#eric lamonsoff
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hitchell-mope · 2 years ago
This may have been the bizarrely edited version. But this was still a great movie
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y0url0c4lfr0ggzd0tc0m · 8 months ago
Each of the Kiddads can be linked to one of the Grown Ups dads.
Terry Jr Stampler: Chris Rock/Kurt McKenzie
Grant Wilson: Adam Sandler/Lenny Feder
Nicky Close/Foster: David Spade/Marcus Higgins
Lark Oak Garcia: Kevin James/Eric Lamonsoff
Sparrow Oak Garcia: Rob Shneider/Rob Hillard
(the Grown Ups Pina Colada song btw)
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suwalls · 6 years ago
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Grown Ups 2 Wallpaper
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kevinjamesisagiantpeach · 4 years ago
Grownups - Ryan
Well, we watched Grownups. As with Here Comes the Boom, I have come away with two key takeaways:
I owe Kevin James an apology.
Adam Sandler owes Kevin James a bigger apology. 
First, my apology to Kevin James. Kevin James, I am sorry. I was too hard on Here Comes the Boom, Paul Blart: Mall Cop, and Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2. It is only after watching Grownups that I realize that I did not appreciate you enough.
Now, Grownups. I do not know what all of the talented actors and comedians in Grownups were paid to pretend Adam Sandler’s wet dream alter ego is likeable act in this movie but it was not enough. I repeat: Maya Rudolph was not paid enough to be in this movie.
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Image Source: Yourprops.com
I do not have the energy to enumerate the ways that this long, boring exercise in toxic masculinity and self-delusion failed itself. The plot was aggressively tedious, the jokes were hacky, and the characters were alienating . All of the women in this movie were made to wear absurd outfits and fetishize a lifeguard. David Spade’s character fucked a dog. Rob Schneider’s character was named “Rob.” If I got into everything that I found offensive about this film, I would never be done.
It was also strangely cruel to Kevin James. His character, Eric Lamonsoff, is denser than his Earth weight in this movie, destroying an above ground pool, incapacitating a motor boat and injuring a bird, and has an affliction that causes him to urinate frequently and in public and the script does not give him the option of managing it with medication. He is also unemployed and married to a woman (Sally, played by Maria Bello) who, although supportive and loving, has chosen to breastfeed their youngest child until he is four years old, and although Eric clearly disagrees with this decision, he appears powerless to stop it until he steals a strange child’s milk at a waterpark. Eric Lamonsoff leads such a strange and sad life, which on one hand is sort of the point of Grownups and on the other hand feels like Adam Sandler is hazing Kevin James. 
I think part of what was unsettling about Grownups is that it takes us far away from the essence of Kevin James, who frequently plays a lovable but goofy blue-collar family man and wins the hearts of audiences through self-deprecating humour and physical comedy. He reminds us both to laugh at and appreciate ourselves for our foibles. Kevin James at his best reminds us to love who we are, not who we wish we were. Grownups just reminds me of why I largely stopped watching Adam Sandler films made after 2005. (I actually thought 50 First Dates was pretty okay.)  
Edit 9/14/20: An earlier version of this post identified Adam Sandler's character as his wet dream alter ego but I do not have confirmation that Adam Sandler's wet dreams include Selma Hayak and/or routinely humiliating everyone around him.
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barbiemoviessupremacy · 2 years ago
La masterclass en comedia Americana por Adam Sandler
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¿Existe algo más sinónimo a una película de comedia que Adam Sandler y sus amigos? En mi opinión no lo hay. Cuando se trata de un humor para todas las edades las películas de Grown Ups y Grown Ups 2 son exactamente lo que buscas. Adam Sandler, Rob Schneider, Kevin James, David Spade y Chris Rock se unen en esta primera película para ofrecer comedia americana en todo su esplendor.
La comedia como ya hemos aprendido en clase es completamente cultural y las películas de comedia de Adam Sandler son un ejemplo perfecto de lo que le es gracioso a las personas de Estados Unidos. Es un humor muy característico de la región, utiliza lo que podríamos llamar técnicas básicas de risa o comedia para obtener risas del público. En este caso Grown Ups (2010), dirigida por Dennis Dugan utiliza los subgéneros de comedia física, comedia escatológica y comedia sexual para su película. Estos tipos de comedia son presentados a lo largo de la película con las típicas normas de un filme de este género. 
Utilizan una estructura narrativa convencional con la introducción siendo el reencuentro y presentación de los personajes principales; este sucede en el funeral del coach de basquetbol que los unió a todos. Al mismo tiempo que nos presentan a los personajes principales, muestran en cierto modo los clichés o estereotipos de cada uno de ellos. Comenzando con Lenny ‘Hollywood’ Feder (Adam Sandler) y su esposa Roxanne Chase-Feder (Salma Hayek) quienes son la pareja adinerada, con tres niños malcriados y una niñera. Luego tenemos a Eric Lamonsoff (Kevin James) y Sally Lamonsoff (Maria Bello) una típica familia con dos hijos que vive en los suburbios intentando salir adelante. Continuamos con Curt McKenzie (Chris Rock) como el imperfecto “stay-at-home dad” y a Deanne McKenzie (Maya Rudolph) la mamá trabajadora, ellos viven junto a la dogmática y terca suegra de Curt y sus dos hijos. Rompiendo con patrón de personajes con parejas nos presentan a Marcus Higgins (Davis Spade) el solterón y promiscuo miembro del grupo de amigos. Finalmente la última pareja en el grupo es Rob Hilliard (Rob Schneider) y su esposa mayor Gloria (Joyce Van Patten) un par espiritual, holístico y extraño. Este grupo de cinco amigos desde la infancia se reúnen y durante la semana del 4 de Julio viven experiencias chistosas, incluso en los momentos serios y enfrentan todo sus obstáculos con gracia. 
Los diferentes estereotipos permiten que la narrativa fluya de manera tranquila mientras que sus atributos individuales le dan una ligereza de tono a toda la película. Le permite hacer un pequeño arco a los personajes, en especial a la familia Feder, pero estos son los valores que los demás ya tenían y solo era necesario sacarlos a la luz. Esto los vuelve más unidos y permite que disfrutemos juntos con ellos cada escena donde se comportan igual que cuando eran pequeños. 
Aunque la mayoría de las bromas son muy obvias, y no requieren de mucho para entenderlas sigue brindando entretenimiento y una característica emblemática de las películas de comedia de Sandler que son que siempre terminas de verla con una sonrisa en la cara y un “feel good” ending.
Referencia: Dugan, D. (2010). Grown Ups. Happy Madison.
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mrmossmichael · 5 years ago
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It's been ten years ago since Grown Ups movie came out in June-25-2010 and I went to see that comedy movie for the first time with my dad and my elder sissy (@heatherjoy03) at @mjrtheatres in Sterling Heights, Michigan. Let me tell ya: it's one of the funniest movies I've ever watched. It's also amazing thing that five former basketball players from their junior-high-school including Lenny Feder (@adamsandler), Eric Lamonsoff (@kevinjamesofficial) , Kurt McKenzie (@chrisrock), Marcus Higgins (@davidspade) and Rob Hilliard (@iamrobschneider) who got back together before they came for the funeral of their old coach named Robert Ferdinando after they've been gone their separated ways with their new families (both wives and kids) where they brought them along and they're enjoying the outdoors. #tenyears #comedy #sterlingheights #michigan #funniestmovies #adamsandler #kevinjames #chrisrock #davidspade #robschneider https://www.instagram.com/p/CB5cLncJJmi/?igshid=pqspjtcsh7iw
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kirakombat · 11 years ago
Anyone realize that Adam Sandler used the name "Eric Lamonsoff" in both Click and Grown Ups?
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hitchell-mope · 2 years ago
Okay. That was clever of him
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ladies-of-the-gifs-blog · 13 years ago
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hitchell-mope · 2 years ago
Poor Eric. His son’s a nitwit.
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hitchell-mope · 2 years ago
Eric’s got Andy Samberg. Andre’s got the cheerleaders
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hitchell-mope · 2 years ago
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hitchell-mope · 2 years ago
Oh sweet Jesus that’s not right.
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hitchell-mope · 2 years ago
And they’re being antagonised by a pre cuckoo sharkboy
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hitchell-mope · 2 years ago
Fucking Christ they’re all pathetic
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hitchell-mope · 2 years ago
No Eric. Please destroy his confidence. It’ll do him a world of good
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