#eponymous fic meme tag
eponymous-rose · 9 months
Taking fic requests!
Do people still do these? SURE.
I want to get back into writing but don't want to overthink things, so send me prompts and I'll write some little snippets!
Choose one or two characters. (This is me, so if you send two characters I'll probably just write genfic rather than a ship.)
Write a 1-3 word prompt.
Send it here. (anon is on)
I will* write you a short fic about those characters and that prompt!
Current brainworm (ha) is Baldur's Gate 3, so any of those characters would be great! My Tavs are Amisra (perpetually exhausted ex-soldier with a great tactical mind, terrible organizational skills, and a tragic lack of conversational acumen) and Tone (terrified bard who just wanted to run away and be an adventurer so she wouldn't keep getting paraded around at noble parties and salons), although of course I'm happy to write stories just about the companions... or any NPC, really!
*may, pending time/brain/interest!
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egginfroggin · 1 year
WtST Masterpost
Finally compiling all things related to Welcome to Sinnoh's Temple into one post.
The order of content is:
Text Posts/Miscellaneous
If I receive fan content, then I'll make add a section for it for ease of organization.
Be aware that much of the artwork and fanfiction linked below contain spoilers for the plots of WtST and Pandemonic Paradise, if you have yet to read either fic and want to avoid spoilers.
This masterpost will be edited as new content is posted.
I hope that this makes it easier for everyone to find stuff if they're interested.
Have a good day!
AO3 series link
Main Story:
Welcome to Sinnoh's Temple -- the eponymous fic of the series - chapter 1 - chapter 2 - chapter 3 - chapter 4 - chapter 5 - chapter 6 - chapter 7 - chapter 8 (final)
Yellow Lily -- a short oneshot taking place during WtST, after the Rift has been closed
Healing is Done in a Gradual Way -- a post-WtST oneshot
Spinoff Fanfictions:
Pandemonic Paradise -- an alternate storyline picking up between chapters 5 and 6 of WtST - chapter 1 - chapter 2 - chapter 3 - chapter 4 - chapter 5 - chapter 6
Nonomori -- a hurt/comfort oneshot taking place in the Multi Line variant of WtST
Title links lead to the tag on my Tumblr, topped with the most recent post.
Pandemonic Paradise AU -- between chapters 5 and 6 of WtST, things go horribly wrong, and Volo gains Arceus's power. As the world starts to fracture, a distortion drops of a very confused Ingo, who, needless to say, takes the news of his twin's presumed death very badly
Broken AU -- tentatively full-titled as A Promise Broken is a Lie Told, this is a variant in which Ingo handled his grief less-than-healthily, takes all the blame for Emmet's disappearance himself, and isolates himself from his family, eventually taking the title of Unova's Champion
Illusory Lives AU -- a variant in which Emmet died during the red sky incident and came back as a Hisuian Zoroark. Lots of found family here (and Ingo may drown in guilt a little bit)
Multi Line AU -- one year after Emmet disappears, Ingo is taken and lands in Hisui a few years prior to Emmet; essentially, WtST, but Ingo is there
Paradise Frozen AU -- after spending four years in Hisui, Emmet returns home with Akari and Rei only to be separated from them midway. The three of them land, alone, underground in a frozen Unova under the reign of Ghetsis and Kyurem
WtST doodles (1)
WtST doodles (2)
The Wurmple Comic
The Ball Squad
Akari, Rei, Goomy, and Spheal
Here comes Pesselle
Chibi Sticker Design
Blorbo Bleebus sheet
Pandemonic Paradise AU:
Pandemonic Paradise doodles (1)
They are a little upset
Broken AU:
Joltik eviction
Champion doodles and a bundle of Emmets
Illusory Lives AU:
Totally Normal Emmet
It's ya boi
Multi Line AU: (no art has been created for this yet, sorry!)
Paradise Frozen AU: (no art has been created for this yet, sorry!)
Text Posts/Miscellaneous:
Reasoning behind the Faller's team
Do as I say not as I do
Alpha Wurmple!
Giving him a knife
Garchomp impressions
The Joltik of Gear Station (companion fic blurb)
How others are handling it (Iris)
How others are handling it (Elesa)
Jubilife shenanigans
How's that lil Sneasel doing?
Emmet and Lian
Pandemonic Paradise AU:
"I could make that so much worse"
To see yourself in someone else's grief
A realization
Cherry-picked chapter 4 blurbs
Here comes Ingo with a steel chair
I could technically give him a chair
he gets to yell at two legendaries
A disadvantage
Chapter 6 snippet
Broken AU:
Joltik Eviction Elaboration
Explanation of the AU
Unova's Elite Four
Illusory Lives AU:
What if...?
He dead
He's memeing about it though
Multi Line AU:
He done been yote (1)
He done been yote (2)
Volo is royally screwed
Don't talk to me or my brother ever again
Harassing Melli (fic blurb)
Like a stray cat
Paradise Frozen AU:
Wouldn't it be fun?
Technically when I first mentioned it
Hypothetically (Pandemonic Paradise and Illusory Lives au)
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pers-books · 3 years
I was tagged by @thisbluespirit (thanks!) to list 5 of my top fics I’ve written. I confess, I don’t tend to think of my fics in such terms, unless it’s ‘top 5 Kudos’ or ‘top 5 comments’, but I already did that meme! So, top 5 that most enjoyed writing, are:
The Name's Wolfe, Berenice Wolfe: 007, Licensed to Thrill - I wrote this for a Kissing Prompts thing I was doing in the first half of last year (and which I’d previously done in a different fandom). It was written for the kissing prompt one sliding their hand into the other’s hair slowly and I wish I’d been able to write more of it.
It's not a date - it's just dinner at a fancy restaurant - this originated with a post of @slightlyintimidating‘s as has occurred more than once! In this case I found an old post of Sev's with a list of Berena prompts which this one: Robbie doesn’t show at a date and when Bernie gets Serena’s angry and upset text she turns up because “I wouldn’t want to waste a reservation at this restaurant.” and the Bitch Muse just ran away with it!
Bean and Gone - this was sparked by a wlw book I read, although things went differently in the book. Anyway, it’s one of two fics I wrote for @batnbreakfast’s birthday last year and it takes the Bernie-as-a-coffeeshop-owner meme to the hilt. I even designed a bloody logo for the coffeeshop, despite having no graphics skills!
The Long Road to Happiness - oh look, another one inspired by @slightlyintimidating​! Someone posted a list of Celebrity AU prompts and, as per bloody usual, my Bitch Muse leapt on more than one of the prompts. And when Sev reblogged it, she said (of the prompt “we were both child stars on the same show, your career skyrocketed and mine went nowhere, now 20 years later you’re on my doorstep at 3 a.m.” au): #or the child stars one where Bernie married big actor or director Marcus to hide #and ended up having a successful career but has suffered and now filed for divorce #then ran away to Serena to try and hide from the inevitable press clamour for her. And then this happened...
McKinnie and Wolfe: Monster Hunters - I wrote this for the Holby Halloween Monster Mash 2020. It was inspired by a collection of short stories that was my Halloween read - the idea just wouldn’t go away, so fic happened!
Jason Haynes: Matchmaker -  I was inspired to write this by this photo of Jemma Redgrave in a white vest top from her appearance in the TV show Judge John Deed. 
Tumblr media
Bernie - my reworking of the play Barnes’ People - Rosa in which Jemma Redgrave starred as the eponymous Rosa last year.
Oblivious - I posted a list of Intimacy Prompts and invited people to pick one or two for me to write. An Anon offered me 9 - watching movies / tv shows, 13 - cuddles and 14 - sharing drinks with the additional request: just them being oblivious idiots doing all domestic stuffs and being basically “married” without realizing it. Thanks :) I absolutely LOVE writing ships from an Outsider Point of View and writing Bernie and Jason bonding was an excuse to do just that here.
Letters to a Naturalist - my first ever - and probably by now infamous! - ‘live action’ fic in which I wrote the actual physical letters in this story and sent them to @corvidden​. I’m proud of the amount of research that went into this fic, if nothing else. 
Aren't you supposed to be dead? -  Someone posted a list of celebrity AU prompts, which I reblogged ages ago and saved some of the prompts for future consideration. Randomly, the Bitch Muse decided this morning to write a slight twist on "wait, you’re supposed to be DEAD and I just recognized you at the grocery store, turns out you just didn’t want to be a celebrity anymore” au and here we are...
Oh damn! The instructions said 5 fics and this is 10! Well I’m not taking any of them back!
Anyway, tagging (with the usual no obligation to participate caveat!) @slightlyintimidating​ @corvidden​ @doctorjameswatson​ @ktlsyrtis​ @magnass​ @sententiousandbellicose​ and @lapalfruity​
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Ao3 Fic Meme
Tagged by the ever-lovely @qqueenofhades *blows kiss*
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 224 (it would be far more than that but I orphaned around 100 fics last year)
2. What is your total AO3 word count? 3,338,568 and God willing I will not make it to four million
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? I’ve written for quite a lot of fandoms. Back in my high school days I wrote a lot of smutty oneshots for random pairings, usually whatever movie or TV show I’d just watched. But the fandoms I’ve really gotten invested in and written for include:
Timeless (TV 2016) (100)
9-1-1 (TV) (28)
The Witcher (TV) (19)
Merlin (TV) (10)
Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries (9)
The Mummy (8)
Marvel Cinematic Universe (6)
IT (2017 Film) (5)
Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (3)
As you can see, Timeless really dominated my muse for a while (about two-three years). The MCU stuff is all my rewrites that I did - the bane of my existence.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Even Steel Blades Need Fire
Footprints are More Easily Seen in the Snow
Sometimes a Hammer, Sometimes a Lockpick
Crammed in with You
All Witcher fanfics! I’m surprised Leading with the Left isn’t up there, but to be fair the Witcher fandom is really fuckin’ huge and even the rabid readers of 9-1-1 can’t quite compete with the sheer amount of traffic my Witcher fics have gotten.
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Almost always. I know that technically I have no obligation, and other authors feel differently, but I personally feel it’s a courtesy. The comments that readers give me fill my heart with warmth and joy, and I want my readers to know that those comments and their interactions with my work are appreciated. I respond to 99% of the comments I receive. I know we talk a lot about how fanfic authors need comments and interaction to keep going and that it’s the nice thing to do, but the flip side of that is, I think readers deserve to get a response to their comments from the author - because how does the reader know their comment is appreciated, y’know? I really think it’s a two-way street. So I try my best.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? Full Circle, my lone Doctor Who fic and a very (very) rare case of a main character death fic. It’s about the Doctor visiting Donna as she passes away so he can say goodbye.
7. Do you write crossovers? No. Not really my thing. I did write one that is technically a crossover, way back in the day. It had the premise that Richard Castle from the eponymous TV show is actually Malcolm Reynolds from Firefly (since both were played by the same actor). Given that I wrote it when I was seventeen, I think it’s held up pretty well. It’s called Conception.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic? Absolutely. The hate was a lot worse back in the day, I’ll be honest. The amount of hate I would get regularly on fanfiction.net as opposed to Ao3 is insane. But I have gotten hate occasionally on Ao3. One person very determinedly went through all my 9-1-1 fics and sent hateful comments, to the point where one triggered me and I had to make all my fics accounts-locked for a while (meaning you had to log into your Ao3 account to see and read them).
When I get hate or rude comments, I just delete them. There’s no point in arguing - you’re not going to change the person’s mind and giving them engagement is what they want. Every time someone’s been an asshole online and I’ve engaged/fought with them I’ve ended up with more hate towards me than before and I’ve regretted it. So yeah, it’s rare, thankfully, but when I get it I just delete.
9. Do you write smut? If you do, what kind of smut do you write? DO I WRITE SMUT. HAHAHAHA. Noooooo I’m such a pure innocent li’l babe in the woods. I have never written the vile pronography in my liiiiiife.
Yeah, smut is pretty much what I’m known for. Honestly sometimes I get annoyed at myself for how much I can’t resist putting smut into things. I worry sometimes that people only care about me as a smut machine and don’t care about my character work or plots as much. But I also love getting people into new kinks they didn’t know about or when readers enjoy my smut even if the kinks involved aren’t usually their style.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I’m aware of. I had an issue with someone posting links to my fics on tumblr and then being a jerk when a friend and I tried explaining why people were thinking they were the author and not me, and it turned into this massive kerfluffle where a bunch of people I’d never spoken to before sent me hate and I nearly deleted all my fics and my tumblr altogether. It still makes me nauseous to think about. Honestly if I could go back in time I wouldn’t say anything to the person just to spare myself the backlash. But outright stolen... no not that I know about.
11. Have you ever co-written a fic before? My darling @extasiswings and I have collaborated on a few fics now: whispers like poetry, I Hit the Accelerator (But the Car was in Reverse) and Carbon Date Me, Excavate Me which truly would not have gotten written without her skill and assistance.
12. What’s your all-time favorite ship? That’s a hard one. There are a lot of ships that hold special places in my heart. Merthur, Geraskier, Garcy, and Garcyatt are all strong contenders. But I think I’ll have to go with Buddie. I can’t remember the last time a ship and a show had me in such a chokehold. I think it was when I was a teenager? Buddie is truly something special to me.
13. What was the first fandom you wrote for? Lord of the Rings or Pirates of the Caribbean, I can’t quite remember. I was writing both at the same time so...
14. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? I don’t have a favorite. I know that’s a cop-out but it’s true. I am especially proud of Defiance & Destiny, Love You Like a Killer (I Want to Make Your Heart Stop) and Your Fingerprints Smeared on My Heart (Lead Me Back to You) because all three have required an immense amount of planning and effort in the writing of them. But I also really like some other fics that are much shorter that I just dashed out like a fever dream, such as Footprints are More Easily Seen in the Snow and Could Twist the Sinews of Thy Heart?, and I like some of my popular fics like Leading with the Left and Even Steel Blades Need Fire a lot so I’m glad that so many other people like them too since they were just so fun to write.
So yeah. I don’t really have a favorite. I really love my fics, even if some days I hate my writing.
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sarahlevys · 4 years
for the title meme: “heres the truth from my red lips” and/or “i dreamt of you all summer long” (im sorry, i think exclusively in taylor swift lyrics)
here's the truth from my red lips
Pairings: past Alexis/Ted, past Alexis/Twyla, past Alexis/Stevie
Rating: M
Tags: a low rent Knives Out redo, with a little bit of Ocean's Eleven flavor too, Secret Agents, IDK what else to say, Crack Treated Seriously
Summary: When infamous con woman Alexis Rose is found dead, her three ex-lovers – all cons in their own right – gather and each accuse the other of having her murdered. (But is Alexis really dead? Only time will tell.)
i dreamt of you all summer long
Pairing: David/Patrick
Rating: T
Tags: Shapeshifters, Magical Realism, Bears, David should learn to listen more, Patrick's a bear, yes there's really a creek
Summary: Set in the esteemed magical realism series "a spell that can't be broken," this meet-cute details David and Patrick's first meeting at the eponymous creek. Patrick warns David that there's an abundance of wildlife at set creek, David is too grouchy to care, and Patrick turns into a bear right before his eyes.
(send me a fictional fic title and I'll tell you what the fic would be!)
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findswoman · 4 years
Fic Title Meme
Tagged by my good pal @jadelotusflower​. Thanks so much for including me—what a wonderful idea this is! (And I recognize so many of yours! :D )
Look at the most recent 20 fanwork titles on your AO3 account and answer the questions below.
Mine are:
What She Saw
In Your Vault, In Your Mists, In Your Song
Hoses, Masks, and Canisters
Between the Porch and the Altar
The Chronomaker and the Findsman
Graceful as Water
Sai-perimetry at Gleebaloola’s, You Bet!
Blumfruit and Queen’s Heart
The Drabatan Lady Downstairs
“I saw the wolf...”
You Must be Garazeb; or, Dinner with the Trilashas
Such a funny little bag of dirt...
Feel Safe at Night
A Private Place
Gem of my Beaches
Dinner with the Orrelioses
Beautiful, Inexactly
Return Again
Light of Lasan
1. How many are you happy with?
I’m more or less content with them all but wish I could have done better with a few (see item 2 below).
2. How many are…not great?
Well, I kind of wish I’d been able to come up with something better for “A Private Place”; that title isn’t exactly all that attention-getting. Ditto “What She Saw” and maybe also “Feel Safe at Night.” And “Such a funny little bag of dirt...” is not super original because, well, it’s basically just half the story itself (it’s a one-sentence story). :P
3. How many did you scramble for at the last minute?
Most of those listed above in item 2, but I want to say also “Hoses, Masks, and Canisters” and “In Your Vault, In Your Mists, In Your Song.” That last one was tough to title, for some reason, but I think it’s at least a fitting title.
4. How many did you know before you started writing/creating, or near the beginning?
Looks like exactly half of them! “Between the Porch and the Altar,” “Blumfruit and Queen’s Heart,” “The Drabatan Lady Downstairs,” “I saw the wolf...,” “Sparks,” “Graceful as Water,” “Return Again,” “Light of Lasan,” and both of the “Dinner with...” stories (though the “You Must Be Garazeb” part was a later addition, in order to not-so-slyly slip an EC name in there).
5. How many are quotes from songs or poems?
I’m finding fewer than I thought, too, at least among these twenty titles. I’m counting three: “Return Again” (from the eponymous song by Shlomo Carlebach paraphrasing the Hashiveinu), “Beautiful, Inexactly” (from the lines of a poem that served as one of the prompts in the challenge I wrote it for), and “I saw the wolf...” (from the old French folksong “J’ai vu le loup”).
6. How many are other quotes?
“Between the Porch and the Altar” is a biblical quote, from Joel 2:17, which also serves as the epigraph of the story: “Let the priests, the ministers of the Lord, weep between the porch and the altar...”
7. Which best reflects the plot of the story/content of the fanwork?
Well, the two that have “Dinner with...” in their titles are pretty much “what it says on the tin” type situations. :P Also, I’d say “Sai-perimetry at Gleebaloola’s, You Bet!” is a pretty good summary of what happens in the story, which involves humorous attempts to perform psychometry on various objects sold at a Squib-owned antique shop. So, also pretty much “what it says on the tin.”
8. Which best reflects the theme of the story?
Oh, hmm, I hope they all do in some form or other, though I guess a few notable examples might be “Sparks” and “Light of Lasan,” both of whose titles are meant to reflect the Force/Ashla’s manifestation as light, sparks, etc. in the Lasat shamanic tradition as practiced and experienced by the main OC character.
9. Which best reflects the character voice of the story/pov of the fanwork?
Probably “I saw the wolf...”! That story is told from the viewpoint of a very young Ezra Bridger, so I was going for a childlike voice, and original French song is very much that way itself.
10. Which is your favourite title?
Oh gee, don’t make me choose just one! :P Hmm... maybe “Between the Porch and the Altar,” just because it’s such a compelling image and one I’d wanted to write a fic on for years. But I’m pretty proud of “Gem of My Beaches,” too (for also being a compelling image) and “Graceful as Water” (which kind of masks the grim character of the story it’s attached to).
Thanks again to JadeLotus for the tag! Tagging @runrundoyourstuff @redrikki @fontainebleau22 @gondalsqueen @lasatfat @tarisilmarwen and anyone else who would like to try. (Again, please mention that I tagged you, and please tag me so I can read what you’ve got!)
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I was tagged by @gabolange (months ago!!) to do the one-shot fic writer meme, and why not!                                                        
list your five longest one-shot fics on AO3 (not chaptered works or series) with the word count, fandom, year, and comments/kudos/bookmarks. one-shots are the short stories to fandom’s books and a distinctly different process in my experience.
OK, so here’s the thing.  I’ve written over 120 Call the Midwife fics on My-Little-Yellowbird.com, most of them multi-chapter.. Only 8 are posted on ao3 and 30 or so CtM fics are on ff.net--it’s where I got my start.  I’ve always felt funny cross-posting my fics to different platforms, but that’s silly.  Writers that get paid to write don’t hesitate to promote their own stuff. Why shouldn’t fic writers??  I mean, we do this for FREE.  If a reader sees my stuff they can always scroll past.  the best person to promote your stuff is you. So maybe one day I’ll post them all to both fan sites.
Oh, and aside from a ridiculous there’s-only-one-bed-but-the-floor-is-made-of-lava Blake fic and a silly shout-out to Mary Poppins, it’s all Call the Midwife.
1. Dearest Friend -- 3,252 words, Turnadette, 2014, original publication 2017 on ao3. 32 kudos, 3 comments, 3 bookmarks.  This is an early tale written during the hiatus after s3.  I love eponymous stories, and we all have imaginings of what Patrick wrote to Shelagh during those long months in the sanatorium.  My head canon is built on the idea that both Sister Bernadette and Patrick adhered to a strict honor code.  Patrick would never put Sister Bernadette in the position where she would be asked to renounce her vows.   I will admit to almost having him push the envelope a bit, if you’ll excuse the pun, in a hidden letter.  In the end, I worked very not to say too much, or not enough.
2. His Safety Net -- 2242 words, Turnadette, 2015 - 33 kudos - 6 comments - 3 bookmarks. 2015 original pub, 2017 ao3.  When asked about my favorite fics, this one always comes to mind.  Again, so much of what makes the Shelagh / Patrick relationship work is their ability to say so much with so few words.  I wanted to get that across with physical gestures that speak to their level of emotional intimacy.  I also wanted to deal with the idea of commitment.  They’ve just weathered another storm partly brought about by the fact that while they do communicate, there are still secrets between them.  Has Patrick learned to trust her?  Will he ever?  In the end, it doesn’t matter, because they are bound together by more than romance.
3. How the Brownies Saved Christmas -- 1986 words, Turnadette 11 kudos - 3 comments - 0 bookmarks. 2018,  This one might have been a bit passive aggressive.  The holiday season is ridiculously stressfull for mothers of young kids (I blame Martha Stewart and Pinterest). This is one of my complaints about Shelagh, as well. W never really see HOW SHE DOES IT.  So I gave her helpers. 
4. Losing Her Breath --1,514 words, Sister Bernadette, 2009 (orig pub) - 14 kudos - 3 comments - 0 bookmarks). 2017.  Breathing is a thread through Turnadette (I know that sounds dumb, but bear with me).  TB, polio, smoking are all obviously big ticket items, but many of the most wonderful Turnadette moments have no words.  We just feel them breathe each other.  So I used the idea for this fic, set during the time when they were just starting.  Sister Bernadette is indeed losing her breath, as the TB is already growing within her, just as Patrick takes her breath away.
5. A Moment’s Peace -- 7,464 words, Turnadette 2019, 1 kudos - 18 comments, 1 bookmark. 2019  This was my first “commuter fic,” written onboard the train to Grand Central. My new job was pretty miserable, and the four hours on the train every day were near unbearable.   My betas gently encouraged me to try and redirect my new anxieties into classic Turnadette.  Hence--a coffee shop fic!
Funny thing is, I’m sure there are newer Nonnatuns that are just now learning that I have ever written a fic. I wrote most of my stuff before I went back to work, and all the kids were in school all day. Believe me, I’m trying!
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inner-muse · 6 years
Writing meme
Tagged a long time ago by @princessvicky01, finally answering it. Thank you lovely!! 💗
What is your total posted word count on AO3? (Go to your Works, then click Statistics.)
93,237. Wowza!
How often do you write?
Not nearly as often as I’d like. @princessvicky01 and I RP every day, but as far as actual fic goes... I’m not even sure. Once a month? I only write when inspiration takes me, which has been scarce lately.
Do you have a routine for writing?
I do all my writing on my phone, oddly enough. I like to curl up either in bed or my comfy chair, though I’ve also been known to write while out and about, or to jot down sentences here and there while gaming or doing other things. 
What’s your favourite kinks/tropes/pairing?
My favorite pairing is Kelandris/everyone! 😆 Especially Cullen and/or @princessvicky01‘s OCs. Also, Kelandris’s brother Asharion/anyone, though I haven’t posted about him much, alas.
My guilty pleasure ship is Cullen/Carver Hawke, though this doesn’t happen in any of my personal canons. I also like red!fem!Hawke/Fenris.
Tropes: strong women and the men who’d tear the world apart for them, refined-yet-deadly ladies, people getting swept off their feet by a charming knave, dramatic rescue scenes with lots of hurt/comfort, love interests who are only soft around each other... the list goes on.
If I tried to list out all my kinks we’d be here all day. So let’s just go with, all sorts of bdsm, and also soft reverent worship.
Do you have a favourite fic of yours?
Obeisance, co-written with @princessvicky01. It’s pages and pages of kinky, kinky smut.
Your fic with the most kudos?
“Yours,” one of my very first Cullenmance fics. Also one of the few things I’ve actually finished.
Anything you don’t like about your writing?
I wish I got inspired more often, and that I didn’t keep losing motivation/inspiration partway through a WIP. Also, I have trouble with any sort of complex plot.
Now something you do like?
Character voices. I think that’s something I do really well, keeping characters in character and letting their personalities shine through. Also sentence flow – when my eponymous muse cooperates, I’m quite proud of how my fics flow.
I was late to the party, so I’ll just throw out a tag to anyone who wants to do this!
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bettydice · 6 years
Fic Writer Meme
tagging myself via @nelsynoo just because
What is your total word count on AO3?
166530 though a lot of that is Kirkmall, so it’s codenamebetty’s words and not only betty’s ;)
How often do you write?
uhm... whenever inspiration hits me and it’s enough to break through my insecurities, so once or twice a month *sighs*
Do you have a routine for writing?
I might if I were to routinely write, ha. But the right music is important for me (I make spotify playlists for EVERYTHING) and then I’ve found that I write better when I write in a physical notebook instead of at the computer. Long train rides are especially good for that, sadly that’s not a feasible tactic in the long run.
What are your favorite kinks/tropes/pairing?
Lovers that are also friends, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Love Expressed Via Small Gestures, Humour at inappropriate moments I still lowkey want to write a Dragon Age 2 fanfic that uses a bunch of soap opera/k drama tropes because that’s my shit ok. One day it’ll happen. I’M THE RIGHT PERSON FOR THE JOB.
Do you have a favorite fic of yours?
Kirkmall AU of course. @codenamecynic and I will probably be writing/not-writing-but-thinking-about-writing-really-ugh-life on it until we die and I’m okay with that. Love the pasties! I also like a heavy heart to carry because its horror-elements are quite the depature from my usual writing.
Your fic with the most kudos?
My Fenris/Hawke ficlet collection, nice!
Anything you don’t like about your writing?
The long stretches of time where it’s not happening at all? lmao I also envy writers who have a very elaborate style. I know, I know, focusing too much on word count is useless but I tend to get quite insecure about always writing short ficlets and chapters.
Now something you do like?
I think I’m really good at dialogue, especially humorous one. I also think I’m good at not taking my characters seriously, if that makes sense? I mean of course I take them very, very seriously, my darlings, but I also am not afraid at all to make them look stupid/vulnerable/huge mess. not sure who has done this already? tagging @eponymous-rose, @loquaciousquark, @jadesabre301, @thievinghippo
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imsfire2 · 7 years
WIP meme
Do This: List all the things you’re currently working on in as much or as little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to see what they’re working on: writing, art, gifsets, whatever.
I was tagged by @thenewleeland - thank you very much!
And, ahem, you asked for it...
(I will add a read-more after a bit, since there is rather a lot of this.  Don’t panic...).
Fan fic – all Rogue One at the present time
In a dark time, the eye begins to see
AU in which Cassian is an artist and Jyn is sent by Saw Gerrera to model for him as a cover to get into the Imperial Archives on Corellia.  Angst, feels, smut, action and drama.  WIP – currently writing chapter 38 in draft, with the published text on AO3 now up to chapter 35.  
Keeping faith
AU in which Cassian and Jyn survived Scarif and are still with the Alliance, but are separated during the battle of Hoth.  Jyn is taken prisoner and then discovers she is pregnant, and angst and many feels ensue. WIP – currently on just over 9,000 words in draft with the published text on AO3 standing at just over 6,000.
Hot and wet
Rebelcaptain one-shot that won’t behave; primarily feels, not as smutty as the title suggests!
In your eyes
Rebelcaptain one-shot, a follow-up to A little more information (which was itself a follow-up to one of the Paths of hurt and darkness stories, On attachment elsewhere).  Cassian is hospitalised following a suicide attempt, post-battle of Endor.  Serious angst and feels.
The Hope of Lyonesse
Only just got started on this, basically it’s still at the planning stage, and it may be a monster as there’s a lot of material to work with.  Rogue One/Arthurian legend/other Celtic legends mash-up AU.  Cassian is Tristan, Jyn is Isolde, Draven is Mark of Cornwall, Chirrut and Baze are the last two acolytes of the Order of Merlin, Bodhi Rook is a character who fuses the roles of Bedwyr and Brangäne.  Mon Mothma is King Arthur, and is a rather more active figure than usual.  The Rebel Alliance is the seven Celtic nations, Albion, Cornwall, Wales, Ireland, Scotland, Lyonesse and Galicia; they have a system of loose alliances and treaties cemented by dynastic marriages, and are trying to work together to fight off invasion on two fronts.  The Empire is an unholy alliance between the Saxon invaders coming from the east and the magic-wielding Formorians of Hy-Braseal invading by sea from the west.  Tarkin and Krennic are Saxons, Vader is the Lord of the Isle of the Torrent.  Other SW characters being slotted in gradually. Warning: Do not expect a happy ending.
Captain Andor lives for a day
Only just got started on this, too!  Total contrast to the above.  A Rogue One/Miss Pettigrew AU.  Late 1930’s setting, with jazz music, cocktails and romance for all.  Expect fluff and feels with just an undertone of angst (because some of the protagonists are not stupid and are aware of politics).  
Original fiction
The Bargain of Liberty (working title)
Just got started on this, so don’t look for it anytime soon!  Especially as, being original fic, it won’t be going on AO3.
Historical fantasy set in a sixteenth century AU in which the Spanish did not succeed in conquering the native kingdoms of Central and South America.  Consequently the balance of power across the world is totally different. In London, Dr John Dee has worked a great act of magic, the eponymous Bargain of Liberty, to ensure the freedom of his beloved sovereign, Elizabeth of England, and her people, and to enable her to marry her true love, her cousin Mary Stewart, Queen of Scots.  A work of magic which has had unexpected ramifications.  As our story begins, two British spies, Emilia Tanqueray and Kit Marlowe, and a mestizo Aztec sleeper agent, Javián Cuauhtémoc Sanchez, set out together to thwart the plans of the Inquisition.  The Inquisition’s goals are to overthrow the Emperor Axayacatl the second of Mexico, and to send an Armada to invade the island of Britain…
Also sitting in my Dropbox, Pt 1: Uncompleted original fiction
The taker of daughters
This is a rewrite and expansion of an earlier Hansel and Gretel: Witch-hunters fan-fic.  Significant character changes and hefty filling-in of background.  A steampunk historical fantasy using characters from various ballet versions of folk tales, set in the aftermath of a great war between the High and Low Kingdoms of Faerie and the Middle World of Humankind.  Main character is now Klara Stahlbaum (from The Nutcracker), other characters are her brother, who I’ve named Anton because I don’t like the name Fritz, a Firebird, an OFC who is a human/Firebird mongrel, the Lilac Fairy, and a pregnant giantess.  The main antagonist, the Taker of Daughters, is Kostschei the Terrible.  Currently at just over 77.000 words.  I’m not sure if this is working, though.  I’m having what I can only call tonal problems and struggling to find a balance between the darker and the less-dark elements of the story. So it may end up being abandoned altogether.
The Smiling Assassin
This was a NaNoWriMo project from 2014; a thriller about a retired MI6 agent working for a small London charity, who gets pulled back into his old world when a friend from the past asks him for a favour.  It backfired at around 36,000 words when I realised the plot was not only derivative as all hell but also really sucked!  
A Sci-Fi story about first contact with a telepathic alien species; needs re-writing a lot, but the basic storyline is still good.
A dream of death
My “no-zombies zombie apocalypse” story.  Yeah, that.
Midnight in the Café Tana
An urban fantasy about a local government employee who is a practising witch, and her attempts to help her ex who has fallen victim to a psychic vampire.
A Sci-Fi piece mixing a love story inspired by Pelleas et Melisande with a background of social conflict between rich and poor in a far-off future of Rampant Intergalactic Capitalism.
The war is over
A Sci-Fi story inspired by the core ideas from my very first ever fan-fic, which was a sequel to Return of the Jedi written when I was a teenager. Key plot points are A) the Emperor is dead and the beleaguered Evil Empire is on the verge of losing the galactic civil war, looking for ways to fight back and sabotage their enemies, and B) any Emperor worth his salt is bound to have a son-and-heir tucked away somewhere.
Also sitting in my Dropbox, Pt 2: Completed original fiction
The Healers
A magic realist historical fantasy Western; a faith healer who really can heal rescues a member of the Jesse James gang from certain death and hires him to ride shotgun with her. They travel through 1880’s Missouri having assorted adventures, healing various people and one another and trying not to get killed by various other people who want to bring him to justice, while falling in love.  Features lots of gritty local colour, dirt, violence, whores, blood, sex, angst and feels.  I had a ball writing this and it’s probably my best piece of full-length original fic so far.
The Secret Country
Urban fantasy with people who have real magical powers/superpowers trying desperately not to get found out and caught by a government agency determined to make use of them as weapons.  Flawed as a piece of writing, but quite an exciting read if you can get past a few sticky patches.
The eternal love of Gabriel Yeats
A slightly bonkers magic realist historical fantasy, featuring time travel, reincarnation, doomed romance and a lot of major character death.  Very fond of this one too though it has its issues as a piece of novel writing – it’s much too episodic and has a big structural flaw which I never managed to solve successfully.
Ramundi’s sisters
A historical romance about an artist and his three sisters in early C20th rural Sicily.  Very angsty and feels-y, with thwarted love and lots of unhappiness for everyone.  This was my first full-length novel and although I think I’ve improved a lot since as a writer then I’m still fond of it because I remember the thrill of writing it and having it flow.
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eponymous-rose · 9 months
Fic: Boots on the Ground (OCs | G | 2000 words)
Written for a prompt from @sekritjay: "The lives of two ordinary citizens of Baldur's Gate intersect with the Brain Worm Troupe in ways they swear were deliberately contrived to irritate them specifically."
[read on AO3]
Boots on the Ground
“Look, Toddnim, life’s hard sometimes in Baldur’s Gate and you have to take what you can get.”
Toddnim scoffed, which only made the lines on Thepra’s forehead deepen. “Life’s hard for others, dear. We, the movers and shakers of the world, aren’t bound by such base clichés.” He planted his hands on his hips and looked the cart up and down, as though by so doing the shattered axle would spontaneously mend itself. “This is a mere setback.”
“Set us right back home, more like,” Thepra said, which was equal parts irritating and false, given that, without an axle, home was just as unattainable as Baldur’s Gate anyway.
Toddnim did another circle around the cart to be sure of its sorry state, and promptly stubbed his toe on something sticking out of the mud. “Ah,” he said, more to Biscuit, the baleful mule pulling the cart, than to Thepra. “Something left behind by all the crowds on this road. This must be what broke the wheel.”
“What is it?” Thepra called.
Toddnim scowled, dragging at the object with all his might and finally dislodging it. “A bag of some sort. Full of, let’s see, quarterstaves, daggers, longswords, and a great deal of cheese.”
“It’s gone off.” At a loss, Toddnim let the bag drop from his hands and stared ahead, down the road to the city. “Who drops this many weapons in the middle of the road?”
“We’ve still got more than we came in with.” Fortunately, the throngs of people flocking to Baldur’s Gate meant it had been relatively easy to flag down someone with a modicum of magical talent to mend the axle, and the gentleman in question had happily taken four quarterstaves as payment in lieu of gold. “We’re coming out ahead on all this, really,” Toddnim continued, and ignored Thepra’s exasperated sigh.
Baldur’s Gate wasn’t nearly as large nor as intimidating as his relatives had led him to believe. Hardly more than a bigger version of the town he and Thepra had grown up in, and that wasn’t so bad at all.
“Oh,” said the first shopkeeper they encountered, when they paused to ask for directions. “That’ll be in the city proper. This is Rivington.” 
She beckoned Toddnim over to the window, and gestured out at a terrifying array of buildings, sprouting from the hills themselves like some madness out of Pandemonium. “Ah,” said Toddnim, in a worldly and masterful way. “Well, uh. So it is.”
“Can we sell you some of our things?” Thepra, ever enterprising, cut in on his eminently brave and composed state of shock. “We’ve got a lot of decent weapons, sure to be of use in any coming conflict.”
“Ah, so sorry, but I’m rather stocked up at the moment. Adventuring party came through here not too long ago with some really prime stuff. Magical weapons, potions, all you can dream of. Cleared me right out of gold!” The shopkeeper laughed, then paused. “Actually, I’d better move this inventory before rent comes due. Didn’t think about that, before I spent all my gold.”
Thepra plucked at his sleeve. Something in the mood of the place had shifted, and Toddnim had no intention of sticking around to find out how much more it would change. “Well, we’ll just be on our--” he began, and turned to come face-to-face with a well-built human holding a dagger with an almost apologetic expression.
“Hey,” the shopkeeper said, “nothing personal, but we’re near enough to Baldur’s Gate that you should know: information ain’t free.”
“Ah,” said Toddnim.
“We’ve still got the cart,” Toddnim said. “And Biscuit the mule, and all the smokepowder Baldur’s Gate can purchase!”
Thepra sighed. “Sure. See how far that gets us without any coin. Didn’t have to take the weapons, too, did she?”
“You’ll see. My contact in the city is very powerful. Deep pockets, you know. Our social circles simply don’t deal in coin like the common folk.”
“No coin? So what’s he got in his deep pockets, then?”
“Er,” Toddnim said. “Power?”
“Huh,” Thepra said, but it wasn’t nearly as dismissive as her regular everyday ‘huh’, so he counted that a win.
They were a few steps into the city when Biscuit made an abrupt transition from plodding stolidly along the cobbles to emitting a very un-mule-like shriek and tearing off down a main thoroughfare. Toddnim scarcely had time to blink before the cart was pitching over and she was snapping free of her leads to bound down an alleyway.
“That horse scared her!” Thepra was marching straight up to a baffled-looking elven man astride the horse in question, drawn up to the pinnacle of her gnomish height in her rage.
“Pardon me?” the elf said. Toddnim hurried out to shoo curious urchins away from the overturned cart, scooping up what he could carry of the bags of smokepowder. “My horse did what?”
“He was nickering,” Thepra said. “Whickering? Snickering? Making some damn fool noise and that set poor Biscuit off.”
Toddnim turned back in time to see the elf’s baffled look fade with the light of understanding. “Oh. I’ll tell you what, as I was filing into the city, the oddest group of adventurers were pressed in line next to me, and one of them kept whispering something to my horse. Druid-speak or similar, I’d wager. Couldn’t shake the feeling she’d taught old Zephyra here some new and nasty curses.”
Thepra blinked for some time, but rallied quickly. “Your horse insulted my mule and she ran off! I demand compensation, to the tune of at least ten gold pieces!”
“Hm,” said the elf. “I have a counter-offer.” And with that, he snapped the reins on his horse and galloped away.
“Ah,” said Toddnim.
“We still have the smokepowder,” Toddnim said, apropos of nothing, since Thepra was stoically refusing to even look at him, much less speak. “And where there’s explosives, there’s hope, that’s what grandpappy used to say.”
That drew Thepra out, at least to the point of casting him a withering gaze. “Didn’t your grandpappy blow himself up experimenting in the privy?”
“Maybe. Probably felt very hopeful right about then, though.” Toddnim reached out to steady himself as the cobbles of the city rattled under his feet. “Damned strange about these earthquakes.”
Something about the quakes must have finally shaken Thepra’s tongue loose; she sighed and slung her sack of smokepowder down to the ground. “How sure are you about this mysterious contact of yours? The one with the funny name.”
Toddnim let his own sack drop next to hers, rubbing his hands to get some feeling back into them -- the bags really were damnably heavy. “Oh, him. Yes, I’ve made use of extensive connections - my uncle, the one who moved out here years ago? Bribed a man who bribed a woman who bribed a small child who bribed a-- Anyway, we’ve set up a meeting with him about supplying smokepowder to the city.” Toddnim straightened up with a snap of his suspenders, beaming. “Exclusively.”
“Seems like an awful lot of city to supply.”
Toddnim, who’d been happily ignoring thoughts along those lines, waved this concern away. “We’re a scalable operation. Haven’t I always said that?”
Just as Thepra was, no doubt, about to confirm that he had in fact always said that, the shockwave of a massive explosion caught them both in the chest, bowling them over to the ground. Toddnim registered the sound next as a roar, and for a moment he was certain all the tales of cityfolk cavorting with dragons were true. Then he realized a building ahead of them had gone up in flame, along with a number of oddly cheerful whistles that it took him a moment to register as fireworks.
One of the giant mechanical Steel Watch went sprinting past, followed by several members of the More Mundane and Fleshy Watch, bellowing about intruders causing magical explosions in a fireworks shop. 
Propping himself up on his elbows, Toddnim watched as a cheerful little firework, shaped like a bird, did a couple of lazy circles before landing directly on their two sacks of smokepowder. “Ah,” said Toddnim, and everything exploded.
“We’ve still got my contact here,” Toddnim said, weakly. Thepra’s withering glare was only slightly downplayed by the newly forming bruise over her right eye and the bandage on her forehead, gifts (along with his own wrapped ankle) from a passing cleric who’d seen the explosion and come to help. Toddnim was fairly sure they were now technically pledged to some sort of cult in return, but that was a tomorrow problem, and he was extremely good at focusing on the problems that were the sole purview of today. “He’ll have had reports of the explosion; that should serve as a better sample than just a bunch of old powder, right?”
“Hm,” Thepra said, but her arm on his, keeping him supported as they limped through the city, didn’t falter more than once or twice, and anyway he got back up again both times without too much trouble. “Hey,” she said, and his heart swelled in anticipation of a heartfelt declaration of support for all of his harebrained schemes. “Didn’t you say your contact in the city was named Enver?”
“Hm? Oh, yes. Enver Gortash. A Duke, I believe, or soon to be!”
“Not soon so much as late,” Thepra said, and pointed to a young man waving a copy of today’s Baldur’s Mouth. The headline swam in Toddnim’s still slightly blurry vision for a moment before resolving into “DUKE ENVER GORTASH SLAIN BY MYSTERIOUS ASSAILANTS”.
“Ah,” said Toddnim, and sat down heavily on the cobblestones. “Well, at least this day can’t get any worse,” he added, which was objectively a tactical error on his part, but he couldn’t have expected a bloody squid-ship to come screaming out of the skies, could he?
The battle for Baldur’s Gate was brief and, on the ground, mostly characterized by a wave of confusion. Later, people would tell stories of the small moments: a life saved here, an illithid bravely fought off there. From what Toddnim could see, though, the whole thing mostly involved a lot of running along with a crowd in one direction until someone at the head of the line screamed, then running along with a crowd in the opposite direction, and so on and so forth. He and Thepra had made it through utterly unscathed, and it was only in the following days that they were even able to begin to piece together what had happened.
On the plus side, being penniless and without friends in a city that had recently survived a tragedy was infinitely more forgiving than being penniless and without friends in a city under any other circumstances, and they’d found plenty of people willing to put them up for a pittance in a sort of we-all-band-together fellowship. That likely wouldn’t last, he knew, but in the meantime they had a roof over their heads and plenty of food to eat.
“And anyway,” he was telling Thepra, “we still have our lives.”
She rolled her eyes, clearing away his plate. She’d started working as a cook in the tavern where they’d landed, and she was good at it, too - confident in the face of overwhelming culinary requests, respected for the terror she instilled in the rats in the cellar. Toddnim had started helping out with their bookkeeping, and a part of him was hoping the current tavern-keepers might make good on their constant threats to retire out to the country and leave the place up for grabs. He was pretty sure that was how these things worked, anyway.
He sighed, pushing back the notebook of sums to reach for the latest Baldur’s Mouth. Emblazoned on the front was an etching of the Heroes of Baldur’s Gate, a motley adventuring party who looked altogether baffled to be so featured. He wondered if their experience of the whole affair had involved a similar kind of running away from various screams. Still, they had a rather piratical, hungry look about them. Mercenary, dashing, brave.
He glanced over the paper to see Thepra looking at him. “Do you ever think about embarking upon the adventuring life?”
“No. And neither do you.”
“I suppose you’re right.” He sighed wistfully, letting his hand rest over the etching. “I just think it must be nice to know you’re making everyone’s lives so much easier, everywhere you go.”
Thepra marched up to the bar and, reaching out, tore the newsprint neatly in two. “Look, Toddnim, life’s hard sometimes in Baldur’s Gate and you have to take what you can get.” Her glare softened, and she tapped him on the nose. “I’ve got you and you’ve got me. That’s enough.”
“You’re right,” he said, unable to tamp down his grin at the spark in her eyes. “That’s more than enough.”
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eponymous-rose · 5 years
For the fic thing: definitely that one scene from Bright Star where Ian and Barbara and Sarah Jane are in a flooded 1960ish London under a forcefield. GORGEOUS imagery.
OH GOSH, you’re pulling from the pre-AO3 days! (I did eventually upload it there once I got an account about ten years ago, so that dates the heck out of it.) 
I honestly didn’t remember this fic, apart from it always being a favorite, and it was super cool to revisit something from so long ago. One of my favorite things about all that Classic Who fic back in the day was coming up with situations where people’s timelines inevitably crossed even though they never met on the show. Thanks so much for the excuse to go back and remember that one!
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eponymous-rose · 8 years
what's your favorite fic your wrote in 2016?
I usually have trouble answering this question, but I am absurdly pleased with how Thieves’ Tools worked out and will happily call it the best thing I wrote this year. It was long enough that I got to do a wee bit of world-building and throw in a couple of original characters, it had a surprise ending that filled a gap in canon that’s always intrigued me, and it wound up being a pretty deep character study for Vex that was simultaneously a heist story, which worked out great.
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inner-muse · 7 years
WIP Meme
List all the things you’re currently working on in as much or little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to see what they’re working on. This can be writing, art, vids, gifsets - anything at all!
Thanks for the tag @effelants !!
World of Warcraft fanart – On actual paper with colored pencils. It has a title but it’s a secret! Not characters, per se, just some stylized stuff + typography. About 2/3 done, needs some more colors; trying to figure out how to finish it up.
That collab project Effie mentioned – We ship our OCs really hard.
Kinky smut with sub!Cullen – incredibly self indulgent AU, featuring that trope where Lyrium kills templars’ libido, and one symptom of Cullen’s withdrawal is sudden spikes of uncontrollable desire. There’s a lot of these with dom!Cullen, but I’d always wanted one where he’s super subby and flings himself at his lady Inquisitor’s feet rather than pinning her to a wall. I haven’t touched this in ages – my eponymous muse tends to give me an initial burst of inspiration and then gallivants off somewhere... I really want to finish this one though
Reading a book for once – a coworker lent me “Sapiens: A brief history of humankind” by Yuval Noah Harari. I haven’t read nonfiction in... gosh, years, but this one sounded right up my alley
A couple drabbles about Kelandris in Haven – I want to write more about her canon self. These are mostly just ideas at this point. I have about a paragraph of a letter she writes to her sister, and a sentence of Cullen reading her report from Therinfal (that one is going to be a while, I think, I’m vaguely writing chronologically)
Beauty and the Beast fanfiction – A fic for anyone who was disappointed when the Beast turned back into a prince at the end. This has been a wip for like... a year, or something. Suffering from the same problem as #3, which is a real shame because I’m really, really proud of what I have so far
Rearranging the art on my walls – I got my diplomas framed, courtesy of my mom for the holidays. They’re still occupying my one armchair instead of hanging up where I want them. I have some other prints there which I need to move first...
New WoW character – finally unlocked the Lightforged! Now I have another alt to level...
Phew, that’s a lot! Thanks again for the tag ❤️ it’s fun to list it all out!
Tagging @mistralrunner @missragdoll84 @uriellactaea @princessvicky01 @fereldenpeach @kaoruyogi @kawereen @silent-of-spirit @blue-moon-magic @ladydracarysao3 @libraribear No pressure, as always!
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eponymous-rose · 10 years
Maaaaybe some Lolix? :D (If we're allowed to ask for seconds ^^')
"I'm just saying, we're gonna make a killing, well, we're gonna do some killing if that's what warms the cockles of your fucked-up little heart, but really it's the cash we're talking here, enough for three billboard-sized TVs, maybe more, man, just imagine." Felix, staring wistfully out at the slowly approaching planet on the viewscreen, actually giggles.
Locus sighs and lets his helmeted head bounce back against the inner hull with a reassuring thud.
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eponymous-rose · 10 years
Carolina & 479er, please?
"Y'know, you don't actually have to be good at everything," she says, retrieving control from the copilot's station before they wind up plastered against an asteroid or something. "Not everyone's cut out to be a pilot."
"No, I got this," Carolina says, low and calm and determined, and hell, for a second Four-Seven actually believes her.
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