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intijatim2022 · 6 months ago
Sebanyak 8,8 Juta Hektare Bidang Tanah Terdaftar dari Reforma Agraria, Kementerian ATR/BPN Sempurnakan Sampai Akhir Tahun
JAKARTA | INTIJATIM.ID – Bulan Oktober 2024, menjadi pengujung bagi Program Percepatan Reforma Agraria (PPRA), yang dilaksanakan dengan kerja sama bersama World Bank. Direktur Jenderal Survei dan Pemetaan Pertanahan dan Ruang (Dirjen SPPR), Virgo Eresta Jaya menginstruksikan jajarannya untuk dapat memberikan akhir yang sempurna bagi program ini. “Program bersama World Bank ini memang lebih berat…
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nusatimesid · 6 months ago
Hadiri FMB9, Dirjen SPPR Kementerian ATR/BPN: Kebijakan Satu Peta Mendesak dan Penting
Nusatimes.id – Kebijakan Satu Peta (One Map Policy) merupakan kebijakan yang mendesak dan penting, termasuk bagi Kementerian Agraria dan Tata Ruang/Badan Pertanahan Nasional (ATR/BPN). Hal ini diungkapkan Direktur Jenderal Survei dan Pemetaan Pertanahan dan Ruang (SPPR), Virgo Eresta Jaya saat menjadi narasumber dalam dialog Forum Merdeka Barat 9 (FMB9) Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika pada…
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se-ono-waise-ilia · 3 years ago
Anyone else find themselves craving more Nesta x Eris time?
It would have been so interesting for her to reject her bond with Cassian to choose the life her mother had planned for her.
To see her enter a loveless marriage with Eris and play the part of future high lord's wife and help him rise to power.
To see her go to all the waltzes and political meetings and secret alliances. They would have made a spectacular team.
I applaud Nesta being a Valkyrie, but warrior Nesta doesn't seem quite as thrilling as Eris's wife, or High Lady of the Autumn Court, or Queen of conquered lands Eris and her would win together.
And the villain of the series is no longer some mysterious wizard, but Nesta, death god. Her cauldron given powers taking over her soul, the last shreds of her humanity. Consuming any last shred of goodness.
For the possibility of them both becoming power hungry antagonists, enabling each other's misery and ambition. Eris gradually realizing how truly dangerous his wife is. Death a constant companion.
His wife being his own death.
Nesta being so lost that she kills Amren.
And then finally having a Rhys vs. Nesta battle.
Most powerful high lord in history vs. a death god.
And only then, somehow she and Cassian connect once more.
And in the darkest timeline, Nesta calls in that bargain, that one favor: Cassian to kill her so she doesn't kill Rhys and therefore Feyre. And he does, heart breaking.
Oh, the angst.
I get that the plot required Nesta to be a part of the Night Court for the story to end as it did. But if there had been time to give us more Eresta, damn that would have been a beautiful tragedy to read.
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bleakdecember · 4 years ago
Attack Titans and their Queens
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From time immemorial holders of the Attack Titan had an inexplicable weakness for the heiresses of the royal family.
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dplusaring · 3 years ago
If Nessian is endgame, I want a rewrite of ACOSF.
Okay but did you see that podcast Sarah j maas did and she talked about the nessian book and said that nessian is endgame and there are lots of sex scenes?
Hi, no I didn’t see the podcast and only found out that Nessian has been confirmed as endgame from another ask.
But if that’s true then I’m probably going to commit to my plan of not reading the Nessian book.
As much as I love Nesta I’m just not sure I can stomach Cassian with Nesta. I’m too invested in Eris and Nesta being together now, aha. Plus, I feel like I’ve gone off of S.J.Maas, which is a shame because her concepts are good, she has some great characters and is a good writer but I feel like she has been doing each of these things injustices in her work lately. And I also feel like sex scenes aren’t necessary tbh, I’m not saying that it doesn’t happen but you don’t have to write every detail and none of it has ever added to the story. I was able to completely skip over the scenes like this included in her last book and I didn’t miss anything plot wise or in character development so what was the point in them?
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444names · 3 years ago
brythonic deities + tolkien fiction names of unknown origin + black speech names
Abeorn Abnod Abnos Abnotatis Abuluxena Abuxendena Adbugbúrz Adbuxenus Adonasgus Adonnis Adonnus Adonos Adonus Adorgul Adorleg Adron Aerimbis Aernextiria Aeron Aertriga Agasts Agrab Agrastris Agroc Agrus Alastrigast Alens Alenus Amarushnákh Ampesul Ancadata Ancasgush Andamaus Andatucamul Anisagramog Anius Ankil Anlocimbag Anlonnach Annos Anobagrus Anobarn Antia Antria Aranlotou Arannia Arduf Ardufagrus Arduis Aridius Arnae Arnus Arosegoi Arotus Artara Artarn Artianobis Arudiush Atobishnákh Atushnákh Auhúrz Ausis Ausisanus Avalas Avalasgil Avalis Avaltio Avankilena Avanus Avena Avenaeris Aventarab Avenuns Avenus Averiga Aveteponaer Avetishnákh Azogus Azogush Baglûg Bagrauf Barvos Beasgashgol Beast Beastasts Beaste Belas Belatarius Belatirith Belauf Belioseg Belis Bellatios Bellisantia Bello Belloc Bellos Beorba Beorgoi Beorgus Beorlens Beornast Beornus Beorrus Beorvos Bollasgus Bollus Borast Boratia Borgus Borigasguns Boris Borish Borlentis Borlenus Borlo Bornus Borrus Brigas Brintiros Britannus Bugbúrzlug Butch Buthak Buthful Buthrobius Butian Butiomar Butis Buxovaltis Buxovannis Búrzlugus Camarnus Cambuxenach Camornus Canianusis Carvenaers Celatuceta Cerie Cetianos Ciconus Cidamorna Cidarnus Cidinach Cidinunnus Cidius Cimbelis Cimbell Cimmogus Clocimmogul Closegoi Cocicur Cocius Colfimbius Collatios Collo Conach Conuns Conus Covalatus Covin Coviris Covius Dagra Damarus Dandenus Dankil Dankilenach Dartios Dartrithag Darum Darus Datis Eilegoi Eilena Eilenaeris Eilens Eilentiris Eilenus Erebius Erelinder Erelio Erellonos Erellus Eressonnus Eresta Esgasts Esgil Esgileris Esgullisson Esgullo Essios Essonos Essontarona Essonus Esucamul Fagluis Faglúk Faith Faithus Faitissis Fancadsus Fandam Fandericoc Fandros Fankilens Fannis Fannus Fanod Forrus Forveta Galtia Gazmo Gazmogmios Gazmonus Gazmos Golfimbrish Gollintiros Gollio Gollisama Gollo Gollonnus Golloth Gollus Gorban Gorgoi Gorgunusull Gorios Gorithaglûg Gornach Gornaers Gornagarab Gornus Gorrus Gorvers Grabuxenach Gradbush Gramonasga Grankouta Grannos Gricoc Grimbeorab Grina Grita Grius Groborgomo Gutaramarus Hueta Huetintucar Huetis Huetta Husio Indar Innus Iovalinus Lagûl Lambus Lamedarnus Lamnae Lamog Lamogus Lamorgus Lampes Lamul Laramos Larauf Larnaer Laroseg Lasta Latisagrond Latonus Latus Laveris Lavettartri Lenthak Leris Lernus Leucandata Lonnos Lugbúrzlug Lugdufagdus Lugduin Lugdus Lugus Lurangerius Luxenach Luxoveton Luxovitar Maniae Mapomorn Mapon Mapontia Mardus Maufaga Mauhúrz Mauns Minaer Minaglugus Minnus Mogus Montata Morguns Moricolg Mornusios Morrus Morvete Mullon Mulug Muluis Muluxenus Muzga Muzgasterin Nagar Nagluinach Naniannus Nanodens Nanus Nemar Nemarum Nemernach Nemetia Neria Nessonach Netis Nextis Nextisamo Nobor Notater Nuinnus Nuinus Ogmiosegus Orlend Orlenus Orlios Orlis Orloc Orlos Radamog Radatonach Radbus Radramorn Radramulur Ranotus Rashnákh Rastepon Rimbarn Rimbel Rimbriganus Rimbugdusio Rimmo Rushgomo Rusio Sarab Sarnagara Sarus Segoi Segullo Segus Segusus Shagarus Shagunnus Shorgusus Shorlios Shorna Shorrus Shorvos Slata Slaternus Slatobornus Slaunus Smedonia Smedorn Smetatio Smetio Snach Sucamark Sucerian Sucetioseg Taranod Tarvos Tentis Tobius Tondroth Tonus Touthag Toutia Towerinta Towern Towernus Towers Trabarna Trabel Tramna Trech Tresteris Tritiris Ufthfull Uglug Uglus Ugluxena Uglûn Umbel Umbelavena Umbis Umbri Umbug Umbus Vendonos Ventria Venus Vernus Verotuceris Veter Vetinoder Vetirinna Vetta Vherin Vhete Vhetis Vinna Vinnia Vinnus Vinos Vintinoseg Vintis Vintrebis Viridagûl Virinod Virithful Virota Vishgoi Vissios Vissona Visus Vithak Woodena Woodendina Wooderie Yaglúk Yagrata Zagrabnos Zagus
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littleprincejd · 3 years ago
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Eresta House Location: #Lebanon Architect: @platau Photo: @wissam.chaaya See my IGTV @littlprincejs for project video 📹 ⠀⠀⠀ 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤⠀⠀⠀ 🔗 All rights and credits reserved to the respective owner(s).⠀⠀⠀ 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤⠀⠀⠀ DM for credit or removal. ✌︎(‘ω’✌︎ )⠀⠀⠀ Follow @littleprincejs 👑 ⠀⠀⠀ #jovialstudios #modernarchitecture #Instagramming #concretearchitecture #archimodel #architecture #architect #architecturestudent #architecturemodel #designer #bitcoincitadel #interiordesign #concretehouse #beautifularchitecture #modernhouse (at Lebanon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdJFzZVOnKJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kanwilbpnbengkulu · 3 years ago
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#Repost @kementerian.atrbpn • • • • • • Dalam upaya menuntaskan pendaftaran tanah di seluruh Indonesia, Kementerian Agraria dan Tata Ruang/Badan Pertanahan Nasional (ATR/BPN) mendorong pemetaan bidang tanah secara lengkap di setiap kabupaten/kota. Untuk mewujudkan hal tersebut, Direktorat Jenderal Survei dan Pemetaan Pertanahan dan Ruang (Ditjen SPPR) menyelenggarakan Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Penyusunan Norma Standar Prosedur dan Kriteria (NSPK) Perbaikan Data Pertanahan Menuju Kota Lengkap dengan Block Adjustment di The Alana Hotel and Convention Center, Solo pada Rabu (27/04/2022). Dalam arahannya, Plt. Direktur Jenderal SPPR Kementerian ATR/BPN, Virgo Eresta Jaya mengharapkan, dengan adanya pertemuan ini dapat menentukan target penyelesaian pendaftaran tanah kota lengkap. "Saya berharap pertemuan ini bisa menghasilkan suatu kerangka kegiatan pendaftaran tanah kota lengkap, sehingga bisa mendapat quick win di beberapa kota lengkap dalam waktu satu tahun ini," ujar Virgo Eresta Jaya yang hadir secara daring pada FGD di Solo. Direktur Pengukuran dan Pemetaan Kadastral pada Ditjen SPPR Kementerian ATR/BPN, Tri Wibisono dalam laporannya mengatakan bahwa menuju Indonesia lengkap, Kementerian ATR/BPN telah melakukan kegiatan Pendaftaran Tanah Sistematis Lengkap (PTSL) dan kabupaten/kota lengkap. Namun dalam perjalanannya, masih dibutuhkan perbaikan pada data yang dihasilkan dari kegiatan PTSL. Berita selengkapnya kunjungi www.atrbpn.go.id #KementerianATRBPN #MelayaniProfesionalTerpercaya #MajuDanModern #MenujuPelayananKelasDunia https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc5qlgnJU56/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ase-trollplays · 7 years ago
-- euphoniousElite [EE] began messaging tapeFace [TF] --
-- euphoniousElite [EE] began messaging tapeFace [TF] --
EE: Evening cap✝ain ;)
TF: Sup, my new dude? B)
EE: No✝hin' much, jus✝ ✝hough✝ I'd ✝ry my hand a✝ ✝his whole MAKING NEW FRIENDS ✝hing or wha✝ever
EE: ✝here's some✝hing poe✝ically s✝range abou✝ ✝he username ✝apeFace so
TF: ∩(▰˘◡˘▰)∩ It's like a song, short and sweet
TF: My name's (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ~『✧~*Cacoph*~✧』
TF: ★~(◡ω◕✿) What's your name, friendo?
EE: Lu! You can call me Lu.
TF: (⌐■ω■)b noice
TF: So how's life treating you, Lu? ( ˘▽˘)っ
EE: Well if I'm hones✝, could be a lo✝ be✝✝er :S Bu✝ ✝here's no sense in dwelling on ✝he nega✝ive!
EE: Hand I've been deal✝ as of la✝e is ✝he shi✝✝ies✝ I've had in a long ✝ime.
TF: Damn, that super sucks. (✿◕︿◕)つ
TF: ✺◟( • ω • )◞✺ I hope everything works out!
EE: I'm sure i✝ will in ✝he end. Long s✝ory shor✝, my ma✝e up and wen✝ missing and is probably dead. I ✝hink I'm coming ✝o ✝erms wi✝h i✝ ✝hough.
EE: I've made a lo✝ of new friends la✝ely, so ✝hey're all helping me adjus✝.
EE: I'm in a new place ✝oo..
TF: Oh shit, that -super- sucks. (╯︵╰,) I'm real sorry to hear that, though it's good you have friends to help you cope and move on. (´。• ᵕ •。`)
EE: Hell yeah! Cuz like wi✝hou✝ friends, wha✝'s life even for?
TF: I hear you. (´∩`。) Even the sickest pranks and hilarious jokes mean nothing if you've got no one to share the fun with.
EE: ✝hen you're jus✝ laughing by yourself... ✝ha✝'s never fun.
EE: Jus✝ kinda sad.
TF: The saddest I can imagine. 。・゚゚・(>д<)・゚゚・。
EE: Wha✝ abou✝ you? How's life?
TF: Pretty good. Trying to figure out what to do with my lusus. (๑_๑)
TF: I'm getting some kinda gross chest cold, and I don't want to hurt him coughing and make his third head deaf.
EE: Oh shi✝, you would deafen him? ✝ha✝'s nu✝s!
TF: Yeah, it's not great. My handle is kinda literal. I have vocal psionics that make my voice literally painful. 。゚・ (>﹏<) ・゚。 At my loudest, I could probably pop someone's head.
TF: So to avoid accidents, I tape my mouth shut. ✧・゚:*✧・゚:*\(◕ヮ◕)/ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
EE: Alrigh✝ ✝ha✝'s less cool, bu✝ we all do wha✝ we go✝✝a do, huh.
EE: As a boring ass seadweller wi✝h no cool powers, I'm always fascina✝ed hearing abou✝ ✝hem.
TF: I'd rather have no powers than what I got stuck with. (◕﹏◕✿) It gets annoying sometimes when you can't talk. I can't even whisper.
TF: It gives people tinnitis after a while
EE: I be✝ i✝ would be real rough on me ✝hen. Go✝ super sensi✝ive hearing.
TF: oh god (⊙∩⊙) das no good
EE: I✝ comes in handy more of✝en ✝han no✝! Bu✝ some✝imes ✝hings can ge✝ overwhelming.
EE: I imagine i✝'s only worse for my sis✝er :P She's blind, so hearing is basically ✝he way she func✝ions. Her's is more sensi✝ive ✝han mine
TF: Oh man, that sounds awful
EE: Yeah probably.
TF: wait
TF: Sister? (≖︿≖✿)
TF: You actually met one of your ancestor's other descendants??
TF: Or do you mean sister in a figurative way
EE: Aaaaaahhh i✝'s kind of a long s✝ory? Or maybe no✝ really a long one, bu✝ hard ✝o believe
EE: Video game levels of weird.
TF: Lay it on me. ᕙ( •̀ ︿•́ )ᕗ I can take it
EE: OKAY. Well! I'm no✝ from ✝his ✝imeline. My ma✝e and I did a lo✝ of ✝ime ✝ravel and universe hopping, bu✝ one of our experimen✝s wen✝ awry and he wen✝ missing. I ✝ried ✝o recrea✝e ✝he experimen✝ bu✝ i✝ brough✝ me here. My sis✝er and I are ac✝ually ✝he same person, only I'm from ano✝her ✝imeline.
TF: (⊙O⊙)!!!
TF: Oh snap I'm friends with a time traveling universe hopper!
EE: ✝his nigh✝ jus✝ keeps ge✝✝ing cooler, huh.
TF: Heck yeah! I gotta tell my boi about this!
TF: Or will that cause some kinda horrible time paradox (⊙︿⊙) Like in the sci-fi movies
EE: Nah, should be fine. I ✝hink.
EE: I already me✝ ✝he me from ✝his ✝imeline, I ✝hink if some✝hing weird was gonna happen, i✝'d have happened.
TF: (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ~『✧~*SWEET*~✧』
TF: Also
TF: I can't believe multiverse theory was right (⊙o⊙)
EE: I know, i✝'s crazy!
TF: I wonder what alternate me is like (≖︿≖✿) I hope he didn't go the angst route after his psionics activated
TF: Or get his vocal cords removed or something (ノ◕△◕)ノ
TF: I dunno if they exist where you came from, but if you ever meet a dude named Floren Eresta
TF: R U N . (⊙∩⊙)
EE: Oh shi✝ D:
EE: I ✝ake i✝ ✝his person is bad news?
TF: Apparently dude kidnaps and tortures.
TF: Or used to, I guess? Apparently they're trying to stop being terrible, but I dunno if it'll stick. (≖︿≖)
EE: Holy shi✝.
EE: Any idea wha✝ ✝hey look like?
TF: ngl They're hella pretty. (⁄ ⁄• ⁄ ⁄_ ⁄ ⁄•⁄ ⁄)
TF: They're a seadweller with robot legs and frilly stripy fins and long flowy curlish hair and glasses
TF: Their horns also kinda curl forward and have this random spike on the side
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onlineedirne · 6 years ago
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İstanbul Sefaköy den 6 nisan cumartesi günü saat 18 00 da yola çıkıp Edirne Eresta AVM ye geleceğim.3 kişilik yerim var aracımda mazota destek olabilecek arkadaşlar beğensin veya yorum yapsın ben dönüş yapacağım. Site: www.onlineedirne.com Online Edirne (Edirne) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv3PCacBBpM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1m93dn0ez8ib9
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syamfine · 5 years ago
RT plndisjatim " Mohon dukungannya untuk memperlancar pembangunan ini,” tandas Nyoman. Menyambut dengan positif, Plt. Kakanwil BPN Provinsi Jatim, Virgo Eresta Jaya memaparkan, "Penandatangan Kerjasama ini sejalan dengan misi BPN yaitu melakukan sertifikasi tanah di Indones…
— Panggil Saja Sem (@_muhnursyam12) July 15, 2020
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littleprincejd · 3 years ago
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Eresta House Location: #Lebanon Architect: @platau Photo: @wissam.chaaya See my IGTV @littlprincejs for project video 📹 ⠀⠀⠀ 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤⠀⠀⠀ 🔗 All rights and credits reserved to the respective owner(s).⠀⠀⠀ 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤⠀⠀⠀ DM for credit or removal. ✌︎(‘ω’✌︎ )⠀⠀⠀ Follow @littleprincejs 👑 ⠀⠀⠀ #jovialstudios #modernarchitecture #Instagramming #concretearchitecture #archimodel #architecture #architect #architecturestudent #architecturemodel #designer #bitcoincitadel #interiordesign #concretehouse #beautifularchitecture #modernhouse (at Lebanon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdIqWPbOLTO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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littleprincejd · 3 years ago
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Eresta House Location: #Lebanon Architect: @platau Photo: @wissam.chaaya See my IGTV @littlprincejs for project video 📹 ⠀⠀⠀ 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤⠀⠀⠀ 🔗 All rights and credits reserved to the respective owner(s).⠀⠀⠀ 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤⠀⠀⠀ DM for credit or removal. ✌︎(‘ω’✌︎ )⠀⠀⠀ Follow @littleprincejs 👑 ⠀⠀⠀ #jovialstudios #modernarchitecture #Instagramming #concretearchitecture #archimodel #architecture #architect #architecturestudent #architecturemodel #designer #bitcoincitadel #interiordesign #concretehouse #beautifularchitecture #modernhouse (at Lebanon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdIqtshOc28/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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littleprincejd · 3 years ago
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Eresta House Location: #Lebanon Architect: @platau Photo: @wissam.chaaya See my IGTV @littlprincejs for project video 📹 ⠀⠀⠀ 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤⠀⠀⠀ 🔗 All rights and credits reserved to the respective owner(s).⠀⠀⠀ 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤⠀⠀⠀ DM for credit or removal. ✌︎(‘ω’✌︎ )⠀⠀⠀ Follow @littleprincejs 👑 ⠀⠀⠀ #jovialstudios #modernarchitecture #Instagramming #concretearchitecture #archimodel #architecture #architect #architecturestudent #architecturemodel #designer #bitcoincitadel #interiordesign #concretehouse #beautifularchitecture #modernhouse (at Lebanon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdIqpe8uBbQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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littleprincejd · 3 years ago
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Eresta House Location: #Lebanon Architect: @platau Photo: @wissam.chaaya See my IGTV @littlprincejs for project video 📹 ⠀⠀⠀ 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤⠀⠀⠀ 🔗 All rights and credits reserved to the respective owner(s).⠀⠀⠀ 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤⠀⠀⠀ DM for credit or removal. ✌︎(‘ω’✌︎ )⠀⠀⠀ Follow @littleprincejs 👑 ⠀⠀⠀ #jovialstudios #modernarchitecture #Instagramming #concretearchitecture #archimodel #architecture #architect #architecturestudent #architecturemodel #designer #bitcoincitadel #interiordesign #concretehouse #beautifularchitecture #modernhouse (at Lebanon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdIqlVMOGt-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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littleprincejd · 3 years ago
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Eresta House Location: #Lebanon Architect: @platau Photo: @wissam.chaaya See my IGTV @littlprincejs for project video 📹 ⠀⠀⠀ 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤⠀⠀⠀ 🔗 All rights and credits reserved to the respective owner(s).⠀⠀⠀ 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤⠀⠀⠀ DM for credit or removal. ✌︎(‘ω’✌︎ )⠀⠀⠀ Follow @littleprincejs 👑 ⠀⠀⠀ #jovialstudios #modernarchitecture #Instagramming #concretearchitecture #archimodel #architecture #architect #architecturestudent #architecturemodel #designer #bitcoincitadel #interiordesign #concretehouse #beautifularchitecture #modernhouse (at Lebanon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdIqiGSuXkE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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