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guitarebooster · 15 days ago
Pack Complet Solea Eq Naturelle - parfait pour classiques électro
Pack Complet Solea Eq Naturelle Découvrir et commander Pack Complet Solea Eq Naturelle dans la boutique en ligne Ce pack contient : Guitare Woodbrass SOLEA EQUne housse Woodbrass CGB 10Un repose piedClassique et moderne réconciliésLa SOLEA EQ Woodbrass est une guitare classique destinée à la scène et plus particulièrement au musicien jouant dans un environnement très sonore. Elle est équipée…
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horsemusicherald · 2 years ago
Equinity 06: Expedition release party happening today!
Equnity are back! For the first time in nearly 2 years this collective has rounded up a collection of new songs to release on a 42-track compilation album. And what’s a compilation album release without a livestream party to go with it? From 9pm CEST (3pm Eastern) go to the Pony Town events server to join Greyfade and the Equinity team and artists in listening to the new tunes before the album…
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siph-by-induction · 5 months ago
Gradient of a straight line is y2-y1 over x2-x1 as we know
the third line of the proof gives you the equn of the gradient of a chord
Basically, if we have a point along this curve that is one end of the chord and is (x,f(x)) coordinates; the second point along this chord is (x+h,f(x+h)), right?
So you substitute the first gradient equn with these values along a chord that you can know, and then y2 is f(x+h) and y1 is f(x). and x2 is x+h and x1 is x.
therefore f(x+h)-f(x) all over x+h-x (AKA h) is the gradient of a straight line or chord
Sorry, it is tricky to explain by typing? I can re explain with paper if you want or if i misunderstood your question
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look at my proof of how to differentiate x^n guysssssss :)))
wrote it all by myself (this is the second draft)
also there is an h that looks like an n but that is actually an h trust me
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horsesarecreatures · 3 years ago
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“Foundation mare at Shahada Stud, Vishar Jahana, double Imperial Imdal daughter” - pauladasilva_photo. 
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parapiaffe · 4 years ago
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Oct 10th 2020: Griffin did a great job practicing the dressage test I’ve been working on today. Mrs Edie said he licked and chewed every time we halted on centerline which I think is just adorable. I didn’t get any video of us riding the test but there’s a short video me taking him back to the ramp to dismount. This was only my second time riding him and I’m so happy with how we are working together! I still have some things to work on with my seat and hands but I feel like I’m getting better all the time 😊❤️🐴 . #horse #horses #horsesofinstagram #equne #equines #equestrian #dressage #paradressage #usef #adultamateur #teamcaf #therapeuticriding #equineassistedtherapy #therapyhorse #therapyhorses #griffin #quarterhorsecross #goodboy #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #thefutureisbright #chasingdreams #breakingbarriers #strongereveryday #strongertogether #aspiringparalympian #cp #cerebralpalsy #disabledbutnotreally (at Quantum Leap Farm, Inc.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGK9KnUHHqX/?igshid=150ovk8zesouj
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mariagislart · 3 years ago
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Manni is emerging. So relaxing, tearing and glueing . . . . . #theicelandichorse #íslenskihesturinn #islandpferd #horse #manualcollage #collage #equne #equneart #collageart #icelandichorse #coolhorse #artistiniceland #magazinecutouts #cuttingandgluing #coolart #handmadeartwork #carmagazines #islandhäst #magazineart #islandhest (at Reykjavík, Iceland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZfdLykA4QW/?utm_medium=tumblr
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whatnext10 · 4 years ago
Horses Need Great Homes. May is Adopt a Horse Month!
Horses Need Great Homes. May is Adopt a Horse Month! gives readers the pros and cons of owning and caring for horses. This article discusses great reasons to think about adopting a horse if you are wanting one. Especially, since May is Adopt a Horse Month
Bay Gelding Grazing Here in the United States we have a serious overpopulation problem. And no, I’m not talking about people, although that’s an issue as well. I’m talking about domestic animals. Most people think about dogs and cats when we talk about pet overpopulation, but there are others as well. Those include parrots, rabbits, guinea pigs, ferrets, goats, pot bellied pigs, and yes, horses.…
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goatpaste · 5 years ago
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dippin a lil bit into my fake bullshit ‘my little honse lore’ stuff
iv talked a bit about the houses and the alicorns here
and also vaguely in those talks mentioned ‘the first’ so i wanna dip into that stuff
The First, the first pony to ever exist (and by ponies, is said to be the first thing to have existed) No one knows where she came from, what her life was before equestria. They said she was made from a child wish and dreams. she was an alicorn, the first of her kind. She was made with the great gift of creation and life. 
through her powers she made all equestrian life, she created the earth ponies, pegasus and unicorns. As well as mothered all alicorns.
The first watched over all equestria and was a being of mercy and good grace, bringing love and friendship wherever she went.
however as time progressed the three races of ponies began to separate and fight over land and rights. Watching her own creations fight against each other instead of using the gifts she gave them to work together filled the first with sorrow, but even more so when many of her own alicorn daughters didn’t feel the same way she did. Some letting their houses of ponies fight, even favoring and supporting one pony race (often the one who brought the most offerings). Some alicorns feeling their place  too important to bother themselves in mortal pony affairs.
As The First watched on with sorrow as things got worse she made the ultimate sacrifice and broke the bonds of her very being and made herself into a ‘pure’ essence. separated into six gifts she was given to alicorns and ponies who she trusted. she became the elements of harmony and the power of friendship continued to mend all that was broken by hatred into many generations.
Then there is ‘Darkness’ 
Darkness plays an important part of The First’s story. 
Originally Darkness was another alicorn of her creation, for when the First originally came into being she was all alone. so she made herself a friend, the first creation’s true name changes from story to story. Popularly named Equnity.
Equnity cherished her friendship with The First, by her side as she watched her build equestria from the ground up. Loyal to the creature she saw as a mother. 
however as houses were established, the ponies building up societies and so on. Equnity was expected to find herself in this developing world, she was given her own house ‘the house of Migration’ and herself being known as the Alicorn of change and balance. the idea that to keep balance change must be made, nothing stays the same. something something about seasons changing and migration or whatever. it wasn't important to her, it never really was. (her lack of interest in actually helping and controlling and fixing migration and seasons also plays into the fact that ponies themselves have to do it themselves)
Despite her own teachings, she longed to go back to when it was just her and the first. she didn’t want to spend her days accepting these blessings, protecting ponies, changing seasons and giving out advice. She just wanted to be by her side. 
As a divide between the ponies and alicorns began Equnity took the lack of ponies in her house to take things into her own hooves. she starts visiting the house of magic, speaking with Princess Bluebelle. she learned magic from the kind hearted pony that The First was friends with. 
Equnity learned magic, powerful magic. not as strong as Bluebelle’s magic or the first but strong enough to strand out and ‘make a change’. she was going to get The First attention.
Equnity used her magic, but she couldn’t have expected what would have happened to her. as she used these new skills out of hatred and insecurity she turned into that of a monster. A being of pure darkness that infected anything it touched, finding these cracks and slivers in them of fear, sadness and anger and twisting it until it shattered. 
Equnity transformation was the final breaking point into The First, this was when the First turned herself into the elements and attempted to banish Darkness from equestria. 
Little too late as darkness was spreading fast in this world of anger.
in a way both The First and Equnity live on, the first in the spirit of the elements and Equnity in all that is evil, all the bad thoughts in ponies minds. 
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365moritz · 8 years ago
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Night skies of Yosemite w/ Equne
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ichinichi-okure · 4 years ago
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だいたいの朝はトイレトレーニングからはじまる。 「トイトレ」やね。
3月で2才になる娘を抱き上げてトイレまでつれていく。 (ぼくの意識がない時は奥さんが)
トレーニングといってもおまるに座って、いっしょにキラキラ星を歌ったり、ノンタンの絵本を読んだりするだけ。 ちっちが出たらラッキーで、うんちっちが出たら大当たり。 家族で歓声をあげる。
今日の朝ごはんは昨日もらった台湾カステラのトースト。 娘も鼻息を荒くしていて、好評のよう。 最近話すなぞの単語は「だだぶちゅらーっちゅ」。
マドンナのマテリアルガールを聞きながら皿洗い。 だっだっだらった♪ 娘が「だっこ!」と言いながらやってきたので「ダンスダンス!」と声をかけると、腰をカクカクよこに振って人形みたいに踊り出す。 おもしろかわいい。
ここ1ヶ月ぐらいは日曜になると、近所に買った中古マンションのリノベ現場に行くことになってる。 最近の楽しみ。
古材の板が壁に貼られていてかなり渋くていい感じになっている。 これ、設計事務所が使っていなかったストックをただ同然で使ってくれている。 友人の会社におねがいしたら、いろいろ手を変えて見栄えがよくなるようにやってくれている。 玄関なんか、友人の家の土間に使ってたタイルを「あそこ潰すから」とはがして使ってくれるみたい。 頭があがりません。
フロアタイルのサンプル帳をめくり、洗面所とトイレの床を選ぶ。 モルタルみたいなやつ。 選ぶんだけど、完成をイメージしきれないからほんと難しい。 現場のベランダでお菓子を食べる。
その後、100円ショップに向かうけど、もう11時半。 ご飯の時間には敏感になった。 なぜなら暴れだす人が1人いるから。
娘は鉄棒にひとりでぷらぷらとぶら下がれたり、タイヤの下をくぐれたり、でかい滑り台も滑れた。 出来ることが増えてることに気づいて嬉しくなる。
寿司屋に入って、奥さんがおむつをかえに行ってる間にすかさず、納豆巻き、ツナマヨ軍艦、ブロッコリーサラダを注文。 これだけあればひとまず安心か。
ボックス席で落ち着いてご飯が食べられる。 それだけで大変ありがたい。 子どもができてから、イオンとかファミレスにたくさん人がいるの、あーこういうことか、と納得する。
娘は暴れるかと思ったけど、かなりごきげん。 わたしのハンカチを首に巻いて納豆巻きを全力で食べている。 次々に食べ物が出てくるし、皿5枚ごとにガシャポンの抽選があるし、きっとテーマパークだと思ってる。
帰りにコーナンの2階のダイソーによってシールブックや折り紙を購入。奥さんは退職届セット。 4月から職場が変わるのだ。 この時期に転職先が見つかってほんとによかったと思う。
折り紙で馬をつくったり、図鑑を見ながらパンダの絵を描く。 けっこう上手くかけたな、と思ったら、「そのパンダ人間みたいな顔でいやだ」と奥さん。 たしかに。 「顔が和也なんだよね」。 たしかに。
晩御飯はキャベツたっぷりのお好み焼き。 娘、僕、奥さんの並びで座って食べる。 最近キャベツ、というか葉ものを食べない娘も、お好み焼きならたくさん食べてくれた。 ソースのことを「ケチャップくーださーい!」と言っている。
食べながら「海外行けるようになったら行きたい国は?」という質問にハワイ島と台湾、と回答。 奥さんも台湾に行きたいらしい。 とにかく食べ物がいい。 「お口に合うねんな〜」とのこと。 夜市の雑踏で何を食べるかキョロキョロしたいよね〜と話す。 魯肉飯とか、もち米でソーセージを挟んだやつとか。 わたしはもう一度抓餅(ジュアービン)が食べたい、と力説。
-プロフィール- 有佐和也 33歳 大阪 書籍編集者・ライター・一児の父 @equn
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horsesarecreatures · 6 years ago
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Mistrals Spanish Stud
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thelesbianspoon · 6 years ago
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Marrowyn The Baker
She's my evil bby girl... Who bakes people.... Yeah.... Heh-
But basically Marrowyn was pretty normal before when she was like a teen but something happened [Still deciding-] and she went crazy-
So now she buys body parts and puts into her sweets and sells them at her bakery... Yeah....
Equne spieces made by @chemicataclysm and yeah her hair isn't really white but I had to make her hair slightly blue and pink because come on! Her hair is like cotton candy!
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msnbcnews05 · 5 years ago
Lt. Gen. Honoré Torches Trump For Attacks On The Post Office | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQUn-ZjhzDA
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carolinatalibertiyogablr · 5 years ago
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Abrindo o coração. . . . #namastê @carolina.taliberti_yoga @studioomcarolinataliberti #yoga #amoyoga #meditacao#yogalife #yogabrasil #yogagirl #yogalife #yogalifestyle (em StudioOm Carolina Taliberti) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5s-EqUn-GC/?igshid=8sqmcwsfa70b
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goatpaste · 5 years ago
What do the first element holders look like in your au?
aH took me a hot minute to get around to this but i did it >:3
the first element wielders of equestria (technically before the founding of equestria) they were known as the elements of harmony, they first elements of harmony. but also some refer to the as ‘The First gifts’
i changed a little bit of some of their lore story
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Princess Bluebelle, one of The First’s alicorn creations. Bluebelle is a kind being who had great patience and cared for all who patroned her house. She learned not just Unicorn magic but excelled in learning the biology of pegasus and earth pony magic and how to harness and further their growth as a society from helping the weather and nature and plant growth. 
Bluebelle was close with The First, often receiving visits from her. 
She also was the closest thing to a friend Equnity had (as Equnity didn’t like to make friends). 
Bluebelle was gifted Philomena by The First, the phoenix stayed by her side until the end and now lives on as Celestia’s companion. the bird that has lived since the beginning of time.
After The First no longer was around Bluebelle led the elements and took on being pseudo leader of the alicorns, often training and helping them figure out what to do with their powers and how to help out disputes within their house’s.
Bluebelle became teachers for many ponies over the centuries. She personally trained Starswirl the bearded and Gusty the great. 
She also helped guide and train Celestia and Luna alongside Starswirl. Starswirl was their main teacher but Bluebelle would step in to help from another alicorns perspective. The sisters adored Bluebelle. 
Her Elemental artifact is her wand, the first gift that was given to her by patreons that wasn’t money or food.
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Butterscotch, the element of kindness. 
A pegasus who grew up in the clouds of a typical pegasus tribe who acted much to that of a military. Everyone was ready to fight and looked down on the land dwellers. Buttercotch was sweet to the bone and hated fighting and openly despised the way they let their society had become.  
Butterscotch was banished from the clouds, the other Pegasus claiming her to be too weak and that her soft spot for the land ponies would be her downfall.
Joining the other ponies on the ground she met Minty, a pegasus born on the ground. The two traveled together from then on.
Butterscotch and her companion would appear in neutral towns and spreed their word of friendship and ideals that the three races could and should work together for the better of the future. Butterscotch would make treats for the foals, play music and be the general life of the party.
Later on Butterscotch would return to the pegasus tribes, or meet with pegasus leaders on neutral ground and try many time to push for pegasus to integrate with ground pony society and vice versa. that staying in the clouds only held them back.
to simply put it, this was always met with a solid ‘not going to happen’. this put Butterscotch and Commander Hurricane at odds with one another a lot, causing many fights between the two. 
however private Pansy who worked under Hurricane couldn’t agree more with what Butterscotch said, her words growing Pansy’s animosity toward Hurricane. Pansy gave Butterscoth her scarf as a token of appreciation, for all the inspiration she brought her. That scarf became Butterscotch’s famous elemental artifact. 
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Minty, one of very few pegasus born on the ground. Nearly all pegasus at this point in time had solely stuck to the sky, only coming down to diplomatic meetings, scouting territory, and fighting.
One of Minty’s parents was a pegasus who left the tribe of pegasus, unhappy with how their society had become. fell in love with an earth pony and the two had their only daughter Minty.
At a young age she met Clover the Clever, at the time was just Clover the unicorn that Minty met. Clover, a unicorn daughter of an important unicorn diplomat, traveling with her parent for important meetings in a town far away. Minty had simply wandered too far off collecting clovers and looking for a four leafed one. 
the two met and became friends for the short time they would know each other, gifting Minty her artifact of a pressed clover. It isnt long until their parents find them and get into a fight. the event left them both children traumatized as they had to face the reality of the world they lived in and the danger minty face when she stepped outside of her village.
minty grew into a scholarly teen, she still goofed off but she adored reading and writing and learning. she formed a knack for making speeches. She often would sneak off to taverns and inn that were marked as neutral zones to give long speeches or read her poetry, often time ruffling others feathers with the things she said. this came with the stress of her parents worried that bold words might have a pony turn to violence and harm her. 
none the less she braves on, leaving home when she is old enough, setting up wherever she can on her soap box and talking her heart out until she is run out. Later meeting Butterscotch and working together, then meeting The First who is touched by their want to connect and bring ponies together. 
Minty is named the element of laughter, and was able to reunite with Clover the Clever who now trained under starswirl the bearded.
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Blossom, a mute earth pony who came from a large family who owned many acres of land full of lush greenery. fields of plants, trees of fruit and ect. Blossom lost one of her parents when she was a small baby and the other when she was older. 
She tends to all the lands by herself everyday. only making it because of her generosity. she allowed any pony to come to her land, they could eat what they needed, stay and rest as long as they wanted, all for free so long as they didn’t  start fights. this led to many ponies showing up and staying in the safety of her lands and to help pay her back many ponies would saddle up and tend to the fields along side her. 
Blossom felt she was never without family as she almost always had ponies by her side, eating dinner with her and helping her out. She was happy and everyone adored her, often referring to her as ‘aunt blossom’ or even nicknames calling her mom.
Not to mention that she didn’t put up with anyone shit, if anyone started fights on her land she sure as hell was the one to finish them and they would know not to come back on her land. and ponies lovED it, they loved knowing this older mare was able to totally kick ass.
Blossom met Cotton Candy when the filly was a young child, loving and chipper as any child could possibly be. Blossom adored her and acted as like a big sister/aunt/mother to cotton candy.
Blossom became the element of Generosity, the locket her parents left her as her artifact.
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Cotton Candy, itty bitty pony. sweet and cute as can be. 
not much is known of her unlike the other. she is the youngest element wielder in the history of the elements. She was orphaned under unknown reasons (some speculate she may have been born an earth pony while having non earth pony parents, something very rare but possible) 
She met The First very young, like a 7 year old wandering around on a trail down the country road. The First took the young pony with her, knowing just what to do with her. Bringing her to Blossom’s orchard, a safe haven for ponies with land to run through, food to eat and a roof over her head.
Blossom and Cotton Candy took to each other immediately, like to to their sides Cotton Candy stayed with Blossom for years and despite her side beginning expresses being grateful that it brought her to Blossom. 
Cotton Candy has some eating problems and the only time you will find her not within a 10 foot radius of Blossom is if she found some nice flowers to snack on.
Cotton Candy became the element of Loyalty and was the first pony to officially write down information about the elements of harmony, even watched the first transfer of its power from them the original wielders to a new generation.  all of this done at the end of her life. 
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Snuzzle, a GIANt beautiful pony. 
Sweet, kind, and polite. everyone she grew up around loved her. she had a very typical up bringing as an earth pony, helping out how she could as she was born blind. she worked to develop the first form of braille in equestria as a way for her to make and have notes for her within her own community. 
She didn’t consider herself someone who disliked the pegasus and unicorns but didn’t quite seem to grow up with an opinion on their separation of the fighting that happened. she was the type to say ‘its just how the world is’. Not changing or understanding the impact of the things happening in the land around her, until The First arrived. She traveled with two pegasus, Minty and Butterscotch who showed great kindness to the earth ponies who only acted boorish and impolite to the pegasi. listening to what they had to say and seeing how her own family and friend treated them was a wake up call.
Snuzzle chose to leave her village behind and travel with The First, she wanted to learn all she could by the wise Alicorns side. 
She spent years at her side learning so many, traveling far and wide and meeting so many ponies. she became a better person and loved the friends she made through her long years. 
Snuzzel was there when Equnity corrupted and became darkness, she was one of the few who noticed something was wrong with the foal. Poking around and finding out that Equnity was unhappy and messing in dark messy magic. Snuzzel was at the site when Equnity changed, and she was there when The First made the decision to make herself the elements, trusting that she could bring the ponies together and make a better world. 
Snuzzle misses The First and struggled to find her place in the world once again. 
she made her home the now abandoned house of seasons. she built her home and family here which would later be the mark of where ponyville layed. 
snuzzel would be visited by her friends and fellow element wielders and even by the young sisters of celestia and luna who would later make their first castle here. 
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jamieclawhorn · 8 years ago
2 stocks worth a look after FY results
Specialist outsourcing company Equiniti Group (LSE: EQN) defied the sector trend to register a solid improvement in revenues and earnings for 2016.
Overall, Equniti said revenue last year increased 3.7%, to £382m, in line with analysts’ expectations, driven by strong growth in investment services and software sales. EBITDA prior to exceptional items, a measure of underlying profitability, grew 7.2% to £92.4m, while earnings per share cam in at 10.2p, up from a loss of 92.8p in 2015.
Many in the outsourcing sector have seen businesses put off making big investment decisions following the Brexit vote of last June. However, since Equiniti provides services that are largely of a non-discretionary nature — ranging from running payroll to managing pension and share-save schemes — it has seen no let up in demand in recent months. Equiniti provides the critical infrastructure that underpins big businesses and government bodies — as a result, its business model is intrinsically more defensive than some of its peers.
Looking forward, Equiniti sees strong growth opportunities from increased cross-selling of services and favourable regulatory drivers, such as tighter anti-money laundering rules and stricter financial regulation. It is also planning to boost its bottom line by reducing costs and enhancing its scale — Equiniti expects to lift its margins by around 25 basis points a year, after an improvement of 80 basis points in 2016.
The company has an attractive progressive dividend policy, with management planning to increase its full-year dividend by 16.5%, on a pro forma basis, to 4.75p per share. This would still give its shares a relatively low yield of 2.5%, but given its dividend payout ratio is just 30% of underlying earnings there’s plenty of scope for further dividend increases down the line.
City analysts are bullish on Equiniti — out of the four recommendations, three are strong buys and one is a buy.
End of growth
Another company that reported its full-year results today is car dealership company Lookers (LSE: LOOK). The Manchester-based company said full-year profits increased for the eighth consecutive year thanks to steady growth in new car sales.
Revenue increased 18% in 2016 to £4.3 billion, while earnings per share was 4% higher, at 15.87p. However, the increase in revenue and profits failed to enthuse the markets. Shares in the company fell by more than 2% today, as management warned that industry forecasts point to a 5% reduction in new car sales this year.
New car sales have risen every year since 2009, but this trend appears to be coming to an end, as demand is set to cool amid a rise in import prices owing to the impact of the weak pound. A cooling market may not just be detrimental to the top line for car dealers, it could also hurt their already thin margins — Lookers’ underlying operating margin fell by 20 basis points to 2.2% last year.
The outlook for the sector has no doubt hurt sentiment towards Lookers’ shares. Lookers is currently trading at a forward P/E of 8.3, with shares yielding 2.8%. Although valuations seem cheap, I’m wary of buying in at the very top of the market.
A better stock pick?
If you're looking for another great growth stock, then don't miss out on this free special report: A Top Growth Share From The Motley Fool.
Mark Rogers, a top investor from the Motley Fool, believes he may have just discovered a true growth gem. This stock has already delivered triple-digit returns in recent years and he thinks more growth is to come.
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More reading
Which of these growth-and-income shares is better?
2 shares that could make you rich
After rising 150% in a year, this stock could be gold for your portfolio
Is Dignity plc a falling knife to catch after crashing 15%?
Is Admiral Group plc’s 6% yield today’s top FTSE 100 buy?
Jack Tang has no position in any shares mentioned. The Motley Fool UK has no position in any of the shares mentioned. We Fools don't all hold the same opinions, but we all believe that considering a diverse range of insights makes us better investors.
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