#epoca magazine
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Claudia Cardinale and Frank Zappa:

The following photographs taken by the renowned photographer Richard Avedon, were published in October/December 1967 by various magazines such as: Epoca (Italy), Paris Match (France), Cavalier (USA), London Times (England), Vikan ( Iceland), SE (Sweden).

The story of this iconic meeting and portrayed in photographs between Cardinale - Zappa began in the studio in Los Angeles, California when Claudia was filming the summer movie "Don't make Waves" on June 16, 1967 at the request of the magazine "Época" as the fame of the eccentric Frank Zappa was rising among the hippie crowd.

"Overnight music began to be valued. Even the London Times asked me to pose with Claudia Cardinale for a photograph! -Frank Zappa in his memoirs.

As always, there was never a lack of gossip about whether Zappa had something more than a photographic encounter with Claudia but there was never anything, except a beautiful friendship.

"I know you want me to explain some little post-photography adventure, but you don't have to compromise the good name of an Italian lady." - Frank Zappa.

Here Claudia posing with Frank Zappa and his "Mothers of Invention" but there is a story behind those fringed ankle boots that Claudia is wearing…

"The departure of Elliot Ingber (who offered his boots to Claudia Cardinale for a photo session) requires FZ to be the only guitarist…"

Here is the photo by Alain Dister from August 1966 (taken from Urban Gwerder's book Im Zeichen des magischen Affen) with Elliot Ingber on the foreground. Now in "Epoca" you can see Claudia is wearing Elliot's boots. And Elliot himself is barefoot.

Claudia Cardinale was in California to make a movie "Don't Make Waves" and met protesting students...

housewives in supermarkets...

Hells Angels...

and working woman...

Pictures from the same sessions were published later in October 1967 in US magazine Cavalier – "Claudia Cardinale on the California pop circuit".

The photos speak for themselves; If we look at their outfits we can understand that the late 60's was a time of liberation, rebellion and Hippie protest and yes! Eternal summer!

📷 Photographs by Richard Avedon, 1967.
*Please, don't crop the source of my photos*
#claudia cardinale#frank zappa#60s#actress#quotes#vintage#eye makeup#1967#epoca magazine#cavalier magazine#magazine#don't make waves#richard avedon#my archive#hippie#mothers of invention#summer#swimwear#photoshoot
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Quando scrivo, mi chiedo sempre se le mie parole siano adatte alla nostra epoca.
Shuntarō Tanikawa, Pen Magazine, Luglio 2023
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Clipped from Italian magazine EPOCA (April 30, 1972)
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Werner Bischof
Kathakali Dance Rehearsal, 1952
gelatin silver print
Minneapolis Institute of Art
Werner Bischof was born in Switzerland. He studied photography with Hans Finsler in his native Zurich at the School for Arts and Crafts, then opened a photography and advertising studio. In 1942, he became a freelancer for Du magazine, which published his first major photo essays in 1943. Bischof received international recognition after the publication of his 1945 reportage on the devastation caused by the Second World War.
In the years that followed, Bischof traveled in Italy and Greece for Swiss Relief, an organization dedicated to post-war reconstruction. In 1948, he photographed the Winter Olympics in St Moritz for LIFE magazine. After trips to Eastern Europe, Finland, Sweden and Denmark, he worked for Picture Post, The Observer, Illustrated, and Epoca. He was the first photographer to join Magnum with the founding members in 1949.
Disliking the ‘superficiality and sensationalism’ of the magazine business, he devoted much of his working life to looking for order and tranquility in traditional culture, something that did not endear him to picture editors looking for hot topical material. Nonetheless, he found himself sent to report on the famine in India by Life magazine (1951), and he went on to work in Japan, Korea, Hong Kong and Indochina. The images from these reportages were used in major picture magazines throughout the world.
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Probabilmente la morte a cui si riferisce il libraio nel primo volume de “Lo splendore”, è la morte meridiana che ci dona il dio Pan: “è vero che tutte le cose sono liberamente necessarie, ma questa necessità non è determinata solo dalle cause, altrimenti non avrebbe nulla di libero, ma da una rete di relazioni molto più abissale. […] Seconda cosa, la ragione non ha effetto sulle emozioni se non in maniera interinale e incerta, perché la ragione ha su tutte le cose solo questo tipo di effetto, motivo per il quale, tra l’altro, nulla turba di più la mente che l’esercizio violento della ragione. Chiunque può osservare la veridicità di quanto ho appena detto non solo riflettendo all’intera storia umana, ma anche ai diversi fatti che occorrono nella propria esistenza. Infine, nessuna mente può mai smettere di essere turbata, a meno che la mente non cessi le sue funzioni, diventi piatta, venga cancellata, cosa che può avvenire, come congetturano alcuni, soltanto con la morte, ipotesi che è di certo suggestiva, ma non so se è esatta”.
L’immagine è “The Reflected Faun”, illustrazione di Laurence Housman, (drammaturgo, scrittore e illustratore inglese in epoca vittoriana, fratello minore del poeta A. E. Housman), pubblicata sulla rivista trimestrale “The yellow Book. An illustrated quaterly” (vol. 1, aprile 1894, p. 117). “The yellow Book”, tra il 1894 e il 1897 fu uno dei "magazine" inglesi più noti, pubblicò autori come Aubrey Beardsley, Walter Sickert, Max Beerbohm, Walter Crane (immagine da Old Book Illustration, pubblicta con licenza CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).
Testo di Pier Paolo Di Mino.
Ricerca iconografica a cura di Veronica Leffe.
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A-T-4 078 The Pale Fountains Unless
Standing outside the pub on Friday night there was a bevy of middle-aged men that turned up. Where have you all been? THE gig! What gig? John Head
I didn't know this because I'm only a passing fan of The Pale Fountains but John is Michael Head's brother, he joined The Pale Fountains around the time they were making their debut album Pacific Street and after The Pale Fountains split he would be in Shack and Michael Head & The Strands
Pacific Street The Pale Fountains debut for Virgin was released in 1984. A cult following has grown up around the group and this album, it's a fine example of sophisticated jangle pop
Personally I think it has little in common with The Smiths but the success of The Smiths would come to define indie pop and jangle in the 1980s. It's easy to see the aesthetic of The Smiths cover star, picked by Morrissey and worked up as sleeve artwork by Caryn Gough, copied on the sleeve of Pacific Street. The guy on the sleeve of Pacific Street is "Deák Gábor, Hungarian revolutioner, he belonged to a group which fought in the 7th district of Budapest during the revolution. The photo was taken [in 1956] by Mario De Biasi while working for "Epoca", the Italian magazine" - thank's to the discogs user that did the work here
Faithful Pillow Pt. 2
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Mike Stern y su banda llegan a la Sala Zitarrosa

El legendario guitarrista de jazz se presenta este 5 de marzo en Montevideo
Por Ginny Lupin
Mike Stern regresa a Montevideo luego de 9 años, acompañado de un quinteto de excelencia en el jazz. El ganador de Guitar Player Magazine Certified Legend tiene mas de 15 discos editados y 6 nominaciones a los premios Grammy, colaboró con destacados músicos de la escena y es considerado una de las principales influencias en el género.
A lo largo de su trayectoria, Stern ha utilizado sus raíces en el jazz como punto de partida para explorar una serie de territorios alternativos que incluyen R & B, rock, swing, funk, música del mundo y numerosas otras regiones a lo largo de la topografía musical.
Previo a su presentación en nuestro país el próximo martes, Mike Stern conversó con Arde Portal.

"Miles era un lider de pocas palabras"
Stern se inició en el Jazz en su paso por Berklee, con apenas 18 años. "El jazz es un género infinito, creo que la libertad que propone fue lo que me atrajo en mi epoca de estudiante", recuerda. "El Jazz de por si una música de fusión, desde sus comienzos hasta hoy. Pensá que viene de ritmos africanos y armonias europeas, luego se ha fusionado con músicas de todo el mundo."
Apasionado por el género, Stern integró numerosos grupos, colaborando con leyendas como Jaco Pastorius, Billy Cobham y Miles Davis. "Miles quizás fue una de mis mayores influencias, antes de tocar con él ya habia escuhado y crecido con sus discos. Claro que haber tocado con él, girar, ensayar o grabar fue una gran influencia, Miles era un lider de pocas palabras, y quizás ese sea uno de sus méritos".
En 2016, con 64 años y una exitosa carrera consolidada, Stern sufrió un accidente en frente a su departamento de Manhattan y debió someterse a numerosas cirugías en la mano derecha. Sobre la lesión afirma que los médicos llevan el mérito de su recuperación, "¡pero mis ganas de seguir tocando fueron muy importantes!"
De vuelta a los escenarios, ahora embarcado en una nueva gira por sudamérica, el guitarrista reconoce una conexión con la audiencia local: "El público argentino y uruguayo siempre fue muy entusiasta con mi música, soy muy agradecido por el respeto con el que siempre nos han escuchado"
"Me encanta estar en contacto con músicos nuevos. Ellos aportan distintas visiones a mi música, disfruto de ver su creatividad al servicio de composiciones que vengo tocando", afirma Stern; que este martes 5 de marzo, llega a la Sala Zitarrosa junto a una banda conformada por su esposa, Leni Stern, el estadounidense Bob Franceschini y los argentinos Juan Chiavassa y Javier Malosetti. "Javier Malosetti me ha soprendido mucho", comenta sobre el bajista que se unirá por primera vez al grupo en el contexto de la gira. "Estoy muy expectante de tocar junto a él, todos me han hablado maravillas, asi que será un lindo encuentro."
Además de recorrer el mundo con su música, Stern pasa gran parte de su tiempo en el estudio, alimentando su extensa discografía. En septiembre, un nuevo álbum se añadirá a su catálogo: "Estoy muy contento con los resultados. Dennis Chambers, Richard Bona y Antonio Sanchez participaron en el álbum, todos ellos estuvieron al serivio de la música y tocaron con el corazón. La música fluyó en el estudio, asi que estoy muy feliz."
En tiempos donde Montevideo se ve sumergida en una nueva ola de artistas de Jazz, la llegada de Mike Stern Band representa una oportunidad única para disfrutar de la música a cargo de uno de los principales guitarristas del género, quien también se ve influenciado por el aparente revival jazzístico. "Me encanta estar atento a las nuevas generaciones y sus ópticas respecto a la música, ellos aportan ideas frescas y nuevas, asi que siempre estaré atento a ver que sucede."
La cita es este sábado 5 de marzo a las 21 horas en la Sala Zitarrosa. Las entradas están a la venta en Tickantel; los precios van de 1600 a 2200 pesos. Bárbara Jorcin será la encargada de abrir la noche.
"Solo te dire que será un combo explosivo de Jazz, Funk, Rock y aporte de Leni, que no solo tocará la guitarra, sino también el Ngoni, ¡asi que habrá hasta colores africanos!"
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Rita Coruzzi suole scrivere di donne dotate di forte personalità, che hanno mutato la loro epoca: Matilde di Canossa, Giovanna d’Arco, Eleonora d’Arborea, prima giudicessa della storia, e ora la quasi coeva di quest’ultima, Marzia degli Ordelaffi, detta Cia, nonché L’Impavida.
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Vacanta in Antalya explorand Splendoarea Coastei de Sud a Turciei
Antalya, situata pe coasta de sud a Turciei, este una dintre cele mai populare destinatii turistice din tara si pentru buna ratiune. Cu plaje aurii, istorie bogata si peisaje naturale spectaculoase, acest oras ofera o experienta de vacanta de neuitat. In acest articol, vom explora ce puteti vizita in timpul unei vacante in Antalya pentru a va bucura la maximum de aceasta destinatie fermecatoare.
Plaje de Nisip Fin
Antalya este faimoasa pentru plajele sale de nisip fin si pentru apele cristaline ale Marii Mediterane. Plaja Konyaalti si Plaja Lara sunt doua dintre cele mai cunoscute si sunt locuri ideale pentru a va relaxa la soare, a va scufunda in apa si a va bucura de sporturi nautice, cum ar fi scufundarile si snorkelingul. Plajele din Antalya au devenit celebre pentru calitatea lor si pentru serviciile excelente oferite turistilor.
Centrul Vechi (Kaleici)
Kaleici, centrul vechi al Antalyei, este un labirint de strazi inguste si cladiri istorice bine conservate. Aici veti gasi magazine de suveniruri, restaurante traditionale, moschei si bazaruri pitoresti. Puteti explora fortareata romana si muzeul din zona sau pur si simplu va puteti plimba pe strazile vechi si va puteti bucura de atmosfera sa autentica.
Muzeul de Antichitati din Antalya
Pentru cei interesati de istorie si arheologie, Muzeul de Antichitati din Antalya este o destinatie fascinanta. Acesta gazduieste o colectie impresionanta de artefacte si opere de arta care dateaza din epoca romana, greaca si helenistica. Puteti vedea sculpturi, mozaicuri si obiecte antice care ilustreaza bogata istorie a regiunii.
Aspendos si Teatrul Antic
Aspendos, situat la aproximativ 40 de kilometri de Antalya, este celebru pentru teatrul sau antic bine conservat. Teatrul Aspendos este unul dintre cele mai bine conservate teatre romane din lume si poate gazdui pana la 15.000 de spectatori. In fiecare vara, aici are loc Festivalul si Opera Aspendos, unde puteti experimenta spectacole de opera si concerte intr-un cadru istoric impresionant.
Parcul National Göynük Canyon
Pentru iubitorii de natura si aventura, o excursie in Parcul National Göynük Canyon este o alegere excelenta. Acest parc ofera oportunitati excelente pentru drumetii, catarare si rafting. Puteti explora frumusetea canionului si puteti face scurte plimbari prin natura pentru a admira cascadele si peisajele spectaculoase.
Excursii cu Barca
Una dintre cele mai bune modalitati de a descoperi frumusetea coastelor din Antalya este sa va alaturati unei excursii cu barca. Puteti alege dintre o varietate de excursii care va vor duce la locuri precum Golful Alanya, Pestera Phaselis si Insula Kekova. Aceste excursii va vor oferi ocazia sa va bucurati de scufundari, sa faceti snorkeling si sa va relaxati pe plaje ascunse.
Cascada Duden
Cascada Duden este o minunatie naturala situata la doar cativa kilometri de centrul Antalyei. Aceasta cascada se varsa direct in Marea Mediterane si creeaza un peisaj spectaculos. Puteti ajunge la partea de sus a cascadei printr-o scurta drumetie sau puteti admira vederea de jos de pe un pod de observatie.
Bucataria Turceasca
Gastronomia turceasca este una dintre cele mai bogate si delicioase din lume, iar Antalya nu face exceptie. Puteti gusta mancaruri traditionale turcesti, cum ar fi kebab, mezze, baklava si rahat turcesc, in restaurantele locale sau in pietele de strada. Nu uitati sa incercati si cafeaua turceasca si ceaiul intr-un cafenea traditionala.
Shopping in Antalya
Antalya este un paradis pentru cumparaturi, oferind o gama larga de produse, de la bijuterii si textile la produse de artizanat si obiecte de arta. Puteti face cumparaturi in bazarurile locale, cum ar fi Bazarul Mare si Bazarul de Epice, sau puteti merge in centre comerciale moderne, cum ar fi TerraCity si Mall of Antalya.
Evenimente si Festivaluri
Antalya gazduieste diverse evenimente si festivaluri pe tot parcursul anului. Unul dintre cele mai cunoscute evenimente este Festivalul International de Film din Antalya, care atrage cinefili din intreaga lume. In plus, numeroase festivaluri culturale si religioase au loc in timpul anului, oferind oportunitati unice pentru a experimenta traditiile locale.
In concluzie, Antalya este o destinatie captivanta care ofera o varietate de experiente pentru calatorii de toate gusturile. Cu plaje spectaculoase, istorie bogata, aventuri in natura si o bucatarie delicioasa, Antalya are tot ce este nevoie pentru o vacanta de neuitat pe coasta de sud a Turciei.
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Epoca Magazine 1969
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And here I found proof that Claudia was already prepared for the film "Carmen" and "Il Gattopardo" both movies directed by Luchino Visconti and here it is confirmed by the Italian magazine "Epoca" on February 19, 1961.

📷 Carlo Bavagnoli.
The long-awaited film that Claudia Cardinale hoped to play:

Did you know that Claudia was going to star in the role of "Carmen"?
It was going to be made in 1962 under the direction of Luchino Visconti and the film would be called "Carmen".

It was Claudia's dream (it was said that perhaps Alain Delon was going to be the protagonist alongside Claudia) but finally and sadly it could not be made.

And the director Luigi Bazzoni opted for the idea and finally it starred beautiful Tina Aumont as Carmen and handsome Franco Nero as Don José under the title "L'uomo, l'orgoglio e la vendetta", released in 1967 (Italy).

Here photos we can see Claudia Cardinale as Carmen:
I would have also loved to see Claudia as a gypsy, there are other movie titles that Claudia was going to star in but finally for production reasons it was not made.
Dance, lady, dance! Here we see my other favorite Tina Aumont dancing in: 🎥 Tina Aumont in "L'uomo, l'orgoglio e la vendetta", 1967.
#claudia cardinale#Carmen movie#Unmade movie#1962#luchino visconti#epoca#epoca magazine#tina aumont#franco nero#L'uomo l'orgoglio e la vendetta#gypsy#italian movies#Carlo Bavagnoli
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Tina Aumont pictured by Elisabetta Catalano in 1974.
Scan from Italian magazine Epoca number 1299, 30th August 1975.
#Tina Aumont#actress#Elisabetta Catalano#1974 Elisabetta Catalano#1974 photoshots#Epoca#Epoca magazine#1975 Epoca#1975 epoca magazine#Epoca 1299#my scans#1974
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Clipped from Italian magazine EPOCA (November 15, 1959) -- Part 4.
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LANÇAMENTO DIA 22/01/2023 Quando seus pais se comprometeram, os jovens Marcos Anjos e Josephine Grandet, já estavam apaixonados. Ambos sabiam que a agora proximidade parental que possuíam tornava indecoroso o que sentiam um pelo outro, mas isso não seria suficiente para afastá-los. Descubra como os jovens herdeiros do Viscondado de Vila Nova se apaixonaram. OS ANJOS DE VILA NOVA Série Prelúdio | Livro 2
#romance#romance de epoca#reino de sanctae crucis#INDOMÁVEIS#INDOMÁVEIS MAGAZINE#Indomáveis Edit#regência#livro#livro nacional#livros#livros br#livrodigital
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1965, Finally! I had been looking for years for this spread. Absolutely gorgeous. Most of these pics were taken in the US by Stanley Tretick but I think that the pic with the pink dress was taken in Spain. Not sure. I’m also confused regarding the date, the magazine is from 1968 but there’s no way that the pics are from 1968.
#1960s#1965#Epoca#Joan Bennett Kennedy#Joan Kennedy#Ted Kennedy#EMK#Edward M. Kennedy#Kara Kennedy#Ted Kennedy Jr.#EMK Jr.#The Kennedys#Kennedy#Magazine#Cover#Spain
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