#er det adhd brain
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denapatiskenihilist · 1 month ago
hvordan dealer man med at “alt er lidt for perfekt” og jeg indeni raser 1000 uafhængige storme, der buldrer og brygger
Imens kæresten min sidder med det sødeste smil, uden så meget som at have tænkt én forkert tanke??
Og så vil man bare skændes og diskutere, men der er ikke noget at skændes og diskutere over, så vi nyder hinandens selskab… trods mit indre knap kan bære mere, og han eksisterer i den uskyldige uvidenhed AAAAAAaaaaa
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thelreads · 3 years ago
Alright, now let's see all the things that were said during our little exchange, shall we? Not that this is it and we're done, I'm just curious to see what we got so far lol
元気ですか? -Anonymous
Oh, we're off to a great start then, that's promising. I am fine, although the week is not being merciful with me lol
Me gustaria ayudar pero ya dijiste que entiendes español, asi que.... -clueless-rarito
Hey, it's not a problem, even if I do already understand a language, it's nice to practice a little, it helps keep the brain working.
Ich habe viel zu lange nach dem Frageknopf gesucht, bis ich gemerkt habe, dass du ihn ausgemacht hast. Ich weiß nicht, wer von uns der größere Idiot hier ist. Sagen wir einfach mal, dass es unentschieden ist. -zwiebel-sama
No my friend, it definitely wasn't a tie, I was clearly there bigger one here, I still don't know how in the hell I was able to do that, I just know that it was today, since yesterday's asks arrived. This will haunt me for weeks to come
Oh så du skojade bara attans had en väldigt bra fråga men det är som det är -Anonymous
Yeah, that was the reason lol but alright, it's all good, we experienced technical difficulties, but we've returned, we're on air, live once again, on CNN.
And now... the weather...
Vamos, alégrate un poco, aún si no eres más que un chiste piensa que ahora lo seras en múltiples idiomas y paises. -quinndequim
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Ey, hay diferencia entre broma y payaso. Los payasos pueden ser tristes -Anonymous
C'mon, now y'all are just being mean with me lol
Veamos, qué puedo preguntarte? Película favorita? Qué clima te gusta más? Comida favorita? Qué piensas sobre el hecho que estamos predestinados a morir desde el momento que nacemos? Anime favorito? -Anonymous
Oh, multi-question then? Alright, let's see...
-Cold as the deepest pits of hell
-There's a lot to pick from, but I'll go with pizza this time
-Absurd way of thinking; regardless of the fate that waits for us, the journey itself is what needs to be valued. You don't start reading a book, watching a movie, playing a game, or anything else, just so you can finish it, no, you do it to enjoy the things between the beginning and the end, regardless of the fact that it shall end.
-Re:Zero. C'mon this one was way too easy, I didn't even had to think about it lmao
Kannattaa hei olla multishipperi, sillon pettyy viidellä eri tavalla! Mulla on ollu helvetin heteroshippi yhessä shonenissa jota on vihjattu eikä se sillonkaan tapahtunu! Ilmeisesti vaan kauhupodcastien käsikirjoittajat jakaa mun romanssimaun tai jotai. -Anonymous
One does not become a multishipper with the intention of being completely satisfied, you need to be a masochist to adopt so many pairings that you know shall never end up together, the bittersweet taste of the angst is what fuels us- but now I'm curious on what podcast this was lol
Azucar o no azucar en el café? Dime para saber que clase de perra débil eres! -Anonymous
No sugar, I'm a tough bitch. I make the strongest coffee at my work place, and also the tastiest one, and it's been that way for the past five years, and I need no sugar to win that tittle.
De acordo com todas as conhecidas leis da aviação não existe forma Pela qual uma abelha fosse capaz de voar, suas asas Sao muito pequenas para elevar seu pequeno corpo Gordo acima do solo de qualquer forma,é claro a abelha voa porque as abelhas não se preocupam com o que os humanos acham ser impossivel -Anonymous
That's all I have to say.
Algún libro que hayas leido recientemente? -Anonymous
Not that I started reading it yet, but I did buy The Divine Comedy as a gift for myself, for reasons of "my family name is mentioned thrice on it" lol, but unfortunately it was only the English version, I couldn't find a good dual-language edition that had the original Italian. No idea when I'll start reading it, since I still need to finish that book on historical witchcraft that I bought and also haven't read yet- ADHD is truly a harsh mistress.
Siendo sincero, aunque las últimas temporadas de B99 no fueron mis favoritas, Hitchcock y Scully siguen siendo "friendship goals" y si, no sabia como traducirlo. -Anonymous
I still need to watch them, I heard so much spoilers about them, but since enough time has gone by I feel like it's almost the right time to go and watch, since I already forgot everything I heard lmao.
And alright, we'll let that one slide, since using slang would make it really hard for me to understand, but that's the thin ice I don't recommend dancing on top of lol
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sames034 · 2 years ago
Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria | Weisbjerg.com
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My name is Birgitte Weisbjerg, and I am passionate about inspiring and helping you to gain self-awareness, so you can create the life you want. Getting an ADHD diagnosis can be confusing and a lot of questions, I know. because I myself am late-diagnosed with Adhd kvinde . Here with me you will find inspiration and solutions so that you can live the good ADHD life. You are ALWAYS welcome to contact me. Did you know that there is a high chance that many of the people who have struggled with eating disorders, overweight and underweight all their lives actually have an undiagnosed ADHD? I myself have struggled all my life with sugar cravings. It is often very challenging for women with ADHD to have periods on top of their ADHD symptoms. One thing is mood swings and discomfort, another an ineffective ADHD medication.
What does it actually mean to be rejection sensitive/ in English Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria/RSD)? It's not something you want to experience, and if you're in doubt as to whether you are, you won't be in doubt once you've read along here. I take ADHD medication, but medication cannot stand alone. In addition, it is important for me to get enough sleep, Adhd kvinder, daily exercise and mindfulness. It requires a high degree of discipline and motivation and no, I am by no means perfect! I also have days, sometimes several days in a row, where I eat unhealthy, get too little sleep, and don't get any exercise.  But as I wrote in my introduction, I am passionate about helping girls and women with ADHD based on the extensive knowledge I have acquired through years of hyperfocus on the field.
Because we are just as we should be! We are, despite the fact that our brains are not average, and that we therefore need some tools that are targeted at us, rather than 'average' brains. Tools that support us in developing our full potential. I look forward to helping you further in your process towards the good life with ADHD.  An ADHD brain is thought to have a reduced amount  substances dopamine and Adhd diagnose. When you do not produce sufficient amounts of the 2 signaling substances, then you have difficulty taking initiatives, planning and implementing actions. Ressource for dig der er nysgerrig på ADHD. Hér hos mig vil du finde inspiration og løsningsmuligheder, så du ka’ leve det gode ADHD-liv. 
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