#episode seventeen
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respectthepetty · 13 days ago
Seventeen episodes of Perfect 10 Liners and I've finally arrived at couple I'm most excited for because I think they share the same color! It's time to see if I'm actually getting Lapis Lads (two Blue Boys).
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But first, this episode has to remind me that other couples exist, starting with Green Guy Gun and Black Brooder Yotha.
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Their story just finished in the previous episode, but the show must let us know they are disgustingly in love in case we couldn't tell from the heart on Yotha, the dog and tiger plushies, or the fact that their apartment is bright as hell with Gun's green as the accent.
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But that doesn't stop Gun from wearing his man's black.
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They're so in love, they invented a new way to share cologne.
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Don't worry, Red Rascal Sam. I'm judging them too.
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And don't worry, Red Rascal Arc, I'm judging your man as well!
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First, I cannot overlook that Yellow Yal Arm is in orange simply because I like that his shirt says "God is in control." I will not be distracted by that all powerful being upstairs!
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And neither will Arc because he basically asked Arm if he wanted to get married, and Arm was like, "um . . . you can marry someone else if you like them more." SIR! WTF?!
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At least Arm's Blue Boy best friend Sand understands what is happening when his Orange Oddity boyfriend asks what his plans for the future are.
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Because even if Sand isn't sure what his future holds, Pond made it clear that he wants to be part of it as a communicative Orange Oddity would. Take notes, Arm! If you wanna wear the color, you gotta communicate!
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Like if you are a Blue Boy, you gotta be honest. It's in their (color) coding.
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Which is why I will love Faifa the most. He is so honest that his face has subtitles.
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And because he is so honest, people don't realize he is hiding some big emotions underneath all his happiness.
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So it's time he met his match in another Blue Boy because only another Blue Boy can help him see the error of his ways by being a mirror reflection of his errors.
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And it seems the universe agrees since Faifa ran into Wine's life and changed his fate (and his name).
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But this is really a group effort. Arm made sure Yotha had the gifts for their newest member since we all know Yotha is too distracted in love to remember that other people exist.
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And because Yotha is a Black Brooder and Wine is a dark Blue Boy, they could easily stand in silence, so Faifa and his special peacemaker skills were needed to be the middle ground between the two.
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Because, once again, Faifa is the epitome of a Blue Boy.
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But Wine is also a Blue Boy who is going to make Faifa see that always stepping in to help others only hurts himself.
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Because Faifa wants to give everything to everyone else, even if it means he dies (allergic to milk, sir), but Wine wants nothing.
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Faifa wants to give everyone all his love, yet Wine wants to be left alone.
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Because in a world of colorful characters, it's the Blue Boys who ground people and ask the questions that need to be asked, like how possible Blue Boy Jay with his blue phone immediately questioned why Wine was hanging out with Faifa when his mentor was Yotha.
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It's Blue Boy-to-Blue Boy communication, and only they can see through the bullshit of another Blue Boy, which is why they are great friends.
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And it's why these two are going to be great friends.
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But that's also why they will have the biggest problem because this is a love story.
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So in the battle of Blue Boys, once they realize nothing between them is friendly, will they be honest about their emotions or sacrifice their love for some form of noble idiocy?
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They're already in the danger zone and don't even realize it.
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I love it here!
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cairafea · 6 months ago
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my favourite genre of seventeen is when they're straight up lying
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bei-b · 6 months ago
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actor Jun strikes again (aka "the world should know that Wen Junhui's funny")
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sugurugetos · 8 months ago
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JEONGHAN as The Chairman GOING SEVENTEEN — Episode #62: Bad Clue II (2022)
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wonboos · 3 months ago
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professor jeon wonwoo on his lunch break
+ bonus: workplace bullying
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cxffecoupx · 10 months ago
warning: mentions of alcohol
"well, hellooo~"
you turn towards the voice, and find a very drunken (and very adorable) soonyoung standing to your right, a glass of whiskey (?) in hand. he was loud enough to be heard over the noise of the club, yet you still perked up and leaned towards him.
"what'ss a pretty lady like you hic... doing over hereee?" his voice sounded almost like a sing-song. he probably had a little too much of the drink. confirming your thoughts, he stumbles into the chair next to you.
"just winding up after a long day, you know? what about you?"
"well, i jus wanna let loooose tonight. with my friendsss. they're prolly out there, hic, dancing or drinking," he waves his hands around, pointing towards his friends. but you're only looking at him. a small smile forms on your lips, but you're quick to hide it.
"i see... it's too crowded here, you wanna go somewhere private?" you offer, pretending innocence.
he lets out a loud gasp, "oh no! i have a girlfriendd!! hic she's somewhere around here. she'll end you iff she finds out."
"is she that dangerous?"
"sometimess, but she's veeery sweet. hic always takes care off me. kisses me goodnight and goood morning. hic, always sends me cute stuff that reminds her of me... hic-"
he stands up as he's speaking, but then stumbles again and falls into the seat, face first onto the counter.
you gasp and rush over to him, patting him on the cheek, "omg, soonie? soonyoung? are you okay??"
he lets out a slow groan before raising his head and looking at you. his eyes sparkle with recognition
"y/n!! omg you're here! i was hic just talking about you! come on, let'ss have a drink!" he shouts and turns to call the bartender, "sir-"
"soonie, come on, let's go home. you're way too drunk," you pull him by his hand to get him to stand. even in his drunken state, he laughs and let's you lead him.
"y/n you know something? i met a lady back at the counter. she kind of looked a lot like you. But! she tried to hit on me!!"
you play along, pretending surprise, "really? what did you say?"
"I pushed her away, of course. can't ever forget my baby. my sweet, lovely babyyy..."
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master-tonberry · 7 months ago
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Woozi in Going Seventeen Ep.111 - Grrreuk kak kak TTT #3
Bonus - the source of his cringe in the last gif:
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vcrnons · 1 year ago
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— Choi Hansol, 2023.
[GOING SEVENTEEN] EP.93 가위바위보 #1 (Rock Scissors Paper #1)
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peachandpinwheel · 1 year ago
realising that seventeen wouldn't leave seungkwan alone and forced him to come to the winery was not them being clowns but in fact a strategic move to ensure he wasn't left alone shortly after returning from mental health leave was an absolutely devastating moment to get hit with right after watching minghao cover his face in tomato sauce
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kradogsrats · 10 days ago
The Dragon Prince s7e2: Shockingly, a Bunch of Teenagers Make Emotionally Immature Teenager Decisions
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shuaberriez · 2 years ago
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hire svt to babysit today!
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respectthepetty · 1 month ago
I crawled through sixteen episodes of Fourever You, so I could drag myself into the finale for THIS color coding! I had my doubts in some of these episodes, but here I am, living my best color-coded life because North is a Green Guy and Johan IS a Red Rascal.
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And now that they are together, they perfectly complement each other as two chile peppers would!
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Hill and Ter are also two great color-coded boys in love since bright and happy Yellow Yal Ter brought reserved and quiet Blue Boy Hill out of his shell.
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Well, expect for Typhoon, but his sad story is coming in Part Two, which I better be getting this year like Director New said. Or else!
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Because I also want to know about his little friend Dao's spicy story with Arthit!
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Oh, and apparently the continuation of Tiger and Duennao's story too.
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Since they still aren't a couple; they just act like it six days a week.
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But back to the couples who are official couples being cute.
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Well, and Johan being so possessive that he won't even let his mom hug North. Peak Red Rascal behavior. Love to see it in fictional men.
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Johan keeps up the behavior when they go home to visit their families. He hides his Green Guy behind him as he tries to not act his red color.
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But that doesn't last long since he argues with his father at the slightest hint of his man's name on his dad's lips.
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So even though The Alamo shirt looks blue, it feels green to me since North is truly the only thing keeping his man calm at any given moment.
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All Johan needs is to look at North, and the entire world ceases to exist. Look at Johan. He ain't listening. He hasn't heard one word from North's pretty little mouth.
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All he heard was North would leave him, and he jumped into sugar daddy mode. He said, "take all my money because I already gave you my heart." North, buy a bouncy house. No! A bouncy CASTLE! Use that man's money for good.
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And invite your bestie Ter since he is going through it as he visits not only his family which includes the dad who yelled at him for being gay, but also Hill's family which includes the grandpa who separated them for being gay. It's a homophobe hoedown.
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I know it's a lot, but they have each other!
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And Ter has a sister and a mom rooting for them as the mom wears Hill's blue, and the sister is basically a Pride flag.
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Plus Hill's grandma is not only supportive, but she kept the blue birthday jar Ter gave Hill in his room, so the women in these families are getting a spring wedding from these two even if Hill and Ter don't know it yet.
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But I think these color-coded boys in love know it.
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Well, at least Hill does.
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Because his grandmother gave him the same necklace that his dad gave his mom when he knew she was the one.
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And Hill has always known this pretty boy is the only one for him.
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Sidenote: I actually gasped at how beautiful and young Cooheart looks here. That twenty-eight year old does not look a day over seventeen.
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Kudos, Yellow Yal, for being the sun in Hill's blue sky, the star guiding him at all times, and the moon in his dark night. Way to be that man's everything, so now he can give you everything (like a bouncy castle!).
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And even if Johan and North never get married, I'm sure they will be together forever too.
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Since North probably already unknowingly signed no less than sixteen documents that Johan had his lawyers draw up which makes it legal for Johan to own North in at least twenty-three countries regardless of martial status and escape is punishable by death so . . . 'til death do you part, North. Congratulations, buddy!
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Basically, every color-coded boy in love got his happy ending, and I was thrilled to witness it.
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ishikawayukis · 2 years ago
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wonwoo - the guest who left secretly #1
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bei-b · 7 months ago
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Joshua Hong: gentleman, menace to society (pt 2) (1) (3) (4)
"You look like the second male lead character who disturbs the female main character... you leave the door open for the female main character and she misunderstands it and is attracted to you and gets involved with you." -- Lee Youngji
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unparalleledtrash · 10 months ago
TCF/LCF Incorrect Quotes✨
Cale *to WS and Arm*: Realistically, you guys will never win this game. You want to beat me? At that moment, you just lost.
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ambivartence · 2 years ago
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GYU IN THE SOOP: a very happy hour 🍻
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