#epub book read
eganeyes 6 months
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fictionadventurer 3 months
So many types of books that have strong summertime associations that I spend all my time cycling through cravings for certain genres or books.
Within the last month, I have wanted to read/reread:
Jane of Lantern Hill by L.M. Montgomery
The Electrical Menagerie by Mollie E. Reeder
Valiant by Sarah McGuire
Retellings in general (especially Cinderella retellings)
Golden Age mysteries, especially Josephine Tey and Agatha Christie
The Moon-Spinners by Mary Stewart
Books set in locations that are not America or England, especially warm climates
Books set in wintery/cold weather settings
Science fiction/space opera
Superhero stories
Civil War history/Presidential history
D.E. Stevenson books (and other mid-tier vintage light fiction)
Wilkie Collins books
Graphic novels
And I'm sure there are others that I'm forgetting
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miiju86 7 months
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frankenpill 5 months
guys i NEED to know do u download ur ao3 fics??? or am i crazy????
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seoafin 21 days
if anybody uses e-readers plz hmu with recs/suggestions 馃榿
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goldenliartrash 20 days
my boomer trait is that i don't understand the concept of e-libraries. you have the file. just give it to me. if you don't want me to download it at least let me read it online. why is there a waitlist? why is there a time limit? this is not a physical thing someone is using, it's data being displayed on a screen. you have it all the time. why can't i access it whenever.
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moonlit-tulip 1 year
What's your favorite ebook-compatible reading software? Firefox EPUBReader isn't great, but I'm not what, if anything, works better.
Very short answer: for EPUBs, on Windows I use and recommend the Calibre reader, and on iOS I use Marvin but it's dying and no longer downloadable so my fallback recommendation is the native Apple Books app; for PDFs, on Windows I use Sumatra, and on iOS I use GoodReader; for CBZs, I use CDisplayEx on Windows and YACReader on iOS; and I don't use other platforms very often, so I can't speak as authoritatively about those, although Calibre's reader is cross-platform for Windows/Mac/Linux, and YACReader for Windows/Mac/Linux/iOS/Android, so they can serve as at least a minimum baseline of quality against which alternatives can be compared for those platforms.
Longer answer:
First off, I will say: yeah, Firefox EPUBReader isn't great. Neither, really, are most ebook readers. I have yet to find a single one that I'm fully satisfied with. I have an in-progress project to make one that I'm fully satisfied with, but it's been slow, probably isn't going to hit 1.0.0 release before next year at current rates, and isn't going to be actually definitively the best reader on the market for probably months or years post-release even assuming I succeed in my plans to keep up its development. So, for now, selection-of-ebook-readers tends to be very much a matter of choosing the best among a variety of imperfect options.
Formats-wise, there are a lot of ebook formats, but I'm going to collapse my answers down to focusing on just three, for simplicity. Namely: EPUB, PDF, and CBZ.
EPUB is the best representative of the general "reflowable-text ebook designed to display well on a wide variety of screens" genre. Other formats of similar nature exist鈥擪indle's MOBI and AZW3 formats, for instance (the latter of which is, in essence, just an EPUB in a proprietary Amazon wrapper)鈥攂ut conversion between formats-in-this-broad-genre is generally pretty easy and not excessively lossy, so you're generally safe to convert to EPUB as needed if you've got different formats-in-this-genre and a reader that doesn't support those formats directly. (And it's rare for a program made by anyone other than Amazon to work for non-EPUB formats-in-this-genre and not for EPUBs.)
PDF is a pretty unique / distinctive format without any widely-used alternatives I'm aware of, unless you count AZW4 (which is a PDF in a proprietary Amazon wrapper). It's the best format I'm aware of for representations of books with rigid non-reflowable text-formatting, as with e.g. TTRPG rulebooks which do complicated things with their art-inserts and sidebars.
And CBZ serves here as a stand-in for the general category of "bunch of images in an archive file of some sort, ordered by filename", which is a common format for comics. CBZ is zip-based, CBR is RAR-based, CB7 is 7-zip-based, et cetera; but they're easy to convert between one another just by extracting one and then re-archiving it in one's preferred format, and CBZ is the most commonly distributed and the most commonly supported by readers, so it's the one I'm going to focus on.
With those prefaces out of the way, here are my comprehensive answers by (platform, format) pair:
Browser, EPUB
I'm unaware of any good currently-available browser-based readers for any of the big ebook formats. I've tried out EPUBReader for Firefox, as well as some other smaller Firefox-based reader extensions, and none of them have impressed me. I haven't tested any Chrome-based readers particularly extensively, but based on some superficial testing I don't have the sense that options are particularly great there either.
This state of affairs feels intuitively wrong to me. The browser is, in a significant sense, the natural home for EPUB-like reflowable-text ebooks, to a greater degree than it's the natural home for a great many of the other things people manage to warp it into being used for; after all, EPUBs are underlyingly made of HTML-file-trees. My own reader-in-progress will be browser-based. But nonetheless, for now, my advice for browser-based readers boils down to "don't use them unless you really need to".
If you do have to use one, EPUBReader is the best extension-based one I've encountered. I have yet to find a good non-extension-based website-based one, but am currently actively in the market for such a thing for slightly-high-context reasons I'll put in the tags.
Browser, PDF
Firefox and Chrome both have built-in PDF readers which are, like, basically functional and fine, even if not actively notably-good. I'm unaware of any browser-based PDF-reading options better than those two.
Browser, CBZ
If there exist any good options here, I'm not aware of them.
Windows, EPUB
Calibre's reader is, unfortunately, the best on the market right now. It doesn't have a very good scrolled display mode, which is a mark against it by my standards, and it's a bit slow to open books and has a general sense of background-clunkiness to its UI, but in terms of the quality with which it displays its content in paginated mode鈥攊ncluding relatively-uncommon sorts of content that most readers get wrong, like vertical text鈥攊t's pretty unparalleled, and moreover it's got a generally wider range of features and UI-customization options than most readers offer. So overall it's my top recommendation on most axes, despite my issues with it.
There's also Sigil. I very emphatically don't actually recommend Sigil as a reader for most purposes鈥攊t's marketed as an EPUB editor, lacks various features one would want in a reader, and has a much higher-clutter UI than one would generally want in a reader鈥攂ut its preview pane's display engine is even more powerful than Calibre's for certain purposes鈥攊t can successfully handle EPUBs which contain video content, for instance, which Calibre falls down on鈥攕o it can be a useful backup to have on hand for cases where Calibre's display-capabilities break down.
Windows, PDF
I use SumatraPDF and think it's pretty good. It's very much built for reading, rather than editing / formfilling / etc.; it's fast-to-launch, fast-to-load-pages, not too hard to configure to look nice on most PDFs, and generally lightweight in its UI.
When I need to do fancier things, I fall back on Adobe Reader, which is much more clunky on pretty much every axis for purposes of reading but which supports form-filling and suchlike pretty comprehensively.
(But I haven't explored this field in huge amounts of depth; plausibly there exist better options that I'm unaware of, particularly on the Adobe-reader-ish side of things. (I'd be a bit more surprised if there were something better than SumatraPDF within its niche, for Windows, and very interested in hearing about any such thing if it does exist.))
Windows, CBZ
My usual CBZ-reader for day-to-day use鈥攚hich I also use for PDF-based comics, since it has various features which are better than SumatraPDF for the comic-reading use case in particular鈥攊s an ancient one called CDisplayEx which, despite its age, still manages to be a solid contender for best in its field; it's reasonably performant, it has most of the features I need (good handling of spreads, a toggle for left-to-right versus right-to-left reading, a good set of options for setting how the pages are fit into the monitor, the ability to force it forward by just one page when it's otherwise in two-page mode, et cetera), and in general it's a solid functional bit of software, at least by the standards of its field.
The reason I describe CDisplayEx as only "a solid contender for" best in its field, though, is: recently I had cause to try out YACReader, a reader I tried years ago on Windows and dismissed at the time, on Linux; and it was actually really good, like basically as good as CDisplayEx is on Windows. I haven't tried the more recent versions of YACReader on Windows directly, yet; but it seems pretty plausible that my issues with the older version are now resolved, that the modern Windows version is comparable to the Linux version, and therefore that it's on basically the same level as CDisplayEx quality-wise.
I don't use Mac often enough to have opinions here beyond "start with whatever cross-platform thing is good elsewhere, as a baseline, and go on from there". Don't settle for any EPUB reader on Mac worse than the Calibre one, since Calibre works on Mac. (I've heard vague good things about Apple's native one; maybe it's actually a viable option?) Don't settle for any CBZ reader on Mac worse than YACReader, since YACReader works on Mac. Et cetera. (For PDFs I don't have any advice on what to use even as baseline, unfortunately; for whatever reason, PDF readers, or at least the better ones, seem to tend not to be natively cross-platform.)
Linux, EPUB
For the most part, my advice is the same as Windows: just go with the Calibre reader (and maybe use Sigil as a backup for edge cases). However, if you, like me, prefer scrolled EPUB-reading over paginated EPUB-reading, I'd also suggest checking out Foliate; while it's less powerful than the Calibre reader overall, with fewer features and more propensity towards breaking in edge cases, it's basically functional for normal books lacking unusual/tricky formatting, and, unlike Calibre, it has an actually-good scrolled display mode.
Linux, PDF
I have yet to find any options I'm fully satisfied with here, for the "fast launch and fast rendering and functional lightweight UI" niche that I use SumatraPDF for on Windows. Among the less-good-but-still-functional options I've tried out: SumatraPDF launched via Wine takes a while to start up, but once launched it has the usual nice SumatraPDF featureset. Zathura with the MuPDF backend is very pleasantly-fast, but has a somewhat-unintuitive keyboard-centric control scheme and is hard to configure. And qpdfview offers a nice general-purpose PDF-reading UI, including being quick to launch, but its rendering backend is slower than either Sumatra's or Zathura's so it's less good for paging quickly through large/heavy PDFs.
Linux, CBZ
YACReader, as mentioned previously in the Windows section, is pretty definitively the best option I've found here, and its Linux version is a solid ~equal to CDisplayEx's Windows version. Like CDisplayEx, it's also better than more traditional PDF readers for reading PDF-based comics.
My current main reading app is Marvin. However, it hasn't been updated in years, and is no longer available on the app store, so I'm currently in the process of getting ready to migrate elsewhere in anticipation of Marvin's likely permanent breakage some time in the next few years. Thus I will omit detailed discussion of Marvin and instead discuss the various other at-least-vaguely-comparably-good options on the market.
For general-purpose reading, including scrolled reading if that's your thing, Apple's first-party Books app turns out to be surprisingly good. It's not the best in terms of customization of display-style, but it's basically solidly functional, moreso than the vast majority of the apps on the market.
For reading of books with vertical text in particular, meanwhile, I use Yomu, which is literally the only reader I've encountered to date on any platform which has what I'd consider to be a sensible and high-quality way of handling scrolled reading of vertical-text-containing books. While I don't recommend it for more general purposes, due to awkward handling of EPUBs' tables of contents (namely, kind of ignoring them and doing its own alternate table-of-contents thing it thinks is better), it is extremely good for that particular niche, as well as being more generally solid-aside-from-the-TOC-thing.
I use GoodReader. I don't know if it's the best in the market, but it's very solidly good enough for everything I've tried to do with it thus far. It's fast; its UI is good at getting out of my way, while still packing in all the features I want as options when I go looking for them (most frequently switching between two-page-with-front-cover and two-page-without-front-cover display for a given book); also in theory it has a bunch of fancy PDF-editing features for good measure, although in practice I never use those and can't comment on their quality. But, as a reader, it's very solidly good enough for me, and I wish I could get a reader like it for desktop.
YACReader has an iOS version; following the death of my former favorite comic reader for iOS (ComicRack), it's very solidly the best option I'm aware of on the market. (And honestly would be pretty competitive even if ComicRack were still around.) I recommend it here as I do on Linux.
It's been years since I've had an Android device, and accordingly have very little substantial advice here. (I'm expecting to move back to Android for my next phone-and-maybe-also-tablet, out of general preferring-open-hardware-and-software-when-practical feelings, but it'll plausibly be a while, because Apple is much better at long-lasting hardware and software than any Android manufacturers I'm aware of.) For EPUB, I recall Moon+ reader was the best option I could find back circa 2015ish, but that's long enough ago that plausibly things have changed substantially at this point. For CBZ, both YACReader and CDisplayEx have Android versions, although I haven't tried either and so can't comment on their quality. For PDF, you're on your own; I have no memories or insights there.
...and that's it. If there are other major platforms on which ebook-reader software can be chosen, I'm failing to think of them currently, and this is what I've got for all platforms I have managed to think of.
In the future... well, I hope my own reader-in-development (slated for 1.0.0 release as a Firefox extension with only EPUB support, with ambitions of eventually expanding to cover other platforms and other formats) will one day join this recommendation-pile, but it's currently not yet in anything resembling a recommendable form. And I hope that there are lots of good reader-development projects in progress that I currently don't know about; but, if there are, I currently don't know about them.
So, overall, this is all I've got! I hope it's helpful.
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notcryingtoday 2 months
"ao3 is better than wattpad !"
"no wattpad is !"
ao3 for ship fics. wattpad for oc.
there. problem solved.
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everydayesterday 29 days
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A quick rearrangement of my tiny dining room, consolidating my books. Does this pass the test? Do I have enough? Would this impress a girl? I need more.
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alexanderpearce 7 months
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The wooden floorboards creek and croak under the clickety clack of your newly acquired gilded leather boots as you make your way up to the deck, over vast hordes of fortune, past engorged piles of gold and spice, doubloons and silks, navigating mazes of stacked chests brimming with books and boundless scrolls. You tip- toe around your comatose crewmates, satiated by plunder and ransacked stores of rum, to the mast of your ship, and look out onto the horizon.
Heliotrope hues of dusk creep up behind the melting sunset, calming the raging gusts of the sea to caresses of the breeze. Wisps of ghostly silver swirl hazily amongst sporadic speckles of spangling starlight like a stewing soup in the sky, its delicate marbling mirrored on waves that twinkle under the moonlight. Skull and crossbones whip in the wind and the ship rocks lazily as if lulled to sleep by the cradle of the sloping sea. You sigh, contented, and pray to avoid a watery grave for many moons to come.
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or, Books Master list:
A Series of Unfortunate events by Lemony Snicket, 1 through 13(Epubs)
Tales of Dunk and Egg by George R. R. Martin 01-03, 1, 2 & 4(Epubs)
A song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin, 1 through 5, including 4.5, A World of Ice and Fire, and Fire and Blood(no.1 is a PDF, the rest Epubs)
A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas, 1 through 4(Epubs)
All For The Game by Nora Sakavic, 1, 2, &3(Epubs)
Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery, 1 through 8(Epubs)
The Fowl Twins by Eoin Colfer, 1&2(Epubs)
Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer, 1 through 8(PDFs)
Carry On by Rainbow Rowell, 1, 2, &3(no.3 is a PDF, the rest Epubs)
Chaos Walking by Patrick Ness, 1,2 &3, including 2.5 and snowscape(snowscape is a PDF, the rest Epubs)
Chronicles of Alice by Christina Henry, 1&2(Epubs)
City of Ghosts by Victoria Schwab, 1,2 &3(no.1 is a PDF, the rest Epubs)
Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi, 1&2(Epubs)
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu(Epub)
Heaven's Official Blessing by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu(PDF)
The Scum Villain's Self Saving System by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu(Epub)
Discworld by Terry Pratchett, 1 through 41(Epubs)
Divergent by Veronica Roth, 1,2 &3, including 0.5(Epubs)
Earthsea by Ursula k. Le guin, 1 through 6(Epubs)
The Farseer Trilogy by Robbin Hobb, 1,2 &3(PDFs)
Fence by Sarah Rees Brennan, 1&2(Epubs)
Folk of the air series by Holly Black, 1,2 &3(Epubs)
Harry Potter by J K. Rowling, 1 through 7(Epubs)
Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, 1, 2&3(Epubs)
In Other Lands by Sarah Rees Brennan(Epub)
Tears waiting to be Diamonds by Sarah Rees Brennan Parts 1&2(PDFs)
Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini, 1 through 4(Epubs)
The History of the Middle Earth by J R. R. Tolkien, 1 through 12(Epubs)
The J R. R. Tolkien collection: Bilbo's Last Song, Tales from the Perilous Realm, The Children of Hurin, The Fellowship of the Ring, The Hobbit, the Hobbit(enhanced edition), The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrun, The Letters of J R. R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings (collection) Illustrated by J R. R. Tolkien; Alan Lee, The Lord of the Rings (collection), The Return of the King, The Silmarillion, The Silmarillion(illustrated) by J R. R. Tolkien; Ted Nasmith, The Two Towers, Unfinished Tales(Epubs)
The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer, 1 through 5, Including 3.1(4&5 are PDFs, the rest Epubs)
Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard by Rick Riordan, 1, 2&3, including From the Nine Worlds and Hotel Valhalla Guide to the Norse Worlds(Epubs)
Once Upon a Broken Heart by Garber Stephanie, 1&2(Epubs)
Percy Jackson by Rick Riordon, 1 through 5, including 4.5, Camp Half Blood confidential, Demigods and Monsters, Percy Jackson and the Singer of Apollo, Percy Jackson's Greek Gods, and Percy Jackson's Greek Heroes(Percy Jackson and the Singer of Apollo is a PDF, the rest Epubs)
The Heroes of Olympus by Rick Riordan, 1 through 5, including The Demigod Diaries(Epubs)
The Trials of Apollo by Rick Riordan, 1 through 5, including Camp Jupiter Classified(Epubs)
The Demigods of Olympus - An Interactive Adventure by Rick Riordan(Epub)
Shades of Magic by V. E. Schwab, 1,2&3(PDFs)
The Dark Artifices by Cassandra Clare, 1,2 &3(Epubs)
The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare, 1,2&3(Epubs)
The Last Hours by Cassandra Clare, 1&2(Epubs)
The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare, 1 through 6(Epubs)
The Eldest Curses by Cassandra Clare 1(Epub)
Shadowhunter Chronicles extras by Cassandra Clare, including An Illustrated History of Noble Shadowhunters and Denizens of Downworld, Ghosts of the Shadow Market, The Bane Chronicles, and the Shadowhunter Codex(Epubs)
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo, 1&2(Epubs)
The Grisha Trilogy by Leigh Bardugo, 1,2&3, including 1.5 and the Darkling Prequel - Demon in the Woods(Epub)
Skullduggery Pleasant by Derrick Landy, 1 through 14, including 1.5, 2.5, 6.5, 7.5, 8.5, &13.5(Epubs)
The Kane Chronicles by Rick Riordan, 1,2&3, including The Kane Chronicles survival guide, and Demigods and Magicians(Epubs)
The Locked Tomb by Tamsyn Muir, 1,2 &3, including 0.5 and 2.5(Epubs)
The Magesterium series by Holly Black and Cassandra Clare, 1 through 5(Epubs)
The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater, 1 through 4, including 4.5(Epubs)
The Dreamer Trilogy by Maggie Stiedvater, 1&2(Epubs)
The Witcher by Andrzej Sapkowski, 1 through 6, including 0.5 & 0.75(Epubs)
The Wolves of Mercy Falls by Maggie Stiefvater, 1,2&3(Epubs)
Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas, 1 though 7, including 0.5(Epubs)
The Underland Chronicles by Suzanne Collins, 1 through 5(Epubs)
Unwind Dystology by Neal Shusterman, 1 through 4, including 1.5 and 4.5(Epubs)
The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice, 1 through 12(Epubs)
The Warrior cats series by Erin Hunter :The Prophecies Begin 1 through 6(PDFs), The New Prophecy 1 through 6(Epubs), Power of Three 1 through 6(PDFs), Omen of Stars 1 through 6(PDFs), Dawn of the Clans 1 through 6(PDFs), Vision of Shadows 1&2(PDFs)
A discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness(Epub)
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz(Epub)
Blindsight by Peter Watts(Epub)
Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Patterson(Epub)
Dune by Frank Herbert(Epub)
Elantris by Brandon Sanderson(Epub)
Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell(Epub)
Hollow Kingdom by Kira Jane Buxton(Epub)
How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe by Charles Yu(PDF)
I Am Still Alive by Kate Alice Marshall(Epub)
I Wish You All the Best by Mason Deaver(Epub)
Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami(Epub)
More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera(Epub)
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Alexander Solzhenitsyn(Epub)
More Than This by Patrick Ness(PDF)
The Rest of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness(Epub)
Red, White and Royal Blue by Casey Mcquiston(Epub)
Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepytis(Epub)
The Adventures of Charles, the Veretian Cloth Merchant, Captive Prince Short Stories Book 3 by C. S. Pacat(Epub)
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak(Epub)
City of Brass by S. A. Chakraborty(Epub)
The Martian by Andy Wier(Epub)
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern(Epub)
They Both Die at the End - Adam Silvera(Epub)
The Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo(Epub)
The Poppy War by R. F. Kuang(Epub)
The Song of Achilles by Madison Miller(Epub)
The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern(Epub)
Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zerin(Epub)
Torture Mom by Ryan Green(Epub)
Where I End and You Begin by Preston Norton(Epub)
Radio Silence by Alice Oseman(Epub)
Message me, or make a request in the notes, and I鈥檒l send you a copy(via email)
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sides4peace 1 year
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dullahandyke 1 year
Mfw I am trying to be a good student and pay attention in lectures but theres a white kid using a japanese name on discord in front of me and I am nosy
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xbuster 7 months
I always thought those BDMV releases on nyaa where worthless because I figured it was just for people who wanted to convert the Blu-ray rip into individual mkv files, but I just realized I can right click the folder and play it in VLC and and it acts like your computer is actually playing a Blu-ray. It even has menu navigation......... I was such a fool.
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lottieurl 7 months
just saw a rabbit cross the street??
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lovers-instead 2 months
Sapphic YA Book Rec: Good Moon Rising by Nancy Garden
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1996 follow-up to Annie on My Mind, this time featuring 2 girls who compete for the lead role in their high school theater department.
Links to download:
Internet Archive (to borrow)
Anna's Archive
#book recs#sapphic ya#nancy garden#annie on my mind#good moon rising#*kicks the door down* WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!! A PDF SCAN IS FINALLY HERE INSTEAD OF THAT CRAPPY TINY EPUB I HAD TO READ FOR 10 YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!#it's very similar to Annie. which isn't a bad thing if you're a fan. hell yes 2 cakes etc. (i definitely won't deny it though)#rivals to lovers version of Annie. what's not to love?!#i've always personally preferred this one for several reasons. larger cast of teen peers. all characters centered around working on#the Big Play makes the whole plot a smidgen more grounded than Annie's courtroom pastiche (not that i don't love it)#plus. well. doing theater and reading The Crucible are exact activities from my own teen years. so it's the same appeal of featuring art#but more personal and relatable lol. and yes i did first read it at the time when i was in school but i sincerely still like it to this day#that *cannot* be said for most other books i read in that era; both older and newer; both YA and not YA!#of course you have to be down with YA which it's fine not to be. but imho there's a layer of intrigue to both books due to their age#that makes it a somewhat different exercise than broader 'trying to read YA as an adult'#there's actually a third one of hers- yes basically another take on the same story again- called Nora and Liz that's for adults#which i would recommend instead if you truly cannot rock with YA. although... stylistically... it's not really that different either. lol#anyway stan PEAK in the IDEAL FORMAT FOR THE FIRST TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#the third site is actually of course zl*b but they have so many seo issues with scammers that i think it's best to not use that name at all#@ the sole Annie stan i saw in the tag: pspspsps#oh wait: like its predecessor the book is largely About homophobia. queen garden never skipped an Issue for each book. so tw for that
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