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onionmiyu · 8 months ago
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=love or ikorabu natsumatope mv gifs
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jgregsawyer · 1 year ago
Welcome to "Ask Mom And Dad," the podcast where we dive into the joys and challenges of parenting through the lens of faith and family values. In each episode we engage in candid conversations about raising children in today's world while seeking wisdom from timeless biblical principles. In this episode, we explore the topic of favoritism in parenting, drawing insights from the stories of Jacob and Esau. We discuss the complexities of nurturing each child's unique qualities and needs, emphasizing the importance of loving them unconditionally, regardless of their performance or perceived shortcomings. We explore how to navigate the inherent struggles of parenting while striving to treat each child with equal love and respect. Whether you're a seasoned parent or just starting out, Tonya and I hope our podcast offers practical insights, heartfelt encouragement, and a reminder that you're not alone in this crazy beautiful adventure called parenting.
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artofsaipai · 2 years ago
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Sky Trigger Kiara
because I auto-click/play Kiara's Kono Sora Ga Trigger Dance Focus once I come across it on YT and can't stop watching it.
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newprophets · 5 months ago
Faith in Action James 2 Explained – No More Playing Favorites!
James 2 – Breaking Down Favoritism: Why It Has No Place in Faith
Favoritism—whether we admit it or not, it’s something that sneaks into our lives far too easily. James 2 doesn’t pull any punches when addressing this issue, especially within the context of our faith communities. The chapter opens with a scenario that might feel all too familiar: two people walk into a gathering, one rich and well-dressed, the other poor and shabby. The wealthy person is given a seat of honor, while the poor person is told to stand or sit on the floor. James is clear: this behavior is wrong, and it goes against the very heart of God’s command to love our neighbors as ourselves.
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Favoritism: A Reflection of Our Hearts
James 2:1-13 warns us that showing partiality reveals a deeper issue within our hearts. It’s not just about preferring one person over another; it’s about judging people by worldly standards rather than God’s standards. Favoritism elevates one person’s value over another, often based on superficial things like appearance, status, or wealth. But God sees beyond the exterior; He looks at the heart.
This section of James reminds us that when we show favoritism, we’re not just being unkind—we’re breaking the “Royal Law” of loving our neighbors. Imagine if Jesus had shown favoritism. The gospel would have been exclusive, reserved only for the elite. But Jesus reached out to everyone, especially those society often overlooked.
Living Without Partiality
To live out James 2, we need to challenge our own biases. It’s about treating everyone with the same love and respect, regardless of their background, wealth, or status. Here are some practical steps
Check Your Attitudes: Reflect on how you treat people, especially those who can’t offer you anything in return. Are you loving without conditions?
Embrace Diversity: Look for opportunities to connect with people from different walks of life. Get to know their stories and see them as God does.
Lead by Example: Whether at work, in your community, or within your family, be someone who demonstrates God’s impartial love.
Final Thoughts
James 2 calls us to a higher standard, reminding us that favoritism has no place in the life of a believer. It’s not just about what we say but how we live. Let’s strive to reflect God’s inclusive love in everything we do, showing the world that in Christ, there is no partiality.
#NoFavoritism #James2 #LoveYourNeighbor #EqualLove #ChristianLiving #ScriptureStudy #LiveLikeJesus #InclusiveFaith #FaithInAction #GodsLoveForAll #BibleTruths #FaithThatWorks #FaithGoals
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mysteriouslynoisyshark · 6 months ago
#lgbt #loveislove #samesexcouples #gaygirls #lgbtcouples #pride #lesbianlove #lesbianpride #lezbehonest #femmelesbian #lesbiancouples #pridemonth2024 #pride2023 #gaygirl #lesbiansofig #queer #lesbianmarriage #gaygirlcrew #equallove #married #wife #girlswhokissgirls #girlswholikegirls #lesbians #instalesbians
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jpopstreaming · 8 months ago
=LOVE's new song "Zettai Aidoru Yamenai de" music video has been released on YouTube. 💜 #EQUALLOVE
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noidol-nolife · 3 years ago
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週刊ビッグコミックスピリッツ No.40 2021年9/20号 (2021/9/6)
“Weekend” 佐々木舞香/大谷英美里/髙松瞳/齊藤なぎさ/野口衣織 (=LOVE)
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shinapit · 4 years ago
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#菅井友香 #齊藤なぎさ #小林由依 #櫻坂46 #イコラブ #yuka_sugai #nagisa_saito #yui_kobayashi #sakurazaka46 #equallove https://www.instagram.com/p/COl-fx_LGMI/?igshid=1agkf3cs2ojvw
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szebastianonne · 4 years ago
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Ignorance is both a social construct indoctrined trait, and a choice. It drives a wedge between people without any real basis for difference. It starts early on in our lives so we often do not even realize when we are being ignorant. However, as grown up adults, we have the choice, resources, support to learn, evolve and be better. You can choose love, kindness, understanding and respect, OR ignorance. What choice are you making? #Ignorance #Awareness #NOH8 #Equity #Equality #Respect . . . #almostNakedCEO #INTENTION #Clarity #Vision #Purpose #Love #Joy #Happiness #NonBinary #Gay #Pride #LGBT #EqualLove #LoveIsLove #Fitness #GayFitness #Style #Podcast #Blogger #Quote https://www.instagram.com/p/CS_HAHyl5HP/?utm_medium=tumblr
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genderqueer-wir-sind-mehr · 5 years ago
This is sooooo cute! A shortfilm to be in love with!
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lucianoacuna-blog · 5 years ago
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Charging thy Soul/Spirit like ✨👁✨ What daily practices & habits do you partake in for a deeper connection with yourself as well as our Beautiful Mama✨🌍✨ and all Her other inhabitants? I pray for you to seek within yourself for a healthier lifestyle, to help yourself and our Mother regenerate. ⚡️🙏⚡️ Some don’t see it this way, though we each have a responsibility and impact on this Planet with every decision we make. 📬*Perspective delivery*📬 Earth is the organism we reside on.. We each can & should consider ourselves as individual Cells giving back to our organism 🦠.. that being said, would you be malignant or would you be benign? Choose Love, be harmless, and respect all Life as you would like to be respected.. WE ARE 🌍NE #Neuroplasticity #LoveMore #CareMore #BeCarefull #ChooseLove #FuckFear #EqualLove #PracticeLove #ToInfinityAndBeyond #BuzzLightYear #Gains #Perspective #DontBeCancerous #FuckCancer #HealthIsWealth #Health is #TruePower (at Mother Earth) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6Jl9tynQ_r/?igshid=sd7ehvoe3n22
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sa-swiftie · 6 years ago
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The Golden Key International Academic society asked me to write a piece about me as a success story and this is the piece you see above...below is some additional information about my life...
The Golden Key international honour society is an academic society that includes the top % of students in each degree for universities all over the world...
When I got to uni I knew one older girl that was on the society and I was so inspired by her that I would visit her weekly to give me tips for my degree and how to become one of the top students.
But life is hard and life as a student was very hard for me. Something I left from the story above is that I became friends with Jehle @mustlikeme4me account in my first year and she met me when I was going through some very hard times...
I was bullied by someone I thought who was a friend at the time plus I lost both my godsisters to leukaemia in the first 2 years of varsity. In my third year of varsity my uncle died and my gran was diagnosed with breast cancer.
Jehlé was one of very few friends who was there for me and who would take me in, hug me and have chats till late at night and tell me about Taylor Swift...
It was back then when I made another friend - @taylorswift . Taylor was in my room while I studied...she was in my car when I drove home crying going to my godsisters funerals and going to classes. @taylorswift was there 4 minutes before every exam....I took my earphones and sat for a few minutes before the exam and get myself into exam mode and get myself to belief in myself that I am good enough and that I can do this... well it definitely helped since I became part of the Golden Key academic excellence society and I got the Investec scholarship and today I am working as an actuary for a big international bank... and everyone on my floor that sits close to me knows Taylor and her music. I am on 4 different committees for the bank and in every event I make sure @taylorswift is present in some form...
Taylor also played a shaping role in my entire coming out story but that is a story for another post.
So this is a post of appreciation to Jehlé, my dearest loving friend, and to @taylorswift has been there every day for so many years. Thank you. Thank you for being part of my life. Thank you for helping me to be a driven individual. Thank you for making me feel good enough. Thank you for believing in me when no one did. Thank you for encouraging me when I lost all hope. Thank you for making me smile and thank you for letting me know it is okay for me as a boy to cry when I need to. Thank you for making me strong. Thank you for being there and comforting me and let me know that it is also fine not to be strong all the time. Thank you for being in my car, my house, at work, at my parents' house, at my cousins' house and at every party I go to. Thank you for being there when I was sitting with calculus, applied statistics, C# programming, economics, life isurance and all my board exams...
THANK YOU @taylorswift
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a-scending-beyonder · 5 years ago
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- youre not the only one.
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jle1986 · 6 years ago
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I know the plans I have for you. Plans to give you life and a future. #Jeremiah29:11 *My WCW* *My Life* *My Future* - - #GayPeople#GayPride#GayWomen#GayGirls#Lesbian#Lezbehonest#LesbianPride#EqualRights#LGBT#LipstickLesbian#EqualLove#LesbiansOfInstagram#LesbiansWithTattoos#ChicksWhoKissChicks#ChicksWhoLoveChicks#FollowMe#ChicksWhoDigChicks#TheMoultons#MrsMoulton#InstaPic#InstaDaily#PicOfTheDay https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvy2WXEngcP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=18h7b6taw8byn
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tra-la-la-land · 6 years ago
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tra la la land
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youre-1-in-a-melon-blog · 6 years ago
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