#eric 110% bittle
teary eyed at domino’s pizza because jack zimmermann got his providence apartment with a good kitchen for bitty
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khashanakalashtar · 3 years
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knightlightly · 5 years
i just really need to see bitty getting some 110% love and support from jack zimmermann rn.
it’s very important to me. 
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parrishsrubberplant · 6 years
are you still bored?? what about jack has to do ballet as a form of PT after a minor injury and it does //things// to bittle
Jack checks his hair in the mirror. He runs a comb through it one last time, and turns to Bittle. “I’m nervous,” he admits.
Bitty looks up from the couch and puts down the cookbook he’s reading. “Why?”
“It’s been a really long time since I’ve taken a dance class.” Jack opens his small sports bag. “I’ve got running tights, A-frame shirt, water, a snack, my dance shoes, clothes for afterward. Am I forgetting anything?”
Bitty stands up. “Me, maybe. I said I’d go with you, if you wanted me to.”
“I feel bad for asking,” Jack says. “I know you had plans for this morning.”
Bitty shrugs. “Not really. And I don’t have to go for every class.” He grins. “Besides, if I actually wanted to take classes for myself, I wouldn’t be in beginner.” He pats Jack’s bicep. “I’m just offering, again, if it would make it easier for you.”
Jack sighs. “Yes?” he says, and pinches the bridge of his nose. “Yes. Sorry. I usually don’t have social anxiety, but suddenly I’m–what’s phrase Holster says? Freaking out?”
Bitty laughs and leans up to kiss Jack’s cheek. “It ain’t no thing, honey. Be right back.” He changes quickly into running tights and an undershirt, finds his dance sneakers in the back of the closet, and shoves them in a tote bag.
“Don’t you want something to change into after?” Jack asks.
“We’re just coming home, right?” Bitty asks. Jack nods. “Nah, I’ll be fine,” Bitty says.
Jack locks the door behind them and they climb into his truck. 
Then it’s ten minutes into the Beginner Ballet for Adults, and Bitty may have made a terrible mistake. It’s not that Jack can move with the music: he has only the faintest concept of rhythm. It’s not even that he has great turnout, although he did figure out how to rotate his leg from the hip very quickly.
It’s the way he’s trying so hard, and the way his ass looks in sleek black running tights, the way he struggles to keep his butt under him when he plies.
At last, they come to the center. Bitty wipes his forehead with the back of his hand. He’s been focused on being unobtrusive, not staring at Jack, just focused on dancing. His legs are tired in a good way.
They get to the jump combinations. Jack approaches them cautiously, not using his full strength or power. Bitty goes for it, springing into the air like he’s trying to touch the top of his head to the ceiling. Jumps have always been his favorite part of dance class.
Jack’s fringe is starting to clump with sweat. He’s trying so hard, but even when he’s graceful he’s still awkward. It’s like he doesn’t realize he has to lift his feet and keeps expecting to be able to slide them.
At the end of the class, they make their reverance to the instructor and leave the room. Jack’s shirt is soaked with sweat. In the dressing room, he uses the dry part to wipe his chest and armpits, then puts on a dry t-shirt.
“I stink,” he says.
Bitty laughs. “So do I.”
One of the other men in the dressing room, a stocky older guy with short salt-and-pepper hair, looks up at them. “Excuse me, are you Jack Zimmermann?”
Jack pauses, sock halfway on his foot. “Yes,” he says, and smiles his media smile.
“My daughter is a big fan,” he says. “She plays hockey for Moses Brown.”
“What position?” Jack asks, putting on his other sock and lacing his sneakers.
“Defense,” the man says. “She’ll be so jealous to hear I met you.”
“If you have a pen, I could sign something,” Jack says quietly, but the man waves him off.
“No,” he says. “No, no, I don’t want to bother you.” He leaves soon after.
Bitty pulls his hoodie on and zips it, and they walk out to the car. 
“So?” Jack asks.
Bitty makes sure the car doors are closed  and none of the windows are down. “I can’t wait to get home,” he says. “I spent the entire class wanting to touch you.”
Jack grins and starts the car. “Yes.” He laughs. “I really shouldn’t be surprised that you’re so flexible.”
Bitty laughs and turns on the radio. “Dibs on the shower?” he asks.
Jack’s grin widens. “Why take turns?”
“Oh,” Bitty says. “I like the way you think.”
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thehockeyhaus · 7 years
My biggest headcanon is that Jack would insist and love taking Bittle as his last name when he and Bitty get married.
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peonyaurora · 7 years
If Jack puts "eat more protein" onto his Valentine's card, Bitty will probably be simultaneously exasperated and immensely touched. The question is: did Jack?
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khashanakalashtar · 4 years
I don’t usually post fic teasers but I kind of love this scene
“And now, knead until smooth and elastic, eight to ten minutes,” Kent read from his perch atop the kitchen table, legs swinging.
“You do not knead a goddamned pie crust, you horrible man, stop reading the wrong recipe!” Bitty stormed over and yanked the recipe book away as Kent cracked up. Even Jack was snickering. “If you’re not going to help, at least…” He seemed to reach a level of indignation too great for words.
“Help? Eric Richard Bittle! That’s your homework right there! Are you suggesting I help you cheat?” Bitty leveled a glare at him.
“Sorry, Bittle, but you literally signed up for this,” said Jack, grinning madly.
“He is your boyfriend when he is trying to ruin a pie crust.” Kent and Jack lost it all over again.
“Aw, Bits, you don’t love me anymore?” Kent hopped off the table to come up behind Bitty and wrap his arms around Bitty’s shoulders, tugging him back into a hug and getting flour all over his arms in the process. Bitty elbowed him in the gut. Laughing, Kent backed off, and made for Jack instead.
“Zimms still loves me, don’t you, Zimms?”
“Yes,” Jack answered easily, and held his own pie tin out of reach. “I’m still not letting you ruin this pie crust.”
“I am wounded, Zimberly…”
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offtoljubljana · 4 years
60. En... oh... we hebben boven de 1,000 besmettingen
Hi. Terug van weggeweest. En met weggeweest bedoel ik:
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Zoals de vorige paar blogposts al aangaven, mijn leven is nu:
Animal Crossing
Iets voor studie
Animal Crossing
Animal Crossing
en het had niet echt zin om elke dag een post te schrijven dat dit alleen maar benadrukt. Ik heb wel andere dingen gedaan, want ik heb eindelijk mijn waterverf weer eens gebruikt en ik heb gisteren heel seizoen 3 en 4 van The Most Popular Girls In School gekeken. Ja, dat waren 41 afleveringen.
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Zou ik ook een lijst met beste webseries op mijn 40. Yuè’s recommendations voor zelf-isolatie! zetten? Ik heb Top 5 beste albums al toegevoegd.
Ook zit ik de boekenwebsite constant te refreshen met hoop voor nieuwe informatie over mijn Check, Please! bestelling. Oh jongens, morgen gaat het beginnen. Het begin van het einde. Eric “Bitty” Richard Bittle gaat afstuderen en ik ben er niet klaar voor.
Maar ja, ik ben terug van weggeweest voor Corona nieuws, want dat is nu het enige interessante in mijn repetitieve leven (jk i’m fine). Ik luister naar Hayley Kiyoko’s nieuwe EP I’m Too Sensitive For This Shit, dus luister mee terwijl ik verder ga.
(demons is echt een voorbeeld van die “super upbeat songs that actually have super depressing lyrics”.)
Maar ja, goed nieuws eerst: Johnson ligt in het ziekenhuis.
En ja, bla, bla, bla, het is gemeen om hier blij om te zijn en die shit, maar ik hoop gewoon dat als hij ontslagen wordt (uit het ziekenhuis, maar uit zijn functie mag ook) dat hij realiseert dat zijn kutacties hier naartoe geleid hebben.
Nu het minder goede nieuws. Zoals de titel al zegt, Slovenië is nu over de 1,000 besmettingen.
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Dit heb ik via de wereldkaart van de NOS geleerd, want Total Slovenia News is dus niet altijd up to date. Alsnog: blessing and a curse.
(L.O.V.E. Me heeft een raar middenstuk, maar als je eraan went, is het wel leuk. Mere exposure effect in actie.)
Ook hadden we laatst de dag met de meeste doden: 6. En sinds die dag zijn er dus blijkbaar weer 2 doden bij gekomen. Er zijn wel heel veel hersteld, dus dat is weer iets positiefs.
(Ik denk dat runaway mijn minst favoriete nummer van de EP is.)
Normaal geeft Total Slovenia News dus ook mooie grafieken, maar die website is niet meer geüpdatet qua Corona sinds gisteren 12:00 ‘s middags. 
Ah ik heb even zitten zoeken en blijkbaar hebben ze de grafiek op het bericht van gistermiddag wel aangepast. Logisch😒. Er zijn meerdere grafieken, maar deze vind ik interessant:
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(Oh, I love I Wish.)
Blijkbaar is de doelgroep veranderd. Eerst waren juist de 25 - 34 en 35 - 44 de hoogste groepen, maar nu zie ik dus een verschuiving naar een iets oudere doelgroep. Ook is opvallend dat we relatief weinig doden hebben. We zitten op de 30 doden en de 1021 besmettingen. Ook merk ik dat er relatief weinig mensen in het ziekenhuis zitten, namelijk maar iets boven de 110 en de meesten liggen niet eens op de IC.
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Er is niets verteld over de leeftijd van de doden, maar de meesten zijn overleden in bejaardentehuizen. Aangezien de meeste besmettingen dus bij relatief jonge mensen zit, kan dat verklaren waarom er zo weinig doden zijn.
(she is het laatste nummer. Ik wil meer 😩.)
Toch gaan mensen ervan uit dat het getal hoger ligt, want net zoals in Nederland word niet iedereen getest. Je moet naar Metelkova om te testen, als ik het goed herinner. Ah, Metelkova. Dani had dat graag willen zien... 
(Ik ben nu aan het luisteren naar het album After Laughter van Paramore. Hard Times is net zo’n nummer als demons: verraderlijk happy. Het hele “hard times” idee past wel bij 2020.)
Dus dat is nu de situatie hier. De versterkte regels blijven voorlopig ook nog, maar ik las net dat Oostenrijk al hun regels gaat versoepelen. Misschien had Anouk gelijk en keert Slovenië relatief snel terug naar het gewone leven. Oostenrijk was namelijk ook één van de eerste Europese landen dat met harde maatregelen kwam.
(Rose-Colored Boy. Dit hele album is eigenlijk gewoon verraderlijk happy. Het heeft een nummer genaamd Fake Happy!)
Total Slovenia News heeft wel een interview sectie met interviews van buitenlanders die in Slovenië blijven genaamd Foreigners Self-Isolating in Slovenia: Do You Feel Safer?, maar voorlopig zijn het allemaal mensen die hier vast wonen voor werk enz., dus niet studenten of stagiaires.
En ja. Dat is het een beetje.
Hier, katten!
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Olympic Zimbits
So of course Jack’s playing Hockey with the Canada team and he’s still the well known star, the heir of the kingdom, the ice prince... he’s kinda gotten a handle of his anxiety after Samwell but he’s not totally there yet.
Bitty is a USA sassy openly gay figure skater/internet sensation. He’s gone through his own road to come to terms with himself and he’s a lot more comfortable now but still struggling with self image issues a bit. 
Anyway come the winter olympics they both end up in the same airport on the way to the competition and both happen to be hiding from fans and reporters and they both just casually strike conversation in a bar
And it’s so simple and nice to talk to someone like a normal person.
They’re both keeping a low profile so neither knows who the other is, but they just hit it off. 
It’s not love at first sight but they both leave feeling happy and cheerful and a little disappointed that they didn’t exchange numbers because they both protect their privacy a lot. 
The games start a few days later and they are both entirely unaware of each other, too busy with their particular sports. 
Until one day Jack’s watching tv, trying to stop himself from having a panic attack before a big game that night. He entirely avoids anything hockey related and, while zapping, he ends up watching figure skating. 
And he has a moment of awe: “Oh my god, that’s Eric from the bar!!”
So the next time they have a free day, while the rest of the team goes to see the city, Jack 110% Zimmermann goes to the ice skating competition. 
Bitty sees him in the public at some point, right after his presentation (thank god because after he spots “Jack from the bar” his brain turns into a very loud “!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”). 
Jack sneaks into the changing rooms at the end of the event to congratulate Bitty and he’s so cheerful and giddy and a little insecure about how he skated but Jack’s like noooooo it was wonderful!
He starts going on about the way Eric moved so fluid and wonderful with the music and how good he looked and how he never thought skating could be like... that. I mean, he knew, but he didn’t know. 
Cue: Bitty heart-eyes. 
But then Jack says he can’t hang out with Eric and the other skaters because he has a big thing tomorrow and Bitty is sure he’s been blown off and of course this guy is straight or just doesn’t like him :( 
Except Jack keeps showing up???? Not to every event, mind you, but three more times he’s in the crowd and then in the changing rooms and Bitty does wonder how this boy keeps “sneaking” in but he doesn’t want to ask in case it’ll get him in trouble. 
It’s until after the third time, when he’s leaving with his other friends, that he hears a group of female skaters gushing “oh my god! was that Jack Zimmermann?! From the Canadian Hockey Team??!”
Cue: Bitty face-palming himself because of course he’d seen that handsome face before!!
The next night, Bitty shows up in Jack’s room with a whole pie. 
“Can’t believe you wouldn’t tell me you’re from the hockey team, Mr. Zimmermann!” And Jack is shocked and confused and delighted all at the same time. 
And then Bitty gives him the pie as a thank you for showing up to all the presentations because it’s really cheered him up.
“I don’t think I should-” “We are professional high performance athletes, I think we can let ourselves eat a slice of pie every now and then!” “Where did you even get this?” “Get this?! I’ll have you know I baked it myself!” 
Because, of course, Bitty demanded a room with a good kitchen, or at the very least access to one, and his coaches knew he’d need a place where he could stress-bake for his own mental well being so there. 
They eat almost half the pie and have some beer and talk and laugh and one thing leads to another...
...it’s not love yet, but it’s something good, something sparkling with tension, and they are both under a lot of stress and pressure and hey it’s a good way to relax and let out some steam and at least someone understands their issues
The days go on. Neither of them wins gold, but they come close and, honestly, for the first time they are not really that devastated. It’s not like they are distracted but it’s just easier to deal with those things when you’ve got something this good going on on the side. 
By the time the games are over Jack “No Chill” Zimmermann has invited Eric Bittle to spend their down time in Canada with him and Eric “Canonically kissed my boyfriend in center-ice” Bittle decided he’d go. 
It’s wonderful in the weirdest and most normal of ways. 
One day, near the end of Eric’s stay, they have a small friendly hockey match with Jack’s team.
Bittle insists that, even though he played fantasy hockey in high school, he decided it’s not for him. Jack brings out the puppy eyes. 
Even with the new skates and the big equipment, Bitty is graceful has hell in the ice, he’s fast and smart and terrified of checks but makes up for it with spins that just left everyone confused and a little scared. 
The moment he scores is the moment Jack knows he’s going to marry him. 
It’s a different story when Bitty tries to teach Jack jumps and spins. He says Jack could totally get there, but it’d take a lot of personal coaching and one on one time. As far as Jack is concerned, that sounds pretty damn great. 
Four years later, they arrive to the Winter Olympics hand in hand, married and in love. One of them wins gold.
The end.
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darter-blue · 7 years
Love Exactly: Chapter 13
‘Listen, I’m going to say this to all of you, once, and once only.’ Silence surrounds him, light bulbs flashing, ‘Eric Bittle is not my-’ Jack mimes air quotes with his fingers, ‘- companion.’ He turns his head to stare those hauntingly ice blue eyes down the lens of the camera. ‘He is my boyfriend. He and I are in a committed relationship that will, if I have any say in it, last a very long time. If not forever.’
No one dares to interrupt him.
‘In the last week, I’ve seen nothing but slander and libel thrown in our faces, and I’d like to clarify, Eric is not a “boytoy”, he is not a “puck bunny”, he is not “chasing fame” or “riding my coattails”.’
His expression is thunderous.
‘I don’t know if any of you out there are true hockey fans, but those of you who are will have seen Eric score the game-winning goal at the frozen four this year.’
Here his face takes on a little more of the personality Bitty knows he hides beneath his mask.
‘You would know how fast he is, how well he skates, how soft his hands are,’ he actually blushes, Jack blushes as he says that. Bitty’s heart is in his throat, ‘and you should know that I was so nervous the night I first saw him, that I was too afraid to go up and talk to him because I was intimidated by him. How beautiful he was. Not just on the ice, but the way he slid between the groups of people at that club like he was liquid sunshine. And then he was knocked into me, knocked into me!’ Jack smiles with a far away look on his face and the rest of the room is under a spell, Bitty is just as smitten. ‘Like it was a sign.’
He stares back down at his audience with resolve.
‘I defy anyone to speak to him for more than five minutes and not see what I see. And I’ll tell you this for free. I am a man, and yes, Eric is a man, and we are dating. And this is America, and one of the best things about this country, and my home country, and most of the western world now? I have the right to date him, and love him and marry him if I want to. And you, none of you, get to make me feel like that is a crime, like it’s somehow detrimental to my team, to hockey. So back off. Or don’t expect to be getting any respect from me, my team, or anyone that has half a brain in their head. Okay?’ he looks around the room and mustn’t hear or see any objections. ‘Good, great. See you next game.’
And with that, and to the sounds of frantic questions asked seconds too late, Jack is gone.
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gutsybitsies · 7 years
i used to headcanon that jack wouldn’t come out until he retired. because i thought that jack would value his privacy, and not want the hubbub that he was defined by since birth. but after the recent comics and rereading back, i felt like i misjudged wrong reading of jack’s character (and tbh its mostly a projection of my own love of privacy). it’s not that he’s not private, because most hockey players are, it’s that jack’s a guy of action. he’s tactile, he’s expressive, he thinks in a straight line (ie, shortest possible route to his goals), he’s 110%. of COURSE he wouldn’t want to wait for a decade to shout to the world that he loves eric bittle. 
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futurepast56 · 7 years
AO3 Tag Top 5
I was wondering which ship has the most fics in each tag on AO3 and I decided to write it down: 
Castiel/Dean Winchester (20832)
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (12173)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (11722)
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (10477)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers (7513)
Falling in Love:
Castiel/Dean Winchester (767)
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (618)
Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov (465)
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (388)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (287)
Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter (4640)
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (4049)
Castiel/Dean Winchester (2999)
Harry Potter/Severus Snape (2372)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (2331)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers (463)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (228)
Castiel/Dean Winchester (138)
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (122)
Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hammel (110)
Dorks in Love:
Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov (146)
Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio (116)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers (91)
Castiel/Dean Winchester (86)
Keith/Lance (Voltron) (80)
Making Out:  
Castiel/Dean Winchester (399)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (203)
Keith/Lance (Voltron) (148)
Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov (129)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers (128)
Castiel/Dean Winchester (5503)
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (4988)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (2879)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers (1750)
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (1528)
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (4783)
Castiel/Dean Winchester (3963)
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (3535)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers (1920)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (1910)
Slow Burn:
Keith/Lance (Voltron) (1380)
Castiel/Dean Winchester (1014)
Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov (921)
Clarke Griffin/Lexa (735)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers (597)
Slow Build:  
Castiel/Dean Winchester (1947)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (1645)
Keith/Lance (Voltron) (1508)
Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov (1061)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers (926)
First Time:  
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (3186)
Castiel/Dean Winchester (2290)
Jim Ellison/Blair Sandburg (1802)
Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester (1630)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (1454)
Coming Out:  
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (552)
Castiel/Dean Winchester (431)
Eric "Bitty" Bittle/Jack Zimmermann (283)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers (231)
Dan Howell/Phil Lester (229)
Sharing a Bed:
Castiel/Dean Winchester (382)
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (309)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (224)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers (164)
Cassian Andor/Jyn Erso (127)
Love at First Sight:
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (121)
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (113)
Castiel/Dean Winchester (104)
Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov (94)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (49)
Castiel/Dean Winchester (1624)
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (1065)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (758)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers (403)
Keith/Lance (Voltron) (330)
Castiel/Dean Winchester (86)
Keith/Lance (Voltron) (47)
Keith/Shiro (Voltron) (29)
Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru (22)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (22)
Mutual Pinning:
Keith/Lance (Voltron) (1096)
Castiel/Dean Winchester (561)
Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov (550)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (543)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers (459)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (338)
Castiel/Dean Winchester (166)
Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov (165)
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (115)
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (101)
Enemies to Friends to Lovers:
Keith/Lance (Voltron) (251)
Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter (197)
Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin (189)
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (166)
Castiel/Dean Winchester (145)
Enemies to Lovers:
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (353)
Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter (327)
Keith/Lance (Voltron) (292)
Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin (241)
Castiel/Dean Winchester (237)
Fluff and Angst:
Castiel/Dean Winchester (2651)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (1397)
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (1362)
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (1275)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers (1227)
Angst with a Happy Ending:  
Castiel/Dean Winchester (1492)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (1117)
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (808)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers (764)
Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov (679)
Attempt at Humor:
Castiel/Dean Winchester (142)
Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung|V (136)
Min Yoongi|Suga/Park Jimin (131)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (131)
Levi/Eren Teager (130)
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (3479)
Castiel/Dean Winchester (3359)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (3279)
Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter (3121)
Steve Rogers/Tony Stark (1609)
One-sided Attraction:
Keith/Lance (Voltron) (56)
Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung|V (44)
Min Yoongi|Suga/Park Jimin (44)
Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou (32)
Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru (30)
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (5682)
Castiel/Dean Winchester (5558)
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (2720)
Levi/Eren Yeager (2197)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers (1775)
Sexual Tension:  
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (1006)
Castiel/Dean Winchester (745)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (557)  
Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter (348)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers (343)
Sexual Content:
Castiel/Dean Winchester (13362)
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (9424)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (8548)
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (8408)
Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester (6359)
Explicit Sexual Content:  
Castiel/Dean Winchester (1015)
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (936)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (587)
Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester (476)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers (435)
Shameless Smut:  
Castiel/Dean Winchester (517)
Levi/Eren Yeager (234)
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (201)
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (175)
Female Inquisitor/Cullen Rutherford (142)
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (2891)
Castiel/Dean Winchester (2671)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (1701)
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (1658)
Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester (1171)
Semi-Public Sex:
Castiel/Dean Winchester (314)
Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter (149)
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (146)
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (143)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (136)
Fluff and Smut:
Castiel/Dean Winchester (1592)
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (1132)
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (696)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers (608)
Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov (549)
Castiel/Dean Winchester (12716)
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (10105)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (7961)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers (6152)
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (5939)
Panic Attacks:
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (1052)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers (461)
Castiel/Dean Winchester (457)
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (226)
Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov (225)
Light Angst:
Castiel/Dean Winchester (1207)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (786)
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (739)
Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov (671)
Keith/Lance (Voltron) (628)
Castiel/Dean Winchester (500)
Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou (486)
Keith/Lance (Voltron) (420)
Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku (380)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers (368)
Castiel/Dean Winchester (5112)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (3854)
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (3705)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers (2830)
Steve Rogers/Tony Stark (1964)
Emotional Hurt/Comfort:  
Castiel/Dean Winchester (1751)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (1252)
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (1029)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers (853)
Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester (587)
Castiel/Dean Winchester (1184)
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (804)
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (697)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (567)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers (549)
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (1579)
Castiel/Dean Winchester (1470)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers (815)
Josh Dun/Tyler Joseph (732)
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (693)
Graphic Depictions of Violence:
Castiel/Dean Winchester (4737)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (3728)
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (2632)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers (2353)
Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter (2318)
Major Character Death:
Castiel/Dean Winchester (3786)
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (2407)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (1844)
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (1309)
Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter (1251)
Castiel/Dean Winchester (1801)
Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester (1350)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (1301)
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (1026)
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (870)
Castiel/Dean Winchester (330)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers (158)
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (126)
Min Yoongi|Suga/Park Jimin (96)
Levi/Eren Teager (76)
Underage Drinking:  
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (355)
Castiel/Dean Winchester (315)
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (177)
Keith/Lance (Voltron) (163)
Marco Bott/Jean Kirstein (124)
Alternate Universe:
Castiel/Dean Winchester (21069)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (15271)
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (10213)
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (8737)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers (8203)
Alternate Universe – Mob
Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov (151)
Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky (83)
Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier (72)
Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung|V (71)
Steve Rogers/Tony Stark (69)
Organized Crime:
Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov (295)
Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung|V (179)
Kim Namhoon|Rap Monster/Kim Seokjin|Jin (170)
Castiel/Dean Winchester (157)
Min Yoongi|Suga/Park Jimin (142)
Alternate Universe – Modern Setting:
Enjolras/Grantaire (3527)
Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin) (3343)
Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin (2888)
Levi/Eren Yeager (2642)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers (2143)
Alternate Universe – Royalty:
Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov (205)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (180)
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (150)
Kim Namhoon|Rap Monster/Kim Seokjin|Jin (63)
Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky (49)
Alternate Universe - College/University:
Castiel/Dean Winchester (2109)
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (1353)
Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung|V (1223)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (1193)
Keith/Lance (Voltron) (1169)
Alternate Universe – Soulmates:  
Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov (437)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (384)
Castiel/Dean Winchester (368)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers (367)
Min Yoongi|Suga/Park Jimin (303)
Soulmate-Identifying Marks:
James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers (261)
Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers (180)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Darcy Lewis (179)
Castiel/Dean Winchester (158)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (150)
Keith/Lance (Voltron) (204)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (153)
Castiel/Dean Winchester (123)
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (113)
Nanase Haruka/Tachibana Makoto (106)
Murder Mystery:
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (85)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (58)
Sherlock Holmes & John Watson (31)
Castiel/Dean Winchester (20)
Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper (17)
Castiel/Dean Winchester (509)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (500)
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (227)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers (148)
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (140)
Blood Magic:  
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (47)
Fenris/Female Hawke (26)
Fenris/Male Hawke (25)
Iron Bull/Dorian Pavus (22)
Male Inquisitor/Dorian Pavus (21)
Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics:
Castiel/Dean Winchester (2377)
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (1269)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (1262)
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (830)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers (803)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (2739)
Castiel/Dean Winchester (666)
Allison Argent/Scott McCall (508)
Vernon Boyd/Erica Reyes (388)
Lydia Martin/Jackson Whittemore (316)
Mating Cycles/In Heat:
Castiel/Dean Winchester (580)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (493)
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (281)
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (278)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers (217)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (1504)
Castiel/Dean Winchester (1471)
Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter (1240)
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (1219)
Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki (727)
How Do I Tag:
Castiel/Dean Winchester (311)
Keith/Lance (Voltron) (280)
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (250)
Min Yoongi|Suga/Park Jimin (240)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (197)
I Will Go Down With This Ship:
Castiel/Dean Winchester (74)
Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter (57)
Min Yoongi|Suga/Park Jimin (30)
Kylo Ren/Rey (29)
Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood (27)
462 notes · View notes
wrathofthestag · 6 years
WIP Meme
I was tagged by @doggernaut - Thanks for the tag. :) Whoa, Nelly!  The number of WIPs I have is ridiculous.  I’m worried, folks...
If I start grad school in September, I can’t imagine any of them being worked on—much less finished. I probably won't be doing much ficcing anymore, to be honest. :( Farewell, dear WIPs. You have until September to see the light of day.  There’s one I definitely want to finish before then.
Your Sweetheart -  Jack and Bitty head to Savannah, Georgia so MooMaw can meet Jack.  Moomaw is now living with her high school sweetheart (who is loaded.)  They were forced to break up because of prejudice.  Jack and Bitty stay with them.  Imagine all the quirkiness from Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, without the murder.
“Dicky,  I want to meet your sweetheart.”
“What?” Bitty whispered into the phone.
“My little pecan pie, now your mama might be blind as a bat and not see what’s right in front of her but I wasn’t born yesterday.  So… Dicky, I want to meet your sweetheart.”
“Yes, MooMaw.”
That evening, as Jack spread Bitty onto their bed and pressed kisses into his neck, Jack noticed some tension in Bitty.
“What’s wrong, Bits?”
Bitty looked up and said, “So… MooMaw called me today.”
Jack sat up, “Okay?”
“And… I guess she knows about us because she said, ‘Dicky, I want to meet your sweetheart.’”
“And that’s bad, why?” Jack asked with a frown.
“Well it’s not bad per se, I’m just worried,” Bitty said as he fiddled with the hem of his t-shirt.
“I don’t think she’s going to be disapproving if she wants to actually meet me, right?”
“I guess -- I just feel weird that she gets this before my parents, you know?”
“You can just tell your parents, bud.  I’m not pushing you into anything you’re not ready for, but that is one alternative,” Jack said then leaned in to kiss Bitty’s forehead.
“Or,” Bitty said tentatively, “she can be a good litmus test for how they’ll react and then we can go from there.”
Jack wrapped his arms around Bitty.  
“Whatever you decide, Bits, I’m with you 110%,” Jack said as Bitty snuggled deeper into his chest.
The other WIP I have on the back burner that I would love to finish is The Secret Life of Eric Bittle. A little play on canon history where 16-year-old Dicky gets a scholarship and goes away to a figure skating camp in New York City for two weeks.  He’ll no know one there, who is he, what he has and hasn’t done, and has decided that he’ll finally kiss a boy and flirt like there’s no tomorrow.  
It would be two glorious weeks. No one knew who he was, where he came from, or where he was going. He could be anyone he wanted to be. And glory be, thank the lord, that’s exactly what he was going to do.
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khashanakalashtar · 4 years
Writing tag game
Tagged by @the-lincyclopedia​; thanks, Lin, this was fun!
AO3 name: Khashana. This account ought to be Khashana as well, but it was already taken. It looks like that account name might be freed up again, but I’m slightly attached to this one now.
Fandoms: Reading: Avatar: The Last Airbender, with footholds in Supernatural and Check, Please!
Writing: Mostly Check, Please! for the past several years. Previous fandoms I’ve written for include the MCU, Sherlock, Harry Potter, Star Trek, and Doctor Who.
Tropes: Fluff and angst. Complex emotions. Mental illness?
Number of fics: 68 on AO3, which goes up to 90 if you count in my podfics. 2 on FFN which never made it to AO3.
Fic I spent the most time on: What is time, even? I know it took me so long to finish Slip that I started posting it as a WIP to force myself to write the end. Carbon Leaf has a Date Updated almost a year after its Date Published on FFN. I don’t know how long it took to write New Face of Failure but I know it cost me far more than it should in tears.
Fic I spent the least time on: Has to be Now What?, one of a couple that were written all in one sitting (each).
Longest fic: Direction to Perfection. 28K. (Which looks so puny next to the fic I’m reading, which is 700k!)
Shortest fic: Now What? again. 213 words.
Most hits/kudos/comment threads/bookmarks: ...do I have to, like, add the reviews from FFN to the comments/kudos from AO3? Probably Slip. 653 kudos, 37 comments, 11542 hits (AO3 stats), 133 reviews, 333 favorites (FFN stats). Simply most kudos is Five Queer Avengers and One Straight One (750).
Total word count: 277,381 between all the published fics.
Favorite fic I wrote: Direction to Perfection maybe. That was the fic I wanted someone to write but nobody else had done it so I had to do it. Let Kent be flawed and bad for Jack! Let him be a person whose self-defense mechanism involves finding the words that will hurt someone most and turning them into weapons! And let him be worth saving anyway! (I am not the only person who has written this dynamic. But I think I am the only person who wrote it with Bitty as the person with the ability to calm both Kent and Jack’s natural self-defense mechanisms and explain them to each other, allowing the relationship to still be viable long enough for them to figure out how to do it for themselves.)
I’m also very attached to its sequel, Don’t Need to Compromise. That was a gift for @halfdesertedstreets, but what she wanted was for me to write a fic I’d teased on Discord <3. And she picked up everything I was trying to put down with it, calling it “a messy, shuddering, honest coming to terms with who they were.” It might be a tie between those two.
Oh, and then there was New Face of Failure, despite the pain it cost me and the fact it was a very specific prompt so I can’t take credit for any of the idea, just the execution. But for all I struggled with it, I really like how it turned out.
Fic I want to rewrite/expand on: I never did finish True-Blue Sub, and I still want to, despite being several years out of that fandom. It functions as a complete story, so I don’t feel guilty about not having done it, but it isn’t done.
Share a bit of a WIP or story idea you’re working on: I’ve shared several bits of the as-yet untitled sequel to New Face of Failure, but here’s some more:
Now that he wasn’t being called out in front of the team, Bitty was perky, extroverted and friendly. “Listen, I was wondering, I had a question. Or, not a question, really, more of a general sort of curiosity, you know, not that you have to answer anything, of course, I don’t want to be nosy, and he is my captain, but I can’t exactly ask him, he’s so intense, is he always this intense? I don’t know how I’ll make it through this season if he is--”
“Bitty,” Kent interrupted, stifling a smile. “You had a question. About Jack?”
“Well, sort of. About—about--”
“Me and Jack?”
Bitty’s cheeks pinked, and he stuffed his hands in his pockets and nodded.
“He’s really—gay?” he asked in a small voice.
“Bisexual,” said Kent. “I’m gay, though. And yeah, we’re really dating. We’ve been together since 2010, more or less. It’s common knowledge on campus, but don’t go mentioning it to Deadspin or anything.”
“Wow,” Bitty said, voice almost a whisper.
They were quiet for perhaps another thirty seconds, which Kent was starting to get the impression was a long time for Bitty.
“I, um. I am too,” said Bitty at last. “Um. Gay. I’m gay.” He stopped walking and let out his breath in a whoosh. “Wow. I’ve never said that before. Ever.”
Kent felt something warm curl up in his chest. He was this kid’s first coming out.
Getting tired of angsting over tagging people in these so here you are @sexydexynurse cause you responded to the last one I did and @halfdesertedstreets cause I mentioned you above
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AU where they all have a Youtube game channel
in a universe where Jack never went to Samwell...
Jack listens to podcasts during roadies, while running, at home to fill the silence, all the time. At some point he feels like he listened to every podcast and video  about history the Internet had to offer, when Youtube suggests a little gem:
Video Games Shit with Ransom and Holster
The name doesn’t interest him, until he sees that it was about the Hockey game where he supposedly starred. (Tater kept telling him to check it out, he never did.)
He watched it and was delighted to see it had some history of hockey, and even some history of hockey games. Jack, being 110%, listened to the entire series.
He learned they were part of a video community called The Haus, and that other vloggers produced content along the same lines. Soon enough, the voices of strangers filled his days, and they soothed him, even when they were yelling obscenities about blue shells. 
There was the group named The Frogs, where two of them played versus games and argued incessantly, while a third one acted as a referee with a sunny voice that failed to hide his biting remarks.
For Shits and Giggles was an interesting series that analysed representation in games with foul language that became almost pornographic when the games were actually good.
Lardo’s channel was one of Jack’s favourites. She talked in a low and steady voice, killing zombies without blinking. She had a four hour let’s play of a pong game where she ranted about art history, which Jack listened to when he was feeling anxious. She also made those short paint mixing videos without a sound, and Jack spent an entire night watching them all.
The last youtuber was something of a challenge for Jack. He looked and sounded nice enough, played the cutest games with the wittiest commentary, but his accent was so strong that Jack had trouble understanding most of it. Since Jack hated leaving things uncompleted, he made a point to listen to every video twice, or even three times, until he understood every word.
All that would have stopped there if it weren’t for a reporter-
‘So, Jack, anything you’ve been following, recently?’
‘I, huh, been listening to these videos? About games. The Haus. They’re pretty great.’
‘HA!’ yells Snowy from next to him. ‘You spent all last flight watching the same vid, over and over again- I bet they’re pretty great!’
At the reporter’s look, Jack felt flustered.
‘It’s the accent. Heu, Bitty’s, specifically. It’s hard for me to understand him, but I’m getting better.’
At this point, the interview shifts to hockey, and nothing else would have come of it,
if it wasn’t for Eric Bittle to die of mortification when his favourite hockey crush mentioned him by name because he watched his videos so many times because he couldn’t understand a word he said. 
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