#erc 3
motorsportverso · 2 months
ERC Rally Roma-resultado
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1-Crugnola\Ometto-Citroen C3 Rally 2-1:53:10.9
2-Campedelli\Canton-Skoda Fabia RS Rally 2-1:53:38.8
3-LLarena\Fernandez-Skoda Fabia RS Rally 2-1:53:43.0
4-Tempestini\ITU-Skoda Fabia RS Rally 2-1:53:43.0
5-Franceschi\Malfoy-Skoda Fabia RS Rally 2-1:53.43.0
1-33-Khon\Wood-Ford Fiesta Rally 3-2:04:06.8
2-35-Humbert\Hryniuk-Renault Clio RS Rally 3-2:05:56.5
3-32-Karem\Silvestre-Ford Fiesta Rally 3-2:07:02.6
1-40-Cogni\Brachi-Peugeot 208 Rally 4-2:04:31.9
2-37-Bertalan\Paizs-Peugeot 208 Rally 4-2:06:53.8
3-41-Rendina\Cipriani-Renault Clio RS Rally 4-2:11:45.7
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sregnarkroywen · 9 months
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Credits: x
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jrs20706 · 2 years
ERC Review - Employee Retention Tax Credit Refund
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otdiaftg · 8 months
ERC finally posts the following week's line-up. Six teams from the evens bracket were proceeding to the death match, compared with eight from the odds. The Foxes would face the University of Vermont Catamounts at home. UT was up against Nevada and Washington State would take on Binghamton. In the odds bracket, the Big Three had miraculously avoided drawing each other's names. They'd all proceed to the third round, along with whichever team won the Oregon-Maryland match. There would be another week-long break between the death match and round three.
Day: Friday, February 2nd Time: 3:30 PM EST
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andreilslovechild · 1 month
Since I'm nothing if not predictable I'd love to see how you'd do a time travel AU for AFTG :3 - @jtl-fics
riko wakes up with a start, looking around the room wildly, his mind racing. however, he finds himself in his room in the nest, the walls still dark and familiar, and the automated lights buzzing on. whats going on? hes supposed to be dead! ichirou had held a gun to his head and pulled the trigger... whats going on? hes looking around the room when his eyes land on the lump in the bed across from him. that was kevins bed. that bed was supposed to be empty. he slowly gets up and moves over to the bed, walking quietly, his mind racing. he slowly reaches for the covers and pulls them aside, revealing...
riko is so confused, and when he doesnt get an answer he shakes kevin roughly, making him gasp and fly awake.
"ah-fuck-riko stop-im awake!" he flails around and shoves riko away a bit, rubbing his eyes "is it time to get up already?" he stretches and yawns before his eyes catch on rikos bewildered expression, "uh, you okay 'ko?" the use of the old nickname makes riko intensely nostalgic, and he realizes something weird is going on. kevin hasnt called him that since he left. he decides the best course of action is to lay low and figure out what the hell is going on. he clears his throat. "uh, yeah. fine."
they get ready in silence, kevin rushing as usual so they can at least eat something before practice. they manage to get ready and riko gets through practice without raising too many red flags, but after practice, tetsuji calls them aside, and what he says makes riko freeze. the erc wanted them to compete. they suspected kevin was holding back. he could practically say the words as they came out of his uncles mouth. hes left in a daze afterwards as kevin rambles about how the erc is wrong and rikos the best and how hes not holding back really he isnt- but rikos not listening.
hes somehow been sent back almost 2 years.
hes been given a second chance.
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constelationprize · 7 months
The Kayleigh Day Lives AU - Part 3
Also known as Congratulations, Wymack, it's a boy! He is also already 20 years old and horribly traumatised
So I think that after the banquet Kayleigh goes to some ERC after party to schmooze a bit, maybe with the explicit intention of undermining the rumor of Kevin being better than Riko. Like "do you think I'd let anyone hold MY son back? *Nervous laugh*"
Smash cut to the match between Riko and Kevin
Kayleigh is halfway back to the hotel when she gets Kevin's call. He's immediately locked himself in a bathroom while Jean helps distract Riko.
Now she knows this is BAD bad for a couple reasons. For one, hands have very delicate bones, and full recoveries from severe blunt trauma injuries are hard and rare. Second, there's the fact that this confirms her suspicions that Kevin was being mistreated from behind her back. Third, she knows they won't let her take him to a hospital right now. And last, but not least, it's going to be very hard to get away with double homicide once she gets her hands on Tetsuji and Riko.
Kayleigh has to make a snap judgment if she wants to help her son, in a way that won't put either of them in more danger. She can't trust Tetsuji anymore, so she goes over him.
Now, I don't think she would have access directly to Kengo, but during her years as a Moriyama asset she has amassed enough goodwill she has a few contacts in the main branch. People who are worried about Tetsuji overeaching with his little project.
She calls them and very carefully chooses her words. She says that Riko has dealt Kevin a potential carreer-ending injury and that the best way to control that narrative is going to be playing it off as an accident and taking Kevin out of the public eye for a while, transfering him out of Edgar Allan so people focus on that drama instead of questioning the origin of his injury. She doesn't necessarily threaten going public with what she knows if they don't allow her to take him safely out of the Nest, because she isn't stupid, but it IS implied.
Kayleigh gets half an hour to take Kevin out of the hotel before she herself has to report back. Wherever he's going, she can't come with, as insurance.
That... Somewhat hinders her options.
But, well. David Wymack is in town.
Kevin has found the letter in this universe too, because Tetsuji would have it regardless, but he took Kayleigh at her word when she explained it was for the best that Wymack not know.
This is not a can of worms Kayleigh ever intended to open. But there is a saying about desperate times and desperate measures.
Which is how she ends up picking up Kevin, badly bandaging his hand, and going after the Palmetto State Foxes.
She catches up with them right as they are piling onto the bus to leave. She almost his the bus with her car. It's a mess.
It gets worse once she and Kevin get out, though.
Wymack is alarmed and confused and oh my God Kayleigh what the fuck is your badly injured son doing here.
And she says something to the likes of "First of all, that's OUR badly injured son"
There is a lot of screaming. Dan thinks she's having a stroke. Wymack is torn between confusion and rage. Kevin is going into shock, like, the medical condition. Abby is trying to weave her way to him because someone has to give that boy some actual first aid. Kayleigh's time is running out and she doesn't have time to stand here in this parking lot and justify every questionable decision she has made in the last thirty years. Tetsuji just found out about everything and starts blowing up her phone.
Andrew is crashing from his meds cycle and sleeps through the whole thing.
There is literally no time to untangle any of this, so Kayleigh just tells Wymack that Kevin will explain everything after they take him to the hospital. Preferably in South Carolina because the farther they are from Riko, the better.
No one is happy with this turn of events. It's for certain, though, that things will get a lot worse before it gets better.
On another note, Aaron just won himself like 200 dollars, and it might just be enough to ask that cute cheerleader in his class on a nice date.
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[TW: this part features violence and swearing, if this triggers you, please skip this part, its not more important than your health.]
enjoy :] <3 (you can find all the other parts on #arcend on this blog)
"love the new outfit, bro" i try to be friendly
He is trying to copy me, right? Next thing he'll try to grow a mustache! I wont let it happen
"yeah.. i didn't really pick it myself, you know?" Wait what??
Okay maybe i wont have to kill him, GREAT!!
"why did it even happen? You're the prince guy" maybe he'll have an answer
"i dont know.. i hate it... Like- im supposed to be the good guy, the hero, THE KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOR. But... But im not.." oh shit is he crying?? Shit fuck damnit
Okay who do i have to kill?
Oop- loud footsteps!! Is it the snake boi? Can i finally stab? HeheheheheheheheHEHEHEHEHEHE!!!!!!!
oh no its just Virgil... And Patton? What in the name of the rat boiz is this fuck doing here???
"what is HE doing here?!" Roman stop shouting you stupid bitch, this will make things worse
"Hes with us now" Virgil... Why are you protecting him? He literally helped Janus kill me and Logan! Are you out of your fucking mind?
"Yeah right!! He probably used his snake friend to poison your mind too. Re, get them OUT OF HERE." Roman's eyes are glowing green, didn't know he could do that. Nice.
Wait yes!! I can stab!
where's my- there we go. Morningstar in hand, lets stab these fuckers the way Janus stabbed me.
Im going to spill their guts all over Logan's floor. Sorry not sorry, Lo.
Im going to watch as the blood runs down their-
"cookies! And we can watch some movies, i-if you'd like" Patton you stupid fu- ARE THESE CHOCOLATE COOKIES?! OMG OMFG YES!! IDC WHO YOU ARE I WANT THESE FUCKING COOKIES
Im taking them, im reaching my hand over and im grabbing them.
Nomnomnom oh fuck yeah! I love chocolate cookies so fucking much
"can we please calm down and just Hang out angst free for once? And its me saying this, you know its too much when the embodiment of angst tells you it's too angsty" Virgil is breaking my peace >:( I'd stab him if it didn't mean blood on my cookies
Roman sighs and oh shhhhiiiiittttt... Im supposed to kill Patton- back to th-
"fine" Roman what- you know what who am i to complain? I get free cookies!!!!!!!
I wonder how many of these i cant shove in my mouth at the same time...
Oh oh wait we're leaving right the tv is in the living room
What movie should we watch? I think we should watch a horror movie, fits the vibes
Lets sit here, i hate sitting on that thing- couch- that-
Oh wait i cant reach the cookies D:
Oh nvm lmao i have creativity magic :3
I wonder where Logan and Cronus are...
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mtahooligans · 10 months
Nem jó, ha már a G7 is fideszes-arabos szemmel nézi a tudományt
Megjelent ma egy cikk a G7-en, amiben arról van szó, hogy downhillen a magyar tudomány teljesítménye. Fogalmam sincs, hogy azon van-e, de hogy nem amiatt, amit a cikk ír, az tuti.
A cikk a SCImago adataira hivatkozik és hát innentől sajnos nem tud a dolog jó lenni. Itt van, hogy milyen módszertannal dolgozik a Scimago, amikor intézményeket hasonlít össze. Research, innovation, societal a három nagy kategória. Vannak tudományok, amelyek némileg hátrányból indulnak: matekos képleteket, algoritmusokat pl nem lehet levédetni az EU-ban, így innovatívnak nehéz lenni, hacsak nem működsz közre más területeken. A research kategória 50%-ot ad bele, de ebből csak 13% olyan, ami size-independent, vagyis a tudományos teljesítmény mérésekor az eredmény 3/4-ét olyan dolgok adják, amik mennyiségiek, azaz, ha többen vagytok, simán veritek a kisebb, de sokkal jobb intézményeket.
Itt a magyar matekos rangsor:
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onnantól, hogy az MTA külön szerepel, az egészen már tényleg csak röhögni lehet. az elnök-fötitkár-fötitkhelyettes hármason kívül senki se MTA (mondjuk 2014 és 2020 között Lovásszal még ez is elég menő volt).
hetediknek sikerült minket rangsorolni. és akkor mutatok egy képet:
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ők a rényis ERC-nyertesek (+Lovász, aki az ELTE-n nyert ERC-t, de már a Rényibe Synergy-t, ami egy ilyen kiemelt ERC, nem olyan régóta van, és valamiért nem minden táblázatban van egyben).
szóval az ERC az olyan, hogy nem életműdíj, hanem hogy eddig nagyon jó voltál, még mindig aktív vagy, jól pályáztál, akkor adunk nagyon sok pénzt (EU-s szemmel is, nemcsak magyarral). ebből matekosat 13-at nyert Magyarország eddig, ebből 10-et a Rényi (+Lovász Synergyje) és egyet Lovász még ELTE-sként. mire jó ez a "kibővített" EU-ban? itt a link az ERC oldalához.
veri a Rényit:
Cambridge, Oxford, Warwick (UK)
ETH (Svájc)
Héber Egyetem, Tel-Aviv, Weizman Intézet (Izrael)
CNRS - ez kicsit csalás, mert a teljes francia kutatóhálózat matekos részlege egyben szerepel, de hát mindegy.
és kész. vannak 8-cal, 9-cel, nem sokkal mögöttünk, de jobb csak ennyi.
Szóval fontos dolog mérni a tudományos teljesítményt, de a tök mindegy hogy mit csinálsz, csak legyen sok, és vonj egybe mindent, vegyél meg neves kutatókat, akik oda se jönnek az országodba, de ráírják az egytemedet a cikkeikre. Amikor a fidesz a Nobel-díj hatására a Krausz intézetét áttette a Semmelweiss-re, hogy az majd hátha benyomja bizonyos listákon az első százba, na az kb ez. ettől biztos nem lesz senkinek jobb, de majd lehet virítani egy semmit nem mondó számot.
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motorsportverso · 3 months
Rally da Estonia-ERC-dia 2\day 2 results
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1-15-Virves\Drew-Skoda Fabia RS Rally 2-1:03:41.1
2-12-Limane\Morgan-Toyota GR Yaris Rally 2-1:03:42.1
3-5-Heikella\Temonen-Toyota GR Yaris Rally 2-1:04:06.2
4-6-Marczyk\Szymon-Skoda Fabia RS Rally 2-1:04:17.8
5-4-Otsberg\Barth-Citroen C3 Rally 2-1:04:25.4
1-27-Romet\Oja-Ford Fiesta Rally 3-1:07:19.9
2-29-Enok\Simm-Ford Fiesta Rally 3-1:07:31.0
3-28-Nogene\Lesk-Renault Clio RS Rally 3-1:07:46.0
1-38-Vaher\Pruul-Ford Fiesta Rally 4-1:11:06.2
2-30-Johansson\Gronvall-Opel Corsa Rally 4-1:11:43.6
3-36-Sei\Leotoots-Peugeot 208 Rally 4-1:11:49.5
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sregnarkroywen · 6 months
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vs Bremerhaven, 22.03.2024
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lemonidae · 19 hours
Taboo BL Manga
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Kaori no Keishou (The Inheritance of Aroma) by Nakamura Asumiko
Two adopted brothers, a forbidden love, and a lifelong conflict are the essence of this shocking story. Although Shinobu Hiraki is his brother, they are not related by blood. Takezo became a member of the Hiraki family after his mother married the head of the family, but his new older brother seems to hate him. Shinobu looks at him with eyes filled with deep disgust and hatred, but Takezo can't help but desire him in return. One night, giving in to his lust, Takezo sneaks into his brother's bedroom. He uses his sister-in-law's perfume and covers Shinobu's eyes with a blindfold, hiding his identity to fulfill his most twisted desires...
Status: 2 Volumes (complete)
Tagged: Adult, Drama, Psychological, Tragedy, Yaoi, Adultery, Angst, Blindfold, Incest, Dubcon, Rape etc...
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Tourou no Ori (Mantis Cage) by Psyche Delico
It takes place during the Showa Era in Japan. The story revolves around a young man who has lost both his mother and father. Now, the only person he has that he can rely on is his butler who has been working for the family. However, his father had a secret he was hiding. This secret reveals itself after his demise.
Status: 5 Volumes + extras (Complete)
Tagged: Drama, Psychological, Tragedy, Yaoi, Adultery, Master-Servant Relationship, Grooming, Rape etc...
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MadK by Suzuri Ryo
Makoto has long been ostracized because of his odd hobbies and a sexual kink others would see as disgusting. One day he finds a book on summoning demons and manages to summon the intimidatingly beautiful and rather chatty Archduke J. The demon offers to grant Makoto's deepest twisted desire in exchange for his life. Once Makoto has sated his demented appetites, he fulfills his end of the bargain, only to find he's been reborn as a monster…in hell!
Status: 3 Volumes (Complete)
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Toma and Miyako were raised in the same orphanage. From the moment they met, Miyako has been unable to repress the impulse to soil Toma's beautiful hands. What awaits the two who wound each other and lick each other's wounds!? Sequel: Shinkai no Venus (1 volume)
Status: 1 Volume (Complete)
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Heartless by Nishin Masumi
A beautiful “incubus” luring humans with his looks and eating them lives in the present age. With him lives his “lover,” a man called Manuel. Before the two living quietly in the woods, appears a self-entitled heresy hunting cult… Drawn with overwhelming reality, a never-before experienced survivor horror BL.
Status: 1 Volume (Complete)
Tagged: Adult, Horror, Mature, Supernatural, Tragedy, Yaoi, Demon, Violence, Rape, Guro etc...
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Umi no Soko (The Bottom of the Sea) by Jnnkleche
Living in a seaside village, Wakashio is secretly in love with Yakaze, a member of the forest tribe. As the youngest son of the chieftain, Wakashio is living a difficult life, and spending time with Yakaze is the only solace he can find. However, when his brother discovers their relationship, Yakaze is killed. Just when Wakashio sinks into despair, Yakaze returns in a different form. With pale skin and red eyes, he may look like a monster, but his heart remains unchanged. The two still love each other as they once did, and begin to search for a way to live together.
Status: 1 Volume (Complete)
Tagged: Adult, Romance, Supernatural, Tragedy, Yaoi, Body Horror, Monster, Rape, Incest, Tentacle, Violence etc...
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trans-axolotl · 10 months
hi, i wanted to ask if possible (I'm sorry if this is a little invasive!) but what treatment program did you go to? I'm looking for some and I'm receiving mixed singles right now..
hey! I'm comfortable talking about it. I'm assuming you're talking about the eating disorder treatment program I went to, not the other psych wards I've been to, but let me know if you meant something else.
I went to the Eating Recovery Center in Washington. i have a lot of mixed feelings on it. i really hate the entire structure of residential treatment and think that it is inherently carceral and coercive. ERCWA was a really restrictive treatment program, we were on a locked ward in a medical center, there were a lot of shitty + abusive staff, and there was just so much bullshit the entire time, like having no privacy in the bathroom, no doors on the bedrooms, barely being able to go outside, having so much of what we said and did monitored, the fucked up ways they used NG tubes, a really ableist psychiatrist, etc. treatment was pretty standard CBT, DBT, ACT, RODBT, random "skills groups" that felt like a waste of time with a lot of therapists and interns who had no previous therapy experience. I got medically stabilized through that program and was able to achieve pretty sustainable changes in my disorderly eating, but i really credit that more to the peer support then to any of the actual "treatment."
But compared to some other programs i don't think it was the worst. You can have your phone all day which was a huge benefit to me, since most programs take your phone. while i was there they had a dietitian who accommodated custom ARFID menus--she doesn't work there anymore, but they probably still do ARFID menus. they had multiple trans staff members and let me stay on hormones. they also don't kick you out for self harming and can handle a higher level of medical complications. ERCWA is run slightly different then some of the other ERC locations though, and I've heard a lot worse stories about other ERC locations. this info is all only true for adult wards as well--i would not recommend ERC for teens. i don't really know if i would recommend ERCWA at all to people but i think there is some things that made it more tolerable then some other treatment centers, and that if you have some specific needs, it might be one of the only treatment centers that can accommodate some things.
sorry, i feel like this isn't a super helpful answer, but i just have so much anger towards residential treatment and have a hard time recommending any places, even though i don't think ERCWA is the worst option.
if you have any more questions I'm happy to answer--i can also post old photos and videos that show my room, schedule, etc. i also have a lot of friends at a variety of different treatment centers and can answer questions about some other centers if you have any.
sending you the best of luck anon, I hope you're able to find the support and care that you need <3
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amyriadfthings · 10 months
<3 Cory for the IRC aka the organisation the real Varian Fry helped found with his ERC
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finns-fading · 23 days
♡ September rules♡
(Tw for 3D below cut)
The rules I'm setting myself for September while being mindful of damage control, listing my bodies limits (chronic ill gang :/ yay), and avoiding my family finding out(who are very close and big eaters)
Minimum 13h f@st every day
Aim for 16-18h each day
One long f@st (24+) a week *if schedule and lifestyle allow for it*
C@ls and f00d:
1L of water a day minimum
Do not e@t at work
Prioritise protein- 50g-100g a day
Turn down takeaway/food out unless absolutely unable to get out of it
10k steps at least 5 days a week
Gym at least once a week
Stretch daily
Yoga/pilates/low intensity weights at home at least 3 times a week
Walk as much as possible
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lejellabsxd2e · 10 months
Mengapa Anda Tidak Boleh Menyesal Tidak Membeli Kripto Sejak Muda
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Seiring berjalannya waktu, investasi kripto telah menjadi topik yang semakin populer di kalangan generasi muda. Banyak orang telah meraih keuntungan besar dari investasi ini, sementara yang lain masih meragukan potensinya. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan membahas mengapa tidak boleh ada penyesalan jika Anda tidak memutuskan untuk berinvestasi dalam kripto sejak muda.
1. Peluang Pertumbuhan yang Luar Biasa
Investasi kripto seperti Bitcoin dan Ethereum telah mengalami pertumbuhan nilai yang luar biasa selama beberapa tahun terakhir. Membeli aset kripto sejak muda berarti Anda telah terlibat di awal tren ini dan dapat merasakan keuntungan dari pertumbuhan nilai yang signifikan.
2. Diversifikasi Portofolio
Mengelola risiko adalah kunci dalam investasi. Dengan memasukkan kripto ke dalam portofolio investasi Anda sejak dini, Anda dapat mencapai diversifikasi yang lebih baik. Kripto seringkali tidak berkorelasi dengan pasar tradisional, sehingga dapat memberikan perlindungan tambahan terhadap fluktuasi ekonomi global.
3. Pendidikan Finansial yang Berharga
Investasi kripto memerlukan pemahaman tentang teknologi blockchain dan mekanisme pasar kripto. Dengan terlibat dalam investasi semacam ini sejak muda, Anda memiliki kesempatan untuk memahami konsep-konsep ini dengan lebih baik. Ini bisa menjadi dasar pengetahuan finansial yang berharga untuk masa depan.
4. Partisipasi dalam Revolusi Finansial
Kripto tidak hanya tentang investasi, tetapi juga tentang merangkul revolusi finansial. Sebagai generasi muda, Anda memiliki kesempatan untuk menjadi bagian dari perubahan ini dan ikut membentuk masa depan sistem keuangan global.
5. Potensi Penghasilan Pasif
Dengan membeli kripto sejak muda, Anda memberi diri Anda waktu yang lebih lama untuk merasakan manfaat dari potensi penghasilan pasif. Beberapa jenis investasi kripto, seperti staking atau yield farming, dapat memberikan penghasilan tambahan tanpa perlu melakukan banyak tindakan aktif.
Seperti koin DTE yang menggunakan token ERC-20 yang dihasilkan melalui sistem Layer2 yang didukung oleh Polygon. Sistem Layer2 menyimpan data dalam jumlah besar dalam blok, mengurangi beban pada jaringan Ethereum dan membuat proses pembuatan token lebih efisien. Parameter seperti persediaan awal token ECR-20, nama, simbol, dan jumlah tempat desimal diatur oleh sistem Layer2 dan dapat disesuaikan secara fleksibel.
Meskipun investasi selalu melibatkan risiko, terlibat dalam kripto sejak muda dapat memberikan peluang dan manfaat jangka panjang yang signifikan. Meskipun tidak semua orang memiliki pandangan yang sama tentang kripto, tidak ada salahnya untuk mempertimbangkan potensi keuntungan dan pendidikan finansial yang dapat Anda peroleh dengan berinvestasi dalam kripto sejak dini. Ingatlah bahwa setiap investasi memerlukan penelitian dan pemahaman yang cermat, jadi pastikan untuk mengambil keputusan investasi yang bijaksana.
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purasangree · 5 months
Esta es la distribución de los 12.500 asistentes a la manifestación de apoyo a  Sanchez en la calle Ferraz
3800 liberados sindicales UGT y CCOO
970 asesores de Sanchez en Moncloa
3284 representantes y directivos de ONGs vinculadas a los movimientos LGTBI
5128 cargos públicos del psoe,sumar, compromis, ERC ,Junts,Bildu y PNV llegados de toda España
143 presidentes y altos cargos directivos de empresas de la SEPI, Correos, Aena, Renfe, Adif..etc
79 familiares de Avalos, Koldo,Aldama y Salvador Illa
3 Pedro Sánchez, su hermanico músico y su suegro disfrazados de guardias civiles
8 miembros del CNI disfrazados de socialistas
1 trabajador autónomo que se dirigía a abrir su pequeño bar en la calle Ferraz
1 párroco de la Iglesia de Marqués de Urquijo que iba a celebrar la misa
Si la suma no sale exactamente 12.500, es porque no contabilizo la gente que ha ido a mirar el espectáculo
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