caffeinatedcarny · 1 year
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Some more I've done! If anybody has specific screencaps they'd love to see like this feel free to send them via ask ^^ Please do not use or repost these without my explicit consent<3
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evelili · 2 years
If yo are still doing the art tasks, would you mind drawing scootaloo or her friends beisde her? thank you :)
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girls will b girls!!
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equestriaqueerz2024 · 10 months
Who do you headcanon as Trans?
Rainbow Dash
Vignette Valencia
Photo Finish
Flash Sentry (at some point)
Mystery Mint
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ameliathefatcat · 2 years
Random headcanons for my Equestria AU
AJ is white, Fluttershy is Ashkenazi Jewish and Italian, Rarity was born in China and adopted by a French-American couple, Raindow Dash is Greek, Pinkie is African American and has vitiligo, Twilight is second generation Indian, and Sunset is Mexican
The mane seven are all speak at least two languages. Applejack can speak English, conventional in Spanish and knows good amount of Chinese, Fluttershy can speak English and Italian fluently, can read write in Hebrew pretty well and knows a handful of Yiddish words, Dashie knows English and Greek. For some reason Pinkie knows Latin (it’s Pinkie of course it’s language no one really speaks) and English and a good amount of Italian and French. Twilight speaks Hindi, English, and French. Sunset speaks English and Spanish. Rarity is fluent in English, Chinese and French and it conventional in Italian and Spanish.
Also all seven know ASL
Sunset is hard of hearing and wears hearing aids but sometimes she has to turn them off because she’s getting massive migraine. When she’s not wearing her hearing aids her friends sign everything for her
Twilight, Fluttershy, Big Mac, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Maud Pie are autistic, Pinke Pie, Dashie and Scootaloo have ADHD
Applejack and Fluttershy started an Interfaith alliance club (IAC) at CHS and are the co-presidents
Fluttershy is a vegan queen
Rarity was about six years old when her parents adopted her, and when she started school she knew limited English
AJ helped teach Rarity English and they still joke around about this to this day
Rarity and Sweetie Belle are biological sisters. Their parents didn’t know this when they adopted the girls.
AJ is a bit of a glass child, both her siblings are autistic plus Apple Bloom has heart defect
AJ always put others before herself and refuses to ask for help
This annoys everyone at times
The Apples are very religious Christians.
They are not hateful religious, they are love everyone type of religious
The Apples attend an inclusive Church. Granny Smith is the president of the Church board
Granny is super protective of her grandbabies
She is banned from the Senior center for beating up a homophobe during bingo
Pear Butter passed away in childbirth with Apple Bloom and Bright Mac passed away when Apple Bloom was four years old
Apple Bloom was born early and didn’t nearly survive
Apple Bloom spent a lot of her first few years in the hospital but she’s much healthier now
Both Big Mac and AJ spent a lot of time in hospital waiting rooms growing up and came up with little games to get by
Once Pinkie had to be taken to the ER and AJ played one of her little games as everyone waited for Pinkie
Scootaloo was born with a birth defect, their legs won’t fully developed and had to amputated when she was 18 months old
Scootaloo’s aunts actually adopted her
Aunt Holiday and Auntie Lofty are foster parents
Scootaloo grew up with many foster siblings over the years
Tender Taps is Scootaloo’s cousin/ adopted brother
Holiday and Lofty adopted Scootaloo when she was a baby and Tender Taps when he was about seven
Scootaloo has no fear and is the kid that ‘Do not try this at home’ warnings are for
They do it anyways
Also Scootaloo loves energy drinks too much
Apple Bloom isn’t allowed to have too much caffeinate due to her heart, Sweetie Belle doesn’t like most sugary drinks
The CMC have been friends since early intervention pre school
Sweetie Belle has several food aversion and has stomach issues
They are only like 10-15 foods that Sweetie Belle would eat
Her family doesn’t take her out to eat. If there is no food that Sweetie Belle would eat she would freak out
Rarity wishes her family was able to go out to fancy restaurants but Sweetie Belle wound eat anything on the menu
Sweetie Belle is a very talented actress and has been acting since she was seven
Sweetie Belle and Rarity love watching foreign films together
Babs Seed is biracial, half Mexican and half White
Babs is transmasc and he transferred to CHS due to all of the bullying at his old school
Babs went on a date with Diamond Tiara, after the movie Diamond found out that Babs’ trans and completely freaked out
She yelled ‘I’m not a lesbian’ and called Babs several slurs and though a compele temper tantrum
Trixie Lulamoon saw this and came to Babs defense
Trixie is trans fem and is super supportive of other trans students
Trixie is also wasian (Vietnamese)
Silver Spoon has type one diabetes
She’s very self conscious about this and doesn’t like people to know
Diamond Tiara is a toxic best friend to Silver Spoon
Diamond Tiara often makes fun of Silver Spoon for her interests
Silver Spoon has an older half sister Octavia Melody.
Silver looks up to Octavia, both sharing a love of music
Octavia and Silver share their father. Octavia’s mother left the family when Octavia was little.
Both sisters don’t have good relationships with their homophobic parents
Twist is Jewish
Twist goes to the same shul as Fluttershy
Pipsqueak is a little person
Pip loves Pirates of the Caribbean
Flash is Blasian (Korean)
Timber and Glorisa are culturally Jewish
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applephil · 1 year
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ponysongbracket · 10 months
Worst MLP Song Tournament
Remember you’re voting for the WORSE song.
Scootaloo's First Draft Propaganda: Sweetie Belle: ''Umm... well... these are... um... good, but…'' (lying)
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aca-4 · 10 months
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Things I learned while drawing this:
i never want to draw another bike ever again (or at least not in the near future)
lighting is still hard (especially natural light from the sun)
don't just blur, add motion lines (a little too late for that whoops)
backgrounds are fine, actually. Just keep it simple
Let's hope I actually remember all that for next time...
MLP:FiM and its characters (or i guess in this case their human counterparts from EQG) belong to Hasbro
First attempt + background only
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the overdone lighting oh no-
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re-artemis-polara · 2 years
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By Artemis-Polara
Deviantart   Twitter   Blogspot   Newgrounds   Pixiv    Discord
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wolfdogged · 4 months
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i've seen people dunk on the cmc's eqg designs before and i get it, their outfits are weird, they're too old, etc. and im so TIRED of pretending i agree.
THEY ARE SO CUTE IN EQG!!!!!! like yea their outifts are the biggest source of concern and i can agree on that (like what in the actual fuck is scootaloo wearing...) but i think the idea of aging them up a little is such a cute idea?? like the idea that searching for their cutie marks was translated into them being in that weird middle stage of being a tween is so nice actually.
i want to rant more about them but my head hurts
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lime1991 · 2 years
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Human CMC!!!
I started out just trying to give them normal skin colors but then it evolved into changing their hair and outfits. oops. just my hc of them if they were actual humans. not really the pony versions as humans but like the eqg versions if they were normal human people, yk? anyway for race headcanons: scootaloo is indian, applebloom is mixed white/black shes given a bit of a tan here but shes meant to be slightly more white-passing than applejack, and sweetie belle is a very pale little ginger girl. shes ginger bc shes white and super pale with curly hair so i thought... why not. i think rarity would also be naturally ginger with dyed black hair and no freckles lol.
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I'M CORRECT!!!!! Scootaloo is a lesbian and shes dating trans lesbian Sweetie Belle REAL... Applebloom is an ally (i've always shipped applebloom and spike lol... but in the human universe i guess a human spike doesnt exist so.. maybe a human Pip instead?)
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apileofmoss · 2 years
EQG!Scootaloo is into WCMX btw she told me herself <3
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What powers do you think the cmc would have, if they had powers?
Applebloom: The ability to grow and talk to plants and nature.
Sweetie Belle: The ability to understand any language.
Scootaloo: ….. I got nothing? There’s nothing that I can think about for Scoot that wouldn’t be I identical to Rainbow Dash 😅
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ameliathefatcat · 1 year
The Mane 7 Passover headcanon
Disclaimer: Happy Passover before I start non-Jews shouldn’t be celebrating Passover on their own is it’s a close practice. But since Fluttershy is Jewish (in my AU) and she invited her friends to the Seder it’s ok
Fluttershy invited her friends plus their siblings for the second Seder. All of them love sharing their traditions with each other
So who came? Basically the Mane 7 plus the CMC (Fluttershy was ok with Scoots tagging along since the rest of the friend group)
Fluttershy made it clear the rules everyone had to follow. Wear nice clothes, don’t bring any food, Pinkie you can NOT bring any treats, the girls don’t have to learn the four questions but Zephyr wound be bitching about him not being the youngest at the Seder but still having to say it if they don’t, don’t make any rude comments on food being ‘weird’ and ‘gross’,someone needs to drive Pinkie so she won’t bring any food, please think before you speak
Apple Bloom volunteered to say the four questions
The Apples were the first to come over and helped set up. Fluttershy was  surprised that AJ was in a dress
What Rarity’s dress was over the top but it’s Rarity. It was Miss Frizzle dress showing all of the ten plagues
Everyone was shocked that Zephyr not only wore deodorant, but shaved as well
Zephyr looked put together
Fluttershy tried to explain all of the traditions to the guests
Mrs Shy handed out kippot to anyone who wanted to one and gave everyone a Haggadah
Mr Shy lead the Seder and everyone took turns reading for the Haggadah
Sweetie Belle was whispering to Rarity if they could get smoothie bowls (Smoothie bowls are one of Sweeties safe foods btw) and Rarity kept on shushing her
Zephyr kept on trying to fluent with Dashie and Fluttershy was super embarrassed
Scootaloo trying to prove her toughest ate a bunch of horseradish
Scootaloo regretted it very much
Apple Jack, Twilight and Sunset helped Mrs Shy and Fluttershy with serving food. There were two types of soups, chicken matzah ball and vegan matzah ball soup.
Fluttershy might have accidentally spilled soup on Zephyr’s lap
Scootaloo made a very inappropriate joke about matzah balls
A few people tried gefilte fish
Apple Bloom liked it, surprisingly because she hates tuna salad
Scootaloo teased Sweetie with it and Sweetie hit the fork out of Scoots hand and the fish went flying
One of Fluttershy’s cats (she has many pets) ate it
After gefilte fish and soup it was time for mains.
Dinner was brisket, roasted potatoes, a few types of kugals, latkes (they are not just for Chanukah) and salad
The only food that Sweetie would eat was the chicken soup so she had a few bowls of it
Sunset really likes maztah she went home with box of it
After dinner the girls went to look for the afikomen
The girls looked everywhere, even in the toilet
Mr Shy gave the girls $5 for finding it
Apple Bloom gave the money back since should couldn’t expect it
Scootaloo offer to take Apple Bloom’s money
Dessert was a bunch of crappy store bought Passover treats. Pinkie asked why she couldn’t bring actually good bake goods
Fluttershy gave up explaining chametz to Pinkie
Mrs Shy completed Apple Bloom and Apple Bloom replied ‘You are Welcome ma’am, Granny thought me to respect all religions since that would what Jesus would do’
A lot of people started laughing, Apple Bloom was super confused. AJ explain that Jews don’t believe in Jesus and that’s why people are laughing
Apple Bloom apologized and help clean up
Fluttershy thanked her friends for coming and how much it matter that her friends respect her religion
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star153 · 1 month
Questions about MLP so I can redesign them EP.35
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Something I think is necessary to a character bio is how old that character is. So when I redesign someone, I need to know his or her age. I think the Twilight, Pinkie Pie Applejack, Rainbowdash? Fluttershy and Rarity are all teenagers because their counterparts in that alternate reality were all seen attending high school as students in EQG. I think Garble and Ember are teenagers too, the student 6 are all pre-teens and Spike and the CMC are all little kids. But I need reassurance.
I heard ponies age slower than humans. Is that true? and if so, How slow?
Can the other races age slower than humans as well?
Is it true that dragons age even slower than ponies and the other races?
How old is Spike?
How old is Twilight?
How old is Pinky?
How old is Appejack?
How old is Rainbow Dash?
How old is Fluttershy?
How old is Rarity?
How old is Applebloom?
How old is  Sweetie Belle?
How old is Scootaloo?
How old is Big Mac?
How old is Rutherford?
How old is Thorax?
How old is Pharynx?
How old is Ocellus?
How old is Sandbar?
How old is Gallus?
How old is Yona?
How old is Gilda?
How old is Gabby?
How old is Silverstream?
How old is Terramar?
How old is Smolder?
How old is Garble?
How old is Ember?
And how hold is Torch?
I suggested what their some of those ages are in previous questions. But are they right? What are each age of these guys?
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triplestitch · 7 years
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Honey’s Day Out....
...With Scootaloo!  (Get it? lmao)
Scoots did some temp. babysitting for Honey, She made her a flower crown but scoots thinks that she is too metal to wear a cute, soft, adorable, flower crown made by someone so cute.... She wore it for the rest of the day once she put it on.
Honey in spring colors is so cute~ You can also see her in @motherlyscootaloo and @scisetdiary‘s current comic  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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