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amalgamasreal · 2 years ago
I am LOVING the sister-in-law dynamic between Eri and Miorine in the epilogue, and I can't imagine how many times they've had this weird ass conversation.
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"Why are we doing this new and crazy thing that your wife, my sister, planned this week?"
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sluttery-withoutshame · 11 months ago
So @sillyamyy sent me a YouTube link and it was pure Eric Singer gold.
Sorry, I mean
Lil’ Elvis gold.
(Even though it’s a shitty connection. No wonder he bought a new router.)
Don’t let Lil’ Elvis get bored. He will find better things to do.
Like lighting incense and cuddling Ash. (Playing with fire, @elrohare. Blow it and wait til it gets hard.)
He will get impatient and possibly look at the clock?
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He’ll….i dunno, do whatever this is.
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He’s yawning, pay him some attention!
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He may get vaguely threatening with a screwdriver.
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He’ll make sure we notice that, yet again, his nipples are erect.
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He, for some reason, has decided to sit on the floor.
They had him sit in this video for half an hour and he said maybe ten words. But I think it was a lot more entertaining be bored than if he’d actually talked more.
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nonbinaryelphaba · 2 years ago
I’m enjoying ‘my sweetest downfall’ so much! Thank you so much for writing it :)
I wanted to submit the prompts:
Miorine sees Suletta interacting with the kids one day and suddenly thinks ‘suletta would make a great mom’ and is shocked to realize that she wouldn’t mind having kids with her.
Erict teasing Miorine about how she can never say no to Suletta and that she spoils her too much!
Thank you and have a great week! Truly appreciate your fics and love the way you write their relationship 🥹
thank you so much! here is a lil something for you :)
my sweetest downfall - chapter 4
“I can’t believe you bought a puppy company!”
Suletta looks eagerly out the window, watching the blur of trees as their car flies past. She’s hardly able to contain herself, nearly vibrating out of her seat.
“We invested in a service dog training program,” Miorine corrects half-heartedly, smiling. She knew when the company’s CEO had invited her for a walkthrough she’d have no choice but to bring Suletta. There was simply no question.
“Puppies,” says Suletta again, definitively.
Miorine laughs. “Yes, yes. Puppies. Try not to have a stroke.”
Suletta rests her head on Miorine’s shoulder. Miorine softens.
The building isn’t particularly large.
“This is where the dogs sleep,” their tour guide, Sarah, says. “They live here in the facility until their training is complete and they’re ready to be adopted out.”
The kennels are noticeably empty. Before Miorine can inquire, Suletta speaks up from her wheelchair.
“Where are they now?” she asks.
Sarah gets a twinkle in her eye. “Well, you two are actually just in time for play-time.”
Miorine fears Suletta might burst at the seams with excitement.
Sarah leads them to a big, open area. There are toys, several employees, and at least ten puppies of varying breeds. They frolic about the space, wrestling with each other or playing with the trainers.
Suletta is in heaven.
She quickly transfers herself from her chair to the floor so she can accept cuddles from a labrador.
“Sooooo cute!” she squeaks as the pup climbs up her front and begins to lick her face.
Miorine laughs before turning to Sarah. “She’ll likely be here a while. Care to show me the rest?”
Sarah shows her the grooming area that Gund-ARM’s funds helped pay for, as well as the penned-in outdoor area for the dogs to play and do their business.
“We plan to do more landscaping out here,” Sarah says. “Your generous investment has really helped us along.”
“I’m glad,” Miorine says honestly. She knows this program will help a lot of people, which is why she’d invested.
They stand there in silence for a moment, just taking in the afternoon air.
“Well,” says Sarah, “shall we head back? Make sure your fiancé hasn’t been smothered by puppies?”
Miorine laughs. She feels her face heat at the word “fiancé,” and she thinks she may never get used to it. It fills her with a rush of joy, every time, without fail.
When they return, Suletta is back in her wheelchair, and she has a very fluffy white puppy in her lap. Both of them are sleeping.
“Oh my goodness,” Sarah says.
“Please tell me that one hasn’t been promised to anyone yet,” Miorine says desperately.
Sarah looks surprised, then delighted. “No she hasn’t, not yet.”
“Excellent. We’ll take her. When she’s done with her training, of course. But please… don’t say anything to Suletta. I want it to be a surprise.”
Miorine had absolutely not come here with the intentions of adopting a dog, but the sight before her has her realizing that it makes perfect sense. A service dog could be very helpful for Suletta, and she could also use the companionship.
“Of course, Miss Rembran. I’ll get all the paperwork squared away. Did you have a name in mind?”
Miorine looks at her. “Sorry?”
“A name,” Sarah says. “It’s easier to assign one as soon as possible instead of trying to teach them a new one later.”
“Oh… Give me some time to think about it?”
“Of course. I’ll go get things started for you.” Sarah excuses herself.
“You spoil her.” Ericht’s tinny voice comes out of nowhere. She’d been so silent the whole trip Miorine had forgotten the keychain was clipped to her bag.
“Excuse me?” Miorine grumbles.
“I’m just saying! You can’t say no to her.” Her voice is teasing. She’s working up to saying Miorine is whipped.
“First of all, I’m not saying ‘yes’ to anything. It was my idea. Second of all, your sister deserves to be spoiled.”
Ericht can’t argue with that, so she doesn’t.
Once all the paperwork has been signed, Miorine kneels in front of Suletta and her new furry friend.
“Hey, sleepyhead,” she says softly, running a hand through Suletta’s hair. “Quit being so lazy. It’s time to go.”
Suletta only seems to wake partway, eyes still glassy with exhaustion. She has very limited energy, these days - she’ll likely sleep until tomorrow once they get home.
“We can visit her again?” she murmurs as Miorine gently extracts the still-sleeping pup from her lap and hands her over to an employee.
It takes everything in Miorine not to spill her secret right here and now.
“Yes,” she says. “You can definitely see her again.”
Later, as Suletta predictably dozes beside her on the bed, Miorine types an email to Sarah.
Dear Sarah,
I believe the name “Aerial” will be suitable for the dog.
Thank you for your help today.
Miorine Rembran
Gund-ARM Co. CEO
“That feels offensive,” Ericht pipes up.
“Stop spying on my emails.”
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amalgamasreal · 2 years ago
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sluttery-withoutshame · 1 year ago
Whenever I wake up up to a bunch of Eric photos I almost hyperventilate.
Thank you, @sillyamyy. You are such a good Ericrack dealer!
Guess what, I found more..- @sluttery-withoutshame
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ericvonpepperfist · 1 year ago
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jules muck - photo by erict - I love LA
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444names · 1 year ago
Names derived from Turkish cities
Adağ‎ Adocit‎ Adırkemalı Adırık Adırın‎ Adır‎ Adıyalat Adıyalı Afalan Afyomrabük Afyonkır Akhisay Akkarabze‎ Aksarabze Alerzia Alpage Alyara‎ Alıkkated Alık‎ Amankırne Amongöl Amsun Amsunmalya Amuğla Anakentle‎ Anburum‎ Andırı Ankaniğdeş Ankasya‎ Anlı‎ Annin Antana Antan‎ Anya‎ Arabzonu Aradak‎ Aramsunmar Aramuş Ardur‎ Areskiya Arpolant Arsunces Artam Ayburty Ayfak‎ Ayfa‎ Ayseli Ayvas‎ Ayva‎ Ağrın...
Bakhiyent Bakkârisil Balasya Balerideş Barabal Baybul Baybur‎ Baydıyı Bayfa‎ Bergropul Bilece‎ Bolane Bolun Bolunman Bolun‎ Bulangul Bulategori Bulatyar‎ Bulu‎ Buncanlı Burdurken Burkez Bursin‎ Bursir Burs‎ Burum Canamuda Cankalt Canne‎ Cappaş‎ Catep‎ Chak‎ Chana‎ Chanes Cieri Ciethirle Citadan Coas‎ Comedir‎ Comeri Comeri‎ Commus Dekir Deri‎ Dirayser Disayfakya Diye‎ Docik Döresi Dörtvin‎ Dörtın‎ Dörülmekir Dörülmeri‎ Düzcesin Edian Edira‎ Edirden Edirnes Edisa‎ Edis‎ Ediyar‎ Ediye‎ Elacent Elanazin Elanazığ Elat‎ Elibodrum‎ Endın‎ Eniğdır‎ Entlık Erbara‎ Erict Erier‎ Eriesiir Erkentli‎ Erkey‎ Erkla Ersayfal Erum‎ Esing Estalanda Fethe Fethir Fethirle Fethirlece Fethirt‎ Fethir‎ Fetrabük‎ Fetya Folun‎ Folu‎ Gaman‎ Gazığ‎ Gebzonu Gesillowin Gesivankar Gesun Gesust Girdurama Girdurs‎ Girelis Girnahir Görelat Göres Görülmer‎ Gümüşhak Gümüşhan Gümüşharın Hakya‎ Hana‎ Hangulda Hangöreli‎ Hanlık Hanya‎ Ilacesi Ileces Ileri‎ Ilersa Illi‎ Iman‎ Imarahra‎ Imasyamsus Iması‎ Indağrık Istaleri‎ Istra‎ Iğdın Iğdın‎ Iğdırık‎ Iğdıya‎ Iğdıyı İnes İskiye‎ İstang İstan‎ İsta‎ İzmiler‎ İzmire İzmireli İzmirle İzmirle‎ İzmitahya İzmitan İznin İzningam İznis İznis‎ Kahanak Kalated Kala‎ Kalerizli Kaler‎ Kalya Kantlisay‎ Karabara‎ Karadanlı Karamonu Karaş Kara‎ Kardağ‎ Kardiya Karman Karmar‎ Kartahakya Kartvirna‎ Kartya‎ Kart‎ Kastahra Kası‎ Katedis Kategori Kategoria Kategories Kategori‎ Katep Katlıkkay Katman‎ Katya‎ Kayfa Kayfa‎ Keninde‎ Kilimalt Kireli‎ Konguldak‎ Konkale Konu‎ Konyar‎ Kuşanbu Kuşanlı Kuşantal Kütahir Kütalat‎ Kütaman Kütana Kütanis‎ Kırki Kırklace‎ Kırklazıt‎ Kırne Kırnedir Kırıkey Kırın Kırı‎ Kırşehirna Kıyaman Kıyamsun Limalt Lisare Lisa‎ Liva‎ Malova‎ Malpar‎ Manak Manak‎ Manbun‎ Manlı Manlıken Manlıkey‎ Manmarbaty Marabze‎ Maradır‎ Maride Marty Mastalabük Medir Medis‎ Mergazığ Mergebze Merkenize Merzi Merzile‎ Merzilisay Merzurs Methe Methir‎ Methiye‎ Metra Metya Milering Mili‎ Mitik Munlat Munlı‎ Murum‎ Mustamast Muğlarabük Muğlatya‎ Muşadas‎ Muşak‎ Nevşanak Nista‎ Niya‎ Nizli Niğders Niğder‎ Niğdıra‎ Niğdırı Niğdır‎ Nişehirda Nopul‎ Notamand Notang Orum‎ Osman Osmanman‎ Osmant Osman‎ Osması‎ Osmaydıya Plabük Plabük‎ Plamal Plannik Plarbaa‎ Plare Plarefle‎ Plaresili‎ Plaresus Pların Plar‎ Plastamas‎ Plasya‎ Plat‎ Plazi Plazia Plazıt‎ Polu‎ Rects Refle‎ Resin Ridekirdu‎ Rieskez‎ Rilis‎ Rilivas‎ Samonu Samonya Sarabze Sardanbun‎ Sarelas‎ Sareli Sartın Sersaman‎ Singöresir Sirdağ‎ Sivastalı Siva‎ Sivri Socia Socia‎ Tadak Tadağrı Tahya‎ Talardur‎ Talatep‎ Tanlık Tedir‎ Tegoris‎ Tegory Tekira‎ Thirtvin‎ Thir‎ Tokalan Tokalı‎ Topulasya‎ Topulu Totala‎ Towin Towinak Towinazığ Towinden Trahraş‎ Traş‎ Trout Tuncen Tunde‎ Tundıyı Turbay Turfa Turfa‎ Turkenis‎ Turs‎ Turtın Turum‎ Türkey‎ Türkla‎ Undın‎ Urayta‎ Urfalowin‎ Urkirler‎ Urklartvir Urtın Urtın‎ Urum‎ Vanbulu‎ Vanitli‎ Yamanlı‎ Yentalanin Yoli‎ Yonya Yozgazığ‎ Zonu‎ Zonya Çanbun‎ Çanlı Çannik Çannin Çanta‎ Çantle‎ Çantli Çanya‎ Çoriang Çorideş Çori‎ Çorun Çorunis Şakkâri‎ Şehirdia Şehirdu‎ Şehires Şehirlers Şehirnak Şehirt Şehir‎ Şehis Şehis‎ Şehiye Şehiyen Şehiye‎ Şıraydır‎ Şırkes Şırşehire Şırşehirne Šinak‎ Šinama
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amalgamasreal · 2 years ago
And a link to the poll: https://anitrendz.com/polls/characters
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savvyrecords · 2 years ago
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. I am excited to announce my first major publication in an art history textbook as the third and final part of "Visual Culture 2022." Brave New World: New Media Art 2023 (멋진 신세계: 뉴 미디어 아트 2023) has been published in full-colour paperback and ebook by @phaidonpress on Tuesday, February 2nd, 2023. Presenters and visual artists featured in this book, such as myself, include text articles in English, drawings, and images that introduce our work to art historians, professors, readers, scholars, and students globally. Paperback copies will be available in all major bookstores in Korea, the United States, and other countries via @amazon soon. Kindle will also promote free book dates from now until Wednesday, February 8th, 2023, 11:59 p.m. PST. You can find my work featured on pages 148 to 151, which explicates the introduction of hypersurrealism, pioneered by myself, as introduced to this global network of artists, consumers, creators, and researchers of visual culture. Thanks to my sister, @coco.mccracken, for finding the time to edit and revise the final draft of my statement for this publication, particularly during a family crisis. #alexmanea #cicamuseum #cica미술관 #elikessler #erict.kunsman #ISVC2022 #jinsikshin #joellakiu #junghyeyun #justinhui #KYLEYIP #mariapetroff #mikisasaki #minukim #minyoungkang #ontarioartscouncil #RENAISSANCESHOW #rioahn #wenwenliu #강민영 #국제시각문화심포지엄 #국제심포지엄 #김민우 #시각문화 #신진식 #안리오 #윤정혜 (at CICA Museum) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoUhaq8Au61/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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amalgamasreal · 2 years ago
About Prospera/Elnora...
One interesting thing I noticed in Episode 18 is that we actually see Elnora acting truly motherly to Suletta in the episode:
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That's not Eri, that's Suletta as a child, but it made me realize something: she still LOOKS like exactly Eri did before she died here. It makes me wonder if all the love she got from Prospera in her childhood stemmed from being a literal clone of the daughter she'd lost. But once Suletta started aging past this point and started looking more like a darker skinned version of Prospera in her youth:
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That it really hit home that Suletta IS NOT Eri to Elnora/Prospera and that made it easier for her to distance herself and focus more on Aerial, where Erict's soul actually resides.
Or I could just be going too far into the weeds.
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amalgamasreal · 2 years ago
Of course I noticed, I'm the one who wrote it into the TV Tropes Page
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ericvonpepperfist · 1 year ago
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american apparel - los angeles -photo by erict - I love LA
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frontmezzjunkies · 2 years ago
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#theFarCountryPlay #frontmezzjunkies reviews: #TheFarCountryATC written by #LloydSuh directed by #EricTing with #JinnSKim #AmyKimWaschke #EricYang #ShannonTyo #BenChase #WhitKLee #ChristopherLiamMoore @atlantictheater #AtlanticTheater #offbroadway #newplay Atlantic Theater Company’s Wisely Floats Forward The Far Country – front mezz junkies https://frontmezzjunkies.com/2022/12/21/atlantic-theater-company-the-far-country/ (at Atlantic Theater Company) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmc8eqeOh9B/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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a-gnosis · 3 years ago
What would your Eriction design look like?
Do you mean Erichthonios, the half-human and half-serpent child that was adopted by Athena? I don't know if I ever will include him in my comics, but I have made a couple of drawings of him as a baby.
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amalgamasreal · 2 years ago
I still love the detail that Aerial has nails, not claws like Barbatos or previous melee Gundams, but like actual feminine (if you'll excuse the term) style nails. It really adds a layer of "humanity", for lack of a better term, to what we the audience know is a sentient machine.
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Gundam: The Witch From Mercury 03 - Guel's Pride
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theundergroundstories · 4 years ago
My New Husband(Another Pov)
I’m nobody special. Like many others my husband was the big muscled alpha type man, was the source of income and managed a successful business. I on the hand was his trophy husband. I was skinny, short and submissive. I shouldn’t be sad with my life since the sex is great, my husband is hot as hell, and I never have to work a day in my life but something about my life disappoints me. I sometimes get the feeling like there is more to my life then being in my husband’s shadow, both figutivly and literally.
Today started off like any other day. My husband quickly pounded my ass before getting dressed to go to work, I cleaned up the house before going on my daily jog.
As I jogged along my normal route I began to reflect on my life. I enjoy not having to work and the sex is truely amazing but everyday man is the same old same old. I need a change of pace. Something to make my life more exciting.
While deep in thought I didn’t even noticed the bench that was in my way and crashed into it.
“Shit” I muttered as I sat down on the bench to examine my injuries. Nothing too bad. I could manage. As I lifted myself off the bench using my hands, I felt something.
I looked over and saw this incredible nice looking leather jacket. Figuring I should return it I began looking for its owner. Searching around the park I found a few people but none had claimed the jacket to be theirs or remember someone with the jacket. I tried calling my husband to tell Him about the jacket but like always it went to voicemail. I finished leaving him a voice mail and began to jog back home, holding the jacket tightly.
I finally returned home and texted my husband to let him know I returned home. After I began to go about my normal boring life. I didn’t get that far as my thoughts kept returning to the leather jacket I brought home with me. “I doubt the owner would return to the park today so it’s okay if I tried on the jacket right?” I asked to the empty house. “What the heck am I talking about? Of course he would mind.” I tried to continue my life but a strange strong urge kept telling me to try on the jacket. It was as if the jacket was calling to me.
Finally unable to resist the urge I slipped on the jacket. The strong heavy leather engulfed my upper body and a bit of my legs. “Damn the owner must be a giant!” I yelled. “I feel like a kid wearing his fathers clothes!” I said. As I walked around in the jacket a strong musky scent started to invade my nose. “Damn he’s a smelly giant!” I stated as I relized the stench was coming from the jacket. I decided to text my husband to give him an update before I took off the jacket. I was about to take off the jacket when a warm feeling took over my body and I began to sweat exclusively. It started with my feet as I watched them grow larger and larger. My once size 8 feet now gargantuaous size 14. “What‘s happening to me?” I say just as I feel a sharp pain traveling up my legs as they grow in length. I shot up from a measly height of 5 foot 6 to an impressive 6 foot 7. I quickly messaged my husband to rush back home and help me but it wasn’t long after that the next part of the transformation hit me as I began to feel a pleasant feeling at my crotch. My dick jumped alive as it ericted to its full length of 4 inches before swelling in size and length. It kept growing and growing, straining against the fabric of my clothes. Finally I pulled out my cock only to find it was now a monstous 10 inch piece of meat.
Unfortunately I didn’t have time to admire my new dick as my chest and arms felt like they were burning from the inside out. The heat quickly became unbearable and I ripped my shirt to pieces in a desperate attempt to cool off but was pleasantly surprised to be greeted by an impressive set of pecs and abs. I rubbed my new chest with my hands only to find that they were larger. After I examined my arms to confirm the sneaky suspicion that they had grown and not was I ever happy to be right. My arms now looked bigger than my husband’s. “Damn this feels good!” I yelled as my voice dropped a few octaves. “Whoa! My voice is deeper. And I can’t get over how fucking powerful I feel!”. Just then I notice my face changing. My bones rearranged themselves, making my face older and more rugged. “Damn. I look fucking sexy as hell!” I exclaimed as I scratched the new stubble that had grown. “ I need to tell my husband about this.” And with that I sent him a quick message telling him that I was fine and couldn’t wait to plow his ass but wait that wasn’t right. It was his husband that dominated him right? “Fuck it.” I said as I sent the text message and explored my new body while I waited for my husband.
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A while later I heard my husband arrive home. He called out for me once he opened the door.
“I’m in the bedroom!” I growled.
I could hear my husband’s footsteps as he made his way down the hallway. I made my way to the center of the bedroom so that I could position myself in the most causal yet intimidating pose I could. The door finally opened and in walked in my husband.
“Hey babe. You like the new body? Well you don’t really have a choice since I’m the new man of the house. Now come on in and be the submissive leather loving whore I know you are.” I demanded.
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