#epoch of the silent prince
ginger-lemon-teaa · 8 days
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Currently rewatching mike’s mic and I have come to the conclusion that if Kaveh had access to youtube and 2000s/2010s pop culture he would make the exact. same. videos. Mechanical engineer. Architect. Perpetual yappers. Real recognises real.
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aurorawest · 5 months
Reading update
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Arthur and Teddy Are Coming Out by Ryan Love - 3/5 stars
The Fate of Stars by SD Simper - DNF at pg 32
A Gathering Storm by Joanna Chambers - 4.75/5 stars
I kept getting the Madame Leota room from Haunted Mansion stuck in my head as I was reading this (not a bad thing!). This book has a surprisingly low rating on the Storygraph, and I'm not going to torture myself by looking at the reviews, but I'm assuming it's because of the power discrepancy between Ward and Nick. Clearly it didn't bother me as I really enjoyed the book!
Dionysus in Wisconsin by EH Lupton - 4.75/5 stars
At some point I might get tired of Mid-Century Modern romances, but not this day. This book was super fun, with an interesting world and lovely characters. And a Midwest setting! I've spent a lot of time in Madison, Wisconsin, where this book is set, so I got the added bonus of knowing most of the places pretty well. There was even a shoutout to an obscure piece of Madison history, the Lost City in the Arb. I have to get the second book in the series now!boy
Boy Meets Boy by David Levithan - 3.25/5 stars
I gave this book an extra quarter of a star for being written in 2003, when it would have been genuinely pretty groundbreaking. Reading it in 2024, it's very twee and pretty cringey (the queer utopia town would have been a magical fantasy in 2003, not so much now in a lot of places). When Levithan credited Francesca Lia Block's Weetzie Bat books in the acknowledgements, I though, ah. No wonder. Hated those as a teen.
All that said, there's some genuinely lovely writing in this book, and it has its place in the queer canon.
The Greywacke by Nick Davidson - 5/5 stars
Super interesting nonfiction about the discipline of geology and how the early geologic epochs were figured out. Also gave me an idea for a historical romance about gay Victorian geologists.
Home Grown Talent by Joanna Chambers & Sally Malcolm - 5/5 stars
I think I loved this one more than the first in the series. The social media scandal was perfect, in that it was exactly as absurd as every social media scandal is, and thus hilarious, but also chilling in how even something so stupid can ruin people's lives.
The First Bright Thing by JR Dawson - DNF at pg 1
Prince of the Sorrows by Kellen Graves - DNF at pg 30
Reuben's Hot & Cold by M Arbon - 3/5 stars
Slight Foxing Around the Edges by Melissa Polk - DNF at pg 132
Restored by Joanna Chambers - 5/5 stars
Balefire by Jordan L Hawk - 4.75/5 stars
A Rulebook for Restless Rogues by Jess Everlee - 4/5 stars
The Mars House by Natasha Pulley - 5/5 stars
See my brain vomit about this book here. If you've been around here for any amount of time you know all Natasha Pulley's books make me feral. Absolutely no exception here. I cannot believe her first UK publisher dropped her over this book. Idiots! It's wonderful just like everything she's ever written.
In the Case of Heartbreak by Courtney Kaye - DNF at pg 181
The Piano Tuner by Daniel Mason - DNF at pg 21
The Charm Offensive by Alison Cochrun - 5/5 stars (reread)
Just as good as the first time I read it!
Exhalation by Ted Chiang - 4.5/5 stars
The Foxhole Court by Nora Sakavic - DNF at pg 84
Crisped + Sere by TJ Klune - 4.75/5 stars
It actually kind of makes me mad that this series isn't Klune's most famous work, because it's real good. At this point it seems kind of unlikely he's going to continue it, but man, I'd love another book.
These Silent Stars by Chani Lynn Feener - DNF at pg 68
Trailer Park Trickster by David R Slayton - 5/5 stars
See below.
Deadbeat Druid by David R Slayton - David R Slayton - 5/5 star
I LOVE this series. Love love love love. Absolute must read. If you're a fan of KD Edwards's The Tarot Sequence, this series is right up your alley. It seems like there will be more after this initial trilogy, and there's also a spinoff book coming soon which I'm super excited for. Read them!!
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drakiandh · 10 months
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind Prohibited Wish AU
Okay, so AU idea. NVW is a really great movie, and it has a lot of bugs yeah? So I was thinking that maybe I'd add a sentient bug species that is meant to replace humanity as the top species when the last of humanity eventually died out. And this bug species (haven't decided on a name yet) would be the leaders of the forest. We see the Ohm as the top bug species, being literally the top protector in the forest, but what if this custom species ruled the Ohm? So Scrabby would be a top dog in the forest, and I was thinking maybe making him a king of kings? More like a sovereign instead of a king to the species. Oh, I've got so many ideas and so much lore made up already.
So what about our boy Prismo? I was thinking he'd be a very closely trusted friend of the Vally of de Wind royal family cuz King Jill and Prismo's parents were super close so he and Nausicaä would have grown up together and basically become siblings. So Prismo, instead of everybody's pal, would be the accidental prince who showed up and now is treated as part of the royal family because he just won't leave. And he'd be part of the whole plot n stuff, plus Scrabby, and then I'd add onto the story because honestly, not enough NVW for me in the actual movie. I've got so many ideas piling up already, and I've already got the first chapter written. Lemme know if y'all want anything more on this or not. Also, imma give you the intro to the fic to get y'all an idea of what I've got going.
(i swear my style changes with every single fic)
In the hushed embrace of a silent world, a quilt of pouring white clouds enveloped the realm. The sun, in the early throes of ascent, merely grazed the horizon, gently rousing the land with the tender hues of its awakening glow. Across the expansive canvas of seas and skies, a symphony of reds and pinks danced, creating a kaleidoscope of beauty visible only to the twilight’s lingering witnesses.
This ethereal light, a delicate brushstroke against the canvas of night, did not penetrate the profound darkness that cradled the healing heart of the jungle. It traced the contours of the ancient, poisoned lands, coaxing forth a resurgence of life that echoed across the epochs. From the depths of the rejuvenated soil, spores unfurled, awakening colossal sentinels of insects from their slumber.
These magnificent creatures, bathed in the azure luminescence emanating from the forest’s pulsating core, existed with a singular purpose—to safeguard the toxic sanctuary of the jungle. Amidst these colossal beings, christened as monsters by the despoilers of the planet, roamed the true sovereign, the last defender of the recovery of the world.
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latexeyelid · 4 years
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1868 marked the end of Edo period in Japanese history. Having only communicated with the outside world through Dutch traders up until this point, art made during centuries of isolation and known as ukiyo-e,now came out gushing, flooding and fertilizing Western imagination. Images of refinement and pleasure seeking urban class seduced everyone from Toulouse-Lautrec, Van Gogh,to Gustav Klimt. 
La Belle Époque...the last era of absolute luxury.
                                                                -Diana Vreeland
Ukiyo means floating or transient world,and is homophonous to the Buddhist term relating to the our earthly plane of sorrows.Cycle of death and rebirth.Consciousness sitting transfixed in the dark,watching its own illlusory  projection  on the cosmic silver screen like Narcissus,delaying its return to the original light source..
Like ukiyo, much of Western art of this era,would go o to depict joys and decadence of busy city life of society post Industrial Revolution. Cafes,Nightlife,society ladies and those of the night,the murmur,glitter,and sleaze of leisurely crowd. All tomorrow’s parties at the Studio 54 happened already at Moulin Rouge. In France this period between 1880′s and World War One would be called Belle Epoque- the beautiful epoch,mirroring the Japanese Edo period that inspired it. At this time we see the birth of Art Nouveau ,known as Jugendstil in the German speaking world.Meandering lines coiling like smoke or eels,sharp and linear yet dreamy ,like stained glass made from perfume.Aforementioned Klimt is one of the artists most well known today for this style.
Late 1890′s is also when we see the developing of cinema, and lastly- when Irish author Bram Stoker wrote Dracula. And although vampire films is almost as old as cinema itself, it would take a century before Francis Ford Coppola would adapt this Gothic novel for the screen.
I have crossed oceans of time to find you
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Unlike his beloved Mina who has been reincarnated, Dracula has been trapped here ,in The Floating World. We find isolated in his castle,in the purgatory of memories,lusting for past glory like the character of Norma Desmond in Sunset Boulevard, a faded actress of silent film era,trying to make a return yet unable to cope with change of the seasons. When finally sets foot in modern day London, Prince Vlad is alien to this new world, an aristocrat in the streets filled with blooming bourgeoisie.And just like the villain who would be protagonist creeps in from behind crimson red curtains of history, so do visual effects typical of the early stage of cinema make return for the production of Coppola’s film. Instead of computer generated imagery,the director opts for optical effects.The film is the vampire,the vampire is the film. This meta quality becomes even clearer when Dracula ,together with Mina witnesses moving pictures,marvels of the modern world.The film is the vampire is the film is a love letter to a bygone era.
I wanted to express hybrid culture, East meeting West.
                                                          -Eiko Ishioka, costume designer
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Dracula is a profoundly mysterious presence, and I want his different sides – human, animal, male, female, old, young, Western, Eastern
Even prior to his arrival in Victorian London, Dracula subverts the norm. Scenes of him with Mina’s fiance Johnatan that occur back in Dracula’s Transilvanian castles have almost homoerotic overtones.After all,a vampire’s weapon of sedduction transcends gender. Dracula greets Johnatan in his kabuki robe,almost resembling an old maiden.After all,old age blurs sex differences in the facial area ,just like infant stage.He is Miss Havisham from Dickens’ Great Expectations, a dusty noblewoman hardened by heartbreak, preying on young lovers.Dracula’s seduction goes even further with Mina’s friend Lucy.Here he is the source of sexual awakening and mania. We also have a scene of Lucy and Mina kissing, further adding to the tie between homosexuality in vampire mythos present in films such as Daughters of Darkness or The Hunger. Vampirism always brings ambiguity,sexual or otherwise, representing otherness and avoiding strict definitions. Through costumes in the film,Dracula represents cultural fusion in the same vein ukiyo-e made an influence on the Western art and artists such as Klimt, who’s painting The Kiss would be one of the main reference points for the film.
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Of the Coming of the Sons of Neb
Of the Coming of the Sons of ____
I. And ______ is a cruel and woeful god indeed, he taketh _____ for his consort…. who’s womb is barren… and wherein the dreams and aspirations of the youthful are stolen away to…wherein the light of Lover’s eyes fades unto… and whom cover the Earth in droughts, famines and who’s glare ebbs all life and gaiety from the breasts of man and beast… harsh and mammothan dieties from the wastes of N’zemekdhu of deceits and illusions, these terrible demiurgos, whom wrestled the eye of Day from Morning’s socket in that cataclysm; the Dawn of the Vanquishing of the Shining Ones… and through the wickednesses and blasphemous offerings upon profane altars to that primeval battle, the ill-virtueousnesses of the black princes, hence then appointed lords of the Plain Beneath the Starry Dome of _____, hath hereafter been unencumbered by the Kin of Men, who go about labors without reflection… who search without for their deliverers… whom wanton-worship the mesmerizations of ______ and send lustfully their youthful ardors to the barren womb of ____ , becoming thus jaded and stoney-eyed, aging out of time, and even curse oneanother and rejoice at the rule of the black princes… supposing each royal household to be honorous to their supporters… These dwellers _____ and ______, about the hoary rime of ALL, hath inwardly gestated, the pallid creation, yet still-born; Lo! the fallen illusion! the hoax of all sufferings! That unborne Thing which the Kin of Men percieve dimly, and submitting alike beasts to the labors of the black princes, whom rule by vague and artful trickeries; deem the World.” II. Being thus, the state of affairs of Plain Beneath the Starry Dome of ______, the Kin of Men and the unencumbered rule of the black princes having thus stood for ineffable aeons, and the Shining Ones having been distantly vanquished, recalled now only in odorous Psalms to _____ and his consort _____ in praise of their disfigurment of Morning, and honoring their annual ordination, took to commanding the black princes in offering the sons and daughters of the Kin of Men to the barren womb of __________ by casting them awfully into the glaring hearths, beneath profane altars, kindled, it is touted, since the Dawn of the Vanquishing of the Shining Ones. Such were annual howlings of the Kith of Men at their loathesome lot, and the pitied wailings of the Offered Ones to the trepid blazes in tribute to barren womb of _____, that even the Distant Unyeilding Ones, contentedly indifferent to the affairs beneath the Starry Dome of ______, roused from their silent contemplation, and began, ocassionally to writhe restlessly upon their unfathomed thrones. And in the threshing of the Distant Unyeilding Ones, at first were subtle tremorings emitted through the hoary rime of ALL. And in the years of plenty when the Kin of Men were taxed overmuch, howling anguished lamentations, offering their sons and daughters to profaned hearths; the indifferent writhings of the Distant Unyeilding Ones above the Starry Dome of _______ crescendoed then, distorting distantly the Starry Dome of _______ , shewing portentous and discerning auspices of which, the court astrologers of the black princes disputed and denied, and amongst themselves augured fearfully in hushed tones, without the ears of the black princes.” ( and amongst themselves augured in hushed tones away from the ears of the black princes.)
The astrologers convened amid their noxious and labryinthian observatories, wherein even the black princes seldom trod, and pondered the meaning of the distant tremorings from unfathomed thrones. _______ , then upspoke. Nowise beneath the Starry Dome of ________ dwelt a crueller or malevolent enchaunter….Nowise beneath the Starry Dome of ______ crooned more dreaded curses upon the Distantly Vanquished Shining Ones then from the lips of _______, servitor of _________ of the barren womb… His lineage, as is carven upon ancient and profane altars, decendeth back to the Dawn of the Vanquishing of the Shining Ones, and to the fateful and profane offerings upon blasphemous altars toward pitiless and infertile demiurgos….And his adept-hood were highly sought among the qabbling courts of the black princes… who’s exceeding lust for dominance sewn much rivalry and treacherousness…. Now, ______ that infernal magus, breaking the commandments of the black princes within their towering and unassailable vastness-es…within even their ill-decreed courts…. dared to interrupt the bustling of sinister priests and gluttonous viziers, about their annual censuses of the Kin of Men and their Offered Ones and plotting, in minutiae the annual blazing of hearths and blasphemous orgies of the unvirtueous and ordained black princes whom aided the mirthless _____ and his sterile consort ______ whom tore from the socket of Morn the eye of Day. And _______ saith:
Lo! Appointed Lords of the Plain Beneath the Starry Dome of ______! That art ruled by Them the dwellers ______ and _______, whom tower about the hoary rime of ALL… You Dark Princes, whom were Wise to offer those Kith of Men as incense to the Gods of N’zmekdhu upon the Dawn of their Vanquishing of the Shinings Ones! Who’s names art defiled and cursed upon this plain as it is Willed. You Dark Princes, whom the Great Ones shalt not deceive, Who shalt reign for ineffable epochs! Shalt receive this herald who is the breaker of commandments! Hear ________ of the lineage of black wizards who delivered thee thy Lordship! Who kindled barbarous hearths! and consecrated with the blood of the Offered Ones, the weapons which bore victory in the Dawn of the Vanquishing of the Shining Ones;
Lo! The Starry Dome Above omitteth the woeful augury!
It spells thy incumbent ruination!
Thy kingdom inherits Doom!
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jtownraindancer · 6 years
“Hell was fluid, ever-adapting, designed to corrupt and punish any who walked through its gates. Its image shifted in a mimicry of its rulers’ innermost values, the remnants of their soul or their Grace. Hell was its own plane, existing between the Earth and the Abyss, slightly shy of overlapping with Purgatory, built as a punishment for any who dared to cross the Almighty.
Pandemonium, however, was an ever-fixed mark, an unchanged paradise that almost rivalled Heaven itself.
Lucifer had carved the very foundations in a careful imitation of the palace he had once called home, designed each staircase and column with contempt. If Hell is to be my Eternity, he had once believed, I will embellish it so as to make the Angels weep in envy.”
He had been limited, of course. But as he paced the corridors once more, for the first time in ages, he felt a flicker of pride at his former achievements, dimming again at how lacking it truly was.
Naphtha fueled each light, each flicker merely a dim comparison to the stardust he had studied and grown by. The halls were gilded in tanzanite and zircon, each passage carved from quartz and ametrine.
It was an abomination, a weak mimic of halcyon mist, of the verdant glory, of the sheer iridescence of the Paradise he had abandoned.
It was, however, still his personal sanctuary. The arching ceilings, the marbled floors, the fountains flowing from the deepest springs, the furniture carved from trees older than civilization- It all was his.
His palace.
His kingdom.
His home.
Only the most loyal of his followers had been granted admittance, back in those glorious days when he had still been impassioned optimism, roiling hope. They had been Fallen, but they still had faith in their cause.
The Princes, his Knights-
Then, formidable legions of some of what had been some of Heaven’s brightest, fiercest.
Now, all but gone, ashes of their former glory.
Pandemonium was all but silent, all but abandoned.
The only other occupant, save his bitter memories and wisps of nostalgia for former magnificence, was the soul currently stationed in his library. The very human soul, the only living being he would ever begin to consider letting into his haven, past all of his defences and riddles. They were the only being he trusted enough to collapse into, in those moments when the lingering black hole of that First War- the scar of Michael’s blade- became too much for him to bare, before he Fell into the cavernous chaos of his mind and the cruellest of his memories.
And oh, his Father must be laughing at the sheer irony of this situation, commending Himself on a job well done.
The very creatures he had once despised so much, he now regarded with wary acceptance, some with a more begrudging fondness, comparable to that which he had only once felt for his brothers and sister. And that other, the vibrant, flickering spirit of pure curiosity, whimsy, and compassion-
He found himself flying to the library with only a thought, watching as this human positively glowed in contentment, shining nearly as bright as the morning whilst they took in the millions of tomes he had collected, the very hoard of knowledge leaving them with only awe and pure, iridescent joy.
He felt a smile of his own growing as the human- his human- skimmed their fingers across each binding, a sheen to their eyes reflecting the warm glow of the candlelight. Their lips were slightly parted, whispering with each title, faltering at names in languages that had come and passed long before the Silk Road, before the Persians, before the Greeks, before even the Ethiopians.
There was a reverence to their every motion, a gentle devotion to each book, every scroll. Each page was precious, each word a treasure beyond all compare, each letter worthy of devout worship and fidelity.
He found himself leaning against one of the many tables, arms folding in a habit formed during the time with his most loyal Vessel. Bemusedly, he noticed that they were pulling out a volume bound in stardust and white gold, shining with pearly opulence. Doubtful they could perceive the novel in its full glory, limited as their Sight was.
It had been written in the words before Enochian, a dialect spoken only by Chaos, by Amara, by his Father, by the other Archangels, by the Horsemen. It was a language older than all Creation, rumbling through the Abyss and refracting off all the untouched quintessence his Father praised so highly.
It had been one of the many books he had shared with Raphael and Gabriel, one that had lead to many a long-winded debate with Michael.
By human standards, it would be comparable to a children’s book, perhaps The Hobbit. But he had memorized each brushstroke, could recite each passage upon request. It had been his favourite, since the first flutter of his Grace, since before Raphael had brought them wind and flight.
They were still skimming each page, turning away from the shelves to instead lean against them, eyebrows drawn together in concentration, in a feeble hope to comprehend markings older than the Cosmos.
With a slight lilt, he found himself speaking. “I could teach you the language, but it’d probably fry your brain.”
Startled, they straightened their posture, almost slamming the book shut in their surprise. “Lucifer!”
He couldn’t resist chuckling. “Sorry, sorry.” His arms unfolded, hands moving into a gesture of surrender. “I didn’t mean to frighten you.”
The mild annoyance still lingered in the depths of their soul, but it was being cast away, stubborn denial rising in its place. “You didn’t scare me.” They closed the book with a mildly dispassionate huff, gently sliding it back to its place.
“Ah, my mistake.” He bit his lower lip, arms refolding, amusement coursing through him. “Clearly I misread you, again.”
“Obviously,” came the haughty reply, playful in intonation, and in the half smile they wore as they approached him. Casually, they joined him at the table, mimicking his posture, sliding until they were all but touching.
Their amusement faded, their sparkling energy shifting to more somber tones, cautious, concerned. “What’s up, Luce? Y'alright?”
He offered a sneer. “Your affinity for bastardizing English beyond what has already been done for Latin and German is truly disturbing.”
“Shut up; you love me.”
He huffed out a laugh at their confidence, but was soon all but falling apart when they dropped their head against his shoulder, eyes still full of wonder tracing over the wall of literature before them, warmth and care offered in each heartbeat.
It was silent for what he knew to be only moments, brief even by human standards-
But it felt like an eternity.
“Thank you; it’s beautiful.”
Each breath tingled across his skin, each inhale drawing his devotion, each exhale securing his vulnerability.
His eyes closed, a wary long-standing defence against the havoc of the Cage, suddenly fearful that these sensations were yet another punishment, one in Epochs of torment.
The warm weight on his arm, the fingers weaving with his own, the cricking of the nearby candles, the trails of smoke and the lingering hints of apple- all fabrications of his cell, handcrafted and detailed by the very entities that his Father had forsaken.
When his eyes opened, it would be gone, nothing except the reaching, mawing nether of the Abyss beneath him, Chaos and His Court always waiting for him, escape eluding him when his wings were burnt and severed and polluted by millions of years of torture.
He was surely alone, a son who still loved his Father beyond measure, unable to do nothing as his kin surrendered to the corruption of Hell, Fallen almost indistinguishable from the demons he had created.
When his eyes opened, he would wake up from this dream, in a world without redemption, without hope, without the promise of a brighter future shining in his son’s eyes.
He was surely alone.
The press of a thumb caressing his wrist, tracing each vein, lingering at the sensitive juncture between arm and hand, gently summoning surrender from compiling nerves and veiled nebula- It was a fiction.
Father did not distribute mercy, and this-
His had was being lifted, two sets of fingers clasped around it, weaving between his own. Rough lips, gentle breaths fluttered over the pads, vivid phantoms from a world he would never know.
Hazy whispers of a ghost in another life, where each syllable was whispered like a prayer, with a reverence and love he did not deserve-
It clouded his mind, brought him so close to opening his eyes.
“Please, Starshine.”
Warmth shifted away from him, though his hand remained entrapped, by his will, in one of their own. Their other was an unexpected presence on his cheek, firm and solid, even as it shifted back, fingers carding in his hair, pulling his head down. They were warm, insistent, and radiated an inherent adoration that sparkled through even his closed eyelids.
“Come back to me.”
He inhaled sharply, reflexes urging him away, muscles tensing as he pulled himself together, Lieutenant-Strategist-Inventor determined not to submit to the trickery, to the Cage’s cruellest deception yet.
But the hands held firm, one the gentle brush of stardust on his open palm, tracing sigils and the patterns of his name, ceaselessly, endlessly, faithfully.
The other was a firm vice, holding him fast to the realm he knew could only be a fiction, fingers clawing desperately into the base of his neck, his head bowed in forced acquiescence.
It was a yearning sigh, a desperation in their voice that drew his desire to remain, to cling to this dream, hold fast to the fervent peace it offered.
But it was just a dream, nothing more.
It would never be more.
His Father had encaged him, his brother despised him, his True Vessel damned him-
There was a warmth against his forehead now, all thoughts short-circuiting, falling away at the familiar pressure of their lips, the pleading tremor in each breath that fell into his hair. They pulled away slowly, crowns meeting almost immediately.
“Open your eyes.”
It was an order, a command.
They spoke with the righteous dominance of any Infernal general, of each Empyreal commander, the rumble ricocheting through every single doubt, the demand carving away each layer of disbelief and fear and dread.
To the very depths of his core, every flickering ember of his Grace, all remaining Glory and Majesty-
He was still a soldier of God, originally bred for full faith and blind obedience.
With the surging force of a tsunami, the determined flight of a hurricane, and the confidence of a comet, he launched away from Doubt, fought away from the clinging webs of Panic, ripped away from the grasping claws of Pain, ignored the remaining jibes of Rumour.
Lucifer opened his eyes, nearly blinded by the brilliance of the relieved soul clinging to him, holding fast to him, wisps of their aura clutching to him as if he were their most cherished possession, nearly lost to Time and Space.
He regarded the last few moments- hours? days?- critically, suddenly very aware that, perhaps, they most definitely had almost lost him, forever.
With a sigh, his arms wrapped around them, a dozen mangled wings folding forward to provide a barrier around them both. It was a presence they could feel, never see. They let out a breath of surprise, falling into his frame, their own arms instinctively wrapping around him.
For a moment, just a moment, he simply breathed.
Offered a silent prayer to his Father for the miracle that was holding him as if he were the most precious thing in all Creation.
He pressed a soft kiss to their crown, silently pledging himself once more to their happiness, humbled once again in the face of their compassion, their longing to protect him.
And now, entirely unbeknownst to them, they had saved him, bringing him back from the depths of Ruin, saving him from succumbing to the Emptiness that lay beyond Creation, beyond the Empyreal, beyond Perdition and Purgatory.
Single-handedly, unwittingly, this human had helped him draw away from the brink.
He owed them everything.
“Wanna get some gelato? I know this great place outside Vatican City.”
His words startled a laugh, warm and gentle and most assuredly real.
He allowed himself to melt into it, a small chuckle of his own escaping in his relief, his delight.
“I thought you wanted a night in?” The soft puff of air teased his hair, lingered near his ear. A hand rubbed circles in his back, unconscious movements of a restless mind.
Turning his head, he gently bumped it against their own. “Who said anything about leaving?”
“Devious little shit,” they whispered, shivering at his playfulness, at the intentional way he hovered near their temple, the fingers in his back lightly clawing into his jacket as he held onto them, his lips curling at their imminent surrender.
“I say some gelato, some cider, a little jazz, maybe a blanket fort-” He trailed off, withdrawing only just enough to study their eyes, to commit the thousands of flickering emotions to memory, to float in the heady rush of their thoughts.
He was alarmed to discover that there was no fierce optimism, or the bright longing he expected, only concern, worry, sympathy. “What is it?”
Their lips parted, closed, were drawn in by teeth in an attempt to restrain free thought. It was a grievance that only mildly irritated him; he understood the value they placed on their words, respected their faith in the power of language.
Finally, a moment, a lifetime, an age later, they gave reply. “We don’t have to stay here, Lucifer. We can go to Rome, if you’d prefer.”
“Lucifer.” They said his name in that sharp tone again, full of majesty and condemnation, eliciting his pride and his adoration. He granted them his submission, pulling away enough to gesture for them to continue.
They offered a small smile, the tremulous flicker of an apology marring their features before they continued. “Thank you for this. For showing me Pandemonium, for sharing this with me, for proving my theory that you have obnoxious dragon-like hoarding tendencies.”
The words summoned a chuckle out of him, brought to the forefront of his mind the idea to introduce them to the draconian creatures hibernating not even four chambers over. During another visit, perhaps.
His amusement earned a watery smile from his companion, their hand rising to his cheek once more as solemnity reclaimed them. “You’re haunted, sweetie. I can see it; this place is beautiful, but it’s clearly stained with a lot of bad memories. We don’t have to stay.”
He allowed himself to relax into the comfort of their touch, anchoring himself in this moment, in the familiarity.
He considered, the offer a temptation worthy of surrendering to.
But he knew that they wanted to stay, their curiosity and awe a lingering tangibility in the air around them. Being here, surrounded by all the words that his Father and Humanity and the Angels and the Gods had ever written-
For his beloved, this was a Heaven in Hell, their own Paradise in the heart of Pandemonium.
And yet they were willing to abandon it forever, cast it all away in favour of his happiness, his comfort, his desires.
He shouldn’t be surprised by that singular, overarching difference between them. He was proud and steadfast, rarely willing to compromise, and they were always putting others before themself.
So foolish.
So humane.
Carefully, he lifted his hand to cover their own, guiding their fingers from his cheek to his lips, lingering on each knuckle like some romanticized knight, pledging fealty to their monarch. His thumb traced their wrist, exploiting the weakness, and he savoured each tremor in their breath, each skittering hiccup dancing through their pulse.
“Someone once told me that the best way to banish bad memories is to replace them with good ones,” he hummed, eyes drifting shut for a moment.
There was nothing between them for several breaths until a small snicker escaped their lips. “I’m so gonna tell Charlie that you’re stealing her philosophies now.”
His eyes flashed open, narrowing at the lighthearted sparkle to their smile. “Do so, and so-help-me-Dad, I will smite you myself.”
They pressed most of their amusement away, their own eyes narrowing in determination, brows lifting ever-so-slightly in challenge. “I am immune, sir, both to your charms and to your threats.”
He hummed, pondering for scarcely an instant before he was spinning them around and then lifting, moving with fluidity faster than a breath, faster than the shuttering of a blink. By the time they could process what he was doing, he was halfway to the nearest loveseat, laughing at their protests and the frantic way they threw their arms around his neck. “Lucifer!”
“Yes, darling?”
There was a grumbling from his side, one that was fully irate. “You’re despicable.”
He beamed, setting them carefully onto the red velvet. “And you, my dear, a divine delight.”
Their expression summoned another laugh out of him, one that slowly melted away their faux disgust at his words.
He dropped his weight beside them, intentionally angling himself to cause them to lose their balance, frantically flailing as they fell into his side. Before they could right themself, he wrapped a firm arm around them, trapping them into his side.
There was a huff, a folding of arms. “Definitively diabolical.”
He played mock offence, turning to face them as his free hand pressed to his chest. “Moi? Excuse you, but I am an Angel.”
The fond exasperation eclipsing their bemusement relayed how decidedly annoyed they were with his charade. “You are literally the Devil.”
“How astute of you.”
“I try.”
Silence fell once more, interrupted when he summoned Cosmopolitan Orchestra, a blanket, and the book his human had been so curious about earlier.
Their eyes met his cautiously, shining in restrained wonder and hope. He fought a smile, offering his own curiosity, sincerity lacing his every annunciation. “The offer still stands; do you want me to teach you?”
They watched him carefully, offering no judgement, only appraisal. Something they found in his eyes eased their tension, brought a sigh of surrender. “I’d prefer you just read it to me, actually.”
“You sure?”
They shifted, back in his side, their legs propped onto the opposing arm of the loveseat. He didn’t resist the urge to temporarily burrow into their hair, patiently waiting for them to grow comfortable again.
There was a nod, slow as not to harm him, and a whisper. “Please, Lucifer?”
He could no longer restrain the wave of fondness, turning away with contentment he had not experienced in Eons. “As you wish.”
The story rumbled from his chest, the sheer opulence and magnificence of the tale limited, descriptions lost in translation. It was still enough however, his voice weaving together images of Light and Grace and Hope and Adventure and all those other good things he had basked in before the Fall.
And as the brilliant, incandescent flickering soul in his arms shifted, had him pause to answer their inquiries, laugh at his anecdotes-
Lucifer felt the flickering forges of his faith ignite again, the gusts of their adoration stirring the smouldering embers of his Grace.
If this human could forgive him, could find comfort and warmth and joy in his presence-
Maybe there was reason to hope for him yet.
Synchronously, somewhere deep in the forgotten nethers of fire and brimstone, Chaos roared.
13 notes · View notes
zeal-ascendancy · 3 years
As Janus stared quietly at the Epoch, Lucca let out a heavy sigh and turned to the group.
“We need to tell Janus about the fall of Zeal,” Lucca said. Crono looked at her and said, “But you said yourself that no one knows when that happened.”
“But you said Balthasar’s records talked about a disaster…and Janus told me Melichor is one of the Gurus in his kingdom...” Lucca replied. “Guys, I think it might be sooner than I thought.”
“I have to agree with Lucca,” Glenn added. “We shouldn’t keep secrets from the kid.”
“What if we mess up history by telling him,” Marle said. Glenn couldn’t help but glare at Marle as he yelled, “You weren’t worried about that when you came to my cabin and dragged me into this madness! Or what about taking Ayla and I to your time?!”
“Hey we jus-“ Marle started to protest.
“Save it, Marle. You kids have meddled plenty in your self-appointed quest to save the world,” Glenn interjected. Crono shouted back, “We didn’t drag you into anything! You chose to help us after Flea said something! What about how you were going to ditch Marle and me to get the Masamune so you could face Ozzie alone?!”
“I regret that but my point still stands,” Glenn replied. “You three took it upon yourselves to try and save the world and at every turn, you get someone new involved whether or not you planned it.”
“Now if you won’t take responsibility and tell Janus the truth, I will,” he added as Crono, Marle and Lucca avoided his gaze. The End of Time fell silent as no one could think of a argument against Glenn’s point. The only sound was the old man snoring as he inexplicably fallen asleep and slept through the whole argument. There was the shuffle of fabric and all eyes turned to see Janus staring at them.
Glenn began to step forward when Lucca held out a hand. “Janus… I- We think something is about to happen to your kingdom…”
“What are you talking about?” Janus asked, gripping his bracers. Lucca pulled out her book. “The Kingdom of Zeal isn’t around in our era… Something happened to it and it vanished. There’s no floating lands or magic when we live, only stories of it… I- I’m sorry, Janus.”
“No! You’re lying!” Janus yelled. He clenched his fists, tears starting to well up in his eyes. “You’re lying! Take me home!”
Lucca began to speak, “Janus-“
“I want to go home!!!” Janus screamed. The light of the lamp post in the middle of the plaza flickered violently as if waves of darkness were trying to block the light. Janus stood there, breathing angrily, tears in his eyes. Wisps of darkness flickered around him and disappeared so quickly that everyone present wondered if they were seeing things. As the light returned to normal, Crono slowly approached Janus and said, “We’ll take you home… and we’ll help you rescue Schala from that Dalton guy, okay?”
Janus, while still visibly upset, nodded. Lucca walked up and said, “Let’s go.”
Crono led them to the Epoch and said. “I’ll take you guys to Janus’s time then I’ll get the others.”
“Young prince,” the old man approached the pier. He spoke softly to Janus, “Should events unfold in a way you didn’t hope for… understand that none of it was your fault and those who care about you will always do so.”
Janus looked up at the old man with an angry and confused expression as the old man returned to the middle of the plaza where he immediately fell asleep leaning against lamppost.
After quickly explaining the controls to Lucca, Crono activated the Epoch and in a flash of light, the machine had arrived on the snowy surface of Janus’s era. Lucca quickly helped Janus out of the Epoch while Crono called down, “I’ll get the others. Just wait here for a moment.”
Lucca watched as the Epoch lifted into the air and vanished in a flash of light. She turned to reassure Janus and found him a short distance away, running as fast as he could through the snow in his robes.
“Wait! Janus!!” she called out as she ran after him. “We should wait for the others!!!”
Janus ignored her and kept stumbling and running through the snow to the Skyway. Lucca turned back to see the Epoch arrive. Crono and Marle got out and looked around for a moment before seeing her. After yelling to them about Janus, she turned and ran after the young prince.
0 notes
newstfionline · 3 years
Sunday, May 23, 2021
As US schools resume testing, large numbers are opting out (AP) Standardized tests are returning to the nation’s schools this spring, but millions of students will face shorter exams that carry lower stakes, and most families are being given the option to forgo testing entirely. With new flexibility from the Biden administration, states are adopting a patchwork of testing plans that aim to curb the stress of exams while still capturing some data on student learning. Some of the nation’s largest districts plan to test only a fraction of their students as many continue to learn remotely. In New York City, students must opt in to be tested this year. In Los Angeles, most students are not being asked to take state exams this year. Other districts are scaling back questions or testing in fewer subjects. As in the past, parents are polarized. Some are demanding tests to get a sense of their children’s progress. Others see no need to put their children through that kind of stress.
Their Own Private Idaho: Five Oregon Counties Back a Plan to Secede (NYT) Political divisions in Oregon can to a great degree be measured by a river, the Deschutes, which winds its snaky, circuitous way through the state’s midsection. The river divides the high prairies of the eastern half—agricultural and politically conservative, largely—from the wetter, woodier western half, which has long been more populated and more liberal. The statewide shutdown orders that accompanied the coronavirus pandemic last year deepened those divisions, crippling businesses at a time when some rural counties had few cases. The protests and riots over race and police conduct in Portland, the state’s largest city, widened the gap further still, and the defeat of former President Donald J. Trump, who won most counties but still lost the state by a big margin after President Biden’s strong showing in the cities, capped off a litany of frustrations. This week, all of that led thousands of east-bank residents to a single resonant but highly improbable word: secession. A majority of residents in five eastern counties said in nonbinding votes that they would like to leave Oregon and join with their more like-minded conservative neighbors further east in Idaho. “Those of us in rural Oregon are written off,” said Mike McCarter, a retired agricultural nursery owner who has led the secession drive.
After an absence, New England’s ticks are back—and hungry (AP) A late-summer drought virtually eliminated ticks in parts of New England but they’re back with a vengeance this spring. Dog ticks, which do not carry Lyme disease like deer ticks do, have been especially active since early spring in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. And people who’ve been getting outdoors because of the pandemic are discovering the arachnids on themselves and on pets. The busy spring for ticks has been sending more people to the emergency room in Maine. Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported 176 tick-related emergency department visits for the week that ended May 16. Last year, there were 91 tick-related ER visits in the same week. “Tickborne diseases remain a serious threat in Maine,” Maine CDC said in a statement.
COVID-19 deaths in Latin America surpass 1 mln as outbreak worsens (Reuters) The death toll from COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean passed 1 million people on Friday, according to a Reuters tally, with the pandemic worsening in the part of the world with the highest per capita death rate. From the dusty highlands of Bolivia to the Brazilian metropolis of São Paulo, the pandemic has swamped underfunded healthcare systems after spreading fast across nations where many people survive hand-to-mouth and have been unable to enter lockdown. With cases falling in Europe, Asia and North America, and flat in Africa, South America is the only region where new infections are rising rapidly on a per capita basis, according to Our World in Data.
Lula Starts to Rekindle Old Magic in Brazil Souring on Bolsonaro (Bloomberg) They came by the dozens in solicitous clusters from the left but also the center and right to a Brasilia hotel suite this month. They smiled and fist-bumped. They tweeted. The man whose attention they were seeking, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, received them, pope-like, surrounded by exhilarated aides. Lula, the Brazilian shoeshine boy who founded the Workers’ Party, became an epoch-defining, wildly popular president, then was jailed for corruption and cleared by the supreme court, is emerging as the main challenger to President Jair Bolsonaro in next year’s election. As the country of 212 million reels from the death toll and upheaval caused by Covid, driving down Bolsonaro’s approval to 24%, interviews with a dozen political leaders indicate that Lula, who was president from 2003 through 2010, is rapidly uniting a vast chunk of the political spectrum around his expected candidacy. As his Workers’ Party president, Gleisi Hoffmann, said in an interview, after pressing for more vaccines and aid to the poor, “Our main role is to organize as many forces as possible to face the greatest evil that is Bolsonaro.”
BBC faces questions of integrity after Princess Diana report (AP) British broadcaster BBC, seen as a respected source of news and information around the world, is facing questions at home about its integrity following a scathing report on its explosive 1995 interview with Princess Diana. Britain’s justice secretary said Friday that the government would review the rules governing oversight of the BBC after an investigation found that one of its journalists used “deceitful behavior” to secure the interview and the corporation obscured this misconduct for 25 years. Princes William and Harry, Diana’s sons, excoriated the BBC late Thursday, saying there was a direct link between the interview and their mother’s death in a traffic accident two years later as she and a companion were being pursued by paparazzi.
Bienvenidos! Tourists invited to rural Spain to save dying villages (Reuters) Instead of the traditional sand and sea holidays, foreign tourists are invited to enjoy the charms of the Spanish countryside, Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said on Saturday, launching an ambitious plan to save Spain’s dying villages. The 10 billion euro ($12.18 billion) plan aims to save rural life in a nation where 42% of villages are at risk of depopulation compared to a European Union average of 10%. From Monday, Spain will open up to tourists from outside the European Union deemed low-risk for coronavirus, notably Britain and Japan, who will not be required to show a negative test. The left-wing government plans to increase internet access in rural areas, improve transport routes, offer grants for young entrepreneurs and small businesses and launch a rural Erasmus educational scheme. Sanchez said that Spain’s 47 million people occupy just 12.7% of the land, compared to 67.8% of the territory populated in France and 59.9% of German territory.
2 separate China quakes cause damage; 3 dead, dozens hurt (AP) A strong, shallow earthquake shook southwestern China near the border with Myanmar, killing at least three people and injuring more than two dozen, while a separate, more intense quake early Saturday collapsed a bridge and caused other damage in central China. The first, 6.4 magnitude earthquake hit Yunnan province late Friday. The second 7.3 magnitude quake occurred hours later in the southern part of Qinghai province, about 1,000 kilometers (621 miles) to the south, according to Chinese measurements. While no deaths have been reported so far in Qinghai province, the quakes tore up roads and bridges, with one collapsing completely, broken into segments.
After the Cease-Fire, Gaza Wakes to a Sea of Rubble (NYT) The skies above Gaza and Israel were silent for the first time in 10 days on Friday night, after a truce between Israel and Hamas, the militant group that runs Gaza, took effect early Friday. But while Israel could quickly rebound, with the authorities reopening roads around Gaza that had been closed during the conflict, the scale of the destruction in Gaza will not allow a return to normality for some time. Central thoroughfares in Gaza City looked like a dystopia. A sea of rubble, several yards high and dozens wide, spread across several streets, blocking half their breadth. A vast crater filled a wide intersection, a burst sewage pipe gurgling at the bottom. A burned-out white car, hit by an airstrike this week, remained on the same spot at the seaside traffic circle where it was struck, forcing drivers to edge around it. Israeli airstrikes killed more than 230 people, destroyed more than 1,000 housing and commercial units, rendered more than 750 uninhabitable, and displaced more than 77,000 people, according to tallies compiled by Gazan officials and the United Nations. Seventeen clinics and hospitals were damaged, as well as three major desalination plants, power lines and sewage works, leaving 800,000 residents, or nearly half the population, without easy access to clean drinking water, the United Nations added. More than 53 schools were damaged.
Boko Haram Leader, Responsible for Chibok Schoolgirl Kidnappings, Dies (WSJ) Abubakar Shekau, the fundamentalist warlord who turned Boko Haram from an obscure radical sect into a jihadist army whose war with the Nigerian state has left tens of thousands dead across four nations, has died, according to officials, mediators, phone calls intercepted by a West African spy agency and internal intelligence memos seen by The Wall Street Journal. His death, which Nigeria’s military has erroneously reported at least three times before, was confirmed by five Nigerian officials who detailed how he detonated a suicide vest during a confrontation with rival insurgents to avoid being taken alive. It removes one the world’s most brutal and effective terrorists, who plunged four nations, including Africa’s most populous, into a religious war. Globally, he was best known for kidnapping nearly 300 schoolgirls from the town of Chibok on the night before their final exams.
Volcano erupts near Congolese city of Goma; residents flee (AP) Congo’s Mount Nyiragongo erupted for the first time in nearly two decades Saturday, turning the night sky a fiery red and sending lava onto a major highway as panicked residents tried to flee Goma, a city of nearly 2 million. There was no immediate word on any casualties, but witnesses said that lava already had engulfed one highway that connects Goma with the city of Beni in North Kivu province. Mount Nyiragongo’s last eruption, in 2002, left hundreds dead and coated airport runways in lava. More than 100,000 people were left homeless in the aftermath, adding to the fear in Goma on Saturday night. “We are already in a total psychosis,” resident Zacharie Paluku told The Associated Press. “Everyone is afraid; people are running away. We really don’t know what to do.”
Fungi (Scientific American) We are likely to think of fungi, if we think of them at all, as minor nuisances: mold on cheese, mildew on shoes shoved to the back of the closet, mushrooms springing up in the garden after hard rains. We notice them, and then we scrape them off or dust them away, never perceiving that we are engaging with the fragile fringes of a web that knits the planet together. Fungi constitute their own biological kingdom of about six million diverse species. Fungi break rocks, nourish plants, seed clouds, cloak our skin and pack our guts, a mostly hidden and unrecorded world living alongside us and within us. That mutual coexistence is now tipping out of balance. Fungi are surging beyond the climate zones they long lived in, adapting to environments that would once have been inimical, learning new behaviors that let them leap between species in novel ways. While executing those maneuvers, they are becoming more successful pathogens, threatening human health in ways—and numbers—they could not achieve before. Surveillance that identifies serious fungal infections is patchy, and so any number is probably an undercount. But one widely shared estimate proposes that there are possibly 300 million people infected with fungal diseases worldwide and 1.6 million deaths every year—more than malaria, as many as tuberculosis. Just in the U.S., the CDC estimates that more than 75,000 people are hospitalized annually for a fungal infection, and another 8.9 million people seek an outpatient visit, costing about $7.2 billion a year. For physicians and epidemiologists, this is surprising and unnerving. Long-standing medical doctrine holds that we are protected from fungi not just by layered immune defenses but because we are mammals. That may have left us overconfident.
0 notes
theonyxpath · 7 years
Why yes, first Canis Minor is a constellation. Constellations are groups of stars…in SPACE.
Can you see where this is going?
Trinity Continuum: Aeon has a whole lot of space action and exploration, and we’ve reached the part of the Kickstarter where we will start unlocking the full text to TC: Aeon in stages for all backers to read and wonder at!
(We have unlocked all of the text of the Trinity Continuum Core book these last two weeks, now it is TC: Aeon‘s turn).
For Impish Ian Watson and John Snead and all their aemazing writers, this is the end of a very long creative process. Just years and years since we knew we could greenlight the Trinity Continuum books. Now finally, backers will be able to read and dig into this labor of love!
    Dragon Blooded illustration by Gunship Revolution
    If you are an Aeon Trinity (or Aeon/Trinity) fan from way back and haven’t backed yet, now is the time! In the unlikely event that you don’t like what you see, you can cancel your pledge before the KS is over and no harm, no foul. That has been our intention with this method of sharing the completed text from the start: it worked well with Changeling: The Lost 2nd‘s KS, and seems to be doing the same with this Trinity Continuum KS, too.
  And even if you aren’t interested, please let anyone you know who was a fan know that this Kickstarter is running right now. We really want to get as many of the fans from back when aware of this resurgence of not just the Trinity Universe, but of the whole Trinity Continuum!
    But Canis Minor is also the name of our Pugmire Community Content program that is debuting this Thursday the 15th. It is entirely coincidental that the Year of the Dog starts right after this debuts.
Or is it?
This is the first of Onyx Path‘s Community Content portals to launch, but it certainly won’t be the last. These sorts of programs tie into everything we have been pushing for these last six or seven years; better and genuine communication and involvement with our community. From our Open Development Process to even these weekly snapshots of what’s going on behind the curtain, we’re committed to finding new ways to connect.
And now, with Canis Minor you can present your ideas to the community and maybe even get paid back a bit financially for your hard work. Here’s a link to a post Pugmire creator and developer Eddy Webb made about this program: http://forum.theonyxpath.com/forum/main-category/cavaliers-of-mars-and-pugmire/1165525-canis-minor-faq-pugmire-community-content
Pugmire has a rich potential for additional projects – not only have we at Onyx Path barely scratched the surface of the world and all that it holds, but by Pugmire‘s very nature there are a lot of folks who love their Good Dogs so much that they are bubbling with ideas. Here then, is the portal to those ideas becoming a real thing that others can share and appreciate.
Obviously, there’s going to be a lot more info coming out this week about Canis Minor including a new post by Eddy updating his earlier one linked above, and we hope you’ll be able to take advantage of the opportunity and make some projects for Good Dogs!
After this, we’re working on both Scarred Lands and Scion Community Content, and I’m sure others as we get these first three rolling.
    Demon: The Descent Enemy Action illustration by Brian LeBlanc
    Finally, today was our first Monday Meeting with both newcomers Matthew “Call me Matthew” Dawkins, and Dynamic Dixie Cohran. We are all just thrilled to have them in on the call and contributing to the one meeting we are all locked into every week, and it’s already obvious they will be doing great things with Onyx Path.
Please join us in welcoming them into the INNER SANCTUM! Watch how we bend reality and alter Fate!
(Or, you know, review schedules, convention strategies, and debate the minutia of a press release).
No! Pay no attention to the parenthetical! We wield the Power Cosmic! We travel the cosmos and surf past Canis Minor as it barks and snaps on our way to:
Many Worlds, One Path!
The Trinity Continuum Kickstarter went live January 30 and we’re almost half-way through, we have pledges headed towards 300% of our funding goal, over 1400 backers, and we’ve gone through nine Stretch Goals including VARGs, new Noetic Biotech, and Aberrants and their cults that will be added to the AEon AExpansion, a Trinity Continuum: Aeon novella entitled “Dawn“, and a scenario called “Caper, Incorporated” has been added to the In Media Res scenario collection PDF for the Trinity Continuum Core.
Trinity Continuum: Aeon, is our reboot of the classic Trinity (Aeon) game, and Trinity Continuum: Core is the core book that all of our Trinity Continuum game lines will spin off from. Both books will be a part of this Kickstarter and backers have already received the first two quarters of the Trinity Continuum: Core text, with more to come. James Bell, our Kickstarter Manager, has been keeping this KS hopping, so we hope you’ll check it out!
Our next Kickstarter is slated to be EX3‘s Dragon-Blooded.
      As we try and find ways to enable our community to more easily play our games, the Onyx Dice Rolling App is now live! Our dev team has been doing updates since we launched based on the excellent use-case comments by our community, and this thing is both rolling and rocking!
Last week the devs are added a whole bunch of new game lines’ dice and rolling bg’s and got caught by a bug Apple needed to fix, so be sure to update your app and soon that should be fixed.
There’s been tweaks to all elements of the UI, you can now preview every die type in the store, and you can use multiple die types per roll! Here are the links for the Apple and Android versions:
Three different screenshots, above.
(The Solar Anima special Dice above)
  Promethean: The Created and Demon: The Descent dice on a Demon: The Descent tabletop
  Hunter: The Reckoning and Mage: The Awakening dice on a Mage: The Awakening tabletop
We’re delighted to announce the opening of our ebook stores on Amazon and Barnes & Noble! You can now read our fiction from the comfort and convenience of your Kindle (from Amazon) and Nook (from Barnes & Noble). Our initial selection includes these fiction anthologies:
Vampire: The Masquerade: The Endless Ages Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Werewolf: The Apocalypse: Rites of Renown: When Will You Rage II (Kindle, Nook)
Mage: The Ascension: Truth Beyond Paradox (Kindle, Nook)
Chronicles of Darkness: The God-Machine Chronicle Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Mummy: The Curse: Curse of the Blue Nile (Kindle, Nook)
Beast: The Primordial: The Primordial Feast Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
  And here are six more fiction books:
Vampire: The Masquerade: Of Predators and Prey: The Hunters Hunted II Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Werewolf: The Apocalypse: The Poison Tree (Kindle, Nook)
Werewolf: The Apocalypse: Songs of the Sun and Moon: Tales of the Changing Breeds (Kindle, Nook)
Vampire: The Requiem: The Strix Chronicle Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Werewolf: The Forsaken: The Idigam Chronicle Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Mage: The Awakening: The Fallen World Chronicle Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
  Andand six more more:
Vampire: The Masquerade: The Beast Within Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Werewolf: The Apocalypse: W20 Cookbook (Kindle, Nook)
Exalted: Tales from the Age of Sorrows (Kindle, Nook)
Chronicles of Darkness: Tales of the Dark Eras (Kindle, Nook)
Promethean: The Created: The Firestorm Chronicle Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Demon: The Descent: Demon: Interface (Kindle, Nook)
  And even more books are now on Amazon and the Nook store!:
Scarred Lands: Death in the Walled Warren (Kindle, Nook)
V20 Dark Ages: Cainite Conspiracies (Kindle, Nook)
Chronicles of Darkness: Strangeness in the Proportion (Kindle, Nook)
Vampire: The Requiem: Silent Knife (Kindle, Nook)
Mummy: The Curse: Dawn of Heresies (Kindle, Nook)
We’re working with Studio2 to get Pugmire out into stores, as well as to individuals through their online store. You can pick up the traditionally printed main book, the Screen, and the official Pugmire dice through our friends there!
    Looking for our Deluxe or Prestige Edition books? Here’s the link to the press release we put out about how Onyx Path is now selling through Indie Press Revolution: http://theonyxpath.com/press-release-onyx-path-limited-editions-now-available-through-indie-press-revolution/
You can now order wave 2 of our Deluxe and Prestige print overrun books, including Deluxe Mage 20th Anniversary, and Deluxe V20 Dark Ages! And Screens…so many Screens!
And you can now order Pugmire: the book, the screen, and the dice! http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/manufacturers.php?manufacturerid=296
  Appearing on DriveThruRPG this Wednesday are the PDF and PoD physical book versions of Arms of the Chosen for Exalted 3rd Edition! http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/226224/Arms-of-the-Chosen
Take up the panoply of legendary heroes and lost ages, and awaken the world-shaking might of their Evocations. Before the dawn of time, the Exalted wielded god-metal blades to cast down the makers of the universe. In an ancient epoch of forgotten glories, Creation’s greatest artificers forged unimaginable wonders and miracle-machines.
Now, in the Age of Sorrows, kingdoms go to war over potent artifacts, scavenger princes risk everything to uncover relics of the past, and the Exalted forge great arms and armor on the anvil of legend. These treasures are yours to master.
Discover the mystical power of the five magical materials and the secrets of creating your own Evocations. Wield weapons of fabled might and don the armor of mythic heroes, making their puissance your own. Claim Creation’s wonders: the miraculous tools of the Chosen, living automatons, flying machines, hearthstones, and more. And unleash the mighty warstriders, titanic god-engines of conquest and devastation, to once more shake Creation with their footfalls.
        Coming this Wednesday as an Advance PDF on DTRPG, we reveal The Secret of Vinsen’s Tomb, a Jumpstart adventure for Pugmire. (And yes, there will be a physical book PoD version coming soon). www.drivethrurpg.com/product/232337/The-Secrets-of-Vinsens-Tomb–A-Pugmire-Jumpstart
A cat living in Pugmire disappears, but neither the police dogs nor the cats of the Cat Quarter know why. When zombies attack the heroes, however, all signs point to an invasion by the Monarchies of Mau. But how does this intrigue tie into the lost tomb of the first king of Pugmire?
The Secret of Vinsen’s Tomb is a Pugmire story for three to six characters. This jumpstart contains all the rules and characters you need to play — just grab some dice and go! You can also use this adventure with the full version of Pugmire.
The Secret of Vinsen’s Tomb contains:
• An evocative and mysterious setting that’s both family friendly and deep enough to create compelling stories.
• A summary of Pugmire’s traditional fantasy rules system. It’s designed for streamlined play, with an emphasis on cooperation and action over competition and violence.
• A complete adventure for a Guide to run for three to six players. Also useful for Guides running a full Pugmire game of first or second level characters!
• Six ready-to-play characters, so you can jump into the action.
Can your good dogs discover the secret of Vinsen’s Tomb?
  Also releasing this Wednesday on DTRPG is the physical book PoD version of the Pugmire Core Rulebook itself!
      Is a life of running and hiding a life worth living? We say yes. There’s always something between the running and the hiding, and those moments of grace make it all worthwhile.
The Huntsmen Chronicle Anthology is a perfect companion piece to Changeling: The Lost, 2nd Edition. These stories spin tales of the Lost, of those abducted and enslaved by fairies. Those who escaped, but whose captors will stop at nothing to find them. These fairies summon forth the Huntsmen, primordial hunters who understand nothing but pursuit and capture. The Huntsmen are unstoppable monsters, and the Lost can only look to each other for respite, rare comfort, and rarer trust.
The Hedge has parted and you can get the PDF/electronic versions and the physical book PoD version of The Huntsmen Chronicle Fiction Anthology for Changeling: The Lost 2nd Edition at DTRPG.com! http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/210042/The-Huntsmen-Chronicle-Anthology
        We unveil Vampire: The Requiem 2e‘s Half-Damned as PDF and PoD versions on DTRPG.com this Wednesday!
I love her, she’s family, but I don’t love what she is.
– Antonio Ramírez, dhampir
This book includes: 
• An exploration of what it means to be one of the Half-Damned, dhampir, revenants or ghouls.
• Mechanics for creating Half-Damned characters.
• Information for creating and running chronicles using the various Half-Damned character types, both with vampires and alone.
• Information on Half-Damned antagonists for vampire chronicles.
The Pentex Employee Indoctrination Handbook is the gold-standard corporate guidebook for employees of the world’s finest multi-national corporation and many of their subsidiary companies. This volume contains the main Pentex handbook, along with the Guide to Werewolves, and this year’s round of updated corporate handbooks for our subsidiaries.
Available here in PDF and PoD versions: http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/227498/W20-Pentex-Employee-Indoctrination-Manual
This is the unredacted version, replete with notes from the higher-ups! It took a lot to get this information out, so it’s had a chance to go through some monkeywrenchers’ hands before going to you. Make good use of it!
The Employee Indoctrination Handbook contains:
A guide to working for Pentex itself, along with the Guide to Werewolves given to certain staff.
Employee handbooks for Endron, Magadon, REDnetwork, Sunburst, and Tellus
Notes on the contents, from both werewolves and the Board of Directors
      At last, one of the most legendary of Kindred will share his personal journal with you! V20 Beckett’s Jyhad Diary goes on sale in PDF and PoD versions on DTRPG.com! http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/225322/V20-Becketts-Jyhad-Diary
It’s ever been a loaded word among vampires. Jyhad is in force everywhere from lofty, perfumed Elysium to cloying, smoke-filled blood feasts. Jyhad’s the eternal game played by elders, Methuselahs, and worse — it’s the agenda of beings so utterly beyond humanity, one such as yourself could scarcely understand its movements. 
Luckily for you, you’ve picked up a copy of my diary. With my help you may just take a step on the first rung of understanding. Information worth having is information you must earn through blood, and oh, how I’ve bled for what’s contained within these pages. 
— Beckett 
Beckett’s Jyhad Diary serves as the definitive book of setting and plot for Vampire: The Masquerade, containing 30 chapters spanning different geographical regions, encountering vampires of every clan, profiling obscure and profound segments of the mythology, and providing countless story hooks on every page.
Masterfully written by the likes of Neall Raemonn Price, Joshua Alan Doetsch, Myranda Sarro, Steffie de Vaan, Malcolm Sheppard, Alan Alexander, Renee Knipe, and Matthew Dawkins, Beckett’s Jyhad Diary is as fascinating to read as to use for your game Chronicles.
      With a howl of RAGE, the W20 Changing Ways Advance PDF charges at you this Wednesday on DTRPG.com!
Changing Ways is an in-depth look at what it means to be a werewolf, both on a personal level and as part of a pack. It digs deep into what it feels like to have bones re-knit after breaking, the range of senses available across all forms, and the sudden heady rush of the Gifts and Rites bestowed by spirits. It also provides a look at what life is like for lupus and metis werewolves, characters who have had experiences alien to any person. It shows the many ways that werewolves organize in packs, and how those packs are designed as groups of warriors, rather than aligned to the behavior of wolves.
Changing Ways contains:
• A detailed look at what it means to grow up as a lupus or metis werewolf, and how that colors a character’s perspective.
• More information on what it feels like to be a werewolf, a creature that changes in both body and mind.
• Frameworks and organizations for packs, along with new tactics and systems for forging the pack as part of play.
      Legacy of Lies, the V20 Dark Ages Jumpstart, goes undead in PDF and physical book PoD versions on DTRPG:
Marcus Verus, the vampiric Prince of Chester, secretly prepares to go into torpor. Should his plans be made public, the Prince knows the wolves — both real and imagined — would launch an attack, threatening all within his domain.
That’s where you come in.
Legacy of Lies includes:
Basic rules for players and Storytellers
Introduction to the Vampire: The Masquerade Dark Ages setting
Introductory adventure
Characters for players and Storytellers
          A Land Where Legends Walk
Drawing enthusiastically on Greek mythology, the revised and re-imagined Scarred Lands nonetheless retains its place as a modern fantasy RPG setting. This is a world shaped by gods and monsters, and only the greatest of heroes can expect to be counted among them. The most populous continent of Scarn, Ghelspad, plays host to vast unexplored regions, hides unsolved riddles from ancient cultures, and taunts adventures with the promise of undiscovered riches hidden among the ruins of older civilizations.
Yet the myths of the Scarred Lands are relatively recent events. The effects of the Titanswar still ripple through the world, and the heroines and villains of many of these stories are part of living memory, if not still living.
The Award-Winning Fantasy Setting Returns
Scarred Lands has been a favorite fantasy setting since the release of the Creature Collection for the d20 System in 2000. In subsequent years, over 40 titles were published for Scarred Lands, making it one of the most fully supported fantasy RPG settings ever and the premiere product line of Sword & Sorcery Studios.
Available in both 5th Edition and Pathfinder compatible versions! PDF and PoD formats available NOW!
Magnificent Monica Valentinelli and Mighty Matt McElroy are special guests at Capricon 38 in Wheeling IL this week (Thursday-Sunday). They’ve got a bunch of panels each and some games (Monica is running Hunter: The Vigil 2e and Matt’s running Pugmire).
At the end of the February (2/26-3/5) Mighty Matt will be in Seattle for Emerald City Comic Con. He plans on spending some time in Artist Alley checking out artists – so if you are an artist interested in working for us, particularly with super-hero genre based Trinity Continuum: Aberrant coming up, say hi to Matt as he comes by!
    And now, the new project status updates!
DEVELOPMENT STATUS FROM FAST EDDY WEBB (projects in bold have changed status since last week):
First Draft (The first phase of a project that is about the work being done by writers, not dev prep)
M20 Gods and Monsters (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
M20 Book of the Fallen (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
C20 Novel (Jackie Cassada) (Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition)
Deviant: The Renegades (Deviant: The Renegades)
CofD Contagion Chronicle (Chronicles of Darkness)
Guide to the Night (Vampire: The Requiem 2nd Edition)
M20 The Technocracy Reloaded (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
M20 Victorian Mage (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
Dystopia Rising: Evolution (Dystopia Rising: Evolution)
  Second Draft
WoD Ghost Hunters (World of Darkness)
Tales of Good Dogs – Pugmire Fiction Anthology (Pugmire)
They Came From Beneath the Sea! Rulebook (TCFBtS!)
Signs of Sorcery (Mage: the Awakening Second Edition)
Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook (The Trinity Continuum)
GtS Geist 2e core (Geist: the Sin-Eaters Second Edition)
Night Horrors: The Tormented (Promethean: The Created 2nd Edition)
Hunter: the Vigil 2e core (Hunter: the Vigil 2nd Edition)
Monarchies of Mau (Monarchies of Mau)
Fetch Quest (Pugmire)
  WW Manuscript Approval:
Ex Novel 2 (Aaron Rosenberg) (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Exalted 3rd Novel by Matt Forbeck (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Trinity Continuum: Aeon Rulebook (The Trinity Continuum)
  Post-Editing Development:
Changeling: the Lost 2nd Edition, featuring the Huntsmen Chronicle (Changeling: the Lost 2nd Edition)
Dragon-Blooded (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Pan’s Guide for New Pioneers (Pugmire)
The Realm (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Kithbook Boggans (Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition)
Scion: Hero (Scion 2nd Edition)
In Art Direction
Cavaliers of Mars
Ex3 Monthly Stuff
Scion Hero
Changeling: the Lost 2
Trinity Continuum
Ex3 Dragon Blooded – KS artwork in and approved.
Pugmire – Pan’s Explorer’s Guide (or whatever)
Boggans – Contracted.
Monarchies of Mau – Sorting through buy and figuring out roster.
Fetch Quest – Getting artwork for KS.
  Marketing Stuff
  In Layout
Scarred Lands Community Content
Scion Origin
Beast PG – First Proof.
DtD Enemy Action – Proof notes with Josh.
Book of Freeholds – Interior off for proofing.
Ring of Spiragos 
Wraith 20 Screen – Front at WW for approval
  At Press
Beckett Screen – Shipped to shipper.
Scarred Land PGs & Wise and the Wicked PF & 5e – To fulfillment shipper. PDF and PoD physical book versions on sale at DTRPG.
Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition (Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition) – Deluxe Edition cover and Screen in the works. Printer shrink-wrapping books.
Prince’s Gambit – At press.
V20 Beckett’s Jyhad Diary– Creating files for the Deluxe edition.
C20 Ready Made Characters – Files uploaded.
Ex 3 Arms of the Chosen – PoD proofs on the way.
Pugmire Artisan Cards – PoD proofs on the way.
Pugmire Shepherd Cards – PoD proofs on the way.
W20 Changing Ways– PoD proofs on the way.
Pugmire – PoD version on sale at DTRPG Weds.
Scion Dice Packaging
Wraith 20 – Backer PDF out, and errata is coming in.
Pugmire/Canis Minor Community Content – Logo done, assets with DTRPG, goes live the 15th.
  TODAY’S REASON TO CELEBRATE: Here is a fresh human heart: Enjoy Valentine’s Day!
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observantlavender · 7 years
“Doctore? Knight of the Rose Blade, Doctore you mean? Surely forgetting his title was just a momentary lapse in etiquette. A knight as true and just as Doctore is known by title and tale the world over. You’ve read about him even. He had many different names you know. Prince Charming. Silent Hero. Fated Companion. Chosen One. Warrior of Light...” The Seeker observed in silence far away from the epoch that was the embattled Doctore some yalms away with his invisible foe. Triumphant and unstoppable was the Knight of the Rose Blade, his freshly cleaned plumage fluffed to ceremonial perfection and his helm polished just as carefully. A cape of pure white wrapped around his tiny frame billowing and swooshing alongside his practice forms, with extra-large cowl around the neck of course. A clasp at the shoulder kept it clinging to him, embroidered and bejeweled with hand-faceted rubies set into platinum sparkling in the sunlight. A sword grasped in his tiny little hands, wooden and elegant inlaid with streaks of steel for support. The Rose Blade, bequeathed to the mighty Knight by Ishgardian Blue-blood for his valiance, the wood an ancient rosewood, the hilt wrapped in the strippings of an altar-cloth from a shrine to the Fury. A shield, barely the size of a teacup saucer fastened to his left bracer for previously it wiggled too much when not locked into place. Anointed in prayer by the faithful and baptized in the timeless pools of the Fury’s Gaze by the hands of the ordained. “He doesn’t yet know the difference between his favorite fairy tales and the volumes of history he’s consumed. Tell me though. Could you break such a pure heart? I know not how much longer I have before I fall. A Sun? A Moon? An era? What I do know is that when I’m gone... He’ll remain. He’ll go to the arms of an Iolite. From there? He’ll touch someone else in the very soul. Like a kiss of Light. Then another. Then another. Just like he has mine.”
~S’ereno Tia, Hostbody of the Knight of the Rose Blade, Doctore
@nathanielgraves @crystallineheart-ffxiv @thetreewaffle @genericreaderist
4 notes · View notes
swtorramblings · 8 years
A Disney Musical: Preparing for War
Time for something entirely light-hearted. Apologies to Arcann/Thexan fans.
The young Princes of the Eternal Empire and their glorious Father stand at the head of hundreds of elite Knights of Zakuul. The Immortal Emperor lays out the basics of his plan. Around 400 words.
Art inspiration for Arcann having a sour look: Here
Start of this mess (prologue): A Disney Musical: The Beast Previous part: The Girl Who Lost Everythng Next part: Be a Knight 
The troops were assembled, preparing for an address from the Eternal Emperor. The young princes were at their head, young, untried, but wanting to please their father.
Valkorian spoke. “Knights, my sons, soon, we shall embark on a glorious campaign. The galaxy is entering a new period of strife. And we shall capitalize on it, soon, very soon. Now, we shall begin preparations. Preparations for war, and conquest!”
The Knights took up the cheer, but the twin princes looked at each other. Thexan said, “But, Father...”
“Be silent, son.”
(Valkorian begins to sing, to the tune of Be Prepared from the Lion King.)
Valkorian You children are completely unworthy To ever take the Eternal Throne. And some day you might become surly But have some use when you are grown. You know that you are not the brightest Your powers are not all that great. We will cause a galactic crisis. When we do, we will destroy fate. So prepare for an eternal conflict Be prepared to destroy whole worlds. A darkening epoch will soon be a clear lock. Twins And what are our duties? Valkorian To inflict endless cruelty. It seems truly wicked but you’ll all be lifted With more power I have long pursued. And the Light Side will be so impaired. Be prepared! Twins Yeah! Be prepared, we’ll be prepared! For what? Valkorian The end of the Republic. Arcann (not keeping the cadence) Is it that corrupt, Father? Valkorian No, Son! We're going to crush it. The Sith Empire, too. Thexan Great idea! Who needs them? Princes No Republic, no Empire! La la la la la la! Valkorian Children! There shall be a Empire! Arcann But you said- Valkorian Our Empire! Serve my reign and you’ll have all the power you need! Thexan (playing his part in the song correctly) Yay, all right! Glory to the Emperor! Glory to the Emperor! Arcann (with a sour expression, same time as Thexan) “I do not believe this is at all wise, Father.” Valkorian (who does not hear Arcann’s grousing) The Empire will soon be connected With the Force in a much closer way You will all, of course, be expected To not lead the people astray. A galaxy filled with star systems Though many will be my entree (Princes: “What was that?” They shake it off.) As your Emperor I promise this. The leftovers are on your tray! So prepare for a war for millennia Be prepared for the darkest of times Meticulous planning, my mind bodies spanning (Princes, again: “What?” Then back to their groove) Centuries to tower with my greatest power Emperor over parsecs, with grovelling subjects And known for the horror I am. (The princes just don’t even notice this time) Yes, the Force and lightsabers will flare - Be prepared! Everyone Yes, the Force and lightsabers will flare - Be prepared!
5 notes · View notes
ginger-lemon-teaa · 2 months
Outfit Reference Sheet for Part II: electric boogaloo
Wowza! Part II is wrapped up!? How the time flies…
Now that that’s all done and dusted, allow me to present the complete outfit sheets for Alhaitham and Kaveh/Prince Zelda!!
Ciao ciao ~
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Kaveh/Prince Zelda
Tumblr media
67 notes · View notes
anarchistbanjo · 6 years
The Strangling Hand  Ch 1  Pg 25-32
The Strangling Hand by Karl Hans Strobl translated by Joe E. Bandel Copyright Joe E. Bandel The Strangling Hand Ch 1 pg 25-32
He appeared entirely absorbed in himself, unapproachable, unmoving like the statue of a god, behind whose stone face wild lechery lurked and whose body was completely filled with a tense power. Out of the rich treasures portrayed in the works of the poet which she had inherited, was an image that seemed to attach itself to this man, this emissary. It was the image of the Asian despot, ruler over millions of slaves as he crowded them closely together in order to transport them.
The curtain moved a little, the stranger glanced in her direction and without embarrassment gave up his comfortable posture and stood up.
“I was not announced, gracious Frau, my name is Rudolph Hainx.”
Frau Emma forced herself to nod, and then with a smile in which the corners of his mouth only lifted a little, he continued:
“I am not a journalist. I must say that first, and when I found a gentleman from the press here I immediately took the opportunity to get rid of him so he would not bother you any more. For that service I must ask you to hear me out.”
“I am prepared to listen to you.”
In the most privileged quarter of our city, there, right where the countryside presses against the city, stands a large garden and villa, one filled with every luxury that there is. The steps are made of Paris marble, and rambling  Goldilocks climb upon the walls. The furniture is designed by Riemer-Schmidt and delivered from workshops in the United States. The glasses in the credenza are from Tiffany’s in New York.
In a small room, whose window shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow, you will find a chest, whose drawers protect jewelry created by Lalique. A front room, which is like an atrium, a quadrangle cut from the heavens, is cooled in the summer by one of Hermann Obrist’s elaborate fountains. Now, I know that you love paintings, so I must not forget to say that scattered through separate chambers are paintings by Bocklin, Thoma, Manet and Leibl. The stairs and front hall are filled with acrylics, and one room is decorated with original Hokusai paintings which you love so much. And for evening twilight, to inspire your dreams, is a cabinet with portraits and etchings of genuine Rembrandts.
All of the great arts are allowed to stream through this princely home. You will find a music room and a rich library with rare printings and incunables. There is an ancient Roman bath and a horse stable with English and Arabian race horses. You would not exhaust the riches of this house in an entire year. There are other collections as well that I can’t forget to mention, a weapon collection in one hall and a well organized collection of postage stamps in another.
When you go through a flight of chambers, it is like wandering  through the styles and cultures of all times, from ancient Assyrian to the Epoch of Biedermeier, and I will add that the furniture and appliances in this house are not copies, but original working pieces. The gardens around the house consist of individual partitions, in which you will be enchanted by gardening arts of the past. You will find replicas of the hanging gardens of Semiramis and the intricately interlaced and precious Bosketts of Trianon. A crowd of servants will fulfill your every wish.”
“I have listened to you; why are you telling me all of this?”
“On an island in the Adriatic ocean, which has never known winter, is another house which contains all the wonders and hot freedom of paradise, built in the Grecian style. From the columned entrance you can see the ocean, which is more beautiful there than anywhere else, more moody, more moving, with  many sleepy colors that awaken to play in the morning and evening. A balcony, high above the rustling tree tops, gives a free view in all directions, and the most difficult and urgent longings will find wings and become more easy and joy filled there. Nothing prevents you from living there in luxurious solitude or reveling with good friends in a Hellenistic kingdom. There in view of the ocean and the heavens you can once more find undespairing joy and build a new radiant temple over the ruins of the past. A boat floats in a little harbor, and reddish purple sails shimmer through the tips of the pines. This boat is similar to the grandness of the ship Agrippa, and like it contains rare luxuries collected together in the smallest spaces.
“Why are you telling me all this?”
“Because I come to offer you this house in the city and the one on the island.”
Frau Emma reeled under the thought, in which she appeared to fall to ruin, torn by blind and senseless forces from the solid stronghold of her newly made plans. What kind of image was this? How could this confusion of colors and brilliance be her future? Really, the description of this magnificence was dangerous. And this offer was not a joke, she could see the seriousness in the unmoving mask of this man, as he now pulled a long paper out of his breast pocket and laid it out on the writing desk.
“It goes without saying, that I would not make this offer without being prepared to also offer you the money needed for all possible trivialities that would allow you to live such a life without a care. Just name an amount, which you think will suffice, and don’t be shy. My offer has only one limit down below, but none above. Speak your fantasy, to arrange a fairy tale of gold. I am authorized to make this check out for any sum which you name.”
“You offer me an immense treasure. I must admit that this has me all confused. What do you want of me? You speak of a contract. What is this contract? Look around you , and you will see my past. What do I have to offer that is worth such a future? Is your offer a gift? Whose gift? And what ... My God!...”
“You can call my offer a gift. What is needed is so simple, that there shouldn’t be any problem. Many others would not even stop to consider it, if they were offered millions upon millions. Before I tell you what is needed, I will give you something else to think about. Do the memorials of our past depend upon objects, real things, or rather much more upon tender and incontrovertible memories of real life experiences that can’t be erased?  
If Caesar had lost his fame as a warrior, would his glorious past be extinguished; if the manuscript of his memoirs over the Gaullish war had been destroyed in fire; if a thief had stolen the suit of armor, which the commander had worn in the battle against Vercingetorix? Would Tamerlane’s career have been altered, would he have not won as many victories, if the skulls of his demoralized enemies had been allowed to fall from the spear tips, decay and turn to dust?”
“Be silent, be silent, I sense...”
“You have promised to hear me out. I know from the newspapers, that your husband’s will contained a strange order concerning his head. I also know that Eleagabal Kuperus has the capability of fulfilling this wish of the dead. My offer stands therein, to offer you all of these things, which I have previously made an effort to describe to you, in exchange for that head.”
The trembling fingers of Emma played around the heavy bronze sphinx, which lay upon the writing desk. But the eyes of Rudolph Hainx suddenly lit up like flaming stars and forced her glance back down. She didn’t dare look him in the eyes anymore and allowed him to sit back down at the writing desk, pick up the quill and prepare to write. The quill, with which a poet had once written a difficult sonnet, now stood at a steep angle in the hand of this stranger.
Emma had never seen such a hand. It was a cold, scrawny hand, whose sinews suddenly sprang out from the wrist as if they could not wait to elongate into fingers and transmit their command. The fingers were crooked and pointed, and on the wrist, clusters of hair grew in rocky fissures of the wrinkled skin down to the yellow knuckles. It was a gentleman’s hand, that was soft and delicate, with beautiful rounded curves , yet without the gentle swelling of fat that would hinder its grip. It was the hand of a master that lay upon the paper, which stretched tautly, prepared to write down an endless series of numbers. Evil eyes burned like perishing stars over this decisive moment.
“You say that you are making this proposal for someone else. Won’t you tell me who this contract belongs to?” “I see that it is important for you to know this. You should know that my client has the power to fulfil his promise, but also, that it stands in his power to make being disobedient to his wishes very taxing. He has commanded me to reveal his name in only the most exceptional case. I show you the honor of realizing that your reluctance is so heavy that this exceptional case is needed.”
“– Herr Bezug has sent me to you.”
At that the Frau sprang up to the messenger, tore the quill from out of his hand and threw it to the floor with such violence that it remained stuck upright in a black splotch.
“Get out!” She screamed, “Get out!”
And now she dared look him in the eyes; now he had no more power over her. Rudolph Hainx took his dusty gray gloves from the chair and picked up his hat.
“You will regret this!”
Frau Emma looked around, as if searching for a weapon to use against him. Then she ran to the door of the courtyard and leaned against the iron railing that sagged beneath her weight. She appeared prepared to call the entire house for help against the messenger, to set all the neighbors against him. Rudolph Hainx stepped past without her seeing, an envoy whose deal had been broken, and went forth in order to declare a war. His smooth, immaculate  elegance framed the dirty walls of the stairs for a moment as he climbed down, only to once more come into view before crossing the courtyard down below and disappearing out the wide mouth of the main house door.
I am currently translating this book a few pages at a time. I will be posting them as I translate them. If you enjoy this story and type of literature please support me and become a patron. Translation is hard work and takes a lot of time. Consider donating $1 a month to help out. This book is over 500 pages long! You can donate at my website: http://thelastrosicrucian.is/wp/ or my Patreon link: https://www.patreon.com/anarchistbanjo Comments are welcome!
0 notes
oldguardaudio · 5 years
US Attorney John Durham ->
The Republicans’ Ukraine conspiracy theory is going mainstream
The ASS The Adam Schiff Show
Alexander Vindman – MUGA – Making Ukraine Great Again
New York Post – Circus in the House
Peter Strzok’s wife discovered Lisa Page affair on his phone, DOJ reveals
Washington Examiner
… the DOJ and the FBI during that time, and Attorney General William Barr and U.S. Attorney John Durham are looking into the origins of that inquiry.
DOJ inspector general finds ‘numerous issues’ with FBI management of secret sources
Washington Examiner
… to provide feedback, could be useful for U.S. Attorney John Durham, who is conducting a criminal inquiry into the origins of the Russia investigation.
Former Yale New Haven Hospital doctor, city resident indicted on narcotics distribution charges
NEW HAVEN — A federal grand jury charged a former Yale New Haven … U.S. Attorney John Durham “stressed” in the release that “an indictment is …
Barr’s preview
Power Line (blog)
He also has access to the progress of the wider review of the Russia hoax conducted under his direction by United States Attorney John Durham (now …
The Republicans’ Ukraine conspiracy theory is going mainstream
The Week Magazine (blog)
Earlier this year, Barr tasked U.S. Attorney John Durham with investigating the origins of the various Trump-Russia investigations in 2016, which …
Op-Ed: Is targeting right-leaning news sites a leftist conspiracy?
The Intelligencer
… trickles out about the Bidens’ involvement in Ukraine, and as U.S. Attorney John Durham moves closer to revealing what the Obama administration …
Can Dems go back to the future on Trump impeachment?
American Thinker (blog)
As the chief law enforcement officer of the United States (the A.G. isn’t!), … DOJ inspector general Horowitz and U.S. attorney John Durham are the …
Miranda Devine: Impeachment ruse just an attempt to overturn 2016 election
Daily Telegraph
But Attorney-General William Barr delivered a speech on Friday which … Next will be the criminal investigation by US Attorney John Durham into the …
Cuban Man Who Held Undocumented Immigrants for Ransom, Sentenced To 14 Years In Prison
mitú inc
District Attorney Judge John H. Durham announced Thursday that Betancourt was sentenced in New York, New York by U.S. District Judge Stefan R.
Inspector General Horowitz to Testify Next Month on Alleged FISA Abuses: Graham
The Epoch Times
Earlier this month, Attorney General William Barr told a conference in … Barr assigned U.S. Attorney John H. Durham in Connecticut to investigate …
2 days ago
Justice Department watchdog scheduled to testify on alleged FBI, DOJ surveillance abuses
Fox News
A source told Fox News last month that Horowitz’s upcoming report will shed light on why Connecticut U.S. Attorney John Durham’s ongoing probe into …
Letter: Media hides truth of ‘silent coup’ against Trump
Regarding “Lying Democrats still mad about 2016 election” (Oct. 31): When I read this letter, I was in total agreement with letter writer Steve Sullivan.
New York Man Carlos antonio hernandez Who Victimized Immigrants in Kidnapping and Extortion …
STL.News (blog)
(STL.News) – John H. Durham, United States Attorney for the District of Connecticut, announced that Carlos antonio hernandez, 57, of Brooklyn, New …
The Decline and Fall of William Barr
Project Syndicate
There can no longer be any hope that US Attorney General William Barr will approach his job … And the probe into the Russia investigation, now formally in the hands of John Durham, the US Attorney for the District of Connecticut, …
Markets/world betting heavily on Trump
Lebanon Daily News
The world pays close attention to American politics, because the world … It’s just been announced that the [U.S. Attorney] John Durham investigation …
House Democrats are in panic mode, rushing to impeach Donald Trump before IG report is made …
Democrats are “rushing to impeach the president,” said John Ratcliffe … the Horowitz 500-page report will be of interest to U.S. Attorney John Durham, …
Enough Calm, Where’s the Storm?
American Thinker
For the past several years, most of us who have been following the … US Attorney John Durham is looking into the origins of spygate and has now …
Beyond the silence in America!
Tehran Times
… the more comprehensive of the two Justice probes, the criminal investigation run by U.S. Attorney John Durham and Attorney General William Barr.
Democrats don’t want public to know origins of Ukraine probe like they didn’t want public to know …
Washington Examiner
And then there is the ongoing criminal investigation led by U.S. Attorney John Durham. But Democrats now control the House. As they lead the …
Devine: No honor in Prince Andrew’s self-pity over Epstein friendship
New York Post
That’s not what America voted for in 2016. … abuse of the FISA court is released, followed by US Attorney John Durham’s criminal investigation into the …
3 days
US Attorney John  Durham -> The Republicans’ Ukraine conspiracy theory is going mainstream US Attorney John Durham -> The Republicans' Ukraine conspiracy theory is going mainstream NEWS Peter Strzok's wife discovered Lisa Page affair on his phone, DOJ reveals…
0 notes
maier-files · 8 years
New Post has been published on The Maier Files
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Tannhäuser - a true Maier files backstory
Who was Tannhauser?
During the era when Walther von der Vogelweide, Wolfram von Eschenbach and numerous other minstrels, were exalting Love, the month of May, the Grail and the Rose Garden, or even the Mountain of Venus in their poems — and the people preferred these songs far over those in Latin of the Church or of the legends of the saints —, Wartburg was the theatre of the most celebrated tournament of master-minstrels. This took place in 1207. The old poem of The War of the Wartburg Singers does not say whether or not Tannhäuser took part in the jousting; it also remains silent on the fact that Tannhäuser could have loved Saint Elizabeth, but tells us simply  that he took himself to the kingdom of Lady Venus’ underground pleasures.
  A Minnesänger named Tannhäuser (or Tanhuser) lived and composed in Vienna, between 1240 and 1270, at the court of Duke Freidrich II of Babenburg. After the death of his protector, he squandered all the latter had given him and embarked upon an adventurous existence, which led him to join the Crusades and set off for Palestine. His poems belong to the decadent period of Minnesäng: it is in his songs for dancing that Tannhäuser shows himself to be most at ease, as he leads the round dance and plays the violin until the strings break or the bow snaps.  The second Tannhäuser, the unfortunate one, tortured by doubt as to his soul’s salvation, who entreated the goddess Venus to allow him to leave. With a heavy heart, she granted him permission. So the repentant set off on pilgrimage to Rome where he arrived with bloodied feet. He threw himself at the Pope’s feet — Urban IV, it is said — and pleaded for forgiveness of his sins. But the Pope, holding a dead branch in his hand, said, “When this dead branch bears roses, you shall obtain your pardon. Thus, be damned!” — As soon as was possible Tannhäuser returned to the side of the more indulgent Lady Venus. Before forever burying himself in the marvellous mountain, he would bless once more the sun, the moon and his cherished friends, who could only have been the stars. Then he enters the mountain. However, on the third day, splendid roses bloomed on the dead branch, that the Pope was holding in his hand. Messengers were immediately sent into every country, to make known the news of this Grace from Heaven to the unfortunate. Wasted effort! Tannhäuser had long been living by the side of Lady Saelde. He had become blessed without Rome.  It has often been doubted that a link exists between the Tannhäuser of legend and the Minnesänger. The most common hypothesis is the following: “A poet of the thirteenth century might have had the idea to circulate his compositions under the allegorical name of Tannhäuser”. This is most likely, as names are even more alluring when they conceal a divinity. A third Tannhäuser must have been a god…!  The Bavarian chronicler Johannes Turmayr von Abenberg, better known as Aventinus, has bequeathed us a curious account. It is half a millennium old. Here is what he recounts: “I discover that Germans and their cousins invaded Asia under the command of a king, whom the Goths and Germans called Danheuser, and the Greeks Thananses, and whom they worshipped as a god. […] [vc_separator type=’transparent’ position=’center’ color=” thickness=” up=” down=”]
Wolfram von Eschenbach… and a few like him… have transformed the ancient Germanic lords and princes, changed their adventures and histories into love stories and they would have believe in their poems that so much blood flowed, so many trials endured, and that is was not on account of war, as women do not much like to hear of this, as of love… So this is equally was happens to Danheuser, he who was a great hero and warrior… He was worshipped by the Greeks, to whom had been conferred the keys of Heaven and who helped men in difficulty when called upon”. To this account, a second, third and fourth may be added. The second, dating from 1580, claims that Tannhäuser was less in the service of Venus than that of Mars, and that to the Pope, “he confessed his childish warlike follies”, and not his sojourn in the mountain of Venus. — The third, a little older than the previous one — sees in Tannhäuser a “direct successor of the twelve masters who established Minnesäng”. — The fourth is a fifteenth century  song, entitled The twelve masters of the rose garden. The Tannhäuser of Aventinus, who reaches the ‘rose garden’ is a king, who later becomes a god. His divination is confirmed by the fact that he enters forever into the ‘rose garden’ and that the keys of Heaven are conferred to his charge. — The god of the garden cannot be that of the Bible and the keys of Heaven — read: of the ‘rose garden’ — can only be understood in the sense of this ‘master key’ which today in Lower Saxony is not known as the ‘Thieves’ key’ or ‘Dietrich’, but as Peterken, ‘little Peter’!
  In the fifteenth century, Halberstadt’s Saxon chronicle tells of how Lohengrin came from the mountain where Lady Venus was to the Grail. In other words, according to a chronicle of the same epoch, to say that a king capable of making men blessed until the end of time had existed was a lie. The Grail was this Paradise, but it became a place of sin. The holy mountain of the Grail had been debased and had been made the infernal mountain of Venus. That what the Teutons of the pagan epoch worshipped, under the name of Asgard, as the domain of the gods, and under the name of Hel, as being the divine kingdom of death, was sung about, by the heretics and troubadours of the Middle Ages, under the names of ‘Grail Mountain’, ‘Rose Garden’, ‘Arthur’s Round Table’, ‘Mountain of Venus’ or this ‘Mount Bel’ in flames, into which Dietrich of Bern penetrated. And being deemed “the highest recompense of terrestrial aspirations”, they were in Wolfram von Eschenbach’s parlance, always the goals of quests. But that is not all: what the Greeks of pagan times perceived as the island of Æa, towards which the Argonauts and Heracles sailed, was none other than the Hellenic reflection of Nordic Asgard, and, as a result, a representation of mediaeval Grail Paradise, the Arthurian round table, the rose garden and the Mountain of Venus. And their common original basis was this “Mountain of Assembly in the most distant Midnight” as Isaiah calls it. At the end of the Middle Ages, when hanging someone, in Germany, it was always seen to that his face was turned towards the North. Towards Hell …  a paradox. Nothing is ever what it seems  …
  Maier Files – Tannhauser backstory
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ginger-lemon-teaa · 2 months
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Epoch of the Silent Prince
Master Post
Allo allo ~ !
Welcome to a little blog dedicated to posting art and related works for my current haikaveh piece on ao3! This is a long term project that I’ll be working on in intervals so I hope you’ll enjoy the journey as much as I do! Given the transient nature of a wip, I cannot guarantee a set schedule but I will always be sure to post on a Friday when I’m actively updating this work! Thank you for all the support so far!! I really appreciate it <3
Links to Available Parts ~
{Part I}
[Part II]
Muse for Title Cover ~
Since I can literally never function without music (seriously like half of what compels me to write are the songs in my silly wip playlist) I’d thought to include songs throughout this project that channel the vibe I want to convey, so feel free to listen if you’d like ~ !
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