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legobatjoker · 2 years ago
AGGH OLKAY this is soo bad its past midnight and i wanna get up early tmrw do like get eready and stuff soo i rly need to get to sleep agghh !! but omgiv been reading w.a.r sm aggh i just got to the bit where they kiss for the first time nd omg !! aggh also im so like. i juist realised tht like im on chap 8 and i realised tht eight is half of 16 so im halfway thru 😭 literally such an uppsettting thought for osme reason bc i dont want it to be over ??? agghhhhbut anyway OMG I NEED TO GET TO FUCKING BEDD so i will aggh but before i do ireally do just wanna say tht !! i rly did have sm fun vcing today omg like it rly was so so nice to get the chance to vc today love !! like aggh it rly was soso wonderful and lovely to get to talk with you and chat and hear ur voice love just like it rly always is dearest !! nd i hope you know tht u rly are just such a wonderful friend dearestt you really are soso thoughtful and understanding and sweet and caring to my and just make me feel soso loved and cared for and safe and supported with you and just. you rly are just soso wonderful and amazing my love and just knowing is such like an amazing incredible part of my life that brings me soso very much love and joy and light and warm into my life love and i hope you know you really do just mean the whole world to me i really do just love you soso very much dearestt mwah !! i hope ur days been good nd tht u sleep well, gnight <3 💞💞💞🌼🐞🦋🐛🌸💗🌻💖💕💕✨
yeahyeah omg i totally understand needing to get rest like that mx i rlly hope u can get good rest<333 and omgggg that really is the war dilemmna when i was reading it i was like omg omg i need to read more i need to read this all as fast as possible and at the same time i was like it cantt be over it cannnttt !!!! but yeag omggg getting to vc was sooo amazing and so fun and i really did just love it smmm and like i always love being with you like !!! youre an amazingggg wonderful friend beloved and i care sosooooo much abt uuuuu and u just are such an incredible part of my life tooo and i just !! yah i really do feel sososoo lucky to know youuuuu<3333 ilysmmmm<33<3<3<3<3
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infowaresrl · 7 years ago
Webinar del 18/07 ~ Fatturazione Elettronica Tantissimi partecipanti, grazie! #webinar #infoware #eready #eimpresa #valeria #xml #sdi #fatturaelettronica #b2b #invoice #cloud #conservazione #firmadigitale #marcatemporale #codicedestinatario #pec #formazione (presso Infoware Srl)
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slimeo-art · 3 years ago
Changed the blog name to match my signature
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maxicarecorporation · 4 years ago
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Individual and Family Healthcare Plans by Maxicare. Offering My Maxicare, Maxicare E-Ready, Maxicare EReady Advance, Maxicare PRIMA for you. Contact Us to know more about the Healthcare plans, Primary Care Center & Helpdesk, Find a Doctor / Clinic / Hospital, Availment and Reimbursement Procedures, and more. A prepaid healthcard that fits in your budget.
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milescellaneous · 5 years ago
Im fucking crying what the fuck im not eready for a new album deadass tears afd kmung iut my eyes i cant even see the ketboard what the fuck how am i gonna afford this im gonna hurl myself at a wall what the fuck
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billevable · 7 years ago
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#Maxicare ER Prepaid Healthcard (Just PM us for bulk orders) • Ideal for giveaways or gift on Christmas for your employees, friends, relatives, etc. --- EReady is a one-time medical emergency prepaid health card that covers illnesses or injuries that require immediate medical assistance. It has two variants: TITANIUM 549 (549 pesos) Access to all Maxicare-accredited hospitals excluding the *6 major hospitals : *Six (6) major hospitals: Asian Hospital, Cardinal Santos Medical Center, Makati Medical Center, St. Luke’s Medical Center Quezon City, St. Luke’s Medical Center Taguig, The Medical PLATINUM 749 Access to all Maxicare-accredited hospitals including the *6 major hospitals : *Six (6) major hospitals: Asian Hospital, Cardinal Santos Medical Center, Makati Medical Center, St. Luke’s Medical Center Quezon City, St. Luke’s Medical Center Taguig, The Medical City PRODUCT FEATURES • Provides up to Php 15,000 one – time coverage on illnesses or injuries that arises from medical-related emergency conditions • Eligible for individuals from 15 days old to 65 years old • One-time availment, but up to two enrollment registration per person per year • Easy registration via SMS – No preliminary check-ups , no paperwork • Nationwide ER access to Maxicare-affiliated hospitals • Member can avail in one accredited hospital only within 24 hours • Card Validity is up to one (1) year upon activation PRODUCT COVERAGE • Doctor’s Services for Emergency Treatment • Emergency Room Fees • Medicines used for immediate relief and during treatment • Oxygen, IV fluids, whole blood and human blood products • Dressings, casts, sutures • X-ray, laboratory and diagnostic exams • Additional Benefit ADDITIONAL FEATURES • 20% discount from Metro Dental Services. (www.metrodental.com.ph) • 15% discount from MyHealth Services. (www.myhealth.ph) • With Life Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) coverage up to Php 25,000.00 If you are interested, just message us at 0977-725-7981 or email at [email protected]. #EReady
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midlandradiopr · 7 years ago
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Midland featured in Fox LA News.
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eruditeshift · 8 years ago
Unpacking the Maxicare EReady prepaid health cards I bought at Robinsons Department Store Business Center.
Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post
Music: RidingHigh by http://www.purple-planet.com
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thorusofer · 5 years ago
Its time to get our light back from the Shard of the Traveler! Hope ya'll ar eready, things are about to get crazy. https://youtu.be/paLd9xAPEYU #Destiny2 #Destiny
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cosmicangel888 · 2 years ago
Re-Write Every Limitation ~ Beyond the Beyond - Go Beyond 5D is NOW
Empath obligations is an illusion
These collective and social imprints are 1000's of years in the making as too with DF and elders obligations and cycles that continue if and when you are in an 'unaware' state and then as you connect and entangle in any way; profession, friend, or relationship the dysfunction of the beings path know how to take, manipulate, snake and shapeshifter; to get, take, to siphon your light, energy and ideas it is within all moments you find yourself sliding into old patterns of imbalance that is constant role, job of each to know
every spiral of evolution is to each to maintain inter-dependence period; rely on none, empower all to do their own healing, work, and inner work, and bring balance and fairness to every situation ;
Thus empowering all to seek within - and if are simply saying, yet doing, and the vibration simply is never uplifted without you being there - then there is disservice to you and your soul, which requires new lands, new energy and new beings that are of light and equal measure - ©
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play 0 games with those that have history in taking, all have been given enough time, lessons, guidance from their teams, and the collective up-liftment and sharing of information and wisdoms to help all in our collective - all must do the work
you are not here to heal, make any other's path more easy, or make the way for anyone - those from deep narcism, or deeply messy, dysfunctional family dynamics, all have some level and it is empowering to own the mess and sort it out - what beliefs and what perspectives did you choose to take on that have held you back, what beliefs and traditions that are eready to be re-written - this is uplifting - RE_WRITE every LIMITATION
deep wounded and no accountability or self-blame, are clear red flags that false playing on your gifts, then self blame want you to come in and stroke whatever they are in need of feeding the ego and imbalance
You can choose to simply never communicate and not deal with those that are shady, nefarious, and only take and disrespect who you are and what you bring to the table
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Know your worth - those that have played you - the easier and lighter path - simply don't deal and set the boundaries in which there is no access to your energy and wisdoms and information or ideas - no access means no access - no amount of money or offer is worth being involved with such that constantly seek to damage and win over you - play torturous games of mental and emotional manipulation - nothing is worth dealing with such -
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Discern the energy and entities before you - you are not responsible for anyones happiness and healing - send all energy and projection of such back and work with daily self care and healing, protections with your teams and state with your teams your wishes and direction so they are there for you and support, protection for you
Reclaiming your consciousness, harmonize your own soul fragments daily, and reflect upon all lessons, offerings, and potential with Spirit - for God will always bring mystery to your path and most of you that are and will be leaders of a new 5D human collective will move and pave what none have and why it will be more challenging and oftentimes seemingly impossible
Trust and have the highest level of faith in yourself - this is equal and match spiralling of evolution with god - We are here to match our oneness in what God is of us - God is
Blessings and light
Donations are GREATLY Appreciated;
DONATIONS - see our PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss
How to reclaim your light, power, energy, and wisdoms to anchor now; none can do this for you and none will -
Ascension is an individual but collective affecting - each action affects the all -
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telodogratis · 3 years ago
E-mobility, a che punto siamo? Cresce la domanda, ma manca l’infrastruttura
Secondo PwC Strategy& eReadiness index, Italia e Spagna fanalino di coda nella transizione alla mobilità elettricaEconomia, Economia internazionale, Unione europea Cresce l’interesse verso la mobilità elettrica: è quanto rileva la 3a edizione dello studio eReadiness di PwC Strategy&, che ha indagato intenzioni e comportamenti di acquisto di oltre 4,600 consumatori patentati in 7 paesi Europei:…
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infowaresrl · 7 years ago
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Webinar “Fatturazione Elettronica” -  mercoledì 18/07 ore 10.00 –  Gestionale E/. La fatturazione elettronica è partita. Aspettare l’ultimo momento è rischioso e più oneroso. Segui il nostro webinar comodamente seduto alla tua scrivania. Ti aiuteremo a comprendere cosa sta succedendo, e le soluzioni che potresti adottare per la gestione del ciclo attivo e passivo. Per l’iscrizione basta andare sul nostro sito www.infoware-mi.it. #fatturazioneelettronica #webinar #online #infoware #eimpresa #eready #gestionale #erp #dematerializzazione #SDI #XML #fattureattive #fatturepassive #fatturaelettronica #invoice #document #vialacarta #digitale #pec #posta #risparmio #cloud #web #scrivania #carburante #B2B #B2C #taxfree #PA #ADE @Infoware (presso Infoware Srl)
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yuriwangfingermedia · 3 years ago
【記者彭慧婉/綜合報導】台鈴工業(SUZUKI)與宏國德霖科大今(13)日簽訂合作備忘錄(MOU),並共同建置「電動機車人才培育中心」,將電動機車的開發、生產、運維、採購等作業流程,導入大學端的實務教學,讓學生「作中學、學中作」,習得一技之長、接軌就業市場。   台鈴工業率同業之先與宏國德霖科大產學合作,歷史悠久,宏國德霖科大機械系50年的教學品質深獲企業信賴,雙方遂於4月13日上午11時簽訂合作備忘錄,轟動產業界及學術界。因應全球碳排放減量的世紀議題,台鈴工業自2003年就要求供應商要站在愛護地球的立場降低碳排放,2016年製訂「綠色採購要求書」,2020年第一台電動車eReady…
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maxicarecorporation · 2 years ago
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Coverage - Life threatening conditions, illnesses and/or injuries that require immediate medical assistance such as heart attacks, cardiovascular or cerebrovascular accidents, loss of consciousness, and convulsions. Benefit of up to ₱15,000 coverage on emergency treatment, Single usage per card. You can use multiple cards in a year. Learn more here - Maxicare Eready Titanium
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hashtagghana · 3 years ago
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@ghanaleaksblog: RT @DankwahMorrison: Which #Ghanaian institution has developed an #OpenData #Privacy Analysis Template? #eReadiness #DankwahMInstitute
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the-firebird69 · 4 years ago
she did not want him doing anything and you will see why..they are not out and not dead...are in  limbo..ghwb came back once is back was injured restored and put away.   and help...and we worked on it...too. and we help now Israel is quieet we do that now as he said we m eet Hera Zues have we are eready now Thor Freya Olympus
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