#enzo threads.
aquamanandfriends · 1 year
Taking a Beat [Avin/Inez]
@thestoriesincoffeestains continued from [x]
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"Super real," he laughed, "I couldn't make that up if I tried." Though Avin was a creative, he didn't see it that way, not aways. "Or we could go with Troll 2, the only troll movie. There is no Troll 1, not to be confused with the animated kids movie Trolls," he snickered.
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pernillecfcw · 2 months
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We Burn Blue 💙🔥
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strandbegins · 4 months
this limbo they’re putting lone star in is worse than if they’d just cancel it outright
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stefanoasalvatore · 10 days
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🩸 → moving along the room, he tried to remember who all had been involved that wasn't beyond help now - jeremy, matt, and it wouldn't be long until he joined them. bonnie, caroline, and... the salvatore spotted the unfamiliar face he'd seen in the confusion. a vampire he'd noticed earlier in the evening, not one he recognized, written off as an acolyte of klaus or some sort of associate of damon's. even with the violence that had befallen him, he couldn't write off any possibility. after all, what had care ever earned him but the hastily patched wound on his shoulder? none of it mattered now, and just because he didn't know the vampire, that didn't mean that he couldn't care. "look - normally i'd take the time for proper introductions but we don't a lot of time - did they bite you?"
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jolaughlin · 20 days
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🩺 → "you." it's a statement made in a barely audible hushed whisper from the gemini as the party started to get into full swing. for weeks the hospital had been hemorrhaging blood bags, and security was clueless, even after watching security footage, as to who could be responsible. rent-a-cops be damned, she found the briefest clip of footage, and she knew what he looked like, and could assume why he was taking the blood, but no way to track him down... until now by the refreshment table. moving through the crowd to come up to the vampires side, she's patient and casual as she offers advice in a harsh whisper meant for his ears only "look, don't know your name, frankly, i don't care. i know you're the one stealing from my blood bank. it ends now, do you understand me? do it again, and you'll regret it." grabbing a glass of water from the refreshment table. "you don't want to fuck with me, got it? find somewhere else to get your supply."
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johngilbertii · 20 days
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🏹 → johnathan gilbert was never meant to be the patriarch of the gilbert family. no, that was his grandfather's role, then his fathers, and it should have still been grayson's cross to bare. it was never meant to fall onto his shoulders, he wasn't prepared for it, and even now as he regrouped his thoughts and prepared to return to the town that raised him he still was unready. it was why he'd gone to whitmore to get a proper drink - the mystic grill was okay for a burger, but the drinks were weaker than the founding families promise of inclusion at their yearly miss mystic falls pagent. he needed something strong, liquid courage, and then he'd accept his fate fully and properly. for grayson.
it's settling in to a crowded college bar, two drinks in that he finds something familiar amongst the crowded room. he lingers on it, finishing his glass before moving through the crowd of bodies to find an brunette at the bar with a now free stool at his side. stress relief came in many forms, drinking it away, pleading, begging, and he might have just found his preferred method and he wasn't going to give up the chance without at least a good old college try.
taking the seat, he smiles pretty for the bartender, polite as ever as they made their approach. "another round for this guy, and i'll have whatever he's having"
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freebirdyance · 1 year
Enzo had woken up in the middle of the night in a cold swear from an, as of late, all too familiar nightmare. Usually he'd just lay back down and try to force himself back to sleep or lie awake until the sun rose, but this time was.. different. There was no way in hell he was waking Yancy with his panicked breathing. So he'd gotten up as silently as possible to go to the balcony; maybe the view could calm his mind a little.
Sitting with his back against the wall on the balcony, he takes a long drag of his cigarette, gazing blankly at the water visible from where he is. He hasn't felt this bad in a while.
Yancy could sleep through an earthquake if he really wanted to. Although, that wasn't very recommended for a man in his position. But nothing wakes him up faster than when he reaches for the other side of the bed and doesn't feel Enzo's warm skin against his hand.
Venturing out of the bedroom in nothing but his lounge pants, he eventually checks the balcony and frowns slightly when he sees him. The look in his eyes is worrisome, and he wonders just how long he's been out here. Silently, Yancy walks fully onto the balcony and carefully sits down next to him. "Hey, sweetheart..." He says quietly.
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neptunc · 5 months
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after giving melody some well needed space, enzo knocked twice on the bedroom door, leaning in the doorway. "hey. what're you doing?"
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the-graves-family · 1 year
[care] + “Is that…. somebody’s hand?” + “Will you tell me how it happened?” with Mafia!Aaron
It's not just his neck.
Aaron has bruises everywhere. His lip's split and bleeding, the skin over his nose broken. His shirt's off and he'd been in the middle of cleaning up. Handprints on his throat and waist.
Shame on him for keeping his door unlocked.
He glares up at Enzo, a sneer twisting his lips. It hurts. "Why do you care?"
Some play with a few ill-advised people had turned sour when he'd been recognized. It had turned some fun into a brawl. Ruined his night out.
"I don't pay you to care about shit like this."
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thefvrious · 4 months
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@atrickrtreat said -> ❛ bring on the slutty fairies. ❜
Enzo turned his head slowly to look at Cheri, his expression a combination of amusement and mild confusion. "That's a sentence I never expected to hear out loud..." He said, lifting his red plastic cup for a sip of subpar beer. "Tell me more about these fairies and how slutty are they?"
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@wvsteria asked [THAT’S ROUGH BUDDY]
Ocean had been running for a while. She heard fighting and took off, leaving her stuff. She had finally sat down, accepting that she was lost when the man came over to her. She couldn't help but cry, because she had no idea how to find Dizzy, or if she was even safe. "I-I don't know what to do."
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merrick-of-violet · 6 months
"Mommy, please..."
He's been on his knees for hours, head resting on Merrick's thigh as he gazes up at her like she put each individual star in the sky while also managing to look like a man begging for a long-awaited meal.
@paperbackpieces-makemewhole, mafia!Enzo <3
Merrick didn't really have any pressing matters to attend to at the moment. Well, not counting her sweet sparrow being pleasantly seated at her feet. One hand scribbles something down as the other cards through his hair, nails scratching along his scalp every few passes.
When he speaks up, she smiles and looks down at him. Such devotion in his gaze. It somehow makes her heart flutter and eyes glint mischievously at the same time.
"Yes, pet?" She asks, her voice soft and sweet as she gives his hair a tug. "What is it? Does someone want to play?"
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funtimeswiththeguys · 8 months
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Enzo had helped the dancers at The Body Shop plenty of times. Being a professional dancer himself with his own thriving studio, he's had their dancers come in to learn, or he went to the venue and choreographed them. So he was familiar with a lot of the guys that worked there, not to mention he's fucked a few of them. So it came as an utter surprise when Enzo and his boys went in for entertainment, and he saw a close friend of his just coming off stage, someone he never expected to work in a place like this. "Ethan?" he asked with a raised brow.
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swtsours-archived · 6 months
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“   let   me   taste   you   ,   please   .   ”   
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gcddamnvampire · 1 year
@goodvibesandsunglasses​ // continued from here
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She truly didn’t know what to expect to see when he opened the door. Actually, she was surprised he opened the door to her at all, or that he hadn’t just slammed the door in her face. He had every right to be upset with her, but her heart crumbled into pieces at his cold attitude towards her. To think of how close they had been merely weeks ago, and now he didn’t seem to want to even be in the same room as her. How could she possibly fix this?
“Enzo,” she called after him, barging into the house and slamming the door behind her. She wasn’t about to give up that easily. Her mind raced with all the things she’d been planning to say to him ever since she decided to come back, but they all seemed like weak excuses now. Still, she had to say something, or else this truly would be over with for good, and she wasn’t sure if she could handle it.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry I left. I was scared,” she began to explain as tears dripped down her cheeks. “I felt like a homewrecker. I thought you’d end up resenting me for ruining your engagement but leaving wasn’t right. I should have told you. I should have...” She trailed off, her voice breaking into a small sob. It was like she was begging for her life — and she feared it would all come crashing down if he sent her away now. “I love you. More than anything else in this entire world. I always will, even if you can never forgive me.”
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atrickrtreat · 8 months
@ghostsxagain asked: 💅 to paint muse's nails - enzo to bambi
It was one of those rare days that Bambi had off and she wasn't spending it with family. No, instead she was spending it with her boo at his place for a little intimate spa day. It was nice to be around someone that enjoyed being pampered and that believed Bambi deserved the same. Working in the hospital was stressful to say the least and she didn't really make time for herself.
Now that they'd had a massage and facials, they were left to their own devices when Enzo pulled out the rather large nail polish collection of his and her eyes widened. "Well, someone likes to have a color for every outfit don't they?" She teased but let him take her hand to start painting her nails. Either Enzo had a good sense of Bambi's favorite color or he was a mindreader since this shade of pink was exactly what Bambi would wear. "Do I get to do yours after?"
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