#episode tag: 3x12
indelibleevidence · 2 years
Taken for Granted, chapter 18
Author's Note: Finally got around to updating this, since we're about there in the rewatch, and the last time I updated it was pre-pandemic! Sorry for the wait. If you need a refresher, you can find the rest of the fic on FFN or AO3.
Nearly eleven hours later…
Choking someone unconscious had never felt so satisfying.
Boyd fell to the floor, his head hitting the floor with a thump Jane could probably have prevented if she'd cared to. The kids behind her whimpered softly. God, they're gonna need so much therapy when they get home…but at least they'll get there. I hope.
Moving fast, Jane pulled the zip ties she'd stolen earlier out of her pocket, and bound Boyd's hands and feet as fast as she could. Then she turned to the cowering children, with a smile as reassuring as she could make it.
"Hey… Don't worry, he's just having a little nap. I just made sure he can't go anywhere when he wakes up, see? So he can't stop me from getting you guys home."
The kids still looked fearful, but hope made them brave. Jane coaxed them out of the cage, hoping like hell she'd been right about Boyd being the last one down here. On his way past the unconscious guard, Kenny kicked his shoulder, his face an angry scowl. Jane wasn't sure whether to be amused or desperately sad.
Once they were all out of the cage, Jane dragged Boyd inside, then locked him in for good measure. Maybe it was overkill, but she'd gotten out of zip ties before. She wasn't about to underestimate her enemies now—not with so many tiny lives on the line.
"Everyone pick a buddy, okay? Hold each other's hands, and make sure you don't lose each other. We're going to the magic tunnel now, so you can get home."
Toddlers weren't exactly famous for their long attention spans, but Jane hoped if she just kept telling the kids they were going home, it would override any fear or temper tantrums that might hold them up.
Kurt… Just keep them distracted for a little longer. We can do this.
She wasn't sure if it had been Kurt or—remotely—Patterson who'd manufactured the current crisis, but one or the other of them had managed to damage the water pipe they'd noticed last night, and most of the warehouse workers were up on the next floor, transferring stock away from the flooding zone and loading up trucks with legitimate goods for transportation. There were a couple of large deliveries due to ship out that day, which worked in the FBI's favour.
Except for the fact that all of Shapiro's people would be upstairs when the raid started, giving them far more firepower in one area than they would have had yesterday…but Jane was trying not to think about that.
She didn't want to turn her back on the stairwell and freight elevator, but getting the kids where she wanted them would be difficult if she didn't. Taking a deep breath, she turned her attention back to the kids.
"Everyone ready? We're going this way. Quick as you can, and shhhh!"
Somehow, she managed to keep the kids on track, scanning for unexpected threats, comforted by the weight of Boyd's confiscated Glock in her hand. Whether the kids realised how serious the situation was, she wasn't sure, but they followed meekly, like ducklings after their mother.
The floor hatch was closed, but opened soundlessly as Jane heaved the metal door upwards. The bag of weapons was where she'd left it, and she pulled it out, slinging one of the assault rifles over her shoulder immediately.
"You ready, guys? My friends are on the other side of this tunnel, and they'll take you to your moms and dads, but you gotta crawl under here, okay?"
The kids clustered around the hatch opening, dubious in the way only toddlers could be.
"It's dirty," Rebecca protested. "Mommy will be mad."
A couple of the other kids nodded agreement, and Jane tried to stay calm and patient. We're running out of time…
"It's okay. You can tell your mommy it was my fault, okay? Don't you want to get really dirty, just for once? That'd be fun, right?"
She reached into the tunnel and ground her palm into the dirt, then tracked a smudge of the muck over her blouse front. The enthusiasm level of her charges grew considerably. There were even a couple of giggles.
"We can see who gets the most dirt on them, sound good? But you have to crawl through there and find my friends."
Doubt began to creep in again, and fear gripped Jane's stomach like a vice. How was she going to make these kids go in there, where it was dark, cramped, and dirty?
Then a distant voice called from the hole, barely loud enough for Jane to hear. "Leo? Baby, are you there? Come on out here! I miss you!"
"That's my mommy!" His eyes shining, Leo rushed forward.
Other parents called for their kids, one after the other, and Jane realised the team must have recorded their encouraging voices, ready to be played at the other end of the crawlspace at the right moment. Did Patterson have eyes on this end of the tunnel right now, or was her remote controlled car upstairs, giving the SWAT teams intel on enemy positions?
Either way, the kids needed very little nudging, now that they could hear their parents' voices. Leo was already halfway into the tunnel, and the others were pushing and shoving to be next. Rebecca still hung back, but Jane knew she would follow the others eventually.
The problem was Tommy, whose arm was still in its sling. He was trying to get his turn to go through, but Jane knew he'd block everyone else's passage if he was in too much pain to make the crawl.
"Hey, Tommy, come here for a minute, okay?"
He ignored her, and Jane swallowed hard. "Tommy, I need to see your arm."
Tommy wrenched away from her. "Daddy said 'come here'! I wanna go home!"
"I know, buddy." She'd heard Kurt use that term of address with Sawyer, and she was hoping it would help Tommy feel more at ease now. "But your arm still hurts, right? Just let everyone else go first, and then you can go, I promise."
She was less than confident that she was doing the right thing, but at least if he was stuck halfway down the tunnel, they could slowly coax him out when the danger had passed. Better stuck in a tunnel than in the path of a bullet.
Tommy was crying against her stomach by the time the other kids, Rebecca included, had disappeared into the filthy passageway. "I want Daddy!"
Jane shushed him, one hand stroking his hair, the other on the butt of the Glock. "Okay, do you think you can make it all the way there? Your arm will hurt, but Daddy's out there, right? He'll take you to make it all better."
Tommy nodded, sniffling determinedly. He started towards the hatch, but both he and Jane almost leapt out of their skins when faint gunfire and shouts began overhead.
Damn it—we're out of time. I need to get to that log book before Shapiro does.
"Go on, now, Tommy, it's time to go see Daddy, okay?"
Newly terrified, the toddler clung to her. "Daddy's gone!"
Jane realised he was right—an agent at the other end of the tunnel must have been counting kids, and turned off the recording when all but one child was accounted for, since she'd told Patterson one would be staying behind. She'd never thought there was a chance she'd be able to persuade Tommy to go through the tunnel injured, and without that recording of his dad's voice, it seemed she was right.
Time for Plan B.
"The bad men are coming back, and I can make them go away, but you gotta hide, okay? Run over to that corner"—far enough away from this makeshift office space that he wouldn't be discovered, if Shapiro came to destroy anything—"and hide behind those big boxes there. Don't come out unless you know it's me. I'll be there in just a little while, and we can go find your dad together, all right?"
Tommy hesitated, and Jane tried not to look impatient or angry. Her gut told her Shapiro might beat her to the log book if she didn't move now, but she couldn't just abandon Tommy, or let him follow her into danger.
Finally, he nodded, and released her long skirt. She watched him totter off, smiling encouragingly when he hesitated and looked back. When his small figure disappeared behind the stack of boxes, she took off at a run, making for Shapiro's office. The sounds of combat overhead grew louder with every step, amplified by the freight elevator shaft.
She'd only just reached the vicinity of the office when the stairwell door opened, crashing against the nearby wall with enough force to alert her. She spun to meet the threat, readying the rifle in preparation to defend herself.
For a split-second, her heart lifted at the sight of her husband—then dropped like an atom bomb as she registered his hands were held aloft, and his jaw was clenched. She could read the defeated apology in his eyes, even before he spoke.
"Sorry, Jane."
Shapiro glowered at her from over Kurt's shoulder, the barrel of his pistol pressed against her husband's neck. "Drop the weapon."
Kurt's expression told her not to, but fear flooded her in a cold, sickening wave. She'd spent enough time around Shapiro to know he'd take her deception very, very personally. He'd kill Kurt right in front of her, the first time she gave him the slightest provocation.
She transferred the rifle to one hand, raised the other in a gesture of submission, and slowly stooped to lay the weapon on the floor.
"Kick it away."
Kurt swallowed a groan as Jane nudged the rifle out of reach with her foot. He'd known she'd capitulate in the hope of saving his life, but the last thing he wanted was for Jane to be vulnerable, too. If Shapiro had only had a knife, she might have dared to replicate the shot she'd made at the Statue of Liberty, the first time she'd saved his life—but a knife slice required a precise angle, and force behind the slash. A firearm required only the twitch of a trigger finger, and the movement was harder to anticipate.
In her position, he wouldn't have dared to take the shot, either.
The raid upstairs was still going strong—the SWAT team would be occupied for a while yet. He'd caught a glimpse of Tasha and Reade in the fray, but instead of joining the agents, he'd headed for the stairwell, unsure how many traffickers were left downstairs, or where Shapiro had disappeared to. The only thing on his mind had been to get to Jane. To back her up, and to defend the kids.
As he'd reached the top of the stairs, the cold metal of a gun barrel had pressed against the base of his skull. He'd become Shapiro's hostage, but as long as that weapon was pointed at him, not at Jane, he could deal with that.
There was no sign of any kids, and there was an unconscious trafficker in the cage instead. Had Jane got them all out through the hatch, even the injured boy? He'd failed in his task, but maybe she'd succeeded in hers.
If I die a failure, at least she can live, knowing she saved those kids. God, Jane, I'm so sorry I screwed this up.
Jane's long 'Penny Yates' skirt seemed to be weighted more on one side. Did she have the log book in the large, concealed pocket she'd shown him last night, or was it one of their sidearms?
"Empty your pockets." Shapiro ordered.
I guess a little luck would have been too much to ask.
Jane's mutinous expression must have mirrored Kurt's own, but she turned out the skirt's pockets, dropping an unfamiliar Glock and a bundle of zip ties to the concrete floor. Without being asked, she kicked the Glock over to join her rifle.
"At first, I thought you'd just lost your nerve and ratted me out to the Feds, but you're not even Penny Yates, are you?"
"Jane Doe, FBI." She glared at Shapiro. "You might as well give up now. Sounds like our agents are making short work of your crew, and there are no exits down here."
Shapiro ignored her icy suggestion. "And you," he said, nudging his weapon against Kurt's neck. "You're really her husband, aren't you? Or are you divorced?"
Kurt dodged the question, not wanting to give their enemy confirmation of how much he loved his wife—or how much Jane loved him. "Why bother with a hostage?" he demanded. "You know you're not walking out of here a free man. As soon as they finish with your people up there, you'll be outnumbered, forty to one."
"Shut up." Despite the hopelessness of his situation, Shapiro wasn't succumbing to panic. "You. Jane Doe. Go into my office and get the log book I showed you yesterday. There's probably a cigarette lighter on my desk. Bring that, too. If you're not back within thirty seconds, your husband is dead."
Jane hesitated. "I need longer. The cabinet is locked."
A second later, a bunch of keys arched through the air, landing with a metallic jingle at her feet. "It's the smallest key on the ring. Go now."
With a swift glance at Kurt's face, telling him silently to hang in there, Jane scooped up the keys from the floor, then retreated.
Overhead, the bursts of gunfire were more sporadic, punctuated by brief calls from one agent to another. The resistance was lessening, and they both knew it. All Kurt and Jane had to do was stall for time until backup arrived—or until Shapiro got trigger-happy.
"Surrender now, or you won't leave here alive. Every agent on that SWAT team knows you traffic children—"
"And every inmate in Rikers will, too. Don't pretend my life isn't over, either way," Shapiro snarled.
"We can work out a deal, make sure you don't go into gen pop. Just flip on your customers and suppliers." The last thing Kurt intended to do was bargain with this piece of shit, but if he could offer enough hope for Shapiro to surrender...
Shapiro gave a derisive snort. "And what's your word worth, as soon as I don't have a gun to your head? I'm not an idiot."
Not enough of one to trust me, but you just let Jane out of your sight, even if just for a few seconds.
Kurt knew his wife. She'd improvise, and they'd get out of this alive. They always did.
One of these days, you're gonna be wrong about that. The thought sent a bead of cold sweat rolling down his back.
Before he could respond to Shapiro's disparaging remark, Jane called, "I'm coming back with the book. Hold your fire!"
A couple of seconds later she walked into view, holding the precious log book up in both hands. As she resumed her previous position, her gaze searched Kurt's, her anxiety plain.
Maybe she hadn't been able to find a weapon or a distraction in time.
He wished he'd been able to come up with some kind of plan besides 'wait for backup'. What the hell was taking the SWAT team so long, up there? They needed help down here, now.
"Drop the book on the floor. Did you get the lighter?"
Jane did as he asked. "It's in my pocket."
Shapiro pressed his gun harder against Kurt's jugular. "Get it open, and pour the lighter fluid on the book."
Fuck. If he's so hell-bent on destroying it, then someone he cares about will still get paid if the trafficking ring keeps going after his death. We need that book to pull this thing out by the roots.
"Jane, don't."
She slowly pulled a lighter from her pocket—an expensive one, designed to ignite with the motion of the opening lid. Then she looked down at it with a frown. "If I empty it, it won't work."
Kurt kept quiet, knowing she was playing for time. A flicker of movement in his peripheral vision distracted him, but the stairwell was behind them. Was it a kid, or a trafficker? It was gone too fast for him to tell, and with the gun against his neck, he didn't dare to turn his head.
Shapiro sighed. "Then don't empty it all the way."
She couldn't really be planning to send their evidence up in flames, could she? "Jane!"
Now she met Kurt's eyes, not attempting to hide her anguish from Shapiro. "I know. But he'll kill you if I don't."
"You're damn right I will. Get on with it!" Shapiro commanded harshly.
Despairing, Kurt watched his wife manipulate the lighter. After a second, she poured a thin stream of fluid over the cover of the book at her feet.
"Jane, you know this is bigger than just New York. Think how many kids' futures will go up in flames if the trail goes cold. If I have to die so that book survives, it's worth it."
Jane met his eyes, and he saw the tears shimmering in them. Desperation rolled off her. "We don't need the book. We'll find them another way."
"But how much longer will it take us? How many more kids will suffer?" He swallowed hard, wanting more than anything to soothe the pain from her face. "The second that book burns, he'll kill me anyway."
Had Shapiro loosened his grip a fraction? Was he letting his guard down, underestimating them in their emotional state? With Jane unarmed, Kurt didn't dare to try his luck.
"Light it up, now!" Shapiro growled.
Hurriedly—a little too hurriedly—Jane scrubbed her hand across her teary eyes, then flicked open the lighter. It caught immediately, a tiny flame dancing atop the metal. So small—but large enough to ignite the accelerant soaking through the cover of the book.
"Drop it," the trafficker ordered. "Next time, I won't ask. I'll just shoot him."
Jane met Kurt's eyes, and though her distress was real, he immediately knew she had some kind of plan. What his part in it was, he didn't know. Should he be ready to lunge at a distracted Shapiro, or keep still?
His perception seemed to slow everything down, even as events unfolded with startling speed:
Jane opened her left hand, and the lighter began to fall, its flame flickering wildly.
Shapiro, distracted by the question of whether the book would go up in flames, leaned forward, the pressure of the gun barrel easing against Kurt's neck.
Jane whipped a handgun out from the small of her back, and assumed a two-handed shooter's stance, her face a cold, determined mask.
With a burst of adrenaline-fuelled strength, Kurt threw his weight back against Shapiro, safe in the knowledge that even if Shapiro fired and hit him, Jane could take the bastard out an instant later.
Shapiro and Kurt both stumbled backward, right at the instant an enraged toddler scream split the air. "You're a meanie!"
Kurt tried to pinpoint the source of the voice, just as something child-sized charged into the space where Shapiro's legs had been a moment before—right where Kurt was now. It wasn't enough to knock him off balance, but he jolted.
Someone's gun fired—Shapiro's, or Jane's? Kurt didn't know—didn't know who'd fired, who'd been hit, where the hell the kid had come from, or whether he was about to crush him beneath his falling body.
All he knew was that Jane gave a raw cry of terror, wordless and unrestrained, just as he tasted blood. Fear for her overwhelmed him—was she okay? Gravity controlled him now, but at least Shapiro was coming down with him.
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hucklebucket · 2 years
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Ace + being On Nancy’s Side™
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Ted Lasso 3x12: Why the Finale Felt a Bit Hollow
I genuinely think the only way to end Ted’s arc was to have him return to Henry. There’s no world in which he would ask his son to move across the world to him, much less not return to him. And so much of Ted’s pain is centered around being far from Henry. In a way, being a parent does really overshadow every other part of your life...some are saying Ted has gotten reduced down to just his fatherhood, but the point is that for him, and for a lot of parents, your child is your number one priority even if there’s a thousand more things on the other side of the scale. Henry needs him, and Richmond doesn’t, so there’s no way to justify the distance that Ted himself admits he keeps partly because he’s afraid of when Henry will leave him. It is beautiful that he can be confident now and take up the space he deserves in Kansas, in his son’s life. I hope Michelle gets it together, and hopefully that scene with Dr. Jacob being an asshole is what that’s about. 
I will read a hundred fics about Ted staying with Richmond to soothe the pain, and I’ve been rotating it in my mind all day. I also don’t particularly ship anyone but Roy and Jamie, so Ted’s ending isn’t about that for me. 
However, what really bugged me is that it seems like the show is treating Ted moving away to Kansas as if he will literally never talk to or see these people again, as if he didn’t involve himself with Henry’s life as much as possible from an ocean away. Why would the inverse not hold true with his other family, with his platonic soulmate and best friend(s) and pseudo child?? I am definitely buying into the dream sequence theory at the end bc otherwise that is what really pushes this into sad territory for me...why would he not be a part of those memories, those futures to come, as a friend and family member?
It seemed like the show couldn’t decide, like Ted was checked out of all of these emotional goodbyes where other people tried to tell him over and over again that they loved him and wanted him, without showing deep sadness or telling them to visit or giving a rambling Ted story. I’m hoping that’s because it’s a huge life change, but not one that moves him to sadness, because he’ll continue being there for them, and they’ll continue being there for him. 
I would have loved some reassurance though...Ted promising to call every day at Biscuits with the Boss time...Rebecca giving him a permanent airfare ticket so he can be flying in and out all the time, bringing Henry with him! Ted going to Richmond games whenever he can, Ted remembering birthdays and going to the book release and taking up space when the Higgins get everyone together. Ted showing back up with Henry, Sleepless in Seattle style, being greeted by Rebecca and the rest of the team to spend weeks and months back in his other home. Ted getting FaceTimed for advice about relationships and promotions and girl talk and the Diamond Dogs group chat and how to make a Richmond charity or women’s team or kid’s outreach program (best way to make Rebecca a mom in my opinion). Ted being a consultant bc Rebecca refuses to take him off the payroll until they win the whole thing, Ted being loved by the fans and journos even from afar, even years later. Ted being happy to be in London as a tourist with his son, with all that wonder and joy and optimism now that he can resolve the ache of both of his lives being one life! And vice versa, Rebecca and Beard constantly visiting, dragging Keeley or Roy or Nate with them, the players spending off season learning about Kansas and playing with Henry, celebrating holidays together !! The fans who now own 49% of the club being ok with some of its budget being “wasted” just making sure Ted and the team continue to be with each other in some way. Ted visiting and being greeted by all the people he talks to during his morning routine as if he never left. 
I just hope that he’s not cutting himself out of his community. It is about you, Ted. It is. 
Hope he creates a beautiful, whole life in Kansas (ideally in my mind he coaches a women’s soccer team there and then eventually moves back to Richmond to coach their women’s soccer team like years in the future, once Henry is an adult), but also continues therapy enough to know that he isn’t Mary Poppins!! He’s a Dorothy that loved Oz, he’s a Maria that deserves the Von Trapps. He’s the main character, he’s not a magical mentor type. He has immensely wealthy people who love him, he can make it work both ways. Some of the money that could have been his salary can instead be his travel and phone bill money. 
It’s a dream sequence not only because it had some truly unrealistic stuff in it (Jane and Beard getting married at Stonehenge, Rebecca meeting Dutch man despite the magic of their story being its ephemeral nature, Jamie with his dad, Trent taking out so much of Ted from the book cover/title after he said he wouldn’t change anything) but because, for me, the only part of the finale that was truly disappointing was the regression of Ted thinking he exists only to make those moments possible for others, with no place for himself within them. 
In a finale that didn’t really feel like an ending (in a good way!), where so many storylines didn’t get resolved because the point is that the characters will keep growing and changing and evolving beyond what we see of them, because now they have the tools to do that, I can’t Believe that the one hard ending we got was Ted’s life with Richmond. So I won’t.
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kybercrystals94 · 5 months
Sacrifice and Loyalty
Read here on Ao3!
Angstpril 2024 | Day 12 | Prompt 12: A Little Too Late
Rated: G | Words: 561 | Summary: Missing scene between episodes 3x11 and 3x12. | Character Focus: Crosshair, Hunter
Spoilers for Season 3 Episodes 11 & 12
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The moment Hunter slips through the door, he knows something is desperately wrong. The needled talons of dread claw up his throat from the pit of his stomach. He tries to swallow it back, but it lodges tightly just behind his tongue. 
Hunter takes in the occupants of the space. Wrecker, still unconscious, and Crosshair, sitting next to him with his rifle propped at the ready against his thigh. Their sister’s absence is cavernous. 
“Where’s Omega?” Hunter asks. 
Crosshair’s shoulders rise and fall as he takes a deep breath. He stands, leaning his rifle against the wall, and turns to face Hunter head on.   
“Omega turned herself in.” Crosshair states it, voice pressed flat of emotion. His hand trembles at his side, unchecked, as Crosshair looks anywhere but Hunter’s face. “She…” his dull voice catches, “She did it to save Pabu. They wouldn’t have stopped searching until they found her. It was only a matter of time.” He glances down, notices his hand and grips it in the other. “I tried to reason with her. She knew the risks.
“But I failed to protect her,” Crosshair continues. “I was supposed to get a tracker on the ship, but I missed. I missed, and she doesn’t know. She trusted me to make the shot, and I missed.” He fists his trembling hand. “I’m sorry, Hunter.”
The initial, reactive twist of Hunter’s features as the news settles is hidden behind his helmet. They just got her back, and the Empire snatched her away again. Righteous anger burns deep, and it takes every piece of Hunter’s exhausted resolve not to become violent, to throw something, break something, destroy something. It isn’t fair, what this galaxy has taken from them, has done to them, over and over again. 
Hunter takes a staggered step forward, and Crosshair flinches. It is subtle, almost imperceptible. But Hunter sees it, and his heart fractures further. His anger does not extend to Crosshair. How could it, when he sees his own turmoil and regret reflected in his little brother’s averted eyes? Hunter puts his anger away, thrusts it into the darkest corner of his mind to fester, and reaches up to take off his helmet. Crosshair’s gaze slides over to meet his as soon as his face is exposed. 
“I know you did everything you could,” Hunter says. He swallows. There is no comfort in the truth, just the reality. “Omega would have gone with or without you backing her up.” 
Hunter remembers seeing his sister after he and Wrecker were captured, small and fierce, energy bow drawn, refusing to hide away if there was any possibility of saving her brothers. Omega isn’t a soldier, but loyalty and sacrifice are saturated in her blood. Just like Tech. 
Naked surprise twitches Crosshair’s expression before settling back into careful neutral. He nods stiffly, looking away. “She put the people of Pabu before herself, risked everything so that we might find Tantiss. I was ambushed by troopers when I was lining up the shot for the tracker. I…I couldn’t recover my position in time…”
Hunter rests a hand on Crosshair’s pauldron. “Omega won’t blame you, Cross. I don’t blame you. We’ll find her again.” 
Crosshair swallows visibly and steadies himself before looking Hunter in the eye again. A small, despondent smile quirks the edge of his lips. “Not if she finds us first.” 
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Heading into the next third of our prompts! Make sure you check out all of @the-little-moment and @just-here-with-my-thoughts contributions to Angstpril! They are amazing!! Here's an easy list of our first 10 prompt fills!
✨Let me know if you’d like to be added to my tag list!✨
Tag List: @followthepurrgil @isthereanechoinhere96 @amorfista @mooncommlink @arctrooper69 @nagyanna424 @proteatook @ezras-left-thumb @merkitty49
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Still playing a bit of catch-up with fic recs this week, we're focusing on fic recs from season 3 episodes 7-12:
3x07 Red vs. Blue, 3x08 In the Unlikely Event of an Emergency, 3x09 The Bird, 3x10 Parental Guidance, 3x11 Prince Albert in a Can, 3x12 Negative Space.
Here are this week's prompts:
126 softball
Gwyn's death
TK's relationship with his mom
Owen and Gwyn
Owen and Catherine
Paul and Marjan as ride or die besties
Carlos and Grace teaming up
Every week there will be a different prompt, and everyone is encouraged to share a fic (or a few!) recommendation that meets the prompt and tag a few fic-reading friends. The game can be played all week, so no pressure to post right away. Please feel free to use the banner above, to make your own, or to not use one at all!
Finally, please use the tag ‘Rewatch Read-Along Week 18’ and at the end of the week @911lonestarrewatch will post the link to the tag for the comprehensive list of fic recs!
Thanks to @guardian-angle22 for the banner!
Here are my recs:
Ride or die by @tailoredshirt
In the aftermath of their fight and makeup in 3x09/3x10, Paul and Marjan get in a car accident and have more of a conversation about why Paul was so upset by what happened to him. A beautiful little exploration of Paul and Marjan's friendship.
kiss it better by @sznofthesticks
Nancy/Marjan in the aftermath of the softball game. We always need some more softball-adjacent porn without plot excellence!
"You love this, don't you?" by @irispurpurea
A little missing scene from the softball game. An incredibly accurate portrayal of how much Carlos must have enjoyed seeing TK during the game.
Sex Drive by @welcometololaland
We all know without a doubt what happened between TK and Carlos after they left the softball game 😏 But in this wonderful rendition, they don't even manage to make it home first!
(if this is) goodbye by @fallout-mars
A lovely and heartbreaking missing moment from 3x08. Carlos waits helplessly at the airport and leaves TK a voicemail as TK is in danger in the air.
Sweet Dreams and Flying Machines by @carlos-in-glasses
An absolutely gorgeous fic that artfully intertwines Carlos and TK's memories of 9/11 with the events of 3x08.
Let me just tell you, I really should go back to sleep by @ladytessa74
Yes, this is a 4x04 coda, but it's beautiful and I love it and it heavily features Gwyn and TK's grief at losing her, so it absolutely counts as an appropriate fic rec for this week!
i'll go on singing till i know you've heard by @maxbegone
TK runs into Genevieve, the woman he saved on the plane in 3x08, at the grocery store and the meeting provides a bit of a healing experience for him.
let our hearts beat here by @doublel27
A really beautiful fic where TK and Carlos get to have a little vacation in the aftermath of Gwyn's death and before things start getting even worse for them again. These two pretty much always need a vacation, so it always makes me so happy to read about them getting one.
Tagging some fic readers who might have recs to share:
@lemonlyman-dotcom @paperstorm @carlos-in-glasses @reyesstrand @strandnreyes
@vineofroses @bonheur-cafe @alrightbuckaroo @herefortarlos @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad
@heartstringsduet @liminalmemories21 @lightningboltreader @fangirl-paba @reyestrandd
@chicgeekgirl89 @firstprince-history-huh @noxsoulmate @ladytessa74 @sznofthesticks
@literateowl @nancygillianmvp @bonheur-cafe and OPEN TAG for anyone else who wants to share some fic recs!
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ironboobs · 4 months
Trying to find all the easter eggs from 7x09... Did I miss any?
Natasha reaching for her phone worrying it's about work instead of enjoying sexy time with Sullivan => Maya did the same when she went on vacation with Carina (3x11)
Andy voiceover => First two seasons!
Maya's outfit in the kitchen => the same she wore the day she met her future wife at Joe's bar (3x05)
"Hey, I love you" in the kitchen before leaving to work => Same moment in the old apartment (4x04)
"Jack are you sitting at home monitoring the wildfire?" => Her father too was unable to stop firefighting after he had to retire
"Why aren't we dancing for joy?" => Houseboat dancing, Andy was the only one who didn't want to dance (3x16)
"I'd like to tell Travis first" => (maybe farfetched) Ross asking Andy and Maya not to tell Sullivan about their relation being leaked. (6x16)
Talking about a potential future on the station's rooftop => Travic were the only duo who hadn't done that yet, so many moments and discussions happened at this spot.
"Oh crap" => Signature quote from Montgomery, he says it all the time : hockey rink, snowstorm
Wildfire => Season 2 finale
Yellow fire engine is back and lined up neatly with the other ones! => It's the one S19 temporary had when their engine was totalled (5x02)
"You know I don't like the woods" / Glamping site => The couple who gets attacked by a bear : the lady is not happy that her husband brought her to a glam-camping trip instead of a hotel (3x05)
"Chief, you feel confident in that plan?" => Andy vs Jack when she does't want to open more ventilation in the roof but he does and they wait (1x03)
Theo being bothered having to sit around to attend some rich dude's ugly building instead of fighting the wildfire => Sullivan when he enrolled a private company, as he heard Andy calling her team (4x01)
"My mom smoke when she was pregnant with me", "Yeah, exactly" => Sounds like Jack and Maya's smack talk in season one
"Didn't work for us, that doesn't mean it won't work for you and Carina" => Andy tells Maya her marrying super fast didn't work for her and Sullivan, but that her situation with Carina is different (4x14)
"I don't think we're there yet" => Again, callback to Jack and Andy battling for Captain waiting too long for that ventilation (1x03)
"Are you doing a quick and dirty courthouse wedding" => Andy and Sully married in a quick and dirty courthouse wedding (3x12)
"We're happy for her, right?" => In the pilot, when they're in the rig, Maya learns that Jack proposed and says "Oh we are not happy" (1x01)
"Everyone's leaving home" => Andy feels like her father felt when she moved out? (2x02)
"We were raised in this station by your dad" => Pruitt told Maya he handpicked the entire team because he knew they'd fit as a family (4x01)
"Have each other's backs" => Herreras' tag line circa season one
"You can't leave, Vic" => Vic asking Dean not to leave on their way to fight a fire (5x05)
Vic referring to Travis as her person => Grey and Yang coded, he also said that to her two episodes prior when she had her meltdown (7x06)
Probies flirting with each other => Gibson and Herrera (1x01)
Bishop and Herrera looking at the fire => wildfire episode throwback (Season 2 finale)
Whistle lady => Molly had a whistle in the skyscraper fire (Season 1 finale)
Hiker fell down the hill => When Andy and Maya rappelled down to rescue a hiker who had fallen (2x06)
Sullivan connects to the victim because they're both marine vets => Sullivan helps with a hostage situation, bonding over being a veteran (3x09)
Vic and Travis fighting while cleaning branches => Same way they were fighting when Travis discovered she was with Theo (4x09)
"We cannot wait for the aid car" => Maya's demotion (4x16)
"We're gonna have to carry him, the medical tent is about a mile away" => Emmet tells Travis they can carry Vic to the Aid Car that's a mile away (5x05)
"Have fun getting fired" => again callback to when Sullivan chose to go help with the fire instead of staying put (4x01)
"Dibs on the puppy" => Shoutout to Dean in the series pilot (1x01)
Ben jumping into Doctor mode, saying "This can't wait" => During the california wildfire Ben had to cut the man's hand for him to survive (Season 2 finale)
"That Richards guy reminds me of Gibson" => Self explanatory, Season 1
"Being in the field is a different game. I bet you won't do it wrong again" => Travis said something similar to Ben as he almost killed Pruitt wanting to do a medical procedure on the Aid Car (1x01)
"Swollen ankles, pickles, chocolate ice cream" => JJ hated her pregnant state and had ice cream cravings (3x06)
"That is how childbirth works, my friend" => Maya and Carina face timing during the snowstorm episode "Babies don't fly out they slowly slide out" (3x06)
"Monogamy is for the weak, or the very very dedicated" => front porch drinking session between Maya, Andy and Vic (1x02)
Getting retired firefighters to help out => Pruitt and friends would be proud
"She told Theo before me?" => Travis already said that before
Rambling " and - Oh my god she was right" => another signature quote from Travis
"We're 19. Family forever." => Tagline of the show, had to be mentioned
"New Guy" => Ben was called that when started as a probie
"Thanks, Hughie" => Dean was the one who called Vic that <3
Mentions of Lasagna, "Ti amo, Bella" => Marina core
Top of the truck => Same as after Lucas Ripley died
"Come with me" => Dean offered Vic to come with him to Oakland
"You don't have to know right now" => Vic's proposal to Ripley
"Dad!" => Ben's nickname at the Station
"Wet stuff on the red stuff" => Dean, season one, Travis, season four
"Use my name, I know a guy" => Isn't that what Vic says to Theo when he goes to order Pierogies ?
"Boy Scout" => Kate called Theo that (7x04)
Theo jumps to save Travis => He couldn't do it for Michael
"We roll him on my count 3,2,1" => Reverse situation when they all rolled Hughes in season 5 in The things we lost in the fire
"We're not talking like you're dying because you're not dying" => I feel like I've heard that from Vic before, but can't pinpoint the episode
Camera moving around Carina and Maya => Carina's proposal scene (4x14), yet another moment that's supposed to be happy but comes with some devastating news, like the proposal/visa, the wedding/demotion etc.
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bigbangsanvers · 30 days
Never a Clean Break
written by fandomfan13
Rating: Mature
Warnings: None
“Whatever Purity said, Alex...she’s wrong.”
“Was she?” She can feel Winn’s eyes on her as she ponders her own question. “Do you think I made a mistake when I broke up with Maggie?”
The question catches him by surprise. “Are we still talking about the Worldkillers?”
Or, the story of how Alex and Maggie find their way back to each other six months after their break up. Takes place between episodes 3x12 and 3x16. Squint and you'll see the reference to Friends episode 3x13 (The One Where Monica and Richard are Just Friends), where this idea originally started.
Additional tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Fix-It, Character Study
With art by @softdetsawyer
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These works were part of Sanvers Big Bang 2021 and were revealed on November 15.
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herefortarlos · 5 months
#Knowing what we do from season 4 this totally makes sense as something Gabriel would do with all his undercover to unearth corruption work
Ooh, this is interesting, Desi! Because I've been trying to think of all possibilities for Gabriel's murder. One I've been considering is that it could potentially be linked to a previous Gabriel appearance. I watched 3x12 for the first time since season 4 last night and I was trying to determine if there was any potential there. After the episode, we're left with Sadie and Griffin both still alive but Griffin impeded by his injuries and Sadie presumably in prison. Also, from the information we have, it doesn't seem like either would have enough of a vendetta against Gabriel personally to want to murder him. The only thing that appeared as a possibility to me was the cartel connection, but there's nothing really concrete there.
But now your tags are making me look at it more generally. Maybe this episode gives us an example of how Gabriel operates and how he could have gotten involved in something that led to someone wanting to kill him?
Anneeee!! I finally have time to look at this properly! It's the way he said it to Owen! Like, "I can't put a police car at his house of blah blah address address". Ohhh you have done this before, eh, Gabriel?? 👀 I genuinely hope it is something a little more nuanced than it being a past villain that WE have seen coming back for revenge, because you're exactly right about Sadie and Griffin. I am still thinking cartel or maybe a past corrupt officer that Gabriel weeded out back in the day and decided to come for his revenge days before his son's wedding 🙃 Thanks random villain, for dampening Carlos and TK's wedding and anniversary week, you ass! But yeah, it's been very cool rewatching Gabriel episodes knowing what we know now from season 4! Makes it very clear he may not have always done some things by the book!
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television-overload · 10 months
Tiva In Every Episode!
Episode 3x12 "Boxed In"
(I've been waiting for this one)
Rating: G
Word Count: 4,729
Summary: "After intentionally leaving Tony out of her dinner party with the rest of the team the night before, Ziva invites him over for dinner following their escape from a freezing cold shipping container."
For @indestinatus who wanted to see the meal Ziva prepared for Tony after the credits rolled. Don't we all ❤️
Tag list: @benedettabeby @earanemith @happygirl-0408 @hopeless-nostalgiac @indestinatus @loudlooks @nicolem194 @putthekettleon @slippery-soapbox @tivafanfic @tonysziva
(As usual, let me know if you want on or off the tag list!)
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mikelogan · 1 year
Howdy! Do you know if there's a list somewhere of best JDox episodes? I could swear there used to be one posted on tumblr but I can't find it anymore. (┬┬﹏┬┬)
Hey! I know for sure I've answered an ask where I picked my favorite jdox episodes from each season and it would be in my answered and/or jdox tags, but it was definitely a few years back.
Off the top of my head, though: 1x16 my heavy meddle, 1x22 my occurrence, 1x23 my hero, 1x24 my last day, 2x01 my overkill, 2x09 my lucky day, 2x15 his story, 3x05 my brother where art thou, 3x12 my catalyst, 3x14 my screw up, 4x06 my cake, 5x06 my missed perception, 5x13 my five stages, 5x20 my lunch, 5x21 my fallen idol, 8x01 my jerks, 8x07 my new role, 8x08 my lawyer's in love, 8x18/8x19 my finale
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twwpress · 8 months
Weekly Press Briefing #84: January 28th - February 3rd
Welcome back to the Weekly Press Briefing, where we bring you highlights from The West Wing fandom each week, including new fics, ongoing challenges, and more! This briefing covers all things posted from January 28 – February 3. Did we miss something? Let us know; you can find our contact info at the bottom of this briefing! 
Do you have a challenge or event you’d like us to promote or know of one we’re missing? Be sure to get in touch with us! Contact info is at the bottom of this briefing.
@thefinestmuffin and @JessBakesCakes are hosting the 3rd Annual Josh/Donna Rom-Com Fest. Anyone can prompt or claim, and the fest reveals on February 14. Details here. 
This Week in Canon:
Welcome back to This Week in Canon, where we revisit moments in The West Wing that occurred on these dates during the show’s run.
Season 3, Episode 12: The Two Bartlets aired on January 30, 2002.
Here’s what was posted from January 28 - February 3:
Allison Janney posted a photo of herself with some of her Palm Royale castmates, including Laura Dern, Jayme Lemons, and Leslie Bibb. 
Amy Landecker posted a photo of herself with Brad and Randy Rainbow. 
Josh Malina posted a video compilation of himself as David Rosen in Scandal.  
Marlee Matlin posted a reel of herself advocating for open captions at all times at movie theatres. 
Melissa Fitzgerald posted a photo of author Laura Dave and herself with Melissa and Mary McCormack’s upcoming West Wing book. Melissa Fitzgerald posted a photo of herself with Elmo in honor of his birthday (Elmo is 3 and a half). 
Rob Lowe posted a video of himself on the Howard Stern show talking about casting for The Outsiders. 
Rob Lowe posted a photo of himself and his son Johnny from the set of their show Unstable. 
Donna Moss Daily: January 28 | January 29 | January 30 | January 31 | February 1 | February 2 | February 3
Daily Josh Lyman: January 28 | January 29 | January 30 | January 31 | February 1 | February 2 | February 3
No Context BWhit: January 28 | January 29 | February 1 | February 2 | February 3
@twwarchive: January 28 | January 29 | January 30 | January 31 | February 1 | February 2 | February 3
@twwgifs: February 3
Editors’ Choice: 
This week in 2002, The Two Bartlets aired for the first time. We're recommending fics set during or after that episode!
the defect at the heart of every promise by joshatella (shuuuliet) | Rated G | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete | Donna catches Josh brooding about his canceled trip to Tahiti with Amy. Also, no one in the West Wing is entirely sure what the word "brooding" actually means. Missing scene to 3x12: "The Two Bartlets". Big Pajamas by TheBreakfastGenie | Not Rated | Amy Gardner/Josh Lyman | Complete | "Should I change?" "Into what?" "I remember a pair of big pajamas." Josh tries to explain why he has pajamas that are too big for him, which means explaining some other things, too. Post-The Two Bartlets. Just Like June by Kansas J. Miller [archived by westwingfanfictioncentral_archivist] | Rated T | C. J. Cregg/Sam Seaborn | Complete | CJ and Sam take some time for themselves. S3 E12 The Two Bartlets by JDPostEpisodeChallenge | Rated T | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete | Written by SeaDog11 Red Shoes, The by Marguerite | Rated T | No Pairings Listed [Ed. note: this is a C. J. Cregg/Toby Ziegler fic where the pairing was not tagged] | Complete | "Why do we do it? Because we can't stop."
Presenting your weekly roundup of fics posted in the tag for The West Wing on Archive of Our Own. 
Locus Amoenus by spooky_spacegirl | Rated G | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | In Progress
Come Back, Be Here by MatthewsMary | Rated E | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete [Editor’s Note: While this fic is listed on AO3 as complete, it has continued to update and appears to be a WIP]
Those Small Moments by wootcanal | Rated G | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete
Other Pairings/Gen Fic
it started off with a kiss... now it ended up like this by imawkwardlysoc | Rated G | Sam Seaborn/Original Female Character | In Progress
why they lost their minds and fought the wars by JediAnnieScrambler | Rated E | C. J. Cregg/Toby Ziegler | In Progress
it is very cold… in space by themysterybox | Rated G | C.J. Cregg/Donna Moss | Complete
Checking In, Checking Out by LittleBlackaPony (crossover with Forever Knight) | Rated G | Dolores Landingham, Don Schanke, Nicholas Knight (Forever Knight), Natalie Lambert (No Pairings Listed) | Complete
Requited, Actually. by OhhMyy | Rated E | Toby Ziegler/Original Female Character | Complete
End Racism in the OTW – Tommy Boy by DestielIsDestiny | Rated G | Jed Bartlet & Sam Seaborn (No Pairings Listed) | In Progress
This Season of Peace and Joy by thedaisyfairy | Rated G | Josh Lyman & Toby Ziegler (No Pairings Listed) | Complete
Unwriting the pages by AlasPoorCesario | Rated G | Jed Bartlet (No Pairings Listed) | Complete
Multiple Pairings
What Sons Do by kcat1971 | Rated T | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss, Helen Santos/Matt Santos, Abbey Bartlet/Jed Bartlet, Ainsley Hayes/Sam Seaborn, Zoey Bartlet/Charlie Young | In Progress
Twitter: @TWWPress
Feel free to let us know if we missed something, if you have an event you’d like us to promote, or if you have an item that you’d like included in the next briefing!
xx, What’s next?
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gardenerian · 2 years
#i could write an entire essay on that 7th gif
What would your thesis statement be?
j/k, not assigning you hw based on some tags XD
(unless you do want to expand on the topic)
please always assign me homework based on my tags, it is a hobby of mine to do Too Much and be Very Annoying about it 😇
so like. okay. the basic thesis statement would be that this moment is a TRAGEDY, alongside 3x06, 3x12, and 5x10. it is a moment of lost opportunity for them and could have changed the trajectory of this episode. 
here is ian’s face when he says you’re not free. it’s a face we’ve seen pretty often this season. hardened, intense, rigid. so sure of his convictions and certain he’s doing the the Right Thing.
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but then..... mickey says the makes me free line heard around the world and we immediately get this face! unguarded, surprised, moved, and - afraid? this is a face we have not seen from ian so often this season. it almost mirrors the face when mickey pulls him out of the house after the kenyatta ordeal.... like he’s on the edge of understanding that something’s not right.
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then he has this series of expressions - where it’s like he’s about to say something? he’s searching mickey’s face and opening his mouth before shutting it again.... it’s so brief, but it’s like something is bubbling up there. he wants to say something and the shift in energy rolling off of him is SO STRONG.
instead of the constant move move move fight fight fight go go go energy... it just? he deflates a bit. he looks tired, he looks frightened. he looks like he wants mickey to take him home. i am not sure he’d admit HEY I THINK I’M BIPOLAR bc i don’t think he’s there yet.... but i feel like he could have been on the edge of saying that something’s going on. 
that mickey also makes him free from whatever is happening to him. that mickey makes him free after whatever did happen to him while he was away. that he’s so in love it scares him, that he’s afraid of losing mickey while he’s feeling so strange. that maybe he’s feeling out of control. or he doesn’t want mickey’s dad to take away what they have, especially now.
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and it’s like mickey thinks something might be about to change as well? ian takes a big breath and mickey puts his hand on his shoulder. a bracing little rub because he sees this shift in ian. he knows that ian needs something solid and comforting. like he wants ian to know that despite all this hiding, he’s here for him!!! he sees him and will hear him!!! and then iMMEDIATELY the door busts open and ian’s angry again.  
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everyone has seen the change in ian this season - we get some insight that ian might sense it too, but ian hasn’t said anything about it. other than “tons of energy”/”i quite smoking” etc... like he hasn’t come outright and said that he feels WRONG. i think the last few episodes of the season see ian starting lose the “fun” of mania and start to get a little scared. i wonder if it was like that with the helicopter situation. 
anyways. i really feel like this tiny moment was tragic because i think it could have changed things - maybe not drastically, but i feel like ian was on the verge of expressing something. fear or pain or need. he might have been more willing to go home and wait for mickey had they had just a few more moments of conversation. we don’t even hear him admit something’s wrong until the end of the next season. after this TINY moment of vulnerability, it’s bottled back up. and it makes me INSANE! 
ultimately i think mickey was destined to come out - that this moment, like those other moments, was probably always going to be ripped away from them. but DAMN if cam’s tiny little facial expression’s don’t make me want to scream into a pillow 😭
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ao3feed-tedlasso · 1 year
where the heart can bloom
by dancingbycandlelight
"Well, when your ex-husband rings you out of the blue and tells you he’s moving back to Kansas in approximately three weeks time, you have two options.....or two: you can decide that the tone in his voice is slightly too maudlin to be ignored, get on a plane to make sure he’s not serious, and talk him out of it if he is.”
Ted gapes at her.
“I picked option two.” She shrugs, like it’s nothing, like plane tickets don’t cost the earth and like Henry didn’t have an entire week of school left. Like dropping everything to fly halfway across the world to ‘talk someone out of’ their own plan is a normal thing to do.
(or: the 3x12 'michelle and henry can get on a plane too' fix-it fic that was jumping around in my head before i'd even finished watching the final episode)
Words: 4430, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Ted Lasso (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, Gen
Characters: Ted Lasso, Trent Crimm, Michelle Lasso, Henry Lasso, Coach Beard, Rebecca Welton, AFC Richmond Players (Ted Lasso)
Relationships: Trent Crimm/Ted Lasso, Michelle Lasso & Ted Lasso, Ted Lasso & Rebecca Welton
Additional Tags: Fix-It, Ted Lasso Needs a Hug, 3x12 but Michelle has a plan of her own, Ted Lasso actually talks to people (and listens to them in return)
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/47992831
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raypakorn · 2 years
2022: a summary
post your favorite or most popular post from each month this year. (it’s okay to skip months!)
i was tagged by @louistomlinsun​, @mikhaailo, & @nick-nellson​
popular: paul trash talking in 3x02
fav: rainbow set of the 126 + grace & carlos (this was my first time doing something like this and i’m excited to take another stab at it with some of my new learned skills for s4)
popular: slugging on the diamond in 3x07
fav: tk’s s1 wardrobe sans uniform
popular: tk taking shots at owen in 3x12
fav: danger - diaster - tragedy magnet strand
popular: canon lgbtq+ characters in heartstopper
fav: tarlos + the stain
popular: judd & wyatt parallel 2x09 - 3x16
fav: the 126 & their canine counterparts
popular: kinn & kim parallel ep7 - ep 12
fav: porsche character study (so hard to choose from my 30 days of pride sets)
popular: the main characters of kinnporsche: a summary
fav: fav familial/platonic relationship in s3 of 911ls
popular: cpm: pete x vegas x macau
fav:  top 5 kinnporsche: the series epsiodes according to imdb
popular: the car scene in ep. 8 of the eclipse
fav: favorite kp outfits as magazine covers
popular: kan knowing what’s up in ep 10
fav: not me as a horror series
popular: win x dean: the duality of best friends
fav: sam & mon taking care of each other in ep 2
popular: nick nelson + yellow
fav: ep 9 of not me (fav episode) (again hard to choose because i made a lot of cool sets for cheercember that i really liked)
tagging: @hidden-joy (give me some shitposts), @pranink, @mabellsmora, @talays-portkey, @lutavero, @billlkin, @pannakorn, @gooseras, & at anyone else who wants too...i don’t really know who has done it
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irrolyphant · 1 year
(thanks for tagging me, @savebytheodoresnonjosestuff 💐)
In alphabetical order:
1. The 10th Kingdom (2000)
Fantasy / Dramedy | 1 Season
Kimberley Williams-Paisley | John Larroquette | Scott Cohen | Dianne Wiest
Virginia Lewis and her father, Tony, get trapped in a fairytale dimension. They must travel across the 9 kingdoms, avoiding trolls, wicked witches, and the huntsman, to find the magic mirror that can take them home.
Favourite Episode: n/a (my DVD has it as one long film)
Favourite Character: Wolf
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2. Being Erica (2009 - 2011)
Dramedy / Time Travel | 4 Seasons
Erin Karpluk | Michael Riley | Reagan Pasternak
After a near-death experience, Erica Strange meets the mysterious Dr. Tom, a therapist with the ability to send his patients back to relive and ‘correct’ their deepest regrets.
Favourite Episode: 3x12 Erica, Interrupted
Favourite Character: Dr. Tom
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3. Justified (2010 - 2015) (2023)
Neo-Western / Crime / Drama | 6 Seasons + City Primeval
Timothy Olyphant | Walton Goggins | Joelle Carter
Enforcing his own brand of justice, Deputy US Marshal Raylan Givens is reassigned from Miami to his childhood home in the rural coal mining towns of eastern Kentucky.
Favourite Episode: 2x01 The Moonshine War
Favourite Character: Raylan Givens
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4. Merlin (2008 - 2012)
Fantasy / Drama | 5 Seasons
Colin Morgan | Bradley James | Katie McGrath | Richard Wilson
A young warlock named Merlin has come to Camelot, where those who study magic are killed under the King’s command, to fulfil his destiny of protecting the future King, Arthur Pendragon.
Favourite Episode: 3x03 Goblin’s Gold
Favourite Character: Gaius
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5. One Foot in the Grave (1990 - 2000)
Comedy / Sitcom | 6 Seasons
Richard Wilson | Annette Crosbie | Doreen Mantle
When Victor Meldrew is forced into early retirement, he has a lot more time on his hands to observe the world around him, and he finds it insufferable.
Favourite Episode: 4x05 The Trial
Favourite Character: Victor Meldrew
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6. Sabrina the Teenage Witch (1996 - 2003)
Fantasy / Teen Sitcom | 7 Seasons + 2 Films
Melissa Joan Hart | Caroline Rhea | Beth Broderick
When Sabrina Spellman turns 16, she discovers that she is a witch, and she must now learn how to control her powers.
Favourite Episode: 2x18 The Band Episode
Favourite Character: Salem Saberhagen
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7. Santa Clarita Diet (2017 - 2019)
Comedy / ZomCom | (criminally only) 3 Seasons
Timothy Olyphant | Drew Barrymore | Liv Hewson | Skyler Gisondo
Real-a-tor couple Joel & Sheila Hammond lived a perfectly normal quiet life in Santa Clarita with their teenage daughter Abby. Until one day Sheila suddenly died and came back to life. Now, her new diet is putting a tremendous strain on the family.
Favourite Episode: 1x07 Strange or Just Inconsiderate?
Favourite Character: Joel Hammond
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8. Stranger Things (2016 - 2024)
Horror / Supernatural / Drama | 5 Seasons (4 Released)
Winona Ryder | Millie Bobby Brown | et al.
The vanishing of schoolboy Will Byers leads his group of friends to uncover a terrifying secret about their hometown.
Favourite Episode: 4x04 Chapter Four: Dear Billy
Favourite Character: Steve Harrington
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This was fun! I know everyone else was just doing a list, but I’m nothing if not over-the-top 🙈
Tagging: literally anyone who reads this & wants to do it 🫶🏻
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supernovagifs · 2 months
NCIS Season Masterlists
Below are/will be masterlists for each episode.
Season 1
1x1 - Yankee White
1x2 - Hung Out to Dry
1x3 - Sea Dog
1x4 - The Immortals
1x5 - The Curse
1x6 - High Seas
1x7 - Sub Rosa
1x8 - Minimum Security
1x9 - Marine Down
1x10 - Left For Dead
1x11 - Eye Spy
1x12 - My Other Left Foot
1x13 - One Shot, One Kill
1x14 - The Good Samaritan
1x15 - Enigma
1x16 - Bete Noire
1x17 - The Truth Is Out There
1x18 - UnSEALeD
1x19 - Dead Man Talking
1x20 - Missing
1x21 - Split Decision
1x22 - A Weak Link
1x23 - Reveille
Season 2
2x1 - See No Evil
2x2 - The Good Wives Club
2x3 - Vanished
2x4 - Lt. Jane Doe
2x5 - The Bone Yard
2x6 - Terminal Leave
2x7 - Call of Silence
2x8 - Heart Break
2x9 - Forced Entry
2x10 - Chained
2x11 - Black Water
2x12 - Doppelganger
2x13 - The Meat Puzzle
2x14 - Witness
2x15 - Caught On Tape
2x16 - Pop Life
2x17 - An Eye for an Eye
2x18 - Bikini Wax
2x19 - Conspiracy Theory
2x20 - Red Cell
2x21 - Hometown Hero
2x22 - SWAK
2x23 - Twilight
Season 3
3x1 - Kill Ari (Part 1)
3x2 - Kill Ari (Part 2)
3x3 - Mind Games
3x4 - Silver War
3x5 - Switch
3x6 - The Voyeur's Web
3x7 - Honor Code
3x8 - Under Covers
3x9 - Frame Up
3x10 - Probie
3x11 - Model Behavior
3x12 - Boxed In
3x13 - Deception
3x14 - Light Sleeper
3x15 - Head Case
3x16 - Family Secret
3x17 - Ravenous
3x18 - Bait
3x19 - Iced
3x20 - Untouchable
3x21 - Bloodbath
3x22 - Jeopardy
3x23 - Hiatus (Part 1)
3x24 - Hiatus (Part 2)
Season 4
4x1 - Shalom
4x2 - Escaped
4x3 - Singled Out
4x4 - Faking It
4x5 - Dead and Unburied
4x6 - Witch Hunt
4x7 - Sandblast
4x8 - Once a Hero
4x9 - Twisted Sister
4x10 - Smoked
4x11 - Driven
4x12 - Suspicion
4x13 - Sharif Returns
4x14 - Blowback
4x15 - Friends & Lovers
4x16 - Dead Man Walking
4x17 - Skeletons
4x18 - Iceman
4x19 - Grace Period
4x20 - Cover Story
4x21 - Brothers In Arms
4x22 - In the Dark
4x23 - Trojan Horse
5x24 - Angel of Death
Season 5
5x1 - Bury Your Dead
5x2 - Family
5x3 - Ex-File
5x4 - Identity Crisis
5x5 - Leap of Faith
5x6 - Chimera
5x7 - Requiem
5x8 - Designated Target
5x9 - Lost & Found
5x10 - Corporal Punishment
5x11 - Tribes
5x12 - Stakeout
5x13 - Dog Tags
5x14 - Internal Affairs
5x15 - In the Zone
5x16 - Recoil
5x17 - About Face
5x18 - Judgement Day (Part 1)
5x19 - Judgement Day (Part 2)
Season 6
6x1 - Last Man Standing
6x2 - Agent Afloat
6x3 - Capitol Offense
6x4 - Heartland
6x5 - Nine Lives
6x6 - Murder 2.0
6x7 - Collateral Damage
6x8 - Cloak
6x9 - Dagger
6x10 - Road Kill
6x11 - Silent Night
6x12 - Caged
6x13 - Broken Bird
6x14 - Love & War
6x15 - Deliverance
6x16 - Bounce
6x17 - South by Southwest
6x18 - Knockout
6x19 - Hide & Seek
6x20 - Dead Reckoning
6x21 - Toxic
6x22 - Legend (Part 1)
6x23 - Legend (Part 2)
6x24 - Semper Fidelis
6x25 - Aliyah
Season 7
7x1 - Truth or Consequences
7x2 - Reunion
7x3 - The Inside Man
7x4 - Good Cop, Bad Cop
7x5 - Code of Conduct
7x6 - Outlaws and In-Laws
7x7 - Endgame
7x8 - Power Down
7x9 - Child's Play
7x10 - Faith
7x11 - Ignition
7x12 - Flesh and Blood
7x13 - Jet Lag
7x14 - Masquerade
7x15 - Jack-Knife
7x16 - Mother's Day
7x17 - Double Identity
7x18 - Jurisdiction
7x19 - Guilty Pleasure
7x20 - Moonlighting
7x21 - Obsession
7x22 - Borderland
7x23 - Patriot Down
7x24 - Rule Fifty-One
Season 8
8x1 - Spider and the Fly
8x2 - Worst Nightmare
8x3 - Short Fuse
8x4 - Royals and Loyals
8x5 - Dead Air
8x6 - Cracked
8x7 - Broken Arrow
8x8 - Enemies Foreign
8x9 - Enemies Domestic
8x10 - False Witness
8x11 - Ships in the Night
8x12 - Recruited
8x13 - Freedom
8x14 - A Man Walks Into a Bar...
8x15 - Defiance
8x16 - Kill Screen
8x17 - One Last Score
8x18 - Out of the Frying Pan
8x19 - Tell-All
8x20 - Two-Faced
8x21 - Dead Reflection
8x22 - Baltimore
8x23 - Swan Song
8x24 - Pyramid
Season 9
9x1 - Nature of the Beast
9x2 - Restless
9x3 - The Penelope Papers
9x4 - Enemy on the Hill
9x5 - Safe Harbor
9x6 - Thirst
9x7 - Devil's Triangle
9x8 - Engaged (Part 1)
9x9 - Engaged (Part 2)
9x10 - Sins of the Father
9x11 - Newborn King
9x12 - Housekeeping
9x13 - A Desperate Man
9x14 - Life Before His Eyes
9x15 - Secrets
9x16 - Psych Out
9x17 - Need to Know
9x18 - The Tell
9x19 - The Good Son
9x20 - The Missionary Position
9x21 - Rekindled
9x22 - Playing With Fire
9x23 - Up in Smoke
9x24 - Till Death Do Us Part
Season 10
10x1 - Extreme Prejudice
10x2 - Recovery
10x3 - Phoenix
10x4 - Lost at Sea
10x5 - The Namesake
10x6 - Shell Shock (Part 1)
10x7 - Shell Shock (Part 2)
10x8 - Gone
10x9 - Devil's Trifecta
10x10 - You Better Watch Out
10x11 - Shabbat Shalom
10x12 - Shiva
10x13 - Hit and Run
10x14 - Canary
10x15 - Hereafter
10x16 - Detour
10x17 - Prime Suspect
10x18 - Seek
10x19 - Squall
10x20 - Chasing Ghosts
10x21 - Berlin
10x22 - Revenged
10x23 - Double Blind
10x24 - Damned If You Do
Season 11
11x1 - Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
11x2 - Past, Present and Future
11x3 - Under the Radar
11x4 - Anonymous Was a Woman
11x5 - Once a Crook
11x6 - Oil & Water
11x7 - Better Angels
11x8 - Alibi
11x9 - Gut Check
11x10 - Devil's Triad
11x11 - Homesick
11x12 - Kill Chain
11x13 - Double Back
11x14 - Monsters and Men
11x15 - Bulletproof
11x16 - Dressed to Kill
11x17 - Rock and a Hard Place
11x18 - Crescent City (Part 1)
11x19 - Crescent City (Part 2)
11x20 - Page Not Found
11x21 - Alleged
11x22 - Shooter
11x23 - The Admiral's Daughter
11x24 - Honor Thy Father
Season 12
12x1 - Twenty Klicks
12x2 - Kill the Messenger
12x3 - So It Goes
12x4 - Choke Hold
12x5 - The San Dominick
12x6 - Parental Guidance Suggested
12x7 - The Searchers
12x8 - Semper Fortis
12x9 - Grounded
12x10 - House Rules
12x11 - Check
12x12 - The Enemy Within
12x13 - We Build, We Fight
12x14 - Cadence
12x15 - Cabin Fever
12x16 - Blast from the Past
12x17 - The Artful Dodger
12x18 - Status Update
12x19 - Patience
12x20 - No Good Deed
12x21 - Lost in Translation
12x22 - Troll
12x23 - The Lost Boys
12x24 - Neverland
Season 13
13x1 - Stop the Bleeding
13x2 - Personal Day
13x3 - Incognito
13x4 - Double Trouble
13x5 - Lockdown
13x6 - Viral
13x7 - 16 Years
13x8 - Saviors
13x9 - Day in Court
13x10 - Blood Brothers
13x11 - Spinning Wheel
13x12 - Sister City (Part 1)
13x13 - Deja Vu
13x14 - Decompressed
13x15 - React
13x16 - Loose Cannons
13x17 - After Hours
13x18 - Scope
13x19 - Reasonable Doubts
13x20 - Charade
13x21 - Return to Sender
13x22 - Homefront
13x23 - Dead Letter
13x24 - Family First
Season 14
14x1 - Rogue
14x2 - Being Bad
14x3 - Privileged Information
14x4 - Love Boat
14x5 - Philly
14x6 - Shell Game
14x7 - Home of the Brave
14x8 - Enemy Combatant
14x9 - Pay to Play
14x10 - The Tie That Binds
14x11 - Willoughby
14x12 - Off the Grid
14x13 - Keep Going
14x14 - Nonstop
14x15 - Pandora's Box (Part I)
14x16 - A Many Splendored Thing
14x17 - What Lies Above
14x18 - M.I.A
14x19 - The Wall
14x20 - A Bowl of Cherries
14x21 - One Book, Two Covers
14x22 - Beastmaster
14x23 - Something Blue
14x24 - Rendezvous
Season 15
15x1 - House Divided
15x2 - Twofer
15x3 - Exit Strategy
15x4 - Skeleton Crew
15x5 - Fake It 'Til You Make It
15x6 - Trapped
15x7 - Burden of Proof
15x8 - Voices
15x9 - Ready or Not
15x10 - Double Down
15x11 - High Tide
15x12 - Dark Secrets
15x13 - Family Ties
15x14 - Keep Your Friends Close
15x15 - Keep Your Enemies Closer
15x16 - Handle with Care
15x17 - One Man's Trash
15x18 - Death from Above
15x19 - The Numerical Limit
15x20 - Sight Unseen
15x21 - One Step Forward
15x22 - Two Steps Back
15x23 - Fallout
15x24 - Date with Destiny
Season 16
16x1 - Destiny's Child
16x2 - Love Thy Neighbor
16x3 - Boom
16x4 - Third Wheel
16x5 - Fragments
16x6 - Beneath the Surface
16x7 - A Thousand Words
16x8 - Friendly Fire
16x9 - Tailing Angie
16x10 - What Child Is This?
16x11 - Toil and Trouble
16x12 - The Last Link
16x13 - She
16x14 - Once Upon a Tim
16x15 - Crossing the Line
16x16 - Bears and Cubs
16x17 - Silent Service
16x18 - Mona Lisa
16x19 - Perennial
16x20 - Hail & Farewell
16x21 - Judge, Jury...
16x22 - ...and Executioner
16x23 - Lost Time
16x24 - Daughters
Season 17
17x1 - Out of the Darkness
17x2 - Into the Light
17x3 - Going Mobile
17x4 - Someone Else's Shoes
17x5 - Wide Awake
17x6 - Institutionalized
17x7 - No Vacancy
17x8 - Musical Chairs
17x9 - IRL
17x10 - The North Pole
17x11 - In the Wind
17x12 - Flight Plan
17x13 - Sound Off
17x14 - On Fire
17x15 - Lonely Hearts
17x16 - Ephemera
17x17 - In a Nutshell
17x18 - Schooled
17x19 - Blarney
17x20 - The Arizona
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