leiland! Is that his first one?
Classic Leiland.
I love that Leiland is pro J'er'em'ih now.
John Feathers comes back for the epilogue. Rehka is more excited than anyone.
Lilith is voted queen regent of Gorgar! Go girl! And Jessa opens her fashion firm while Jason sets out to the forest. Good for them.
Scream beast babies!
And little Leiland asks big Leiland to get him the head of Galfast Hamhead! Full circle, I love it.
OK so Brennan said this and he was right. Leiland and Maggie have such a wild ass arc. She goes being “that whore” in ep 1 (idr what he actually called her but that’s the vibe he gave off) to “my queen” in episode 6. And like, man. Imagine planning a game where the goal is to lead the players into a PvP free for all and, instead, the only two characters with a legit grievance mend fences so much that one names their child after the other and that one swears fealty to that mom and her child. Imagine failing so hard at your original goal. Wow.
Anyway, that’s it for Bloodkeep! Thanks for hanging in there for me to write this up! I want to say something about the teaser for T.U.S. too but I’ll save that for another post. 
Sidenote: So Matt has been on D20 and Brennan has been on Naddpod. I think this means Brennan or Murph gets to be on Critical Role now. I’m a lawyer and I’m pretty sure that’s how the law works. 
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ghostofviperwrites · 5 years
On the Road
Pairing:  Evil/FC/Sanada
Category:   Smut
Word Count: 2368
Warnings: Smut, threesome m/f/m, oral sex, language
I’m so mad because I wrote a whole version of this that I feel like was much better but it got corrupted in word and I couldn’t recover it, so I had to re-write it.  Hopefully it came out okay the second time.  
You can thank and/or blame @monstersmaid for this.  She reminded me of my favorite threesome with her Evil drabble yesterday and I had to write this.
Erika Maya stood anxiously in the passenger pick up/drop off area at the airport.  She took deep calming breaths as she waited for the car that was picking her up.  A car containing her two interview subjects.   Her very first solo interview.  For the three months she had worked for her magazine she had acted as a shadow and had finally proven her skills enough to be entrusted with a solo project.    Her nerves tried to tell her that her entrustment had more to do with her three years of college Japanese, but she pushed that thought aside.  Sure her subjects from New Japan Pro Wrestling didn’t speak more than rudimentary English, but if they didn’t trust her, Erika was sure that she would still be shadowing and just acting as translator. 
Rolling her shoulders to loosen them Erika then smoothed out her grey pencil skirt and ran a hand through her hair brushing any flyaways back into her updo.  Seeing a black SUV with dark tinted windows approaching Erika straightened and put on a winning smile.  
The driver of the vehicle climbed out and held the door open for her.  Slipping as she climbed in Erika cursed her innate clumsiness, cheeks pinkening as she climbed in.  Great first impression she groaned to herself.  But she needn’t have worried. Her two interview subjects, Evil and Sanada, weren’t paying her the slightest of attention both of them huddled over Evil’s phone watching something with rapt interest.  Once she was settled Erika waited expectantly for some form of acknowledgement as the driver pulled from the curb. 
“Hello?”  She finally broke the silence with a clearing of her throat finding herself immediately ensnared in the gazes of two predators.   Swallowing hard Erika plastered her smile back on her face, ignoring the sudden heat pooling in her belly.   She had been expecting their good looks.   Erika wasn’t a slacker.  She had done her research.  But pictures did nothing to prepare her for them in person.  “I’m Erika.”  She extended her hand in introduction, feeling stupid as they stared at it until she let it fall limply to her lap. 
Well this is off to a great start so far she thought to herself.   Brushing off the awkwardness Erika forged ahead, launching into her questions.  Evil fielded most of the responses much to her consternation.  It was supposed to be a dual interview, but Sanada added little more than the occasional nod or grunt of agreement to Evil’s responses.   Though she wasn’t going to complain about listening to Evil.  The man spoke in a smooth calm cadence that almost lulled her into a state of relaxation, feeling like she could listen forever to his soft low voice.   
When Sanada did speak it almost startled Erika.  Though his voice was smooth as silk, he spoke much more elegantly than the other man with mannerisms that spoke of old money.   It reminded Erika of the kids from the private school she attended on scholarship, and hoping to find some common ground she innocently asked about his upbringing and whether his family money had helped him in his career pursuit. 
It was a mistake.  Immediately Sanada’s face became shuttered, eyes growing cold, lips pursing in anger before he pointedly turned away and dismissed her focusing his attention on the phone in his hand leaving Evil once again to become the center of attention. 
Though she had a willing audience in Evil, Erika couldn’t help the occasional glances at Sanada, wondering if she should make an overture and try to get him re-engaged. 
“Don’t bother.” Evil said noticing her distraction.  “You’ve pissed him off. There’s rarely any coming back from that.” 
“What did I do?”  Erika asked earning an irritated glare from Evil. 
“He doesn’t talk about money or family.  Everyone knows that.”  Evil said simply. “Are we going to talk about Sanada all day or can we get on with this?”  He asked irritably.  
“I didn’t know that.”  Erika huffed under her breath, trying not to let her annoyance show through. All her preparation and she had lost half her story because of a topic she didn’t know she wasn’t supposed to broach.   How was she supposed to navigate a field of landmines without a map?   The last thing she needed to do now was upset Evil too.  That would be a complete disaster. 
“I’m sorry.”  Erika told him focusing her attention back on the dark clothed man.  She shuffled through her notes to give her some time to regroup and gather herself.   The somewhat tense atmosphere was broken by the ringing of Sanada’s phone.  Seeing Evil watching her impatiently Erika launched into her questions despite Sanada rudely carrying on a conversation.  
“What made you…” she started.
“Quiet!”  Sanada snapped with a glare making Erika’s mouth snap shut.
How the hell was she supposed to conduct an interview if she couldn’t talk?  She thought in annoyance.
Lowering her voice to a whisper she tried again.
“What made you…”  Again she stopped as Evil looked at her in confusion, pointing to his ear indicating he couldn’t hear her. 
  Sucking in a deep calming breath she scooted over the bench closer to Evil leaning into the void between them, bringing herself into his personal space. 
“What made you,” she started for the third time.  Only this time it was cut off as Evil grabbed her and hauled her onto his lap making her shriek in surprise as he seated her.
“Shut her up Evil!” Sanada growled at his friend turning his back and putting a hand over his ear as he tried to continue his conversation. 
“I’m working on it.”  Evil snapped back before turning his attention on Erika. 
“Now this is much better.”  He told her pressing her down on his thighs.
“This is completely inappropriate.”  Erika argued wriggling in an attempt to gain her freedom as Evil’s arm wrapped around her waist keeping her right where he wanted her.  
“But you like it.”  Evil smirked with confidence, his hand moving to rest on her thigh as Erika tried not to think how good it felt pressed against him, his muscular thighs hard beneath her bottom.  “Tell me you don’t like it and I’ll let you go.”  His fingers danced over her thighs, skimming along the hem of her skirt making Erika squirm.
“I can’t do this.”  Erika protested unable to utter the words that would grant her freedom, shifting in Evil’s arms in a subpar effort to escape his hold. 
“But you want to.”  Evil said his breath warm on her neck.  “Nobody will ever know.  We won’t say a word.” 
His use of plural reminded Erika of Sanada, her eyes flashing up to find him staring having apparently finished his conversation. Erika felt trapped in his gaze as Evil rubbed his hand over her leg making heat pool in her belly. 
“Tell me you want it.”  Evil cajoled that lulling cadence back in his voice that had her practically melting to his demands.  She breathed in, trying to ignore desire burning through her.  She should tell him to let her go. She should yell and carry on until he put her right back in her seat.   She should demand they behave professionally and with courtesy.  She should have done one or all of those things.  Instead Erika found herself giving in to the lure of Evil and Sanada.
“I want it.”  She admitted, her legs falling open just enough to encourage Evil’s hand to snake up between her thighs, stopping as his fingers came into contact with her satin covered slit.   Erika moaned as he rubbed along her pussy, his soft lips pressing against her neck.   Her eyes followed Sanada as he moved closer, long fingers reaching for the buttons on her blouse and undoing them.   Evil pushed her from his chest, sliding the blouse off her and unsnapping her bra which Sanada quickly pulled free and threw over his shoulder. 
A startled gasp left her lips as Sanada grabbed her by the neck and pulled her off Evil’s lap and onto all fours on the bench.  Releasing her neck he reached into her hair and pulling it free letting it tumble over her shoulders.   Erika shivered under Sanada’s intense gaze as he stared down at her with bottomless depth to his eyes.  She barely noticed Evil pushing her skirt over her hips and pulling her panties from her as Sanada unzipped his trousers and pulled out his half hard cock.
“You owe me an apology.”   Sanada told her stroking his dick slowly to full length.  “You were unspeakably rude earlier.” 
“I’m sorry,” Erika breathed her back arching as Evil slipped a finger into her cunt.   She frowned as Sanada rolled his eyes and shook his head in disappointment. 
Pulling her mouth down to his cock Sanada rubbed Erika’s lips along his velvety tip.
“Apologize.”  Sanada demanded again pushing his cock through her lips.  This time Erika understood what he wanted, accepting him into her mouth on a sigh that sent vibrations through his cock.   Settling back on the seat Sanada rested his hand in Erika’s curls, knotting them around his fist as he guided her mouth up and down his length. 
Pushing to his knees, Evil pushed his pants down his thighs then spit in his hand and lubricated his cock before lining it up with Erika’s pussy and shoving in groaning with satisfaction as her tight cunt gripped his dick.   His hands splayed across her hips while Sanada reached under her body with one hand to play with her tits, fingers grasping the nipple and squeezing them as she sucked on his cock.  
Erika had a hard time breathing around Sanada, his hand keeping her head down on him while Evil’s thrusts grew rougher impaling her throat with Sanada’s dick on every reentry.   She struggled to suck in oxygen through her nose, spit trickling out of her lips and onto the leather seats as she drug in ragged breaths each time Sanada pulled out just enough before slamming back into her throat.   Evil reached beneath her, thick fingers finding her clit and rubbing the nub with harsh motions making Erika’s hips buck against him as pleasure sped through her body.   She was crying out around Sanada’s dick, pussy clenching around Evil’s cock as she climaxed, shaking between the two men as they masterfully played her body to perfection.  
As she came down Sanada pulled free of her mouth and Evil out of her cunt, spinning her around with practiced ease as Sanada sat her on his cock facing outwards while Evil stood and moved to the seat on the other side.  Grabbing a long strand of hair Evil twirled it around his fist bringing her face down to his cock.  Holding her in place Evil rubbed his cock over her face, coating it with the juices of her orgasm as Sanada pounded into her cunt, making her gasp and cry out as her sensitive pussy clenched around him.  
“Open.”  Evil demanded of Erika pushing the head of his cock into her mouth as she obediently parted her lips.   Her tongue swirled around his head the salty aftertaste of her orgasm dancing on her taste buds as she suckled him.  
Erika rocked her hips back on Sanada as Evil took her throat, moaning around his thickness with every thrust of Sanada’s cock up inside her.  
“I hate car sex.”  Sanada grumbled as he shifted up onto his knees behind Erika for a better angle, Erika gripping onto Evil’s thighs as their vehicle darted in and out of traffic.  Finally finding a comfortable position he slammed hard back into Erika’s pussy making her cry out around Evil’s cock with a garbled sound as Evil gagged her.  
“Better than listening to her blather on.”   Evil retorted lifting his hips to bury himself further down Erika’s throat reveling in the choking sob that sounded from her.  
“True.”  Sanada conceded cursing as the seat buckle bit into his ankle.   “Barely.” 
“Hear that Erika?” Evil chuckled.  “Sanada would almost rather listen to you talk than fuck you.” 
He didn’t give her a chance to respond, his hand pushing the back of her head until her nose was against the flesh of his stomach, his seed erupting and filling her throat while she tried to swallow around him.   Pushing her off his cock Evil moved back to his seat, tucking himself back in his pants and leaning back to watch as Sanada pushed her off the seat and kneeled behind her on the floorboards.
Sanada’s hand went to the back of Erika’s neck, holding her down as he slammed into her from behind, his hips snapping hard into her ass until he stilled, filling her with his cum with a final thrust.  
“Clean me off.”  Sanada demanded moving to kneel by Erika’s face disregarding her protests as he pushed his cock through her lips until he felt her tongue licking him clean.   Only when he was satisfied did he pull free, tucking back into his slacks and regaining his seat by Evil tossing Erika’s shirt and bra in her direction. 
Erika quietly dressed, avoiding looking at the two men she had just been intimate with as she buttoned her shirt, embarrassment coursing through her as she felt Sanada’s seed leaking down into her panties a reminder of what she had just done.   She chanced a glance at the two men, finding them immersed in their phones looking for all the world as if this was an everyday occurrence for them.   Remembering the fluidness of their actions together Erika realized it probably was.  They worked much too well together for that to be a single occurrence.  
The rest of the ride was awkward for Erika as she pretended to be engrossed in her notes as Evil and Sanada carried on a hushed conversation never bothering to look twice at her as they made plans for the evening.  
When the car stopped she didn’t bother waiting for the driver, opening the door and rushing away with her belongings held tight to her chest, disappearing into the crowd before Evil and Sanada had even exited the car. 
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Royal Fairies (1)
AN: @sunstar-the-destroyer is co-author for this series. The twins (Snow and Cindy) in here is her characters.  Fandom: Ouran Highschool Host Club Series: Fairies and Mel At School Characters: Lots of OCs. Yasmin “Cindy” Delgado, Rosa “Snow” Delgado, Abhaya “Romeo” Rai-Ross, Eleasha “Juliet” Ross,  Words: 2062 Warning: Abandonment, Orphans, Mention of abuse
Chapter 01: Once Upon A Time
Two almost identical girls were running around a room. A man was standing behind a camera watching them. “You two look beautiful, and now sit down and do this already!” He snapped. His dark brown hair falling before his eyes.
The girls sent him a glare. “Who's idea was this again?”
The young man ran his fingers through his hair, glaring at the two young women. He looks to be just barely older than them. “Don’t know, don’t care.” He yawned. “Can we get this done, so I can go?” He asked, seeing the two seemed to calm down some. “Plus you two have a plane to catch soon.” He pointed out.
The twins looked at each other. Their eyes sparkled as they looked to him. “Is Crabby worrying about us?” One twin asked.
The second laughed softly. “I think he is.” She answered.
His sharp blue eyes looked between them. “Let's get this over with!” He snapped, making them both bust out laughing. “I remember why I only like Red now.” He grunted, annoyed. “It’s Sebastian, not Crabby!” He growled the last part, knowing they are going to ignore him anyway.
They looked to him, with an amused smile. “Where do we start?” The twins asked in unison.
“The beginning?” Sebastian suggested, running his long fingers through his shaggy brown hair. His blue eyes looked at the ceiling, and shadows under his eyes showed he was tired.
“Well, the beginning is before we became part of the Ross Family.” Cindy pointed out.
“When The Fairies were created.” Snow interjected, a smile on her face.
He gave them a smile. “Then start there. Tell what YOU know.” He suggests, remembering back then. He was so young back then, most wouldn’t expect him to remember it.
“Wendy.” They said at the same time.
“She started it all.” Snow recalled in an excited manner.
A small girl sat on a hard wooden bench. Her legs were swinging under her, watching the people moving around her. Most of them ignored her. Finally, someone stopped, walking to the young girl.
The girl that wasn’t much older than the one that everyone has ignored. The older gave her a soft smile. “Hello.” She greeted.
The younger looked up from her hands, seeing the shoulder length black hair. It was so straight, that the younger wanted to play with it. It made her wonder how she kept her hair so straight, it was shiny even.
The younger gave her a broken smile. “Hi.” She was so tired.
The older saw the two bags. It was obvious that this girl was a runaway. “I’m Erika.” The older introduced herself. “Is this spot taken?” Erika motion to the place beside the runaway.
The younger shook her head. She didn’t say anything though. Erika sat down next to her. Erika admired the younger’s short curly hair. The younger refused to look at her.
“You have pretty hair. Needs a good brushing.” Erika stated, her eyes were on the sidewalk. They were waiting for the public bus. The younger didn’t reply after a couple of minutes. “You know, I know someone that would love to fix your hair. She does mine.” Erika kept on what she was saying.
The younger pulled her bag closer to her chest. Erika saw the signs of closing in on oneself. Erika has even lived through that stage of her life. That made her sighed. Reaching into her purse, she pulled out a card.
The younger gave the card a confused look. “It’s a card, the back has my uncle’s direct number,” Erika explained.
The girl took the card, and her eyes widened. She knew this man, he was all over the buses and billboards. Her dark brown eyes, with green specks that Erika noticed, looked up to Erika’s almost black eyes. She didn’t say anything, but the look was all Erika needed.
The bus pulled up, opening its doors with a loud squeaking noise that seemed almost like a coffin closing. The younger got up, picking up her bags. Walking onto the bus, behind Erika, she debated if she should grab onto her jacket or never look back to this new person.
Walking to the back of the bus, Erika sat down in the sticky seat. The younger found a seat closer to the front of the bus, not knowing where she wants to go, or where anyone would accept her. She didn’t think running away through, but she had to escape.
Erika took out a book, reading as the bus hit bumps and jar them around. She ignored the annoyances, concentrating on her book. Taking quick glances up at the stops, and then to the young lonesome girl. When her stop came along, she stuck her book in her purse and got up.
The younger girl looked up to her, Erika didn’t say anything as the door creaked opened. Stepping out of the door, into the sunlight she winced at it. Then she felt something tugged at the back of her jacket.
Erika turned around, to see the young girl. “May you ask the person to fix my hair too?” She asked, nervously.
Erika put her hand behind her. “Sure, but I need your name,” Erika answered, a warm smile spreading across her face.
The younger took her hand. “It’s Rosa.” She replied, looking to the older. “You going to make me go home?” Rosa asked, scared.
Erika shook her head. “Only if you want too, but the ‘rents might.” Then reaching back into the purse, that Rosa finally looked at fully. The purse was a cloth black bag with blue fairy design on it and a purple butterfly on it. It was pretty and unique.
Finding what she was looking for, Erika took out a flip phone. Erika typed in a number that she has long since mesmerized before pressing the green button. “Hey, Mermaid Queen?” Erika greeted, whoever answered the phone she called.
Erika looked down to Rosa. “I need to someone pick me and my friend up.” She stated. The person on the other end said something else. Rosa couldn’t hear what she was saying. “Yes, Ma’am,” Erika replied, before pulling the phone away from her ear.
Rosa flinched at hearing the woman yell from the other side of the phone. “DON’T CALL ME MA’AM IT MAKES ME FEEL OLD!” Erika was laughing but kept the phone away from them.
“Sorry.” Erika laughed, and Rosa couldn’t help but smile. Erika put the phone back to her ear. “Done trying to blow out my eardrums?” She asked. “I love you too, Aunt Mer.” A moment passed. “We will. No, that’s no problem.” Erika quickly replied. “We will.” Erika started to make faces looking at the phone. “I am not!” Erika acted offended. “Fine, whatever. See you later.” She flipped the phone shut.
The younger stood at her full height. Erika noticed that they were close to the same height. Rosa only looked younger. Rosa looked to have a thousand questions but didn’t know what was okay to ask or not.
“Come on, Mer wants us to pick up milk and sugar.” Erika motioned to the direction of a random store. “She’ll be here in like ten minutes.”
Rosa nodded her head and followed the older girl to the store. Inside of the store, the smell of food hit the younger, making her stomach growl.
"Well, it sounds like someone is hungry." Erika laughed, smiling brightly down at the younger girl. Rosa meekly nodded her head. "Come on, we'll get some snacks along with the milk and sugar," Erika stated, grabbing a basket and pulling Rosa along toward the aisles.
“So Erika found Snow first.” Sebastian hummed, looking at the twins.
The twin in question nodded her head. “Yeah. She was the first person to accept me for me, besides Yasmin who has to accept me for me.” Rosa laughed.
Rosa reached for the charm on her bracelet. It was a purple fairy. “She was the one that gave me the nickname Snow White.” Rosa couldn’t stop the laughter in her voice, though it came out sad.
Her twin sister’s head hit Rosa’s shoulder. “She gave everyone their nicknames,” Yasmin stated, her smile was a weak one. She was lost in memory.
Sebastian nodded his head. “What is next?” He asked, checking his camera.
Yasmin laughed softly. “That’d be meeting Red and Wolf for the first time, and me being dropped off,” Yasmin stated, remembering back then. “Back then, I remember being so sad, but then we became part of a family that loves us.” Her smile changed into a sad one, but she was happy.
“Tell me,” Sebastian commanded, watching the two.
Erika ran around the room. Rosa ate the apple that was given to her. The woman with long light brown hair was on the phone. “What do you mean you don’t want her?” The woman asked, shock and disgust laced in her voice. “You know what?” She asked, her green eyes looked at the young girl that was eating the red apple. “You don’t deserve children if you think that your child doesn’t matter!” She screamed, snapping the phone to the wall where it’s hanged up at.
“What happened?” Erika finally stopped running around, a small girl asleep on her back.
The woman looked at her then to the small girl. “Rosa’s mother said that Rosa is too much for her to handle.” She spoke solemnly. “It was disgusting to hear a mother not wanting her child that she’s supposed to love.”
“She’s not my mom,” Rosa stated, her voice sounded almost void of emotions. “She was my dad’s wife, my mom died years ago.” She was looking at the half-eaten apple. Her appetite gone.
The woman eyes went wide, then she ran forward, throwing her arms around the young girl. “I’m so sorry, sweetie!” She cuddled the young girl.
“Erika!” Rosa yelped.
Erika placed the small, sleepy, girl off at the table then laughing softly. “Aunt Mermaid!” Erika called. Then sniffed the air. “Is something burning?” Erika winked at the small girl, that was giggling. Her long red-brown hair was in pigtails, and eyes half closed from being so tired.
“Did I leave the stove on?” The woman panic, running out of the room to the kitchen.
The small girl sitting next to Rosa laughed. “Rosa, Auntie Nadia is funny.” The small girl stated, with a yawn.
Rosa looked down at her. “Yeah.” She stated, before looking to Erika.
Erika gave Rosa a soft smile. “Sandy, you okay?” Another woman came into the room.
“Yes, Shoe.” Sandra yawned, again.
A moment passed then a young man came into the room. He was obviously older than Rosa and maybe, doubtful, as old as Erika. Erika just smiled at him. “So the wolf left his den?” Erika had to tease.
A growl left the young man his messy nearly black hair covered his eyes from the world. The bronze skin sparkled with sweat, obviously from working. Then a giggle cut through what was going on. The young man looked to Sandra who was giggling and then jumped up tackling the young man.
He caught her with no problem at all, looking down at her wrapped arms. “Careful, ya might open ‘em.” He grunted.
“Jason, you mind applying the cream and re-wrapping?” The woman Sandra called Shoe asked.
The young man nodded his head, picking the girl up with no problem at all. Her legs went around his waist, Jason carried her into the hall then into a room that Rosa hasn’t had the pleasure of entering, yet. Just give her time to get hurt, then she’ll have to enter it.
“Oh, no.” A voice broke between their story. “It’s time to go, you two have to leave now if you want to catch your plane.”
The pair took a deep breath, before looking at each other, then to the man that was recording everything. “We will get a chance to finish our version right?”
“Of course.” He answered almost instinctively. The twins could accept that.
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leadon-illfollow · 5 months
Mini rant time
I know there's worse pain conditions to have but FUCK does fibromyalgia suck. It hurts so much and it hurts everywhere. I never know how a day is going to go pain wise, though i know if my mental state isn't good then the pain is worse, as well as if there's a storm coming in. Some days it hurts so bad it's painful to wear clothing. Not much helps the pain, and it exaggerates pain from things. What might be a poke to one person feels like a punch to me. It sucks to want to do things but my pain is so uncontrolled that I can barely do dishes or cook meals. Other than that I'm only moving around for basic necessities. FUCK.
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stainedglassthreads · 8 years
Welcome To Night Tale Episode 1
So this idea for an AU has been in my head since this summer but I only just wrote it down. 
It was very fun to do~ And I have many more ideas for this AU... 
Episode 1: Monsters
When one door closes, the airlocks open, sucking us all out into the cold and empty void of space.
Welcome to Night Vale
Hello, listeners.
Our little town has seen quite a few additions, and this past week we have experienced yet another!
Apparently the mountain which the blinking red light we occasionally see off in the distance but can never visit or reach was the prison to a community of strange and inhuman creatures calling themselves ‘monsters’, who wished to rejoin our world of the ‘Surface’, as they call it. Upon revealing that they had come from the mountain, City Council informed everyone that there was no mountain, the monsters had never been Underground, mountains do not exist and so the monsters must have always been citizens of Night Vale ever since the very dawn of time.
The only naysayer was Steve Carlsberg. Of course. Because you’ve got to just question everything, don’t you, Steve Carlsberg? A town cannot simply retroactively gain several dozen new citizens overnight! Nope! Everything has to come from somewhere with you, doesn’t it!? What a jerk.
A small human child of indeterminate age and gender came out from the Underground along with the monsters. They explained that they, with the help of six human Souls, managed to destroy the Barrier which imprisoned the monsters within the Underground for so long. They explained this, however directly after they finished speaking, all those in the room reported that they had forgotten what the child’s voice sounded like, or if the child had indeed spoken at all, and instead used some other method of communication. They also reported forgetting what words, exactly, the child had used, simply the information that they had conveyed.
Oh! And the child said that their name is Frisk. They introduced themself as the ‘Angel of the Prophecy’. The City Council immediately contradicted them on this front, claiming that Frisk could not possibly be an angel as everyone knew that all angels were named Erika. And angels don’t exist, anyways. It is illegal to acknowledge the existence of them.
At any rate, the monsters have been integrating into our town quickly and smoothly. A charismatic spider monster named Muffet has gotten very involved in the Night Vale spider community. She has began a bake sale to help raise funds to help grant underprivileged tarantulas more opportunities.
Carlos, who is totally my boyfriend, has reported that a very nice and smart lizard monster named Alphys has begun working with him at his lab! He has informed me that she is actually quite knowledgeable about the Surface’s history and culture, as a result of having watched human documentaries known as ‘anime’.
I personally am not one who enjoys documentaries. I am sure that they are quite accurate, however I personally prefer romantic comedies, such as Alien!
Carlos has also told me that Alphys introduced him to her girlfriend, Undyne. He said that they look very cute together. Although I’m sure that we still look cuter, what with Carlos’ perfect hair.
Carlos also informed me that Undyne was really looking forwards to visiting the Night Vale Waterfront Harbor and Recreation Area, but was disappointed to learn that we do not actually have a harbor or large body of water, as Night Vale is situated in a desert.
Oh, and I just remembered! We have a new intern to greet! His brother apparently signed him up at our station because he is ‘A LAZYBONES WITH TOO MUCH UNUSED TIME ON HIS HANDS!!!’ So would everyone give a warm welcome to Intern Sa-- where’s he gone?
That’s rather soon. Most of our interns tend to quit or go missing at least a week after beginning their work.
Oh. Intern Laura has just informed me that Intern Sans is napping in the break room.
What’s that? Oh.
Intern Laura has just told me that City Council has observed several of the new monsters are dogs, and wants me to reiterate the rules of the Forbidden Dog Park, with the following additions.
Dogs are not allowed in the Dog Park. People are not allowed in the Dog Park. Monsters are not allowed in the Dog Park. No one is allowed in the Dog Park. Do not look at the Dog Park. Do not approach the Dog Park. Do not think about the Dog Park. Do not be consciously aware of the Dog Park.
It is possible you may see hooded figures in the Dog Park. Do not approach them.
Do not approach the Dog Park’s subliminal commands to gather around its imposing obsidian gates and carve mysterious runes and grams upon it.
The Dog Park does not send out subliminal commands.
There is no Dog Park.
This has been a public service announcement from the City Council.
What? What is that yelling outside?
Listeners, I’ve just received word that Undyne has just raced out of town shouting “NGAAAAAAAAAAAH! THIS TOWN IS WORSE THAN HOTLAND!!!”
I believe Alphys was running after her. Oh, dear.
Listeners, as you know, Night Vale is notoriously difficult to leave. I do hope that they are alright…
And now, a word from our sponsors.
One hundred and five million tons of bananas are grown annually worldwide.
There are thirteen million billion spiders worldwide.
How many could even hide in a box of bananas anyways?
We promise, we check each and every one of our bananas for spiders.
Although. We cannot check inside each banana. You don’t want us opening up your bananas, do you? That would be damaging the goods we sell you! That would be compromising our merchandise!
Chiquita bananas. You realize you eat eight spiders every year in your sleep, right? What difference does a few spiders in your bananas make, anyways?
Outside the recording studio, Intern Laura is trying to get my attention by wildly waving her fire lance around.
Oh. Oh.
Listeners, let’s go to the weather.
While you were at the weather, listeners, Night Vale has undergone several… developments.
The most significant of which being that we have an actual waterfront now.
Undyne apparently ran back into town, carrying a massive glass aquarium filled with just water, and dumped it out onto the sand wastes that the Night Vale Harbor and Waterfront Recreation Area used to overlook. So now we have a lake.
Well. The majority of aquatic monsters, and aquatic citizens of town, were absolutely delighted.
Madeline LaFleur, stated she was pleased by this development. She says that the amount of people visiting us has already begun increasing, as several sailboats mysteriously appeared on the newly created Night Vale Lake. The crews came to shore, asking those around them where they were, and how they had ended up on sailboats in a lake in the middle of a desert to begin with.
Well. It has been quite the busy week. Make sure you all rest up tonight.
Goodnight, Night Vale. Good night.
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leadon-illfollow · 6 months
Started watching dungeon meshi, I'm not sure how I feel about it but I love Marcille and I like senshi and laios fingerling about monster food
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leadon-illfollow · 6 months
Erika talks K again
So at the end of ROK, yata says to fushimi something like "why didn't you tell me about this mission" which is odd bc they were basically enemies. Something tells me that behind the scenes they had some sort of contact with each other that wasn't as hostile. Plus the fact fushimi says back about how it was a classified mission
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leadon-illfollow · 6 months
Also can we talk about how concerned awashima is for fushimi? Like it was a very sisterly kind of worry, or mother like
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leadon-illfollow · 6 months
I just now caught on to fushimis "I guess it pays to have insurance"
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leadon-illfollow · 6 months
Yaaassss over the garden wall is on hulu
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