#era of samurai: code of love fanfic
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Chapter 45 Uh, Seriously?! Posting
So! Full speed ahead it is, internet void! What a dense chapter.
First up, John Hishaku and the Samurai Murderer Guy that was at Chihiro's house in chapter 2.
Guess we'll see more of him soon, how fun! It's not quite clear how many people are talking here, but Hishaku scheming is afoot and the game is on. The only question is how fucked the Kamunabi is going to be by the end of the arc IMO.
And don't think I missed that vase reappearing. My nemesis. The spiky boi on the mid-left drove me insane as soon as the raws dropped but I would like to tentatively propose that it is a kiku (chrysanthemum). Different colors have very different meanings so I still admit defeat on that front. But kiku are usually associated with mourning or Imperial imagery, so that's cool. I demand a treat if this flower arrangement turns out to be the world's subtlest hint that the Hishaku are related to an old regime or breakaway faction of the government.
But yeah... so much cuteness this week. Very welcome after the rich drama from the past few chapters.
Boys who commit patricide together fall asleep mid-conversation wake up together, apparently. And for all the fan artists/fanfic writers out there, it's now canon that both of them are wearing long-sleeved shirts under the other layers. I was kind of hoping for Chihiro to be wearing one of his dad's shirts but this is more in character...
Fine, okay, it's probably for convenience's sake since apparently these guys can only rest for one night before jumping into the lion's den. But I'm flabbergasted by their soulmate coding. I kind of expected Hakuri to pass out, but Chihiro conking out at the same time in the same pose is too damn cute! Barely over a week together and they've already perfectly synced their sleep schedules and postures lol.
I find it deeply amusing that the entire flashback sequence at the end of chapter 44 was purely for the reader's benefit though. Seriously! Hakuri asked Chihiro "So... what comes next?" and then they both immediately passed out sitting up. So the last four pages were there just to spare us from even more infodumping in this chapter, which is much appreciated.
That's something that Hokazono-sensei also did at the end of the vs. Sojo arc in chapter 18. 10 pages to him exploding, 7 to the situation at the Kamunabi (which will now come into play! EXCELLENT LAYERING OF DETAILS!). I don't know if I'm smart or educated enough to do a full analysis on the techniques he's using, but I love the style. He doesn't let the emotional points linger too long or waste a single goddamn panel in this manga. Yeah, I want more time with the characters outside of serious plot moments, but there's not much else for me to complain about. The need isn't particularly dire anyway since every scene is efficient in giving us characterization and info at the same time (example later this rant).
So yeah. Thanks to that excellent pacing decision, we get to witness this crowning moment of heartwarming:
LOOK AT THESE DORKS. LOOK AT THEM. I LOVE EVERY SINGLE ONE. Thank you for this moment of Team Goldfish x Hiyuki and Tafuku bliss.
And look at the food on the table! Hiyuki and Tafuku have earned a measure of trust with Team Goldfish! Just a bit, but Shiba definitely wouldn't have let them stay the night and eat with them if he felt they were dangerous.
It's also so sweet that Char's comfortable sitting in big bro Tafuku's lap... she's come a long way since her debut as a scared, scruffy orphan. Wonder where the gang is hanging though. Someone's apartment, I guess? A nearby hotel? More insignificant details this annoying reader wants to know...
TW for SF5-era tournament enthusiasts: That Stage appears in the first panel.
Did anyone have bets on Shiba wrecking Hiyuki in Street Fighter while waiting for Hakuri and Chihiro to wake up? I didn't, but I love it. And this scene highlights something I've really come to appreciate about Kagurabachi's writing: it's incredibly efficient. Almost every scene has more than one thing being conveyed at a time. For instance, here we learn that Hiyuki sucks at Street Fighter compared to Shiba but is too stubborn to quit (comedy & character consistency) and still doesn't know he's ex-Kamunabi (serious). This in turn tells us that Shiba's probably got something to hide from active Kamunabi personnel. After all, it's not like the org itself is a secret, and we wouldn't see Hiyuki questioning him twice if his circumstances weren't suspicious. So Shiba's subplot thickens while we laugh at the gag- peak efficiency.
The cuteness, though... the sweetness of this chapter, man!
Chihiro respecting Yuu's nickname and correcting Hakuri with such a gentle expression is incredibly adorable. He's so relaxed here... but oh wait, there's... chibi Hakuri and Chihiro apologizing for worrying Uncle Shiba?!
Chihiro and his new #1 enabler owe more than an apology but it's good enough for now.
This break wasn't quite long enough to reset the tension in my opinion, but it absolutely delivered on character moments. We definitely needed this after all the big feels from the previous few chapters. I wish there was more time devoted to letting us calm down before ramping up again but what we got here is pretty good.
And so we jump feet-first into laying the groundwork for the Kamunabi arc. A nice, efficient recap of the situation leads us into some additional context and a surprising bit of Shiba characterization. Whatever beef he's got with the Kamunabi feels quite personal for a guy who plays it cool and loose most of the time. We know he's glad he quit because they're too uptight, but there's gotta be more to it than that- he's subtly trying to steer Chihiro away from them while Hiyuki is having none of it here. I want to gently snap this man in half to make him spill his secrets...
At the end of the day, though, Shiba's not going to stop Chihiro from joining the Kamunabi. That's been his thing since Chapter 1: if Chihiro makes up his mind to do something, Shiba will offer advice and make suggestions but ultimately leave the decisions up to him. I wonder how much of his guilt over Kunishige's death plays into that...
PFFT. "I know what I'm doing here seems risky and unwise but It's fine, trust me. I've got Hakuri." OKAY BUDDY. You've been able to do a hell of a lot since you met this kid haven't you? It's like meeting him changed the trajectory of your life as much as you changed his.
Shiba's expression is very interesting to me. He's like "ah, I get it..." and he's not thrilled in the slightest. Adding Hakuri to the team means Chihiro can be even more reckless than ever before; what little influence he had over Chihiro's safety is all but gone now. And Hakuri himself won't try to stop Chihiro from putting his life on the line- he'll risk his own to help him do it! All this while they're poised to go somewhere he probably can't follow... poor Mr. Shiba.
And then!! AND THEN!!!
Chapter 32: Smile Unlocked (once has no meaning...)
Chapter 36: Smile Lost (twice is a coincidence...)
Chapter 38: Locked In (three times is a pattern...)
Chapter 45: Smile Restored (four times is fate)
The one pulling the other forward is always on the right, leading the reader as well.
When one calls, the other answers. What one starts, the other finishes. A and Un. And this time Hakuri echoes Chihiro's "you got it" catchphrase back to him! I hope this is their thing now, like the "How's my timing?/Perfect" bit that Shiba and Chihiro had.
I'm going absolutely insane over this interaction though. It's the first time Chihiro's gotten to hear someone affirm that they'll see things through with him at his own request (on-screen at least). The first time he's outright said he needs someone, even. And of course Hakuri responds so enthusiastically- he's finally wanted. Just a few days ago he thought he'd never amount to anything. But he's got so much hope thanks to Chihiro's faith in him now.
"What I need in my life is a samurai! THAT'S YOU!" is finally answered with "I'm going to need your help again." hnnnngh what in the hell is this chapter.
Platonic, familial, romantic- however you want to see their relationship, these guys are meant to be together. If I ever start to doubt Hakuri's importance again just smack me right upside the head- he's truly Chihiro's other half now. Let's cheer them on and hope nothing horrible happens to Hakuri ever again! Protect the smile of the boy who would die for you on command, Chihiro. You've been warned.
Protected Bearers
Cool stuff ahead, and tough times to go with them. I doubt things will be as simple as Chihiro successfully making his case and being allowed to start trying to Talk no Jutsu the former wielders. This arc seems like it could easily be longer and more complicated than the previous two combined. I kind of hope it is, just to get more time with everyone. I've never loved a cast of characters this much.
That said... In another series I'd be sure Chihiro would visit each area one by one in their own mini arc, but Kagurabachi is probably going to subvert the expectation somehow. We got previews of the areas so we'll be seeing all of them. Probably (we goddamn better after that gorgeous spread showing them off.), but not in the way we'd expect. This story is so fast I kind of expect us to blitz through all of them in a handful of chapters each... guess it depends on how in-depth we get with the bearers themselves.
As we originally saw them in chapter 18. The slightly updated designs from this chapter are pretty nifty.
I'm 100% sure the order they're presented here corresponds with the areas shown on the spread immediately afterwards. So eye scars is stuck in a temple, the girl is stuck in an onsen, kabuki monk guy is stuck in what looks like a floating shrine, and sushi chef is in... a sushi restaurant. Wow shocker.
I'm going to make the assumption that they got to choose where they were imprisoned for the rest of their lives. Maybe it was the government's way of expressing gratitude for helping the war effort? Which makes Magatsumi's wielder (the Sword Master) being sealed up like a nasty curse all the more intriguing... he's clearly fucked up but was he always that way or did the sword corrode his mind? Is there more to the lifelong contract with these swords than just being the only person who can use them? I better get some answers!
So Kunishige personally knew and chose these people... I wonder how meeting them will deepen Chihiro's understanding of his father's legacy. I sincerely doubt that all of them will make it easy for him to recover the blade they're tied to, but we'll hopefully learn a lot while Chihiro makes his attempts. Really seems like we are set up for Kunishige and Seitei War backstory so I am hype. Dead DILF lore! DEAD DILF LORE!
Hiyuki and Kamunabi Thoughts
Hiyuki also had some interesting moments this chapter. She understands that the current stalemate with the Hishaku has tied the Kamunabi's hands for the most part, forcing them to do less than savory things (like bidding on the Shinuchi) to keep the peace. And despite her hotblooded outburst before the auction, she still has rock solid faith in her org's mission. So I don't think she'll defect easily so as long as she believes the mission is doable under better circumstances.
And it seems like she thinks Chihiro might be the right catalyst for change... hmm. She's essentially using him as a chaos agent to shake up the status quo because he proved himself to her. She finds him worthy of deciding how to handle the blades, so now she's giving him and Hakuri the opportunity prove themselves to her leaders. Very cool. There's some rather deep stuff going on with her.
Hiyuki's much more establishment-oriented than her personality and actions suggest. I get the sense that she's there as an idealist who is willing to upset the status quo to see the mission through. A true believer in a bureaucratic institution- love that type of conflict. Can't wait to see more of her in this arc!
So now we're set to see Chihiro's philosophy and methods on trial. Super intriguing stuff and I'll definitely be looking at the questions each Kamunabi leader is asking to try and suss out their allegiance. Playing Guess the Traitor this arc is gonna be a lot of fun (I hope)!
Speaking of which... Azami as the traitor allegations don't move me, but I do think he'll be restricted this arc due to the ongoing investigation into his clandestine activities. Chihiro could well be on his own without an adult to watch out for him. At least he and Hakuri will be there for each other. ...With no one to try and stop them from doing reckless stunts. Uh oh.
So that's a wrap on this fuckhuge ramble. Hope the breakneck pace slows down just a smidge but I'm still very onboard with whatever is coming next. Thanks for allowing me to ramble as always, void.
#kagurabachi#long post#Don't lose hope Kazane fans he's gonna come back soon I just know it#Sorry for referring to Kunishige as a dead DILF once again#An onsen episode? In MY “no sexy fanservice” action manga? It's more likely than you think.#I caved and read the raws this week but I'm glad I did for the discussion around the sushi restaurant's name#It's not my own discovery so I don't feel right posting about it but there's intriguing stuff involving archaic and bizarre kanji choices
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Chapter 14 - Goodbye and Hello
Catch up on all Chapters here: http://emilyplaysotome.tumblr.com/post/173554646607/down-the-voltage-rabbit-hole-the-sequel-master
“There’s no way it’s him!” Soryu exclaimed, holding the icepack to his cheek.
He was sitting on my couch and had hit the side of his face on the sidewalk when he’d collapsed as his old memories flooded back. Not wanting to make more of a scene than I already had in front of my building I dragged him upstairs and patched him up.
Similarly as I’d done with Hiroshi, I explained everything that had happened, including the fact that he’d tried to mug me on the train.
He apologized profusely, cursing the king and what had happened as well as reiterating once more that he was, “not the man he once was” despite the fact that it seemed his true nature was destined to be that of a criminal. When I explained that things would be complicated from here on out seeing as how he was now involved with the New York City mafia scene, his eyes drifted down and I saw actual tears start to well up in the gangster’s eyes.
“Seriously? I…I…”
“I know you worked hard to change. I have an idea that’ll fix this but I don’t know how you’ll feel about it.”
“I’ll do anything to avoid sliding back into the man I once was!”
“Then we’ll ask the king to send you home. Back to the Tres Spades and we’ll say goodbye right now.”
“Goodbye? But…Naomi.”
I could feel myself getting choked up too but I nodded, “I want you to be happy Soryu and I know that’s not going to be here…with me.”
What Soryu didn’t know was that the king had already decided that he would be going back. Like me, he knew that Soryu would never be the man I’d choose and that this “second chance” was only a byproduct of the game I was currently playing. Of course Soryu was hot, and of course I was fond of him and proud of him for turning his life around. It was especially because of that last fact that I knew the king was right when I read the message, “2/6 - time to send this one back to my realm for his own good.”
The mob here was not some otome fairy tale that ended with Inui being sweet and clumsy. The mob here was ruthless and if we weren’t careful the reformed Soryu would quickly get snuffed out for fear that he might rat on his previously illicit activities.
“I want you to know that I still love you,” he said. “I’ve always loved you. And I’ve worked to become the man that you deserve - one who will never make you scared…ever again.”
“Thank you,” I said, gently taking the ice pack from him before I wiped the dirt from his scraped face with a warm cloth. “But I hope that you realize that as you are now you’re a better man than you once were. I might have been the catalyst for you to change, but I sincerely hope that you continue to live this way...for your own happiness. And for a future you can be proud of.”
It was then that my ex-boyfriend, ex-mobster, cold-as-ice Soryu cried like a baby, and I held him in my arms for a good fifteen minutes until he regained his composure.
When he did, we agreed to spend our last few hours together in good spirits and seeing as how he was Eisuke’s best friend, I figured that I might as well get his take on whether or not he thought it possible that the other king from his realm might be part of my game.
“There’s no way it’s him!”
“You’re positive?”
“I just…Eisuke knows how I feel about you. He’s my best friend and despite what people say about him, he really is a good person.”
I understood what Soryu was saying and I didn’t want to push the idea any further with him. I agreed that it would certainly be surprising if Eisuke was in fact the sixth man, but the way Soryu was dismissing the idea had far more to do with his feelings about me and Eisuke than it did as an objective third party to the situation.
“Just like his best friend,” I replied with a smile as I returned the ice pack to the freezer.
“How does it look?”
“You’ll probably have a bit of a bruise but you always look handsome when you’re a bit roughed up. I’m sure once you’re home the women of the Tres Spades will be falling all over themselves to try and land a date with you.”
A disgusted expression passed over Soryu’s features and I laughed, “You could stand to give more women a try you know…”
“No. You were different.”
“The only thing that was different about me was that you got to know me...as a person.”
He started to reply, then pursed his lips with a slightly confused expression and said, “Explain.”
“You had to get to know me because I was living with you. You initially saw me as a woman and then started to see me as Naomi as time went on…you have to do that with women.”
“But they all like perfume, and dresses, and they only want me for my money and connections!”
“Maybe some, but not all. And you won’t know until you actually have a real conversation with them. Just talk to them like you talk to your friends.”
“But they’re women!” He insisted.
I laughed, “I got news for you Sor, women are people - even in your realm. I know that because I’ve played a teacher, a baker, a police officer…you name it. They had hopes and dreams and opinions and you’d be happy with any of them. Maybe even a maid at the Tres Spades...someone you never noticed before but who is capable of loving you more than I ever could. And you deserve that. This man who worked so hard to better himself…he deserves it.”
His dark eyes looked back at me with a melancholy expression, but he forced a smile and quietly said, “I understand.”
“I’m glad. Be happy Soryu.”
It felt like a natural goodbye and I was unsurprised when a flash of light filled my apartment, revealing the king who nodded at Soryu with a polite smile. It was obvious that since he’d sent that message, the king had been watching me and he looked pleased at how entertaining our goodbye scene had been.
Neither of us fought was about to happen, and Soryu gave me a hug before stoically walking over to the king.
“Are you ready?” The king asked.
Soryu glanced back and I smiled despite the fact that I was crying. When he turned to face the king I caught one last glimpse of those broad shoulders and large back before he was gone.
“I have to say Naomi,” the king said with a smile, “you’re starting to make me sweat a little. Good luck this week.”
The king didn’t wait for a reply from me - he was someone who thrived on the dramatic and that last remark was enough to make me question if he was about to throw a massive curveball my way. Regardless, the day had taken its toll and I was ready for bed.
Seeing as how I had to work out with Hijikata tomorrow before I went into the office, I figured I might as well call it a night despite the fact that it was only 10 pm.
I woke the next day refreshed after a solid eight and a half hours of sleep. I had closed a chapter with not one, but two of the men in this realm and it was time to see how I felt about a third who was a bit of a mystery.
I threw on some workout clothes and ate half of a protein cookie at home and the other half during my walk to the gym, in the hopes of not passing out during what was about to be a strenuous hour. When I entered Edge Fitness, I saw Hijikata waiting for me with a smirk and he nodded in approval seeing as how I’d arrived 5 minutes early to my 8 A.M. workout.
“We’ll warm up with a light 2 mile run today,” he said, leading me to the treadmills after I’d dropped my bags into a locker.
“Someone’s energetic this morning,” he said with a sneer, “I guess that means I can really go hard on you today.”
“Do your worst!” I said with a smile, though not meaning a word of it.
Hijikata let out a laugh and the second he did I saw this world’s iteration of Shinsaku Takasugi antagonistically drape his arm around Hijikata.
His light brown hair clung to his skin, which was covered in a even sheen of sweat. Standing side by side the two were built very similarly, and their tight attire made that all the more obvious. They both wore shorts that hugged their muscular backsides with Edge Fitness tank tops that left little to the imagination when it came to their impressive chest and arms.
The image felt as if it were something out of a Boy Love manga - a smooth looking, well built man covered in sweat as a slightly grumpier one wore an expression of protest beside him.
“The demon trainer laughs? Who knew.”
Hijikata immediately shook Shin’s arm off of him and snapped, “Get outta here Taka, I’m working.”
Shin didn’t seem to care, and instead he chuckled and used the bottom of his shirt to wipe the sweat from his forehead purposely giving me a peek at his perfectly defined abdominal muscles. I was feeling painfully thirsty that morning and though he and I didn’t have the best history together (not that he seemed to remember anything from Otento), seeing his abs first thing in the morning left me with a little grin on my face.
“Hey, we haven’t met before - everyone calls me Taka. I’m going to be training you after I retire Tosh,” he said to me with a confident grin.
“Don’t call me that!”
“Naomi,” I quickly said, which only seemed to make Shin smile wider and Hijikata look angrier.
“I’m jealous that Tosh is allowed to train such lovely clients. A demon like him should never be allowed near someone as delicate as yourself.”
“Oh but that’s where you’re wrong,” I said with my head held high, “I’m quite strong and you’d be quite foolish to underestimate me based on my appearance.”
The comment caught both men off guard in the best possible way, and I watched as their attention stayed on me and their eyes filled with something in between lust and admiration.
“With that said, it’s already been five minutes into my warm up and I haven’t started so…it was nice meeting you.”
Hijikata smiled triumphantly and stepped up onto the treadmill beside me, away from Shin.
He hit a few buttons and before I knew it I was running 2 miles at a ten minute pace, which doesn’t sound too difficult but proved to have me panting after a minute or so. Shin left us to it after I started running, though he did say something about looking forward to seeing me around the gym.
I could tell that his comments irked Hijikata and I hoped it was because I was making progress in getting him to see me as more than just a client. That day however, his workout kept me moving at a pace that had me out of breath and barely able to think, let alone seduce.
By the end of our hour, sweat was pouring off of me and I felt incredibly smelly and unsexy as Hijikata used our last few minutes together to help me stretch. I didn’t particularly want him touching me in such a state, but I tried to keep my cool as his hands ran over my calf as he extended my leg.
“Have you been meditating?” he asked.
“Yes,” I lied, “I’m really trying to make it part of my routine.”
Hijikata smiled triumphantly, “Checking in with your body only leads to having a healthier one.”
I gave a little nod and Hijikata pushed my leg a bit further, causing me to let out a little yelp.
He chuckled and when I asked why he was laughing he cooly lowered my leg back to the ground and said, “That was cute. Good job today. I’ll see you tomorrow at 7.”
I smiled and nodded, happy that he had remembered that Mondays the company lets us roll in closer to 10/10:30 whereas the rest of the week I try to get in by 9/9:30. It was a small detail that showed he was thinking of me enough to remember something like that, and I made my way to the showers.
Seeing as how I lived a few blocks away, I could have easily gotten ready at home. However, that wouldn’t have let me show Hijikata how cute I looked in my work clothes and so I made the plan to get ready and dressed and say goodbye looking my best if only to put in his head what it was that he might be missing.
The past few workouts he’d seen me looking like a total scrub, and in order to undo that image, I gave myself a sleek blowout and donned a tight black dress that was still office appropriate.
I was feeling pretty good about myself as I applied a bit of tinted moisturizer to my face and a light coat of mascara on my lashes. Once I felt completely confident that this was going to be the best I was look, I jammed my belongings into their appropriate bag and attempted to walk in the wedges that would soon be exchanged with a pair of flats once I was back home. I planned to drop off my belongings and make the quick swap before heading into work, but I wanted Hijikata to think that I was the kind of confident woman who could rock some wedges that made her legs look amazing.
The second I exited the locker room, I saw Shin and Hijikata arguing about something at the front desk. They were so focused on each other that I worried my hard work would be in vain, so I tried to be as breezy as possible in my approach.
“Thanks for today - I’ll see you tomorrow,” I said to Hijikata with a smile, hoping that he would be so awed by my beauty that he’d feel compelled to ask me out then and there.
As if my mind had been read I heard a voice call out and say, “Hey - we should go out sometime.”
I froze at the stairwell hoping that it belonged to the right otome man in the game I was playing but when I turned back, and saw Shin smiling at me as Hijikata stared daggers at him.
“You’re not my client, so I don’t see a problem with it. We can talk about it tomorrow,” Shin said and before I could shoot him down, he walked away.
I stood frozen on the spot, my plan having backfired slightly and to make matters worse I had no idea if Shin was asking me out because he was indeed the sixth man or if it was merely to get a rise out of his rival.
Posting this guy early because I’m prepping for a busy work week! Hope you guys like it :)
If you’ve enjoyed the story, please show your support by sharing it with a friend or buying me a coffee!
Thanks for reading :)
#eisuke ichinomiya#Soryu Oh#kissed by the baddest bidder fan fic#kissed by the bidder fanfic#star crossed myth fanfic#star crossed myth fan fiction#voltage fanfic#Voltage fan fiction#voltage romance sims#era of samurai: code of love fan fiction#era of samurai: code of love#era of samurai: code of love fanfic#Toshizo Hijikata#Takasugi Shinsaku#kbtbb fanfic#kbtbb#kbtbb soryu
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Era of Samurai: Code of Love
Toshizo Hijikata: season 1 main story
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2019 Halloween Countdown Masterlist
Day 1 —- Baba
Day 2 ----- Zyglavis
Day 3------SITS
Day 4-------Taki (NSFW)
Day 5-------Himuro
Day 6-------MLFK
Day 7-------Eisuke (NSFW)
Day 8--------Yamato
Day 9--------Little Yamada (SITS)
Day 10-------The Punishments Gods
Day 11--------Toma
Day 12-------LLFTX
Day 13--------Ota
Day 14--------Huedhaut
Day 15--------KBTBB
Day 16--------Yosuke
Day 17---------Namba
Day 18---------The Wishes Gods
Day 19----------lori
Day 20----------Kazuomi
Day 21----------SITSC
Day 22----------Scorpio
Day 23----------Okita
Day 24----------Soryu (NSFW)
Day 25----------Leon (NSFW)
Day 26----------Sydney (KoP)
Day 27----------MFW
Day 28----------Kaga
Day 29----------Ichthys
Day 30----------Yuzuru (NSFW)
Day 31---------Ryosuke, Chiba, the King, & Yonghua
#halloween countdown#voltage fanfic#halloween fanfiction#kissed by the baddest bidder#masquerade kiss#scm#kings of paradise#scandal in the spotlight#my forged wedding#her love in the force#era of samurai: code of love#my last first kiss#seduced in the sleepless city#love letter from thief x#metro pd: close to you#irresistible mistakes#voltage inc#love 365
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EOSCOL - Soji Okita spending his last moment with MC
Based on his POV
My condition has worsen and I decided to leave Shinsengumi as I don't want to become a liability to everyone. She also gotten permission to leave Shinsengumi so that she can be with me. With the help of the others, a small house was built near the hillside, facing a nice scenery view with a majestic plum tree. There are no neighbours around us but it is fine as I do not want to cause any alarm because of my sickness.
Leaning against the wall in my room, I looked out at the plum tree through the room window. I have been coughing more and more recently. I hardly have strength to walk around anymore. Is my end day getting closer? The thought is frightening and I can't deny it. Will I be able to see the plum tree bloom together with her in time?
"Here is your medicine." She said softly and gently cool it off by blowing gently over the spoon, before bringing it near me.
I finished the medicine spoon after spoon without arguing with her. Can't believe that I used to argue with her about taking this bitter medicine and now I simple wish that I can drink it forever.
"It's taste good." I smiled weakly.
"You used to hate it so much." She joked.
"I have to be a good patient in front of a doctor." I replied while still coughing away.
Even after taking the medicine, I still don't feel good but I kept it from her. I don't want her to worry too much about me. I just want her to smile but I know she is aware about my condition. She is just acting brave in front of me.
"______, did you ever regret marrying me?" I asked, not even sure why.
"No, it my best decision ever made in my whole life. We are so happy being together." She replied without hesitation.
"I won't be able to make you happy for long." I muttered loud enough for her to hear.
She leaned gently against my chest and we looked out to the plum tree over the open windows. "But you will always in my heart. Even if you are gone, I will buried you outside our yard. We will continue to watch the plum tree together as it changes over the seasons. That is enough for me." She whispered softly.
"You even think that far?" I looked down at her in surprised.
"Yes, I don't want you to keep worry about me. I will be sad but I promise you that I will continue to be happy after you are gone. So I have think hard what I can do to be happy for you." She whispered, trying hard to hold back her tears.
I used my every strength to lift my arms up and embrace her. My shivering body is feeling warmth with her body pressing against me. She is getting stronger than when I first meet her.
"I am scare that one day (coughing) that I will never wake up and see your smiles or hear voice anymore." I admitted weakly, while coughing nonstop. "But I am glad that you are with me in my life." I continued.
"Want to rest in bed?" She asked in concern, as my cough is not stopping.
"No, just stay like this. I don't want you to leave my side." I requested weakly.
I want her to be as close with me. I can feel my energy draining from me every moment. I fight hard to keep my eyes open but not sure how long I can fight it. I see tears flowing down her cheeks but I hardly can lift my fingers to wipe away the tears for her. She leans against me and my lips touches her forehead.
"Thank you for being with me." I whispered before closing my eyes.
I hear her sobbing but it just getting softer and softer until I can't hear anymore.
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dream chaser
reincarnation au.
pairing: soji okita x mc
summary: mc has always found herself wanting more. she knows what she’ll love, but she wants to find what she’ll love most. (or to be specific, who)
She often dreamed of brown hair and a teasing smile. It was warm, she remembered. Throughout all of her life, there was nothing that felt more reassuring. Perhaps it was odd to chase such a loose concept, but to her, it was like a memory.
It was always the odd things that drew her in. She clung onto dreams, something of fiction, and yet she adored history. She was far from an expert on the subject, but there was always a certain connection she felt.
Everything she ever did was based on that connection. Her job, her favorite food, (and even her type); all of her interests clicked as if she loved them before. Everything fit in so naturally for her, as if it were fate. It was as if she knew she was going to love history or if she knew that she was going to become a doctor.
There were many things she knew she was going to love. The feeling was especially prominent as she entered through the art gallery’s door.
Keep reading
#voltage fanfic#era of samurai code of love#era of samurai: code of love#okita soji#i'm crying wtf#need to purchase the act 3 soon
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100 Followers!!! Taking Requests
OMG how did I already get here?! Thank you, everyone, for following me and I'm so glad you love my fanfics! So I'm going to do a 100 follower special but it has a twist. All the fanfics so far have only been Eisuke fanfics (I swear I love him so much!) and I wanted to add more variation to this blog.
Below is all the routes I have ever played in any Voltage app (paid & party apps). If you want, please comment/message me a request with any of the guys that I have played already with a scenario, MC details (personality, name etc), the ending and how the guy acts. I'll write them and tag you in them (hopefully you'll like it!) and I'm actually really excited to be doing this! Thanks, everyone and I love all of you beautiful and wonderful people!!!! 😊😊😊
Paid Apps:
Kissed by the Baddest Bidder:
Star Crossed Myth:
Enchanted in the Moonlight:
True Love Sweet Lies:
Dreamy Days in West Tokyo:
Our Two Bedroom Story:
Love Letter from Thief X:
A Knight’s Devotion:
Era of Samurai: Code of Love:
Hajime Saito
Party Apps:
My Forged Wedding:
Sleepless Cinderella:
Samurai Love Ballad:
Thanks again everyone! I’ll try my hardest to make the stories as you want them; they may take a while as I have exams coming up so they may be slow but I will definitely do it!
#kissed by the baddest bidder#star crossed myth#era of samurai: code of love#samurai love ballad party#my forged wedding party#sleepless cinderella party#a knights devotion#love letter from thief x#our two bedroom story#true love sweet lies#enchanted in the moonlight#100 followers#thank you
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Holy shit. I felt this was so relevant, especially in Otakuland. And if you're wondering why: while I'm sure I have zero audience now, the small audience I did have was predominantly comprised of players of Otome games like SLBP, Sakura Amidst Chaos, Era of Samurai (because white people are apparently too dumb to understand Shinsengumi which is in the original title): Code of Love, and Hakuoki.
My point being a LOT of us write fanfiction about these time periods, historical heroes, and so on. Personally? I think raking an active interest in these historical periods is crucial even if it is because BISHIIIIIIS. AHEM.
Thing is I've noticed fanfics where a female protagonist is a warrior or characters are gay getting shredded as inaccurate which is pure bullshit. Especially because homosexuality used to be considered sacred in Japan (I shit you not, Otakulings. Google "shudo." I may have the word wrong, I am sick and tired. I'll fix this post if I do later).
The fact of the matter is that women have, obviously, always been a part of history. The problem is, as part of the narrative that men should be in control because they're stronger, they're the protectors, and so on, toxic masculinity rules history and female (and even non gender specific or cross dressing, Google "Sue Mundy" sometime) heroes are relegated to the shadows as mere whispers.
So write female ninja and samurai. Write queer samurai. Write as if the rules don't apply because the reality is the rules were made up by people who managed to dominate and want all the credit & refuse to share any where it is due.
I literally can’t get myself to sit through movies that don’t have women. I’m like where the fuck are the women? Why are there so many men? This is boring as fuck goodbye
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Down the Voltage Rabbit Hole - The Sequel
Last year, to get out of my creative funk I wrote something just for fun that turned into a 50 chapter Voltage Crossover Extravaganza called Down the Voltage Rabbit Hole (read all the chapters here).
When I ended it, I left the door open for a sequel but I have been far too busy to even attempt to write anything. Well...I finished a massive project in my IRL life, and find myself where I was last year - creatively burned out and wanting to write something just for fun that I don’t have to stress about or overthink.
If you loved the original and don’t want to tarnish the ending by reading or if you’ve moved away for the fandom, just let me know and I’ll untag you. It’s very doubtful that I’ll find time to post the way I once did, but I’m hoping to try and do a post once a week or once every other week (and don’t be mad if I can’t stick to that!).
This story goes out to anyone who has ever been confused about their feelings...

Chapter 1 - Trouble in Paradise
I had figured that after a month of experiencing New York City in the real world, that the otome men I’d trapped here would have collectively realized that I was nothing special. After all, the women who live in New York City manage to be beautiful, smart, and witty in a seemingly effortless way as they go about navigating one of the most competitive cities in the world. Obviously a city having the nickname of “the concrete jungle” is not for the faint of heart, and as a result the population of women here exist on another level when it comes to both brains and beauty alike.
However, true to otome form Zyglavis’ eyes never strayed and Jin, Hijikata, Soryu, and Hiroshi continued to chase me undeterred by the ring on my finger. Zyglavis initially laughed off their attention towards me, but slowly their persistence started to wear on him. As Zyg had once done upon arriving in this world, the others quickly adapted as well.
Having been police officers for most of their lives, Jin and Hiroshi (despite my skepticism of their ability to make it in such a violent city) somehow managed to find their place in the NYPD. The two of them, though rivals for my affection, were also close friends and it wasn’t uncommon for them swing by my office that was only a few blocks away from the Tribeca precinct where they both worked. Initially they’d found jobs doing secretarial work, but when a serial mugger seemed to leave no clues behind and the seasoned NYPD detectives floundered, Hiroshi and Jin came together to teach their peers a thing or two. Thanks cracking the case of the Tribeca mugger, their supervisor crafted two personal recommendation letters that in turn managed to get them back to “rookie” status despite being far too old for the NYPD. I had figured that the NYPD must have a few loopholes only accessible to insiders, but it was still a surprise to see that both these men were able to reclaim the jobs that they’d been conditioned to have in their world. Because their precinct was only a few blocks away from where I spent most of my days at work, this odd couple of sorts always managed to get me to join them for lunch. Initially I told Zyg about our salad runs to sweetgreen (it was always the two of them and a few girls from my office), but as tensions grew surrounding my friendships with the guys I found myself keeping more and more to myself despite the fact that I saw them practically every day. Similar to Jin and Hiroshi, Soryu and Hijikata soon became thick as thieves.
Hijikata was someone who lived by his sword and would always be soldier at heart. His days had been previously spent training incessantly for war, yet living in the modern world provided little opportunity to fight. Training however, was something that CrossFit provided and Hijikata took to it like a moth to a flame.
Between Hijikata’s Shinsengumi code of honor and Soryu’s mob values the two normally stoic men somehow managed to get quite close, and before I knew it Hijikata and Soryu were two of the most popular instructors at a gym around the corner from me. Once they’d established themselves within the gym’s rotation, they invited me to workout with them. Not wanting to pass up access to a free gym (something far overpriced in New York), I attended in secret - worried that similar to the salad runs with Jin and Hiroshi my CrossFit participation would elicit unnecessary strife in a relationship that was far rockier these days.
I’ll admit that seeing Hijikata not only adapt so well, but confidently lead a class in a way he’d led his soldiers stirred something in my heart. It was apparent that I wasn’t the only one affected by his leadership skills, and as a result I was often forced to silently watch on as women attempted to get close to him (and Soryu for that matter). “Am I doing this right?” They’d ask, arching their backs and sticking out their rear ends with the hopes of enticing them a little. At first I could see that Soryu and Hijikata were offput by how forward women in this world were, but as the weeks went on they soon were unfazed by the behavior. I once overheard a conversation between them where they’d been keeping tally of how many women had made a stealthy advance on them – whoever had been approached more had to do the other’s laundry. I wish I could say it didn’t bother me and I knew it wasn’t fair to be possessive in any way towards these imaginary men who I’d rejected for an ex-God who seemed to grow unhappier with every day that passed in this world.
Most recently I’d seen one of the prettier women in class approach them after our hour of physical torture was up, and invite them to parties or for drinks – only to be met with polite decline. “Oh I’m sorry,” she’d said with a bright smile. “I didn’t mean to be forward. I just wanted to extend an invite - feel free to bring your girlfriends.” My eyes met Hijikata’s momentarily before I forced myself out of my old feelings for him, and exited the gym unclear as to what his response would be. It was in those moments that I questioned if choosing Zyglavis had been the right thing to do.
I felt greedy and selfish but something had happened with all of them that reminded me of the time I’d spent with them in otome-ville, and that they’d all collectively unlocked some long lost part of myself that wanted to believe in the goodness of men and possibility of romance. Naturally I would never act on the occasional flare up of feelings, but I found that despite this Zyglavis and I were arguing more and more.
“We have a responsibility to them!” I found myself yelling at him one night. “And you don’t get to dictate who I can and cannot speak with.” “This is different!” Zyglavis snapped. Leon had stopped by that night and had mentioned that with all the guys firmly settled into clear life paths, he felt that it was time for him to forge his own path in this world. He was moving out of the share house he’d found them in Bushwick and into an apartment of his own, where he could have more autonomy. He was fairly vague about how exactly he hoped to leave a mark on this world in his less-than-godly current state, but knowing Leon I wasn’t concerned for his well-being. I’d hoped that for once in his life Leon would refrain from upsetting Zyg, but naturally he found time to fan the flames right before he left our apartment by casually letting me know with an arrogant grin that my cross-fit routine was “really paying off”. I rolled my eyes at the unwanted compliment, and shooed Leon away but the second we were alone Zyglavis freaked out. I found myself trying to play it cool - noting that they invited me and it was hard to say no to a free class that normally would run for $50 a pop. Yet, as Zyg grew more and more irate and jealous, I realized that something between the two of us had broken.
Zyglavis has alluded to the fact that he believed my continued involvement with these men had meant that I was doing something wrong, and as a result I’d started keeping things from him. I could feel the tears well up and I shouted at him, “A relationship doesn’t work without trust. You either trust me or you don’t. And I guess you don’t anymore.” He froze in his tracks and looked forlorn before quietly saying my name. I tried to control my loud, ugly sobs as I packed a few things into an overnight bag and left our apartment wondering if maybe I’d made a mistake choosing Zyglavis after all.
In a group text to my girls I asked if any of them would mind housing me, and Meg offered up her spare bedroom immediately. As I headed over to her apartment, Sarita and Maya both extended offers as well, clearly concerned about what had happened.
However, when Meg opened the door I was doubly surprised, as she looked just as forlorn as I did. Giving me a big hug she broke down and I learned that Noah had broken up with her. She’d been completely blindsided by it, having been with him the past 6 years, and as miserable as we both were I sought comfort in the fact that we were at least able to be miserable together. “I’m sorry,” she said, after telling me the whole story. “I should be consoling you.” I shook my head, “No way. For years you’ve listened to my misadventures in dating. I’m just having another one - this is different.” Meg burst out crying again, “6 years. We talked about getting married. And then...I don’t even know what...” I hugged her and couldn’t help but think about my harem waiting for me back on the east side. I wondered if Meg would believe me if I told her the truth about who Zyglavis was and if she’d judge me having done the hard work with a “real man” and yet here I was sobbing over someone I knew I could live happily ever after with if I’d just apologize.
I never revealed the truth about my situation and instead we spent the night drowning our sorrows in a bottle of wine that Noah had brought back from a work trip abroad.
Though there were many tears, in typical Meg style the next morning it was as if nothing had happened. She informed me that I could stay as long as I wanted, and that she was going to purge the apartment of all things Noah before taking a week off from work and heading to Connecticut to be with her parents in order to properly re-evaluate her life and reset. “Are you sure?” I asked, not wanting to impose. “Of course. It’ll be nice to know you’re here getting the mail and watering the plants while I’m gone.”
“Consider it done!” She paused momentarily, her eyes leaving mine before she mumbled, “Don’t make the mistake I made Omi. There were so many times I thought I’d end it and never did. If your gut pushed you to leave, listen.”
I nodded and worrying she had overstepped quickly added, “But no matter what happens I’ll be here for you.” I felt compelled in that moment to hug my strong, beautiful friend that hated sentimental bullshit and unnecessary familiar contact and said, “same.” She gave me a little smirk that indicated she’d be fine despite her eyes telling a very different story and then packed a few boxes of Noah’s leftovers for Goodwill and a small suitcase for the week at home. When she finally left and the unfamiliar apartment was filled with silence, my mind drifted back to what Meg had said. I thought about everything Zyglavis and I had been through.
I thought about why I chose him, and I thought about if I would have chosen Hijikata had he been an option back then. I thought about how Soryu had reformed and how he’d once made my heart race in a way that no one else had. I thought about leaving Jin behind because I was certain that he’d never make it in this world, and then had gotten to see firsthand how flawed that thinking was. Lastly, I thought about Hiroshi and how my coworkers were obsessed with him, insisting that I was crazy to have let him slip through my fingers.
Now that they were all here, the truth was that I could see myself being happy with all of them and it was a shame that the one man I was certain could make me happiest was making me more miserable than I’d ever been in my life.
I sighed and reached for my phone that had 10 missed calls and 15 text messages from Zyglavis. I felt badly that my silence had worried him, and even though I wasn’t sure what it was exactly that I wanted to do about our relationship I let him know that I was at Meg’s.
He instantly wrote back, “I’m coming over.”
And much to my surprise, a second later I heard a snap and he appeared before me.
Holding up a gloved hand, Zyglavis looked like the man I’d met back in otome-ville except he looked sadder than I’d ever seen him.
“Do you remember the first big fight we had?”
“When you saw Jin texting me?”
Zyglavis nodded, “I left the apartment to cool off that night. At first I was just aimlessly walking, but my feet ended up taking me by Fairway – you know the outdoor area?”
“Sure, where there’s fruit and sale stuff stacked up?”
“I saw an old lady start to take an orange from the stack. She wasn’t tall enough to reach and as a result it started to fall and I just…muscle memory I guess…”
“Hold on – that was a few months back!”
“My powers have just gotten stronger since. Every time we fight – every argument, every positive thought you have about them and negative thought about me…”
Zyglavis looked down, pursing his lips sadly.
“…I feel it because I grow stronger.”
“That doesn’t make – ”
“Of course it does. The king told Leon to bring me home but he knew that could never happen if I still loved you…if you still loved me.”
“Do you still love me?”
I held his gaze and we stood in silence in an unfamiliar apartment that was void of six months of our memories together. I wanted to be able to tell him that I did still love him, but Meg’s words weighed heavily on my heart. She’d been with someone for 6 years and had moments of doubt she now regretted pushing away and here I was feeling something unpleasant and uncertain that I couldn’t blindly ignore.
“I don’t know,” I whispered.
Zyglavis’ eyes filled with tears, and after a moment he cried out as I watched a surge of power overtake his body. I watched on as he raised his hand and snapped, almost as if it were against his will, and with that one gesture a third being was summoned.
“Well, well,” the king of the heavens said in an amused voice. “It would seem as if I’ve won this game of love after all…”
I could feel the terror I’d felt all those months ago seize my heart once more as I realized that my uncertainty might be the undoing of the happy ending I’d once worked so hard to achieve.
Read the next chapter here.
If you’ve enjoyed the story, please show your support by sharing it with a friend or buying me a coffee!
Thanks for reading :)
#voltage fandom#voltage fan#voltage fanfic#voltage romance sims#star crossed myth fanfic#starcrossedmyth#star crossed myth#zyglavis#leon#her love in the force#her love in the force fanfiction#her love in the force fanfic#kissed by the baddest bidder#kissed by the bidder fanfic#Soryu Oh#era of samurai: code of love fanfic#era of samurai: code of love#hijikata toshizo#mpd fan fiction#Hiroshi Kirisawa#jin namba
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Chapter 9 - Mystery Men
Catch up on Chapters 1 - 8 here! (or just Chapter 8)
I felt a sense of relief knowing that Meg was not only okay in the otome realm, but that she was still managing to help me in my quest.
I assumed that the king had underestimated her, seeing as how it was obvious that her knowledge of his world was far less than my own. It was because of that fact that she’d been able to do all this investigating under his nose. Furthermore, my misstep in identifying the final sixth man had given him a false sense of security and as a result it was clear that he was no longer feeling as if he needed to watch my every move.
At the time I’d compiled the list of potential suitors, I had written down everyone who had come to mind - even if we hadn’t spent much time together. Based on what was in front of me, Meg had been incredibly productive and she’d circled three names in red ink - Iori Enjo, Toma Kirya, and Eisuke Ichinomiya.
That last name was one that I hadn’t even written down, but Meg had scribbled it at the bottom and circled it as if she was certain that he should not be over looked. I wished that I could ask her about what it was that I was seeing, but I’d have to figure it out myself. As prickly as all these men were at least I had names to give to Jin, and that in itself was a start.
Having lived an incredibly full day and with an equally full one tomorrow, I dragged myself to bed in my own home for the first time since my breakup. I had hoped that sleep would come quickly but instead I found myself tossing and turning as I considered the fact that perhaps, after all of this, Zyglavis would not be the one for me in the end.
There was something unsettling about that thought in addition to feeling free. I was getting a second chance to figure out who was the best fit for me with the knowledge that all of the otome men I’d met were able to thrive in this world in ways I never could have anticipated the first time around.
With Jin specifically, his age, his smoking habit, and the fact that I was convinced this city would eat him alive had been the bulk of why I walked away from him in the first place. I found myself thinking about our hot springs date and how sad he was when I had revealed back then that I was going back to New York. I remember how he’d declared that he wanted to be considered - that he would not give up easily and that he loved me.
I remembered the way he conducted himself when Zyglavis and Shun had bickered like children in front of Addison & Rhodes. He had been mature and calm - even respectful of his rivals.
At the time I was having trouble seeing anyone other than Zyglavis but now I couldn’t help but think of that moment and if I had picked Jin and if everything had played out the way it did (with my old otome flames dropping into this world unannounced and with no return) if our relationship might have easily persevered during the test that had made relationship with Zyglavis falter.
It didn’t matter that the answer to my question would never come lying in bed, my mind pondered it anyway and I didn’t get to sleep until somewhere around 2 am that night.
“What the hell is this?!” Hijikata bellowed as I found myself too tired and too sore to complete yet another burpee rep.
“Don’t be sorry - show me you want to do the work. Prove that this isn’t just a one day whim!”
Hijikata clicked his tongue and I laid on the floor of the gym my stomach, taking his “stop” as permission to completely collapse during my burpee mid-motion.
“How late were you up last night? You seem sluggish and you have dark circles under your eyes!”
“2…maybe later…”
I could see the annoyance flicker behind Hijikata’s eyes and he growled, “Why were you up so late when you knew we were working out?”
“I tried to sleep…believe me, I was in bed by 11 but I just couldn’t.”
He let out a sharp exhale and extended his hand, to help me back onto my feet. I took it and was reminded of how his hand felt around mine, if only for a moment. He led me to a small stretching area in the back and instructed me to sit across from him.
“Training is not just about mastering the body, but also the mind. Breathe Naomi. In through the nose, out through the mouth…”
I was surprised that Hijikata had forgiven my failings and instead proceeded to lead me through a guided meditation for 20 minutes.
To be honest, meditation had always been one of those things I convinced myself was for hippies and yoga fanatics but Hijikata made it feel accessible to me. He made me realize it was a struggle to be present and calm with all that was happening in my life. As I scanned my body, I not only felt the aches and pains from our workout yesterday but the tension in my shoulders from the stress of a missing friend and an uncertain future.
I was also surprised to see Hijikata looking at me almost tenderly when I was finally instructed to open my eyes.
“That’s all for today.”
“You’re tired right? It’d be reckless to push you to do more today. Rest up and I’ll see you Monday at 8 AM.”
“Ok. I’m sorry.”
Hijikata shook his head, “You were tired but still showed up. You did your best. Your homework is to work meditation into your daily life. I need a calm mind in order to transform your body.”
I nodded and walked with Hijikata down one flight of steps past Frank who couldn’t help but butt in, “Leaving so soon?”
“Making an exception for today,” Hijikata said, leaping to my defense.
Frank grinned and in a teasing tone noted, “It’s not like the demon trainer to play favorites. Don’t tell me you’ve already fallen for our lovely client Toshi!”
“Of course not!” he growled, but Frank continued his playful barbs until Hijikata had enough and stormed off.
There was something about the exchange that had reminded me of Hijikata’s relationship with Isami Kondo back on the Shinsengumi base, and seeing this brotherly, and slightly paternal teasing from Frank caused me to smile despite how bad I was feeling for not being able to finish the workout.
“Frank!” I scolded with a smile, “He’s going to be even meaner to me Monday now just to prove he doesn’t play favorites!”
“I doubt it hon - and I like my clients to smile when they leave even if they can’t keep up with my demon,” he said with a little wink. “Don’t mind Toshi either - he’s extra prickly these days because he’s got a rival.”
“A rival?”
“Yeah, I’m sure you’ll see him around. Guy’s also training for the same lifting competition Toshi’s got in a month. And let me tell you - this dude’s the real deal. Got Toshi sweating it pretty hard these days.”
“Was he here yesterday by any chance?”
“Sure was - why do you ask?”
I had to consider that there was a strong possibility that this rival was the sixth man I’d managed to “meet” but not notice. There was something about a sudden appearance of a challenger that felt very in-line with a predictable otome plot to go unnoticed.
“Do you mind if I ask his name?”
“Taka. He’s a fine dude but him and Toshi are like oil and water. Do yourself a favor and don’t bring him up if you want to stay on Toshi’s good side,” Frank noted with a laugh before saying goodbye to spot another member’s squat.
There was no one on my list of suspects who went by “Taka” yet my gut was telling me that there was no way that this was merely a coincidence. I raced home and opened my Love365 app before going through all the games in order to refresh my memory as to who this mystery “Taka” could be.
There was Takashi from Revance, but it seemed really unlikely that he would have taken up weightlifting to the point that he would be able to compete with Toshi. There was Takao Maruyama from Long Island, but I never ended up investigating there so I crossed him off my list. Hidetaka Sera didn’t go by Taka, but I did remember the way he looked at me when Zyg and I had visited Seishun High School, and figured that while it was unlikely that he was my mystery suitor, I should still keep my eyes peeled for him.
Finally, I didn’t remember interacting much with Takamune Kitami, the athlete option in My Last First Kiss, but he seemed to make sense as a physical rival to Hijikata and so I scribbled both names on my potential list for Jin Namba before heading to shower and prepare for my date with Hiroshi.
I’ll admit that I was sore and tired and well aware thanks to Toshi’s comment that all of my fatigue showed on my face.
Unfortunately I didn’t have time for a nap and so the second best option was a makeup tutorial for a fresh, dewey, natural day look that walked me through how to hide my dark, under-eye circles. Between that, the highlighter, and an excessive use at mascara I found myself staring back at a reflection that felt overly made up but appropriate for a second date based on what I’d presented on the first.
Hiroshi and I met at the Shake Shack on the Upper East Side at 86th street, and ordered a fair amount of food before heading over to the park with it. In no way, shape, or form had I “earned” the calories required to adequately enjoy my burger and cheese fries after my pathetic attempt at a workout but I couldn’t possibly be bothered to care.
It was a beautiful day and Hiroshi had been attentive and sweet upon his arrival. He held the Shake Shack door for me and insisted on carrying our food, all the while letting me know in an abashed way that he was sorry he’d been unresponsive over text. Apparently his caseload had taken over most of his time and he wanted to make sure he’d be able to attend our date which meant less texting and more working.
Our conversation flowed naturally as it had on our first date as we walked several blocks to the large east meadow and spread out a blanket. It was such a beautiful day that it felt like everyone in the city had the same idea as us, and though the situation lacked privacy it provided a setting that didn’t feel overly serious or nerve-racking.
Based on what had been said, I was relieved to know that I was still just as close to getting my first kiss out of the six as I’d felt after our first date, and I strategized with how I was going to make Hiroshi feel comfortable and confident enough to make a move.
As quaint as a daytime park picnic with burgers sounded at the time, I realized that it was possibly the least sexy situation one can be in. Burgers are messy and greasy and it’s virtually impossible to make consuming them sexy despite what Carl Jr.’s wants you to think.
I tried to eat mine as ladylike as I could, but the delicious shack sauce still managed to get all over me. I was glad that Hiroshi was good natured about the whole thing, and even went so far as to note that he liked a woman who could get a bit messy and not make a stink about it.
“Oh, well if you’re looking for a hot mess then look no further!” I joked.
“You are definitely a hot mess.”
“You’re not so bad yourself,” I said, wiping sauce off my face and when I looked over I saw Hiroshi looking at me in the way a man does before he leans in and kisses you. I held his gaze and did my patented seductive smirk, in which I pucker my lips slightly and imply with my eyes I’m really worth following through with.
Hiroshi scooted himself closer to me and I held my breath hopeful that I’d soon be reunited with the real Hiroshi Kirisawa.
But naturally…that would have been too easy.
Instead, a shrill voice interrupted our moment, as a young boy informed his mom that he found a spot for their blanket and trotted over to an empty space of grass a few feet away. Hiroshi and I grinned and averted our eyes with no other choice but to return to our picnic.
“So you’ve been busy, huh?” I asked in an attempt to recover.
“You have no idea. It’s like the city was tryin’ to do everything possible to keep me from ya.”
“I hope that’s not true.”
“Well it can try,” Hiroshi said flashing me a confident smirk, “but it’d never win. Not when I like a girl - when I like a girl, nothin’ can keep me from her.”
“And you like…me?”
I watched as his smirk faded and a panicked expression overtook his features.
“Shit! I was supposed to play it cool,” he said, cheeks reddening. “Damnit.”
“Why play it anything? I like it when you’re you.”
The second I said it, I realized that it sounded like a line despite the fact that I really meant it. Hiroshi had no idea of course, but having him act like this was familiar and when we’d first reunited he’d seemed like another person entirely. Similarly to how it had been with Jin, I was happy to discover that Hiroshi wasn’t so different than the man I’d had that one night stand with back in otome-ville.
Regardless though, there was something about him that was too nice for me.
It was a shame really - every iteration of Hiroshi, even this gruffer New Yorker one was too sweet to be my type. I felt like such an idiot realizing that I preferred the cold and silent type to the kind of man who would treat me like a queen. It made me ashamed to know that I was the kind of woman that caused genuinely nice guys to feel like women prefer jerks…
…and I felt even worse knowing that I had to keep pretending that he had a chance with me in order to get that kiss.
It must have showed on my face because Hiroshi asked, “Naomi - what’s wrong?”
“Oh nothing. Now I feel like the uncool one.”
“Nah, that was really nice,” Hiroshi said, taking my hand in his. “So nice I don’t even care your hands are covered in sauce.”
“Ugh are they really?”
“No - you’re totally perfect, come on…ya know that.”
“Totally perfect.”
It was happening. I got us back to where we needed to be in order for me to have a chance at winning. I felt awful about kissing a man I knew I had no feelings for and who in every iteration was too good for me, but I still let the moment play out.
I leaned in and just as I was about to close my eyes, in the distance I saw a familiar duo and realized that Meg’s suspicions about Eisuke Ichinomiya being in my world had been accurate.
Chapter 10 here!
Posting this early for work reasons but I hope you guys like it.
If you’ve enjoyed the story, please show your support by sharing it with a friend or buying me a coffee!
Thanks for reading :)
#voltage fanfic#Voltage fan fiction#voltage fan#voltage fandom#voltage inc#voltage games#voltage romance sims#jin namba#her love in the force fanfic#her love in the force fanfiction#toshizo hijikata#era of samurai: code of love fanfic#era of samurai: code of love fan fiction#era of samurai: code of love#her love in the force#kissed by the baddest bidder#kissed by the bidder fanfic#kissed by the baddest bidder fan fic#Hiroshi Kirisawa#mpd fanfic#mpd fan fiction
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Part 50 - An Ending
Down the Voltage Rabbit Hole is an ongoing story about our MC, who could easily be anyone in voltage fandom. She woke up in hospital bed only to discover that she’d somehow been transported Voltage universe.
This is the last chapter, so please use the link to the masterpost below to read from the start:

Part 50 - An Ending
I made us all some tea with the hope that should Leon still have his powers, the time spent in this world would dull them. I was concerned that he’d take us back against our will, seeing as how he’d come on a mission from the king and had always been difficult to reason with.
Seeing him and Zyglavis together made me realize how much happier Zyg appeared these days, and as I went about my business preparing the tea, I couldn’t help but smile at how much I’d seen him change during our time together.

Back in the otome world, he always seemed to be bogged down with his responsibilities as Chief Minister of Punishments.
However since he’d changed careers and left his life as a God behind him, he suddenly had an ample amount of free time outside of work, and we found ourselves spending the bulk of our down time together. In this world, I was the one who would occasionally bring work home and when that happened, he would step out of the apartment and visit a local bartender he’d befriended in our neighborhood.
Outside of Ricky (the bartender), he’d also made a handful of friends at work, and for the first time in his life it appeared that his friendships revolved around shared interests and not status.
During the past few months, he’d opened up about his life in the Heavens and admitted to having internalized much of the frustration that came with being a God in a position of power. He’d felt that Gods and Goddesses often approached him for the wrong reasons (putting his prestige over who he was as an individual), and told me that for the first time in his life he felt free.
In the Heavens, Chief Minister Zyglavis was known as a serious, anti-social sort of man, which he claimed was a byproduct of spending the past several hundred years around social climbers. With a smile he’d noted that he liked how humans got to know him as simply “Zyg” and nothing more.
The frustration and trepidation he once felt upon being approached was no longer there. The people in my world didn’t see him as an all powerful God - they just saw him as a guy who loved chocolate, books, science, and all of his other random interests.
Considering the fact that I loved him for who he was, it made me happy to see him fitting into this world without any problems.
I’d lost sight of how uptight he’d been back in the otome world, but as he sat next to Leon the memories of his old persona as a stuffy, quickly irritable, and stoic God returned. Seeing him in that defensive posture for the first time in months hurt my heart, and I silently vowed to do everything in my power to resolve this situation as quickly as I could.
For the most part, Leon chided Zyglavis for not attempting to return after the king had made it clear that he had not intended for Zyglavis to go with me. Zyg, as he always did, had a short fuse around Leon and argued that shortly after arriving in this world, he’d lost his powers and that there was nothing he could do from that point on.
“You can’t possibly be happier here,” Leon said as I set the tea down before them. “This hovel of an apartment is far too small for two people, let alone a God of your stature.”
“I don’t care about my status,” Zyglavis said. “This is my home and I would appreciate you not being so rude.”
Leon laughed heartily, and as I sat to join them I attempted to break the tension by asking, “If the king wanted us to return, why did he wait so long send you here?”
“Truthfully he was going to be magnanimous and let it go, but as time went on our world began to fall into chaos.”
“How so?”
Leon sighed, and with the snap of his fingers my living room turned into a theater of sorts. Zyglavis and I were shown several scenes in which Jin and Soryu were introduced to their proper MC but failed to move on.
“I’m sorry but my heart belongs to someone else,” they’d each said to the girl who stood in front of them. “She’s different. No one can replace her and I just can’t stop wishing that we’ll be together one day...”
Leon snapped his feelings and I felt a few of those old feelings come racing back. With that said, I tried to keep my cool upon seeing Zyglavis’ irritated expression, clearly displeased by having my exes paraded around in front of him.
“They’re not the only ones,” Leon said. “I can’t explain it, but they won’t stop wishing. Not only do I still have a headache, but the energy in our world...something is off. The balance that was once there is broken and we need you to fix it.”
“I don’t know how though…”
Leon glared at me and snapped, “You managed to get yourself and him home - I think you can put the same effort into making things right.”
“I’d appreciate it if you would not speak to my fiancé that way,” Zyglavis said harshly.
“As far as I’m concerned you’re just as culpable Minister Ponytail.”
Zyglavis scoffed, “I can’t expect you to understand, seeing as how you don’t love anyone other than yourself.”
“Says the man who needed my help in physically expressing it…”
"I forgot how arrogant you are!"
"And I forgot how uptight you are! It's a wonder you managed to find yourself a woman."
"Why you!"
“Guys!” I yelled, breaking up the escalating argument.
“I’m sorry my love...I got carried away.”
Leon scoffed at Zyglavis’ words, and Zyg ignored him, putting his arm around me protectively.
“Leon, you’re not taking her from me. And we’re not going back. I’m sorry but that’s final. Just wipe their memory and things should be fine.”
“You really don’t understand a thing, do you?”
Leon glared at us both and snapped his fingers. What happened after that moment, was something I was truly unprepared for.

Toshizo Hijikata stood in my living room, looking incredibly confused, filling my studio apartment with that earthy smell of his.
Upon seeing me his eyes widened, and he smiled at me in a way that made it clear he remembered it all as vividly as I had. He came towards me, unconcerned that Zyglavis had his arm around me and pulled me up from the couch and into his arms.
“I thought I’d lost you…”
A lump formed in my throat as I remembered our last moments together before Leon had plucked me out of the Bakumatsu period and placed me back in modern day Tokyo.
“You...remember me?”
“How could I ever forget?”
“I’m sorry I just left you like that.”
Before Hijikata could say anything else, I felt Zyglavis pull me out of his embrace and with a possessive glare demanded that Leon to send him back. Leon snapped his fingers and I felt myself reach out towards the spot where Hijikata once stood. I’d done it on impulse and quickly saw that the action had caused a hurt look to form on Zyglavis’ face.
“I’m sorry, I just…”
“Do you understand now, Minister Ponytail? They do not forget her.”

Leon stayed with us late into the night arguing with Zyglavis over what should be done, and I found myself preparing the groceries I’d bought for the three of us. Being in our world was beginning to take its toll on Leon, and he found himself feeling hungry for the first time in his life.
“How is it?” I asked Leon, who tentatively took a bite of pasta dish I’d made.
Upon realizing he’d be joining us, I quickly ran out and grabbed some pre-made chicken meatballs which I figured would help stretch my groceries from a dinner for two to a dinner for three. Seeing as how I knew they were Leon’s favorite, I figured that making them might help him relax, allowing us to enjoy a peaceful meal together.
“Not bad.”
“There’s plenty more if you want seconds.”
“If his highness is so worried, why doesn’t he just use his own powers?” Zyglavis asked, unconcerned with pleasantries and clearly wanting Leon out of our hair as soon as possible.
“I can’t say. He’s tasked me with this and demanded that I bring you back or not return.”
“What do you mean...not return?” I quietly asked.
Leon took a out rumpled social security card, in addition to an ID and Passport, and tossed them on the table.
“Exactly that. He sent me here with these papers, a lifetime supply of money, and told me that if I cannot convince you to return, my penance will be living as a human until the Goldfish’s demise. At that point I figure he’ll come for both of us and...it won’t be pretty.”
Zyglavis sighed with recognition and muttered, “That man does love his games.”
“I suppose the only silver lining of this shitty situation is that ever since I came to this world my head has been freed from those damned wishes!”
Leon scoffed and continued to wolf down his food, soon holding his plate out towards me and demanding seconds. I fetched him another helping and upon returning to the table, Zyglavis encouraged me to show Leon the games on my phone.
Even though there was a tangible animosity between the two of them, Zyglavis knew how difficult the king could be as much as anyone, and felt that we owed it to Leon to paint the full picture as far as what was really going on.
At first he was resistant towards the idea that the world he left was an offshoot of something created in this one, and to say that Leon was humbled upon seeing his own route in Star Crossed Myth would be the understatement of the century. As much as he didn’t want to believe it, the truth became obvious to him after seeing he was “offline” considering the fact that he was here.
He requested that I show him all the apps that had been riddled with bugs since my return, and he soon let me know that every man who was offline had been one to fill his head with wishes.
“Before you came here,” I noted. “Zyglavis was a selectable character in these games. But now...he’s gone.”
I pulled up the Voltage Facebook page and showed Leon a public post, explaining that they were having a hard time fixing the problematic apps.
The post explained that Star Crossed Myth was back up and running, though they were unable to get Zyglavis back online. As a result, they’d credited all users $20 worth of stories in the app, and removed him completely - both as a main character in addition to a supporting one.
The post went on to say that they would be looking into doing the same with Kissed by the Baddest Bidder, Era of Samurai: Code of Love, Her Love in the Force, and Metro PD: Close to You. It apologized again for any inconvenience and noted that should the stories remain offline users would be credited in full (plus additional) as an apology.
“I don’t understand this,” Leon finally said, completely void of his usual bravado. “But you need to return. You need to figure out how to get these working again.”

Zyg managed to convince Leon to give us time alone to talk everything over.
I’d hoped that Leon would be returning to his world for the night, but instead I learned that he was staying nearby at a hotel. The king had made it clear that he was not to return empty handed, and not wanting to disobey the king, he grabbed the key card off our foyer table and let us know that he’d allow us one last night together in order to make the proper arrangements before returning with him tomorrow.
After he’d left, I couldn’t help but start crying seeing as how I couldn’t fathom a scenario in which we got out of having to go back with Leon. My life with Zyglavis had been so peaceful and I wasn’t ready for it to end.
It was obvious that Leon was still prepared to use brute force and take us against our will, despite the fact that he now understood the magnitude of the problem. This was not as simple as forcing these men to forget or move on and he now understood that their existence was tied to this world through the games that they inhabited.
Zyglavis held me in his arms and rubbed my back until my sobs quieted, and in a quiet voice admitted that he too was uneasy about the whole thing.
He’d hated seeing me with Hijikata but knew that if we were to return not only would he be forced to know that I was back in the lives of my exes but it was unlikely that the king would allow him to come back to my world and the life that we’d built together (should we even succeed in fixing things).
“I have an idea,” he finally said. “But I feel bad...it involves being a bit underhanded.”
“I just don’t see any other way.”
As he outlined his plan to me, I felt sick to my stomach knowing that what we were about to do would put into motion the very thing I’d done my best to avoid. However, the longer we spoke, the harder it was to find another way and before bed we both found ourselves making arrangements to stay home from work in order to properly execute our plan.
From there we went about our usual nightly ritual, but when I came out of the bathroom seeing Zyglavis in his underwear and sleeping shirt sparked something in me that had faded a bit with time.

The idea that the happiness we took for granted was on the brink of being stolen away hurt my heart, and I found myself aggressively kissing Zyglavis, wanting to be as close to him as possible. Naturally he reciprocated, feeling the same way I did, and with our Friday free from work we mustered all of the passion we had for each other late into the night.

Neither of us slept well, unsure as to the ramifications of Zyglavis’ imperfect plan. As promised, Leon buzzed our intercom precisely at 10 A.M. and with a grumpy expression let us know that we’d be returning shortly.
“Wait,” Zyglavis said stoically. “Naomi and I have talked and we do not believe your story.”
“Excuse me?”
“We have both experienced how duplicitous the king is and agree that this is a ruse meant to force me back into my old role as Chief Minister of Punishments.”
“And you say I’m arrogant...”
“I don’t believe that was the Hijikata I knew,” I said, further egging Leon on. “And I don’t believe that Namba, Hiroshi, or Soryu is as stuck on me as you claim. It just feels like another trick.”
“How foolish!” Leon barked, his anger clearly growing by the second.
“It’s not foolish. It’s logical. Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.”
I watched Leon closely as Zyglavis’ words further antagonized him. His eyebrow twitched slightly until he finally let out an annoyed sigh.
“Fine! Don’t believe me? Well...see for yourself.”
With that, he summoned Jin Namba, followed by Soryu Oh, Hiroshi Kirisawa, and finally Toshizo Hijikata.
It's important to note that with each snap of his fingers I heard the same odd fizzling sound I'd previously heard and just as we’d planned, my studio apartment was soon full of every ex I'd had (other than Shun, who had managed to move on) in the otome world.
"Leon...do you understand what you’ve just done?" I asked, waiting for him to realize what Zyglavis and I had been banking on.
"Oh, I'm sorry is this awkward for you?" Leon asked sarcastically.
“You really don’t understand a thing, do you?” Zyglavis asked, throwing Leon’s own words back at him with a smirk.
“What are you yammering about?”
“Your powers...can you send them back?"
Zyglavis looked triumphant even though my heart sank as I grappled with what we had done in the name of preserving our own happiness.
Leon scoffed, arrogant as ever, but when he snapped his fingers...nothing happened.
“No! No! This can’t be!”
Zyglavis sighed, and in a quiet voice said, “I’m sorry...I just didn’t see another way.”
“You idiot!” Leon shouted, grabbing Zyglavis by the collar and pushing him up against the wall. “You realize that we’re all stuck here now? That the king told me…”
“Don’t return without them, yes. I know. I’m sorry.”
Leon socked Zyglavis as hard as he could and I ran over to Zyg’s side who rubbed his bruised face.
“I deserve that...but I wasn’t about to lose her which would have happened if we’d returned.”
“If you’d just returned...”
“I couldn’t have fixed this,” I said. “At least with them here they’ll do what they did with Zyg and I hope that order will be restored.”

I brought Zyglavis and Leon ice packs for their injuries (Leon’s hand and Zyglavis’ face). Both were starting to swell and the two men pouted on the couch as my exes were still unconscious from their journey to this world.
Unlike yesterday, as Leon’s powers had begun to weaken, more physical strain had been put on each man.
When Leon had summoned them, they’d arrived unintelligible and woozy before passing out on the spot. At the moment the four men were lying in various places around my apartment, and while they slept Zyglavis and I outlined the plan we’d cooked up last night for Leon.
Considering that Leon had been sent here with a lifetime supply of money, we tasked him with caring for the group until they all got on their feet.
At first he resisted, but ultimately took responsibility for the fact that his carelessness had resulted in them all being trapped in this world.
After much back and forth he agreed to see to it that they were properly cared for and admitted to having more than enough cash in which to do so. I’d come up with a few careers I thought each man might be able to find fulfillment in and had started pulling together information from various job sites.

For Hijikata, he would need to wrap his head around the technological advances in this world, but would require a job that didn’t rely on the tech he’d eventually come to learn.
I’d remembered how lovingly he tended to his cowhide plants and suggested that Leon help him look into a career in landscaping. At the moment there were several openings in the tri-state area, but I thought he’d want to hold off in applying until he’d properly acclimated to his new life here.
Out of all of the men, being from the 1850s gave him the clearest disadvantage, however I had faith that he’d be able to overcome this rather quickly with the help of Leon and the others. I also promised to spend my Saturdays helping him get up to speed as well, figuring that under my tutelage he would be motivated to step up his game.

Hiroshi Kirisawa was a motorcyclist enthusiast, and I’d found a few listings that I thought might help him in his new life as a mechanic.
On top of that, I’d done a marketing job a few years back for a man who built custom motorcycles, and had reached out to him with the hope that Hiroshi might be able to come on as an apprentice of sorts. He’d let me know that my timing was perfect, and that Hiroshi sounded like a great fit for an assistant.
I had no doubt that his positive attitude, and solid leadership skills would result in Hiroshi prospering should he want this new career.
Before leaving otome-ville, I’d heard that Soryu Oh had gotten into crossfit, and seeing him after all this time it was clear that he’d made substantial physical gains as a result.
When I’d known him he’d possessed that perfect otome body, but now he was a specimen to say the least. It would be easy for him to get a job as a personal trainer and crossfit instructor, and having remembered that Meg’s ex before Noah had been a trainer, I’d reached out to him and got Soryu an interview in a few days’ time.

Of the everyone, Namba was the hardest to reinvent, and as a result I’d struggled to figure out what new career might work for him.
With that said, from his otome route I’d remembered that he was amazing with the elderly. His maturity, patience, and respect for his elders made him a great fit for a career in elder care.
I’d found a few classes online that he’d need to take before he was able to work at a nursing home or an assisted living community, but I had faith that he’d be excited to take it on seeing as how he loved to help others.

“I have to say Goldfish...I underestimated you,” Leon finally admitted quietly.
“How so?”
“Truthfully, I thought you were one of those women who just chased attention...but now I see that you’re different. You really cared about each of them, didn’t you?”
Zyglavis pursed his lips, expressing his displeasure to the room but I still had to nod in response to Leon’s question.
For the first time in our history together, Leon offered me a genuinely warm smile and said, “You really are quite lucky Zyglavis.”
Rather than accept the compliment, Zyg glared at him and snapped back, “Stay away from her Leon.”
Leon laughed, “Afraid of a little competition?”
With that, and almost as if it were on cue, the men in the room began to wake up.
Namba was the first to stir.
He groaned slightly, holding his head, and sat up from where he’d been laid out on the floor. I’d place a pillow under his head, and before opening his eyes he’d taken a deep breath. He happened to spot me first, and blinking his eyes with an incredulous look on his face asked, “Little Bird?”
“Long time no see Namba,” I said, kneeling down beside him. “How do you feel?”
“Like hell, which doesn’t make sense seeing as how you’ve still got the face of an angel.”
It was obvious that he was over the moon to see me again, and even though it was clear he was in a fair amount of pain, he couldn’t help but give me a wink and flash me a toothy smile.
“Such a cheeseball.”
“What can I say...I’m an old fart.”
He reached up to touch my cheek, to which Zyglavis pulled me away from him.
As the room began to come into focus, Jin recognized Zyglavis who held me close. Upon realizing who he was, Jin let out a wry chuckle, almost as if he’d been brought back to our night in the hotel room, and he let out a groan as he stood up.
“So...this is your place huh?”
“Yeah, I’m sure you’ve got a lot of questions but we’ll answer what we can once everyone else is awake.”

Hiroshi woke up next, followed by Soryu, and finally Hijikata.
Once the initial shock of seeing me subsided, Leon, Zyg and I did our best to explain the situation to the men. I started by offering my sincerest apologies, before Leon stepped in to explain exactly what had happened.
Just as I’d done with Zyglavis and Leon, I showed the men their apps and watched as they struggled with understanding that their existence had been born from a game in my world. From there Zyglavis shared the theory we’d come up with - that by bringing them here, we’d allowed their existence to be removed from their world, thereby restoring order.
I had expected them to be furious with us, however even though we explained that they might be trapped in this world forever, none of them seemed to care. It was just as Leon said, as they appeared to be too caught up in the fact that their wish to see me again had come true.
I could tell that Zyglavis was actively holding himself back best he could as I spoke with each of them, continuing to apologize profusely for what we’d done.
“Please don’t apologize,” Hiroshi said with a soft expression. “I know you weren’t ready for something serious before, but now that we’re in your world I hope you’ll consider me.”
“I’m just happy that I got the chance to see you again,” Soryu said bashfully. “I’ve completed my anger management program and have cut ties with the Ice Dragons. I’m a new man, and I’m ready to make a new life for myself. I want to win you back.”
“I’m the same way Little Bird - my feelings for you have only grown in the time we’ve been apart. I can’t help but feel that meeting you again is fate, and that I’m the one you’re really meant to be with.”
“If she’s meant to be with anyone it’s me,” Hijikata said with a fierce glare. “I’ve traversed time to be with you. That’s how strong my feelings are…”
“You all have seemed to forgotten the fact that she has already chosen me!” Zyglavis finally barked, his jealousy getting the better of him.
“Enough!” Leon said with an eye roll. “You can all fight over this woman another time. Right now we need to focus on starting your new lives here.”
Leon’s words somehow managed to persuade the group, and within the next few minutes they began to head over to the Air BnB Zyglavis and I had booked for them last night.
It was a large, affordable space in Bushwick which would easily house 5 grown men for the foreseeable future. They each had their own, fully furnished rooms which came with all the necessary amenities required for living and working in this city.
As difficult as the next few weeks (and months) would be for them, I found myself feeling certain that Zyglavis and I had done what was best for both worlds. Now that these men were here, I was positive that the otome-world could move forward, and that five lucky New York women might be able to meet their otome man in shining armor like I had.

Zyglavis and I stood in our studio apartment, which felt silent now that Leon and the others had left.
As I’d expected, he took me in his arms and held me close. I reciprocated his embrace and gave him a squeeze of my own, hoping that the physical gesture would help calm his frazzled nerves.
“I can deal with having four more rivals,” he finally muttered, “but I couldn’t have dealt with losing you.”
“You know we’ll have to help them get settled,” I said. “It’s the right thing to do.”
“I know.”
“At some point I’ll probably be alone with each of them again, but I’ll need you to trust me.”
“It’s them I don’t trust.”
Zyglavis pulled back so he could kiss me and as his lips aggressively crashed into mine, I felt all the apprehension and jealousy that he was feeling.
He hadn’t kissed me like that in months - since before we’d arrived in my apartment, and my heart hurt a bit thinking about everything that might come to pass now that these men were loose in my world. There was no telling what the future held, and truthfully, seeing them caused a few old feelings to come rushing back.
While it was clear that Zyglavis was in an emotional state similar to the one he’d been in before I’d made my final decision, doubt was beginning to creep in for me as well.
There were two men specifically whose presence in this world made me question if I’d run away from their affections prematurely, and as much as I loved Zyglavis, the fact that this doubt had even been able to crop up again filled me with worry. I did my best to tuck these feelings away in the recesses of my heart.
In order to make amends for the confusion that threatened to overtake me, I found myself reciprocating Zyglavis’ love just as aggressively. That day I gave myself to the man I’d promised to marry again and again, in the hopes that I would be able to reclaim my conviction in our relationship.
We had both done something unforgivable, and it had been in the name of preserving our life together. In the months and years to come, I would need to do my best not to be rattled by the otome men who were designed to win my affections.
After all, I’d fought like hell to win this game and damn it, I was determined to live happily ever after.
After 50 chapters, our story finally comes to an end.
I hope you’re all satisfied even though I love ending on non-endings seeing as how life is always a bit messy. While this definitely leaves the door open for a sequel, at the moment I have no plans to continue this story.
I want to thank everyone who has been commenting and sharing as the weeks have gone on. It has meant a lot to me to see the positive reaction this story has gotten, and seeing as how I think this will be my first and last fan fiction, I appreciate you guys sticking with me.
I started writing this after I’d hit a wall with my IRL writing and wanted to write something free of stress. I’d forgotten how much fun the process can be and creating this was a great reminder as to why I love writing. I’m ready to return to my original characters and I hope one day my work will have a fandom as awesome as this one.
Thank you guys for reminding me what it means to create for fun. Thank you for reminding me that my words can bring joy to others. If you’ve discovered this story after the fact and it’s made you smile...please don’t hesitate to let me know.
I have no idea where I’ll be when you find it, but hearing that my work has made you happy only encourages me and I hope you’ll consider sending me (or anyone else whose work brought you a joy for that matter) a note letting them know.
Finally, in falling down this rabbit hole I’ve met many talented writers. While creating within this voltage world has been a lot of fun I selfishly hope I see you guys create your own characters and original stories.
There’s a ton of talent in this community and I’d love to see what your original stories look like.
If you’ve enjoyed the story, please show your support by sharing it with a friend or buying me a coffee!
Thanks for reading :)
Naomi’s IRL Apartment
IRL Zyglavis - David Chiang
IRL Leon - Jon Kortajarena
IRL Hijikata - Daisuke Ueda
IRL Soryu - Daniel Liu
IRL Hiroshi - Hideo Muraoka
IRL Namba - Hiroyuki Sanada
#voltage fandom#voltage fanfic#voltage fan fiction#star crossed myth fan fiction#star crossed myth fanfic#star crossed myth#starcrossedmyth#Leon#zyglavis#era of samurai: code of love#era of samurai: code of love fan fiction#era of samurai: code of love fanfic#hijikata toshizo#her love in the force fanfiction#her love in the force fanfic#her love in the force#jin namba#kissed by the baddest bidder fan fiction#kissed by the bidder fanfic#kissed by the baddest bidder fanfic#kissed by the baddest bidder fan fic#soryu oh#mpd fanfic#mpd fan fiction#hiroshi kirisawa
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Fun in the Fall---Okita
(Throwback character category) Halloween Countdown--- Day 23
*Since they didn’t celebrate Halloween back in the Tokugawa era according to my research (which was admittedly done very quickly, and I may have missed it), I made the focus of this story be fall, rather than Halloween.
“Soji, where are we going?” MC questioned, as he dragged her along the path in the forest.
She had been attempting to finish hanging the laundry, when Soji came to steal her away. MC tried to reason with him, but he refused to listen and ended up tossing her over his shoulder. He eventually allowed her to walk on her own, but he still ignored her pleas for more information, and instead tried to distract her. “Isn’t it obvious? We’re playing hooky from the demon deputy,” he chuckled in amusement. Her eyes widened in fear when she thought of Hijikata’s reaction, if he ever found out that they were skipping out on their chores. Soji saw how scared MC looked, and he stopped his walking to turn around and embrace her. “Don’t worry,” he reassured, “I would never let him do anything bad to you.”
He kissed her on the lips, and then started to run deeper into the forest. “Soji, wait for me!” MC panted, trying to catch her breath as she ran after him. She finally came to an opening clearing, where a row of gorgeous orange and red color trees stood in front of her. MC admired the beauty of the scene, before proceeding to wade through the fallen leaves, until she felt something grab her ankle. “AHH!” MC yelped, while she fell to the ground, bracing herself for the crash. It never came though, and instead, MC found she was sitting on top of Soji. “Hey! Were you purposely hiding from me?” MC asked, while scowling at her boyfriend.
Soji laughed, and flipped MC over on her back, so that she was now laying next to him on the ground. “I’ll never tell,” he arrogantly smirked. He reached over to grab her hand, and the two looked up at the trees in front of them. MC sighed, but continued to enjoy the breathtaking view. Things had been tense in their world lately, and the fighting had only begun to grow more violent. She smiled and felt grateful that she and Soji were able to experience this moment of peace together. “There’s that smile I was hoping to see,” Soji observed, “Lately, you’ve seemed on edge. I just wanted to spend a day together, where we could forget everything that was happening in our lives.” Touched by his kindness, MC cuddled up closer to Soji, and rested her head on his arm.
“I always cherish anytime we get to spend together,” she softly replied, “Thank you for this surprise though. I’ll never forget this sight.” Soji kissed the top of her head, and they stay snuggled up in the leaves. Pretending that they were the only two people in the world, they savored their precious time, and had momentarily forgotten about all the cruelty and devastation that the cruel mistress known as life, had to offer them recently.
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@agustd54, @ishizusv
#halloween countdown#soji okita#era of samurai: code of love#voltage fanfic#halloween fanfic#voltage inc#love 365#day 23
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