#erika shiragami
Alright, 1 week left before we said goodbye to my favorite month April and welcome the month of May, wherein flowers bloom everywhere (known as Flores de Mayo), yada yada get to the point.
Anyway, which among of these two I choose should be the winner of May (I've been drawing flowers for some reason you know, for something)?
A plant Kaiju spliced with roses, deceased human (girl) cells and G-Cells?
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Or this motherfucking talking, singing man-eating plant?
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guthrie-odonto · 1 year
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Erika Kinokami
First post of the Godzillaverse that I like to call Biola: Monster Genesis! For a start, who better to show off than the "series'" main protagonist and namesake of this gojiverse, Erika Shiragami Kinokami
Born 2009 to Genchiro Kinokami of the Typhon organization, an organization dedicated to the study of the giant organisms known as kaiju, she was already a genetic test from birth, having genes from multiple plants in her genome as a test run of giving humans photosynthetic capabilities (as a result, her skin has a bit of a greenish tone). Other than the photosynthesis and her lifelong friend being a robot⏤an AI-driven prototype of the Tezcatlipoca unit (T-units for short) technically designated as RD-A10N3 but given the name Jet Jaguar from Erika mispronouncing the Aztec deity's name⏤her life was fairly normal... until very recently.
While out on the field in a military effort against both a particularly aggressive hive of the giant neuropteran Meganula and a mated pair of volant kaiju given the name "Rodan", Erika (and Martin, an upstart kaiju-themed influencer tagging along) ran afoul of a Meganula larva within the cave systems being explored. The insect struck Erika in the abdomen with its claw, grievously wounding her. The Meganula would've killed her after that had it not been for the third Rodan, a smaller, sneaky male resembling a female, breaking through the wall and piercing the Meganula with its long, barbed tongue. For a split second, it looked to see the two other small creatures in there, but then had its attention grabbed by the controlled eruption of the nearby Mt. Aso where the Rodans had nested. As the "Faeder Rodan" flew off to try and save its mate. Jet Jaguar arrived and carried Erika off to safety.
After being brought to a Typhon facility on the remote Odo Island, Erika then undergoes a radical new treatment to help save her life. She's treated with an experimental kind of stem cell therapy incorporating cells and DNA from a kaiju whose emergence nearly 70 years ago spurred the formation of Typhon the following year; a kaiju whose power made it only deserving of the title "King of the Monsters". That beast's healing properties mean that Erika Kinokami now had a third genetic component: Gojira. After waking up, Erika seemed pretty fine at first (besides her not needing glasses anymore, being able to see ultraviolet light, and the healed up wound resembling plant resin), but she would be kept there to make sure there weren't any side effects. The next day, Erika was feeling a bit restless, and Jet suggested they go out and walk for a bit as some nature therapy. It was nice and they even found a cave system with 100% less maneating insects and plenty of nest subterranean biodiversity… but then the irradiated GNA (Godzilla DNA) really started kicking in.
Erika felt nothing at first, but then Jet pointed out that her face was getting pale and even a bit greenish. Erika dismisses that comment at first before Jet adds a small little elaboration: he means greenish even compared to her normal, chloroplast-infused skin tone. Then seeing a more vibrant green creeping up her arms, Erika bluntly agrees that they need to go back Now, and they make off. As they make their way to the cave entrance, Erika not only has leaves sprouting from the base of her neck and her hips (her hair was also gradually melding into leaves), but she starts growing from her human height of 5'1" (155 cm). Once they're at the cave entrance, she was actually too big to fit through, but ended up breaking through the entrance from her growing too big for it, finally stopping at a final height of 20 meters (and also giving a scream of terror and confusion afterwards). Jet, of course, called for help and Erika's dad and other Typhon personnel arrived. She was then brought back to the facility and later filled in on the whole GNA situation, but not before another party came by from the other side of the hill the cave entrance was on: Godzilla.
Strangely (although the maser tanks and other military units brought in preparation for the detected approach of another kaiju were hidden in the forest), the 50-meter dinosaur was noticeably unaggressive for the encounter, walking up to Erika, closely observing her with some minor vocalizations, and then leaving.
For Erika, the experience was even stranger. To her, Godzilla's face looked perplexed, showing more emotion than any photos or video footage of the Monster King she had seen before this day, and she could have sworn she heard a voice coming from him... a voice that called her a... "Biollante"?
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pyrasterran · 6 months
monster of a commission with your favorite kaiju girl Erika " Biollante " Shiragami Including some rough 3D mock-ups of how the skin is supposed to look on the Xbox Series X
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samgojigammacrow · 8 months
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The tragedy of Erika Shiragami (a tease at my DromBiollante design)
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the-kaiju-lodge · 2 years
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El SIRENJAW es un pariente de cocodrilo gigante autóctono de los lagos del sur de la Isla Clavera.. Exhibe algunos de los ejemplos más extremos de evolución de florafauna vistos en cualquier lugar. A medida que madura, el Sirenjaw comienza a crecer árboles en su espalda rocosa, haciéndolo parecer uno con la jungla.
Dado que permanece mayormente sumergido, casi parece una pequeña isla con hermosas plantas que atraen a presas desprevenidas, que son atraídas para ser devoradas, de ahí el nombre. Cualquier ser vivo que se desvíe por esta "orilla" está destinado a descubrir que algunas islas tienen dientes.
En 1995, el grupo de Monarch y los iwi estaban en algo que pensaron que era una pequeña isla en medio del lago, pero luego resultó que la isla era en realidad un Sirenjaw. El monstruo atacó al grupo Monarch y a los Iwi, pero luego se retiró al escuchar el rugido de King Kong. Aaron Brooks y el equipo de Monarch siguieron el sonido del rugido de Kong, con la esperanza de verlo en persona, pero solo encontraron el cadáver del Sirenjaw que los había atacado, asesinado por Kong. Varios Psychobuitres y Death Jackals descendieron al área para alimentarse del cadáver, lo que provocó que los humanos se fueran.
Ese mismo cadaver fue traido a Tokio por Alan Jonah y sus hombres, con el cual crearian una nueva criatura a partir del ADN de Godzilla, combinandolo con el de una flor y el de Erika Shiragami para crear a: Biollante
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ruubesz-draws · 5 years
I like Biollante’s design and is her design suppose to derive from the whole human DNA part in her? I look at her and and think, “WOW, you made her look like Erika because of the whole trying-to-bring-back-from-the-dead in the movie”! Because,yeah she’s totally suppose to look like Erika Shiragami with green dress, Poison Ivy vibes, with green hair with red in it to represent the roses! Now that’s a plant waifu there!
I wasn't even thinking about Erika when I was designing her haha. I was just like: “I will draw Biollante with a short hair cus all the other females have a long hair lol”. It's really just a coincidence, but I'm glad it resembles Erika. And thank you, I'm glad you love her design.
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54fallenartist14 · 5 years
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A cover art for my comic that’s on DA:https://www.deviantart.com/fallenangel5414/art/The-Angel-of-Odo-Island-pt-1-802093456
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pkmatrix · 8 years
The Themes of Godzilla vs. Biollante
With @kaijusaurus taking a look at Godzilla vs. Biollante (1989) soon, I think now would be a good time to dig up an old post I wrote up about the themes my favorite Godzilla movie explores (or, at least what interpret those themes to be).
I see there as being two major themes to the film:
1.  The Failure of Science
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The film has a cynical undertone when it comes to its depiction of science, which ultimately can be summed up as, "Despite the promises, Science creates more problems than it solves."  This is the driving force and, in my opinion, the primary theme of the film, tying together all the characters and plot points. 
Science and scientists promise many things throughout the film (the super-wheat early on, the ANEB's power to stop Godzilla, Super-X2's ability to defeat Godzilla, etc.), nearly all of which either goes horribly wrong or fails outright (the attempt to create the super-wheat results in the terrorist bombing that kills Erika Shiragami, fighting over control of the ANEB leads to countless deaths, and the Super-X2 ultimately fails to meet expectations).  Obviously, there are also Godzilla and Biollante, the monstrous offspring of corrupt science.  Science is depicted as being always at the mercy of powerful forces outside its control, be it politics, money, and even technological limits.  Even when everything aligns perfectly, as it had when the heroes commit the experimental TC System and Maser Tanks in their effort to hasten Godzilla's ANEB infection before he could attack the nuclear power plant, the plan is ultimately a failure and only Biollante's intervention prevents a nuclear catastrophe. Among the characters, the theme is best represented by Kirishima and Dr. Shiragami.  Kirishima is the voice of reason, the scientist who starts off believing in science's power to do good (he believes ANEB should be used to clean up nuclear waste) but grows critical when forces outside his control (the military, the Okichi Foundation, BioMajor, Saradia) decide they want to use it as a weapon and fight over control of it.  By the end of the film, he's largely lost his faith in science and rejects going to Massachusetts on the grounds that, "Everywhere things are the same, there's good and evil in every country."  He realizes that even if he goes to America, science is no freer to better mankind there than it is in Japan. Dr. Shiragami strikes a similar but darker tone.  He does leave Japan to pursue his research, because he feels Japan is too conservative (and thus, too controlling) to let him do so.  He goes to Saradia because they promise him money and freedom, only for his research to be perverted for political purposes (the Saradian plan to use Shiragami's super-wheat to threaten American dominance in the grain market) and his daughter to be killed because of it.  Shiragami lets his emotions over his daughter's loss and his desire to pursue scientific advancement free from criticism or interference cloud his judgement later, resulting in his engaging in a bit of mad science to accidentally create Biollante.  Horrified by what his unrestricted pursuit of science wrought, by the film's end he declares Godzilla and Biollante not to be monsters but "the unscrupulous scientists who create them" to be the true monsters as he rejects science entirely. 2.  The Passing of the Torch
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There is a theme of shifting generations and a passing of the torch throughout the film, represented by characters having either an older or younger version of themselves:  Kirishima/Dr. Shiragami, Kuroki/Gondo (or Kuroki/Hyoda), and Super X/Super X2 are probably the best examples. The concept of a "new generation" is brought up throughout the film too in various contexts, such as Kirishima's description of the weapons producing the ANEB would generation and the visual of the psychic children to the elder generation of Miki and Asuka.  Towards the end Shiragami and Kirishima directly discuss this theme, with Shiragami saying he felt it was time for his generation to sit back and let the young handle this, while Kirishima felt that his generation was no better than any other.  The film ends with an actual symbolic passing of the torch, when Hyoda hands Kuroki his hat. Further, like the previous theme the film seems a bit cynical about what this generational shift actually means.  The torch may be passed to Kuroki, but he's ultimately no more successful at defeating Godzilla than the previous generation of soldiers.  Super-X2 may be more technologically advanced, but it's barely able to slow Godzilla down let alone defeat him as advertised.  And Kirishima's hands are just as tied as Shiragami's, ultimately coming to a similar conclusion on the merits of science and people as his predecessor.  As Kirishima said, a new generation may be taking over, but they're no better or more special than any other generation that preceded them. Kirishima v. SSS-9
Some people have thought the placement of the car chase and fight with SSS-9 at the end of the film to be oddly placed, but in my opinion it makes perfect sense when considering the two previous themes.  In my opinion, the scene symbolizes that despite the more cynical arguments that science was a failure and the younger generation was no better than the previous, there IS a silver lining:  the younger generation (Kirishima and Kuroki) CAN stand up to defeat the ills of the world (SSS-9), if they have the will to do so, and Science, in the right hands and used responsibly, can help do that (Kuroki's use of the TC System to defeat SSS-9 and avenge Shiragami). I think it's an interesting final message for the film to leave on, the ultimate moral of the story.
Thank you for taking the time to read!  ^_^
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guthrie-odonto · 1 year
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guthrie-odonto · 11 months
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Ms. Kinokami gets her third dad a little something for his birthday*. Happy 69th, Gojira!
*second birthday? Rebirthday? Nukeday?
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guthrie-odonto · 11 months
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revamped design of Erika's new mutated body, with notes:
her form changes gradually across the hypothetical series as she unlocks new forms, with the left look being when she initially mutates, the middle being after she goes in and out of flower beast form for the first time, and the right being after she goes into the iconic plant beast form to fight G̴͙͐h̶̛̘̙͖̆ḯ̸̛̺͙̘̑͒d̷̞̐̐̓̌o̶͎͑͝ȑ̶̢͖͎̖͗a̶͔̼̤͊ḩ̶̛͆͝.
Since I accidentally made Erika a radical take on Minilla/Godzilla Jr. with her relationship to Godzilla as well as Erika Shiragami/Biollante, I gave her a tail, with the length in her initial form even being like Minilla's.
it's faint, but there's a hint of her original skin color on her face, a patch that almost looks like a radiation symbol when you remove the space taken up by her eyes and mouth (suggestion from @artmakerproductions)
Similar to how Godzilla has a signature mark on the palm of his hand that's an identifying factor/"name" in his species, Erika gains one too. Just as Godzilla's coincidentally resembles the ☢️ symbol and even has the colors used for radiaiton warnings, Erika's resembles a flower with an x in the middle composed of DNA strands, as shown in a closeup artmaker drew
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guthrie-odonto · 11 months
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Drawing of Erika (in a later form she takes shown below) and Godzilla in a Godzilland style
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Also a redraw of this thing from the Amazing Digital Circus pilot and yes I’m only posting this to plug this amazing pilot and to tell y’all to support this
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ruubesz-draws · 5 years
Does biollante remember Erika and Genshiro Shiragami, How does she feel about them and how did Godzilla(father) adopt her in the first place?
It's faint, but she does remember them, she also remembers her previous life as a human too, but she prefers not to dwell on the past, she has moved on. She's completely used to living as a kaiju, in fact, she's actually happy with her current life and her family. (This is just my headcanon) After Biollante was defeated by Godzilla (her father), she transformed into a baby. So Godzilla, being a father of two already, felt pity for her because she was technically still a child, so he took her in. Thus making her the youngest and the only daughter in the Godzilla family. Godzilla Jr and Biollante had a rocky relationship at first (well, Godzilla jr. was more annoyed with her) but they soon learned to care for each other (and they still do). Biollante did love Godzilla (her father), and she does miss him a lot...
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