#episode ten don't do me dirty
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respectthepetty · 1 year ago
How do you feel about PheeJin. I'm conflicted. I can see that Phee actually caught feelings, even if he feels guilty about Non still. And Phee and Jin do have chemestry. But I don't know. There was something was missing for me, I guess maybe it felt too fast.
Anyway what do you think are the chances of Phee/Non reunion?? Shall we clown together for a happy ending, or do you no longer see them coming back together??
@italianpersonwithashippersheart, because I'm crazy, once I realized Phi took Jin to Eden from the previews last week, I mentally pushed Jin off a cliff and focused on one sole thing -
TLWR: It could get messy between Phi x Jin, White is a problem or salvation, and . . . Keng might be alive too *eye roll*
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This entire theory can go up in flames in the next episode, but come with me for a second to Optimistic City:
I thought Phi was the mastermind and that Tan came along for the ride, but Tan is actually the mastermind while Phi is being dragged along. I like that Phi caught feelings for Jin because, hopefully, this means Phi is going to tell Jin about this crazy plan to get a confession, and it's going to come back around that Jin recorded the video; therefore, these two are going to look at each other with disgust unless they are like Babe from Pit Babe and completely cool with it, which I'm also very cool with.
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When Phi didn't drink the water, I instantly was like "oh, so he knows it's spiked with drugs!" but then he commented when Jin was freaking out that he hadn't realized it was spiked.
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And I love this because it implies that Tan has always had a different agenda and has left Phi out of it.
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Since it seems Tan knows more details than we thought.
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So if Dead Friend Forever is giving me a story about brotherly love rather than one of romantic love . . .
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Then who am I to argue with a tale of redemption.
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Which is why I think Keng might be alive.
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People have pointed out one of the masked killers is on crutches.
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Which would make sense if someone had gotten hit by a car and the injury didn't heal properly.
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I don't want Keng to be alive, but the fact remains that Jin keeps seeing Keng, which we know is a hallucination just like all the other guys, while Tan seemed like he genuinely saw an actual person in the house.
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The hooded person also looked up at him, and kept it moving.
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Yet Phi hasn't seen or heard anything which is why I thought he knew about this hooded figure and was in on it unlike Tan, but why would the hooded figure stop to peek a glance at Tan?
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When Top was attacked, Tan was upstairs "sleeping." Before Uncle Dang showed up to the house, Tan had just arrived to see the aftermath of the fight between Phi and Tee. And Tan was quick to suggest they use Por's place for Jin's farewell party in the first place.
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But Phi immediately ran to Jin's house to try to speak to him.
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And even questioned Tan! It's been over two years since they infiltrated the group. Why now? Why wait two years for a confession?!
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Because it's no longer about a confession for Tan.
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I mentioned that if Non is alive, it would make sense that he waited to do something until after Tee's uncle was no longer a threat, and homeboy is dead now!
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Tan's hallucination was eerily specific: Non was framed. Expose the Fucked-Up Five. Get Non's forgiveness.
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And Tan has always thought ALL of the boys are bad and specifically narrowed in on Jin as the reason for his brother's disappearance.
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If Phi truly fell for Jin, he will try to protect Jin against Tan who is going rogue. But Tan needs an inhaler. It could hold the antidote if Tan has bigger plans to kill them all, but my original thought was it would be the perfect way to die without dying. He wouldn't have to get stabbed or hit. It would take no physical injury. He would just need his inhaler and not get to in time.
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Stop breathing. Pass out. Be a dead body as chaos continues around him, and when the dust clears after the masked killers have finished everyone off, he gets back up and walks out of the woods as New because Tan who has asthma never existed in the first place.
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Non was presumed either dead or missing. Both boys could walk out of those woods without anyone even realizing they were there. The only issue is White, BUT he wasn't supposed to be there either.
And yet he is keeping Tee right where he needs to be.
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White's only connection to the group is he is dating Tee for almost three years.
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His backstory is as thin as Tan's was, but I have never seen him as "in" on the kills. White hasn't been physically harmed unlike the Fucked-Up Five. White continues to remain in the safety of the house when everyone has to venture outside. I want White to live, so either he has his reasons for being on this trip and keeping Tee out there, or White is really as innocent as he appears and Tan will save the little one as an act of redeeming himself for not saving his brother.
Which would make the thrill of Non being alive even sweeter!
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Because it would mean that everyone who "wronged" Non suffered. His mom. His dad. The Fucked-Up Five. Phi. (Keng, please God!). And even possibly his brother unless the narrative allows the brothers to be the final love story. It's scorched earth.
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Perth's character still exists, and I think he helped Non survive somehow. I have no idea how all of this will turn out, and I'm excited to see, but the second Phi took Jin to Eden, he was dead to me.
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And Non was more alive than ever.
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deanwinchestersbabygirll · 8 months ago
Sam Winchester, Hero
-warnings// angst, fluff, SMUT, MENTION OF SA!!
-lil summery// kind of my spin on the pilot episode, based when Sam’s in college, best friends to lovers trope
Sam x reader
Part 2
word count// 3330
(Gif from Pinterest)
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Your eyes burned as you continued to read the same line over and over, exhaustion threatening to take over your body any minute "hey you okay?" You looked towards the soft voice to see your best friend Sam, you nodded "yeah I'm just trying to finish this chapter I can't hand in another late assignment" you said stretching your limbs trying to wake yourself up 
Sam chuckled "it's after midnight, you’re gonna end up face down on your desk if you don't get to bed soon" you rolled your tired eyes playfully "I’ll be fine I'll just be another half hour then I'm done, you head on home, I'll be right behind you" Sam shook his head "not a chance this place isn't safe at night I'll wait for you" he said going to sit next to you "Sam sweetie, I'll be fine, our apartment is a ten minute walk at most, plus you know I can handle myself, I've kicked your ass plenty of times" you joked making him smile 
"Alright but I want you to knock on my door when your back home so I know your home safe, I'm giving you forty five minutes and if ur not home by then I'll be back here to haul your  ass home" he said firmly, he was always the worrier, that's what you loved about him the most
"I promise, scouts honour" you promised him with the scouts symbol he chuckled as he moved toward the door "see you at home Y/N" he called as the doors closed leaving you alone in the library, You rubbed your tired red eyes and got back to work, your blinking getting slower until all you could see was darkness and a warm fuzzy feeling take over your body.
Almost an hour later you awoke with a start "oh son of a bitch!" You exclaimed quietly looking at your watch, in a panic you shoved your stuff in your bag quickly before running out the big mahogany doors and taking off in a speed walk down the dark campus towards you and Sam's apartment, hoping he hadn't left yet
You were moments away from sanctuary before you heard the sound of loud foot steps behind you, your heart plummeting to your stomach as you picked up your own pace, you were less than a minute away, the footsteps got closer and your heart was beating a hundred beats per minute
The person behind you grabbed your arm roughly turning you around to face a tall brute of a man, glaring at you his lips twisted in a dirty smile "where you heading beautiful?" He asked his grip on your arm tightening making you wince "none of your business now get your damn hand off me you jackass!" You exclaimed trying to pull your arm away 
"Watch yourself now... the nicer you are to me the better I'll make you feel" the man said licking his greasy lips, your stomach turned and you regretted not leaving with Sam earlier. 
Tears pricked at your eyes as you tried to fight him off "if you touch me I swear I'll-" you started to say before a loud laugh cut you off "you'll what baby? Look at me then look at you, who's got the upper hand here?" he mocked before a third voice interrupted him 
"I do!" The voice said and a fist was slamming against your attackers face knocking the brute out, screaming you turned to see your saviour as the tears streamed down you face, you saw Sam looking back at you concern written all over his face "c'mon let's go" he said quickly taking your bag from you and pulling you tightly to his side making your worries instantly vanish as you cuddled into him 
Sam unlocked the door with his free hand, never letting go of you, he locked the door instantly as soon as you stepped inside "are you okay? I knew I shouldn't have fucking left" Sam told you his voice cracking slightly as his hands cradled your face in them as his green eyes scanned for any visible injuries.
"I'm okay Sammy" you assured him but he shook his head, his shaggy hair bouncing as he did "I'm so sorry I didn't get there sooner, I shouldn't have left you by yourself it's not safe i-" "SAM!" You yelled cutting his rambling off, his eyes snapping down to meet yours "I'm okay, I promise, you got me before he could do anything" you promised him, brushing a stray strand of shaggy brown hair behind his ear
He closed his eyes tightly and sighed loudly, his shoulders remaining as tense as ever, he wrapped his strong arms tightly around you, holding you tightly to him
You rest your head against his hard chest, listening to his heart beating like crazy as he breathed in your scent "are you okay sweetie?" You questioned looking up at him
Sam nodded slowly "I'm doing everything I can right now to stop myself from killing that perverted bastard" Sam confessed, his voice low and serious, you chuckled quietly "Sammy your the sweetest guy I've ever met, you don't have killer instincts in you" 
Sam swallowed thickly... little did you know who he really was, how many monsters he'd killed since he learned to walk "...yeah your probably right, come on let's get some sleep" Sam said changing the subject quickly
You stepped away from the his warm comforting embrace nodding your head, a quiet quiver threatening to leave your lips  "night Sammy" you leaned up to kiss his cheek before retreating to your bedroom.
You shivered as you walked into your dark bedroom, you pulled on an oversized shirt kicked off your jeans before getting into you bed, your whole body shook as you lay, the events of the night finally setting in your head
You let the hot tears fall slowly down your face as you fell asleep. 
You awoke a while later, you heart beating like crazy, your face stung as tears, new and fresh stuck to your cheeks, you tried catching your breath before making your way quickly to your bedroom door and down the hall to your best friends room
You knocked lightly on the door but there was no response other than the small snores on the other side, you questioned if you should just suck it up and go back to your own room but you knew you couldn't, not alone 
Taking a deep shaky breath you opened the door tip toeing towards the sleeping giant, "Sammy?" You whispered in a strained voice, "...Y/N... w-what's going on? Everything okay?" Sam quickly shot up suddenly as though he was wide awake. You tried to control your breathing before replying "y-yeah I uh, I-" you struggled to get out before you broke completely, your whole body shaking as more tears streamed down your swollen face
Sam was instantly pulling you down to sit next to him on his bed, pulling your shaking body tightly into his warm embrace, his muscular arms wrapping around you waist as you lay your head in the crook of his neck, "hey it's okay just breath" he said gently trolling your hair from your face "what happened?" He asked quietly stroking your wet hair behind your ear 
You took a deep shaky breath leaning into his touch "I- I just had a bad dream and I didn't want to be alone, can I stay with you, please?" You begged Sam, your heart racing like crazy, Sam's cheeks flushed a deep red as he nodded his head almost immediately "of course you can, you know you can always come to me no matter what" You smiled squeezing his hand tightly as a silent thank you.
Sam stayed in that position for another while longer, just holding you tightly to him as you slowly regained your breathing and the tears stopped rolling, "you ready to lay down?" Sam asked rubbing his hand up and down your cold arms nodding you move to his side, slowly lowering your self to rest against the cold unused pillow in Sam's bed, Sam turned to face you in the bed,
His hand once again reaching out for your own "I promise your safe here, I would never in a million years let anyone or anything hurt you" Sam assured you making your heart swell, "I know sweetie,  your like my very own superhero" you told him making his lips pull into his familiar grin "night gorgeous" Sam said giving your small hand another light squeeze "night Sammy" you whispered back.
You lay there another few minutes just staring into the dark room, this was different than how you felt earlier in your own bed, you felt safe... you just couldn't trust your mind enough to sleep
You turned to your side to face Sam, his eyes already on you "I can't sleep" you whispered lowly to him your faces inches apart as Sam moved closer his arm moving to wrap around your waist as his green eyes stared into yours "it'll be okay, I'm right here next to you" Sam promised making you smile up at him 
Your hand cupped the side of Sam's face gently as you moved closer, just testing the waters, letting him have time to pull away if he wanted to, but he didn't.
Sam closed the small gap between your lips quickly capturing you lips with his, you let out a small gasp as your hand flew to grip the back of his neck lightly, his own gripping your waist pulling you as close as possible to him, you let out a quiet moan as Sam moved you to lay on your back, his body rolling to hover above you 
You wrapped you legs tightly around Sam's hips pulling him down so that his covered cock was pressing against your clothed clit, "oh god Sammy" you breathed out pulling his hair slightly 
Sam moved his kisses down your neck causing your eyes to roll "Sam please" you begged tightening your legs around his hips, sam obeyed as he pulled back slightly to pull his grey shirt and off revealing his muscular chest, you ran your hand down from his toned chest down to his pyjama pants, you swallowed the thick lump of nerves in your throat "Y/N, we don't have to do this" Sam told you sensing your nerves 
You shook your head and smiled up at him "I want to do this, with you" you told him as you gently pulled him back down for a kiss, he smirked into the kiss, his hands moving to the hem of your oversized shirt you'd stolen from Sam many moons ago, he pulled the shirt off your body, revealing your bare breasts to him, he instantly grasped them in his warm hands
You let out a small moan of his name, arching your back from the bed "please touch me" you begged, sam chuckled and kissed his was down your chest taking each breast in his hot mouth before continuing his way down your stomach, he dragged your panties down off your legs, gasping at the cold air hitting your core you move to clench your thighs together
Sam's hands caught your thighs quickly, spreading them wider exposing you completely to him "you look so beautiful like this" Sam said his eyes a darker green, bordering a light brown, Sam blew cold air against your soaking pussy before diving in, you screamed in pleasure your hand rushing to gripe Sam's longer hair, "oh god Sammy! Please don't stop that feels so fucking good" you cried out as Sam sucked hour clit into his mouth and inserting his two long fingers inside your dripping hole "you taste fucking delicious Y/N I could stay between these legs all damn day if you let me" Sam said against your pussy, the vibrations of his deep voice and combination of his thrusting fingers causing your eyes to roll to the back of your head "I'm so close Sammy please!" You screamed in pleasure slamming your head back against the pillow behind you as Sam sped up his movements, all that could be heard in the room was heavy breaths and the sounds of Sam's mouth and fingers working you toward your orgasm
You cried out in ecstasy, Sam's long fingers curled inside of you hitting your g-spot repeatedly his lips wrapping around your clit stimulating you completely, you screamed Sam's name as the coil snapped, your orgasm came crashing towards you causing your body to shake slightly, sam carried you through it, not stopping until you gently pushed him away from you, you legs around his shoulders shaking "that was the hottest fucking thing in the world, I've never had a guy do that to me before" you breathed out, still trying to catch your breath
Sam chuckled giving you lips a small kiss "well you have only dated jackasses who clearly have no idea how to please their girls, if I had it my way I'd have you tied to the bed with me down there all damn night" Sam confessed making your heart pound, you looked at him threw half lidded eyes a smirk playing on your lips "I'm not opposed to getting tied up sometime" you said making sam groan loudly as you pulled him into another deep kiss, your hand snuck it's way into his pants and wrapped around his hard cock, you started to move your hand in an up and down motion before Sam quickly grabbed your wrist stopping you
Your eyes snapped to his in a panic and your heart raced in panic, "What's wrong?" You questioned quickly and Sam smiled "nothing it's just… I'd rather be inside you gorgeous" Sam told you and he kicked the rest of his pants off leaving his big hard cock on full display making your mouth water "do you have a condom?" You struggled to ask as your mouth was suddenly dry
Sam nodded, hovering over your bare body to reach into his nightstand, he quickly pulled out a familiar foil package, he ripped it open quickly with his teeth and rolled it onto his erect member "are you sure your okay with this?" Sam, ever the gentleman asked you, his hands ran up and down your waist in a comforting way making you smile  "of course I am Sammy" you confessed wrapping your legs tightly around his hips and pulling him down to you so he was chest to chest to you
Sam leaned down to capture your lips in a sensual kiss, not rushed or hard like the other kisses, you felt him place his covered tip at your entrance, your pussy clenching in desperation to feel him inside you,
Your moan caught in your throat as Sam pushed his way inside you, filling you up, inch by inch
Sam sucked in a harsh breath, his lips moving to attach to your neck "god Y/N your so fucking tight, can already feel you squeezing me" he groaned out hotly against your neck, you giggled softly as your hands ran up Sam's muscled back, he began to move his hips slowly to rest the waters, there was a slight pain but nothing could take away from the pleasure of having Sam so close to you like this "faster Sammy please" you told him arching against him to allow him to push inside you deeper, Sam obeyed and grabbed your thighs, he pushed them up so you knees were against your chest, your calves hanging over his broad shoulders
Sam pulled his hips almost all the way back before slamming back inside you making you scream in pleasure
He continued to slam his cock deep inside you at a fast pace, hitting your G-spot with every thrust his pelvic bone pressing against you swollen clit adding just the right amount of pleasure "yes!" You screamed dragging your nails down Sam's back as white hot pleasure clouded your vision, you knew your orgasm was fast approaching as the coil in your stomach tightened "cum with me baby" you moaned out, Sam quickened his movements feeling his own orgasm crash against him, he moved his hand down to rub your clit quickly causing the band in your stomach to snap, you screamed Sam's name as your juices came flowing out of you, down Sam's thighs as Sam groaned feeling the condom fill with his hot seed 
Sam continued to thrust a few more times slowly to calm you both downs, whimpering when he pulled out you gave him a gentle kiss on his now swollen lips "that was amazing" you said once you pulled away causing Sam to chuckle, he threw the used condom in his trash can "yeah that was the best sex I've ever had" Sam confessed making your heart race and your cheeks turn pink when you giggled “yeah me too”
Sam pushed a stray hair behind your ear, his eyes staring into your own with intensity “I really like you Y/N, your my best friend.. I mean I know we just crossed the line of just friends but I want you, I mean, I want this, not just sex.. I mean I want you.. all of you” Sam confessed before kissing you quickly to solidify his words 
Your heart pounded against your chest as you listened to Sam’s confession, “I want that to Sammy” you said placing your hands on either side of his face, leaning in to peck his kiss swollen lips a couple of times until the smiles on both your lips made it impossible to keep going “so how about tomorrow after your last class we head down the Chinese place for dinner and we can rent a movie to take back home?” Sam asked you nervously “I’d love that” you told him before going to the bathroom to get ready for bed again, this time in the safe protective arms of your boyfriend.
A couple of hours later you awoke to voices in the kitchen, panic rose in your chest before you turned to wake Sam, surprised when all that was in his spot was cold sheets, you furrowed you brows before getting up, you quickly pulled on your over side shirt and panties before stalking towards the kitchen where your boyfriend and another man were talking  “sam?” You called for him making his head snap towards you “Y/N hey what you doing out of bed?” Sam questioned placing his hand on your arm 
You opened your mouth to answer before the other man moved towards you a big flirty smile graced his lips “wow you are so far out of my brothers league” the man said making sam roll his eyes “oh your Dean! Sam’s told me a lot about you” you said making him chuckle “all good I hope” he said before turning his attention back to your boyfriend before staring at you again “listen sweetheart, I gotta talk to your boyfriend here about some family business would you mind giving us a minute?” He asked trying to be as nice as possible “of course I’ll just-” you were cut off by Sam’s big arm wrapping tightly around yours waist pulling you tightly to his side “no, anything you can say to me, you can say in front of Y/N” Sam told him his chest puffed out in anger 
Dean clapped his hands together in frustration “fine, dad hasn’t been home in a couple days” Sam scoffed and rolled his eyes dramatically once again “yeah, he’ll come stumbling back on in soon enough, just like he always does!” Sam said annoyed, his muscled arm around your waist tightening as Dean sighed lowly 
 “alright, dads on a hunting trip, and he hasn’t been home in a few days”. 
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALL MY OWN WORK I DO NOT GIVE CONSENT TO COPY OR PUBLISH ON OTHER SITES , I.E WATTPAD, ETC, WITHOUT MESSAGING TO ASK FIRST
For my Sam girlies!
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hispg · 1 year ago
My sweet friend
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Pairings: Best friend Leon! x fem! Reader
Wc: 2.2k
Summary: After a party you decided to sleep in your best friend's house, little do you know that sleeping is the last thing that he'll do.
Warnings: Porn without plot, unprotected sex, p in v, fingering, somnophilia, dub-con, drunk sex, dirty thoughts, a bit of dirty talk, shameless smut.
He was shirtless, just wearing his sweatpants, all at ease as he waited for the episode to finish.
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Another quiet evening in Leon's apartment. He was just lazing around watching some series on TV. It was his day off, so he was making the most of it.
He wasn't one for staying up late, and considering it was already half past ten at night, it was high time he fell asleep.
He was about to doze off on the sofa when he heard the doorbell ring. This puzzled him since he hadn't invited anyone to his apartment that night.
Sleepily, he got up from the sofa and headed for the door. He opened it while rubbing his eyes, not even paying attention to who was waiting for him.
"Well, if it isn't my favorite police officer!" You say in a slightly raspy, slurred voice. You were very loud that night.
He opens his eyes, noticing your figure. He was used to these visits from you. After all, you were best friends, but he'd never seen you so loose like this.
"Uhm, what are you doing here?" The question came quietly from his lips, although he kept a sweet smile for you.
Of course, he heard when you started talking, but paying attention to what you were saying was another story. His eyes traveled down your body, and seeing the way your curves were being hugged by your tight black dress was simply immoral.
He took a deep breath, remembering every detail. It wasn't hard to guess that you were coming from a party, and you looked so beautiful.
"Mhmmm, Leon! Will you let me in?" You whimpered slyly, throwing yourself into his arms.
"Ugh, you stink of alcohol." He grumbles, gently dragging you inside.
All you did was mumble some nonsensical things, which frankly Leon didn't even try to pay attention to. He just dragged you into his room, laying you on the bed.
You needed that, just as you would need him the next day. He swore to God he was trying not to look at you, but the way your curves were so exposed in that dress.
He shouldn't have, but he could already feel his blood pulsing in his lower body. As a precaution, he decided that he would sleep on the sofa for the night until he heard your whimper.
"Am I going to sleep alone? No! What if there's a monster under the bed?" You said in the same drunken, raspy voice. He wondered how much you'd had to drink that night. And for making the situation more amusing somehow, you sat on the bed and pouted at him.
He hides a laugh from you, finding your childish behavior comical, to say the least.
"Ok, I'll sleep here. But if you kick me out of bed, I'll throw you out. Do you hear me?" Leon whispers jokingly, sticking his tongue out at you.
You nod desperately, pulling him into bed with you. He falls onto the bed gently, snuggling into his side.
And once you lay back down on his bed, he can't help but look at you with the most pleading eyes on earth. Even if you're not noticing it, too busy trying to be comfortable on his bed.
But he can't help it. The way your dress always lifts up a bit, threatening to show the curve of your ass. Fuck, too exciting for him not pay attention. He could end this, surely, just putting a blanket over you would solve the problem.
And that's exactly the point, he don't want to solve the problem.
He preferred to stay on his side of the bed, looking at your ass bouncing every time you tried to get on a comfortable position, the way that the dress drawns your curves so damn perfectly.
He swear to God that he's trying to not think about it, but the way that his cock is throbbing on his pants says otherwise. He even grabs a pillow, softly rubbing against his erection, hoping that this helps him to ease a little.
Didn't take long for him to get mad about it, why instead of the pillow, it couldn't be that pretty mouth of yours? That pretty plump, pink lips of yours? Damn, the way that it would fit perfectly around his cock.
Or even better, what if he can use that pretty pussy of yours? He can bet that your pussy it's just pretty as you.
Without even noticing, his hands slipped through his pants, his fingers rubbing the tip of his hard cock. And he can already feel the considerable amount of pre-cum sliding down on this dick, messing his thighs on the process.
When he felt what he was doing, he stopped himself, thinking about how wrong it was. No, it was too dirty to do that while you were beside him.
He breathed heavily, trying to focus on getting his composure back. He got his phone, and started to scroll it, praying that this give him some sleep, so he can just close his eyes and rest, even if he doubt that he's going to be able to sleep this night.
A couple of minutes later, he felt a bit more calm, taking deep breaths and trying his best to not think about you. But when he turned to your side, his mouth fell open, eyes widening at the sight.
There you were, laying on your stomach, your dress was now at your waist, giving him a perfect angle of your bare ass cheeks. His mind goes wild, seeing how round and plump they're.
And then again, he felt his cock hardening, so damn hard that he can see it through the sheets.
"Fuck me.." He murmured, drooling at the magnificent sight of your bare ass.
His hands trembled, and he was willing to at least give a squeeze on that ass, he can't control himself. It was such a hot sin in front of him.
And well, before he even realized his hand was on his cock, palming himself to get some relieve.
His another hand roaming in your arms, gently caressing it. He can't believe how much he gets aroused only by such a simple touch like this. He felt your soft skin under his fingertips, and it was so damn smooth.
You shivered at his touch, even if you were sleeping, just one involuntary action. As if even when you were sleeping, you still wanted his touch.
He couldn't help, letting out a soft whimper while he was jerking off, feeling so excited over you. He can't contain himself, too much for him.
Finally, his hands reached your lower back, and he started to play with the waistband of your panties, wanting to desperately feel what's underneath.
Slipping his hand down further, he gets to touch your ass cheek. Dragging his fingers over it, rubbing and giving little squeezes. Feeling the soft flesh of your ass.
And shit, he felt so turned on by that. Cock twitching and pulsing on his hand, he's sure that once he come, it's going to be a thick,long load. He's more than sure of it.
You stirred, shifting your ass a bit more up, stretching yourself a bit, soon turning back to your normal position.
And then again, Leon whimpered, hand dangerously close to your covered pussy, fingers roaming eagerly your ass, wavering around each centimeter.
That purked little cunt, that he desperately wants to suck and lick until you're begging him to stop. That little cunt that he wants to fuck over and over, and fill it up with his cum. 
In an impulsive thought, his hands slide to your already wet folds, not touching it directly. The tip of his indicator finger stroking it above your soaked panties, and he was whining so damn much right now.
He keeps telling himself that this is wrong, that he shouldn't be doing this. But hell, if is this bad, why you're so fucking wet? There is no way that you didn't want this, too.
The way that you started to rub your thighs together, pressing them against each other so tightly. This was the bit of sight that he needed, and well, he would keep going.
He kept stroking his cock with one hand,  he was trying his best to not cum that fast, but he can't help it. When he entered his finger on you, feeling your tight wet walls sucking him in, he whined loudly, more than he should.
Words can't describe how relieved he felt knowing that you were a deep sleeper this night, maybe from the tiredness along with the fact that you were a bit drunk. Enough to knock you down on this bed.
Then again he slipped another finger, whimpering at the sensation of your tight little cunt. Wanting so bad that it was his cock instead.
His fingers started to grind you, moving at a slow and steady pace. Feeling your gummy and velvety walls embrace him tightly.
"Mhm.." There it was, your sweet voice moaning at his touch.
You started to stir, drowsy opening your eyes. Your eyes nervously darts around, while Leon look at you with a soft smile, as if he wasn't doing anything. But you could clearly feel how hot it was between your legs, you could feel your fluids dripping down your thighs.
Too bad you were too tired to protest, not that you were against it either. Not least because as soon as you realized what he was doing, you swung your hips towards him, thrusting in a way that made what he was doing easier.
Another sweet whimper escapes his lips, his fingers start to move faster. In and out, curving around and hitting your sweet spots. By then, you were buried in the pillow, letting out sleepy cries and moans, and that made him even hornier.
Just seeing that you accepted him even though you were in such a vulnerable state made him lose his mind easily. And without waiting long, he asked you, "Do you want me to rock you?"
It seemed like an innocent proposal at first, not that you were in the best state of mind.
But all you did was nod, wanting him to rock you to sleep. He quickly withdrew his fingers from you, making you whimper at the emptiness you felt.
He licked his fingers, savoring the taste of your sweet honey. And indeed it was just as he imagined, you were as sweet and delicious as honey.
And then he pulled you to him, your back against his chest, one of his hands finding your hips, pushing them forward a little.
In one swift movement, he shoved his cock into you. With one strong, deep thrust, he was all the way inside you.
Only now did you understand what he meant, it wasn't a proposal to go to sleep.
He was going to rock into you.
"Mhmh, Leon..." You moan softly, your fingers curling into the pillow.
"Shh, I'll put you to sleep." He whispers in a little whimper, feeling overwhelmed by the way your pussy nestled his cock so well.
This was better than you imagined, him thrusting gently while holding you by the waist, moving in and out.
He whimpered so much, it was so good the way your spongy walls gripped him, pulled him in.
The poor thing was so needy that he couldn't stop touching you, kissing your neck, biting and licking the soft skin.
Just as he stroked your clit from time to time, only to feel your little hole clench around him.
"I'm close." You moaned a little louder, your nails sinking into the pillow.
He growled in your ear, squeezing your waist and thrusting in without warning. He knew he was close too, and surely he couldn't wait to come inside you, to fill you with his cum until you couldn't take it anymore.
"I'm going to fill you up, until my cum starts leaking out." He murmurs, rocking his hips at an abnormal speed. Moving back and forth without stopping.
"Mhmhmm, ah, ah..." You babble, not even making the effort to speak a single sentence.
"Getting fucking drunk on that cock, aren't you?" He groans, thrusting into your weak spot, making you see stars every time.
Enough for you to fall apart, calling his name again and again, your walls slapping against his cock, spilling everything you had to offer.
That was the last straw for him too, you could feel the first spurts inside you. And just as he imagined, it was a long load, he can see it running down your wet folds. He gives you a satisfied smile, seeing what he's wanted to see for ages.
You were breathing heavily, your lips parted, and your eyes closed. He was almost in the same state, except he was wide awake.
He kisses your cheek, pulling the covers over you both, not even bothering to clean up around here.
"Sleep well, sweetheart." He whispers, tucking you into the same big spoon position.
Giving you a tight hug and light kisses on the neck, and that's how it went until you both fell asleep.
Being honest? He couldn't wait for the next day, because he was going to do it all over again.
Oh, how he would.
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doctorbitchcrxft · 9 months ago
Dead Man's Blood | Supernatural Series Rewrite | Dean Winchester x Reader
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: canon violence, canon gore, daddy issues, mentions of parental death
Word Count: 5022
A/N: Cannot believe we're at the penultimate episode of my version of the first season Supernatural!! Crazy!! Thank you guys so much for the love and support; I truly appreciate it.
When season 2 starts, the taglist will be closed! If you'd like to join and haven't already, please let me know!
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You and the Winchester boys sat at a table in a diner searching for possible cases to take on. You sat at your laptop on the side of the table with Sam and Dean to your right and left. 
Dean looked through a newspaper and folded it up in frustration. “Well, not a decent lead in all of Nebraska. What’ve you got, Sammy?”
“I've been scanning Wyoming, Colorado, South Dakota... here. A woman in Iowa fell ten thousand feet from an airplane and survived,” Sam responded.
“Sounds more like ‘that's Incredible’ than, uh, 'Twilight Zone'.”
“Yeah, I agree,” you said.
“Hey you know we could just keep heading east. New York. Upstate. We could drop by and see Sarah again. Huh? Cool chick, man, smokin'.” Dean whistled lowly. “You two seemed pretty friendly. What do you say?”
“Yeah, I don’t know, maybe someday. But in the meantime we got a lot of work to do Dean, and you know that,” Sam stated.
“Yeah, alright. How ‘bout you, (Y/N)?”
“Uh, man in Colorado, local man named Daniel Elkins was found mauled in his home,” you said, continuing to scan the web page before you.
“Elkins? I know that name,” Dean said.
You shrugged as Sam said, “Doesn’t ring a bell.”
Dean muttered the man’s name over and over.
“Sounds like the police don't know what to think. At first they said it was some sort of bear attack, now, they've found some signs of robbery,” you continued.
Dean took out his father’s journal and began to flick through it. “There, check it out.” He turned the book around to you and Sam and pointed at a contact reading “D. Elkins” with the man’s phone number next to it.
“You think it's the same Elkins?” Sam questioned.
“It's a Colorado area code.”
“Alright, Colorado it is. Let’s go, kids,” you said. 
You and the boys made your way to the remote cabin of Daniel Elkins and picked the lock to his home. You cringed at the sight of your messy surroundings once inside. Books were everywhere, mad scribblings on stray pages covered the floor, and the furniture seemed to not have been dusted in years.
“Looks like the maid didn't come today,” Dean remarked.
You crouched down at the entrance of the home and fingered something on the floor. “Hey, got some salt over here.”
“You mean protection against demon salt, or 'oops I spilled the popcorn' salt?” Dean asked.
You gave him a dirty look. “Clearly a ring. Elkins was a player?”
“Definitely,” Dean responded. 
You rose to go stand beside the brothers and look over the journal they were flicking through.
“That looks a hell of a lot like Dad's,” said Sam as he flipped through the pages.
“Yep, except this dates back to the '60s,” Dean added.
You led the brothers into another room and took in the shattered skylights. You moved your flashlight around the room and took in the fact that somehow, this room was messier than the other ones.
“Whatever attacked him, it looks like there was more than one,” Sam said, referencing the damage to the skylights. It seemed there were two separate entry points through them.
“Looks like he put up a hell of a fight, too,” the older brother added. He crouched down to the floor.
“You got something?” you asked, crouching beside him.
“I don’t know,” he replied. “Some scratches on the floor.”
“Death throes maybe?” Sam suggested.
Dean grabbed a page from a notebook on top of the desk beside you and placed it over the spot on the ground. He rubbed a pencil over the top to create an outline. “Or maybe a message.” He peeled up the paper that now had a lot of blood on the back and showed you and Sam the rubbings of the characters. “Look familiar?”
“Three letters, six digits. The location and combination of a post office box. It's a mail drop,” you said.
Dean looked to his brother. “Just the way Dad does it.”
You and the boys found a letter in the mailbox labeled with the numbers and letters from the floor’s message. You leaned over the back seat of the car and read off the letters on the envelope.
“ ‘J.W.’ Gotta be John Winchester, right?” you said.
“I don't know. Should we open it?” Dean turned his head to you.
A knock on Dean’s window came before any of you could say another word. You reared back and grabbed your gun from your belt, pointing it at the sound.
“Dad?” Dean breathed out.
You breathed out sharply as John opened the door and slid into the seat next to you. “I almost shot you, dude.”
He chuckled at you.
“Dad, what are you doing here? Are you alright?” Sam asked, turning to face him.
John’s gravelly voice seemed even more tired and worn than the last time you’d seen him. “Yeah, I'm okay. I read the news about Daniel; I got here as fast as I could. I saw you three at his place.”
“Why didn't you come in, Dad?”
“You know why. Because I had to make sure you weren't followed. By anyone or anything. Nice job of covering your tracks, by the way.”
Dean looked a little proud. “Yeah, well, we learned from the best.”
“Wait, you came all the way out here for this Elkins guy?” Sam questioned.
John nodded. “He was— He was a good man. Taught me a hell of a lot about hunting.”
“Well, you never mentioned him to us.”
“We had a— we had kind of a falling out. I hadn't seen him in years.” He gestured to the envelope. “I should look at that.” He opened it. “ 'If you're reading this, I'm already dead'... that son of a bitch.”
“What is it?” his eldest son asked.
“He had it the whole time.”
Sam looked at him confused. “Dad, what?”
“When you searched the place, did you— did you see a gun? An antique, a Colt revolver, did you see it?”
You shook your head. “I saw an old case, but it was empty.”
John sighed. “They have it.”
“You mean, whatever killed Elkins?” Dean asked.
John started to get out of the car. “We gotta pick up the trail.”
“Wait, you want us to come with you?” Sam scoffed.
“If Elkins was telling the truth, we gotta find this gun,” John rushed out.
“The gun? Why?”
“Because it's important, that's why.”
‘He’s even more of a hardass than Dean.’
“Dad, we don't even know what these things are yet,” the younger son protested.
“They were what Daniel Elkins killed best: Vampires.”
Your heart nearly dropped at the mention of those creatures.
“I thought they were extinct. I thought Elkins and others had wiped them out. I was wrong,” John said. 
“Damn right,” you jumped in, not realizing the sudden venom lacing your words.
The three men stared back at you, and you shrank awkwardly.
John continued to explain. “Most vampire lore is crap. A cross won't repel them, sunlight won't kill them, and neither will a stake to the heart. But the bloodlust, that part's true. They need fresh human blood to survive. They were once people, so you won't know it's a vampire until it's too late.”
Anxiety clawed at your throat. You hadn’t faced any vampires since the death of your family.
You and the Winchesters found a decently priced motel to stay in to get your bearings before you went after the vampires. You watched Sam and Dean sleeping peacefully on their beds, but you were unable to get a wink. You and John sat on opposite sides of the table in the room listening to the police scanner.
You admired Dean’s relaxed features. You rarely saw him this at-ease. You wished you could be sleeping beside him, but your own mind was keeping you awake. The eldest Winchester looked over at you and whispered over the hum of the police scanner. “How’ve they been?” he asked.
You sighed. “They’re alright, I think. Been driving themselves crazy looking for you, though.”
He chuckled softly. “I figured they were.” He paused for a minute. 
“They need you more than they need me,” you said. “You should stay with ‘em. I’ll be hitting the road in a little while, I think.”
“Don’t,” he said. “They’ll need you when this is all over.”
“What? You’re not gonna stay?” You turned your head to John.
“I don’t think so,” he shook his head. 
You were disgusted at him. “Look, no disrespect, but that’s crap.”
He seemed caught off-guard. “And why’s that?” he challenged.
“Sam’s a mess. You walked out on Dean. Your boys deserve their father," you whispered harshly.
“Don’t act like you know me,” he hissed. “Dean’s a grown man. He’ll get over it. Sam, too. I’m not abandoning them; it’s just not safe.”
“Just call a spade a spade, John. Abandonment ‘for their safety’ is still abandonment,” you argued. 
“You don’t think I wanna be with my kids—?"
“No, I don’t actually,” you cut him off.
Before he could continue to argue with you, something on the police scanner caught your attention.
“Unit 22 let me confirm. Mile marker 41, abandoned car. You need a workup?” the static voice said.
“Copy that. Possible 207. Better get forensics out here,” another voice said.
“Sam, Dean, let's go,” John slapped their feet as he stood, his voice still gravelly from his anger with you.
“Mm-hmm,” Dean muttered, though still asleep.
Sam sat up and Dean rubbed his eyes.
“There’s a call on the scanner,” you said.
“(Y/N), did you get any sleep?” the older brother slurred sleepily.
“That’s not important right now,” you told him. “C’mon.”
“What happened?” Sam asked.
“A couple called 911,; found a body in the street. Cops got there and everyone was missing. It's the vampires,” John explained.
“How do you know?”
“Just follow me, okay?” John said, leaving the room. 
You turned to Sam who was putting his jacket on. “It’s how they hunt. They lay in the middle of the road and wait for somebody to pull over. By the time they get up close and personal, it’s too late. Then they leave.”
Dean sat up, still half-asleep. “You gonna be okay?” he asked you.
“I’m fine,” you responded. You could tell he didn’t believe you, but you left him behind without waiting for an argument.
John was talking to the cops while you and the brothers stood back by the Impala under the cover of the trees. He refused to look at you after your argument, and you refused to speak to him. You wouldn’t engage with a man who walked out on his children and put Dean through so much.
“I don't see why we couldn't have gone over with him,” the brunet sighed sulkily.
“Oh, don't tell me it's already starting.” Dean rolled his eyes.
“What's starting?” Sam asked.
John walked up before either of you could answer.
“What have you got?” Dean asked his dad.
“It was them, alright. Looks like they're heading west. We'll have to double back to get around that detour,” John explained.
“How can you be so sure?” Sam challenged.
“Sam—” Dean tried.
“I just wanna know we're going in the right direction,” Sam told him sharply.
“We are,” John responded.
You stood back next to Dean, trying not to get involved in the fight.
“How do you know?”
John handed something to his oldest son. “I found this.”
“It's a vampire fang.”
“Not a fang, teeth. They’ve got a second set that comes out when they attack,” you explained, looking over Dean’s shoulder at the tooth.
“Any more questions?” John challenged Sam.
Sam looked away and stayed silent. 
“Alright, let's get out of here, we're losing daylight,” John said. Everything he said was said with authority. “Hey, Dean, why don't you touch up your car before you get rust? I wouldn't have given you the damn thing if I thought you were going to ruin it,” he gruffly spat at his son before heading to his truck.
You angrily stared after the man before looking over at Dean, who grimaced and got into the passenger’s seat.
Sam drove, keeping a close follow on John’s truck. You rested your chin on Dean’s shoulder, looking over the excerpt he was reading about vampires in your journal. He read aloud to you and Sam. “ ‘Vampires nest in groups of eight to ten. Smaller packs are sent to hunt for food. Victims are taken to the nest where the pack keeps them alive, bleeding them for days or weeks.’ I wonder if that's what happened to that 911 couple.”
Sam grumbled, “That's probably what Dad's thinking. Course, it would be nice if he just told us what he thinks.”
“So it is starting,” Dean sighed.
“Sam, we've been looking for Dad all year. Now we're not with him for more than a couple of hours and there's static already?” 
Sam huffed. “No. Look, I'm happy he's okay, alright? And I'm happy that we're all working together again.” 
“Well, good,” Dean said. 
The younger brother was unable to help himself. “It's just the way he treats us, like we're children.”
“Oh, God.” You sat back in the seat, doing your best to ignore the fight between the brothers.
“He barks orders at us Dean, he expects us to follow 'em without question. He keeps us on some crap need-to-know deal,” Sam argued.
“He does what he does for a reason.”
“What reason?”
“Our job! There's no time to argue, there's no margin for error, alright? That's just the way the old man runs things.”
“Yeah, well, maybe that worked when we were kids but not anymore, all right. Not after everything you and I have been through, Dean. I mean, are you telling me you're cool with just falling into line and letting him run the whole show?” Sam looked over at his brother angrily.
Dean gave Sam a long look before strongly responding, “If that's what it takes.”
Sam shook his head and returned his eyes to the road.
A few minutes later, Dean was on the phone with his dad. “Yeah, Dad. Alright, got it.” He hung up. “Pull off at the next exit.”
Sam’s frustrated tone was back. “Why?”
“ ‘Cause Dad thinks we've got the vampire's trail,” Dean said matter-of-factly.
“How,” Sam somehow sounded angrier.
“I don't know. He didn't say,” Dean responded.
Sam gunned the engine, and pulled in front of his dad’s truck before slamming the breaks.
“What are you doing, Sam?” you asked.
Sam got out of the car without answering you.
“Oh, crap. Here we go.” Dean followed his brother out of the car. “Sam!”
You just watched from the back seat, deciding not to get between the family’s brawl.
You watched in the driver’s side rear view mirror as John and Sam got in each other’s faces. Dean was trying to pull the two apart, and you could make out some of what they were screaming at each other about.
Sam approached the car again before spinning back around at his father. You often got in fights like that with your own father but more about his treatment of you and your brother. You knew better than to argue his orders.
“You were just pissed off that you couldn't control me anymore!” Sam yelled loudly enough for you to hear.
Dean then shoved the two apart, forcing Sam back to the car. Sam got back in the driver’s seat, still enraged.
“Sam, do you want me to—”
“No,” he snapped at you.
“Oh-kay, then.”
You and the brothers sat in the trees watching the beat-up barn the vampires called home. Dean stood beside you and cursed, “Son of a bitch. So they're really not afraid of the sun?” as he watched the vampires climb into a car, shielding their faces with their hands.
“Nope,” you said. “Direct sunlight just stings like a badass sunburn.”
“The only way to kill 'em is by beheading. And yeah, they sleep during the day— doesn't mean they won't wake up,” John added.
“So I guess walking right in's not our best option,” Dean said.
“Actually, that's the plan,” John grinned.
You and the brothers flipped open the trunk of the Impala and began grabbing machetes. John did the same with his truck, but his was outfitted with a fancy, automatic, hidden compartment.
“Here, (Y/N).” Dean handed you a rusty machete.
You caught sight of the giant blade their dad was holding. “Whoa, why don’t you have any like that?”
Dean snorted and turned his head. “Wow.”
John paused, closing his trunk. “So, you boys really wanna know about this Colt?”
“Yes, sir,” said Sam.
“It's just a story, a legend really. Well, I thought it was. Never really believed it until I read Daniel's letter,” John began. “Back in 1835, when Halley's comet was overhead, the same night those men died at the Alamo, they say Samuel Colt made a gun. A special gun. He made it for a hunter, a man like us only on horseback. Story goes he made thirteen bullets, and this hunter used the gun a half dozen times before he disappeared, the gun along with him. And somehow, Daniel got his hands on it. They say... They say this gun can kill anything.”
“Kill anything, like, supernatural anything?” Dean breathed.
“Like the demon,” Sam connected.
“Yeah, the demon. Ever since I picked up its trail I've been looking for a way to destroy that thing. Find the gun, and we may have it.”
“Wait, and you couldn’t tell your kids that why?” you snarled.
“(Y/N)—” Dean scolded, but you couldn’t help yourself.
John just looked at his eldest son. “What exactly made you keep her around for so long?”
“Both of you, stop it,” Dean said. "Let’s get these fuckers while we have the chance.”
You backed off, tension dissolving a little at Dean’s words. You looked between the boys and their father. Their faces conveyed complex emotions you couldn’t quite read.
Silently, you and Dean flanked one end of the barn while Sam took the other with his father.
You and Dean jumped through a barn window and walked around their hammocks carefully. Dean accidentally kicked an empty bottle on the ground, and you froze. You made a worried face and looked over to Dean, who froze as well.
The vampire next to Dean stirred, but didn’t wake up. You and Dean continued on until you found a woman tied up against a pole. You weren’t sure if she was sleeping or unconscious. 
“Dean,” you whispered, crouching beside the woman. He came over to you as you began to untie her. You heard a noise behind you, and Dean went over to investigate.
“There’s more,” he said, grabbing something to break the locks on the metal cages a distance away from you.
The woman you were untying began to stir, and you did your best to assure her you were here to help.
The woman awoke and let out an unearthly roar. 
“Dean!” you called, shooting up.
“Kids, run!” John called to you after hearing your voice. You and Dean sprinted out of the building, yelling for Sam as you did so. The vampires chased you, but you used the daylight to your advantage. You broke back through the trees and returned to the cars.
“Dad?! Sam!” Dean called. The two then came back up the slope. 
“They won't follow. They'll wait till tonight. Once a vampire has your scent, it's for life,” John said.
“Well, what the hell do we do now?” Dean questioned.
“You gotta find the nearest funeral home, that's what.”
You knew where John was going with this. You smiled at the boys who seemed confused. “C’mon, Dean,” you said, patting his shoulder. You turned to the Impala, and Sam and his father got in the latter’s truck.
Dean cruised down the road to the funeral home you had found and were planning to break into. 
“What the hell was that earlier?” Dean asked frustratedly as soon as the car doors were shut.
“With my dad, (Y/N), why would you say something like that?!”
"Look, we got in a fight while you and Sam were sleeping. I just don’t like how he treats you guys,” you admitted.
“Well, thanks, but don’t. Sam’s enough for me right now as it is,” he responded.
A few moments passed, and you looked down at your hands. “I’m sorry,” you said quietly.
Dean sighed. “It’s okay.” He snorted after a moment. “Not many people would stand up to my dad like that.”
You smiled, eyes still on your hands folded in your lap. “He reminds me a lot of my dad. John and Sam fight exactly how my dad and I did. Steven always had to break us apart.”
“I just don’t understand why Sam can’t leave the old man alone,” Dean told you. “I mean, we spent so fucking long looking for ‘im, and as soon as we find him, he’s pickin’ fights.”
You nodded in understanding. “I get why he’s upset, but I agree that it’s the wrong place and wrong time right now. I mean, despite the fact that I picked a fight with him. Again, mistake on my part.” 
You let a moment of silence pass before you spoke again. “Dee?”
“Now that we’ve found your dad, do you still want me here?”
He turned his head toward you. “Of course, I do. You’re not gettin’ rid of us that easy.”
You grinned. “Good. After a year of all this, you guys have become my new normal. I don’t think I’ll be able to go back to being alone again.”
Dean smirked and turned back to the road, pulling into the parking lot of the funeral home. 
After a few lies and a bit of breaking and entering, you and Dean were headed back to the motel with dead man’s blood in hand.
“What does that stuff do exactly?” Dean asked you as he drove.
“It’s kinda like vampire food poisoning. Pretty useful stuff,” you explained.
“How’ve you been with this whole thing?” he asked.
“What, the vampires?”
Dean nodded.
“Winchester, are you goin’ soft on me? Since when do you care to get into the touchy-feely?” you joked.
He rolled his eyes in response. “Answer the damn question, (Y/N).”
You sighed, dropping your plucky attitude. “I’m okay, I think. I just— I haven’t hunted any vamps since my parents died. Any time I sniffed any out, I ran the other way. It’s kind of ironic that the one thing I fucking hate hunting has the one thing we need to kill this demon.”
Dean chuckled. “Yeah, well, y’know… Just…” 
“There’s my boy. Having trouble with moments of sincerity once more,” you gibed but became serious once more as he rolled his eyes. “I know. If I need anything, I’ll let you know.”
You were surprised to find John and Sam laughing when you reentered their motel room.
“Whew. Man, some heavy security to protect a bunch of dead guys,” Dean said.
“Get it?” John asked.
You reached into Dean’s jacket pocket and pulled out a paper bag with a bottle full of blood inside it. You handed it over to the eldest Winchester.
“You know what to do,” he said.
You hated watching that creature feel Dean up and kiss him, but you knew you needed to let it happen for the sake of getting the Colt from the vampires. You’d already nearly beheaded her when she backhanded him.
Another vampire appeared behind the woman holding Dean in the air by his face, and that was when you made your move. You used a crossbow to shoot both of the vampires straight between their ribs, and the girl holding Dean dropped him.
“Dammit,” she cursed as you approached the group from the trees. “It barely even stings.”
“Give it time, babe,” you told her. “That arrow’s soaked in dead man’s blood. Should be giving you a nasty tummy ache any second.” You pouted at her mockingly as she began to waver and lose consciousness.
“Load her up,” John ordered you and his sons. “I'll take care of this one.” Moments later, you heard a slashing noise and blood splattering coming from behind you as you finished loading the girl into Dean’s trunk.
You met John in a clearing in the woods where you and Sam were setting up a campfire. Dean tied the unconscious vampiress to a tree, and you circled her, fuming.
“Easy, tiger,” Dean told you. “Don’t kill her just yet.”
“I’m tryin’ not to,” you responded, gripping the handle of your machete tightly.
He chuckled at you and turned to his dad.
“Toss this on the fire. Saffron, skunk's cabbage, and trillium. It'll block our scent and hers until we're ready,” John commanded.
“Stuff stinks!” Dean coughed.
“That's the idea. Dust your clothes with the ashes, and you stand a chance of not being detected,” his father replied.
“You sure they'll come after her?” Sam asked his dad.
“Vampires mate for life,” you broke in. “She means more to the leader than the gun.”
“But the blood sickness is going to wear off soon, so you don't have a lot of time,” John added.
“A half hour oughta do it,” shrugged Sam.
“And then I want you out of the area as fast as you can,” John stated.
The boys began to protest.
“Well, Dad, you can't take care of them all yourself,” Dean said.
“I'll have her,” John replied, referencing the passed-out vampire. “And the Colt.”
“But after. We're gonna meet up, right? Use the gun together. Right?” Sam looked at his father expectantly. There was a long pause before Sam spoke again. “You're leaving again, aren't you. You still wanna go after the demon alone." Hes scoffed mockingly. "You know, I don't get you. You can't treat us like this.”
“Like what?”
“Like children.”
“You are my children. I'm trying to keep you safe.”
Dean spoke up much to your surprise. “Dad, all due respect, but, uh, that's a bunch of crap.”
“Excuse me?” the older man scoffed.
“You know what Sammy and I have been hunting. Hell, you sent us on a few hunting trips yourself. You can't be that worried about keeping us safe,” Dean argued.
“It's not the same thing, Dean.”
“Then what is it? Why do you want us out of the big fight?”
“This demon? It's a bad son of a bitch. I can't make the same moves if I'm worried about keeping you alive,” John responded.
“You mean you can't be as reckless.”
“Look, I don't expect to make it out of this fight in one piece. Your mother's death… it almost killed me. I can't watch my children die too. I won't,” John admitted.
“What happens if you die? Dad, what happens if you die, and we could’ve done something about it?" He let his words hang in the air for a moment. "You know, I've been thinking. I think maybe Sammy's right about this one. We should do this together,” Dean stated.
Sam nodded as his brother continued. “We're stronger as a family, Dad. We just are. You know it.”
John’s walls went back up. “We're running out of time. You do your job, and you get out of the area. That's an order.”
Dean looked down at the ground, and you watched him carefully as he tried to suppress his rising emotions. 
After you and the boys freed the people that had been locked up in the vampires’ barn, you went to find John and the members of the nest. You found them just in time because John had been knocked on his ass by the vampire you’d kidnapped.
You and the brothers hurried out of the trees and began shooting vampires with a crossbow. You moved toward the leader with your machete, but he backhanded you and held you in a headlock with his arm around your throat. 
You struggled against him as he addressed Dean, who was holding a machete of his own. “Don't! I'll break her neck. Put the blade down.”
Dean hesitated.
Luther tightened his hold on your neck, causing you to struggle more. “It’d be a real shame for her to die.” He dug his nose in your hair and sniffed deeply. “She’s pretty. I’d love having her around. Drop it!”
Dean did as told, and his jaw clenched in fury. 
“You people. Why can't you leave us alone? We have as much right to live as you do,” the leader said.
“I don’t think so,” came John’s voice from behind you. The vampire spun you and himself around to face John, who shot the vampire in the middle of his forehead. He dropped you to the floor, and Dean rushed to your side.
You turned and watched a sigil appear on the man’s forehead where he’d been shot as his girlfriend screamed in agony. “Luther!”
The vampire slumped to the ground, dead. The vampiress started toward John, but was pulled away by her friend to get to their car. They took off, wheels screaming and leaving you in the dust.
You sat in the brothers’ motel room, having finished packing long before they had as usual. John entered the room and addressed his sons. “So, boys.”
They stopped packing and turned to face him. “Yes, sir.”
“You ignored a direct order back there,” he said crossly.
“Yes, sir.” Sam hung his head low.
Dean argued, “Yeah, but we saved your ass.”
John held his son’s challenging stare, and you swallowed nervously.
“You're right,” John admitted much to your surprise.
“I am?”
If it weren’t for the situation, you would’ve laughed at Dean’s adorably clueless face.
“It scares the hell out of me. You two are all I've got. But I guess we are stronger as a family. So… we go after this damn thing. Together.”
You smiled as the two boys said in unison, “Yes, sir.”
Series Rewrite Taglist: @polireader @brightlilith @atcamillanorrman @jrizzelle @insomnia-bookworm @procrastination20 @mrs-liebgott @djs8891 @tiggytaylor @staple-your-mouth @iloveshawn @jesstherebel @rach5ive @strawberrykiwisdogog @bruhidkjustwannaread @mxltifxnd0m @sunshine-on-marz @big-ol-boat @mgchaser @capncrankle @davina-clairee @chervbs @simpingdeadcharacters @nesnejwritings @stillhere197 @stephshaww @tearsforhan @take-it-on-the-run @iloveyou2mia @maxinehufflepuffprincess @ohgeehowdigethere @here-for-the-extravaganza @seninjakitey @berarenado @s0urw00lf @princessleahorgana @quarterhorse19 @rei0812 @isla-finke-blog @silverdoragon @karacaroldanvers @gayandfairycore @examishbookwyrm @more-espresso-less-depresso-og @mysticmyth @favoritefandoms27 @star-yawnznn @real-sharena-h @fandomloverrr @metalmonki @onlyangel-444 @yu-winchester @benniwiththefanni @daisychaingirl @skys-writings @immagods @metalblindbitch @missmieux @yoongi-holland
hi there lovebugs!! quite a few tags were broken :( if i've misspelled your tag, please let me know! make sure you have my blog notifs on so you don't miss an update!!
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celestialprincesse · 11 months ago
Hi! I was wondering if you could write a fluffy fic for price and a reader with endometriosis? Like if they were in the middle of being all dirty and then reader started crying because it started to really hurt her and then price is just takin care of her after?
it’s all good if you don’t want to! Have a beautiful day/evening!🫶🥰
Hi lovely! I don't have endometriosis , but I do suffer with chronic pain, so this might be a little vague just so as to not get anything wrong 🤭 hope that's okay! 🎀
nsfw 🦋 mdni
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You're halfway through bouncing on John's dick like the energiser bunny when you feel something wrong, a horrible, searing pain right in your lower belly. Seeing as he's just got back from a month long deployment, though, you're pretty eager to push through and keep going. Or at least, you thing you are, until the stabbing pain comes back with full force, and John immediately holds your hips still upon catching the pained hiss elicited from between your teeth. "Hey. Hey, hey, hey. What happened? You alright?" The concern is so painfully obvious in his tone, and you internally kick yourself for having popped the bubble of hazy, wonderful intimacy you'd been sharing.
"Nothing." You once, although the strain in your voice clearly says otherwise. "S' not nothing." He grumbles, somehow manoeuvring you off of him, until your back is propped up against the plushy pillows leaned against the headboard.
Meanwhile, John rifles through his bedside drawer, already withdrawing a box of paracetamol, passing you your water bottle as a clear indication that you should take the pills. "How bad, one to ten." "John." You wine, attempting to level him with a glare for being treated like a child, only to wince instead. "One to ten." He coaxes. "Do you want me to get the TENS?" "Like, maybe a five and a half?" You shrug with a shake of your head, not even bothering to protest as John gets up from your rumpled sheets to throw on some sweats, which hang tantalisingly low on his waist.
Within a few minutes, he's back in your bedroom, snacks shoved under one arm, a hot water bottle in the other, and your favourite hoodie of his in hand. You murmur out your thanks as he grabs up his laptop, switching on an episode of your latest show, meanwhile you busy yourself getting comfortable with your head resting on his chest, where you inevitably fall asleep.
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raidark · 7 months ago
By the way I won't forgive Condal and Heiss for what they did with Joffrey, Aegon (the Younger) and Viserys. What was the point of making them so young...? Especially when they have to be older for the events of the Dance to make sense.
If you are going to make Jace and Lucerys older, then do it as well with Joffrey, who was supposed to be only three years younger than Jace. So the three should be 16/14/13 according to season 1... or 20/18/17 according to season 2 episode 7... (...doesn't make sense by what they told but that's yet another error on part of the writers)
I don't even know how they're going to make the Gullet and its consequences work with Aegon and Viserys as toddlers.
What about Rhaenyra and Aegon the younger. He won't even remember --
What about the return of Viserys?
And what they did with Joffrey hurts me a lot because. He was essentially erased from the show when he has a few remarkable moments that clearly distinct him as a character, even as young as he was.
On Dragonstone, Queen Rhaenyra collapsed when told of Luke’s death. Luke’s young brother Joffrey swore a terrible oath of vengeance against Prince Aemond and Lord Borros. Only the intervention of the Sea Snake and Princess Rhaenys kept the boy from mounting his own dragon at once.
It was Jace who came to the fore now, late in the year 129 AC. Mindful of the promise he had made to the Maiden of the Vale, he ordered Prince Joffrey to fly to Gulltown with Tyraxes. Munkun suggests that Jace’s desire to keep his brother far from the fighting was paramount in this decision. This did not sit well with Joffrey, who was determined to prove himself in battle. Only when told that he was being sent to defend the Vale against King Aegon’s dragons did his brother grudgingly consent to go.
Joffrey, not quite three-and-ten, was eager to prove himself a warrior, but when told that Tyraxes was needed to help his mother hold the Red Keep in the event of an attack, the boy swore solemnly to do so. Addam Velaryon, the Sea Snake’s heir, would also remain in the city, with Seasmoke. Three dragons should suffice for the defense of King’s Landing; the rest would be going into battle.
This prospect excited Prince Joffrey. “Let them come,” the boy announced, flush with the arrogance of youth and eager to avenge his fallen brothers. “I will meet them on Tyraxes.”
“I want to fight for you, Mother, as my brothers did. Let me prove that I am as brave as they were.” Prince Joffrey Velaryon to Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen
It's... quite ironic, because while I was quoting all of this I realized that... omg, they kinda took Joff's character and merged it with Jace??? That eagerness to fight to prove himself...
How much he wanted to prove himself a warrior, to help Rhaenyra, to be like his beloved brothers that he admired so much...
I'm so sorry for the Velaryon boys... they did them all so dirty in the show...
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ananke-xiii · 4 months ago
Another thing about the lameness of Apocalypse World being the result of "Mary's choice" is that it gives too much weight to Azazel's deal. That demon spent a lot of energy finding his "special children" and had never even noticed Mary before Dean's interference.
Interference that happened because Castiel made Dean travel through time and told him he had to "stop it" just to show him that it wasn't possible. Of course Cas didn't know, back then, about angels basically acting as and for Chuck by manipulating people, time and events for their own benefit. Still, you have to wonder after "In the beginning" whether Cas actually realizes what he has done.
Whether Mary deals with Azazel or not doesn't matter because of the bloodlines. The only difference is that if she said no an angel would fly in, resurrect John and wipe out their memories. Just like Zachariah and Michael tell Dean in S5.
The whole thing about demon blood as necessary in order to be Lucifer's vessel is just there for effect, I think, because neither Dean nor Adam need to be "primed" to be Michael's true vessel who, apparently, is even more powerful than Lucifer. Or, I don't know, to me that doesn't track at all but I might be missing something. I mean, it kinda shows how Kripke was tired of the "special children" plotline but, yk, the awkward, giant elephant in the room is that the foundation of the show is Sam and demon blood so... they had to justify it in some way, I think. But, again, I might miss something here.
The real importance of Azazel's deal is that it highlights Mary's complete loneliness in the world: in an instant her parent and her fiancé are dead. She deals because she bargains her otherwise horrible present (which is still horrible, tbh) for an unspecified future (which she craves. a lot. we've been told. multiple times that she wants to "escape" her current life). The tragedy is precisely that she doesn't know that she's specifically damning Sam's future in the process.
The real, real tragedy, however, is that she has no choice, whatever she does, SHE will always end up there. Because Mary and John are just "placeholders". The angels are basically just waiting for the demons to do the hard and dirty work while, they think, they just have to manipulate low ranking angels and get Dean's consent. Precisely the two things that fuck them in the end because Castiel rebels and Dean doesn't consent.
The other thing about Azazel's deal is that he doesn't need permission to enter Mary's house, that's just an excuse because of the "red tape". He has to bend the rules of the natural order and, in order to do so, he needs to make a deal. His deals are basically asking people to sign and date a blank sheet which is, obvs, a super manipulation, but, because people accept that, the deals "respect" the rules. It's absolutely unfair considering that this seems to apply only to humans while angels bend even the rules of time as they please with no consequences (well... actually, "what goes around comes around" and they will almost all be wiped out, lol).
The tragedy in the tragedy of the tragedy is that Dean understands that's about the souls. "In the beginning" makes a point of telling us that's not about that but I don't think it's true. Yes, Azazel won't come knocking in ten years with his hellhounds but he's bargaining a soul for a soul. Liddy's husband, if Azazel had managed to deal, wouldn't have died; Charlie's father would have lived; John would have died etc. So, in this episode at least because I don't remember the parents of the other special children tbh, Azazel is exchanging the life or death of 1 parent with the future of 1 of their children. At the end of the day, this is what the deal is about: it's a 1 for 1. This is also why he can't resurrect Mary's parents. Well, because he doesn't care, obviously, but because he doesn't have to: John's resurrection for Sam's future (which Mary has no idea about and neither does Azazel, he's also signing a blank sheet).
And this is so interesting because demons must follow the rules but angels don't because they are SO certain that they will end Time. They think they will put an end to everything and finally have their "paradise". When it doesn't come to pass, when the end doesn't arrive as promised, everybody has to face the consequences of their actions.
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h50europe · 9 months ago
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When one side of the fandom lies bleeding while the other one is thriving or how I learned about fandom wars the hard way
This is a message from someone whose beloved ship rests forever in the depths of the ocean.
We had high hopes. It looked like our ship was afloat and ready to explore the seven seas for three seasons. Then, the show got a new showrunner who was very homophobic, and from that point on, the show and our favorite ship went downhill. Even though I'd been in different fandoms for about fifteen years and should have known better, I let myself get caught up in an unprecedented fandom war. Those who favored the Het couple were attacking one half of our ship, not just his character but the actor. Don't think they don't know what's going on just because an actor isn't on social media. We knew some crew members and learned that everyone knew about this fandom war.
The whole thing escalated until the show's final episode, which came to a more than undignified end after ten years. Knowing what he was doing, the showrunner wrote an ending that damaged the show and destroyed our ship. It was bad. There were words like, "Now we're dancing on your grave," and much worse. I was mentally at the end of my rope at that point. Then, the sets were immediately dismantled after the last scene was shot. It's something that happens very rarely when a show reaches some cult status. Our ship didn't even do a joint farewell interview for the fans because the actors left the set quickly and never looked back.
Why am I telling you this? Because I've learned to observe things from a certain distance.
We are fans of the same show but have different priorities and ships. As a multi-shipper, it's easier, I'd say. But those who are running amok right now because their ship is staying in the harbor while another is sailing away with flying colors brings back extremely unpleasant memories to me. But the same goes for those who are just as happy about what's happening and are starting to lose their grip. Please take it from someone badly burned: This is not a competition. This is not me winning and you losing. It's deceptive to think you're on the winning side and make fun of others for it. The tide can turn. We don't know what the showrunner has in mind. We don't even know that season eight might not be the last. Take what we have right now and be thankful for it. Enjoy it while it lasts. But don't be tempted to point fingers and mock others or say, "Your ship will never be canon. Mine already is. Your ship is crap. Mine is better." Also, do not be fooled by the fact that the haters in the fandom are a small group of people who only appear to be many because of their vocality and because some are playing the old sock puppet account game again to make it look like they are many.
I can only tell you from experience that we should treat each other respectfully. Not every Buddie fan is an enemy. Unfortunately, I also see another phenomenon that is becoming more and more common. Fans barely dare to post anything for fear of the crazies in the fandom (which unfortunately exist on both sides). Fans who have nothing to do with a fandom war want to have fun. And if they have a ship, they just want to interact with like-minded people. Which - especially on X - seems to turn into a gauntlet. Because suddenly, Your Rudeness sneaks into the conversation and starts pissing on the timeline. For clowns like this, the block button still works. Getting involved in any discussion is pointless. I also had to pay dearly for this realization.
"Never wrestle with a pig because you'll both get dirty, and the pig likes it." - Positive energy is much more powerful than negative energy. If you stay positive, negativity can't touch you. Oh, and I've wrestled a lot of pigs. Other than excessive blood pressure, gastritis, and countless sleepless nights, it didn't do me any good.
Stop participating in dick-measuring contests. Stop bragging about your favorite ship and how the others are nothing but losers. Stop saying we won because we didn't. Again, this is not a contest. We are on equal footing, and we can all coexist in peace. There is plenty of room. For everyone, for every ship, for every fan. Oliver made a single statement for those unhappy with Buck's journey and his current travel companion. He dropped it for good. And I couldn't agree more with the message and how he did it.
Of course, we would like to see more of our ship. Of course, we want the actors to have a relationship storyline to sink their teeth into, and hopefully, we get to see some domestic stuff and some hot scenes. But so far, that is fanon and not canon. So far, there is usually more going on off-screen than we see. We can only hope that this will change. Those who call themselves open-minded and tolerant while going on a witch hunt should think twice about what those words mean, and they should live them and not just throw shallow phrases around.
My wish for the future of this fandom is that it becomes a safe place. Safe as in a h*te-free zone. A place where no one has to be afraid to speak their mind. And a place where you can express (constructive) criticism without getting a shitstorm. Peace out.
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maxime-damian · 21 days ago
last night I resolved one of the biggest mysteries of my life and I have no one to share this with because it's soooo fucking niche but
let's go back at least ten years in time okay, maybe less, but probably more. I am an only child who doesn't have cable TV so I'm a little bit disconnected from popular culture amongst my peers, except for the few times a year I get to spend holidays at my grandma's beach house. I don't like leaving the house, I have never had, so I use this time to watch cartoons. I'm watching all the fucking channels available, idc. zapping for hours and doing nothing
anyways, remember how back in the day cartoon network had this dynamic where you could vote what show they were gonna put next? yeah? iconic, right? so I'm laying in bed watching TV, my eyes are BURNING and I have this headache that's forcing me to close my eyes and drip away to a quick nap, all while they start playing a show I had never seen before in my life. it's the first episode. the show has a weird edgy vibe to it that tunes me in immediately because it looks dirty, and the characters are weirdly shaped and the animation is not that polished, but I am also falling asleep as I watch this. the plot is the weirdest fucking thing ever, and looking back, kinda bad. but I remember it vividly. the characters too, high school setting, three male characters, a red head with a green shirt, a tan one with gold chains, and a tall blond one who talks with an accent. I watch the whole thing and then knock the fuck out for hours.
I wake up. Confused as hell, arms tingling. What the actual fuck was that? Was it a dream??? It felt like one. Was the fucking name of the show?? Can't recall it. My brain is empty, everything feels like a distant memory now, the images are there, but for the life of mine I cannot put them in words. I need to find out what that show was.
TEN YEAR OLD QUEST TO FIND THAT SHOW. I tell people about it, my recollection of the plot, nobody knows what the fuck I'm talking about. I feel like I'm alone in this. I find myself submerged in hours-long Google searches trying to find this show. nothing. NOTHING. I forget about it for a long time, but every so often the memory comes back and I start to wonder if maybe everything was no more than a weird dream.
now, I came across a post on tumblr about nineties shows yesterday, which made me remember that after all these years I still haven't resolved this mystery, and led me to another deep dive of Google searches trying to solve the quest. I realized something. Canadian shows kinda have a very distinctive character design?? Think of total drama or sixteen. I started searching all of teletoon shows. Wait, red hair and green shirt combination?? FUCK I REMEMBER THAT. IS THAT IT? that's the main character, I REMEMBER THIS. HOLD ON LET ME CHECK THE WIKIPEDIA PAGE FOR THE PLOT.
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then, for the first night ever, I slept peacefully.
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coraniaid · 8 months ago
Who do you think tended to be consistently the strongest and weakest writers on the Buffy staff? [With the obvious caveat that TV writing is collaborative of course.]
Looking only at writers who are credited with at least five episodes so that we've got a decent sized sample of their writing (and, as you say, pretending for the sake of the argument that each episode was written entirely by the writer named in its credits), our long list is:
Dean Batali and Rob Des Hotel co-wrote five episodes together, starting with Season 1's Never Kill A Boy On The First Date and ending with Season 2's Killed By Death
Jane Espenson wrote twenty-three episodes, starting with Season 3's Band Candy and ending with Season 7's End Of Days (co-written with Doug Petrie)
David Fury wrote seventeen episodes, starting with Season 2's Go Fish (co-written with Elin Hampton) and ending with Season 7's Lies My Parents Told Me (co-written with Drew Goddard)
Drew Goddard wrote or co-wrote five episodes, all in Season 7, starting with Selfless and ending with Dirty Girls.
Drew Z. Greenberg wrote six episodes, starting with Season 6's Smashed and ending with Season 7's Empty Places
David Greenwalt wrote eight episodes, starting with Season 1's Teacher's Pet and ending with Season 3's Homecoming
Rebecca Rand Kirshner wrote eight episodes, starting with Season 5's Out Of My Mind and ending with Season 7's Touched
Steven S. Knight wrote five episodes, starting with Season 5's Blood Ties and ending with Season 6's Seeing Red
Marti Noxon wrote twenty-three episodes, starting with Season 2's What's My Line? (Part 1) (co-written with Howard Gordon) and ending with Season 7's Bring On The Night (co-written with Doug Petrie)
Doug Petrie wrote seventeen episodes, starting with Season 3's Revelations and ending with Season 7's End Of Days (co-written with Jane Espenson)
Joss Whedon wrote twenty-seven episodes, starting with Season 1's Welcome to the Hellmouth and ending with Season 7's Chosen
Unfortunately for people who like to claim that being a good person and being a good artist are correlated, I think it's pretty much indisputable that Joss Whedon was consistently the best Buffy writer. As well as every season opener and season finale except for Season 5's Buffy vs Dracula and both Season 6's Bargaining and Grave, Whedon-written episodes include Lie To Me, Innocence, Doppelgangland, Hush, Who Are You?, Family, The Body and Once More With Feeling. You could easily make a plausible top ten of Buffy episodes without picking episodes written by anybody else.
It's true that Whedon has a very particular style, that his characters all tend to default to speaking in a certain way and that he is a lot better at mood and metaphor than tight, multi-layed plotting. I'm not sure this is an approach that necessarily works well outside of the show (as well as easy targets like Avengers 2 or Whedon's bizarre Wonder Woman script or whatever was going on in the post-Chosen comics, I should admit I don't think fan-favorite Firefly is very good either), and by all accounts he's a pretty terrible human being as well, but as a writer on Buffy I think his work is consistently very good. The worst Whedon-written episodes are probably the opening two parter, Welcome to the Hellmouth/The Harvest, Season 1's Nightmares and Season 3's Amends, and I think it's a stretch to call any of them bad episodes.
Of the other good Buffy writers ... well, I wouldn't be much of a Faith fan if I didn't mention Doug Petrie (whose best episodes include Revelations, This Year's Girl, No Place Like Home and Fool For Love), but I think his Season 6 and Season 7 episodes are quite a bit weaker. I'm not a huge fan of Season 4's The Initiative either.
Marti Noxon had as big an influence as anyone on the show other than Whedon, but 'consistent' is not the word I'd use to describe her. Her best epsiodes (I Only Have Eyes For You, Consequences, The Prom, Forever, Bargaining) are fantastic, her worst ... well, she wrote the worst two episodes of Season 3 (Dead Man's Party and Beauty and the Beasts), she wrote Buffy vs Dracula (which I know some people love but I can't stand at all) and she wrote (or cowrote) Bewitched, Bothered & Bewildered and Doomed and Into the Woods (all three of which, I think, would be in the running for a list of the show's worst ten episodes).
I think Petrie and Noxon are probably the show's best two writers after Whedon. I know a lot of people really rate Jane Espenson's work, and I do like a lot of her episodes (Earshot and Band Candy are both very good), but she also wrote some real stinkers (Pangs, A New Man and ... again, Doomed). She doesn't quite have any real knockout episodes, for my money.
Worst writer is a more hotly contested category.
David Fury wrote (or co-wrote) Lies My Parents Told Me and Go Fish (and, not to keep banging on about it, Doomed) which is a pretty good claim to the title of "worst writer", but he also wrote Helpless, Choices, Fear Itself and Real Me and at least co-wrote Bargaining. So I don't think, hand on heart, that he can possibly be the worst Buffy writer. Certainly not consistently so.
David Greenwalt wrote (or co-wrote, with Whedon) School Hard and Ted and Faith, Hope & Trick and Homecoming, all very good episodes. But he also wrote Teacher's Pet, which .... uh.
Probably the consistently weakest writers are the ones who didn't really write anything dreadful but also never wrote anything particular amazing.
Dean Batali and Rob des Hotel's worst episode is the forgetable Killed By Death, and I'm not sure I could tell you what their best episode is. Never Kill A Boy On The First Date, maybe? I think I like that one more than most people do.
From the other end of the show's run, there's Drew Z Greenberg, whose worst episode is probably a tie between Him and Empty Places and whose best episode is ... uh. Entropy, maybe? And David Goddard, who only wrote for the show's worst season and who managed to cowrite Lies My Parents Told Me, easily the show's worst ever episode (and I am not as much of a fan of Selfless as many people, although I'd agree it's certainly his best work).
It's no secret that Season 7 is my least favorite season, and while I don't think Season 1 is objectively great, it -- and the early parts of Season 2 -- have a certain nostalgic charm I don't really get from the rest of the show. So I guess I'd pick one of the Drews, either Greenberg or Goddard, if I had to pick a single worst writer. Or fail to pick one, as it happens, because I can't pick between them.
Though I think the absolute best sign that an episode is likely to be a stinker is if it's credited to more than one writer, especially writers who don't normally write as a team. There are a handful of exceptions -- Conversations With Dead People comes to mind -- but on the hand you've got 'classics' like The Pack and Go Fish and Flooded and Life Serial and Sleeper and Bring On The Night and Lies My Parents Told Me and End Of Days. That's a pretty consistent list of dubious to terrible episodes right there.
Oh, and don't forget Doomed, the only episode of the show officially credited to three different writers. Have I mentioned that I don't like Doomed? Because I really don't like Doomed.
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elkian · 18 days ago
Ok ok ok ok OKAY. I know that certain things need to be changed for pacing and timing and all for movies. But god did they do the hobbits dirty?? I finished Episode 2 on my way home (in fact sat in my car and just listened for about ten minutes after until it ended) and the bit where Merry and Pippin and Sam conspire to make sure Frodo doesn't go off on his own? I fucking cried! I teared up! And then Strider is warning him and Farmer Maggot gave them dinner and a ride and a snack and the innkeeper is a bumbler yeah but he was still nice and, god, Gaffer Gamgee, like.
Frodo is loved. Frodo is so loved, you guys. By his community, his family and friends, people who barely know him and total strangers. Frodo is loved by Gandalf and Gandalf gave him a name to travel under (haha), and by that name Strider knows him and is looking out for him far before anyone trusts or even believes that he does, and he's proud of them for trying to stay safe (and also like. Frustrated. But that frustration comes from a place of deep concern, god).
(Also, the fact that if Frodo hadn't been using that name, well, things might still have gone well enough for him, but because he trusted Gandalf enough to use it, the people Gandalf are sending to help him can find him.)
(Also Gandalf says, "don't tell people your government name if you can avoid it when doing dangerous shit, kids!")
And there's a confluence of events here - the places the Nazgul went, the responses he got? Farmer Maggot hasn't seen Frodo in thirty years, had only ever had antagonistic interactions with him, and some fucker rolls up to his door promising gold and then levying threats and his response is a hearty "fuck off". Gaffer Gamgee, too! And there is some xenophobia mixed into these (and the innkeeper's) reactions, you can see it pretty clearly, but the fact of the matter is that when someone threatened harm these guys closed ranks.
I started LOTR because I'd finished the Hobbit recently, but also because I've seen people talk about it in ways that map to current events, and I wanted to see for myself.
Today I saw a headline of how out of around 2,000 attempted "detainments", ICE failed over 1,960 of them. Because people closed ranks. Perhaps not accidentally, this clip from Wong Foo with people interfering with the arrest and harassment of the drag queens was also on my dash today.
One thing really fascinating to me in JRRT's writing is, while I kind of thought it was going to be Serious Business All The Time (incorrect), the man understood people. He gets people in a way I've seen very rarely matched and it's beautiful.
Here Jirt is saying, yes there are horrors in the world, and people who want to hurt you. And there are also people who want to help you, who won't let you run into danger alone, who will stonewall against bribes and threats alike, even if they don't necessarily know you.
God. I'm fucking emotional.
Just thinking of the timeline, too - if either of the hobbits had sold Frodo out or even given more helpful directions, he very well may have been caught before ever getting out of the Shire! A couple of old hobbits said "come back with a warrant" and Frodo is alive because of it!
Also, now that I've worked through those emotions a bit, I am absolutely tickled that my assessment of Radagast in the previous post paid off, like, instantly. Speaking of things that were a crying shame to cut - you replaced him with a moth? Like, I love moths, but Radagast was told by a friend to keep his eyes peeled for fash shit and send word if anything happened, and he did so, and that is the reason Gandalf was able to escape!
A recurring theme of this and the Hobbit are that people don't have to do One Big Thing to contribute. Yes, it helps for those with the strength to do so to strike down evil wherever it rears its head, but there's more to the story than those moments.
It's so fascinating that Frodo is the main character, here. Like, the Hobbit was definitely a different tale, but Gandalf and Aragorn have major protagonist energy, right? Gandalf is a demigod thing I'm pretty sure? But no, our focus is this Just Some Guy who's maybe like 24 in human years and inherited the quest from his guardian, and his immediate response was "well, shit, I can't let the fuckers come after me while I'm here, so I need to leave" and Gandalf admires him for it. Little people doing big things with small actions is not even subtext.
I was aware that the series wasn't intended to be a bombastic war story, but I don't think I realized how touching it was going to be.
(There's also the bit with Theodin but I know stuff was changed in the movies so I'm gonna decline to comment but, good grief.)
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zurajanaizurakoda · 5 months ago
Which EP that make your into ginzura ?!
I know who you are, and you know you don't want to hear this. There wasn't any episode, I first watched the series almost ten years ago and distanced myself from it because it was making me physically sick worrying about characters. I remember looking for Ginzura and not finding anything but not being particularly attached to it. Like I didn't really see g*nhiji so I figured Ginzura had at least as much reason?
I thought the most interesting relationship was between Gin and Kagura (NOT sexually or romantically, I was just fascinated by them.
When I saw that the series was all on Crunchyroll (as far as I knew except the love potion arc which I wasn't a fan of in the manga so I decided to watch the series and see how it ended. Got obsessed again. It seems like I latched on to Katsura more that time, although I remember liking him the first time through. Finally I decided to find the second movie, which I remembered liking. I was enjoying it, and then it got to the scene on the balcony where Katsura talks about the last time he saw Gin, and I was fucking run over by a 50-ton freight train of feelings. I've never had a ship hit that fast. When he started choking up it was suddenly clear that the outfit wasn't a popularity joke, Katsura was literally shattered by losing Gin. He'd lost his entire family and his Sensei and his cause and everything he'd ever cared about and he'd persisted, but losing Gin broke him. And it struck me just how miserable he was in the movie, and how no one seemed to care. Kagura flatly states that he went insane because Gin disappeared, and they go back to talking about everything else like that wasn't important. Gin makes a half joke about murdering him and goes back to worrying about Gengai. This is runaway Kotarou, his literal claim to fame is running away. He escapes all the time, even from the inescapable prison, even when he was a screwdriver. And he just sat there and let the execution happen because he was so broken down. And of course, Kagura says he talked about destroying the world, but all he talks about, both with Kondo and Gin, is how much he wants to help the world. He hates the world but he just wants to help, so badly. And he was breaking down and Gin saw the Blight guy and left Katsura and probably forgot him as soon as he was out of sight. Then during the final battle, Katsura makes the long, impassioned speech about how every single one of them is there to support Gin. If Gin hears the speech, he literally does not react at all. I wondered if this was the Katsura who had mourned Gin for ten years. Everyone else forgot Gin, but for Katsura he lost his best friend and suffered for it for a decade. Here he is finally able to do something for the person he cares about more than everything. And again, how happy would he be if Gin just took a second to acknowledge him?
And it's been the same ever since. His introduction is based on how much he values Gin, how he was willing to dirty his hands to get him back. But he accepts Gin's decision, even if he doesn't like it, and he tries to influence Gin but he never endangers him again. His next major appearance, he says the Harusame is too big for his entire organization, but when Gin says he's going, Katsura goes with him without hesitation "I'm your left hand" isn't just an idle term, he makes an enemy he's already stated he doesn't think he can defeat if it will help Gin. In Benizakura he tells Takasugi he rearranged his core beliefs based on how strong he sees Gin as. I could keep going. The constant standbys. Wanting to be in the Cartesian Arc., In the soul-switch arc he literally is willing to fight for Hijikata because Hijikata in Gin's body took him seriously and offered him a job. When he saved Gin from Nobunobu (Which again, Gin literally never acknowledges, Katsura spends most of his time talking about Gin and Gin spends the whole time playing support for Hijikata. Katsura gets his rawest line in the series, about how when you're near death you just want to be with people you care about. This reframes his asking Gin to commit seppuku with him. When he lost all hope, his one wish was to be near Gintoki when he died. Meanwhile, in the Farewell Shinsengumi arc, he doesn't get to see Gin. It doesn't even appear that Gin bothered to talk to him about Utsuro until Matako and Nobume bring it up. Gin literally fucking renamed him and it changed how his friends treated him for the rest of his life. When he stayed in the ship in The Very Final. I don't see much Ginzura in the series, but if Katsura isn't in love with Gintoki it's still obvious that a good chunk of his sanity revolves around his relationship with Gin. I truly believe there's more support for his romantic feelings for Gin than his romantic feelings for Ikumatsu, and I truly believe he cares about her and I can even see them ending up together but you cannot possibly convince me that their main bond is based around his understanding how hard it is to lose the one you love to the cause. And every time I see Katsura I want to throw a supportive Gin at him, even for a minute, even for a single panel, and it never happens. So I write.
Obviously this is all my opinion. If you really want to discuss it that's fine, but if you just want to tell me how wrong I am I'm aware my opinions are very different from most of the fandom. When I say you can't convince me it's because I'm stubborn as fuck and I suffer from cognitive rigidity, not because I think I'm the smartest person on the internet. Just assume you're right
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novankenn · 9 months ago
Jaune 1/2 (v1-7)
Professor Goodwitch had a headache... well, more specifically two headaches, and they had names. Pyrrha Nikos and Jaune Arc. Currently, she was standing behind the pair of young adults, waiting for elevator doors to open on Headmaster Ozpin's office.
Ten minutes ago, she had been alerted to a... disturbance in the student dorms by the janitorial staff. Staff that hinted that the was potential bodily harm and property damage happening. So she rushed there and found... her headaches arguing in their underwear.
The ding sounded just before the doors slid open.
Glynda: Move.
The pair moved into the expanse that was Headmaster Ozpin's office, in silence, though they did snipe at each other with dirty looks. Glynda allowed it, just because as long as they kept quiet, she really didn't care. Ozpin sighed as he saw them approach, and reached up to pinch the bridge of his nose. Hindsight was 20/20 after all, and just maybe he shouldn't have adjusted the accommodations to put them both in the same room.
Glynda knew Ozpin was the architect behind this incident, and it would be unprofessional to tear into him before two potential students, however it was well with in her preview to make him deal with them.
Glynda: Sit.
The pair did as they were ordered.
Glynda: I know, so because of that you can explain the situation to them.
Ozpin: Fine.
Ozpin turned his attention to Ms Nikos and Mr Arc, but before he could say a word...
Pyrrha: Why was this pervert allowed into my room? What happened to the cute... er... forget I said that!
Everyone in the room eyed Pyrrha as she blushed crimson red and clammed.
Glynda: Shut it.
Jaune closed his mouth and just sat there.
Ozpin: Okay. This is how it is going to be. You two are going to room together until initiation, which happens in two days time. At which point you will both have the chance to NOT end up as each other's partner. You follow me? Speak up if you don't understand.
The pair of barely clothed young adults just sat silently.
Ozpin: Until then, and even AFTER then, you two will treat each other civilly. You do not have to be friends, but you will respect each other. Understood?
Jaune and Pyrrha both nodded. Ozpin rose from his chair, picked up his mug, and proceeded to walk around his desk.
Ozpin: As for the... "cute" Jaune...
==\ Episode List /==
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oneatlatime · 2 years ago
The Great Divide
Is this episode as bad as people say?
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It starts pretty at least.
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Would Little Miss Steals From Pirates really be a stickler for camping etiquette? Also, I have to agree with Sokka on this one. If you're lucky enough to live somewhere with such predictable precipitation that you can name your seasons after it, hell yeah don't prepare for off-season weather unnecessarily. Imagine the freedom that comes with not having to carry an umbrella everywhere.
Something that's occured to me is that Katara is always slapping Sokka around (usually for a comedy bit) but Sokka never gets to slap her back. We're like three minutes into this episode and Katara's already thrown sticks at Sokka twice. It's about time Sokka throws some back. There's probably some cartoon violence rule that says violence is only ok when it's gendered the one way, but isn't it about time that got changed?
When Aang namedrops his job a slowed down version of the flute melody from the credits music plays. Neat.
Really liking the banjo type music in this episode.
I have bad luck with spelling phonetically, so the tribes will henceforth be known as Prissy and Dirty.
Gotta say, Prissy seems to always be attacking. Looks like Dirty wouldn't even bother with the feud if Prissy didn't keep bringing it up.
That Canyon guide earthbends a seriously large amount of earth. Like Bumi quantities.
Another responsibility added to the nebulously defined Avatar duties: peacemaking between peoples. I figured he was just for spirit stuff.
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Appa's weight limit is apparently at least 11 people plus supplies. Strong boy. Also, this episode he understands enough English to know where to go without a human steering him.
"Would you rather be hungry, or dead?" Love how that line is delivered. Also I get the feeling this poor guy's been working a customer-facing role for too long.
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Tiny Momo.
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More evidence that this guy is a Bumi level earthbender. Diverting a landslide in mid-air? Diverting a whole landslide's worth of momentum-heavy rocks without any contact with them? This is nuts. Throw this guy at the Fire Nation and the war would be over in ten minutes.
"Now we gotta help me!" Unexpectedly funny line.
You know, now would be a good time for the Avatar to know earthbending. Actually how does that work? Aang can bend all four elements, but I guess he hasn't unlocked earth yet? What unlocks it? Apparently not peril.
Told you that earthbending guide had worked too long in customer service.
I get it. This whole tribal conflict is a mirror of Sokka and Katara's fight at the beginning. I completely agree that Sokka would have the grounded practicality of the Dirty tribe, but I've never read Katara as a "you can never be too careful" type of person. If anything, she's the much bigger risk-taker, especially compared to Sokka. In the very first episode, it was Katara who (with Aang's encouragement) went on the Fire Nation shipwreck. In the second episode, it was Sokka who was carefully assembling the supplies required to rescue Aang. Frankly Katara and Sokka as written in any other episode would fit into the opposite tribes, although Katara wouldn't fit the aesthetic of the Dirty tribe. Maybe that's the point? That they're not so different after all?
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"Well, I guess it's ok if everyone's doing it." I am abruptly reminded of the fact that I am an adult, not a member of the target audience of this show. That line awakened my disapproving mom voice with such force that I had to restrain myself from yelling "if all your friends were jumping off a cliff, would you jump too?" at the screen. Honestly, I thought that the fact that I am not the target audience would cause problems like finding the humour too juvenile or the plots too basic or preachy. Turns out the humour is not juvenile at all, and the plots are complex and sincere in a way that makes any message being delivered seem a natural consequence of the plot and the opposite of preachy. No, where my age gets in the way is when Katara acts her age in small ways that make me want to throw half a dozen parental figures at her, with great force.
Wanna bet that Gin-wei and Wei-gin were the same person, if they existed at all?
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Add gullible to Katara's list of things she needs to work on.
The justifications for bringing in food are hitting 5D chess levels.
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This is gorgeous. I'll side with the Dirty tribe just because their myth is prettier. Yes, I'm that shallow, but this episode is too.
Sokka maintaining the appropriate amount of distance from the conflict and not getting sucked in like his sister by focusing on food is a lovely touch. Both true to Sokka's less trusting tendencies and true to the fact that he is a teenage boy.
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Don't worry Aang, you're not missing much.
This canyon guide's got wisdom. Impartiality is lonely, and getting out will be a team effort. Definitely not his first rodeo.
Every argument between these two tribes is started by the Prissy one. Would they just put a sock in it?
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Don't let the praise go to your head honey. I don't think they took it like you meant it.
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One-man-army Aang strikes again.
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"You're all AWFUL!" Yep. I think that's the crux of this episode. The problems are tiny and stupid, but seem huge when you're in the middle of them. Another of the side-effects of being impartial is that sometimes the pettiness and irrelevance in the grand scheme of things of very heated debates is infuriating.
"I only took their side because they fed me." Sokka shines this episode.
How did Aang make the canyon crawler pile? First time I haven't been able to follow fight choreography.
Combination muzzle and reins? I wouldn't have thought of that in a million years. And are people who aren't airbenders/acrobats going to be able to pull that muzzling move off?
Apparently yes. Gotta love cartoon physics.
Congratulations to both tribes for having superhuman grip strength. Clinging to a moving giant bug thing at 90 degrees while ascending a several hundred metre tall canyon seems neither fun nor possible.
I love the fake-out resolution. No way would 100 years of oral history be forgotten because of one bout of co-operation.
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I love the noise these two make. They sound like ducks.
The panda referee going completely without explanation is fitting, given that Aang is completely done with these people, and is putting in as little effort as possible to get them out of the way as quickly as he can.
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Can you really forget 100 years of prejudice so quickly? I predict there will be some hiccups along the journey.
Someone get that poor canyon guide a cushy retirement.
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Look at these faces. I have nothing to say about them, they're just worth looking at.
The purple sky in the last scene is a delicious colour. Also harmonises really well with water tribe attire.
Casually overwriting a century of oral history (otherwise known as culture) in order to get the stupid problem to go away is funny as hell, and putting two warring tribes on the path to peace is an objectively good thing to do. That being said, any anthropologist in the audience is cringing, and I would think at least Katara, who seems to be very aware of the cultural importance of her waterbending, would not be ok with Aang casually rewriting someone's history like that. And maybe an Avatar that lies that easily is not the ideal. It's certainly realistic - sometimes bullshit problems require bullshit solutions. And lying equally to everyone is technically impartial, right?
Final Thoughts
This episode is not bad. That is my ATLA hot take and I will stand by it. Do you know what this episode is? It's an episode where Aang and friends get to see what their more ludicrous adventures look like from the perspective of an uninformed outsider. I guarantee you that Aang & company's attitude by the end of the episode is an exact mirror to how the guards in Omashu felt after hosting them for a couple of days. 'Good riddance to that nuisance, may it never darken our door again. What a headache that was.' We always see Aang's adventures from within, with the context to understand what is going on. Riding a mail cart down a mail chute makes sense to Aang and the viewer, but the guards see it as a disruptive nuisance that needs to be stopped. Hating a member of the opposing tribe for a past betrayal makes sense to one of the tribe members, but Aang and the viewer can see that it's a disruptive nuisance that needs to be stopped if they want to get out of the canyon alive. I liked that the episode did let us inside both tribes' perspectives, so that they aren't entirely unsympathetic. But even with an understanding of the dispute, what essentially amounts to a century-long blood feud is objectively a bad idea, especially with the fire nation after both tribes. It's not like the fire nation will go after one but not the other; both tribes will just be earth kingdom citizens to them, as they are to Aang, the impartial observer.
This episode was sort of Aang & friends getting a taste of their own medicine. It also maintained a consistent attitude of not taking seriously the problems that people who are too involved are taking too seriously. I think that the overarching theme of the episode is basically 'it's not that deep.' Sometimes the Avatar's duties will include solving petty, stupid problems. Good to see that Aang has at least one workable, if ethically dubious, strategy for handling said problems.
I do feel that Katara's sudden goody-two-shoes characterisation in the tent fight in the beginning of the episode was incorrect, unless I'm missing or forgetting some time she's clung to the rules before. It was obviously to set up the episode's larger conflict on a micro scale between her and Sokka, but as I said in my post on the Warriors of Kyoshi episode, if you have to Flanderise your character in order to make them eligible for learning the lesson of the episode, maybe they weren't the right character to use to drive home the lesson.
Aang is so zen most of the time that I enjoyed seeing him lose his temper on people who absolutely deserved it. Sokka had lots of great lines this episode, and Katara was a beast with that water whip of hers. Looks like, much as I don't want to admit it, stealing the water bending scroll paid off.
It does bother me how every argument between the two tribes seems to be started by the Prissy one. I would have preferred if the two tribes were equally antagonistic, I guess that would just be fairer?
If this episode was aiming for Southern Air Temple or Jet levels of depth and emotion, then this episode would be bad. But this episode, to me at least, is clearly a goofy side trip style episode, like the King of Omashu. Makes sense to have some utterly irrelevant side adventure after and episode as dark as Jet.
As an unexpected bonus, Zuko's characterisation was wonderfully consistent this episode!
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klysanderelias · 2 months ago
Ten people I’d like to know better
tagged by @obstinaterixatrix
last song: Sunset by the xx (from the npr tiny desk)
fav color: hmm, I guess I like a nice green? i don't think I really have one
last book: Heir to the Empire by timothy zahn
last movie: I wish this wasn't true but almost certainly Caravan of Courage An Ewok Adventure, shoutout to my boy Chuka-Trok, RIP king, you were a real one and they did you so dirty
last show: probably Star Wars rebels, unfortunately
sweet/spicy/savory: sweet!!
relationship status: single
last thing i googled: [local indian place] hours (they do masala fried chicken wings)
current obsession: 'stardew valley is wehrbauer' 😅 but I'm getting over that, probably once I'm back from my parents' place I'm gonna play slay the princess so it's either that or fire emblem three houses but battletech
looking forward to: not getting laid off in january. But for real, uh, it'll be good to see my sister again, and I've got a destiny raid planned with my brother, and I've got some wonderful artists working on some commissions for me, and while I'm not looking forward to the nine hour drive on tuesday I've got a couple of podcast episodes I'm really excited to finally listen to
tagging: I don't really know how these things go, and I don't know how many people actually like these but uhh, in case anyone is interested, @zenjestrr, @dabblingindissent, @angelscausingaccidents, @astral-circuitry and @sartugha
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celestialprincesse · 1 year ago
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This is different from my usual postings, but I thought I'd share a little list of small things that helped me through some pretty nasty phases with my mental health. Hopefully someone will benefit from this, and feel free to add! 🤍🦢
Open a window. I know this sounds so lame, but there's something about fresh air and the sound of outside that really clears away the cobwebs.
Organise something - Preferably something you like. I often sit and colour coordinate my bookshelves or a section of my makeup drawer. Even doing one small task a day is still doing something.
Following on from that, if you can, make a list of small, achievable tasks for the day, week or month. I can't stress enough how motivating the sense of achievement is when you cross something off of your list.
Have a few outfits that you can cycle through for when you don't have the energy to pick out clothes. I'm talking a hoodie and some jeans, some leggings and a T-shirt. There's nothing wrong with keeping it simple. Also, a clean and dirty clothes bin. If you don't feel up to putting away your clean laundry, just put it in the clean bin.
Find a show to watch with a bunch of seasons and episodes. Again, takes away the frustration of not knowing what to watch and gives you something to do when you're not feeling up to anything else.
Meal planning has forever been my saviour. If you ever find a day where you're feeling energised and up to doing something, make food. If you can spend a couple hours preparing some food and don't have to worry for the next couple days, that's great! It gives you one less thing to worry about.
Don't be afraid to ask friends and family for support. Even if they just come and run errands with you or just sit and watch a movie. Body doubling really can be so helpful with productivity, and can keep you motivated.
Doing little acts of self care can make you feel so much better. Seriously. I often find that using a little spritz of my favourite perfume or putting on a nice lip balm makes me feel so much more able to get out and face the day. I can't overstate how beneficial it is to do things that make you feel good.
Take out unnecessary steps from things. If you can make things easier, and therefore less of a chore, you'll be so much more inclined to do them. Your skincare routine doesn't need to be ten steps, just washing your face is okay. Same for getting ready in the mornings etc.
Adding to this: If you can find the energy or the time, go to a museum!! Bonus points if it's in line with one of your interests! Spend time looking at beautiful things! Surround yourself with things that you love and enjoy. Even just sitting and people watching does things for the soul.
This is all I could think of right now, but I hope this helps anyone who might need it! Mwah🤍
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