#equine water therapy
equinespa1 · 27 days
Looking For High-Speed Treadmills For Horses In UK - ECB Equine Spas
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If you are looking for high-speed treadmills for horses in the UK, ECB Equine Spas is the best option for you. We offer top-of-the-line treadmills designed to enhance equine fitness and rehabilitation. Our high-speed treadmills provide safe, effective workouts tailored to your horse's needs. Improve performance and recovery with ECB Equine Spas, trusted by professionals across the UK. Visit here:- https://equinespa.com/high-speed-horse-treadmill/
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warpedpuppeteer · 6 months
Something something Tommy saying it's never great to date people you've saved but something something Buck's coma dream confirming that without Buck, Eddie would have lost control and spiraled and lost Chris. Something something he dove under a truck ladder after being crushed by one under a hail of bullets just to drag Eddie to safety. Something something he tried to dig through 40 ft of mud with his bare hands to get to a trapped Eddie. Something something he introduced Carla to Eddie and helped him be the best father Eddie can be to Chris. Something something he assured Eddie his son will be safe at school and then drove him over to see him after the earthquake. Something something he dropped everything in the middle of the night to come help Eddie when he had a breakdown and helped Chris calm down and tuck him in and stayed for Eddie to help him through it. Something something he brought Eddie to equine therapy so that Eddie can see with his own eyes what impact he has as a firefighter and to realize his worth. Something something he helped Eddie realize that he's living a lie with Ana and that he's simply stringing her along w/o loving her. Something something Chris and Eddie being upset they can't spend Christmas together and Buck arranges a surprise Christmas party at the firehouse for Eddie's little family. Something something Buck getting pissed when the prisoners threatened Chris. Something something Buck running straight into what could have been a hostile situation because he heard a gunshot and all he thought of was Eddie. Something something he didn't think twice before jumping into the water and spent hours looking for Eddie's son, Eddie's heart and reason, Eddie's everything, despite being injured and on blood thinners and barely being able to stand up.
So yeah, maybe it's not a great idea to be with someone who you saved once but what about someone you keep saving?? Someone who you would never even think twice about abandoning?? Someone who also saves you constantly by being in your life??
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trashbag-baby666 · 9 days
"Nothing to be done anymore." Clegan, of course, either the equine therapy or the actress au 👀
PLS PLS PLS enjoy pooki <33
mota masterlist!
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Gale’s head hung low, shame written across his face. John grumbled under his breath as he paced the kitchen, cleaning up the remnants of dinner. The air between them was thick with tension, everything feeling like one big, catastrophic mess. At least Gale’s folks had retired to their rooms, John thought bitterly. He still couldn’t understand why Gale let them stay—why he tolerated the way they picked at him, finding any excuse to be awful.
Tonight had been worse than usual. Gale had been shaky all evening, barely holding it together, when he knocked over a water glass. What should’ve been an innocent mistake spiraled into something darker, something far more unsettling. Gale had gone into a full-fledged panic, his body locking up as he tried to stammer out an apology while John watched, helpless. It wasn’t just a broken glass—it was flashes of his ex bouncing around behind his eyes, his voice still echoing in his ears.
"I'm sorry," Gale croaked, his voice hoarse from the strain.
"Not your fault, Buck," John muttered, though his tone was sharper than he meant. He didn’t stop cleaning, didn’t stop pacing, the sound of plates clinking together somehow too loud in the quiet room.
"Nothing to be done anymore," John cut him off, shaking his head. He wasn’t in the mood for apologies, wasn’t in the mood for anything. It wasn’t fair, he knew that. Gale wasn’t at fault, but that didn’t make the frustration bubbling inside him any less real. He was exhausted—exhausted from always being on edge, from trying to pick up the pieces that seemed to shatter around them every time they thought they’d found some peace.
"You should go lay down," John said, his back still turned as he wiped down the counters. His voice had softened, but it carried a weight, an unspoken tiredness.
Gale sat there for a moment, frozen, feeling the sting of John’s words even though they hadn’t been cruel. He knew John wasn’t angry at him, not really. But that didn’t stop the guilt from gnawing at him, didn’t stop the feeling that he was just a burden—someone who kept breaking under the weight of his own past.
"Yeah," Gale mumbled, barely audible. He turned and left the kitchen, the weight of the night pressing down on his shoulders as he made his way to their room. His head was spinning, but there was nothing to do now.
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draftmare · 1 year
On Friday while driving home from the barn the engine in my 2017 Ford Explorer, well, exploded. Technically the water pump exploded which caused coolant to mix with the oil causing my engine to seize. It’s going to cost $10,000 to fix. I’m literally shitting bricks and have not been able to eat or sleep much since Friday. It’s my only mode of transportation, and I still owe money on it.
Here is the list of my highest dollar items. I’m trying to avoid selling my Brenderup trailer, but it’s looking like the only solution at the moment if I can’t find a different way to finance the repairs. 😞
18.5 inch Equine Inspired by Frank Baines dressage saddle, XW hoop tree. $1900
18 inch County Fusion dressage saddle, WXW tree. $1800
Professional Choice Ventech dressage girth, used twice. 28 inch. $100
BNWT Romfh Claudia jean breeches, size 38R. $100
Toklat T3 Matrix Ortho-Impact dressage half pad, used for under a month. Size large. $190
Nunn Finer Upperville breastplate, used once. $175
Hansbo Sport lightweight turnout, size 84. Some tears in lining, no rips in shell. Has matching neck. $150
Weatherbeeta Therapy-Tec medium weight turnout. One tear in liner, no tears in shell. Has matching neck. $175
Micklem English leather bridle. This is the high end leather bridle they offered for a short time. Super soft. Comes with custom made purple beaded browband made especially to fit a Micklem bridle. Size large. $225
PS of Sweden Rose ribbon full jump. $50
PS of Sweden hortensia, used once. $65
PS of Sweden Orchid dressage pad, brand new. $70
DM me if interested in anything.
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chronicowboy · 2 years
theories about the beach scene pulled from the incoherent recesses of my mind:
buck panic attack on the beach about chris being near the water but its really bad so eddie has to call 911 which is why the 118 are there even though eddie's in street clothes and buck's in the jeep and this eventually leads to them talking about the will and buck's place in christopher's life as a borderline co-parent
chris having a panic attack about the ocean because, in that video, it looks like eddie's trying to calm him down maybe and i imagine him calling buck to come and help him when nothing's working because they went through the tsunami together (and they were no contact when chris was having his tsunami nightmares bc of the lawsuit so buck would want to be there to make it up to him)
buck being low after a beach call earlier in the week, maybe he has a panic attack about the water to acknowledge the trauma of the tsunami he never really dealt with (and fox posted bts of the tsunami episode the same days as the beach pics 👀) or maybe he loses a kid on the call at the beach and clearly he'd be reminded of chris (bonus points if the kid is wearing glasses/yellow) and eddie doing his own version of the charlie in the equine therapy place scene but buck getting to watch chris be happy and unafraid in the water and eddie makes it clear that buck is part of the family
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darkthingshappen · 2 years
Lives Beyond the Void
This is a Christmas gift to @quietly-by-myself. We may have something in the works coming up with both our characters, but I have a few more reveals on my end before we start posting. (Sorry my stories are so long winded. LOL)
Content Warnings for recovering characters and mentions of human trafficking
Thanks to @oddsconvert for her quick on the spot beta and pep talk.
Sacha smiled excitedly as he stared around the clean open space of Cyril’s new home.  It wasn’t a cabin, but it was still homey.  He liked that Cyril had a place so close to his own.  It had been about six months since they came back here to Sacha’s hometown.  It was Spring, and Cyril’s little garden outside the window was in full bloom.  It made both of them happy.  Sacha was happy that Cyril hadn’t had to leave his hobby behind, and Cyril was happy to have things blooming again.  
“Sacha, it’s so nice for you to stop by.  What is this all about?”
Cyril’s comment was almost funny.  Sacha ‘stopped by’ on most days.  If it wasn’t here at Cyril’s little house, then it was at the clinic where he practiced.  They both grinned at each other.  
“Well… it’s April… and I heard it was someone’s birthday,” Sacha’s voice was quiet, as usual, but his eyes were playful. 
Cyril groaned.  “Sacha, I don't want anyone knowing or making a big deal out of this.  Please?  I just want to keep it quiet.  I don’t like a fuss.”  He stopped and looked at Sacha, really registering the look in his eyes.  Sacha was up to something.  He was never this excited.  “You told your mom didn’t you?”
Sacha beamed.  “Dinner’s at six.  She has a cake.  I’m supposed to invite you.  But also, I got you this.”  Sacha handed Cyril a small wrapped box.
“Sacha… you didn’t have to get me anything.  You know that.” Cyril says.  
“You saved me.  You brought me home.  A birthday present is… is small.” Sacha could give Cyril the world and it would still never be enough to measure up to what he gave him. The air he breathes and the words he speaks are all thanks to Cyril. Cyril saved his life and soul.
“We’ve been over this.  You saved me too.”  Cyril pulled Sacha into a hug, touching their foreheads together.  “My brother.”
“Brother,” Sacha repeated in complete contentment and agreement.  Sacha pulled back and looked at him.  “Now go on, open it.”
“Is this why you wanted me to go sailing with you today?”
Sacha nodded with a happy grin on his face.  “Can’t have you working on your birthday.”
Cyril laughed at the almost mischievous grin on Sacha’s face.  
The two of them spent the whole day out on the water in the April sunshine, the wind blowing their hair, the water spraying with every rise and fall of the boat.  
Cyril felt years younger as he watched Sacha.  He still stumbled over his words from time to time and he still didn’t like to say a lot of things unless they were worth saying, but here, on the water.  Here Sacha was free.  It was almost as if the past few years hadn’t touched him.  Almost.  He explained the rules for sailing, talked about the different parts of the boat and how to work each and every one of them.  He was born to be on the water.  That much was evident.  
It was the best birthday Cyril had ever had.  The gifts didn’t matter, but seeing Sacha so carefree and happy was more valuable than anything anyone could ever purchase him.  
When they docked the boat on the little pier near Sacha’s house, his words grew less once again.  On land Sacha had to face everything that he’d been through.  He had to face his family and their constant worry for him.  Cyril wished there was a way to help him ease back into his life a bit better.  
Cyril took him to equine therapy.  He was in counseling.  They were working well, but Sacha was still having difficulty.  Human trafficking was often in the forefront of the news.  It was something both of them were keenly aware of.  There were others out there just like Sacha.  And many were not so lucky.  
Cyril helped Sacha secure the boat to the dock and then they headed for Sacha’s home.  It wasn’t far.  
Sacha’s parents did most of the talking at dinner.  It was a lovely meal, soup.  Sacha insisted that he helped and Cyril smiled when his mother agreed that he’d been a big help.  It was a fantastic end to the best birthday ever.  
Cyril was in his office, on a rare break, reflecting on his move to this small town from his isolated cabin in the woods.  It had been scary at first, getting back into medicine.  But people here needed his help.  They needed him.  He’d kept his word and accepted medicaid.  He really felt like his return to medicine was making a huge difference.  That was a big surprise to him.  A pleasant one.  He still got nervous.  He had not had to treat any overdoses yet, but he knew that the longer he stayed and practiced, that it would come up eventually.  
But if Sacha could come home and face all his fears, get into therapy, then Cyril could do it too.  
There was a soft knock at his door.  His nurse opened the door.  “There's a guy out here that wants to put up some fliers for some trafficking support group?  Apparently they have a guest speaker coming.”
“That’s fine.  I know that’s a big problem around these parts.  He can put up the fliers.”
She smiled at him and nodded her acknowledgement before quietly shutting the door again.  
Cyril worked the rest of the afternoon.  Sacha had come and had lunch with him.  It was a simple quiet life here.  He was… happy?  He was happy.  He was actually enjoying life again.  And he had a family that loved him.  He had a brother.  
Cyril would do anything to help Sacha feel the same way, like the world was a safe place for him.  He just didn’t know what else to do.  Cyril sighed as he shut off the lights in his office and headed for the door.  
As he moved through the small waiting room, a neon green flier caught his eye.  It was neatly taped to the window of the check-in counter.  
Trafficking Survivors Support Group.  Meets on the first Monday of the month in the general community center.  Our next meeting will feature international trafficking survivor Ben Adkins who has graciously agreed to come to our meeting to share his story of survival and resilience in the face of horrible circumstances beyond his control.  Guests are welcome and there is no charge for this event.  
Cyril pulled his phone out and snapped a picture of the flier.  Maybe that was the missing piece.  Maybe what Sacha needed was to hear about someone else’s survival.  Perhaps that would help.  If he didn’t see himself as being alone.  If he was able to talk to someone else like him.  
Cyril slipped his phone back into his pocket, the tiny handmade goldfish keychain that Sacha made him for his birthday grazing his fingers.  It was just like the bigger one he’d gotten at Christmas, but smaller.  One he could always have to remind him of the family he now belonged to.  
Cyril smiled to himself as he walked out the door.  He walked to his car thinking about how to couch the idea.  When he was in his car, he pulled his phone back out and glanced at the picture of the flier.  He read through it carefully and then dialed Sacha.  
“Hey, listen, would you mind coming to dinner at my house tomorrow night?  I have something I want to talk to you about…”
Sacha and Cyril's Tags list: @whumpsday, @i-can-even-burn-salad, @pigeonwhumps, @darkthingshappen, @pumpkin-spice-whump, @darlingwhump, @maracujatangerine, @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi, @flowersarefreetherapy, @octopus-reactivated, @quietshae, @whump-blog, @inkkswhumpandstuff, @whumpycries, @whumpkinz, @roblingoblin285
Ben's Tag List: @i-can-even-burn-salad @peachy-panic @deluxewhump @arwenadreamer @whumpcereal @melancholy-in-the-morning @dont-touch-my-soup @whumpsday @keeper-of-all-the-random-things @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @oddsconvert @melennui @susiequaz12 @morning-star-whump @crystalquartzwhump @whump-and-other-things @mylifeisonthebookshelf @reflected-pain @hold-him-down @quietshae @quietly-by-myself @there-will-always-be-bloodblood @whumping-seven-days-a-week @honey-is-mesi (I hope I’m not forgetting anyone - please let me know if I am and I’ll fix it. I’m still getting used to this) 
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erinsworld · 1 year
Saturday Snippets
This was originally started for this year's George Eads Appreciation Week, for the rubber ducky prompt.
It's still a WIP, but I actually managed to get some writing done on it today. Its still a little rough and I think Jack may have highjacked it, lol. I think it went off on a bit of a tanget.
“Please tell me they’re not real,” Riley asks, turning her attention back to Jack, one eyebrow raised as she pins him with a look.
“Now would I go and do a thing like that?”
He’s the picture of innocence as he looks back at her from the across the kitchen, and Riley huffs out a laugh and as she shakes her head in fond exasperation.
“You bought my daughter a horse, Jack. A hooves, and horseshoe’s, neighing real live horse, because she thought he was all soft and cute and she asked you to," Riley reminds her surrogate father. “So I think I’m validated in being a bit skeptical.”
“Now technically, sweetheart, Twinkle is a pony,” he says, like the height difference between the two animals takes away the point of her previous statement.  
“’Sides…” he continues as he makes a show of taking the pancakes off the griddle, each flapjack flipping high in the air before coming to rest on the plate that he’s holding in his other hand.
He gives her a wink as he shuts off the stove and moves the griddle aside. He picks up a small silver shaker and with a flourish and spin of his hand dusts the tops of each pancake with powered sugar to finish up his act.
Riley known Jack a long time, and knows one of his distraction techniques when she sees one, but still can’t help but be pulled in, impressed and entertained by the showmanship.
“It’s not like I brought him home or anything,” Jack defends.
“That’s only because, your no animals allowed in the GTO policy aside, he wouldn’t fit in the back seat,” she says.
“Mmm… Yeah. I didn’t really think that one all the way through,” Jack admits. “Good thing Thorpe runs that equine therapy ranch up in the hills and let’s us board him there. But… Jack Wyatt Dalton ain’t no push over, you know. I’ve gone toe to toe with the baddiest of the bad and not broken, no way a little girl will get through my steely defenses.”
“Is that, right?” Riley asks, amused. While there is no arguing with the first part of his sentence, from the very first moment that Jack finally met his granddaughter, she has had him wrapped around her tiny finger.
“That’s right,” Jack tells her. “Like… For instance… I didn’t buy her those penguins she begged me for.”
“Uh huh... Not for lack of trying.”
“Yeah… I think retirement has seriously messed with my mojo, that aquarium dude just wouldn’t give in.”
“It’s illegal for private parties to own penguins, Jack,” Riley tells him, not for the first time.
“I’m bettin’ Matty can pull it off. Bein’ away as long as I was, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen her go full Hun on anyone. Ohh… Oh, I know,” Jack exclaims, eyes wide with excitement. “Taylor… He can pull it off. He would do it a second.”
“…Russ? I don’t even know why I’m asking this. Or even encouraging you with this path of conversation,” Riley says, “But… why Russ?”
“’Cuz money… He has more than he’ll ever use,” he drawls. “Big ole donation to the aquarium. Heck, we could have an entire wing named in our honor. Little princess can go play with those tuxedoed birds anytime she wants. And… oh, I’ll get Steve to come teach her to swim, and scuba. That way she can swim along side 'em. He may be a whiny water baby, but the guy’s like a fish himself in the water. And—”
“Woah… let’s rein it in, cowboy. No. Absolutely, no. None of that is going to happen," she informs him. "You know, I think I liked it better when you and Russ couldn’t stand each other.”  
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A Horse is a Horse, Of Course, Of Course
“I’ll fake it through the day with some help from Johnny Walker Red”-Elliott Smith
Rewatching Netflix’s seminal animated series, Bojack Horseman, I had the music of the late Elliott Smith and the poetry of the late Charles Bukowski (I believe both are name checked in the series) flowing through my head. The show begins as a Hollywoo(d) satire pitched somewhere between Robert Altman’s “The Player” and Doug Ellin’s “Entourage” and ends with the gravity of The Sopranos or Breaking Bad.
Bojack Horseman (Will Arnett) was the star of an artless but charming family sitcom called “Horsin’ Around” in the late 80s up to the late 90s. His “friend” Mr. Peanut Butter (Paul F. Tompkins) anchored a watered down knockoff called “Mr. Peanut Butter’s House.” The series kicks off in 2014 with our heroes in middle age clawing back to the A-List.
The premise makes me wonder why the untimely death of Bob Saget didn’t reignite interest in the show, given that Horseman and Peanut Butter are fairly obvious stand-ins for Bob Saget and his long time friend and collaborator John Stamos.
The premise starts off with a tone akin to Entourage and ends in a tragedy similar to The Sopranos (also wisely name checked in the show, with an appearance by David Chase.) Nearly everyone Bojack has ever loved has died or parted ways on poor terms with him. He faces a life as a pariah, persona non grata in Hollywoo and even serves a prison sentence for his misdeeds.
Bojack is an alcoholic wreck of a horse (or is he more man than a horse?) - cursed with the family disease by his cruel mother Beatrice and detached father, Butterscotch. The generational trauma passed down from the Horseman and Sugarman clans that preceded Bojack is immense. Beatrice and Butterscotch are also intelligent, perceptive, and acerbic. Bojack carries the genealogical gifts they gave him to dizzying heights as an actor and comic. He’s as smart, funny, and talented as he is broken.
Bojack is flanked by his impish, couch crashing pal Todd Chavez, long-suffering manager/agent/house-cat Princess Caroline, and biographer/journalist friend Diane Nguyen. Diane spends much of the series in a fraught marriage to Mr. Peanut Butter. These characters help manage the tone of the show, with Todd often brought in to lighten heavy stories and Diane as a sobering voice of reason to check the behavior of our very un-sober equine hero.
Bojack Horseman does some incredible world building on par with the prime seasons of The Simpsons in its 77 episodes. It would be impossible for me to name check every character or touch on every plot. I can and sort of did tell you how things end but how they would unfold before you watching is incredible.
I finished my rewatch of Bojack Horseman thinking of Bojack’s mother, Beatrice’s grief for her husband Butterscotch “Everything is worse now.” I felt like my time with a friend came to an end; as awful as Bojack is - and he is awful- I saw a lot of myself in him. And I believe his pain helped me manage my own.
Bojack Horseman was shockingly canceled before the end of its intended 8 season Netflix run, wrapping in the twilight of the pre pandemic ‘10s at the dawn of 2020.
The series deftly juggles tones somewhere between a trip to the zoo and a trip to therapy. It is fun and funny and the emotional, painful episodes feel cathartic for their realism in a surreal setting and have a heartfelt sincerity. The apex of the show is “Free Churro” an episode that is almost entirely Bojack eulogizing his mother in an unflinching and bracingly honest way.
The show is not flawless. It has a few episodes I find skippable where it shoehorns in hamfisted politics. It has characters I find insufferable like Yolanda the axolotl and the 30s screwball comedy reporters. But much like Bojack himself you’ll find so much to latch onto and identify with amongst the flaws.
This is one of the best, most important, and most creative animated series of all time - don’t act like you don’t know.
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iffoundreturntosea · 15 days
September 6, Day 249/250
Day 249 2015
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Had a lovely afternoon chilling with this guy!
#thisguy #friends #afternoon #chill #lovely #smile #picoftheday #project365 #day249
Day 250 2016
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He seems pretty comfy to me.
#catnap #kitty #cat #leo #blackandwhite #shadesofblackandwhite #september #picoftheday #project365 #day250
I loved when he stretched out in his sleep.
Day 249 2017
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Found a great spot for sunset and moonrise photos tonight!
#sunset #summer #texas #car #tiburon #hyundai #outdoors #blackandwhite #color #colorsplash #september #picoftheday #project365 #day249
Day 249 2018
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#balls #windblown #abandoned #hidden #hiding #backyard #grass #growth #thankstotherain #fence #clouds #stormy #negativespace #september #picoftheday #project365 #day249
Day 249 2019
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Just relax mom
#mom #mother #read #reading #glasses #book #mrspollifax #relax #relaxing #twofer #orange #love #nationalreadabookday #nationallazymomsday #september #september6 #2019 #nationalday #nationaldaycalendar #picoftheday #project365 #day249
Day 250 2020
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Going solo
#lookup #sky #outdoors #nature #tree #silhouette #color #pink #purple #solo #onlyone #simplicity #clouds #september #september6 #2020 #picoftheday #project365 #day250
Day 249 2021
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Really good session today, hard but good!
#donkey #minituredonkey #peekaboo #therapy #equine #equinetherapy #nature #outdoors #texas #summer #september #september6 #2021 #picoftheday #project365 #day249
Day 249 2022
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It was a rough day and we both wanted to hide. Maintenance work is very loud.
#leo #kitty #cat #furbaby #hiding #tryingtorelax #september #september6 #2022 #picoftheday #project365 #day249
Day 249 2023
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#flowers #color #pop #bright #september #september6 #2023 #picoftheday #project365 #day249
Day 250 2024
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Each element corresponds with a cardinal direction, I obviously lean west 🧜‍♀️
#directions #dailytheme #elementsofnature #justme #wind #earth #fire #water #september #september6 #2024 #picoftheday #project365 #day250
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Harmony of Mind Mental Health Restoration at Still Water Wellness Group
At Still Water Wellness Group, we recognize the intrinsic link between Mental Health and overall well-being. Our comprehensive approach to mental health encompasses a range of therapeutic modalities, personalized wellness strategies, and compassionate support, creating a nurturing environment for healing and growth.
Central to our philosophy is the understanding that Mental Health is not simply the absence of illness, but a dynamic state of equilibrium encompassing emotional resilience, cognitive clarity, and interpersonal harmony. Through evidence-based therapies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and mindfulness-based interventions, our experienced clinicians empower individuals to cultivate self-awareness, manage stressors, and develop adaptive coping strategies.
Moreover, Still Water Wellness Group offers a diverse array of holistic modalities to complement traditional therapy, including yoga, meditation, art therapy, and equine-assisted therapy. These experiential approaches provide avenues for self-expression, emotional release, and connection with the present moment, fostering greater self-understanding and emotional regulation.
In addition to therapeutic interventions, our facility provides a sanctuary of serenity and support, with luxurious accommodations, tranquil surroundings, and personalized care. Clients are enveloped in a nurturing environment where their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs are attended to with compassion and dignity.
Our multidisciplinary team of licensed therapists, counselors, and wellness experts collaborate closely to tailor treatment plans to each individual's unique needs and goals. Whether addressing co-occurring mental health disorders, trauma, or substance use issues, we approach each client with empathy, respect, and a commitment to their long-term well-being.
Beyond the confines of traditional therapy sessions, Still Water Wellness Group fosters a sense of community and belonging through group therapy, peer support, and experiential workshops. Clients find solace and strength in connecting with others who share similar struggles, breaking down barriers of isolation and shame. Ultimately, our goal at Still Water Wellness Group is to empower individuals to reclaim agency over their mental health and live fulfilling, purpose-driven lives. By nurturing resilience, fostering self-discovery, and providing unwavering support, we guide clients on a transformative journey towards lasting mental wellness and vitality.
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creativeprojectjm · 5 months
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These 3 are by far my favourite so far. I love the movement, power, emotion and character that I feel from these, especially the 2 above. My aim with these piece were to create a feel of power and security. After researching equine therapy I wanted to reflect the emotional and physical intelligence of these animals. I feel I conveyed this the best in the one directly above because of the emotion I have caught within the movement. This horse (Banjo) is filled with emotion, fear, urgency, love and hate. All this enforces the idea that if the horse feels, then he can feel you and your emotion which is exactly what I want the viewer to feel. How the horse is looking at them and understanding them.
In the first, the green background works really well and makes the natural, connected feeling that I was looking for because of tranquillity and connection between the colours and forms in the foreground and background.
The second one has all the character and ferocity that I want. It gives power, fear, and captures the ponies movement more than anything. This was so important to me because I was the viewer to feel how the horse moves with its surroundings and how connected it is with others when it moves and breaths.
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The last is good too, I was thinking about water when I was painting, which is where the bright blues came from. I like this piece because I feel the horse, even thought stationary, is moving within, just like water. I tried to replicate this in the mane and forelock, and I think it worked well because of the texture I created. This piece definitely reminds me of the water and give the feeling of connection between the horse and the water.
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equinespa1 · 1 month
Best High-Speed Equine Treadmills For Horse - ECB Equine Spas
ECB Equine Spas offers some of the best high-speed equine treadmills designed to optimize horse training and rehabilitation. These treadmills are durability, precision, and safety, allowing horses to achieve peak performance while reducing the risk of injury. ECB's high-speed treadmills provide a reliable solution for enhancing equine fitness and recovery.
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americacryous · 6 months
Exploring Equine Rehabilitation Equipment: A Vital Component in Equine Care In equine care, rehabilitation in aiding horses' recovery from injuries, surgeries, or strenuous activities. With advancements in technology and veterinary medicine, equine rehabilitation equipment has become an integral part of ensuring the well-being and performance of horses. In this article, we'll delve into the significance of equine rehabilitation equipment, its types, and how businesses like AmericaCryo contribute to this field.
Understanding Equine Rehabilitation Equipment
Equine rehabilitation equipment encompasses a diverse range of tools and devices designed to assist in the recovery and rehabilitation of horses. These equipment pieces are engineered to aid in various aspects of rehabilitation, including physical therapy, pain management, and performance enhancement. From therapeutic modalities to supportive devices, each piece of equipment serves a unique purpose in promoting the horse's health and mobility.
Types of Equine Rehabilitation Equipment
Therapeutic Modalities: Therapeutic lasers, ultrasound machines, and electromagnetic therapy devices. These modalities alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and promote tissue healing in injured or recovering horses.
Hydrotherapy Equipment: Hydrotherapy has emerged as a valuable tool in equine rehabilitation. Underwater treadmills, hydrotherapy pools, and cold water spas provide low-impact exercise, improve circulation, and strengthen muscles without putting undue stress on the horse's limbs.
Supportive Devices: Equine rehabilitation involves supportive devices like leg wraps, braces, and compression garments. These aids help stabilise injured areas, provide support during recovery, and prevent further injury.
Therapeutic Exercise Equipment: Treadmills, vibration plates, and equine-specific exercise machines facilitate controlled movement and targeted exercise routines. These equipment pieces are tailored to improve the range of motion, muscle strength, and overall fitness of horses.
America Cryo: Advancing Equine Rehabilitation
America Cryo, a prominent name in equine care solutions, offers a comprehensive range of equine rehabilitation equipment aimed at promoting the health and performance of horses. With a commitment to innovation and excellence, AmericaCryo provides cutting-edge solutions that cater to the diverse needs of equine rehabilitation facilities, veterinary clinics, and horse owners.
By leveraging state-of-the-art technology and collaborating with industry experts, AmericaCryo delivers top-quality equipment designed to optimize rehabilitation outcomes and enhance the well-being of horses. Whether it's therapeutic modalities, hydrotherapy equipment, or supportive devices, America Cryo's products are engineered to meet the highest standards of performance, durability, and safety. Conclusion Equine rehabilitation equipment plays a pivotal role in ensuring the recovery, health, and performance of horses. From therapeutic modalities to hydrotherapy equipment and supportive devices, each component contributes to the comprehensive care and rehabilitation of equine patients. Businesses like AmericaCryo are at the forefront of advancing equine rehabilitation through innovative solutions and cutting-edge technology, furthering the well-being of horses and strengthening the equine care industry.
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equinespa · 6 months
Horse Cold Water Hydrotherapy
Horse Cold Water Hydrotherapy is most effective for recent injuries like sprains or strains, but some use it after exercise to reduce muscle soreness. Remember, consulting a veterinarian before using cold water therapy, especially on new injuries, is crucial for your horse's well-being.
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lakeviewmentalhealth · 7 months
Nurturing Minds Exploring the Tranquility of Lakeview Mental Health
Nestled amidst the serene embrace of nature lies Lakeview Mental Health, a sanctuary for those seeking solace and support on their journey towards mental wellness. Situated by the tranquil shores of a picturesque lake, this haven offers a holistic approach to mental health care, blending evidence-based therapies with the restorative power of nature.
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At Lakeview Mental Health, the ethos revolves around fostering a nurturing environment where individuals feel empowered to embark on a path of healing and self-discovery. From the moment one steps onto the lush grounds, the soothing ambiance envelops them, instilling a sense of calm and reassurance.
The therapeutic benefits of nature are seamlessly integrated into the fabric of Lakeview's treatment programs. Surrounded by towering trees, blooming flora, and the gentle rippling of the lake, clients are invited to reconnect with the natural world as they reconnect with themselves. Whether it's through mindful walks along wooded trails, meditation sessions by the water's edge, or outdoor group therapy sessions, nature serves as a catalyst for inner transformation and growth.
Central to Lakeview's approach is a team of compassionate and highly skilled mental health professionals who are dedicated to supporting each individual on their unique journey. From licensed therapists and psychiatrists to wellness coaches and holistic practitioners, every member of the team works collaboratively to tailor treatment plans that address the specific needs and goals of each client.
The range of therapeutic modalities offered at Lakeview Mental Health is diverse and comprehensive. From cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) to mindfulness-based practices and experiential therapies, clients have access to a myriad of tools and techniques to navigate challenges, build resilience, and cultivate emotional well-being.
Moreover, Lakeview recognizes the importance of addressing the interconnectedness of mental, emotional, and physical health. Thus, holistic wellness activities such as yoga, art therapy, nutrition counseling, and recreational outings are woven into the fabric of the treatment experience, promoting balance and vitality across all aspects of life.
One of the hallmarks of Lakeview Mental Health is its commitment to fostering a sense of community and belonging. Group therapy sessions provide a supportive space for individuals to share their experiences, gain insights from peers, and cultivate meaningful connections. Whether it's a drum circle under the stars, a communal bonfire gathering, or a group hike through the wilderness, these shared experiences create bonds that transcend the boundaries of mental health challenges.
Beyond the confines of structured therapy sessions, Lakeview Mental Health offers a range of experiential activities designed to promote joy, self-expression, and personal growth. From art workshops and music therapy sessions to equine-assisted therapy and adventure outings, clients are encouraged to explore new passions, rediscover lost hobbies, and tap into their innate creativity.
As individuals progress through their journey at Lakeview, they are equipped with the skills, insights, and resources necessary to thrive beyond the confines of the treatment center. Whether returning to their homes, reuniting with loved ones, or transitioning to a step-down program, clients depart Lakeview empowered to navigate life's challenges with resilience, purpose, and a renewed sense of hope.
In essence, Lakeview Mental Health is more than just a treatment center; it is a sanctuary for the soul, a refuge for those seeking healing and transformation amidst the beauty of nature. With its holistic approach, compassionate care, and dedication to empowering individuals, Lakeview embodies the essence of mental wellness, guiding clients towards a life of greater joy, fulfillment, and well-being.
For more info:-
Lakeview Mental Health
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lapoetisa · 10 months
equine therapy & ocean water
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