Gentle Idealist
352 posts
Independent Lloyd Irving sideblog. Private and selective. Multimuse, OC, and AU-friendly. Written by Jishin. Tracks gentleidealist. Follows with broadswordandpistol.
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gentleidealist · 2 years ago
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symphonia screenshot i redrew because i liked the composition. I'm finding myself really charmed by the 3d environments upon replay lol. original screenshot under cut
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gentleidealist · 2 years ago
All things considered, Lloyd’s estimation of how he looked was not that far off from what had happened.
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“Probably about that,” he said flatly, accepting the offered arm. “Reconnecting the worlds did some weird things to the dimensional transfer system, and the fluctuations in the mana sometimes match the system parameters closely enough to fly through. Between the places I’ve ended up and getting back here, I haven’t had this many crash-landings since I first built the damn thing.”
But one thing was certain, he was leaving as soon as he located the rheiard that would be in dire need of repairs. He hated the saccharine sounds of Altamira on a good day, never mind a day like this.
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“Wow. It didn’t even cross my mind that that might happen. That’s got to be really annoying.” Lloyd looked around, and spotted a long thin piece of metal that he identified as most likely part of the steering mechanism, half-buried in the sand. He dragged it out, dusted the sand off with his sleeve, and offered it to Yuan.
“There has to be some way to compensate for that,” he mused aloud, unintentionally setting to work on the problem. “Maybe a pause in the transfer system to sample more of the ambient mana?”
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gentleidealist · 2 years ago
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“Well, I figured if you were that tired, I probably ought to let you rest. Exspheres are unbelievable, but even they get overloaded sometimes, right?”
Yuan could hear Lloyd rustling around, and the clink of china. Never mind that neither of them needed to eat or drink at this point; the aroma of coffee filtered through the air.
“I kind of thought a week was a lot even for someone who probably hadn’t slept in a hundred years, so that’s why I came back today. It took a while, though. I didn’t think you’d like it if I set off all the alarms on my way in and woke you up the hard way.”
[ @gentleidealist​ from here ]
Yuan sat, rubbing at his eyes. Useless or not, it was an automatic reaction and shifted fluidly to supporting his head in his hands. Where even was he? He dropped his hands to his lap - blanketed at the very least.
Neither number Lloyd gave was remotely similar, nor did either of them fit the last known date Yuan knew of. This wasn’t surprising from Lloyd. Still sluggish from sleep, his mind helpfully supplied that Kratos had never known what day it was either.
The rest was surprising.
“You came by last week?”
He frowned. He had no recollection of that. Lloyd wasn’t a threat and didn’t need to be dealt with but his systems ought to have caught his arrival nonetheless - even if they didn’t catch Lloyd himself. He should have noticed at the very least. The fact that he hadn’t

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“And you didn’t think to wake me up?”
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gentleidealist · 2 years ago
@ninthcompanion​ @lightning-of-kharlan​
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“This is awesome! They’re both so good.”
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“Oh, this is interesting. I haven’t seen a sword-style like that in at least a century and a half.”
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“Oh, hey, Eizen.” He offers him some popcorn.
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Eizen doesn’t usually eat much, but he’ll take some just to be polite.
“Yuan I know. The other man -- that’s your father, isn’t it?”
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“Yeah, that’s my dad!” How did Eizen know? Lloyd wondered. They didn’t look much alike ...
“I guess the two swords was kind of a give-away, but he usually uses the sword and shield. I’m not sure what Yuan’s done with Swallow.”
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“They’re putting on quite the show. Are you taking notes?”
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“You’d better believe it! You don’t get to watch something like this every day.”
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gentleidealist · 2 years ago
Sorry, Yuan. Now he has to show off a little.
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You say that like it wasn’t going to happen anyways.
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Somewhere in his wing pack is a bag of popcorn.
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gentleidealist · 2 years ago
@lightning-of-kharlan​ @ninthcompanion​ Oh he is totally watching every second of this, silent and rapt with interest.
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gentleidealist · 2 years ago
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"It's three hundred and seventy-eight years after the rejoining.
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"Oh, wait, no, it's four hundred and six. I think." Apparently even an extended or immortal lifespan had not assisted Lloyd with mastering mathematics. "It's hard to keep track, and I never remember to look at a newspaper."
He shuffled back a bit, so that Yaun had space to maneuver and could figure out where he was by sound. "I came by last week and you were asleep then too. No one in town had seen you, so I thought I'd better make sure you were okay."
[gentleidealist] "Yuan? ... oh, thank goodness. I thought you'd never wake up."
[ @gentleidealist ]
Waking up was never easy, disorientating at the best of times. Yaun sat up with a sudden jolt to the accompaniment of cracking bones, narrowly avoiding, from the sudden sharp intake of air and movement of a breeze around his face, headbutting someone or something.
He slumped to the side, squinting in the general direction of the disturbance. It was automatic, his body's attempt to focus before his mind caught up.
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Waking up was never easy, disorientating at the best of times, but it was especially disorentating when you couldn't see and time didn't touch you
"What year is it?" he grumbled in a gravelly voice. He was only half joking.
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gentleidealist · 2 years ago
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"Oh." Well, that was disappointing.
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"You mean the world was still divided even that far back? Wow." It really was nearly impossible to wrap his brain around how much time had passed.
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“The belt harness hasn’t been part of the Royal Knights’ kit for centuries, Lloyd. Would’ve been a little late regardless
not to mention, you wouldn’t have been in the Tethe’alla military, you’re Sylvaranti.”
Expertly dodging the point? Absolutely.
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gentleidealist · 2 years ago
"Oh, thank goodness. You had me spooked."
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Lloyd scooted closer, shedding sand in his wake, and offered an arm to help Yuan sit up. "This is the last place I expected to run into you, and like that, no less."
Yuan, if he stopped to listen, would hear the incorrigibly cheerful music perpetually played at Altamira, not too far in the distance.
"What happened? You look like you got run over by your own rhieard."
[gentleidealist] "Yuan? .. Hey! .. How long have you been out? Take it easy, okay?"
Spirits, the world was loud.
Each sound sent a pulse of pain through his head. It mostly settled behind his left eye, somewhat in the vicinity of his temple. What had...?
He slowly opened one aching eye, and a shock of reddish-brown hair swam into bleary focus. Kratos?, not red enough.
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"Lloyd," he groaned.
How long had it been? He didn’t even remember collapsing. Nothing besides his head seemed to hurt, in particular. But it didn’t hurt like it had been blunt-force trauma. A spell, maybe?
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gentleidealist · 2 years ago
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Whoa, seriously!?
“Thanks, Dad!”
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“But I don’t think I could bring myself wear it. It’s an antique! It probably belongs in a museum.”
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It’s okay Lloyd, you can inherit the judgement outfit early.
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gentleidealist · 4 years ago
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gentleidealist · 6 years ago
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“Well ... it’s Colette’s birthday next week. And I guess you know that before all this stuff happened,” Lloyd waved a hand, meaning everything they’d gone through for the past year or so, “everyone made a big deal out of it like a religious holiday, because she was the Chosen. But now ...”
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“I’d like to throw her a real party. With her friends and family and a big cake, like everyone else does. You want to come?”
[gentleidealist, for Kratos] "Of course you're invited. Why wouldn't I invite you?"
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There were plenty of reasons, but Lloyd had proven time and again that he looked toward the future. “If you wish me there,” Kratos started tentatively, “then I will be there. I did not wish to
 intrude. What is it you’re doing?”
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gentleidealist · 6 years ago
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Colette’s retort to Lloyd had been a slap in the face. 
He turned over what she’d said, wondering if she was right. Zelos did compliment every woman he came across. Still ... it didn’t seem right to be judged so harshly for appreciating everyone’s strengths. How was that a bad thing?
He ate dinner thoughtfully. Genis teased him about being distracted. He mostly ignored it. Genis was Genis.
When he’d finished helping wash up (even if that was servants’ duty, he could still hear Dirk’s voice telling him to be an appreciative guest), and Colette still hadn’t reappeared, he went in search of her. 
At least she hadn’t gone far. He paused at the entrance to the balcony, and waited to see if she was going to tell him to go away.
“That’s all I need to hear.” Colette said bitterly. “I’ve learned quite well that you’re just like Zelos!”
She’d said that and stormed off, refusing to speak to Lloyd for the rest of the night, which was easier said than done in Zelos’ manor house. The Princess had been safely returned and had made a promise of hosting a grand party to celebrate her safe return and Zelos’ name being cleared. The party was set a few weeks away and it would take time for their outfits to be finished, yet Colette couldn’t bring herself to be excited. What Lloyd had said, it hurt just too much. Yet, Colette knew she was the foolish one, as her feelings for him still held fast, despite the sharp thorn in her heart.
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She made it through dinner just fine with her usual smile and cheeriness without anyone noticing, but afterwards Colette had slipped off to the balcony to just be alone.
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gentleidealist · 6 years ago
His blood pounded in his ears like the low and slow ticking of a clock. “No, you were
” he said quietly, eyebrows drawing together into a frown.
He opened his eyes and closed them again, ignoring the dull throbbing that erupted behind them. Nothing. The usual darkness and a world in which the landscape consisted of his own awareness of mana and sound. Nothing more. Nothing else.
His own years could not be a lie. Could his senses? It was possible and yet

His chest hurt. He lifted a hand and clutched at it absently.
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“Tell me what year you think it is,” he said quickly.
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“C’mon, Yuan, it’s 2328. Stop messing with me already.”
The way Yuan rubbed at his chest dropped a stone in Lloyd’s own. He counted back on his fingers.
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... Not enough fingers. He tried again. Still not enough.
“Uh ... I think it’s 2328. Maybe it’s 2400?” Even at so many years removed, he reflexively flinched away from the eraser he expected to fly in his direction.
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gentleidealist · 6 years ago
The negative traits of YOUR muse!
BOLD always or almost always applies. italic occasional or situational.
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aggressive | annoying | arrogant | authoritarian | bitter | brutal | callous | cannibal | careless | cold/cold-hearted | compulsive | controlling | corrects others constantly | cowardly | critical | cruel | delusional | demanding | disillusioned | domineering | envious | emotionally stunted |greedy | grim | guarded | hard | harsh | hypocritical | impatient | impolite | intimidating | irritable | jealous | kidnapper | lazy | liar | lustful | materialistic | mean | merciless | messianic | mistrusting | murderer | naive | narrow-minded | obsessive | opinionated | over-bearing | over-critical | over-emotional | over-thinking | over-trusting | patronizing | proud | remote | repressed | rigid | rules with an iron fist | ruthless | sarcastic | self-critical | self-righteous | self-indulgent | self-patronizing | serial killer | stubborn | taciturn | torturer | touchy | traitorous | unsympathetic | unpredictable | uptight | vain | vengeful
Tagged by:  @zelcs (an age ago, how did this not get posted?)
Tagging: @lightning-of-kharlan, @sunset-wings, @ninthcompanion, @herethereislight and anyone else who’s got a cinnamon roll muse who isn’t entirely pure.
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gentleidealist · 6 years ago
Throws Milla in here--though she's squirming and complaining--to get a nice, warm, friendly hug from the Lloyd!
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“Milla!” It’s always a nice surprise to see her, so of course she gets a big hug from Lloyd. “How’ve you been? You look good today.”
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gentleidealist · 6 years ago
@lightning-of-kharlan and @tetherwithme
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Does Kratos know Lloyd is
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Yuan knows.
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