#eric fan fiction
corroded-hellfire · 3 days
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Summary: You help Eric through an anxiety attack
Note: Obsessed with Eric and I need to protect him from the world, please and thank you. Also, Frodo divider created by me 😊
Warnings: anxiety, panic
Words: 1.5k
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The carved out hull of the decimated subway car offers little in the way of protection, but with the power out it seems likely not to cause any unwarranted noise. 
Eric ushers you in before himself, the light from the fluorescents of the station giving the two of you just enough to see by. The seats and bent handrails cast gruesome shadows across the small space, and you decide to take advantage of one particularly large pocket of darkness in the corner. 
Your back presses up against the cool metal, dented from God only knows what. Slowly, you slide down to the floor and Eric lowers himself down beside you. Both of you are caked with dirt and there’s blood smeared against one leg of your jeans. Luckily, it doesn’t seem to belong to either one of you. 
A steady stream of water is somewhere near, the comforting sound letting you breathe just a little easier. Eric must feel the same because he dares to lean in towards you and speak softly.
“Are you okay?”
Never did that seem more complex of a question. You’re not okay in the grand scheme of things, but you’re currently still alive and, for the most part, unharmed. 
“I think so,” you whisper in reply. “Are you?”
Eric nods, rubbing his hands up and down his shins, the worn brown material wearing even thinner in a few spots now. 
The two of you were fortunate to run into one another in an alleyway between two buildings—the only stroke of luck either of you have had lately. A natural ease quickly proved that you worked well together and seeing as neither of you wanted to be alone, the choice was obvious. 
Even though it’s only been roughly twenty-four hours since you’ve met, with all you’ve been through in that time, it feels as if you’ve known Eric for ages. There was no denying how cute he was either, but your brain barely had time for fleeting thoughts like that when your focus is on staying alive. 
“How’s your hand?” Eric asks.
You look at the offending appendage, purple from bruising, slightly swollen, and throbbing. Though, it’s slightly better since you’d found that bodega and swiped all the Tylenol and ibuprofen they had. 
During the initial chaos of the invasion—is that what to call it? —your back was up against the brick wall of an apartment building and a man was sent hurtling in the air towards you. Your hand had the misfortune to get crushed between the high velocity man and the brick wall. Ever since you’ve met Eric, he’s been helping you wrap your hand and always checking in on it. 
“It’s sore,” you admit. 
“Let me see?” Eric extends his hand.
Taking a deep breath, you place your injured hand in his. 
Warm, calloused fingers undo the binding currently covering the wound and toss them to the subway floor. It feels nice to let your hand breathe a bit, get some air. With just a featherlight touch, Eric traces his index finger around the mottled skin. The delicate touch sends goosebumps up your arm. If he notices them, he doesn’t say. 
A sense of disappointment fills your gut when he releases your hand to get fresh bandages. You chew on your chapped bottom lip as you watch Eric rummage through the Phantom of the Opera tote bag you’d snagged from one of those tourist gift shops. 
He sprays a bit of disinfectant spray on your hand, the mist feeling doubly cold after having the warmth of his large hand enveloping yours. Next comes a fresh bandage. Eric always applies them so carefully, making sure it’s not too tight but gives your hand some support. You watch him as he works, your eyes taking in the small details of his face while he’s busy focusing on something else.
His dark eyelashes are so long that they kiss his cheeks with every blink. The curls on the top of his head are messy from everything they’ve been through, but it’s unkempt in a charming way. It amazes you how dry his lips are from dehydration, yet they still look so pink and inviting. 
Eric secures the bandage on your hand, and you momentarily move on to admiring the color and depth of his eyes when you realize he’s finished and no longer distracted. 
Heat comes to your face, so you lift your injury up to inspect it, hoping to give you a minute to cool down. 
“Thank you,” you whisper when you lay your hand back down in your lap. 
“Of course.”
The good thing about needing to keep quiet during all of this is that none of the silences could be interpreted as awkward. It’s just self-preservation. 
It goes on that way for about ten minutes before you feel your head get heavy and decide to lean it against Eric’s shoulder. It’s not long before he gently rests his head on top of yours. Despite the circumstances around you, a small smile grows on your lips.
But your peace doesn’t last long. A groaning of metal and the now too-familiar skittering of legs or pincers or whatever they’re called. 
By the sound of it, you guess that the creature is coming from your left, somewhere down the subway track. But there’s no reason for it to know you’re here. As long as you can remain quiet, the monster should just pass you by without trouble. 
A hitch in breath from beside you grabs your attention though. Your head jerks in the direction of Eric to find his breathing speed up and his eyes widen in that recognizable panic. 
Pressing one hand to his shoulder, you get his attention and his head whips to face you. With your other, injured hand, you hold up a finger to your mouth for him to stay quiet.
Eric nods but the rate of his breathing only increases. You shake your head and lean in towards him. 
“Breathe.” The words could barely be considered a full whisper. 
You’ve helped him through these anxiety attacks a few times now so you try to tell yourself you can do it again. You can’t blame the poor guy for being so scared, either. 
The clicking of the approaching monster comes closer then stops. It feels as if time pauses while you wait to see what will happen now. 
Smashing the play button, the creature falls from where it must have been crawling on the ceiling, to land on the subway platform.
Eric jumps and you see his teeth clench together as he tries to keep the panic at bay. 
Step by crunching step, the being stalks closer to your subway car. Even though it can’t see you, instinct tells you to get further out of sight.
As silently as possible, you scoot over so there’s enough room for you to lay flat on the floor of the car. Eric glances down at you and you motion for him to do the same. He gives you a quick nod and with shaking hands, moves to lay down next to you.
Within the cramped space it’s hard for two adults to lay flat, side by side, so Eric ends up on his side, facing you. If you turned your head to look at him, your noses would brush. 
One long black limb stretches out from the creature and crushes a piece of metal right outside your car—probably the remains of an adjoining car. 
Eric’s anxiety spikes again and before you can think about it, you wrap your arm around his shoulders and bring his body down on top of yours. 
It’s not the most comfortable angle for either of you, almost awkward. But Eric wastes no time grabbing onto your waist, his head falling to the juncture between your neck and shoulder. 
Consciously, you slow your breathing down in hopes that Eric’s will follow your lead. 
Another crunch of metal rents the air and you both jump, clinging tighter to one another. Eric’s grip on your body changed positions slightly, and now his head is resting right over your heart. 
You glance down and watch as Eric visibly calms. He takes a few deep breaths and lets his eyes slip closed as he lays against you. 
It takes you a few moments to realize what caused the change. Eric’s head is on its side, his right ear directly over your heart. He’s listening to your heartbeat. And it’s calming him. The thought alone makes your heart rate speed up. 
Slowly, you reach up and gently rest your hand in his hair. He tilts his chin up so he can see your face and you give him a small smile. The one he gives you in return brings forward the confidence to begin running your fingers through Eric’s soft curls. 
The two of you stay that way, listening as the creature moves farther and farther away, until you can’t hear it at all anymore.
But even then, after the immediate threat is gone and everything seems peaceful and calm around you, you both still stay that way. His hands holding onto your body, his head over your heart, and you carding your fingers through his curls. 
Maybe this subway car is a better place to be than you originally thought. 
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blackleatherjacketz · 6 months
Whatever Happens First
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Eric Northman x Female Reader
Summary: Capitalism is a prison, and you enter into a contract with Eric to repay your student loans, not expecting to catch feelings.
Warnings: 18+ Only!, Explicit Sexual Content, Vampires, Blood Sucking, Prostitution, Kissing, Biting, Vaginal Sex, Cock Warming
Word Count: 500+
Read more Eric!
You hadn’t expected to fall this hard for Eric when you entered into this contract, figuring you could spread your legs for him until your student loans were officially paid off. But the way he looked at you when he pushed inside, the way he moaned your name like it was something sacred really dragged you in deeper than you had ever planned to go. In the beginning he was so quick to pull out, leaving you to the bitter cold solitude of your satin sheets, but each session you had together seemed to extend a little bit longer than the last. His bites had turned into kisses, his grasps into caresses as he purposefully took more time focusing on your guaranteed pleasure before finally letting his fangs emerge.
The look in his eye tonight is absolutely devious, as if he hadn’t just spent the past three hours taking you in every position possible, his body entwining with yours until you started to ache from how many times he’s stretched you from the inside out. Your inner muscles still flutter at the tantalizing thought of him driving that blissful feeling up into your flesh, how insatiable he looked as he generously fed your body’s most carnal cravings. You can’t get over how quickly his eyes rolled back into his head as he continually got lost in your viscera, sweat dripping down his face and neck from the insurmountable deluge of pleasure he poured into you.
But suddenly the pain in your thigh grows sharp, cramping into your muscle in a jarring, burning twinge up through you and into your hip as he continues to hold himself inside you. You shift your weight in order to hop off in hopes to ease the pain, but his strong hands pull you back down on top of him.
“Where do you think you’re going?” He looks up at you through heavily hooded lids.
“Eric,” you whine, giving him an annoyed look as you press down on his chest to get some leverage.
He only smirks as you exert yourself trying to get off of him again, chuckling as you hopelessly try to overpower him and break the connection between you.
“You wanna be a good little whore for me, don’t you?” Eric’s words shock you to your core as he sits up to kiss your chest, his hands still firm on your hips.
“Eric, please,” you whisper as he kisses his way up your neck, licking the remnants of blood off your skin and into his mouth.
“Don’t you?” He repeats breathily, gently thrusting his hips up into you despite still being flaccid, knowing full well what it will do to you.
“Uh-huh,” you nod, nearly jumping out of your skin as another wave of ecstasy works its way up through your sensitive, overstimulated tissue.
“I thought so.” He kisses your mouth sloppily, lazily licking your teeth and tongue before sucking your bottom lip into his mouth with a mischievous grin. He then spins you around and turns you on your side, wrapping his thigh around your knee to keep you in place in one fluid motion. He presses himself even deeper inside, his relaxed member still bigger than those of your past lovers at full attention as he kisses the back of your neck.
“Then you can keep me inside you like this until I fall asleep.” He playfully bites your earlobe, sucking on it as he tugs it away from your face before letting it bounce back into place. “Or until I get hard again. Whatever happens first.”
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keenzinemugstudent · 3 months
Eric: You need to change your last name
Y/n: Huh? Why?
Eric: Because dear it doesn't suit you
Y/n: *eye roll* Oh really? And what do you think my last name should be Mr viking?
Eric: Northman
Y/n: Why would it be Northman?
Eric: Because that's my last name dear...*smirk*
Eric: .......
Y/n: You smooth motherfucker
Eric: Love you too dear
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not2beeaten · 2 months
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I Made the Zero Day + Elephant boys into sims.
[Ignore my horrible sim making skills I haven’t opened this game in years]
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Title: Driving Lessons
Summary: Red is eager to teach Leia how to drive, only to find out that someone else has started the task already. This leads to Leia and Red having a deep conversation about the somewhat complex father-son relationship between him and Eric.
Pairings: Family relationships only Red and Leia, Leia and Eric, Red and Eric withe mentions of romantic pairings of Red/Kitty (of course) Eric/Donna and Leia/Jay
Rating: K+
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56768209
Author’s Note: This piece was originally written before the trailer came out, before the teaser, so I had no idea they would be have Leia getting driving lessons from her grandparents but I was hoping they would and that my friends is where this fic came from. If you love the Forman family and Grandpa Red as much as I do, think and hope you'll enjoy this fic!
Follow #T9S Season 2 FanFic Countdown for more!
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Update on my Life
What happened so far ... a long time ago ...
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I was so tired of all the talking and arguing and bickering and judging. And I thought: It's time to move on! I need some Good Omens in my life.
And lo! So much has happened lately:
I have found a new family and new friends
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photo courtesy of @bil-daddy and @docdust
I have found a new congregation (not a church!)
I became a disciple of Bildaddy the Shuite (and also a bit of a friend)
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I got a job as 666th scrivener at the @shutanictemple
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photo courtesy of @bil-daddy and @docdust
I have been promoted to 666th Senior Administrator of the Shutanic Temple
We have started an orphanage for kids (human) for a whole bunch of kids --> @shutanic-temple-orphanage
I am truly blessed with choices
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This is me with Crowley. I met her on a the rather dreary occasion of a mass crucifixion. We were both there to mourn a friend.
I feel so seen
I was assistant wedding planer at the wedding of @bildaddyanduziraphale-aremarried
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I have become a muse to artists
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Artworks by @lacking-hydration and by @lafakiwi-draws-archive
@shutanic-temple-orphanage is now all set up with a petting zoo. Here is a rare glimpse of its outskirts:
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me and @bil-daddy on our way to feeding the greedy bunch ...
I have my own music video now:
Loretta - You'll be a woman soon.
On January 18th @bil-daddy and my humble self opened the @shutanic-temple-art-gallery
I proposed to @gandalf-big-oos
(Stay tuned for further developments ...)
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melancholypolywog · 11 months
I made an animatic! And I barely use tumblr but I figured I might as well advertise it bc it took a bit of work :/
This show deserves way more love I adore it so much
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hiddleswiftt · 10 months
kiss the girl! (y/n’s version)
prince eric x fem reader!
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description - y/n and eric are longtime childhood best friends. you have been in love with him (so is he, but she doesn’t know it yet) for a while now and eric’s parents have plans to set him up with a woman so he can be married. before any arrangement can be married for eric to marry another woman, you must tell him how you feel (fluff and slight angst - jealousy! - parts of this make me think of that one amy and laurie scene in the 2019 little women film!)
for as long as you could remember, you and eric would be always sitting on the beach near the castle talking nonstop, laying together under the sun during the day and under the stars during the evenings.
as you got older, things between the two of you changed. eric’s duties became slightly more important than you (not according to him - the queen’s own opinion), but he always made himself available for you after a long day, just to sit on the beach and relax with you.
you loved his company. you personally never thought you’d ever be associated around royalty. ever. eric considered you as family, even if you were just a village girl. you were still surprised now after knowing eric and his family for eight years that they welcomed you in their own, even if you had a crush on the prince.
you had just had a knock at the door, you rushed to open it. just incase it was going to be eric standing at the door smiling at her, but it wasn’t. it was grimsby.
“what is it, grimsby?” you ask, your smile fading as you hoped something bad hasn’t happened. eric went away on a quick voyage trip, you had asked to come along but grimsby advised not to. you waited for grimbsy’s response, staring at him with a worried face. “grimsby?” you ask again, getting more worried about what he could say, “is it about eric?”
he looks at you and nods. “he’s had a small accident. he almost drowned, we brought him home early.” he told you, “the prince wanted you of all people to know first before everyone else.” you stand at the door shocked at the news. “is he okay? is he home?” you ask instantly. grimsby looks at you, and asks you to come with him.
you walk down with grimsby to the parlour to find the queen and a few other servants bundled around. you find eric sitting down in the room with a bandage around his head. tears start falling from your eyes, happy to know he’s alive. he sees you and tries to smile at you although in a small amount of pain, “y/n?” he says, trying to stand.
you gracefully walk over to him and kiss him on the cheek and lean in for a hug. tears still falling from your eyes, still in shock from finding out what happened.
you and eric sit on the beach together. you advised him to get some air and sit on the beach with you. it was late, but the two of you didn’t really care since you both had each other as you lay under the stars studying the constatations.
you’d occasionally glance and admire at him as he’d continue talking. eric would look back at you, not realising that you weren’t listening, “y/n? are you listening?” he’d laugh at you, still pointing at ‘capricornus’ while he focuses on you.
you laugh, “yeah.. sorry. so what’s going on with you? do you ever think you’d ever find that mystery girl?” he looks at you, now quite suprised. he lays back next to you again, “not sure.” eric replies, unsure of what to say, “mother was thinking of arranging a marriage with a woman from another place? im not completely sure if i am fond of that idea.”
you look at him, now a little upset about eric possibly having an arranged marriage. you had hoped by now that he would have possibly loved you as well as you do for him but you were doubting that he ever has loved you. you sit up slightly. “i don’t think i could see you with someone you hardly know, eric.” you say, becoming slightly upset still.
he turns to you, admiring your face. “why’s that, y/n?” he asks you.
you look at him and sit up on the sand and cross your legs, “because, it’s not going to be the same. you and i. you’re gonna be running off somewhere with a girl who will probably become your wife! we don’t be sitting on this beach again anymore like we used to when we were children!” you tell him, “you know? being here, right now is what I want to do forever. i don’t want this to stop. and with you being being possibly married? i just can’t bare to see it. i can’t do it, eric.”
he looks at you, knowing exactly how you feel. so he sits up and faces you, all of a sudden you were both extremely close together. eric reaches his hand and intwines it in your hair and cups your cheek. their eyes met and time stood still as they gazed at each other. a moment of complete silence passed between them, then he moves his hand from your cheek towards your hand, letting you intertwine it in his.
“im not going to let that happen, y/n..” he tells you, as he keeps his hand intwined in yours. you pull a large smile as if you’ve had a coat hanger stuck in your mouth ever since you’ve met him. “really?” you ask.
he nods. “really.”, he replies instantly, still looking at you. you both lean in gently, with you now holding his cheeks. our breathing and your hearts beating between us. he laid his lips to yours, kissing you softly and slowly. the world around the two of you, blurring and disappearing. you move your hands from his cheeks and put them around his neck and place your fingers in the ends of his hair.
the both of you didn’t care if anyone saw you both. he didn’t want to go with his mother’s plans. he wants you. nobody else. after all this time he had plans to ask you to marry him. he would do it, whatever his mother would say, even if you were only just a village girl.
as long as they’d love and care for each other, it didn’t matter. they’d be able to explore together those wild uncharted waters.
please don’t copy my work! <3
(let me know what you think of this fic by giving this post a like, follow and a comment!)
— h4uerkings
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mvltisstuff · 10 months
can I request a jonah hauer king fic where they're both famous and can't spend a lot of time w each other, angst to fluff?
you’re losing me - j.h.k
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summary: request
jonah hauer king x reader
a/n: and i wouldn’t marry me either 😁 a pathological people pleaser 😁
“i don’t think i can make it on friday, darling,” jonah says, his sullen voice through y/n’s speakerphone. she could almost predict that was what he was going to say. it’s almost been one night a week together, despite the years of a relationship.
due to the little mermaid release, jonah’s career has been at an all-time high. y/n’s never felt prouder of a person before, let alone the man that she loves. this is all she’s wanted for him, his dreams to come true and it’s finally happening. every time she sees him on that screen, or on that carpet, her heart is flooded with love.
“are you sure?” she questions, the sound of defeat seeping through her words.
“i have the premiere, and i’m going to be doing press with halle as well,” he adds, only to confirm that he cannot make it to y/n’s show. y/n swears she can hear her heart crumble in her chest, hearing the muffled crack of glass.
“ok,” she tells him, simply but leaving it at that.
“i’m sorry, love, i don’t make my schedule though.”
“i know, it’s just you haven’t been to a single show for this tour. and i’m playing in london this weekend.”
“i get that, it just happened to fall on a terrible weekend. i tried to negotiate it but it doesn’t work that way. i’m so sorry, y/n.”
“you don’t have to apologize,” y/n replies, trying not to let any sass or hurt come through the phone. “i really wanted you to be there.”
“y/n, i don’t know what you want me to do. i wish you could be at the premieres, but you have your tour to worry about.”
“i don’t need you to do anything, baby,” she rubs her eyes with her fingers, letting them rest on her face. “and i’ve tried to make it to the events, i swear. im just glad i even made it to the ones i got to go to.”
“it just makes me feel bad, i don’t want you to think i haven’t been there for you.”
“that’s the complete opposite, jonah. i know you support me, and i want you to know that im here for you, even if im not there physically.”
“i love you, y/n. i have to go shoot for a bit, but i’ll call you tonight?”
“i love you, too,” she tells him, leaving just the sound of a kiss through the phone. she throws it back down on the bed, laying on her side and pretending his arms were around her.
it’s never easy being separated from someone you’ve grown so close to. both of their careers have skyrocketed, but their naïvety never realized how difficult it can be to have love and fame.
so, when y/n closed her eyes that night, she simply dreamed of jonah being next to her.
the friday came too quickly around the corner, still no signs that jonah would be able to attend. before changing into her concert outfit, she spoke through her several mics, asking if jonah had said anything, but alas, there were barely any messages. until right before she went on stage, she got a few words from her assistant.
“hey, jonah texted to say good luck, and that he’s sorry.”
y/n could only nod, not wanting her upset to come across as clear to her fans. she never realized how one small thing could ruin the magic of a night. however, she painted a bright smile onto her mouth, her bright beam soon being revealed onto the massive screens around the stadium.
she forced herself to sing through each of her songs for the tour, the thrilling fans in her ears. she never gets tired of seeing the people who come here just for her, but if she’s being honest, she’s tired of missing jonah.
when the lights went dark at the end of each set, her cheeks were finally relieved of the fraudulent grin on her face.
the show finally came to an end, the encore being finished and the fans starting to disperse. y/n slipped on a jacket over her sparkly costume, and followed her crew out to her area to get unready. she just wanted to go home and be able to be held by jonah, but then she was confronted that home would just be another lonesome place without him.
she walked with a lack of pep to her room, connecting her warm palm to the cool metal of the doorknob. she opened the door slowly, only to see jonah’s handsome figure on the couch in her room.
“that might’ve been my favorite performance yet,” he smiles, sitting up from the back of the couch. y/n releases a breath she didn’t know she was holding, rushing over to let herself fall into his arms on the couch. the exhaustion from the show tonight started to really take over her body, but it still couldn’t outweigh the feeling of joy that she gained from seeing jonah.
“how did you get here?” she asks, gleefully.
“i pushed a few things around, i left a little early.” he informs her, leaning over to kiss her cheek as she sits and places her head on his shoulder. “you planned this showtime for me, and i didn’t even think about it.”
“you’re here, and you have no fucking idea how much that means to me,” y/n connects her lips with his, letting the kiss come together perfectly. she can taste the faint champagne on his lips, seeing a photo of him drinking it with cast mates earlier. the comforting smell of his strong cologne filled her nose. even after running around a stage, with imperfect makeup, y/n still looked like N angel in jonah’s eyes.
“let’s go home, love,” he gleams against her lips, getting the same bewitching grin that he adores in return.
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vino---delectable · 3 months
Our unintelligent squint (Ep 1, part 1/?)
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Summary: the beginning of the pilot case, Zack chickens out speaking about the new intern.
Character pairings: Zack x reader, Booth x Brennan, Angela x Hodgins
Word count: 4.6k
Warnings: none
A/N: yay!! I told you I'd get to it! Btw, none of the sayings that don't have anything to do with y/n, or anything that goes to the case obviously don't belong to me.... I just find them necessary for my fic! If you haven't read my prologue, there is going to be a link at the bottom of the chapter. Enjoy!
[No one's pov]
It was late in the night. Zack and Dr. Brennan were still outside at the crime scene, Brennan looking over the remains, and Zack was shooting pictures. They felt in their hair a warm moist breeze blowing from the pond.
Dr. Brennan started speaking in her usual direct tone, "Remains are wrapped in four milled, flat poly-construction sheeting."
"PVC coated chicken wire," Zack added.
Brennan lifts the tarp, "weighted," She looks over the muddy remains, "That's why the body didn't surface during decomposition. The skeleton is complete but the skull is in fragments."
Booth rushes in to ask, "what can you tell me?"
"Not much," Brennan says, a little disappointed, "She was a young woman, probably between-," she takes a small breath, thinking over her best factual guess,"18 and 22, approximately 5'3, race unknown, delicate features."
"That's all?" Booth said, being sarcastic.
Brennan did a shrugging gesture with her hand. "Tennis player," she said.
"How do you get a pretty tennis player out of that yuck?" Booth sounded a little irritated.
"Epiphyses fusion gives age, pelvic bone shape gives sex…" Zack stated factually.
Brennan took over and said, looking over the spot on the body's shoulder, "Bursitis in the shoulder… Somebody this young, must be an athletic injury."
"when did she die?" Booth said wanting more facts. Also wanting to skip past her reasoning.
"Eeehhh," was the quick response.
"Eeehhh," was the even quicker, mocking response, "what does that even mean," he says in a frustrated manner.
Zack responds defensively toward Booth while simultaneously snapping another photo, "it means wait until our bug and slime guy takes a look," the light shines everywhere for a brief second, secretly flashing Booth in the eye.
"No clothing." Dr. Brennan notices.
"well you know, in my line of work, No clothes usually means a sex crime." Says Booth, acting like he knows the situation
And Dr. Brennan gives more insight, "In my line of work, it could also mean the victim favored natural fibers."
Zack speaks to Booth to demonstrate, making it an unknowing comeback, and walking around trying to get more angles, "your suit, for example, will outlast your bones by decades." Booth clearly couldn't tell, because he doesn't know this "squint," that Zack secretly had something on his mind. Brennan noticed, she's noticed it all that day… She just didn't know how to respond to it, so she focused on her work more intently, pretending not to notice.
"collect silt," Brennan orders to Zack, pushing herself up to her feet, "Three meters radius, to a depth of ten cm."
This time, right after taking another shot of the body, he looks at her anxiously and quickly. Before she gives Booth permission for the forensics team, she has to pause herself mid way, as he approaches closely to her.
"Mr. Addy, is there something that you need to say, because there's work to be done?" Brennan was startlingly frustrated, she clearly wanted things done quick and a hurry.
Zack gets in a whispering position, "you know about the new intern you wanted working beside me?"
"Yes, and I hired one. Miss y/n y/l/n. She starts tomorrow morning. I only did it because she was the only one you full heartedly recommended last year."
"Mm." Zack tried to hold in being squeamish, "I did. But are you completely sure of her qualifications for thi-"
"Are you saying you made a mistake in saying that she was the best interview you had? Because I gave you the assignment of hiring another intern with hopes that you would be the one to find one that matches all the qualifications yourself, it was also to test your true reasoning, and good decision making, for those are the type of people fit to work at the Jeffersonian. If you were being lazy, or unsure, means I was wrong, and you weren't really ready. Is this what you're trying to tell me?" Well, she's not one to beat around the bush.
Zack thought, swallowed the lump in his throat, and replied rather standoffishly, "No, Dr. Brennan. I have no doubt in Ms. y/l/n's intelligence, expertise, capabilities and ambitions. I just hope I was right , and didn't look over her resume or personal background too soon."
"Well, that's rather unlike you Mr. Addy. You need to adjust your self confidence to match your work." She turns and informs Booth that the forensic team can take the Plastic and chicken wire.
"Yes Dr. Brennan." Zack sighs, mainly to himself. Now that he pushed himself into it. He had to fix this. This means he must do his best to see y/n first thing , before anyone else gets the chance to. He has to, before it is made known what he hired into the Jeffersonian…
(Click for prologue)
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ericcarrshairbrush · 4 months
Eric Carr x Reader but it's a fluffy smut bc y/n (female ofc) is a total anxiety freak who's part of KISS crew (best friend and someone who works for and help the band) and I'm picturing some sort of pre-show thing 😶‍🌫️
I'm sorry it took a while. But I had to find the right words haha. I really love this idea, and I hope it's how you picured it. And if you want anything changed let me know😌 Now I won't waste any more of your time. Let's just get right into it😅
⚠️Extreme Smut⚠️
Also... I know the picture is from 1981
and not 1980 but... LET'S JUST SAY IT IS🤣🤣
{🤍The drummer isn't so innocent after all🤍}
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It's a Sunday morning in July 1980. The window shakes and rattles by the strong wind blowing outside, waking you up from your sleep.
You grunt and throw the pillow over your face to try and muffle the incredibly, annoying sound from the window.
You clunch the pillow and let out a roar as you throw it across the room. Stroking your palms over your face before angleling your head towards your alarm clock.
"FUCK!" You shout out as you throw yourself out of bed.
You jump around the apartment with your pants half pulled up in complete and utter stress before you throw yourself for the car keys and rush out the door.
You rush to your car and insert the key. "Come on you bastard!" You scream out when the car doesn't start. "You goddamn pile of junk!" You hit the dashboard with full force, causing the engine to react.
When you finally arrive at work, you see Bill, their manager. Standing with his arms crossed and a tired expression on his face. “This is the fourth time y/l/n…” He sighs.
"I know I~" You tried to explain yourself, but you knew it would just be the same excuse as always.
"You overslept..." He continued, knowing exacly what you were going to say.
"I'm sorry! I... It won't happen again!"
"It better not!"
You opened your mouth to say something, but he just gave you a glare saying 'go to work.'
Since Eric was quite new to the band, he needed some help with his makeup, and since you always worked with him, and often talked, a friendship bonded.
"It's worse isn't it?' He suddenly asked as you helped him with his 'The Fox' makeup.
You stopped the brush, almost smearing the black paint over the white.
"Your anxiety?"
You didn't answer, you just kept painting his face. Which caused him to grab your slim wrist with his big, veiny hand.
Your breath hitched as you looked down at his hand holding you, before meeting his eyes.
'His fucking eyes...' Your subconscious said blushing.
"Y/n..." He began, his brown eyes looking deep into yours. Continuing."...I've noticed... You can't concentrate and you have trouble sleeping."
He let go of your tiny wrist, leaving a weird disappointment over you. Because... You didn't want him to let go.
"I'm fine..." You just said, trying to ignore the sudden feeling he gave you... Desire...
"You're not."
"How do you know that?"
"Because your hands are shaking."
'It's you who's causing that...' Your subconscious softly whispered.
"Hey..." He said, howering forward when you didn't answer. "...I know It's difficult for you but... I just want you to be okay..."
You didn't listen... Not at his words anyway...
'Imagine that fat cock under that tight costume of his.'
"I gotta go!" You said when you heard your subconscious.
"You okey?"
"Yeah! I just... I need to go..." You quickly walked away. Entering the closet, where you kept all of their costumes and shoes.
You instantly closed the door, putting your knuckles against your skull while breathing heavily. Why did you just think that? That has never happened?! "What the fuck y/n?!" You said to yourself.
You clenched your eyes as you heard his voice call your name on the other side of the door.
"Y/n? Are you alright?"
'No... Because I just thought about your cock...' You thought to yourself, and as you did. You felt a comfortable lump form in your throat, swallowing it down.
"Y/n... I'm... I'm coming in..." He said with his soft, innocent voice as he turned the doorknob to the closet.
You slowly turned around, facing the door as he stepped in.
"What are you doing?" He asked as he reached his hands up, moving your arms down, your knuckels away from your skull.
That same touch... The touch he gave you at the desk moments ago.
He was so gentle, yet you could feel every muscle.
"I was thinking..." You lied...
"In the closet?" He chuckled. His chuckle... His voice... His touch... He was making you feel so many things, things you couldn't explain.
"Hey... You sure you're alright?" He asked. You just ignored him. You didn't know what to say. The closet was so small, and you were so close to eachother.
"Y/n..." He said in a whisper as he put his thumb under your chin, tilting your head up to look into his eyes. "...What's wrong?"
"Eric..." You bit your lip... Not knowing how to continue.
He now also seemed to notice how close you actually were, since you saw the look in his eyes change.
Your breathing became heavier as that same lump formed in your throat, that comfortable... horny... lump...
'Kiss me! Kiss me Eric!' Your subconscious yelled.
He started stroking your bottom lip with his thumb, inching closer. "What are you doing to me?" He said, voice low.
You just looked at him, you were so shocked, so surprised, so horny.
"I don't know..." You said, nearly moaning from the clenching deep down in your stomach.
"Fuck the others!" He then said after hearing your voice, locking the door behind him as his lips pressed against yours.
You gasped in shock, making his tongue slip into your mouth.
Your hands instantly wandered up his chest, digging your fingertips into his shoulders as your tongues dances with eachother.
He moaned from the sensation and pushed you against the wall, making some things fall down the shelves.
You gasped into your kiss as his hard boner pressed against your pelvis.
You eagerly started unhooking his belt, hearing it rattle as the metalic peices collided.
He went down and kissed your neck, pressing his big hands against your breasts. Your nipples hardening at his touch.
You moaned, but bit your lip to not be too loud, not wanting the others to hear you.
"Fuck, your moans make me so hard!" He groaned as he reached up again. Kissing your lips hard as he slid his muscular hands down, unzipping your pants and sliding them off your feet.
You moaned into his mouth as you felt his hand carres your now naked leg, lifing it up against his hip.
His other hand slid down under your panties, sliding one finger between your folds.
"You're so wet..." He whispered into your kiss , feeling your legs begin to weaken as the muscles deep down in your abdomen began to clench in the most pleasurable way.
He began making circular movements before sliding in two of his wide fingers into you.
You moaned out as you threw your forehead against his shoulder, feeling the muscles clench even more, and you couldn't control the noises that came out of you.
His hand shaked in your panties as he curled his fingers up and down rapidly, hitting all of your sensitive spots.
You gasped for air, tearing up as you tightened around his fingers.
You were so close, but right when you were about to come, he removed his fingers.
You looked up at him in despair and confusion. Why did he stop?
You swallowed hard as you watched him put the fingers in his mouth, tasting your salty aroma.
He slid them out slowly before removing his shirt, revieling his hairy chest.
Then you heard that same familiar rattling sound... His belt...
You glanced down, seeing his hand, then his other, unzip his pants and slide them off.
You instantly bit your lip as his hard, thick, veiny cock sprung free. It was so huge... So thick... And you felt your arousal return, but this time... Even more intense.
You've heard people speculate on it's size, that it was around 10 inches or so. Well... They were right...
"Strip..." He commanded, his voice now more low and dominant...
'Fuck...' Your subconscious said speechless...
You quickly obeyed him, taking off the rest of your clothes before he snatched the panties from your grip, bringing them to his nose and sniffing them.
"Mmm...." He groaned. "You smell so good." He thew them to the floor before pinning you to the wall again, and you arched your neck as he lifted you off your feet, placing your legs on each side of his hips as he positioned himself, slowly sliding in and filling you up.
You gasped for air as he stretched you out, feeling every nerve end explode in pleasure.
You teared up and moaned loudly as he began to move faster, feeling his cock grind against your tight walls. He groaned and found your lips, kissing you hard as he fucked you against the wall, grabbing one of your breasts in his hand and squeezing it intensly as he bit your lip.
You felt something build up... Oh no... Already?
He also seemed to reach his climax as he started moaning more and louder.
"Fuck I'm gonna cum!" He growled out of your kiss, arching his neck as he grabbed both of your hips, switching up the angle a little, perfectly hitting your g-spot, making your vision go white as your eyes rolled back with your moan stuck in your throat.
You couldn't hold it back anymore... You couldn't...
And you came hard, squirting all over his cock.
He moaned from the sensation of your walls wrapping around him. Emtying his balls, his warm, salty load filling you up.
He let you down, making you fall into his arms. Your legs were shaking and exhausted and when you looked up... his makeup was all smeared. His black fox features had melted from his sweat, running down his white face.
And when you cleaned yourselves up, put your clothes back on and went out... Everyone was looking at you... Which made you realize...
Everyone heard everything...
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asteria7fics · 5 months
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Finally sharing this doodle of our boys of perpetual stupidity in their TSOB garb, because I hate writing actual detailed descriptions of what characters are wearing lmao
Excluded Cartman’s weapons for NSFW reasons.
No I don’t have a consistent art style thank you so much for asking.
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blackleatherjacketz · 6 months
Hook, Line and Sinker
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Eric Northman (True Blood) x Female Reader
Summary: After Eric threatens your brother to pay off a large debt, he expresses his interest in a different form of payment.
Warnings: 18+ Only!, Explicit Smut, Dubious Consent, Blackmail, Emotional Manipulation, Death Threats, Swearing, Face-Grabbing, Glamoring, Hair Pulling, Biting, Vampirism, Blood Sucking/Drinking, Kissing, Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Sex, Rough Sex, Size Kink
Word Count: 2.9k+
Tags: @jessicafangirl @differentcatcat @spice-honey
Read more Eric!
Your brother had always been caught up in the wrong crowd, conning people and moving from state to state to avoid the repercussions of his actions until they finally caught up with him. You just never thought that you’d be there with him when that finally happened. You never thought that the people, the monsters that he had crossed would ever throw bags over your heads and toss you into the trunk of their car to present you in front of their ‘boss’ he had to answer to. You never thought that he’d be dumb enough to cross a nest of vampires, of all things.
This boss is much different from the image you’d cooked up in your head from beneath the black pillowcase. Although he still appears pale, cold and callous from his perch behind his desk, he isn’t that dark, brooding caricature of a vampire you expected to see. His presence is still heavy, warming your body in a blanket of unease from across the room as cropped blonde locks frame his handsome face, but there’s something else there. There’s something more in that split second that he glances your way, almost as if he was fighting the urge to take a longer look, but that could just be the trauma talking.
He takes his time folding his slender fingers together as he speaks to your brother, not even bothering to look over at him while negotiating his terms. It’s almost as if he’s bored of the inconvenience of his presence, annoyed that he even has to do any of this at all. You can tell this isn’t the first conversation they’ve about this, but figure that it may very well be their last. And just like that, with a wave of his hand, one of your captors grasps onto your brother’s arm and turns him away from you despite his many pleas and protests.
“She stays here until you come back.” He looks at you intentionally this time, eyes burning his promise deep into your soul with words clearly meant for your brother.
“What?! No! She doesn’t have anything to do with this, Eric! I was asking her for money! That’s why I was with her!” David pleads as the woman begins dragging him across the room toward the open door. “I’ll get your money, I promise!”
“We’ll see.” Eric states calmly, almost to himself as the sound of your brother’s begging fades out into the darkened hallway, muddled by his scurried footsteps.
You start to run over to the doorway, trying to see which direction they’re taking him in, to get one last look at your brother before the night swallows him whole, but you can barely move. Like in one of those nightmares you can’t manage to wake yourself from, your feet seem to get heavier with each step you take as you feel yourself being pulled back to the center of the room by your host’s words.
“If I knew David had such a pretty sister, I would have threatened him a lot sooner.” Eric starts as he busies himself by looking over his ledger, his long fingers scaling down the page before looking back up at you intently. He holds your gaze with a long azure stare, so dark and serious that you can’t bear to look away, even if you tried. “Now I see why he was keeping you from me.”
“Keeping me from you?” The phrase sounds just as odd coming out of your own mouth as it did his, your voice providing little balm over the idea.
“Don’t pretend to be so naive, sweetheart. It doesn’t suit you.” Eric stands up, moving around the desk toward you in a blur faster than your brain can even begin to register. He stops just a few feet short of you, forcing you to gasp as your muscles tighten in anticipation of what he could do to you in a matter of seconds. If he wanted to. He’s so much taller than he seemed from behind the desk, his shoulders now towering well above your eye line as he takes another slow, purposeful step in your direction. “You’re not nearly as afraid of me as you should be.”
“I’m afraid,” you reassure him shakily, still stunned in your tracks.
“Are you?” He lifts your chin with the tips of his fingers, that cold stare of his softening just a little as his lips curl into a devious smirk. “Or is it something else?”
You wrack your brain of all the vampire trivia you’ve learned over the years, trying to recall if they could read minds, or if that was just something you saw in a movie once. Is it that blatantly obvious that you’re attracted to him despite the situation your brother’s put you in? Has the gift of fear not properly disguised your complex reaction to his large size and good looks? Or is this just a lucky shot in the dark?
“It’s something else,” you hear yourself admit to him before you even decide to tell him the truth. Why did you just do that?
“I could see it all over your face the very second you walked in here.” He grabs ahold of your chin and squeezes until your lips purse, smiling as if he’s won some kind of prize for calling you out on something completely out of your control. “Humans aren’t nearly as good at hiding their emotions as they think they are.”
He chuckles and lets go of your face, turning his back to you before slowly walking over to his desk as a cascade of hormones trickles into your bloodstream. That sudden absence of his touch makes your body ache for another embrace, craving that hit of oxytocin more quickly than you’d ever anticipated from a mere stranger.
“How much does he owe you, exactly?” You attempt to reconnect, stepping toward him as he turns back around to face you.
Maybe he just wants you to ask for it… to beg for what you want in exchange for your brother’s life, but that’s not something you’ve ever done before, not something you’d ever lower yourself to do. The least you could do is try your best to negotiate your way out of this logically.
“A lot,” he answers flatly.
“How much?” You try to stand your ground, looking up at him resolutely as his beautiful features start to heat you up from the inside out.
“Fifty thousand dollars.”
“Jesus, fuck.” You utter, unaware that your brother’s habits had gotten him this upside down with the most lethal of all creatures known to man. There’s no way he’s getting out of this without your help.
“Jesus Fuck is right.” The vampire grins as he makes another move in the unspoken game that you’re playing together, reaching out to touch a lock of your hair and smelling it before laying it back down onto your shoulder. “You seem like the smart one in the family, I’m sure you’ve figured out by now that your brother hasn’t been able to pay his debt to us for some time.” He licks his lips as he looks you over, his gaze moving back and forth from your mouth down to your neck in rapid succession. “And that he’s pushed things just far enough that we’ve had no other choice but to take extreme measures.”
“Are you going to kill him?” Your heart sinks in your chest before dropping down into your stomach, straining the muscles in your torso at the thought of him paying the ultimate price for his stupidity. Sure, the two of you had fallen out of touch over the years because of his habits, but that didn’t mean that you wanted him killed over them. You just wanted this all to be over and done with. Then it hits you; you’re reminded of what your brother was doing business with… not who. “Are you going to kill… me?”
“I’m hoping it doesn’t have to come to that.” The blue in his eyes begins to shrink as his pupils dilate, escaping to the far recesses of his irises as he closes the gap between you. “It’d be such a waste.”
“But I don’t have that kind of money,” you think out loud, still trying to logic your way out of this.
“Oh, I know.” He smirks, the seductive confidence now oozing out of his pores. “That doesn’t necessarily mean that you can’t help him.” He traces his finger over the artery in your neck as it pumps a more potent cocktail of fear and arousal into your bloodstream, forcing your lips to tremble. “Fortunately for me, you were in the right place at the right time when my men picked him up.”
“Fortunately?” You repeat, realizing now that it’s too late for mundane negotiations, that it’s far too late to fight your body’s natural urges.
“You’d do anything for your brother, wouldn’t you?” Eric’s fangs suddenly emerge as he touches more of your bare skin, revealing his true nature as his chest begins to heave.
Oh God. “I’ve never been bitten before,” you whisper without pulling away from his grasp.
“Never?” He leans down and whispers into your ear, the deep musk of his cologne surrounding you in a heady haze as his thumb presses against your racing pulse. He carefully wraps the rest of his cold fingers around your neck, holding you in place as he inhales your scent. “You haven’t even thought about it? About how good it might feel?”
His words turn your insides to quicksand, his breath hot on your skin as you dare to think about his fangs sinking into your flesh. You honestly hadn’t wondered about how it would feel until just now, your mind jumping ahead to the image of him latching onto your throat and tasting your blood before you’re able to give him an honest yet quiet answer. “No.”
“Not even now?” He slides his other hand between your thighs, triggering your most human response as that moisture begins to collect beneath the fabric of your jeans, soaking through the cotton of your underwear as your body takes over. “It only hurts at first.”
“My brother will find a way to get your money.” Your last ditch effort at peace is futile at best, knowing full well that it’s only a matter of seconds before your carnal desires win over.
“Will he?” Eric releases his grip on your neck only to grasp onto your hair, tugging on your scalp just hard enough to expose your throat. “I think we both know how hopeless your brother’s case really is.” He pulls tighter, jutting your chin up toward the ceiling as he turns you around and walks you back toward his desk like a rag doll. “Maybe I should just keep you here to start paying off that debt of his. I’m sure you could be of use.”
“Keep me here?” Your view of the ceiling tiles shifts in and out of focus as he slides his hand beneath the hem of your pants, lifting you up onto his desk while sliding his fingers between your soaking wet folds. Goddamn, that feels good, oh god… he’s really good at that. But wait a minute… Keep you here? How long was that going to last? How long are YOU going to last? “I don’t want to die.”
“Who said anything about dying?” He grins as he settles in between your legs, pushing his fingers inside your eager entrance as a salacious shade of hunger washes over his face.
His bite somehow takes you by surprise, the sudden piercing pain worse than you imagined as it breaks your skin, shooting daggers up through your spine. That sharp sting only lasts for a second though, his tongue massaging your skin as it works to lap up the hot flow of blood that leaks out of the corners of his mouth, racing down your neck and onto your clavicle. His needy moans vibrate against your throat as his fingers delve deeper inside you, his thumb rubbing delicious circles into your moistened clit, flooding your senses with a deadly concoction of agony and ecstasy.
So this is what all the fuss is about.
You start to moan along with him as he stimulates your most sensitive area, only no sound bothers to escape your lips. Your breath is stifled by the intoxicating mixture of cortisol and oxytocin flowing through your veins and into his mouth, halting any complex brain functions you might otherwise have at this moment. Your fingers find their way into his hair, tightening onto his golden locks in order to hold him against you in this morbidly sensual embrace.
He pulls more of you into his mouth as your strength begins to dwindle, greedily licking the length of your neck before nipping at your chin and jawline in between hungry attempts to clean up the scarlet mess he’s made of your skin. Those tiny little nips quickly turn into affectionate kisses on his way up your face until he reaches your lips, parting them with his blood-soaked tongue.
“Eric,” you’re finally able to moan, whining as his fingers slide out of your sex just in time to unfasten your jeans, leaving a trail of slick up your pelvis as he pulls them off your legs.
“You taste like a dream,” he smirks, your blood smattered across his face like a wild animal, the excess dripping down his neck and onto his chest, stirring something more primal in you than you’ve ever felt before. He can see it in your eyes as he runs his tongue across his teeth, holding his thumb against your bite in order to slow down your bleeding for the time being. “You like it, don’t you?”
You nod in silence.
“I knew you would.” He leans in close and kisses you again, letting you taste the iron of your blood until enough of it fills your mouth that you have no other choice but to swallow. It goes down easier than you anticipated, still hot and fluid down the back of your throat as Eric bites into his own lip, mixing the saltier flavor of his blood with yours. He smirks as you lean forward to kiss him back, no longer afraid as you take his bottom lip between your teeth and suck the spit and blood right off of it.
He has you now; hook, line and sinker.
Your desire for him increases exponentially as if your very life force depends on the continuation of his kiss, on the certainty of his touch. You feel that your very soul is connected to his now, tethered more deeply than you ever have been with anyone else. Your groans become louder as he lazily licks the blood off your tongue and teeth; his hunger for you only growing along with yours as you both continue to consume each other.
Making quick work of undoing his own pants, he shoves them down past his knees to reveal the evidence of his own arousal, grasping onto your thigh to make room for his hips.
Jesus Christ, he’s even bigger than you thought he’d be. Fuck. This is really happening, isn’t it?
“And to think that I was your first,” he snickers, stroking himself with his opposite hand as he spreads the remainder of your blood left on his palm over his enormous girth. He lines himself up with your dripping wet cunt, rubbing the tip of his cock up and down your length as waves of red hot bliss shoot up into your core before he pushes inside.
You cry out as your body takes him in, inch by undead inch as that rare connection between you only tightens like a rubber band pulling you two together as he bottoms out against your thighs. He only gives you a second to adjust to his size, pulling out just a little before slamming his hips back into you without mercy, sheathing himself within your walls before relentlessly repeating the motion again and again. That tingly red heat from before turns scarlet as it burns its way through you, igniting every neuron in your body as he quickens his pace, grunting as he hits that bundle of nerves inside you the way only a man who’s been alive for centuries would know how.
It’s as if he’s unlocked something within you that so many men before had tried and failed to open, expanding your pleasure throughout every tissue in your body from your capillaries right down to your fingertips. Bright, blinding lights flash before your eyes as your toes curl and your back arches, distracting you from his mouth latching onto you once again. You can feel his thrusts becoming more frantic, each pass over your slick special spot triggering another explosion of ecstasy as your muscles clench down around him, draining him of his more prized fluid as you both shake together in unison. His moans turn into groans as he drinks more of your blood, shifting into feral growls against your mangled skin as your heart rate eventually comes down from your climax.
“Fuck!” He pulls his fangs from you as he licks and kisses his way back up to your lips, a thin coat of your blood now covering you in a ruby red sheen as his come drips down your thighs and onto the floor. “I knew I could use you.” He winks before pulling out and kissing your forehead. “Only forty-nine thousand dollars to go.”
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l0ve-dov3 · 1 month
i realllly wanna do a fantasy south park fic (NOT stick of truth, just a highkey stereotypical fantasy). like the main 4 are all powerful knights sent from the major kingdoms to protect the realm and all that shit
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queermeetsthe90s · 10 months
!! Important Update !!
I know I’ve been kinda MIA in regards to posting my own content. I’ve had an emergency irl that I’m still working through and everything. So, please be patient with me! I have been writing the Jeric fanfic I said I would, it’s going to be a fairly good sized oneshot that’s easy to read. I feel like I’m almost done writing it actually so I should get to editing in a few days. Not sure when the release will be yet, hopefully in just a couple more weeks though! Thank you for your patience and support! Have a very Jeric day 🤭💖
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Title: Memories are Made of This
Summary: The young Forman children seek comfort during a stormy night in 1965. Short little flashback oneshot!
Pairings: Red and Kitty, Forman Family Fluff with Red and Eric, Kitty and Laurie, Red and Laurie, Kitty and Eric
Rating: K+
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55781377
Author’s Note: Wrote this fic many, many years ago but I thought the Forman Family could use a bit of family fluff in the fandom right now. hope you all enjoy! Also side note, New Chapter of SitN this weekend!
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