#epic tweedle
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You, your cousin, and the guy at family reunions that you don't exactly know how you're related .
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gins-stim-emporium · 4 months
epic tweedowl (msm, epic tweedle x epic glowl) stimboard for me and @doatunny !!!
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parrot / gator pop tube / green scales
glowing paws / 💜🪽💚 / slime
black scales / dice / crow
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matetea-te · 2 years
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I decided to draw some monsters I dislike
Now I kinda like them? Guess it was a question of style
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grimdominance · 1 year
I changed my art style :'D
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animation0idk · 6 months
Day one of drawing random monsters I got from spin the wheel (HCs)
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Speed paint ⬇️
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coreaflame · 8 months
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random warmup sketchez. chosen by that one msm wheel random picker
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djpumpkinsoda · 2 years
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i'm afraid this is gonna get jpegged so here'z the link to deviantart
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malwarechips · 2 years
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two msm doodles bcz i need to get all my csp stuff from my old pc still so im working w/ a bootleg version of my layout and the default brushes rn so im not drawing anything full . planning on making some hc designs for my favourites to make them into Silly Animals so i can actually draw them in my style lmao
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msm-tsotmw · 1 year
(Toorie, Mondo, Flitz, Awdajeeo, Avani and Edin are all enjoying some tea together. also hi @paidexp :3)
So , We Were Out In The Ocean , In The Middle Of A Storm , And-
Oh ! Sprigg ! What Are You-
Toorie. Mondo. Flitz. Awdajeeo. You’re all coming with me.
Wait, Wha?? But We Just-
Just… just come. Mauna needs us for something.
..o-kayyy??? Awdajeeo, you coming with?
(Awdajeeo glances at Avani, then looks up at Edin.)
uh, edin, can you and the others watch avani for me? i have to go somewhere.
Och, Okay! Hey, Where Are You-
(Awdajeeo and the others have left.)
…Hey, Where’d Everyone Go?
Och, Hey, Avani! Whit Are Ye Doing Here?
so we have to leave the island NOW?!
Yes, now. There’s something CLEARLY wrong if an Island loses the element that it mainly houses.
(Toorie looks disturbed.)
Well , hopefully-
toors calm down
(Toorie, unlike her usual self, is hyperventilating and panicking.)
…did she just swear?
i thought it was against swearing??
Well, not anymore, apparently.
wait, do any of you guys have a piece of paper and a pen?
…Uh, yeah.
(Sprigg hands a page from their notepad and a pencil to Awdajeeo.)
good, because i was going to write something for the residents once i leave.
Well, better get on with it quick.
(Awdajeeo scrambles to write something on the paper, then folds it and leaves it on a rock.)
so uh
do we go now
Yes . Awdajeeo , you do not really need to pack anything . Flitz is getting your things for you . Right , Flitz ?
(In the blink of an eye, Flitz zips somewhere and comes back in less than 5 seconds with a backpack full of Awdajeeo’s stuff, excluding Avani.)
Alright , let us get back to the boat , then . Mondo , can you carry Toorie ?
(Toorie is curled up on the ground in fetal position, shaking.)
Flitz , you carry Sprigg . And not by their leafstalk .
got it, mauna!
Awdajeeo , you can just fly until you see what looks like a small sailboat . I will follow all of you .
(She must really care about Light Island, huh.)
Okay. See you at the Spurrit of Adventure, Mauna.
well uh
guess Mauna’s not the only one concerned about a certain resident (or two) of Light Island-
-Mod Jimmy 🗣️
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Boy, I love that Wonderland AU, I wonder who is who in that au as well, like- other characters too.
But YAAAAAS Sabo Mad Hatter was always on my mind when I think about Sabo!!! And Mouse Garp is epic
Im glad you like it, im getting a kick outta it too :)
However, I am having issues with figuring out who would be who :(
I dont know if i want to make it like an alabasta arc thing since i made vivi Alice? Or maybe like,,, only straw hats? I dont want the character pool to be so narrow though :/
Listening to an audio book of the original story kinda only made it harder. Cuz as much as i love mouse Garp & luffy and bunny ace, it wouldve been so much better if i made *luffy* the March hare, and Ace the Dormouse. Cuz like then i could make Garp the white rabbit, and then have the heart court the marines. Also, the dormouse keeps falling asleep in the story, and that would work better with what Ace got goin on!
So im gonna try to crowd source the other roles
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Here ye here ye
If anyone has any ideas on who i could make who, please tell me, im dyin over here
Queen of hearts- Big Mom ( suggested by@eternalreverie-sabostan)
King of Hearts- Kaido (also suggested by @eternalreverie-sabostan)
White rabbit- Usopp (suggested by @flute-of-pan)
Caterpillar- kizaru (suggested by @randomrandomblog-blog )
Knave of hearts- jinbei (suggested by @feare98-blog)
If you can think of any other AIW characters, feel free to add
Tweedle dee and tweedle dum- zoro and sanji (suggested by @braindeadmaggot)
Anyway, Thanks for the ask!
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feyres-divorce-lawyer · 6 months
🤢 for the book emoji ask cuz I want chaos
bookish ask game
🤢 what is a popular ship you despise, and why?
observably feysand for reasons discoverable, but taking an opportunity to drag the vampiric version hellship called delena. any ship i hate for purposes beyond spiritual misalignment is because a half of the relationship always strips the other of agency and at its core, that is delena’s (and lowkey stelena’s) issue. damon never respects any choice elena makes for herself yet expects her to respect/accept his. like the stalking and the killing is a nonissue because let’s be real, it’s a vampire show, stalking and killing is half the appeal. i can excuse murder but i draw the line at never taking no for an answer. i cannot count how many times elena explicitly stated her aversion to vampirism, and the same can be said for how many times damon has ignored it. he force-feeds her his blood like every other tuesday and deems himself the wiser, knows-what’s-good for her despite never actually listening to her. for all we know elijah’s elixir could’ve worked but god forbid damon “i know i’m selfish but can’t recognize that self-awareness does not mean taking accountability for my actions and neither does self-sacrifice mean explicitly asking for forgiveness” salvatore ever lets elena decide how she dies or lives. and then the sire bond plot, oh jesus fucking christ, the sire bond plot. tvd skews and side-steps consent a lot (caroline honey i’m so sorry) but the way the show blatantly avoids the ginormous violation of elena’s personhood via damon making elena turn off her humanity makes me viscerally upset. to me, the greatest, most epic love of elena’s life was her humanity. a rainstorm of pain or hurt was worth the bucket of hope it may leave behind, and that is what made her so compelling to me. which is why i cannot forgive damon making her lose it, and on top of that! tweedle-dee and younger tweedle-dum torturing her for something she had no say in?? stakes in both their hearts.
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thebeesareinyourhome · 2 months
Fandemonium Funtime - The Escape
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Mammott thought for a bit, and decided that his best options were the monsters that weren’t Kayna. So he leapt out towards Tweedle and Phangler, but they both managed to dodge his attack. Kayna then stepped forward, shielding the aquatic and avian monsters from any other attacks. “Tweedle, fly Phangler over to Psychic Island, one of his counterparts should be there already to keep him company” Kayna demanded. “But what about you Kayna?” Phangler asked. “Just…GO, BEFORE ANYMORE HARM IS DONE TO YOU” Kayna yelled, which she rarely does considering she’s one of the most kindest monsters on the planet. It was this factor that made Tweedle and Phangler knew they just couldn’t say no to Kayna’s idea, so Tweedle picked up Phangler and the two headed off to Psychic Island. Admittedly it was a pretty long trip. Tweedle had never really been to Psychic Island, although she had heard of it before, so Phangler had to act as Tweedle’s GPS. Despite this, they eventually made it and Tweedle was able to safely drop Phangler off. “Yooo Phangs!” A voice said. “Tweedle was startled a bit and asked Phangler who that was. “Oh, that’s my Epic counterpart!” Phangler told Tweedle as Epic Phangler came running towards his common counterpart. Of course, Phangler had to introduce Epic Phangler to Tweedle and asked her if she was going to stay at Psychic Island, to which Tweedle refused because she thought Psychic Island was a bit too weird for her taste, and she thinks that Earth Island is much safer and warmer. So with that, she said goodbye and flew off to Earth Island which was much easier to get to because she had been on Earth Island plenty amount of times. Once she arrived, she was greeted by Tawkerr and Humbug. “Hi Tweedle! If you don’t mind…I need some help. You see, Stoowarb is missing and I tried looking for him myself but to no avail…so I thought the best monsters for the job are ones who can fly up high and search for him in the sky. Humbug has already volunteered to help search for him, so…will you as well?” Asked Tawkerr. “Oh of course! Anything for a pal!” Replied Tweedle. “Cmon Tweedle, let’s go find Stoowarb!” Humbug exclaimed, and the two flew off to find Stoowarb. They checked high and low, near trees and rocks, even around the castle, but they still couldn’t find Stoowarb. Eventually, they came to a dead end and had to decide whether to go left or right. Humbug wanted to go left but Tweedle wanted to go right. This was the moment the two monsters finally disagreed and started to argue, but secretly watching their argument was none other than Pom-Pom and Furcorn, who teleported to Earth Island and were hiding behind a rock. “You see those two over there Furcorn? They’re arguing as if they were toddlers… hey, you think I should follow one of them once they make up their mind?” Said Pom-Pom. “Oh yeah, which one are you gonna follow?” Asked Furcorn. “…Good question…let’s see…oh I know! Furcorn, you can decide!” Pom-Pom told Furcorn, who said “Why can’t you choose?” Pom-Pom thought for a bit and said “Because…because…I don’t know! I guess it’ll be more fun if you choose for me…”
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shadow-says-hello · 1 year
pssssssssssssssttt hey u
got any tickle hcs for dandidoo 👈(゚ヮ゚)
Awww yeah I love dandidoo! Such a sweet bird
-sensitive stomach and neck
-has a very nice and sweet laugh
-she kicks her feet out a lot when she gets tickled
-she might be a little more Ler than lee though 🤭
-also she enjoys having tickle fights with tweedle and she likes to peck at the werdos
-she uses her beak for small pokes but the dandelion fuzz on her head and tail are perfect for tickles
-sometimes she will nuzzle the fuzz on her head into another monster to make them laugh
-or if she teams up she will let her partner she’s teaming with pick a few tufts of fuzz off of her so they can have a tickle tool
-sometimes she gets picked up and tickled because she’s on the smaller side :P
-epic dandidoo is a absolute master at tickling, because she has huge hair and dandelion tufts, she is unstoppable 😂
-so is rare dandidoo because there’s two of them. All the dandidoos are really good lers because of how they are armed lol
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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Clint Eastwood in For a Few Dollars More (Sergio Leone, 1965)
Cast: Clint Eastwood, Lee Van Cleef, Gian Maria Volontè, Mara Krupp, Luigi Pistilli, Klaus Kinski, Luis Rodríguez. Screenplay: Sergio Leone, Fulvio Morsella, Luciano Vincenzoni. Cinematography: Massimo Dallamano. Film editing: Eugenio Alabiso, Giorgio Serrallongo. Music: Ennio Morricone.
Most of us didn't realize it until much later when he was an Oscar-winning director, but Clint Eastwood was a very smart man. When Sergio Leone's A Fistful of Dollars became a hit in Italy in 1964, he asked Eastwood if he would make a sequel. Eastwood hadn't seen the movie, which hadn't yet been dubbed in English and released in the States, so Leone sent him a print of the Italian version. Even though he didn't speak Italian, Eastwood immediately recognized Leone's skill, and signed up to do the sequel. It was a gutsy move: At the time, making genre films like Westerns and sword-and-sandal epics in Italy and Spain was a job for has-beens and never-weres. Eastwood was on the brink of becoming one of the latter: His career to that point had been mostly in TV, on the long-running series Rawhide, with a few unmemorable movies. But cultivating a persona distinct from that of Rawhide's callow Rowdy Yates, that of the taciturn Man With No Name* of the Leone films, proved to be precisely the right thing to do. By the end of the 1960s, he had become a major star. Narratively, For a Few Dollars More is not quite as tight as the first film -- for one reason because it lacks the well-tested framework of Akira Kurosawa's Yojimbo (1961) that was the underpinning of Fistful. Also, setting up a rivalry between Eastwood's character and that of Lee Van Cleef's Col. Douglas Mortimer tends to diffuse the story a bit: As in Fistful, Eastwood's character is beaten to a pulp by the bad guys, but so is Mortimer, and the double mauling feels gratuitous, especially since there's no particular reason why the bad guys shouldn't just kill them. But the sequel shows Leone growing in style and technique, with a fine use of widescreen in establishing shots and a deft use of closeups in establishing the characters, especially the bad guys in the mob headed by El Indio (Gian Maria Volontè, who had also been the chief villain, Ramón Roja, in Fistful). Am I the only one who suspects, from Leone's closeups of the mob's faces, that Leone had been influenced by Carl Theodor Dreyer's The Passion of Joan of Arc (1929)? One standout in the mob is a superbly twitchy Klaus Kinski as a hunchback named Juan. Ennio Morricone's score is integral to the film's success. The spareness of the music, scored only for a few instruments, serves as a contrast to the sweeping orchestral scores for Hollywood Westerns by composers like Dimitri Tiomkin and Max Steiner. Morricone and Leone recognized the need for silence, punctuated only occasionally by a penny-whistle tweedle or a guitar riff, to maintain the film's texture.
*Actually, he has a name in both films: In Fistful he is called "Joe," which is obviously just a generic name for an americano, while in the sequel he is known as Monco, the Italian word for "one-armed," in reference to his tendency to use his left hand while keeping his gun hand under his poncho.
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zahri-melitor · 7 months
Newish Comics
Batman/Superman: World's Finest #23: I really will need to read Kingdom Come and come back to this when I have time. Probably also need to figure out the Multiversity as well. But reading other things right now. This is very epic, while also 'I'm holding time until we get back to a plot I care about'.
Jay Garrick: The Flash #4: this is just a retelling of the Garrick origin story, with Judy in it and the accident being EEEEVVVILLL.
The Warlord #35: this week in Skartaris, Travis Morgan's trip back to Skartaris from the distant past goes awry and he ends up in a 'present day' (1970/80s) America where some cultists try to slice him up with an electric carving knife. Yes. Really. And then Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee attack him with a chainsaw.
It's then revealed...that who I can only presume are the creative team on the Warlord are playing Devils and Demons, a role playing game, as they design The Warlord scripts.
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Apparently, this is Mike Grell on the right and Jack Harris, his editor, on the left. They're getting growled at by Julie Schwartz.
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What fourth wall, folks? Anyway I can't find other appearance lists for any of these three, but I think we need to discuss Mike Grell (the character) more often. Especially their chosen outfits here.
Anyway this interlude into the power dreams of the creative team ends with Travis pulling out Hellfire, his sword, and ending up back in the proper present where Shakira was waiting for him.
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Are you SURE it was the pepperoni pizza Nightmare, or was it the "pepperoni pizza" that came up with this storyline, folks?
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cryptid-kratt-kid · 10 months
I havent posted about dimension hoppers in literally millenia so here its autism time
The crew visited the world of my singing monsters and, while they were hella confused, they also had hella fun! They ended up with a lot of silly creature power suits and stories to tell.
Chris activated Pixolotl powers, but kept falling over whenever he tried to play anything.
The bros got a conjoined Quibble suit.
Aviva's heart melted when they got to fire haven and she saw all the baby monsters!
Jimmy is lowkey afraid of the epic wubboxes.
The whole crew likes Dandidoo. They just think it's neat. Same with Tweedle.
Martin got into a yelling competition with a Yelmut, and proceeded to lose his voice.
The entire crew activated creature powers so they could play Ethereal Workshop together! Chris was Yooreek, Martin was Blarret, Koki was Meebkin, Jimmy was Gaddzooks, and Aviva was Auglur.
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