commodorecliche · 2 years
hey hey! theres a new erg out called the ergatta? what do you think of it? i know right off the rip that its super expensive but i was wondering what other thoughts you may have
oh wow I actually just recently heard about this! I haven't tested it, actually, so I don't have any opinions on its mechanics or how it feels as a rowing machine. it looks neat, for sure, but my first though when I saw it was that it looks really.....dated? like, it reminds me of the old wooden HEAVY AS FUCK boats I used to row in way back in the day. doubt I'd buy one for myself but I'm definitely down to try it. concept2 will always be the gold standard in my heart though!
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wrillr · 5 months
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insomniac-arrest · 4 months
RIP to the hour we lost
you were innocent girl, we just don't know how to act 😔
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kithtaehyung · 1 year
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AGUST D : HAEGEUM (奚琴) POSTER SET 2  ⤷ 23.04.21 1PM KST | ig ; twt (click for hi-res)
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velaraffricate · 8 months
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oddverse · 28 days
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@araccoonthatlikesmurder I answered this completely forgetting about a very specific post I made years ago - I can’t begin to fish for it but in a nutshell it was pointing out Pescis fashion sense actually could interpreted as wrestle glam
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Just Look at this one
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Just put a fur coat on him and it’s the same outfit
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nedermemes · 1 month
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nerflufser · 4 months
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I turned zip into a thingamajig
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skellydun · 7 months
im going to a happy hour type thing at a hockey arena that includes a tour of the Penguins locker room and all I'm going to be thinking about is how people think they fuck each other in there
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tomatoart · 1 year
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harvestmoth · 8 months
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hi spoiler embargo ended. get rejuv blasted
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oddverse · 1 month
On the subject of my library of alexandria level loss i wanted to post a little bit i had saved on the computer-
working title 'Don't Talk (Put Your Head on My Shoulder)'
September, 2000
'bro!' 2:21
'try and come over later!' 2:21
Prosciutto is already rolling his eyes at the small cellphone, Pesci knows just how much the pet names peeve him off ;"bro!", "dude!", "dawg!", etc. etc.!
'Not even a capitalization either…'
He ought to ignore the message outright just to spite him, but they both know he's not going to do that. He'd never act like it around the rest of the squad but Pesci knows just how fond his "Bossman" is of him. Prosciutto huffs in defeat at that, testing the call button with his thumbnail, he wants to know just what his coworker has planned for tonight.
Ring~  ring~  ring~ ring ~
Ring~  ring~  ri-
Clap! Snapping the phone shut!
'I bought him the damned thing so he'd use it!'
Tossing the little brick out of his sight, landing it somewhere on the living rooms futon, he abandons the source of frustration turning his attention to himself and making for the bathroom mirror now. He expects a little more attentiveness from his 'student'. Leaning into the glass and scanning his face for any blemish he might miss. He scoffs aloud at the thought, finally removing hair pins set from the night before.
'Student! That mama's boy is a head taller than me!'. Blonde locks falling after each pin. 
It was actually about twelve cm, but that mohawk he sports could give him the extra dozen to make it so, dwarfing near everyone in the room. Though, Pesci was tall when they first met, maybe not quite as broad then, you'd never be able to tell back then with how much the young man hunched and hid behind his own size. 'How disappointing…' was all Prosciutto could recall.
Risotto was not too fond of taking in another stray after he had just gotten Melone, their previous newbie, settled in and going solo. Even if he already had the stand, even if he had landed right into their palms, Nero was nothing if not selective.
"This is not the YMCA."
"The Squadra has no room for a common thug."
"We have just weened that new one off of Gelato."
The sheer potential swayed their capo in the end, perhaps worn down by Prosciuttos insistence. It was better that way, rid the chance of meeting again with the competition.
"If I do this it is your responsibility to have him aware of what we are, what we do, and what will be expected of him in the future, I will set up the apprenticeship but after that this will be your project alone. I will not tolerate failure on either part."
Prosciutto remembers the delight in his face. His very own project.
Oblivious to the smile appearing from the memory, he's near finished with his own coiffure, both hands working behind his head to twist and pin the last of his hair into the several tight buns, not a strand out of place. Subtle pride swelling at a job well done. Pesci once said he recognized it, the style, what he was going for that is, from a magazine he'd seen some time ago. Gucci or Versace, he couldn’t quite remember, but that was enough to intrigue Prosciutto, Pesci wasn't incorrect and similar tastes could spell good team work, synergy. Perhaps it did work since now he's watching himself in the mirror get ready for a playdate he hasn’t even accepted invitation from yet. 'Sucker.' he thinks, no he's got a better one. ‘More like hook, line, and sinker.'... Clever…
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lordofthesoups · 11 months
Why do all the outer gods of Cthulhu mythos sound so gender though? Your telling me I’m meant to be disgusted and horrified by this?? No, no I just want to look like that.
Some of my personal favourites include:
• Cxaxukluth- “an amorphous, writhing mass of bubbling, nuclear, protoplasmic-gel.” • Aletheia- “a vast spiral of manifold titanic hands with a single cycloptic eye in each palm, and kilometric wire-like protrusions.”
• Ialdagorth- “a black, shapeless, malevolent mist. The sight of such a fiend is unsettling if not traumatising.”
• The Blackness from the Stars- “an immobile blob of living, sentient darkness.”
Now if thats not gender i don’t know what is!
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dutchmemes · 1 year
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Kwam deze tegen en lag helemaal in een deuk.
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doublydaring · 3 months
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and if i could take only as much as i needed. i would take everything you had.
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real-bucky-barnes · 5 months
My new rowing machine came in today. My account needs a screen name. Me and Stevie can’t figure out a good one, any ideas?
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